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It is now common knowledge that human voices can be placed inside the heads of sane and sensible human beings wirelessly by technological means. We know this because many respected scientists have informed us of this fact on many and varied internet forums. We also know this because literally millions of sane and sensible human beings from many countries throughout the world are currently hearing what appear to be intelligent human voices coming from deep inside their As yet nobody from the controlled main stream media has come forward to inform us of the pertinent fact that voices can indeed be placed inside the heads of anybody who may be selected for this experience.


I wish to know how you treat the voices which you hear coming from inside your head. One well known targeted individual claims he treats them with respect because he recognises that the human beings who generate the voices are real and fallable.

However, I myself treat the voices with distain. I am uncivil to them most of the time. Some of these individuals who speak to me directly inside my head by electronic means take offence when I am rude to them. They appear to be amazed and somewhat surprised that I do not speak to them with a civil tone. I reply that I am an unwilling recipient of their voices. They are the aggressors. I am going about my life quitely, not bothering anyone. They do not have a moral or legal right to place their voices inside my head by wireless electronic means. I strongly feel that I will never be civil to them no matter how long they continue to be in my life.

Is there any point in creating a man-made law making voice induction in unwilling participants an illegal act? The reason I ask is because many man-made laws are no longer in harmony with moral law to the extent that I no longer have any respect for man-made law and I myself would never employ it for any reason whatsoever.

Please let me know what tone you use when you answer the technologically induced voices that you hear coming from inside your head?


At thirteen minutes into this video Dr Robert Duncan states that there are currently four techniques and technologies that can be used to place voices inside peoples heads.

At approximately seven minutes into the following linked video Dr Barrie Trower clearly states that the military can now put voices into peoples heads. He goes on to explain clearly how this feat is achieved.

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  1. That's what the perps do.
  2. Never a quiet moment, voices everywhere.

They call me slopy. They take all my energy so that I can't clean my house on time. When I clean my house he tell all his followers that I am into him.

Now he's bregging that he knows a lot of english sentences. He will get sentanced. Just a little joke. It's white people who hurt me the most.

They all want something from me. I'm not a rascist. He steals my words and use it as a weapon against me. With a lot of lies ofcourse. People show up on the streets and repeat what they have heard him say on social Media. They play recordings of the perps and my thought out loud so I can hear them.Sometimes he mind controls them to do so.

I get in argument with people in the train. I have never had problems in the train before.Men are mean to me, they treat me like dirt. Me too means nothing to them. He's hoping I will believe his lies. He wants me to believe him. He wants me to believe that I'm not unlikable. He wants people to critisize me all the time. The perps tell them everthing they just, they just do what he says. They do this by parating me. Every time I have to wonder what I did do to make them angry at me. All of the sudden people have something to say about things that happen in my life. The people in the streets and shops are so loud like monkeys in a zoo. They run like demons out of their house just to hurt me.

They pretend as if I am taking crazy. They believe everything the perps say. All the lies the perps tell them about me they believe. 

The man with the dog is dreadlock man, he must ve high all the time. The male perp tortures me and then insults my body. You're not skinny he says. I love skinny women with no ass he says. He calls me Ugly. He tricked me into thinking he was someone I Loved. 

Can they see me naked??!

I can't do nothing on my own without them meadeling in. They are constantly giving their oppinion.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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A selection of human beings are being harassed and psychologically tortured inside their own homes by the use of directed energy weapons and neuro weapons. This implies that the military, the police and all lawyers may also be harassed. Hence, we no longer have access to justice.

Simple solution. Dismantle telephone masts because they emit microwave radiation which is being used to carry digital signals to and from the bodies of the human beings who are being harassed and psychologically tortured by both directed energy weapons and neuro weapons. Satellites are a genuine hoax.

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Almere a place of death!

When someone has an injury they give me that injury also. When I think something is there when it's not there they mock me because of it.

They party when they see me naked. Because I cover up very well now. They mocked my body too much. Now they try to mind control me to bath without bading suit.

They search for the songs and films I watch. They forward them and feed me the lines of them to make feel bad. They steal things from my past and pretend to know them better than me 24/7.

They told me they are never gonna stop doing this. They are not intelligent, they want to be that.

They creating evil people.

She just don't want to be punished,  they tell their followers. The followers of the perps stalk me on the street in the train, in the shop, in the bus, when I go jogging and also at my job.

The parate everything the perps tell them, they parate me also. My private business is with the crazy people and the evil people. They all pretend to be better than me. They just want to irretate me every single day by parating my business. They talk about my life as if they have the right. If I'm not happy they are happy. 

The Perps are ganging up on me. Two children with bad manners imagion that.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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A response to advances in neurotechnology that can read or alter brain activity, new human rights would protect people from theft, abuse and hacking

The use of deep brain stimulation, involving electrodes implanted in patient’s brains, has already raised concerns about its impact on patients’ personal identity.
 The use of deep brain stimulation, involving electrodes implanted in patient’s brains, has already raised concerns about its impact on patients’ personal identity. Photograph: Alamy

New human rights that would protect people from having their thoughts and other brain information stolen, abused or hacked have been proposed by researchers.

The move is a response to the rapid advances being made with technologies that read or alter brain activity and which many expect to bring enormous benefits to people’s lives in the coming years.

Much of the technology has been developed for hospitals to diagnose or treat medical conditions, but some of the tools – such as brainwave monitoring devices that allow people to play video games with their minds, or brain stimulators that claim to boost mental performance – are finding their way into shops.

But these and other advances in neurotechnology raise fresh threats to privacy and personal freedom, according to Marcello Ienca, a neuroethicist at the University of Basel, and Roberto Andorno, a human rights lawyer at the University of Zurich. Writing in the journal Life Sciences, Society and Policy, the pair put forward four new human rights that are intended to preserve the brain as the last refuge for human privacy.

“The question we asked was whether our current human rights framework was well equipped to face this new trend in neurotechnology,” Ienca told the Guardian. Having reviewed the rights in place today, the pair concluded that more must be done to protect people.

“The information in our brains should be entitled to special protections in this era of ever-evolving technology,” Ienca said. “When that goes, everything goes.”

The suggested new rights assert what the researchers call cognitive liberty, mental privacy, mental integrity and psychological continuity. The first of these concerns a person’s freedom to use, or refuse to use, brain stimulation and other techniques to alter their mental state. If adopted, it could defend people against employers who decide their staff might be more effective if they zapped their brains with weak electrical currents. In November last year, US military scientists reported that a procedure called transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) boosted the mental skills of personnel. The devices are available on the open market, but there are concerns over their safety.

The right to mental privacy is intended to plug a gap in existing legal and technical safeguards that do nothing to prevent someone from having their mind read without consent. While modern brain scanners cannot pluck thoughts from a person’s head at will, improvements in the technology are expected to reveal ever more precise information about people’s brain activity. In 2011, scientists led by Jack Gallant at the University of California in Berkeley used brain scans to reconstruct clips of films people had watched beforehand.

Today, there are no firm rules on what brain information can be gathered from people and with whom it can be shared. What Ienca and Andorno fear is “the indiscriminate leakage of brain data across the infosphere”, as happens now with the personal information people share on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

The third right, to “mental integrity”, aims to defend against hackers who seek to interfere with brain implants, either to take control of the devices people are connected to, or to feed spurious signals into victim’s brains. The fourth right, covering “psychological continuity”, would protect people from actions that could harm their sense of identity, or disrupts the sense of being the same person throughout their life.

The use of deep brain stimulation, in which people have electrodes implanted deep into their brains to control Parkinson’s symptoms and other conditions, has already raised concerns about its impact on patients’ personal identity, with some stating that they no longer feel like themselves after the surgery. 

Ienca admits that it may seem a little early to worry about brain hackers stealing our thoughts, but he said it was usually more effective to introduce protections for people sooner rather than later. “We cannot afford to have a lag before security measures are implemented,” he said. “It’s always too early to assess a technology until it’s suddenly too late.”


New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed

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My Blog

Most of the time I am alone.

I am an easy target.

The peoplw around me don't see what I see.

Nobody ever confess to me what they did to me.

They are not sorry.

Every where I go people have heard of me.

The Perps infiltrate the place.

They drain my energy.

My Perps also cry, CLS.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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My Blog

Most of the time I am alone.

I am an easy target.

The peoplw around me don't see what I see.

Nobody ever confess to me what they did to me.

They are not sorry.

Every where I go people have heard of me.

The Perps infiltrate the place.

They drain my energy.

My Perps also cry, CLS.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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The judiciary, lawyers, the military and the police can have their bodies and minds manipulated by digital signals with the result that we are now living in a lawless world. The judiciary, lawyers, the military and the police are putting on a facade of business as usual when we all know that they can be heavily manipulated from behind the scenes both physically and mentally by these digital signals.
We will continue to live in a lawless world while telephone towers remain s...tanding. Telephone towers are the linch pin that holds the whole rigid control system in place.
We are fully aware that satellites are a hoax. All technology being used to transmit digital signals to our brains and bodies is ground based technology. The deep state have spent hundreds of years pushing lies on to their fellow human beings.
There is no point in using the services of the judiciary or the police until the telephone towers are dismantled.

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I have been unable to get loan due to my bad credit score until i a friend introduced me to a private lender... I got a loan of $150,000 from the private lender with a reasonable interest rate of 6% Now i have my business back on track..
Phone +1 (972)-299-0220

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I dont mean to upset anybody. If you are easily upset please do not read this post.
We have a duty to explore in advance what the deep state and their agents the military industrial personnel might do with their current usage of millions of nano bots inside all human bodies throughout the western world.
As most of you know our skies have been sprayed with chemtrails which contain nano bots and other substances. The nano bots have the capability of both receiving and transmitting signals. This enabled unknown neuro weapons operatives working from a remote location to remote control human beings. Several people are complaining of having been taken over and remote controlled from a distance for a short period of time.
I myself have had my head vigorously nodded and vigorously shaken be remote control by unknown operatives in the past. I have had my right arm moved totally against my will on another completely different occasion. I have had verbiage forced out of my mouth on numerous occasions. My mind did not generate that verbiage myself. It was generated by unknown neuro weapons operatives who were working from a remote location.
This can happen to anybody on the planet if we fail to dismantle telephone towers, a task which needs to be completed urgently in order to hinder digital signals from being transmitted to our bodies and also from being received from our bodies.

What I wish to discuss now is the fact that messages have been transmitted to me by means of voice to skull military communication technology which I hear coming from inside my head. One of those messages relayed the information that if I was fully prepared for robotization by remote means then the unknown neuro weapons operatives could find a way to dislocate my spine from my brain at the base of my neck.. They could then remote control me for the rest of my life and I would never again be able to access or control the rest of my body myself. They could even control my body and make me walk and talk for several days after I was dead.
These individuals are evil psychopaths. If they wished to generate extreme fear in a population in order to take over control in that population they could generate a psychological operation whereby many bio-robotized dead human beings could be made to walk and talk. They could combine this staged setup with holograms of demons and videos of demons.

The only reason I am discussing this is so that human beings would be mentally prepared in advance for what is now scientifically possible. We can easily stop the fabric of our siciety from collapsing simply be dismantling all telephone towers urgently.

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The Deep State is comprised of the powers behind the Vatican. It is a well known fact that the Vatican own and control the British Crown Corporation which in turn controls the birth certificate business from behind the scenes. This empowers the Vatican via the British Crown Corporation to legally enslave every man, woman and child on this planet whether they have a birth certificate or not. By the time you manage to prove that you do not have a birth certificate they have already ensnared you in their net and you have no way of ever getting out of it. This entitles me to presume that the Vatican is a criminal corporation.

The Vatican owns and controls free masonry which is a front for money laundring all over the world. The Vatican legally controls the Pentagon combined with Washington DC.

The Deep State is a network of secret societies comprising of banksters, satanists, luciferians, Zionists, freemasons and bloodline families going back at least one thousand years. They have been planning to enslave their fellow human beings of this planet for the past hundred years or more. They created numerous psychological operations including the moon landing hoax, the false existence of satellites, the false existence of both demons and demonic possession, the extra-terresterial hoax and many more. They created these psychological operations using innuendo, rumour, outright lies, magic lanterns, video, holograms, actors, and brain weapons. Brain weapon technology has been sufficiently advanced for a number of years to the extent that it can insert whole experience sets into the human mind to the extent that an uninformed human being could not tell the difference between a real experience and a manufactured experience.

The Deep State fund the intelligence services. Neuro technology has vast capabilites which are largely unknown by the majority of the human race. Neuro technology is being used for thought control throughout large parts of the Western world as we speak. The main purpose of thought control is to create a situation where most intelligence men and women will not realise that they are being heavily influenced by it. Currently the majority of intelligent men and women are only prepared to believe what their government informs them of. They are unwilling to listen to alternative ideas regardless of where they hear them, even if they are from a reliable source. This situation has gone on too long to the extent that now the intelligence service can turn a valued member of the human race slowly and incrementally into a remote controlled bio-robot by slowly taking control of the muscles of that human being and nobody is prepared to believe her.

The Deep State are unelected members of the human race, yet their create policies in order to directly control their fellow human beings. Their evil policies are then pushed down the ranks to the rest of humanity who unthinkingly implement them. In this way and by the use of neuro technology thought influencing technology they have manipulated largely good people to commit acts of extreme evil. They have manipulated largely good living psychiatrists to incarcerate totally sane human beings into mental hospitals under the false belief that they were mentally ill. They have manipulated the main stream media to turn a blind eye to the fact that many of their fellow country men and women are being in-home psychologically tortured by the use of neuro weapons and military grade wireless electronic voice to skull voice harassment technology.

We are not only fighting against the Deep State which comprise of approximately one thousand members of the human race. We are also fighting against agents of governments who are so extremely deceived by thought control technology that they are willing to commit almost any act of extreme evil as long as a member of their government mandates it. They are no longer capable of independent thought.


We must dismantle all telephone towers and related paraphrenalia in order to destroy both thought control and in-home torture.

We must educate the masses of humanity who are currently being lied to on an unimaginable scale by both church and state.

We must dismantle the intelligence services all across the world. They have no use whatsoever.

We must organise a mass movement to stop paying taxes.

We must organise our selves into a system of anarchy. Anarchy is a system of rules without rulers. Anarchy is a linear based self-regulating system. We must allow for personal property which is the private ownership of our homes and vehicles and gardens and boats etc. We must disallow for the private ownership of trains, prisons, hospitals, public buildings, land, lakes, rivers and seas etc. We must urgently do this because the deep state bankers and their allies currently have enough money to purchase everything on the whole earth and they would then leave us bereft. We would be obliged to purchase our food off them. They would only give us food supplies if we agreed to be their slaves. We must act urgently.


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Currently, criminal neuro weapons research operatives are working in shifts, both day and night to slowly and incrementally bio-robotize a growing number of horrified non-consensual neuro weapons research subjects who are our fellow human beings. This criminal activity is being enabled by chemtrail spraying of our skies. These chemtrails are purported to contain nano bots which are devices which operate as wirelessly powered nerve sensors. The sensors may be used to , monitor, control and study both the muscles and nerves and to remotely monitor neural activity. Chemtrail spraying could introduce hundreds of thousands of neural dust devices into human brains. In conjunction with this technology, there are currently purported to be four techniques and technologies which can be used to place voices inside the heads of non-consenting human beings.

A growing number of human beings who are alleging that they are non-consensual neuro weapons research subjects are further alleging that their own muscles can be manipulated wirelessly by remote means totally against their wills. A small number of these research subjects have further alleged that their whole bodies were taken over for a short period of time by remote controlled wireless means, and while their bodies were taken over they were made to both speak and carry out acts totally against their will and moral judgement.

The non-consensual neuro weapons research subjects who are experiencing this ongoing harrowing ordeal of being slowly bio-robotized over many years can not inform the police or psychiatry or indeed anybody inside the control system about their unique and distressing experiences because all government agencies are rigidly bound by unfair and unjust laws which have been handed to them by the European parliament which itself is now almost totally controlled from behind the scenes by agents of the dark occult.

If this criminal practice of remotely capturing human beings by gaining wireless control of their muscles from a remote location is allowed to continue unchecked it will have an alarming impact on the future of the whole human race.

Autonomous human beings would no longer be able to differenciate between wirelessly controlled human beings and other autonomous human beings because wirelessly controlled human beings would be punished by receiving digital pain signals by wireless means if they revealed their state of wireless enslavement.

Wirelessly controlled human beings would be placed in senior positions behind the scenes in government where they would be manipulated to work in the interests of the criminal neuro enslavers.

Wirelessly controlled human beings would have a large portion of their muscles paralysed if they did not agree to do the bidding of the criminal neuro enslavers.

If as little as five individuals who occupy senior positions in any city are currently being wirelessly controlled by criminal neuro enslavers then that city has been, for all intents and purposes, remotely taken over by unknown forces.


Mobile phone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:-
Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.


There are no satellites. The existence of satellites was created by disinformation agents. The existence of satellites is a hoax. Firstly, there is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius. Secondly, air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. It is biologically impossible for space to even exist other than air. This would indiciate that satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they have. If we have mobile phone towers dismantled the human race would have our freedom returned to us immediately.

Because we are now at a pivotal point in human history, this makes us ultimately responsible for what happens to human beings for many years to come. If this wireless enslavement system is allowed to become main stream, babies will be implanted with bio-sensors at birth. They would never know mental privacy and they would be unable to work their way out of neural enslavement for the entirety of their lives. It is our responsibility to act now so that we will be able to ensure the whole human race lives in freedom and harmony for many years. Politicians, the judiciary, the police, the main-stream media and psychiatrists are no longer free agents. They can be murdered or silently tortured by remote means. Democracy is now a facade. We must acknowledge this fact publicly before we can move forward with a new plan of action. Because the existence of satellites is believed to be a hoax and telephone masts are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place we must ask agents of the government to dismantle telephone towers urgently.




"You see those bio-nano-particulates being dropped from those Chem-Tankers in the sky are so small that they will pass right through the blood-brain barrier in our bodies and thus can be sent directly to our brains. This is evidenced by the fact that they are absorbed into our bodies through our skin pores and also through our lungs as we breathe them in on a daily basis.

If you get out of line then all they have to do is target your specific bio signature and zap you with whatever they deem will put you in your place or they will simply euthanize you out of existence with some exotic disease or maybe just a harsh energy pulse that fries your brain. By having access to the control of our nervous systems, they can effectively gain full control of our entire bodies, right down to the ability to twitch your nose or wink your eye"

The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Direct thought surveillance is possible using directed energy weapons that monitor brainwaves. Remote thought surveillance is being inflicted on the population of the world. Taking place in the world today is a sinister technological conspiracy using directed energy weapons to commit crimes, torture, terrorism, misdirection, and disinformation upon the population of the world. "For the last 40 years the English government has been lying to the people. And the American, the Canadian, the Australian, they have been lying. They have been lying to protect industry, to protect their profits, to protect themselves from lawsuits." Dr Barrie Trower, Retired British Physicist.


"Please see a youtube video by neuro scientist Greg Gage called "How to Control Someone Else’s Arm With Your Brain"

For further information please see a youtube video called "Electronic Concentration Camp: Surrogate Enslavement."

"During steering the contraction of the muscles of the torturer is being measured with radar techniques. The contraction of the muscles of the torture victim is measured with radar techniques as well. Then electrical pulses are transmitted by laser or microwave techniques into the muscles of the torture victim till the muscles of both persons are contracted likewise, resulting in synchronous movements including speech. Being steered results in exactly following the movements of the person steering and saying what this person says."

System and method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism
Patent No US 3837331 A

Many small animals including rats and mice have already successfully been remote controlled..…

For further information of neuro-hacking and human bio-robotization please read the following story of 21st-Century Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing in the Case of Rohinie Bisesar: Breakthrough as Defense Attorney Confirms Her Receipt of Letter from Human Rights Activists…/21st-century-bio-hacking-a…/

In early 2017, well known entrepreneur Elon Musk announced a brain-computer venture called Neuralink whose end goal is to fuse our brains with machines.

Voice hearing is no longer the domain of the mental health services. It is under the control of criminals who abuse advanced technology to force voices inside the heads of totally sane individuals while those individuals are attempting to go about their lives.

At thirteen minutes into this linked video Dr Robert Duncan states that there are currently four techniques and technologies that can be used to place voices inside peoples heads.

At approximately seven minutes into the following linked video Dr Barrie Trower clearly states that the military can now put voices into peoples heads. He goes on to explain clearly how this feat is achieved.




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I am a non-consensual neuro weapons test subject for nearly fifteen years. Unknown neuro weapons operatives can now vigorously move and shake my head totally against my will. The can also turn my right arm around by about 180 degrees. They can force words and whole sentences out of my mouth totally against my will. These unknown criminal neuro weapons operatives have informed me that they will soon achieve total control over my whole body. They informed me that when that... day comes they will totally control how much food I eat and when I eat it. They informed me that they would stop me eating by rendering me unable to move my arms from my sides without their permission. It may be too late for me but there is an easy solution to stop this situation from occurring again to any other member of the human race. Simply dismantle all telephone towers and related paraphrenalia thereby rendering digital signals unable to be delivered to the nano particulates inside our bodies which we have inhaled from chemtrail spraying of the skies. Satellites and space based weapons do not exist. They are a psychological operation created to make the human race feel helpless when attacked by neuro weapons.

I really dont know if these criminal neuro weapons operatives could render me unable to move my arms or unable to open my mouth but I strongly suspect they could because they have achieved such extreme capabilities to manipulate my body already that I am beginning to believe they can lock some of my muscles down in a type of neural curtailment control. They have already informed me that neural curtailment is how they plan to enslave myself and others if governments fail to dismantle the telephone towers and related paraphrenalia.

Nobody wishes to discuss the extreme capabilities of black budget neuro weapons and directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology. Furthermore, criminals who wish to further the enslavement agenda of the human race would wish to have me incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital for daring to write about this topic. However we must focus on this topic of neuro weapon enslavement until it is solved. Anybody who accuses the psychiatric services of being criminally negligant for failing to incarcerate me in a psychiatric hospital has a hidden agenda of enslavement towards their fellow human beings. They themselves should be heavily investigated.

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Parabolic mirrors

You can shield electric magnetic waves with Parabolic mirrows and hyperbolic mirrors. I am going to try. The perps threaten to kill me if I do that. 

They are Judgemental. They judge me all the time. It's because I can remember sentes to speak. I can't remember my language. I can't remember the languages I've learned. They tell everybody about my so called "bad" behaviour.

I am a good person. They blame me for everthing. It's kinda Catfish with Gangstalking.  

We found a new one and I quote the perps, meaning they found something to control me with. Simon says has to go on. The perps are PROUD of what they did to me. They take pride in tortering me. They raped me until I got heart failure. My heart can fail any minute. I know the reason why you act this way, we did it we're the cause. But still we are not going to to stop tortering you they say. They are not willing to change.

The perps demand sex from me. I don't know how to stop them from raping me. I've prayed but nothing is working. The perps are telling me to be honest to my boyfriend, when they don't know what honesty is. Very hilarious. They can give you thoughts to go with the feeling they give you. It's all fake what they do. When O ignore them they force me to listen to them. They sabbotage me a lot in my thinking. They pretend to speak better English than me. They want to control me a lot that's why they rape me a lot.

When Ib have s wound they burn me inside the wound. When I am sick they make me sicker. When I have pain they give me more pain.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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