gang (97)

GSS FREE FORUM Conference Call 11PM EST/8PM PST 2102011

Please join us tonight at 11PM EST/8PM PST on, or, give us a call at 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. ID: 83319 # pin: 1 #. Amy Anderson begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting (moderator) is seeking your support for her upcoming court case.

Thank you for your support and have a good day.

Chris J. Brunson

Amy Anderson begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thursday Nights Moderator

Elvira Williams
Senior Moderator

Nigel Nicholson
2/4 Thursday Nights Moderator

Peter Perez
Assistant Moderator

Liam Michaels
Assistant Moderator

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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 2112011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: Free Forum - What ever is on your mind.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams’
Senior Moderator

Nigel Nicholson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Amy Anderson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Liam Anderson
Assistant Moderator


Yahoo Groups:


GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.


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Testimonies For TI’s Needed

I’m looking for testimonies from the Targeted Individual community. You must be willing to be interview on the Friday 9PM EST/6PM conference call. We will have several important representatives from the religious community listening to our call. Please contact me at I will setup a time when we can talk on the phone. The interview will be 15 minutes and the questions will be tailored to the interview.



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Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader


Yahoo Groups:


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GSS Spiritual Revival Conference Call 8PM EST/5PM PST 2272011Pastor Anthony Carstarphen has resigned from ministrying the conference call. He said that he recently received a job “promotion” and that his time will be limited. This is coupled with all the “new” people seeking his help. As a TI community we know these recent occurrences are related to the kind of targeting we are receiving and that is isolation.But this event has only made us more determine to connect the TI community to the spirit of GOD. Because we understand that this is part of the spiritual warfare we are enduring.Anyway, we will be connecting with an already established spiritual call. Simulcasting will take place from 8PM to 9PM EST/5PM to 6PM PST.Calls are hosted on under “Government Sponsored Stalking”. Please give us a call at 724-444-7444. Code: 83319 # Pin: 1 #.Thanks for Peter from Connecticut.Chris J. BrunsonInvestigator
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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 1212011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting code: 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: TI Testimonies will be heard by over 50 ministers across the United States.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams’
Senior Moderator

Nigel Nicholson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Amy Anderson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Liam Anderson
Assistant Moderator


Yahoo Groups:


GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting code: 81062 # pin: 1 #

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.



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Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader


Yahoo Groups:


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Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader


Yahoo Groups:




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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 1142011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: Six people killed and several people wounded at an Arizona shopping center. What could have cause it and who is responsible? Your comments and questions on this most important topic.

Join us also for Current Events This Week, TI interviews and more.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams


Yahoo Groups:


PS: We are looking for hosts for our Thursday night conference call. It will be at 11PM EST and 8PM PST. If you have what it takes to co-moderate this call, please contact me by responding to this message.

GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username "QOLSPONY". Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.



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GSS Spiritual Revival Conference Call 8PM EST/5PM PST

GSS Spiritual Revival Conference Call 8PM EST/5PM PST

Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen

Yahoo Groups:

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I had dinner with my church friends and I met 2 Japanese men who were staying at the church convent for 5 days since Friday. I saw their passport pictures on Friday, so it seems they came on that day.

While talking about them with my church friend, she said that they were studying at a university in Bologene(? my friend pronounced like this
not Bologna). But the group left soon after the mass. After that, I was asked by the couple of people at the church if I understand Korean. I have no idea why they ask me about that many times and the Korean mass was held while we suppose to have English one.

I saw Korean group came by a yellow rented big bus and held the mass in Korean. I had no idea why there were Koreans showing today. These people might be the same people who came and held mass few months ago. I saw a man with tick black glasses and the group was organized by a man with very little hairs - nearly bald. Most of them were women.

While eating dinner with others including these Japanese men. I learned that they made the trip while they are attending university in Italy and seeking job. Their names are Ogawa Hiroyuki (小川X之)and Ryota (亮太) whose last name is not sure. They seemed to be armature on investigation but they seemed to be asking questions about why I stay in Egypt and what I would do later and why I wanted to study Arabic and wanted to know my knowledge level about Islam. I gave them general answer about myself, and told them I don't know anything about Islam. I never learned about Islam and this country's majority is Islam but I belong to the minority part. The question about Islam was that they don't make profit from something... I don't really know because I did not understand what that is for and what Islams do at all.

What I learned from they were:

* They learned about the convent from a priest they knew.
* They are attending a University in Italy.
* Ryota spent 2 years learning Italian in Japan and 6 months studying Italian in Italy.
* Ryota might stay India in the past and possibly knew Hindi as he knows lots about Indian food and drinks.
* Both of them speaks Japanese without specific dialect.
* They seem to have more Japanese friends as they manage to speak Japanese fluently.
* In their passport pictures, they have long hairs like the length around their shoulders.
* They are non-religious. But they say they are Buddhists when they are asked about their religion.

I don't know how they decided to visit Cairo for sightseeing only 5 days while they were looking for their jobs? Also, why they decided to stay in a convent rather than cheap hotels starting from around 15$ to minimum of 5$? Perhaps they might find a national security jobs in Japan in future :)

By the way, this happened right after Japanese Embassy checked the residency status of registered Japanese in Egypt. The mail was sent on Nov 3rd, and the Japanese men showed up on Nov 5th.



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イ 在留届用紙に記入して大使館窓口へ届け出られた方

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Big Brother is Watching You TI BILLBOARD

Are You Targeted? ( is an orientation and survival guide for targets of state-sanctioned, covert campaigns of terror. If you’re a target, you probably have no idea why so many people are coming after you; head on over to the orientation section to get an idea of what’s happening. Check out thesurvival section to understand the basics of how to protect yourself from the most damaging assaults. There’s also a list of articles which you can use to look up information quickly, as well as a site map.

Your input is welcome. Recently-published articles are open to comments. If you want to leave your calling card, visit the reader comments section.

Targeting in a nutshell, for truth- or curiosity- seekers dropping in

After studying the targeting ecosystem, I have concluded that psychological warfare techniquesclandestine technologies, and large networks of informants have been used to eradicate or discredit whistleblowers and opponents of powerful people for decades. There are so many people involved that the mechanisms of targeting can’t be hidden. In essence, this is an open secret, kept out of the general public’s awareness by several factors which the masterminds behind targeting programs have fully accounted for:

  • The tactics used against targets are specifically designed to discredit them;
  • Bystanders who observe what’s going on find it is to their advantage to be willfully ignorant;
  • Most people who participate don’t know the full extent of what a campaign entails, and those who do know are afraid of having this machinery turned against them;
  • The most mentally unbalanced targets are assisted in publicizing their experiences;
  • There is widespread corruption and subversion of the agencies entrusted to maintain law and order, and of the mainstream media, which is supposed to uncover programs like these.

While these political weapons have been used against government officials and employees to keep them “in line” since the 1990′s or before, reports about this type of covert activity have been flooding in since 2001. It seems that there is now a global, and currently invisible, purge of undesirables underway. Interestingly, people who were illegally experimented on in previous government programs (such as MKULTRA), or targeted decades ago by governmental organizations like the East German Stasi, appear to be the highest value targets.

As we might expect from studying the mass purges of the 20th century, this pogrom has the implied support of the majority of the population. There is a societal dance of denial in progress, and it takes the willful ignorance of the general public to keep the dance going.

If you’re interested in learning more, you could study the orientation section, or read Mark Rich’s book on the subject, which was my orientation.




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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call

(Last Week) Friday, October 29th:The show was more interactive than usual. We had ConstitutionLost from Youtube speak about his Youtube Channel. Our regular current events of the week and a special recorded interview from Noami Wolf. She was discussing her book titled "The End of America: Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot" and the 10 clues of a society becoming a militaristic state. In closing, we had a brief technical mishap, but we were able to recover. Thanks for joining us.(This Week) Friday, November 5th:We will be talking about cell phone communications, health concerns and prevention. It will consume most of the program and we will be doing our regular current events of the week. Comments will be welcome.(Next Week) Friday, November 12th:Chemtrails: For Nov. 12th 2010 Conference CallUnited Nations bans Chemtrails - The Chemtrail controversy is no longer deemedas a "conspiracy theory" by the mainstream media news. The United Nations hascalled for the end of "Geo-engineering (Chemtrailing) due to fears of disruptingnature. In this video, I share the article covering this breaking news and a fewvideos exposing the obvious in your face truth about chemtrailing taking placein our society. This is a victory for the truth movement, but it doesn't endjust here. Every day is a battle and information is key.Link:!Current Events This Week will follow. Comments will be welcome.(Two Weeks From Now) Friday, November 19th:We will be talking about Psychotronic Weapons. What it is? How it affect us? And who is behind it?Current Events This Week will follow. Comments will be welcome.Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #Your participation will be gladly appreciated!Chris J. BrunsonCoordinatorElvira Williams'Co-ModeratorParent: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoYOUTUBE:!/qolspony2
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GSS Conference Call on Psychotronic Weapons

GSS Conference Call on Psychotronic Weapons

GSS Conference Call on Psychotronic Weapons "EPISODE 50" was a big success! We had 37 participants.

In the beginning of the program, Bruno Marchesani spoke on the topic. He was very informative about the subject. Later, we received various comments from both phone and chat participants and a lot was learned about this subject.

Lastly, we played several audio feeds about the topic, which was posted in the chatroom.

Our next topic will be on SAFE HOUSE and it will take place after the new year.

We are currently looking for 2 or more moderators to host the Thursday's night call. It will be at 11PM EST once two hosts are found.

In the meantime, our first spiritual call will be on Sunday, December 12th 2010 at 8:00 PM EST. The code for this call will not change and a follow-up announcement will be made later in the week.

Thanks for your support!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams


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Happy New Year From GSS!

Happy New Year From GSS!GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference CallGovernment Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #Your participation will be gladly appreciated!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira Williams’Co-ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook: Groups: We are looking for hosts for our Thursday night conference call. It will be at 11PM EST and 8PM PST. If you have what it takes to co-moderate this call, please contact me by responding to this message.GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony CarstarphoneConference Calls:KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #Skype For International Callers1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.
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Skype For International Callers

Dear Comrades,

Recently I researched a way to bring international Targeted Individuals to the GSS conference call. It is pretty simple. It involves 1) creating a skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.

Chris J. Brunson

PS: GSS Conference Calls are held on under the name “Government Sponsored Stalking” every Friday’s at 9PM EST/6PM PST.


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I doubt every stalker knows what they are involved in cos some stalkers who follow me seems like teenager who are still schooling. I have their photos.

I hope I could study what they are trying to study on me. Reverse eng.

The psychological strategy is such that the daily stalking will have its imprint in my memory and create a secondary nature to fear the gang in my subconscious minds.

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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST Conference Call

GSS Friday Night 9PM EST Conference Call


This is the inform you that I will be accepting notarized Affidavits. You are welcome to send it to: Previously I was accepting summaries describing your issue, but due to the work load involved, I could no longer do that.

We will be open to interviewing you on the conference call and then drafting these Affidavits, but it is your responsibility to have these Affidavits notarized.

Once we have received 10 or more Affidavits, we will start the coalition.

Anyway, there has been a lot of sabotaging going on behind the scenes. The organization claiming to represent the TI community has brought it upon itself to take on doing these Affidavits.

There is no problem with this position, except that, they had many years to decide that doing Affidavits were important. This was especially true when they actually had a lawyer working for them. So why the sudden interests?

Could it be that they never intended to have a legal case in the first place? I don't really know, but I find them wanting to do Affidavits pretty suspicious!

Now that I have galvanized the interests of having these Affidavits done, now they want do it. The president of this organization stated that we should send it to the Justice Department as if that is going to solve things.

I wrote an Affidavit over a year ago and the Justice Department was one place I sent it to. But it wasn't just sent to the Justice Dept. It was specially sent to Eric Holder.


I did get a response, but it wasn't favorable. The Justice Dept. completely ignored most of what I written in the Affidavit, but they did recognized my police harassment manner.

In other words, don't expect too much to come out of the Justice Dept. It is just a smoke screen just to get you to believe that something is going to be done.

I said this from the very beginning, the Affidavit is just one step you need to take to get rid of these crimes. The second step is to start the coalition and to start networking with human rights organizations.

If you are tired of being jerked around, then you should take the power in your hands and join me in this effort in getting rid of these crimes.

Your opinions and suggestions will gladly be appreciated and we will do our best to work through some of the bottlenecks.

Our next conference call will be Friday Night at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or you can call 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #


Chris J. Brunson
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