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I am in receipt of disability allowance for thyroid disfunction in combination with irritable bowel syndrome and a number of other health problems for more than twenty years. My irritable bowel syndrome is mainly stress related but may or may not be food related. I have tried many different diets over many years but I have failed to sustain any of the diets long term due mainly to stress.
I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of remote neural monitoring and I have been so for nearly fifteen years. I have never been informed as to why I have been subjected to this overwhelming and unwelcome control system.
At this stage of being remote neural monitored my brain has been partially mapped to a level where the muscles of my body can be controlled against my will if I do not obey the directives which I receive via electronic brain link from unknown individuals who speak to me from an unknown location.
Because my irritable bowel syndrome may be being caused to a certain degree by my overeating I have now been informed via electronic brain link that I will be partially neurologically paralysed in the future if I do not restrict my diet as these unknown remote neural monitoring staff see fit. These same staff first considered placing socio economic sanctions on me in order to try to restrict my diet, but then they decided that that method of controlling me was not possible.

Ironically, the reason I overeat is because of the stress that has been introduced into my life because of being subjected to remote neural monitoring. Ironically, the stress of being remote neural monitored is worsening my irritable bowel syndrome. I do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or take illegal or prescription drugs. I am not too overweight, just a little bit, however the remote neural monitoring staff informed me via electronic brain link that being overweight will be made illegal in the future if they ever take control over the whole human race..

I have been informed via electronic brain link that there are "shadow" government directives that this remote neural monitoring system stay in place throughout the world. Are these "shadow" government directives being issued from the European Union which is now a financial and economic dictatorship? Do the European Commissioners even know about the existence of the "shadow" government and about this remote neural monitoring system that I am being slowly enslaved under?

It is my firm belief that we can easily bring this remote neural monitoring system to a stop simply by demolishing all telephone towers and related paraphernalia. Telephone towers can be used to administer strong mind control to the masses of humans. Telephone towers can be used to both physically and psychologically torture human beings while these human beings are inside their own homes. Telephone towers can be used to send energy weapons to damage the structure of homes and buildings. Telephone towers can be used to cause illness or death to any individual be remote means. Telephone towers can be used to genocide whole towns or cities if the individuals who live in those towns or cities challenged the growing worldwide dictatorship. We must urgently demolish all telephone towers. It is now widely believed that all control technology is ground based. Space does not exist because air and space can not co-exist side by side. Sadly, our main stream media is controlled on a worldwide scale and is not allowed to question any and all untruths of which there are many.

Individuals who are being targeted by remote neural monitoring can not inform the police or psychiatry of their plight because there are regulations in place which would mean that they would be obliged to hand over all of their legal power to the police who would then be obliged to send them to see a psychiatrist, who may incarcerate them in a mental institution where they would be forced to ingest substances which are now known to be poisonous.

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This invention we give away for free to someone who wants to build a AI assistant startup:

(Read the warning in the end of this post)

It should work to build a interface for telepathy/ silent communication with a AI assistant in a smartphone with a neurophone sensor:

My suggestion is to use the sensor for Touch ID for communication with the AI. When you touch the sensor you hear the assistant through your skin:

And a interface based on this information for speaking with the assistant: The Audeo is a sensor/device which detects activity in the larynx (aka. voice box) through EEG (Electroencephalography). The Audeo is unique in it's use of EEG in that it is detecting & analyzing signals outside the brain on their path to the larynx.1 The neurological signals/data are then encrypted and then transmitted to a computer to be processed using their software (which can be seen being used in Kimberly Beals' video).2 Once it is analyzed and processed the data can then be represented using a computer speech generator.


The Audeo is a great sensor/device to detect imagined speech. It has an infinite amount of uses, especially in our areas of study. Here are some videos that show what the Audeo can be used for:…/79/audeo-ambient-using-voice-input In a $6.3 million Army initiative to invent devices for telepathic communication, Gerwin Schalk, underwritten in a $2.2 million grant, found that it is possible to use ECoG signals to discriminate the vowels and consonants embedded in spoken and in imagined words.…/2008-08-scientists-synthetic-telepathy.…

The results shed light on the distinct mechanisms associated with production of vowels and consonants, and could provide the basis for brain-based communication using imagined speech.… Research into synthetic telepathy using subvocalization is taking place at the University of California, Irvine under lead scientist Mike D'Zmura. The first such communication took place in the 1960s using EEG to create Morse code using brain alpha waves.

Why do Magnus Olsson and Leo Angelsleva

give you this opportunity for free?

Because Facebook can use you and your data in research for free and I think someone else than Mark Zuckerberg should get this opportunity:

Neurotechnology, Elon Musk and the goal of human enhancement

Brain-computer interfaces could change the way people think, soldiers fight and Alzheimer’s is treated. But are we in control of the ethical ramifications?
Extending the human mind … Elon Musk.
Extending the human mind …

At the World Government Summit in Dubai in February, Tesla and SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk said that people would need to become cyborgs to be relevant in an artificial intelligence age. He said that a “merger of biological intelligence and machine intelligence” would be necessary to ensure we stay economically valuable.

Soon afterwards, the serial entrepreneur created Neuralink, with the intention of connecting computers directly to human brains. He wants to do this using “neural lace” technology – implanting tiny electrodes into the brain for direct computing capabilities.

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) aren’t a new idea. Various forms of BCI are already available, from ones that sit on top of your head and measure brain signals to devices that are implanted into your brain tissue.

They are mainly one-directional, with the most common uses enabling motor control and communication tools for people with brain injuries. In March, a man who was paralysed from below the neck moved his hand using the power of concentration.

Cognitive enhancement

A researcher uses a brain-computer interface helmet at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble.
A researcher uses a brain-computer interface helmet at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble. Photograph: Jean-Pierre Clatot/AFP/Getty Images

But Musk’s plans go beyond this: he wants to use BCIs in a bi-directional capacity, so that plugging in could make us smarter, improve our memory, help with decision-making and eventually provide an extension of the human mind.

“Musk’s goals of cognitive enhancement relate to healthy or able-bodied subjects, because he is afraid of AI and that computers will ultimately become more intelligent than the humans who made the computers,” explains BCI expert Professor Pedram Mohseni of Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, who sold the rights to the name Neuralink to Musk.

He wants to directly tap into the brain, effectively bypassing mechanisms such as speaking or texting. Musk has the credibility to talk about these things

Pedram Mohseni

“He wants to directly tap into the brain to read out thoughts, effectively bypassing low-bandwidth mechanisms such as speaking or texting to convey the thoughts. This is pie-in-the-sky stuff, but Musk has the credibility to talk about these things,” he adds.

Musk is not alone in believing that “neurotechnology” could be the next big thing. Silicon Valley is abuzz with similar projects. Bryan Johnson, for example, has also been testing “neural lace”. He founded Kernel, a startup to enhance human intelligence by developing brain implants linking people’s thoughts to computers.

In 2015, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that people will one day be able to share “full sensory and emotional experiences” online – not just photos and videos. Facebook has been hiring neuroscientists for an undisclosed project at its secretive hardware division, Building 8.

However, it is unlikely this technology will be available anytime soon, and some of the more ambitious projects may be unrealistic, according to Mohseni.


A brain scan of a patient with Alzheimer’s.
A brain scan of a patient with Alzheimer’s. Photograph: BSIP/UIG via Getty Images

“In my opinion, we are at least 10 to 15 years away from the cognitive enhancement goals in healthy, able-bodied subjects. It certainly appears to be, from the more immediate goals of Neuralink, that the neurotechnology focus will continue to be on patients with various neurological injuries or diseases,” he says.

Mohseni says one of the best current examples of cognitive enhancement is the work of Professor Ted Berger, of the University of Southern California, who has been working on a memory prosthesis to replace the damaged parts of the hippocampus in patients who have lost their memory due to, for example, Alzheimer’s disease.

“In this case, a computer is to be implanted in the brain that acts similaly to the biological hippocampus from an input and output perspective,” he says. “Berger has results from both rodents and non-human primate models, as well as preliminary results in several human subjects.”

Mohseni adds: “The [US government’s] Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) currently has a programme that aims to do cognitive enhancement in their soldiers – ie enhance learning of a wide range of cognitive skills, through various mechanisms of peripheral nerve stimulation that facilitate and encourage neural plasticity in the brain. This would be another example of cognitive enhancement in able-bodied subjects, but it is quite pie-in-the-sky, which is exactly how DARPA operates.”

Understanding the brain

Heading for cognitive enhancement? … US soldiers in Bagram, Afghanistan.
Heading for cognitive enhancement? … US soldiers in Bagram, Afghanistan. Photograph: Aaron Favila/AP

In the UK, research is ongoing. Davide Valeriani, senior research officer at University of Essex’s BCI-NE Lab, is using an electroencephalogram (EEG)-based BCI to tap into the unconscious minds of people as they make decisions.

BCIs could be a fundamental tool for going beyond human limits, hence improving everyone’s life

Davide Valeriani

“Everyone who makes decisions wears the EEG cap, which is part of a BCI, a tool to help measure EEG activity ... it measures electrical activity to gather patterns associated with confident or non-confident decisions,” says Valeriani. “We train the BCI – the computer basically – by asking people to make decisions without knowing the answer and then tell the machine, ‘Look, in this case we know the decision made by the user is correct, so associate those patterns to confident decisions’ – as we know that confidence is related to probability of being correct. So during training the machine knows which answers were correct and which one were not. The user doesn’t know all the time.”

Valeriani adds: “I hope more resources will be put into supporting this very promising area of research. BCIs are not only an invaluable tool for people with disabilities, but they could be a fundamental tool for going beyond human limits, hence improving everyone’s life.”

He notes, however, that one of the biggest challenges with this technology is that first we need to better understand how the human brain works before deciding where and how to apply BCI. “This is why many agencies have been investing in basic neuroscience research – for example, the Brain initiative in the US and the Human Brain Project in the EU.”

Whenever there is talk of enhancing humans, moral questions remain – particularly around where the human ends and the machine begins. “In my opinion, one way to overcome these ethical concerns is to let humans decide whether they want to use a BCI to augment their capabilities,” Valeriani says.

“Neuroethicists are working to give advice to policymakers about what should be regulated. I am quite confident that, in the future, we will be more open to the possibility of using BCIs if such systems provide a clear and tangible advantage to our lives.”

Facebook is building brain-computer interfaces

Facebook is improving the 360 video experience by predicting where you will look

[facebook url="" /]

The plan is to eventually build non-implanted devices that can ship at scale. And to tamp down on the inevitable fear this research will inspire, Facebook tells me “This isn’t about decoding random thoughts. This is about decoding the words you’ve already decided to share by sending them to the speech center of your brain.” Facebook likened it to how you take lots of photos but only share some of them. Even with its device, Facebook says you’ll be able to think freely but only turn some thoughts into text.


Meanwhile, Building 8 is working on a way for humans to hear through their skin. It’s been building prototypes of hardware and software that let your skin mimic the cochlea in your ear that translates sound into specific frequencies for your brain. This technology could let deaf people essentially “hear” by bypassing their ears.

A team of Facebook engineers was shown experimenting with hearing through skin using a system of actuators tuned to 16 frequency bands. A test subject was able to develop a vocabulary of nine words they could hear through their skin.

To underscore the gravity of Building 8s mind-reading technology, Dugan started her talk by saying she’s never seen something as powerful as the smartphone “that didn’t have unintended consequences.” She mentioned that we’d all be better off if we looked up from our phones every so often. But at the same time, she believes technology can foster empathy, education and global community.

Building 8’s Big Reveal

Facebook hired Dugan last year to lead its secretive new Building 8 research lab. She had previously run Google’s Advanced Technology And Products division, and was formerly a head of DARPA.

Facebook built a special Area 404 wing of its Menlo Park headquarters with tons of mechanical engineering equipment to help Dugan’s team quickly prototype new hardware. In December, it signed rapid collaboration deals with Stanford, Harvard, MIT and more to get academia’s assistance.

Yet until now, nobody really knew what Building 8 was…building. Business Insider had reported on Building 8’s job listings and that it might show off news at F8.

According to these job listings, Facebook is looking for a Brain-Computer Interface Engineer “who will be responsible for working on a 2-year B8 project focused on developing advanced BCI technologies.” Responsibilities include “Application of machine learning methods, including encoding and decoding models, to neuroimaging and electrophysiological data.” It’s also looking for a Neural Imaging Engineer who will be “focused on developing novel non-invasive neuroimaging technologies” who will “Design and evaluate novel neural imaging methods based on optical, RF, ultrasound, or other entirely non-invasive approaches.”

Elon Musk has been developing his own startup called Neuralink for creating brain interfaces.

Facebook Building 8 R&D division head Regina Dugan

Facebook has built hardware before to mixed success. It made an Android phone with HTC called the First to host its Facebook Home operating system. That flopped. Since then, Facebook proper has turned its attention away from consumer gadgetry and toward connectivity. It’s built the Terragraph Wi-Fi nodes, Project ARIES antenna, Aquila solar-powered drone and its own connectivity-beaming satellite from its internet access initiative — though that blew up on the launch pad when the SpaceX vehicle carrying it exploded.

Facebook has built and open sourced its Surround 360 camera. As for back-end infrastructure, it’s developed an open-rack network switch called Wedge, the Open Vault for storage, plus sensors for the Telecom Infra Project’s OpenCellular platform. And finally, through its acquisition of Oculus, Facebook has built wired and mobile virtual reality headsets.

Facebook’s Area 404 hardware lab contains tons of mechanical engineering and prototyping equipment

But as Facebook grows, it has the resources and talent to try new approaches in hardware. With over 1.8 billion users connected to just its main Facebook app, the company has a massive funnel of potential guinea pigs for its experiments.

Today’s announcements are naturally unsettling. Hearing about a tiny startup developing these advanced technologies might have conjured images of governments or coporate conglomerates one day reading our mind to detect thought crime, like in 1984. Facebook’s scale makes that future feel more plausible, no matter how much Zuckerberg and Dugan try to position the company as benevolent and compassionate. The more Facebook can do to institute safe-guards, independent monitoring, and transparency around how brain-interface technology is built and tested, the more receptive it might find the public.

A week ago Facebook was being criticized as nothing but a Snapchat copycat that had stopped innovating. Today’s demos seemed design to dismantle that argument and keep top engineering talent knocking on its door.

“Do you want to work for the company who pioneered putting augmented reality dog ears on teens, or the one that pioneered typing with telepathy?” You don’t have to say anything. For Facebook, thinking might be enough.


There is no established legal protection for the human subject when researchers use Brain Machine Interface (cybernetic technology) to reverse engineer the human brain.

The progressing neuroscience using brain-machine-interface will enable those in power to push the human mind wide open for inspection.

There is call for alarm. What kind of privacy safeguard is needed, computers can read your thoughts!

In recent decades areas of research involving nanotechnology, information technology, biotechnology and neuroscience have emerged, resulting in, products and services.

We are facing an era of synthetic telepathy, with brain-computer-interface and communication technology based on thoughts, not speech.

An appropriate albeit alarming question is: “Do you accept being enmeshed in a computer network and turned into a multimedia module”? authorities will be able to collect information directly from your brain, without your consent.

This kind of research in bioelectronics has been progressing for half a century.

Brain Machine Interface (Cybernetic technology) can be used to read our minds and to manipulate our sensory perception!

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Non-Consenting Remote Neural Monitoring.

A well known tutor at the University of Illinios has encouraged her students to commit what some would consider acts of extreme evil, namely to carry out neural engagement activities on non-consenting human subjects of remote neural monitoring.
These neural engagement activities sometimes enable partial brain mapping also known as mind mapping of said non-consenting human subject of remote neural monitoring. When the mind is partially mapped to a certain level they non-con...senting human subject of remote neural monitoring can then have all of their muscles moved against their wills. They can then be neuro enslaved on a part time basis for the rest of their lives. If they fail to carry out the wishes of the unknown neuro enslavers who verbally communicate with them via brain to brain interface and from an unknown location they will then be terminated.

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Socail Media is a big Joke

I discovered something when I went out jogging.

All the problems I have with my neighbours is because I don't want to greet them.

I don't want the neigbours to walk in and out my house. I talk to some of my neighbours.

I need things to stay this way.

People talk too much. I don't want people to know my business.

The Perps told them I don't like them that made it even worse.

So when  a certain neighbour started to make his dog bark all the gossip perps say about me, people ignored it. Because they don't like me any way.  Dogs and cars harras me.

Many people, victems of Gangstalking have made films on YouTube to prove they are being harass like me. This is not new.

It's not Voice to Skull. This is not suppose to be a Voice to Skull Site. Exterial noise is detectable.

Not everything is voice to Skull. We don't know everything the Gangstalkers do to TI's. If someone hates you they will do anything.

Gangstalking is not a nice game. You're the toy, you're it. Stop stop open your minds there are other people out there suffering in a different way. 

By the way CLS I read your website.

The Perps talk bad about Ti's They laugh at us on Social Media.

The Perp tries to talk in a sexy voice to seduce me. It's laughable. He is harassing my date now.

The Perps want to scare him off. The voice they use change. They try to fool me to do whatever they want.

The voices are strange, they are professional liers I've got to give them that. That's the only professional thing about them. The Perps put me on Social Media the recording is bad if I had to listen to that every day I would say, you suck! They give it to people to listen to all day long to slaunder me. All my alter thoughts are on it. He makes me sneeze in public to show his listeners it's me standing in the bus or at work it's her she wearing green or yellow it's her in your line in the shop.

The woman  in the supermarket showed me how much she hated me. She called all the names of the people I knew and saw on the television the day before. That's how I knew she was talking about me. I need Olivia's help she said (the cashier), Ali can you Help me she shouted, Jeroen I don't need your help anymore because Ali is helping me she shouted. Just a second I need cookies she told a customers and left her register to get them. The cashiers all had cookies on their register to hand out for free. She didn't had any so she dashed off to get some. It was all a big scene to show me she heard of me and she hated me. The perp told me that I wasn't aloud to buy cookies. She didn't give me any cookies. I didn't want cookies anyway. My private conversation is in that woman's home. Think people think. Such a nasty ugly woman. He wants the public to know that it's me talking "trash" about them. They use voice cloning.

I don't talk trash about people on Social Media. I don't have a talk show. All I do is talk about Gangstalking. We suffer because of these people, I vent.

The people get angry and want to take revenge on me. That's what I have to deal with people. That's what the public does to me. The Names hurt them. I don't know what the PERPS TELL THEM about the names. Crazy people on the street I am telling you.

They literay run out of their houses to hurt me. Cowardly people. Listening to bad recording and then wanting to hurt me. My word.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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When you use your digital computer in order to input your facebook enteries you are encouraging a large amount of predator type individuals to take your input information so that they might use the exact pattern of your input information in order to digitize your brain patterns. When they have successfully digitized your brain patterns they internalise their findings in their ...super computers where they combine that information with many and varied minor details about you in order to successfully build a map of your brain. When these evil individuals succeed in their quest to even partially build a map of your brain they can then control every muscle and organ in your body regardless of who you are. Many individuals were aware that this was happening to them over many years and they successfully committed suicide while they could because they were unaware of the simple answer to their plight which is to omit digital media screens from their lives.
For further information please see many US patent numbers by Hendricus G Loos which can verify this capability.

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Article and video clip about mouse and monkey brain cells injected with luminous molecules which shine through their skin, so scientists can study them easily in experiments. For example they put the mouse in a different place, and can see the effect on memory neurons in its brain, from outside it.

I am against animal experiments. This is horrible.

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How to make a Parabolic Mirror

What to when your're heavily attacked.

Protect yourself against  electricmagnetic waves.

A Parabolic (or parabolic or Paraboloidal) reflector surface used to collect or project engergy such  as light, sound, or radio waves. It's shape is a part of a circuar parabola, that is , the surface gnaeratedbya parabola revolving around it's axis.Paraboic reflectors are used to collect energy from a distant source (for example soundwaves or incoming star light). A scientist told me that is possible to block electricmagtic waves with Parabolic mirrors.

You also can use Metal stainless steal to make it better. I would put the metal between the space blanket and the wood. I am sharing what I have discovered. Help is all we need.

They torture me on my vegina so I wet my pants.

All because I write to you all on Peacepink about Parabolic Mirrors.

I can tell the're very weak.

The male Perp thinks I want him. SMELLY RAT!!

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Targeted Individuals that carry weapons

The one thing that I strongly suspect is that Targeted Individuals that carry weapons for their own protection maybe preferred by the peeps because they can create a cardiac arrest and document that their evil technology is useful in an assailant/victim assault.The other speculation is that the intelligence agencies will give the contractors more money.The third speculation is that the perp/murderers with a sociopathic psychological profile would think that it is sexy to commit such a murder and would love to brag about the murder to other lowlifes in that business. If they were to be killed in self defense the radio frequency that activates a cardio implant would have to be jammed if a targeted individual did battle or an unknown would have to target them with a sniper rifle or explosive for informational purposes only.
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Possible Solution to Neural Curtailment.

Neuro-criminals who use wireless or wifi technology to listen-in to your internal private thoughts can use your thought processes to brain-map you. If they succeed in partially brain-mapping you they can then control your body movement. This then leads to neural enslavement, where the use of your own body can be curtailled if you refuse to obey criminal scientists who are currently operating this enslavement technology all over the world.
The most important method of protection from this human enslavement protocol is by asking your government to dismantle any illegal long-range wifi installations from telephone poles ajacent to your home.

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Being Severely Abused

I am having someone that is severely abusing me really bad right now by repeatedly breaking my internet connection when I am trying to do my job.

They are able to do this because they are hacked into my computer and these people are for sure hacking into everyones computer here because that is how it all starts out, they are all hacking into our computer through the internet.

That is not the only thing that this person has been doing, they are attacking me and harassing me with some kind of an electronic weapon and they are also repeatedly sexually harassing me with the electronic weapon.

They are using a Spy Satellite to do this with so they are able to attack me and harass me through the walls of my house.

I completely realize how crazy that sounds but that is exactly what they are doing.

It is a Conspiracy of Organized crime that is going on.

This person has been giving me this problem like this for over 15 years now.

They are really abusing me very bad right now as I am typing this message by repeatedly breaking my internet connection and I cant even describe how frustrating it is because I cant even go to my local police dept because I hate my local police dept for good after they forced me to admit myself into a Psychiatric hospital for 72 hours the last time that I tried to get an investigation started.

I would appreciate any help that I can get with getting this person charged with an abuse charge and also the organization that has been supporting this person while they have been giving me this problem for over 15 years now.

If there are any civil lawyers here who could help me out and start investigating this I would appreciate it.

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CCTV cameras in the UK will be equipped with AnyVision face recognition and tracking tech, with an algorithm which analyses the live feed monitoring people in crowds. It will also connect individuals` faces with those of people they know. End of privacy for everyone. This will go worldwide I suppose.

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I have been a subject of remote neural monitoring for nearly fifteen years.  During all of that time I have been an unwilling subject of technologically induced inner intelligent  human voices.  These technologically induced voices which I hear coming from inside my head are being generated by both the intelligence service and private security agencies which currently operate throughout most of the world completely above all laws. 

If you should become a subject of remote neural monitoring you will never again have any mental privacy whatsoever.  When the intelligence service staff and others speak to me directly inside my head they attempt to micro manage my life.  They have informed me that they plan to limit my food budget, my internet usage, my electricity usage among others.  They would in future be able to  tell how much of all of these I am using based on meter reading which would be enabled by wireless means.  This is known as "the internet of things".  Combined with no mental privacy whatsoever this effectively means that I feel like I am a neuro slave.  In fact the life of a neuro slave is currently being planned for all future generations. 

The profound key to  stopping this encroaching worldwide enslavement in its tracks is by dismantling all telephone towers and related paraphernalia urgently.  Telephone towers are being currently used to heavily mind control the whole population to believe  any and all messages that come from a central location in Western Europe currently known to many as central command.   The whole population are also heavily mind controlled to disbelieve and resist any and all warnings that are coming from all other sources.  If we dismantle said telephone towers we will no longer be subject to remote neural monitoring, mind control, the internet of things or whole body neural enslavement which is now being carried out on a selection of human beings throughout almost every country throughout the world.  Satellites are a well known hoax among thousands of other hoaxes that have been perpetrated on humanity over the past hundreds of years by our would-be enslavers the dark occultists and their agents. 


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Washington DC, The London Financial District, and the Vatican City are all states within states who work as one unit from behind the scenes. They are bound by no known laws and they own and control all of the legal power on earth.

The are now attempting to own and control all of the corporal power on earth. There are currently two types of corporal power on this earth, one types of corporal power which they already have control over is control over business corporations and... the second type of corporal power which they are now attempting to have total control over is total and absolute control over the human physical body. To that end they have sprayed us with chemtrails from our skies, which contain nano-bots. We then inhale and ingest those nano-bots and the nano-bots then can penetrate the blood brain barrier. Some individuals are then being selected to be totally and absolutely controlled by means of sending and receiving wireless signals to and from the nano-bots inside their brains and bodies. Nano technology may also be gaining entry to our bodies and brains via vaccinations and other surreptitious means. These selected individuals more commonly known as targeted individuals can be totally bio-robotized in the sense that they can be forced to speak and act totally against the wills and moral judgement. This can all be achieved wirelessly by unknown bio-robotizing operatives working from an unknown location. I myself am a targeted individual of non-consensual remote neural monitoring and I have been so for nearly fifteen years.

The powers behind the above three states within states can only ultimately control our bodies and brains while telephone towers remain standing. Without telephone towers these interlopers have virtually no power over us. We aught to dismantle all telephoen towers and related paraphrenalia as well as dismantling the super-structure of the three states within states acting as one unit which are Vatican City, Washington DC, and the London Financial District.

These three usurping powers working from behind the scenes as one unit have created many hoaxes over hundreds of years including the existence of space based weapons and satellites, demonic possession, the existence of extra-terresterials and many others too numerous to mention.
The bloodline families of these interlopers have planned to enslave the human race over many centuries. These bloodline families have produced most of the popes, most of the United States Presidents and all of the European Royal families over the past many hundred of years. They manipulate us from behind the scenes via duplicity, wars and trojan horse technology.

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My experiance

Copying all my discussion all this is the truth eyes don't lie:You know when I got sectioned for this a black tinted posh minibus with seats and a table inside and 2 black guys in suits sat in front of me in the vehicle. One police officer (I think wearing an yellow police coat) and another in a suit sat next to her. Took me to the hospital. Later I asked who dropped me in.. there was no signature left on the documentation and they didn't know... about 15 people stormed my mum's house that day (how many people to they need!) And I over hear them whilst having a smoke in what to do with me as I was too close to the truth then.. what I did notice was a black leather document holder (like a one you would get for your car to hold CD but this one was for A4) with a bird embroded on the front.. I keep trying to remember what the bird looked like but can't... hung was an eagle or something was definitely a badge of some kind.. anyway that's what I witnessed as the truth.. I witnessed more when I was in there one time. One day officials came in.. One lady wearing a cloak type thing which you would expect to see an usher or what ever you call them at court. She had an iPad in her hands and she was just standing there looking at it in the comment room.. I was curious and presented to walk out but pleased over her shoulder to see what she was looking at.. I saw a screen split vertically in one side there were words popping up in coulored blocks (all the same colour) and she would drag one to the left now and then... but those words were popping up in a sentence like she was reading message... fucking weird man..I never have or suffered get on visual hallucination so know what I saw was fact...My mum could back me as I make her get In the van with me or of fear of disappearing. Every other patient I was that was admitted was either brought be ambulance or a police car.. I never saw that van again...All I can tell you is what I saw visually because if we went on the talk about hearing you probably wouldn't believe me.. even know I knew the difference between the voices and reality as I reality had bass. I heard in the other room on day someone switch music on and that was cool but later on he turned into something different.. it was basially like a police radio where they were discussing an operation ad what to do next etc.. this shit I don't disclose normally as got no proof and the reason I was in there was for "audio hallionaions" but there was no bass or clarity in those.. basically I could tell the difference.. something fucked up happened to me and I hope the truth finally comes out!Oh and I saw the badge again when some guy came in and went straight to the managers room. It was a blue bones jacket type thing with the badge with the eagle and some fourgn language written at the bottom (probably latan) slashed right across the back of his jacket.. the dude was full black and didn't hear speak! I over heard on in the van mutter "what are we doing with him" and that's it.... I even pretended to run away when getting admitted at the door the black dude didn't give 2 fucks.. ah well that's my story there is more but think you had enough lolYou will see in a few years to come.. something fucked up is going on... I think the tramwell unit in Gatehead is a test centre also.. but that isn't fact that's my opinion of those who I saw enter plus lots of other thing which I witnessed but have no proof...Some people that were there were really sick.. but something dodgy is going on...It's when I saw her iPad and heard the radio coms which are the big highlighter as well as the black guy in the blue bomber with the badge on his back...15 ppl just for me? Is that normal? Black van, bird logo and suits.. the list goes on....Not to mention when I tried validating their IDs only half of them had it.. so I picked one which I had my doubts on the nhs image was pixulated so decided to verify it.. she said the ring the number on the card but because I didn't trust here I got the yellow pages and rang where she said she was from they didn't know anyone by that name.. then told me to hold... heard clicks and next minute I'm put forward to am answer machine... it's all fucked up! Never told anyone this full story before... got no reason to lie though and can proove the van the suits the amount of people.. the I'd.. via my mam but she isn't all that clever and wouldn't know what was going on if it slapped her in the face.. ah well never mind.. now you know my story! Glad I got it out!Oh and I overlooked a text from the so called nhs when they stomed he sent "he knows"But to be fair that could of meant anything..Thanks for reading this is the truth and I never once had visual hallucination and could differ audio from reality due to a dance of clarity in reality but most importantly bass. Anyone had any similar experiences? It will come out..Once they have you in the "zone" they tend to turn you against yourself by some means.. I do have scientific research which I shared couple years back but now there is no point as time will tell! Already can type stuff on a screen with just thought that is public! Anyway wants with my real life story and the men in suits etc.. and 15ppl for a small house for 1 guy!? Really? Others come in ambulances and police cars... oh and even the staff had no record of who admitted me.. they didn't sign or anything! So much I witnessed in there but it less viable evidence then the info I just told! Anyone seen that eagle/bird badge before? Fome Newcastle upon Tyne, England
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Mind control is now so strong that it can sometimes override our own attitudes.

The technology induced voices which I hear coming from inside my head have just informed me that whenever I am about to send out a letter to my local County Councillor the directed energy weapons operatives who generate my internal voices make it their business to discover who exactly I am sending the letter to. These unknown directed energy weapons operatives claim to know the unique energy s...ignatures of all of the County Councillors throughout the whole island of Ireland. The directed energy weapons operatives would then contact the unique energy signature of the recipient of the letter wirelessly by use of their advanced technology.
They claim that they can read the thoughts of the letter recipient in real time and they deliver the following message to said letter recipient before my letter arrives on their desk. "In the interest of peace and security please do not entertain any letter from this individual."

The unknown directed energy weapons operatives who are responsible for generating my inner voices have informed me that they now know all of the unique energy signatures of the British Senior League. Therefore they now can control their attitudes at will. This would not be as relevant as it is if we were to dismantle all telephone masts immediately.

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Whenever somebody commits suicide their friends invariably ask why the suicide victim did not let them know that he or she was undergoing trauma and stress in their life so that those friends could have then helped them in some way. I believe I have a possible answer as to why this situation is occurring. Targeted individuals are attempting to inform the world about their targeting but they are being subtly shouted down by good will and caring friends who appear to be strongly mind controlled to resist any messages which are not coming from central control and command. I give several examples of this resistence to our messages herebelow:-


When a targeted individual attempts to speak to a friend about their targeting the friend appears to have been programmed to shout them down before they are finished speaking. The shouting down is done under the sincere attempt at being sympathetic but nevertheless it drowns out the message. For example the targeted individual may say " Somebody is attacking me with directed energy weapons and they are attempting to bio-robotize me". Before the targeted individual is finished speaking the friend may repeatedly say in a loud voice "This is not happening". They repeat it over and over again so that the targeted individual can not continue speaking about their problem. The friend means well but they appear to be programmed to deliberately drown out the profound message of the targeted individual.

When a targeted individual attempts to show their friend a youtube video of a respected health professional who is informing the general public of the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons, the friend will then repeatedly say in a loud voice "Send me the link and I will watch it later". Therefore the topic of conversation is closed at that time.


When a targeted individual goes to the police to inform them that they ares being targeted with directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology , the police officer will speak over them before they are even half finished informing the police about their traumatic experiences and the police officer directs them instead to a psychiatrist. Therefore the targeting then goes unreported.


If we ever attempt to tell the world of our voice hearing experiences, we are immediately transported to a mental hospital, where no one can access us, and we are given large doses of dumbing-down, anti-psychotic concoctions posing as medication, which serve to render us unable to ellucidate our experiences from that time on.


Why are voice hearers discouraged from ever discussing the content of their conversations?.


"Traditional practice in behavioural psychology concentrated on either distracting the patient or ignoring references by the patient to the voice hearing experience, with the hope that the patient would concentrate on ‘real’ experiences, which would then be positively reinforced (the assumption being that the voice hearing was a delusional belief). The effect of this approach is to discourage the discussion about the voice hearing experience but without eradicating it (P.D.J. Chadwick, Birchwood, & Trower, 1996). "


Because of this policy of censuring all public discussion of what voice hearers actually hear, the fact that all of the voices are being transmitted by the use of directed energy weapons, using advanced psychological torture methods, goes unreported. Who gains from this criminal policy of suppression of information?

Article 19 of the UN Human Rights Charter explicitly states:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."


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I am currently being subjected to remote neural monitoring. I legally own the intellectual property rights to my own thoughts and to the content of my memory bank and to all of the information currently coming from my brain and spinal cord. Likewise I own and control all of the intellectual property rights to all of the information currently being generated by my own body and to all of the information which was generated by my own body in the past. Anybody who deals in both the purchase and sale of the content of my intellectual property rights is a thief and will be dealt with by the law as a thief.

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