1. 每天溫哥華時間下午三時至五時左右,無論我身在何處,是否正在工作,變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令人昏昏欲睡。當我身處家中,沒法抵擋電子武器攻擊而昏睡時,變態控機賤人將淫穢影像投射於我家中,令人誤以為我正在做三級表演,賤格!
2. 每次開始電子武器摧殘前,腦控機都會收到被摧殘者名單和資料。而當有姓"鄧"在名單上時,變態控機賤人就遙控電武器令我頭痛。據見到腦控機資料的人講,每次收到名單後,有人將受害者的資料換成十惡不赦的人,令受害者飽受電子武器摧殘之苦,相信我只冰山一角,仍有很多清白的人被人偷換個人資料而飽受電子武器摧殘。當見到腦控機換回”蔡"我的個人資料時,摧殘即停止。
3. 近期在腦控空間施行電子武器的劊子手,據說是己離職的前香港警司,伙同賴昌星餘孽姓吳的一伙和馬鼎盛廣州粵劇界各方人馬,他們利用腦控空間電子武器推殘打壓異己,進行詐騙案,打劫等犯罪活動,而警方對他們的行為卻視若無睹,據警務人員聲稱,他們大部份都被腦控,對他們只能啞忍,不敢抗衛。
4. 腦控機有一功能,可遙控電子武器刺激受害者鼻咽至鼻敏感,打噴嚏,流鼻水,甚至鼻塞至沒辦法透氣,此只是微波病症,非冠狀肺炎。請大家小心分辨。
5. 本週,變態控機賤人於零晨時分,將我與外出的不同人併芯片,製造很多不同高分貝的噪音,有電單車聲,跑車引擎的聲音,救護車,救火車。不明他們到底想表達什麼? 我的理解是人類生命每分每秒都在受到威脅。
6. 近日有人冒稱是我丈夫和男朋友,到處招搖撞騙。本人在此澄清,我仍是單身,從未結過婚,何來有丈夫。現在處於被腦控的狀況,根本無法結識新朋友,更莫論男朋友。敬請各方小心留意,以免受騙。
Mind Control space News this week (May 16 to 22, 2020)
1. At everyday, about 3:00pm-5:00pm Vancouver time, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic wave for sleeping whatever I am outside or at home, whatever I working or study, when I stay at home, the perps will projected some dirty images to my home after I fall asleep, used to misled someone that I am in the dirty show.
Warn to the victims in Vancouver, don’t sit in your bed during above period, the eyes stalker will misled that you are the sexual worker.
2. As said, every time before electronic harassment, the mind control machine controllers will received a list of name, when the name “Tang” show up, the metamorphosis chip controller will put my chip for torture to headache until turn my name “Choi” show up to stop. who is “Tang”? I don’t know, but such case told me that the controllers used the innocents to replace of prisons or guilty persons for harassment. I am not the only one.
As above, we understood the controllers of mind control machine whom they working for, they tortured innocents every day. As I know, there are 10 sets of mind control machine in Hong Kong, control by government, radio station, medical field, education field, entertainment, media etc, they not only control by big brothers, but multiple categories, they manipulated to all of Hong Kong, such as political, media rendering and economic monopoly etc. they used Hong Kong citizen as human experiment for money, but the leaders keep silent on unfair things of mind control, violated human rights, treat citizens like dirt. In order to avoid compensation and responsibilities, used electronic weapons kill people in invisible.
According to the statistics of suicide prevention agencies on 2018, there are over 4000 persons suicide every day caused by mind control, it was not including died in electronic attacked. The government was intented to eradicate, but the controller used all citizens lives as bargaining chip for threatens, force government to gave up. I believed that the recent pandemic was the obviously evident which harm to citizen in deeply as well as further economic.
In my personal situation, I being mind control over 40 years, self awake about 10 years, the perps even intended to murder me many time before I awake, but unsuccessful. After I awaken, I binding a punitive agreement in law, which made the perps can not kill but harassment in secretly by changed my personal file to others.
3. Recently, the mind control group in Vancouver, behind the electronic harassment were the number of Hong Kong chief police offices who have resigned many years ago, also immigrated to Canada, they co-operated with the remnants of criminal group, refer to Lai changxin’s case, as well as the actors of Cantonese Opera. They used the mind control space for electronic harassment, crack down their dissident, planning fraud and rob criminal activities, and the policemen turn a blind eye, why? Since most of the policemen being mind control, only dumb, not dare to resist.
4. The mind control machine also have a function that can remote attack your nose to allergy as well as running nose, sneeze, stuffy nose, there are all microwave symptoms, not Covid-19.
5. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who stay in nose environment, high decibel sound come from difference cars, such as motorcycle, sport car engine, ambulance, fire truck etc. I don’t know what they want, showing their angry? I guess their want to told everybody that our lives are in dangerous every hours every minutes when you under mind control.
6. Recently, Someone fake as my husband and boyfriend to swindle and bluffing. So I have to clarify that I am single, never marry before, also have not boyfriend yet since under mind control situation. Warn to all my friends, be aware to the trap that may set up by the perps.