brain (142)

I am and have been a non-consensual and totally unwilling neuro weapons test subject for the past fifteen years. During that time I was frequently informed via voice to skull communication technology which I constantly hear coming from inside my head that if the criminal neuro weapons operatives ever succeeded in enslaving me by neuro technological means that they would force me to marry and they would then take over life and that my own family would not know that I had become a neuro slave because at that stage they implied that they would be able to control the speech centres of my brain.
For that reason I have written a list of what to look for in a neuro slave which is information which I obtained from the link herebelow.

The neuro slaves may be branded with tattoos using words such as cash.
The victims may show sudden changes of dress and behaviour.
They may suddenly have possessions that they usually can not afford.
They may have unusually long work hours.
They may have new relationships with individuals that are noticeably older.
The victims may have difficulty making eye contact.
They may have untreated cuts, bruises, burns, broken bones.
The victims may make frequent trips.
They may not be allowed to speak independently. Other people may insist on answering
questions for them.

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Non-Consenting Remote Neural Monitoring.

A well known tutor at the University of Illinios has encouraged her students to commit what some would consider acts of extreme evil, namely to carry out neural engagement activities on non-consenting human subjects of remote neural monitoring.
These neural engagement activities sometimes enable partial brain mapping also known as mind mapping of said non-consenting human subject of remote neural monitoring. When the mind is partially mapped to a certain level they non-con...senting human subject of remote neural monitoring can then have all of their muscles moved against their wills. They can then be neuro enslaved on a part time basis for the rest of their lives. If they fail to carry out the wishes of the unknown neuro enslavers who verbally communicate with them via brain to brain interface and from an unknown location they will then be terminated.

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I recommend cold showers

I recommend taking cold showers. The benefits are countless. For example they strengthen the immune system and reduce stress and (brain) inflammation. They change your brain structure, make you able to think (more) normal (which is not the case when you are under constant stress and inflamed).

They also give you more energy and reduce the receptivity for 'sound torture/sound transmissions'.

Try this together with a simple breathing exercise and I promise you that you will be surprised by the result! Start slow; with a 30 second cold shower the first week (for example). Then increase gradually to 60 seconds, then 90 seconds etc. Let it take time. Interestingly the body adjusts to the cold , it's like training. After a while it doesn't feel especially cold.

Check up Wim Hof and his books, home pages and videos for more information. 

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Initially, when a targeted individual first begins to be brain mapped, they can not be seen inside their own homes by the neuro weapons operatives who are doing the brain mapping. The targeted individual can only be heard by these neuro weapons operatives.
However, when the targeted individual is partially brain mapped they can then finally be seen by the neuro weapons operatives. Their clothing can not be seen. The targeted individual can only be seen in a totally nake...d state.
The outside contractors who wish to eventually invest money in order to use the neuro enslaved targeted individual for slave labour when said targeted individual is eventually fully neuro enslaved, is not always made aware of this fact by the main team of brain mapping staff.
The outside contractors look at the partially brain mapped targeted individual inside their own homes on their monitors and they speak to them via electronic brain link capability and they demand to know why said targeted individual is walking around naked inside their own home.
The outside contractors have complained to the main team of brain mappers that when they hone in on prisoners while in their prison cells they can see them fully clothed. They do not understand the anomoly of only being able to see partially brain mapped targeted individuals inside their own homes in a naked state.

This neuro enslavement of ordinarly good will human beings inside their own homes is being carried out wirelessly be means of directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology. We can stop it happening simply by demolishing all microwave transmitters and having them banned from our countries. We must also refuse to allow 5G millimeter wave technology to be erected throughout the world because it will mean worldwide enslavement of the whole human race if it is allowed to be installed.

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I am currently being subjected to remote neural monitoring. I legally own the intellectual property rights to my own thoughts and to the content of my memory bank and to all of the information currently coming from my brain and spinal cord. Likewise I own and control all of the intellectual property rights to all of the information currently being generated by my own body and to all of the information which was generated by my own body in the past. Anybody who deals in both the purchase and sale of the content of my intellectual property rights is a thief and will be dealt with by the law as a thief.

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This invention we give away for free to someone who wants to build a AI assistant startup:

(Read the warning in the end of this post)

It should work to build a interface for telepathy/ silent communication with a AI assistant in a smartphone with a neurophone sensor:

My suggestion is to use the sensor for Touch ID for communication with the AI. When you touch the sensor you hear the assistant through your skin:

And a interface based on this information for speaking with the assistant: The Audeo is a sensor/device which detects activity in the larynx (aka. voice box) through EEG (Electroencephalography). The Audeo is unique in it's use of EEG in that it is detecting & analyzing signals outside the brain on their path to the larynx.1 The neurological signals/data are then encrypted and then transmitted to a computer to be processed using their software (which can be seen being used in Kimberly Beals' video).2 Once it is analyzed and processed the data can then be represented using a computer speech generator.


The Audeo is a great sensor/device to detect imagined speech. It has an infinite amount of uses, especially in our areas of study. Here are some videos that show what the Audeo can be used for:…/79/audeo-ambient-using-voice-input In a $6.3 million Army initiative to invent devices for telepathic communication, Gerwin Schalk, underwritten in a $2.2 million grant, found that it is possible to use ECoG signals to discriminate the vowels and consonants embedded in spoken and in imagined words.…/2008-08-scientists-synthetic-telepathy.…

The results shed light on the distinct mechanisms associated with production of vowels and consonants, and could provide the basis for brain-based communication using imagined speech.… Research into synthetic telepathy using subvocalization is taking place at the University of California, Irvine under lead scientist Mike D'Zmura. The first such communication took place in the 1960s using EEG to create Morse code using brain alpha waves.

Why do Magnus Olsson and Leo Angelsleva

give you this opportunity for free?

Because Facebook can use you and your data in research for free and I think someone else than Mark Zuckerberg should get this opportunity:

Neurotechnology, Elon Musk and the goal of human enhancement

Brain-computer interfaces could change the way people think, soldiers fight and Alzheimer’s is treated. But are we in control of the ethical ramifications?
Extending the human mind … Elon Musk.
Extending the human mind …

At the World Government Summit in Dubai in February, Tesla and SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk said that people would need to become cyborgs to be relevant in an artificial intelligence age. He said that a “merger of biological intelligence and machine intelligence” would be necessary to ensure we stay economically valuable.

Soon afterwards, the serial entrepreneur created Neuralink, with the intention of connecting computers directly to human brains. He wants to do this using “neural lace” technology – implanting tiny electrodes into the brain for direct computing capabilities.

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) aren’t a new idea. Various forms of BCI are already available, from ones that sit on top of your head and measure brain signals to devices that are implanted into your brain tissue.

They are mainly one-directional, with the most common uses enabling motor control and communication tools for people with brain injuries. In March, a man who was paralysed from below the neck moved his hand using the power of concentration.

Cognitive enhancement

A researcher uses a brain-computer interface helmet at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble.
A researcher uses a brain-computer interface helmet at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble. Photograph: Jean-Pierre Clatot/AFP/Getty Images

But Musk’s plans go beyond this: he wants to use BCIs in a bi-directional capacity, so that plugging in could make us smarter, improve our memory, help with decision-making and eventually provide an extension of the human mind.

“Musk’s goals of cognitive enhancement relate to healthy or able-bodied subjects, because he is afraid of AI and that computers will ultimately become more intelligent than the humans who made the computers,” explains BCI expert Professor Pedram Mohseni of Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, who sold the rights to the name Neuralink to Musk.

He wants to directly tap into the brain, effectively bypassing mechanisms such as speaking or texting. Musk has the credibility to talk about these things

Pedram Mohseni

“He wants to directly tap into the brain to read out thoughts, effectively bypassing low-bandwidth mechanisms such as speaking or texting to convey the thoughts. This is pie-in-the-sky stuff, but Musk has the credibility to talk about these things,” he adds.

Musk is not alone in believing that “neurotechnology” could be the next big thing. Silicon Valley is abuzz with similar projects. Bryan Johnson, for example, has also been testing “neural lace”. He founded Kernel, a startup to enhance human intelligence by developing brain implants linking people’s thoughts to computers.

In 2015, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that people will one day be able to share “full sensory and emotional experiences” online – not just photos and videos. Facebook has been hiring neuroscientists for an undisclosed project at its secretive hardware division, Building 8.

However, it is unlikely this technology will be available anytime soon, and some of the more ambitious projects may be unrealistic, according to Mohseni.


A brain scan of a patient with Alzheimer’s.
A brain scan of a patient with Alzheimer’s. Photograph: BSIP/UIG via Getty Images

“In my opinion, we are at least 10 to 15 years away from the cognitive enhancement goals in healthy, able-bodied subjects. It certainly appears to be, from the more immediate goals of Neuralink, that the neurotechnology focus will continue to be on patients with various neurological injuries or diseases,” he says.

Mohseni says one of the best current examples of cognitive enhancement is the work of Professor Ted Berger, of the University of Southern California, who has been working on a memory prosthesis to replace the damaged parts of the hippocampus in patients who have lost their memory due to, for example, Alzheimer’s disease.

“In this case, a computer is to be implanted in the brain that acts similaly to the biological hippocampus from an input and output perspective,” he says. “Berger has results from both rodents and non-human primate models, as well as preliminary results in several human subjects.”

Mohseni adds: “The [US government’s] Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) currently has a programme that aims to do cognitive enhancement in their soldiers – ie enhance learning of a wide range of cognitive skills, through various mechanisms of peripheral nerve stimulation that facilitate and encourage neural plasticity in the brain. This would be another example of cognitive enhancement in able-bodied subjects, but it is quite pie-in-the-sky, which is exactly how DARPA operates.”

Understanding the brain

Heading for cognitive enhancement? … US soldiers in Bagram, Afghanistan.
Heading for cognitive enhancement? … US soldiers in Bagram, Afghanistan. Photograph: Aaron Favila/AP

In the UK, research is ongoing. Davide Valeriani, senior research officer at University of Essex’s BCI-NE Lab, is using an electroencephalogram (EEG)-based BCI to tap into the unconscious minds of people as they make decisions.

BCIs could be a fundamental tool for going beyond human limits, hence improving everyone’s life

Davide Valeriani

“Everyone who makes decisions wears the EEG cap, which is part of a BCI, a tool to help measure EEG activity ... it measures electrical activity to gather patterns associated with confident or non-confident decisions,” says Valeriani. “We train the BCI – the computer basically – by asking people to make decisions without knowing the answer and then tell the machine, ‘Look, in this case we know the decision made by the user is correct, so associate those patterns to confident decisions’ – as we know that confidence is related to probability of being correct. So during training the machine knows which answers were correct and which one were not. The user doesn’t know all the time.”

Valeriani adds: “I hope more resources will be put into supporting this very promising area of research. BCIs are not only an invaluable tool for people with disabilities, but they could be a fundamental tool for going beyond human limits, hence improving everyone’s life.”

He notes, however, that one of the biggest challenges with this technology is that first we need to better understand how the human brain works before deciding where and how to apply BCI. “This is why many agencies have been investing in basic neuroscience research – for example, the Brain initiative in the US and the Human Brain Project in the EU.”

Whenever there is talk of enhancing humans, moral questions remain – particularly around where the human ends and the machine begins. “In my opinion, one way to overcome these ethical concerns is to let humans decide whether they want to use a BCI to augment their capabilities,” Valeriani says.

“Neuroethicists are working to give advice to policymakers about what should be regulated. I am quite confident that, in the future, we will be more open to the possibility of using BCIs if such systems provide a clear and tangible advantage to our lives.”

Facebook is building brain-computer interfaces

Facebook is improving the 360 video experience by predicting where you will look

[facebook url="" /]

The plan is to eventually build non-implanted devices that can ship at scale. And to tamp down on the inevitable fear this research will inspire, Facebook tells me “This isn’t about decoding random thoughts. This is about decoding the words you’ve already decided to share by sending them to the speech center of your brain.” Facebook likened it to how you take lots of photos but only share some of them. Even with its device, Facebook says you’ll be able to think freely but only turn some thoughts into text.


Meanwhile, Building 8 is working on a way for humans to hear through their skin. It’s been building prototypes of hardware and software that let your skin mimic the cochlea in your ear that translates sound into specific frequencies for your brain. This technology could let deaf people essentially “hear” by bypassing their ears.

A team of Facebook engineers was shown experimenting with hearing through skin using a system of actuators tuned to 16 frequency bands. A test subject was able to develop a vocabulary of nine words they could hear through their skin.

To underscore the gravity of Building 8s mind-reading technology, Dugan started her talk by saying she’s never seen something as powerful as the smartphone “that didn’t have unintended consequences.” She mentioned that we’d all be better off if we looked up from our phones every so often. But at the same time, she believes technology can foster empathy, education and global community.

Building 8’s Big Reveal

Facebook hired Dugan last year to lead its secretive new Building 8 research lab. She had previously run Google’s Advanced Technology And Products division, and was formerly a head of DARPA.

Facebook built a special Area 404 wing of its Menlo Park headquarters with tons of mechanical engineering equipment to help Dugan’s team quickly prototype new hardware. In December, it signed rapid collaboration deals with Stanford, Harvard, MIT and more to get academia’s assistance.

Yet until now, nobody really knew what Building 8 was…building. Business Insider had reported on Building 8’s job listings and that it might show off news at F8.

According to these job listings, Facebook is looking for a Brain-Computer Interface Engineer “who will be responsible for working on a 2-year B8 project focused on developing advanced BCI technologies.” Responsibilities include “Application of machine learning methods, including encoding and decoding models, to neuroimaging and electrophysiological data.” It’s also looking for a Neural Imaging Engineer who will be “focused on developing novel non-invasive neuroimaging technologies” who will “Design and evaluate novel neural imaging methods based on optical, RF, ultrasound, or other entirely non-invasive approaches.”

Elon Musk has been developing his own startup called Neuralink for creating brain interfaces.

Facebook Building 8 R&D division head Regina Dugan

Facebook has built hardware before to mixed success. It made an Android phone with HTC called the First to host its Facebook Home operating system. That flopped. Since then, Facebook proper has turned its attention away from consumer gadgetry and toward connectivity. It’s built the Terragraph Wi-Fi nodes, Project ARIES antenna, Aquila solar-powered drone and its own connectivity-beaming satellite from its internet access initiative — though that blew up on the launch pad when the SpaceX vehicle carrying it exploded.

Facebook has built and open sourced its Surround 360 camera. As for back-end infrastructure, it’s developed an open-rack network switch called Wedge, the Open Vault for storage, plus sensors for the Telecom Infra Project’s OpenCellular platform. And finally, through its acquisition of Oculus, Facebook has built wired and mobile virtual reality headsets.

Facebook’s Area 404 hardware lab contains tons of mechanical engineering and prototyping equipment

But as Facebook grows, it has the resources and talent to try new approaches in hardware. With over 1.8 billion users connected to just its main Facebook app, the company has a massive funnel of potential guinea pigs for its experiments.

Today’s announcements are naturally unsettling. Hearing about a tiny startup developing these advanced technologies might have conjured images of governments or coporate conglomerates one day reading our mind to detect thought crime, like in 1984. Facebook’s scale makes that future feel more plausible, no matter how much Zuckerberg and Dugan try to position the company as benevolent and compassionate. The more Facebook can do to institute safe-guards, independent monitoring, and transparency around how brain-interface technology is built and tested, the more receptive it might find the public.

A week ago Facebook was being criticized as nothing but a Snapchat copycat that had stopped innovating. Today’s demos seemed design to dismantle that argument and keep top engineering talent knocking on its door.

“Do you want to work for the company who pioneered putting augmented reality dog ears on teens, or the one that pioneered typing with telepathy?” You don’t have to say anything. For Facebook, thinking might be enough.


There is no established legal protection for the human subject when researchers use Brain Machine Interface (cybernetic technology) to reverse engineer the human brain.

The progressing neuroscience using brain-machine-interface will enable those in power to push the human mind wide open for inspection.

There is call for alarm. What kind of privacy safeguard is needed, computers can read your thoughts!

In recent decades areas of research involving nanotechnology, information technology, biotechnology and neuroscience have emerged, resulting in, products and services.

We are facing an era of synthetic telepathy, with brain-computer-interface and communication technology based on thoughts, not speech.

An appropriate albeit alarming question is: “Do you accept being enmeshed in a computer network and turned into a multimedia module”? authorities will be able to collect information directly from your brain, without your consent.

This kind of research in bioelectronics has been progressing for half a century.

Brain Machine Interface (Cybernetic technology) can be used to read our minds and to manipulate our sensory perception!

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For those wondering about some of the tech:

"These MASER beams have been used to develop something called synthetic telepathy. This is the ability to read people’s minds from a distance. Electronic scanning of victims’ brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim’s subvocalised thoughts..."

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In this article I have included the references in the brackets like this: [Wikipedia article:TMS] and omissions from the original article like this: […]

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a relatively new method of treatment of depression. What makes it relevant to TIs is that, it uses a non-invasive method [which means a method that does not require any surgery or cuts or insertion of external devices into the body] to influence the brain directly. In this post I will first talk about the treatment itself, then I go into an overview of technical aspects of the technology, finally, I’ll talk about implications it has for TIs. So first the medical treatment:


TMS works by by delivering highly focused […] magnetic pulses to non-invasively stimulate the brain in the region associated with mood regulation.[…] It does not require anesthesia or sedation and patients remain awake and alert during the treatment session. Each treatment lasts just under 40 minutes and is typically administered daily for four to six weeks. The number of treatments depends on each patient's response to treatment. The patient sits in a reclined chair and the coil is placed over the left forehead area. The treatment coil generates magnetic fields which turn on and off very rapidly. Patients may experience muscle tension headaches or scalp discomfort at the treatment site. Although rare, there is a risk of seizure with TMS therapy. [Rush university: TMS]

publications reporting the results of reviews and statistical meta-analyses of earlier investigations have stated that rTMS appeared to be effective in the treatment of certain types of major depression under certain specific conditions. [Wikipedia article: TMS, Therapeutic use]

Now let’s talk about how it works:


Generally, we know that a current of electricity in any wire generates magnetic field around the wire, also any change in electric field can cause magnetic fields.(this is a part of Ampère's law with Maxwell's correction[Wikipedia article: Maxwell equations]). In addition, change in the magnetic field around a conductor can cause electric current in the conductor(this is deducted from the Faraday’s law). [Wikipedia article: Maxwell equations])

The coil that is held above the head of patient has a changing electric current which causes a magnetic field. Because the electricity inside the coil is rapidly pulsating, the magnetic field generated by it is also changing regularly. This change in the magnetic field causes the brain cells(called neurons) to get electric charge. This electric charge is enough to cause the flow of electricity in the neurons and between them. (the activities of the brain including thinking, mood, movement of muscles etc. are caused by the flow of electricity inside neurons and between them). This electric currents in the brain mimics the brain’s normal activity. That’s how the brain is forced into activity.

Now let’s talk about the implications for TIs:

The same principles can be used to cause induced thoughts, involuntary movements, mood change and many other aspects of mind control. Although the structure of the brain is very complex and mimicking the exact electric current that causes a specific thought or a specific mood in the brain is difficult. However, observing and recording the activities of the brain of the target and by using the extensive “Thought Dictionary” (this is the name I have given to the software that translates specific electric currents in brain to specific thoughts) it is possible to induce the desired thought or mood in targets.

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Brain to Brain link at Harvard and Washington Universities

The first rat pressed a lever, anticipating the tasty reward it’d been trained to expect. An implant in the rat’s brain converted its neural activity into an electronic signal and beamed the impulse to the brain of the second rat, which leaped forward and pressed a lever in its own cage. But rat #2 had never been trained to press the lever. Its movement impulse came not from its own brain, but directly from the brain of rat #1 – despite the fact that the two were separated by thousands of miles.

What we have created, said lead researcher Miguel Nicolelis, is “a new central nervous system made of two brains.”

That advance happened in 2012, and other labs were quick to one-up Nicolelis and his team. In the summer of 2013, a team of Harvard University researchers engineered a brain-to-brain interface between a rat and a human, enabling the human to control the rat’s tail movements simply by willing them to happen.

Finally, in August 2013, University of Washington scientists Rajesh Ro and Andrea Stocco succeeded in making one leap everyone was waiting for: A human-to-human brain-to-brain interface. By strapping one person into a non-invasive EEG helmet, and strapping the second into a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) helmet, the researchers mind-melded themselves – for the sake of science.

Mind-Meld Gaming

The experiment went like this: Rao and Stocco sat across campus from one another, watching the same video game. Rao, wearing an EEG helmet, was at the controls – but instead of using his hand to hit the spacebar to fire, he simply imagined moving his hand.

Every time he did this, with near-instantaneous speed, a computer converted Rao’s brain signals into a digital signal and beamed it to Stocco’s TMS helmet. That helmet converted the signal into a burst of magnetic stimulation delivered to the precise region of Stocco’s motor cortex that controlled his right hand. Stocco’s hand would then twitch involuntarily, tapping the spacebar and (sometimes) scoring a hit in the game.

Researchers Rajesh Rao, left, and Andrea Stocco, right. Credit: University of Washington

Researchers Rajesh Rao, left, and Andrea Stocco, right. Credit: University of Washington

What did this feel like? “The two of us had very different experiences,” Rao says. “For me, it was only after the action had occurred that I had the chance to reflect upon what had happened – that it was Stocco’s hand, stimulated by my brain signal, that had caused the action. That realization was both exciting and a bit eerie.”

Stocco, on the other hand, reports that he simply felt an involuntary muscle twitch, which caused his hand to move and hit the keyboard. There was no conscious “need” to flex the muscle, he says, since the entire sequence of events from stimulation to movement happened within just a few tens of milliseconds. And what’s more, Rao says, “I don’t think he can resist the movement once he’s received the stimulation, since it operates at the subconscious level.” Eerie indeed.

But even with this subconscious level of connectivity, the process wasn’t flawless or error-free. And in fact, the system’s flaws and errors reveal some interesting truths about how our brains process information.

Technological Hurdles

The EEG device that Rao used to send outgoing signals is based on technology that dates back to 1875. Though today’s devices are far more precise than those nineteenth-century models, they still operate on the same basic principle: Electrodes distributed across a person’s scalp pick up patterns of electrical activity that oscillate at specific frequencies within that person’s brain. Because EEG electrodes sit on the surface of the scalp, they can’t pinpoint this activity to a specific three-dimensional point within the brain. But with a little calibration, they’re very handy for tracking large-scale brain phenomena such as mood swings, shifts in attention and movement impulses.

TMS is a more recent technology – and, because it works by disrupting activity deep within the brain, more controversial. Numerous researchers have reported that TMS triggered sizures in some of their patients – although most experts now agree that the risk of seizure is extremely low for subjects not already prone to epilepsy. Meanwhile, experimenters throughout the 1990s and 2000s have succeeded in using TMS to trigger involuntary movements, to temporarily increase working memory, and even to treat depression.

On top of all that, TMS is non-invasive – so when it Rao and Stocco set out to design their brain-to-brain interface, TMS stood out as the clear choice for the output end. “I realized that, in EEG and TMS, we had noninvasive technologies for both recording from and stimulating the human brain,” Rao says. “So I approached Andrea Stocco, who had just arrived at UW and was using TMS for his cognitive psychology experiments. Andrea and I got really excited about the idea, and we started brainstorming.”

Brain Training

One thing that quickly became clear was that Rao’s EEG wouldn’t always send a clear signal. “EEG signals are quite hard to use for controlling devices,” he explains, “because the signal is a weak, noisy, filtered version of the underlying brain activity.” Movements of the eyes, face or body – or even stray thoughts – can interfere with the signal. Such stellar concentration took months of practice for Rao.

“In the early sessions,” Rao says, “we had several false positives, where Andrea’s hand would hit the ‘Fire’ key even though that was not my intention.” But as the trials wore on, Rao learned to control his EEG output more precisely – until, in the final session, Rao and Stocco achieved close to 100 percent accuracy (in their signals, though not in the game itself). “The only miss after that,” Rao says, “happened when Andrea’s hand moved but didn’t hit the key with sufficient force to fire the cannon.” A small bug indeed, in light of the team’s overall ambition.

Sign Me Up

Perhaps the most exciting thing about this project – aside from the “mind-meld” aspect – is the fact that it’s built on technology that’s rapidly entering the consumer marketplace. Although TMS remains confined to medical facilities and laboratories, groups of indie engineers around the world are hard at work building their own TMS devices. Home EEG kits, meanwhile, are widely available from companies such as Emotiv and NeuroSky – that is, if you wouldn’t rather build your own from scratch.

And though Rao’s initial tests transmitted mere movements, future iterations could theoretically transmit perceptions, concepts, or emotions. Then we truly would be talking about a mind-meld – allowing two people, through technology, to communicate directly via their brains.

For as long as we humans have felt curious about the world around us, we’ve struggled to communicate our thoughts to others clearly and to understand them in turn; to “get inside their heads.” But it hasn’t been until the last couple years that each of us can put on a little plastic helmet and watch what’s happening inside our own brains – and the brains of our friends – right at home. What’s next but to truly get inside each others’ minds and see what we find there?

Technologies like these might seem to have the potential to make robots of us all – but they also hint at a future of empathy more direct and immediate than any we’ve experienced before.

Here is the Link to the main article:

Here are the links to the mentioned researches:

Brain-to-Brain links between the two rats:

Brain-to-Brain links between the two humans:

Brain-to-Brain links between the human and the rat:

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Technical proof that Scalar Waves exist...

Technical proof that Scalar Waves exist


Summer 2011 White TV got the hint from the Swedish Secret Service, that scalar waves are used in mind control. The victims, targeted individuals (t i) complain, that nothing is shielding against the radiation attacks (tin foiled hats) and that they can be targeted in high altitudes ore far beneath the ground in caves. This already indicates, that they are not targeted with electromagnetic waves, but another kind of wave.


Soon the contact was made to the leading scalar wave researcher, Prof. Konstantin Meyl, teacher and researcher in physics at a university in southern Germany. Because of the more than 100 years on-going cover up against scalar waves, he decided 1999 to construct an experimental kit, that shows how Nicola Tesla worked in the late 1890-ies to detect scalar waves, which are longitudinal waves, not transversal, as the electromagnetic waves.
This kit has been sold to more than 1 000 researchers all over the world, opening their eyes, that other interesting types of waves exist.
Prof. Meyl, the Nikola Tesla of today, shows not only the difference between the electromagnetic waves (Heinrich Hertz 1888) and the scalar waves (Nikola Tesla 1897), but also different and more convenient ways to apply them.



1. scalar waves propagate with different speed, sometimes much quicker than the speed of light,
2. scalar waves can transport wireless electricity
3. scalar waves can have huge over unity effect by collecting neutrinos (free energy)
4. a scalar wave transmitter realizes directly, if the receiver is in resonance
5. no shields against scalar wave
6. scalar waves do not decay in the distance, you can send them through the earth to the other side

Technical and medical improvements:

1. cell phones only using scalar waves do not emit electro smog and have one dimension more to modulate information both on the frequency and the wavelength; computers run by scalar waves have much better  efficiency than even quantum computers
2. wireless transportation of electric energy without losses; cell phones, electric cars, motors etc. need no battery, they can be charged through the air while running without pollution
3. scalar waves are able to transmit medical information to the body in a positive context (bio resonance/frequency medicine, ie. Bicom, Oberon, Scio) or negative: mind control and remote killing
4. DNA and cell communications can be physically explained
5. free energy devices collecting neutrinos can be built

Finally it has to be noticed, that Prof. Meyl detected a third kind of wave, the magnetic scalar wave, which is biological relevant. So there are three different kind of waves: the electromagnetic (Hertz), the electric scalar wave (Tesla) and the magnetic scalar wave (Meyl).

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 #1386a Tools for Getting Into Our Brains Bioethics(DARPA) and EPR/ESR

I know the post was big and would take effort and time to understand.
Thanks for diving in. that is why I tried to put the key location soas
to capture the TIs attention quickly.

>So now we're going to be able to interrogate the nervous system to find out how that happens....

     Remember the writing that scalar waves react with the nervous system
extremely well in the Neurophone PDF. Also subvocal speech recognition
is reading unspoken thoughts from nerve impulses in the lower jaw and
neck area. The sensors to decode the brain don't necessarily have to be
in the brain we now know. Think of the facial recognition posts I put up concerning decoding the mind through minute muscle twitches. They don't always need to be invasive either to read the aspects of the mind.

   I also noted when watching the first time that Dr. Nina Farahany made a statement something like mind control of course isn't happening but
would like the doctors to respond in their own words. Then I noticed they went to a two minute
break without the DARPA scientist William D. Casebeer, Ph.D. (U.S.A.F.,
Program Manager; (DARPA)Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency; National Institutes of Health...answering the question. I think it was later that he said he didn't work on classified
projects. I wish we could have read his facial twitches. ;-) I'm glad
you took the time to watch and hope you looked at the EPR and ESR
technology and Persinger's video. I think this is very promising as to
how our brains are read. They deny what is national security so get used to that but we are given information none the less. "Nano Sensors with
animals in the field", and what signal type can read those nano sensors? Are they dusted, tattooed or internal? It is a big question that EPR
and ESR may help answer along with scalar waves and quantum
Entanglement? A lot of the hyperlinks(blue) went off to aspects of
quantum entanglement. What techniques are used to apply Nano
sensors?....... a needle, dust, drugs, water, food, shampoo, soap...and
how do we detect Nano sensors or is it impossible? Will detoxing help?     Peter Rosenholm

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#1386 Tools for Getting Into Our Brains Bioethics(DARPA) and EPR/ESR

#1386 Tools for Getting Into Our Brains Bioethics and EPR(Electron paramagnetic Resonance)-ESR(Electron Spin Resonance)

There is now discussion at the Bioethics and disclosed science on the tools being used to access the brain. Take the time to watch these two segments at least of the Bioethics from Tuesday's discussion on "Obama's", "Brain Initiative".

Play section 6 of meeting 14, starting at the 16:00 minute mark. Walter J. Koroshetz, M.D.  Deputy Director  National Institute of Neurologic Disease and Stroke   Deputy Director   National Institute of Neurologic Disease and Stroke    National Institutes of Health......  Monitoring and effecting brain function , the tools being created even communication with DNA. They talk about going from individual probes that allowed access of just a small amount of Brain activity to using materials now to access down to each neuron firing.

John C. Wingfield, Ph.D.   Assistant Director for the Directorate for Biological Sciences   National Science Foundation starts at about the 25:00 minute mark,and at 28:00 minutes talks about studying animals in the field using nano sensors! We are studied in the field. Notice the problem with data storage mentioned and we know the capabilities of data storage that the NSA have, they must be gathering massive amounts of data by decoding the brain. Winfield is from the National Science foundation that funds research.

DARPA follows in this segment:
William D. Casebeer, Ph.D. (U.S.A.F., Retired)   Program Manager   (DARPA)Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency  National Institutes of Health

Noted by a very educated TI;

Electron paramagnetic resonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) or electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is a technique for studying materials with unpaired electrons. The basic concepts of EPR are analogous to those of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), but it is electron spins that are excited instead of the spins of a...

Something I noted while reading on EPR

Remote neural Monitoring?........from the Wikipedia on EPR

A quote I found in reading this................ Medical and biological applications of EPR also exist. Although radicals are very reactive, and so do not normally occur in high concentrations in biology, special reagents have been developed to spin-label molecules of interest. These reagents are particularly useful in biological systems. Specially-designed nonreactive radical molecules can attach to specific sites in a biological cell, and EPR spectra can then give information on the environment of these so-called spin-label or spin-probes.

Are these special reagents the nano sensors mentioned at the Bioethics as nano sensors for studying animals in the field? It seem like a very good possibility.

Dr. Micheal Persinger's video on knowing all things and possibly the first case of quantum entangled brains in the laboratory using magnetic fields.

Michael Persinger on No More Secrets
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EU Panel: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies, Mind control slavery, Neurological weapons torture, – The "Transhumanist Agenda"


EU Panel: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies, Mind control slavery, Neurological weapons torture, Gang stalking – The "Transhumanist Agenda"

Panel: Magnus Olsson, Dr. Henning Witte, and Melanie Vritschan from the European Coalition Against Covert Harassment with Alfred Lambremont Webre

Using detailed research, the EUCACH.ORG panelists describe Transhumanist Agenda that is now using advanced scalar technologies, super quantum computers, a quantum cloud, a super grid of over 1000 grids that is connected to HAARP for global coordinated mind control of a growing population of human robots that are created via these technologies for a global control and enslavement agenda. EUCACH.ORG Panel

In a 2-hour wide-ranging Panel with Alfred Lambremont Webre on the Transhumanist Agenda, Magnus Olsson, Dr. Henning Witte, and Melanie Vritschan, three experts from the European Coalition Against Covert Harassment, revealed recent technological advances in human robotization and nano implant technologies, and an acceleration of what Melanie Vritschan characterized as a “global enslavement program”.


Shift from electromagnetic to scalar waves

These technologies have now shifted from electromagnetic wave to scalar waves and use super quantum computers in the quantum cloud to control “pipes” a reference to the brains of humans that have been taken over via DNA, via implants that can be breathed can breach the blood-brain barrier and then controlled via scalar waved on a super-grid. Over 1000 grids worldwide are now connected into a mind control super grid that is connected to HAARP as a master planetary mind control machine, according to EUCACH.ORG.

Six million brain-entrained humans in the European Union alone

Several years ago, one conservative estimate of the number of individuals whose brains had been entrained into the super grid was set at 6 million persons in the European Union alone, and now is estimated to be greater. EUCACH.ORG performs free RF radio frequency readings for citizens to ascertain if these individuals are being targeted with scalar nano technology control weapons. In a recent public RF testing in London, UK, 40% of the participating public tested positive for emitting RF frequencies, and indication that they were being subjected to non-consensual scalar mind control. In one public testing, 100% of public participants tested positive. One targeted individual testing positive for RF frequencies was a five-year old child, indicating that children are at risk of human robotization in the Transhumanist Agenda.


Homeopathic gold is effective protection

Technologies that were thought effective against electromagnetic (EMF) mind control frequency weapons are not effective against these new scalar wave technologies. EUCACH.ORG research has found that homeopathic gold is effective in protecting a targeted individual against the scalar wave intrusions of the super-grid.

Parties behind Transhumanist Agenda

When asked for individuals and institutions operationally involved in this new mind control super grid and Transhumanist Agenda, Dr. Henning Witte indicated that his was his personal opinion that the Agenda is controlled, and is implemented by military-intelligence agencies in a pyramidal organization. At the top of the Pyramid is the Mossad, which serves as the military-intelligence arm of the Rothschild bloodline banking interests. Next on the mind control implementation pyramid are U.K. agencies such as MI6 and, closely connected to the British Crown and City of London bloodline banking families. At a third tier are the Russian and U.S. military-intelligence agencies (KGB, CIA, NSA,NAVAL,US Air Force). A lower level of the pyramid includes the Swedish and German military-Intelligence agencies. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a leader in research on the scalar and nano-technologies for robotization and neurological torture of humans, including so-called “Smart Dust” or Morgellons, as well as the FOI, the Swedish counter-part of DARPA, and the Nobel Prize recipient Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden, according to EUCACH.ORG. When asked if he believed the Wallenberg Foundation may also be involved in funding mind control research, Henning Witte responded that he agreed it was plausible. ExopoliticsTV has reported that the Wallenberg Foundation may be funding the Tromso Norway HAARP facility which is responsible both for the Norway Spiral of Nov. 1, 2009 at the time of Barack Obama’s Nobel Prize speech, and for the March 13, 2011 Fukushima HAARP nuclear false flag event.[1]

Can the Transhumanist Agenda be stopped? Magnus Olsson of EUCACH.OTG estimates that the Transhumanist Agenda can be slowed and stopped, with significant progress on protecting targeted individuals happening in the coming decade. One focus of activity is alerting public awareness through media, including a series of interviews that will be aired on Russia Today (RT) and other mainstream outlets. Another focus is legislative, with activity at the European Parliament, although the group concedes that a global ban is necessary.


1. European Coalition Against Covert Harassment

2. Mind Control

3. Brain Computer

4. The Research Laboratory


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brain implant

ICAACT Phase III Testing

ICAACT is an Independent evidence gathering Non Profit Human Rights Organization.

This report details the findings of the ICAACT phase III testing procedure. The ICAACT Phase III testing is about testing the human body for RF (Radio Frequency) emission, in a shielded environment. A Faraday cage was utilized to conduct the testing. The shielding spectrum of the environment was rated to be effective between 9KHz and 18GHz. The Faraday cage was certified in December of 2011 and was less than a year old when the tests were conducted. All tests were conducted inside the shielded environment also referred to as a Faraday cage.

magnus olsson

Magnus Olsson

Our intentions are to share our findings in hopes that it will lead to further investigations within the scientific, medical, and forensic communities around the world.

Video of the scanning of Mr. Magnus Olsson (Director of EUCACH) from Sweden.

Download the report in PDF format

Download the zip file containing documents referred to in the appendices

Context of the report

Human electronic implant technologies are not new, they have been in existence since the early 50's. The use of implant technology has in recent years also gained interest outside the medical and scientific community and has now become tools of interest in many newly emerging commercial fields. They can provide real-time data from real life scenarios, rather than from the restrictive and in many cases limiting artificial scenarios that can be recreated in laboratory and clinical settings. There is a boom in commercially driven neuroscience research like marketing and consumer behavior. The social sciences and especially the behavioral sciences are having a “Field day”. The ethical and legal implications that arise from these implant technologies, and their commercialization, are as yet unsolved, and need urgent attention. These implications pertain to tampering with the innermost sacred sanctum of a human being, the mind.

Link to original:

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