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如果被这个扫描到有一点典型的情况,当您的行动变成的迟缓,心悸情况,多疑,基本上可以确定被这种设备遥测到!最可怕的可以当场让您心肌梗塞信号死亡,脑溢血死亡,猝死,或整成精神分裂症,精神病,或者说是洗脑!监控或者说是精神迫害!整体上怎么样去遥测一个人请看本文作Rauni Kilde医生-微波精神控制
第一、侦探、窃密及信息的获取。锁定后,目标人的个人物理活动尤其是心理活动之信息,能直接同步被功率强大的人体雷达遥感接收机魔法般远程予以接收。一个活人体是极佳的毫米波发射源,每人都有其特异波谱。遥感机能够使之载于无线电射频(地波)。因而在遥感锁定状态下,人体犹如一个“特殊频道电视发射台”,其可透视性躯体(人体如水晶灯透明发“光”,可见五脏六腑影廓)及至一言一行,所处几十米开外可视周围之动静变幻,其内现形式的何思何想(心语与想象图)以及梦幻过程,所能并耳闻与目睹(听觉视觉信息,耳朵好像话筒器,眼睛颇似摄像机)等,活灵活现的声像信息信号并载辐射,被已目标锁定之特混传感射频发射机和接收机“捕捉”并接收。它其实是一种先进的雷达遥感。接收机所接收的信号就是雷达回波。信号由遥感机电子微处理器处理后,可有选择地通过遥感机综合声像显示器收听收看,这样,监视目标,随时随地。而机密、情报、隐私和精神状况等很轻易得到。即如“你” (被偷窥者)看到了什么,偷窥者也能从视屏上看到,“可以直观地知道他想不想她!”等等。此项让天下人叫绝!无线电波犹像客运轮渡的渡轮,毫米波则似渡轮上的公共汽车,人体相关的光、音、电信号如同车上的人!
第二、 电磁波击,垂直杀伤。高科技下何止无隐私,这个它还能以多种电磁载波形式定向攻击不同位置的被遥感目标人!如次声波、超声波、较低频、低频、中频、高频、微波、红外线和紫外线等,具远程强穿透能力。它其实是特种雷达追踪,并对目标予以波击。而不同的频率、调制方式、功率强度在不同的组织器官产生不同的效率。瞄准视屏锁定目标实施,可准确地使其全身任何部位发热、疼痛、电伤,局部发痒、麻痹、颤动等,以致各个相应器官功能顿失,如饮食、呼吸之瞬时困难,可进而引发咳嗽、呕吐、泄泻、心悸、昏沉、情思绪乱和损伤性炎症等。持续打击可摧残摧毁目标(于耳、目、心脏和大脑等要害部位)。即如,用它能够重创几十公里外置身于某一大楼内任何一个房间里的一个或多个目标,“看不见,摸不着,不知所以。”三更半夜用它,可神不知鬼不觉地将一个偌大村子睡着的人(事先锁定)遥以“加热或电击至脑失灵”。另外,可能基于人体毫米波辐射。它尚可实施遥感波击靠近于目标或者揽在其身上的人和物,如怀抱里的小孩,腰系的手机(电磁脉冲)等。此项真是出奇威猛!
第三、 误导、监控与压制。这在于进行系统操作。有以上两项,加之它还能以语音操纵目标人,如下列:
(三)它能让目标人误判声音方向、声音距离,即“你”所“听”到“邻居隔壁”的谈议声,可能是对“你”偷窥操纵者在十几公里外某处的模拟戏。此要明白,“你” 所接收到的并不是自然声波;
Diary Entry
Didn't sleep a wink; all night long heated and put in a wet sweat. Being hit hard to accelerate the aging process and undermine my God given beauty. I intend to continue writing about this and the tactics employed and post a few photos in next few days– there's a lot more going on with this than HEAT extremes although it's a major ingredient. They don't even turn it off when it's 80 degrees outside. Nano technology placed throughout my face. They have > how to destroy my God given beautiful porcelain skin < all worked out just like they’ve
done it all before. And, you can bet they have used this technique on more than a few targeted females in their never-ending quest to BREAK AND DESTROY target. The epidermis is heated with underlying dermis (tissue/collagen) destroyed. I believe they're using PEP technology or pulsed energy projectiles as opposed
to a microwave thermal weapon, but how could I possibly know really which weapon is being used on me.
Phone calls to Chris @ Freedom Fighters For America are not going through and other telephone calls and emails to ti's are being intercepted. They are able tap into and place an
electronic lock on any computer I use to control communications. My
Facebook page continues to be completely blocked and inaccessible
because they are deathly afraid my son and all of his many friends
and their parents finding out about the technology and what is going
on this and other countries. Blog posts have been deleted and access
blocked with Settings fixed so no one can view what I’ve
written. so, I will come up with a way to get around this even if I
have to contact each and every one of them personally giving them
access at another location on the internet.
As I write this, I am under neurological attack to my legs and joints which is all part and parcel of the Black Budget Program that has my name on it, or rather a number affixed thereto, as was customary in the Nazi
Concentration Camps as well as e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n and r e s e a r c h done in this country on victims of Plutonium at the height of the Cold War. The aim of the Black Budget Program with my # affixed thereto is to include plenty of good old fashioned p a i n and combine it with psychological warfare
designed to “break” targeted individual. I don't know about anyone else, but this is how my program is being implemented. Pain is the primary component of all so-called “non-lethal” weaponry; that is
assuming it is not set to kill or they don't have in their hand the heart attack weapon which comes in handy when it's time to dispose of those who are no longer useful or they can no longer handle the hassle.
ADS (Active Denial System) weaponry operates mainly on “ the transduction component by heating biological tissue to innervate epidermis and activate heat transducing proteins at a sub-tramatic level.” I don’t know what that means, but in layman’s language what they are doing with this assault weapon is attack the epidermis and vulnerable underlying collagen heating to a wet sweat and repeating it over and over and over for months on end to destroy layer of collagen which in turn grossly accelerates the aging process. They went to work on my hands, forearms and cleavage right away and then made the decision to go after my face because I was getting far too much positive feedback from far to many
strangers and they didn't like the attention I was getting.
My hands look skeletal and geriatric as well as my forearms and they didn’t neglect to include their signature brown spots while they were at it. This is no C02 laser they are using on me. I remember another women writing about the overnight creation of multiple brown spots- it is most definitely true and it’s done to undermine a woman’s confidence and self awareness. It is done to undermine and destroy an individual's total identity – just as the Nazi's shaved heads in their mind control E X P E R I m e n t a t i on. It’s not too difficult to figure out and, of course, it's always men who come up with these ideas……….. This is worth a lawsuit in and of itself. They are going to owe me one sizable sum of money to find the best cosmetic surgeon on the planet. It is a deliberate intentional criminal deed carried out with malice and forethought by little men with inadequate sexual apparatus.
The military/DOD is likely testing PEP technology on humans to determine bioeffects on the circulatory; cardiovascular; and nervous systems as well as damage to cell structure and tissues and everything else. Testing the limits
of exposure and brain research continues. The scientific community isn't talking much about long-term exposure to these weapons which target the nervous system. As far as cellular and tissue damage, that was likely established early on from the gross changes in appearance I am able to observe – THIS HIDEOUS WEAPONRY THAT IS USED TO GLORIFY
the work of weak evil little men and their mission obviously to control the universe and everyone in it.;;
Control and regulation of my urine has been taken over by a technician in remote location with special x-rays that allow him to know how often I can be harassed and kept racing back and forth to the bathroom by application of pressure to my bladder. (PRESSURE a defining capability of PEP technology as is
HEAT and DAMAGE) To sum iit up, this bodily function no longer requires me to be present.
Bowel function has also been taken over and is controlled in much the same way with the use of x-ray equipment and technology capable of applying pressure to colon. I have the idea that by keeping the colon swiped clean of all healthy bacteria, it leaves the colon wide open for opportunistic germs.
My low back was implanted in June, '08 at the same time I was remote surgically implanted throughout my uterus and sexual organs. It seems like yesterday being pinned to the bed without moving a muscle when the
technician doing the procedure was having some difficulty and called
in a sadistic supervisor who took over the job. Even so, it ended
up having to be done a 2nd time the following night
because it was tied so tight I couldn't move my bowels and
they needed to release the hold. Altogether this procedure was tried
and tied three times. The spot they clipped was to my coccyx.
Since that time, control of my bowels could be undertaken.
It has occurred to me lately the National Institutes of Health and/or other academic medical research facilities such as U C San Francisco Medical Center, may be working hand in
hand with these rogue elements of the Military/ Industrial/ Corporate
Complex and CIA/ NSA agents and agencies. Perhaps, for example, researching Colorectal (bowel) cancer
and the bioeffects of long-term direct hit radiation exposure. Colorectal cancer is the 3rd most deadly cancer in the world, and these covert criminals work over my bowels around the clock. It is entirely
possible they could be setting me up for this type of cancer so I have made note of it. They
could have experimental drugs they're just itching to try out on
Unwitting Human Subject Research Study guinea pigs – or some other
scenario. It also occurred to me that in 2004 I had
a colonoscopy and afterwards as I was leaving, there was a
suspicious individual in the waiting room. .. the same type situation
each time I went to the dentist. That's a whole other
story I should write a book about. Someone mentioned that I could
have been implanted during the colonoscopy. The vultures who
conduct these hideous, beyond evil, covert criminal
acts probably do multiple avenues of r e s e a r c h on many of us.
I'm not the only American citizen whose life these thugs have hijacked
and are making huge sums money off of. Other experimental r e s e
a r c h being done on this American citizen without her consent
includes being used for Synthetic Telepathy; Nano Technology and
Behavioral Modification -Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno
Enhancement and as it pertains to Cyborgs and Androids; i.e.,
Stanford Research Institute and certainly the long-term bioeffects of
this electromagnetic radiation technology.
This is a bookof poetry that I've written over the course of one to two years. Itsabout targeting and mental illness and a giant and Eve and God andheaven. I will be taking this to the streets over the summer trying toget people to buy my book. This is my only work in activism at thistime. It is only a book. It is limited in what it can do for me and forall of us. However,I am very proud to say that now I am a publishedauthor.
Yes you may survived true your life by being more devious than anybody else, and established an empire, but can you guarantee that your children will be the same. Or you may be lucky that your first born may developed into an incredible human being, love and cherished you with all his or her heart.
He or she may not have the devious brutal and vicious initiatives to pursue your ideals, and may fall pray by the rest of the family or your business colleagues.
Or would you prefer never to have such a saintly child, but one like your self, an opportunist devious in character and waiting for you to die so they could inherit your kingdom.
Extremely cunning even better than you because he or she have been taught by the best, and appealing to you to appreciate them but waiting for the opportunity to be rid of you because they can run the show better, mixing wit all types of devious characters inventing initiatives on how to undermine the people.
What appears trivial?
Imagined a set of scales, your sacrifice in life on one end consisting of honesty is the only policy, the pros and cons of what it means.
1. You may not ever get rich, 2. You will not ever be powerful, (hold high profile jobs) 3. You will live amongst the poor, 4. Your family may not look up to you. 5. The only thing you possess is your abilities, ( what you have learned) they can't take that away from you but virtually everything else. 6. The written law. (If you can afford to obtain it, if you can make sense of it, considering it is written by the devil who wants you to see him in a better light, but he have put it in a language that he can wiggle his way true, considering that his buddies them selves fine it difficult to administrate and understand.)
The true substance of a country, is in its written laws, executed in a manner that is comprehensible to all and not to the chosen few, strictly abided by its administrators and fairly executed, sadly there is no country yet fulfilled this obligation to their people. When we read and hear about Justice and observed just and fair laws, huge compensation to their people, we are told in the U.K. that the States have gone mad with their compensation awards. It is all false, it may apply to the filthy rich but not to the ordinary man. There probably is as much injustice in rich countries as in poor ones.
Yes it's so hard to brand it trivial, it just goes to show you what decent and honest people sacrifice, (what is the man who gains the world and loses his soul) and he is the man who created the world that we have today.
Lets try to take a look at the other end of the scale that makes this end so trivial.
1. People dying for causes they are never likely to understand, 2. Losing your wife and children, 3. Losing everything you worked for, 4. You can never trust the people who represent you, 5. You can never expect justice if you are against the wrong opponent, 6. You cannot trust the people who created religion, 7. Seeing your parents destroyed and made humble, 8. Watching our children exploited and destroyed physically and mentally.
9. Watching the annihilation of wild life, 10. Watching greed destroy the planet,
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Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance • 3925 Paxton Ave. • Cincinnati, OH 45209 |
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FFCHS News |
IN THIS ISSUE FFCHS NEWS Letter to the Editor Published FFCHS at Democracy Now! Event in NYC COMMUNITY NEWS Dr. Posner in Fresno to Start TI Meetup in Central/Northern California Radiation Measurement Device ARTICLES Indymedia Article About Gangstalking Fly on the Wall Drone/Spy Uses Ultrasound Sensors WEBSITES Survivalist Communities Food for Homeless Animals VIDEOS HAARP Documentary CONFERENCE CALLS RELATED INFORMATION Printer-friendly link: LETTER TO THE EDITOR PUBLISHED So far, we have one letter to the editor that is known to have been published: The Douglas Enterprise in Douglas, Georgia. If anyone else has information about other places that published the letter, please let me know. FFCHS AT DEMOCRACY NOW! FUNDRAISER WITH MICHAEL MOORE & PATTI SMITH April was quite a high-profile month for FFCHS. First, there was the press conference in Louisville, Kentucky, then on to New York City for the Democracy Now! fundraiser. Due to the generosity of one of our members, two TI's from our community, FFCHS paralegal, Lynn Weed and Attorney Keith LaBella, recently attended Democracy Now!'s fundraiser in New York City, at $250 per person. Some attendees apparently paid $1000 per ticket to attend this event. It was a small, elite gathering of 40 individuals who listened to Amy Goodman interview film producer Michael Moore, singer Patti Smith, and journalist Juan Gonzalez. The event went quite well and that FFCHS attended was a plus for our group, as some attendees were national journalists and other activists who would possibly take our claims seriously. One hitch to the event was that in the process of all this, Lynn Weed lost her glasses. So we're trying to fundraise to replace them at a cost of $200. If any of you all can help with this effort, it'd be appreciated. Derrick 513 344 4113 Here is Lynn Weed's account of the evening. Amy Goodman’s Interview With Michael Moore At Democracy NowBy Lynn Weed New York City April 27, 2010 On April 26, 2010 Keith LaBella, Esq. and Lynn Weed, paralegal attended Democracy Now’s interviews with actor/producer Michael Moore, singer/poet Patti Smith and journalist, Juan Gonzalez at Democracy Now’s new studio in New York City. Award winning humanist journalist Amy Goodman, of Democracy Now interviewed all three. About 40 event attendees listened in a semi circle around the TV stage. Viewers commented that the interviews were interesting and brought many facts to light. Michael Moore related information concerning events, following his Academy Award speech. Apparently because of his comments concerning the Bush Administration and the Iraqi War, his home was vandalized and he has received death threats. He travels with a security team and rarely gives out personal interviews to the general public, at this time. His interview with Amy Goodman was lively, informed and extremely witty. He is engaging, talented and willing to share his political views. Some of his earlier exploits with the nuns in the parochial school he attended, had the listeners laughing. Patti Smith sang several songs. In her last song, “Because the Night Belongs to Lovers”, she had the audience singing along with her. Guest were heard commenting that her singing was "amazing and very good." Her Baez-like tones were appreciated. Award winning journalist Juan Gonazalez spoke of the need for independent journalism to continue, as corporate journalism looms and internet journalism threatens to diminish the professionalism, characterized in the field for so long. He spoke of the need for an independent free press, in a capitalistic society, to keep democracy working. It was a good intereview and his points seemed well taken and were well received. During her interview with Amy Goodman, Patti Smith spoke eloquently and poignantly of a man, she is working with, in a human rights capacity. He had been detained and kept in a small cell in Guantanamo Bay. He had been shackled there for many months. The light had been kept on the entire time he was in the cell (months) and he described this as another form of torture. When he was finally freed, as an innocent, he had trouble walking because of damage to nerves and muscles from those months of being shackled. As she told each step of his plight, this poetic artistic clearly portrayed the pain inflicted on this innocent man and how it affected his life. The story was extremely moving story and I believe everyone listening was touched by the pathos of this true story. Later, thinking of her descriptions and the pathos now in this innocent man’s life, I became aware; his plight had truly touched me. I realized that the parallels between our plight and his were many and in some ways similar. We then moved to the wine and hors d’ oeuvres part of the evening. Keith and I circulated and gave our information to many people attending, who may be of help to us. This included some show producers, a journalist, two lawyers and one Midwestern camera and cable man, who may have been with Michael Moore’s party and showed interest in what Keith and I were presenting. It was a productive evening. END |
It gives me hope that this could be true, and that these atrocities could really be about to be exposed fro the world to know, and stopped. It gives me hope at a time that I have seen a lot of the many little things done to screw with me, little less severe pinpricks, sillier skits/street theater, etc, decreased greatly in exchange for an increase in the worse stuff, the really finely tuned psychological torture, an increase of projected sound to the point of absolute bombardment on a level not previously experienced, and the constant tickle of energy with little spikes here and there, traded up to also been more of a full bombardment level as the effects increase as well, and suddenly things have gotten critical. It gives me hope when I so desperately need it, as I feel the directed energies hit me as it does non stop now. I've realized this has passed harassment level, and is even more than just plain torture. It's seems they have shifted from things at the level of pinpricks, a million momentary harassments, into the mode of them being done harassing me, and moving into heavy bombardment for the kill. And it seems they use something that produces a sort of instant deer-in-headlights mode, or they have conditioned me to that. And it all just goes 'pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound.'
But today I was reading through so much familiar repetition, and have seen this article on a number of pages, but was looking or info in the comments. It occurred to me that a lot of the comments I was reading to this seemed to be from regular every day non T.I.'s, as if maybe people really were starting to realize. It makes me wonder if these days could be the last gasps of this happening to people widespread. The technology exists, there will always be evil, evil people, and evil people using stuff on other people. But maybe it's really about to get to the point where a T.I. can say they are a T.I. and the result is that people look at those around them to see if they are dog these things, instead of looking at the T.I. like a lunatic. A moment of hope in hell;
"I know this technology exists because I have interviewed several leadingIEEE’s with dual PHD’s and lifetimes of the highest level ofachievement in their field. These are people with hundreds of patentswith their names on them. One dual PHD who once headed MIT’s Engineeringlaboratory described what the experience was to have this demonstratedon him. He got a kick out of it and found it fascinating. However, itwas an experience of only a few moments in a friendly professionalsetting where he knew what to expect.
If someone is subjected to relentless abusive input contrary to theirvalues for 24 hours a day, for years on end, and is not a willingvolunteer, it is not fascinating
at all. In that case, it’s a living nightmare.
There is reason to believe that this technology has been used onnon-volunteers. Further, there is reason to believe that this technologyhas long migrated beyond the realm of the classified military and intothe black market. The cat is out of the bag as far as having thetechnology and it’s operation kept as a military secret.
Keep in mind that it IS a military technology.
As I mentioned in a prior comment here, over the past
few years, certain members of Congress have been
discussing the issue of this technology with citizens who are demandingboth an investigation of the misuse of this technology as well aslegislation restricting the
use of this technology. I am also aware of state level representativeswho are aware of this technology and are opposed to its use. I am alsoaware of elected officials with rank and power in DC who are in theprocess of planning briefings about this technology with the intent tohold subsequent hearings.
The reality is that technology itself has advanced greatly withoutdebate from the people of this country. Legislation has not been able tokeep up with technological advancements because they have moved forwardin an accelerated manner.
However, we as a nation are on the threshold of having technologieswhich have the potential for violating civil and human rights placedunder the spotlight and examined publicly. When this much-neededprocess begins, Voice to Skull technology will be in the first round ofinvestigations. Much will be revealed at that time. It will mostcertainly put an end to the off handed mocking that some people enjoy.There is a huge ugly story behind the curtain which will some day berevealed as to capabilities of military technologies which are designedto dominate the freedom and inner world of a human being. At that time,the issue of freedom and enslavement will be more clearly defined andthe new various means for taking away freedom will redefine theseconcepts as never before. There won’t be any tin foil hat jokes at thatpoint in time. People will be shocked and appalled, or should be."
I posted this in a thread elsewhere, am copying it to here.
And the heat/burning sensations I get are;
-full body or one whole side of body with even heat like from a fire.
-part of body only, heated evenly, but only that part, usually genitals or buttocks.
-tailbone, as if the heat is a finger tip spot, that then radiates a little from it.
-hot spots that are more surface, but feel like a heat gun that usually are just on one spot.
-hotspots that feel the same, but that feel as if they go through me, that move across me, stop at a point, usually stomach, then chest,sometimes head, sometimes groin, and when left at one of those spotsproduce a secondary pain that is completely different from the secondarypain caused when it stops at other points, while the heat part feelsthe same. Groin aches, stomach feels like it’s hot poker burning, chestsuddenly feels hollow w/dropping out feeling, head gets something thatis like a combination clench/shock/something I can’t describe. Thesepenetrating feeling spots are not felt nearly as often as the others,but seem to be the same thing I have moved to avoid, then feel itfollow/catch up.
Another time a hotspot hit me, moved across me, and did it a few times, but then never again.
I think I was supposed to get the impression of being scanned, but ithit me across my chest, not my head.
What is this, any idea? And none of these are the prickly electric, all over body, feels like I’m mesh and a slight breeze is going throughmy body sensation.
There's got to be a huge amount of money to be made off those of us who are being used as guinea pigs for the converging technologies NANO BIO INFO COGNO research. Stanford Research Institute is written all over it as is the DOD, DARPA, NSA and others.
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Friday, 1l:30 AM Having coffee at Duncan Donuts – used the small individualized creamers and 2 drips of cream fell onto the table – turned around for 30 seconds to put trash in dispenser and then back around to find cream smeared over the table.
Purchased new pair of prescription glasses. Immediately the rims were slightly twisted. No longer fitting properly, each time I put on the glasses my hair catches at the hinges and unless I go to great lengths to release strands of hair, it get pulled out... Two days ago while having coffee at Borders, I took the glasses off to wipe lens with a clean rag, and as I was finished and ready to put them back on another smudge mark appeared on the lens... there was noone standing or seated nearby
Last night after cooking supper, I carried plate with food into living room and glanced down at my side just in time to notice liquid falling onto new carpet. I bent over and touched with my finger where I saw the liquid land, and it was soaking wet. I didn’t know until last night that what I cook is what I suppose is being used to leave stains all over a brand new carpet... or possibly it's some other liquid deposited with the aid of a focused beam of laser technology. I assumed that someone was entering my apt., and I now know that's not true. The1st time it happened I had maintenance come in to clean it up, and the next thing I knew the rug was stained again in exactly the same two places... this second time, it was done from memory.
Lately I've wondered if the Stanford Research Institute, et al may have learned a few things from Area 51 and alien technology and is now being used. I think this because the technology is so far advanced and sophisticated, it is quite unbelievable. It has occurred to me but probably not so and has simply instead evolved from decades long study along the lines of psychic research and remote neural monitoring, etc.
When they were staging this theatrical production back in 2005 to entrap me, a most ridiculous scenario that was played out for me was the landing of a spaceship >straight out of Speilberg’s ET< at a 4 –way
intersection where I had come to a stop. The exact moment I would be there was orchistrated and the staged
landing on the grassy green center portion as opposed to the middle of the street where if it had landed in the street would have collided with traffic which if I had been someone dumb enough to believe it, would have been most unrealistic and blown their cover. It was entertaining, but nothing more than that. I guess I was supposed to think I was about to be overtaken by aliens and space ships.
The ability to read another person’s every thought via the man-machine interface is even greater than I'd realized. Not only are they able to read thoughts at a subconscious level to be able to stay one step ahead of me – I learned two days ago that the technology is so far advanced, it has the capability of
being able to read a thought that doesn’t even fully register and
is fleeting – however, the computer, nevertheless, picks up on it and the
thought can be played back. I am outraged at the lack of privacy these well-paid bums in brown slacks and patent leather loafers with tassels have criminally interferred with my life. At this very moment they are attempting to implant rage into that last statement I just made and to incorporate as a part of my personalityand the acoustics that accompany it are unbelievable. The question is why would they be trying to incorporate feelings of rage or anxiety into my personality? I suppose just to see what these little men discover.
I'm curious about the young mother here in town who sees the holographic images of Angels projected before her eyes. She believes the images are real and the result of a few near death experiences. It's hard to fathom how it is possible for someone to believe they are realistically seeing 'angels.' She must be someone who's easily mind controlled and what is probably has playing in her head around the clock is that her baby is loved and well cared for – when, in fact, hernewborn baby was just taken out of her arms because she told the wrong person about the angels and was diagnosed as schizophrenic and had to give up her right to be a mother, and the baby could now be in the clutches of the devil to be raised from the cradle on synthetic telepathy as a lab rat. Babies and young children for research and experimentation into these CIA/NSA Mind Control Programs would have to be the ultimate hijack. As adults, we fall into another category for scientific experimentation. But babies straight from the craddle who perhaps would not be raised on the spoken word at all, but rather indoctrinated into a synthetic telepathy operation would have to be the creme de la creme. Reinforcing soothing beautiful images of compassion and love
with angels harking over the child is to remove any doubt that the child is not being well cared for. black budget scientists of the lowest order could call this sort of thing experimentation. These
criminals live up to their NAZI, Germany role models they went to Europe and sought out after the War to bring back to this country to work for the Department of Defense in this country's mind control experimentation in exchange for another identity.
How long are we who have fallen victim to this heinous technology going to allow this to go on? When are we going to unite in huge numbers that can no longer continue to be ignored by the American public and our so-called leaders in Washington, D.C.
This morning they again tried to use another person’s agitated state to get a rise out of me, and again it didn’t fly. They ran a tape causing me to feel uneasy and jittery. As we who have fallen victim to these crimes know all to well, there is no bottom when it comes to how low these criminals will stoop, especially when they have it in for a targeted victim who is not compliant with their wishes.
Any little bit helps.. Please if you can donate to my writing and human rights abuse investigation fund.
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Thank you,
Ron Angell¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest
They continue to find creative new ways of inflicting pain and torture on this closely monitored Human Research Subject. To be consumed with such anger and hatred; I wonder if inflicting great bodily pain and suffering on innocent American citizens using glorified weapons of war technology helps them feel more like men.
The latest tactic is to tie even tighter the 2nd toe of each foot so that toes are bent back with the 1st MT joint raised in such a way that when I wear my clogs, my toes rub up against the roof of shoe and
a frequency current is turned on… the 3rd middle toe on each foot is also tied in the same fashion for friction contact with shoe at MT joint. The outer portion of Heel on (R) foot where there was a tiny pre-existing cut was enlarged into a ½ inch slash- carried out with a laser weapon. Once this barely visible wound was cut open, they proceeded to insert a nano technology device which they thent proceeded to connect to a current that was kept running on the open wound throughout the night off and on. I was forced to get up and out of bed and to use my (R) foot (6) times during the night by applying enormous pressure toboth my bladder and bowels with PEP technology.
Many victims reading this will think I should keep my mouth shut with details kept to myself until the time comes when we have a court case. I'm not on the same page. I write these things for my son and his friends and their parents and for the world to see in print the reality of what is going on in this country almost right under everyone's nose to hopefully expose the criminals who carry out these horrific crimes from within our own government and it would seem -an extremist group who fall in line with the German Bavarian CIA NAZI New World Order. They operate from within the military- industrial- corporate complex and have been aided by the likes of Retired Lt. Col. John Alexander, a decades-long career Army veteran and expert on Psychotronics, Mind Control Research and Experimentation and so-called Non-lethal weapons at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Technology that was developed and perfected on unwitting American citizens and now are being used in state sponsored terrorist operations on American civilians carried out by evil sick little men allowed to operate from within the military and secret intelligence agencies.
The criminal team of "handlers" who hideout in remote locations so as to be able to get away with these dirty deeds have been dedicated to the task of crippling me for the past two years. How many other Americans who don't even realize the technology exists have been crippled deliberately and intentionally or have come down with a designer disease or cancer. When they were setting me up in this black budget CIA/military intelligence program they initially threw me off a curb into the street in Oakland, CA hoping that my knee would sustain permanent injury. When it didn't, they threw me off a curb twice more. Once the knee completely healed nevertheless, they could have documentation of a pre-existing injury and "invent" damage. They took this ( R) knee and filled it with nano technology devices throughout. At this moment as I write and they view what I am writing, they have completely released all the screws in the knee, and I feel free as a bird to fly away if I could. But, I spoke too soon, because those devices are at this moment being once again retightened. Much of the job is obviously done at their display screen with the illuminati pen to point of influence.
I’m out of the house all day every day and have the opportunity to observe what’s going on around me.
It's a small city and as I look around the downtown area, I see people of all ages limping or their gait is disjointed and somehow off, or they appear to have a jerkiness as they walk OR they’re using a walker or confined to a wheelchair and I wonder how many of them are being remote artificially electronically crippled and don't have a clue about the technology.
I am confident that if we unite against this extremist agenda and act boldly on our own behalf, we can put an end to it finally. Unless there are huge numbers of us in view of the American public, I don't see this ever officially ending any more than MKUltra ended.
One victim I recently found here in town is 65years old and says she will die soon because she can no longer eat solid food and is growing weak. She's missing time and told her daughter about a lot of our stuff and her daughter refused to hear of it. I told her that was typical. The other target just had a baby that
was taken away from her because she has been labeled “schizophrenic” for seeing holographic images of angels!
I've mentioned my feet and knees, but my hips get even more negative attention DAILY for two years now with a current that runs from the sole of my L Foot up to hip joints where they turn on a frequency to
the neuromusculature to torture me. Or they can make my legs feel heavy with psychotronics and awkward as though I'm a marionette by tweaking hip joints at strategic points to mimic a serious arthritic condition to achieve this effect. There are meridian lines such as in acupuncture with devices inserted up and
down my legs and into hip – a kind of network which operates as a system and where they decide which points they will activate for maximum pain and discomfort or a change in motion. This morning they were torturing me with neuromuscular pain,and I happened to reach down and scratch an outside point at (R) ankle bone whereby a nerve sensation shot directly up the leg to the point in my (R ) knee which is routinely targeted for extreme pain in the middle of the night waking me up last night and the previous night -the point that is tweaked for maximum disability..
Where is Congressional Rep Janice Schakowsky who stood up last October for The Center of Constitutional Rights to end human rights abuses by Military Contractors in Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa? BUT, what about at home, Janice? She was going to do an investigation on our behalf and as in typical fashion, it was just dropped. Just as Senator Patrick Leahy, head of the Senate Judiciary Committee supposedly does oversight over the FBI who were involved in Cointelpro and are aware of or complicit in this continuation of Cointelpro.
First 5 Minutes after the Polish Govt. Plane Crash on the Russian BoarderThe translation of the man taking the video says,''I hear shots'','' im not going to get my self killed''. People who know Russian have said this is what the man is saying in this video.The plane crashed on the Russian border. -*Someone posted this comment*
Please make a complaint at Interpol - France/Lyon
you can make this easy with an online form or you can also send a letter with evidences
Please use the common subject: I join the complaint of the victims of mind-control, electronic harassment and
surveillance worldwide
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