harass (3)

The remote neural monitoring staff who I am non-consensually wirelessly tethered to have begun to delete important documents from my computer screen entirely against my will and without me even touching my keyboard. Yesterday I sent the following document to all of the local newspapers in the Republic of Ireland as well as some national newspapers such as www.independent.ie and the national television station also in the republic of Ireland called www.rte.ie as well as one or two overseas newspapers. I sent the below information in one single email to all email addresses as a group email. This morning I checked my sent items folder at my email address and while I was re-reading the aforementioned email it disappeared off my screen and the retrieve button became greyed out. Luckily I happened to have a copy of the email in another file. The whole population of the western world may become non-consensually linked to remote neural monitoring soon and it could be run entirely by computerized algorithns and without any staff. How can we wake up a population many of who live near telephone towers and by doing so are under heavy electronic mind control? My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net, My facebook page is called www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98


When a human being is being non-consensually subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation they are wirelessly connected by a two way stream of energy which comes from technology inside their brains and bodies and is linked to a supercomputer. All of the electrical activity generated by their brain and body in real time is downloaded to that supercomputer where it is translated into everything they have thought, said, and done throughout each day. Further to that, sounds, voices, moving images, sensations, odours, pain signals and forced muscle movements are uploaded to the brain and body of the victim at random times by neuro operatives who transmit this data through the two way stream of energy which is wirelessly connected to the brain and body of the victim. The victim can be forced to experience a virtual reality experience without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. Remote neural murder is also possible in this way. ​ Many people throughout the western world are currently being remote neural monitored and remote neural manipulated. When ever they report the matter to the authorities they are being disbelieved. The reason that they are being disbelieved is because all government officials and all others who work or live close to microwave transmitter towers are under electronic mind control. Microwave transmitters beam (ELF) mind control signals which mimic natural brain waves into the brains of anyone who lives or works close to microwave transmitter towers. Brain researchers have identified the specific brain rhythm which induces docile, submissive, zombie like behaviour. This specific brain rhythm is then recorded and is used as the template for the ELF signal now being beamed from microwave transmitters. ​ We are at a stage in scientific understanding when we are all about to be enslaved by being non-consensually wirelessly tethered to supercomputers but most of the population is under such strong electronic mind control that they dont care. Brain researchers have identified a vast catalogue of brain rhythms which can be used to control the feelings of whole populations which entrain their brains into a state of misplaced trust in European commission authorities who do not have their best interests at heart. The politicians of all national governments within the European Union could well be under similar mind control constraints. Otherwise they would not have advised all government staff to carry smart phones, which can be used to entrain the brains of said government staff into docile, obedient, trusting and unquestioning order followers. Many people from all countries in Europe are being psychologicallty harassed and tortured inside their own homes by wireless means and whenever they report the matter to the police they are being disbelieved and they may wrongly end up in psychiatric facilities because wireless weapons are highly deniable and these attacks are not easily proveable. ​ When are we going to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and return to using hard wired telephones? Yours Sincerely, Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Landline Home Phone No 0949360901, Mobile Phone No 0870692278, gretta2011@hotmail.com

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Tactile hallucinations used in my enslavement

This is a text-message I sent a friend not long ago. I thought it could be a valuable thing to post.
I was basically asked, "What kind of tactile hallucinations do you experience constantly? How do you feel about them?"

The hallucinated drooling... That started after I drooled in sunnybrook hospital. I associated my saliva with poison. But the drooling doesn't happen spontaneously, it happens when I have creative or imaginative thoughts, or when I try to think of evidence that sunnybrook harmed me, or evidence that something is still harassing me. It slows my thoughts right down, often to the point that I can't think and forget what I was thinking about.

I am under the impression this is a mind-hacking/controlling tactic used by a secret authority to disable creative thinking. It also symbolizes my being mentally slow, something I think they might be using to reduce my self-esteem (they do this a lot), etc. I get hallucinated tears below my eyes. This also reduces my thinking, but reminds me of helplessness and sometimes trauma, as in "we removed your ability to cry, but here's a tear whether you like it or not, just to remind you of what we did to you."

Both of these hallucinations can also be upward (i.e. drooling toward the mouth, crying toward the eye), where they will give me a feeling similar to adrenaline or fear (instead of blankness/sedation), and is occasionally used by the authority as an attempt to backtrack by one programming step (reversed movement in a hallucination can symbolize going backward, and in sunnybrook I tried to rethink the last thought to allow them to program my brain more effectively when I thought submitting to them would reduce the torture. They just turned that backtracking into an automatic reaction, triggered on command, using fear/trauma-based programming that ingrained the reaction in a part of my subconscious mind. I think).

There are also itches they produce all over my body, which happened every night since about age 10, but I didn't know what it was. Now, when I ask them to stop, they specifically increase the frequency/severity. This can prevent me from sleeping and wake me out of a dream unless I'm fully immersed in it. Sometimes, they will try to make me scratch myself, then punish me by adding itches at the exact time I decide to scratch. The itchiness can really distract me and increase my irritability. In the past, it's been a bit of a trigger for drug use, too.

I also experience gentle prick-like hallucinations on my fingers, which I feel are like commands/communication from the authority. Example: prick on the index finger symbolizes waving of that finger, as in "no, don't do that" or on my thumb it symbolizes thumbs up, as in approval or encouragement. On my middle finger it's like using the middle finger, which symbolizes humorous, rude discouragement, a sarcastic remark like "that's a ridiculous idea."
And so on.

There are muscle spasms, strange interpretations related to other hallucinations, twitches, and visual impressions I get, also with their own special meaning, but those aren't really tactile hallucinations.

Oh, and how I feel about them... I hate them. They constantly suppress my mind, are used to program me thought by thought and action by action, change my decisions based on whether or not I'll be harassed with the hallucinations if I make one choice over the other, etc. They are mild hell. They weaken my ability to have hopeful and beautiful thoughts that make me resistant to them and their programming.

Sometimes I experience mild "artificially induced" pain in parts of my body but this doesn't bother me very much.

The End. :)

Love, Daniel

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Give it a tinker.  They could be real.  The USAF was cited as considering using satellite for such purposes.

Check out the following youtube vid (CISCO telepresence holographic conference) :



And with the availability of invisibility cloaks material commercially, sensors or devices can be hidden in

the background using this invisibility cloaks, but still able to see from inside out, but invisi from outside. 

This company supplies such materials  :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JpMJTJXf28


Below is excerpt from the above mentioned article : http://www.thehiddenevil.com/NewWorldWar.asp


Three-dimensional images that look like real: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker; Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004; CNN, Holographic Television to Become Reality, July 10, 2008

Holograms can be projected: US Air Force, Air Command And Staff College, Maxwell AFB, An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025: An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and Space Capabilities, May 1996; The New Hampshire, UNH is Hub of Pentagon's 'Non-Lethal' Weapons Research Program, April 25, 2008, Derek Price; The Boston Globe, Non-Lethal Weapons: Sci-fi Meets Pentagon, November 20, 2000, Ellen Barry; Wall Street Journal, Nonlethal Arms, New Class of Weapons Could Incapacitate Foe Yet Limit Casualties, January 4, 1993, Thomas B. Ricks; Government Product News, Non-lethal Weapons Offer More Counter-Terrorism Options, November 1, 2003; Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Nonlethality and American Land Power: Strategic Context and Operational Concepts, June 15,1998, Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr., Steven Metz

Holograms are also to be projected into rooms: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 5, May 2004, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer

sophisticated PsyOp to be used on the civilian: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004

to scare a target individual to death: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker

The Air Force has also considered using satellites: Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Lasers In Space: Technological Options For Enhancing US Military Capabilities, November 1997, Mark E. Rogers, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF


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