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If the human race were proficient in all of the natural healing methods such as Fasting, Herbal Remedies, Yoga, Colour Therapy, Energy Medicine, Earthing, Water Therapy, Essential Oils, Aromotherapy and many more we would shut down all teaching hospitals because they fully focus on money making pharmaceutical drugs which the general public no longer trust or are willing to support.

We could set up our own healing centres where we could offer advice and assistance based on well known cures which are currently being heavily suppressed in favour of more well advertised pharmaceutical drugs which do not ever have the desired effect.

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Truth - Many human beings throughout Ireland and the wider world are being in-home surveilled and psychologically and physically harassed and tortured by directed energy weapons, neuro weapons and voice to skull voice harassment technology.

Truth - The police, psychiatrists, the main stream media, priests, social workers and all other government agents are now in a deep, deep, deep, mind-controlled stupor and they wrongly believe that their fellow tortured human are mentally ill.

Truth - Dismantle the telephone towers and you might be able to think clearly and your fellow human beings will no longer be enabled to be tortured by wireless digital signals which are being transmitted to nano-bots inside their bodies, which were illegally sprayed on them from chemtrail spraying of the skies.

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The Perps gave me a brain disorder. They are using my thoughts to give people idea on how to live and how to deal with their problems.They want to swollow me hole for the things I've got. Markband Joyce think they are gifted. They've have caused me to have speech confiousion. You should hear how me speak like I've never learned anything in school. You should hear me think like I've never learned anything. It's impossible for me to think to think good sometimes. They've have blocked my thoughts. They dictate to me whay I have to write, what doesn't work.

 They take every word I want to say from me. They don't me to speak in my own words.

Everything I do they are ready to steal.

They like to say you've got that from us, it's a competion for words with them. They want to be populair. They use populair speech. It' s for their listeners. With their look-at-us-dress up additude. They want me to look stupid. They are the stupid ones.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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We 've got to do this, people we've got to do this. Unite!

I have tried Ti's in who are contact person, but they don't react. In my country Ti's don't react. 

Soleil Mavis asked us to support eachother. People respond.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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The supernatural does not exist. Demonology was created as a means of wielding mental control over the masses. It was created by the use of rumour and innuendo followed by roll playing and many other forms of trickery including magic lanterns, video films, holograms and brain weapons. Currently, with the use of brain weapons, whole experience sets can be inserted into the human brain to make human beings experience a virtual reality that the uninformed experiencers can not tell apart from real experiences.

We are all currently being sprayed by chemtrail spraying of the skies. This chemtrail spray contains nano-sensors and nano-bots which we inhale and ingest. Our brains and bodies can then be wirelessly targeted by neuro weapons and voice harassment technology. Some good living human beings are being targeted by neuro weapons and when their brains are partially mapped to a certain level they can then be taken over and made to swear against their wills and their faces and necks can be made to grimace and contort against their wills. Their limbs can be made to flail against their wills. In extreme cases, whole body takeover can and has occurred in a number of documented cases which you can find online in the links herebelow. This is the real and scientific explanation for the recent phenomenon of so-called demonic possession. It also provides a logical explanation for why so many stories of human beings  biting other human beings are currently being reported by the main-stream media throughout the wider world.  This phenomenon  of humans biting other humans has never occurred before in the whole history of the human race.

Some individuals are claiming that they experienced supernatural phenomenon when using ouji boards. We can be in-home surveilled by the use of advanced military technology. Also ,there may be some technology built into ouji boards that may alert the psychological warfare department of military intelligence when ouji boards are being used so that their team could use their arsenal of directed energy weapons to conjour up holograms of demons in the room where the ouji board is being used. Focused ultrasound is frequently being used to make objects within rooms move around. Extreme cold can be introduced into a room quite easily by the use of modern weaponry. I know this because I have been a directed energy weapons test subject for nearly fifteen years and I have experienced most of the psychological warfare tricks the criminals who use these weapons can perform to frighten us. These psychological warfare personnel can also introduce fog into a room quite easily. The creation of fear and the creation of false beliefs is all part of the whole psychological warfare that is currently being forced on us. This is being done to subdue us so that we can be manipulated more easily into being obedient to the dictates of the criminal oligarchy.

Brain entrainment technology currently exists which allows military psychological warfare teams to entrain the brains of large groups of individuals while they are at rock concerts or religious gatherings. Human brains can be entrained into states of religious fervour or into states of extreme fear or indeed any state imaginable.


"You see those bio-nano-particulates being dropped from those Chem-Tankers in the sky are so small that they will pass right through the blood-brain barrier in our bodies and thus can be sent directly to our brains. This is evidenced by the fact that they are absorbed into our bodies through our skin pores and also through our lungs as we breathe them in on a daily basis.

If you get out of line then all they have to do is target your specific bio signature and zap you with whatever they deem will put you in your place or they will simply euthanize you out of existence with some exotic disease or maybe just a harsh energy pulse that fries your brain. By having access to the control of our nervous systems, they can effectively gain full control of our entire bodies, right down to the ability to twitch your nose or wink your eye"…/nasa-thefuture…

"Please see a youtube video by neuro scientist Greg Gage called "How to Control Someone Else’s Arm With Your Brain"

For further information please see a youtube video called "Electronic Concentration Camp: Surrogate Enslavement."

"During steering the contraction of the muscles of the torturer is being measured with radar techniques. The contraction of the muscles of the torture victim is measured with radar techniques as well. Then electrical pulses are transmitted by laser or microwave techniques into the muscles of the torture victim till the muscles of both persons are contracted likewise, resulting in synchronous movements including speech. Being steered results in exactly following the movements of the person steering and saying what this person says."

System and method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism

Patent No US 3837331 A

Many small animals including rats and mice have already successfully been remote controlled..

For further information of neuro-hacking and human bio-robotization please read the following story of 21st-Century Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing in the Case of Rohinie Bisesar: Breakthrough as Defense Attorney Confirms Her Receipt of Letter from Human Rights Activists…/21st-century-bio-hacking-a…/

In mid March 2016 the Polish defense minister Antoni Macierewicz visited the University of Father Tadeusz Rydzyk to participate in the discussion on problems of contemporary politics, armed conflicts and terrorism. One of the listeners asked him, whether Poland has got a strategy, how to solve illegal experiments with electromagnetic weapons on unwitting Polish citizens. Antoni Macieriwicz replied that his ministry is conducting an analysis on this subject and that he is going to establish a commission, which will investigate the complaints of Polish citizens.


In this way the Polish minister of defense admitted that there exist electromagnetic weapons, capable to interfere with the functioning of human organism and that it may be used on Polish citizens.…/5584676

Barton L. Ingraham and Gerald W Smith published an article back in 1972, in a United States government document called "Issues in Criminology", Volume 7, Number 2. The article is called " The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior, and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control". The article states the following:- "The development of systems for telemetering information from sensors, implanted in or on the body will soon make possible the observation and control of human behaviour without actual physical contact. Through such telemetric devices, it will be possible to maintain twenty-four hour-a-day surveillance over the subject, and to intervene electronically or physically to influence and control selected behaviour".

In early 2017, well known entrepreneur Elon Musk announced a brain-computer venture called Neuralink whose end goal is to fuse our brains with machines.…/


There are many simple solutions to stop this wireless enslavement of the human race in its tracks. Telephone masts generate microwave radiation which is needed to carry the wireless control signals to and from the targeted individual. We must urgently dismantle all telephone masts. Two further helpful tips which I received in the past are linked herebelow.…/How-to-Stop-Electronic-Harass…

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The male perp hopes I will love him again. He fantasises about it. He tells his listeners about it. He tries to out sing me. He thinks he can sing better than me. He thinks he's better at anything I do. He wished I didn't have a boyfriend. He wants to take him away from me. That's why he hates me because I have a boyfriend. Crazy Develish man. He's a tot Nut case. He said he would move heaven and eartg to make me suffer. He's after every man I meet. He Cat fished me. This man stole the identity of a man I loved to make me love him. He lied to me to make me love him.

Please pray for me.

This their script, Rape when happy. They try to make me believe them, they can fool me later. Use my sister voice and celebrity. They aim at my head to make me to control my actions. They aim at my head to make me forget, then they pretend to have gave me the idea's I have. I make plans they steal my plans. Go to the wall they say for instance to turn me into a robot. I hear the tongue of a snake, I need to become a snake charmer. The perps want love from me. The Perps gave mw confusion of speech and then tell everbody that I can't speak.They mock when I speak and think. They are obnoxious and stuck up. Walking around with their nose in the air. They think they're all that. I speak better than they say. 

Einstein is nothing compare to them. That's how they feel about themselves. They are murders. They don't want their listeners to find out that they are gangstalkers. They perform for their listeners. Trying to make me feel low, because they don't know that the people I know believe thwm. There are actually people walking around who without electronical weapons who are just likw the Perps. People support him because they tell them that I said bad things about them online, when it's really the perp who are embaracing people online. This social Media Hype thing belongs to the perp. They are hoping for sympaty from their listeners.

I met a scientist who was harresed by his neighbours who's eyes lit up when I told him about Directed Energy weapons. Somehow he knew nothing about it, but he was a scientist and ge didn't believe me. He knew nothing about Hyperbioliode mirrors. I wanted hin to help me with shielding. The perps are very jealouse when I discover things. They want everbody believe that they are good people and that it's  all fun and games.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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The male perp hopes I will love him again. He fantasises about it. He tells his listeners about it. He tries to out sing me. He thinks he can sing better than me. He thinks he's better at anything I do. He wished I didn't have a boyfriend. He wants to take him away from me. That's why he hates me because I have a boyfriend. Crazy Develish man. He's a tot Nut case. He said he would move heaven and eartg to make me suffer. He's after every man I meet. He Cat fished me. This man stole the identity of a man I loved to make me love him. He lied to me to make me love him.

Please pray for me.

This their script, Rape when happy. They try to make me believe them, they can fool me later. Use my sister voice and celebrity. They aim at my head to make me to control my actions. They aim at my head to make me forget, then they pretend to have gave me the idea's I have. I make plans they steal my plans. Go to the wall they say for instance to turn me into a robot. I hear the tongue of a snake, I need to become a snake charmer. The perps want love from me. The Perps gave mw confusion of speech and then tell everbody that I can't speak.They mock when I speak and think. They are obnoxious and stuck up. Walking around with their nose in the air. They think they're all that. I speak better than they say. 

Einstein is nothing compare to them. That's how they feel about themselves. They are murders. They don't want their listeners to find out that they are gangstalkers. They perform for their listeners. Trying to make me feel low, because they don't know that the people I know believe thwm. There are actually people walking around who without electronical weapons who are just likw the Perps. People support him because they tell them that I said bad things about them online, when it's really the perp who are embaracing people online. This social Media Hype thing belongs to the perp. They are hoping for sympaty from their listeners.

I met a scientist who was harresed by his neighbours who's eyes lit up when I told him about Directed Energy weapons. Somehow he knew nothing about it, but he was a scientist and ge didn't believe me. He knew nothing about Hyperbioliode mirrors. I wanted hin to help me with shielding. The perps are very jealouse when I discover things. They want everbody believe that they are good people and that it's  all fun and games.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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My name is Gretta Fahey. I have been subject to remote neural monitoring and electronic brain link for the past fourteen and a half years. The technologically induced voices which I heard coming from inside my head in the past have informed me that I am now being prepared for electronic enslavement by the use of direct neuro weapon enslavement. They also informed me that if this situation should come about I would no longer be able to voice any words or phrases or whole sentences other than the words or phrases or whole sentences I have been programmed to voice.

I find this type of information very frightening. I am writing about it because it needs to be investigated by the human race. The neuro weapons research team have already made me both nod and shake my own head vigorously against my will. They also have made me open and close my own mouth against my will. They have made me twist my arm against my will. They can formulate sentences and make me speak them against my will. They can make me swear against my will. Many other targeted individuals are making similar claims as myself.

It is very difficult for targeted individuals to make ourselves believed by the rest of the world because other human beings appear to be heavily mind controlled and will readily believe that we are mentally ill. When ever we inform them of our experiences they will deem us mentally ill and they will have us locked up in psychiatric facilities where we would then be forced to ingest extremely poisonous substances posing as anti-psychotic medication. Whenever this supposedly anti-psychotic medication is in our bloodstream we become unable to effectively illucidate our experiences in some instances mainly due to brain fog.

If telephone towers and related antenna are dismantled I believe it would aid in solving both problems of mind control of the masses and wireless neuro enslavement of selected targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro weapons research.

These neuro weapons operatives use microwave radiation which is being emitted from cell phone towers to carry the digital signals to and from the wireless slaves.
Mobile phone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:-
Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.
There are no satellites. The existence of satellites was created by disinformation agents. The existence of satellites is a hoax. Firstly, there is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius. Secondly, air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. It is biologically impossible for space to even exist other than air space. This would indiciate that satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they have. If we have mobile phone towers dismantled the human race would have our freedom returned to us immediately.


While millimeter waves have a hard time penetrating solid objects, they will still penetrate our skin and skulls to a certain depth and this is how it will be used to influence epigenetics on the human population. You see those bio-nano-particulates being dropped from those Chem-Tankers in the sky are so small that they will pass right through the blood-brain barrier in our bodies and thus can be sent directly to our brains. This is evidenced by the fact that they are absorbed into our bodies through our skin pores and also through our lungs as we breathe them in on a daily basis.
If you get out of line then all they have to do is target your specific bio signature and zap you with whatever they deem will put you in your place or they will simply euthanize you out of existence with some exotic disease or maybe just a harsh energy pulse that fries your brain. I dunno, use you imagination on that one.
The indiscriminate testing of biological weapons on humans is nothing new and make no mistake, Transhumanism research is the new arms race of the 21st century. Neural lace is just one more biological weapon and the primary function of neural lace is to create an electromagnetic control layer interface that will give the sentient computers a control interface for the human nervous system.
By having access to the control of our nervous systems, they can effectively gain full control of our entire bodies, right down to the ability to twitch your nose or wink your eye.…/beast-system-one-world-govern…/

Please see a youtube video by neuro scientist Greg Gage called "How to Control Someone Else’s Arm With Your Brain"

For further information please see a youtube video called "Electronic Concentration Camp: Surrogate Enslavement."

"During steering the contraction of the muscles of the torturer is being measured with radar techniques. The contraction of the muscles of the torture victim is measured with radar techniques as well. Then electrical pulses are transmitted by laser or microwave techniques into the muscles of the torture victim till the muscles of both persons are contracted likewise, resulting in synchronous movements including speech. Being steered results in exactly following the movements of the person steering and saying what this person says."

System and method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism
Patent No US 3837331 A

Many small animals including rats and mice have already successfully been remote controlled..

For further information of neuro-hacking and human bio-robotization please read the following story of 21st-Century Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing in the Case of Rohinie Bisesar: Breakthrough as Defense Attorney Confirms Her Receipt of Letter from Human Rights Activists…/21st-century-bio-hacking-a…/

In mid March 2016 the Polish defense minister Antoni Macierewicz visited the University of Father Tadeusz Rydzyk to participate in the discussion on problems of contemporary politics, armed conflicts and terrorism. One of the listeners asked him, whether Poland has got a strategy, how to solve illegal experiments with electromagnetic weapons on unwitting Polish citizens. Antoni Macieriwicz replied that his ministry is conducting an analysis on this subject and that he is going to establish a commission, which will investigate the complaints of Polish citizens.
In this way the Polish minister of defense admitted that there exist electromagnetic weapons, capable to interfere with the functioning of human organism and that it may be used on Polish citizens.…/5584676

Barton L. Ingraham and Gerald W Smith published an article back in 1972, in a United States government document called "Issues in Criminology", Volume 7, Number 2. The article is called " The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior, and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control". The article states the following:- "The development of systems for telemetering information from sensors, implanted in or on the body will soon make possible the observation and control of human behaviour without actual physical contact. Through such telemetric devices, it will be possible to maintain twenty-four hour-a-day surveillance over the subject, and to intervene electronically or physically to influence and control selected behaviour".
There are many simple solutions to stop this wireless enslavement of the human race in its tracks. Telephone masts generate microwave radiation which is needed to carry the wireless control signals to and from the targeted individual. We must urgently dismantle all telephone masts. Two further helpful tips which I received in the past are linked herebelow.…/How-to-Stop-Electronic-Harass…

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This post is heavily based on information which I found online and which I have added to myself.

"Twenty years ago, Paul and Percival Goodman estimated that just five percent of the work then being done would satisfy our minimal needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Most work serves the unproductive purposes of commerce or social control."
From "The Abolition of Work" by Bob Black.

The profound basis of the current work force as it stands today is to demoralise and distract the human race while their fellow humans, a group which I call the self-proclaimed elite, slowly and incrementally attempt to take over humanity by wireless means.

At least two thirds of all work which was deliberately created for the human race to carry out on this planet is both pointless and evil work. It was deliberately created to keep us distracted while the dark occultists were busy with their own agenda of attempted wireless enslavement of all of the other members of the human race.

Work is not a virtue in itself. However, the self-proclaimed elite wist to convince us that work, even if utterly useless and harmful to humanity, is a moral value in itself. It is in the best interest of the self-proclaimed elite to make sure the ordinary masses work endlessly, with very little financial reward. According to British newspaper, the Guardian, the American military dropped 26,171 bombs in overseas countries in 2016 alone. It would take a great deal of work in order to rebuilt the damaged cities and towns caused by such mindless destruction.

Six Types of Work.

(1) Useless and Pointless work,

(2) Unclassified Harmful Work that furthers the Powers of the Criminal Oligarchy which is financed by black budgets and most people are unaware that it is being carried out.

(3) Classified Work which is destructive to our freedom but humanity is being fooled into believing it is advantageous to us because most people don't know where it is leading,

(4) Real Productive Paid Worthwhile Work

(5) Real Productive Unpaid and Unrecognised Worthwhile Work.

(6) The Great Work. If we eliminated the first three categories of work, we could limit the working week down to a maximum of five hours, per person, per week, very easily.

More than three quarters of the work done on the planet at this time is work which is harmful to humanity in the long term. A few common examples of harmful work are government administrators who work at tightening of the control structure and eliminating our freedoms, journalists and media who are paid to knowingly and deliberately lie to humanity, intelligence services who work at furthering of unnecessary surveillance, factory workers who work at manufacturing of landmines and other weapons, pharmaceutical personnel who work at poisoning us with mandatory vaccinations and medications which are deliberately blended with harmful ingredients , politicians and lawyers who smothering us with unnecessary regulations, teachers who work in the forced schooling industry instead of allowing children and university students to use interactive software to teach themselves at home, technology workers who work at laying down the ground work for would-be technological enslavement, and soldiers who fight in wars that nobody wants, except for the self-proclaimed elite. "Wars cause a number of people to manufacture high explosives and a number of other people to explode them just to keep alive the notion that a great deal of severe manual work must be the lot of the average man and woman." We must dismantle all militaries. They are gangs of professional killers who have been rendered unable to challenge immoral orders from their generals, through severe inculcation methods which they unwittingly undergo at training camp.

A computer operating system was created from pure mathematics which could not be hacked into. The kernel of that operating system was deliberately corrupted my Microsoft in order to create unnecessary work for anti-virus software companies thereby making vast amounts of money for Microsoft and pointless work for millions of their staff. Monsanto also corrupted the kernel of a seed in order to create seedless plants so that farmers would be obliged to purchase their seeds from there on from Monsanto, thereby making vast amounts of money for Monsanto and pointless work for millions of farmers. In the very same way the self proclaimed elite corrupted our languages in order to stop our words from retrieving information from our subconscious minds in an effective way. By corrupting our languages a rift was created by our conscious and subconscious minds thereby corrupting the human operating system which is the human mind. The self proclaimed elite then claimed the vessel under salvage by a law called cannon law. You can remove the corruption from your operating system by refusing to co-operate with whatever organised religion or new age belief system you belong to. Maintaining New Age belief systems and all organised religions is a form of pointless and harmful work. New age belief systems were for the most part developed by the self proclaimed elite in order to catch anyone who happened to be falling away from organised religions. You aught to stay away from all belief systems and become an individual thinker, thereby freeing the kernel of your mind. You aught to also stay away from all smart engineered technology because it can make you believe in beliefs without your conscious awareness of the fact that you have lost your mind. When you no longer belong to any belief system whatsoever your thinking becomes free and accurate. I obtained most of this information from Mark Christopher at the following link

I believe we might also be able to eliminate hospitals, nursing homes, mental hospitals, dentists, and the pharmaceutical industry, if heavily suppressed natural cures were released to the public and if the self-proclaimed elite stopped deliberately adding unnecessary chemicals to our water, food, air, tooth fillings, medication, vaccinations and if they stopped bombarding us with unnecessary electromagnetic radiation from cell phone masts and smart engineered technology.

Manufacturers deliberately withhold efficiency when designing all products, so that these products will need constant maintenance and constant replacements. For example, buildings should be built to last for thousands of years. Ballintubber Abbey which is a building located close to my home in the West of Ireland has been in public use for eight hundred years without a break. The raw materials that are being put into building blocks may be being changed for the worse in some instances so that buildings may have built in obsolence built into them in order to keep builders pointlessly busy. I believe that pyrite may have been deliberately introduced into building materials recently, by agents of corporate interests giving deliberate misinformation to concrete block manufacturers, in order to introduce built-in-obsolescence into our homes. On this occasion, the criminal cabal got the balance wrong by destroying new homes and infuriating the home owners. We are told the practice of planned obsolescence is to ensure that there is a constant supply of customers for the products. However, the real reason is to keep people working unnecessary long hours, so that they will not question the status quo and are easier to control.

Alcohol and tobacco are poisonous to humanity. They cause addictions and chronic illnesses. Because they are heavily taxed they are then heavily promoted. The more people drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes, the more taxes that can be then collected. The more illnesses that are generated by both of these poisonous substances, the more work that is generated for the health services. This increases taxes in a round about way, and keeps people occupied doing what otherwise would have been unnecessary work in these three industries, namely tobacco, alcohol and health service.

Cannabis is a viable safe alternative to substances like alcohol and tobacco. People can easily grow their own cannabil and therefore no work needs to be done to enjoy it. While alcohol is a mind contracting drug, cannabis is a mind expanding plant. Most mind expanding plants are considered to be highly beneficial and therapeutic. The plant based drug called Ayahuasca has been described as ‘ten years of therapy in a week’. If you wish to take a mind expanding drug such as cannabis you must only take it under controlled conditions such as on an empty stomach during a full moon. However, I have never taken cannabis myself but I hope to take it if it is ever legalised. We are wasting our time and energy working in the alcohol and tobacco industry. Unfortunately, we are not currently allowed access to most therapeutic plants.

According to the Austrialian, Max Igan, people with more human potential than business potential can not function within the corporate work place. Caring people with real humanity can not operate in harmony with a brutally competitive and aggressive work environment, which is out of alignment with all that is real and good. If you display human qualities, for example, a strong social and loving conscience, you wont get a job. If you display ruthless, sociopathic qualities, where you are willing to be cruel to your fellow man for the sake of profit for your corporation, then you will be offered a top job. If everybody was self-sufficient, and nobody had paid occupations, most people would work anyway for the good of humanity, free of charge. It is unnecessary for a person to work in a salaried occupation in order to make themselves useful to the world.

According to Jordan Peterson, Professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, approximately forty five percent of people have occupations that make the world a better place and approximately fifty five percent of people do work that is damaging to the planet and its people.


There are two forces currently at play on planet earth. One force is the control system whose ultimate wish is to regiment everybody under rigid dicipline. This causes stagnation and fear among humanity. The other force is called anarchy which is a system of rules without rulers. This force allows total individual freedom but also total individual responsibility. When there is a system of anarchy in place in any area this signifies that this area is healthy and vibrant and the human beings who live there are for the most part blissfully happy and totally free to make all their own decisions. The Great Work is any work which we do that helps to erode the control system and helps to reclaim our individual freedom and also freedom for all of humanity. Do you work towards helping or hindering human freedom?. If you work towards helping it you are participating in The Great Work.

It is a major tactic of criminal oligarchy psychological warfare to encourage us to expend our energy in futile unnecessary work, while they conserve their strength. We are kept so busy we have no time to figure out what traps are being set for us by the self-proclaimed elite. If all of the really intelligent and capable people in society are constantly working, they will have no time or energy to stage a counter insurgency against the would-be enslavers. While we are exhausted and confused, they are secretly attacking us with energy and purpose.

The majority of people in the workplace are deliberately being over worked, because the self-proclaimed elite wish to over stimulate mankind, in order to render them ineffectual. When people are over worked their brain waves move too fast and the work force begin to suffer from sensory overload. In order to be effective we need to be able to focus. In order to make changes, we need to first be able to slow down our thinking and become mindful. The best way to achieve focus and mindfulness is through being alone with silence in an uncluttered environment. Silence has immeasureably relaxing effects. As little as two minutes of silence reduces heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure. By over working everybody in todays world, the self-proclaimed elite have rendered us powerless to work against their attempts to further enslave us.

It has been claimed that the European Parliament have enacted a policy that people who are work shy will be forcefully persuaded to go back to work by the use of black operations. However, I have not researched the matter.

I am in receipt of disability allowance because of chronic thyroid, bowel and bladder disabilities. My disabilities are unrelated to any mental health issues. I was in receipt of disability allowance for more than a year before I began to be overtly attacked by electronic weapons, and before the voice transmissions began to be downloaded into my skull, by the use of Voice to Skull military communication technology. The voice to skull technologically transmitted voices once told me that they had an instrument of torture prepared for me if I did not get back into the workplace. If it is common policy now to put work shy people on psychological torture programs, this truly means that we are indeed slaves, and the self-proclaimed elite are human livestock farmers, who subsist off the tax payers. I also subsist off the tax payer, and I try and thank the tax payer by creating awareness of issues, which support the interests of the tax payer and oppose the interests of the parasitic human lifestock farmers.

Some of the information in this synopsis came from the following essays

"In Praise of Idleness" by Bertrand Russell

"On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs" by Professor David Graeber,

"The Right to be Lazy" by Paul Lafargue.

"The Art of being Happy" by Joseph Droz.

For two centuries, a strange delusion has tortured sad humanity. We have been programmed to believe that we came into this world mainly to work, when in fact, the direct pursuit of happiness should be the principle objective of our lives.

The word " work" means - altering the position of matter on the surface of the planet.

Work is not a virtue in itself. There is no special nobility about altering the position of matter on the surface on the planet, unless there is a good reason for doing so. The privileged oligarchy want to convince us that work is a moral value in itself, and that anyone not willing to submit themselves to some kind of intense but utterly pointless work discipline should be dispised.

What humanity is currently doing is making far too much stuff, for no good reason, except to keep people grossly over occupied, so they wont have any time to figure out what is really going on. When we have an over-accumulation of stuff, we then go to war and explode all the stuff, and start all over again.

When machines and factories first appeared, it was clear to all thinking people that human drudgery and human inequality was no longer necessary. The masses would realise that the privileged super rich had no function and would be swept away. A hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. Because of this fact, it is in the best interest of the super rich to make sure the ordinary masses work endlessly with very little financial reward. In order for the super rich oligarchy to figure out ways to make us work more, they created three main types of jobs.


Huge swathes of people, in Europe and North America in particular, spend their entire working lives performing tasks they secretly believe do not really need to be performed. These jobs have just been invented and created to keep us all working. The moral and spiritual damage that comes from this situation is profound. It is a scar across our collective soul. Yet virtually no one talks about it.

These pointless jobs are found mainly in the administrative sector and include financial services, telemarketing, corporate law, health administration, managers, academic administration, security support and public relations. Also, large amounts of time is spend organising and attending motivational seminars. Some other utterly meaningless jobs include CEOs, lobbyists, PR researchers, actuaries, bailiffs and people who work in the weapons manufacturing industry.

Some people dedicate every waking second to paper pushing office jobs, but what they are doing is meaningless. These people immerse themselves in utter pointlessness, but treat it like it is of the most vital importance imaginable. They see what they are doing as massively virtuous. However, if they stayed in bed for their whole lives, their work would not be missed by the human race.

Every child is programmed to believe that its lifes purpose is to occupy the whole of their lives with meaningless toil. They have come into the world to experience the richness of life, and yet they are not supposed to point out the absurdity of toiling at some pointless and unrewarding job, decade after decade. If they dare to question the system, and declare that they dont want to spend the whole of their one and only life doing pointless drudgery, they are made to feel inadequate.


This is called immoral work. We now live in an open prison, due to the excessive regulations that are coming onstream gradually. We are slowly being enslaved by our own civil servants and government employees. Examples of immoral work is the type of work conducted by main stream medicine, lawyers, teachers, priests, and the reasons I adhere to this opinion are briefly listed herein.

Some medical practitioners are not healers. They spend their lives pushing poisonous drugs on humanity. This enriches the oligarchs, it sickens and dumbs down humanity so much that they are unable to think clearly enough to realise that pharmaceutical drugs never healed anyone. Their main purpose is to expand the powers of the oligarchy through medicalising the masses. Main stream medicine is becoming more and more fascist since the introduction of manditory vaccinations in some countries.

Lawyers are employed full time in enforcing stupid regulations which leads to more and more rigid control of humanity. What once were merely vices are now regarded as crimes. These laws may be legal, but they are not lawful or just. Man made laws are currently being based on the satanic tenet of moral relativism rather than the proven science of objective right and wrong.

The purpose of public education is to mislead and confuse and indoctrinate. It is also to teach the child to jump up and sit down to the sound of the school bell, just like you would train a dog. It indoctrinates the child to leave all decision making to the so called expert at the top of the room. It never teaches the child to think for himself or herself. That is totally frowned upon. An example of lies that are being tought to small children is that the earth is a globe when there is undisputable evidence to the contrary. We are taught to believe the word of authority over our own senses. Thousands of independent scientists have proven to themselves that the earth is flat, but they have no way of getting their beliefs out to the public, because the oligarchs own the main stream media. We are working pointlessly to educate students because stude nts can now educate themselves in their own homes with the use of interactive educational software. The help of interactive educational software which is readily available to purchase online, used in the students own home is a much more efficient methodology that the use of a physical human teacher. The true sign of a truly educated human being is not a piece of paper loosely called a credential handed to a student when they are sufficiently inculcated into the twin cults of church and state. The true sign of a truly educated human being is somebody who sets up their own business rather than working in order to create profits for the shareholders of a giant global conglomerate who wish to eventually own and control everything in the world through unfair practices.

Priests are also an example of immoral workers. Nobody knows what happens after we die, because nobody ever died and came back to tell us. Priests claim to know what happens after we die and they help spread the message to small children that they will burn in a fire for all eternity if they do not conform with church teaching. They force this mis-information into the minds of small children before these children have the ability to critically analyze this information. This practice must be abandoned because from the point of view of a very young and very gullible child this belief in eternal torment in an afterlife is a form of psychological torture. For further information on this particular topic please see my other blog on this website which is called "Rational Evaluation of Organised Religions."

In some sales positions, dishonesty is expected and required. In fact, most institutions of power throughout the world are based on a system of organised dishonesty. Recently employees have been questioning the ethical value of the work they are being asked to perform for large corporations. They are sometimes being told that the moral aspect of the work that is being carried out in the workplace is solely in the domain of the corporate leaders, and the workers must not concern themselves about it. By this methodology workers are being manipulated to carry out acts of extreme evil on a daily basis. It is my belief that objective right and wrong is scientifically proven to exist. Moral relativism was created by agents of evil in order to manipulate humanity to follow the dictates of extreme evil.

Psychiatry is the most immoral occupation of all. Psychiatrists force medicate their patients on drugs that have such strong side effects that they torture their patients from the inside out, in some cases. The psychiatrists then turn a blind eye to the suffering of their patients. There are easy suppressed cures for all ailments, including mental health issues. We are just finding out about them now, with the help of the internet.


These are the people that the others resent because their work has clear and undeniable social value. They include motor mechanics, farmers, builders, scientists, actors, singers, writers, bakers.

Creative people may be at their most productive when they appear to be doing nothing.

Less is more. Being constantly busy can simply be a way of creating an image of someone who is very very important. Modern work is soul numbing. Whether it takes place in the office or factory, it has become mechanical and meaningless. The modern workplace condemns man to play the part of a machine, turning out work without rest and without thanks.

Five hundred years ago, personal identity or ethos was not based on jobs. Instead the meaning of life was predicated on conviviality and conversation, singing and gossiping, good food and good sex. Our ancestors were not afraid of sex or idleness. They believed the impulses of men were good and natural and must be given a free reign.

Five hundred years ago, the traders of religion had not yet corrupted the noble savage with christianity, syphilis and the dogma of work. The Greeks in their era of greatness had only contempt for work. The poets sang of idleness, that greatest gift from the Gods. Modern man has let itself be perverted by the nonsensical dogma of work. They have allowed themselves to be degraded by the religion of work.

Man must return to his natural instincts. He must accustom himself to working but three hours a day, reserving the rest of the day and night for leisure and feasting.

If nobody in the world had paid occupations, people would find enjoyable ways to occupy themselves because people really like to be active. People would still do whatever really needed to be done to provide themselves with the means of subsistence, but would not be forced into doing it. It is unnecessary for a man to work in a salaried occupation, in order to make himself useful to the world.

Many people have proposed that we reduce work to four hours per day and still provide the "necessary and elementary comforts" of life where people will have the freedom to pursue cultural and intellectual interests.

In general, it is not the police or the threat of violence that force us to work, but rather a social system that ensures that working is the only way that most of us can meet our basic needs. In this way, as Moishe Postone notes, the specific mechanism by which goods and services are distributed in a capitalist society appears to be grounded not in social convention and political power but in human need (1996, 161).

Let me be clear: to call these traditional work values into question is not to claim that work is without value. It is not to deny the necessity of productive activity or to dismiss the likelihood that, as William Morris describes it, there might be for all living things "a pleasure in the exercise of their energies" (1999, 129). It is, rather, to insist that there are other ways to organize and distribute that activity and to remind us that it is also possible to be creative outside the boundaries of work.

As Robert Anton Wilson once put it, "most ‘work’ in this age is stupid, monotonous, brain-rotting, irritating, usually pointless and basically consists of the agonising process of being slowly bored to death over a period of about 40 to 45 years of drudgery."

A New York Times piece, meanwhile, summarised one of the biggest-ever surveys of the American workplace by stating: "For most of us, in short, work is a depleting, dispiriting experience, and in some obvious ways, it’s getting worse."

We must strongly distrust a worldwide initiative who manipulates the human race into unknowingly building a technological enslavement structure for themselves slowly and incremently over many generations. We must strongly distrust a worldwide initiative who manipulates humanity into unknowingly performing acts of extreme evil and doing extreme harm to each other and to future generations. We must strongly distrust a worldwide initiative who makes us adhere to a system not of our own making which is not in the best interests of the public at large. We must strongly distrust a worldwide initiative who makes human beings work billions of unnecessary hours all because they wish to keep us occupied so that we will not question their nefarious activities which are only and ever in their own interests. We know who these evil characters are at this stage. We can easily take back our power by the simple act of dismantling the telephone masts and refusing to register our births, marriages and deaths among many other easy to implement acts. We must act now.

The following quotation supports my understanding that there is nothing moral about tedious work done for no apparent reason other than utilising unnecessary labour hours. For further information which supports my claim see the link below the following quotation.

"It’s immoral to ask people to work when there’s no work that needs to be done. It’s immoral to create unnecessary labor so people have "something to do".

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The main stream media pushes the idea that we are living on a planet of finite resources. However, it is self evident that we live in a planet of infinitely renewable resources. The earth is a vast storehouse of resources we have barely used. I cite the following examples which I found online.



Industrial hemp is the earths number one resource. Industrial hemp is an environmentally friendly plant. Industrial hemp only takes ninety days to grow to full maturity. Industrial hemp has sixty thousand different uses. Industrial hemp can be used for building materials, clothing, fuel, food, paper, vehicle manufacturing, bio-degradable environmentally friendly plastic, animal fodder and medicine, among thousands of other products. Industrial hemp stops deforestation of the soil. The cultivation of industrial hemp would give all of us lives of abundance. Because industrial hemp is so versatile it posed a threat to the profits and monopolies of large corporations such as giant oil, steel, paper and fossil fuels to such an extent that they launched a smear campaign against it and eventually had it banned throughout large parts of the world. They had industrial hemp banned on the grounds that it is a close relative to marijuana. However, no matter how much industrial hemp you smoked it could never drug you or make you high. Industrial hemp is genetically distinct from marijuana. The banning of the cultivation of industrial hemp is an example of deliberately engineered scarcity by members of the self-proclaimed elite. However it is not the only example. Nearly all famines are caused by deliberately engineered scarcity. If the self-proclaimed elite wish to reduce a population they will first make access to certain common food products scarce and then they will delibeerately introduce a virulent strain of virus into that area in order to reduce the population of that area over time. This saves them a lot of money on armies and ammunition. The great Irish famine of the eighteen forties was deliberately engineered by this manner.


There are currently numerous free energy devices in development but which are not allowed on the public market

This is a link to information about a prototype for "Excess Energy Pulse Motor".

This information is freely available at the following website link


The self-proclaimed elite created a false science of water scarcity in order to privatize water for profits and control. They suppressed the existence of primary water. Primary water originates from geological processes, and can be tapped for use at or near the surface of the earth. Primary water sources are independent of rainfall and appear to be virtually unlimited. Primary water is free of bacteria, fluoride and other chemicals. For further information see


  • Back in 1892, at a scientific convention in Geneva, geologists were persuaded to fraudulently call oil a fossil fuel, in order to make the public believe it is scarce. A fossil is residue of formerly living matter. There has never been a real fossil found below 16,000 feet. Yet, we drill for oil at 33,000 feet every day. The self-proclaimed elite wish to create a standard world wide price for oil. The Peak Oil Theory is based on errors. Oil is the second most prevalent liquid on earth.



Plants have been the basis for medical treatments through out much of human history. There is a vast cornocopia of plants available to us which can be used to cure almost every ailment. However, the, by now, extremely corrupt pharmaceutical industry wishes to demote plant medicine to the realms of pseudoscience. The pharmaceutical industry has recently begun to blend many of its so-called medicines with poisonous substances in an effort to facilitate planetary takeover. A healthy and infinitely intelligent human race would never allow themselves to become wirelessly enslaved. However, currently plans are afoot to wirelessly enslave the whole human race via telephone towers and nano-bots and nobody seems to be informed of this fact.

In the past, people conducting spiritual practices used entheogenic substances, also known as mind expanding drugs in order to commune with higher consciousness, so that they could wake up to a higher reality. Mind expanding entheogenic plants are plants such as cannabis and mescaline. They are not in any way associated with hard drugs such as heroin or cocaine.


It is assumed by some that population will increase wildly, but the food supply will remain static. Yet as we've seen the population of the United States double, the number of farmers has decreased, and the food supply has increased dramatically. Many farmlands have returned to timberlands, because they are not needed.

Meanwhile, developments in 'weather control and desalinization promise to make desert areas productive farmlands in the years to come, able to provide food for populations of sizes yet unimagined. Consider the fact that the overwhelming portion of Australia, a continent'" in itself, has a great productive potential. Serious economists and agricultural experts see Australia as destined some day to rival or surpass the United States as a center of food production, natural resources, and population. Others call attention to the African resource potential, and so on.

The static view of history leads to an end-of-the-world mentality. In the days of the Roman Empire, some held that the earth was worn out, and population growth too great. A society that sees no future has no future. We are living in the early stages of the earth's greatest development and therefore ability to care for the needs of men. What is amazing is the willful blindness of many to the possibilities and inevitabilities open to free men. Rushdoony, R.J. "Myths of Over-Population." The Free Market 7, no. 10 (October 1989): 1 and 6.




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I have plans to leave this city, but when I called a bitch from the home office me that "Mark told you , you wouldn't get the house. Now the Perps are confidant. They are saying to theirselvtheirselvesshe she lost her house now her man. The woman perp is saying everywhere you go we will follow you. Maybe she is jumping up and down like a chiwawa. She jealouse of everything I got. The male perp is gone but you can still hear his voice. They clone their voice and mine. They are the really dumb people.She full of herself.She's is trying to finish my sentences. She's like a child who lack attention. You should do this you should do that. Dutch people are too eager to speak English. They have fun teaching me English, Dutch, Spanish and German

 I can speak a lot of languages. This woman who stand on her head to make me believe them. They try to out smart me in every way. People people there. They use people to teach their goal. Everybody has to be on their side. A lot of people run to help them. They want me to believe that they are in control.

Well Bye bye for now, 

Angeline Klas

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 I am a non-consensual subject of remote neural monitoring. Remote neural monitoring has vast capabilities that the public are largely unaware of. When I am brain linked to an unknown neuro operative they will verbally harass me and they will mention random names of my friends and relatives. They will also mention names of high profile people. I will then draw up an image of the face of that individual from my memory banks. I will either have positive feelings or negativ...e feelings about that person. I normally have positive feelings about everybody. However, if a strange form of energy is found in my lower strata, then the neuro weapons operative will draw me out by asking me personal questions about that individual.
Similarly, when a targeted individual has very private and personal moments in their past such as a sexual encounter, the neuro weapons operative only has to mention the words "first sexual encounter" or something similar, and the remote neural monitoring subject will automatically and largely against their will draw up deeply personal images from their memory banks. The neuro weapons operative then sees these very personal images from your past on their screens. This is very humiliating for non-consensual subjects of remote neural monitoring and voice to skull military communication technology.
The self-proclaimed elite plan to attach everybody on the planet except themselves on to this remote neural monitoring program. It is a wireless enslavement program. It also has the capability of paralysing the limbs of a selection of remote neural monitoring subjects who have been on the program for many years and who have had a good part of their brains already mapped.
If these neuro weapons operatives succeed in fully mapping the limbic system of the human brain then they will have succeeding in destroying all that is good and true about the human race forever.
Let us hope that they never succeed in having artificial intelligence fully automate the brain mapping process of all human beings now or ever.
We can easily dismantle the whole remote neural monitoring program by dismantling all telephone towers and related antenna. The solution to this nightmare is that simple.

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Demon like people!

Don't you think it's about time the Perps suffer for what they are doing? Somehow Ti's don't want to Unite. I think it's strange! The Pers are everywhere, They are just like Rats. The perps mock me because The neighbourhood harasses me. They say "there is no place like home". They have infiltrated my work.They play the App during my work, you can hear it as I sit in the office. They were hoping it would be hart breaking for me. The Perp told me to cry at that moment. I wrote everything down in my dairy. The perp blow cold air in my home, to make make me feel cold. When the heater is on the blow hot air on me to make my body overheat.

When I put my hand under my pillow to support my head the female Perp torture my arm. She didn't want me to put my arm like that. She wants to control every position I take. My arm blew up. My body contains water. I was fixing a blouse, but somehow it was to tight around my arm. Strange because I made the arms larger. The Female laughed so hard, she was happy, because it pained her that I have nice clothes. They fight me for my belongings.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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I am a non-consensual weapons test subject. I am subject to remote neural monitoring and voice harassment technology. When I am brain linked which is sometimes called neuro linked with an energy weapons test operative, siad energy weapons test operative can virtually feel whatever I touch. This immoral and downright evil brain to brain interface system can and is being further abused by sexual perverts posing as energy weapons test operatives who make sexual remarks to the non-consensual weapons test subjects. They sometimes sexually abused some of the weapons test subjects as soon as said weapons test subject become partially brain mapped, just enough so that they can feel some of the effects of the neuro link capabilities.

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Nano technology inside our bodies in combination with wireless neuro weapons, directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology which are enabled solely by telephone towers and related ground based antenna has enabled the following:-

Mind Control of the masses of human beings so that the majority of human beings are now only prepared to believe what their corporate controlled government informs them of. This is a dangerous situation because corporations have employed various hoaxes in order to instill in human beings the false belief in extra-terresterials, the false belief in the existence of demon possession, the false belief in the existence of satellites plus many more hoaxes too numerous to mention.

Human Bio-Robotization combined with Human Zombification of non-consensual brain weapon research subjects who are being experiemented on over many years. Neuro weapons are now capable of enabling non-consensual movement of the limbs of a selection of targeted individuals. This can include whole body takeover including forced speech of targeted individuals. This system can also enable total body paralysis or partial neural curtailment of non co-operative targeted individuals. This also can include takeover of the limbic system of a targeted individual. All of this can and is being achieved wireless and from remote locations by unknown assailants.

Loss of all mental privacy of targeted individuals of brain weapons technology including loss of privacy of all past memories of said targeted individual.

Entire memory sets can be deleted and new memory sets can be inserted in unsuspecting individuals by wireless means. Combined with possible wireless attacks on the judiciary, lawyers and the police, this effectively means that no judgement is safe. Good people are in jail.

Remote wireless assassination and remote wireless enslavement are both possible because of the existence of directed energy weapons and other advanced technology.

Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres. Telephone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:-

Telephone towers are the sole providers of microwave radiation that is utilised to carry digital signals too and from human brains and spinal cords.

There are no satellites. The existence of satellites was created by disinformation agents. The existence of satellites is a hoax. Firstly, there is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius. Secondly, air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. It is biologically impossible for space to even exist other than air. This would indiciate that satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they have. If we have mobile phone towers dismantled the human race would have our freedom returned to us immediately.

We have been lied to by our fellow human beings, the self-proclaimed elite for thousands of years. They have been attempting to gradually enslave the rest of the human race for thousands of years. They lie to us because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power and because a misinformed population tends to be easier to mislead.

We must urgently ask our political representatives to have all telephone towers dismantled immediately.

Please distribute this information now because the whole of the human race is in serious trouble. You will aid in stopping the whole fabric of society collapsing in disarray be warning the rest of the human race about the out of control use of neuro weapons and directed energy weapons combined with voice harassment technology.

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Nano technology inside our bodies in combination with wireless neuro weapons, directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology which are enabled solely by telephone towers and related ground based antenna has enabled the following:-

Mind Control of the masses of human beings so that the majority of human beings are now only prepared to believe what their corporate controlled government informs them of. This is a dangerous situation because corporations have employed various hoaxes in order to instill in human beings the false belief in extra-terresterials, the false belief in the existence of demon possession, the false belief in the existence of satellites plus many more hoaxes too numerous to mention.

Human Bio-Robotization combined with Human Zombification of non-consensual brain weapon research subjects who are being experiemented on over many years. Neuro weapons are now capable of enabling non-consensual movement of the limbs of a selection of targeted individuals. This can include whole body takeover including forced speech of targeted individuals. This system can also enable total body paralysis or partial neural curtailment of non co-operative targeted individuals. This also can include takeover of the limbic system of a targeted individual. All of this can and is being achieved wireless and from remote locations by unknown assailants.

Loss of all mental privacy of targeted individuals of brain weapons technology including loss of privacy of all past memories of said targeted individual.

Entire memory sets can be deleted and new memory sets can be inserted in unsuspecting individuals by wireless means. Combined with possible wireless attacks on the judiciary, lawyers and the police, this effectively means that no judgement is safe. Good people are in jail.

Remote wireless assassination and remote wireless enslavement are both possible because of the existence of directed energy weapons and other advanced technology.

Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres. Telephone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:-

Telephone towers are the sole providers of microwave radiation that is utilised to carry digital signals too and from human brains and spinal cords.

There are no satellites. The existence of satellites was created by disinformation agents. The existence of satellites is a hoax. Firstly, there is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius. Secondly, air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. It is biologically impossible for space to even exist other than air. This would indiciate that satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they have. If we have mobile phone towers dismantled the human race would have our freedom returned to us immediately.

We have been lied to by our fellow human beings, the self-proclaimed elite for thousands of years. They have been attempting to gradually enslave the rest of the human race for thousands of years. They lie to us because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power and because a misinformed population tends to be easier to mislead.

We must urgently ask our political representatives to have all telephone towers dismantled immediately.

Please distribute this information now because the whole of the human race is in serious trouble. You will aid in stopping the whole fabric of society collapsing in disarray be warning the rest of the human race about the out of control use of neuro weapons and directed energy weapons combined with voice harassment technology.

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As most of us are aware of by now, most cities and some rural areas throughout the world are currently being sprayed with chemtrails. We inhale and ingest the nano-particulates contained in these chemtrails. These nano-particulates pass through the blood brain barrier and line the neural pathways of the brain. These nano metals and salts turn the human brain into a transceiver. A selection of human beings are then targeted with neuro weapons and voice harassment technology.

I am one of these human beings who has been selected for non-consensual neuro weapons research. This neuro weapons research has gone on for more than fourteen years. On one occasion a technologically induced voice which I heard coming from inside my head informed me that if I did not obey them they would transmit digital pain signals to me within hours. That internal voice also informed me that I could expect to be locked on to a super-computer for the remainder of my days if the human race did not dismantle all telephone towers and related antenna.

Telephone towers are essential for world wide neural enslavement of the human race and they have a dual purpose. Telephone towers emit wireless microwave radiation which is essential for carrying digital signals from the super-computers to the nano-technology which is to be found inside each human being throughout the western world, which they inhaled from chemtrail infused air. Telephone towers are also being used to mass mind control humans who live close to them. Human beings who live close to telephone towers can be more easily reached by microwave signals which are being used for mind control.

When you are a non-consensual neuro weapons research subject your brain is partially mapped. This process of brain mapping is enabled by the research team listening to the research subject while all the while interjecting in the conversation of the research subject while the research subject goes about their every day life.

Brain mapping takes many years. It is a complete invasion of the privacy of the research subject and it completely takes over the whole private life of the research subject.

On another separate occasion a technologically induced voice informed me that if I continued to refuse to obey the neuro weapons research team who are now known to have criminal intent towards me and towards their fellow human beings throughout the planet I would eventually experience a process now known as neural curtailment. When a non-consensual neuro weapons research subject has their brain more than partially mapped then criminal neuro weapons researchers can partially dismantle their neuro structure and render the research subject incapable of movement throughout certain parts of their body depending on the whims of the neuro weapons research team. They get to choose what part of the body of the neuro weapons research subject becomes paralysed.

Furthermore, if the process of brain mapping ever becomes fully automated then most of humanity could effectively be enslaved by this neural curtailment system.

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My name is Gretta of the family Fahey. I have been a non-consensual brain weapons research subject for fourteen years during which time my brain has been partially mapped. Unknown neuro weapons scientists interact with me wirelessly on a minute by minute basis every waking moment of my life via brain to brain interfacing. I have been informed via brain to brain interfacing in the distant past that if ever a time arrives when the human race become wirelessly connected to the internet... by remote means, from that time forward they will no longer by any further need for hospitals, schools, prisons, internment camps, police, banks or governments.   However, church attendance will be mandatory and churches will be non-denominational.

Each member of the public will be interacted with on an almost constant basis by artificial intelligence. If they step out of line even once they will be thrown into a virtual hell so horrendous that they will wish for death. However, there will be no known way to commit suicide because the human body will immediately shut down and become partially paralysed at the very thought of suicide.

It is an easy matter to dismantle this control system. Dismantle all telephone masts while we still can. Telephone masts have a duel purpose. They serve to make the masses of human beings both apathetic and subservient. They generate microwave radiation which is used to carry digital signals from super computers to human beings who have inhaled nano technology into their brains and bodies from chemtrail spraying of our skies.

For further information of my fourteen year experience of being a non-consensual brain weapons research subject please see my website which is called combined with my facebook page which is

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This article describes how the patterns of neurons in human brains can be observed from data from their fMRI scans both when they are watching pictures of objects/people/ etc, and when they are recalling them from memory - the same pattern emerges.

After viewing a TV episode. the memory patterns of each person were the same for 50 scenes. They were even the same for people who only heard the scenes described but did not see them.

So this gives a clue about how a human memory could be altered/inserted verbally. I don`t know about deleting it.

The mouse studies involve injecting a special memory protein to make the lasers work, so that would not apply to humans.


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POSTING CAMPAIGN by John Arsher (2012)



This is a call to all TI of Europe and of the whole world. I wish to make to each one of you a proposal, in order to start a public awareness campaign of world scale.


It is about a simple action: a poster campaign in the streets, that each one of us will participate to alone or in organized groups (on the public – and legal – spaces reserved for this purpose... and they are numerous) and revealing a single message, the same in French or English : “NON À LA TÉLÉPATHIE SYNTHÉTIQUE. VOUS POURRIEZ ÊTRE UN TI. RENSEIGNEZ-VOUS.” “NO TO SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY. YOU COULD BE A TI. INFORM YOURSELF.”


I think it's clear and simple and that it will serves us far much more than using ambiguous words like “psychotronic”. When people search for this term on internet, I mean, people who are not aware of the problem, they find things that seem incredible to them, that they can't comprehend that easily. The word TI is generally used in a more clearer and clever way and we must draw the public attention with it.


We only have to choose a particular day, one single day (and we will proceed to the posting in the night that will precede this famous day).


You will with find on my wall the message written above, that you can choose to use in the form of impression or using a silkscreen printing process (copy the message on a transparent plastic support of which you will hollow out then the letters, with a cutter, to use it several times with a bomb of painting).


For you to choose which method seems the most efficacious. I propose the night of February 26th for us to act. It is a Sunday and most people work the next day. Thus, our activities won't be disturbed.


However, legal posting can be done also in broad daylight. Nevertheless, to proceed the night will certainly create an effect of surprise in the morning. We mustn't limit our action to one or two posters, but stick as much posters as possible during the course of the night. Choose public places, in full center of the place you live and do not hesitate to return the following day to take a photograph.

Thanks to simple and efficacious actions like these, we can draw the attention of the media. And the more we will draw attention on this problem, the more the public will be confronted to the possibility the question of the veracity of what we're actually living. We need support, in particular financial supports. And we must act strategically accordingly to our needs.

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