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1 Feb 2010 Mailteam works--victims work trends

(1) Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind!
James Walbert Cour Case reported on

(2) Directed Energy Weapons Forum on 25th to 26th March 2010 in London

Below is an invitation letter:
Dear M. Guard, I hope you're well. I'm writing to point you to the complimentary downloads available at and alert you to tomorrow's early bird rate expiry for the Directed Energy Weapons forum (London, 25th and 26th March 2010). With a selection of experiences and case studies on the research going into aerial, maritime and land platforms, as well as non-lethal systems from the leading military decision-makers in this space, this is the prime gathering for DE practitioners to information share with key pioneers. Confirmed speakers include:
- Dr Larry Altgilbers, Senior Engineer, Explosive Pulsed Power Programme, US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
- Dr Ernst Krogager, Senior Scientist, Applied Research Branch, Danish Defence and Logistics Organisation / Chairman, NATO Working Group for HPM
- Scott McPheeters, Senior Advisor, Chief Engineers Office, US PEO Missiles and Space
- Captain Massimo Annati, Italian Navy and Deputy Director, European Working Group on Non-Lethal Weapons
- Major Robb 'Thor' Mansfield, Aircraft Survivability Equipment and Directed Energy Requirements Officer, US Marine Corps
- Dr Mten Risling, Experimental Trauma Unit, Karolinska Institutet and European / EDA / NATO working groups on HPM
- Matthew Flower, Head of Laser Safety, Military Laser Safety Committee (MLSC), UK MoD
Download the full agenda online.
You'll also find there complimentary presentation, video and report downloads of:
- DEW Market Report
- Laser Bioeffects (Benjamin A. Rockwell, Ph.D. Principal Research Physicist Human Effectiveness Directorate Air Force Research Laboratory)
- How Do We Get to Fielding DEW? (Dr. J. Douglas Beason)
- Directed Energy Countermeasures based on Terawatt Femtosecond Laser (Jacques Dubois, Marc Cheauneuf and Francis Th閎erge, Defence Research & Development Canada)
- The Active Denial System (Ms. Susan LeVine, US Department of Defense Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate)
- Verification and Validation of Directed Energy Systems
- Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) in Air Defence
- Directed Energy Weapons - Operational Considerations
Visit the Download Centre for more details.
To attend the forum and receive up to GBP 300 off, register before 29th January 2010 via:
Email: enquire@...
Call: +44 (0)20 7368 9300
Your priority code: 1-1971226076
I hope to meet you in March in London.
Yours sincerely,
Tom James
Programme Director
Directed Energy Weapons 2010

(3) Christine Harris is a guest on a radio station, February 1 & 8, 2009,
Hello Everyone,

Republic Broadcasting is having a conversation regarding a domestic terrorist group and covert electromagnetic technologies being used against our own citizens, and the world. You can listen via internet.

I will be interviewing with this radio station from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M on Monday, February 1 and 8, 2009. You can download the booklet, called US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights. Are both excellent resources and can explain the technology.

Best Wishes,
Christine Harris
415-235-6466 c

(4) Illegal Domestic Surveillance Emerging Class Action Lawsuit
Under surveillance at the Administartion on Aging, Washington, DC approximately March 2004 to April 2006. Street Theatre, surveillance and bugging, and tailing at my Apartment at 36 ½ K St. NW, Washington DC 20001 •
Surveillance and community harassment near my residence at Stoy St. Penn, PA 15675; Junior’s Pub, Penn PA. Sheetz Gas Station, Irwin Pa. JC Penney’s Greensburgh PA. September 2006 to January 2007 •
Volt Technical Services 477 Madison Ave. New York, NY. Workplace harassment, emergency vehicle harassment, street theatre. •
Surveillance of my residence at 412 W 129th St. Apt. 4, New York, NY. •
Computer, phone, cell phone, radio, and tv tapped and manipulated at all locations. Result of the government abuse. •
Direct traumatization •
Induced schizophrenia •
Manic depressive swings •
Suicide attempts •
Paranoid Delusions •
Nervous breakdowns •
Catatonic states. Financial, job loss, legal problems.

(5) Debbie Newhook
I have decided to join forces with the Natives who are instrumental in starting the anti-Olympic movement-campaign here in Canada. At the same time I decided to join this group, I also phoned Keven Annett (Canadian Activist, former United church minister who lives here) and he and I are getting together later today. For those who do not know Kevin Annett, he fought for the Natives to expose the genocide that took place when they gathered up all the Native children and shipped them off to residential schools where they were tortured and killed at the hands of the United church and it (the round up of native children)was facilitated by the RCMP. Kevin has had a rough ride and the perps did effectively trash his life and the United Church did fire him. Kevin is in the process of doing a documentary about the Child Trafficking ..the documentary is called the Diary`. He was interviewed and filmed for this documentary and after that he was attacked and beaten up. He tells me this is not the first time he has been beaten up.

I am going to another Olympic protest-march next weekend in Victoria with the intention of networking with the other activists whom I know have become targets. I will keep you posted...provided I can stay in touch with you all and there is no disruption of communications.

I just had a meeting today with Kevin Annett and his wife. Kevin is exposing the child trafficking ring in Vancouver right now. He also has a weekly radio program in Vancouver and has asked me to come onto his show some time in March. His wife also has a radio show here in Nanaimo on CHLY radio (alternate radio) and has asked me to come onto her show...So today was good networking opportunity.
For those who are not familiar with Kevin Annett have a look at his documentary called:UNREPENTANT: KEVIN ANNETT AND CANADA'S GENOCIDE

(6) Debbie Newhook is on the paper.
Debbie joined a rally of Victoria on Saturday. She had to be the one to have my picture in the paper..go to the link to see the Victoria paper..I am the white haired woman on the right.

Debbie Newhook

(7) Job Oportunity for San Francisco T.I's
From Fish Crab
I ran into this positions with Amnesty International and I thought that since Christine and Bruno are great speakers/activists/people they might be interested. Or pass it on to someone who might be. You know if we can get someone inside Amnesty International we might be able to get them interested in our cause as well. Actually I was looking for a job for me.. but "Regional Director or Administrator" is out of my league. I was thinking more along the lines of conducting hand on inspections about human rights violations. That is what I want for me. For the looks of it... I might have to start as a volunteer first.

Neverteless right here is the job opportunity:

(8) Christine another Black Talk Radio opportunity next week with Wayne

He is the exutive director of Pastors Against Injustice in Roanike Virginia, and
is interested to have you on his show about electromagnetic torture next week,
with Lynn

He called me so that you would have his #
please mentionwe are associates, he is on my advisory board at Idriss Stelley

Wayne's # is
Wayne is excited about the show, hope you contact him soon !

I moderate a yahoogroup for him,


his email is:

me know what's up after you talk to my playnephew Wayne


(9) The Control Factor Dr. John Hall, Don, Christine Harris, Kevin Bond, James Walbert

Hello Everyone,

This is a recorded radio show, The Control Factor, with Dr. John Hall, (book A NEW BREED:SATELLITE TERRORISM IN AMERICA), Don (Host), Kevin Bond (victim in Palm Springs, FREY Effect google), James Walbert, won court case 2008, for electromagnetic weapons, stalking, psychotronics, electronic harassment.

These covert crimes are an epidemic in our country. Seriously and really!

Click on the link, download to listen. This does not have a virus.

Please forgive me, here is the link.

Best Wishes,
Christine Harris
415-235-6466 c

(10) Lawyer Mario Di Norcia's testimony
Translated from Italian by Rudy Andria with the permission of the author.

My name is Mario di Norcia. I am a lawyer from Fondi in the province of Latina in Italy. I am a regular member of the Bar of this province. I have been persecuted for about 8 years now by those whom I assume to be the Italian secret services or some government organisations.

One evening in Spring 2002 I had the "sensation" of being followed while I was going back home. Such a sensation or rather, such a thought, I have understood later, has been telepathically inserted into my mind. Thinking it over, I have understood that some cars were, as a matter of fact, following me. As it was in the evening and dark, in the city traffic, it was practically impossible to notice anything whatsoever.

Nevertheless, the following days I noticed people who had strange behaviours with repetitive gestures. Such gestures could seem normal in appearance, but as they were continuously repeated, they gave me to understand that the purpose of these individuals' presence was to let me know I was being stalked. I had to deal with different people all the time, sometimes they were more or less conspicuously disguised to intentionally let me understand they were agents or such like.

(11) Some information about COINTELPRO
From Bob Levin
Professor Alfred McCoy.

COINTELPRO 101 - The Sabotage Of Legitimate Dissent
Pentagon hacks blogs and changing messages to destroy the writer’s credibility while enlisting groups like FFCHS to subvert the positive efforts of Pro-TI Activists with COINTELPRO operations and propaganda. This is also realized by scientific articles disappearing or being changed on the internet.

Norm Chomsky

Ward Churchill on COINTELPRO and Terrorism

Cointelpro FBI (#24) [Marshal Thomas] Note I do not concur on any associations linking COINTELPRO to gang stalking.

FBI DIRECTOR ROBERT MUELLER TESTIFIES BEFORE CONGRESS [speaks of programs, software, “terrorism”, prosecutions of law enforcement]

FBI history not always legal

Alex Jones TV: Obama's Info Czar Sunstein, to Order Cointelpro, Military Provocateurs on Truthers


"Safety Bracelets" for air travelers that would include personal information and would not only track the wearer but also be capable of remotely delivering a taser-like shock.

No-Planer Cointelpro Operation Becoming Transparent

The above one describes the disinformation campaigns to label targets. Ex: Alex Jones:
Haupt continuously spreads disinformation, even abject lies, surrounding the 9/11 truth movement. From calling legitimate 9/11 truthers “Plane Huggers”, to claiming “Alex Jones works for ABC” and is “covering up for the media”, Haupt’s tactics and behavior exhibit classic COINTELPRO methods. Haupt even advocates “waterboarding Plane Huggers”.

(12) Help Eric Griffin
Eric Griffin (you can send a letter to Eric to the following address)
# 2009110666
2332 North Laqs Vegas Blve
Las Vegas, NV. 89030

To Mr. Harry Reid,

Dear Senator,

Referring to the letter written to you by Mrs. Miriam Snyder (see below),I would like to bring your attention to the abuses and tortures of covert mind control weapons.

I am the creater of , a group members who CONCERN ABOUT THE ABUSE AND TORTURE OF THE FOLLOWINGS :-
any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.
I have already sorted some laws against criminal uses of electromagnetic energy weapons

Mr. Eric Griffin joined and claimed that he was a victim of remote electromagnetic mind control weapons abuses and tortures, and became a very active member to expose such a terrible crime.

Therefore, I strongly wish that you could pay attention to the abovementioned weapons abuses and tortures. I also filed my lawsuits, which you can read from the link:

Below is also a letter from Jean Verstraeten
Vredestraat 65, 2540 HOVE (Belgium)

Thank you and Best Regards!
Yours Sincerely,


P.S. Here follows the text of Mrs. Snyder抯 letter :

Emailed: senator_reid@...
Faxed to: 702-388-5030
Sen. Harry Reid
Lloyd D. George Building
333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 8016
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-5020 / Fax: 702-388-5030
Dear Honorable Senator Reid:
I write this letter regarding Eric Griffin's criminal victimization in a dreadful and deadly mind control program which effectuated the below criminal framing, set up and wrongful incarceration. Foremost, Eric Griffin has filed multitudes of affidavits and criminal complaints regarding being put in a slow kill MKULTRA/COINTELPRO mind control program. Specifically, he was being victimized by military weapons. He constantly complained of having directed energy weapons and the microwave auditory effect weapon inflicted on him. In simple English, these are deadly and criminal mind control weapons that need to be banned off of this earth. Since these weapons are being criminally used on innocent people, unregulated, and have not been banned, Eric Griffin is now incarcerated for a crime he was programmed to do, and committed such with no criminal intent.
In summary, Eric Griffin stated that he received a judgment signed by a judge regarding being compensated for the damages inflicted on him via this weaponry. Prior to going to the below bank, he went to the police department to see if they would help him enforce the judgment. They did not help him. Thereafter he went to the bank. If Eric Griffin was going to rob a bank as aledged, he would not have gone to the police department prior to going to the bank. The issues that will vindicate him are simple. The signed judgment he presented at the bank will show that he was set up. Did a real judge sign the judgment or was he victimized by fictional administration in the courts? Was the judgment signed for no other purpose other than a major part of his mind control programming, which led him to believe he had authority to seek enforcement of the judgment?
To this end, we, family and friends of Eric Griffin seek the release of Eric Griffin from the criminal mind control weapons he has relentlessly complained of and we demand his release from the penal system that he would have nothing to do with if justice prevailed in the banning of mind control military weapons being used on innocent people. Please note Eric Griffith was an active member in the Freedom from Covert Harassment movement, where multitudes of innocent people have testified of the atrocities inflicted on them via ruthless, deadly and criminal mind control operations. Please visit them here:
There are millions of people seeking to stop the criminal use of deadly mind control weapons on human beings. Our voices have been disregarded for too long, and another mind control atrocity has occurred because of such. A human race protection committee and a legal defense fund is needed to stop these disguised killings, programmings, set ups and framing's.
Honorable public official, today it is Eric Griffin, but tomorrow it could be you, your son, daughter or neighbor. Please demand the release of Eric Griffin as he has committed no crime and the evidence exemplifies that he is a victim of relentless, deadly, inhumane and unregulated mind control programming. Your leadership skills are needed. Thank you.

Miriam Snyder
Human Rights Advocate, Educator, Minister, Victim and Survivor of ruthless, deadly,and criminally insane, expert mind control programming

To Mr. Harry Reid,
member of the US-Senate

Dear Senator,

Referring to the letter written to you by Mrs. Miriam Snyder (see below), I take the liberty to draw your attention to the fact that in the light of what is reported throughout the world, it is likely that Mr. Eric Griffin really has become a victim of chilling crimes against humanity perpetrated by a) invisible energies, b) chemical poisons, c) organised stalking.

From the point of view of humanity as well as from that of the constitutional state, it is utterly important that fundamental rights of detainees be respected ? as is utterly important in general that torture from a distance and the like cease to be practised.

Therefore, I strongly hope that you will do what you can in this respect. People around the world will feel immensely grateful for that. (In Belgium, prisons are obliged to allow entrance to members of parliament; the latter may visit detainees and ask questions to the personnel in the institution : I suppose something the like applies to the United States or to the state of Nevada?)

Respectfully Yours,
Jean Verstraeten
Vredestraat 65
2540 HOVE (Belgium)

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Global protest on March 2010 for discussion

Global protest on March 2010 for discussion

Dear all,
Another Global protest on March 2010 are under discussion.
Please share your opinions by adding a comment.
If you want to be an organizer of your local protest location, (Please apply protest permission from local authority) ,please just comment to this post.
If you want to see contacts and press release of "global protest on 14 Oct", Please go to:
Reports of Global protest on 14 Oct:
Photos of previous protests:
Press Release in 10 languages

List of protest locations:

Worldwide protest location: China
(No street protest. Only Internet Mass emails and websites promotion)
Contact Person: Soleilmavis
Online petition:

Worldwide Protest Location: Washington D.C.
Date:March 2010
Contact Person: Marc Burnell
Email: (burnellmarc(a)
Tel: 202 528 2752
Note from Debbie: In the US there is a march in Washington on March 20 to stop the war..This march will also be held in San Fran and Los Angeles..this is good event for us as targets to join and pass out info or carry our signs.
It matters not what the event is or date, it matters only that you get out and expose this crime..Other activist are far more likely to support us TIs and if you network with other like minded people who are exposing this or that, you will find more targets. I have begun to do this in my part of the world and it is staggering how many activists are targeted.. for general information and transpotation links.. prior events, training, literature, posters and ecat times, locations.

Another protest on 15 March:

We will gather in Lafayette Park (across from the White House) at 10am the morning of the parade.
For more info, message me back, or email:
Love, Peace and Victory!
Cindy Sheehan

Worldwide Protest Location: San Francisco, California
Location: Market Street March 20
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: Christine Harris
Email:,, (christinelynnharris(a), christinelynnharris(a), cococobella(a)
Tel: 415-235-6466 c

Worldwide Protest Location: Los Angeles, California
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: Keith
Email: (mgb.young(a)
Contact Person: Wanda D
Email:, lloydjameson(a), wanda(a)

Worldwide Protest Location: Philladelphia Report
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: T. Josephine
Email: (xposperps(a)

Worldwide Protest Location: Cincinnati
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: Derrick Robinson
Email: (derrickrobinson(a)
Tel: 513-344-4113

Worldwide Protest Location: New York

brooklyn new york

Date: March 2010

Contact Person: Mr. Korea


Worldwide Protest Location: Burlington, Vermont

Date: March 2010

Contact Person: Lynn Clarise Bahrenburg



Worldwide Protest Location: Nanaimo BC Canada.
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: Debbie Newhook
Email: (dbnewhook(a)
Note: in Canada there is a march to bring awareness to the over 500 missing Native women..this march will be on March 13 or 14? I think we need to have our signage/hand out material and join such groups that are protesting all over North America.

Worldwide Protest Location: Toronto, ON Canada.

We will protest in front of the Legislative Building and the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto on the 26th of March, 2010. We will start at 11 A.M.
I kindly ask you to come to the Legislative Building 10-15 minutes to 11 A.M.

Date: March 2010
Contact person: Galina Kurdina
Email: (helenkurdin(a)

Worldwide Protest Location: United Kingdom
Planning meeting 20 March, London
Activism at venue 24 - 26 March, London
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: John Allman, Paolo Fiori
(john_w_allman(a), paolo_bf(a)

Worldwide Protest Location: Poland
(Probably no street protest. Only Internet Mass emails. Maybe also websites promotion)
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: Andre Landberg
Email: (andrelandberg(a)

Worldwide Protest Location: INDIA

(No street protest. Only Internet emails)
Date: March 2010
Contact: Vijay Karthic
Email: (vijayk_dsp(a)

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March 3, 2010

Remote, Covert Sexual Abuse One Of America's Undeclared Weapons Of War

Women and girls are all too often sexually assaulted by the Department of Defense's new arsenal of (emr) Directed Energy Weapons. During MK Ultra, the CIA mind control program that tortured and experimented on countless numbers of unwitting American women and young girls, many were forced into " sexual slavery." See The Trans Formation of America by Kathy Obrien wherein she describes how both she and her daughter were held hostage to this kind of "r e s e a r c h ."

Usually such things happen as the social and economic structures of a country fall apart. When forced to flee their homes, women and girls frequently become separated from their families and are left open to attack. BUT, with these Military Weapons of War, women and girls are being sexually abused in their own homes in their own communities. Men, too, are being victimized in the same way. The local FBI office here in town knows details of what is going on and turns its back to the heinous crimes that are taking place - likely because they are complicit just as they were actively involved in Cointelpro. Freedom of the press no longer exists in this country, and reporters are told what they can and cannot report. The American people are not permitted to know because they wouldn't stand for it.

When I hear of young girls going missing which was something so often on the news when I lived in California. Particularly young girls who were never heard from again, I cannot help but wonder if this, too, is part of the bigger picture? Young girls sold into sexual slavery.

In Bosnia, systematic rape was used as part of the strategy of ethnic cleansing. Women were raped so they could give birth to a Serbian baby. In Rwanda, systematic rape of Tutsi women took place
during the genocide. Between 300,000 and 500,000 women survivors of
the genocide are estimated to have been raped.

The incidence of rape and sexual violence in these situations not only increases but often becomes systematic. Rape becomes a weapon of war with women and girls the targets. Although men, too, are included in this picture of assault and abuse.

The same thing going on in this country right under everyones nose, destroying the lives of thousands of men, women and even children and in this case the assault and abuse is being carried out by our own government, its criminal agencies and agents. The Department of Defense and every elected official in D.c. is allowing it to continue while they collect a pay check instead of being thrown in jail.

The Military, acting with impunity, needs to put an end to the sexual violence being used as a weapon of war and practiced on American men, women and young people.. When this happens to children, sexual violence is devastating. It can also be tramatizing to adults.

These are war crimes happening in this country where supposedly there is no war going on.

BUT, THERE IS A WAR GOING ON - THIS IS NOT A TIME OF PEACE HERE IN AMERICA; not with this going on. And, this country's security agencies are the perpetrators of the evil as well as the entire Federal Government for permiting these criminal acts to take place or their complicity in it.

Rape is now specifically mentioned in the Statute of the International Criminal Court , but the response remains unclear and inadequate. Rape and other acts of sexual violence are war crimes, and they are being perpetrated by our own American
Government and impunity seems to be the norm.

Pentagon spokesman, Ret'd Colonel John Alexander - expert on psychotronic and non-lethal weapons of war made the bold statement to the USAF : “... The technology is silent and invisible and cannot be detected. Anyone who complains will be considered to be delusional and mentally ill.” This statement is part and parcel as to WHY the American people are uninformed and ignorant about the weapon technology not to mention that it's practiced covertly on unwitting human test subjects - American civilians to destroy their lives. And, it's going on right under everyones nose.

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£757 Political and social controls through FISA, Fusion Centers and hightech

These I think are some truths that took a long timeand a lot of pain to learn. For the DEK committee (Decency and EthicalKontent for those not on mcforums) ;-) I will state that this is only myobservation and conclusions that I have come to, no one has to agree.

We in America live in a Disneyland kind of world. We are sonaive but it makes us as gullible as hell. This does make for happyslaves and in America we have the Happiest fattest slaves around whowork their asses off. All by design.
Most believe we have themost noble ethics with our treasured constitution. The reality is whilewe have been working so hard we, both husbands and wives have letothers like the news media, Hollywood and government schools controlwhat our kids learn and set their beliefs, values,likes and dislikes. SomeI've seen home-schooltheir kids, limit TV and they are better educated and more grounded.
This is not to say this is the worst thing if you go along and youcan home school your kids and make up your own mind. If you do make upyour own mind, make waves and become a threat to those in power then youmay end up destroyed by covert means or even overt means now as in ourcase. I don't think the rest of the world is any better. Remember thathistory is written by the victor, not so much by you and I. We probablyhave more chance of making a difference in this country as any other butif you aren't wise and careful you will easily be taken out.
Governor Mark Spitzer is and example. He was making waves in the richman's play ground, the stock market, with regulations. He was alsofeeling powerful and omnipotent when the 19 year oldprostitute payments were, "accidentally", found by the FBI and he wastaken down.
His successor Pattersonimmediately confessedall of his sins. He disclosed the affair he had beenhaving because he had learned we have no secrets from the powers at be.He was going to run again and announced his bid for reelection but somenew scandal surfaced and he has dropped out. The candidateelected will likely be sanctioned if you will. We will have a number ofchoices all most likely sanctioned and they will vote as ordered.
Ithink there is a lot of negotiation going on with deals, money, favorsand compromises being made all the time. But some agendas are long termlike this "War on Terror", or "War of Terror", how ever you see it.
Jesse Ventura on his first day as governor was asked to go down intothe basement to speak with the CIA. They started asking him questionsand he said the CIA isn't supposed to work within our borders by law. Heasked each of them what their names were and what they did? Only abouthalf would answer him. He was perplexed at what they were asking him,they they wanted to know how he got elected? I think this means thatthey were upset that their mandidn't get elected or they were trying to find out how to do itthemselves. He also said that each one of them looked like and ordinaryperson. This I believe is the secret army and one of the groups who mayhave us under surveillance by using covert or overt means through (OS)organized stalking or (EH) electronic harassment. Other groups would bethe FBI, the police, the military Inteligence and the secret service.
These groups all actually work together under (HLS) Home land securityat Fusion Centers where they collect intelligence, do these overt andcovert surveillance operations. They even take people out making themlook like suicides or accidents. Before 911 these fusion centers werealso in existence under the (JTTF) Joint terrorism task force.
The FISA laws through the FISC (Foreign Intelligence Security Court) hassecret trials and approves these operations. This was initially meantto watchforeign spies but turned to add domestic targets as well. As of 2004 orso there had been around 20,000 cases approved of rewritten andapproved. So every request had been approved to what degree I don't knowbecause the court is secret.
It was during the Bush/Cheneyadministration that they stopped going to the court and started handingout those Justice department letters to silence neighbors and coworkerswith fines and imprisonment if they disclosed what they knew. These weresupposedly stopped. One FISC Judge also quit in protestwhen targets started being approved without going through the court.
These lower level operatives come from many other groups, Jesse Venturaexposed the Infra-guard. These were people working in utility companieslike power and communications etc. considered essential in case of anemergency like marshal law being declared. On Jesse's show it was saidthat marshal lawis coming and thatthese people will be able to use deadly force when this time comes.Jesse also proved that these people are given top secret information. ASenator from California declared a terror threat or something only byfinding out about it from is brother in the Infra-guard. I also thinkthis army of civilians included many other groups with power likeChurches, the Mason's, citizen watch groups, organized crime groups andothers. The control of this society is complete and has a standingcovert civilian army. The patriot act and other laws have made much ofthis legal and we all know the medical community has been controlled aswell. I have found that I was accused of bombe making and hospitaized bypolice while my home was searched in my medical records. My records aswell as what I say are being recorded and sent to the Federal governmentevery time I go to the doctor. I don't know if this is for everybodybut it is for me. I don't believe my doctor has a choice. I even gotbilled for it.
The level of surveillance through technology iscomplete whether it is cell phones, telecommunications, medical,active or passive millimeter wave or chipping individuals. Big brotheris here.
It is obvious that crime could be ended at this pointwith this technology but maybe they are now taxed and allowed to operateas Charles Schlund was saying as a former FBI agent before he diedrecently. I do see the problem of arming Colombian drug lordswith massive amounts of wealth as well as the Afghan opium/heroinsupply. We have a presence in both countries at the moment and the drugcompanies are making huge profits and paying taxes.
The brotherof Karzi (the leader of Afghanistan) has been shown to be to main druglord in that country and has been being paid for the last 7 or so yearsby our CIA as reported on CNN. Money does drive everything today eventhe courts.
To fight a court case as a TI it is near impossiblewith the costs connected, so even though I think the courts are stillbasically working the averageperson doesn't have the wealth to use them. This is a place for therich and powerful to use there money to out spend and destroy those theysee fit. Lawyers have told me that to go up against the police or thegovernment is impossible because they have lawyers on retainer andnearly unlimited resources. For better or worst this is the world we areliving in.
I think the perps, agents, contractor working on usare controlled like everybody else. I don't hold them accountable thisis ordered way above their heads although some sadistic tendencies mustbe exercised with this much power over other people.
Even all ofthe public officials are jumping ship right now by leaving office asthis country is going down. I fear the military might may fully beunleashed and we will have a completely controled world if it isn't thecase already. Covertly done of course and Disney land will stayopen.

Peter Rosenholm
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2 mars 2010

This weekend has been a little bit of hell. My head hurt a lot.
I am still trying to translate a horoscope to put on my page for march and they give me a head ache.
This time they are certain to make sure that specific parts of my brain hurt.

Sometimes i wonder if they really hate my brain or our brains. Maybe they are too stupid and we are too intelligent.
I mean , nobody that is hiding can be smart, but only a criminal with no sense of justice or moral.

I hope that ...

I don't hope anything.

Or if i hoped for anything, they might just erased that.

I was peaking with a swedish guy that had a blog and was supposely helping out victims, so angry because the scientists forced innocent people to harras them, so bad it was.

I don't know when i realized they had recruitet him, but I am sure of that now.

I don't know either if his other friends that he knows and that go through the same experience as I am, know about it, or not.

I don't know if it was like that from the beginning - meaning - he played - or if they recruited him after he met me.

I am not a psychiatric case in any way - not hear voices, not gone to doctors, etc. so I don't know if he believes other things or if he just doesn't care anymore.

People change sides - it can happen - and after 3 years of the same sort of people i expected it to be like that.
What this guy doesn't want to know is that I get a head ache before I receave an email from him. So they know when he is writing it and what he writes. There goes away this guys private life, and he is OK with it. He gets attention from the perps.

These people are like poison - spreading their poison everywhere anytime anyplace.
I noticed that this guy was writing in his blog that he had head aches, strange ones - maybe to signal to me that he was under attack and that he had no choise, because they have to give themselfs away in the end, but I thought that if this man suddenly was punished for my cause - then - he would say so, right?

Well, I don't know, his choise I guess, I wonder what i'd do in their case.

I can't but laugh. While I am writing this, they just electrocuted the finger on my left hand.

This is new.

Update: 17:53 2 mars, 2009

The headaches are interfering with my work capacity and effectivity. Sabotage. Things are delayed. I don't do things in time - like giving the visitors of my webpage the horoscope in time.

I noticed that playing computer games diminishes my head aches.
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£753 Wow, Seroquel death is righton/ The beginning was 36 years ago

Thisis long but a must read! It started as a reply to another Seroquelvictim but by the time I was done I realize how far back this reallygoes and it's connection to liability concerns by law enforcement.

This is what I did after what seemedlike a heart attack and two women who weren't my doctors or nurses camein and explained how I was being killed by massive dosing was to beginsecretly and slowly cutting the drug. I was also on other drugs as welland had to get off of them all. this increase in meds and eventualmassive dosing started buy there assistance to stop the real anxietymedicine at the time which was Lorazapam. so my anxiety was be coming ahuge problem in spite of all the drugs they were increasing.
Oneof the first things I did after asking the doctor why I was on so muchmedicine especially Seroqelwas to change doctors after she said she didn't think 1,00 mg or 1,600mg was all that high and had been considering to possiblyraise it to 1,800 mg. Thisdoctor a Dr Mindi Rosenbloom was also on theGovernors board of mental heath and had had me transfered to her care.Up until that time I had been taking the Lorazapam under another Dr buthe had started Seroquel and I think I had been taking 300 mg as I wasbeing transfered to Doctor Rosenblom. There is definitely a politicalaspect to all of this and to be put in her care also moved me out of mytown to the next one over. It seems that this doctor became the headdoctor around when I was transfered and then left when I changeddoctors.
It was a short time into seeing the new doctor who hadactually been the doctor from the other office in my home town that Iadmitted to having cut my meds by a good amount. I wasn't sure who totrust at that time and was feeling him out to see what his intensionswere. so I told him a little at a time and he seemed responsive to myimproving mental state. He suggested that I cutdown slowly andthat I try changing one medicine at a time.
That took a littlelonger but the truth was I was almost of two other meds already. As Iinformed him that I was off them and also told of still having theanxiety he slightly increase the Lorazapam. I later was able to changeto Clonazepam which did the identical job for me but was more acceptableto them. Something about it not impairing me nearly as much over thelong term or having as much of a weakening effect over time that theyfelt occured. All the while my brain is becoming clearer and I ambeginning to see the attack better for what it was. My head was still ina fog I had by then gotten off one medicine that was at 4,800 mg with amax dose of 3600 mg I beleiee and this medicine was for people who hadsesures and was something that I never should have been taking at all.My doctor tried either increasing a depression medicine and may haveeven tried another when he mentioned a medicine thathelped stimulate the frontal lobe of the brain called Bupropion HCL.This as a temporary measure did help me come out of the fog I was in,still it took a while and the effects aren't over come quickely. I amnow even off that medicine as well as Seroquel. I stopped theprescriptions of Seroquel while I continued the decline because tosecretly get off meds in the beginning I had to not expose this to DrRosenbloom who obviously was attempting to kill me. So I had quite thesurplus to do this with.
I later found out that a warning thatthis medicine could cause death in the elderly patients being given thismedicine. So there is a warning on your bottles that this medicine cancause death. I also later found out that Dr. Rosenbloom's area ofexpertise was geriatrics(the elderly) so I believe sh absolutely knewwhat she was doing.
I'm still trying to recover physically andthink I'm close to normal mentallybut the problem with being mentally attacked is if you have beenimpaired you may not be aware of it. Physically has been a much worstproblem that I'm not sure I will ever fully recover from and the effortexerted has been extreme for the gains I have made. When I had found outthat this was the third attempt to kill me I was in bad shape and hadjust gone to the hospital for what seemed like a heart attack with myheart racing at 180 beats per minute. I was week and could barely talkfor hours. I was at the point were I had gained 60 lbs at the worst ofit and even when only 30 or 40 lbs heavier I couldn't stand for morethan seconds without help. I couldn't walk in a store without a carriageto help hold me up. My arms would be straining and my lower back hurtso much that many times I had to stop early and try to make it throughcheck out. I had to get my son to bring in my groceries.
I thinkI actually sat motionless fora number of years in my filthy apartment that became cluttered withtrash. I got moths and would watch then climb the walls up on to theceilings. It was even worst but I'm not going to get into it other than Ihad trouble taking a shower and standing for that long. Even drying offwas extremely difficult. So I began to take showers less and less. Mybody was dying. My feet had turned black and the dead skin on then wasso thick I would claw the dead skin off with my finger nails. they woulddig about an 1/8 of an inch deep. around this time also I found thatthe doctor killing me hadn't been checking my blood and I had nowdeveloped diabetese. so changing doctors had also been good because nowthey discovered this and also my try glycerides where over ten timesabove normal. Both are side effects of Seroquel but what I had also beendoing in my misery was to start drinking heavily. The PTSD from theattacks and the trauma from living through theattempted forced suicide when I was attacked and involuntarilycommitted left me totaled. The forced suicide was hear a senario wheremy attackers sending me V2K in the hospital were pretending to go aftermy family. either by voice cloning of by dubbing in a recording of hercalling for me and crying while the perpetrators threaten her and weretelling me to kill myself by jumping out of the fourth floor window andhanging myself. a call to her in the morning exposed what they had donebut the effects left me unable to talk about it for about five years. Isoon found out that soaking wet towel blocked the the painful part ofthe attack that I now believe was silent MEDUSA where the attack thatput me in the hospital was extremely loud V2K with the same attack modeas LRAD the sound weapon deployed at the Pittsburg G8 Meeting on thecrowd of protesters. I have stopped and started drinking slowly getting ahandle on this. I do think I will get back tonormal and have now had long periods without drinking at all which havehelped a great deal.
At the point of recovery stated earlier iswhen I started to ask for my mental health reacords. at first I wascalled in for a meeting to disswade me but I told them at that time Ihad no pride left and nothing to loose so. Looking at the reacords Ifound that police had had me hospitalized while my home was searched forbomb making materials. I t didn't meantion the suposed MEDUSA attacksor the forced suicide. The doctor over drugging me kept meantioning thatI still beleived the dilusion that I had been under surveillance bypolice and had been attacked by a "Radiation Weapon of some type". As Iread other statements of police informing them how I hadn't gone to apsychiatrist after leaving the hospital as they had arranged it becameclear that I was under surveillance by police. Police had even come tomy home at one point to talkto me to, "make sure that I wasn't a danger to myself of to thers". Atthe time even after all other police had done to me I told them, "do youwant to see what I'm all about", and showed them my koi pond, giantsequoias , bamnoo and such. It was obvious that all police weren't awareof what had been happening to me, Another thing I remebered when afterthis talk with police was them saying East Bay mental health would becontacting me if it OK with me, that they could help with medicationssince I had been out of work with carpel tunnel syndrome. When I went tothe first meeting The woman I spoke to had a black board with the nameRobert souza next to my name. He had been the officer showing up whenthe perp tenant and surveillance people had moved into my second floorapartment. Officer Souza had also been involved in the staged roadblock, failed attack and falsearrest at the towing garage at the topof the street. As I thought about this guyeven more I realized he had done this to me when I had been 18 when acar load of kids pulled over and got out and were accosting a friendafter we had just split up to walk a separate way home. I had run backto chase this gang of kids away when I saw this same cop in the distanceand he drove over and began to accuse us of coming from behind aninsurance building and then arrested us when he found pot on my friend.These attacks all go back to when police were doing this stuff when Iwas fifteen and one cop got fired because two cops had tried to jump meand drag me behind a building for a beating after committing similarattacks on two friends. The next night the attacked the hole group ofthen which turned into a brawl and they were all arrested. In court thejudge through the whole thing out threatening kids and police if he sawthem in his court room again.
The funny thing is one kid, thefirst who was beaten badly withmultiple shaved patches in his head and with stitches all over frombilly club hits from police when his mother had called them because heand his brother were in a fight started hearing voices and lost hismind. He is drugged up and disabled still to this day and this happened36 years ago. There is a great deal of military and weaponsmanufacturing around where I live and the Navy war college is in mycongressional district, the east side of Rhode Island. they are inNewport Rhode Island.
The mother of the badly beaten teen hadfiled a complaint when he began hearing voices and became mentallyunstable. His brother was then picked up and brought to the station andbeaten while hand cuffed. The police said they had learned their lessonwith his brother and beat him with telephone books eventually kneeinghim in the balls and putting him crashing through a window. They thencharged him with breaking public property. Thefather of another teen had gotten a lawyer to defend his 14 year oldson from these charges had died not to long after of a massive heartattack at the young age of 45. He had been a good man and playedthepiano for the church down the road.
I think I am finallyunderstanding that 36 years ago this was happening and possibly was thebeginning of the use of directed energy weapons on unsuspecting victims,mere children at the time all in the name of liability containmentwhich is the main reason for the development of non-lethal weapons aswritten is an early 1990's Justice department writing.
My laterattacks started when I was getting divorced and my x-wive's family knewpolice. This is how far the actually goes back. It is only all comingtogether now as I recover day afterday.

Peter Rosenholm
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Why are you not outraged?

I don't understand why you are not outraged? Have they just not done enough to you yet? Maybe you need a little of what’s being done to me to stand up and reclaim your inalienable/ unalienable rights.

I just left a public restroom at my local lunch spot where they blocked the flow of urine. I stood up; they released the hold – I’m wearing a skirt and nylons. Went over to the towel rack and grabbed a bunch of paper towels and then over to the plastic trash container with lid on top designed to swing back and forth. As I approached the plastic container, the lid swung open. The loser tweaked my foot expecting to be recognized.

Before leaving home this morning I made coffee. They wrecked the front of one blouse with the usual caffeine stains so changed into a starched pressed white blouse where they took up arms again like mighty little men and targeted the front of the 2nd blouse again with their trademark coffee stains in the usual location down the front of my blouse and at the usual spot between button 5 and 6. Today they’re feeling extra feisty so in addition to coffee stains, they took a pen and etched some tiny graffiti right smack dab dead center to enhance the coffee stains. Technology that could be saving lives is demeaned by these criminals when they slash fingers as I am looking down at my hand to witness the very action, putting ink and coffee stains on my clothing, melting and marking the top of my rubber Birkenstocks, destroying beautiful hand bags, targeting family photos with tiny pin head precision laser shots, and a hundred other examples I could cite. Technology gone by the wayside being used in every destructive way they can come up with; every negative influence jotted down and put to good use. This is part of the psychological warfare program that goes hand in hand with the same weapons of war being used to physically abuse and torment those who have been taken hostage.

Again, the people doing this to us are criminal agencies within the government connected to military intelligence and the Pentagon. This is a fact for pretty much all of us. As American citizens
exercising our Constitutional rights, why are we not gathering together ALL OF US once and for all, marching to the beat of the same drummer, going to Washington, D.C. to demand that these weapons being used on us be brought to an end
IMMEDIATELY and the little men in high places rounded up and tried for treason and murder. Obviously, writing letters is to no avail and trying to get
elected officials to work on our behalf is just not happening. We must keep trying until we succeed to alert the American people in every way we can think up to expose this
hidden evil which is permitting covert CIA/ NSA operations at work in remote locations on military bases and installations, defense corporations, universities and other locations. The way they are going after me, they are getting high marks for a job well done.

Each time I document in this way, I like to take the opportunity to inform the public about this covert criminal activity and some of the guilty entities and individuals involved such as intelligence contractor, Stanford Research Institute -

– Futurists dedicated to building computing machines to mimic human capabilities, Robots, Nanotechnology, Neuroscience – Psychotronics -

(Psychological / Biological WARFARE Operations for Dept. of Defense)

Today , I reflect also on the likes of the not yet deceased Colonel John Alexander, that venerable prophet - guru known as the Father of Psychotronic Weaponry with decades of conspiracy against
the American people. A man who uttered the words "...We have nothing to worry about. The technology is invisible and cannot be detected." Hail Big Chief
little man!

I also acknowledge Donald Rumsfeld, former
Department of Defense boss who told the American people
If we cannot experiment on our

own people in times of peace, then what do we do in times of war. Well, Donald,

there is a gravestone with your name on it just waiting for you to lie down and play dead.

I am being targeted extra hard with neurological weapons up and down my legs at this time -experimentation Mr. Rumsfeld finds necessary to
inflict covertly on this American citizen, guilty of no crime
whatsoever… I am in great pain and can barely sit and type this
up, but I will even if it takes the entire day.

Another player in my personal story is Lockheed Martin - ranked as one of the world's leading technology companies. I wonder if Lockheed (USAF) pilots ever feel remorse about their participation. These sterling shining examples of morality and decency who go to work each day with the mindset of destroying another person's life - someone who is decent and good – something they are not… and maybe a scientist or two as Lockheed 'researches' their latest industrial whatever and walks away annually with millions of taxpayer dollars because THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

DON'T KNOW about the Covert Black Budget Programs using Unwitting American Human Subjects for

experimental purposes – Make that guilty on two counts for starters..

Was put to sleep for a few minutes last night with cell phone left opened and next to my head after having dialed into a conference call. At
11:25 p.m. one of the criminals used the phone to relay a message to
me in a loud, clear voice:
little by little we will break youis what the voice
said to me. I reached over for the phone, and it appeared to be dead
even though they'd just used it. My retort: I don’t think so...
loser. When war breaks out, I'll be on the front lines with a loaded
pistol hoping that one of you is standing in front of me. When I
heard it, I’m sure it wasn’t the same
little man - they
probably have not a dozen more cut from the same mold, but
thousands.. maybe they are cloned at Stanford Research Institute
which houses many of these jolly little men from hell..

I immediately recalled a CIA or NSA
operative who stalked me at the Albany, CA Public Library where one
day I was sitting with a globe of the world in my hands and he came
over to me – someone who stood out at a quick glance not in a good
way –
“Planning on
going somewhere?”

he said snickering to himself as if saying to me “
when hell freezes over.”
felt very personal with this guy; as though he was delighting at the
prospect of what they intended to do to me.

I became concerned last week after reading on Peace Pink how some targeted victims concern themselves with how
well the 'perps' (a better noun would be 'criminals') are going to
do when all of this is over and they are deprogrammed. Criminals who
are perpetrators of these horrific crimes , and we have victims
concerning themselves with
well being? And then Alexandra comments to me that she hopes there
is a “
good purpose”
for what they are doing to me.
on earth
could a

Have I died
and gone to hell a second time -is this what is called mind control
rearing its ugly head? When will you all get as angry as I am this
morning and come
and give it our best shot to get out of the mess we are in. 1500
victims of gang stalking and electronic harassment come together and
go to Washington, D.C. If we get tossed in jail all the better
because we will make headlines that a mainstream media will be
to report if we
create enough of a stir. Letters are a far cry in the wilderness –
been there, done that. Nobody cares and that is a reality. Okay,
people are waking up SOME but I guarantee that if we don't
will continue, and I for one do not like it. What they are doing to
and I do not PRAY for a pack of perverted criminals operating from
within the walls of the United States government that is
this to continue to be done to me. As long as everyone puts up with
it as meek little lambs to the slaughter
. We need to
stand up
– a united front once and for all. Get our asses thrown in jail –
at least gain recognition and exposure from the alphabet channels. I
barely have a dime left to my name, but if I had to I'd walk to get
there if it would get this monkey off my back.
it going to take for you?

I ask myself WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THE REST OF THEM and WHY ARE THEY NOT AS ANGRY AS I AM? Prayer is good – but prayer + action is
better. Something more is necessary. Stand together and fight this
enemy! I've seen the faces of the enemy. They are ugly! They are
little men
who compensate for what they lack. Who was it who said “
only thing to fear is fear itself. “
cannot do it alone but I will join yous.

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27 february 2010, Strange MIssed calls and strange TI

I have contacted a woman that writes about gang stalking in a blogg here in spain. She wanted my phone number. I didn't get any calls on my mobil phone. But a few days ago suddenly I had 5 missed calls. The strange thing is, even if I watch my phone now and then, is that, the calls are dated a whole month ago. I don't even know who called, but the only person that has my phone number is this lady, Ayuda en Acccion (i help 4 children in latin america so they wanted my phone numer) and a woman that is an TI in spain but that never called again nor replyed to my latest email. I don't understand - if you are an alone TI, why do you avoid others?

Yesterday after I got some sleep I realized I had slept with my door open. I sat on my chair in front of my computer drinking coffee as usual and I looked outside. I saw a guy driving some kind of tractor and he looked dissapointed at me. I am used to these kind of looks so it didn't bother me.

I felt a strange taste in my mouth like I had 10 kilos of cofeen in me.
I don't know what that medication is about.
HOw it ends up in my body and if it is triggered somehow from a distance.
It lasted almost all day long.

I used to think that it is a lot about keeping me awake, but it can have another effect, like making me too eager.

This morning, I noticed that two people on bikes insulted me again.

They hate now my new freedom declaration so they start again.

These people are psychotic idiots with puppets that they rule over.

I tried to make conversations on Facebook but it didn't go that well.
It is like every victim is in his/hers own world.

Even the most active are strange.
I don't know what to believe, again!!!

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I now seem to know when I get an email or if anyone would speak to me, i would get a big head ache. It is very difficult then for me to think. I don't know why they do that. I've been working on my site, and I have been writing an article there about how medical corporation mislead people when they do research. I was thinking about all perp activity, how they scare us and make us feel bad when we hear certain words, like we think that everyone else will know misinformation about us.
After three years of stalking, i think they know pretty damn well that it is not the truth, but they stalk us because they are told to.
I've been alone for the last three years as well, I don't even know if I am normal enough to speak normally to a person again, without feeling strange. I have not yet met any persons live that suffer from the same things that I do.

I have been thinking about how scared I am, about how certain i am about certain things, that prove to be wrong, or that i will prove wrong - this is a mind game. They play with our perception of reality.

Probably we are also used in diffrent kind of experiments as well.
I have for example never been really sick.

But they still manipulate my organs, my vision sometimes, give me pain in the uterus, in my liver and enormous head aches. The new thing was that they manipulate the feeling in my right hand and now it is the left hand.

I am really sick and tired of living this life, but I also have to find some happiness. If I can't find it myself, who else will? They would give me more pain and so on.

Brain Computer Interfaces

I reminded myself for the last few days that we are connected in a way.
We all have brain computer interfaces that creates a network of people's thoughts, minds, opinions.
It is not strange that I can see someone write what I just thought about or that I say what somebody else has written somewhere else. Yet, when I think about this, I can think STRANGE. In reality it is not strange, they've teached us through stalking that the person that says the same thing as we do is a perp. They indoctrinated us in this pattern of thinking.

Perps are jerks, they have no idea what we are, who we are, what we really do.
They are often low life that are either unsuccesful or simply stupid and want somebodys attention.
I have moved from place to place and I met all kind.
Under a period of time, I've been afraid to speak with anyone. I would choose my words.
I would especially avoid thinking about or say something that has a sexual connotation because i would think that it will get back at me. I wasn't even aware in the beginning how many sexual connotation that are there in the world and I try to figure out all of them.

Now i don't care, I try to escape this prison that is inside my head. It is not easy.
But I have to think critically every time I think that somebody is dangerous because the perps are not that dangerous, it is only those that control the computer and that control our perceptions of the world and so on that are dangerous and those are the people that we unfortunately without help can't really escape.

And there are just a few people that are there to explain or help.

MOst TI's are unfortunately afraid of their own shadow and this is how they want us to be. Isolated and scared.

Don't be so scared, but think!
Most emotional states are created by them.
Most thinking patterns as well.

I am already in hell, so what do I have to lose if I stay scared.

Maybe I will die, but everyone dies one day.
Children die, parents die, young people, old people.

I will die too, so how does FEAR really help me?
Will fear set me free? NO!

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24february 2010 - Torture and Synchronicity

I found a way of surviving. The method is called: Never care what happens because they care crazy. Mock them back as much as you can. Laugh when they start to hurt you. I know that what they do is nonsense because I am innocent and they started to target me when I was as young as 15.

What did they do lately? First.. well. The usual stuff, but one evening what diffrent. The minute I fell asleep they would wake me up. Once I was caughing, like i could not get any air. Some other time, my heart would beat too fast, Then again, caughing I think that they repeated this for over 10 times.

I would call them names maybe the first 2-3 times, and I was really tired. It was like they knew exactly when to wake me up. But the forth time I just thought, ok, just make me cough, why sleep when I can caugh. I was ironic and I knew that they are actually to lazy too continue this and besides, they enjoy hurting. There is no pleasure in hanging someone that does not resist.

I have been moving the table and now i sit on a chair and not on the sofa, It's because I now have a writer on the table. I had a little hand problem because i pushed on the table. But they made it lack feeling and strengh now for the last two days, but they eventually forget about it - so I can use it properly. But I can't use it as normal.


In my experience, they pretty much use synchronicity.
I wrote about my old classsmate whom I think is a perp, because he's telling me he worked for the secret police.
I've been speaking with him again, he told me things that i did not know, about how it went for classmates.
One of them had injured his hand at work, after that, he's whife left him. Only for that I asked him? He said that other things where involved, like her mother.
So now I can't use my own right hand also.
I've been trying to do some research and write as scientifically I can about what happens to us. I have made a swedish group (no member). I sometimes think that I struggle in vain, but I think that this is a long term matter. Yet time just passes by. Days into weeks, weeks into month. And so on.

So now my hand does not work proprerly - because they want to tell me that If I do write - maybe I will get hurt or something - or they just try to scare me - I don't know. I thought that if I do write a paper to the UNIVERSITY and also publish it on a webpage where I keep some of my old home exams they I wrote at the university, then it will make a little diffrence, and maybe other students will read and maybe find these interesting. I have no idea what to do.

My old school mate said to me that he would make some page to gather up our old class. Of course nothing happened, but he made a facebook group: WOW.

At the bank yesterday, the woman that works there is also involved and she asked me if I wanted an insurance in case I got sick. Another scaring technique. I am interested in an insurance just for thieves or if my things get damaged.

Since I posted the pictures on my cats, the new cat's health has improved. Yet I hear more cats out there screaming and I wonder if they hurt the cats. The cats that are "friendly" have not visited me so much lately. But since yesterday, they sleep in. I think that they hurt the cats and these cats felt safer here in my house. I heard one or two cats screaming in pain here today. The minute the cats hear some other cat screaming outside they go and look through the window.

I never had more then 1 cat. Now I have 5 cats sleeping over. I hope that they will be safer here with me.
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Operating System

Even with the best of "protective" programs, myoperating system is being hacked. But I have found a and offer more benefits and doesn't cost youanything. It runs under a Linux based environment and that means it ismore stable than MS windows.

The best thing of them all isthat you don't have to install the operating system. You can run itdirectly from the cd you create when you download the files.

I like this option very well, because the criminals can't delete files that compromises the integrity of the system.

I'm also looking at other alternatives to MS and will be posting here. Thanks for reading.
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Diary Entry February 18, 2010

Came home and noticed that a studio portrait of my son when he was small was missing... one of the best photo's I have of him and stalkers came into my place and walked out
with it.

I have written letters to Vermont State Senator Patrick Leahy about gang stalking here in Burlington, and he wasn't interested in hearing about it. If the shoe were on the
other foot, he would be concerned if an expensive pair of sun glasses
were stolen from his home and studio portraits of his family targeted
with weapons of war that leave tiny pin head marks (PEP weapon) all
over them. Were he or other local elected officials being gang stalked and
targeted with directed energy weapons, you bet your boots they'd do
something about it. Legislative bodies were also given a copy of my
letter and no response from any of them either. Many other victims of
this government- sponsored domestic terrorism have also written to
Senator Leahy and had no response. He knows about the technology and
is allowed to not give two hoots that it is destroying innocent
lives. Where are the MEN – the
WHEN will they stop shaking in their shoes,
afraid they will be the next one targeted by the technology.. Many
Vermonter's refer to Senator Leahy as having a Socialist/ Communist
agenda who works hand-in-hand with the New World Order or Illuminati
– possibly the money machine that keeps him in office and the
puppeteers who pull his strings. It is reported that he has received
$3 million in out-of-state special interest dollars. Senator Leahy
is fully aware of Vermont State Laws regarding stalking as well as
Federal laws; yet these laws are not enforced. If they are not
intended to be enforced, then why are they on the books?

Before leaving my apt., I gulped down (3) TBS of liquid amino acids which comes in the form of a thick syrup. I had an immediate adverse reaction and remember another
targeted victim told me I should take castor oil because implanted
'systems' don't respond well to thick oils. Ten minutes after
swallowing it, the implants and augments which they have built for me
to cause me to be BIONIC - implanted enhancements on this u n w i
t t i n g human subject 'e x p e r i m e n t i o n'
performed on me via remote access as though they were playing with a
child's remote toy. What I noticed was flushing and reddening of my
face and upper torso. Where implanted nano fibers and structures are located
in my face is where the reddening was most noticeable. My (L) ARM
was a bright red with serious itching where I am implanted with all
their horrific nano technology - all over the elbow and arm where
they have implanted a robotic (control) implant inserted at the tip
of the elbow where I can also see a small lump and throughout the
elbow with nano wire running down the lateral portion of arm bone
(tibia or fibula?- no dictionary handy to identify at this time which
one it is and don't remember) and into position at wrist bone and
then further down in the hand and forefinger, et al. Same with the
other arm... implants and augments. What I was looking at in the mirror was the BIO system
they have put in place in my body. .. as though it was outlined in red.
What exactly did they mean when I was told I wouldn't have to worry
about dying????????? ...Stanford Research Institute/ Lockheed
Martin/ UC Berkeley/ Blackwater USA and the rest of the gang – the
graduate student at Berkeley who told me I was very brave and
proceeded to take my picture with his cell phone. I should not have
dismissed him but at the time I just didn't know any better and was
too spooked to ask what he meant.

8 p.m. Legs hooked up for pain as well as entire body- got up during the night and wasn’t able to walk on my feet they were so hideously hooked up for pain and
disability; I'm going to post a photo of my foot which is misshapen
from swelling and the abuse. Thermal heating continues w/quick
reversal to cold applied over and over and loud high pitched
acoustics with a tick, tick, ticking or the sound of crickets
overlaying the high pitched acoustics... two in one tonight.

9 p.m. Torture to LEGS continued... they have changed their pattern of behavior and now targeting entire legs above knees for neuromuscular
pain .. kind of like a sparkler going off in my legs whereas before
this is something they did to feet from time to time.

12 midnight Hung up from conference call where I was subjected to drowsiness and forced sleep; and, as soon as the call was over; they induced a wide awake state to
keep me up; continued application of thermal heat bringing on a wet
sweat throughout upper torso and my face which will end up nearly a
dripping wet sweat for further promotion of depletion of collagen; reverse 'cold' effect left on for the
count of 30 minutes at one point; sharp pain introduced to (R) knee and
carried out until 7 a.m in the morning. Nerve pain applied to (R) Hip Joint was
also kept tweaked and continued until 7:00 a.m. in the
morning. I've made note in other diary entries that there is no
explanation really as to why I am still on my feet with such an
extended period of no sleep. Night after night; month after month I
am kept awake with occasional intermittent sleep. Last night they
literally woke me up fifteen minutes after putting me to sleep – I
checked the time.

3 a.m. Slept a little and awakened to pressure being applied to bladder to force me out of bed; my face was in a wet sweat and the
continuing noise of fast passed tick, tick, tick or the sound of
crickets with temporary disappearance of the loud high-pitched acoustics.

matter how much H2o and apple cider i consume or fish oil –
whatever the weapon is they are using on me, it overrides a lot of
the good things I am trying to do for myself. Does anyone who might be reading this know what they might be doing?
Could be they are in my adrenals?

2/19 10 a.m. WENT TO CLASS Hooked up to nerve pain during How To Buy/ Sell On Ebay –a place where I needed to pay attention so they assaulted me with
more pain to make that next to impossible. This time tapping into
sexuality at point behind navel which was hooked up by remote in June
’08 in Berkeley, CA via some type aircraft w/remote special ray
weapon and a precision hit directly into navel (possibly PEP or LIPC
weapon)…. I cannot begin to describe what the pain was like because
it reached proportions off the charts one day when I just happened
to touch my navel after it had been targeted. WHAT they did w/this
weapon I don’t exactly know and am left to wonder if it was at
this point they collected DNA from me or the hit was expressly for
the purpose of implementing whatever master plan they intended to
put into action re: my sexuality. It was a well crafted
strategic “pin head” hit. After that I began being targeted by
another type special ray gun which caused black and blue bruising
over my legs and lower torso.

Frequency ‘vibration’ was just activated at sole of (L) foot extending up leg in addition to electrifying nerve impulses throughout thigh region of legs. Hard
to stay seated in class with this tactical warfare being used on me.

10:55 a.m. Continuing to tap into this female's sexuality using ELF – Point (A)
behind NAVEL and Point (B) VAGINA. They’ve switched to


neuromuscular pain.

I’ve been thinking lately about the sexual aspect of these CIA / Military Black Ops programs. Obviously, first and foremost the reason they do
it is because it gives them pleasure - The 'handlers' and their
corporate mob bosses find it sexually stimulating and a form of self
gratification. To be crude – they get off doing what they do!
They become sexually aroused watching men, women and even children
on very large TV screens – watching targeted victims squirm and the pain is
what gives these sexual deviants perverse excitement and pleasure I
would imagine.

When you have a Pentagon and its corporate contractors enthusiastically embracing routine sexual assaults on defenseless American men, women and children whose sexual organs are being manipulated by these
people in high places, it is because they gain pleasure from the pain of others. It is the Pentagon and its corporate contractors, et al regardless if they are not dirtying their own hands.

Could these genteel creatures of the power elite; these gentlemen of a New World Order type who do this type of “research” which is obviously based on the PAIN - PLEASURE PRINCIPLE
. at least in my case it most definitely is- is it maybe their
intention to incorporate S&M and other deviant behaviors into the
helmets that are being prepared for the
of the future
? Could they even also be planning to include pornography? Also, applications for
programing futuristic robots... We already know they lack morals and
ethics and are responsible for the breakdown of society at large –
could they be going even a step further into the decline and fall of
America and these degenerate individuals are planning for the day
sex and pornography join forces on the battlefield? Perhaps the
military is interested in providing our fine young men in uniform
some rest and relaxation in the form of sexual arousal programmed
into their helmets S&M built into a soldier’s helmet for
instant or delayed gratification... a quickie maybe for a Lockheed pilot
or the back seat of a jeep perhaps?. To provide soldiers ‘relief’
on the battlefield. I think the defense contractors and military
intelligence personnel involved in this amoral activity are just
having a whole lot of fun viewing American citizens in their homes
and communities being alternately fondled and ‘sexed’ by
machinery put in place for this very purpose by some very sick men
and it saves them from having to visit a whore house that night.
I've searched my mind and cannot come up with another explanation as
to why a government would give the okay to sexually assault and
abuse American men, women and children who are hooked up to
electronic machinery. Most likely they salivate in anticipation of
the voyeurism. That these Black Budget Classified Programs are
costing the taxpayers
billions of dollars, is something they
don't even know is going on. Is the electronic weaponry
takeover of defenseless American men and women just all in the
interests of militaristic foreplay?

11 a.m. I am now being tortured in yet another way as they create battery acid from hell by moving ever so SLOWLY AND METHODICALLY
with pen in hand at their Illuminati display screen, the point
of influence being my stomach
where they have taken to moving the pen in a SLOW swirling
circular motion - ever so slowly; then continuing on up the
still in ultra slow motion and then on up into
throat right next to a lump that is in the throat from these sadistic
sick twisted freaks. Then, while not letting go of the pen it is
moved back down through the esophagus and lower into stomach and
repeating the same slow methodical sadistic movements... creating
copious amounts of saliva along the way and back and forth.

This is work and play in a New World Order ladies and gentlemen!

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Subject: In Memory Of Donnie Simmons- Uncle of Renay Texas- Florida State Trooper-Torture IN LEE COUNTY FLORIDA, Fort Myers Florida, Cape Coral Florida, Lehigh FL<— Newer message Older message —><— Newer unread messageceIn Memory Of Donnie Simmons- Uncle of Renay Texas- Florida State Trooper-Torture IN LEE COUNTY FLORIDA, Fort Myers Florida, Cape Coral Florida, Lehigh Florida

Ecological Labortories -Renay Texas.jpg (42.9 Kb) attached
crimes by Florida done To Renay texas.jpg (28.5 Kb) attached
04_what Crimes Lee County is guilty of- Renay Texas.jpg (41.9 Kb) attached
1_In Memory Of Donnie Simmons- Uncle of Renay Texas- Florida State Trooper.jpg (26.8 Kb) attached
Testimony By Rene Texas.jpg (38.2 Kb) attached
Hamilton Ohio.jpg (38.4 Kb) attached
3_Those Responsible in Lee County page 0002.jpg (53.3 Kb) attached
2_Lee County has done to Renay Texas.jpg (48.0 Kb) attached
Indepn Kentucky.jpg (41.7 Kb) attached
Those in Florida responsible for the massive death, theft of those in Lee County, Cape coral, Fort Myers, Leheigh,.jpg (45.6 Kb) attached
Renay Texas beaten from an early age.jpg (34.7 Kb) attached

----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Angell
Sent: Sun May 10 10:22
Subject: Fwd: In Memory of Donnie Simmons State Trooper- Torture Testimony of 'Renay Texas'- Those Responsible in Florida , Dallas, Kentucky.

04_what Crimes Lee County is guilty of- Renay Texas.jpg (41.9 Kb) attached
1_In Memory Of Donnie Simmons- Uncle of Renay Texas- State Trooper.jpg (26.8 Kb) attached
Those in Florida responsible for the massive death, theft of those in Lee County, Cape coral, Fort Myers, Leheigh,.jpg (45.6 Kb) attached
Renay Texas beaten from an early age.jpg (34.7 Kb) attached
3_Those Responsible in Lee County page 0002.jpg (53.3 Kb) attached
Hamilton Ohio.jpg (38.4 Kb) attached
Indepn Kentucky.jpg (41.7 Kb) attached
2_Lee County has done to Renay Texas.jpg (48.0 Kb) attached
Testimony By Rene Texas.jpg (38.2 Kb) attached
crimes by Florida done To Renay texas.jpg (28.5 Kb) attached
Ecological Labortories -Renay Texas.jpg (42.9 Kb) attached

----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Angell
Sent: Thu Jan 8 22:00
Subject: Fwd: In Memory of Donnie Simmons State Trooper- Torture Testimony of 'Renay Texas'- Those Responsible in Florida , Dallas, Kentucky.

In Memory of Donnie Simmons State Trooper- Torture Testimony of "Renay Texas"- Those Responsible in
Florida , Dallas, Kentucky.

"Renay Texas" has lived in Lee county on and off and tells the story of what happened here in
Florida over the past 30 years in her diary. She requestsed I post it and send it to
International Courts to document the massive human rights Violations in Florida. It started in
Florida first and moved throughout the country and now the world.

Notes from “Renay Texas” of Fort Myers Florida age 43 years.

“Donnie Simmons... my uncle who was a great man. Who was a state trooper. He had a very good
life”- Renay Texas

Notes from January 2nd 2009

For the family of “Renay Texas”: Juan Carlose, Antonio Boza and her son Davie

From the Diary of Renay Texas
Jeffrey D. Sasher Sr. and Steve Jamerson are her torturers.
“Ilene Janous” is a person of interest in the torture of “Renay Texas”

According to “Renay Texas” the incinerator for the bodies is/was near Paige Field. “That's where
the bodies were burned”. Over 70 friends and associates of “Renay Texas” have died in Fort Myers
Florida in the 30 years she has been here.

“This goes to Antonio so he can piece it all together... all the years they took- 30 years, all
the lies they told. And all they have tried to extort from us. 72 Million dollars- tax dollars
stolen”- Renay Texas

Jeffrey D. Sasher is the former husband of Renay Texas

“Lee County has done everything to ever keep me from building my life back... They keep on trying
to cover up a city of lies. So many people .. did ever to keep me from going home.” Renay Texas

1994... Williamstown Kentucky Grant County

“Lee County cape coral is destroying their city”

“Selling of the buildings..... the biggest corruption, extortion, embezzlement, kidnapping,
hostage, fraud, forgery, purger, real estate embezzlement, insurance fraud, tax evasion.... ...To
see all the KKK put in jail and in prison... for what they did to me and juan Carlose in 1999 and

“Hamilton Ohio and Hazzard Kentucky, Covington Kentucky, Newport Kentucky... [Ashland Kentucky]
have Ecological Laberatories”

“Organized Crime buddy Jeff Sasher is coming all the way from Kentucky to Joe Beach.. “

“Grant County, Kentucky, 9208 Hawk Ridge Indapendence Kentucky..Covingon Kentucky, [whole state of

“To beat upon a female... from the time I was born to even now.. Is sad fro a poor town [Fort
Myers] trying to get rich off one.. they are always trying to blame it on some one else.. They
[Fort Myers] did it on purpose”

From Renay Texas in Fort Myers Florida

“Most haniss crime.. Lee County and Cape Coral Florida, and Kentucky are guilty of Tampering with
mail, kiddnapping, [harboring fugatives] hostage taking grand theft of [Homes, cars, boats, human

“It is the KKK that is doing all the vandalism and aron. 1880 Texas Rangers.. 1930 and 2005...
San Antonio Texas...”

1999 until 205

“2.5 years of Federal Investigation.. hate crimes.....jeffrey Davis Sahser Sr.. lied in East Fort
Myers and went to school there. .. sold drugs out of his trunk of his car at the time he is already
linked to Ilene Janous and Greg Mullin's.. and Diane McKaine and Shiela Favor's and Rob Lucas and
Tiffany Janous and Steve Jamerson and Bob Sasher and Ray Sasher and Ken Disxon and Mike Curry, and
Rick Alred and Rick Janous and Bobby Janous and Debbie Johnson and Daisy Valdanham and Fred Frear
and James Macabey and travis and Joy Sasher and Valarey Gillmore and Mike Gillmore and Tina Beach
and Joe Beach and Jayson Williams and Bunkcy Pine's and Holly Pine's and Brittany Mullin's and
Christ Mullins and Stafanie Jamerson and Ryan Jamerson and Calaway Jamerson and Kevin Switzer and
Anna Mae Sasher and AJ and Harley Janous and Cheryl Bate's and Bill Welch... involved in Extortion
and embeslement and filling in false statements, slander, stalking, harrasment, and kiddnapping and
vandalism and murder and force of pornography and purgarey forgary, and sexual harrrassment”

“[Jeffrey Sasher Sr.... bragged about.. being in the KKK showed every body his shot gun.. [also
involved in crime].. Gary Lynch, noel Clark, Besty Brunner..

“Dr. Palaskie.. 1999 they set [Bobby's] Jaw when [Bobby] was in a Coma.. Christy was a witness..

Notes from “Renay Texas” of Fort Myers Florida age 43 years.

“Donnie Simmons... my uncle who was a great man. Who was a state trooper. He had a very good
life”- Renay Texas

Notes from January 2nd 2009

For the family of “Renay Texas”: Juan Carlose, Antonio Boza and her son Davie

From the Diary of Renay Texas
Jeffrey D. Sasher Sr. and Steve Jamerson are her torturers.
“Ilene Janous” is a person of interest in the torture of “Renay Texas”

According to “Renay Texas” the incinerator for the bodies is/was near Paige Field. “That's where
the bodies were burned”. Over 70 friends and associates of “Renay Texas” have died in Fort Myers
Florida in the 30 years she has been here.

“This goes to Antonio so he can piece it all together... all the years they took- 30 years, all
the lies they told. And all they have tried to extort from us. 72 Million dollars- tax dollars
stolen”- Renay Texas

Jeffrey D. Sasher is the former husband of Renay Texas

“Lee County has done everything to ever keep me from building my life back... They keep on trying
to cover up a city of lies. So many people .. did ever to keep me from going home.” Renay Texas

1994... Williamstown Kentucky Grant County

“Lee County cape coral is destroying their city”

“Selling of the buildings..... the biggest corruption, extortion, embezzlement, kidnapping,
hostage, fraud, forgery, purger, real estate embezzlement, insurance fraud, tax evasion.... ...To
see all the KKK put in jail and in prison... for what they did to me and juan Carlose in 1999 and

“Hamilton Ohio and Hazzard Kentucky, Covington Kentucky, Newport Kentucky... [Ashland Kentucky]
have Ecological Laberatories”

“Organized Crime buddy Jeff Sasher is coming all the way from Kentucky to Joe Beach.. “

“Grant County, Kentucky, 9208 Hawk Ridge Indapendence Kentucky..Covingon Kentucky, [whole state of

“To beat upon a female... from the time I was born to even now.. Is sad fro a poor town [Fort
Myers] trying to get rich off one.. they are always trying to blame it on some one else.. They
[Fort Myers] did it on purpose”

From Renay Texas in Fort Myers Florida

“Most haniss crime.. Lee County and Cape Coral Florida, and Kentucky are guilty of Tampering with
mail, kiddnapping, [harboring fugatives] hostage taking grand theft of [Homes, cars, boats, human

“It is the KKK that is doing all the vandalism and aron. 1880 Texas Rangers.. 1930 and 2005...
San Antonio Texas...”

1999 until 205

“2.5 years of Federal Investigation.. hate crimes.....jeffrey Davis Sahser Sr.. lied in East Fort
Myers and went to school there. .. sold drugs out of his trunk of his car at the time he is already
linked to Ilene Janous and Greg Mullin's.. and Diane McKaine and Shiela Favor's and Rob Lucas and
Tiffany Janous and Steve Jamerson and Bob Sasher and Ray Sasher and Ken Disxon and Mike Curry, and
Rick Alred and Rick Janous and Bobby Janous and Debbie Johnson and Daisy Valdanham and Fred Frear
and James Macabey and travis and Joy Sasher and Valarey Gillmore and Mike Gillmore and Tina Beach
and Joe Beach and Jayson Williams and Bunkcy Pine's and Holly Pine's and Brittany Mullin's and
Christ Mullins and Stafanie Jamerson and Ryan Jamerson and Calaway Jamerson and Kevin Switzer and
Anna Mae Sasher and AJ and Harley Janous and Cheryl Bate's and Bill Welch... involved in Extortion
and embeslement and filling in false statements, slander, stalking, harrasment, and kiddnapping and
vandalism and murder and force of pornography and purgarey forgary, and sexual harrrassment”

“[Jeffrey Sasher Sr.... bragged about.. being in the KKK showed every body his shot gun.. [also
involved in crime].. Gary Lynch, noel Clark, Besty Brunner..

“Dr. Palaskie.. 1999 they set [Bobby's] Jaw when [Bobby] was in a Coma.. Christy was a witness..

01ThoseResponsible In Lee County Florida Fort MyersCapeCoral.jpg

02_what Crimes Lee County is guilty of- Renay Texas.jpg

03Those in Florida responsible for the massive death, theft of those in Lee County, Cape coral, Fort Myers, Leheigh,.jpg

04Testimony By Rene Texas.jpg

06 (Hamilton Ohio.jpg,

07 (1_In Memory Of Donnie Simmons- Uncle of Renay Texas- State Trooper.jpg

08Independence Kentucky_is_not_Free.jpg,

09_Lee County has done to Renay Texas.jpg,

10_Ecological Labortories -Renay Texas.jpg,

11_crimes by Florida done To Renay texas.jpg

01Larson Report Edit.pdf,

Tara Potter helped to shut the MK Ultra program down with Ted Kennedy in 1977 in Montreal Canada

Here testimony of torture is in this wav file

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20 february 2010 - Stockholmsprogrammet and Facebook

Today there was a IT meeting I think in London, and even if it is nearby, and had been a good chance for me to meet other IT's, it was difficult for me to make a dicision because first of all, the bank won't give me an working credit card or I would call and they won't send it. Or if I get it in my mailbox, it will stop working as soon as I got the pin code. Maybe a bad excuse, I don't know. Or maybe, I am just not ready.

IN the last couple of days, I have been pretty much "busy", I created a group that seems to have no future on netlog about mind control, in the swedish language. But I also started to use Face Book a little more, and created at least a little network of friends that are IT from Europe.

I've been sleep deprived as well, sitting at the computer nights, sleeping daytime. It has always been like that. I have no idea why they must keep me awake every night . It can happen that I can't get any sleep at all.

I've been bothered about the sensibilization to certain words they make by the stalking. The words keeps me feeling guilty, even if I think them, i feel scared and hurt, and I feel like there is a big danger around the corner. I am so tired of being afraid. These words are inner walls created inside of me to keep me in fear. I started to repeat them all over again- the words and the synonims - and i felt a little better. It is like they don't matter to me that much anymore.

On face book, an also school mate appeard, i've not seen him since the 7th grade. We spoke about memories, and I think unfortunately that he turned into a perp, to be clear - I don't know why and how they found him. He even told me that he worked for the secret police and was of high rank... I asked him if he knew anything about brain implants and non-lethal weapons. He didn't answer. Made it sound "very secret" and maybe he didn't even know what I was speaking about. It is actually very difficult to tell if someone is lying or not.

I have also been writing a survey for people that speak swedish, the kind of seen online.
I feel like I DID SOMETHING.

I realized that people often don't want to know, don't want to discuss, don't want to be aware, isn't there at least CURIOSITY? I don't know, maybe in time I would find a way to reach out to people - and make them realize that the danger is not only in our minds, but it is real.

The reason I am writing this is because I read about something called Stockholmsprogrammet that in principle means that europe is not a free "country" anymore. Because it will become one country.

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"2.5 trillion dollars has gone into a NASA and military program most of the dollars were taken from the Pentagon pre 9/11 and were being investigated by accountants and auditors from the Government and military when they were suddenly all killed, in the missile attack on the pentagon along with building 7 which housed the results of the FBI and Government and military investigation!, how convenient."

--- On Wed, 2/17/10,

From: c
Subject: Hi
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 3:32 AM

Hi everyone been away a while hope everyones ok, I am now on "@@#$#", good source of information from professionals in the intelligence and military community, lots of interesting discussions about technology and what the U.S are really doing in the middle east, I am also on researchgate for scientists and military personel which I am getting good info about developments in weapons systems which target us by microwave, acoustic and electro magnetic technology.
There are also lots about surveillance capabilities and satellite development as they have turned from star wars to earth wars about 2.5 trillion dollars has gone into a NASA and military program most of the dollars were taken from the Pentagon pre 9/11 and were being investigated by accountants and auditors from the Government and military when they were suddenly all killed, in the missile attack on the pentagon along with building 7 which housed the results of the FBI and Government and military investigation!, how convenient.

The Victims at the Pentagon on 9/11 that did not live and died.. THE MC VICTIMS OF TORTURE to DEATH (Watch the last 3/4 of the Video)
The investigation had been running 18 months prior to 9/11, and guess what? thats exactly how long builders had been working in the Trades Centers, Building 7 and the Pentagon.
For too long everyone have been looking in the wrong direction, look at who were doing the work on these buildings all have contracts with the military and are security cleared, I rest my case the mystery of 9/11 is solved !

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19th february 2010, Hit again - tears and guilt

The last week has been a little easier. But ths morning, I went to town to buy cat food and coffee and there it was again: the stalking. People would look at me and wisper and even people driving where either looking or smiling. I started my camera and started to videofilm them and they stopped.
I bought a writer too.

Home again, I found out that I got a reply on a blog post on a swedish site about mind control.

I was the only one that commented. People are afraid.
I also found out that the founder of this group, wrote a very interesting article.

Let's not forget to thank her now and then. We are so wrapped up at times in our own emotions that we forget that somebody out there risked a lot for our sake.

Sweden is leading in this area. So I and others in Sweden are probably controlled by the best.

This evening i started to write on the same swedish blog post,and i started to feel bad, very bad, guilty. Like I wasn't supposed to write what I did. My emotional state is now the same. I know that they produce emotional states and awarence is very important as their impact diminishes just a bit. It is up to me to try to take control because I dont think that they will be very helpful unless it is in their interest.
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