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All Posts (12217) redstorm super computer at Sandia national labs
A psychiatrist at xxx Hospital, xxx , CA. He put me on 14 days hold without seeing me for diagnosis. Few days later from my admission to the hospital, he asked me to sign the voluntary patient form and promised me to discharge from the hospital on next Monday.
However, he went on to the trip to the child psychology meeting on next week (10/23/2006), and the substitute, Dr. xxx tried to keep me in the hospital.
I wonder if I was used for his study without informed consent. What I know is that after I signed the voluntary
patient form, I woke up in the morning with stomach pain and the bleeding from the bottom. It was like I was raped while I was under the deep sleep from the sleeping pills I received from the nurse.
In the diagnosis, his information about me was half wrong and he only mentioned his sexual interest. I supposed be claimed as suicidal, but he did not write anything about destructive behavior nor any reason he thought me as
gravely disabled. It was much like his diagnosis did not show the reason of what he thought as danger to others nor gravely disabled.
My concern is that he is a professional of child psychology. I wonder if his diagnosis on children are the same as what happened to me. Also, if he is working for the government's covert operation on mind control, I can tell the possibility from his interest on child as well as legally kidnapping patients like me with bogus diagnosis.
science technology engineering influenced by a jinn
Genie (Arabic: جني jinnī, or djinni) is a supernatural creature in Pre-islamic and Islamic mythology which (according to both mythology) occupies aparallel world to that of mankind, and together with humans and angels makes up the three sentient creations of Allah. According to the Qur’ān, there are two creations that have free will: humans and jinn. Religious sources don't mention much about them; however, the Qur’an mentions that jinn are made of smokeless flame, and their form being just similar to humans, which also can be good or evil.[1]
The jinn are mentioned frequently in the Qur’an, and there is a surah entitled Sūrat al-Jinn in the Quran. It is a frequent misconception that Islam says that Iblīs was a jinn; however, like Christian tradition, Islam also suggests that Iblīs was an angel that rebelled against God's orders.[2] After the rebellion, he was granted a respite to lead humans astray until the Day of Judgment. However, Iblis has no power to mislead true believers in Allah. Some Islamic scholars have ruled that it is apostasy to disbelieve in one of Allah's creations. Some research by the American Jewish Committee has shown that the belief in jinn has fallen compared to the belief in angels in other Abrahamic traditions.
If you want , you can read this :
Manzil (Arabic: منزل, plural منازل manāzil) is the word for one of seven parts of roughly equal length into which the Qur'an is divided for the purpose of reciting the entire text in one week.
They are:
- Al-Fatihah (1) through An-Nisa' (4)
- Al-Maida (5) through At-Tawba (9)
- Yunus (10) through An-Nahl (16)
- Isra' (17) through Al-Furqan (25)
- Ash-Shuara' (26) through Ya-Seen (36)
- As-Saffat (37) through Al-Hujarat (49)
- Qaf (50) through An-Nass (114)
It follows this pattern:
- The first 4 chapters
- The next 5 chapters
- The next 7 chapters
- The next 9 chapters
- The next 11 chapters
- The next 13 chapters
- The remaining 65 chapters.
A second meaning is a set of verses from different parts of the Qur'an which help in curing or preventing Sihr(evil magic). The collection of these verses is available in booklet form from various publishers.
Emerging Picture of War in Iraq and Afghanistan from Wikileaks Files: Devastating | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Monday, 26 July 2010 16:11 | |, over the past few months, has released some of the most damning evidence yet against theongoing occuptions in Iraq and Afghanistan.Collateral Murder (released April 5, 2010)Collateral Murder is the military's own video of 12 Iraqis being shot and killed from a UShelicopter circling above. No one has been charged in connection withthese killings. However, 22 yr. old Pfc. Bradley Manninghas been held incommunicado on military bases for several months now,suspected of leaking this incriminating video to Wikileaks. World Can'tWait is distributing copies of this harrowing video so that many morepeople in the US see what is being done in their names. For a copy, write to us. More: How to Show "Collateral Murder" Outside in Public Ethan McCord: Memories of “Collateral Murder” - by Someone who was There Anthony Wagner: Collateral Murder
Afghan War Diary (released July 26, 2010)Wikileaks released 76,000 military records exposing the truth of the unjust, illegitimate war in Afghanistan: revealing hundreds of civiliandeaths, execution squads, other war crimes. They have 15,000 morerecords from Afghanistan that they are holding back for the timebeing. For more on the developing picture emerging, see The Afghanistan War Logs on the Guardian UK and (both are being regularly updated). If Wikileaks is down, it may be overloaded. To see the files, go directly to Webcast: Anti-War Leaders and Veterans Respond to the WikiLeaks Revelations (recorded August 1, 2010)Watch recording now: World Can't Wait presents a national webcast of anti-war leaders and veterans responding to the WikiLeaks revelations. What should we doNOW, immediately to end the occupations of Afghanistan & Iraq?
Julian Assange on the Afghan War Logs: "They Show the True Nature of this War"Democracy Now! July 26thThe New Pentagon Papers: WikiLeaks Releases 90,000+ Secret Military Documents Painting Devastating Picture of Afghanistan War With independent British journalist Stephen Grey; Pentagon Paperswhistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg; former State Department official inAfghanistan, Matthew Hoh; independent journalist Rick Rowley; andinvestigative historian Gareth Porter. Democracy Now! July 28thWe spend the hour with Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, talkingabout the biggest leak in US history: the release of more than 91,000classified military records on the war in Afghanistan. Democracy Now! August 3rdJulian Assange Responds to Increasing US Government Attacks on WikiLeaks Further Coverage:Watch Julian Assange at press conference July 26. Kevin Gosztola: Nearly 92,000 Classified Documents Leaked, Expose Truth of Afghan War Wikileaks files 'may reveal thousands of war crimes' ( US condemns Wikileaks: Julian Assange says "this is the story of the war" (BBC) Chris Floyd: Leaky Vessels: Wikileaks "Revelations" Will Comfort Warmongers, Confirm Conventional Wisdom Jason Ditz: Pentagon Launches ‘Manhunt’ for Document Leaker Kenneth J. Theisen: Use the WikiLeaks Afghan War Diary to Mobilize Resistance to the U.S. War of Terror Kevin Gosztola: The Danger of the Wikileaks' Leak: You Might Stop Thinking Like an American Cindy Sheehan: I Have Become Uncomfortably Numb Debra Sweet: More War Crimes Exposed - Now, What Do We Do? Revolution editorial: WikiLeaks: Exposing War Crimes of a Criminal War |
We Stand With Bradley Manning
If Bradley Manning is the sources of any or all of the recentinformation about Afghanistan and/or the "Collateral Murder" videoreleased by Wikileaks, he is a hero. Whether or not he is the leaker,he should be released immediately.
For more background information, see Wikileaks reveals video showing US air crew shooting down Iraqi civilians and Army Intelligence Analyst Charged for Releasing Wikileaks Video: Killers Remain Free
Also see: where you can donate to his legal defense.
Join savebradley on Facebook
Write to Bradley with your support:
Inmate Bradley Manning
USMC Base Quantico Brig
3247 Elrod Avenue
Quantico, VA 22134
Sign on to this statement of support:
Before the Protests Tommorrow at Fort Hood | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Saturday, 21 August 2010 19:12 |
I am in Killeen, TX at Under The Hood Cafe near the Fort Hood military base tonight. I am down here for the protests happening onSunday being called by the Disobedient. The Disobedient is made up of Iraq era war vets and others anti- war activists, mainly young people. These protests are going to includevisible non-violent resistance to the 3,000 troop surge being headed toIraq. They are acting to create a situation where the U.S. cannotcontinue this illegitimate and illegal war - that deployments not onlystop but that the military withdraws immediately. This town is really intense. It is about 100 degrees outside and incredibly humid. There is a whole military culture throughout the townthat is shaped by unthinking allegiance to the military, and anobsession with the American flag. I have been told that Christianfundamentalism has a firm hold on most people. It is also verydepressing with nothing but strip clubs, bars and fast food chains. Themajority of people here are employed by the military. Some local youthtold me that they have heard reactionary people say that the namestands for Kill Each And Every N*****. I spent the day at Under The Hood Cafe, which is a GI coffeehouse run by anti-war Iraq veterans and others. It was a day of debate anddiscussion, with all of us thinking very deeply about how we can stopthese wars and what should our message be to the people of the world?One Iraq veteran spoke about orders he received to break down the doorsof families and the internal turmoil he went through when he was toldto search an innocent woman's underwear drawer. He got the word “Human”tattooed on his arm after he got out of the military. I talked to ayoung woman who is in her early 20's and did 2 tours of Iraq. She saidthat one of the first things she did when she got out of the militarywas to dye her hair pink. I have a hard time picturing her and any ofthese other people in the military because they have a great deal ofhumanity. She has a lot of urgency to stop these wars and refreshingrefusal to accept the world as it is. She talks about how she wishedthere was some kind of switch you could turn on in people to make themsee the crimes that the military is committing. Many who are here aredealing with pretty heavy PTSD and have trouble sleeping. They talkabout how their bodies have been forever changed by being in themilitary. Those participating in Sunday's action are filled with a deepdesire to tell the truth to people living in this country and people inthe military. |
Dear Comrades,
The conference call was a success. We were able to interview two TI's about the crimes happening to them. Affidavits are currently being prepared for them, which they agree to take to a notary next week.
We do hope that you follow their direction, as we are close to starting the coalition.
Next conference call will be Thursday at 11PM on Or call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #
Affidavits and descriptions outlining your crimes should be submitted to:
If you will like to be place on the talkshoe list for future conference call, contact me at
Our website is located at:
Our Affidavit is located at:
Thanks for your time and hope you attend the next conference call.
Chris J. Brunson
Over 1200 cases of torture globally from directed energy weapons and psycothonic weapons..
I am number 16 on one of the 450 cases of Torture in The AMERICAS
Over 450 Cases of torture in the Americas
Over 450 Cases of torture in the Americas
Over 1200 cases of torture globally from directed energy weapons and psycothonic weapons..
Over 250 Cases of Torture in Europe
Over 20 Torture Cases from India and Asia
by John St Clair Akwei fromMindControlForums Website
The above symptomshighlight a fraction of the vast array of 2. NSA'SDOMESTIC ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE NETWORK At the present time the NSA hasnanotechnology computers that are 15 years ahead of present computertechnology. The NSA obtains blanket coverage of information in theUS by using advanced computers that use artificial intelligence toscreen all communications, regardless of medium, for key words thatshould be brought to the attention of NSA agents/cryptologists. These computers monitor allcommunications at the transmitting and receiving ends. This blanketcoverage of the US is a result of the NSA's Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)mission. The NSA's electronic surveillance network is based on acellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the entire EMF(electromagnetic frequency)spectrum. This equipment was developed, implemented and kept secretin the same manner as other electronic warfare programs.
3. NSA SIGNALSINTELLIGENCE USE OF EMF BRAIN STIMULATION EMF BrainStimulation has been in development since theMKULTRA program of theearly 1950s, which included neurological research into radiation(non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. Theresulting secret technology is categorized at the National SecurityArchives as "Radiation Intelligence", defined as,
Signals Intelligence implemented andkept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronicwarfare programs of the US Government. The NSA monitors availableinformation about this technology and withholds scientific researchfrom the public. There are also international intelligenceagreements to keep this technology secret. NSA operativescan use this surreptitiously to put images into a surveillancesubject's brain while they are in REM sleep for brain-programmingpurposes.
The above is a simpleflowchart of Nuero-Electromagnetic Frequency Assaults showing methods thatcan be perpetuated by the Police and Military Intelligence Agencies toward Remote MindControl Experiments, Behavioural Manipulation and Murder. 4. NATIONALSECURITY AGENCY SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE ELECTRONIC BRAIN LINKTECHNOLOGY NSA SIGINT can remotely detect, identifyand monitor a person's bioelectric fields. Containedin the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patternscalled "evoked potentials". Every thought, reaction, motor command,auditory event and visual image in the brain has a corresponding"evoked potential" or set of "evoked potentials". The EMF emission fromthe brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and soundsin the subject's brain. It is used by a limitednumber of agents in the US Intelligence Community. The above is a simpleflowchart of Nuero-Electromagnetic Frequency Assaults showing methods thatcan be perpetuated by the Police and Military Intelligence Agenciestoward 5. [NO HEADINGIN ORIGINAL DOCUMENT] That frequency is then modulated in order to imposeinformation in that specific brain area. The frequency to which thevarious brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSASignals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. (SeeTable 1 below) This modulated information can be putinto the brain at varying intensities from subliminal toperceptible. Each person's brain has a unique set of bioelectricresonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to aperson's brain at the frequency of another person's auditory cortexwould result in that audio information not being perceived. Theyhave also brain-tapped persons the Plaintiff is in contact with tokeep the Plaintiff isolated. This is the first time ever that aprivate citizen has been harassed with RNM and has been able tobring a lawsuit against NSA personnel misusing this intelligenceoperations method. 6. NSATECHNIQUES AND RESOURCES A system forinexpensive implementation of these operations allows for thousandsof persons in every community to be spied on constantly by the NSA.
Editor's Note: I tried ringing MrAkwei to find out what was the out-come, if any, of his court case.He firmly but kindly told me that he could not speak about anythingto do with the case over the phone and hung up. A subsequentconversation of similar length resulted in the information that hedid not wish his address or phone number published with thisarticle. So, if we hear of any developments, we'll let you know.
An example of EMF Brain Stimulation Table 1
RESOURCES When no action was taken against the NSAemployees, I researched the Intelligence Community electronicsurveillance technology involved and discovered the followingpublications.
Over 1200 cases of torture globally from directed energy weapons and psycothonic weapons..I am number 16 on one of the 450 cases of Torture in The AMERICASOver 450 Cases of torture in the AmericasOver 450 Cases of torture in the Americas 1200 cases of torture globally from directed energy weapons and psycothonic weapons..DownloadOver 450 Cases of torture in the Americas 60 TORTURE CASES from RUSSIA, UKRAINE & BELARUS.doc 20 Torture Cases from India and Asia
Home made Lida machine?
I purchased a high tech strobe light a while back that has a dialslowing the flashes per second. An alert brain is said to be at between16 and 24 Hz. That is 1200 flashes per minute at around 20 Hz to causebrain entrainment at that frequency. I am not targeted badly but dealwith sleep deprivation and undesired naps at times when I should be more productive.
I just had a period of passing out and pulled the machine out. I slowedit down to it's slowest on low and it appeared to be running at aboutsix flashes a second. so then increased it to 20 HZ or 20 flashes persecond in the bathroom with no lights. The result was about 10 minutesof intense alertness before the sleepfulness came on.
This couldalso be a sugar problem I developed on Seroquel some years back. Thereis a class action suite again the manufacturer of this medicine for thisnegative effect caused by it's medicine.
The bulbs that are usedflash in the millionths of a second and this devise is used to viewfast moving machines by stopping the motion visually and even causing slow motion in forward and reverse to analise the function of the machine.
This machine has an external out put and could run sound as well oreven infrared light or magnetic pulses like the Lida machine created bythe Russians for brain entrainment.
Test number one for three minutes gave me 10 minutes of full alertness after 3 minutes of exposure.
Peter Rosenholm
A victory for privacy!
August 6, 2010 at 6:06 pm by Amy E. FerrerToday, the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit issued a ruling that standsstrongly on the side of privacy and against government intrusion. Fromthe Electronic Frontier Foundation:
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit today firmly rejected government claims that federal agentshave an unfettered right to install Global Positioning System (GPS)location-tracking devices on anyone’s car without a search warrant. …
“The court correctly recognized the important differences between limited surveillance of public activities possible through visualsurveillance or traditional ‘bumper beepers,’ and the sort of extended,invasive, pervasive, always-on tracking that GPS devices allow,” saidEFF Civil Liberties Director Jennifer Granick. “This same logic appliesin cases of cell phone tracking, and we hope that this decision will befollowed by courts that are currently grappling with the question ofwhether the government must obtain a warrant before using your cellphone as a tracking device.”
“GPS tracking enables the police to know when you visit your doctor, your lawyer, your church, or your lover,” said Arthur Spitzer, LegalDirector of the ACLU-NCA. “And if many people are tracked, GPS datawill show when and where they cross paths. Judicial supervision of thispowerful technology is essential if we are to preserve individualliberty. Today’s decision helps brings the Fourth Amendment into the21st Century.”
The artificial electronic V2K of engines roaring and military aircraft whizzing by just above my head as old worn out scare tactics. I didn’t look up but likely would have seen another holographic projection of a Lockheed U-2 Dragon Lady CIA aircraft.
As far as brutal attacks and cruelty goes, they've upped the ante once more and are on the war path this morning which means they don't like the negative publicity and exposure I'm giving Stanford Research Institute and Lockheed-Martin as the lead criminals involved in this Department of Defense Project that has my name on it or number or coded affixed thereto for purposes of anonymity. It means I am doing something right by keeping the pressure on and naming names. Senator Sanders has agreed to sign a law into effect but not one that amounts to anything. Unless I can specify and include "space-based weapons" any other wording is worthless and amounts to nothing. Both Senator John Glenn's and Dennis Kucinich's had their proposed EXCELLENT legislation shot down by the criminals within the system who want to maintain the status quo and won't permit an effective law put on the books. As far as putting together a well-worded piece of legislation - unfortunately they won't allow it because it would mean the indictment of high-level officials, and they can't have that. Anything less, doesn't address the problem.
Vigilante organized gang stalking is ongoing. I sent photos to local FBI. Possibly they will be interested in adding some names to the list of criminals roaming the streets stalking single women and young girls but since the FBI is in the business of covering up these crimes, it isn't likely. Same goes for the DOJ - the name of the game is to cover up crimes against humanity.
Silencing me is now the goal, and I'm sure they're likely thinking of how they will dispose of me and get away with it. All that human experimentation going to waste. What they need to do is think a little harder who they're targeting the next time they take a victim into custody for human experimentation, research and development, and corporate GREED.
The medical - pharmaceutical industry has built a vast empire that keeps on growing using these weapons and they have no plans to STOP. STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE aka SRI International is part and parcel of that industry... big shots who hide in the shadows in remote locations and after hours get together with Raytheon comrades - sit back with their martini's in their Armani sweater and slacks and loafers with tassels viewing their victims in real time and gloating over being able to pull it off all the while home free and clear believing it can never be traced back to them.
One day - one day soon the day is coming when they will answer to God for these crimes against humanity.
Went to breakfast and the same faithful laser that has me in its path everywhere I go, each and every second of each and every day, this morning took coffee from the cup out of which I was drinking and
deliberately deposited drops on a nice new pair of slacks I’m
wearing today... trying to get me upset knowing I like
nice things and to downgrade my neat appearance. As I
write this memo ,an operator sits at the display screen moving an Illuminati
pen to point of influence at back of my head - moving it around.
My head feels as though someone has a tight grip on it; thermal heating of brain has me in a wet sweat and the juncture where hips and upper legs join they have hooked up so that I can barely be on my feet and walk this morning. VERY LOUD AMPLIFICATION OF ARTIFICIAL ELECTRONIC NOISE RESONATING THROUGHOUT HEAD - buzzing, clicking, ringing. Today they are angry and even more perverted and sick than usual, if that's possible. Seems to me they may be going in for the kill. My insides - organs, such as stomach, feel as though they are heaving or as though being kneaded like dough.
I need someone to please print copies of a few of my blogs to be sure that my son gets to see them if something happens. They will see to it that my blogs on peacepink are deleted just as my
facebook page has only (3) friends because they’ve shredded friend requests to make certain no one gets to view what I’ve written and have also RESTRICTED VIEWING to anyone but friends so obviously no one gets to see what I've posted... so desperately afraid of being found out and such cowards - the only thing they know how to do is inflict pain and torture innocent American citizens.
emails are intercepted as are phone calls.
Lying in bed awake the entire night – e v e r y night x 6 months. Today is the fist time I'‘ve experienced feeling tired. Obviously, they are delivering a strengthening agent to keep me on my feet. Maybe it’s beginning to take it's toll. What could be going on? Why have I required zero sleep for such an extended period of time? How could I still on my feet? I t is not possible.
And, what effect could this be having on my overall health and wellbeing.
For me to still be on my feet, they would have to have been shooting me up with strengthening agents. Has Stanford Research Institute’s Center for Neuroscience top expert in this field of sleep research come up with something to be used on the battlefield for sleep-deprived soldiers and the formula or technique is being practiced on me to research long-term psychological / physiological bioeffects – another area of biomedical research SRI has engaged in and using me as a Human Guinea Pig?
Or, might the Futurists at Stanford Research Institute
with their preoccupation into AI, cyborgs, robots, hybrids, clones,
cybernetic doubles have taken some of my God-given organic parts
and natural structures and replaced them with artificial bits
and pieces? How much of me could survive death at this point? I was
told awhile back that I didn’t have to worry about dying. More
recently, I was told last week in a dream they projected into my head
that they would take my face and use the same laser weapon they used
to slash open my finger so there would be nothing left of my face.
They would make me faceless.
What kind of human experimentation did SRI have planned out for me back when this began?
The operator has even taken to cutting up my bed sheets. I call that desperation.
Back in 2005, the U C Berkeley grad student who
approached me with his camera taking my photo and telling me “You
sure don’t scare easy... I could never do what you're doing.” and shook his head and shoulders as
though he was creeped out. And, the group of young Naval or Coast
Guard Cadets (not sure which) who showed up that same date and time
to come and see who I was – they appeared frightened the way they looked at me.
Not for themselves – obviously for me; they were sweet kids. And,
all the men who wanted a look at me, some of them remaining in their
cars, others in loafers with tassels and business attire showing up
to do a quick assessment and to give a thumbs up or down.
When I lost the house I was renting, it was SRI personnel who found me an
apartment to rent before moving back to Vermont.
Questions like: “Did you work for the government?” from
various men I was meeting who just happened to be connected to:
Stanford Research Institute International.
When votes were counted, they probably checked into a swanky hotel in
London, Stockholm or the Hotel Elite in Zurich where they celebrated
getting their big dream fantasy project underway... they probably set
up a couple free rounds of drinks for everyone on the house.
Unfortunately, I was at the time too spooked to ask questions.
The person I was could never in a million years have imagined anything coming close to what is taking place in this country at this time.. I likely might also have told someone approaching me with this stuff that they needed to have a mental health evaluation – which is why we must work harder to get the word out on these evil little stubs of men in
government-contracted global corporations and industries such as Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA and Lockheed-Martin who are giants and wrapped up in every aspect of this neuroscientific
brain-computer interface and modeling. We must expose these top contractors linked to the Pentagon. Take
these pretty boys and cut em down to size where they belong. I recently saw where Lockheed-Martin is now undertaking a joint venture with Raytheon – haven’t read it yet but can imagine the kind of nightmare these two are capable of collaborating on... another venture straight from hell to unleash on the American people.
I hope I turn out to be their worst nightmare. They murdered the other target,Kay Barnes , a year ago last July here in Burlington, VT and they are going to have to do the same thing to me to shut me up. And, if they do, there are a lot of people who know about these covert stealth weapons that target innocent American civilians, making them sick and causing them to come down with all sorts of ailments. Everywhere I turn, I see men and women walking with a limp or other crippling type of thing going on where they cannot walk properly or they have a bad knee or their shoulder gets out of whack– crippling is one of the things they like best to do with this technology that could be saving lives and doing so many wonderful things for mankind. But those of the power “elite” would prefer to fuck people up - people who have no idea that it was artificially electronically induced; gets them into the medical system for treatment and pharmaceuticals, and makes money to line their pockets.
When I saw Ms.White's Targ comics, I amazed how talented she is. Then I learned about the tool that makes comic strips easily. If you have some funny episodes from your experience, why don't you try to make some comics? It should be appealing for the TIs as well as non-TIs. Artworks will help to spread the information easily with graphical atract.
Genesis 4 Adam's son Cain killed his brother Abel, and God punished Cain.
From this story, we learn that God wants us mutual supervise and take care of each other.
We are sisters and brothers in the world. God is our parents.
In this earth, we must take care of each other.
But We all would have mistakes in the world. We, as brothers and sisters also need to supervise mutually to avoid making mistakes.
In very traditional China countryside family, parents always teach children to supervise mutually and take care of each other.
In very traditional China countryside family, Older brothers and Older sisters have the responsibility to supervise youngers and supervise mutually.
When children worked or studies together.
If one of youngers makes a mistake, the older brothers and sisters will be punished with the younger together.
If one of older brother or sister makes a mistake, all older brothers and sisters will be punished together .
Brothers and sisters also learned to take care of each other.
My family always remembers a story. When I was only 3-4 years old, my brother was 10-11 years old.
One day, my parents were not at home. Only my brother and sister looked after me at home. At lunch time, my brother only cooked one egg for me. I asked my brother and sister to have the egg together, but they just pretended to bite, and then asked me to finish it.
At that time, in countryside, China was very poor. Egg was scarcity and precious.
A 10 years old boy (my sister is even younger than my brother) already knew he had the responsibility to look after the younger sister.
When I was 5 years old, my sister was 10 years old. One hot summer's day, my sister and her friends went to field to pick edible herbs. There was a big pond near the field, it was at least 10 meters deep. All children felt hot after working hard and went to the pond to swim. Most countryside children had very good swimming skills. But I was too young and had not learned how to swim, so I only sat at brim of pond and put my feet in the water.
Suddenly, I slipped off into the pond. My sister saw that, dive into the water without any hesitate and caught me. But It was a 10 meters pond, and the wall of the pond was straight up and down, She was only 10 years old and not strong enough.
She hold her breath and struggled desperately. Suddenly, her feet toughed the wall of the pond, She put abruptly forth her strength, and both of us were out of the water. Her friends came to help her and pushed me to the Shore.
When she was struggling desperately under water, she gripped me very tight, she never had a mind to leave me. A 10 years old girl already knew she had the responsibility to look after the younger sister.
In a small family, we have brothers and sisters, we need mutually supervise and take care of each other.
We are also a big family in the world, we are all brothers and sisters, we need mutually supervise and take care of each other.
互相监督, 互相关爱
创世纪 4, 亚当的儿子该隐杀了他的哥哥亚伯.神惩罚了该隐.
但是从这个故事中,我们也学习到了一样非常重要的神的教诲, 那就是: 兄弟应该互相监督, 互相关爱.
在这个地球上,我们都是兄弟姐妹, 神是我们的父母. 我们都应该互相关爱.
但是,我们都不是完人, 所以, 我们也会犯错误, 因此, 神也要求我们要互相监督, 避免犯错.
在中国农村非常传统的家庭, 父母们总是教育孩子们要互相监督, 互相关爱.
孩子们一起读书,做家务, 玩耍的时候, 如果小孩子犯了错, 哥哥姐姐们要跟他一起受罚; 如果大孩子犯了错, 所有的大孩子都要一起受罚.
我3,4岁的时候,我哥哥大约10,11岁. 有一天我的父母不在家, 只有孩子们在家. 中午, 我哥哥只煎了一个鸡蛋,给我吃. 那个时代,鸡蛋在农村是非常稀缺和珍贵的. 我坚持要我哥哥,我姐姐(她比我哥哥还要小)一起吃, 但是他们都只假装咬了一口,然后让我吃完.
我5岁的时候, 我姐姐10岁.夏季的一天,我姐姐跟她的小伙伴们到山上挖野菜(除了人吃,也要喂猪,鸡). 天很热,他们挖完了野菜,便一起去池塘洗澡.
过去农村很多那样的池塘, 池塘挖得很深, 10米,20米深,下雨时蓄水,干旱时用来灌溉. 池塘边是用石头砌的,直上直下.
农村孩子大多很会游泳, 但是我年龄太小, 还没有学习如何游泳. 所以我只是坐在池塘边, 然后把脚放在水里.
我突然滑倒了,落进了池塘里,就像是一只扔到水里的秤砣, 迅速向下沉,我姐姐就在我的身边,一看到我落进水里,连一秒钟也没有迟疑, 一个猛子扎到水里, 抓住了我. 但是她刚刚10岁,力气不够大,抓住了我后,无法浮出水面。她憋住一口气,拼命地挣扎, 突然脚碰到了池塘的墙壁, 她用足了力,脚下拼命一蹬,拼命向上一窜, 我们俩重新冒出了水面. 她的小朋友们,也迅速赶过来,把我推到了池塘边, 拉上了岸.
在一个小家庭了, 我们都有兄弟姐妹, 我们需要互相监督,互相关爱.
在这个世界上,我们也是一个大家庭,我们都是兄弟姐妹, 我们也需要互相监督,互相关爱.
Thanksgiving and Dedication
Bible Genesis 24 And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature in its kind, cattle and creeping things, and beasts of the earth, according to their kinds. And it was so done. 25 And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds, and cattle, and every thing that creepeth on the earth after its kind. And God saw that it was good. 26 And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth. Let us make man to our image...27 And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. 28 And God blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and all living creatures that move upon the earth. Increase and multiply..29 And God said: Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed upon the earth, and all trees that have in themselves seed of their own kind, to be your meat: 30 And to all beasts of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to all that move upon the earth, and wherein there is life, that they may have to feed upon. And it was so done. 31 And God saw all the things that he had made, and they were very good. And the evening and morning were the sixth day.
When God created everything,
God asked grass: ’Would you like to dedicate yourself to the earth? You would be eaten by lamb. With your dedication, the earth can go well with love, happiness and peace.’
The grass answered: ‘I am willing to sacrifice to God.’
That was the reason that lambs ate grasses with thanksgiving. And grasses was eaten by lambs with happiness and peace of dedication.
God asked lamb: ‘Would you like to dedicate yourself to the eath? You would be eaten by tiger. With your dedication, the earth can go well with love, happiness and peace.’
Lamb answered: ‘I am willing to sacrifice to God.’
That was the reason that Tigers ate lambs with thanksgiving. And lambs were eaten by Tigers with happiness and peace of dedication.
God made a promise with everything, and everything made a promise with God.
When the little lamb gave his life to the earth as the dedication, it brought the earth with Love, Happiness, and Peace. It went to Heaven with happiness of Eternal peace, and joyful.
Buddhism didn't eat animals. They knew that animals had the same feelings with Human Beings. But Plants also had feelings. God allowed Human Beings to take everything on the earth as their food, because everything kept promise to God -- dedication to us as our food.
What we should do is to love, respect everything and thanksgiving for their dedication. Before we take them as our food, we need cherish them.
Because of the excessive killings and exploitation, some Species were going to extinction. We must protect them, cherish them.
When we seeing everything in the earth, we understood without their dedication, we could not see such a beautiful earth. We should thank God who give us all these beautiful things, we should thank everything who dedicating themselves to the earth.
I don't want to teach anyone about the Bible or interpret the Bible. But I think people should know about Thanksgiving and Dedication.
Without Thanksgiving and Dedication, we could not build real peace on the Earth.