cards (3)

I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to a super computer system where I am sent voice commands and many other interferences to my brain and body via digital signals. The individuals who send me the voice commands sometimes send me valuable information which they encode inside meaningless sentences. Here are some of the information codes which they sent me over the past few days as follows:-
“I used wireless remote means to switch her water distiller on and off while it was empty to the extent that it could have caused a house fire and now she gets her drinking water from another source which is outside our control”. “You should have left it alone. I am no longer getting the necessary procurements that come in tap water. Owing to the distillation process I was still getting a fair amount of the procurements necessary to carry out my work in bio-robotizing a human being. Now, however, it is not as easy to have this process carried out. The patterns are osculating without the necessary procurements.”
“There is a vast quantity of light coming in through the eyelids, distorting the images I am trying to sustain inside the brain of Gretta Fahey who is the occupant of the human body I am attempting to contain inside a fusion of energy.”
“There is nothing here that would allow me to claim dominance over this woman.”
“This information guidance system has not been allowed to prosper in Ireland. Why is this?”
“A housing licence is a licence which allows you to live where you are living. A housing licence is something which is due to be brought in over the next few years. If you are not granted a housing licence you will be asked to vacate whatever property you live in regardless of whether you own and control it or not.”
“She has been monitored inside her own home for many years. They get paid not in cash but in higher end merchandise.” (I then heard the following response from another neuro operative as follows) “The merchandise I get is not higher end. I collect it in Athlone in my own time after receiving the necessary paperwork which is sent to my home by currier.”

My name is Gretta Fahey.  My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.  My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website is called ; I do not and I never have and I never would accept payment from the work I do in raising awareness of wireless crime using neuro science and technology.   I am simply attempting to help expose and stop this covert form of slow and incremental technological enslavement of human beings.

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A system of control is being set up throughout the whole world behind the scenes of our lives, which has been engineered by dark occultists to be a severe and unrelenting control system. I am under direct contact with this cruel control system because I was selected by individuals who work within the control system to be placed on continual monitoring and manipulation via a two way wireless link from my brain and body to one of their computer networks. Because they employ directed energy weapons and some other energy systems to monitor and manipulate me this dark occultist owned and managed control system leaves very little trace of evidence of its existence or of its power.
I have been informed that there is a policy of demeaning the staff who work within the control system if they show signs of disobedience to the code of behaviour created by the dark occultists for their staff. The male staff are forced to remove their lower clothing and display their posterior to their employers as an act of unquestioning and submissive obedience to the code. The female staff and indeed all women throughout the world will no longer be allowed to work outside the home at all if the dark occultists ever succeed in taking over control of the whole world. They plan to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command where dark occultists would own and run the whole world by wireless means. We would not even be allowed to know who they are because we would all be connected by two way wireless means to the computerized control system where our daily lives would be micro-managed possibly by computer generated voice commands via a voice induction process which is commonly known as voice to skull. These voices would give us orders throughout each moment of each day and if we failed to obey said orders we would possibly receive a pain signal or be paralysed for a few hours or even a few days at a time. I know this situation is on the agenda for everybody because I and many others throughout my country, the Republic of Ireland and indeed most other countries have been subjected to parts of this system for many years. We are all continually warning the world of our plight in the hope that they can over ride the electronic mind control they are under long enough to believe us. There are easy ways to circumvent this system if we all act urgently to tear down all microwave transmitters, millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia now.
Inculcation methods as well as electronic mind control is in widespread use against politicians, senior civil servants, university staff, the police, the military, psychiatry and students and many other individuals throughout the world. Many of us are aware that there are many ways to circumvent this control and eventual enslavement system which is currently moving towards you and your family. I offer a few suggestions here below.
Supply the lower level police forces with technology which can easily detect anomalies in the human energy field of all individuals who come to the attention of the police. You can no longer trust some members of the higher level police because I believe that all police forces throughout the world have been infiltrated and manipulated by the afore-mentioned dark occultist would-be controllers and enslavers. I firmly believe that the United States patent office is currently under the control of the afore-mentioned dark occultists and I believe that they have been stealing patents for many decades because a differential in knowledge eventually leads to a differential in power. We must take back control of and make public all available patents. We must stop registering babies at birth because by doing so you are legally handing over your baby to enslavement by the state. We must refuse to recognise and legitimise psychiatry because it is a pseudo science which is backed by the violence of the state and it has provided false cover for criminals who are targeting individuals with directed energy weapons for many decades. Please spread this warning to others to let them know that they will be enslaved if they do not act urgently. My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividuals

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My brain and body have been directly connected to a computer network by wireless means without my permission.    I have been implanted with either one or more RFID chips.  The unknown criminal operatives who control the network of computers which I have become wirelessly linked to could end up controlling me.  The technology which is being used to wirelessly and non-consensually link me to said computer network is classified and the neuro operatives who monitor me take readings of all of my bodily functions on a continual basis.  Because they have the ability to monitor my inner dialogue and assess my memories they now know everything about me.   I am not allowed to have any mental or physical privacy at all.  These neuro operatives speak to me via a two way link on an almost constant basis.  I keep a daily blog on several social media sites about some of what they say to me throughout each day.    They oppress me to an extreme degree by what they say to me.   Here is some of what they said to me in the past twenty four hours.

"I am on board with this system.  If this woman Gretta Fahey needs a problem solved we will solve it for her.  Nobody else will solve her problems for her from now on."

"Is Gretta Fahey wearing clothes?"   The response was "Yes".   This was further  followed on by the following enquiry  "How come I can not see her wearing any clothes?"    This was further followed on by the following reply  "Because we have built up a picture of her based on her internal structure and not her clothes you can not see her wearing clothes.  We see all targeted individuals who we have built up an internal picture of as naked.  It can't be helped."

"What stage are we at with Fahey?"    "We could now give her enough pain to force her to commit suicide any time we wish.  However, we wont do that right now.  She is harmless enough."

"Will the bodies of the people who have been targeted in Ireland be examined by the state after they die."   "Yes".      "They will find evidence like no other evidence they ever found before to prove these people have been targeted with energy weapons."

"This woman was woken up in the middle of the night when she was sleeping by the neuro staff on several occasions during the night."   The response that came through was as follows   "Nobody here cares."

"I got a suicide ideation out of that woman, Fahey."   "You seem glad that you got a suicide ideation out of a woman by the comment you made to her."

"Make a cannibal out of Gretta Fahey.   Put human meat in her food."   This was followed on by the following response.  "I wont because she is a vegetarian."

The neuro operatives read my inner dialogue on a constant basis and I sometimes think aloud because the neuro operatives have manipulated my brain to speak my thoughts aloud.   I said the following "The people in my village don't get up early on a Sunday morning because they go out on a Saturday night. "   The response I received from the neuro operatives was as follows  "What the people of your village do of a Saturday night is of no interest to me but if they stay in bed of a Sunday morning they will be penalised."

"She keeps inside her budget.  She purchased two food choppers and a radio."  This was followed on by another voice which was heard by me to say the following  "Don't tell me what she is entitled to purchase.  I decide that."


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