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1. 每天溫哥華時間下午三時至五時左右,無論我身在何處,是否正在工作,變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令人昏昏欲睡。當我身處家中,沒法抵擋電子武器攻擊而昏睡時,變態控機賤人將淫穢影像投射於我家中,令人誤以為我正在做三級表演,賤格!




2. 每次開始電子武器摧殘前,腦控機都會收到被摧殘者名單和資料。而當有姓"鄧"在名單上時,變態控機賤人就遙控電武器令我頭痛。據見到腦控機資料的人講,每次收到名單後,有人將受害者的資料換成十惡不赦的人,令受害者飽受電子武器摧殘之苦,相信我只冰山一角,仍有很多清白的人被人偷換個人資料而飽受電子武器摧殘。當見到腦控機換回”蔡"我的個人資料時,摧殘即停止。








3. 近期在腦控空間施行電子武器的劊子手,據說是己離職的前香港警司,伙同賴昌星餘孽姓吳的一伙和馬鼎盛廣州粵劇界各方人馬,他們利用腦控空間電子武器推殘打壓異己,進行詐騙案,打劫等犯罪活動,而警方對他們的行為卻視若無睹,據警務人員聲稱,他們大部份都被腦控,對他們只能啞忍,不敢抗衛。


4. 腦控機有一功能,可遙控電子武器刺激受害者鼻咽至鼻敏感,打噴嚏,流鼻水,甚至鼻塞至沒辦法透氣,此只是微波病症,非冠狀肺炎。請大家小心分辨。


5. 本週,變態控機賤人於零晨時分,將我與外出的不同人併芯片,製造很多不同高分貝的噪音,有電單車聲,跑車引擎的聲音,救護車,救火車。不明他們到底想表達什麼? 我的理解是人類生命每分每秒都在受到威脅。


6. 近日有人冒稱是我丈夫和男朋友,到處招搖撞騙。本人在此澄清,我仍是單身,從未結過婚,何來有丈夫。現在處於被腦控的狀況,根本無法結識新朋友,更莫論男朋友。敬請各方小心留意,以免受騙。


Mind Control space News this week (May 16 to 22, 2020)


1.  At everyday, about 3:00pm-5:00pm Vancouver time, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic wave for sleeping whatever I am outside or at home, whatever I working or study, when I stay at home, the perps will projected some dirty images to my home after I fall asleep, used to misled someone that I am in the dirty show. 


Warn to the victims in Vancouver, don’t sit in your bed during above period, the eyes stalker will misled that you are the sexual worker. 


2. As said, every time before electronic harassment, the mind control machine controllers will received a list of name, when the name “Tang” show up, the metamorphosis chip controller will put my chip for torture to headache until turn my name “Choi” show up to stop. who is “Tang”? I don’t know, but such case told me that the controllers used the innocents to replace of prisons or guilty persons for harassment. I am not the only one. 


As above, we understood the controllers of mind control machine whom they working for, they tortured innocents every day. As I know, there are 10 sets of mind control machine in Hong Kong, control by government, radio station, medical field, education field,  entertainment, media etc, they not only control by big brothers, but multiple categories, they manipulated to all of Hong Kong, such as political, media rendering and economic monopoly etc. they used Hong Kong citizen as human experiment for money, but the leaders keep silent on unfair things of mind control,  violated human rights, treat citizens like dirt. In order to avoid compensation and responsibilities, used electronic weapons kill people in invisible.


According to the statistics of suicide prevention agencies on 2018,  there are over 4000 persons suicide every day caused by mind control, it was not including died in electronic attacked.  The government was intented to eradicate, but the controller used all citizens lives as bargaining chip for threatens,  force government to gave up. I believed that the recent pandemic was the obviously evident which harm to citizen in deeply as well as further economic.


In my personal situation, I being mind control over 40 years, self awake about 10 years, the perps even intended to murder me many time before I awake, but unsuccessful. After I awaken, I binding a punitive agreement in law, which made the perps can not kill but harassment in secretly by changed my personal file to others.


3. Recently, the mind control group in Vancouver, behind the electronic harassment were the number of Hong Kong chief police offices who have resigned many years ago, also immigrated to Canada, they co-operated with the remnants of criminal group, refer to Lai changxin’s case, as well as the actors of Cantonese Opera. They used the mind control space for electronic harassment,  crack down their dissident, planning fraud and rob criminal activities, and the policemen turn a blind eye, why? Since most of the policemen being mind control, only dumb, not dare to resist.


4. The mind control machine also have a function that can remote attack your nose to allergy as well as running nose, sneeze, stuffy nose, there are all microwave symptoms, not Covid-19.


5. This week,  the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who stay in nose environment, high decibel sound come from difference cars, such as motorcycle, sport car engine, ambulance, fire truck etc. I don’t know what they want, showing their angry? I guess their want to told everybody that our lives are in dangerous every hours every minutes when you under mind control.


6. Recently, Someone fake as my husband and boyfriend to swindle and bluffing. So I have to clarify that I am single, never marry before, also have not boyfriend yet since under mind control situation. Warn to all my friends, be aware to the trap that may set up by the perps.





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1. 本週,變態控機賤人持續遙控電子武器令我輕度頭痛,同時將呼吸困難,鼻塞,鼻水倒流,痰塞者同我併芯片,令我沒辦法呼吸,非常辛苦;






2. 於5月1日至2日,變態控機賤人用微波影像技術,將多位智障人士投影於我家中,我問原因時,有人答我,他們是用於智障考生思維,同時誤道他人以為智障人士是為我所用。大部分被智障的考生都是被腦控愛害者。


3. 提醒自駕的被腦控受害者,小心檢測車輛後再出發。有變態賤人經常刺破受害者的輪軚,調鬆腳掣,調鬆軚盤,造成很多交通意外,因不知道是處於何國家,所以只能呼籲大家盡量小心!




Mind Control News this week (May 2 to 8, 2020)


This week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassment for headache, at the same time, mapping me with some people who got hard breathing, Stuffy nose, postnasal drip and throat filed with phlegm in turn, caused me have a same effect, I felt difficulty in breathing, and can not wear a mask in long time.


At the same time in Hong Kong, there are 22 students have rejected by DSE examinations since fever and Acute respiratory tract infection, now you know what happened, all being mapping caused, all fake infection. Why the creepy do that to students, they are all innocents?


At the same time in Vancouver, most of the Chinese were rejected by supermarket since slight fever. The fever was caused by electronic energy weapon, it can turn the body temperature what you want through remote control. So checking body temperature is not the available way to confirm the infection. 


2. This week, the mind control machine controller projected few metal disorder persons seating in my home, when I ask why? Someone said that the controller used the metal disorder persons to mapping with students whom are taking examination, used to set them up and misled observers the metal disorder people were work for me. Sick perps!


3. Warn to drivers whom being mind control, please check your car carefully before get go, there are some group stalkers taking action for broke your tires, loosen the screw of brake, broke your wheel, I don’t know the nation of perps, only can remind here to all of you for safe drive.


4. At 3:00 am of May 8, 2020, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassed my nose, my felt like machine washing my nose, non stop running nose and sneeze under attacked for 2 hours long. creepy perps. 

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1. 腦控空間每把電子武器都有它不同的功能,而擁有者都必須登記,以便追究法律責任。據說有賤人為了逃避法律責任,將其中一把攻擊頭部的電子武器,以我的名義登記超過十年,令我蒙上不白之冤。望腦控空間管理者正視電子武器被冒名,濫用的嚴重性,對因此對本人所造成的傷害,保留法律追訴權。


2. 本週當我戴口罩時,變態控芯片賤人將呼吸道有問題者,流鼻涕者同的併芯片精神虐待,令我沒辦法戴口罩,好在街上無人,否則真不敢上街。


此令我想到冠狀病毒測試的方式都離不開,深喉唾液測試,鼻咽樣本測試,量體溫。但對於被腦控受害者,此方法是否可行?近期經常有鼻塞,流鼻水,痰塞者同我併芯片,所採樣本到底是我的還是併芯片者? 被腦控受害者的體溫大部份都受電子武器操控,所以量體溫是否一個有效的方法? 作為一位被腦控受害者的我,剩下的只是擔憂。。。


3. 近期有一天,當所有芯片分開後,我的體重又下跌至36公斤。自問我每天兩餐飲食正常,平常很注重養生,為何體重會不停下跌?原來變態控芯片賤人長期將帮餓鬼同我併芯片一起飲食,吸收我所食的大部分營養,而其中固定同我併芯片的女子體重不斷上昇,當同我併芯片時的體重是60公斤,所以當我體重下跌時,她的體重上昇,總體重保持不變。當體重維持不變時,平常人都不以為意是合併芯片所引起,當有朝一日,芯片分開後,你見到的自己只剩皮包骨,皮膚鬆弛下垂,慘不忍睹。


在此再次提醒被腦控受害者,腦控賤人此舉是想在不知不覺的情況下,將受害者變成病懨懨的樣子,再將其同癌症病患者併芯片做測試後,向外宣佈死於癌症。多毒的殺人於無形招數。 大家要自強不息,小心防範!



4. 本週當我染髮時,頭皮敏感,痕癢難當,因我用的是韓國牌子,中藥研製,我已用超過十年,從未試過敏感,在百思不得其解之際,被告知原來變態控芯片賤人將我同另一位正在染髮而引起頭皮敏感者併芯片,令我有相同的感覺。 另一方面,有時無論我如何天天洗髮,頭髮感覺仍是很油膩,原來是同長期不洗頭,頭皮油脂分泌失調者併芯片而引起,同樣原理,當同有頭皮屑者併芯片,你也會有頭皮屑。當將直髮同曲髪併芯片,直髪者很難將直髮梳順。所以當變態控芯片賤人將我同不同髪型併芯片時,我唯有選擇戴帽子。


5. 在此再次提醒被腦控的受害者,過馬路時要小心,變態控芯片賤人會在十字路口整盎你,令你思想混淆致紅燈時有衝動過馬路,綠燈時會呆滯地原地不動。安全第一,大家小心。


Mind Control space News this week (April 11 to 17, 2020)


1. There is a policy in mind control space, anyone who got a remote electronic microwave weapons shall register in person for law responsibility. But someone who registered a weapon which can cause headache used my name without my consent over 10 years, I being a targeted individual over 10 years,  suffered over 10 years electronic harassment, and now you told me that someone who used my name got a electronic weapon, what the hell you doing? Who in charge of electronic weapon management?  I urge you to clarify all your negligence, and will preserve my right for legal prosecution.


2. This week, I wearing a mask when out since Covid-19 pandemic, but the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with the perps who got respiratory disease, and run nose in turn, it was no way for me to wearing the mask in long-time. 

Since above, I queried the effective that we used to confirmed cases of Covid-19, most of ways will use deep throat saliva test, nasopharyngeal saliva test, and checking body temperature, if mapping someone who got disease without our know, are there really can confirmed the cases, I am a targeted individual, always being mapping with the patients of difference microwave symptoms, when get a test, how can I know which sample they got? Also as known, the remote electric weapon can causing human body heat or cold by remote control, all above give me a question mark?  all above just increasing our victims’ nervous and anxiety, I am so worry about how can our victims’ do a test that under chips separated.


3. Few days ago, when all the chip leave me alone, I checked my weight was drop to 36 kgs, what’s happen, I have two meal a day with nutritional balance, why my weight still drop down? until someone told me, that the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with few hungry perps who may in prison, so they absorb all my nutritions, special a female who mapping me in long-time total 60kgs, when my weight drop down, her weight was going up, so when I mapping her the weight unchanged,  keeping in 60 kgs.  So if someone who being mapping without self wakeness,  they will deem it was remand uncharge, when the chips separated, you can see a skinny sick person with sagging skin, then mapping you with someone who got a cancer for test confirm. The perp use to misleading people that you are dead for cancer, not matter others. It is a poisonous tricks which perp use to kill people invisibly.


4. This week, when I colour my hair by myself, I got allergy in head skin, why? I used same brand over 10 years, and never got allergy, the hair dye was produced by Chinese medicine, it was impossible for allergy. until someone told me that the woman who mapping me also doing colour at same time, she used the hair dye caused me have a same effect. OMG!

And the other hand, may you have a same experience that your hair felt oily but you just shampoo, or you got dandruff that you never got before, all above based on same principle, mapping with person who got disorder of scalp oil secretion. Also when you mapping someone who have different hair styles with you, you can not do hair styles what you want, only can do is wear a hat to cover.


5. Warning again to the targeted individual, beware to crossing the road, the mind control perp can control you crossing the road when red light on, manipulate nonsense to stop when light turn green.











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1. 有人質疑我為何疫情期間不留在家中,仍出外賞花? 我的回答: 我是被腦控的受害者,當腦控機同醫療機連結測試時可證明我不是帶菌者(在沒有帶菌者併芯片的情況下),所以我首要任務是確保自己不被感染,我必須時刻保護自己的心肺功能呼吸系統正常,堅持出外吸收新鮮空氣和曬太陽,做帶氣運動,保持血含氧量在正常水平,以此抗禦病毒入侵。






2. 本週溫哥華時間早上8時,聽到有聲音問 ”ETC,是不是海外圖書館個位?" 我不明所指,因我經常在圖書館,所以想問清楚時,却沒有人回應。我擔心是否有人利用我在圖書館作為定位系統做犯法事情。


3. 近期我飲水經常外溢,原來變態控芯片賤人將我同歪嘴的覆舟口併芯片所引起。而另一發現,當我食菜時,發現菜黏貼在牙齒上,原來當變態控芯片賤人將牙齒琺瑯質受損者同我併芯片食菜時造成,當牙齒琺瑯質受損時,食物會沾上而很難自動脫落。


4. 本週變態控芯片賤人利用流鼻水,咳嗽,頭痛病患同我和受害者併芯片精神虐待,以此作為威脅索取金錢。




5. 在此提醒腦控空間控芯片人,當意圖和企圖併我芯片前,請先閱讀加拿大政府在疫情期間所訂立的法規,併芯片如同現實,人與人之間必須保持2米距離,注意個人衛生,違例者按加拿大法律或香港法律執行。




Mind Control news this week (March 28 to April 2, 2020)


1.  When I post some blossom photos in my WeChat, someone ask me why you don’t stay at home? My answer:  I was being mind control by brain control machine which can connected to the medical machine, and it can proved that I am a non-bacterial(under no mapping situation), so I only concern is how to protect myself without infected, How to keep my lung function in normal and respiratory system in smooth situations, of course, the nature way is  out for fresh air, taking sun bath and jogging to bring up the blood oxygen content, made all above ready to against Covid-19.


Although the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got respiratory sick, joint pain, femur pain, foot pain in turn, I keep out for exercise every day under the 2 meters social distant policy.


As a solitary person under current situation, I have to keep concentrating in prevention as well as a lots of cleaning. On the other hand, I suffered most of microwave symptoms that come from mind control every day, 24 hours V2K harassment, I feel exhausted every day. So I have to relax and relief myself, I don’t want to bother my fiends and increasing the burden of social medial system. So I out for Cherry blossoms and taking photos, post the photos as positive energy to influence the infected patients and being mind control victims, be strong and be happy, we are support to each other in such rough moments.


2. This week, I heard that someone said “ETC, is the person who in the library”, since I stay in library frequently, so I ask for detail, but not one give me a answer, I worry about may someone used me as GPS to make crime.


3. The metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got wry-big-mouth, caused me spillover when drinking. Also mapping me with someone who loss the enamel of his teeth for dinning, caused the vegetables leaf stick in my teeth, it is so disgusting and horrible.


4. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping someone who got gastrointestinal upset, run nose, cough, headaches in turn with me and victims for harassment, also used for threatens money. 


Warn to the threatener, The Covid-19 is attached to the condition of “Biochemical weapons”, anyone threatens to spread the virus, or use the virus as a weapon to attack being brain control victims, all constitute a terrorist threat. Severe people can be sentenced to death in China.


5. Warn to the all chip controllers in mind control space, according to law enforcement of Canadian government, every body should keep social distant in 2 meters, wash your hands regularly and maintain personal hygiene. So please stop mapping, keeping distant when stalking,  ask your perps to maintain personal hygiene, your perps were too dirty in every time.


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腦控空間本週新聞(2020-03-14 to 2020-03-20)



1. 因應冠狀病毒大流行,各國為了自保,已陸續關閉國門。但大家都忽略了腦控空間存在的問題。我身在溫哥華,而變態控芯片賤人仍持續將身在加拿大以外的人同我併芯片,仍然受到講廣東話的賤人滋擾,他們大部份都有呼吸道疾病,令我不勝其煩之餘,更擔心病毒跨國傳染,以此引起公眾恐慌,繼而勒索金錢!


2. 本週變態控芯片賤人於溫哥華時間大約下午三時半開始,不停遙控電了武器令我身體發冷,我將自己靠近熱氣機仍有冰冷的感覺。


3. 變態控芯片賤人經常將多人抽氣扇的噪音同我併芯片,令我長期受到高音貝干擾,晚間沒辦法深睡。


4. 本週變態控芯片賤人將面型特大者同我併芯片,令我沒辦法上太陽眼鏡;


5. 本週腦控空間有一些性工作者在空間以併芯片賣淫為生,而變態控芯片賤人將他人的淫蕩思維潛入我的思維,以此誤導聽者,將賤人的羞恥嫁祸正當人家。


6. 變態控芯片賤人在腦控機程式上加入”混音”,令我不能清晰的聆聽語音,感覺很暈很累。


Mind control news this week (March 14 to 20, 2020)


1. Since Covid-19,  most of the country shut down the borders, and restriction to the overseas for protected their citizens. But seems forget to block the mind control

Space, in my personal situation, I am in Vancouver now, and the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with most of perps who are resident outside of Canada, the perps talking about Hong Kong language, most of them got respiratory diseases, I am so worry about infection. 


As I know, the perps using to rise the fear to public for extort money. Sham on you(perps)!


2. In near few days, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic caused my body extremely cold around 15:30 to 17:00 every day, even I got closed to my heat, also can felt frozen in my body.


3. The metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with the people who in the high noise environment when I stay at home, the sound like big exhaust fan.  It was so noised to me, even cannot sleep in night time.


4. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got big face, caused me unable to wear sunglass in outdoor.


5. This week, there are some sexual worker earn to live in mind control space, they incepted the dirty thought to my brain to misled the listener, making shame to me and victims. It was hateful.


6. The metamorphosis chip controller wrote “Shake” to the program in the mind control machine, caused me unable to listen cleanly, felt dizzy and tire all the time.



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1. 據腦控空間討論,當腦控人將他人的人生記憶記錄同你併芯片,你會沿著 “他”的人生軌跡行,你會有同 “他”一樣的人生,如果 “他" 的記憶是死於自殺,被併芯片者死於自殺的機會很大,除非你知道記錄的內容,走出原有的圈圈去改變腦控人為你設定的命運。


我個人認為,被自殺的記憶大部分是被腦控至憂鬱, 足不出門,擔心被整蠱, 害怕社交時出丑, 害怕溝通時用詞不當, 慢慢自己鑽牛角尖, 繼而被腦控走上自殺之路。所以只要多走動,多晒太陽,去時差同原居地不同的地方,無論身在何處,只要感覺到不開心即轉換地方,直至開心為至,以此走出被腦控人操控的命運。


2. 幾位女性朋友閒聊時,談到女性經期,有人提到無論如何都沒辦法使用衛生棉條,以為是使用方法有問題。實則,很大機會是變態控芯片賤人將女性和男性一起併芯片,如是者,肯定沒辦法使用衛生棉條。 




3. 拜讀小說” Poisoner in chief” 其中的記錄提到,因腦控技術,某人可在沒有脈搏,心臟停頓的情況下,仍處於活著的狀況。




在此提醒變態控芯片賤人,根據”中華人民共和國刑法” 第三百零二條規定,盗竊,侮辱尸體罪判處三年有期徒刑。


4. 近期,不知何故,我發覺自己沒有丹田氣,唱歌時沒辦法運氣,有時聯講話也好似換不到氣,很奇怪!我每天最少一小時快步行練氣,已超過十年,也經常練習腹式呼吸法。我懷疑變態控芯片賤人又在腦控機上做了手腳害我。可惡!


Mind Control News this week (March 8 to 13, 2020)

1. According to the discussion in brain control space, when the metamorphosis chip controller mapping you with the records of memory that belong to someone else life, you will follow "he" life to live, and you may have the same life as "he". If the memory record was died of suicide, then the probability being suicide is very high, unless you know the detail of the memory record, get out the memory life circle which already set by the brain controller.If you do not want to according to the arrangement by brain controller, and you did not know whom you are mapping on, the only way to change your future is to leave the original place and start your own new life.My personal opinion that most of the memories of suicide are brain control to depression, they did not want to go out, worry about being tricked, fear of ugliness when socializing, fear of inappropriate words when communicating, slowly dying to dead end, then to commit suicide as perps’ will. 

How to get out?  walk more and sun more, going to a place where time zone is different from your original place. No matter where you are, if you feel unhappy, change the way until you are happy.


2. The girls talk, talked about women's menstrual periods. Someone mentioned that she could not use tampons whatever, may something wrong in use. In fact was the metamorphosis chip controller mapping the woman with men caused, so she is no way to use tampons.On the other hand, it is proposed to female elders who got urinary incontinence problems use tampons to keep themselves clean and hygienic. That makes the metamorphosis chip controller cannot mapping you with someone else for nuisance.


3. Reading the novel "Poisoner in chief", it mentions that someone no pulse and the heart stop, but still alive. In real life, there is indeed such a case. Someone was dead but still able to speak. Under mind control technology principle was mapping the dead person with alive one, use the alive person to inducing voice to speak and inducing eyes to blink for misleading people that who was not dead yet.Hereby reminds to the metamorphosis chip controller that according to the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", Article 302 Whoever steals or insults a corpse shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance.

4. Recently, I found that I cannot breathing, inhaled air in smoothly when I singing, and the joint speech seems to be out of breath. It was strange!

I train myself walk quickly for at least an hour every day last more than ten years, and I often practice abdominal breathing. I suspect that the chip controller has done some harms to me in the brain control machine. hateful! 



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1. 近期腦控空間有很多菲律賓人出現,他們大部分都是做財經,金融,外匯.


2. 本週又有新發現,原來你所食的食物不在你的胃,而是在他人胃中。你相信嗎?我絕對相信,我每餐食很多,但很快又肚餓,電腦顯示我的胃是空的,而我所食的食物在他人的胃部,仲引起他人消化不良。而我實際體重只有40公斤,腦控賤人為了掩飾我過瘦的事實,將體重60公斤肥胖者同我併芯片,令我外型顯現肥腫難分。


3. 聽力操控: 當多人併芯片時,聽到一樣聲音是理所當然,但當處於多聲道控制的時候,可以是每個人聽到的都不一樣。控芯片人經常以電台的廣播做試驗,當大家併芯片一起收聽,間歇性各人會收聽到其他人聽不到的弦外之音. 弦外之音並非來自電台廣播, 而是有人利用多聲道控制技術去傳遞信息.


4. 腦控賤人會將他人的腦部記憶片段,用於和現在被腦控目標併芯片,如果記憶片段中某一時間有嘔吐,跌倒時,被用於併芯片的目標人物同樣有相同的感覺,如果片段的主人翁最後被自殺,被併記憶片段者也會不知不覺的走上自殺的路。

即是當同死物(記憶片段)而非真人併芯片都起到一樣的感應。 對此我不禁質問,此次肺炎冠狀病毒所引起是否同之前的SAR病患者的記憶片段合併有關?如是者,即是一場有計劃,有預謀的大規模屠殺。如果不毀滅之前病患的記憶片段,未來將持續有同類型事件發生,無休無止!此非一般官員, 醫務人員能力所能控制的範圍.


5. 當多位跟蹤者同目標人物併芯片時,跟蹤者的記憶片段中的場景和目標人物所見所聞是一樣的,但他們可以對住同樣的場景有不同的思維和評論。但當所有人的腦合併如一時,到底記錄的是誰的記憶?答案是視乎誰是主腦。 是否主腦可以完全不受其他腦部的影響?答案是視乎腦控操作的模式。即記憶的片段有很多不確定性的因素, 我如何將之作為呈堂證據? 法庭如何判斷它的真假??


6. 場景操控: 個人經驗,當我打開雪櫃時,看到有些已經食完的食物仍存在於雪櫃內,奇怪的是當我伸手去取時却是另一種東西。即時我關上雪櫃門再開,發現我見到的之前食物根本不存在,取而代之的是真正存在的食物。因此才知道原來是控芯片人同我開了個玩笑,將我雪櫃的場景換成前幾天的記憶片段以考我記憶。 另一件類似的事件,當我到超級市場的羊肉櫃買羊架時,所有人都見到有很多羊架,偏偏我見到的全是牛肉,直至檢視再三,才見到有羊架的存在。




7. 吸血事實,之前我提到很多被腦控受害者普遍都有低血壓的情況,大家都懷疑電磁波是否會影響人體的造血功能。而事實是腦控醫療機可以做到在受害者不知不覺的情況下將血液輪送給他人的功能。當然只限被腦控者。我個人防範方法將兩块強力磁鐵的負極用強力膠紙將他合併,然後放在身上。測試將其放在電腦傍邊,電腦即時失靈,所以小心不要放太近電器產品。其作用是令腦控醫療機在輛送血液時失效。當然如果你有更好的方法,不妨大家分享一下。


Mind Control News this week (February 29 to March 5, 2020)


1. Recently, many Filipinos have appeared in the brain control space. Most of them are doing finance deal with future foreign transaction.

2. This week, I scared to fought that the food what I ate not in my stomach, but in the stomach of others. Do you believe? I am absolutely convinced that I ate a lot of meals, but soon I am hungry. The computer shows that my stomach was empty, and the food what I ate in the stomach of others, causing indigestion in others. It was so weird for me to accepted. 

My actual weight was only 40 kg. In order to conceal the fact, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who weight was over 60 kg, such used to harm my healthy and appearance.


3. Hearing manipulation: When some people are mapping together, naturally what we hear should be in same, but when under multi-channel control, everyone can hear differently sentence in difference channel. 

The controller did an experiment with radio broadcasts. When everyone mapping together for listening, everyone got a difference wording inside the radio broadcasting. 

As said, the difference wording was not coming from radio broadcasts, it was came from hearing manipulation, someone uses multi-channel control technology to deliver the information to targeted person as well. 

4. The chip controller have recorded other people ’s brain memory sim to combine with the current being brain-controlled target. If the recording got vomit and felling down in the street, the target person used to combine the chip will also be the same effect, even the memory recording who pass away under suicide, the current target also will have an emotion to step to suicide. 

That is, when merged with someone’s memory recording also can have same effective as real person. In this regard, I curiously that the pneumonia coronavirus may related to the memory chip of patients whom previous got SAR disease? If so, there were the deadly massacre with conspiracy. 

If the above were truth, why the controller do not destroy the memory chips of the patients, may they want to continue murder the people in the future. There were so sad for citizen, we all being experiment, and the general officer even health care staffs out of knowledge to control such situation. What’s wrong with our government, why the government not taking action over the mind controller?


5. When group trackers are mapping the optical with the target person, what the target person saw are same as the trackers in normal situation as well as the memory recording, but they can have different though and comments on the same scene. 

But when all brains are united, how to distinguish whose memory is recorded? The answer depends on who is the main brain. 

Is the main brain completely immune to other brains? The answer depends on the mode of brain control operation. 

That is, there are many uncertain factors in the memory recording. How can I use it as evidence summit to court? How the court to prove it true or fake??


6. Scene manipulation: Personal experience, when I opened the refrigerator, I saw some of the food that had been eaten was still in the refrigerator. It was odd that when I reached for it, it was another thing. Immediately I closed the refrigerator and opened it again, and found that the food I saw before did not exist at all, and replaced it with the food that really existed. So I realized that it was the chip controller who had just made a joke with me, and replaced the scene of my refrigerator that recorded previously to test my memory. 

Another similar incident, when I went to the supermarket, look for the lamb chop, everyone saw a lot of lamb chops at the counter, but all I saw was beef. I didn't saw any lamb chops until the controller damaged brain recovery, then presence.Therefore, the victims of being brain control should keep your brain in energy and concentration in the memories all the time. Stay away from drugs, and alcohol that something harms your brain, don’t be fooled by the brain-control perps and being misleading that you got hallucinations.


7. The fact of blood transfusion. I mentioned earlier that many victims got hypotension. I was doubt it may affect by electromagnetic waves harm to the body's hematopoietic function? Now it was confirmed that the brain-controlled medical machine can perform the function of sending blood rounds to others without the victim's knowledge. Of course, only the targeted individuals. 

My personal precautions are to combine two powerful magnets face in negative side with tape and place them on my body. I done a test to place near my computer, the computer fails immediately, so be careful not to place it too close to the electrical products. Its role to make the brain-controlled medical machine ineffective when the blood transfer. Of course, if you have a better way, please share it to us with appreciate.




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1.  很多賤人身在海外,利用替身以併芯片, 換樣貌方式同老朋友聚餐,當晚宴結束後,賤人將自己抽身,而替身得回自已腦袋之後,不知道自己身在何處?等了三小時後得賤人再次併芯片引導替身回家。大部份被當替身的長者, 當被換成他人的腦袋時, 是沒有自己的記憶, 當長時間被併芯片即換腦袋後, 自己原有的腦袋海馬區會慢慢收縮, 長期會變成老人痴呆. 所以在此提醒被作為替身的長者,隨身攜帶家中地址,以免走失。


2.  24日,由早上11時開始,變態賤人遙控電子武器令我頭痛超過13小時,我已於早上時份向香港警方報案,報案編號:e-Reference Number: ERC2002251012431



3.  賤人用錢引誘,利用他人將我公開場合的照片拿去換錢和用於網上欺凌,然後再利用取錢者作為GSP併芯片竊聽。實際上是滋擾我之餘又將貪錢者收為賤人所用。而賤人同時遙控電子武器令我頭痛,賺取我和受害者頭痛錢後,再次以各種方式付款貪錢者滋擾我,形成一個循環,以此吸納更多人被腦控者所用。在此提醒大家,我己於2015年訂下有法律效力的懲罰性索債條款 ;,切不可一時貪念而造成一世的遺憾!


4, 近日,我閱讀一本有關腦控的書,書名”Poisoner in Chief”, 其中提到某位細菌研究專家最喜歡的食物是洋蓟, 並用於細菌研究項目的名稱。我們中國人很少以洋蓟入膳,查醫書得知原來其功效是排肝毒,肺毒。在此肺炎流行期間,多食有益。


5. 本週,我深深體會到被智力衰退的慘況,平時一天可完成的工作,需四天才能完成。閱讀文章需中英文閱讀後仍沒法完全理解,電影睇完後瞬間即忘。以上種種都是因為腦控賤人將我的智力調低,同時將腦力老化的長者同我併芯片,減低我的效率,再來一招思維干擾,三管齊下,令我做任何事情都有深深的無力感。現在行路,食飯都比平常慢一倍。實在太恐佈了。


Mind Control News this week (Feb 22 to 28, 2020)

1. Most of the perps resident in oversea, using substitutes for mapping to change their face as themselves to attend friends’ party. After the dinner, the perp separated the chips and leaved, the substitutes got back their own heads, but don't know where they are? Sit there and forgot how to get home, waiting about three hours until the perps mapping again to guide them home. 

Most of the elders who have been used as substitutes, they have not their own memories when they are replaced with some perps else. after being mapping replaced for a long time, their original hippocampal area will gradually shrink, and it will become Alzheimer's disease. 

So we remind the elders who are acting as substitutes or suspected may being used as substitutes, you should bring your home address with you to avoid getting lost.

2. On the 24th, from 11 am, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassed caused me headache for more than 13 hours. I reported it to the Hong Kong Police in the noon. The report number: e-Reference Number: ERC2002251012431

On the other hand, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got inflammation in navel, and got odd smell last few days long for physical and mental abuse.


3. The metamorphosis mind control perp use someone who greedy for money to take my picture to sold them and then online bullying, after that the perp use the money receiver as a GSP for mapping. It was a cycle game, the perp used harm to earning by remote electronic harassment to me, then pay greedy people to bothering, and also used the greedy people to do what the perp want by mapping. Used such as a cycle to recruit more people to used by brain controller. 

I would like to remind everyone that I have set a legally punitive claim clause post at November 7, 2016 (;  Don’t do something regret for a while and cause regret for life!


4. Recently, I read a book about brain control, titled "Poisoner in Chief", which mentioned that the bacterial expert favorite food was "Artichoke", and also used for the name of bacterial research project. I never ever eat Artichoke before, for understand what the advantage and dis advantage, I check the medical books, it shows that its efficacy in detoxify, and good for liver and lung. During this pneumonia epidemic, I will try it for prevent.

5. This week, I deeply experienced of my memory decline. The work that I can done in one day before, now I need four days long to complete. When I reading the article, I cannot fully understand it ever used in Chinese and English cross reading. All of the above are because the brain-controlling perp set in the mind control machine to lowered my intelligence, and at the same time mapping me with the elderly to less my efficiency, then used someone to inducing and interfered into my thought, triple harm to my brain, ever when I walking and eating, felt slow down, and need the time about double than usual, made me felt so weakness in sprite. It was so horrible and fearful!



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1. 本週,變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器激我腸,令我肚瀉一天,然後關閉我大小便一天,以此精神虐待; 另一方面遙控電子武器刺激我喉嚨,令我咳嗽;似乎想令人以為我受病毒感染。賤格!


2. 本週2月16日,變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器摧殘,令我和受害者頭痛超過18小時,然後睡眠剥奪; 因搞事者是香港居民,我己用電子郵件向香港警方報案;





3. 我每天起床照鏡時都要問鏡中人” 妳是誰,為什麼換走我的樣?有時每天換幾個不同的樣貌,我每次照鏡樣貌都是陌生人的面孔。變態控芯片賤人甚至將男子同我併芯片,令我樣貌不男不女,電腦成像照出有男性性器官,以為我是變性人。變態!












4. 有人提出一件匪夷所思的事,指香港有部分政客,富豪都離開香港,放件複製人在香港以供遙遠操控; 






Mind Control News this week (February 15 to 21, 2020)


1. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote electronic harassment for stimulated my intestine, made me diarrhea 4 times per day, and then turn-off the control key of urine about one day for physiological and psychological abuse; 

On the other hand, remote electronic harassment to stimulated my throat and made me cough; it seems want to make people though that I am infected with a virus. Merciless!

2. On February 16th this week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassment caused me and the victims headache for more than 18 hours, and then sleep deprivation at night; since the perpetrator were Hong Kong resident, I reported the incident to the Hong Kong police by email, the e-Reference Number: ERC2002172019699.

On February 18-19th, this week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control of electronic harassment again, causing me and the victims headache for more than 16 hours. I reported the case one more time to the HK police by email, the e-Reference Number: ERC2002192020218.

It is said who behind for giving order were Lam Kin-ming, Frederick Ma, Eric Tsang, Ma Dingsheng, Timothy Cheng, Chin Ka Lok, Francis Ng etc.

For more details, please refer to my mind control dairy "Vancouver time 2020-02-15 to 2020-02-21" in my blog.


3. When I get up and look in the mirror every day, I have to ask the person in the mirror, "Who are you, why you stole my look?  I always being changed different looks every day. Every time I look in the mirror, she like a stranger. The metamorphosis chip controller even mapping me with a man, making me look neither male nor female, and the computer imaging showed a male sex organ in my body, such making people thinking that I was transgender. Metamorphosis!

The metamorphosis chip controller used this tricky intended to affect my social life, relationships and make me lose my social network.

It is said that all appearances and ugliness are controlled by the computer. The brain control machine can be connected to the beauty machine. When a beauty camera is added to the computer, all appearance you see will instantly become beautiful. The controller did an experiment with me, adding an ugly mirror in the computer that connected to me. When I watched TV, I saw that all artists were like "Pikachu", all people got two red patches on the face rouge, it was only I saw not others.

Suggest to victims, do not take cosmetic surgery, it is no matter how perfect the cosmetic surgery technique is, but the brain control technology and mapping chips made you ugly.

Don't pay for brain-controlled bitches to get back your real face. They will ask more and more until you stop, then they will make your appearance uglier than normal. Unless you are rich enough.

Never ask the chip controller to mapping someone who you saw so beautiful, it will kill many beautiful men and women who need to survive by their own appearance, they are all innocent victims who are being mind control.


4. I got a rumor, saying that some politicians and the rich men have already left from Hong Kong, and used the clones in Hong Kong for remote control.  Is it true?  unbelievable!

And other rumor, some celebrities were killed in secretly, and then used computer technology to projected on the substitutes people to bring them to life, and the public cannot discriminate seriously which one is truth.

All of the above, in today's brain control technology can certainly done with, but morally it is deceiving the public as trick game, how a terrible thing to say if it was true.



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1.   本週全世界的焦點都放在武漢冠狀肺炎病毒,當專家都束手無策時,我突發其想,會否同腦控微波頻率有關,如果將疫區的磁場改變,是否可起殺菌作用?我之所以有此一說,是因為我香港家中自搬入,未曾見過螞蟻,有次腦控空間有人提出和我做個實驗,令我家中產生螞蟻,而事實上真的做到,微波頻率可以將螞蟻傳播到目標地點,而隨頻率的不同隨時可以被消失。同樣原理,病毒可以來得如此之快,隨著磁場頻率的改變,同樣可以將細菌消滅。望科學家由此方面研究。為證實我的看法,腦控空間有好心人借出自己的微波屏蔽器做實驗,用三天的時間屏蔽病患者, 全部痊癒 (有說實際只需要三小時, 因有病患咳嗽太久而喉嚨發炎, 所以需要更長的時間). 但有人責疑痊癒者可能是假性冠狀肺炎。到底哪一種是事實的真相?相信只有專家可給予正確的答案。


2.   有某離職的專欄作家,作為網上打手,通過我眼睛,跟蹤我閱讀新聞,並將未經證實的新聞發佈上網,後經證實是假新聞而將責任推於我身上,同時將此作為借口遙控電子武器令我頭痛以換取一萬元作為他發佈假新聞的酬勞。正所謂文人多敗類,為賺取區區一萬元港元,不惜一切代價發放疫情假新聞,製造社會恐慌,更加喪心病狂地遙控電子武器增加傳染病患者。此人是新聞從業員之恥,社會的敗類!



3.   很多被腦控受害者都有過被賊仔入屋打劫的經驗,大部分都是使用電子密碼鎖所引起,密碼很清楚是因腦控讀心術而得知。而另一方面所有電子鎖只要停電一次,電腦程式就可以控制到你家中的電子鎖開關,甚至強制關閉你家中的電子鎖,勒索金錢才自動開門。所以你家的電子鎖非受你自己控制,而是電腦駭客所控制,安裝電子鎖的請小心防範, 就算有電芯後備電也起不了作用.


4. 本週腦控空間賤人鄧子豐,森美利用腦控技術,潛入虛假思維,無論我身處何方何地,正在步行中或者工作中,不停潛入負面虛假思維,當他們知道誰人在聽時,就挑撥離間我和聽者的關係,令我不勝其擾。






Mind Control space news this week (February 8 to 14, 2020)


1.    This week, all people focus on Wuhan Coronary Virus. When the experts at their wits' end with this symptoms, I suddenly wondered may it related to the brain-controlled microwave frequency, If the magnetic field in the epidemic area getting changed, can it taking effect for bactericidal action?  

The reason why I said is my experience that when I moved in my home in Hong Kong, I have never seen an ant. One day someone in the brain control space proposed to do an experiment with me to make ants in my home. In fact, it done. The microwave frequency can transmit ants to the targeted site at soon, and can disappear at any time with changed the frequencies. By the same principle, the viruses come spread so fast out of control, may the frequency can change for kill bactericidal at once. Hope the scientists will consider this issue. 

In order to confirm my idea, a kindly person in Brain Control Space borrowed his own microwave shield to conduct experiments, blocked the sick patients for three days, and they were all recovery (It said that it only need three hours, because patients have inflammation in the throat since cough for long-time, so it count the time longer to three days). However, some doctors suspect that the recovery patients may only got pneumonia, not COVID-19. 

Which one is the truth? It was out of my knowledge, I believe that only experts can give correct answers.


2.   A resigned columnist, as an internet ghostwriter, follow my eyes to stalking my reading of the news, posted unverified news to the Internet, and later confirmed that was fake news, then put the responsibility on me. At the same time remote electronic harassment caused me a headache in exchange for 10,000 yuan as his remuneration for publishing fake news, in order for only 10,000 Hong Kong dollars to distribute fake news to create social panic, and remotely control electronic weapons to increase the number of patients with infectious diseases. such person is a shame for journalists, a social scum!

As known such person who has run away to other Asian countries and lived the life same as a concentration camp. This is a cause-and-effect retribution!


3. Many targeted individual have experience for robbed by thieves. Most of them are caused by use of electronic code locks. The passwords are clearly known by brain control mind reading. On the other hand, as long as all the electronic locks are power off once, the computer program can control the electronic lock switch in your home, then the hacker will threat for money to unlock. So your electronic lock is not controlled by yourself, but by a computer hacker. Please be careful when installing an electronic lock, even if you have a battery backup, it will not work.


4. This week, Tang Chi Fung, Sammy Leung used brain control technology to irrupted false thinking. No matter where I am, in walking or at work, they continue to irrupted negative false thinking when they know who is listening,  to provoked the relationship between me and the listener, which made me felt so  nuisance.

But at the same time, I found out that when the chip controller mapping my brains with others, although others’ brain sound were used by my own, my brain could think separately from him. I tried to ignore his voice from my brain, I can handle my brain to thought and do my own thing. Although I was disturbed by his thinking and failed to concentrate, but at least I can do what I wanted, of course, the efficiency would slower than in normal situation.

Mostly, when the perps irrupted the false thinking, the victims who will clarify as soon as possible to avoid the misunderstand. When the perp dives into your voice for 24 hours, you will have to deal with it for 24 hours without being able to do anything that you have to, so try your best, ignore the fake thinking interference whatever, do what you need to do. I understand if someone know you that they will understood, otherwise your explanation is useless, don’t waste time to argue with the perps, using your own time to do what you want. Everyone Don't give up and keep it up!


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1. 本週在腦控空間作孽者大部分是香港電台的職員:馬時亨,劉天賜,劉德華,馬鼎盛,羅啟新,何守信,江華,劉青雲等;


2. 有一對夫妻,家居格局和佈置同我相似,變態控芯片賤人將我同他太太併芯片,將我的樣貌同他太太合併,穿著同我相似的服裝,以此誤導他人,混淆身份,令人以為我已婚。據稱他太太的名字是” 蔡子墨” ,是一名智障人士, 但未知身處地點, 有何目的和企圖.


3. 本周變態控芯片賤人持續將我同超重者,肚臍有傷者,便溺,便秘者併芯片精神虐待. 同時將多人同我併芯片飲食,上廁所,沭浴,換衫,極度變態!而最可悲的是我甚至不知道他們是誰人, 只知道是中國人。


4. 本週28號,中午前,有人盜用我圖書館ID 和密碼在溫哥華列治文區登入,大約用半小時的時間,我不知道是誰人,但我相信是腦控空間中人,而他們為何盜用的圖書館戶口,所做何事?動機不明? 而當其時, 我正身處市中心的中央圖書館, 接到一個不尋常登入通知, 需更改密碼.


Mind Control News this week (January 24 to 30, 2020)

1. Most of the perpetrators in brain-controlled space this week were Radio Hong Kong staffs and some others, as I know: The in charge of Frederick Ma, Lau Tin Chi, Andy Lau, Ma Ding sheng, Cuson Law, Ivan Ho, Kong Wah, Sean Lau etc.

2. As said, there are a couple in mind control space, who have a home layout and decoration similar to my home. The metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with his wife, got same appearance, and also she wears clothes similar to mine, I guess such used to mislead and confuse someone else. Some people saw and misunderstand that I was married. As said, the wife's name is Choi Chi Man who was a mentally handicapped person. I don’t know what is the purpose that perp working for? 


3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller continued to mapping me with someone who got overweight, navel wounded, constipation and urinary incontinence for physical and psychological abuse. At the same time, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with many perps together for diet, for toilet, for bathing, for dressing, extremely creepy!! And the saddest thing was that I don't even know who they are, only known they are all Chinese.
4. On the 28th of this week, before noon, someone stole my library ID and password to log in about half hour at Richmond.  I do n’t know who is, but I believe someone who was in the brain control space, why used my A/C and what they did? I don’t know. As the same time, I am stand in Vancouver downtown central library, and received an email for alert to change my pin.

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1. 本週腦控空間賤人用我朋友名, 扮我的朋友,誤導他人以為在空間作孽的全是我的朋友,同時以虛假思維,間斷性發音,挑撥離間我同新相識朋友的關係,誤導旁聽者以為他們被賤人的錢收買而出賣我。


2. 本週腦控賤人持續將多位超重者同我併芯片,我本身體重只有40公斤, 變態控芯片賤人將多人同我併芯片, 令我體重上昇至70公斤, 令我腰粗硬, 腫脹和沒辦法透氣,非常辛苦。同時仍舊將多人同我併芯片飲食, 當我所食非賤人所好時, 關閉我味覺和嗅覺掣, 令我食不知其味. 另一方面, 將肚臍膿腫發炎流膿水, 肚生蟲痕癢者輪流同我併芯片精神虐待.


3.    本週溫哥華迎來2020年第一場大雪,雪深至小腿。變態控芯片賤人將多位老朽同我併芯片,美其名是讓身在熱帶地方的他們,體驗下雪的環境,實是利用他們意圖令我跌倒. 因老朽併我芯片時是處於坐的狀態,腳跟著地,腳尖向上,造成我行路時雙腳不能平衡踩地,所以令我步履維艱, 一步一滑一驚心,  好在最後都平安無事。據報, 很多人因此被滑倒, 甚至呼救緊急服務. 我奇怪的是為何賤人持續做出損人不利已的事情, 而時至今日沒有人出面去阻止? 


Mind control news this week (January 11 to 17, 2020)


1. This week, the metamorphosis perps used my friends’ name to pretended as my friends, misled someone sit it on to think that all harm to live perps in the mind control space are my friends. and at the same time using false inducing though and intermittent sentences,  cast a bone between me and my new friends, Mislead the observers that they were betrayed me by perp's money.

2. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller continued to mapping me with multiple overweight perps for group stalking. My weight was only 40 kg. The metamorphic chip controller mapping so many perps to increased my weight to 70 kg, caused my waist unable to move, swollen and felt breathe very hard.

At the same time, the metamorphosis chip controller still mapping me with few elderly perps and himself for dinning. When I eating some food which not the perps like, they turn off my taste and smell key, so that I cannot have my taste from my foods. 

On the other hand, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got navel grow foul and fester, and someone who got navel itch caused by belly bugs take turns with me, such used for Physical and psychological abuse.

3. This week, Vancouver welcomes its first heavy snowfall in 2020, the snow was as deep as the calf. The metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with elderly perps when I went out. They said used to let the elderly perps to experience the snowy environment, but the actual intention was used them to made me falling down. The elderly perps all sitting and mapping with me, they heels on the ground and the toes pointing upwards, such caused my foots cannot keep balance on the road, so I was step by step with struggling and slipping at that moments, fortunately, I back home safety. Many people have reportedly been slipped falling down as a result of this, someone even call for emergency services. I don’t understand why the perps keep doing such harm others without benefit to himself case, and nobody stop them, why?

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1.     睡眠時,腦控賤人利用我作為定位系統併芯片竊聽,又但心我知道他們的竊聽內容,所以在我清醒前,將併我芯片時段的記憶全部刪除,令我感覺有如發夢,清醒後夢中的內容完全沒辦法記得。






2.  賤人繼18-20日持續遙控電子武器令我#頭痛44小時後,21日上午6時又發起另一次電子武器摧殘,令我5-7級頭痛約6小時,然後持續兩日#睡眠剥奪。


22日閱報紙知道#武漠肺炎病例又多幾名,因為同病患#併芯片引起相同的反應。 另一方面,持續50小時電子武器摧殘,據講是同他們正在坐牢的大佬有關,年近歲晚,同監獄大佬索錢不逐,唯用遙控電子令他就範,以前大佬教他們怎樣害人,今天全部回饋到坐監大佬身上,也是報應也。




3.  近日持續有政界名人子女被綁架事件發生,請各方小心謹慎,密切保護下一代。


Mind Control News this week (January 18 to 24, 2020)


1. When I sleeping, the metamorphosis chip controller used me as a positioning record and mapping me with someone who #eavesdropping, to avoid I knew what they were eavesdropping, before I awake, used to deleted all my memories during mapping period. I felt like dreaming but I can remember the content of the post-dream after awaked.  


According to the information I collected, the brain control machine has this function, which can delete and increase the memory of the person who being brain controlled at any time. Unfortunately, if you become a #victim of brain control, your daily memory may be lost at any time, so keep more records to recall your memories. 


On the other hand, the most worrying thing is that as an academic research, the memory in your brain can be deleted at any time and become as same as dementia, and the person who plagiarizes your knowledge of research result will input to your memory and replace it. When under mind control, the right for protection of intellectual property is gone! So the patent register will be necessary. 



2. The metamorphosis chip controller after electronic harassment #headache for 44 hours on the 18th and 20th, continuing on 21st at 6 am to 12 noon, electronic harassed over 6 hours, which caused me headache at level 5-7, and then continued to #sleep deprivation for two days long.

Reading the newspaper on the 22nd knew that the deadly coronavirus has spread far and wide, of cause, since this few days wide mapping with patients and remote electronic #harassment, making people got a same symptom as coronavirus.


On the other hand, the electronic harassment also related to the big brothers who were in jail. At the end of the year, the gangster begging for money from their big brother in prison. Only remote electronics harassment can force to pay.  As said they big brother were taught them how to harm people to live, now they pay back to their big brother as well as retribution.


The perps who Disasters against the country: Paul Chun and his brothers, Francis Ng, Timothy Cheng etc. 


3.  The #kidnapping was case by case, the victims most of the children of political celebrities. Please keep more attention to your children and take a closely protection.


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A combination of a human brain and a computer chip or a combination of a human brain and a network of neural lace inside your brain synchronises so effectively that a computer user interface can then read your thoughts in real time and then speak them aloud or print them on a screen near you. An example of a computer user interface is a smart phone or a smart watch or a laptop computer or a smart television or even a handheld smart screen. All of our thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions generate electromagnetic frequencies which are being read by those aforementioned digital media devices close to us throughout each day and night. Those digital media devices are known as gateway devices because they transmit our personal information to data banks at locations unknown to most of us and which are freely available to agents of the Illuminati Satanists. Some of those agents of the Illuminati Satanists have been given permission to read our private information and even to download it onto their personal computers for later analysis. Others have been given permission to listen in to our private thoughts and to reply to them in real time. I have been a victim of this evesdropping system for many years and unknown criminal types listen in to my private thoughts and respond to them in real time similar to a telephone conversation which I can never block. Because I possibly have neural lace inside my brain and an intrabody artificial network inside my body the criminal surveillance team read most of the electromagnetic waves being generated by my brain and they are able to discern some of what I see, all of what I hear, what I feel, some of my muscle movements, what I eat and various other aspects of my body such as my blood pressure, heart beat rate and possibly a hundred other body and brain readings. I often write down and publish online a selection of the insulting and frightening comments which they broadcast into my head in order to alert the public to that capability and I am herewith including a selection of them so that you will be spurred on to block such technological capabilities in order to protect yourself and your family from similar electronic harassment and torture. I sometimes add the date and time of each comment. The time zone for all comments is Irish time aka Grenwich Mean time.
"If she is seen to be refusing to answer questions they will hurt her." 2.55am 5th Nov.22.
"I will send in my own team if ye are not complying." 4.12 am 5th Nov.22.
"Who is this" "Gretta Fahey". "What is she holding her arse for." (I was in bed at the time and I was attempting to protect myself from their invasive procedures.) 4.40 am 5th Nov.22.
"We are going to kill her. We can't allow her to live if she won't follow our lead." 7.18am 5th Nov.22.
"We are never going to get co-operation from Gretta." "We don't want co-operation from her. We want obedience from her." 7.33 am 5th Nov.22.
"Aah shut up. We are not interested in this." (I was reviewing something that someone had told me privately and those who were reading my thoughts by means of brain to brain interface were scorning my thoughts and my vocalizations, which they often do. My brain has been stimulated to verbalize some of my thoughts and this began when I became a targeted individual at the age of forty three.) 2.55 pm 5th Nov. 22.
"Gretta has a good bit eaten today already." 3.24pm 5th Nov 22.
"What am I doing here." "You are torturing Gretta Fahey for money" 8.20 14th Oct.22.
"What you are doing is business." "Yes". "What right have you to do this to Gretta Fahey." "None".
"She is very indisciplined" 5.09 pm 25th Oct.22.
"A thunder clap of pain" 8.07 pm 25th Oct. 22.
" A very long rope but it will come your way soon." 8.10 am 26th Oct. 22.
"What is her crime" 7.24 pm 26th Oct. 22.
"Dumb Bitch." 9.05 pm 26th Oct. 22.
"We had no idea that this is happening. She needs psychiatric care. Shut the door on her. We don't want her."
10.25 pm 27th Oct. 22.
"You are eating cat shit." (They often try to put me off my food) 11.53 am 28th Oct.22.
"Can we control her use of electricity." "Yes. If we wish."
"The successful pursuit of this woman will result in vast riches for all of us." 6.05 pm 31st Oct. 22.
"This is not a military exercise. This is a criminal exercise. " " I am going to have to return you to base." 6.55 pm 31st Oct. 22.
"What are you doing with your life." 7.15 pm 31st Oct. 22.
"Jumped Up Bitch" 7.45 pm 31st Oct. 22.
"She hasn't got a licence to drive a car. " "Rectify it." 7.25 pm 31st Oct. 22.
"She must be some kind of a lower class hooligan if she was put on one of these programs." 5pm 26th Oct. 22.
"Our duty is to enslave you all before the time runs out." 9.25 pm 29th Oct. 22.
"We have nothing on this one. We need to hit her with something." 7.50 am 30th Oct. 22.
"Bring her in because I can't interface with her unless I see her." 8.27 am am 31st Oct. 22.
"You know she is not mentally ill so why do you want her to go into a psychiatric hospital" "Because we need to control her." 7.40 am 31st Oct. 22.
"You have a sense of entitlement." 6.55 am 1st Nov. 22
"Who the fuck are you?" 9.49 am 1st Nov. 22.
"The Red Wreck." ( The voice to skull broadcasters keep mentioning that phrase but I dont know what they mean by it.) 10.17 1st Nov. 22.
"You will get on my bad side some day if you don't answer questions." 8.09 pm 1st Nov. 22.
"Stop eating, Bitch."
"WE have to destroy her life. How do we destroy it." 5.23 am 2nd Nov 22.
"No man comes past her door other than family members. How are we going to turn that situation into bad behaviour" "I dont know but it has to be done." 9 am 3rd Nov. 22.
"I can not prove if anyone's back passage is clean unless I see them through an analysis system." 12.20 pm 3rd Nov. 22.
"Is she a European citizen." "How come she is still alive. " "We need her for some reason." 6pm 2nd Nov. 22.
"How much is this going to come to." "Analysis of this system and I am not happy with it." "What can we do about it." "Is there a problem." "I havent got it through yet but it is way too much more than she needs." "You have opened a can of worms with that topic." "It is sent already so I can't do anything about it." (voice to skull operatives had that conversation among themselves when I ordered my groceries.) 8,05 pm 2nd Nov. 22.
"Are you a waster." 5.08 am 3rd Nov. 22.
"If we wish to bio-robotize her completely we would need a strong presence in her home to put her through her paces but we can not get into her home because it is not ours." 5.25 am 3rd Nov. 22.
"Quickly switch sides. We can not condone this." Voice to skull said this shortly after I posted a post online which they did not agree with.
"I was told to pressurize the hell out of her."#
"What is she on. Any substance abuse?" "No" 11.50 am 3rd Nov. 22.
"She will go through the same process as everyone else. She will shortly be bio-robotized and when that time comes we will bring her into a system and we will torture her to death." 2.20 pm 3rd Nov. 22.
"Can we set her up. She is over the hill anyway." 6.20 pm 3rd Nov. 22.
"How much money has she. 6.25 pm 3rd Nov. 22.
"Systemize the groceries a bit better than you do." 8.40 pm 3rd Nov. 22.
"We are not interested in this lady." "Yes. We are very much interested in this lady. The government want to know what is going on with her and we have to come up with a story." (Those who speak to me by direct means to a location inside my head have just now informed me that they are the intelligence services who are linked to the Irish government but the Irish government are not aware that the intelligence services who are linked to them have direct voice communication capabilities which is also known as Remote Neural Monitoring combined with REmote Neural Manipulation as well as a variety of other names such as voice to skull or microwave hearing and someone should tell them this by writing today". A voice to skull voice also asked the following now "Will you email them with this information Gretta."
"Is there anything we can do to put Gretta Fahey into a state of distress" "Why" "Because it weakens people when they are distressed."
"I dont really like her." 5.11 on 10th Nov. 22.
"We don't want you eating food." 9.55 pm 10th Nov. 22.
"What is she doing."
"I would love to analyse this woman's crotch." (this was heard by me at 4.41 am Grenwich mean time on 12th November, 2022. and the reason I am publishing it is because I find such things very upsetting and I wish to expose whoever said it to me so that is why I am publishing the time, date and time zone in which it was said)
"She didn't eat much." "She ate loads" 8.04 am 11th Nov. 2022.
"I don't want to stop her getting bicycle tools." "She doesn't need any more bicycle tools." 8.14 am 11th Nov. 22.
"I am the co-ordinator of the program that sends voices into Gretta Fahey's head." 4.20 pm 11th Nov. 22.
"This lady is a junk food eater." 11th Nov. 22
"Is Gretta Fahey still there." "Yes." "Why can't I communicate with her now" 11th Nov. 22.
"Tie her up. You aught to be able to tie her up by now" 8.20pm 11th Nov.22. (immobilization of muscles can be achieved by remote wireless means if the subject has previously been injected with injectable technology.)
"No sugar in her diet, did you say." 10pm 11th Nov. 22. (This was said in a sarcastic voice because I normally stay away from sugar but I had eaten some at that time)
"I hacked into her brain and she was then discourteous towards me so I then hacked in further to make her understand that these situations don't go away."
"We have plenty of people on the ground and yet you don't access her. Why is that." 11.18am 12th Nov. 22
"If I was beside you now I'd kick you."
"Close the door because we don't want our property being ventured into." ( This was said to me in relation to the fact that I was out in the back garden of my home and I had not closed the back door of my home because I live in a very quite crime free rural village (other than wireless remote controlled crime which is plentiful) and I don't need to worry about anyone intruding into my home while I am in my back garden. However, the individual who broadcast that message into my head wrongly believed that he and his criminal gang owned my home which they don't. My home is my family home and it was built by my grandfather without a morgage in approximately 1912 and I legally have the right of residence in it until I die. 1.50 pm on 12th Nov. 22.
"Have a small bit of respect for yourself" 6.11 pm 12th Nov. 22. This was communicated to me because I was screaming in order to try to stop the unknown criminals electronically harassing me by sending signals to my nether regions from an unknown remote location and while at the same time communicating messages into my head wirelessly and remotely.
"It doesn't provide you with the right to interract in this manner." (That voice message appeared to be coming from someone who had taken my side and was castigating the sender of the previous direct communication message for electronically harassing me in the matter that he had been doing.)
"Her home is not the place for this lady. I wish to see her out in the open in a place where all can see me torture her." 12th Nov. 2022 sometime between 9 and 12 midnight.
"She needs to use the toilet." (When a human subject is unwillingly being remote neural monitored by unknown criminals, those criminals who are doing the remote neural monitoring can tell from their screens if the subject feels pressure on the bowel or bladder and can inform their colleagues or they can mock the subject about it.)
"You are eating too much." "How can we stop her putting out those posts and videos online informing the public what we say and do to her." 6.35pm on 13th Nov. 22.
"Who thinks up these questions for Gretta Fahey" "I dont like your tone of voice" ( This was the response which was received by the one who posed that question possibly from the one who thinks up some of the questions which I am continually being asked.)
"We are being paid to monitor this lady. Why is that" "Because she is dirty." "We are not saying she is dirty all the time. We are simply saying that she is dirty occasionally" This was responded by another individual who was heard by me to say the following "No. We are all dirty occasionally. She is dirty all the time."
"She likes to urinate alot." "She does. Yes."
"Hostile to Religions and yet (the fact that you are) not one of us is not something we like"
"Stop wasting electricity." 8.22 am 18th Oct. 22
"An inventory of her home" 7.55 am 18th Oct 22
"There is a behavioural system involved."
"Why aren't you changing your sheets more often than every ten days." 3.40 pm 17 th Oct. 22
"She is banned from Her freedoms are restricted. She will be an outcast."
"My purpose is to stop her in every capacity." 13th Oct 22
"We can get our misdeeds through as her misdeeds." 1.30 pm 13th Oct 22
"She is allowed to purchase on ebay but she can't purchase on a whim." 9.08 pm 13th Oct. 22.
"It is non-negotiable. You will do it or you will die." 1.48pm 14th Oct 22
"Get her sorted. We need to tie her down." 3pm on 18th Oct. 22.
"She will eat what I give her or else she will be beaten to death. 5.53pm on 18th Oct. 22.
"Find this woman and tell her to shut the fuck up. We have enough of her." 5.55pm approx on 18th Oct. 22
I scratched myself and then I heard the following being said "Can we have her repeat that action. 2.40 am 19th Oct.
"They are prepping her." 5.25 pm on 19th Oct.22
"We don't want you to feel sorry for yourself" 10.40 pm 19th Oct 22
"We don't want her. She is only a fool" 9.34 am 20th Oct, 22
"We dont want her. We want her to commit suicide. " 9.40 pm 20th Oct, 22
"Can we give her an alcoholic problem please" 9.45pm 20th Oct, 22
"The Dog has two tails" 10.39pm 20th Oct, 22
"There is not a nice lady here" 11.40am 22nd Oct 22.
"She is looking at washing machines" 4.15pm 22nd Oct 22.
"You will soon be aware of me" 6.11 am 23rd Oct, 22.
"We have a vacant line here." 9 am ib 23rd Oct, 22.
"A breakdown of what you spend" 10.35 am 22nd Oct 22.
"Why isn't she gone out" 11.34 am 22nd Oct 22.
"She appeals to an online audience whenever we say too much to her." 1.25pm 22 Oct 22.
"We have no frontiers" 1.27pm 22 Oct.22.
"We don't care what she does. We are taking her down."
"Could you pull her up while she is on the road while cycling her bicycle." "No".
"If she wants to feed herself she can."
"Has she a family." "No."
"Throw the book at her." "There is nothing in the book that one can throw at her."
"She is leaving me no alternative but to inform the world" "There is nothing to inform the world about."
"Her life is mundane."
"Does she travel by bus." "No"
" She doesn't need to ever leave her home where she lives alone in a rural area and further to that she has been living alone for eleven years ever since her father went to a nursing home and her mother passed away. "
"Is she bathing herself." "No, because she doesn't own a bath but she has a daily shower which amounts to ninety eight days our of every one hundred."
"She is spending alot of money especially on food." "She keeps within her budget and she gets her shopping delivered to her home by courier."
"What do you want with this one." "Nothing".
"No nurse comes to her home ever and they have not come here for more than twelve years and she no longer has anything whatsoever to do with psychiatrists either."
"You stupid bitch. We don't want you writing down what we day. If you do it again we will disable your hands and feet."
"Put drugs in her home."
"The police in Ireland who are also known as the Gardai are aiding and abetting criminal activity. This message was heard by me coming from inside my own head at 25 minutes past ten am Irish time on 2nd October, 2022.
"Subsume her house in electromagnetic radiation." 6.46 pm 19th Sept, 2022.
"I don't get gifts if I don't find something negative to say about Gretta Fahey" 12.40 on 1st October, 2022
"Calorie Restricted". "How are you going to restrict calories." "I send pain." 6.23 am on 2nd October, 2022.
"They are all getting incentivised to support a system that verifies false readings." 10.07am on 2nd October, 2022.
"You are making an eejet out of yourself." (This is an example of scorning my private thoughts) 10.04 am on 3rd October, 2022.
"We have no way of knowing when Gretta Fahey comes to town and we have no record of her ever coming to her local town because she rides a bicycle and no longer drives a car." "Can we insert some technology into Gretta Fahey's bicycle." "Do you bear Gretta Fahey some ill will that you require to know her comings and goings" "No I do not. As long as she cleans herself adequately I don't care." 12.05 in the afternoon on 3rd October, 2022.
"What is she eating now." "Far too intrusive" "We can be as intrusive as we like." 2.03 pm on 3rd October, 2022.
"Nor washing herself" 6.16pm on 3rd October, 2022.
"Why are we allowing her to have the best of food."
"I will fight her to the death over the purchase of an unnecessary bath towel." 12 noon on 29th September, 2022.
"She has a habitat of her own."
"We can make it up as we go along." 8.10 pm on 26th September, 2022.
"What time is this?. We need her to go out for a walk" "Is she a slave" "She is."
"I dislike her intensley."
"Drab. As drab as they come."
"What is the nature of this lady's attitude towards me."
"We would have to be able to break into anybody's house in Ireland and have it o that wouldn't react other than ring the police" ( They were talking about mind-controlling the people of Ireland to be mentally unable to protect themselves and their own property in the event that they the evil perpetrators ever wished to break into someone's home. They do not wish us to have the capability of protecting our own persons and our own property but instead simply ring the police.)
"Is she behaving herself with the opposite sex."
"She is resting again. We dont like that. We want her to be out."
"Has Gretta Fahey given us permission to conduct experiments on her." "No". "Why are you here then." "We assumed we would get away with it on the grounds that the Claremorris Gardai (police) would not listen to Gretta when she reported it because she had no proof that it was happening."
"This method enables us to enslave the whole human race."
"Make a living like everyone else."
"What did she do to deserve it." ( That remark was made regarding an online purchase which I have not yet received.*
"I want to dampen down her grandiose attitude."
"Have her piss in the bed so that she will get up and clean herself up. Who does she sleep with."
"No one." 5.35 pm 3rd Nov.22.
"Is she deflowered" I asked why would you want to know that. "I am required to know it." I then asked who required him/her to know it. V2k answered by saying the following :- "They communicate with us all by means of voice to skull. We were put on a program similar to yours and they found us wanting. They threatened us with exposure if we didn't produce an alternative system. We have been told to say that we have never met those who threatened us with exposure but we now know who they are and we are willing to expose them." 3.55pm 4th Nov.22.
"Does she touch herself." (Because I have an intra-body network inside me which is continually transmitting data to a data bank at an unknown remote location, unknown others know personal things about me and they often ask deeply personal questions about me to each other in order to humiliate me. They also sometimes call me it instead of she.
"She doesn't go out socially at all ever. Can this be sanctioned?" "We would make an arrest in such a case."
7.45 am on 5th June, 2022
"You forget the lady is listening and pays close attention to what is said." "We won't get to where we are going now."
"Why are you transmitting pain signals to Gretta Fahey.?" "We are not interested in checking her pain threshold. Some of the procedures are painful."
"You will not return home safe the next time you will go out in public." 7.55 am on 10th June, 2022.
"We entrain her brain to laugh hysterically every now and again. She has no control over it at all."
9.40 am on 10th June, 2022.
"She hasn't the right to be in bed during the day. 6.50 pm on 4th July, 2022
"We are keen for you to buy a new pair of shoes so we can co-ordinate your footwear with our new policies."
"Get her married."
"This is your property. Well why don't we own it then." 9.25 am on 28th July, 2022.
"I am going into her house and I am going to get something on her." 8.33 am on 29th July, 2022.
"What is your rationalle for being alive" 10.03 am on 29th July, 2022.
"Wait until she commits suicide and then I'll concoct evidence against her." 4.30 am on 31st July, 2022.
"We could move in next door to her in an attempt to influence her more thoroughly" 8.43 pm on 31st August, 2022.
"Throw the book at her" 11 am on 1st September, 2022.
"Is she a public figure. " "No" "We dont want it then." 8.05 am on 13th September, 2022.
"Gain of Function can be used on anyone to make them appear contageous when they are not" 2.39 am 22nd October, 2021.
"I have zero tolerance for you because you have no job and you have nothing to offer society" 11.30 am 6th January, 2022.
"Kill Her" 10.14 pm on 28th June, 2022.
"Does she carry a knife.? I want her to be armed. I wish to compromize her by getting her to stab somebody." 6.55 am on 6th July, 2022.
"What is happening here. Have ye any manners put on this one. Why isn't she co-operating." Between 8pm and midnight on 16th July, 2022.
"Is there a time study done on her." "No there is not." "You then can't claim"
"Detention" "We wouldn't get her in." "You are looking at a lucrative deal." 5.55am on 17th July, 2022.
"Yes. I am suggesting that you rape her if that's what you need to do to get her to be sexually active. " 1.06 am on 29th July, 2022.
"Stop this lady in her tracks." 5.40 am 29th July, 2022.
"No consent was given. You are going to have to explain yourself." "I will say I got a complaint." Did you." "No.".
7.10 am on 29th July, 2022.
"We want to control her speech patterns." "We can't control them unless she speaks differently which she doesnt." 12. noon on 21st August, 2022.
"You are going to format a system where I can obtain evidence." 11.28 am on 21st August, 2022.
"I was doing statutory drumming up information from the lady." 7.33 pm on 21st August, 2022.
"She wont know what hit her." 9.40 pm on 21st August, 2022.
"Can we install cameras in this woman's home" "No. We don't own the home." 6.48 am on 22nd August, 2022.
"We have been implanting men and women throughout the Republic of Ireland for dozens of years and we have been speaking to them through this system and disciplining them through this system. Now it is their turn to discipline us because the guards now know who we are."
"I can't get her to shut her eyes so I can then send in data into her brain." 4.24 am on 23rd August, 2022.
"Why isn't Gretta Fahey our property." 9.02 am on 23rd August, 2022.
"We can't go ahead with this one. She questions us all the time. 9.14 am on 23rd August, 2022.
"We dont allow celebacy." 3.55 am on 18th August, 2022.
"Designed to install a system inside her is not in our interests." 9.10 am on 21st August, 2022.
"Softly, softly, catch a monkey is not it because she tells everything to the public."
"We will dismember her some day." "We can't dismember her unless we immobilize and disempower her arms and legs."
"We were paid extra to frame her. "4.21pm 30th August, 2022.
"They can now manipulate her hips and we will soon be able to control her."
"She is after coming in from a walk and what is she doing in bed" 5.07 pm on 4th September, 2022.
"What did you give her in terms of finance." "Nothing. She is not one of us. She is a regular woman." "She didn't sign a security clearance" "No". 5.15 am on 6th September, 2022.
"Why haven't you made contact with her. " "We have no way of making contact with her because she doesn't socialize." 6.13 am on Tuesday, 6the September, 2022.
"I have invested money in her. I have paid staff to monitor her. " 1.38 pm 6th September, 2022.
"We will take your house off you." 9.22 am on 7th September, 2022.
"Turn up the heat on this one." 1.30 pm on 9th September, 2022.
"I can't code her because she is never in front of her computer." 10.30 pm on 11 September, 2022.
"Is she a selfish lover.?" "This question does not apply to Gretta because she is celibate." "There is no such phenomenon as celibacy because under our regeime everyone must be sexually active and married." I myself responded to that remark as follows:- "You are Luciferian and I don't agree with your point of view. I then heard the following from the same source :- "Is she anit-Luciferian." "Yes" "She will attend a seminar on Luciferianism." I responded as follows:- "I refuse to attend." The reply was "Then you won't exist."
Other comments which I heard from the same source are as follows:-
"She didn't switch off the heating in one room when she moved to a different room."
"If we succeed in worldwide takeover no one will be allowed to use pens but instead pencils."
"You are torturing a good woman inside her own home. " "Make no mistake, I will win out in the end."
"There is no breaker between us and Gretta Fahey."
"She will go missing, presumed dead." "Will she be dead." "No. She will be in one of our underground chambers."
"Is she churched." "No." "How do you get these candidates for these non-consensual torture programs. You couldn't have picked a worse protocol if you tried."
"Poor Hygiene." ( I dont have poor hygiene. I have excellent hygiene but all targeted individuals who are chronicling their day to day electronic harassment and psychological torture experiences inform online readers and viewers that they are also wrongly accused of having poor hygiene because those who braodcast messages into their heads receive payment for upsetting them by any means possible.
"Who let her into the system." " She is not in the system. We target her remotely without allowing her to know who we are or where we are located."
"I would stab you if you were in front of me."
"Don't ever bring someone that is hostile to the system here again."
"She is heavily systemized and nothing to show for it."
"Go and wash your teeth." ( This was said to me within minutes of me eating my dinner and I was about to make myself a cup of tea.)
"We are paid incrementally to make negative comments about you."
"We have paperwork here to say you sold your home and your signature is on it." ( Advances in brain weaponry allow unknown others to copy anyone's signature accurately and place it on legal documents without the consent of the victim. What should we do to counter this technological capability.)
"I didn't see her washing herself yesterday."
"How can we continue to showcase this lady as one of us when she clearly is not."
"She is in bed. I want to take a study of her when she is out and about. Can I get her to move."
"Who put voltage into this woman yesterday. Why did you put so much that she got a prolonged seizure."
"She escaped detection due to the fact that she has no television in her home."
"We dont care what we do to the occupant of the body. She is our property."
"She is not my client. She is my slave." "Have you paperwork which states that you own her."
"No. I haven't because we dont work like that."
"We want you to have your shower now."
"What kind or an organisation is this that allows a woman to be celebate."
"Paralysis of the right limb will be the outcome if we dont get the results we wish for."
"We would prefer to kill her than having her name names."
"Why was she in pain last night." "Because we have imbedded a good deal of information into her knee."
"She has a house all to herself. We couldn't get access to it. "
"I am infuriated by that."
"She spends too much time on her computer."
"She could be a bit lighter."
"Get her out of that house. There is nothing I can do while she is there."
"She is eating."
"No washing today."
"I thought I'd like her."
"Princess attitude."
"I was under the impression that we own all homes. If we don't we soon will."
"Why isn't she asleep."
"If she wants her legs she will go back to mass."
"When you wake up in the morning what do you do."
"It's taking her a while to log in."
"She won't be able to eat much when we control her. She won't be able to put her hand up to her lips to put food in."
"This exemplifies a system where we are exposed completely." (the worldwide control system)
"I would like to discipline her by lowering the amount of screen time she is allowed. Can I do that."
"She lives in her own family home alone." "Without stewardship" (Said at 7 mins past 4 am Irish time on 10the Dec, 21.)
"Abrupt withdrawal of services?" " No to Gretta Fahey. We have nothing to say about her yet."
"She has no routine."
"Stocktons Wing."
"Have we a perogative for this."
"We would never abandon this program even if Gretta Fahey gets back to full health because we are getting an enorous amount of money from experimenting on her."
"She lives alone and she has no family. What are we waiting for. Go out and pick her up and bring her in here now."
"She is in her own home"
"I dont care where she is . She has no right to live."
"She is going out to the yard now." (a running comentary of what I am doing sometimes.)
"Leckie Bill." (on one in Ireland ever uses the term "leckie bill which is slang for electricity bill in the north of England.")
One voice which was broadcast into my head said to one of their colleagues as follows "I was desperate to generate attitude." Their colleague responded as follows "It is not your job to generate attitude. It is your job to copy synonems."
"Is it under tenure." (I dont know what was meant by that.)
"Am I mind controlled programmed to hate Gretta Fahey. ?" "Yes."
"She is always feeding herself."
I myself said the following as follows:- "I will choose death rather than enslavement." Then a v2k voice responded as follows "You may as well go now then."
"We can't get into the works" "I'd get in." "You wouldnt get out alive." " O Jesus I would. I would make her head spin."
"I dont like this lady. I am happy to continue it."
"I will see her in hospital." "Why did you say you would see her in hospital." The response i heard was as follows "This is not appropriate. I am running late."
"I need to make money out of this one."
"Has she taken all her meals for the night."
"What does she talk to her doctor about."
"If you ate a little less you might be better off."
"If you lost some weight you might be better off."
"We wish to ascertain if she is good living or not."
"If we can bio-robotize her we can then make her do anything against her own will."
"It is an evil system. When can we remove her from it.?" "Never. You are all being placed on this or a similar system of control yourselves because you did not object to Gretta Fahey being placed on this system so we assume by that, that you have no problem with Gretta Fahey being placed on it."
"Go and have a shower now."
"Did anyone change the electricity readings in Gretta Fahey's home." "I did." " You brought the electricity bill up to double or treble the normal amount. " " I dont care. I dont like her. It serves her right." "YOu will sort it out" "No. I wont. I cant."
"We cant find anything on her. We are afraid we are going to lose our money."
"These people here are corner stones of correction officers." (That comment was heard by me at 5.29 am Irish time on 29th January 2022.)
"I forbid you to discuss the lifestyle of this woman." (One said to another in response to a comment the first one made about my activities. )
"I dont want this. This is not in my interests. Can we hide her somewhere." (said in response to interruptions to their work of experimenting on me against my will and without my consent.)
"She is jeopardizing our communication system by revealing everything we say to the public."
"She hasn't a right to control her own computer."
"The bicycle is the key thing that gives her joy. How can we damage it."
"They used wireless reconnissance to see if there are pathogens in her toilet room."
"I never heard anyone doing anything like that to someone before now."
"We are forensic scientists. This is what we do."
"She is no longer entitled to benefits."
"Of course I don't own this planet but my people own it.." "Who are your people" "They are Zionists, Jesuits and others and we are collectively known as Luciferians."
"We spent vast quantities of money accessing you and we got nothing out of it so far."
"Gang raping her. Would that be in order." "It would result in her death and possibly the deaths of all others present at the time."
"Do you rape women." "Yes. We train them into a system by raping them ourselves first."
"Put her on autoque and sent her in here now."
"Gretta Fahey has not been asked any questions recently. We ask the questions and then we provide the answers while claiming that they have come from Gretta. In fact, we ventriloquize Gretta in order to force the required answers out of her mouth."
"Is this woman a Christian." "No." "Will she be a christian." "No she wont." "We have a refuser here." "We are putting her through an endurance test." " What is that" "You'll see" " Trebornietsche."
"We haven't been honest with Gretta. We have removed her system from the web entirely. No one see's it only us."
"What condition is the lady in." "She is a fool."
"Death is the only option we have now."
I have included here some of what the unknown remote neural monitoring staff have been saying to me in the past few days as follows:-
"Stop asking us questions".
"She doesn't have a requirement for a fridge freezer." (My fridge freezer broke down and I was considering what I would purchase in order to replace it.)
"What did she eat now".
"She shouldn't be eating so many eggs."
"We don't want to send the intense pain until such time as we control the body."
"She uses the toilet too often."
"Unsubscribe her from the internet."
"I will take her credit card off her because of that manovure." (I gave the details of my cash card to a local supplier because I get goods from them on a regular basis and now I do not need to repeatedly give them the details of my cash card at every transaction. Those unknown others who are attempting to exert total control over my life from an unknown remote location appeared to be angry at my actions because they are now no longer in a position to dictate what food I purchase because they they do not now have access to my card).
"You wouldn't be able to kick me because I would control your leg muscles." ( Those who speak to me from a distance while remaining anonymous cowards often threaten to come to my home and to move in with me in order to control all aspects of my life. I am terrified of this ever happening so I informed one of them that if he ever came to my home I would kick him. ( I am paraphrasing because those were not my exact words because I also used swear words.)
"She is not our secretary."
"Fuck You. She will do what she is told."
I myself asked those who transmit their voices or simulations of their voices inside my head the following:- "Who was that?" One of them answered as follows "I dont know who it was. I was afraid to ask him." This was followed by another voice as follows:- "Since when is Gretta Fahey supposed to be your secretary" Another voice then answered as follows:- " I assumed we have the right to ask them to do simple jobs."
"We hate her but she responds by hating us even more. It is a hate hate relationship."
"Nobody will be allowed to be in a prone position during the day in the future." ( I was in bed in the afternoon.)
I myself said the following to one of those who transmits their voice inside my head as follows :-
"You are a meat bag full of s---. " They responded as follows "We can not work within these parameters."
The team were telling the supervisor what I had been doing over the last few days and the supervisor then was heard by me to say " I dont want to know about her because I dont want her to appear human."
At another time a voice said the following "No more lagresse for you." ( I do not know them and I do not receive lagresse from them and I have never done so and I never would do so in the future.)
"We could easily access her and pull her out of that house."
"She is remaining in her home most of the time so we cant access her."
"Is she sleeping around." (I am celibate.)
"Is she a drunk." "No. She is not." " I would prefer if you would allow me to decide that." ( I never drink alcohol.)
“Showing your arse to the men.” (I was alone in my yard and I bent down in order to free out a water channel that had become blocked.)
“We will take you down with that action, you stupid cunt.” ( I was alone in my yard and I held my hand behind my back in order to stop the perpetrators from place swirling energy around my nether regions which they often do because they wish to establish if I have any bladder or bowel problems which I am claiming disability allowance for.)
“My staff need to get readings of bowel anomalies so that we can verify that you have irritable bowel syndrome.”
“Put a marker on this system.”
“She shouldn’t be living alone for one thing. Should she?”
“Put an end to her life. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Well done. We have now got a system in place where we can now monitor her from inside for the rest of her life.”
“You haven’t eaten a banana in a while. Why don’t you eat a banana now.”
“Place her in a laughing frenzy”.
“We were there, eves dropping on the conversation through implants in the woman.” (this was spoken by one of the inner voices to one of their colleagues).
“We will demote her to a place of sanctuary inside her own body and we will use the body then.”
“Is it bio-robotization or auto-robotization?”
“We are attributing some things to Gretta that she didn’t say at all.”
“How dare you suspend my work without providing me with a reason. If you do that again I will inflict extreme pain on you”. (That was said because of the fact that I had just switched off my computer suddenly)
“There is an ongoing investigation into IBS policies. It is unoperational owing to the volume of information Gretta has put out about the procedure which is extremely cruel and which amounts to sixteen years of psychological torture.”
“A destruction mechanism is what we have in mind. We don’t want this woman Gretta to be in the world.”
“I am miterforming and it is not going well.”
“We haven’t been able to establish a platform in order to program Gretta into our way of thinking.”
“While we have wireless reach of somebody we can compromise them.”
“You will not get this out because I will block it.”
“It is not in our interest to leave her asleep because we lose money.”
“I used wireless remote means to switch her water distiller on and off while it was empty to the extent that it could have caused a house fire and now she gets her drinking water from another source which is outside our control”. “You should have left it alone. I am no longer getting the necessary procurements that come in tap water. Owing to the distillation process I was still getting a fair amount of the procurements necessary to carry out my work in bio-robotizing a human being. Now, however, it is not as easy to have this process carried out. The patterns are osculating without the necessary procurements.”
“There is a vast quantity of light coming in through the eyelids, distorting the images I am trying to sustain inside the brain of Gretta Fahey who is the occupant of the human body I am attempting to contain inside a fusion of energy.”
“There is nothing here that would allow me to claim dominance over this woman.”
“This information guidance system has not been allowed to prosper in Ireland. Why is this?”
“A housing licence is a licence which allows you to live where you are living. A housing licence is something which is due to be brought in over the next few years. If you are not granted a housing licence you will be asked to vacate whatever property you live in regardless of whether you own and control it or not.”
“She has been monitored inside her own home for many years. They get paid not in cash but in higher end merchandise.” (I then heard the following response from another neuro operative as follows) “The merchandise I get is not higher end. I collect it in Athlone in my own time after receiving the necessary paperwork which is sent to my home by currier.”
“Somebody else is governing her website.”
“Why have you taken governership of Gretta Fahey’s website.”
“Tasteless information coming through”. (I no longer keep a website because it was costing me 450 Euros per year but I have several copies of it at home, both in digital means on an external hard drive and physical print outs of it.)
“Why haven’t you programmed this woman to be aquiescent? I wish to purchase a slave.”
“We are not interested in monitoring your intestines. We are interested in monitoring your bowel.”
“We have an alternation every twenty minutes and we can’t work while the alternation is happening.”
“Where is the cheque for the Simon Community that was promised. I am the handler. I am entitled to say this. I am Gretta Fahey’s slave handler. Gretta Fahey will shortly be a slave. We have bio-robotized her.”
“I was told that I could get a measurement of bowel information from the toilet bowl but she keeps flushing the toilet so there is nothing there.”
“Suture her mouth.”
“Pitchfork in the heart is the way forward.”
The following are just a small sample of the questions the voice to skull direct communications asked me at the initial stages of the micro surveillance in order to build up a basic profile of me:-
⦁ Have you ever stolen any money, even a small amount?
⦁ Have you ever dated a married man?
⦁ Do you always wear your car seat belt?
⦁ Have you ever had a row with anyone on an internet forum?
⦁ What is the emotional atmosphere of your home like? Is it tense or pleasant?
⦁ What percentage of your income do you contribute to charity?
⦁ Do you do any voluntary work in your community?
⦁ Do you belong to an organised religion?
⦁ How much money do you spend on heating oil, annually?
If I did not answer respectfully, the direct voice communications would accuse me of showing hostility towards their staff.
On one occasion, when the voice to skull direct communications began making personal remarks about me, I heard one voice saying to some other voices “Stay within the subject matter. The police and military are monitoring this”.
On another occasion I heard a voice to skull direct communication say “The thread is spoilt because nobody went in and asked her anything”.
These voice to skull direct communications once told me that they had located a man who was willing to accuse me of breaking some law, provided they pay him a large sum of money. I asked what he would accuse me of, as I hadn’t done anything wrong. They replied “He is going to accuse you of anything we ask him to accuse you of”. On a number of occasions, they begged me to commit suicide, because they claimed to feel sorry for me, because of the torture that would be inflicted on me at some future date if I did not commit suicide immediately.
Often times the voice to skull direct communications would wake me up in the middle of the night to ask me questions, and to offer suggestions about how I might improve my life. Some of these people made disparaging remarks about me, and threatened me constantly. They described how they might cut my head off, or drown me in the cattle slurry tank in the farm where I live. At other times, they described how they might hang me, or bury me alive. They also claimed they would burn down my home. Initially, I would become deeply upset. Eventually, I became so used to their threatening tactics, their threats would roll off me like water off a ducks back. These voices once told me exactly what percentage of my time I had spent in bed over a five-year period.
The voice to skull direct communications once told me that they would abduct me from my home, then they would cut off my hands and my heels, so that I could never be able to escape them. These messages can be perceived as extreme psychological torture if they are transmitted to anybody who is totally unaware of the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons and voice to skull direct communications.
If a targeted individual ever wishes to pray, they will be answered by the voice to skull direct communications. These self-proclaimed elite criminals wish to totally destroy the inner landscape of the human being, so that we become completely outer directed. The voice to skull direct communications also told me that I had been chosen as the Irish candidate for electrostatic submersion.
I believe that I had been linked to remote neural monitoring technology, which is a method of having my brain linked, to advanced technology, which is controlled by a neuroscientist or other perpetrator. These neuroscientists would frequently communicate messages to me via the voice to skull direct communication system. What other targeted individuals forget to mention is the fact that this technology doesn’t just communicate messages. It communicates the emotions of the person communicating the messages. Sometimes, messages would be relayed to me in a non-emotional way. Other times, the level of hatred that the perpetrator felt towards me would hit me with full force, leaving me shaking by the intensity of it. A rumour has been put forward online that the voices which are being transmitted to targeted individuals are voices which are being generated by a super computer, and that artificial intelligence has got out of control. I strongly disagree with this. The voice to skull direct communications are generated by real people, because I have felt their strong emotions when they speak to me.
On one occasion, I went on a distilled water fast, for health reasons. While I was on the fast, the wireless voice to skull military communication transmitted voices were heard to say, “The subject is fasting today, on distilled water. We are taking samples of the fluids in her spleen”. I also heard the following “Gastric juices have been subdued due to fasting. We are able to take measurements that we are not normally able to take”.
On another completely separate occasion, after I had just eaten my dinner one day, a voice , which was generated into the centre of my cranium by the use of voice to skull military communication technology said “I could not detect what the subject has just eaten. The food was cooked to such an extreme degree that I failed to analyse its contents with the use of my stomach and bowel contents analysis technology. ” At the same time that I was hearing this being said, I also felt strong swirling energy circulating around the region of my stomach.
One reason why I am being micro surveilled on a minute by minute basis, is because the people behind the would-be criminal control system are attempting to set up a points system for each member of society, based on your minute by minute behaviour each day. Their future plan would be to attempt to fully automate this points system, and to include every member of the human race in this micro surveillance and analysis system, and to allow this surveillance and control grid to run by itself, by artificial intelligence. WE CAN STEP DOWN THIS SYSTEM TO A LOCAL LEVEL ALMOST INSTANTLY BY THE SIMPLE ACT OF DISMANTLING THE MOBILE CELL PHONE TOWERS
Please put a stop to the use of weapons which can upload and download to and from the human brain and body now. Many people are suffering torture because of this technology and psychiatrists who appear to be under some type of electronic subjugation are refusing to believe us.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey aka Margaret M Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
My email address is

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A brain computer interface allows a human brain and a computer chip or a network of neural lace inside your brain to synchronise so effectively that a computer user interface can then read your thoughts in real time and then speak them aloud or print them on a screen near you. An example of a computer user interface is a smart phone or a smart watch or a laptop computer or a smart television or even a handheld smart screen. All of our thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions generate electromagnetic frequencies which are being read by those aforementioned digital media devices close to us throughout each day and night. Those digital media devices are known as gateway devices because they transmit our personal information to data banks at locations unknown to most of us and which are freely available to agents of the Illuminati Satanists. Some of those agents of the Illuminati Satanists have been given permission to read our private information and even to download it onto their personal computers for later analysis. Others have been given permission to listen in to our private thoughts and to reply to them in real time. I have been a victim of this evesdropping system for many years and unknown criminal types listen in to my private thoughts and respond to them in real time similar to a telephone conversation which I can never block. I often write down and publish online a selection of the insulting and frightening comments which they broadcast into my head in order to alert the public to that capability and I am herewith including a selection of them so that you will be spurred on to block such technological capabilities in order to protect yourself and your family from similar electronic harassment and torture. I sometimes add the date and time of each comment. The time zone for all comments is Irish time aka Grenwich Mean time.
"If she is seen to be refusing to answer questions they will hurt her." 2.55am 5th Nov.22.
"I will send in my own team if ye are not complying." 4.12 am 5th Nov.22.
"Who is this" "Gretta Fahey". "What is she holding her arse for." (I was in bed at the time and I was attempting to protect myself from their invasive procedures.) 4.40 am 5th Nov.22.
"We are going to kill her. We can't allow her to live if she won't follow our lead." 7.18am 5th Nov.22.
"We are never going to get co-operation from Gretta." "We don't want co-operation from her. We want obedience from her." 7.33 am 5th Nov.22.
"Aah shut up. We are not interested in this." (I was reviewing something that someone had told me privately and those who were reading my thoughts by means of brain to brain interface were scorning my thoughts and my vocalizations, which they often do. My brain has been stimulated to verbalize some of my thoughts and this began when I became a targeted individual at the age of forty three.) 2.55 pm 5th Nov. 22.
"Gretta has a good bit eaten today already." 3.24pm 5th Nov 22.
"What am I doing here." "You are torturing Gretta Fahey for money" 8.20 14th Oct.22.
"What you are doing is business." "Yes". "What right have you to do this to Gretta Fahey." "None".
"She is very indisciplined" 5.09 pm 25th Oct.22.
"A thunder clap of pain" 8.07 pm 25th Oct. 22.
" A very long rope but it will come your way soon." 8.10 am 26th Oct. 22.
"What is her crime" 7.24 pm 26th Oct. 22.
"Dumb Bitch." 9.05 pm 26th Oct. 22.
"We had no idea that this is happening. She needs psychiatric care. Shut the door on her. We don't want her."
10.25 pm 27th Oct. 22.
"You are eating cat shit." (They often try to put me off my food) 11.53 am 28th Oct.22.
"Can we control her use of electricity." "Yes. If we wish."
"The successful pursuit of this woman will result in vast riches for all of us." 6.05 pm 31st Oct. 22.
"This is not a military exercise. This is a criminal exercise. " " I am going to have to return you to base." 6.55 pm 31st Oct. 22.
"What are you doing with your life." 7.15 pm 31st Oct. 22.
"Jumped Up Bitch" 7.45 pm 31st Oct. 22.
"She hasn't got a licence to drive a car. " "Rectify it." 7.25 pm 31st Oct. 22.
"She must be some kind of a lower class hooligan if she was put on one of these programs." 5pm 26th Oct. 22.
"Our duty is to enslave you all before the time runs out." 9.25 pm 29th Oct. 22.
"We have nothing on this one. We need to hit her with something." 7.50 am 30th Oct. 22.
"Bring her in because I can't interface with her unless I see her." 8.27 am am 31st Oct. 22.
"You know she is not mentally ill so why do you want her to go into a psychiatric hospital" "Because we need to control her." 7.40 am 31st Oct. 22.
"You have a sense of entitlement." 6.55 am 1st Nov. 22
"Who the fuck are you?" 9.49 am 1st Nov. 22.
"The Red Wreck." ( The voice to skull broadcasters keep mentioning that phrase but I dont know what they mean by it.) 10.17 1st Nov. 22.
"You will get on my bad side some day if you don't answer questions." 8.09 pm 1st Nov. 22.
"Stop eating, Bitch."
"WE have to destroy her life. How do we destroy it." 5.23 am 2nd Nov 22.
"No man comes past her door other than family members. How are we going to turn that situation into bad behaviour" "I dont know but it has to be done." 9 am 3rd Nov. 22.
"I can not prove if anyone's back passage is clean unless I see them through an analysis system." 12.20 pm 3rd Nov. 22.
"Is she a European citizen." "How come she is still alive. " "We need her for some reason." 6pm 2nd Nov. 22.
"How much is this going to come to." "Analysis of this system and I am not happy with it." "What can we do about it." "Is there a problem." "I havent got it through yet but it is way too much more than she needs." "You have opened a can of worms with that topic." "It is sent already so I can't do anything about it." (voice to skull operatives had that conversation among themselves when I ordered my groceries.) 8,05 pm 2nd Nov. 22.
"Are you a waster." 5.08 am 3rd Nov. 22.
"If we wish to bio-robotize her completely we would need a strong presence in her home to put her through her paces but we can not get into her home because it is not ours." 5.25 am 3rd Nov. 22.
"Quickly switch sides. We can not condone this." Voice to skull said this shortly after I posted a post online which they did not agree with.
"I was told to pressurize the hell out of her."#
"What is she on. Any substance abuse?" "No" 11.50 am 3rd Nov. 22.
"She will go through the same process as everyone else. She will shortly be bio-robotized and when that time comes we will bring her into a system and we will torture her to death." 2.20 pm 3rd Nov. 22.
"Can we set her up. She is over the hill anyway." 6.20 pm 3rd Nov. 22.
"How much money has she. 6.25 pm 3rd Nov. 22.
"Systemize the groceries a bit better than you do." 8.40 pm 3rd Nov. 22.
"We are not interested in this lady." "Yes. We are very much interested in this lady. The government want to know what is going on with her and we have to come up with a story." (Those who speak to me by direct means to a location inside my head have just now informed me that they are the intelligence services who are linked to the Irish government but the Irish government are not aware that the intelligence services who are linked to them have direct voice communication capabilities which is also known as Remote Neural Monitoring combined with REmote Neural Manipulation as well as a variety of other names such as voice to skull or microwave hearing and someone should tell them this by writing today". A voice to skull voice also asked the following now "Will you email them with this information Gretta."
"Is there anything we can do to put Gretta Fahey into a state of distress" "Why" "Because it weakens people when they are distressed."
"I dont really like her." 5.11 on 10th Nov. 22.
"We don't want you eating food." 9.55 pm 10th Nov. 22.
"What is she doing."
"I would love to analyse this woman's crotch." (this was heard by me at 4.41 am Grenwich mean time on 12th November, 2022. and the reason I am publishing it is because I find such things very upsetting and I wish to expose whoever said it to me so that is why I am publishing the time, date and time zone in which it was said)
"She didn't eat much." "She ate loads" 8.04 am 11th Nov. 2022.
"I don't want to stop her getting bicycle tools." "She doesn't need any more bicycle tools." 8.14 am 11th Nov. 22.
"I am the co-ordinator of the program that sends voices into Gretta Fahey's head." 4.20 pm 11th Nov. 22.
"This lady is a junk food eater." 11th Nov. 22
"Is Gretta Fahey still there." "Yes." "Why can't I communicate with her now" 11th Nov. 22.
"Tie her up. You aught to be able to tie her up by now" 8.20pm 11th Nov.22. (immobilization of muscles can be achieved by remote wireless means if the subject has previously been injected with injectable technology.)
"No sugar in her diet, did you say." 10pm 11th Nov. 22. (This was said in a sarcastic voice because I normally stay away from sugar but I had eaten some at that time)
"I hacked into her brain and she was then discourteous towards me so I then hacked in further to make her understand that these situations don't go away."
"We have plenty of people on the ground and yet you don't access her. Why is that." 11.18am 12th Nov. 22
"If I was beside you now I'd kick you."
"Close the door because we don't want our property being ventured into." ( This was said to me in relation to the fact that I was out in the back garden of my home and I had not closed the back door of my home because I live in a very quite crime free rural village (other than wireless remote controlled crime which is plentiful) and I don't need to worry about anyone intruding into my home while I am in my back garden. However, the individual who broadcast that message into my head wrongly believed that he and his criminal gang owned my home which they don't. My home is my family home and it was built by my grandfather without a morgage in approximately 1912 and I legally have the right of residence in it until I die. 1.50 pm on 12th Nov. 22.
"Have a small bit of respect for yourself" 6.11 pm 12th Nov. 22. This was communicated to me because I was screaming in order to try to stop the unknown criminals electronically harassing me by sending signals to my nether regions from an unknown remote location and while at the same time communicating messages into my head wirelessly and remotely.
"It doesn't provide you with the right to interract in this manner." (That voice message appeared to be coming from someone who had taken my side and was castigating the sender of the previous direct communication message for electronically harassing me in the matter that he had been doing.)
"Her home is not the place for this lady. I wish to see her out in the open in a place where all can see me torture her." 12th Nov. 2022 sometime between 9 and 12 midnight.
"She needs to use the toilet." (When a human subject is unwillingly being remote neural monitored by unknown criminals, those criminals who are doing the remote neural monitoring can tell from their screens if the subject feels pressure on the bowel or bladder and can inform their colleagues or they can mock the subject about it.)
"You are eating too much." "How can we stop her putting out those posts and videos online informing the public what we say and do to her." 6.35pm on 13th Nov. 22.
"Who thinks up these questions for Gretta Fahey" "I dont like your tone of voice" ( This was the response which was received by the one who posed that question possibly from the one who thinks up some of the questions which I am continually being asked.)
"We are being paid to monitor this lady. Why is that" "Because she is dirty." "We are not saying she is dirty all the time. We are simply saying that she is dirty occasionally" This was responded by another individual who was heard by me to say the following "No. We are all dirty occasionally. She is dirty all the time."
"She likes to urinate alot." "She does. Yes."
"Hostile to Religions and yet (the fact that you are) not one of us is not something we like"
"Stop wasting electricity." 8.22 am 18th Oct. 22
"An inventory of her home" 7.55 am 18th Oct 22
"There is a behavioural system involved."
"Why aren't you changing your sheets more often than every ten days." 3.40 pm 17 th Oct. 22
"She is banned from Her freedoms are restricted. She will be an outcast."
"My purpose is to stop her in every capacity." 13th Oct 22
"We can get our misdeeds through as her misdeeds." 1.30 pm 13th Oct 22
"She is allowed to purchase on ebay but she can't purchase on a whim." 9.08 pm 13th Oct. 22.
"It is non-negotiable. You will do it or you will die." 1.48pm 14th Oct 22
"Get her sorted. We need to tie her down." 3pm on 18th Oct. 22.
"She will eat what I give her or else she will be beaten to death. 5.53pm on 18th Oct. 22.
"Find this woman and tell her to shut the fuck up. We have enough of her." 5.55pm approx on 18th Oct. 22
I scratched myself and then I heard the following being said "Can we have her repeat that action. 2.40 am 19th Oct.
"They are prepping her." 5.25 pm on 19th Oct.22
"We don't want you to feel sorry for yourself" 10.40 pm 19th Oct 22
"We don't want her. She is only a fool" 9.34 am 20th Oct, 22
"We dont want her. We want her to commit suicide. " 9.40 pm 20th Oct, 22
"Can we give her an alcoholic problem please" 9.45pm 20th Oct, 22
"The Dog has two tails" 10.39pm 20th Oct, 22
"There is not a nice lady here" 11.40am 22nd Oct 22.
"She is looking at washing machines" 4.15pm 22nd Oct 22.
"You will soon be aware of me" 6.11 am 23rd Oct, 22.
"We have a vacant line here." 9 am ib 23rd Oct, 22.
"A breakdown of what you spend" 10.35 am 22nd Oct 22.
"Why isn't she gone out" 11.34 am 22nd Oct 22.
"She appeals to an online audience whenever we say too much to her." 1.25pm 22 Oct 22.
"We have no frontiers" 1.27pm 22 Oct.22.
"We don't care what she does. We are taking her down."
"Could you pull her up while she is on the road while cycling her bicycle." "No".
"If she wants to feed herself she can."
"Has she a family." "No."
"Throw the book at her." "There is nothing in the book that one can throw at her."
"She is leaving me no alternative but to inform the world" "There is nothing to inform the world about."
"Her life is mundane."
"Does she travel by bus." "No"
" She doesn't need to ever leave her home where she lives alone in a rural area and further to that she has been living alone for eleven years ever since her father went to a nursing home and her mother passed away. "
"Is she bathing herself." "No, because she doesn't own a bath but she has a daily shower which amounts to ninety eight days our of every one hundred."
"She is spending alot of money especially on food." "She keeps within her budget and she gets her shopping delivered to her home by courier."
"What do you want with this one." "Nothing".
"No nurse comes to her home ever and they have not come here for more than twelve years and she no longer has anything whatsoever to do with psychiatrists either."
"You stupid bitch. We don't want you writing down what we day. If you do it again we will disable your hands and feet."
"Put drugs in her home."
"The police in Ireland who are also known as the Gardai are aiding and abetting criminal activity. This message was heard by me coming from inside my own head at 25 minutes past ten am Irish time on 2nd October, 2022.
"Subsume her house in electromagnetic radiation." 6.46 pm 19th Sept, 2022.
"I don't get gifts if I don't find something negative to say about Gretta Fahey" 12.40 on 1st October, 2022
"Calorie Restricted". "How are you going to restrict calories." "I send pain." 6.23 am on 2nd October, 2022.
"They are all getting incentivised to support a system that verifies false readings." 10.07am on 2nd October, 2022.
"You are making an eejet out of yourself." (This is an example of scorning my private thoughts) 10.04 am on 3rd October, 2022.
"We have no way of knowing when Gretta Fahey comes to town and we have no record of her ever coming to her local town because she rides a bicycle and no longer drives a car." "Can we insert some technology into Gretta Fahey's bicycle." "Do you bear Gretta Fahey some ill will that you require to know her comings and goings" "No I do not. As long as she cleans herself adequately I don't care." 12.05 in the afternoon on 3rd October, 2022.
"What is she eating now." "Far too intrusive" "We can be as intrusive as we like." 2.03 pm on 3rd October, 2022.
"Nor washing herself" 6.16pm on 3rd October, 2022.
"Why are we allowing her to have the best of food."
"I will fight her to the death over the purchase of an unnecessary bath towel." 12 noon on 29th September, 2022.
"She has a habitat of her own."
"We can make it up as we go along." 8.10 pm on 26th September, 2022.
"What time is this?. We need her to go out for a walk" "Is she a slave" "She is."
"I dislike her intensley."
"Drab. As drab as they come."
"What is the nature of this lady's attitude towards me."
"We would have to be able to break into anybody's house in Ireland and have it o that wouldn't react other than ring the police" ( They were talking about mind-controlling the people of Ireland to be mentally unable to protect themselves and their own property in the event that they the evil perpetrators ever wished to break into someone's home. They do not wish us to have the capability of protecting our own persons and our own property but instead simply ring the police.)
"Is she behaving herself with the opposite sex."
"She is resting again. We dont like that. We want her to be out."
"Has Gretta Fahey given us permission to conduct experiments on her." "No". "Why are you here then." "We assumed we would get away with it on the grounds that the Claremorris Gardai (police) would not listen to Gretta when she reported it because she had no proof that it was happening."
"This method enables us to enslave the whole human race."
"Make a living like everyone else."
"What did she do to deserve it." ( That remark was made regarding an online purchase which I have not yet received.*
"I want to dampen down her grandiose attitude."
"Have her piss in the bed so that she will get up and clean herself up. Who does she sleep with."
"No one." 5.35 pm 3rd Nov.22.
"Is she deflowered" I asked why would you want to know that. "I am required to know it." I then asked who required him/her to know it. V2k answered by saying the following :- "They communicate with us all by means of voice to skull. We were put on a program similar to yours and they found us wanting. They threatened us with exposure if we didn't produce an alternative system. We have been told to say that we have never met those who threatened us with exposure but we now know who they are and we are willing to expose them." 3.55pm 4th Nov.22.
"Does she touch herself." (Because I have an intra-body network inside me which is continually transmitting data to a data bank at an unknown remote location, unknown others know personal things about me and they often ask deeply personal questions about me to each other in order to humiliate me. They also sometimes call me it instead of she.
"She doesn't go out socially at all ever. Can this be sanctioned?" "We would make an arrest in such a case."
7.45 am on 5th June, 2022
"You forget the lady is listening and pays close attention to what is said." "We won't get to where we are going now."
"Why are you transmitting pain signals to Gretta Fahey.?" "We are not interested in checking her pain threshold. Some of the procedures are painful."
"You will not return home safe the next time you will go out in public." 7.55 am on 10th June, 2022.
"We entrain her brain to laugh hysterically every now and again. She has no control over it at all."
9.40 am on 10th June, 2022.
"She hasn't the right to be in bed during the day. 6.50 pm on 4th July, 2022
"We are keen for you to buy a new pair of shoes so we can co-ordinate your footwear with our new policies."
"Get her married."
"This is your property. Well why don't we own it then." 9.25 am on 28th July, 2022.
"I am going into her house and I am going to get something on her." 8.33 am on 29th July, 2022.
"What is your rationalle for being alive" 10.03 am on 29th July, 2022.
"Wait until she commits suicide and then I'll concoct evidence against her." 4.30 am on 31st July, 2022.
"We could move in next door to her in an attempt to influence her more thoroughly" 8.43 pm on 31st August, 2022.
"Throw the book at her" 11 am on 1st September, 2022.
"Is she a public figure. " "No" "We dont want it then." 8.05 am on 13th September, 2022.
"Gain of Function can be used on anyone to make them appear contageous when they are not" 2.39 am 22nd October, 2021.
"I have zero tolerance for you because you have no job and you have nothing to offer society" 11.30 am 6th January, 2022.
"Kill Her" 10.14 pm on 28th June, 2022.
"Does she carry a knife.? I want her to be armed. I wish to compromize her by getting her to stab somebody." 6.55 am on 6th July, 2022.
"What is happening here. Have ye any manners put on this one. Why isn't she co-operating." Between 8pm and midnight on 16th July, 2022.
"Is there a time study done on her." "No there is not." "You then can't claim"
"Detention" "We wouldn't get her in." "You are looking at a lucrative deal." 5.55am on 17th July, 2022.
"Yes. I am suggesting that you rape her if that's what you need to do to get her to be sexually active. " 1.06 am on 29th July, 2022.
"Stop this lady in her tracks." 5.40 am 29th July, 2022.
"No consent was given. You are going to have to explain yourself." "I will say I got a complaint." Did you." "No.".
7.10 am on 29th July, 2022.
"We want to control her speech patterns." "We can't control them unless she speaks differently which she doesnt." 12. noon on 21st August, 2022.
"You are going to format a system where I can obtain evidence." 11.28 am on 21st August, 2022.
"I was doing statutory drumming up information from the lady." 7.33 pm on 21st August, 2022.
"She wont know what hit her." 9.40 pm on 21st August, 2022.
"Can we install cameras in this woman's home" "No. We don't own the home." 6.48 am on 22nd August, 2022.
"We have been implanting men and women throughout the Republic of Ireland for dozens of years and we have been speaking to them through this system and disciplining them through this system. Now it is their turn to discipline us because the guards now know who we are."
"I can't get her to shut her eyes so I can then send in data into her brain." 4.24 am on 23rd August, 2022.
"Why isn't Gretta Fahey our property." 9.02 am on 23rd August, 2022.
"We can't go ahead with this one. She questions us all the time. 9.14 am on 23rd August, 2022.
"We dont allow celebacy." 3.55 am on 18th August, 2022.
"Designed to install a system inside her is not in our interests." 9.10 am on 21st August, 2022.
"Softly, softly, catch a monkey is not it because she tells everything to the public."
"We will dismember her some day." "We can't dismember her unless we immobilize and disempower her arms and legs."
"We were paid extra to frame her. "4.21pm 30th August, 2022.
"They can now manipulate her hips and we will soon be able to control her."
"She is after coming in from a walk and what is she doing in bed" 5.07 pm on 4th September, 2022.
"What did you give her in terms of finance." "Nothing. She is not one of us. She is a regular woman." "She didn't sign a security clearance" "No". 5.15 am on 6th September, 2022.
"Why haven't you made contact with her. " "We have no way of making contact with her because she doesn't socialize." 6.13 am on Tuesday, 6the September, 2022.
"I have invested money in her. I have paid staff to monitor her. " 1.38 pm 6th September, 2022.
"We will take your house off you." 9.22 am on 7th September, 2022.
"Turn up the heat on this one." 1.30 pm on 9th September, 2022.
"I can't code her because she is never in front of her computer." 10.30 pm on 11 September, 2022.
"Is she a selfish lover.?" "This question does not apply to Gretta because she is celibate." "There is no such phenomenon as celibacy because under our regeime everyone must be sexually active and married." I myself responded to that remark as follows:- "You are Luciferian and I don't agree with your point of view. I then heard the following from the same source :- "Is she anit-Luciferian." "Yes" "She will attend a seminar on Luciferianism." I responded as follows:- "I refuse to attend." The reply was "Then you won't exist."
Other comments which I heard from the same source are as follows:-
"She didn't switch off the heating in one room when she moved to a different room."
"If we succeed in worldwide takeover no one will be allowed to use pens but instead pencils."
"You are torturing a good woman inside her own home. " "Make no mistake, I will win out in the end."
"There is no breaker between us and Gretta Fahey."
"She will go missing, presumed dead." "Will she be dead." "No. She will be in one of our underground chambers."
"Is she churched." "No." "How do you get these candidates for these non-consensual torture programs. You couldn't have picked a worse protocol if you tried."
"Poor Hygiene." ( I dont have poor hygiene. I have excellent hygiene but all targeted individuals who are chronicling their day to day electronic harassment and psychological torture experiences inform online readers and viewers that they are also wrongly accused of having poor hygiene because those who braodcast messages into their heads receive payment for upsetting them by any means possible.
"Who let her into the system." " She is not in the system. We target her remotely without allowing her to know who we are or where we are located."
"I would stab you if you were in front of me."
"Don't ever bring someone that is hostile to the system here again."
"She is heavily systemized and nothing to show for it."
"Go and wash your teeth." ( This was said to me within minutes of me eating my dinner and I was about to make myself a cup of tea.)
"We are paid incrementally to make negative comments about you."
"We have paperwork here to say you sold your home and your signature is on it." ( Advances in brain weaponry allow unknown others to copy anyone's signature accurately and place it on legal documents without the consent of the victim. What should we do to counter this technological capability.)
"I didn't see her washing herself yesterday."
"How can we continue to showcase this lady as one of us when she clearly is not."
"She is in bed. I want to take a study of her when she is out and about. Can I get her to move."
"Who put voltage into this woman yesterday. Why did you put so much that she got a prolonged seizure."
"She escaped detection due to the fact that she has no television in her home."
"We dont care what we do to the occupant of the body. She is our property."
"She is not my client. She is my slave." "Have you paperwork which states that you own her."
"No. I haven't because we dont work like that."
"We want you to have your shower now."
"What kind or an organisation is this that allows a woman to be celebate."
"Paralysis of the right limb will be the outcome if we dont get the results we wish for."
"We would prefer to kill her than having her name names."
"Why was she in pain last night." "Because we have imbedded a good deal of information into her knee."
"She has a house all to herself. We couldn't get access to it. "
"I am infuriated by that."
"She spends too much time on her computer."
"She could be a bit lighter."
"Get her out of that house. There is nothing I can do while she is there."
"She is eating."
"No washing today."
"I thought I'd like her."
"Princess attitude."
"I was under the impression that we own all homes. If we don't we soon will."
"Why isn't she asleep."
"If she wants her legs she will go back to mass."
"When you wake up in the morning what do you do."
"It's taking her a while to log in."
"She won't be able to eat much when we control her. She won't be able to put her hand up to her lips to put food in."
"This exemplifies a system where we are exposed completely." (the worldwide control system)
"I would like to discipline her by lowering the amount of screen time she is allowed. Can I do that."
"She lives in her own family home alone." "Without stewardship" (Said at 7 mins past 4 am Irish time on 10the Dec, 21.)
"Abrupt withdrawal of services?" " No to Gretta Fahey. We have nothing to say about her yet."
"She has no routine."
"Stocktons Wing."
"Have we a perogative for this."
"We would never abandon this program even if Gretta Fahey gets back to full health because we are getting an enorous amount of money from experimenting on her."
"She lives alone and she has no family. What are we waiting for. Go out and pick her up and bring her in here now."
"She is in her own home"
"I dont care where she is . She has no right to live."
"She is going out to the yard now." (a running comentary of what I am doing sometimes.)
"Leckie Bill." (on one in Ireland ever uses the term "leckie bill which is slang for electricity bill in the north of England.")
One voice which was broadcast into my head said to one of their colleagues as follows "I was desperate to generate attitude." Their colleague responded as follows "It is not your job to generate attitude. It is your job to copy synonems."
"Is it under tenure." (I dont know what was meant by that.)
"Am I mind controlled programmed to hate Gretta Fahey. ?" "Yes."
"She is always feeding herself."
I myself said the following as follows:- "I will choose death rather than enslavement." Then a v2k voice responded as follows "You may as well go now then."
"We can't get into the works" "I'd get in." "You wouldnt get out alive." " O Jesus I would. I would make her head spin."
"I dont like this lady. I am happy to continue it."
"I will see her in hospital." "Why did you say you would see her in hospital." The response i heard was as follows "This is not appropriate. I am running late."
"I need to make money out of this one."
"Has she taken all her meals for the night."
"What does she talk to her doctor about."
"If you ate a little less you might be better off."
"If you lost some weight you might be better off."
"We wish to ascertain if she is good living or not."
"If we can bio-robotize her we can then make her do anything against her own will."
"It is an evil system. When can we remove her from it.?" "Never. You are all being placed on this or a similar system of control yourselves because you did not object to Gretta Fahey being placed on this system so we assume by that, that you have no problem with Gretta Fahey being placed on it."
"Go and have a shower now."
"Did anyone change the electricity readings in Gretta Fahey's home." "I did." " You brought the electricity bill up to double or treble the normal amount. " " I dont care. I dont like her. It serves her right." "YOu will sort it out" "No. I wont. I cant."
"We cant find anything on her. We are afraid we are going to lose our money."
"These people here are corner stones of correction officers." (That comment was heard by me at 5.29 am Irish time on 29th January 2022.)
"I forbid you to discuss the lifestyle of this woman." (One said to another in response to a comment the first one made about my activities. )
"I dont want this. This is not in my interests. Can we hide her somewhere." (said in response to interruptions to their work of experimenting on me against my will and without my consent.)
"She is jeopardizing our communication system by revealing everything we say to the public."
"She hasn't a right to control her own computer."
"The bicycle is the key thing that gives her joy. How can we damage it."
"They used wireless reconnissance to see if there are pathogens in her toilet room."
"I never heard anyone doing anything like that to someone before now."
"We are forensic scientists. This is what we do."
"She is no longer entitled to benefits."
"Of course I don't own this planet but my people own it.." "Who are your people" "They are Zionists, Jesuits and others and we are collectively known as Luciferians."
"We spent vast quantities of money accessing you and we got nothing out of it so far."
"Gang raping her. Would that be in order." "It would result in her death and possibly the deaths of all others present at the time."
"Do you rape women." "Yes. We train them into a system by raping them ourselves first."
"Put her on autoque and sent her in here now."
"Gretta Fahey has not been asked any questions recently. We ask the questions and then we provide the answers while claiming that they have come from Gretta. In fact, we ventriloquize Gretta in order to force the required answers out of her mouth."
"Is this woman a Christian." "No." "Will she be a christian." "No she wont." "We have a refuser here." "We are putting her through an endurance test." " What is that" "You'll see" " Trebornietsche."
"We haven't been honest with Gretta. We have removed her system from the web entirely. No one see's it only us."
"What condition is the lady in." "She is a fool."
"Death is the only option we have now."
I have included here some of what the unknown remote neural monitoring staff have been saying to me in the past few days as follows:-
"Stop asking us questions".
"She doesn't have a requirement for a fridge freezer." (My fridge freezer broke down and I was considering what I would purchase in order to replace it.)
"What did she eat now".
"She shouldn't be eating so many eggs."
"We don't want to send the intense pain until such time as we control the body."
"She uses the toilet too often."
"Unsubscribe her from the internet."
"I will take her credit card off her because of that manovure." (I gave the details of my cash card to a local supplier because I get goods from them on a regular basis and now I do not need to repeatedly give them the details of my cash card at every transaction. Those unknown others who are attempting to exert total control over my life from an unknown remote location appeared to be angry at my actions because they are now no longer in a position to dictate what food I purchase because they they do not now have access to my card).
"You wouldn't be able to kick me because I would control your leg muscles." ( Those who speak to me from a distance while remaining anonymous cowards often threaten to come to my home and to move in with me in order to control all aspects of my life. I am terrified of this ever happening so I informed one of them that if he ever came to my home I would kick him. ( I am paraphrasing because those were not my exact words because I also used swear words.)
"She is not our secretary."
"Fuck You. She will do what she is told."
I myself asked those who transmit their voices or simulations of their voices inside my head the following:- "Who was that?" One of them answered as follows "I dont know who it was. I was afraid to ask him." This was followed by another voice as follows:- "Since when is Gretta Fahey supposed to be your secretary" Another voice then answered as follows:- " I assumed we have the right to ask them to do simple jobs."
"We hate her but she responds by hating us even more. It is a hate hate relationship."
"Nobody will be allowed to be in a prone position during the day in the future." ( I was in bed in the afternoon.)
I myself said the following to one of those who transmits their voice inside my head as follows :-
"You are a meat bag full of s---. " They responded as follows "We can not work within these parameters."
The team were telling the supervisor what I had been doing over the last few days and the supervisor then was heard by me to say " I dont want to know about her because I dont want her to appear human."
At another time a voice said the following "No more lagresse for you." ( I do not know them and I do not receive lagresse from them and I have never done so and I never would do so in the future.)
"We could easily access her and pull her out of that house."
"She is remaining in her home most of the time so we cant access her."
"Is she sleeping around." (I am celibate.)
"Is she a drunk." "No. She is not." " I would prefer if you would allow me to decide that." ( I never drink alcohol.)
“Showing your arse to the men.” (I was alone in my yard and I bent down in order to free out a water channel that had become blocked.)
“We will take you down with that action, you stupid cunt.” ( I was alone in my yard and I held my hand behind my back in order to stop the perpetrators from place swirling energy around my nether regions which they often do because they wish to establish if I have any bladder or bowel problems which I am claiming disability allowance for.)
“My staff need to get readings of bowel anomalies so that we can verify that you have irritable bowel syndrome.”
“Put a marker on this system.”
“She shouldn’t be living alone for one thing. Should she?”
“Put an end to her life. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Well done. We have now got a system in place where we can now monitor her from inside for the rest of her life.”
“You haven’t eaten a banana in a while. Why don’t you eat a banana now.”
“Place her in a laughing frenzy”.
“We were there, eves dropping on the conversation through implants in the woman.” (this was spoken by one of the inner voices to one of their colleagues).
“We will demote her to a place of sanctuary inside her own body and we will use the body then.”
“Is it bio-robotization or auto-robotization?”
“We are attributing some things to Gretta that she didn’t say at all.”
“How dare you suspend my work without providing me with a reason. If you do that again I will inflict extreme pain on you”. (That was said because of the fact that I had just switched off my computer suddenly)
“There is an ongoing investigation into IBS policies. It is unoperational owing to the volume of information Gretta has put out about the procedure which is extremely cruel and which amounts to sixteen years of psychological torture.”
“A destruction mechanism is what we have in mind. We don’t want this woman Gretta to be in the world.”
“I am miterforming and it is not going well.”
“We haven’t been able to establish a platform in order to program Gretta into our way of thinking.”
“While we have wireless reach of somebody we can compromise them.”
“You will not get this out because I will block it.”
“It is not in our interest to leave her asleep because we lose money.”
“I used wireless remote means to switch her water distiller on and off while it was empty to the extent that it could have caused a house fire and now she gets her drinking water from another source which is outside our control”. “You should have left it alone. I am no longer getting the necessary procurements that come in tap water. Owing to the distillation process I was still getting a fair amount of the procurements necessary to carry out my work in bio-robotizing a human being. Now, however, it is not as easy to have this process carried out. The patterns are osculating without the necessary procurements.”
“There is a vast quantity of light coming in through the eyelids, distorting the images I am trying to sustain inside the brain of Gretta Fahey who is the occupant of the human body I am attempting to contain inside a fusion of energy.”
“There is nothing here that would allow me to claim dominance over this woman.”
“This information guidance system has not been allowed to prosper in Ireland. Why is this?”
“A housing licence is a licence which allows you to live where you are living. A housing licence is something which is due to be brought in over the next few years. If you are not granted a housing licence you will be asked to vacate whatever property you live in regardless of whether you own and control it or not.”
“She has been monitored inside her own home for many years. They get paid not in cash but in higher end merchandise.” (I then heard the following response from another neuro operative as follows) “The merchandise I get is not higher end. I collect it in Athlone in my own time after receiving the necessary paperwork which is sent to my home by currier.”
“Somebody else is governing her website.”
“Why have you taken governership of Gretta Fahey’s website.”
“Tasteless information coming through”. (I no longer keep a website because it was costing me 450 Euros per year but I have several copies of it at home, both in digital means on an external hard drive and physical print outs of it.)
“Why haven’t you programmed this woman to be aquiescent? I wish to purchase a slave.”
“We are not interested in monitoring your intestines. We are interested in monitoring your bowel.”
“We have an alternation every twenty minutes and we can’t work while the alternation is happening.”
“Where is the cheque for the Simon Community that was promised. I am the handler. I am entitled to say this. I am Gretta Fahey’s slave handler. Gretta Fahey will shortly be a slave. We have bio-robotized her.”
“I was told that I could get a measurement of bowel information from the toilet bowl but she keeps flushing the toilet so there is nothing there.”
“Suture her mouth.”
“Pitchfork in the heart is the way forward.”
The following are just a small sample of the questions the voice to skull direct communications asked me at the initial stages of the micro surveillance in order to build up a basic profile of me:-
⦁ Have you ever stolen any money, even a small amount?
⦁ Have you ever dated a married man?
⦁ Do you always wear your car seat belt?
⦁ Have you ever had a row with anyone on an internet forum?
⦁ What is the emotional atmosphere of your home like? Is it tense or pleasant?
⦁ What percentage of your income do you contribute to charity?
⦁ Do you do any voluntary work in your community?
⦁ Do you belong to an organised religion?
⦁ How much money do you spend on heating oil, annually?
If I did not answer respectfully, the direct voice communications would accuse me of showing hostility towards their staff.
On one occasion, when the voice to skull direct communications began making personal remarks about me, I heard one voice saying to some other voices “Stay within the subject matter. The police and military are monitoring this”.
On another occasion I heard a voice to skull direct communication say “The thread is spoilt because nobody went in and asked her anything”.
These voice to skull direct communications once told me that they had located a man who was willing to accuse me of breaking some law, provided they pay him a large sum of money. I asked what he would accuse me of, as I hadn’t done anything wrong. They replied “He is going to accuse you of anything we ask him to accuse you of”. On a number of occasions, they begged me to commit suicide, because they claimed to feel sorry for me, because of the torture that would be inflicted on me at some future date if I did not commit suicide immediately.
Often times the voice to skull direct communications would wake me up in the middle of the night to ask me questions, and to offer suggestions about how I might improve my life. Some of these people made disparaging remarks about me, and threatened me constantly. They described how they might cut my head off, or drown me in the cattle slurry tank in the farm where I live. At other times, they described how they might hang me, or bury me alive. They also claimed they would burn down my home. Initially, I would become deeply upset. Eventually, I became so used to their threatening tactics, their threats would roll off me like water off a ducks back. These voices once told me exactly what percentage of my time I had spent in bed over a five-year period.
The voice to skull direct communications once told me that they would abduct me from my home, then they would cut off my hands and my heels, so that I could never be able to escape them. These messages can be perceived as extreme psychological torture if they are transmitted to anybody who is totally unaware of the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons and voice to skull direct communications.
If a targeted individual ever wishes to pray, they will be answered by the voice to skull direct communications. These self-proclaimed elite criminals wish to totally destroy the inner landscape of the human being, so that we become completely outer directed. The voice to skull direct communications also told me that I had been chosen as the Irish candidate for electrostatic submersion.
I believe that I had been linked to remote neural monitoring technology, which is a method of having my brain linked, to advanced technology, which is controlled by a neuroscientist or other perpetrator. These neuroscientists would frequently communicate messages to me via the voice to skull direct communication system. What other targeted individuals forget to mention is the fact that this technology doesn’t just communicate messages. It communicates the emotions of the person communicating the messages. Sometimes, messages would be relayed to me in a non-emotional way. Other times, the level of hatred that the perpetrator felt towards me would hit me with full force, leaving me shaking by the intensity of it. A rumour has been put forward online that the voices which are being transmitted to targeted individuals are voices which are being generated by a super computer, and that artificial intelligence has got out of control. I strongly disagree with this. The voice to skull direct communications are generated by real people, because I have felt their strong emotions when they speak to me.
On one occasion, I went on a distilled water fast, for health reasons. While I was on the fast, the wireless voice to skull military communication transmitted voices were heard to say, “The subject is fasting today, on distilled water. We are taking samples of the fluids in her spleen”. I also heard the following “Gastric juices have been subdued due to fasting. We are able to take measurements that we are not normally able to take”.
On another completely separate occasion, after I had just eaten my dinner one day, a voice , which was generated into the centre of my cranium by the use of voice to skull military communication technology said “I could not detect what the subject has just eaten. The food was cooked to such an extreme degree that I failed to analyse its contents with the use of my stomach and bowel contents analysis technology. ” At the same time that I was hearing this being said, I also felt strong swirling energy circulating around the region of my stomach.
One reason why I was being micro surveilled on a minute by minute basis, is because the people behind the would-be criminal control system are attempting to set up a points system for each member of society, based on your minute by minute behaviour each day. Their future plan would be to attempt to fully automate this points system, and to include every member of the human race in this micro surveillance and analysis system, and to allow this surveillance and control grid to run by itself, by artificial intelligence. WE CAN STEP DOWN THIS SYSTEM TO A LOCAL LEVEL ALMOST INSTANTLY BY THE SIMPLE ACT OF DISMANTLING THE MOBILE CELL PHONE TOWERS
Please put a stop to the use of weapons which can upload and download to and from the human brain and body now. Many people are suffering torture because of this technology and psychiatrists who appear to be under some type of electronic subjugation are refusing to believe us.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey aka Margaret M Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
My email address is I am emailing this email at approximately 5.30 pm on 14th Nov. 2022.



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Top Secret documents from UN about neuroweapons, electromagnetic (weapons) torture, cybernetic ( weapons) torture....
Canada..have filtered them. Surprising and undeniable evidence from UN. I give them to you all, so please send and share my files to them. We need to help and work together.

They are filtering where I can upload and save my files and the UN's top secret documents online without expiration. Please,download them as soon as possible when receiving them.

It is so serious. UN, UN Human Rights, UN Human Rights Council can not tolerate any more. I can not either.

From this file above , UN, UN Human Rights and UN Human Rights Council define them as weapons of mass destruction. Several years ago, International Criminal Court viewed Mutilation and Torture as War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in its message to me and "not only to me "after I contacted ICC.

Within Canada, without VPN, some special tools I will never find and I can't open that " top secret file" which contains" neuroweapons, electromagnetic (weapons) torture, cybernetic ( weapons) torture...,from UN, UN Human Rights and UN Human Rights Council because of " 404", "403".

Why did I request and do I request UN, UN peacekeeping, UN's highest court... to stop Canada...'s ongoing War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity for nearly 20 years within Ontario, Canada?

Now, they still keep hacking UN's top secret documents as they commit madly terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra in my work place, in my home.

Please see again two attached files which you all received, including Prime Minister of Canada , plus this being hacked website, which is "last stop " for me. I can't post anywhere, delete, hack, intercept.

Attached file 1:


Attached file 2:


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture



Attached file 1

Before Thanksgiving, On October 09, 2022, Mr Prime Minister of Canada, on behalf of Canadian government, swear to "fight for human rights in Canada and around the world." Please count me in.

Please see what "Canada..." keep doing.

Recently, just recently, Canada's No.1 media told me who they are.

Their drones guarded by 4 aircrafs from 4 directions, trace me wherever I stay and even follow my every step, especially around my workplace. You all have those photos and videos about them, UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council. They must commit war crimes and crimes against humanity by drones, by aircrafts...

Let's work together to launch International (legal) proceedings against them , who keep committing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra in Ontario, Canada no matter how strong their interference is when making phone calls and how strong their firewall is when using Internet. Serious? Dangerous? Urgent? UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council left their phone numbers in case of emergency.

I have never opened International Olympic's website. "Canada..."at once paralyzed its website when I tried to open it's website. This is one way they are still hacking UN , International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, International Bar Association after and once I contacted you. Almost 18 years!

They have hacked UN Human Rights Council's external link to this below regarding" psychological torture" which UN, UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council worked together on :

UN Human Rights Council
Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3

" Canada.."

Canada, all my neighbours ( who don't work at all for 5, 10 years), 3 Philippine couples ( Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government... have known their IDs) , those who are still gathering around and hiding in my workplace, those who are driving , operating aircrafts , drones, and special engineering vehicles to trace , attack and threaten me....

1. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

2. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad. )

Supporting document and further evidence for Canada's War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

Within 20 years, in chronological order,
Amnesty International, World Organization Against Torture, UN, UN Human Rights Council, UN Human Rights Office, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims , International Criminal Court, Human Rights Watch, UN Security Council, ... they all stand up for me. However, these can not stop Canada's
ongoing War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity according to ICC's message to me several years ago.

"Canada..." must commit what I alleged for nearly 20 years because they are so afraid of my email from International Bar Association. Terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra. By them, they are attacking, remotely attacking; controlling, remotely controlling my head, my heart, my hearing, my body.

"Canada... " must commit what I alleged for nearly 20 years according to what all Canadian lawyers refused me and stated 15 years ago: You have no where to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. Terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra.

"Canada..." must commit what I alleged for nearly 20 years because they are hacking everything I am using, emails, secure emails, anonymous emails, SMS...

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing 1.terror, (psychological ) 2.torture ( what UN and UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , 3.MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , 4. poison ( how and why "Canada..." repeatedly poison me, UN Human Rights Office has them ) , 5.death threats and 6.attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.

Attached file 2:

Please send to Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government because no body can see what will happen.

Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government must take actions you should to stop all my neighbours, 3 Philippine couples, war criminals and criminals against humanity according to ICC. Canada's No.1 media told me who they are recently. It happened and is still happening in Canada.

Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government...have known all my neighbours' IDs, 3 Philippine couples, who don't work at all for 5 years, 10 years:

1. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

2. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad. )

But, they still wear invisibility cloaks, enter, hide in my house and my house attic without using any doors to do everything possible, evil, and brutal. They keep attacking madly my hearing with Microwave weapons, they keep attacking madly my head with rays guns, they keep attacking my heart with some weapons confirmed by the University of Toronto, they keep committing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra. Any of them can destroy your body and your life totally. (  invisibility cloaks )

How did I find it, how do I find it now? Both UN Human Rights and Human Rights Council knew it 6 years ago. ( Microwave weapons, rays guns )

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, (psychological ) torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( how and why "Canada..." repeatedly poison me, UN Human Rights Office has them ), death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.

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I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of electronic voices and other digital signals being broadcast into my brain and body and I frequently write about my unwanted experiences.  Nearly everyone now has injectable bio-sensors inside them and you too can be electronically harassed if you annoy the wrong people.
Here is a small selection of what those who broadcast their voices or simulations of their voices into my head have broadcast to me recently by wireless means and it is achieved wirelessly and remotely by means of me hearing their messages being vocalized and being heard by me from a location inside my head.
"We are not interested in this lady." "Yes. We are very much interested in this lady. The government want to know what is going on with her and we have to come up with a story." (Those who speak to me by direct means to a location inside my head have just now informed me that they are the intelligence services who are linked to the Irish government but the Irish government are not aware that the intelligence services who are linked to them have direct voice communication capabilities which is also known as Remote Neural Monitoring combined with REmote Neural Manipulation as well as a variety of other names such as voice to skull or microwave hearing and someone should tell them this by writing today". A voice to skull voice also asked the following now "Will you email them with this information Gretta."
"Is there anything we can do to put Gretta Fahey into a state of distress" "Why" "Because it weakens people when they are distressed."
"I dont really like her." 5.11 on 10th Nov. 22.
"We don't want you eating food." 9.55 pm 10th Nov. 22.
"What is she doing."
"I would love to analyse this woman's crotch." (this was heard by me at 4.41 am Grenwich mean time on 12th November, 2022. and the reason I am publishing it is because I find such things very upsetting and I wish to expose whoever said it to me so that is why I am publishing the time, date and time zone in which it was said)
"She didn't eat much." "She ate loads" 8.04 am 11th Nov. 2022.
"I don't want to stop her getting bicycle tools." "She doesn't need any more bicycle tools." 8.14 am 11th Nov. 22.
"I am the co-ordinator of the program that sends voices into Gretta Fahey's head." 4.20 pm 11th Nov. 22.
"This lady is a junk food eater." 11th Nov. 22
"Is Gretta Fahey still there." "Yes." "Why can't I communicate with her now" 11th Nov. 22.
"Tie her up. You aught to be able to tie her up by now" 8.20pm 11th Nov.22. (immobilization of muscles can be achieved by remote wireless means if the subject has previously been injected with injectable technology.)
"No sugar in her diet, did you say." 10pm 11th Nov. 22. (This was said in a sarcastic voice because I normally stay away from sugar but I had eaten some at that time)
"I hacked into her brain and she was then discourteous towards me so I then hacked in further to make her understand that these situations don't go away."
"We have plenty of people on the ground and yet you don't access her. Why is that." 11.18am 12th Nov. 22
"If I was beside you now I'd kick you."
"Close the door because we don't want our property being ventured into." ( This was said to me in relation to the fact that I was out in the back garden of my home and I had not closed the back door of my home because I live in a very quite crime free rural village (other than wireless remote controlled crime which is plentiful) and I don't need to worry about anyone intruding into my home while I am in my back garden. However, the individual who broadcast that message into my head wrongly believed that he and his criminal gang owned my home which they don't. My home is my family home and it was built by my grandfather without a morgage in approximately 1912 and I legally have the right of residence in it until I die. 1.50 pm on 12th Nov. 22.
"Have a small bit of respect for yourself" 6.11 pm 12th Nov. 22. This was communicated to me because I was screaming in order to try to stop the unknown criminals electronically harassing me by sending signals to my nether regions from an unknown remote location and while at the same time communicating messages into my head wirelessly and remotely.
"It doesn't provide you with the right to interract in this manner." (That voice message appeared to be coming from someone who had taken my side and was castigating the sender of the previous direct communication message for electronically harassing me in the matter that he had been doing.)
"Her home is not the place for this lady. I wish to see her out in the open in a place where all can see me torture her." 12th Nov. 2022 sometime between 9 and 12 midnight.
"She needs to use the toilet." (When a human subject is unwillingly being remote neural monitored by unknown criminals, those criminals who are doing the remote neural monitoring can tell from their screens if the subject feels pressure on the bowel or bladder and can inform their colleagues or they can mock the subject about it.)
"You are eating too much." "How can we stop her putting out those posts and videos online informing the public what we say and do to her." 6.35pm on 13th Nov. 22.
"Who thinks up these questions for Gretta Fahey" "I dont like your tone of voice" ( This was the response which was received by the one who posed that question possibly from the one who thinks up some of the questions which I am continually being asked.)
"We are being paid to monitor this lady. Why is that" "Because she is dirty." "We are not saying she is dirty all the time. We are simply saying that she is dirty occasionally" This was responded by another individual who was heard by me to say the following "No. We are all dirty occasionally. She is dirty all the time."
"She likes to urinate alot." "She does. Yes."

My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland.  I am telling the truth and I have made approximately 250 videos about this electronic harassment and psychological torture which I have been experiencing for more than nineteen years ever since the spring of 2003. 

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I am being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote neural Manipulation which is also known as Havana Syndrome and is also known by a number of other names. Those who remote neural monitor me do not know how to tell the difference between what is my imagination and what is really happening to me. For instance, if the radio is on in the background in my home and the radio announcer announces that someone is involved in a car accident, I then begin to imagine the car accident scene as if I am actually there. Because of this, whoever is Remote Neural Monitoring me at the time is not sure if I am actually in a car accident or just hearing about one on the radio because they do not always seem to be able to tell the difference between what is really happening in my life and what is occurring in my imagination.
Other Remote Neural Monitoring Staff manipulate their Remote Neural Monitoring work mates because of this situation. For instance, many years ago when I first began to be remote neural monitored, the remote neural monitoring staff wished to portray me in a bad light so on one occasion when a man came to my home to repair something they lied by making me believe that they registering that occurrence in their files as if there was something inappropriate happening in my home between me and that man. Of course there was not. The man was simply a repair man, repairing something. Now, they broadcast his name to a location inside my head and they then attempt to insert an artificially generated sexual image of the man inside my head so as to make it appear to other members of the Remote Neural Monitoring team that I have memories of such an event having taken place, which I most certainly have not because no such event ever took place.
The man in question is a happily married man who has been married for about thirty five years and he is a very good living man. This is just a small example of the abuses which can be made to occur by the Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation team when they are carrying out their Remote Neural Manipulation criminal activity.

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I am not a doctor and I have obtained this information from dozens of internet sites which are being run by medical professionals and others.
The human brain much prefers to use units of fat known as ketones as its primary fuel rather than glucose. In order to manipulate the body and brain to run on ketones rather than glucose you first have to eliminate all carbohydrates from your diet and only eat food which comes from animals such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs, milk, butter, yogurt and all other dairy products. You must eliminate absolutely all carbohydrates such as grains, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes. This diet is known as a carnivore diet.
Anyone who suffers from a neurological disorder such as one of those listed on the above heading will experience a remarkable improvement while they are fueling their brain on units of fat known as ketones. Patients with severe alzheimers made full recoveries and were able to return to work and live full lives when they went on a carnivore diet.
I myself went on an entirely carnivore diet for eleven months, several years ago. As it is a very restrictive diet I eventually introduced other foods into my diet. I experienced only one unusual side effect and that was that a large quantity of plaque began to build up inside my bottom teeth. It was very uncomfortable. Many other people who were also on a carnivore diet reported the same experience. However, if you drink a glass of water twice per day with one droplet of hydrogen peroxide added to it the plaque will disappear. Hydrogen peroxide in water will eliminate not just plaque from your teeth but also from your brain and your arteries without any further interventions being necessary. You are possibly asking why medical professionals are not being taught these simple cures in medical schools throughout the world. My answer is because many and varied think tanks throughout the entire world are fully populated by Luciferians and Satanists and they deliberately hold back cures because they wish to depopulate the world from approximately eight billion people to five hundred million people. That is why they have implemented policies which misinform medical students at university level. Many medical personnel have come forward and publicly stated online that this is the case.

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Victims of Havana Syndrome, which is sometimes known as Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation and is also sometimes known as electronic harassment or electronic torture or a myriad of other names, are not being believed when they report the matter to their local police, either because the police have not been officially warned about it or else because the police are under some type of remotely controlled electronic subjugation themselves.
Men, women and children throughout the world are now being illegally injected with bio-sensors which permeate their bodies and brains. Then they can be wirelessly controlled from a physical, emotional and mental perspective. I am a victim of remote electronic harassment and psychological torture and unknown criminals can move a selection of my muscles against my will by wireless means and from unknown remote locations. I believe that after I am dead others will be able to move a selection of the muscles in my face because of nano technology which I believe is embedded in my facial muscles. How do I report this to the police in a way that they will believe me. In the past, I reported to the police that I was being wirelessly attacked from an unknown remote location and that voices were being broadcast into my head from a distance and the police refused to believe me and refused to validate my statement and instead they brought me to see a psychiatrist for psychiatric evaluation. I then withdrew some of my original statement because if I continued insisting that this was happening to me I would have lost my freedom and I would have been locked inside a psychiatric hospital where I would have been mandated to ingest substances which are known to be toxic and furthermore I would have been caught in the net of psychiatric indefinitely. Please provide a solution to this dilemma now.

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