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""luis ha hecho miles de cosas para que Sugey no pueda dedicarse a sus maticas" Dijo voz masculina entre ladridos de perro.En20.12.30 p.m.Lo interpreto como matoneo profesional por parte de la UIS o de parte de compañeros de carrera, además de los estudiantes y egresados de Biología, Química y Matemáticas, profesores de Biología, Matemáticas, Matemáticas y Física. 

Una pregunta más importante a la que darle respuesta: ¿por qué este personaje de barrio popular de estrato 3, está involucrado con estudiantes, profesores y me atrevo a decir que administrativos como empleados de Biblioteca de una universidad pública, la única de Bucaramanga, llamada Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS? 

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"Mucho cuidado, aquí ya se sabe que luis no la cuida a ella" dijo una colaboradora, algo bueno entre lo malo, Girón sabe que luis no me cuida. El controlador quizo hacer creer que yo quería quitarme la vida, sus colaboradores y vecinos míos, comenzaron a decirme "suicídese" dentro de su plan quedaron luego de hacerle creer a las personas que están unidas a la red por sola curiosidad, que ellos evitaban que yo lo hiciera, ellos hablan de "PARES" o de "veedores" que según ellos, son los que evalúan o toman decisiones sobre mi situación, ellos llamar delitos a mis errores, entonces ellos a eso le llaman TEJEMANEJES. En este mismo momento mientras escribo estas líneas me dice un hombre joven "siucídese rápido" 1.58 p.m. del 

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"En Bucaramanga todos estamos felices de ver cómo corrimos eso",  lo dijo un hombre muy joven, podría asegurar que también es estudiante UIS, les explico a ustedes, yo sentía algo grande y pesado en mi cabeza, como un cajón, porque lo siento cuadrado, esa es la idea que tengo de eso, lo cierto es que sentí que lo acercaron a la boca, porque sentí que me abrían la boca.

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"Luis está esperando que tenga otro derrame", esto dijo ayer un hombre en la mañana, interpreto que ellos conocen el origen del daño en el cerebelo por una isquemia que recuerdo tenía 12 o 13 años y vivía en Bucaramanga, tuve un fuerte dolor de cabeza me tuvieron que inyectar en el Dispensario Médico del Ejército Nacional, donde tenía servicios médicos por ser hija de un militar. 

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"Regiment these people so that they are obedient to us". I heard those words coming from inside my head because I have been non-consensually implanted with two way voice technology. The military and the intelligence services have been non-consensually implanting their fellow human beings with many and varied types of technology over the past few decades for the purposes of controlling them. This fact is still not widely known for reasons of national security which is in reality national suicide. Further to that I heard another unknown person speaking to me through the same medium who informed me that the speaker who wishes us all to be regimented into a state of complete obedience to this criminal syndicate is called Andrew Partagenet. I don't know anybody called Andrew Partagenet and I dislike posting names on my posts but in order to raise awareness of the slow and insidious enslavement policies of the dark new world order criminal syndicate I am beginning to post the names that I am being given by these inner voices. We must disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities urgently in order to stop this in-home wireless harassment and torture that many are currently experiencing because of advanced wireless torture capabilities.

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The worldwide military and intelligence services now have technology which allows them to reproduce their voices inside the heads of non-consensual and unwilling good living human beings because the bodies of most if not all human beings from Europe and America and other similarly developed countries have become embedded with metallic particulates which can be used to transmit and receive the spoken word. These embedded metallic particulates are also being used to send and receive other types of digital signals other than sound signals to the brains and bodies of these people such as sensations, pain, visions and even paralysis.

"We don't want her" were the words which I heard coming from inside my head. I replied as follows "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head wholly against my will and wholly without my permission while saying the following words "We don't want her". I continued as follows "I have not applied for any position so what do you mean when you say "we don't want her".

I later heard the following conversation coming from inside my head "We can not locate slaves and assign duties to them by using a methodology called Assignation Code Medium any longer because this method is coming back to haunt us. The unwilling and non-consensual client repeats back what we say when we are speaking via the online medium and she lets the assembled gathering know that our voices are coming from inside her head because of embedded technology inside her head. These voices had previously said that they were working for and on behalf of the Radisson Group.

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