AT (15)

Esse vídeo é longo. EU ENTRO NO TEMPO 54M48S AOS 54 MINUTOS E 48 SEGUNDOS
Mas, quero que vocês ouçam, traduzam para entender os momentos que antecederam o tempo que a mim foi concedido pela Câmara dos Vereadores da cidade de Sorocaba.
Se você tiver condições de traduzir, pegue papel e caneta e anote todas as pautas que foram apresentadas antes da minha fala.
Prestem atenção aos assuntos que representantes políticos discutem concede tempo, enquanto que, aos Direitos Humanos, crimes psicotronicos, apresentação da vítima, me foram concedidos 10 minutos.
Solicitei ampliação do tempo, mas inutilmente, nem mais um minuto me foi concedido, apesar do assunto ser gravíssimo.
Antes da minha fala, houve discussões a direitos dos animais, inclusive, assunto em pauta ao qual dedicam total atenção e interesse.
É o menoscabo com nossa causa e vítimas de crimes de torturas psicotronicas que tentam fazer de conta que "não existem e são fantasias das vítimas a descrição das dores, humilhações e perseguições que sofrem, além dos estupros eletrônicos".
Se tiverem pessoa confiável que traduza minha fala, peçam para traduzir, mas se "for tradutor confiável", e a transcrição não é confiável, sempre tem erros de concordância e sentidos muito graves.
Até hoje, 2020. não consegui Audiência Pública solicitada em 2016.
Isso é um menoscabo muito grande e desinteresse, provando alienação hipnótica e indução em massa no Brasil.
Naly de Araújo Leite - Sorocaba City - São Paulo State - Brasil

This video is long. I ENTER IN TIME 54H48M    -   54 MINUTS AND 48 SECONDS
But, I want you to listen, translate to understand the moments that preceded the time that was granted to me by the City Council of Sorocaba.
If you are able to translate, take paper and pen and write down all the guidelines that were presented before my speech.
Pay attention to the subjects that political representatives discuss grants time, while, for Human Rights, psychotronic crimes, presentation of the victim, I was granted 10 minutes.
I requested an extension of time, but to no avail, I was not granted another minute, despite the fact that the subject was very serious.
Before my speech, there were discussions on animal rights, including a subject on the agenda to which they dedicate full attention and interest.
It is the least thing with our cause and victims of crimes of psychotronic torture that try to pretend that "the victims do not exist and are fantasies describing the pains, humiliations and persecutions they suffer, in addition to electronic rapes".
If you have a reliable person who translates my speech, ask to translate, but if "you are a reliable translator", and the transcription is not reliable, there are always errors of agreement and very serious meanings.
Until today, 2020. I did not get a Public Hearing requested in 2016.
This is a very big minuscule and disinterest, proving hypnotic alienation and mass induction in Brazil.
Naly de Araújo Leite - Sorocaba City - São Paulo State - Brazil

Cette vidéo est longue. J'ENTRE DANS LE TEMPS 54M48S 54 MINUTES ET 48 SECONDES
Mais, je veux que vous écoutiez, traduisez pour comprendre les moments qui ont précédé le temps qui m'a été accordé par la Mairie de Sorocaba.
Si vous êtes capable de traduire, prenez du papier et un stylo et notez toutes les directives qui ont été présentées avant mon discours.
Faites attention aux sujets que les représentants politiques discutent accordent du temps, tandis que, pour les droits de l'homme, les délits psychotroniques, la présentation de la victime, j'ai eu 10 minutes.
J'ai demandé une prorogation de délai, mais en vain, on ne m'a pas accordé une autre minute, malgré le fait que le sujet était très sérieux.
Avant mon discours, il y a eu des discussions sur les droits des animaux, y compris un sujet à l'ordre du jour auquel ils accordent toute leur attention et leur intérêt.
C'est la moindre chose avec notre cause et les victimes de crimes de torture psychotronique qui essaient de prétendre que "les victimes n'existent pas et sont des fantasmes décrivant les douleurs, les humiliations et les persécutions qu'elles subissent, en plus des viols électroniques".
Si vous avez une personne fiable qui traduit mon discours, demandez à traduire, mais si "vous êtes un traducteur fiable" et que la transcription n'est pas fiable, il y a toujours des erreurs d'accord et des significations très graves.
Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, 2020. Je n'ai pas obtenu d'audience publique demandée en 2016.
C'est un très gros minuscule et un désintérêt, prouvant l'aliénation hypnotique et l'induction de masse au Brésil.
Naly de Araújo Leite - Ville de Sorocaba - État de São Paulo - Brésil

Outros canais nos quais fui publicada em tempo real de minha exposição.

Autres chaînes dans lesquelles j'ai été publié en temps réel pour mon exposition.

Other channels in which I was published in real time for my exhibition.

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I have become wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the human computerized control and enslavement system which has recently become known as the wireless internet of things. The wireless link which I am connected to the system by is a two way energy link which sends and receives data to and from my brain and body to said computerized control and enslavement system on a continual basis. The data which I receive through said link is composed of sound, images inside my field of vision and my minds eye, both sensations and pain in various parts of my body, partial disablement of one of my limbs for a short space of time, external interference with my intestines, external control of some of my facial muscles and external control of my vocal cords to the extent that I can be forced to speak words and phrases which do not originate from my own brain against my will, among many other types of brain and body interferences.
Recently each morning before I wake up, pain signals are sent to my right knee and to my right thigh which then wake me up. I scream out in pain because of these externally induced pains. The neuro staff who control the computerized control and enslavement system which I am wirelessly linked to have informed me that they can and they will administer wirelessly induced pain signals by external means to the whole of Ireland if the Irish people refuse to be obedient to their rule at any time in the future. The only way to avoid this type of wireless enslavement of Ireland through advanced technology in my opinion is to have all wireless enabling capabilities disassembled and banned outright. If anybody has more knowledge of the matter of how we can protect ourselves from wireless enslavement in Ireland and throughout the whole world they should contribute their information to this forum as a matter of urgency. I have already become wirelessly enslaved. You must stop this happening to you and to your family.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My facebook page is called My website which I alone own and control is called I have never and I never would in the future accept payment for anything I write on this forum. I am simply attempting to raise awareness of the extreme danger to the freedom of most of the human race at the hands of a dark cabal of individuals who own and control extremely advanced wireless weapons.

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Dear Sir/Madam,
We are under attack. We are about to lose everything we own and all of our freedom if you fail to act now.
When they are installed next year, fifth generation wireless transmitters will be used to transmit millimeter waves. These millimeter waves are a human surveillance medium and a health destroying medium and a human enslavement medium.
A millimeter wave transmitter can detect and record movement inside a private home. It can also generate 3D imagery of the inside of the home, both day and night.
Millimeter wave emissions penetrate human skin and effects our nervous system in various ways. These millimeter wave emissions can be used to immobilize a human being from a remote location. Millimeter wave emissions are being used to carry pain signals which make the recepient feel as if their skin is burning. Millimeter wave emissions can also be used to force individuals to hear the voices of unknown energy weapon operatives. Millimeter wave emissions can be used to enable said unknown energy weapon operatives to read the inner dialogue of any human being who is immersed in millimeter waves and to reply to those inner thoughts in real time. These millimeter wave emissions can also be used by these energy weapons operatives to give somebody a heart attack or a stroke or extreme pain, sent from a remote location while the energy weapons operatives themselves remain unknown to the victim. These millimeter wave frequencies can be used to x ray any human being from a remote location. They can be used to activate viruses which were injected into a human body at a much earlier time. 5G is similar to having a continuous mild MRI scan because the energy weapons operatives can use the 5G millimeter waves to inspect the inside of the body of every human being on earth if they so wish as soon as 5G becomes installed throughout the world.
The wireless communication systems and communication towers which transmit millimeter waves all have back doors which allow the military or others to access and control how this dangerous technology is used and who it is being used against.
The millimeter wave matrix is a kill grid.
The skies over our heads are now being sprayed with chemtrails which contain metallic compounds such as barium, aluminium and others. Microwaves, in the current frequencies that we are immersed in, open the blood brain barrier and allow metallic compounds to get through to the human brain. Those metals are then microwaved while they are inside the human brain and body which causes the human being concerned to have voltage discharges take place throughout the human body. Your smart phone interacts with all of the electro chemical processes taking place in your brain due to the presence of these aforementioned metals which have become trapped inside our brains.
Beam forming is another piece of the technological enslavement protocol. Beam forming technology hunts down a device and locks on to that device and it then channels and funnels microwave or millimeter wave energy or both to that device.

I have watched the enclosed linked youtube video about 5G by Joe Imbriano whose website is called about the extreme dangers of 5G. Joe Imbriano from Fullerton, California has a batcherlors degree in chemistry as well as a batchelors degree in biological science. He has also studied magnetobiology which is a subject that has been sensored on a worldwide scale by the would-be enslavers of the human race. I respect his work and I have taken some of the above information from his large body of work.
Do not use store bought hygiene products because they contain nano materials. When these nano materials adhere to our skin they can be manipulated by remote control by unknown operatives using wireless radiation activation frequencies.
Do not allow yourself or your family to be vaccinated. I believe that the ultimate goal of a vaccination is to get nano technology in to your blood stream where it could then be used to immobilise you or cause you to have a stroke or a heart attack by remote means.
Wear jewellery which has magentic properties. You will not be able to use a computer or other digital media device if you decide to wear magnetic jewellery because the magnets will permanently disable whatever digital media device it comes in contact with. However, I believe that magnetic jewellery has protective properties.
Get rid of all digital media screens and wirelessly enabled transmission devices from your home.
Inform others that we are now under attack and will be soon technologically enslaved if we fail to act.
Nano compounds are likely to be highly concentrated in processed foods such a cereals and baked goods. Eat plain, unprocessed foods.
Chemtrail spraying of the air over our heads with nano compounds is not successful because those particular nano compounds degrade before they reach our bloodstream in most occasions.
Millimeter waves do not travel very far. In fact they only travel about 500 feet. Screen your windows with aluminium blinds. Sow trees and shrubs outside your windows. The enslavers hate trees and I believe that they are currently using electronic mind control in order to make us believe that we should engage in a tree cutting program for reasons of road safety.
Do not drink from the public water supply. Fluoride and other compounds have been added to it in order to dumb us down and sicken us. A vibrantly healthty and intelligent population can not be enslaved.
People who are being informed in large group settings can be manipulated and swayed by strong characters who have been deliberately placed inside the group. Think and research independently. Do not rely on government propaganda.
Take carbyonal iron and foods containing vitamin D because modern technology interferes with vitamin D production.
Use crystals and orgone ornaments because they distort frequencies which then hinder the work of surveillance operatives who are now able to monitor and survey a selection of targeted individuals from an unknown remote location by the use of 5G millimeter waves or other energy waves.
Wi-gig will shortly be introduced into homes and will connect to all of your wireless devices at 2.4 gigahertz which is the oxygen molecule absorbtion frequency. That will mean that the oxygen will still be present in the environment but the absorbability rate into our bodies will drop. Oxygen knocks down millimeter wave frequency emissions. If people fail to replace the oxygen in their blood stream by drinking ozonated water or ingesting hydrogen peroxide droplets in water they will develop diseases of electromagnetic exposure. However, general medical practitioners may be wrongly informed by governments that these diseases are of pathogenic origin, and this falsehood could then be given as a reason for mandating the vaccination of the human race.
Dont register your children at birth. If they are not registered they can not be mandated to accept poisonous vaccinations and they can not be mandated to attend schools which are now being used to inculcate children into a slave mindset where they are never allowed to question what they are being taught.

There are currently no devices on the market which test for millimeter wave frequency emissions. We dont have technology which can determine whether we are being bombarded with these frequencies. However, Joe Imbriano of www.thefullertoninformern mentioned that the use of an oscilloscope may help.
I have been a non-consensual victim of remote controlled experimentation for more than sixteen years. I am linked by a bi-directional energy stream to a computer system which is run by criminal operatives who force me to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my head on a continual basis. I believe that millimeter waves are being used to allow these criminal operatives to force me to listen to their voices but I have found no way of proving this so far. It is common knowledge that millimeter waves were used in the first Iraq war in 1991 to make the opponents hear voices coming from inside their heads and to feel burns on their skin which was also enabled by millimeter waves. The criminal operatives who I am in continual contact with can also force me to see moving images whenever they wish. They can make me feel too warm or too cold whenever they wish. They wake me up in the middle of the night if they so wish. They can send me pain signals. They can send false information to my bodily organs to make them malfunction. I can be made to limp for a short time and return to full abilities a short time later. They have also forced a selection of my muscles to move against my will and I have no way of stopping them acting against me at the moment. I am in contact with many other individuals from the Republic of Ireland and overseas who are also experiencing the same experiences as I am experiencing. We are not being believed by the government officials to the extent that we no longer report our experiences to them so as to protect ourselves from an unnecessary and non-consensual mandatory stay in a psychiatric hospital.
If you dont make a public announcement about the dangers of 5G millimeter wave technology shortly I will believe you to be under microwave mind control. In order to know what that is please read the following article "Microwave Mind Control" by Tim Rifat which is to be found at the following link
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo,
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901
My website which I alone own and control is called My facebook page is called

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I have become wirelessly tethered from technology inside my body to a network of computers which are controlled by criminal gangs. The wireless link between me and this computer network allows two way traffic. The criminal gangs who control the wireless tethering equipment steal information from by body and brain on an ongoing basis. They also send information into my brain and body against my will and without my permission by the two way link. They can reproduce their voices inside my head. They can send moving images both to my minds eye and also to the room I am in, which usually appear in the form of moving holograms of people. They can force me to feel sensations or pain on any part of my body. They can give me a severe limp which they can then remove within minutes to allow me to walk perfectly fine again. They can move my facial muscles against my will. They have forced my neck to nod vigorously against my will on only one occasion without my permission and against my will.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that if they ever crack the code which would allow them into certain information centres inside my brain and body they will eventually be able to immobilize me at will. They have informed me that they would at some future time be able to immobilize me so rigidly that they could then mail me in a box and nobody would know that there was a real live human being inside the box because I would be immobilized so rigidly that I would not be able to move even slightly. They have also informed me that if I ever thought about attempting to commit suicide they would immobilize me immediately so that I could never succeed in even attempting suicide.
This cruel system of being wirelessly tethered to computer systems from technology inside the human body is meant for all other than the would-be enslavers of the human race. If the process could be fully automated that scenario is a possibility because senior politicians throughout the western world are either under a process of mind control or else they have already become wirelessly tethered to the control system themselves or else they have become compromised and thereby controllable by trickery or by other means.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that they are gaining more and more control over my brain and body through a process known as coding which is currently being taught to university students. Are university students involved in my electronic harassment and torture and are they being informed that they are coding information inside a real live human being or a laboratory animal? If you know, please answer.
If we fail to disassemble and ban all infrastructure which allows wirelessly enabled harassment and torture, soon we will reach a situation where babies will be implanted on the day they are born and shortly thereafter they will be wirelessly linked for life to a computer tethering system which I believe is being run behind the scenes of our lives by both Satanists and Luciferians who pose as honest business men. If that ever happens the human race would then be enslaved for all eternity. You have a duty to raise awareness and you have a duty to canvass to have all infrastructure which enables wireless enslavement disassembled and banned throughout the world immediately.
The reason you have not heard the above information from your government is because anytime targeted individuals of wireless harassment and torture inform the police of their experiences they are immediately send for psychiatric evaluation, which is followed by a stay in a psychiatric hospital which causes them to lose all of their credibility from that day forward. They are publicly classified as mentally unstable. This scenario is happening all over the world. You and your family are in grave danger of being wirelessly enslaved. It is extremely cruel.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called

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There is a silent war being waged against the majority of the human race with invisible weapons.   This is commonly known as a war of attrition.   Wireless weapons are being used to torture and murder individuals while they appear to be safely inside their own homes.   Wireless weapons are being used to burn down homes and this is being achieved from a remote location.  Wireless technology is being used to electronically mind control most of humanity into a state of confusion and apathy.   I myself have been implanted with technology which has become wirelessly linked to a network of computers by a two way link.   Teams of researchers who work in total secrecy in front of computer screens in large office buildings throughout the world have the ability to upload  information into my brain and body and to download information from my brain and body.   Their aim is to  some day be able to wirelessly remote control me like a puppet.   They are already half way there.   These teams of researchers speak to me via the two way wireless link.  I hear their voices coming from inside my head.   I keep a daily blog which I upload to several social media sites outlining what these neuro operatives say to me.   Here is some of what they said to me as well as about me in the past twenty four hours:-

"She was bursting at the seams with food but she still ate some more."

"Only a lunatic would repeat back the awful stuff we say about her for all to hear."

  I was asked the following by  one of the neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head,  as follows  "Where did your cooking skills come from?"   I replied as follows  "I just picked them up from watching my mother cook when I was a child."   The reply I received from the inner voice of the neuro operative was as follows  "We wish to have hegemony on exactly how all things are carried out across the whole planet earth.  We dislike people picking things up for themselves.  We demand you do a course in anything you wish to pursue in the future including how to cook your dinner."    My response to that is the dark new world order would-be enslavers wish to micro manage our lives to such an extent that they would squeeze all of the joy out of all of our actions. 

"Every time we say something about her she swings it back to is in her blog the following day."

"House control has been activated on this lady.  We are not letting anything else she writes out to the public."

"She is coarse when speaking to us.  She has to express her displeasure in some way.  However, she is never coarse when she is speaking to her friends and neighbours.  She is friendly and upbeat."

"Did she ever have group sex."   "No.  We have nothing on her there."

"The whole human family will go up in smoke if this is allowed to continue."

"There is a disaster unfolding behind the scenes that only us and the individuals we target know about."

"What is wrong with you.  What do you want to eat food for already.   It is no length of time since your dinner."

"She is bounding around her home without a bra.  I got the distinct impression that she was not wearing a bra when I was brain to brain linked with her earlier."

"Princess Eugenie or her family, the British Royal Family to not belong to our organization.   The fact that Princess Eugenie was allowed to have surgery for scoliosis means that she could not belong to our organization because we forbid all surgery among our organization.  We have further advanced our health capabilities to the extent that we no longer use surgery or medication."  (I was watching an online video about Princess Eugenie of Great Britain and I was surmising about her when the inner voice gave me this information.  

"You are stuffing your mouth with food".   My response to that was as follows   "How would you like it if somebody else counted every bite of food you put into your mouth."   I then heard a further inner voice reply as follows  "No, but it is my job to monitor your every word and action."   I then replied as follows " No, it is not your job to do so.  It is nobody's job to do so.  Who decided it was anybody's job to monitor every word and action of a good living woman by wireless remote means while she is in the privacy of her own home?  

"We are not here to make you feel comfortable.  We are here to terrify you beyond words."

"We are at an impasse here in Ireland.   Nobody does anything we ask of them.  They all realize now that we are attempting to lock them down in a state of enslavement."

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I have already become linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things. My experiences are so extreme that most uninformed individuals can not believe that neuro science and neuro technology has advanced to this extent and they prefer to disbelieve me when I recount my experiences. First of all, back in the spring of 2003 my brain and body were linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a network of computers, and those computers may well be also linked to a super computer. This link enables the neuro staff who operated these computers to force me to listen to their voices coming from inside my head at all times of the day or night. They wake me up from sleep whenever they wish by speaking to me or by sending me a pain signal.
Over time the neuro operatives built up a brain map which then enabled them to take control over my facial muscles and some of my neck muscles as well as my vocal cords on some occasions. When I move my facial muscles of my own accord the exact sequences of events that happens in my brain is then tabulated and repeated so that the criminal neuro operatives can later move my facial muscles against my will. Now, whenever the neuro operatives take external control of my vocal cords while speaking through me they also take external control of my facial muscles at the same time. If the neuro operative who is speaking through me is angry I now can tell that that is the case because my own eyes blaze up in anger and my face grimaces in anger when I am being spoken through. These experiences mostly occur when I am alone, but they could easily be made to occur when I am out in public. I have many friends and acquaintances who are also experiencing similar experiences. We are all attempting to raise awareness of this horrific situation but one of the main reasons we sometimes fail to be believed is because everyone else may already be linked to the internet-of-things besides us and it appears that they have become locked into a state of subliminal hypnosis where they are unable to believe us and this state of subliminal hypnosis may also be combined with wirelessly enabled brain entrainment because their responses are not normal. It is as if the general public have been rendered unable to think past a certain point. The only way we can return to normal as a human race is by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia in my opinion.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my website is I write about my experiences of being wirelessly and non-consensually linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things simply in order to raise awareness of the extreme danger humanity is now it. I never have, and I never will accept payment for what I write and send to the public and for what I post online.

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A British owned corporation called Serco is working through all governments throughout the world including Ireland with the aim of enslaving the human race.   I have been electronically harassed and psychologically tortured for more than sixteen years by the use of directed energy weapons and I now wish to know who in Ireland is directly involved in both my electronic harassment and psychological torture.  I want answers?

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Our minds should remain balanced at the centre of a bell curve. 
If we become left brain dominant we become cruel, intolerant, selfish, greedy, sadistic, unmerciful, intolerant, domineering, controlling, tyrannical, inhumane, vindictive and authoritarian.

If we become right brain dominant we become subservient, docile, trusting, obedient, servile, submissive, naive, timid and humble. We become religious extremists and unquestioning order followers.

We all veer from left brain dominant to right brain dominant throughout our lives especially when under stress. However, we strive to remain centred.

I believe that nuns are right brain dominant. They have been manipulated to enslave themselves to the Papacy. We do not know what the true agenda of the papacy actually is. The Vatican is the wealthiest corporation on the planet so we can be sure its agenda is not generosity. The Pope and the Cardinals appear to be left brain dominant.

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Because I have been a targeted individual of remote neural manipulation and voice to skull internal voice to skull communication for nearly sixteen years I sometimes hear information from these unknown wirelessly transmitted voices which I believe may be valuable to anybody looking for an antidote to wireless electronic harassment and torture. The following pieces of information may be helpful.
I have been wearing the same model of shoes for the last seven years or more. I recently purchased a new pair of shoes which were considerably higher than the type of shoes I usually wear. When I first wore the new shoes the technologically induced inner voices informed me that they had lost their alliance to me because all of their settings now needed to be changed and such a job was insurmountable at this late stage of my induction .
The neuro operative staff who reproduce their voices inside my head using classified technology also informed me on another occasion that they lose wireless anodyne connection to me anytime the technology inside my body endures undue stress such as whenever I bend down and stretch into an awkward position such as when I reach under the kitchen sink in order to retrieve something from the cupboard.
On a completely different occasion the neuro operatives informed me via inner voice technology that if dust sized technology passes the blood brain barrier and enters the basil ganglia then the targeted individual can be totally controlled from there on in.
Many people violently deny that technology which can wirelessly reproduce human voices inside peoples heads exist at all. However, only extremely ruthless people get to the top in todays society because they can now torture their opponents wirelessly without leaving any evidence. They have taken over control of the pharmaceutical industry, main stream medicine, psychiatry, public education, banking and all other government institutions of power. They also have taken control of the Vatican from behind the scenes.
We are at a pivotal point in human history. If we succeed in disassembling all wireless enabling capabilities and all microwave generating capabilities which are all ground based and under our capability to do so we will have set in motion a method of ensuring freedom for many future generations to come. It has become obvious to researchers that the existence of satellites is a hoax and what we originally presumed were satellites were in fact stationary drones. We have it in our power to defeat the would-be enslavers of the human race if we act quickly.

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Please "SAVE AS" and share globally- My testimony of being tortured for learning Aramark had foodservice in world trade center 1, world trade center II, foodservice at the UN in New York City and foodservice in the Pentagon.foodservice in the White House.<br>



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#1109 Wake Up To Your Life More CIA Logs Via FOIA

The list of CIA logs below show me MKultra is very much in operation. Experiments, mind Control, Behavior Modification, Torture, Assassination, Electronic Surveillance, Microchips Nanno Mind Reading/ Control Implants, Quantum Computing(Q-Tel), Neurolinguistic Programming for Subvocal Speech recognition, radiation Experiments, Cybernetics, Star Gate, Multiple-Personality Scheme,   Relationship Between CIA & Entertainment Industry, Use of Devices Surigally Implanted into Body of Any Person in US, CIA Funding of Mind Control Projects in U.S. Hospitals & Institutions, Mind Reading/Control Implants; Current Policy on Torture & Murder of U.S. Citizens, CIA Mori ID 140394 (Interview W/Hypnosis), Recourse A U.S. Citizen Can Take if The CIA Committs a Crime Against Them, and more,  A Study Of Assassination, Remote Viewing and Psychological Re-Programming, Electronic Surveillance By The NSA,  SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device), Remote Sensing Imagery, Attend the next Bioethics Commission meeting! This is your chance to go on record.
  For DR. Matha Farah who spoke at the Commission: 
pg26(2) 6-30-2005 F-2006-01243  Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, EEG, Infrared Spectroscopy oOr Measurement Tech To Assist In Or Support Interrogation

                                                                                      Peter Rosenholm


pg2 10-5-2006 F-2007-0004 CD SET OF MKULTRA &BLUEBIRD? ARTICHOKE

pg3 10-12-2006 F2007-00075 MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD,ARTICHOKE,SLEEP


pg3 10-13-2006 F2007-00092 1973 CIA IG REPORT,693 PAGE STUDY,






pg9 11-30-2006 F-2007-00369 LYME DISEASE

pg9 12-1-2006 F-2007-00383 MKULTRA

pg10 12-1-2006 F-2007-00391 MKULTRA & BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE RECORDS


pg13 1-5-2007 F-2007-00530 NOWTHATSFUCKEDUP.COM




pg15 1-26-2007 F-2007-00691 MIND CONTROL USED ON US CITIZENS “HERE”


pg41 9-8-2005 F-2005-01940  Quantum Computing(Q-Tel), Neurolinguistic Programming and remote Viewing

pg39 8-25-2005 F-2005-01875  Intell on Cybernetics in the USSR:Chronology of events (1957-64), John J. Ford, CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence, Life Sciences Division, 3/9/65

pg39 8-25-2005 F-2005-01872  Projects MK Delta and MK Ultra

pg37 8-12-2005 F-2005-01806  Stargate Collection

pg35 7-27-2005 F-2005-01711 Project Monarch, MK-ultra and the use of Monarch Victims

pg31 6-20-2005 F-2005-01492  Human Radiation Experiments on Arthor S. Gminski

pg31 6-30-2005 F-2005-01507 Addresses, Phone Numbers and Locations of US Gov't Agency-s that pay rewards for Info Re: Espionage, Treason, Murder, Etc.

pg28 6-7-2005 F-2005-01368  Wallace E. Johnson, The Wallace & Alma E. Johnson Foundation, Walace-E.B. McCool Foundation, Medicenters of America Inc, Dr. Ronald J.Hauser, & Dr. Mendoza in Relation to MKultra/Mind Control Projects

pg26 5-19-2005 F-2005-01289  Use of Devices Surigally Implanted into Body of Any Person in US., & Researchs Involved.

pg25 5-12-2005 F-2005-01258  CIA Funding of Mind Control Projects in U.S. Hospitals & Institutions in Houston , Dallas, & Austin Texas from 1960-1979

pg25 5-4-2005 F-2005-01236  Info. on Self Before Becoming a US Citizen and Records That Pertain to CIA MK-ultra.

pg19 3-17-2005 F-2005-00903 Identity of Any Persons Who Are Part of MKultra or Mind Controlled Scheme

pg18 3-11-2005 F-2005-00887 Mind Reading/Control Implants; Current Policy on Torture & Murder of U.S. Citizens

pg 3-3-2005 F-2005-00847  1950's Operation Called Occultizm in High Places (OHP)

pg16 2-24-2005 F-2005-00805  Improper Influence of Substances Placed ON/IN Marva Sierzega & Anne Holder & Any Electronic Surveillance or Implants ON/IN Requester

pg16 2-23-2005 F-2005-00794  Nanno Mind Reading/ Control Implants; U.S. Sponsored Murder/Assasinations;CIA Involvement W/CHILD Theft

pg16 2-18-2005 F-2005-00786  Multiple-Personality Scheme the Sequence of the Personalities Developed Reactive to MKultra & Similar Programs

pg15 2-18-2005 F-2005-00785 Various Requests on Brain Washing & Hypnotic Mind Control & Devices Used. Phoenix Project, Motorola Satilites and Radios

pg15  2-16-2005 F-2005-00762  3 Vol. CD set of MKultra & Bluebird/Artichoke Records & Shareware Viewer

pg12 1-28-2005 F-2005-00632  Connections Between CIA & Contras in Cocain Trafficking to U.S.

pg12 1-28-2005 F-2005-00628  Relationship Between CIA & Entertainment Industry From 1947 To Present

pg11 1-26-2005 F-2005-00605  Recourse A U.S. Citizen Can Take if The CIA Committs a Crime Against Them

pg9 1-4-2005 F-2005-00512  Changes Made To FOIA and Privacy Acts since 9/11/2001

pg9 1-28-2005 F-2005-00498  Capture/Torture Of Unregistered, CIA, Or "GHOST DETAINEES After 9/11/2001

pg9 12-29-2005 F-2004-00491 Documentation On Name, Chemical Properties, & Manufacturer Of CIA Developed Suicide Pill

pg9 12-28-2004 F-2004-00485  e Requests Pertaining to Mind Control, Telepathy, Psych Manipulation

pg8 12-8-2004 F-2004-00398  The Philadelphia Experiment Done In VA. On 8/12/1943 By U.S. Military (NAVY)

pg6 11-30-2004 F-2004--00317  Publication From 2/20/1966 Titled "Magic And How To Recognize It"

pg6 11-30-2004 f-2004-00316  CIA Mori ID 140394 (Interview W/Hypnosis)

pg4 11-5-2004 F-2004-00193   Set Of 14 CD's Containing the Star Gate Collection

pg4 11-5-2004 F-2004-00191   Allegations That Eugene Dinkins Had Knowledge Of President Kennedy Assasination Serveral Weeks Befor It Happened

pg5 11-17-2004 F-2004-00256  Remote Viewing and Psychological Re-Programming

pg1 10-14-2004 F-2004 00077  Dr. Josef Mengele From 1945-Feb 1979

pg1 10-14-2004 F-2004-0075 A Study Of Assassination Released In May 1997

pg3(2) 10-24-2005 F-2005-00089  Access Industries, Inc

pg3(2) 10-24-2005 F-2005-0090 Aurora Project

pg10(2) 12-30-2005 F-2005-00375 NSA's Special Collection Program

pg10(2) 1-4-2006 F-2006-00386 Isreal As A Military Asset Or Mercinary State Or Means For The US To Expand It's Influence In The Middle East After 1948 & 1967 Wars.

pg10(2) 1-5-2006 F-2006-00398  Electronic Surveillance By The NSA

pg10(2) 1-10-2006 F-2006-00417  Info On The CIA's Office Of Scientific Investigation

pg9(2) 12-14-2005 F-2005-00332  MKultra and Bluebird/Artichoke, and Pandora

pg11(2) 1-11-2006 F-2006-00426  MKultra

pg11(2)  1-11-2006 F-2006-00434  Phone Phreaks And Blue Boxes

pg11(2) 1-11-2006 F-2006-00433  All Domestic Individuals Holding Assets Exceeding 10 Million US Dollars

pg11(2) 1-11-2006 F-2006-00435  MKultra Subprojects

pg11(2) 1-11-2006  F-2006-00436  An Operation Run To Infiltrate And Obtain Info On Scientology

pg11(2) 1-16-2006 F-2006-00488 Star Gate

pg11(2) 1-19-2006 F-2006-00517 CIA's Domestic Collection Division

pg11(2) 1-23-2006 F-2006-00520  Information On experiments Funded By The CIA During The Cold War

pg12(2)  1-24-2006 F-2006-00540  MKultra

pg12(2)  1-24-2006 F-2006-00542  CIA Sponsored Dream Study Programs 1195-2005

pg12(2)  1-24-2006 F-2006-00545  Electronic Surveillance (NSA)

pg12(2) 2-1-2006 F-2006-00568  Warrantless Elec. Surveillance or Physical Searches of Any Person In the US From 9/11/01 That Reference A Requesting Party (NSA)

pg13(2) 2-6-2006 F-2006-00586  Micro-Lithium Strobelight

pg13(2) 2-10-2006 F-2006-00620 Records From The Directed Energy Pilot Collection Program Through 1989

pg 15(2) 2-28-2006 F-2006-00682  The final Technical Report Of United Technologies Research Center Entitled "Bulk Acocustic Wave Devises (BAWD)." Sept 1982

pg16(2) 2-28-2006 F-2006-00684 FOIA And Privacy Act Laws

pg16(2) 2-28-2006 F-2006-00685  Kubark Ommunist Interogation & Indoctrination of "Enemies Of The State" A Report For Technical Services Division, 1956 (Kubark, Kusoda, Kupalm)

pg16(2) 3-14-2006 f-2006-00731 A Mail Intercept/Opening Program Conducted By The CIA In New Orleans in the 1950's

pg16(2) 2-28-2006 F-2006-00687  MKultra And Behavioral Research

pg17(2) 3-14-2006 F-2006-00745  SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device)

pg22(2) 4-26-2006 F-2006-00963  MKultra And Bluebird/Artichoke Records

pg22(2) 5-3-2006 F-2006-00996  The Human Resouce Exploitation Training Manual

pg22(2) 5-3-2006 F-2006-01004  MK-Ultra - Type Techniques For Brain Probing And Behavior/Brain Control

pg22(2) 5-3-2006 F-2006-01014  Ghost Detainee Memoranda

pg19(2) 4-4-2006 F-2006-00837  Memo And Testimony By Richard Ober To The Rockefller Commission, The Church Committee and the Pike Committee

pg19(2) 4-4-2006 F-2006-00838  All Memoranda And Testimony By John Furfey, Using The Alias Charles Marcules To The Rockefaller Commission

pg20(2) 4-7-2006 F-2006-00874  Remote Sensing Imagery

pg20(2) 4-12-2006 F-2006-00880  Pres Orders Authorizing NSA To Engage In Warrentless Electronic Surveillance Or Warrentless PHY Search in US 9-11-2001


pg23(2) 5-10-2006 F-2006-01035  Directed energy Weapons Or Devises

pg23(2) 5-16-2006 F-2006-01047  Operation Eagle Claw And Project MK-Naomi

pg23(2) 5-23-2006 F-2006-01062  Info/List of Contractors/Affiliations Researching And/Or Testing Weapons/Directed Energy Devices, Greene Cnty, Tennessee

pg23(2) 5-24-2006 F-2006-01078  Microwave Energy

pg26(2) 6-30-2005 F-2006-01243  Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, EEG, Infrared Spectroscopy oOr Measurement Tech To Assist In Or Support Interrrogation

pg27(2) 7-6-2006 F-2006-01275  Dr. Francis Sooy, Joseph Hamilton, CIA Relations with UCLA, CIA Manual On Assasinations, Human resouce Exploitation Training Manual, Psychological Tactics Manual, Formosa And Other Subjects

pg27(2) 7-13-2006 F-2006-01305  MKultra, Bluebird, MK Delta & Dr. Sidney Gottlieb

pg28(2) 7-19-2006 F-2006-01321  Physiological Mechanisms, Analysis And Behaviorial Significance Of The Electrodermal Response - Final Report

pg29(2) 8-4-2006 F-2006 01417 Remote Control Of Behavior With Rewarding Electrical Stimulation Of  The Brain; Final report

pg29(2) 8-2-2006 F-2006-01366  MKultra Documents

pg29(2) 8-1-2006 F-2006-01352 Espionage Satiellites

pg29(2) 8-1-2006 F-2006-01351  Weekly Surveyor Article, Life Sciences And Cybernetics And The Health Of World Leadres, YRS. 1965-1971

pg29(2) 8-1-2006 F-2006-01345  Covert Surveillance or Involuntary Participation In Experimental Mind Control or Drug Programs, 1969 Thru 1972

pg 29(2) 8-1-2006 F-2006-01344  Interogation Techniques (Stress and Duess)

pg30(2)  8-8-2006 F-2006-01439  MKultra For Dates Of 2005 Thru July 2006 & Alien Abduction For Same Time Period

pg30(2) 8-8-2006 F-2006-01441 CIA Operated Aircraft

pg30(2) 8-8-2006 F-2006-01442  MKultra & bluebird/ Artichoke Records

pg30(2) 8-10-2006 F-2006--1518 De-Classified Info 1969 Project MK-Naomi

pg30(2) 8-11-2006 F-2006-01527  5 KHZ Analog Brain Wave
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