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£783 sub-vocalize and hear in tongues with subvocal, translations andV2k">;;cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

[cia_tradecraft]Let's talk! The computer can translate (subvocal speech)

Sun,30 Oct 2005 13:11:09 -0800

Let's talk! The computer cantranslate

Friday, October 28, 2005

By Byron Spice,Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Stan Jou's lips were moving, but nosound was coming out.

Mr. Jou, a graduate student in languagetechnologies at Carnegie
Mellon University, was simply mouthingwords in his native Mandarin
Chinese. But 11 electrodes attached tohis face and neck detected his
muscle movements, enabling a computerprogram to figure out what he
was trying to say and then translatehis Mandarin into English.

The result boomed out of a loudspeakera few seconds later:

"Let me introduce our new prototype," asynthesized voice
announced. "You can speak in Mandarin and ittranslates into English
or Spanish."

"This is a bit ofscience fiction," said Alex Waibel, director of the
InternationalCenter for Advanced Communications Technologies, "but
it is a visionthat we think is very exciting." And where it once
seemed a distantdream, it now is being actively developed thanks to
recent advancesin machine translation.

This particular gadget, when fullydeveloped, might allow anyone to
speak in any number of languagesor, as Dr. Waibel put it, "to switch
your mouth to a foreignlanguage."

It was one of several translation devices his researchgroup
demonstrated publicly for the first time yesterday in a
videoconferencewith reporters in Pittsburgh and at the University of
Karlsruhe inGermany.

"We want to make language translation transparent,"explained Dr.
Waibel, a computer scientist who holds jointappointments at Carnegie
Mellon and Karlsruhe.

The truecenterpiece of the demonstration was the videoconference
itself. AsDr. Waibel spoke, computer software translated his speech
intoSpanish and German.

Previous computer systems have translated thespoken word in limited
contexts, or "domains," such as travel ormedical information. But
yesterday's demonstration was of so-called"open domain" speech-to-
speech translation, a technically difficultfeat to pull off because
the spoken word is often ungrammatical andfilled with colloquialisms.

"This is definitely a new frontier,"said Kevin Knight, director of
the University of SouthernCalifornia's Information Sciences
Institute. "If you look in thescientific literature, you couldn't
find too much today on opendomain speech translation."

What has made this possible has been adramatic change in how
computer translation programs are written.In the past, most
translation software has been based on sets ofrules -- dictionary
definitions, grammatical rules and such. Inother words, programmers
tried to make a computer think like ahuman.

But increasingly, the trend in artificial intelligence isto allow
the computers to think like computers, using statisticalmethods to
draw meaning out of masses of information, said RandallE. Bryant,
dean of Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science.

Speechrecognition programs began using these statistical methods 15
yearsago, Dr. Knight said. Only recently have they been applied to
speechtranslation "and that's why things have been improving a lot

Theavailability on the Internet of large amounts of translated text
hasbeen a major boon, said Dr. Waibel.

The results aren't perfect.When Dr. Waibel announced he would take
questions from reporters inGermany and America, the computer heard
it as "so we glycogen italternating questions between Germany and
America." And the systemsdon't really understand what they are
translating, so may havetrouble sometimes when a speaker tries to be
humorous or ironic.

Buthe predicted open domain systems could be ready for use within

"As we make contact, people will be more likely to learnother
languages," Dr. Waibel said. U.S. soldiers in Iraq, forinstance, who
have handheld devices that repeat foreign phrases,ultimately have
learned to speak those phrases themselves anddiscard the machines.


For more informationon subvocal speech, visit:

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one the reasion they wanted

Hi all here i still alive here in frankfurt i did sleep in osterpark sholders
after so much extrime torturing i never exsperianse so much pain in my life time ,i m geting so week pshyicaly both they have use shaners on my bones ,I would like to lave notes for all you if die that is likly ,i was born with special handicap dise my body is like 14 years old boy ,the perverts in the cult wanted my as sexual slave for a old men in cult. I have ADHD & missing growth in my personalty i m childis in many ways .that is main reasion .if I dont give upp they will torturing me to death . The main persion behide this grub is Kristin àsgeirsdóttir she loves to torturing smal children tro death she is a true sadist ,also she is enfected with aids ,syflius ,herpis, she have enfected so many children in Iceland with neal & geting them into drugs , she did kill her own handicap son her man Vidar Jonson likes young boys he have rape son many children ,the excouse this becourse they are in witch craft , one most evil pepole in this world .this my importian notes today i need help here in frankfurt wright away .i mso glad if sombody will help me .i m hoping i m in contack man , who knows many things , i m hoping that he can help or some help will come .
God Bless
Johann Helgason

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Dear Mcmailteam this will be proble my last emil here ,the cult members have
torturing so much in my face ,with eletronic quckment that disform pepole ,& my
feets the main persion Kristin Asgeirsdottir & my ex mother law Svala
Jónsdóttir she came with idea to extroy my face 6 my body i will liklely die
today they have torturing me constandly her moster daugther Anna Sigurdardottir
wanted to extroy my face ,becourse i did not want to sleep with / 70 years old
woman called her self to be head witch her name Heidveig Nanna òladóttir &
old perverrts in the grub this pepole are etrime evil .place contack
for me FBI police let them know about my case ,report this pepole place here are
the list ,they have torturing my in extrime way my ex wife are in this here
name is Thorun Sigurardóttir I m geting so sick my feet are disform , this is
worst pepole on this earth , main pepole are vidar Jonson & Kristin
Àsgeirsdóttir they are main behide this they have get small children into drugs
enefect them with aids ,herpis ,syflius ,also he is a children perverts they
did murder there own son Vidir Már Vidarson in 1997 & got awy with it they did
tested him with aids ,herpis ,syflius ,i did go to the police here in Gemany Frankfurt & i did phonecall to police in Iceland place call FBI Police repot this place, i went to the police here in germany , & i did contack also police here in iceland & let them know nothing happent ,i m so much week pcsycally,i can´t hadly walk my feet are so disformed , i wil proble die today or next day ,my ex mother law Svala Jonsdottir opration nurse ( she is a wicth )wants to extroy my body & My face & she loves to torturing me, i m guinepigs for what the Illuminati satanist intend to kill , or just having fun excute me.

I just wanted to let you know im stil alive fithing for my life here is the name
List of the pepole who are after me , i m here in frankfurt germany .place call FBI Pepole im geting so despirate for help

· Björn Helgason bankam
· Àsta Hardardóttir
· Hördur Ingi Björsson
· Arnar Björson
Selbrekku 12 - 200 Kópavogi Kort

o Sími: 587 2340


· Gunnar Kristófersson verslm
Fögrubrekku 40 - 200 Kópavogi Kort

o Sími: 564 4378

o Farsími: 696 7577 SMS

· Unnsteinn Alfonsson hjúkrunarfr
Rauðalæk 11 - 105 Reykjavík Kort

o Sími: x 588 6970

o Farsími: x 864 0698

· Alfred Georg Matthíasson rafvélavirki
· Sigrún Helgadóttir ( kaup
Laugalind 1 - 201 Kópavogi Kort

o Sími: 554 3106

o Farsími: 892 8455 SMS

Stefán òli Sveinbjörrson


Rauðalæk 11 - 105 Reykjavík

Viðar Jónsson & Kristín àsgeirsdóttir

Hliðarveigji 7 keflavík

· Kolbrún Jónsdóttir förðunarfr
Lækjarbakka 6 - 800 Selfossi Kort

Sími: x 586 2432
Farsími: x 690 2026 SMS
Steinar Jónsson

Rauðalæk 13 - 105 Reykjavík

· Guðsteinn Haukur Barkarson margmiðlunarfr
· Bryndis Bödvarsdóttir
Berjarima 5 - 112 Reykjavík Kort

Sími: x 587 1773
Linda Andrésdóttir

Grafarvogi Rimahverfi

Eyjólfur Kristinsson

Rauðalæk 13 - 105 Reykjavík

Alfa módir Eyjólfs hálf (german )
Jénný lára ( blogginu )
Einar fyrum Lögga
Daníel Viðarsson

Rauðalæk 7 -105 Reykjavík

· Ingibjörg Kristófersdóttir
· Verslunar kona og Hákon .
Byggðarenda 23 - 108 Reykjavík Kort

Sími: 553 3135
Farsími: 660 7510 SMS
Farsími: 662 1393 SMS
Brynhildur skarphéðnisdóttir

· Ebba Skarphéðinsdóttir
Skipalóni 22 - 220 Hafnarfirði Kort

Sími: x 555 1903
Ester Anna Jóhannsdóttir


· Sigurður Kjartansson grafískur hönnuður FÍT
· Hólmfridur
Ljósuvík 52a - 112 Reykjavík Kort

The main with witch

Heidveig nanna òladóttir

Urdarstekk 13 . post 111 Breidholt ,Reykjavik Iceland

Sími: x 567 9750
Farsími: x 696 3880 SMS
Jenný Lind Gudmudsdóttir ( sweden )

thanks Monika for you grubs who was so much blessing


Place contack police let then know what happent to me
FBI ,CIA .scotalnd yard ,Inter pol .
God Bless
Jóhann Helgason

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我个人经历,2008年4月24日我为一名女留学叫王千源在网上打抱不平,骂了中国政府,一封电子邮件发往大纪元 (需要电子邮件内容我直接给您)网控我知道的!在大纪元的网上留下了我写的回贴,叫王千源千万别回来,我太了解中国政府的做法了!我想几排字,没有什么的。很简单,国内电子邮箱在国内转,用国外网站的邮箱电子邮件不会被截因为不经过国内的服务器,但是你发往国内会被截,同样你用国内的邮箱发出去也是会的,还有邮箱过滤器!我学计算机出生的,查到我的时候我第一时间就知道了,网警查了我的IP,我也查了他的IP,电子邮件在深圳的一家网络公司2号服务器被截!转往公安部!上面写着公安部有令劫持近期通往国外的电子邮件!那时候在开奥运会!手机号码是直接在我邮箱的女朋友的档案里收到的,查到我本人。我反应很快的,我想这回完蛋,来玩真的了,在这事情上我都晚了一步,主要没有跑这是最傻的!我清楚在手机里听到,就是这个人的(警方声音)!手机被监听,电话监听,前两者我是知道,收到了恐吓短信!被电磁脑控之后才知道的,因为我没有往这儿想,如果往这儿想,我马上也会知道的!得到的报复是,发动群众,诬灭,人生攻击,图像报复,公开我的脑海想法给大众,公开我的隐私给大众,把我束成最垃圾的人!差点精神病了!有趣的是开始的时候,我成了人物秘密特工“保护我”!因为我很重要!
这是生化武器,国际禁用设备,反人类!以下是我个人的个人症状!核心价值观发生改变,记忆力减退,记忆发生错乱,甚至消失,肌肉抽动,传递睡眠暗示,唤醒!香的闻成臭的,臭的闻成香,输入梦境,创造大脑噪音,跳眼,有时有精神病状态,性能力加强(没有地方解决,自已解决,要是我有这设备就好了,30岁以上的女人有福了) (其中里面有个思唯误导最可怕,一种是内部误导,一种是外部误导(煽这是看家本邻,设了个圈子,你怎么跳也跳不出来,人靠人跑,人靠山倒,被这个整一下,我被搞的男不男女不女!))
个人经验不断的换城市,一定要离开你所重小到大的城市!太大的城市不要去,那儿有的设备更先进!最好到落后点的地方去!或者到你喜欢的城市去或者到国外去,离开你所在的省,或者离开你所在的国家,不要想摆脱但是可以减轻!别信任何说的话!记得他们说你,你可以说他,说出你的真像!他们的目标是整死你,用的方式是拖跨你在经济,精神打击你!想办法在网上开个小店(要有一定的客户群)不过被攻击,你就很难应付这一切,去下载nch tone声波软件!尽量以夜间出门,出门带着MP3听音乐!他们会限制你的许多的自由!到国外是最有效的方法(人少素质高)!碰上这样的事情,多和难友交流,不要和不明白的人去说,没有意义他们不可能帮你的!要在家里冷静的思考!不要改变你的生活习惯!特别是价值观,他们好像是把你的脑电波倒过来设置的,所以你天天头是晕的!多和难友与国际上的联系!


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£780 targeting students, degrees, Jobs or barriers to entry targeting

The method ofrequiring degrees and certificates has also lead us to where it takesmoney to make it through a program and it is easy to target a studentand make the program difficult. Expensive private schools are paid toget students degrees while public schools are far more difficult for thesame program. These schools also change the books so regularly at over ahundred dollars apiece in some cases that it is a corrupt business.Parking is made none existent and cars are ticketed and towed regularly.Look at the enrollment to graduation rates between private and publicschools.Schools in my area have been found to pressure teachersto give certain kids higher grades and it has been on the news. All ofthe government jobs in mytown and possible state require,"knowing someone", to get the job. Ifyou are a public servant because you happen to know someone then you cantake advantage of a law that allows you student loans to be forgiven inhalf the time as commoners than if you know someone and get a jobbecause you are politically connected.
Schools are forcingintelligent students to quit school through harassment. After mytargeting my two youngest children where targeted and both quit schoolwith very high IQ's and one was in the gifted program. One Iwas told was going to be kept back by his English teacher even thoughhe had the highest average in class. I was being targeted and he was aswell I believe while living with me after a divorce. He wasn't doing hishome work at home so she was going to fail him and make him stay back.
He quit school and joined the army national guard after taking his GED.He is now aboutto graduate with a bachelors degree in Computer gametheory and programming.
My daughter who also quit and was in thegifted program didn't take her finals in algebra andchemistry. Her teachers still passed her because her averages were sohigh. She has worked ever since. Took her GED and went to college and isabout to enter a sonogram program. They are over coming my town's success control program despite my and their targeting.
Studentsare rewarded for jumping through hoops it is more desirable that they dowhat they are told no matter what than that they actually think forthemselves. Not that both qualities aren't good.
Now that I havespoken out about police having the ability to target people as well asmake tickets and arrests disappear both my oldest son and cousin haverecently been ticketed for about a thousand dollars each. My son waspulled out of traffic driving at 65 miles an hour on the highway twice,
After making this post about police targeting my girlfriend living1,100 miles away called me to tell me she was being pulled over for thefirst time in thirty years. 10 to 15 minutes after my post.
Theseare easy to see targeting methods and the selective education and jobsituation in government jobs and schools are, "barriers to entry", to aneducation and job opportunities.

Peter Rosenholm
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£779 Surviving PTSD as a TI and moving on

£779 Surviving PTSDas a TI and moving on

You are PTSD
post traumatic syndromedisordered as are we all. Like as if we
had been captured in war andtortured. We need to talk it out to come to
terms with it while thepopulation lives in a Disney like land, they
can't handle thetruth. In fact they like psychologist are in danger of
vicarioustrauma if the try to help talk us through it. It is actually harmful
for them to listen and believe us and they can develop PTSD if
A CIA psychologist described this as the circle of
destruction.they said, "The more the torture victim reaches out to talk
abouttheir torture so as to heal the more others push them away to
savethem selves PTSD", "The only way for the torture victim to heal
thoughis to talk about it so the continue to try". £The more they try
themore people push them away and they become isolated and spiral into
thecircle of destruction".
These many times are the Vietnam vets
who are homeless and can't over come this. That is why you will see
manyof them not talk about there experiences and spend time with other
veteransat the VA where they can talk to each other and heal, cry and
whatever to get beyond it.
TIs are your comrade in arms and you
can talk to us and heal. The only problem is the people on groups who
aren'treally PTSD and will be argumentative and not understand or be
overlysupportive. Still there are many of us and many groups and web
The people around us don't even realize they are in the
middle of awar zone, but they aren't going to listen while so few of us
havebeen being attacked that they can ignore it.
I read an
articlein the Russia news Pravda about the Americans trying to harden
it'speople against a psychotronic war.......that may be
I'mhealing pretty well now so you can to if you understand
what yoursituation really is. I think our brains rewire bypassing some
ofthis of some of our emotional responses. Don't alienate your family
theyare really the only ones who will stand by you even though they
don'tbelieve you. still it might be best to have another TI who
understandsbe your medical contact in case of an emergency so your own
familydoesn't have you locked up in a psych ward or something because
oftheir disbelief.

Peter Rosenholm

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£778c Love for life - this is a nice page all our names are on it

Sometimes you drive me nuts with the circles you spin people in. Youwill read a post and then only print a small irrelevant part and answerthat when the portion you left out answers the question you are asking.You, by doing this send the topic in an irrelevant direction andproclaim a conclusion based on this misdirection while announcing toeveryone how I didn't answer your question to your satisfaction. Youthen explain to everyone how my post is misleading.
In this caseyou make the assumption that probing a persons mind means total mindreading, you know it doesn't mean that. What exactly would be total mindreading anyway when we don't even know our own minds our selves attimes. I reallythink most people can decide and understand without your commentary as to who has proven a fact and who is off base.
You goto the most basic evidence of V2K or voice to skull going back about 40years and say we should stay with that. That's fine, hard documentedevidence. Then you discount hard basic evidence of cell phone stalkingwith a conviction as in the case of the Sheri Peak case and refuse toeven put it up on your web site knowing it may be the only actualconviction. You are censoring information.
Someone describeddebating with you is like trying to nail down mercury. ;-) For a whileyou were at least leaving my whole post and then answering what youwanted to. Please don't answer this by putting up some small segment andchanging the whole meaning of what I'm saying. So here greater detail as I see it.
When I have dreammanipulation and questioning through V2K and other techniques likemaking digital movies in my head I respond. This level of dreammanipulation is my testimony only it has at times broken down intocartoons when it can't keep up and has been as simple as asking mequestions and participating in my dreams through V2K. Sometimes with nobody or image to go with the voice. The latter even you have to admitcan be done with V2K. I know they can read my subvocal responses becausethey acknowledge my responses. You can at least admit that along withV2K being done at a distance such is also the case with millimeter wavesurveillance and both are through wall. Perhaps differing distance arerequired for whether or not active or passive millimeter wavesurveillance is being used. So if they for instance wanted to know if Icommitted a crime or have hidden money or something of the sort all theyhave to do is ask and read my heart rate, breathing breathing rateand whether or not I begin to sweat. that is simple enough and is alsodone with a lie detector under questioning. That is the most basic and Ihave said so for a long time.
Woody Norris ownerof American Technologies Corporation that developed the LRAD, "HailingDevise", mentioned to Jesse Ventura that he built a prototype of this onJesse's show, "Conspiracy theories". That may be as far as you want togo and that is fine but I didn't need Woody to confirm this ability tome. Putting these weapons, communications or surveillance tools togetheras a weapons system only makes sense.
To take this a stepfurther would be to acknowledge people have been chipped and that thesechips can broadcast for a distance to a cell phone tower like the triple stacked cell phone chips in David Larson's case, complete withchips removed, patents matching, theAlfred E Mann's endowment funding the study, the scientists working thestudy, with cell phone technology and the same scientists and theirfamily members purchasing access to microwave towers in the area tosurround David Larson's location. With a chip in a nervebundle it seems easy to see how subvocal thought reading and cell phonetype broadcasting to the microwave towers could then gothrough a computer to be discerned as speech. Even throughwe don't always speak in our sleep, the History channel's show, "That'sIncredible", reproduced this with an external electrode on the subjectsvoice box on his neck while he made a phone call and had a conversationwith someone without speaking. I see this also as verifiable proof withthe given demonstrated technologies and believe the same to be said for achip broadcasting thought recognition of EEG in the brain.
Wealso know that thetime signals arrive at different cell phone towers can also triangulatethe location of the broadcast. This is another fact with lawenforcement now trying to receive this information on all cell phonetransmissions on all people and all towers. I won't even get intomilitary satellites monitoring cell phone transmissions which we knowthey can do and where they don't need to ask for permission.
The most controversial subject of probing a targets mind which seems tome to be the fact is that they are commenting on the things I look atand I believe the images I and they they create. I, when seeing and Iand them, when dreaming. I would have to guess that either through EEGor through another type of implant possibly in the optic nerve might dothe trick as does the subvocal effect with the help of acomputer to translate the nerve impulses of the spoken thought in ourminds. I'm sure you don't wantany part of this last one but it seems likely to me. You can ignorethese demonstrated facts before this paragraph like theSheri Peak case but then you are now attempting to influence others decision making by withholding facts from those wishing tounderstand and make up their own minds.
If only I could figureout how to nail down mercury? ;-)

Peter Rosenholm
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£778 Love for life - this is a nice page all our names are on it

Wow, the president of Honduras is at the end of thelist of American TIs. I knew that this would go this way when I readabout the Russiansattacking our embassy in Moscow years ago. I wonder howlong this has been taking place and when will the world begin to expressthere out rage over the use of directed energy weapons.
Theymust be breaking all of the Geneva conventions on warfare and torture.Like classifying LRAD as a hailing devise so as to bypass internationalarms agreements. I think the same is being done with V2K. Add theharmless effect of voice cloning and you have targetsattacking their neighbors and family. Then add the effects of millimeterwave surveillance with it's ability to monitor heart andbreathing rates as well as the production of sweat and we have a covertlie detector. Do it in the targets sleep an they can probe the targetsmind all night.
Chip one of the nerve bundles and use acomputer to decipher the unspoken thought and they arereading the targets mind as shown in the, "History channels", "That'sIncredible£, where they demonstrated the subvocal effect when in anexperiment a man made a phone call and talked to someone without eversaying a word with the help of an electrode on his vocal box and acomputer deciphering the nerve impulses.
Where I livepolice are arresting drug dealers without a warrant andthen letting them go. when they get home they find all their hiddenmoney is stolen. It looks like the CIA and law enforcement are funding alot of these covert money by taking over the drug trade. There havealso been a number of 300 lb men diagnosed with paranoid schizophreniaarming themselves with a knife or weapon in and attempt to defendagainst an unknown attack. Police show up and have been killing them.This must reduce the government disability insurance that they arepaying out I bet. They also almost drugged me to death with the drugSeroquel. Now there is a warning that it can cause the death of elderly.I wonder how much money they saved in nursing home payment over thisone.
It's time for everyone to wake up an question everything.

Peter Rosenholm
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£776 Obama knows this isn't perfect yet he isn't jaded..."Ted Kennedy"

This is about TIs not politics so read on. It is more about the dualityof government and our plight as TIs.
I heard this when Ted wasstomping for Obama's election. Obama knows this isn't perfect yet heisn't jaded..."Ted Kennedy" It struck me at the time that this systemhas it's problems. As a TI I know the crimes that have been committedagainst you and I. Maybe though we should take this reasoning andattempt to work the system. We need numbers to do this and money. Radioand TV eventually will be the only way to restore our freedom.
Along the way we do have the opportunity to discuss and researchmatters. Many of us have been held done by one segment of government andthe other side put us on SSDIgiving us this freedom. A freedom most people who work non-stop willnever have.
I know that being a TI sucks but at this point many ofus are finally understanding how this country and the world reallyworks. I hate being tortured and I especially hate when they try to killme. The worst might be the forced suicide attempt using the love for mydaughter to kill me or maybe the massive dosing of Seroquel that trulytook me out of the picture for years and of which I still haven't fullyrecovered from physically yet and I may never. I got diabetes from theshit but I have to remember the two women who came into my hospital roomto tell me that I was being killed by massive overdosing of this drug.
Again there is that duality in government, I would be dead by nowwithout it as would most of you I'll bet. The truth is I feel blessedeven if I died tomorrow. I played the game I got beatendown and yet I amstill here and I know a little more for it. I wonder how many of youTIs out there have felt you have been blessed in spite of everything?Would you really choose to go back to living that sheltered naiveexistence. This is what freedom is it can be brutal to say the least butat least our eyes are open.
Obama won his election bydiscounting the votes of his competitors. If good is to win we have tothink like this. There are a set of rules they can be used and in somecases they can be bent or twisted.
Someone told me that people disabled can ride the buses for free? Is this true? If so it may be a wayfor TIs to meet or for a homeless TI to get help. Charity Ann told methat there is an unspoken rule that if you go broke and homeless the buslines will give you a ride to anywhere you need to go time. I have to find out if this is true. It could well save a TI'sass.
I've also mentioned before how with a lap top we can tapinto other Internet service. I think Starbucks has this as well as theLibraries. You can just sit in the parking lot. the library has theadded privacy because they fought and won against Home Land Security onkeeping there patrons information private. There is that duality again Isuppose.
We need to think out of the box and become creative.

Peter Rosenholm
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£774 If you have something to say then tell everyone!

Thetruth is that there is love and friendship on these forums. I've metmany about a half dozen and talked to even more about 16 on the phone.But Internet trolls try to stop us from getting to know one another andsupport each other. The strongest among us usually seen to have a beliefin a higher power and have a partner in life or some kind of support. Alot of us are talking and meeting each other more and more. This iswhat makes us strong. Call me any time.............401-433-4920.

Peter Rosenholm
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22 march 2010 Latest news

I've probably forgot most of what happened lately.
One thing that happened was though that a person working here came and told me not to feed the cats.
I don't have the gutsto watch them hungry, plus, it was their game. Just to hurras me.
I went visiting almost all Ciudad de las Ciencias Y de las Artes here in Valencia and I had fun.
Taking pictures of myself I realized I got deep lines in my face.
I look awful. I think my skin is too dry.

I talked about some kind of drug that realeases a kind of bitter taste in my mouth and that feels like 10 tons of coffeen. Well I noticed that they make me fat with that. Or maybe, it causes stress, and that leads to fat on the belly and on the neck, arms and face. I have not eaten as much as I would lately, still I think that they release that type of drug and they make me fat. I have not exercized though. Maybe they make some kind of research on fat or stres on me, who knows.

Anotherwise, nothing new under the sun that I remember. Probably I forgot the most important parts, or nothing new has happened.

The day I posted a comment to someone here about the police, two police cars passed me by as I was waiting for the bus, and all four police men looked and smiled. You know, they do look good, some of them any way. Fortunately they are not very smart - fortunate for those doing this to me. If they were they would kind of think for themselves a little. Make the diffrence between right and wrong and so on. But I don't think that they can. Their brain is not as complicated as for thinking about moral issues.

Now that I said that, they attacked my brain - hahahaha, I must have said the truth. They hate the truth.

As for the rest, I don't know. There have been stalkers on the roads, but a few. I didn't record anything lately, but I monitor my sleep. I don't look at the video, but I keep it there - they could of course change it, and that is another "miss" from my side.

I wish I could be more organized and like to keep track of everyhing. But ... i guess I am tired of being like that. I used to , because of fear, now, I don't do it because of boredom and repetition, and maybe because they brain wash me.
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£769 Obama's Effort at Online Transparency Stymied by Internet Trolls

Updated April 13, 2009
Obama's Effort at Online Transparency Stymied by Internet
By James Osborne

Obama's pledge to provide open dialogue on his Web site is being tested
by Internet
-- gangs of activists who try to derail discussions -- and now the
White House faces unique challenges as it tries to manage the posts
without infringing on the right to free speech.

President Obama's pledge to open the White House up to the
public through online forums faces an irksome challenge: a plague ofInternet
-- troublemakers who work to derail cyber-conversations through
harassing and inflammatory posts.

The problem became immediately apparent last month when Obama held an
online "town hall" forum on the economy and invited the public to post
questions on the WhiteHouse Web site.

Those questions, in turn, were voted on by users to determine which
ones the president would answer.

Three and a half million people participated in the event, but the"trolls"
had their way: Following a coordinated campaign by marijuana advocates
to vote their topic to the top of the list, questions on the future of
the U.S. dollar and the rising unemployment rate were superseded by
questions about legalizing pot as an economic remedy.

The president himself had a good laugh about the volume of
marijuana-related questions, saying, "I don't know what this says about
the online audience -- we want to make sure that it was answered. The
answer is, no, I don't think that is a good strategy to grow our

But the die was cast. Through a perfectly legal "underground"
campaign, a relatively insignificant question had risen to the top.

For the White House, the question was not so much how to answer it --
but what to do about it, and how to prevent it in the future.

Unlike privately run Web sites, whose managers are free to remove
nettlesome material, the White House finds itself searching for a way to
combat these disruptive users without infringing on their right to free
speech and inciting cries of censorship.

In 1997, the Supreme Courtruled that freedom-of-speech laws apply to
the Internet
after the American CivilLiberties Union sued the government over a
federal law that would have criminalized the online transmission of
obscene or explicit content.

"The law is well established, which doesn't mean government actors
aren't going to try to restrict speech on the Internet, and that has
happened," said Aden Fine, an attorney with the ACLU. "Restricting
speech on the Internet is something we all need to be concerned about."

With all eyes on its cyber-presence, the White House will have to tread

institutions have the right to remove obscenities or limit comments to a
specific subject area, but they are limited in their ability to remove
comments that are merely repetitive or disruptive, said John Morris,
legal counsel to the Centerfor Democracy and Technology.

"If the comment is on topic, they won't be able to remove that
without raising some constitutional issues," he said. "Say they did a
forum on national securityissues, and activists say Guantanamo needs to
be closed next month and not next year, and they flood the forum.

"It's on topic and they're not violating obscenity rules," explained
Morris. "The government would have a difficult time pulling it down."

Ever since the first Usenet group was created in 1979, Web
administrators have been contending with "trolls."

In 1998 Judith Donath,a professor at the MassachusettsInstitute of
, chronicled various cases, including one where a trolllogged
on to a brides' forum and assumed the persona of an upper-crust matron,
admonishing other users for supposed breaches of etiquette such as
using a laser printer for their invitations rather than an engraver.

"Responding to a troll is very tempting, especially since these posts
are designed to incite," Donath wrote. "Yet this is where the troll can
cause the most harm, by diverting the discussion off the newsgroup
topic and into a heated argument.

"Trolling is a game about identity deception, albeit one that is
played without the consent of most of the players."

But scrubbing trolls' comments from a site presents a whole new
challenge. And considering the increasing role online discussion board
and forums play in people's lives, many don't consider it a laughing

While Obama's marijuana advocates wouldn't technically be considered
trolls, who are defined by their lack of definitive positions and a
simple desire for disorder, these special-interest groups do muddle the
president's message and related discourse.

How the White House will handle those and other disturbances in the
future poses a conundrum.

Methodologies to control online discussion boards and forums are
wide-ranging -- including everything from filters that keep out spam and
obscenities, to more advanced software that analyzes language for an
overly negative or harassing tone that a Web administrator might choose
to flag.

Many sites allow users to assess the value of other posts and
determine their prominence in the forum, in effect creating an online

But even that can prove problematic, as evidenced by Obama's first
online Q&A last month.

Daniel Ha, CEO and founder of the Web site management company Disqus,
said he was generally impressed with the White House's online savvy,
but that there was still work to be done.

"Content submitted by other people is really hard to -- I don't want
to say control, but maintain and set a quality to," Ha said. "A lot of
the issues they're going to have to address as they go along. [An online
forum] is just a medium. It's the same as if they held a rally in the
park and people started making noise. That problem is going to exist no
matter where you do it."

Morris said he didn't see any legal issues with using software to
manage the forum, as long as the software was "viewpoint neutral."

"If you have software that looks at repetitive and harassing
comments, regardless of the content, that's something the government can
do," he said.

A White House spokesmandid not respond to specific questions about
what online tools they were using, only saying, "we are continuing to
explore ways to use the Internet to increase the American people's
access to the government and to engage with them about the challenges
facing our country."

"People were informed that this was a community-moderated system, and
people should remember that even though they may not like the viewpoint
behind someone's question, everyone has a right to their opinion."

No announcement has been made on the date of the next White House
online forum
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£768 Invention Secrecy at Highest in a Decade

Last story on thebottom of the page........ ....Just one reason why government trolls canattack on-line statements as having no evidence to back them up. Theevidence is being kept from us. This means we have to talk about ourattacks so that we at least can understand the nature of them andunderstand the tactics employed. Knowledge is are onlydefense.

Peter Rosenholm

http://www.fas. org/blog/ secrecy/2009/ 10

InventionSecrecy at Highest in a Decade

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

The total number of invention secrecy orders that the U.S. government imposed on patentapplications rose again this year, reaching5,081 by the end of last month, the highest figure since 1996.

Under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, U.S. government agencies may restrictthedisclosure of a patentapplication whenever its publication is deemed“detrimental to the national security.” In Fiscal Year 2009, 103 newsecrecy orders were issued, while 45 existing orders were rescinded.The overall number of orders in effect increased by about 1% over theyear before, according to statisticsfrom the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that were releasedtoSecrecy News under the Freedomof Information Act.

The most vexing secrecy orders, known as “John Doe” secrecy orders, are those that are imposed on private inventors who are not governmentcontractors so that the government has no property interest intheinvention. In Fiscal Year 2009, there were 21 new John Doe secrecyorders, according to the lateststatistics. An argument could be made that secrecy orders insuchcases are infringements on an inventor’s First Amendment rights, butsuch an argument has never been tested in court.

In general, however, challenges or complaints concerning the operation of the patent secrecy system seem to be rare. Most secrecyorders originate at defense agencies, with the U.S. Navy in the leadthis year with 39. (TheNational Security Agency issued 12 secrecyorders in FY 2009.) In such cases, the most likely customers for theinventions are the military agencies themselves, not commercialenterprises, and so the secrecy orders may have no adverse impact on theinventors. For other resources on invention secrecy, see here.

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Walking through town this afternoon it was sunny and warm reaching the 50 degree mark. Three police officers had a young lady handcuffed ready to haul off when a 3rd and 4th officer came by – that's five police officers plus two more plain clothes dressed in black to one petite young lady who certainly didn't appear to be a threat of any sort to anyone. Two healthy clean-cut kids were watching the whole thing and told me the young lady had been told to stop playing her instrument on the sidewalk, but she had continued to play quietly anyway. The police left and had come back. As the police were taking her off, one of them asked why she was in handcuffs and an officer responded that she had (2) warrants out for her when they ran her name. I thought to myself, they typically run a person's name before leaving the scene and additionally the charges were possibly for smoking a joint of marijuana a very minor offense. She was handcuffed with hands bound behind her back. The clean-cut couple had two more tales to tell of police activity in this neck of the woods– one being that the police had attempted to throw one of the two of them in jail a while ago, and he wasn't even told the reason why and never found out the reason why even after they had come into a restaurant where he was having lunch and took him outside. He was luckier than the young lady today in that his dad had come to his rescue, and he was also under 18 years of age so they couldn't do anything. He further went on to say that he and his family live next door to a local council woman who had some kind of law put on the books here in Vermont whereby you can't bother neighbors with cigarette smoke which meant that since he was a smoker and went out on the porch to have a cigarette it was forbidden because she didn't like it. A person cannot have a cigarette on their own front porch anymore I was told.

The young lady commented that “the police are the front line of the Military.” It is true that men and women in blue are no friend of the people anymore and young kids here in Vermont know that. They appear hard and cold – a complete shift in attitude or maybe because I never had a personal encounter until 2004 when I had a rude awakening. I'll bet this change in attitude has a lot to do with military weapons being handed over to local law enforcement agencies. Perhaps this military might has emboldened them in the same way the weapons have emboldened the 'handlers' - powerful little giants among men ready to wage war full-scale war against the people when given the word. The way things are in this country – and, I see it all around me – it's scary!
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Lady is not well. I put her under constant surveillance with my web cam.
But she has been out and the two round things under her jaw are gone.
They cleaned up.

She ate a little, but she is not well. I just pray that she will not only survive but get better, healthy again.

Ethical issues involved in hybrid bionic system research

However i got in my mail an interesting paper.


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