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My letters to Senator Leahy's office have never been acknowledged.

September 14, 2009

U. S. Senator, Patrick Leahy
199 Main Street
Burlington, VT 05401

Re: Organized Group Stalking in Burlington, Vermont

Dear Senator Leahy:

We have a VERY BIG PROBLEM here in Burlington, Vermont. Something must be done about Organized Stalking. I‘m not the only victim in town – but I am one of the few who will speak out about it. The crime is referred to as Group Stalking and Electronic Harassment.

I am writing to you because there is nowhere to turn for help. The Burlington Police Department is seemingly complicit in the criminal activity, and on January 12, 2009, the FBI told me to go away and not come back when I showed up in the lobby of the Federal Building after being struck down during the night by a high-frequency directed energy weapons assault that left me nearly blinded, with projectile vomiting and the inability to stay on my feet.

The Burlington Police Department documented a falsified police report supporting a criminal who accused me of stalking him when, in fact, this unsavory character has been stalking me for over a year. He shows up in places I frequent as well as showing up in places he shouldn’t be and has been seen walking past where I live. He knows my name; and stalks me on foot. After what seemed like an unusually cozy encounter with the stalker, one of the two officer's who filed the false report was observed shortly after the incident on July 7, 2009 walking over to an obvious police informant sitting in a seat in the middle of the Church Street walkway where he 'hangs out' and telling him to “ what she does with her camera and see who she’s taking pictures of.” He, too, is now hot on my trail.

Police officers are apparently now getting away with labeling American citizens “mentally ill” based on next to nothing. This is something the United States Government has been getting away with since the Cold War for purposes of discrediting victims of Unwitting Human Subject Research. There is now greater military involvement in law enforcement agencies, and Police Departments seem to have undergone a major shift with dramatic change having taken place when it comes to the protection of innocent American citizens guilty of no crime whatsoever and being terrorized. The question I guess really is whether the police are possibly protecting one of their own who is stalking me?

Police officers are permitted only to investigate charges where a single stalker is involved. When multiple stalkers are reported, orders coming from someone HIGHER UP with no name given, forbids an investigation.

The BPD has refused to attach an addendum to the police report or to answer my written questions. I, therefore, intend to file a civil lawsuit for damages based on defamation of character – possible entrapment – police misconduct and violations of the law, including the gross violation of the State of Vermont's Stalking Law as well as newly enacted Federal Stalking Laws and Violence Against Women which is designed for my protection.

My name also appears as Plaintiff in a Class Action Lawsuit soon to be filed against the U. S. Government and its criminal agents and organizations, et al. Also, as plaintiff in a 2nd class action lawsuit solely against the U. S. Department of Justice and Federal Bureau's of Investigation for everything under the sun when it comes to allowing physical brute force, sexual assault and terrorism from so-called 'Non-Lethal' PsychotronicWeapons assaults to violate and rape my body and mind as well as condone community-based organized group stalking perpetrated against me.

My family has been in Vermont going on four generations and are pillars of this community.

There is plenty of evil all around us, but we supposedly have a legal system that is designed to handle criminal problems. There is no room for criminal community-based WATCH groups that stalk innocent American civilians in an extra-legal, extra-judicial system of justice that is out of control. It goes against our Constitution.

Can you please do something to expose what is inconsistent with the America that most of us love? These criminal practices cannot be allowed to continue and grow. If you can advise me with regard to the direction I’m headed re: legal action against the Burlington Police Department, I would also greatly appreciate your imput.

Very truly yours,

Lynn C. Bahrenburg
Burlington, VT 05401

Enclosed: Please find all documentation regarding the above-described illegal criminal activity in addition to correspondence to Janice Schakowsky, Chairwoman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee On Oversight and Investigations and other officials asking for help.

cc: Representative Peter Welsh; Senator Bernie Sanders; Mayor Bob Kiss

Ltr hand delivered for 2nd time to the above on November 2, 2009 – This letter has not been acknowledged.

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9143016880?profile=originalI was reading on a page about research done on animals and they try to explain why research on animals is necessary. It reminded myself of all research that is done on humans but they write about animals in newspapers, and it is so because research on animals is more accepted then research on humans.

I wrote this letter in swedish and I will use Google Translate to translate it en eventually correct grammatical errors:

I also sent them this link:

UPDATE: I got en email sending error from them back, three times, but the letter to (about research on general) was sent.

I also sent the same letter to (

Subject: Animal testing is used as a cover for countless experiments on people around the world
From:my email (i am not putting it online)
Date: Wed, February 17, 2010 7:06 pm

We'll see headlines about how animal studies, help medical research to move forward. They are talking about mice, cats and other animals. Non-the less, this is only a cover for all attempts on healthy normal people, who have their lives destroyed, probably because the victims are not supposed not know what is really happening and that the public are not supposed to know how these advances in areas such as neurology, nanotechnology, brain-computer interface, etc. are made.

A website which aims to tackle this is

Thousandsof people are screaming around the world that governments brainwash them, take away their lives and dignity in order to do terrible experiments on them. But in the media an innocent picture is painted of research on rats, when in fact it is humans that in an unethical manner are under attack throughout their lifetime. Often
an entire family attacked along with their pets. They are implanted, injected with nanoparticles, their thoughts are read, and this happens along with gang stalking, blacklisting and bullying.

Ithink that the public should be aware of what is happening in Sweden and around the world and an ethical debate should be started the amount of people that are killed through this research equals probably the amount of people whos lives would be spared because of the findings of this research. Moreover, they are dealing with the mapping of the brain and the nerves in the human body, synthetic telepathy, mind control, and they are taking over people's bodily functions.
People are tortured around the clock, they may not even have a vacation and they might feel that they are living in a concentration camp where they spend the rest of their days and may be at any time killed, by example, raising heart rate to a level where the body can no longer cope and the human being will die .

As a supplement they also use mind control weapons or non-lethal weapons that
destroy human neurology, and makes victims feel totally helpless. Usually people do not even know that such weapons even exist but as the MK-ULTRA have been talked about in the U.S. and the Pentagon has removed the secrecy stamp for some of these weapons, victims may have a "proof" that what they feel like are verysimlar to these weapons effects.
They can not be seen but people can recognize the effects of these weapons.

even pets are "taken over": they are implanted, and one can see body organs moving in the pets body or may feel that their heartbeat has increased.

victims would like to ask all sorts of institutions that deals with research to as soon as possible to initiate an ethical debate on all tests on humans who are made around the world and let the public know what is going on. If this research is to help people, people must have their say: How far are they prepared to go to be able to have in their home a cyborg or remotely control the computer game with the thought alone.

to mention that these mind-control weapons are invisible, destroys the human body and neurology over time, have the ability to brainwash people and can be used as weapons of mass destruction and could of course be abused under a regime in which people do not know of their existence.

is dangerous of course that the human brain may also be taken over and people are exposed to forced speech, and their behavior can be modified or a person's worldview can be altered. These research
here is done on men, women, children and their pets, but in the newspapers, we only can read about animals when in fact this is merely a cover for all research that is done on human beings.

The victims are ignored by police, lawyers, doctors, technicians and usually isolated before the real torture begins to take place. Many people have also organized themselves into small groups or associations, with more or less success. The victims need political and legal help. They
become invisible and even if they are used as laboratory rats, they are not even appreciated, but are tortured around the clock, a torture of the most ugly
character that one can imagine, and the longer time goes, the worse it gets.

My name

This is the swedish version:
Subject:Djurförsök används som täckmantel för otaliga försök på människor världen runt
Date:Wed, February 17, 2010 7:06 pm

Vi får se rubriker i tidningarna om hur djurförsök leder till att medicinsk forskning går framåt. De talar om möss, katter, och andra djur. Icke-desto mindre är detta endast ett täckmantel för alla försök som görs på friska normala människor, som får sina liv förstörda, förmodligen för att offren inte får veta vad som egentligen försiggår och för att allmänheten inte ska få reda på hur de här framstegen inom områden såsom neurologi, nanoteknik, datorhjärna-interface, osv går till.

En hemsida som försöker ta upp detta är

Tusentals människor skriker världen runt om att regeringar hjärntvättar dem, tar ifrån de deras liv och värdighet för att göra hemska experiment på dem. Men i medierna målas upp en oskyldig bild av forskning på råttor, när det i själva verket är det människor som på ett oetiskt hemskt omänskligt sätt angrips under hela livstiden. Ofta angrips en hel familj tillsammans med deras djur. De blir implanterade, injicerade med nanopartiklar, deras tankar blir lästa, och detta sker tillsammans med gang stalking, svartlistning och punktmarkering.

Jag tycker att allmänheten borde göras medveten om vad som sker i Sverige och runt om i världen och att en etisk debatt startar eftersom lika mycket människoliv går åt förmodligen som den här forskningen tror sig rädda. Dessutom sysslar de med kartläggning av hjärnan och nerver i människans kropp,syntetisk telepati, mind kontroll, de tar över människors kroppsliga funktioner. Människor blir torterade dygnet runt, de får inte semester och känner att de lever i ett koncentrationsläger där de spenderar resten av sina dagar och kan bli när som helst mördare, genom att t ex höja hjärtrytmen till en nivå då kroppen inte längre orkar och människan dör.

Som komplement används även mind control weapons eller icke-dödande vapen som förstör människans neurologi, och gör människan totalt hjälplös. Oftast känner man inte till att sådana vapen ens existerar men eftersom MK-ULTRA har avslöjats i USA och Pentagon har tagit bort hemlighetsstämpeln för en del sådana vapen, får offren ett "bevis" på att det som de upplever liknar de här vapnens effekter. De kan inte ses men effekterna kan göra att människor känner igen sig.

Inte desto mindre tas även husdjuren över: de blir implanterade och offren kan se organen röra sig i kroppen eller kan känna hur deras hjärtrytm ökas.

Offren vill be alla möjliga forskningsinstitut att så snart som möjligt inleda en etisk debatt om alla försök på människor som görs världen runt och låta allmänheten veta vad som pågår. Om den här forskningen ska hjälpa människor, måste människor verkligen säga sitt: Hur långt vill de gå för att ha hem en cyborg eller fjärrstyra datorspelet med tanken allena.

För att inte tala om att de här mind-control vapnen är osynliga, förstör människans kropp och neurologi över tid, har förmågan att hjärntvätta människor och kan användas som massförstörelsevapen och kan så klart missbrukas under en regim under vilken människor inte vet om deras existens.

Det farliga är så klart i att människors hjärna också kan tas över och människor utsätts för forcerat tal, och de kan modifiera beteendet eller förändra en människas världssyn. De här försöker görs på män, kvinnor, barn och djur, men i tidningarna får vi endast veta om djur när det i själva verket är detta endast ett täckmantel för alla försök som görs på människor.

Mäniskorna som utsätts ignoreras av polis, advokater, läkare, tekniker och för det mesta isoleras dem innan den verkliga tortyren börjar äga rum. Många människor har även organiserat sig i mindre grupper eller föreningar, med större eller mindre framgång. Offren behöver juridisk och politisk hjälp. De blir osynliga och även om de används som labbråttor, får de inte någon uppskattning utan dygnet runt tortyr av den mest fula karaktären som man kan föreställa sig och ju längre tid som går, desto värre blir det.

Med vänliga hälsningar,
Mitt namn
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prayers will work

we can only control this phenomena by lot of prayers and not letting contol it to you. Try speaking and creating your own language ( speak your own tongue) so the computers and mind controllers cant pick up or understand it. Also learn how to pray and sing with your mind only. Best of all dont forget to pray.Since this energy that is bombarded is very strong and we are connected to the earth, wind, fire and water ,, we can ask them to watch us too.

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Two days ago I noticed that I could not reach the blog I have on but unfortunately, I didn't take a screen shot. I was thinking to take it today. But the blog worked today, and I started to think why they only made it impossible to load just for one single day. The answer is simple. The blog titles are many and so are the visitors but your post has to be new to be seen. I had posted the video about the Love Police, and Sweden doesn't like that kind of activity. Swedish people are very interested in talking about nothing - politics is the type of discussion that they avoid the most. They ignore such discussions.

My new cat seems to be even better. I looked and I searched, and thanks to my postings and a bad shot I have of the cats hurt genitals, i think they gave that project up, fortunately....!!!!

Tonight, I started to think about Piratpartiet, a Swedish new emerged party because of the new laws named FRA and IPRED and other laws that makes it possible for the police and SÄPO, the swedish secret police (Säkerhetspolisen = Security Police) to monitor whoever or to surveillance whoever including reading ones emails and listening to private phone conversations. In Sweden there isn't even any terrorist threat. I wanted to see if the Pirate Party has any logo to be put on a website, maybe they are some kind of hope. As soon as I opened their page, I could feel them attacking me, so they are clearly against freedom and they make no secret of it. Even's sabotage of my last blog post is a sign that the Swedish Government amongst other governments are trying to deprive people of their freedom and the slightest reminder of a possibility to reclaim one's freedom as innocent as it might seem, is considered a threat.

On they also have a little infopage in english and other languages. I like this part in particular:

"Respect for the right to privacy

Following the 9/11 event in the US, Europe has allowed itself to be swept along in a panic reaction to try to end all evil by increasing the level of surveillance and control over the entire population. We Europeans should know better. It is not twenty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and there are plenty of other horrific examples of surveillance-gone-wrong in Europe's modern history.

The arguments for each step on the road to the surveillance state may sound ever so convincing. But we Europeans know from experience where that road leads, and it is not somewhere we want to go.

We must pull the emergency brake on the runaway train towards a society we do not want. Terrorists may attack the open society, but only governments can abolish it. The Pirate Party wants to prevent that from happening."

The Pirate Party does have great support I think and I hope that as many people as possible will join them. I am a member but I am in Spain for one thing, and for the other, I don't know what to do other then look in their forums and some have extreme freedom ideas, but we know that in practice, there will always be some kind of surveillance anyway.But parties like this one help to spread ideas of freedom and this is very important.

"Pirate Parties International (abbreviated PPI) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that exists to help establish, to support and promote, and to maintain communication and co-operation between pirate parties around the world. It was founded in 2006 and was declared a 'Feitelijke vereniging' (or unincorporated association) under Belgian law in October 2004"

How did they attack me? For once,they gave me that awful taste in my mouth, disgusting one and at the same time i felt like my mind was heavy, my brain was heavy. When I begun to write this blog post they released the pressure and I am almost normal.

I don't know, but this is a confirmation for me that they do not like people to have a mind of their own and they don't like people to have freedom. I remind myself of what Bush said about Irak: "These people hate democracy, they hate freedom." Why are they taking away our freedom? What does freedom mean for people like Bush? Ah, just propaganda for US citizens I guess to continue the war in Irak? Maybe so, yet they started to take away everyone's freedom and believe me security is not freedom, but slavery. People that plan everything are robots in this world, people that want to know everything and know what to expect leave no space for chance or any miracles to happen in peoples lives.
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diary entry February 16, 2010

9AM The same as a dog marks its territory – I stepped outside to begin
the day and WHAMO brand new clogs brutalized - to keep the
competition down, I'm sure. Is it time for me to go shopping for a
big strong man to take on my troubles! Interesting subliminal
messaging the other morning as I was walking down the street. I found
myself singing along to an old familiar tune from the 60's called
“Lady.” I didn't think I ever knew the lyrics but they were
playing in my head anyway.
Lady, you’re there on the dance floor making me love you somehow,
don’t go thinking I don’t love you cause maybe I do… .la la la
la la!

I’m awe struck at how just about anything can be done with these weapons- anything that is of a destructive nature…. Damage your shoes, your
beautiful leather boots, clothing, family photographs that are of the
utmost importance, et cetera…. believing I suppose that if they do
enough of these evil deeds and long enough that it will impact on
target’s psyche whereby wearing him him/her down and becoming
damaged goods; studied and perfected by the CIA who set up this
unwitting human subject to be remote neural monitored to get feedback
as to the results of their efforts. The CIA and NSA are two agencies
with self-serving criminal agenda's and no thought for humanity.
Handlers are instructed to spend their valuable time doing these
dirty deeds. Brand new wool sweaters covered with pils after a two
wears; a leather hand bag beaten the heck out of to give the
appearance of being old and ragged as targeted with a laser weapon
with scrapes and scratches and white paint-like markings throughout.
They must have a headache by the end of the day having to dwell on
the down side of life.

There are two male perpetrators in my apt. building and at least one female that I know of. One of the men I identified in a convoy of cars
stalking me and left my Flyer on his beat-up car to let him know that
I know. Economically he's poor and looks beaten down psychologically;
I might even feel sorry for him - he's definitely mind controlled and
this is his life's endeavor. He hangs out at a Senior Center here in
Burlington, VT where there are likely more elderly victims he stalks.
In fact, he was 1
to me as a stalker by another target here in town about a year ago,
but I needed my own proof. This target, Kay Barnes, suffered a fatal
“seizure” last July which the coroner documented as a heart
attack. He knew nothing about the heart attack weapon. Anyhow, she
was murdered – her wiring short circuited with her heart targeted
by so-called non-lethal technology after 20 years of criminal
harassment. I ‘m convinced it was orchestrated to further isolate
this target. Just before being taken out she told me there was no
question that she’d eventually come down with cancer from the
long-term exposure to the directed energy and showed me a cook book
she’d just found for cancer victims and was so happy AND HEALTHY
with no physical problems or limitations and no heart disease evident
in this tall slender Scandinavian by descent.

What I notice about these little spy men who often drive big trucks to compensate is that they are like little boys from the wrong side of
the tracks who had poor parenting and were left to play all day with
little soldier men fighting and beating up an unknown enemy. So often
they appear to be seniors and
either ex-police or ex-militarytypes. The way I can tell this is by their body language: Stiff rigid
shoulders they carry up near their ears and a grim expression etched
on their faces and fearful of
making eye contact lest they befound out by this psychic female who is good at spotting a rotten
apple in the bunch. I went to the Post Office here in town because
an express mail package failed to be delivered overnight and the
front counter clerk went in back and brought out a very cranky little
man with the same stiff body language and disposition to go w/it…
he scowled at me saying he would investigate and find out if I had
any money coming back and would call me but that I likely wouldn’t
because of inclement weather conditions. He never called, and I
returned to the Post Office where the young lady who had mailed off
my package wrote me a check for $27.56 without any questions asked
once I presented her with a copy of the delivery receipt. She
apologized for the short, mustached little man saying that he is
“ex-military.” He is the same individual I saw sitting on the
back stoop of the Post Office six month’s ago looking at me as I
walked past and wearing a t-shirt that said: “

THEY are positioned everywhere. Just as a police officer I am filing
criminal charges against for documenting a Falsified Police Report
‘to entrap’ is also EX- MILITARY as opposed to his partner that
afternoon who is not ex-military and is the nicest guy in the world.
In this particular local law enforcement agency not only is a police
officer criminally involved, but his superior Deputy Police Chief
documented in writing the same criminal involvement in falsifying
the report. They went to great lengths and must want me very badly.

There was early AM talk yesterday of reopening Waterbury State Mental Hospital saying it was needed. I couldn't help wonder why and the
convenience it would for people they want to 'house.' It was in the
'70's that the CIA was accused of being in that facility and one of
their MD's criminally experimenting on a young woman. I'll need to go
back and find it because I remember I was interested in contacting
her lawyer. The case never went forward and was settled out of
court. If I should disappear and not be heard from again you will
come to my rescue I hope and round up the usual suspects! That is,
the local police, the FBI and the politicians all of whom have their
noses dirty in this town.

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I decided to write a diary here online. The chances of loss of info is a little smaller. The perps have stolen 3 lap tops, destroyed one memory card and one lap top. I can't be sure that nothing will happen to my diary. So whenever I feel like it, I can put my info here. It is called "documenting".I will try to even write the themes in the title. It can also happen that I can sometimes change what I wrote if I see that something is missing, or if i didn't make myself clear the first time. I might add or delete info. I will also ad pictures.

My cats

Where I live, I take care of a few cats. They live outside and nobody feeds them. I like cats, and I take care of them. Nevertheless, they unfortunately do the same things they do to me, even to the cats.

One of the cats is very friendly. I found it outside one day and it searched for someone nice enough to feed it and take care of it. Even if the cat is an adult, it immediately saw my home as it's own home, but it vanished for a few days. It came back with the jaw hurt and liquid was pouring out, it doesn't smell very well. Just when I thought about going to the vet with it, it vanished again for one day and came back "feeling" a little better.

Another strange thing about the cat is that it seems to hurt in different parts of the body, especially the spine and the liver. The cat was in perfect health the day I found it. And when I think something bad about the perps, the ones that surveillance me, the cat gets aggressive and attacks me. I tried to film it, but the minute I begin videotaping the "aggressive" cat the cat will stop. It will be the normal unaggressive cat it usually is.

Another smaller kitty - I call her Lady or "Girl" - is attacked very bad usually. It likes to sleep sometimes in my bed, and I can see it's body organs moving and has two round things under it's jaw - pretty big things. I wonder what they are and what functions they have. One reason is because I have them too.

I did some shopping today. It was one of the nicer days, nothing in particular happened. I went to the bank and made a withdrawal and bought grocery. I had too much to carry with me, otherwise i had bought a printer. I am thinking about starting to research a little more and print the most important things on paper. It is easier to keep track of papers and information. Reading stuff online or on the screen and on paper are two different things.

The puke ray gun

The "normal" thing is that when I write something and I want to write it well, i can feel like i can't see properly and I feel like a dim is led over my eyes and my "mind", I feel clouded and that's exactly how I feel now. In town today, I felt a few times that they pointed the "vomiting" ray gun on me. They must love this gun, it is their favorite gun. They've made me puke very bad twice at the shopping mall where I usually go shopping.

Once they tortured me with it for "apparent" disobedience, like thinking that they should be locked up and the key should be thrown away. The second time I puked at the shopping mall, I did something very bad, intentionally: I puked on the clothing in the store. Pay with the same coin and they will go milder on you. And as they tortured me with this puke gun at home for 24 hours, I only called them mad men all the time and gave them the finger.

They've stopped using it on me in very large amounts of it. I can throw up on people if they do that - i am usually warning them about that. I found out that getting even is better for me then doing nothing and hope they will eventually realize that we are people that are innocent and suffer in vain. They don't see it that way. They create lies and they are the one believing them and they also act upon them as they were real.

So I need to remind them now and then that I can too do stuff that is not appropriate. Once i threw up in the bus. Fortunately I had a plastic bag with me and used it. Someone else gave me another one, as mine was a little broken.

The thing about the vomiting they provoke is that it is not normal vomiting, the pain and the taste of it is not normal. I can't explain it because I never experienced anything similar.

This one is my favorite cat. I call him blue eyes, or "fur" because of the nice fur.

There is something with their eyes:In particular their left eye.

This is Lady with a black cat that plays alot:

Notice Lady's left eye.

This is the new cat when he was hurt and a picture I took today, he is not hurt anymore in the jaw, even if he is not completely well yet. Besides he has some "genital" problems, like someone is hurting him, but i could not manage to take a good shot. And I am sorry for the cat, I feel like it is wrong to take such pics.

The police

I found the videos names The Love Police on because I visited a Spanish blog about stalking and directed energy weapons that said that this video should be seen and spread around. For me it has another meaning, because the police in my case has been very involved in the stalking department. Once i tried to video record my way around in town and I had to show my papers, to speak with them, they put me in a white room with nothing in it to wait and so on. Just because I filmed and took photos. It is not illegal, as I told them. There are plenty of people that film and take pics in town, even of me. When tourists visit they might take pics and record videos.

Of couse, today they all looked at me, no matter where they were because the videos reminded me about all police involvement.

I see it like this: If innocent defenseless people in a society are targeted with guns (lethal or non-lethal), then the perps are terrorists. Because of the apparent police involvement in harassing me, I call, in my thoughts (as they seem to read them) "terrorists" or "the maffia". Another thing i like to do, is, since I found out that the CIA even invented a gay ray non-lethal weapon is to ask the police in my thoughts if they use it on each other. If I see tow of them I would ask them if they shot each other today, and if it's three of them I would say in my thoughts: "Oh, a threesome"

Today I didn't make fun of them so much. One of the guards at the store was a woman and as I found out that in Spain around 100 women are beaten up and killed by their husbands every year, I asked her in my thoughts if "she is beaten up at home by her husband too".

Sorry ... maybe not every one approves, but believe me, they need to know what they do to us - taste their own medicine. Being nice and polite and obedient just makes us an easier target.

The back of my ears

Looking through the pics I've taken, I noticed that I once took some pictures of the back of my eyers, because i read somewhere on the net, that implants can be operated behind the ears and the person would never find out. See something strange?

Please comment and give your own examples.

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Diary Entry - February 13, 2009

The same ritualistic abuse that takes place every morning with clock-like
timing to the exact moment I open my eyes is the sensation of much pressure being applied to my bladder to force me to the bathroom when in actuality there isn’t much to pee because I’ve been kept up all night with the same routine; but regardless, they stick by anyhow – this is accompanied by pressure applied to colon to force defecation even if they’ve done the same thing three times since going to bed last evening. I have the idea it is to wipe the colon clean of healthy bacteria so that I'm more prone to disease –in addition to the harassment. It is the sensation of waste products literally being 'shoved' out of me, and on this particular day they
thoroughly dehydrated me during the night with the intention of creating rock-like bowels designed for pain and discomfort as they bore down hard on my colon with the Pulsed Energy Projectile Weapon I suppose. If you’re reading this and find what I’m saying objectionable, I apologize but don’t see it that way. I couldn’t be the only victim of this type sick behavior – not likely it originated with the genius who has me to handle, and it’s too nasty to be overlooked by the rest of those wretched people. They will not shut me up before I divulge to the world the sick twisted pattern of behavior these flunkies engage in without a good fight. However, I leave judgment of the bunch of them to God. I'm not going to ruin my day.

I wonder how many Americans know about the Stanford Research Institute, intelligence contractor to the Pentagon. It is a landmark Institute that few Americans are aware of to be able to know the danger that lurks inside those walls – some people might believe it should be burned to the ground with its machinery and all the evil men who work the machinery incinerated for the betterment of mankind. Evil that lurks in the hearts of man some believe is housed at Menlo Park and the Silicon Valley where mechanical/ electronic applications for human biosystems and the enhancement of humanity, et cetera are being manufactured. There is a map which outlines the SRI's intentions and exploitations and your fingers need only do the
walking to a site on the internet entitled: psy-war bio-war sri.

AND THE C STREET GROUP known for idolizing dictators around the world
and so much more.

fostered strong ties with businessmen (corporate America) in the oil
and aerospace industries (LOCKEED MARTIN).. THE FAMILY maintains a
closely guarded database of its associates, but it issues no cards,
collects no official dues. Member are asked not to speak about the
group or its activities

E SYSTEMS is a subsidiary of RAYTHEON and the list goes on with other corporate
empires making millions or billions of dollars developing weapons of
war to be used on Americans in the event of civil unrest as well as
for world conquest or domination. RAYTHEON is linked to the country’s
FUTURISTS with their plans and designs of what is destined perhaps to
be the look of the future for mankind. MACHINERY- ENHANCEMENT AND

For a year and a half now I've been targeted with RAYTHEON's Active Denial System - a weapon of war that penetrates 1/64th of an inch skin depth and when used as it has been on this targeted individual, it does much more than that. The manufacturers of this weapon, through covert criminal experimentation on American citizens are aware that the weapon depletes the layer of collagen (fat) which lies beneath the skin's surface whereby rapidly accelerating the aging process – the manufacturers are directly responsible for aging me the equivalent of 10 – 15 years in the course of a single year and that it has been a deliberate and intentional attack most visible on my FACE, HANDS and ARMS – I was told I looked too good and they intended to do something about it. And, THEY HAVE... There is an entire system of nano devices woven throughout my face for the express purpose of implementing its destruction as they have done to many who are women victimized by these weapons. I have been under constant assault for the purpose of destroying my beauty. I intend to blog how it is they are able to do this with psychotronic technology; to reconfigure a woman's face and to do
just about anything with this amazing technology that could instead be used to accomplish good things. The thermal weapon targeting me can also be reversed immediately after heating to give the feeling of being in a deep freeze – perhaps to mimic the ice that runs through their veins. The deep freeze is another Stanford Research Institute house specialty where cryonics is practiced. Perhaps in hopes of keeping their gene pool alive or never having to face death?

I 'm going on Face Book where my family and friends can have a peak at what has been done to the life I had. I hope it's not considered the ranting of a delusional mind – they should know better. If they can read it and think they will not eventually be in the line of fire by keeping their heads low – they are mistaken because there is no place to hide anymore.

Let me conclude today’s bathroom scene. I went to kitchen to make coffee; went back to the bathroom; for some reason glanced over at a roll of clean sanitary toilet paper where they had scooped up feces and smeared a glob on the roll of toilet paper. Petty 3rd party contractors HIRED BY THE CIA to humiliate themselves is both astonishing and bewildering. What does that say about the shape this country is in. Taxpayer Dollars - YOUR MONEY is funding this Black Budget CIA Program and keeping it very far underground, classified “top secret” because of the high risk and so the devices and tactics these goons are using don't get found out. Their behavior this morning is identical to what transpired six weeks ago when I was doing some painting in my apartment and the paint was transferred from the project I was working on and smeared
all over various locations around my apartment. During the next week I was to find bright pink paint all over the place… they took the paint and did their own paint job on a bunch of my personal

It showed up on my shower curtain, a new pair of boots that were in the front closet that I took out the next day to wear and made a mess of two blouses hanging in another closet… good blouses that could no longer be worn without bright pink paint stains over the front of them. In addition to this, while I was working on my paint project I had to be ever vigilant as every other minute they saw to it that drops of pink paint went on the rug, etc., and I was constantly racing around with a damp sponge wiping up their messes. Day in and day out these antics go on with no end in sight YET.

The last mention of my early morning routine is that I never know when I get up in the morning what condition my KNEES will be in – if I chance it and move about with agility and the freedom of thinking I still have my normal healthy knees that haven't been tampered with and sit down in a chair with that mind set, I might have the misfortune of finding they decided to hook them up for gross disability and fall to the floor. Then again, my knees may have been released during the night and things are back to normal. OR, I might find that I am walking on the enhanced bionic legs they have built for me w/o my permission or informed consent or any other notification whatsoever before I fell victim to these weapons of war that have me in their wave length via satellite around the clock. I never can be quite sure so must ere on the side of caution and cannot be as free wheeling as my life has always been. The same goes for my ARMS which can either hold up the weight of the world thanks to scientific enhancement; i.e., implants and augments OR be tweaked for gross weakness and disability.

Hedges, Chris. American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America.
Free Press, 2006.Sharlet, Jeff.
The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power.

Harper Perennial, 2009.

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Mind Over Brain?

Mind over brain?
(I think that this article is important to us. We are more then our brains and our bodies. We have a mind - a soul - the mind is the observer that makes anything real, without it, there would be impossible to make sense of anything, the brain would only be some biological tissue with a mass)
posted by Deepak Chopra Mar 18, 2009 5:05 am

9143017069?profile=originalA compass needle moves because it’s responding to the Earth’s magnetic field. What if the same thing is true for brain activity? What if the mind field is sending signals, and billions of brain cells arrange patterns in response to what the field is saying?

There are many flaws to the usual scientific explanation that “mind is what the brain does.” Some scientists propose that exactly the opposite is true. Mind is the controller of the brain. In their view, the mind is like an electron cloud surrounding the nucleus of an atom. Until an observer appears, electrons have no physical identity in the world; there is only the amorphous cloud.

When the mind gives a signal, one of many possibilities (consisting of words, memories, ideas, and images it could choose from) coalesces from the cloud and becomes a thought in the brain, just as an energy wave collapses into an electron. Like the quantum field generating real particles from virtual ones, the mind generates real brain activity from virtual activity.

What makes this reversal important is that it fits the facts. Neurologists have verified that a mere intention or purposeful act of will alters the brain.

Putting mind before brain may have many far-reaching consequences in medical therapies. The process of reflection and insight through therapy changes patients’ brain cells. This is exactly what was predicted by the new theory of quantum mind. But the answer was there all along. The mind has always been able to change the brain.

If mind comes before brain, then what if mind belongs to all of us? The brain belongs to “me,” but if ideas belong to “us,” then we are participating together in a field, sometimes quite mysteriously.

Adapted from Life After Death: The Burden of Proof, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2006).

More on Deepak Chopra's Tips (561 articles available)
More from Deepak Chopra (571 articles available)

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" in Los Angeles County, All these parties colluded in the false hospitalization of RichardFine. However, as detailed in the complaints, the evidence showedlarge-scale false imprisonmentsgoing back at least a decade to the Rampart -scandal (1998-2000), whose victims - thousands of Rampart-FIPs (Falsely Imprisoned Persons) were never set free," stated Dr. Zernik yesterday."

Extreme human rights deprivation in LA due to DOJ fraud allegations: FIP Complaints urged

Extreme Human Rights deprivation in Los Angeles

Complaints filed by Dr. Joseph Zernik provide detailed evidence of fraud by Los Angeles justice system parties in collution relative to the false imprisonment/ hospitalization of FIP Attorney Richard Fine and large-scale false imprisonments of many thousands of people in LA. Human rights defenders nationally and internationally are urged to file similar Complaints.

Dr. Zernik's stated that his complaints included, but were not limited to:

  • a) Judge Davis Yaffe and Clerk John A Clark of the Los Angeles Superior Court - "who conducted the "off the record" March 4, 2009 9:00-11:05 am sentencing proceeding in Marina v LA County (BS109420)";
  • b) The Sheriff's Warrant Detail - "who conducted on March 4, 2009 11:05 am warrantless arrest";
  • c) An Unnamed Sheriff Deputy - "who operated [on] March 4, 2009 12:23 pm a falsely registered booking terminal - under the no- longer-existent San Pedro Municipal Court";
  • d) Sheriff's Bureau - "that insisted on repeatedly providing false responses October 2009 - January 2010 in response to requests for California Public Records, and refused to produce the California Public Records for the arrest and booking of Richard Fine", and
  • e) John H Clark, MD - Chief Medical Officer of the Sheriff's Bureau - "who allowed false hospitalization with no medical justification for almost a year - March 4, 2009 to this date as a cover up for false imprisonment of Richard Fine."

"All these parties colluded in the false hospitalization of Richard Fine. However, as detailed in the complaints, the evidence showed large-scale false imprisonments in Los Angeles County, going back at least a decade to the Rampart -scandal (1998-2000), whose victims - thousands of Rampart-FIPs (Falsely Imprisoned Persons) were never set free," stated Dr. Zernik yesterday.

Dr. Zernik reported that his Complaints (linked below) were filed with the Sheriff Department, the Los Angeles County Ombudsman and Supervisor Michael Antonovich.

Zernik persists for FIP justice

All three offices were reluctant to accept such complaints according to Dr. Zernik.

"I had to insist that the complaints be accepted as such (e.g. not concerns, not requests, but Complaints). The Sheriff's Department would not provide any written response absent inquiry by Office of Supervisor Antonovich. Office of the Ombudsman first claimed that it had no authority to review complaints against the Sheriff's Department, and later - that it had no authority to review complaints that had no "Complaint Number" issued by the Sheriff's Department itself.

"The Office of Supervisor Antonovich was helpful in the past. However, now that we are getting to the crux of the matter, staff in his office suggested that I would be better off suing the Sheriff - as if we, who live in Los Angeles County, California, had access to honest courts."

Dr. Zernik is urging other human rights defenders to file complaints, offering to justice advocates permission to "simply copy [his] compalints and add your cover letters on top, or cut and paste as you deem fit."

Dr. Zernik recommends that the Complaints be filed with:

a) The Sheriff's Department:"Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau,","Alvarado Ana M">,

b) The Los Angeles County Ombudsman: "Stephanie Maxberry,"

c) Your LA Supervisor:

1st District: Gloria Molina

2nd District Mark Ridley-Thomas

Dr. Zernik explained, "I usually file my complaints by email, with an automatic request for confirmation. I routinely receive the return confirmation from County agencies. I file my complaints as attachments that are digitally signed letters so that no claims could be made that they were not valid."
Urging "anyone willing" to file such complaints, particularly with the remaining Supervisors, Dr. Zernik said, "If nothing else, it simply tells the County agencies that we figured out their fraudulent conduct.
"Otherwise, I hope that such multiple complaints by different individuals, other than myself, would make it easier for me to file a complaint before an international Human Rights court on this matter."
Although the Free Richard Fine petitions have no legal effect, the reader is encouraged to sign it. An anonymous option is available:

"Obviously, we who live in Los Angeles County, California, under extreme deprivation of Human Rights pursuant to ratified International Law, would be grateful for any others, in the United States or abroad, who would join us in such complaints and petitions, stated Dr. Zernik yesterday.

For more information about Mr.Fine and to sign the petition to free him, see Human Target: Petition to free Atty R. Fine kidnapped and tortured. Further information regarding the collapsed justice system of Los Angeles County, California can be found at Dr. Zernik's sites: 1) Scribd: 2) Blog:

Dr. Zernik's complaints that can be used as a template include:

Deborah Dupré, M.S., QMHP holds post graduate research degrees from United States and Australian universities. Ms. Dupré has been a human rights defender for over twenty-five years, contributing to research and development in marginalized communities in her home state, Louisiana, Least Developing Pacific Island Nations and most remote, marginalized Australian Aboriginal communities. She can be contacted and her work supported through For more articles like this, subscribe by using the "Subscribe" button above this article.

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

4:54AMwith nostrils blockedsince 3AM they additionally tweaked a point in my throat where they've strategically placed a nano particle or do something quantum physically at their
display screen, maybe tweak the point of influence with their "illuminati" pen

where they remote access my body- the same spot is used to occasionally cause me to choke on something or else to irritate and bring on a coughing spell . The point was tweaked so the passageway through which breath flows was also messed with. At this point It's
starting to look like the criminals in high places want me either dead or out of the picture with my mouth shut in a secured location.... maybe a FEMA camp? I know who they are, and they know I know. Nor do they delight in the fact that they have not yet been able to beat me into submission. They haven't been able to break my spirit and as God is my witness, they've tried.

Ten minutes ago I was on my way walking up to the University where I am now at a computer station to document this diary entry. (They have robbed me of so much, including my computer). To make it nearly next to impossible to reach my destination, both hips were targeted to cause neuromuscular pain and cause my legs to seem very heavy with psychotronics while at the same time targeting behind both legs
at the knees... it's now 2 PM, and it continues. As my fingers just touched the keyboard typing that last sentence, they decided to give me a thrill and increased the pain in my legs to where now Ill have to take some time out and continue this documentation later on. Stunts like this occur on a daily basis as I'm sure is the case with other victims. Yet our leaders turn their back to this state sponsored terrorism. VERMONT STATE SENATOR PATRICK LEAHY is well aware that this is going on, as is the LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT and the FBI is complicit in it. The game of dirty politics is alive and well in the fine State of Vermont. We either have a bunch of criminals or a bunch of cowards. But one thing for sure - it speaks volumes about their moral character. And, I’m convinced they would behave no differently were I a five or ten-year old child screaming
for help. I was commenting on my walk this morning where they took several pot shots with their laser gun at a beautiful pair of leather boots I'm wearing -scratched off the finish here and there so as to give them a scruffy appearance and mark up with their usual trademark 'white chalky or white paint-like chemical of some sort.
My black tights were also attacked in the same fashion they do almost each and every day whereby using a suction device to gather up lint, blonde hair and dust particles and as soon as I step out the door they let me have it – it is unbelievable the length to which they go... they've even sucked up sand from the sidewalk and in a focused beam target my black tights. Another favorite when I’m walking in my clogs, they will isolate and suck up a single small pebble and deposit it into the open heel clog as I walk along. It's not too
difficult to figure my family and the general public consider it far fetched – it sounds too fantastic and science fiction and with the media black out on the subject regardless of the internet filled with
testimonies, it's difficult to say the least. And, these low-life scum buckets in their brown slacks and patent leather loafers with tassels know it which really ticks me off.

They learned early on that I have an artistic eye and prefer beautiful things, and this gives them the incentive they need to destroy my possessions in their ongoing
psychological warfare campaign. Another diary entry will be
dedicated to the ongoing 'damage' I'm sustaining. I will, however,
give one example which occurred a little while ago when my son sent
me a box of photographs I had in storage including his baby
portraits – I held one of the studio photographs in my hands
remembering his wonderful childhood, and before I put the photo down
it was shot through with a bunch of tiny pinhead laser white markings
– the usual suspect being the PEP or Pulsed Energy Projectiles
Weapon designed for pinhead precision targeting. The claim to fame
of this weapon is HEAT – DAMAGE – COLD – PRESSURE and the
weapon which outraged the scientific community when they were ordered
to make the ultimate torture weapon and to produce the weapon in
terms of pain threshold up to the very maximum point of tolerance
just short of killing the target or targeted population. The article
I have included herein is only one of many to be found on the subject
of (LIPC)laser induced plasma channel/ (ADS) Active Denial System and
other (PEP) pulsed energy projectiles. This is a weapon that is being used on me.

Last night was another where I was heavily targeted with the neuromuscular pain which I've been unable to find any shielding for. This weapon goes through metal, I
understand. I couldn't remain in bed and quarter to midnight got up
and ran a bath... got into the tub and instead of slumping down to
fully immerse myself as I ordinarily would, my sixth sense kicked in
when a thought entered my mind - that I could be drowned in the
bathtub especially because I was exhausted, so I only leaned back
against the tub – no sooner had the thought registered when I was
put to sleep for probably not more than a few seconds because the
next thing I knew my head was thrown back against the wall which
snapped me back to an awake state. A great deal of taxpayer money
was spent to set me up in this program, and I've always thought too
much certainly to simply knock me off.. but then again, they didn't earn the money. After all, I'm being used for “r e s e a r c h” and not just
someone they can get their jollies with by torturing with
electromagnetic radiation weaponry. After all, how many U. S.
citizens get to be babysat by elements of the USAF. Just putting it
down in words on a sheet of paper sounds like the rantings of a
delusional mind because on the face of it, it appears totally
preposterous. All except that when you take into consideration that
I was reduced to putting the seat down and sleeping in the back of my
old Volvo, this is exactly what happened to make sure nothing
happened to me when I was camping out in my car – too spooked to
stay in my apartment. Flying high in the sky back and forth in a
military aircraft I was told was an EC130
which makes perfect sense because Lockheed is the Corporate
Sponsor of U.C. Berkeley Black Budget Aerospace Programs conducted at
that University and is the same institution whose graduate degree
students were (are still?) involved in the military research being
done on me without my consent. An aircraft with the capability to
see things at a far distance is the one that kept an eye on me and
flew overhead close to the rooftop of my apt. more times than I care
to remember. The aircraft I was told by AAA was the EYES of a fleet
of Lockheed aircraft and could spot and detect intruders who might
bring harm to me. I was parked in a remote, hilly location far off
the beaten path and was no place a squad car would show up and yet
within 10 minutes of a suspicious car showing up near where I was
parked one night, there was a squad car at my side.

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Illuminati or just the police?

I have deep respect for anyone that believes in the new world order and the Illuminati or other types of organizations.

Some of the accounts on the gang stalking have described individuals that have "fake badges".

What if it is the police itself involved in this?

If you see the experimentation with MKULTRA and look for the names of the companies researching on "voice to skull" or why not, "Synthetic telepati" as they are the one and the same - witch inable them to put ideas, thoughts and for some of you voices in the head - it is always the military like DARPA sponsoring it. It could also be so that synthetic telepathy is just a more sophisticated version of V2S.

They like people to believe that there are shadow organizations behind this.

But it is the state itself -the CIA, the secret police I believe that is responsable. Otherwise they would not turn their back on us.

For me gang stalking begun with people close to me, co-workers etc. When I moved to Spain, i got the looks directly from the police.

In EU they've been smarter, they've invented something called legal bullying. I don't know if you know anything about it, but I've seen some article from England where school kids are allowed to harrass other children. Together with these types of weapons that they use, they make the perfect crime.

People can see what a person seams to be like but they don't know what other invisible forces are out there. They orchestrate events, and make people believe in their stories and the individual that is the target is absolutely helpless. The police has also the right to isolate and marginalize a person nowdays, socially given no reason at all. If there is any proof at all, it is fake and orchestrated by themselves. The TI does not know what is going on, and nobody will tell the TI nothing. Given the technology they can make people believe whatever. Because they read the targets mind (and the intentions as well) the target can't make any plans, because before the TI does anything, they will already orchestrate social scence, make sure the TI does not accomplish what he/she might want to do - for example, the bus driver would pass by, or some equipment will not function properly. They are always a step ahead.

In my case, I can't even reach some of the internet pages I want to. I tried to put a link on my swedish page for people to vote for the petition to the US government, and the link ended up changed or something. And it is strange because it has never happened before with other links.

So please people - don't think that there are shadows organizations doing it to us, don't think that the stalkers are not really the police, or the secret police - they work for the police or the secret police!!! The police is higly involved.
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A Blog For The Rest Of You

This diary entry is again to record what is being done to me. As for the rest of you who haven’t yet been turned into mechanical &
electronic systems -which is research that is going on for victims
who are targeted by Stanford Research Institute as one of the large
corporate/ industrial social networking
BUDGET systems which is linked to the Department of Defense, CIA and
Military Intelligence.

They try to destroy all my emotions – to make me not feel anything -only the electronic weapons abuse they are directing at me every
minute of every single day. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I
need to step back and find that missing piece they are attempting to
blot out, and I wonder if it's gone. To replace the warm-blooded
human heart and everything that makes a person human is the goal
and when I am tied to the whipping post of this horrific
mind-machine interface with a chorus of metallic fluttering playing
in my ears/head – it can take a lot of reminding. To turn
individuals (and society at large eventually if things go according
to their aspirations) into replacement systems of their making. They
would also if they could, rid a person of his/her very essence - the
soul. A lot has to do with who

is designing these artificial electronic replacement systems and
unfortunately criminals in the Military- Industrial -Corporate Complex
come to mind.

I’ve seen the faces of more than a few of these sick twisted individuals, and they are not pretty – they are ugly in the sense of a cold
chill running through my body... a feeling of being
in the presence of pure evil... 'little' men you
would prefer to squash like a bug rather than have to look into their
faces. I didn't know exactly where two of them fit into the
picture although I had a pretty good idea when it came to most of
them. Let us just say for this writing that they belong to the
Military-Industrial-Corporate Complex who are carrying out assault,
torture and murderous black budget programs on innocent American
citizens in our own homes and communities -madmen whose value systems
comprise of money and power and to hell with the rest of mankind.
Three of the faces I've concluded belonged to the ‘prestigious’
Stanford Research Institute. Scholarly gentlemen who do not consider
the moral, ethical and human dignity aspect of what they are doing to me and so many others just like me.

It would appear – even if they are “rogue” elements committing these crimes, as some targets refer to them, that our U. S.
Government is no different than Germany’s Third Reich – role
models the Globalist 'elite' apparently look up to and aspire to
become like. (And, I'm not saying that everyone in the government is bad; I'm not stupid) The semi-retired Colonel John Alexander of Los Alamos –
40 years the Pentagon's top expert on
weapons of mass destruction
be considered a “rogue”element as he is still their official
spokesperson – so this dis spells any notion of ”rogue”
elements being the bad guys in my opinion.. Our Government is
"allowing" this to go on by doing nothing to stop it.
O’Leary, Secretary of DOE under Clinton warned that over a 40-year
RESEARCH on so-called Non-lethal weapons, including MK Ultra.
Alexander is on record as saying,. and I do not have the exact quote,
but suffice it to say: “...We need to experiment on our own people
in their communities in their homes. We have nothing to worry about
because the weapons are invisible and silent and anyone who complains
of being targeted will be considered 'mentally ill' and
'delusional.'” This has worked for the power structure that put it in
place for a long time. Colonel John Alexander should be hung in the town square

seem unappealing to most people today – the Military is pouring
Nanotechnology as developed at Stanford Research Institute Int’l -
hailed as the nanotechnology capital of the world.

Psychotronic Weapons of Mass Destruction invade a person’s (or large civilian population) BRAIN, BODY ORGANS AND PARTS . The technology is also
used to transform an individual into a CYBORG -
to see what will happen and because it amuses them perhaps -

and we all know there is no Congressional oversight and no one else
to go crying to and so as targets we're screwed! SRI has no one
standing over them to see that 'ethics' are adhered to – quite the
contrary, anything that seemingly falls under the umbrella of robotic
research is not questioned and left to the criminals to do what they

HOME ROBOTS/ PERSONAL ROBOTS – They continue to work on

They also still have not put together an artificial electronic nose - sense of smell being important. After all, a personal nanny needs to
be able to smell a dirty diaper when it stinks or if milk being
heated on the stove top is burning! OLFACTION appears to be more of
a challenge for these goons –
ultimate goal would be an olfactory capability that reproduces human
I know I am.)

When there is no oversight at the Congressional level and even if there was an investigation, as Nick Begich remarks These
people do not have the required background knowledge to ask the right
questions.” “ ...40% of the defense budget report is dedicated
to black projects. There is no oversight and no public knowledge.”
I said, w
oversight the government is left to do anything it pleases.

I need to pray when I get up in the morning (thanks to Juanita's influence.), and I need to keep in mind that representatives like Jim
Guest, Janice Shakowsky, Dennis Kucinich and others who have climbed
on board to help us as well as Dr. John Hall, author of
New Breed:

Terrorism in America
who I listened to on Coast to Coast last night; Robert Duncan,
Derrick Robinson of FFCHS and so many more including ti activists who
are out in the forefront exposing the enemy and these horrific crimes
that are assaulting, torturing, inflicting bodily harm, inducing
illness and even murdering innocent American citizens and citizens
worldwide with their arsenal of psychotronic and emr weapons of war. Actroid DER2 – a remarkably lifelike pseudo-female android, talking to the crowd at a Japanese rotobics convention in ’06
posted by Patrick Kiger

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What can we do?

We are Targeted Individuals. We are here for a common cause. Often, we are alone, in pain, and have experienced bad things in our lives. Pain, suffering, loss of dignity, chances in life....

I do not know, how many groups you people have joined, but I am only here, in this group for now.

I enjoy speaking with people about shielding and about our experiences. But is this all we can do? Talk about it? Pray? Hope?

WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT??? What ways are out there to stop this?

I've signed petitions, I filled in surveys. I contribute when I can. I have though not seen anything else. What else is there we can do?

If anyone has any ideas about what actions are available - please speak up - come up with ideas.

Have you been involved in such actions?
What where the results?

Please speak up! Because time is going very fast. Every day counts.

Are we ever going to smell the roses?
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The perpetrators are doing much more than follow the targeted victim around. And, it’s a criminal offense. It is carried out by Community Watch Groups with American Nazi Party participation.

Gang stalking (also called "group stalking," "terrorist stalking," "vigilante stalking," "organized stalking," "cause stalking," "community-based harassment," and "mobbing" [at the workplace]) is a total-assault paradigm, a parallel "justice system." It is psychological warfare using STASI/KGB tactics to isolate and marginalize the target. The GS paradigm includes (but is not limited to):


· verbal threats.

· pets are killed.

· physical assault.

· derogatory name calling.

· law enforcement, fire fighter participation.

· stalkers are told they are doing a community service.

· residences are vandalized with no sign of forced entry.

· the stalkers commit crimes and blame them on the target.

· targets are harassed while driving, and vehicles are sabotaged.

· civic organizations recruited in sync w/citizen informant groups.

· home and car wiretapping, computer hacking, and hidden video surveillance.

· the stalkers use lies, money, and intimidation to get non group members to participate.

· a large group of stalkers each of whom does a portion of the stalking (spying) – attacks.

· black and white patrol cars, fire dept. vehicles, FedEx trucks show up everywhere the target goes.

· "noise campaign": very frequent sounds (sirens, car alarms, beeping sounds, loud engine accelerations,

loud booming sounds [from vehicles], etc) which follow the target everywhere.

· persistence: the stalkers follow the target as he/she moves to other cities or states.

· goals: Identify, Vilify, Nullify, and Destroy the target: from "Cause Stalking" by David Lawson

· many of the attacks are synchronized to happen precisely as the target does something, e.g. leaves his/her residence.

· 24 hour surveillance, every day. Among other things, the stalkers, working in shifts, sit in their vehicles parked around the target's residence.

· disinformation: stalkers will present themselves as gang-stalking victims and make bizarre claims to discredit real victims and mislead the public.

· Financial lynching by way of sabotage of private property such as electronics, clothing, constant car vandalism, bank overcharges, hidden fees, recurring charges and even expropriation of large sums of money where access is gained to target’s financial institution.

· "slander campaign": The foundation of gang stalking. The stalkers go to everyone the target interacts with (family members, coworkers, neighbors, cafés, shop keepers) and spread lies that the target is a bum, or some type of criminal who needs surveillance. This is an effective tactic because most people can't even imagine that a stranger would lie to them.

· the stalkers present themselves as members of a "civic organization" which works with law enforcement and monitors terrorists or other criminals. The stalkers may use fake badges or fake "official files" to convince people that the target is a criminal.

· the stalkers target people they see as not conforming to their world view; i.e., members of "left-wing" (e.g. peace, civil rights, environmental) organizations, whistleblowers, journalists, dissidents, former government and military employees – many of whom ticked off someone with connections to someone in a position of authority within the Government Complex that this ruthless criminal system is networked into and who have the resources to “get even.” There is a powerful, influential group of so-called power elites who want to change everything you believe in and stand for. Targets of opportunity are the disabled, elderly, young girls, single women and men. Harassing young girls and single women is sport for these criminals and as citizens you should be outraged that it is going on in your community.

A virulent form of domestic terrorism is destroying the lives of innocent citizens across America. Law enforcement agencies are involved to varying degrees with statistics showing more often than not they will see to it that the target is labeled “mentally ill” to deflect the truth of what is really going on.


RESOURCES: Terrorist Stalking in America (2001) by David Lawson; Cause Stalking (2007) by David Lawson P.I., the BEST single source of information on GS.;

Protectors of Privilege by Frank Donner;

Web Site ; My Life Changed Forever: The Years I Have Lost as a Target of Organized Stalking, by Elizabeth Sullivan, @`


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