Elected governments and their government staff combined with ancillary staff throughout the western world have been rendered useless because they continue to hold smart engineered technological devices close to their brains and spines on an almost daily basis.

All smart engineered technology has a strong capability to entrain the brains of the users into whatever emotional state that mass mind control operatives wishes the users brains to be entrained to.

An offer of advi...ce was received by European governments from an unknown source within the European Union, suggesting that, in order to enhance the capabilities of government, governments in general should distribute smart engineered technology, free of charge, to all government staff, both senior and junior, combined with ancillary services staff. Smart engineered technology combined with both microwave transmitters and millimeter wave transmitters which are sometimes known simply as 5G are all trojan horses. They are the linchpin which is being used to technologically enslave many human beings throughout the world. We must repeal their use now as a matter of extreme urgency.

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Nano technology inside our bodies in combination with wireless neuro weapons, directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology which are enabled solely by telephone towers and related ground based antenna has enabled the following:-

Mind Control of the masses of human beings so that the majority of human beings are now only prepared to believe what their corporate controlled government informs them of. This is a dangerous situation because corporations have employed various hoaxes in order to instill in human beings the false belief in extra-terresterials, the false belief in the existence of demon possession, the false belief in the existence of satellites plus many more hoaxes too numerous to mention.

Human Bio-Robotization combined with Human Zombification of non-consensual brain weapon research subjects who are being experiemented on over many years. Neuro weapons are now capable of enabling non-consensual movement of the limbs of a selection of targeted individuals. This can include whole body takeover including forced speech of targeted individuals. This system can also enable total body paralysis or partial neural curtailment of non co-operative targeted individuals. This also can include takeover of the limbic system of a targeted individual. All of this can and is being achieved wireless and from remote locations by unknown assailants.

Loss of all mental privacy of targeted individuals of brain weapons technology including loss of privacy of all past memories of said targeted individual.

Entire memory sets can be deleted and new memory sets can be inserted in unsuspecting individuals by wireless means. Combined with possible wireless attacks on the judiciary, lawyers and the police, this effectively means that no judgement is safe. Good people are in jail.

Remote wireless assassination and remote wireless enslavement are both possible because of the existence of directed energy weapons and other advanced technology.

Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dAESYkflOU Telephone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:-

Telephone towers are the sole providers of microwave radiation that is utilised to carry digital signals too and from human brains and spinal cords.

There are no satellites. The existence of satellites was created by disinformation agents. The existence of satellites is a hoax. Firstly, there is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius. Secondly, air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. It is biologically impossible for space to even exist other than air. This would indiciate that satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they have. If we have mobile phone towers dismantled the human race would have our freedom returned to us immediately.

We have been lied to by our fellow human beings, the self-proclaimed elite for thousands of years. They have been attempting to gradually enslave the rest of the human race for thousands of years. They lie to us because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power and because a misinformed population tends to be easier to mislead.

We must urgently ask our political representatives to have all telephone towers dismantled immediately.

Please distribute this information now because the whole of the human race is in serious trouble. You will aid in stopping the whole fabric of society collapsing in disarray be warning the rest of the human race about the out of control use of neuro weapons and directed energy weapons combined with voice harassment technology.

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I believe that Brain Weapon Research has made possible the almost total biological control by one human being over another completely separate non-consenting human being, including control over the movement of many of the muscles of that non-consenting human being wirelessly, by the use of neuro weapons and from a remote location.

When almost total wireless biological control of a non-consenting human being has taken place after many years of remote wireless brain mapping followed by neuro processing then that non-consenting human being is effectively a slave. If they disobey the neuro weapons operatives who communicates to them by internal wireless means they can effectively be paralysed from head to toe by remote means.

I believe that some human beings throughout Ireland have already been wirelessly enslaved by this means. They more than likely have been made to work mostly in financial services so that they can engineer situations where they can make their enslavers wealthy by means of insider trading. Another lucrative area where wireless slaves can make money for the dark luciferian slave owners is by working in the area of neuro weapons research where they go on to wirelessly enslave a number of other human beings during the course of their lives.

The wirelessly enslaved human being may never meet their enslavers as all neuro processing currently takes place wirelessly and by remote means. Furthermore all communication is being transmitted wirelessly inside the skull of the neuro weapons research subject by the use of voice to skull military communication technology. Wirelessly enslaved human beings can not communicate their slave status to anybody because they are constantly being monitored by teams of individuals who are also enslaved to a small extent by virtue of secrecy clauses. A second reason that they can not communicate their slave status publicly is because if they do so they are legally considered mentally ill and incarcerated in a mental institution where they are drugged with substances which cause them extreme internal discomfort almost akin to being tortured from the inside out in some cases.

I have been informed that the wireless slaves have a certain amount of neuro encoding inside their skulls which means that they can not cross a certain point in the area where they live and work, which means that they are effectively imprisoned for the rest of their lives. If the wireless slave is highly moral and is not knowledgeable enough to work in a financial service centre or a neuro processing centre then they may be forced to become an unwilling prostitute or in most cases they may prefer to commit suicide.

I believe that this slow enslavement process is happening to a selection of disparate individuals from all over the world and each case of enslavement takes many years of work by neuro weapons operatives in unison with many other black budget military departments who all work simultaneously but from many different locations on the non-consensual weapons research subject. The majority of the digital signals needed to carry out these covert operations travel on undersea cables all around the world. However, some digital signals need to be transferred to and from the weapons research subject at a local level which mostly happens outside the home of the weapons research subject each night by covert means and from a number of different agencies.

One particular brain weapons research subject once admitted that her internal voices advised her that once she becomes totally enslaved she will only be allowed to eat 800 calories worth of food each day. Once she has eaten her allocated amount of food her mouth will be forced to remain closed for the rest of the entire day. This is scientifically possible at this point in time by means of neuro technology.

The superstructure that this entire wireless enslavement program depends on is the cell phone tower system. This generated the microwave radiation which is needed to power this wireless human enslavement system. If we dismantle the cell phone tower system including all related paraphernalia the reign of terror of the dark occultists will be over forever. Please ask your local political representatives to have all cell phone towers dismantled as soon as possible.

Satellites are widely believed to be one of the many hoaxes perpetrated on us by the dark occultists in order to aid their attempt at world wide enslavement. Air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat of making air and space exist side by side has never been achieved in any laboratory setting. The only space that exists anywhere is air space. This is one of many points which prove satellites are a hoax and the only things keeping humanity from freedom are cell phone towers combined with chemtrail spraying of our skies. We aught to have cell phone towers dismantled now.


For further information please see a youtube video by neuro scientist Greg Gage called "How to Control Someone Else’s Arm With Your Brain" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSQNi5sAwuc&t=88s

For further information please see a youtube video called "Electronic Concentration Camp: Surrogate Enslavement." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_-LT42Seqg


"During steering the contraction of the muscles of the torturer is being measured with radar techniques. The contraction of the muscles of the torture victim is measured with radar techniques as well. Then electrical pulses are transmitted by laser or microwave techniques into the muscles of the torture victim till the muscles of both persons are contracted likewise, resulting in synchronous movements including speech. Being steered results in exactly following the movements of the person steering and saying what this person says." www.geeldon.wordpress.com

System and method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism Patent No US 3837331 A

Many small animals including rats and mice have already successfully been remote controlled.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2eS2LpNI4k&index=20&list=PLE5TiEanwWiJyMOQwOCX60ZXVxt21WivS

For further information of neuro-hacking and human bio-robotization please read the following story of 21st-Century Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing in the Case of Rohinie Bisesar: Breakthrough as Defense Attorney Confirms Her Receipt of Letter from Human Rights Activists https://everydayconcerned.net/2016/09/08/21st-century-bio-hacking-and-bio-robotizing-in-the-case-of-rohinie-bisesar-breakthrough-as-defense-attorney-confirms-her-receipt-of-letter-from-human-rights-activists/

In mid March 2016 the Polish defense minister Antoni Macierewicz visited the University of Father Tadeusz Rydzyk to participate in the discussion on problems of contemporary politics, armed conflicts and terrorism. One of the listeners asked him, whether Poland has got a strategy, how to solve illegal experiments with electromagnetic weapons on unwitting Polish citizens. Antoni Macieriwicz replied that his ministry is conducting an analysis on this subject and that he is going to establish a commission, which will investigate the complaints of Polish citizens. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgVs4-m0lNY#t=33 http://www.dziennikzachodni.pl/polska-i-swiat/a/minister-macierewicz-o-broni-elektromagnetycznej-zdjecia-wideo-raport-juz-wkrotce,9741513/).

In this way the Polish minister of defense admitted that there exist electromagnetic weapons, capable to interfere with the functioning of human organism and that it may be used on Polish citizens. https://www.globalresearch.ca/electronic-weapons-radio-frequency-radiation-remote-manipulation-of-the-human-nervous-system/5584676

Barton L. Ingraham and Gerald W Smith published an article back in 1972, in a United States government document called "Issues in Criminology", Volume 7, Number 2. The article is called " The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior, and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control". The article states the following:- "The development of systems for telemetering information from sensors, implanted in or on the body will soon make possible the observation and control of human behaviour without actual physical contact. Through such telemetric devices, it will be possible to maintain twenty-four hour-a-day surveillance over the subject, and to intervene electronically or physically to influence and control selected behaviour".


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Tactile hallucinations used in my enslavement

This is a text-message I sent a friend not long ago. I thought it could be a valuable thing to post.
I was basically asked, "What kind of tactile hallucinations do you experience constantly? How do you feel about them?"

The hallucinated drooling... That started after I drooled in sunnybrook hospital. I associated my saliva with poison. But the drooling doesn't happen spontaneously, it happens when I have creative or imaginative thoughts, or when I try to think of evidence that sunnybrook harmed me, or evidence that something is still harassing me. It slows my thoughts right down, often to the point that I can't think and forget what I was thinking about.

I am under the impression this is a mind-hacking/controlling tactic used by a secret authority to disable creative thinking. It also symbolizes my being mentally slow, something I think they might be using to reduce my self-esteem (they do this a lot), etc. I get hallucinated tears below my eyes. This also reduces my thinking, but reminds me of helplessness and sometimes trauma, as in "we removed your ability to cry, but here's a tear whether you like it or not, just to remind you of what we did to you."

Both of these hallucinations can also be upward (i.e. drooling toward the mouth, crying toward the eye), where they will give me a feeling similar to adrenaline or fear (instead of blankness/sedation), and is occasionally used by the authority as an attempt to backtrack by one programming step (reversed movement in a hallucination can symbolize going backward, and in sunnybrook I tried to rethink the last thought to allow them to program my brain more effectively when I thought submitting to them would reduce the torture. They just turned that backtracking into an automatic reaction, triggered on command, using fear/trauma-based programming that ingrained the reaction in a part of my subconscious mind. I think).

There are also itches they produce all over my body, which happened every night since about age 10, but I didn't know what it was. Now, when I ask them to stop, they specifically increase the frequency/severity. This can prevent me from sleeping and wake me out of a dream unless I'm fully immersed in it. Sometimes, they will try to make me scratch myself, then punish me by adding itches at the exact time I decide to scratch. The itchiness can really distract me and increase my irritability. In the past, it's been a bit of a trigger for drug use, too.

I also experience gentle prick-like hallucinations on my fingers, which I feel are like commands/communication from the authority. Example: prick on the index finger symbolizes waving of that finger, as in "no, don't do that" or on my thumb it symbolizes thumbs up, as in approval or encouragement. On my middle finger it's like using the middle finger, which symbolizes humorous, rude discouragement, a sarcastic remark like "that's a ridiculous idea."
And so on.

There are muscle spasms, strange interpretations related to other hallucinations, twitches, and visual impressions I get, also with their own special meaning, but those aren't really tactile hallucinations.

Oh, and how I feel about them... I hate them. They constantly suppress my mind, are used to program me thought by thought and action by action, change my decisions based on whether or not I'll be harassed with the hallucinations if I make one choice over the other, etc. They are mild hell. They weaken my ability to have hopeful and beautiful thoughts that make me resistant to them and their programming.

Sometimes I experience mild "artificially induced" pain in parts of my body but this doesn't bother me very much.

The End. :)

Love, Daniel

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Meeting a mind-controlled horse

email: cubicle227 at yahoo . ca - you can contact me any time for any reason.


I was in Muskoka with my dad in late august of this year. We stayed at Deerhurst Resort in Ontario, Canada.

During my stay, I went horseback riding. When the horses were pulled out of their stable, I already saw something akin to depression or unhappiness in them, particularly in their eyes.

During the ride, the instructor told me, "I want you to not worry at all about hurting it. Kick it in its sides as hard as you can." Then, "Your goal is to not let it eat (grass, plants or leaves)."

We were also supposed to harshly pull its head to the side we wanted it to move in. At one point we were supposed to keep it from moving.

The instructor told us the horses weren't supposed to eat leaves because it was a choking hazard, but admitted she had never seen any of them choke. She did say to a horse, "you don't deserve it anyway" regarding leaf-eating. By the end, my horse lashed out a bit at that woman.

How exactly are these horses mind-controlled?

My own mind control, as well as that of others I know about, involves being prevented from eating normally (being forced to eat certain amounts of certain foods) during key programming periods. Like the horses being kicked and having their heads pulled harshly, I often receive little nudges and kick-like sensations, as well as forced movements, like my head moving to one side, the primary purpose being to alter my behaviour and thinking, action by action and thought by thought. The difference is that the horses' perps (harassers) are its riders, not just some secret authority.

The horses are kicked harder and harder until they move from pain or discomfort.

Less important information:

When I went horseback riding in Costa Rica, we treated the horses much more nicely, even giving them pineapple when we had stopped. It may also be worth mentioning these horses were constantly twitching near their necks. It could've been a bug. It could also be a triggered itch, as is the case with me. I, too, suspected I may have had bed bugs before it became obvious that something else was going on.

According to the instructor, the horses didn't feel anything unless we really kicked them. I have evidence to the contrary: it moved specifically when I kicked it gently, at first.

Over time, it became more tired and decided not to obey the signals.

Disobedience isn't the same as lack of awareness.

This post is the least I could do to try to help the horses in some way.

Love, Daniel

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