If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation. You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better. This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.
wirelessly (48)
I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling neuro weapons test subject and I reside in the Republic of Ireland. I am wirelessly tethered to a network of computers from an implant combined with nano sensors which are inside both my brain and body. The technologically induced voices of neuro research operatives which are constantly being transmitted into the centre of my head by wireless means have informed me that they wish me to move into a purpose built unit complete ...with under-floor cables so that these cables would allow a supply of electricity to circulate around my head and body at all times in order to better analyse me for the purposes of scientific data analysis. I have a right of residence in my family home until I die so these unknown criminal neuro operatives are unable to have me forceably moved into a more appropriate scientifically suitable environment. These inner voices went on to say that a human being is far more likely to become a targeted individual if you live in an environment surrounded with a multitude of electrical activity on a constant basis.
Wireless enslavement of the human race is imminent if you do not wake up. The would-be enslavers have already wirelessly tethered hundreds of thousands of non-consensual and totally unwilling human beings across the world by means of secretly imbedding them with implanted microchips and programmable nano technology combined with a network of bio-sensors. Wireless signals are then sent to and from this network of computers to the neuro slaves. These wirelessly tethered humans constantly hear commands which are being transmitted inside their heads. They may also receive pain signals in the future if they refuse to obey these commands.
Some senior politicians throughour Ireland and the wider world may possibly be wirelessly tethered to a network of computers similar to myself. This can be the only logical explanation as to why the Irish government is allowing the installation of 5G millimeter wave technology throughout the Republic of Ireland. 5G millimtere wave technology is enabled to carry pain signals to human bodies which have imbedded implants combined with nano particulates inside them. This would be achievable by wireless technological means. By means of further manipulation of the human being by directed energy weapons wireless control of the muscles of a human being by outside means can also be achieved and maintained on a temporary basis, long enough to force a targeted individual to commit suicide totally against their will.
I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling neuro weapons test subject and I reside in the Republic of Ireland. I am wirelessly tethered to a network of computers from an implant combined with nano sensors which are inside both my brain and body. The technologically induced voices of neuro research operatives which are constantly being transmitted into the centre of my head by wireless means have informed me that they wish me to move into a purpose built unit complete ...with under-floor cables so that these cables would allow a supply of electricity to circulate around my head and body at all times in order to better analyse me for the purposes of scientific data analysis. I have a right of residence in my family home until I die so these unknown criminal neuro operatives are unable to have me forceably moved into a more appropriate scientifically suitable environment. These inner voices went on to say that a human being is far more likely to become a targeted individual if you live in an environment surrounded with a multitude of electrical activity on a constant basis.
Wireless enslavement of the human race is imminent if you do not wake up. The would-be enslavers have already wirelessly tethered hundreds of thousands of non-consensual and totally unwilling human beings across the world by means of secretly imbedding them with implanted microchips and programmable nano technology combined with a network of bio-sensors. Wireless signals are then sent to and from this network of computers to the neuro slaves. These wirelessly tethered humans constantly hear commands which are being transmitted inside their heads. They may also receive pain signals in the future if they refuse to obey these commands.
Some senior politicians throughour Ireland and the wider world may possibly be wirelessly tethered to a network of computers similar to myself. This can be the only logical explanation as to why the Irish government is allowing the installation of 5G millimeter wave technology throughout the Republic of Ireland. 5G millimtere wave technology is enabled to carry pain signals to human bodies.
The criminal technocrats wish to reveal to us by slow and incremental means that they can hurt or kill us wirelessly. They wish to maintain plausible deniability at all times. To that end they sometimes induce wireless death in senior citizens on the very anniversary of the death of a parent or loved one of that senior citizen. Many coincidences are currently occurring along those lives but if we question them we are deemed to be paranoid. Wirelessly induced death via implants is a real capability of the criminal technocrats. Luckily we can stop these criminal technocrats in their tracks by outlawing all wireless enabling technology such as microwave transmitters and millimetre wave transmitters. Ban all wireless enabling technology now and return to wired technology for the sake of freedom of the human race.
It is now imminently possible to wirelessly link a human being to a computer via an unwanted implant. It is also imminently possibly to wirelessly link a human being to the same computer via millions of unwanted implants, placed all over their brain and body by a process whereby the victim unknowingly ingests millions of nano implants which go on to lodge in all areas inside the human body. When the victim has finally been wirelessly linked by a million different nano implants to a quantum computer, said quantum computer then co-ordinated all of the muscles of the victim to act in tandem with each other. Programmers then program the quantum computer to bio-robotize said human being and it can program the now bio-robotized human being to commit acts of evil on behalf of the programmers. This is how the world will be run in the future if we do not succeed in now disassembling and outlawing all microwave transmitters and all wireless and wifi enabling capabilities.
If a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation stops using a computer, television, ipad and mobile cell phone, this is known by the criminal neuro operatives as " the subject having gone dark". When this occurs the criminal neuro operatives no longer have regular access to the targeted individual and they no longer have any reason to continue their specific type of experimentation on that particular now dark targeted individual. They fall away in d...roves. The hive mind team who are the front line co-ordinators who organise visitation rights of the criminal neuro scientists and the criminal behavioural scientists among others to the mind and body of the targeted individual can then no longer continue in their quest to lock down the targeted individual through controlled manipulation of the neo cortex to the point of paralysis or human bio-robotization, as was initially their intention and also the intention of their pay masters, the would-be enslavers of the human race.. The hive mind team have informed me just now that they are hindered to an extreme degree by the fact that I will no longer be using my computer or mobile cell phone from this moment on. Without permanent access to me through a digital media screen or a high definition media screen they will no longer be able to work on me at all.
I have heard alot of recommendations advising targeted individuals to wear a neodymium magnet with the north side of the magnet placed close to the skin. When the blood flow passes through the veins and the arteries directly under the magnet the nano technology in the blood stream is affected in some way in order to make it less effective for the purposes of Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation. After weeks and months of wearing a neodymium magnet with the north side ...facing your skin, some targeted individuals are claiming that the voice to skull bio-communication technologically induced voices slow down and eventually stop altogether. They are also claiming that all electronic harassment and remote neural manipulation has stopped for them.
I have purchased some large circular neodymium magnets with holes in the middle. They appear to the best type to purchase because I can place cords through the holes in the magnets in order to hold them close to my skin with the north side facing towards my skin.
Do not wear a magnet while using a computer because your computer will immediately malfunction and break. If you must use a computer or phone only wear the magnet in bed at night and dont keep any technology in your bedroom. If you accidently stand near your computer while wearing a strong neodymium magnet your computer will be damaged. You must wear the magnet for several months before you will notice an improvement. I have not worn it long enough to notice a difference in my own experiences of electronic harassment and Remote Neural Manipulation yet. This extremely advanced technology is recent and we must try everything we can in order to block it. The freedom of the children of humanity is at stake.
If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation. You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better. This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.
It is being claimed online that Elon Musk expressed a wish to wirelessly tether all of us to a computer network. I am already wirelessly tethered to a computer network and I have been so for fifteen years.
5G millimeter waves have the capacity to carry pain signals. If we were all eventually tethered to a computer network and one of the satanic overlords was having a particularly bad day he could cause all seven billion of us to receive super intense pain signals at the... same time.
Why then are our politicians showing no resistence to the placement of 5G millimeter wave transmitters all over our countries. I personally believe that like me they are also wirelessly tethered to a computer network and they have become enslaved.
I know of many other targeted individuals who are in a similar situation to me.
Please canvas your political representative to have all microwave transmitters and millimeter wave transmitters removed from our environment urgently. They are enslavement technology.