Some of what the synthetic telepathy which is sometimes known as voice to skull wirelessly transmitted voices which I hear coming from inside my own head have been saying to me and about me to each other in the past few days as follows:-
"I have nothing on her. Nothing at all. I dont like working with someone I have nothing on."
"I am not your equal. I am your superior."
"If her knee caps are not done we have nothing so we are going to leave her for now."
"She is festooned with garments herself." "No she is not. She has a low budget for clothing and shoes."
"Gretta Fahey is one of my subjects and I will do what I like with her."
"You have not got the right to procure this data."
"If there is chocolate in her diet she is in trouble."
"We are going to torture you into total enslavement. Total enslavement is what you are getting."
"There are extreme systems being installed in the core of this woman."
"Go to the bathroom."
"Your whole upper body is taken over. You wont be able to move a muscle when we take you over. "
"Colo Rectal System has been used for staying out of the workplace for many years."
My own comment in response to that last voice to skull comment is as follows:- (I am not working because I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome which I recently cured by going on a carnivore diet. It took me a full month to get my full energy back when I switched from a ketogenic diet to a carnivore diet and I have only now regained my full energy levels which were very low for the past month. However, I am being subjected to microwave attacks and psychological torture on a continual basis and therefore I am unable to work now because of that. I will sort it out with my gp when I see him in one week.)
My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo. Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called
"Today, the ability to remotely transmit microwave voices inside a targets head is known inside the Pentagon as 'Synthetic Telepathy.' According to Dr Robert Becker synthetic telepathy has applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin. In the 1970s, the University of Maryland invented a thought reading machine. The machine allegedly uses microwaves to deliver spoken massages directly to the human brain as well as using radio waves to hypnotize people or change their thoughts. Neuro-effective signals can now cause many other nerve groups to become remotely actuated."
The above is a quote from "SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY AND THE EARLY MIND WARS" by Richard Alan Miller.
All Posts (12217)
When you're going through trials
Let's go the extra mile
Never ever give up
Let's do a constant spiritual checkup
God will never make us cry
He has got nothing to hide
I am willing to go the extra mile
To make Him smile
Lord please have mercy on all of us
Lord please come and rapture us
Be brave
Don't be a slave
Overcome evil by being good
Let's strengthen the brotherhood
Let's overcome evil with goodness
Let's not be slaves of the darkness
"Today, the ability to remotely transmit microwave voices inside a targets head is known inside the Pentagon as 'Synthetic Telepathy.' According to Dr Robert Becker synthetic telepathy has applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin. In the 1970s, the University of Maryland invented a thought reading machine. The machine allegedly uses microwaves to deliver spoken massages directly to the human brain as well as using radio waves to hypnotize people or change their thoughts. Neuro-effective signals can now cause many other nerve groups to become remotely actuated."
The above is a quote from "SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY AND THE EARLY MIND WARS" by Richard Alan Miller.
Secrecy allows evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish and that is the reason why I am revealing that the Republic of Ireland where I was born and where I have lived all of my life and where I hope to live until I die has in essence become a slave colony for some of its own men and women, including myself.
The passage of time has allowed advances in technology, most of which are still classified. Even though they are classified many of them are being used outside of government knowledge against a selection of Irish individuals. I and other Irish individuals have been implanted with technology which wirelessly links us to computerized control and enslavement systems. We have not found a way to prove that we are partial wirelessly controlled slaves but the Irish government could easily provide absolute proof that we are wirelessly controlled slaves if they had the will to do so. The Irish people must act on their own without government interference and they must do what ever is needed to prove without a shadow of a doubt that some Irish citizens have become wirelessly remote controlled slaves . We have asked the Irish government for help already but nothing was done to help us in this regard.
I personally believe that the reason some Irish politicians are hesitant in providing us the Irish people with technology which would allow us to prove that we have become wirelessly controlled slaves is because in doing so they would also be proving that judges and juries can now be wirelessly controlled, which would then cause the law courts to collapse over night. Further to that, no law court decision which has been made in the past several decades could be considered viable.
Here below I outline some of my experiences of being a wirelessly controlled slave as follows:
Voices are being transmitted by wireless means into what I believe is technology implanted or embedded in my inner ear on a continual basis. The voices appear to be of real men and women who appear to be able to monitor me on a virtual basis through monitoring a virtual image of my on their own computer screens or by some other means due to the fact that I have technology implanted or embedded throughout my person.
The unknown groups who transmit their voices into my head occasionally tell me what I should eat, what I sould be allowed to purchase and what I should think about . They have in the past cancelled orders for goods which I have placed online because they did not wish me to have them. They sometimes physically hurt me by wireless remote means. They sometimes force a selection of my muscles to move against my will by wirelessly enabled external control of my central nervous system, a capability which is described in United States Scientific Patent Number US6965816. When I am brain to brain interfaced with these unknown neuro staff which appears to be most if not all of the time they can then force a selection of my muscles to move against my will and without my permission.
One can now use technology to tune in all types of special effects to the human brain provided the human concerned has inhaled and ingested nano technology which eventually comes embedded in that brain as is described in United States scientific patent number US6965816. You can now have distrubing pictures as well as moving images forced into the mental imaging centre of your brain at a moments notice. Because these mental images are not generated in the same way as you generate your own mental images you will know that they are not being generated by your own mind and that they are being artificially transmitted into your mind by wireless remote means.
I do not know who my slave masters are. I have the contact details of more than a dozen other individuals who live in the Republic of Ireland and who are experiencing the same or similar experiences of being under wireless external control as I am. What we are experiencing is known as being Remote Neural Monitored as well as being Remote Neural Manipulated. Professor James Geordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, United States is one of the official spokesmen for the United States government on the subject of Weaponizing Brain Science. He validates the existence of the aforementioned capabilities in nearly all of his online presentations. Here is a link to his latest online presentation which is called Weaponizing Brain Science.
Professor Geordano informs us while speaking on this video that drones and other aerial vehicles can be used to deliver pay loads of neurological viruses, neurological microbes as well as neurological toxins to targeted individuals or targeted groups. He also informs us that nano technology can be used to provide scaffolds that then allow the auto assembly of molecules inside a biological system. When Professor Giordiano refers to a biological system it is understood that he means a human being or any other sentient being.
If fifth generation wireless technology becomes fully activated in the Republic of Ireland then the bandwidth will be available to criminal neuro scientists and their assistants to wirelessly enslave every man, woman and child in Ireland and this can all be achieved from an unknown remote location.
With regard to a different matter which is am including in this letter because I wish to warn the Irish people about the possibility of it occurring here , it is being claimed in the below linked video that psychological operations are currently being used by unknown individuals in order to create situations where the general public begin to lose trust in their own state police forces because some of the super rich wish to privatize the police forces of the world under their own personal control. It is also being claimed that they wish to privatize all prisons under their own private control. SERCO is a United States company which is believed to control the healthcare system in the United States. SERCO is also believed to own and control privately run prisons throughout the world. It is being claimed in the same video which I have linked here below that the World Economic Forum kill innovations before they can get off the ground. The below linked video has been placed online by the United States online journalist of note Ramola Dharmaraj and she is interviewing a whistleblower called Thomas of Alpha Omega Energy who is described as an energy entrepreneur.
If you decide to deny that wirelessly enabled remote controlled torture technology exists and is in use and that electronic mind control programming technology exists and is in use and that voice to skull remote transmissions of external voices being placed inside the heads of random individuals exists and is now in frequent use then you are committing an act of extreme evil against your fellow country men and women as well as against all future generations of this world. You have no right to deny that these capabilities exist and if you decide to acknowledge all of their existence to the police then you will be finally exposing the truth to the world. We can regain harmony and peace of mind in this world as soon as we realign with the truth.
My name is Gretta Fahey and I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
I can't upload photos now.
I have been a wireless slave for seventeen years in the Republic of Ireland. Here is a full explanation of what my enslavement is like and how I was severely punished by psychiatric means for reporting the matter to agents of the Irish state.
I believe that we are now all implanted with nano technology which is to be found throughout our brains and bodies. It got inside us through inhalation and ingestion from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and by many other means. This nano technology which is inside our brains is directly linked by wireless means to computer systems. This allows our would-be enslavers to conduct surveys of our brains and to categorise us under up to a thousand different headings.
We are being analysed for addictions, levels of debt, personality type, attitude, health status, skills, belief systems and many other categories of behaviour and abilities. A selection of us who interest them are then considered for further appraisal and analysis and wireless enslavement via control of our central nervous systems. We could be selected for further appraisal for a reason which might be as simple as our blood group or our location in the world. This further full time intense appraisal and psychological torture is sometimes known as remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation and those who are selected for it are sometimes known as targeted individuals. I am such a targeted individual.
Over the years those who wirelessly control me on a full time basis are sometimes known as neuro operatives. They appear to be bordering on being slaves themselves because they have taken contracts with individuals who only pay them in material possessions and almost never in money. This practice never being paid in money will eventually lead to their total enslavement. I do not know any of them but they speak to me on a constant basis via voice transmissions into my inner ear which is a covert means of communication which is now in common use among the military and intelligence services throughout the world.
Over many years, the aforementioned neuro operatives and others who I am calling neuro staff have gained more and more physical control over my physical body to the extent that they can now take control of my vocal cords and speak through me. They can take control of my facial muscles and move them about erratically. They can nod and shake my head vigorously against my will. When I am brain to brain interfaced with them which seems to be all of the time they can override my muscle control and they can force some of my muscles to move against my will. They can also control some of my internal bodily functions. Simply by operating their own computer systems they can force me into a frenzy of laughter at a moments notice entirely against my will and without my permission.
I once reported the matter to the Gardai who disbelieved my story and instead of validating my statement they sent me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation. I reported the matter to my own general practitioner who also sent me for psychiatric evaluation. I reported the matter in its entirety to both psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses, none of whom believed me because I now know that they are under severe electronic mind control programming. I can not hope to over ride their electronic mind control programming so I write about my unique experiences all the time and place most of the information on my website which is called I also constantly make videos telling of my experiences of being a wireless slave and I place those videos on line in public display in several different video platforms including youtube, bitchute, and others.
I went to a psychiatric hospital of my own accord because I was looking for sanctuary there due to the fact that I had received torture threats from the individuals who transmit their voices to my inner ear by wireless means. I was given mandated psychiatric substances while I was there which had the effect of torturing me internally because those substances caused me to suffer severely from both tardive dysconesia and tardive akathisia. I eventually escaped from the net of psychiatry and I now do not inform agents of the government of my ongoing wireless torture and enslavement because I would much prefer to be dead that to ever be caught in the trap of psychiatric fascist control ever again. Psychiatrists have no idea of the extreme side effects of the substances which they mandate their patients to ingest and they, meaning the psychiatrists, are under severe mind control programming to the point where they abide by their programming and are heedless to any explanations of wireless harassment and torture being told to them by any of their patients. I will never confide in agents of the Irish state again about my wireless enslavement and torture because they are all known to be under external electronic mind control programming but I will continue to reveal all I know to the general public who I wish to help save from a similar fate to mine. I know of several other Irish men and women who are enduring the same fate as myself but they are not being believed either by agents of the Irish state.
This situation which is occurring in the Republic of Ireland is also occurring in almost all other countries throughout the world. Please raise awareness of this so that scientists may develop a firewall to protect our brains and central nervous systmes from external digital signals. The scientific capability which allows others to place their fellow men and women under wirelessly enabled enslavement which is also known as bio-digital control is described in United States patent number US6965816. We the targeted individuals of the Republic of Ireland are now afraid to return to Irish police stations to restate our claims of wireless torture being carried out on us from unknown remote locations because when we do so we are not being allowed to go home afterwards without first attending for psychiatric evaluation. What is to be done in order to break this dead lock with the Irish Gardai,? If you know of any independent scientists who may be able to invent a brain firewall please ask them to do so in order to protect most of the human race from wireless enslavement by a small number of dark occultists who now sit at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command. If some if not all of the infrastructure which is being used to wirelessly enslave us was disassembled and then banned it would set us free from this wireless enslavement, torture and genocide prison planet. Most of the infrastructure which allows Satanists and dark Luciferians to wirelessly enslave and torture us is at ground level. Satellites are mostly believed to be hoaxes but however both stationary and mobile drones do exist but can easily be shot down by the military.
The reason that the police and military have not been given permission to expose wireless weapons and their current capabilities to the general public is because if they did so the court system would immediately collapse because the public would realise that judges can now be remotely influenced by criminals who use wirelessly enabled electronic mind control weapons as well as wirelessly enabled human central nervous system control weapons. The police and military wont act without permission. They have proven themselves to be unquestioningly obedient and subservient order followers. The orders they follow appear to be generated by the Satanists and dark Luciferians who sit at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command. The police and military are under severe electronic mind control which comes to them via technology situated in their work place and in some instances it is built into their helmets.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
I was writing a response to a question from a member of the public in the comment section under my latest youtube video and the neuro operative who was monitoring and controlling my activities at that time deleted my webpage and comment from the screen before I had time to share it. That often happens to me now. My computer is under external wireless control and when I experience intense despair the neuro operative then sends a reading of my brain at the exact moment of my most intense despair to those who have contracted her to collect such brain readings. They pay her in material possessions but never in money according to the v2k voice transmissions which are being sent to my inner ear
Kindness is having the ability to speak with love, listen with patience and act with compassion
Canadian government has donated 5.5M to support our Office’s (UN Human Rights) humanrights
A few days ago, one international lawyer contacted me by "telegram". They at once hacked and stopped us.
No one can see my post on UN Human Rights Council.
In my home, I was given this message as follows : " What you can't see can murder you."
( Continued)
(Download is needed. )
If you have a family that loves you, a few good friends, food on your table and a roof over your head. You are richer than you think
Kindness is the most important thing
Kindness is the most important thing
Mass electronic mind control which is coming through our own devices from antennae which are being positioned on tall buildings and high towers is producing behaviour alterations in the civilian population, and most especially employees of most if not all state controlled government institutions.
Government employees have been electronically mind controlled to enslave themselves and their fellow country men, women and children and they are busy doing that now.
Telecom employees are installing 5G against the wills of their own people. 5G will provide the band width to wirelessly enslave, torture and genocide any and all of us. I became a wireless slave in 2003 and even though I have reported the matter to all, nothing has been done to free me.
Electricity workers are installing smart meters against the wills of their own people so that each electrical device which we use can be monitored, controlled or banned from our use by wireless remote means. Smart meters would enable the slave masters to control the temperature and the time spent in our showers each day and they could also remote control how much heating we are allowed in our homes and what temperature our thermostats is set at. This could all be achieved by wireless means from an unknown remote control centre.
University scientists whose salaries are paid by the tax payers use their time to research and develop new technological means of controlling the public. By this means they would eventually enslave themselves.
The police and military use violence to intimidate and control their own people at the behest of Satanists and dark Luciferians who have infiltrated and captured the control of most police forces throughout the world. Police are now enforcing unconstutional laws. They enforced the hoaxed covid-19 lockdown and denied their own people the right to travel on the roads which are owned by the people themselves. The police carried out these activities at the behest of the World Health Organisation which is known to be owned and controlled by dark occultists.
State controlled teachers are now indoctrinating the children into being uncritical thinkers who group think rather than think individual thoughts. The children are being trained to be unquestioningly obedient and to never ever think for themselves but to always ask the permission of a false authority figure such as their teacher if they wish to do anything whatsoever. Children are being taught to be docile and they are never allowed to express anger even when they are being treated unfairly. Teachers are participating in evil and they are actively harming children at the behest of the Satanists and dark luciferians who control the educational system throughout most if not all of the world.
Government politicians have been continually enacting more and more nonsensical laws under the guise of security which are eroding our human rights one at a time.
At this stage, dark occultists such as Satanists and Luciferians own and control most of the worlds financial resources as well as most other resources. They control many judges through various methods such as electronic mind control, electronic wirelessly enabled central nervous system control, blackmail, fear as well as through some judges already being members of their satanic or luciferian organisation.
Some readers might believe that I am exaggerating. I am being entirely truthful. I and many of my country men and women are being wirelessly harassed, tortured and curteilled and this situation has been ongoing by covert means for many decades but for seventeen years in my own case. Nobody does anything to help us free ourselves from this situation. We have reported the matter to the police who refuse to validate our statements on the grounds that wireless enslavement technology does not exist and therefore we must be mentally unwell and should attend for psychiatric evaluation. When under the care of psychiatry, psychiatrists mandate that we ingest substances that have been found to be poisonous and which have such extreme side effects that in some instances it is akin to being tortured from the inside out. Psychiatrists, whose salaries are being paid by the tax payers, are working to enslave their own people because they are now under electronic mind control to the point of stupidity. Their decisions are being backed up by the violence of that state which is another name for the police.
It is preferable for all wireless slaves to inform the public of their plight in an online forum. If you inform the police or a psychiatrist of your plight in private the secrecy which is allowed in such a situation would then allow evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland and my website which I alone own and control is called
Satanists and dark Luciferians are promoting their own people to positions of power within both church and state organisations throughout the world in order to further their own agenda which is worldwide enslavement and genocide. It has now been adequately proven that the covid-19 pandemic was hoaxed by the use of pseudoscience and by mis-attributing other deaths to covid-19. The Satanists and dark Luciferians have been using mass electronic mind control programming to make the world population believe in that hoax and in a myriad of other hoaxes before that one.
The aforementioned Satanists as well as dark Luciferians are installing large towers in public areas throughout the world most of which are there to produce behavioural alternations in the civilian population via mass mind control. Most if not all windmills throughout the world have a dual purpose. They have not just been installed to produce wind energy. They can also be used to broadcast transmissions which both entrain the brains of people for miles around them and which also enable subconscious hypnosis of any and all of the surrounding population.
At this point in time Acoustic Psycho Correction technology exists which transmits audible messages into the human head via bone conduction which means that ear plugs will not restrict the messages. Acoustic Psycho Correction devices are now manufactured as hand held devices in some instances and can be used to mentally torture and torment any non-consenting individual or selection of non-consenting individuals by others who have access to such devices. The victims of the aforementioned audible message transmissions are then wrongly labelled as being mentally ill if they dare to complain of hearing voices coming from inside their heads. The reason that they are labelled as being mentally ill without further investigation as to the origin and contents of the aforementioned audible messages is because the police and psychiatrists are now under heavy mind control programming themselves and they resist all information which does not come to them from official sources. Sadly, official sources can no longer be trusted.
As we can not easily disassemble and ban all large towers which are being used to house technology which is itself then being used to manipulate our brains and bodies from remote locations we must instead develop firewalls for our homes which would block digital transmissions from coming into our homes and into our brains and central nervous systems. Is any work being done now anywhere throughout the world to develop such firewalls? Have they already been developed and if so are they affordable and when can where can they be purchased by members of the public?
My website which I alone own and control is called
I obtained the technological information inside the above post from the following online link
My neighbors, what they are doing, especially when I sleep.
Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...
ATTENTION ALL CATTLE, SHEEP, PIG AND POULTRY FARMERS. THERE IS NOW A NEW THREAT TO YOUR BUSINESSES WHICH HAS BEEN BROUGHT ABOUT BY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Many unwilling individuals have already been implanted with various types of implants which are wirelessly connected to computer networks. Some of these implants are similar in scope to coclear implants which are implants given to deaf people in order to enable them to hear. Those implants are wired for sound. Other similar implants are being used to deliver pain and various types of disablement. Voice commands are being transmitted to the implants and are being heard by the victims. If the victims refuse to obey those aforementioned voice commands then they can go on to receive pain or various other types of punishments. The victims of this science and technology are known as virtual wireless slaves or targeted individuals or by a variety of different names. I myself am a virtual wireless slave and I have been so for many years. State controlled governments could provide the finance to supply the police with technology which would prove beyond any doubt that we are indeed virtual wireless slaves but they appear to have been forbidden from doing so. Instead they have chosen to regard us as delusional. State controlled governments could also have provided the finances necessary to create firewalls for our brains and central nervous systems in order to protect us from this virtual wireless enslavement which we have been placed in but they appear to have been forbidden from doing so possibly by the Dark Luciferians and Satanists who own and run the world from behind the scenes of our lives and who have been doing so for thousands of years. Voice commands are being transmitted into implants in my brain which tell me that my meat is contaminated on some occasions when I am about to eat it. In this way the meat industry is being destroyed by covert means. Those voice commands which I hear clearly can also be transmitted subliminally in others in order to eventually generate a distaste for meat in the general population. A wide variety of subliminal messages are now being transmitted inside the brains of those who have embedded technology in their brains which make the general population hold opinions which were not generated by their own private thought processes and which they may wrongly believe are their own opinions. The dark luciferians and satanists who control all access to this technology are planning to destroy cattle, sheep, pig and poultry farming throughout the world so that they can have more control over the worldwide food supply. This would allow them to artificially engineer famines if they should wish to do so in the future. Please ask your politicial representative to provide the police with technology which can identify those who are wirelessly virtually enslaved and provide absolute proof that this is the case. Please also ask your political representative to provide financial resources to independent scientists in order that they will create firewalls for our brains and central nervous systems so that others may not be forced to endure virtual wireless enslavement such as I and others are enduring now and have endured for many years. My website is called