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Facebook Canada is filtering my post below:

14 years ago, Canadian lawyer said to me: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Facebook Canada, Google Canada, Youtube, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors, gathering around and in my workplace , are  at once hacking , blocking  and filtering  my posts and my accounts after or if  UN, International Human Rights Community, and International Criminal Court " like" , " share " my posts.

Please see this photo below:

" The Scarborough Hospital and CEO in relation to Medical Torture " href=""> What are they  doing now, living with me as my neighbors...?

UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided.

14 years ago, Canadian lawyer said to me: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."

UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court.

Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this by fax, not only for me, thanks.

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Many muslin women wear a head covering called a hijab whenever they are in public. It is claimed that they do this so as not to sexually arouse men. As men and women are equal but different if men are not prepared to cover their heads with a veil during very warm weather so as not to sexually around women who happen to see their hair then women should not be required to wear a hijab either. It must be extremely uncomfortable for women to have to cover their heads on very warm days. It is unnatural for anyone to wish to wear cloth around their heads during very warm weather. I have yet to see Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld or even Donald Trump wearing a veil around their heads on warm days so as not to sexually around women by the sight of their hair. In my opinion the wearing of the hijab should be made optional for all.
I am not in favour of organized religions because they are being used to inculcate their followers into false belief systems as well as being used to initiate a system of human control without the initiators of said religions having to go to war. Organised religions are also used to instil unquestioning and submissive obedience in the followers of these religions. Organised religions are also being used to raise vast amounts of money for the initiators of said religions. When the religious leaders have eventually created a nation of obedient order followers they can then use said order followers to act in ways that are not in their best interests. There are twenty thousand conflicting organized religions in use in the world today and all of their followers believe that the religion they follow is the only true religion when in fact nobody known what happens after we die so the only rational and sane position to take about the after life is to refrain from believing anything about it. It is possible to live a good and loving life without belonging to any group. Belonging to a group weakens the ability of the group member to think independently. For these and many other reasons organised religions are dangerous and so are governments.

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本週喪心病狂指使遙控電子武器者: 譚泳麟, 陳可辛, 何守信, 吳鎮宇, 森美, 錢嘉樂;

本週在腦控空間作孽者: 姓朱的私家偵探, 星二代, 廟街賣唱者, 中醫師, 氣功師;


  1. 本週以何守信, 吳鎮宇為首的賤人, 持續指使遙控電子武器令我同受害者3-5級頭痛. 29日長假期開始早上, 有森美出現潛聲駡人後, 除了吳震宇, 所有明星腦音消失, 有自稱是呂珊廟街賣藝者同吳鎮宇合作, 持續遙控電子武器令我和受害者頭痛, 身體發熱, 嘔心, 胃酸倒流. 據說是腦控賤人同中醫師, 氣功師傅合作, 利用三天長假期, 遙控電子武器令受害者身體不適問診賺錢.


  1. 腦控賤人控制電信公司職員, 以顧客遺失電話咭為由, 複製顧客電話咭交與腦控賤人作犯法勾當. 例如發放誹謗信息以陷害咭主. 望電信公司管制好職員, 改善公司的現有的漏洞. 同時也提醒用家小心.


  1. 在腦控空間發聲(腦音)DJ, 明星, 有部份已身在香港, 大陸坐監, 但他們仍利用潛聲的方法做電台節目, 用之前哈碌的片段剪接入新製作的電影, 以此隱瞞己坐監的事實. 腦控空間犯罪是不需經審判即可收監, 傳媒從未披露, 市民更是無從知曉. 經常有無恥之徒在腦控空間被利用於做犯法勾當後收不到錢而叫囂.


  1. 有同名同姓的人在腦控空間騙取受害者的賠償金. 相信是犯罪集團同付款者有勾結之嫌.


  1. 近期發覺原來星二代也在腦控空間以害人為生, 秦沛之子, 江華之子, 曾志偉之子, 薛家燕之子, 李家鼎之子; 另一方面, 廟街殺街後, 很多賣藝者也在空間以遙控電子武器害人, 勒索為生.


  1. 腦控空間在午夜之後, 變態控芯片賤人經常將受害者同自瀆女併芯片, 令受害者尷尬, 為避免難堪, 個人經驗是戴手套睡覺, 將磁石貼於手套的掌心位置, 變態控芯片賤人一定不會打擾你也沒法嫁禍你.


  1. 上環華秦大廈倆尸命案同腦控賤人有關, 據說因為賤人追討十萬元腦控賠償金所致; 詳細參考:

Mind Control Space news this week (September 24 to 30, 2018)

This week, as mad as loss of conscience crazy perps (giving order to remoted control electronic weapons for headache): Alan Tang, Peter Chan, Ivan Ho, Francis Ng, Sammy Leung, Chin Ka Lok etc.

This week the trouble maker in mind control space: Surname Chu- Private investigation, The second generation of stars, Street singers, Doctors of Chinese medicine, Qigong Actors etc.

  1. This week, the above mentioned perps continued to giving order to remote-control electronic weapons make me and victims 3-5 headaches for 24 hours per day. Began from the 29th long holiday morning, after Sammy Leung appeared to incepting voice, all stars’ brain sounds disappeared except Francis Ng. There is a street singer who claims to be "Liu Shan" will cooperates with Francis Ng in mind control space as trouble makers to continuous remote control electronic weapons for headaches, body heat, nausea, and acid reflux. It is said they were taking order by the doctors of Chinese medicine and The qigong actors for remotely control electronic weapon three-day long, make the victims sick and seeing doctors.
    2. The brain control perp controls the staff of the telecommunications company, copying the customer's telephone sim card for criminal cases. The staff claims to manager that the customer loses the telephone sim card, then re-issuing a new sim card for perp to use, and the sim card owner under unknown situation. The telecom company should control their staffs, improve the company's existing loopholes. Also remind users to be careful for such case.
    3. DJs and movie stars in the brain-controlled space (only the brain sounds), some of them are already in the jail between Hong Kong and mainland china, but they still use their sound intercepting for radio programs, and use the previous video cut for new movie production in order to conceal the fact that they have been imprisoned. Brain-controlled space crimes can be taken without trial, the media has never been disclosed, all the public even unknown the truth. So some people in mind control space received the order from the prisoner of stars to making stupid crimes.
  2. there are some same name persons in mind control space for treating victim's compensation. I believe there is a criminal group who collusion with the payer.
  3. Recently some of second generation of the stars shame to earn for living in the brain control space, the son of Paul Chun, the son of Jiang Wha, the son of Eric Tsang, the son of Nancy Chit, the son of Steve Lee; On the other hand, government close the temple street night club, many street actors are also earn for live in mind control space. Using remote control electronic weapons to harm people, extortion money.
  4. After the midnight, the metamorphosis chip controller within the woman who in self prostitute to victims, misled someone that the victim who in self-prostitute. To avoid embarrassment, personal experience is to wear gloves and put the magnets in the palm of the glove. Such made the metamorphosis chip controller will not bother you and can't blame you.
  5. There is a murder case in Sheung Wan of Hong Kong, the man killed his wife and then suicide. Such case related to the brain control perps. The truth is said that the perp wants the money back from the couple own 100,000 yuan of being brain control compensation, but the wife transfer to someone else; the detail refer to the newspaper link:
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週喪心病狂指使遙控電子武器令人頭痛者: 鄧英敏, 方中信, 吳鎮宇, 吳君如, 吳孟達, 薛家燕等.

  1. 本週變態賤人由星期六下午開始, 持續遙控電子武器令我和受害者3-8級頭痛, 共超過24小時. 其中有部份搞事者是鄧英敏和吳孟達這些在囚更生人仕, 據說他們背後的真正管理者是周星馳; 而吳鎮宇背後的老闆是周潤發; 吳君如背後的老闆是譚泳麟, 方中信背後的老闆是楊受成; 薛家燕背後的老闆是萧若元. 好難想像超級明星竟然輪落至同黑社會勾結, 以殘害無辜市民為生的劊子手


  1. 腦控空間賤人腦控受害者一段長時間後, 打斷受害者的人脈關係, 將其社交關係據為已有, 當受害者知道自己被腦控後, 無力報復.


有受害者被腦控20幾年後, 聽到顱內音, 腦控賤人利用虛假思維, 虛假的眼部跟蹤去誤導他們, 令他們做出錯誤判斷而傷害在空間被腦控的朋友. 之後假意賠償他們十萬元作為回報.

經過以上程序後, 再用各式各樣腦控賤招, 例如因他們的錯誤判斷而令他人膜受損失, 強迫從受害者手中討回十萬元. 有受害者不堪折磨, 被逼付上賠償金. 有些心生不忿, 將被腦控賤人勒索後所剩的賠償金當善款捐贈, 帮助真正有需要的人, 比退回給腦控賤人來得更有意義. 


  1. 920, 變態腦控賤人將我同來經期和懷孕女子三人一起併芯片, 令不知名的懷孕女子子宮出血. 我提出抗議時, 變態腦控賤人聲稱此舉沒問題, 純粹意在整蠱我. 望腦控空間的仁醫們, 為懷孕女子出聲, 伸出醫者父母心之手. 公德無量.


  1. 據講曾志豪父親在腦控空間負責管理一帮長者, 利用長者四出滋擾在空間竊聽的人, 向他們乞錢, 收錢後全沒責任心地將長者同受害者併芯片全天候滋擾. 令很多在工作中, 生活中的受害者受到老人病的滋擾. 實在太缺德了.


  1. 腦控空間長者犯案問題越來越嚴重, 繼將年過古稀的長者同不知情的男受害者併芯片同享性福以影響受害者夫妻生活後, 有些性罪犯更是輪流同受害者併芯片去性騷擾女性. 更賤的是利用受害者身體去找性工作者而令受害者染上性病, 在此提醒受害者需小心提防, 自制自律!


這些在空間以滋擾人為生的部份是明星的父母; 其中大部份用於給他人併芯片眼睛追蹤受害者私隱; 有些是因性騷擾而已變成公公; 有些因為腦控同名同姓者, 令他人死亡而用自己身份去索償, 他們在法律上已死亡, 所以不敢出街; 有些年輕時是賭場收數佬; 有個是早年在夜總會廁所递毛巾, 因明星經常到夜總會登台而認識; 有些是仍在囚的性罪犯, 盜竊犯, 騙保險, 綁架犯等, 所以他們利用自由身的受害者去繼續犯案. 而腦控空間的變態腦控賤人為賺囚犯的錢, 兼陷害被腦控受害者, 利用併芯片, 製造很多在正常情況下, 不合邏輯的風化案發生. 例如好好先生變強姦犯, 大好青年因被腦控而性騷擾女性後, 當芯片被分開而羞愧不能接受自己, 繼而自殺的案件越來越多. 這一切到底是誰之錯? 相信最大的責任是腦控, 一切都是變態腦控賤人, 變態控芯片賤人所造成. 政府為何對此不聞不問, 為底政府在掩飾哪些不可見人的秘密?


  1. 於本週四中午時份, 本人在天后附近找餐廳時, 有一肥胖女子特意行到我身邊, 用其胸部撞我, 令我虛驚一場. 但奇怪的是她將背包放於心口, 按理應是保護自己胸部, 為何會刻意用胸部撞人, 實百思不得其解. 有人解讀, 此肥女是腦殘賤人族的人, 撞我一定是有原因.

Mind control news this week (September 17 to 23, 2018)


This week, as mad as loss of conscience crazy perps (giving order to remoted control electronic weapons for headache): English Tang, Alex Fong, Francis Ng, Sandra Ng, Ng Man-Tat, Nancy Chit etc.


  1. Start from Saturday afternoon, the metamorphosis perps continuous remote control of electronic weapons caused me and the victims have 3-8 degree headache over 24 hours. The trouble makers were the prisoners of English Tang and Ng Man-Tat, as said that the real manager behind them is Stephen Chow; The boss behind Francis Ng is Chow Yun-fat; The boss behind Sandra Ng is Alan Tang; The boss behind Alex Fong is Albert Yeung; The boss behind Nancy Chit is Stephen Shiu. It is hard to imagine that the superstars had turned To collude with the criminal organization, as the executioner to kill the innocent citizens for earn to live.


  1. When the victims under mind control for long-term, the perp know their everything, and used to interrupted the victims’ personal relationship, and made his social relationship as existing. When the victim knew that he was under the mind control, It is too late to fix the relationship, and unable to revenge in that moment.
    As victims experience, After the victims being brain-controlled more than 20 years, when he/she awaking, the brain control perps will used false thinking, false eye tracking to mislead them, and made them have a false judgments to hurt their friends who was under brain-controlled in space. then willing to get the compensate for 100,000 yuan in return.
    After the above procedures, the perps used various cheap tricks to have money back, for example, blame their wrong judgment cause someone loss some benefit, forced to have 100,000 yuan back. some victims cannot afford the torture and forced to full money back. And some of them were donated to charity to help those who really need people, It is more meaningful than returning to the brain control perps.


  1. On September 20th, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who in period and one in pregnant, makes the pregnant woman uterine bleeding. When I objected to the perp, the metamorphosis chip controller claimed that no such matter only my imagination, he just intended to tortured me. Looking for the good doctors in mind control space, to wake-up such pregnant woman with your heart will be appreciate.


  1. It is said that Tsang Chit How’s father is responsible for managing a group of elders in the brain control space. He uses the elders to harass people who are eavesdropping in the space and pays them money. After collecting the money, he will not be taking responsibility for elderly, and pass them to the metamorphosis chip controller to within the chip with victims all the day, used the sickness of the elderly to harassed the innocent people. Such virtue less behavior just the perps.


  1. The problem of crimes committed by the elderly in the brain-controlled space is getting more and more serious. After the elderly within the chip with male victims for sharing the sexual life as elders’ welfare, some sex offenders are taking turns to within the chip with victims, mind control the victims to sexually harass women. Even more embarrassing is mind control the victim's body to find sex workers and cause the victim to contract sexually transmitted diseases, remind to the victims to be careful, self-discipline, don’t fall in the trap.


There are said that part of perps used for nuisance are the parents of the stars; most of them are used to within chip by someone who pay for eye tracking to his targeting person; some of them have become eunuch since sexual harassment; some since used same name victim for fake insurance compensation after victim die, they use their own identity to claim compensation, they are legally dead, so they cannot go out; Some were casinos staffs when they are young; one was handing towels in the nightclub toilets as job in past-time, the stars often have shown in nightclubs to get to know them; Some are in prison for sex offenders, thieves, fraudulent insurance, kidnappers etc., so they use mind control the free-body victim to continue for crime. The metamorphosis chip controller used to get prisoner paid, and then trapped the victim who they want to set-up. Using within chip to create a lot of illogical cases which should not happened under normal circumstances. For example, good husbands become rapists, good young people are sexually harassed women because they are being brain-controlled, and when the chips are separated, they are ashamed to accept themselves and step up suicide. Who’s fault of all this? I believe that the major fraud was brain control, every illegal cases were caused by metamorphosis chip controller. Why the government sat on their hands, what’s the secret that the government want to cover up?


  1.  On Thursday noon, when I was looking for a restaurant near Tin Hau, an obese woman came to me and hit me with her chest, which made me stunned. But the strange thing was that she put her backpack before her heart, I think she use to protect herself. Why use her chest to hit people? It's hard to understand. Some people recognized such fat woman was one of mind control perp, the reason why to hit me was unknown.
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本周在腦控空間遙控電子武器作孽者:無線臨記, 無線甘草演員, 林盛斌,  新城星期天早上節目的氣功大師.

  1. 16日晨光時份 眼部跟蹤見到一女子在試穿著同我一模一樣款式的衣服, 據說有三級女星刻意穿著同我一樣的衣服後, 做出三級的舉止, 誤導他人以為是我. 以此抹黃我.   此三級女星通常出現於半夜十二時之後.     另有一男子, 於晚上時份穿上同我一樣的睡衣, 做出猥褻行為.腦控賤人為了抹黑我, 可謂是出盡賤招 似乎在不知羞恥地通告全世界他們是以賤業為生.


  1. 2. 變態賤人每天24小時輕頭痛折磨, 睡眠剥奪我和受害者, 其最終目的是消磨其個人意志力, 減低其思考能力, 個人判斷能力和記憶力.


  1. 呼籲被腦控受害者到警署備案, 將你被腦控的經歷詳細記錄, 此舉目前可能未必真正帮到受害者, 但政府可由此作出統計香港被腦控受害者的人數, 給政府增加壓力, 令其盡快解決腦控問題. 你不需要擔心警員會不明白什麼是腦控, 要相信他們對受害者是絕對了解和同情.


  1. 被告知有人假冒我的名,wechat, whatapp 散佈謠言. 當我將自己博客網址發給wechatwhatapp的朋友後, 腦控賤人跟隨用Monita名將另一個網址發出, 以此混淆我的朋友視聽. 在此提醒好友們小心提防, 分辨真假, 如有疑問, 請盡快同本人確認, 以免假冒的網頁被刪除. 以此引起的不便, 敬請原諒!


Mind control news this week (September 10 to 16, 2018)


Mind control space trouble maker this (order to remote control electronic weapon for headache 3-8 degree): TVB temporally job actors, TVB senior actors, Bob Lam, the DJs of Metro-radio Sunday morning show.

  1. On the morning of the 16th, the eyes track saw a woman trying to wear the exactly same style of clothes as me, it is said who was a dirty movie star, pretended to me and shows some dirty behavior, misleading people and confuse someone’s judgement. She usually appears after midnight. Also another man, wearing the same nightgown as me in the evening, makes lewd conducts. The metamorphosis perps used all the cheap tricks to ruin my life and malign an innocent person. But their way seems to inform all the world that They make a living from shame.


  1. The metamorphosis perps remote control electronic harassment to me and victims for mild headaches and sleep deprivation 24 hours a day, their ultimate goal is to kill their personal willpower, reduce their personal ability in think, judgment and memory.


  1. Call on the targeted individual, please go to the police station filing your case, record your experiences of being brain control. This may not really help to the victims at present, but the government can count the number of victims in Hong Kong. Putting more pressure on government to solve brain control problems as soon as possible. You don't need to worry about that police officers will not understand what is brain control. Believe that they have your same experiences, absolute understanding and sympathy for the victims.


  1. It was told by someone who impersonating my name, in wechat, whatapp spread rumors. When I sent my blog URL to friends by “wechat” and “whatapp”, the brain control perp followed the name of “Monita” to send another URL, which used to confuse my friends. Here to remind friends to be careful, distinguish between true and false, if in doubt, please confirm with me as soon as possible before the fake page being deleted. I am so sorry for any Inconvenience caused.
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  1. 本周星期四晚, 曾志偉, 呂良偉, 錢嘉樂眼部跟蹤一位正在製作珠寶首飾的師傅, 當時是午夜時份. 請各打金工場小心防範.


  1. 9月份新的CRS名單, 令洗黑錢的明星資金外露, 惶惶不可終日;


  1. 9月6日零晨時份, 空間中人眼部跟蹤見到有人被綁架. 只是蕓花一現.


  1. 併芯片的意思是將AB或更多人的腦芯片放入一部腦控機, 開啟不同的感應掣, 當其中有人有病痛時, 併芯片的其他人也能感應到痛症, 當感應掣關閉後, 痛症即時消失. 據說併芯片可將身體感應, 腦波感應, 眼部跟蹤分開處理. 例如將AB併芯片同時, 可將A的眼部跟蹤放於C,B的眼部跟蹤放於D. 即可將身體不同部位同不同人分開感應.


  1. 據說, 新城DJ劉婉芬假冒我名在網上推銷藥品, 因我未親身讀到其推銷的文章, 暫不予置評! 如果屬實, 予與強烈讉責, 法律追究!


對於被腦控所引起的一切微波痛症, 並非藥物可醫治, 是科學產品被賤人所利用而造成, 藥物只會令健康變得更差. 我將被腦控所產生的痛症寫出來, 是希望喚起大家對微波痛症的認知. 不要濫藥. 在此澄清, 我個人絕不會在網上推銷任何品牌的藥物, 望讀者小心辨明, 愛惜自己健康為盼!


  1. 之前我提到, 電子武器可令平時千杯不醉者, 一小杯即醉. 當人一醉, 其意志力和自律性自然偏低, 再加上有心人 併芯片, 以影子身份, 利用摩鬼思維肆無忌憚去影響醉者做出一些犯法的事情, 令醉者在神志不清的情況下而觸犯法例. 當知道自已被腦控時, 還是不要飲酒, 時刻保持清醒為好.


  1. 據說, 網絡上經常有人發佈鬼祟文章, 志在挑撥離間我的社交圈. 當我上網時, 他用電腦指令將其短暫屏蔽. 據說寫文章背後的黑手是曾江, 鄧英敏. 令我覺奇怪的是, 當我在網上發表文章指責當事人後, 一定將網址或文章內容抄送當事人, 並請他們答辯. 而做為名人, 明星, DJ, 為何一而再, 再而三以此卑鄙, 鬼祟的手段, 冒他人名義, 做此嫁禍, 誹謗, 挑撥離間的勾當. 實百思不得其解.


Mind Control News this week (Sept. 3 to 9, 2018)


  1. On Thursday night, Eric Tsang, Ray Liu, Chin Ka Lok gang stalking a master who is making a piece of jewelry, it was midnight. Please take care for your gold workshop.
    2. The new CRS list start on September, for disclosure the oversea accounts, it make some movie stars worry about that money laundering exposed.
    3. On the morning of September 6th, someone who eye tracking in the space saw a man being kidnapped. It just a flash in one shot.
    4. The meaning for within chips is to put the brain chip of A with B or more people into a brain control machine, and turn-on different sensory keys. When one of them have sickness or pain, other people on the machine can also sense same sickness and pain. When the sensory key is turned off, the pain disappears instantly. It is said that it can separately control the body sensing, brain wave sensing, and eye tracking. For example, if put A and B chips together, the eye tracing of A can be placed in C chip in other machine, and B's eye of cause can put to D for tracing D in difference machine. It can separate different parts of the body to within chip with different person.


  1. Being told by someone that Metro radio DJ Lau Yuan Fan used my name to promoted drugs online. since I have not read the articles in person, I will not comment for it! If it is true, I will vigorously denounce, and bring to legal sue!
    For all the microwave pain caused by brain control, it is not a drug that can be healed. It is caused by the use of scientific products by abnormal perps. The drugs will only make health worse. I wrote out the pain caused by brain control in my blog. It is hoped to arouse everyone's awareness of microwave pain. Do not abuse drugs. Here, I clarify that I will never promote any brand of drugs online, and I hope that readers will be careful to identify the truth and dare.
    6. I mentioned before that e-weapons can make you drunk, even a small cup. When people are drunk, their willpower and self-discipline are naturally decrease, when someone who with intention to within the chip with drunker as a shadow ghosts, to manipulate and used bad ideas to influence the drunken people to make some illegal things, so that the drunken people break the law in unconsciousness situation. When you know that you are being mind control, for keeping your thinking clarity, always stay away from alcohol.

  2. Someone told me that the perp sneaky post some articles in internet, used to destroy my social life. When I am online, he uses a computer command to temporarily block it until I log-out. It is said that the black hand behind the article are Tsang Kong, English Tang. When I published an article on the Internet to blame the parties, I must copy the URL or the content of the article to the such parties and ask them to reply if any objection. As a famous people, stars, DJs, why used such behavior to sabotaged me again and again. It made me so doubts about its.
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9143216459?profile=original喪心病狂指使遙控電子武器者: 呂良偉, 吳君如, 林家棟, 劉玉翠, 錢嘉樂, 吳鎮宇, 劉婉芬等.

 本周在腦控空間作孽者: 無線藝員. 鄭裕玲, 黃子華, 方中信, 劉青雲, 張智霖, 吳震宇, 林盛斌;

 本周併芯片性騷擾者: 曾志偉, 陳可辛, 曾江, 王晶, 林超榮, 林盛斌; 

  1. 令天9月3日是香港所有中小學, 幼稚園的開學日, 變態賤人由早上7時開始, 持續遙控三種不同頻率的電子武器令我同受害者不同位置的5-8級頭痛, 頭暈, 噁心, 忽冷忽熱, 至今已超過6小時, 摧殘仍在持續中…, 我已於9月3日中午12時報警備案, 望警方盡快出面制止.


  1. 近期新聞報導提到郭姓富豪在家中因突發性心臟病昏迷事件, 受害人傳召的醫生是腦神經科醫生而非心臟科醫生. 相信同腦控電子武器襲擊有關.




  1. 腦控空間有一女子, 名叫曾惠群, 是單親媽媽, 假扮”Monita”, 她父親是曾偉光, 同曾偉明是兩兄弟. 三者一直在腦控空間以害人為生. 請大家小心防範.


  1. 本周有變態賤人遙控電子武器襲擊來經期的女子, 令其經期很長, 經血量大增. 同時遙控電子武器攻擊另一女子, 令其子宮收縮劇痛.


  1. 本周有變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器攻擊辦公室少女, 令其頭痛難忍, 翻白眼. 急召救護車送院.


  1. 繼上期提到併芯片可不受地域限制地呈現無線網絡. 現將我在屏蔽無線網絡情況下, 被併芯片所測試到無線網絡附上如下, 如果你見到其中有你擁有的網絡ID, 請更改登入密碼, 保護網絡安全.

Mind control space news this week (August 27 to September 2, 2018)


This week, as mad as loss of conscience crazy perps (giving order to remoted control electronic weapons for headache): Ray Lui, Sandra Ng, Gordon Lam, Jade Lau, Chin Ka Lok, Francis Ng, Lau Yu Feng etc.


This week, the trouble maker in mind control space: TVB artists, DoDo Cheng, Dayo Wong, Alex Fong, Sean Lau, Julian Cheung, Francis Ng, Bob Lam etc.


This week, the metamorphosis perps within chip for sexual harassment: Eric Tsang, Peter Chan, Tsang Kong, Wong Jing, Lam Chiu Wing, Bob Lam etc.


  1. The day of September 3st is the school day for kindergarten, primary and secondary school after summer break in Hong Kong. Starting from 7:00 am. the metamorphosis perps remote control three different frequencies of electronic weapons tortured me and victims for 5-8 degree headache in different positions, caused dizziness, nausea. Alternately extremely hot and cold. It has over 6 hours, and the harassment is still going on .... I have filed a report to the policy at 12 noon on September 3, and I hope the police will stop it as soon as possible.
    2. Recent newspaper reports that Mr. Walter Kwok suffered heart attack. And call s doctor is a brain neurologist rather than a cardiologist. I believe it is related to brain-controlled electronic weapon attacks.
    It is said that the owner of the 759 stores also died for heart attacked by electronic weapons.
    3. There is a woman in the brain control space, named Tsang Wei Kwan, who is a single mother, pretending as name of “Monita”. Her father is Tsang Wei Kong, and his brother is Tsang Wei Ming who all mentioned before. All three have always been in the brain control space to making trouble for living. Please take precautions.
  2. This week, the metamorphosis perp remote control electronic weapon attacked a woman in menstrual period, which made her blood keep continue with larger volume. At the same time, the remote control electronic weapon attacked another woman, causing extremely pain in her uterine contraction
    5. This week, the metamorphosis perp remote electronic weapons to attack the office girl, caused headaches and uncontrolled turning their eyes. Then urgently calling an ambulance for hospital.
  3. As mentioned in the previous issue, within chip can present the wireless network without geographical restrictions. For addition testing, under turn on jammer for blocking wireless network, then turn on computer’s WiFi, my computer present some wireless network that caused by within chip, not in my area, I attached some as follow for your reference, if you see it is your own network, please change your login password or any method that you sure it can protect to your network.
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Update: After UN, International Human Rights Community, and International Criminal Court " like" , " share " my posts,

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Facebook Canada, Google Canada, Youtube, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors, gathering around and in my workplace , are  at once hacking , blocking  and filtering  my posts and my accounts after UN, International Human Rights Community, and International Criminal Court " like" , " share " my posts.

Please see this photo below:

" The Scarborough Hospital and CEO in relation to Medical Torture " href=""> What are they  doing now, living with me as my neighbors...?

UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided.

14 years ago, Canadian lawyer said to me: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."

UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court.

Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this by fax, not only for me, thanks.

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Update: After UN, International Human Rights Community, and International Criminal Court " like" , " share " my posts,

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Facebook Canada, Google Canada, Youtube, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors, gathering around and in my workplace , are  at once hacking , blocking  and filtering  my posts and my accounts after UN, International Human Rights Community, and International Criminal Court " like" , " share " my posts.

Please see this photo below:

" The Scarborough Hospital and CEO in relation to Medical Torture " href=""> What are they  doing now, living with me as my neighbors...?

UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided.

14 years ago, Canadian lawyer said to me: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."

UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court.

Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this by fax, not only for me, thanks.

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I am a targeted individual of non-consensual long term experimentation. Like most other individuals throughout the western world I have been told that nano particle microwave resonant material also known as neural dust has infiltrated my blood brain barrier and has adhered to the neuro transmitters in my brain. This material can then decode the neuro transmitters in a process called transcranial brain stimulation. I am being subjected to many experiments such as being forced to experience virtual reality settings for a short space of time. In order to avoid having to view these virtual reality scenes I attempt to hold my eyes open because whenever I close them the unwanted virtual reality scene is made to reappear in my internal field of vision.
Further to that, unknown neuro science operatives force some of my facial and neck muscles to move against my will. They can also partially move some other muscles throughout my body. If they could eventually gain more control over more of my central nervous system they could then place me on what is known as a neurological hold. I have heard of other targeted individuals who were forced by this means to hit themselves with their own fists and to hurt themselves in a myriad of other ways.
If it is possible to find the carrier frequency of the electronic attacks by the use of a spectrum analyser, then it is possible to jam the signal by sending low level non modulated signals or white noise signals modulated to the same frequency, according to my sources. Politicians appear to be under electronic mind control which is partially facilitated by the nano particle microwave resonant material which has adhered to the neuro transmitters in their brains and partially facilitated by the fact that they are using smart phones close to their heads. We must ask our politicians to stop using smart phones and to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters which are used to mind control the population

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I am wirelessly linked to a network of computers and possibly a supercomputer where I am continually monitored, manipulated and psychologically tortured on a permanent basis and I have been so for more than sixteen years. At 7.50pm on 11th August, 2019 I heard a voice coming from inside my head who said that he was nervous about the task at hand. I asked him the following question "Why are you a peeping Tom". He replied as follows "We have a bowel problem to expose." I then asked him "Why have you a bowel problem to expose?. He then replied as follows "I have no response."

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Facebook Canada, Google Canada, Youtube, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors, gathering around and in my workplace , are  at once hacking , blocking  and filtering  my posts and my accounts after UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court " like" , " share " my posts.

Please see this photo below: 

" The Scarborough Hospital and CEO in relation to Medical Torture " What are they doing now, living with me as my neighbors...?

UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided.

UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court.

Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this by fax, not only for me, thanks.


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Why are they so afraid of...

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

They are stopping me from contacting UN!

Please see the attached photo.

Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this , thanks.


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 After 6 months I have received a reply from the Honourable Ralph Goodale, P.C., M.P. Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

 If you read the "signed" response, you will see the veiled threat when he mentions a specific law at the end. He does, however, do a thorough job outlining the actual crimes, although I have a much longer list that I consider to better represent the situation.


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They hack UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and me, disregarding  International law and order .

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Regardless of International law and International order, they, Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government... who are living with me as my neighbors and gathering around / in my workplace,  keep hacking, filtering and blocking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and me , Canadian torture victim, that is, everything  I /we are using.

Why are they doing this?  Please see the attached photo regarding how they are hacking UN Human Rights Council. Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims  have everything I provided.

UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court.

Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this, not only for me, thanks.


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The majority of organized religions and all governments throughout the world are being run behind the scenes by multi-generational organized criminal gangs who use said organized religions, public schools, the main stream media, military and police training schools, and universities among other ways to inculcate students into the cults of church and state. The human race are now being deprogrammed by the truth which they find both by listening to internet radio or listening to truthful youtube videos or by reading recommended books which are based on the truth. The human race are also waking up to the fact that at least hundreds of thousands of their fellow human beings are continually being harassed and tortured by wirelessly enabled neuro weapons while they are inside their own homes and even though both church and state as well as the main stream media have been informed of this fact nobody has done anything to help the victims of said neuro weapons. This situationwill shortly cause the downfall of social order leading to worldwide wireless technological enslavement, torture and genocide. We could avert this by simply disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia. If you continue to refuse to believe in the existence and abuse of wirelessly enabled neuro weapons and their vast capabilities of being able to technologically enslave the whole human race other than the organised crime syndicate who are attempting to technologically enslave us you will shortly either become enslaved or extinct. The choice is yours to remain passive or to take action.

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Regardless of International law and International order, they, Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government... who are living with me as my neighbors and gathering around / in my workplace,  keep hacking, filtering and blocking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and me , Canadian torture victim, that is, everything  I /we are using.

Why are they doing this?  Please see the attached photo regarding how they are hacking UN Human Rights Council.

UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims  have everything I provided.

UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court.

Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this, not only for me, thanks.


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Possibly Fry Implants

There is a coronal mass ejection expected on the fifth. I plan on being outside when it hits. A CME could possibly fry my microchip implants if it is strong enough. I reccomend you do the same. This might work or may not. Something worth trying. .This is where you can check for updates on solar activity.

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 Throughout Ireland and most of the rest of the world there are widespread complaints from lawyers that they are obliged to uphold unjustifiable laws which are coming through from policy makers across the board.   Normal human behaviour is now being deemed criminal activity.

The more laws that are enacted the more crimes are available which can possibly be broken.  This in turn leads to more police arrests which in turn leads to employing more police officers and strengthening of the powers of the current establishment.   Hence, the more nonsensical laws which are being enacted the stronger the police force needs to be in order to investigate transgressions of those nonsensical laws. 

This forthcoming police state is going to be policed through wirelessly surveilling innocent people while they are going about their lives inside their own homes and elsewhere.   Do you wish to be surveilled while you are inside your own home such as is occurring to me and others like me?   Why is this allowed to continue to this day despite almost everybody throughout the Republic of Ireland having been informed about this ongoing situation of in-home surveillance and electronic harassment combined with no-touch torture techniques as per my own website which is called

  I wrote this earlier today in the third person because I was unduly influenced by the voice to skull direct communication personnel while I was writing it.   They always attempt to interfere whenever I am writing.   Most of the time they are unhelpful and distracting while I am attempting to write my blogs but on occasions I have received helpful tips from them which I have included in what I write.  However, I do not trust these unknown neuro personnel and I never would.   They are my enemies.

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