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Terrorist attacks and torture

Guantanamo won't close now after a set up terror attack on the airplane in Detroit, this means, that yes, Obama will give the go ahead to torture suspects too. If we are dealing with the intelligence agencies torturing us, then they will continue under Obama because we have raised security risks and they will say during this time of raised terror, 9-11 and beyond, then all of us as targets will be tortured mercilessly. I don't believe anyone was hit with EM weapons before we went into this raised awareness, but I could be wrong. We all had high hopes for Obama, but it turns out, he's another George Bush, and he won't listen to our pleas during a time when the country might get hit again.
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Will victims win a lawsuit?

Will victims win a lawsuit?

Victims suffered a long period of extremely cruel of mind control weapon abuse and torture, brains being raped, spirits/souls and bodies ravaged. Many victims had make great efforts, but there was still no victim actually win a lawsuit.

Many victims are losing hope, or becoming numb, or getting depressed, or simply not seeing the hope of winning a lawsuit.


I use “the art of war” (Sun Tzu) to analysis whether victims will win a lawsuit.

Just for fun.


(First of all, victims should know that God strongly condemns such fascist atrocities. God will help victims to win a lawsuit. )



The art of war”, (1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law?
(2) Which of the two generals has most ability?

(3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth?
(4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced?

(5) Which army is stronger?
(6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained?

(7) In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment?
By means of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat.


Victims want to win a lawsuit, currently have the following advantages:

(1) Victims are imbued with the Moral law 100%. Victims are standing on the right way; They require justice.

(Perpetrators raped victims’ brain and mind; tortured victims; harassed victims with voice directly to skull technologies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They not only violated of the laws of God, but also violated the laws of humanity)


(2) Victims have capacity 100%; (Victims united together all over the world. and through the network, exposing mind control weapons abuses and tortures).


(3)God directed victims how to do 50%. But Government and social communities still covered such horrible persecutions. (Currently the world's 60%-70% of people believe that the earth has entered the Judgment Days, in accordance with the bible -- Proverbs, mind control abuses and tortures (waylay souls) is the most sinful persecution that God condemns)


(4) Victims’advantages in this world (50%/2),

After victims' efforts, there are a lot of websites about mind control weapons abuses and tortures. Mind control weapons have also been reported on Media. But the Government and the Social communities still covered such fascist atrocities. Some people even called victims mental illness, This let more people refused to believe that such atrocities happen every day.


(5) There are laws of God which condemn mind control abuses and tortures. There are laws of Humanity which condemn mind control abuses and tortures too. 100%


(6) God will reward those who adhere to the laws of God; God will punish those who violate the laws of God. 70% (But some people don't God).


(7)Victims don’t have a big group and victims are not well trained soldiers. 20% (Victims had done a lot of work, but victims are a small groups)

(3 + 50% + 25% + 70% + 20%)/7 = 66% victims have 66% advantages in winning the lawsuit)


Disadvantages that victims have:

(1) Victims are not accessible. (Government and social communities have been covering mind control weapon abuses and tortures.

(2) Victims are not well trained soldiers; Victims are small groups.

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Its bad when bad people are watching us being tortured, they become just as bad as the torturers themselves. What about when the good people are watching us, tracking us, seeing that we are in distress and being butchered to near death? What then? Then, the good people become just as bad as the torturers themselves. Religion is done. When the holiest of men and women do nothing, then you know that religion is dead. All they care about is who is having sex, namely, homosexuality. They call this a lie, to live the life of a gay person. If these people only knew that the likes of Dr. Dobson, David Jeremiah and many other theologians and holy people are on the receiving end, have the proof, have the power, and do nothing, then they would realize that all of religion is a lie, all of these guys are crooks, crooks and liars.
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Remote nueral monitering

I am shiju, from India and Iam a victim of high-tech illegal electromagnetic assault. Also known as RNM [Remote Mind Reading] satellite surveillance and so on.MY brainwaves are continuously detected monitored and transmitted to our people.Trandmission may the entire area where I am working or staying or may entire India. Three states I traveled through. They have my thought online while Iam traveling also. Our people tried to believe me that transmission is through entire world, so no need to escape from here, I am just saying about what they are aiming. If you can time to visit the pages about these projects you can understand that this project can communicate with entire communication Medias including TV, Radio, And Mobile phones.And the hard thing is we have a very hard to have justice against like this remote operations. And I am not believe our judiciary or force is sufficient to judge or investigate such like this remote assualts.But I must have to stop the local transmission, or to stop the people from using, if a chance to reside in foreign states. I think there is no use terminate the transmission when I am continuing in India and may be it might be my life worser than worse.May death is a blessing sometimes. But never bless me. But every moment it’s with me.I think the hardest survival in my case is against our peoples and their attitudes. I hate my natives and hate to live here in India.I don’t want to spoil my life here. But they are daring to say we want to block you here. Its better to live in prison in the middle of them. I am victim of this technology since 1994 Nov. this last five years I am trying to break the human barrier the build around me.Profession is a one of the hard challenge.35 more jobs I tried10 more different titles, and three states I traveled through, I couldn’t complete a 2months continuously in any of these jobs or ever found a positive reaction from our people, really incredible India. My hopes is one I can use the chances of online jobs, very easy target but really hard for me.No friends no relative, it’s really a different experience. Even I am faced labor torturing; I couldn’t do nothing against that. No evidence no ground support its very hard call attention from our legislature against denial of fundamental rights or against labor torturing. and bad working conditions is also an issue, no labor organizations for labors, or no fixed working time or wages they can can claim with. One another reason is individually our GOVT,Police force, and most of our citizens are the listeners of this technology, and I don’t think they may help me.The technology got a very intelligent tracking and monitoring techniques. It can track1000 of us simultaneously.Our people got signals online in every moments while I am sleeping working walking talking and traveling .so sleeping is an another hard challenge for me, to sleep in the middle of nuisance of our people who listen me, and their hobby is to wake me from sleeping.I have just too little knowledge about what’s really happened here or the reason of tracked by them. A rumor here is its world record that changed my destiny and life .Whatever it is I don’t wanna know more about that. But I am sure they are misusing this news and doubting helplessness or ignorance may a reason to lead a big country in a miserable way or in evil doings.There are thousands of victims like me and any one of us hasn’t justice yet. They are just toying us and I believe we don’t have justice by our self .The incredible tracking facility can track 1000’S of us in same time, so may be you are the next. I am hoping you can do something against them, and only you can.Check out the meaning yourselvesSovereign democratic secular republic.Or what for sovereignty and democracy stand forA friend of youShiju_krishna2000@yahoo.comHoping your friendship
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A Petition Against the Military and Intelligence Agencies' Use of Electronic Torture and Organized Stalking26 Signatures[Sign Petition]Published by freedomfchs on Jan 02, 2010Category: Human RightsRegion: United States of AmericaTarget: United States CongressWeb site: http://www.freedomfchs.comBackground (Preamble):Since at least the early 1950's, the US government has been secretly researching mind control technologies. This fact was uncovered and acknowledged to Congress way back in the 70's. And although there were a few volunteers, the vast majority of experiments were conducted without the subjects' knowledge or consent, many of which were brutal and even fatal.After Congress was alerted to these abuses and hearings were held in the late '70's these programs were officially dismantled. However, in reality, they continued unabated according to government whistleblower accounts and our experiences. And now, nearly 60 years later, the technology has evolved to a point where most people would find unimaginable. Because of the secrecy surrounding these programs, government agencies will not acknowledge the existence or use of their invasive practices and technologies, which are designed to avoid detection or blame for the offending parties. The elements of power, control, and money have come together to make these instruments some of the most diabolical that man has ever created and have destroyed the lives and livelihoods of many thousands of law-abiding American citizens. And its victims so far have had nowhere to turn for help.We believe that Congress must face its responsibilities to its constituents whose rights to privacy are being violated and once again commence an investigation and hearings into the covert activities and abusive practices of the US intelligence agencies.Petition:To: United States Congressional MembersWe, the following petition signers, and United States citizens, believe that we have become victims of covert harassment in a variety of forms, including: electronic and electromagnetic (EM) device assaults by the use of exotic EM weapons of the military(1) and intelligence agencies, organized stalking, computer tampering, mail tampering, vehicle tampering, workplace mobbing, and surreptitious home entry and break-ins.Some of this may be unauthorized human subject experimentation. Directed Energy Weapons exposure occur in a manner, which leads us to believe is unauthorized human testing by the military/intelligence agencies. This is specifically prohibited in U.S. law and by the Nuremberg Code, internationally.Subjection to this harassment has many unpleasant and negative results. Some victims have found themselves isolated from friends and family, experiencing the loss of familial comforts and affection. Many have experienced economic deprivation, and more severe deprivations.We believe that these invasive intrusions into our personal lives may well be caused or related to, acts of government intelligence agencies, corporations, contractors as 3rd parties acting under the authority of government intelligence agencies, and/or individuals, with malicious intent.We, the signers and organized groups, through various means have found each other and realize that we have many commonalities of experience, the most pertinent being, the awareness of these activities, perpetrated by covert harassment groups. They seem to be networked nationwide, and perhaps, worldwide. Many may represent a rogue group, in our own government.These groups seem to have targeted victims for physical, emotional, and psychological trauma. Many citizens have experienced very negative impacts as a result of this harassment.We have come together and formed working groups, to investigate these acts, seek legislation, to foster awareness, and an end to these described abuses, which occur using secret, highly-advanced surveillance and exotic military technologies. (1)We call upon Congress and local governments to listen to our complaints, support our very real concerns, and convene hearings, on this unlawful harassment. We are also asking our legislators to draft legislation, and if necessary, educate themselves and the public about the ever-increasing threats to our personal freedoms, by these covert groups, possibly acting under color of law, but actually in legal violation of it, using technologies which may be yet unknown to the public.The Fourth Amendment of our Constitution guarantees us freedom from unnecessary search and seizure. Harassment by these electromagnetic devices, and these individuals, is an unnecessary search and denies us this right.We are therefore petitioning the United States Congress to commence an immediate investigation, hearings, and legislation regarding the military and intelligence agencies' use of electronic torture and organized stalking on law-abiding American citizens.Thank you for your attention and concern to this urgent and distressing matter.Sincerely,(Signature Pages Follow)______________________________Footnote:1. EM Devices/ weaponry such as those found in these U.S. Patented Devices:6,587,729 – Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing effect4,858,612 – Hearing device – A condensed summary states that “This invention provides for sound perception by individuals who have impaired hearing resulting from ear damage, auditory nerve damage, and damage to the auditory cortex. This invention provides for simulation of microwave radiation which is normally produced by the auditory cortex.4,877,027 – Hearing system – A condensed abstract states that “Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves...”5,159,703, Lowery, October 27, 1992.Please use this link:
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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! As many of you come from different horizons and religions, I thought of dedicating this non denominational prayer to all. I hope it helps you as it has helped me in many occasions when I needed to see the light at the end of the tunnel and to recover faith in life and strength in my path. You can substitute the word “Cosmic Mind” with pretty much any deity of your religion or likening. The prayer is universal (literally).Oh Divine Cosmic MindHoly Awareness in All CreationCarried in the heartRuler of the mindSavior of the SoulLive in me todayBe my Daily BreadAs I give bread to othersHelp me grow in knowledgeOf All CreationClear my eyesThat I may SeeClear my earsThat I may hearCleanse my heartThat I may know and loveThe Holiness of True ExistenceDivine Cosmic Mind- this website is even a large collection of translations in other languages. Really recommend it:
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Cyborg Initiative Reveals Some Chemtrail Agendathis article was written to legitimize some of the experimentationbeing done on us now: all of this is being perfected and most isalready being used wirelessly, and the chemtrails are just the visibleaspect....this is being tested on all of us now, and has been going onelsewhere since before gulf war one...implants are a big part of thetargeting process...the two gulf wars were the real testinggrounds...once this technology of control was perfected there,wireless/pharmaceutical/implants, then it was brought home to be usedon Americans who have been made stupid by their televisions and fact, the churches were the major mind control attack onus, with all this wireless electricity and directed energy weaponrybeing just the mop up....bMilplex-Defense--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Military Soldier Cyborgs - Digital destiny, or Prophetic Holocaust?Published on 12-04-2009Source: Tactical War Fighter GearCyborg soldiers are a logical evolutionary link between humans androbots. Yesterdays soldier went into combat alone. Todays soldier isenhanced by human controlled robots. Tommorows soldier will be asoldier cyborg, a cybernetic organism enhanced by everythingtechnology has to offer. The future of combat holds even greaterprospects for autonomous robots that kill at their own discretion.The idea of combining man and machine is nothing new. Ocular cochlearimplants have been helping people see and hear for years. Paralyticslike Stephen Hawking have been assisted by technology that allows themto speak what they think. Other cases like Prof. Kevin Warwickdepartment of Cybernetics, University of Reading Project Cyborg 1.0,and 2.0 have been documented as well. Artificial Intelligence AIresearch is exploring organic brains for computing use, that isorganic computers that use living neurons as their CPU . Privatecompanies like Digital Angel, Verichip and Applied Digital Solutionsare already contracting wholesale human implantation of RFID microchiptechnology. **********Brain Computer Interface and Neural Interfacing is becoming more of areality in advanced military research. The military implants membersof the Special Operations community for GPS tracking and casualtyidentification purposes. Implants for tracking elderly persons withAlzheimer's, child kidnap victims, and convicted felons are all nowcommonplace. DARPA is working on several projects to ready fleets ofinsect cyborgs and other mammals, monkeys, dogs, even sharks.Now science is braving a new frontier. Soldiers at Fort Bragg areconducting ongoing tests on Future Force combat systems designed tomake the 21st century American cyborg soldier a more effectiveinstrument of war, a veritable cyborg able to communicate withaugmented cognition more speedily and efficiently. The U.S. militaryis funding projects to integrate human with artificial intelligence.Problem: Human brains are superior to computers at visual recognitionbut inferior at information processing. Solution: human-machineintegration. Human component: A soldier or analyst who scans scenes orimages. Machine component: Sensors that monitor the brain's activityand relay information about it to commanders or computers. Analyticalapplication: Computers identify images and image areas flagged by thehuman scan and select those for more thorough scrutiny. Battlefieldapplications : 1) A prototype helmet already delivers "a visualreadout for combat commanders showing the cognitive patterns ofindividual Soldiers." 2) "Brain pattern and heart rate data fromsystem-equipped soldiers will be transmitted wirelessly to commandersin real-time to improve overall battlefield information management anddecision-making." Project buzzwords : "real-time cognitive stateassessment," "networked soldiers," "Augmented Cognition,""human-computer warfighting integral." Translation: We're fieldingcyborgs. Human Nature's prediction: The next step will be to removethe human component from the battlefield and let machines provide thesensor mobility as well as the information processing.***********Ethics: The ethical dilema has been bought and paid foralready. A group of ethicists are being paid $250,000 to ask how muchwe should use nanotechnology to enhance humans. Should we implantfuture nanotech-enabled computers and actuators into soldiers to makethem more effective? If nanochips can help kids do better in school orhelp locate a kidnapper, are parents obligated to provide them withit? Does it make a difference if these enhancements are implanted,rather than just worn outside the body?The US Army is experimenting with connecting neuro-physiologicalsensors to soldiers to assist them in cognition and sensemaking duringtense warfare situations:The augmented cognition system uses neuro-physiological sensors thatassess a warfighter's attention by measuring and recording location,brain activity and body responses, including heart rate, and adaptingto his preferred learning style.Using that data, the system will then influence the way the soldiergets information, according to a statement from the Army's NatickSoldier Center in Natick, Mass. The technology will help individualwarfighters determine the most important information available anddecide the best course of action in varying environments.“The technology we are developing will ultimately help warfighterswhen they are faced with information overload, especially understress, and will significantly improve mission performance,” saidHenry Girolamo, the Natick Soldier Center's DARPA agent for the Army'sAugmented Cognition Program.Here are some examples of current DARPA 'Human-enhancing' projects:The 'Brain Interface Program' is the most lavishly funded of nearlyall the DARPA bioengineering efforts (the project has been given over$24 million budget). It is aimed at developing ways to 'integrate'soldiers into machines -literally- by wiring them (remotely ordirectly) to their planes, tanks, or computers. An implantable brainchip has been implemented as well via the integration ofstimulus-response signals in the brain via electrodes. The Pentagonhopes to use these 'modified' creatures in mine clearance. DARPA isquoted “The human is becoming the weakest link in defense systems."Enhancement efforts at the Brain Interface Program are now progressingnicely. The chief of the project, Alan S. Rudolph, now wants to beable to transmit images or sound directly into the brains ofsoldiers...or prisoners of war.*************The ' Metabolic Dominance and Engineered Tissue ' programis aimed at being able to artificially pump up soldier endurance andmuscle strength. (electrogastric manipulation --b)The ' Persistence in Combat ' program is a combat self-treatmentscheme which will include pain-reducing and blood-stopping devices andtechniques soldiers would apply to their own wounds -even moderatelysevere ones- thereby bypassing the need for a medic and enabling asoldier to keep fighting, despite serious wounds! Pain-obliteratingelectrodes in the brain activate to nullify pain.The ' Continuous Assisted Perfomance ' program hopes to findbiotechnological ways (implants, metabolic manipulation, etc) to makeit possible to push exhausted cyborg soldiers on without loss ofperformance for up to seven days without sleep. (Heavyexperimentation with this as behaviour modification among our populaceNOW--b)The above technologies are referred to by DARPA under the subheadingof 'neuroengineering.' Now they are looking at micro processing chipsthat can be implanted beneath the skull and remotely manipulated.Rudolph estimates that a usable chip that could be field-tested soon.Ted Berger of the University of Southern California , envisions pilotswho will be able to pilot their planes by thought alone, thanks tobrain implants.Abstract : “ Combining man and machine to enhance innate soldiercapabilities is the hallmark of a soldier-cyborg transformation.Increasing the man-machine interface in the unpredictable environmentof war has enormous potential to change the human dimension of war.This paper discusses the issues of values, ethics, and leadershipconcerning technologically advanced armed forces as they move warfareinto the unfamiliar world of the cyborg.”Conclusion: The immediate future holds some very interesting prospectsfor cyborg soldiers that remain largely unexamined by the generalpopulace.--- On Fri, 1/1/10, wrote:From: eralimoltd@aol.comSubject: 08 - Fwd: Cyborg Initiative Reveals Some Chemtrail AgendaTo:,,,,,, ChineseUnivision@Gmail.Com,,,,,,, IMPACTAIRPLAY2@GMAIL.COM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pavel_Vancura@avalonbay.comDate: Friday, January 1, 2010, 9:34 AM
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MEMORIAL OF WWW!Dear @Sir, @Madam,Quote: < … > Who Is Protecting Our Psychotronic Weapons? < … >1.Mind Control Forum, Resources / Other Sites, Control Forum - Archives,' Accounts Error - Die Seite ist nicht vorhanden! BIO-ELECTRONIC/PSYCHOTRONIC TORTURE BRAINMIND/BODY CONTROL/ANNIHILATION ORGANIZED STALKING/TERROR SLAVERY ASSASSINATION WEAPONS!!! of Humanrights: Psychotronics,“Martelen met psychotronics 24 uur per dag! Torture 24 hours a day with psychotronics!Most Common Known ELF Effects “: PETITION:“Call for the global ban of remote manipulation of human beings by technical means”: and End Bio-Electro-Weapons Torture, Moore, Who Is Protecting Our Psychotronic Weapons?, American Chronicle, September 27, 2005, CONGRESS1st SessionH. R. 2977 search for Bill numberHR 2977):October 2, 2001:SEC. 7. DEFINITIONS.(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as–(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;Space Preservation Act of 2001:, PETITION,Call for the global ban of remote manipulation of human beings by technical means, EFFECTS: TORTURE … ASSASSINATION:What are the symptoms?,,Read full article: Reacties?17 reacties, Medemens!,,…n - 1NANCY TJALONDO, STALKEN: WORDT GEVOLGD, TED/ TED.NL 2006-045, 31.08. – 6.09.2006, p.6-7,Quote: < … > ELECTRONISCHE WAPENSSlachtoffers worden ook vaak uit hun slap gehouden. < … >En dit keer werden ook wapens ingezet die elektrische golven dwars door de muren uitzenden en ervoor zorgen dat bepaalde lichaamsdelen flink gaan irriteren. < … >Deze zogenaamde High Power Microwave wapens < … >Not Found, Moore, Electronic Assassination ,, November 23, 2005, < >.Quote: < … > A beam of the right electro magnetic energy aimed directly at your skull kills cleanly, secretly, silently and without a trace. < … >A sense of malaise and then a sudden, stabbing headache may be the last things you remember.< ... >Your bones will ache and your skin will itch, your face will wither and your eyes sink, swollen and blood shot. < …>Read full article: + 1Michele Moore, Who Is Protecting Our Psychotronic Weapons?, American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA,, September 27, 2005, < >.Quote: < … > and business. If not, you are like the rest of us, vulnerable. Organized crime has access to these psychotronic weapons. They are < … >Read full article: + ……PS!Mindcon , STOP INFOWAR AGAINST CIVILIANS!,, Dec 29, 2009, UNESCO > Communication and Information, < >, Discussion Forum, <;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;guest=22341550 >.Quote: < … > Mindcon , Dec 29, 2009,STOP INFOWAR AGAINST CIVILIANS!Dear @Sir, @Madam,MEMORIAL OF WWW!www.html"> you! Yours sincerely. < ... >Read full article:UNESCO > Communication and Information, < >,Discussion Forum, Memory of the World,;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;guest=22341550NB!MEMORIAL OF WWW!www.html"> you!Yours sincerely.
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People who are being electronically tortured

I really would like to hear from others who are experiencing direct energy weapons to the head, crippling, deadly pain, torturous pain. I also would like to hear from people who are experiencing satellite surveillance in which the media and radio are watching you. I feel like this site is all over the place with posts and discussions, but are missing the big picture of why we are here, and I don't want to waste my time.
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Kidnapped by Mind Control Weapons, and Sent to US Embassy in Hong Kong Soleilmavis

Nickname: Soleilmavis

Citizenship: Chinese

Year Torture began: Dec. 2001


Book Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.


Here I wrote the Facts and Evidences, Not the Arguments of my story.

On Apr 2002, I was controlled by electromagnetic mind control weapons and was brought inside USA Embassy in Hong Kong. Because I was harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control weapons, I could not remember clearly all the details, but I tried to write more details.

Even I did not know WHO used mind control technologies and brought me inside USA Embassy in Hong Kong, and WHY?  but I tried to write details of 'WHAT Happened'.

Details of my stories:


I became a victim of mind control weapons abuses and tortures, when I was studying for a Master Degree in Australia on Dec 2001.


I had reported to police, but I could not get help to stop the abuses and tortures in Australia.


I tried to talk to many people about such matter; most of them said they never heard such technologies,


Some voices said to me:" USA has the most advanced technology in the world. You can go to USA; maybe you can cure your diseases there."


I went to the USA embassy in Melbourne to apply visa, paid the application fee. When I came home from Embassy, Some voices said to me:" Go to USA, we will arrange for you, do not have to apply visa." They also said:" We will apply medical leaves for you."


Because I thought those voices would not lie to me, and my brain was being harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control weapons; I could not even use my brain to think anything carefully.


On April 5, 2002, I brought my luggage and took a taxi to the Airport. At the ticket office, I showed my passport to a young lady, and asked for an air ticket to USA, the lady looked at my passport carefully and said, “Yes, you do not have to apply for a visa, trust me!”


I held the air ticket and passport to a check-in officer, and very carefully told him what the lady at the ticket office told me. He let me check-in and gave me boarding passes telling me that I did not have to apply for a visa to go to the USA.


Inside the airport, several people stopped me and checked my bags very carefully. I asked them the same thing: “They said that I did not need visa to go to USA. Is this true?" They told me that it was true.


I sat in a chair and waited for the airplane for a very long time. Finally it was boarding time. I carried my bag and followed the long queue of people. At the gate, a man and woman stopped me. They said they had some questions to ask me. I complained that the plane was about to take off. They told me not to worry because they had it arranged. They took me to a small room, and asked me only a few simple questions.


They questioned, “What have you been doing in Melbourne?”


I responded, “I am studying for a Master’s Degree.”


They asked, “Have you attended your classes?”


I answered, “Of course!”


They asked, “Why do you go to America?”


I replied, “To see a doctor.”


They asked, “Have you taken your medical leaves?”


I answered, “Yes.”


Later someone brought my bags to the small room, and said they had to check my luggage. I asked them why, but they said nothing as they opened my luggage, checking everything very carefully, even a small piece of paper. They took all of my notebooks on which I wrote telephone numbers, and they would later return these back to me. After they checked all my things carefully, they told me, “You cannot go to USA, but you can go to Malaysia, Singapore, Holland or Hong Kong.”


 Finally they changed my tickets from Melbourne to Hong Kong to Amsterdam. A lady stressed that they would not cancel my student visa if I left Australia. “I want to go to the USA to look for medical treatment, so why should you cancel my visa?” I thought to myself but kept quiet. After I waited a long time, a lady brought my tickets, passport, and boarding passes, and sent me to the airplane. (Please see attached photos
return-ticket (Melbourne to Washington) ;( 2) ticket (Melbourne to Amsterdam)

In Hong Kong, Airline stopped me and not allowed me to go to Amsterdam without visa. They said they would contact the office who issued the air ticket to me. I had to wait in Hong Kong.

From 6 Apr to 12 Apr 2002, I stayed in Hong Kong.

One day morning, I woke up early, I went to US Embassy in Hong Kong and wished to apply visa to America. (It was the first time I went to Hong Kong US Embassy)

(Because of under mind control weapons abuses and tortures, I was really like a Zombie. And I could not  remember all the details, but I try hard to give as more details as I can)

I arrived to US Embassy very early in the morning. At first I took my breakfast in a small restaurant opposite the US Embassy. After I finished my breakfast, I went out the restaurant and a man approached me and I heard a low voice “follow me!”  

so I followed the man. I was exactly like a robot, with completely empty mind, as I walked inside the USA Embassy. Nobody stopped me or asked me anything.  


When I entered the main building inside the US Embassy, I saw there was a small room on the right side, and a man (with black skin color) wearing uniform was sitting there. It was the security guard. I thought I should register, so I walked toward the man.


When he saw me walking toward him, he stood up and asked politely, “Can I help you?”


I responded, “I want to apply visa to America.” I showed my passport to him.


He had a look at my passport and told me, “The visa office is outside of the US Embassy. You need go out, turn right, and walk about 50 meters.”


When I was taking to the security guard, I heard those voices come from the room upstairs. They said, “Why don’t you come upstairs to get your Permanent Resident card?”


My brain could not move, but I knew my purpose today was to go to the US Embassy to apply for that visa.


I walked out of the USA Embassy and went to the visa office which was in the north part of the building. In the visa application office, an officer told me that my Chinese passport would not allow me to apply for a visa in Hong Kong, and that I had to apply for a USA visa in Melbourne or China.


Later, I went to Thailand; I went to US Embassy again. They said they could not help.


In the following one month, I was kidnapped few times and even was jailed by some people for few days. Those people disappeared soon; the places where they jailed me or where they sent me to, also could not be found again.


US Embassy in Hong Kong was the only place which was still there. – A place where they had sent me to after they controlled me with mind control weapons.


At Thailand, I sent a letter to USA president George W. Bush by carrier letter dated 22 Apr 2002, but I did not receive any reply. (Please see attached photo of the receipts of carrier letter: EMS to USA (Bush))


In the coming years, I had written many letters to USA and complaint that I had been torturing and harassing by secret mind control weapons. I did not get any reply.


I also worked with other victims together and started a worldwide campaign against Secret Mind Control Weapons/directed energy weapons abuse and torture since 2007.


Because the government had covered such horrible crime for many years, and they did not help me when I called for help, I suffered the  horrible abuses and tortures and big losses in my life.


I was controlled by mind control technologies and sent to USA Embassy in HongKong. USA government must take the responsibility to investigate such horrible crime. Because my human rights were violated within the jurisdiction of USA, even I was not a USA citizens, USA must compensate my losses.


I strongly urge US government to immediately investigate  such horrible remote mind control weapons abuses and tortures.


I strongly urge US government to immediately stop the abuses and tortures of remote mind control weapons which I had been suffering for more than 10 years, and compensation for my losses caused by the abuses and tortures.

Thank you and Best Regards!

Yours Sincerely,



I had written many letters to USA government, but I never received a reply.


It would be much appreciated that if anyone who can forward my story to USA President Barack Obama and his administration; and other authorities.


I wish reporters and journalists could report my story according to all facts and evidences.


I have been inspiring the civil rights movements through my case in USA. Many victims and I have been working hard together to seek justice. We believe the sense of justice is still rooted in many American's minds. We believe the power of good triumphs over the power of evil.


I have a dream, that I can find justice from USA.

Torturers have been cruelly torturing and harassing me with remote voice to skull (V2k) and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies (possibly through satellite and other technologies) for more than ten years since December 2001.

Torturers used to control my brain with remote V2k and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies, and brought me inside USA Embassy in Hongkong in April 2002.

As an innocent civilian who has been horribly persecuted, I urge USA government to investigate my case, and sentence torturers according to law.

I also wish all countries to legislate against the abuse and torture of such technologies.

I am an innocent civilian. Even if governments have political struggles, they can not violate my legitimate rights and interests as a civilian.


Supporting Documents:

Supporting Documents will be sent by requiring.

(1)   Scan Copy of return-ticket (Melbourne to Washington) and boarding pass.

(2)   Scan copy of ticket (Melbourne to Amsterdam) and boarding pass.

(3)   Scan copy of receipt of EMS to USA(Bush) 

(4)   Soleilmavis Case summary of secret mind control weapons abuses and tortures 

Life of Soleilmavis in Brief Summary 

I have collected many reported articles which introduced 'mind control technologies'. The listing of these articles will not mislead readers; it is a short cut for readers to learn what mind control technologies are.


I can not find any lawyer who would like to handle my case. First reason, I did not have money to pay lawyers fees; the second reason, it was hard for lawyers to get all evidences. The only route is to appeal,which is a administrative procedure,and that is exactly a way one lawyer does not dare and does not have the energy. With enought supporting voices from public and with evidences, government must answer my appeal.


Please help to send my story to the USA government and Congress.



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Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis

As all of us know, A lot of victims had died, but no victim had ever won any lawsuit of remote mind control abuses and tortures.
I knew those victims who passed away did wish me to win my lawsuits. My victory will bring them justice too.

I could not be 100% sure for a wining lawsuit, So I don't want to file a group lawsuit.
I filed my own lawsuits, other victims also can file their own lawsuits and learn from others.


Welcome advices on my lawsuits

Below are some lawsuits files by Soleilmavis, Please support these lawsuits by providing more documents:
(Write Reference: Supporting Soleilmavis--mind control case ref:xxxxx (you can find the case reference Number from following))

(1) Patent numbers or scientific documents for the following weapons which can remotely attack victims and cause most of the following symptoms:
DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS; MIND CONTROL WEAPONS; BODY AND BRAIN MANIPULATION WEAPONS; PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS; SPACE WEAPONS; NON-LETHAL WEAPONS and any other unacknowledged means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psycho-tronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.

1)Hot and Cold Flashes
3)severe sweating
4)Induced Sleep
5)Sleep deprivation
6)Extreme Fatigue
7)Blurred Vision
8)Sensations of pain in internal organs
9)Sensations of pain in Backbone, arms, legs, muscles
10)Numbness and tingling, Paresthesias, Loss of sensation
11)Muscle Cramps /Spasms/tension
12)Sudden Headaches
13)Irregular Heartbeat
14)False Heart Attacks
15)Tooth Pain
17)Acute inflammation/autoimmunity reactions
18)autoimmune disorders like Fibromyalgia
19)Urinary tract infections
20)Skin problems and skin irritations
21)Change in growing of hair and nails
22)female problems which eventually lead to hysterectomy
25)Flulike Symptoms /Sneezing
26)Dizziness or Loss of Balance
27)Sudden loss of consciousness
28)Benign or Malignant Tumors
29)Sensation of Electric Current Running through the Body
30)Induced Thoughts/telepathic communication, messages
31)Hearing "voices" (reception of auditory acoustic weapon transmissions or similar)
32)Seeing "Holograms"
33)Dream Manipulation
34)Artificial Emotions (induced fear,anger,shame,joy,hate,sadness)
35)Sudden unexpected" Sexual Arousal
36)Genital manipulation
37)Induced Smells
38)Sudden extreme moodswings (depression - euphoria)
39)Induced pleasure-aversion reactions towards people or objects
40)Making you say things (forced speech)
41)General behaviour control in some situations
42)Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories)
43)Remote steering of eye movements
44)Remote steering of body movements /motor control
45)Virtual reality experiences while awake

(2) Victims can write mind control case summaries to support Soleilmavis' cases
Please sign your documents and send original by posting.
Write Reference: Supporting Soleilmavis--case ref:xxxxx (you can find cases Reference Number from following)

(I) International Criminal Court
Head of Information & Evidence Unit
Office of The Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
Boîte postale 19519, 2500 CM La Haye, Pays Bas
Telephone / Téléphone: + 31 70 5158515 • Facsimile / Télécopie: + 31 70 5158555 •

Result : Got a reply:
Soleilmavis (China)
Reference Number: EM_T01_OTP-CR-00122_07



(II) United Nations
Petitions Team

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax:+ 41 22 9179022 (particularly for urgent matters)
File lawsuits since 2007
Result: No reply, no reference number

(III) United Nations

Special Rapporteur on Torture
c/o Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland


Result: No reply, no reference number

(IV) Committee on the Elinimation of Discrimination against Women

c/o Division for the Advancement of Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs

United Nations Secretariat

2 United Nations Plaza

DC-2/12th Floor

New York, NY 10017

United States of American

Fax: 1-212-963-3463

File lawsuits since Nov 2010

Result: No reply, no reference number

(V) To: The Registrar
European Court of Human Rights

Council of Europe
67075 Strasbourg-Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 20 18
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 30
Sent by letter on Date: Dec 2009
Result: No reply yet, no case reference number.

(VI) Curia
To: The Registry
Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
L-2925 Luxembourg
Tel.: (352) 4303-1
Fax: (352) 43 37 66
Sent by letter on Date: Dec 2009
Result: case reference number: CaseT -507l09A J (a reply can be read from "comment" below)

(VII)  European Ombudsman

To: Directorate A


1 avenue du Président Robert Schuman

CS 30403, F - 67001 Strasbourg Cedex

T. + 33 (0)3 88 17 23 13

F. + 33 (0)3 88 17 90 62

Acknowledgement of receipt

For Soleilmavis’ ( ) Complaint

Result: case reference number:  European Ombudsman gave the Registration number: 1191/2012/MF (S2012-156875)

LEGAL Complaint

Miss Soleilmavis - Plaintiff


Some of the following countries
The China Government;
The USA Government;
The France Government;
The UK Government;
The Russia Government;
The Japan Government;
The Germany Government;
The Italian Government
The Sweden Government
The Australia Government - Defendants

For not limited to Human Rights violations;
A) These parties covered/cover the abuses and tortures of the following Weapons:-
DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS; MIND CONTROL WEAPONS; BODY AND BRAIN MANIPULATION WEAPONS; PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS; SPACE WEAPONS; NON-LETHAL WEAPONS any other unacknowledged means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psycho-tronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.
B) These parties ignored/ignore all my complaints.
C) These parties did/do not help me when I was/am suffering from the terrible abuses and tortures from one or few abovementioned weapons.

I wish the Defendants immediately expose the abuses and tortures of the following weapons:-
DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS; MIND CONTROL WEAPONS; BODY AND BRAIN MANIPULATION WEAPONS; PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS; SPACE WEAPONS; NON-LETHAL WEAPONS any other unacknowledged means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.

I wish the Defendants immediately help me to stop the abuses and tortures, and compensation for the losses caused by the abuses and tortures.

Thank you and Best Regards!

Yours Sincerely,

Annex1: The facts of the case and the arguments in support of my action

I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong

Soleilmavis Liu, Author of the book: Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Her book provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.

Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures

Annex3: An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)

Annex4: supporting documents
(1) Thousands victims are working together all over the world to expose such secret abuses and tortures:

(2) articles and researches about mind control/directed energy weapons and related technologies

(3) Online petitions:
(4) Other information:

Laws Against Criminal Uses of Electromagnetic Energy Weapons

Lawsuits filed by Mind Control victims

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俄罗斯联邦议会关于禁止信息及心理生理武器法律草案的决定《关于对联邦法律On weapon第六条增加修正案的联邦法律草案的决议》国家杜马安全委员会审议关于对联邦法律Onweapon第六条增加修正案的联邦法律草案后决定:1,建议国家杜马接受关于对联邦法律On weapon第六条增加修正案的联邦法律草案的一读。2,由国家杜马副议长Iliukhin VictorIvanovitsch依照法律草案工作规则为该法律草案任命第二位发言人。3,发送决议,草案文本及相关文件到国家杜马,以使该法律草案能列入2000年12月20日举行的国家杜马全体会议。委员会主席:A. I. Gurov9­ 1053 CN Sunday, 25 September 2000,17:36 Page No. 1(1)决议:这个法律草案建议对联邦法律On weapon第六条增加修正案以禁止这些武器或设备在俄罗斯联邦的公民及军队中的流通:其攻击作用基于电磁辐射,超声和次声波。当代科技的成就使信息及心理生理技术的发展成为可能。基于这些技术出现了秘密,远程影响个体或某个群体的心理和生理的方法和手段。存在着许多可靠的方法来改变人的思维能力,操纵人的行为,干扰合理反应,或人为制造出依赖症状。听觉-视觉影响是通过听觉或视觉通路实现的:微弱的低于域限的刺激是无法有意识知觉到的,但它们却能够被导入深层潜意识,并且在当事人无法察觉到其存在的情况下将他的思想和行为导向事先确定的方向。100Hertz以上的超声波是人无法知觉到的,其热效应和机械效应通过对人神经系统的作用,可导致头痛,困倦,视力下降,呼吸困难,甚至行为失控或失去意识。低强度(120分贝左右)的次声波(低于16Hz)能引起恶心,耳鸣,视力下降,以及泛化的恐惧。中等强度(低于130分贝)破坏消化系统和大脑,引起瘫痪甚至失明。高于130分贝的次声波可以止息个体的心脏活动。微波辐射导致对现实的错误知觉,疲劳,困倦,头痛,可损害心脏,大脑,中枢神经系统。电话线,供热和污水管道,电视,火险警报可被用做传导天线。实际上世界各国都优先考虑秘密影响人类心理的项目,并将其看作21世纪最重要的技术。发达国家将在地区冲突中优先考虑使用非致命武器写入他们的军事学说,这将在赢得胜利的同时不仅使自己的士兵伤亡减至最小,而且也使敌方的人员损失是最少的。美国在北约框架中发起了一个特殊的小组以致力于研究具有非致命效果的武器的未来使用,并且协调在英国,法国,德国和丹麦所进行的这个领域的工作。德国法兰克福的Institute of Chemical Technologies所制造的发生器是计划用于群体混乱中的大量人群。法国最新研制设备的辐射不仅能够穿透混凝土和钢板,而且能够很快摧毁它们。根据媒体的信息,英国1995年在北爱尔兰进行了用于驱散人群的非致命武器的实战测试。还有事实表明1999年在南斯拉夫电磁武器曾被使用来对付普通公民。制造进攻性的次声波设备被宣布在美国的非致命武器研究中占有优先地位。根据武器专家评价,美国军方能够使用无人非致命微波发射设备将载有登陆部队的敌方舰艇阻止在离海岸线数百米以外。根据the Stockholm International Instituteof World Problems (SIPRI)的估计,在未来两年美国用于发展和购买非致命武器的开支将超过10亿美元。现在的联邦法律On Weapons仅仅禁止俄罗斯联邦的公民和军队中流通其进攻性基于放射性和生物因素的武器。这个法律没有考虑到信息及心理生理技术的发展,其使用将可暗中影响人的心理和生理。这使得俄罗斯议会可引入相应的对联邦法律On Weapons的修正案。这个修正案不会影响现有法律的结构,并完全符合其一般目的---保护生命和公民健康,确保公共安全。基于此我们建议由Krasnojarsk地区议会提出关于对联邦法律On weapon第六条增加修正案的联邦法律草案提交一读。委员会主席:A. I. Gurov附原文:First of the Three Duma Readings(i.e. revisions) of AddendumSigned into Law by V. Putin in 2001Please see 2005 update: third reading by the Duma of this Addendum was signed into law by V. Putin in 2001.Thanks to Emilia Cherkova for sending this Nov. 2000 first Duma reading of the addendum. Translation by Ramon Ruelas.?/P>Mind Justice Home Page?/P>Federal Assembly --Parliament of the Russian FederationGovermental DumaCommittee on SafetyResolutionFrom the 30th of November of the year 2000 No. 28/3Regarding the draft of the Federal Law"About the submission of addendum to Article 6 of the Federal Law "About weapons"Having examined the draft of the Federal law "About the Submission of addendum to Article 6 of the Federal law "About Weapons", The Committee of the Governmental Duma for Safety has ruled:To recommend that the Governmental Duma adopt the draft of the Federal law "About the submission of addendum to Article 6 of the Federal Law "About weapons" in the first reading.To appoint a second speaker in accordance with the directiveon law-drafting from the deputy of the Governmental Duma [Iljukhin] Victor Ivanovich.To authorize the actual Resolution with the text of the [law-drafting] and all of its supporting documents in the Soviet Governmental Duma, for inclusion in the [law- drafts] of the day's plenary meeting of the Governmental Duma for the 20th of December of the year 2000.Committee RepresentativeA.I. Gurov9­ 1053 CN Sunday, 25 September 2000, 17:36 Page No. 1(1)?/P>ResolutionThe Law-draft proposes an addendum to Article 6 of the Federal law "About Weapons" status, in accordance with which, in the territory of the Russian Federation, is prohibited the circulation in a civilian capacity and military, weapons and other objects, the offensive [attack] operations of which are based on the use of electro-magnetic radiation, infra-sonic radiation and ultra-sonic radiation.The achievements of contemporary science and technically predetermined informational and psychological technologies allow for the creation of means and methods of secret, remote influencing on the psyches and physiology of a person or of a group of people.There exists a wide spectre [range] of devices with capabilities of guaranteeing the alteration of the mental capacities of a person, to program his behavior, to breakdown adequate reactions and to artificially foster symptoms of dependency.Audio-visual influencing is accomplished through auditory or optical channels, when very weak, low-threshholds of irritation, which are not consciously perceived, are instilled deeply into the subconsciousness and imperceptibly orients the thinking and behavior of a person in an predetermined fashion.With the aid of ultra-sonics, [devices {not legible}] or mechanical influences of [expansive] frequencies greater than 100 Hz, not noticed by a person, exert influences on the mental structures and nervous system, resulting in pain in the head, dizziness, a deterioration of the vision and of breathing [functions], and convulsions which can lead to the loss of consciousness.The use of infra-sonic (very low-frequency, lower than 16 Hz) of a low intensity (of about 120 decibels) causes nausea, ringing in the ears, a deterioration of the vision, and generalized suffering. The sonic [sounds{effects}] of medium intensity (up to 130 decibels) break down the organs of digestion and the brain, resulting in paralysis and sometimes blindness. The effects of infra-sonics of an intensity of 130 decibels and higher can cause in the subject the stoppage of the heart.Under the influence of ultra-high frequency radiation, there appears a breakdown in the interpretation of reality, weariness, dizziness, head pains; and the heart, the brain and the central nervous system can also be damaged. In the capacity of an [transmitive{as opposed to receptive}] antenna, for the transmission of such waves can be used telephonic equipment [devices], heating and sewer pipes, televisions, and fire-prevention [pipe/water supply systems{not legible}].In practically the entire world, work on "methods of hidden influencing on the psyches of humans" are considered a [high] priority and enter into the roll of the most important technologies of the XXI century. The [intelligence agencies] of government insert into their military doctrines articles about the priority of the application on the front lines -in regional conflicts -of non-lethal weapons which allow for the attainment of victory with the least amount of losses, not only among its own troops, but also among the troops of the opposition.At the initiative of the USA, within the framework of NATO, there was created a special workers group for the perspective use of devices of non-lethal effects for the coordination of [developments/breakthroughs] conducted in this field in Great Britain, France, Germany and Denmark. Generators were created in Frankfurt Institute for Chemical Technologies (Germany), intended for the treatment [dealing with/management] of large crowds in conditions of mass disorder. The transmissions of the latest French [devices{not legible}] are capable of not only penetrating through concrete and armour (plating), but also they can very quickly break them down. According to reports in means of mass information, the British army, in the year 1995, conducted in Northern Ireland field [real-time] testing of non-lethal weapons for dispersal of crowds. There are also available facts regarding the application of electro-magnetic weapons against subjects in Yugoslavia in the year 1999.The creation of infra-sonic devices of [attack] was declared a priority in the USA, among all of the developments [in the field of] non-lethal weapons. According to the evaluation of military specialists, the American army, with the aid of un-manned, lethal devices, is capable -with the aid of a SVCh. (ultra-high frequency) generator --of stopping -at a distance of several hundred meters from shore, an enemy ship of a sea landing force. According to the appraisal of the Stockholm International Insitute of World Problems (SIPRI), in the next two years, expenditures in the USA for the development and purchase of non-lethal weapons will exceed a billion dollars.At the present time, through the Federal law "About Weapons," is it forbidden within the territory of the Russian Federation, in a civilian capacity and armed services, the circulation of weapons and other objects, the offensive operations of which are based only on the uses of radioactive radiation and biological factors, but they do not account for the development of informational and psychological technologies, the applications of which enable hidden influencing on the psyches and physiologies of people. This led to, in the Russian Congress, the possibility of the addendum to the Federal law "About Weapons," which bear the aforementioned characteristics. This does not [weaken] the structure of the existing laws and is completely in keeping with its basic direction --the preservation [defense] of the lives of and the health of citizens and in guaranteeing public safety.On the basis of the included, it is proposed that the draft of the Federal law "About the submission of addendum to Article 6 of the Federal Law "About weapons," introduced by the Assembly of the Krasnojarskii region, be adopted in the first reading.Committee RepresentativeA.I. Gurov中文译文地址:引用地址:中文译文网址
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科学家预言人造大脑十年内将成现实 2009年07月28日 10:36 新浪科技  新浪科技讯 北京时间7月28日上午消息,据英国媒体报道,瑞士洛桑联邦工学院科学家、“蓝脑计划”的主管亨利·马克拉姆表示,先进的功能性人造大脑将在10年内变成现实。  在牛津举办的全球科技、娱乐和设计大会上,马克拉姆表示他的研究团队已经模拟出了老鼠的大脑,正向开发合成人脑方向迈进。他说,合成人脑将对寻找精神病治疗尤其有用。全球大约20亿人遭受某种程度的脑损伤的折磨。他说:“建造人脑不是不可能的,我们可能在10年内实现。如果成功了,我们会把图纸送到科技、娱乐和设计大会上讨论。”  “蓝脑计划”开始于2005年,其目的是从实验数据逆向打造哺乳动物的大脑。他的研究组将重点放在皮层单元上,皮层单元是哺乳动物的大脑所独有的结构,也叫新大脑皮层。他解释说:“这是一个新的大脑,哺乳动物需要它,因为它们需要处理亲子关系、社会互动的复杂认知功能。从老鼠发展到人,它是如此成功,为了生成这一惊人器官,我们把脑结构单元数扩大了大约1000倍。”目前,这一研究仍在继续,他说:“发展速度很快。”  过去15年,马克拉姆教授和他的研究组已经解码了皮层单元结构。他说:“那就像是在盘查雨林——共有多少树,树的形状是什么,每种树有多少株,树的位置在哪里。但是,这项工作比在雨林盘点树木还要细致繁杂,因为你必须描述和发现所有的交流规则和联通规则。”  现在,这项计划有一种“上万神经元(每一个都不同)的软件模型,它能让研究人员通过数码技术搭建一个人工皮层单元。虽然每个神经元都是独一无二的,但是,研究人员已经发现不同大脑的线路有着共同的模式。他说:“虽然我们的大脑有大有小,可能有不同形态的神经元,但是我们分享着相同的结构。我们认为,这就是物种的特别之处,这可以解释我们为什么不能跨物种交流。”  为了制作一个真实的模型,研究组需要把各种模块和一些运算法则输入一台超级电脑中。他说:“一个神经元的计算量你需要用一台笔记本来做,所以,你需要上万台笔记本。”但是,他使用的是一台有1万个处理器的IBM“蓝色基因”电脑。模拟大脑已经开始让研究人员了解到大脑工作方式的一些线索。例如,他们能显示出大脑的画面并监控机器的电活性。他说:“这种系统让你兴奋,它实际上创造着自己表现法。”  表现和影射的目标最终会实现,因此,研究人员可能会直接看到大脑感知世界的方式。随着神经系统科学和哲学的发展,“蓝脑”计划还有着其他实际应用。例如,通过把世界上所有的有关动物的神经系统学资料汇集在一起,研究人员可能会建造动物模式。  马克拉姆教授说:“我们不能一直在动物身上做实验。”它可能还会让研究人员进一步了解大脑疾病。他说:“全球精神失调的人数有20亿。”他表示,该计划可能会提供一些新疗法的线索。(秋凌)
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美研制大脑思维翻译器欲将思想变语言(图) 2009年12月23日 02:00 新浪科技“大脑机器界面”模型及语言合成流程  新浪科技讯 北京时间12月23日消息,据美国媒体报道,近日,美国科学家发明了一种可以实时翻译大脑信号的技术,置入大脑内部的装置以无线的方式向外传送大脑信号,外部的语言合成器可以实时接收大脑信号并将其翻译成人类语言。目前,基于这项技术的“大脑机器界面”已经在一位闭锁综合症患者身上取得实验成功。  据科学家介绍,利用这项技术,“思想变语言”的过程仅仅需要50毫秒,这个时间量恰好与神经正常的人用语言表达自己的思想时反应时间相同。这一研究成果首次成功地证明,可以在人类大脑中置入无线装置,通过大脑意识对外部的语音设备进行实时控制。对于那些因为神经受损而失去控制能力的人来说,这项成果将是他们的福音。  该项研究由美国波士顿大学科学家弗兰克-古恩特尔领导实施,波士顿大学感知与神经系统系、健康与复原科学学院、哈佛-麻省理工学院卫生科学与技术部的科学家们共同参与了这项研究。这项研究成果将发表于美国《公共科学图书馆·综合》杂志上。  古恩特尔介绍说,“我们的研究成果表明,‘大脑机器界面’的用户可以直接控制语言输出,比使用相对较慢的打字过程要好得多。”  科学家们将这项技术应用于一位26岁的闭锁综合症患者身上进行实验。该患者在16岁时曾经有过一次脑干中风,这次脑干中风造成患者的运动神经元受到损伤。运动神经元主要是用于执行人体的行为和动作。运动神经元受损意味着患者可能会出现肢体麻痹、肌肉萎缩,甚至瘫痪等严重问题。除了眼睛可以上下运动外,这位患者已经出现了全身麻痹症状。不过,他的意识是清醒的,这种情况就是所谓的“闭锁综合症”,即意识清醒,但不能说话、不能活动。  五年前,科学家将一个电极置入患者的大脑内部,大约位于与语言相关的运动前区皮层和运动皮层之间。此后,神经突开始生长至电极上。三四个月后,神经突在电极上产生了信号。三年后,研究人员开始测试“大脑机器界面”,准备合成语音产品。由于该系统是基于遥感技术的,因此不需要电线或传感器连接到患者皮肤之内,这也排除了感染的风险。  电极将神经信号扩大并转化为无线电信号。在患者的头部贴有两片薄片,这两片薄片起到信号接收天线的作用。当大脑内的无线电信号向外发送时,头皮上的接收天线就可实现及时接收并将这些信号传送到电生理学记录系统中。记录系统将信号进行数字化转换并分类。分类后的数据被输入一个神经信号解码器中进行解码。然后,解码后的结果再输入到语言合成器中。最后,由语言合成器生成人类的语言。目前,科学家们仅仅是实验了元音字母。整个过程平均花费时间仅为50毫秒。  尽管目前的研究成果只是合成了一小部分元音,但是研究人员认为随着该系统的逐步完善,不久的将来可能会实现连贯的语音产品。古恩特尔表示,“我们当前的计划就是尽快研制一种新的语言合成器,合成更多的连贯语音。”(彬彬)
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Sutro Tower- San Fran California..-Construction was begun in 1971 by Kline Tower of Columbia, South Carolina Sutro Tower Broadcast Site 12-11-09.pdf, 878 KB scalar wars.pdf, 90 KBover 420 TORTURE CASES from THE AMERICAS.doc, 2.9 MBSutro Tower- San Fran California..-Construction was begun in 1971 by Kline Tower of Columbia, South CarolinaConstruction was begun in 1971 by Kline Tower of Columbia, South Carolina, and was completed in 1973, with the first transmissions from Sutro Tower on July 4, 1973.Sutro TowerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(Redirected from Sutro tower)... See MoreJump to: navigation, searchSutro Tower viewed from Grandview Park in San FranciscoSutro Tower is a three-pronged antenna tower on Clarendon Heights (a hill just southeast of, and connected to, Mount Sutro) in central San Francisco, California. It is a prominent part of the city skyline and a landmark for city residents and visitors. However, many local people opposed the tower even before it was completed, including criticism of the aesthetic effect the tower would have on the rest of San Francisco. San Francisco writer Herb Caen once said, “I keep waiting for it to stalk down the hill and attack the Golden Gate Bridge.”[1] The tower is sometimes referred to as "The Pickle Fork".Contents[hide]* 1 Reasons for the tower* 2 Construction* 3 Views and access* 4 Significance* 5 References* 6 External links[edit] Reasons for the towerBefore its construction, television reception in San Francisco was spotty because the many hills of the city would block the line-of-sight radio waves — this was before the rise in popularity of cable television. Before Sutro Tower, transmitters were scattered throughout the Bay Area, including at San Bruno Mountain, Mt. Allison, Monument Peak, and Mt. Diablo. Reception outside of San Francisco was incrementally improved by the tower. By having all the main Bay Area television stations in one location, reception was improved by allowing all receiving antennas to be pointed at one tower instead of many. However, local NBC affiliate KNTV, which originally broadcast from Loma Prieta Peak in Santa Clara County, currently broadcasts from San Bruno Mountain to provide a strong signal to their city of license of San Jose. Most residents in San Mateo County, the East Bay, and Marin County can aim their antennas in the general direction of Sutro Tower and get all stations, including KNTV. Some residents in San Francisco need to rotate their antenna, as San Bruno Mountain is approximately five miles south of Sutro Tower.[edit] ConstructionDetail of part of the towerConstruction was begun in 1971 by Kline Tower of Columbia, South Carolina, and was completed in 1973, with the first transmissions from Sutro Tower on July 4, 1973. Approximately 3,750 cubic yards of concrete were used to make the foundation of the 3.7 million pound (1,700 tonne) tower. Earthquake proofing includes ballasting two thirds of the weight of the structure below ground, resulting in a center of gravity at sixteen feet below ground level. It is used to transmit eleven digital TV stations, four FM radio stations, and for various other communications services in the San Francisco Bay area.The tower is owned by Sutro Tower, Inc., which in turn is owned by a consortium of the four major television broadcasters in San Francisco; KTVU (Cox Broadcasting), KRON-TV (Young Broadcasting) (the Bay Area's NBC affiliate at the time of the tower's completion), KPIX-TV/KBCW (CBS Corporation) and KGO-TV (American Broadcasting Company), with usage leased to other Bay Area TV and radio stations. The other Cox station in the area, San Jose-licensed KICU transmits from east of Fremont and is unable to locate to Sutro Tower, in order to serve their city of license, as does NBC's Telemundo station, KSTS.Named after Adolph Sutro, a businessman and former mayor of San Francisco who had a mansion located about 100 feet away from where the tower is now located, the tower stands 977 feet (298 metres) above the ground and 1,800 ft (549 m) above sea level. It is the tallest structure in the city, surpassing the 853 ft (260 m) Transamerica Pyramid by more than 100 ft (30 m). In addition, it is built on one of the highest peaks in the city, the old site of the Sutro Mansion owned by Adolph Sutro's descendants.The original design of the tower called for white lights longitudinally rising along its three legs to the top. When opened, these lights were lit. However local resistance and aesthetic considerations forced the operators to turn off the lights and they have never been used since.[citation needed][edit] Views and accessSutro Tower in fogThe facility is surrounded by a fence and the site offers no panoramic viewpoints of San Francisco, but there is a platform near the top of the tower, 762 ft (232 m) above ground. Authorized maintenance workers access the tower by a small two-person elevator that runs inside the west tower enclosed leg.On a clear day, the tower can be seen from the East Bay peak of Mount Diablo and is sometimes the only part of San Francisco seen above the coastal fog when it is blown inland, typically on summer mornings and evenings.Sutro Tower is restricted to authorized personnel and stands on private property. The tower may be viewed up close from La Avanzada Drive.[edit] SignificanceDespite its initial revulsion by residents, Sutro Tower is now largely accepted by locals and figures prominently in local art, TV, and movies as one of the main architectural symbols of San Francisco. A local entertainment guide, SF uses it as its logo, as well as the collaborative art game,, and SF based Ultimate Frisbee team Jam, 2008 UPA National Champions. However, concerns have been raised regarding the health effects on the population residing near Sutro Tower, as related to the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Tower's television and cellular telephone antennae.
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Google Earth shows three cell towers on this property.. near the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks.. The man that owns or owned the farmhouse.. on the south side of Plank Road... made a lease with one cell phone company... and now it looks as if there are three cell phone towers on his property.. he went to jail.. from Naperville Illinois... and they said he murdered his first wife and was killing his second wife.. who had cancer.. He was a nice farmer from Naperville Illinois.. who had this farm in his family for generations.. I saw goats born in the farm, would buy my eggs and meat from him.. christmas trees and pumpkins from him.. i think the cell phone companies.. who paid him about 3,000 per month for rent did this to him.. and his second wife..FCC Registered Cell Phone and Antenna Towers in Naperville, IllinoisFull list of 31 FCC Registered Antenna Towers in Naperville, IL: ... DAVID SEYKOTA, 25w055 Old Plank Rd (Lat: 41.781306 Lon: -88.131083), Type: Tower, ...... See More should be an article in the Naperville Sun newspaper talking of this man going to jail... i believe he was innocent... and Knight25W055 Old Plank Road, Naperville Illinois Location:25W055 OLD PLANK RD,NAPERVILLE, IL, 60631Structure DetailFAA Issue Date:Status Code:Constructed:Structure Type:Overall Height Above Ground:Elevation of Site Above Mean Sea Level:Overall Height Above Mean Sea Level:11/9/2006Constructed5/4/2007TOWER60.7216.1276.8Owner and Contact InformationOwner:UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORPORATION -8410 W. BRYN MAWR AVE #700CHICAGO, IL, 60631(773) 399-7950RENEE.MAZUR@USCELLULAR.COMContact:PETER CONNOLLY"2099 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW, SUITE 100"WASHINGTON, DC, 20006(202) 955-3000PCONNOLLY@HKLAW.COMFCC Registered Cell Phone and Antenna Towers in Naperville, IllinoisFull list of 31 FCC Registered Antenna Towers in Naperville, IL: ... DAVID SEYKOTA, 25w055 Old Plank Rd (Lat: 41.781306 Lon: -88.131083), Type: Tower, ...
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