Last night was horrible like many others they have the nerve to narrate there induced dreams, I'm sleepless I need to find out my rights as far as confronting these chicken sh*ts, politely and tactfully of course, to see if I can maybe get them to wake up! not that I think it will do much but thinking lately, it might make me feel better. Everywhere I go they are there everything I do, I have to get rid of them *sniffle* I don't ever get a break....I have social pressures this week along with a job I work for a trade skill (I've been off for the summer but dealt with it before that I'm just weakening)....what the heck does one do when they get in a room with an older person who may not be open about there v2k experience with all this? I'm afraid of someone getting sick on me because of it.Outside that I need a hotline to call when I'm this stressed but I'm afraid! Peace Pink needs a phone hotline.....
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Hi there, I’ve decided to keep a diary and tell a story of how i started hearing voices and suffering apparently from Schizophrenia. though i feel it could be something else…. i.e ELF or project blue beam or some type of electronic harassment or just spiritual or am i just plain mad???
Its now the year 2014 and i have had it for 5 years so far. I personally feel sometimthing but more sinister than a mental illness is happening to me because at first it scared me. It started back in 2009 around feburury when it seem some type of outside force was trying to communicate with me - at first i took this to maybe god, a ghost, my spirit, or a spiritual awakening of some sort even the devil or something bad- whatever it is there interested in me. I had many strange things happen to me such as tactile sensations as they are called by doctors which communicate in a morse type of code - basically i realised something was communicating with me that felt like not just my own thoughts - so i came up with a morse code communication like for ghosts - as at the time i thought this would be the easiest way to ‘chat’ (this was before the voices started. The ‘force or presence then started using this - I’ll give you an example i would think in my head a question and the ‘presence’ or force would respond by tapping parts of my body the number of times related to the the morse code word. i.e 1 knock/tap means ok 2 means no 3 means yes etc - but not just that but areas i was around would make a knocking sound - three taps for yes etc not as much as tapping my body - the sensation feels cold and not concisely done by myself. So this confirmed by believe it was an outside force and not my own doing. I also started writing numbers down and certain symbols (star of david with 333 around it) - some of at the time i didn’t know what they meant and had to research it. It felt like the information was being downloaded into my head. I was also looking up a lot of information about occultism, the bible and other new age sites. From Feburyry 2009 to June i was still living in London, I started to get very paranoid and felt people could hear my thoughts (so called thought broadcasting) I could not take it anymore so i moved from london to dorset to near my family. Thats when i had a very unusual experience one night (june 25th 2009) i was looking out my window when i started to feel my heart beat slow down and then stop. It stopped for quite a while 3-5 mins yet i was still alive and couldn’t figure out how. Then there was a bright white with a hint of blue light that seemed to come from everywhere and my body jolted and it felt as if something inside me had come out. I then remember going and siting on my bed and switching the light on, suddenly it made a tapping noise and then i heard a voice say “I am the light” this as far as i can remember was the first time i heard a voice which didn’t sound like me (at the time i thought it was jesus/god). Since then i have heard multiple voices female and male/ deceased friends and relatives and even my own voice (seeming/ sounding younger than i am now) which seems outside me or at least feels like its not my thoughts (inner voice) and very out of control emotionally and with what it says at times. Of course Doctors dismiss anything paranormal or supernatural and say it is a chemical imbalance in my brain. I am on medication for psychosis but it has never stopped completely but does quieten the voices but not the tapping/morse code.
More about the voices. (at the time of writing this) One i feel is satan trying to deceive me and others by using me as a tool. The other seems to be jesus/anti christ and the other myself which lately seems to be the most talkative - telling me I’m a saint from 6th century returned, I have over the years given it many names, higher self, my spirit, super conciouness, super ego etc etc. maybe its all those things but it is very very annoying to say the least it feels like and sounds like a younger version of myself, which can be ok some times if you want to revert to a child like state but personally id like to live a private life as an adult. The sad thing is there always there and respond to everything thought i have. They also embrass me insult me and say very evil things, crazy etc . Lately they keep threaten to kill me and personally i wish they would but so far its any empty threat.
I am starting to think this is a form of mind control and that it maybe undetectable to some but not others thats why some seem aware and others not. Of course this sounds like a conspiracy but who’s to say some of those are not true. Couldd the government / illumanti have such power to read a persons thoughts/ create different personality alters etc or communicate with ELF waves or synthetic telepathy. They do say the govement etc is 30-40 yrs technology ahead of what is out there.
More about the numbers.
Of course my logical mind reasons that numbers are just numbers and writing them down doesn’t cause some type of effect on others. The numbers I wrote were 333, 666, 999 and for a long time and I’m still not sure what they mean. Of course the number 666 worries me as its in the bible. By what I’ve research on the internet there are all types of meanings. The meanings i found where 333 in occultism and new age is connected to so called ‘christ conciouness’ or higher levels of reality or life death and resurrection. 666 well everyone knows from the bible what that means - 6 being the number of man and is not good. 999 i am not sure but looking into it maybe opposite to 666 or means something else i’ll update this diary soon when i feel i have more information.
september 2014:
Since my last entry i have been hearing less voices. but still ‘aware’ of some presence weather this be electronic or technology based or truly spiritual. All i know is something is aware of my thoughts. Going though ‘this’ whatever it is, has made me think on many levels about religion, the human mind and cause and effect and many other things philosophical matters. Since the voices have calmed down i can think clearer without interruption.
any ideas???
This is a text-message I sent a friend not long ago. I thought it could be a valuable thing to post.
I was basically asked, "What kind of tactile hallucinations do you experience constantly? How do you feel about them?"
The hallucinated drooling... That started after I drooled in sunnybrook hospital. I associated my saliva with poison. But the drooling doesn't happen spontaneously, it happens when I have creative or imaginative thoughts, or when I try to think of evidence that sunnybrook harmed me, or evidence that something is still harassing me. It slows my thoughts right down, often to the point that I can't think and forget what I was thinking about.
I am under the impression this is a mind-hacking/controlling tactic used by a secret authority to disable creative thinking. It also symbolizes my being mentally slow, something I think they might be using to reduce my self-esteem (they do this a lot), etc. I get hallucinated tears below my eyes. This also reduces my thinking, but reminds me of helplessness and sometimes trauma, as in "we removed your ability to cry, but here's a tear whether you like it or not, just to remind you of what we did to you."
Both of these hallucinations can also be upward (i.e. drooling toward the mouth, crying toward the eye), where they will give me a feeling similar to adrenaline or fear (instead of blankness/sedation), and is occasionally used by the authority as an attempt to backtrack by one programming step (reversed movement in a hallucination can symbolize going backward, and in sunnybrook I tried to rethink the last thought to allow them to program my brain more effectively when I thought submitting to them would reduce the torture. They just turned that backtracking into an automatic reaction, triggered on command, using fear/trauma-based programming that ingrained the reaction in a part of my subconscious mind. I think).
There are also itches they produce all over my body, which happened every night since about age 10, but I didn't know what it was. Now, when I ask them to stop, they specifically increase the frequency/severity. This can prevent me from sleeping and wake me out of a dream unless I'm fully immersed in it. Sometimes, they will try to make me scratch myself, then punish me by adding itches at the exact time I decide to scratch. The itchiness can really distract me and increase my irritability. In the past, it's been a bit of a trigger for drug use, too.
I also experience gentle prick-like hallucinations on my fingers, which I feel are like commands/communication from the authority. Example: prick on the index finger symbolizes waving of that finger, as in "no, don't do that" or on my thumb it symbolizes thumbs up, as in approval or encouragement. On my middle finger it's like using the middle finger, which symbolizes humorous, rude discouragement, a sarcastic remark like "that's a ridiculous idea."
And so on.
There are muscle spasms, strange interpretations related to other hallucinations, twitches, and visual impressions I get, also with their own special meaning, but those aren't really tactile hallucinations.
Oh, and how I feel about them... I hate them. They constantly suppress my mind, are used to program me thought by thought and action by action, change my decisions based on whether or not I'll be harassed with the hallucinations if I make one choice over the other, etc. They are mild hell. They weaken my ability to have hopeful and beautiful thoughts that make me resistant to them and their programming.
Sometimes I experience mild "artificially induced" pain in parts of my body but this doesn't bother me very much.
The End. :)
Love, Daniel
Niente armi a laser, per ora: i raggi di luce sarebbero invisibili e costruire una pistola in stile Star Wars richiederebbe un generatore di energia davvero impensabile. Tuttavia, la tecnologia non ci delude mai, e ci consegna pronte all’uso alcune armi fantascientifiche che già, ad oggi, sono perfettamente disponibili. SILENZIO! - C’è la pistola silenziatrice, per far tacere chi sta parlando davanti a noi. Come fa: c’è una cassa amplificata collegata ad un microfono direzionale. Se si preme il grilletto il microfono registra tutto ciò che il bersaglio sta dicendo e la cassa lo ritrasmette con qualche secondo di ritardo, inducendo il cosiddetto Delayed Auditory Feedback; ovvero il fenomeno per cui una persona riascolta quel che ha appena detto – e per chi non è abituato, questo causa uno stress mentale che induce il silenzio immediato e il vuoto mentale. Si pensi se venisse usato contro gli oppositori politici o contro i manifestanti: sarebbe un’arma potentissima. EFFETTI COLLATERALI - Passiamo al raggio che fa vomitare. Si tratta di un’arma a raggio LED, una sorta di grossa torcia, che emette impulsi rapidissimi di luce colorata per indurre “mal di testa, malori” e nei soggetti più sensibili, anche il vomito.Si tratta di un progetto del governo americano, ma ci sono anche gli appassionati che sono stati in grado di produrne una versione portatile da 250 euro che, in effetti, causerebbe “Nausea, malori, mal di testa, cecità momentanea, male agli occhi o vomito”. IN YOUR HEAD - Il governo russo ha creato – lo ha confermato Vladimir Putin – un’arma in grado di esercitare controllo mentale, nel senso che emette radiazioni elettromagnetiche che colpiscono il cervello andando ad indurre un comportamento nel bersaglio. I dettagli sono segretissimi ma “precedenti studi dimostrano che radiazioni del genere possono “impiantare pensieri e suggestioni nella mente del bersaglio”. Insomma, è un’arma in grado di farci diventare tutti zombie. DRITTI ALLA META - Poi c’è il proiettile intelligente. “Ha delle piccole pinne sulla coda come una freccia che lo guidano dritto verso il bersaglio. Fino a che si illumina il bersaglio con un laser, il sensore sulla punta del proiettile seguirà il laser, anche nel mezzo di venti forti o anche a lunga distanza”. Non saranno le spade laser, ma bastano e avanzano. ARMI PSICOTRONICHE USATE CONTRO LE FOLLE DI MANIFESTANTI
compiled by Dee Finney
Robert C. Gunn, PhD, Arbor, Michigan, is a an NSA clinical psychologist involved in the human and Constitutional rights violations of Mind Control. He has committed unthinkable atrocities, worldwide
Gunn is involved in covert psychological warfare against innocent Americans and other global citizens. He is among the developers of Psychotronic attacks, which is a highly advanced, surreal form of mind control that is intended to induce suicide among its thousands of targets.
The mind control technology is known as Remote Neural Monitoring.
The technology employs Satellite-delivered (ELF) Extra Low Frequencies to communicate voice-to-skull transmissions. This produces schizophrenic symptoms.
ELF radio signals are used to communicate with Naval Submarines deep below the oceans' surfaces. These frequencies can pinpoint a target anywhere on Earth and can penetrate water, rock, concrete and other dense matter.
Consider this, the brain is composed of neurons (wires) and is powered by low electrical currents. Much like insects communicate with non-contact antenna, humans can communicate with radio transceivers.
Just like each of us has a unique genetic code (DNA) each of has our own distinct radio frequencies. Find the frequencies and a terror technician can communicate directly to the brain.
Gunn is part of the development team that created a protocol of torturing victims. For decades, Gunn worked as a clinical psychologist at the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Hospital. There, Gunn deprogrammed World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War prisoners of war.
Gunn learned the secrets of mind control torture techniques by deprogramming these POWs. Then, in the 1980's, Gunn was recruited to work on the Strategic Defense Initiative, commonly known as the Star Wars program.
He had already been involved in land-based mind control experiments involving mobile microwave triangulation transmissions.
Gunn and a staff of technicians would isolate a victim and beam radio signals into the victim's home.
Now, unbelievably, these attacks are delivered via satellite.
In addition to mind control torture, Gunn and others developed a methodology to produce remote-delivered body shocks to the groin and elsewhere.
The third component of this torture involves holographic projections and audible acoustic projections.
Finally, the fourth component of this electronic harassment involves "gang stalking." This involves actual incidents of community operatives stalking and spying on neighbors.
Sometimes, the gang stalkers are paid operatives that are equipped with electronic eavesdropping devices, infrared detectors, ex-ray viewers and directed energy weapons that fire-off high-energy microwave pulses.
Gunn is involved with a covert unit of the National Security Agency. The unit operates like Nazi Gestapo agents without regard for human or constitutional rights.
The first reports of these attacks surfaced throughout Michigan and Canadian border communities.
Michigan is the only state in the nation to enact legislation outlawing this type of electronic harassment, which lends credibility to the fact that these covert operatives exist.
Amway is notorious for gang stalking people who seek to escape the Pyramid Scheme subculture.
The targets of these attacks are often estranged domestic partners, Jews, Blacks, women, disabled people, whistleblowers, people seeking criminal and civil justice and local “degenerates” who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Gunn and his wife Leah, the Co-Chair of the Washtenaw County Commission, are involved in local homeless shelter projects. Gunn has conducted psychological interviews of numerous homeless people and then used the information in his subject experiments.
Robert Gunn is an undetected human rights violator.
"Google" the following combined terms, "Remote Neural Monitoring + NSA + Law Suit." Also research Gang Stalking, MKUltra, Mind Control. <rte_text> |
Remote Neural Monitoring Remote Neural Monitoring is a form of functional neuroimaging, claimed[1] to have been developed by the National Security Agency(NSA), that is capable of extracting EEG data from the human brain at a distance with no contacts or electrodes required. It is further claimed that the NSA has the capablility to decode this data to extract subvocalizations, visual and auditory data. In effect it allows access to a person's thoughts[2] without their knowledge or permission. It has been alleged that various organizations have been using Remote Neural Monitoring on US and other citizens for surveillance and harassment purposes.[3]. Functional neuroimaging is the use of neuroimaging technology to measure an aspect of brain function, often with a view to understanding the relationship between activity in certain brain areas and specific mental functions. ... “NSA†redirects here. ... EEG can mean: Electroencephalography - the method and science of recording and interpreting traces of brain electrical activity as recorded from the skull surface or the device used to record such traces Emperor Entertainment Group - A Hong Kong entertainment company. ... The human brain In animals, the brain (enkephale) (Greek for in the skull), is the control center of the central nervous system, responsible for behavior. ... |
On July 4, 1976, the Soviet Union began generating powerful electromagnetic transmissions, that were dubbed "The Russian Woodpecker" by western ham radio operators. The Russian signals are primarily pulsed at the very dangerous 10 Hertz Extreme Low Frequency (ELF). Varying up and down through the frequencies between 3.26 and 17.54 megahertz, it is pulse-modulated at a rate of several times a second, so it sounds like a buzz saw or woodpecker. It was soon traced to an enormous transmitter near Kiev in the Soviet Ukraine. This transmitter and others like it are believed to be based upon the original design of Nikola Tesla.
The Tesla transmitters create giant standing ELF waves that have repeatedly formed huge blocking-system that alter the path of the high altitude jet stream and dam up the normal flow of weather fronts. The Russian ELF transmitters are reportedly able to create droughts that last for months and even years, as well as being able to generate devastating floods.
It is now known that Russian and American scientists have for several decades been working on and developing "scalar electromagnetic technology." It is believed that it was this technology, used to modify weather patterns, that created the massive flooding in the Midwest during the summer of 1993.
Exactly one year after the beginning of the Russian Woodpecker, July 4, 1978, the United States conducted its own ELF weather experiment that created an enormous downpour of rain over six counties of northern Wisconsin. This ELF-generated storm generated winds of 157 mph and caused $50 million in damage, and destroying 350,000 acres of forest.
The February 1981 issue of PACE NEWSLETTER reported that the Soviets turned off their ELF Woodpecker signal for a brief period in 1980: "During the two-week lull, the Northern Hemisphere's jet stream was normal. With the return of the Soviet ELF transmissions, the jet stream was deflected again by a persistent high pressure ridge extending from the Yukon to Arizona."
The Department of Defense will not comment about American RF/EM weapons, or if Russian RF/EM weapons' development is still going forward. However, experts say that the Russians are apparently still ahead in this science and could exploit that lead in a surprise strategic move, a move that could have grave consequences for the United States and the world.
A [Pavlovian] hypnotic trigger is a phrase or any other
sensory cue which the victim is programmed to involuntarily
act on in a certain way. The 50s-70s MKULTRA survivors can
still be triggered from programming done decades ago. A name
"manchurian candidate", from a novel by John Marks, is used
to describe a person who carries Pavlovian triggers.
One of the main goals of the institutional/drug/child
abuse phases of the CIA MKULTRA atrocities (1950's through
1970's) was to implant triggers using a "twilight
state" (half-conscious) medication and tape recorded
hypnosis. The ultimate goal was to have the acting out
of Pavlovian triggers erased from the victim's memory.
Using one of the two transmission methods above, these
triggers are now planted using either of the above two
transmission methods, but with the words moved up just
above (or near the top of) the audible frequency range.
The result is that hypnotic triggers are planted without
the subject being aware. This technology was used in
the Gulf War and has a name: "Silent Sound"
Deberian encerrarme en alguna carcel por ser consciente de que estoy enfermando a mis padres conscientemente, cada dia estan mas tristes y mas debiles. A parte de lo que los vecinos les estana haciendo como serparalos de sus seres queridos y obligarlos a atenderme, yo estoy cediendo poder a la voluntad de los vecinos para atormentarlos hasta que se entristezcan de todo. Ellos no tiene la culpa porque podria ir la policia y denunciarlos o inmediatamente despues del congreso de Bruselas darme a conocer y contarlo todo por otras personas que prefieren estar en la sombra y ocultarse la cara para que su familia este segura y siga beneficiandose de ser digna y respetable.
Soy victima de la mujer, parece ser que tener un animal racional para divertirse, he comprobado que a la latina y la andaluza le va esto. Que la mujer de caracter eslavo disfruta dejandose llevar por el drama para ser comprendida.
Y que el maltrato es necesario para unir a hombres y mujeres, es necesario para entretener y crear vinculos entre los maltratadores.
Las españolas blancas se han apuntado a esa marcha porque es la naturaleza, las muebe a ello con el mas fuerte. Creo que la psiquiatria esta haciendose mas fuerte en todo el mundo porque es necesario que nos salve de nosotros mismos.
Me dicen que utilice palabras como atormentar y humillar, este tipo de palabra solo las utilizan las mujeres de ciertas culturas para exigir respeto de los demas. Yo no las utilizo porque a mi no me estan humillando ni atormentando, Solo soy un animal domestico como lo fueron los negros o los judios que fueron la materia prima para otras personas.
La mujer necesita ayuda y la psiquiatria nos la va a dar, ellas me van diciendo di esto , di lo otro....mientras la mirada de mis padres se resiente cada dia mas de tenerme como hija inutil.
Yo debo acabar en la calle drogandome para olvidar o alcoholizandome, he comprobado que a los hombres necesitan que yo me denigre sexualmente y monte escenas que me ridiculicen para que me desmonte, hasta incluso me crean espasmos y lagrimas para que parezca una vieja , gorda y fea anulada como persona postrada en mi cama. Hoy he gritado fuertemente varias veces , me han
Creo que Rusia y todas esas culturas tan maternales deberian revisarse a fondo, no es normal el amor y la entrega de la rusa kosovar y de sus familiares fantaseando con afecto despues de que yo protagonice una escena de histeria.
Todo el esfuerzo del grupo desde hace 5 años al no poder hacer que denunciara y contribuyera a que hubiera otra demente diagnosticada por la psiquiatria de forma judicial han estado viviendo a costa seguramente de alguien que los mantiene para denigrarme y crearme un trauma psicologico y procurar que toda la familia este mal conmigo para que me vea obligada a hacer un libro explicando lo que me ocurre...Es una VENDETA PERSONAL...en la que las mujeres estan contentas de formar un grupo compacto en contra de una bestia que es su enemiga. Las mujeres estan en su salsa y parece ser que denigrar a otro en grupo favorece la libido y la oportunidad de demostrar lo sexual que se es.
ESTAS MUJERES PUEDEN TENER HIJOS Y EDUCARLOS DE ESTA MANERA DE FORMA QUE ES ACEPTABLE EL MALTRATO....LA educacion eslava de la rusa kosovar no es normal se excluye totalmente de responsabilidad...y las otras ceden la responsabilidad al hombre.
Este mundo parece ser que necesita la legalizacion de la violencia para que las mascaras de las personas buenas se caigan.
The conference is the beginning. He has to get a law in protection of airspace. There loophole. It is a space defense department. The air space is going to extratosfera soil and the ocean floor to extratosfera.
Everything is being altered by the cloud. The cloud is composed of strings. The land is marked with electromagnetic strings, ranging from server to server, via the satellite. This is the cloud. And is creating greenhouse effect. Altera ecosystem. The airspace should fall into the den conferences. It is key to bring up. Our bodies become a sounding board. And the information cloud affects us psychically.
This is the cloud.Dali denounce what is happening to us many years ago. Look at his museum in Figueres. whole is a complaint.
I've been awake all night, every time I started to drift off I got an image of the one perp and abruptly woke up. I'm so pissed off and tired........I've half contemplated writing the news annoymously to see if they would do a story on this type of crap, I know the cops wont do a damn thing if i call them and ask to get a lie detector test on them....
Dear CTV and CBC
I have a news story for you in general (meaning I don't actually want to be on the news but hoping you'll consider looking into my letter in further detail). its called gang stalking, bullying on another level, remote manipulation, mind control, directed energy weapons, induced dreams, voice to skull, what ever have you, Its a horrendous offence and a horror story for anyone targeted. I'm a victim in Kitchener Ontario and I'm wondering why situations like my own are labled as mental illness because this is REAL. There is something were missing here people need to be educated real life punishments need to be in place. Something has to be done this is murder! and the perpetrators get away with it because why? because the government is covering something? were hush hush about this issue because of public disturbance? were afriad we might get ourselves killed? I have no idea but there has to be a reason! people are getting away with ruining other peoples lives! why? do I even want to risk my life finding out?! the public should know, our communities should be open enough to bring those who stand against us to the light that stand in the dark.You see it in mens magazines all the time how to drive your girlfriend off turn her mad get rid of her in 5 days flat its the same thing people are driving us crazy and making us believe were crazy. You hear it in music its everywhere its an estimated 1 in 70 people deal with gang stalking and electronic harassment we need to keep bringing this to the light! people are dieing! We are a community being terrorized by 3 specific people and there associates we are asking people to come forward with any strange occurences in the area. we are looking for other community members who may be having the same issue with these certain individuals. (I will not say names for it may not be legal) So that we can come forward and help put an end to this sort of terrorism in our communities. My page on Facebook is Help Stop Gang Stalking In Kitchener Ontario.
I prefer to remain Annonymous.
then Ill send them a bunch of articles, tell them my story, find out if anyone else wants to annoymously submit a story and tell them not to ask the advice of a psychiatrist (according to john doe and what he thinks) because....just making a memo and I'll keep adding to it.....gunna try and hit the hay once again...
email: cubicle227 at yahoo . ca - you can contact me any time for any reason.
I was in Muskoka with my dad in late august of this year. We stayed at Deerhurst Resort in Ontario, Canada.
During my stay, I went horseback riding. When the horses were pulled out of their stable, I already saw something akin to depression or unhappiness in them, particularly in their eyes.
During the ride, the instructor told me, "I want you to not worry at all about hurting it. Kick it in its sides as hard as you can." Then, "Your goal is to not let it eat (grass, plants or leaves)."
We were also supposed to harshly pull its head to the side we wanted it to move in. At one point we were supposed to keep it from moving.
The instructor told us the horses weren't supposed to eat leaves because it was a choking hazard, but admitted she had never seen any of them choke. She did say to a horse, "you don't deserve it anyway" regarding leaf-eating. By the end, my horse lashed out a bit at that woman.
How exactly are these horses mind-controlled?
My own mind control, as well as that of others I know about, involves being prevented from eating normally (being forced to eat certain amounts of certain foods) during key programming periods. Like the horses being kicked and having their heads pulled harshly, I often receive little nudges and kick-like sensations, as well as forced movements, like my head moving to one side, the primary purpose being to alter my behaviour and thinking, action by action and thought by thought. The difference is that the horses' perps (harassers) are its riders, not just some secret authority.
The horses are kicked harder and harder until they move from pain or discomfort.
Less important information:
When I went horseback riding in Costa Rica, we treated the horses much more nicely, even giving them pineapple when we had stopped. It may also be worth mentioning these horses were constantly twitching near their necks. It could've been a bug. It could also be a triggered itch, as is the case with me. I, too, suspected I may have had bed bugs before it became obvious that something else was going on.
According to the instructor, the horses didn't feel anything unless we really kicked them. I have evidence to the contrary: it moved specifically when I kicked it gently, at first.
Over time, it became more tired and decided not to obey the signals.
Disobedience isn't the same as lack of awareness.
This post is the least I could do to try to help the horses in some way.
Love, Daniel