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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents...  






The Rite of Divine Intuition  


As a result of our foundational work initiated through the first four Rites, we now begin our passage into another field of consciousness in which a new phenomenal world is gradually perceived.

This field of expanded awareness, often termed the Divine Reality, can finally be perceived through the transparent nature of the transfigured personality.

This Rites is, in essence, a catalyst sparking our collective actualization of the crucial faculty of Divine Intuition. This is truly a momentous turning point in our evolution, advancing now as an illumined group intellect. It is the first real sign that the unification process has begun.

The ultimate truths of our universe are grasped through the light of Divine Intuition. With the clarity of our inner vision restored, we come to remember our intrinsic nature as immortal children of God. 



5. The Rite of Intuition

 PDF Article

MP3 Audio Transmission





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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. | |
404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta | CA | 96067
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Neodymium Magnets??

Has anybody here tried using Neodymium Magnets with success if so how did you use them and how much have they helped. I ask this because I found a factory near Toronto,Ontario (Oakville,Ontario) which sells them, however I don't know if it is worth going there to buy them. Please leave comments and or advice. Thank you 


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In 2011,Smart Meters were discovered to be funded by the “US Armed Forces Research and Development Projects” , with a 300 Million dollar grant to NV electric company, located in Las Vegas, Navada.



Why is the government funding the Smart Meter project?  The government does not fund projects of this magnitude without something in it for them. Lets start out asking ourselves, why would the government fund a project that is blatantly hazardous to humans, our environment and our eco-system? Lets take a look see, at the hazards to the human body from this government funded Smart Meter;



Symptoms from Radiation Caused by Smart Meters are listed below;

  • Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking, nightmares)
  • Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability
  • Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head
  • Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing
  • Concentration, memory or learning problems
  • Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness
  • Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems
  • Eye problems, including eye pain, pressure in the eyes,
  • Cardiac symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, chest pain
  • Leg cramps, or neuropathy
  • Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains
  • Nausea, flu-like symptoms
  • Sinus problems, nose bleeds
  • Respiratory problems, cough, asthma
  • Skin rashes, facial flushing
  • Urinary problems
  • Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Changes in menstrual cycle
  • Hyperactivity or changes in children’s behavior
  • Seizures
  • Recurrence of cancer




Additional Radiation Symptoms that Could be Experienced;

  • Destruction of your immune system (Finding yourself coming down with many different types of infections). 
  • Hemmoraging (Bleeding from places such as your gum line, from your bowels or bladder, intracranial hemorrhage (bleeding in your brain from ruptured blood vessels or capularies), you can tell if you are intracranial hemorraging if you have sudden blood shot eyes, "Menorrhagia" which is severe heavey menstral bleeding.
  • Green Stool.  Radiation can cause "Rapid intestinal transit" which in turn leads to malabsorption of nutrients.
  • Buzzing, Clicking or Ringing in your ears.  Buzzing noise is described to sound like a Bumble Bee flying by your ear, ringing is a high pitched ringing sound, clicking sounds like an oven heating up when it clicks as the temperatures rise.
  • Burns on skin.  These burns look like and feel like a sun burn on steriods and can take weeks to heal.
  • Sloughing of your skin. An example would be, your in the shower and you itch a part of your body, the top layer of your skin sloughs off under your nails and pieces of the top layer of skin balls or clumps up. This is how you can recognize this.
  • Petechiae (peh-TEE-kee-ay)  Pin point blood dots that are visable under your skin.  Another form of hemmoraging from leaking blood vessles near the surface of your skin.
  • Cold or Flu like symptoms.  Mainly nasal and chest congestion symptoms.
  • Calcium Ion Homeostasis and Electrolyte Imbalances.  Mainly calcium and potassium
  • Ulcerated EsophagusUlcers that are lined throughout your esophagus.   Inflamed, sore Throat or esophagusThe onset of ulcers can suddenly appear over night or could happen over a longer duration.
  • Blurred Vision. (On and off)
  • Immune thrombocytopenia (THROM-bo-si-toe-PE-ne-ah),  In most cases, an autoimmune response is thought to cause ITP. Normally, your immune system helps your body fight off infections and diseases. But if you have ITP, your immune system attacks and destroys its own platelets. The reason why this happens isn't known. (Bleeding in the brain as a result of ITP is very rare, but can be life threatening if it occurs)
  • Frequent urination. If your getting hit with large doses of radiation, frequent urination can occur.
  • Severe itching, all over body.
  • Menorrhagia

Source; Symptoms experiencd at one time or the other by my daughters and or myself

by T.S.



More Symptoms or Effects; (Some symptoms may be repeated but with extra important information from a different source)

  • Immune system impairment by EMR
  • Melatonin Reduction (Causing sleeping difficulties).
  • Oncogene Activity
  • Neoplastic Transformation of Cells
  • DNA strand breakage
  • Chromosome Aberrations
  • Neurological Interactions
  • Biological Mechanisms
  • palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath
  • sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma
  • skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing.
  • pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts.
  • headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint paint, leg/foot pain, “Flu-like” symptoms, fever. More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke.
  • Adult cancer, tumors, childhood leukemia, breast cancer, DNA strand breakage, abnormal cell division, nerve damage, MS, ALS, Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, brain damage, melatonin reduction, miscarriages
  • digestive problems, abdominal pain, enlarged thyroid, testicular/ovarian pain, dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes, great thirst, dehydration, nosebleeds, internal bleeding, altered sugar metabolism, immune abnormalities, redistribution of metals within the body, hair loss, pain in the teeth, deteriorating fillings, impaired sense of smell, ringing in the ears.





Will be continued later on the evening of Oct 18th or Oct 19th 2012.....To be continued....



What is an Independant contract research organization?


Here is a List of the Independant contract research organization

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My linkedin account was banned

Following my MSN blog, Blog, google groups, my linkedin account was banned again. And my hotmail had been banned too.

And in China, I could not use facebook, twitter, youtube and

Government and public had ignored our voices, It seemed that more people were stopping our voices.

I could not log in my linkedin account,
it showed the following information: 'Your LinkedIn account has been temporarily restricted'.


I wish that all members of this forum would build their own blogs or websites to copy information from this forum, I am afraid that one day, this forum would be banned too.

This forum contained so many information and I could not able to make a copy of it.


Anyone who is able to make a copy of it?

The result after conversition with linkedin.

Subject: Account High Restricted
Hi Soleilmavis,
Thank you for complying and adhering with our policies. The restriction has been lifted from your account.
Member Comment: Soleilmavis Liu 10/23/2012 16:03
I will adhere to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy from this day forward. Thank you and Best Regards! Soleilmavis
LinkedIn Response 10/23/2012 10:31
Subject: Account High Restricted
Hi Soleilmavis,
We understand your concern. Your account will remain suspended until we receive your response stating that you'll adhere to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy from this day forward.
Once we receive this response we will be happy to lift your restriction. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
LinkedIn Privacy Team
Discussion History:
Member Comment: Soleilmavis Liu 10/22/2012 18:55

Hi, I am a human rights activist, we focus on exposing a secret crime which covered by government and ignored by public for years.


I do believe that some covert people calumniated us, because they did not want us to expose the crimes.

Thank you and Best Regards! Soleilmavis


Original Contact:
Member Comment: Soleilmavis Liu 10/18/2012 03:17
I could not find my linkedin account, Please explain the reason.



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In 2009, UN Committee Against Torture  has expressed its concerns over the use of non lethal weapons and stated as follows:



(CAT/C/NZL/5) 0 March 2009


Non-lethal weapons (question 5)

26. The Committee notes that the Corrections Act 2004 provides a more consistent

approach to the use of non-lethal weapons and requires that any such weapons can be used if

allowed by regulation.  The Committee asks which non-lethal weapons are authorized under the

Act.  The Committee also seeks an explanation of the circumstances where these weapons are

used and how the Minister of Corrections monitors their use to ensure that it does not breach

articles 2 and 16 of the Convention.

27. The Corrections Regulations 2005 only authorises one type of non lethal weapon: a

baton.  The Regulations state that the baton must weigh no more than 1 kilogram, be made of

plastic or aluminium or similar material and not be capable of delivering an electric shock

(Regulation 120).  Only trained staff members are permitted to carry a baton.  Batons are issued

at the direction of the prison manager and only in certain circumstances (Regulation s121 and

122).  A staff member who has been issued with a baton may only use it with the prison

manager's approval and in a way that minimises pain or injury to the prisoner (Regulation 123)

28. While the Corrections Regulations allow for the use of batons, the Department of

Corrections does not currently possess any batons and, therefore, none are in use.



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These fake victims, too dangerous!

Regarding " fake victims", they are defined in one petition letter. Now, I can not find this petition letter. 

How can we figure out they are fake victims?  Very simple.  Their purpose is only one, that is, destroy your claim and your legal process. 

What will they do? 

1) exaggerate regress of the facts 2) avoid some important events, facts, evidence ,or key words  if you ask them to do something or discuss  something 3) pretend to be insane.

How can we find them? After contacting them several times, you can figure it out. 

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Our Places of Worship

Hi, all.  I propose that all those who worship send letters and packets of info to their own and other places of worship.  We should ask them to pray for us all, teach them how to support targeted individuals and provide them with educational materials instructing them on the kind of stalking, harassment and assault we experience.  This will help us get the word out and create a support base for those who are suffering a lot.

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V2k victim since 4-5 months

Hello everyone,

I am a 19 year old german voice-to-skull victim since may this year. I figured out that the mind control started about a 1.5 years ago.

At that time a feeling in my nose started which felt like something is pressing from the inside plus it was running all the time. I thought it was some kind of nose disorder but after getting information I now think it is an effect caused by the infection of the V2 nerve

I got my information over the months from various sources (, multiple blogs and homepages, videos and pdf documents) and I also found out that they are able to do this since at least 2001 (

My guess would be that it is some kind of nanotech infection but I still think about wether they do this with single persons or entire populations. And there is also the big question wether we talk about use or abuse of this technology. The book by electric angel offered a lot of information, especially when it comes to the V2k, which electric angel tells us does not mean "voice to skull" but is an acronym for the parasitic infection of the V2-nerve with k which is a technical short for coupling coefficient

You have to spread that information about the V2k acronym, it is very accurate and important!

Now there are limits for guessing what the technology might be but I specialized on analyzing the crap they talk all the day and I can tell you it is nothing but Hypnosis! They use a technique called "classical conditioning , it is very important for you to look that up and study it!

They use this ->

Maybe they also use NLP - Neurolinguistic Programming where we come to my next guess that we are all confronted with coldblooded/pedophile/sociopathic/cocaine-snuffing satanists.

Well, NLP is just some specialized form of hypnosis and there we got its (german) mascot called Vakog:

VAKOG.pngNow let's compare it with this picture of Baphomet:

baphomet.gifSatan is also referred to as "the one-eyed".

Now don't get me wrong I'm not a strict christian, but it is very much likely that these people are devil worshippers.

So I wanted to ask you all some questions about your experiences with this particular problem of being mind raped day after day:

1. Did it start all of sudden? Was it that you woke up and there they were discussing like it was the most regular thing on earth? Voices that you never heard before?

2. Do they use words or simple phrases often and always with the same accent? Words and phrases that you didn't use to say?

3. Do you see flashing lights when you close your eyes, hear a steady frequence noise, hear clicks in your head or notice radical changes in mind activity or elselike?

4. Did you notice difficulties in visual imagination, loss of eyesight, blury vision, loss of focus?

5. Do they keep on radically talking their hypnosis bullshit no matter what you think?

6. Did you notice memory loss or especially short-term memory loss?

7. Did you find countermeasures/methods/tactics/devices/body movements which help?

I will continue this post and tell you some experience how to use psychological warfare to beat them at their own perverted game. Never forget that you still have your imagination which is more powerful than bullshit talks, you can use to harass them with their own strategy.

Good luck and keep it up everyone!

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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents...  




The Rite of Renunciation 
Our collective initiation of the transfiguration, established through the previous Rite of Passage, continues with ever increasing vigor as we progress into the deeper phases of personality dissolve. 

Up until this moment in time, our evolutionary development has been centered upon the pain of karma. This constant circling upon the karmic wheel finally comes to an end when we reach the point of truly realizing the self as Divine. It is during the experience of this revelation that we leave behind all selfishness, suffering and sorrow and enter into a state of natural great peace. 

The Rite of Renunciation assists us to relinquish all remaining hold to the personal identity.  As we offer ourselves as hollowed instruments, free of personality entrapment, we are finally liberated from the unending cycle of death and rebirth and the illusion of suffering. 
We are now in an initiatory turning point before stepping through the eye of the needle to realize our immutable Greatness. 

This Rite is perhaps one of the most challenging of all due to the required level of profound surrender in absolute humility.


4. The Rite of Renunciation

 PDF Article

MP3 Audio Transmission



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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. | | 404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta | CA | 96067
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Written By My Hands

It is very interesting to perceive, in a sort of extrapolated way,
how they want to lynch you now.
It is very interesting,
to see the inescrutable faces, that are taking for granted,
that all areas are covered, to lynch in you in XXI Century way.

It is very fortunate to see how the Gods of the Galaxies
Help you in a random way,
that is not random at all,
only that you cannot perceive well.

Beyond Tesla and Einstein, beyond Newton and Galileo, there was superior knowledge,
I cannot describe it well, it was designed to not be perceived completely by Us,
What can I say.

Beyond Southern Comfort, Beyond Western Comfort, There are other MINDS.
The Minds look at what is happening, they judge in their own ways, not in psychology style.
Psychology is not science, but rather a social consensus, MONEY is what is it is like.
Beyond the modern lynching, beyond modern corruption, there are other minds.

Minds that care about people, minds that care about love, that don't like tortured styles.
Maybe I got in trouble when I saw some pictures that described an horrible crime.
It is an order from them, to describe these issues, that can save human kind.
If you sleep and don't think, if you scream and attack, without thinking perhaps,
You should know that I was happy, in this country before, the Bad Guys attack.

They have attacked your behavior,
and your most inner feelings in a new style.
Since you were so kind and so hearted,
you could bearly perceive, that there was an attack
And you kept on your routine ,and they have made their point,
Your money is in their hands.

Then they give you some circus,
Some sort of guilty victims,
Some sports and some lies.

Life is like usual afterwards,
You go to your routines very happy,
There Billions in their hands.

And they have what they structured,
A new kind of lynching,
With techno and and some lies.

The Techno is so sophisticated,
And depends so much in color that you cannot guess what,
Poor people like knowledge, they like music and parties,
They cannot imagine that.

Some other guys in the darkness,
Look at them as pure rabitts ,
To experiment in life.

Poor people are given illusions,
And then face their destruction,
With a happy smile.

Think or die,
It is your option,
Message from the Galaxies,
Written By My Own Hands.

For some reason unknown,
They let me know about Tesla, Newton, Einstein

And the like.










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