gang (97)

James F Lico is a handler / perp

Take my word for it.  I lived with him for 6 months, still talk to him (that's how desperate I am for someone to talk to that believes me!!!).  But every time I talk to him, whatever I say is used to modify my targeting.  I told him I found a way to calm myself and get the ringing out of my ears, and voila!  the next day they amped up the gang stalking and had my son call me and get me all emotional, and it was back!


If you ever come in contact with this man, run the other way.

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It's too late for me

I'm feeling rundown and overwhelmed.  I had a job interview and a callback for a second interview, was gaslighted during both of them.  Did you know that most salesmen/saleswomen are psychopaths?  Not the kind that go nuts and kill a bunch of people - they're the kind that have figured out how "normal" people act, and then use what they know to sell sell sell!  Anyway, I am feeling so hopeless.  Lots of talk on these sites but no real answers.  I'm facing the fact that I'll have to "admit" that I'm delusional about the electronic attacks and gang stalking, and that I need to be on meds (not one person believes me, at least any person that would make any difference in my situation).  I know I will never be allowed to obtain a job that allows me any independence away from my brothers house.  The best I would be able to get would be a minimum wage job.  So I'm seriously thinking about committing suicide.  I don't want the life that they want for me.  I don't want a life that's chosen for me.  I feel like I just woke up in the 17th or 18th century, when a woman was the property of a man!!!  All my life I heard how important it was for me to be independent.  I worked hard to obtain it, and now I know that they want dependence from me.  I'm giving up. 

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Targeting is Perpetrated by the Affluent (Cabals)

I started out thinking my targeting was a result of just my activism.  But I wasn’t THAT active!  I signed petitions online, and went to one rally to stop subsidies for big oil.  I also suspected it was ONE wealthy family in Spokane WA that I’d insulted (I exchanged personal ads with a man named Michael F – I think his last name is Finley).  But a recent find on makes me suspect it isn’t just one family of rich people that want to keep all the money.  Rather, it’s a cabal of affluent families whose interests are such that any change in the way business is run globally, i.e., changes to laws governing emissions, fuel efficient cars, hydrogen powered engines, banking, real estate mortgages, etc. could severely restrict their cash-flow.  THESE are the people responsible for targeting.  They’ve set up forums/informational and support websites to misdirect TI’s and feed them full of BS.   THIS site is one of them.  So is FFCHS.  Both have become overrun with perps that misdirect, misinform, and confuse real TI’s with time-wasting propaganda. Here's the link to the blog that hits the nail on the head.

I'm going to try and find out who invented the game cabal4 (or whatever it's called), along with inventors of technology that could change the status quo. 

My advice to all who are really targeted is to be true to yourself.  You don't deserve what's happening to you.  Study psychology, and how it can be used to manipulate a person.  This is how they're doing it.  Learn, recognize, overcome, and live your own life.  If you have been a church going person, keep going.  If you haven't, going now won't change a thing.  Know that the harassment will continue no matter what you do.  You've angered someone that has money.  Period.

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Living with my handler - targeted by a cult

He's a sadist, psychopath, deviant. He "rescued" me from the initial attack about 3 months after I was made aware, and claimed to be a TI from Florida, suggested we "team up" to help protect one another. He had some savings and would drive to Washington State to get me, and we could go anywhere we wanted. He said he would take care of me.  And I believed him.  I thought, "Ha!  I got away", at least with someone that understands and believes me.  He knew I was leaving my job and would be totally dependent upon him.  He said he'd take care of me and I would take care of him.  How was I to know that he was really my attacker, a psychopath/narcissist?  At first he was really sweet and charming, mild and sort of meek.  Spoke in a really low soothing voice and seemed very gentle.  At first.  But little by little I started to see what the agenda really was.  His name is James F. Lico, and he's active with FFCHS.

While he was driving cross-country he called me constantly, with one huge problem after another.  This was to keep me stressed out and to consume all my spare time that I could have otherwise spent on useful research.  His tone sounded funny when I would call him, falsely jovial. He told me on one call that he belonged to the IOEW - the International Order of Electrical Workers and it freaked me out, I told him I can't go with him (the mobbing was by that same group, they had stickers on their windows and patches on the sleeves of their shirts). My sister said he could stay at her house until we decided where we would go,then changed her mind. She and my son performed an elaborate gas-lighting before he showed up, all the while I was being microwaved. When he arrived in my town, I met him at his motel. He resembled the troglodyte insect puke and his family that tricked me into this cowardly trap. But he was very convincing, said it was just a coincidence, etc.

I was desperate for help. I don't blame myself for falling for it, why should I? The things that were done to me were to induce a state of shock. And I was further duped by Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, and the infiltrators that show up to many of the conference calls claiming to have been TI's for years and years (if you are a real TI and want me to elaborate on the reasons why I claim the above about FFCHS and many of the members, leave a comment and your phone number and I'll call you. You can believe what I say or not).

I made a list of reasons why I think I'm with my handler:  it's 2 steno-book pages long. The reasons may appear silly. But a real TI knows EVERYTHING that's done to you is meant to appear silly so you will have no credibility. This man owned a large, beautiful home in Florida and showed me photos, traded in the stock market, inherited rooms full of expensive furniture and original artwork from his mother. Other details were fed to me by him, over time, to heighten the fear and suspicion, the sense of helplessness and dependence.

He told me his old girlfriend, Ellen, started having sex with his neighbors who were firemen, policemen. That he had photos (that she deleted from his computer) and he enhanced the part of the photos that were taken by the pool, and had reflections showing in the chrome of the pool step-ladder which showed men without clothes on, and of her performing sex acts on them. He said it took him a year to get her to leave. She has Multiple Sclerosis. His next relationship was with a woman named Janet that he met on a dating website. He said she had him falsely arrested for threatening her with a knife, that he spent a month and a half in jail (he was able to get the charges dropped - I believe it as he was emailed a copy of the court clerk' filing). She has all of his expensive antique furniture.

He and I "met" on a FFCHS conference call. He claims it's the poison that they can shoot with a microwave weapons that are the most dangerous, that it enhances and increases the effects . I believed him (when I was still living with my sister, I found "stuff" that I think I was tricked into believing was poison, by being allowed to observe family members planting a white powder in my handlers' clothes and on the dog, and by "hearing" small pieces of it go through aluminum foil - tic tic tic). I believe TI's are poisoned. But not by having micro-pieces of it shot off the walls or floor or clothes. That was misdirection. I've had the most God-awful perfume sprayed outside my apartment door whenever I announce I'm leaving. I was sprayed with it while living with a relative.  There were blue spots on the shirts I was wearing, and my hair stunk of it.  I have no other “proof” of poisoning.  Two really terrible things about his claim that poisons are worse than microwaves are: 1.  you have to keep blocking the poison, by putting up big ugly pieces of plastic, or wrapping yourself in visqueen (it drove me crazy-I was a neat freak), and 2.  NOTHING IS DONE TO SHIELD AGAINST THE MICROWAVES.

Something I just realized about him is that he seems to get turned-on when I report a lot of pain from the microwave attacks, and especially if I cry.  When I'm feeling strong and have energy I'm mostly ignored while he watches one msnbc show after another.

I can go back to at least 2006 and maybe as far as 2004, to when The Conditioning began.  In 2004 I worked for a major waste company, and there was talk of unionization at the landfill I worked at.  My job category wasn't part of the union effort, but I was none the less dragged into it by the men that were in jobs that wanted the union.  This is also when I filed a workman's comp claim for carpul tunnel in my right hand, and my boss didn't like that - he asked me to let the company pay for the co-pay, and I show up and answer phones with no time loss, which I refused.   I had another surgery in a delicate place in 2004.

Also around this time, I had gained a lot of weight and wanted to start exercising.  I started walking down the country road I lived on, got about 25 feet and felt a horrible shock going up my bottom.  The pain was paralyzing, but I managed to make it back home.  I only tried it one more time and the same thing happened.  I fell through my rickity back porch and got a big bruise on my left thigh and a little cut on my left shin.  The little cut wouldn't heal, became filled with what looked like water, not discolored, and tests showed no bacterial nor viral infection.  On my left calf, I developed a solid red rash with water blisters that stung like bee stings until they popped, then it itched.  The rash spread all over my legs and body.  I saw my GP, a dermatologist, and went to the wound clinic but no diagnosis was given.  It looked and felt exactly like shingles, but I was told by everyone that you get shingles only on one side of your body.  That same year my best friend since childhood, Tina, died of liver failure.  I don't think my targeting and her death are coincidental - she was the only friend that didn't make a habit of treating me like a second class citizen.  She was always sweet and kind to me, no hidden agenda.  Also, I was sprayed with pesticide while waiting for a light to change.  It was a very windy day and there was a man spraying the shrubs that surrounded a hotel parking lot.  It came in the open window of my car and made me sick.  Little by little, the women in my life (most of them) began wearing more and stronger perfume, which made me sick when I was around it for too long (headaches, burning eyes, nose and throat, and fatigue).

There was a lot of other marginal stuff going on then, but not like there was in 2006 when I worked for a major insurance company in the call center.  That's when very strange things happened.  For example, the managers were having a meeting and found that someone had pooped on the floor outside the meeting room.  Later I was told by the husband of my dearest friend Tina (he also worked for the insurance company but in a different department) that the pooping wasn't deliberate.  That a woman that worked in his department had been ill and couldn't make it to the restroom.  This happened again after I was mobbed and the targeting started in earnest (in 2011).  I had to work in the office (I was working at home, telecommuting) after the mobbing, I was scared to death.  My old manager and an employee that was on my telecommuting team came down to visit with me, and told me that the managers found poop outside the meeting room door...very strange.  While I was working in the office, the gang stalking was pretty bad.  I was coming back from lunch and turned around to face front in the elevator.  A woman in a business suit was standing outside the door to the brokerage firm that was on the main floor of the building I worked in and said, "That's Sam X____".  I had never seen either one of them before in my life.

The agenda is all about frustration.  Everything that can be done to frustrate me is done.  My partner/handler consistently leaves kitchen cupboard doors and drawers open. Leaves food smears all over the refrigerator, cupboards, etc.  misplaces everything, never puts anything away, goes through so many towels and clothes because he takes at least 2 showers a day, often more, to escape from the invisible poison.  He makes no visible effort to alter his behavior.  Not ever.  Now, I know people, especially men, can be lazy, but this is beyond the realm of the worst of slobs.  He seemed absolutely clueless that you have to wash the peanut butter off your hands before you start touching 'frig doors.  And if you have a cockroach problem (and we did for the first 3 months we were here) you simply can't do that.  You have to take a little care.  And it didn't happen once or twice, it was every time he went anywhere in the apartment he left a trail of stuff to be picked up, or laundered, or mopped or vaccuumed or wiped off.  And the bathroom - don't let me commence!  Anyway, my point is that I have no problem taking care of a man, even a total slob.  I was (and am, dammit!) grateful that he "rescued" me from the hell I was in, and gleefully kept things clean every day, even when we were moving nearly every day from motel to motel, getting very little sleep at night because of the DEW attacks (and we were using plastic to shield against it! Good one, James!).  And I was honestly falling for him.  That really gives me pause now.  [Right after I was mobbed, I went to the laundrymat by my house and there was a couple in there that made it a point to sit at the table next to me.  He looked very fit and healthy, her hair was brittle and dry and very short, and she kept it pulled back in a kerchief.  One of those hoarding shows was on the TV, and every once and a while she would look over at me, put her head in her hands and shake it back and forth.  Then he would rub her arm as if to comfort her.  I've had many theories about that couple, but mostly about that woman.  I would bet a wooden nickle that she was/is a target, and was worn down, and gave in.  Became a slave to them (to him), willingly, to save her life].  I'm not going to be able to do that.

Trying to keep up with the messes James made, while dealing with the gang stalking, gaslighting and DEW was impossible.  I would have had to stay up 24/7  to keep up with him (James has narcolepsy - perfect for handling a TI).  And the only solution to shielding against the microwaves was plastic and painting, which don't do a thing.  James is an electrician, for God's sake!  And he feigned ignorance.  When he finally decided to do something, it involved wrapping a piece of aluminum screen in visqueen.  That was it.  Hell, I had better shielding with the aluminum cookie sheets and $99 xray apron!   But I recognized the pattern as the one that started in Spokane.  I'd fell for the trap.  I knew why I got away so easily and quickly.  Because I didn't.  The most compelling reason I suspected him and now am certain in my assessment was because, if the government has me on a watch list (or whatever you want to call it) or some other group of powerful people with lots of money wanted to strip me of my life - essentially ruin me - would either have allowed me to get away?  Absolutely not.

...We went through a period of time where we wouldn't leave the apartment together because someone was coming in a poisoning the place.  Then I insisted we go together to the store, that I was sick of always having to face the stalkers alone, and it was a nightmare.  The other day we were idling out of the apartment complex, kids were getting home from school and they were everywhere.  We had gotten notice from management that there were complaints we were driving erratically and had to comply or get thrown out.  He starts tying his left shoe and asks me to take the wheel.  Then he sped up!  I told him to wait until he stopped to tie it, that it wasn't an emergency, and got screamed at.  I was mobbed on that day, and insisted he take me home and go to the store on his own.  (will continue later)

6-3-12   daily journal:  I've been having problems with my ears for the past week or so, and James took me to the emergency room early this morning.  I've had swimmers' ear before and thought I had it again, but in both ears (was told by the doc that having it in both ears is rare).  The pain was pretty bad, not as bad as the first time I'd had it (that time my ear canal swelled shut and was a fungal infection-unbearable pain), but I looked on the internet for what to do about it, and it said to go to the emergency room if it's causing dizziness, if you've had problems with your ears before, etc, so we went.  The doctor that examined me was very kind.  I asked him about the scars behind my ears and he said that my ear canals in both ears "were a mess", that I had a lot of scar tissue in both of them.  Now I've had many illnesses in my life, I was a sickly little kid.  But I have absolutely no memory of any operations on my ears!!!!!!   Anywayyyyy, back to my journal entry...On the way home from the hospital, James was just driving down the road when my heart started pounding in my chest like a hammer!  I saw a white Dodge pickup, and the driver looked a lot like the manipulative cretin Michael F! (I'll explain who he is later, and give a description).  James pretended to not know what to do to help me.  I thought that this was it, they were going to kill me right here on the street.  The pain was unbelievable.  I tried to explain to James what happened and all he said was, 'oh yeah.  I've had that happen to me'.  He said to me on more than one occasion that I should notice that when we are getting along (or having sex) that they don't microwave us, but when we fight we get microwaved more.  Well, that's true, except his use of the word "we".  If you look at someone that's been microwaved (just look at a few Youtube videos of the women TI's and it's undeniable:  they look like they've been microwaved.  Their hair is kinky and dry and brittle looking and they appear washed out.  James looks as fresh as a daisy, and not half as old as he is).  As long as I went along with everything he wanted the attacks were less frequent and severe - they have never stopped, and never will (he'll tell you that I always got my way, I always got what I wanted.  Believe me, he lies.  I'm a target because I've always gone by the motto of 'tell the truth and shame the devil'.  Lots of people don't want truth tellers around, aka whistleblowers).  James just told me today that I could've had it all.  But the price I would have had to pay was my soul, my will, my self.  And even if I'd agreed to give myself up they wouldn't have stopped the harassment and terrorism.  He would have used me up and thrown me away when he was done with me. 

Who is Michael F?

 He's the guy that pretended to like me, deceived and manipulated me into the targeting.  He's tall and skinny, with sort of curly dark hair, looks like he's in his 30's or 40's but is really probably closer to 50 years old.  He pretended to be a poor guy working for Winco Foods in Spokane.  He drove passed my house almost every day, followed me to the store, had relatives that lived right behind me on Wellesley Avenue that harassed and spied on me.  I couldn't get away from this stalker.  His family owns car dealerships, gas companies, etc.  He's one of the "people that have all the money that want to keep all the money".  He's a soulless insect (I was using the term 'pig' for a while, as in Nazi pig, but these people that are doing this don't deserve the status of even a farm animal.  So insect it is). 

While I was looking online for information about cults, I found a Wikipedia entry for Margaret Singer's book called Cults in Our Midst and thought, "This is exactly what happened with my targeting". She lists 6 steps to thought reform: 1. Keep the person unaware of what is going on and how attempts to psychologically condition him or her are directed in a step-by-step manner. 2. Control the person's social and/or physical environment; especially control the person's time. 3. Systematically create a sense of powerlessness in the person. 4. Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments and experiences in such a way as to inhibit behavior that reflects the person's former social identity. 5. The group manipulates a system of rewards, punishments, and experiences in order to promote learning the group's ideology or belief system and group-approved behaviors. 6. Put forth a closed system of logic and an authoritarian structure that permits no feedback and refuses to be modified except by leadership approval or executive order. %%%%%%% James could have written the manual on this! Step-by-step, this is how he did it: 1. I thought I was the luckiest person alive, to have found someone that A. believed me, and B. was going to help me. I was at my most vulnerable and they took advantage of that fact. 2. He had the car, the resources and the knowledge (he had convinced me poison was EVERYWHERE). We spent weeks going from motel to motel, washing the poison off the walls. And at each place it would become re-infested with poison, so we'd have to wash more walls. Took up a lot of my time. I was constantly exhausted (by the way, not just blood, urine, semen and poison show up under black light. Take a look at the hood vent on your stove. To James this was poison). 3. Tell me you wouldn't feel powerless if you thought you had to wash everything every day to stay poison-free. And contend with gang stalkers and DEW. 4. You had to be there to appreciate how this worked. Always being cut short and interrupted in conversations; expected to never doubt anything he said, and with no logic behind the arguments. I was hit hardest with DEW on the days that I argued with him; at a "TI's" (I'll explain the quotation marks at another time) house we stayed at for a couple weeks, BOTH of them spoke to me in the tone a parent uses with a misbehaving three-year-old. 5. See explanation #4. 6. There was NO negotiation about the shielding efforts we were going to take, the fact that grease spatters show up purple or orange under black light, etc. It started with washing walls every day, until I refused to do it anymore. Then we finally get into an apartment, I agreed to help paint, once. We finished painting and he announced that the PAINT had poison in it!!!!!!!!!! So he had to paint over that, and still it wasn't enough. He said that they kept shooting the poison in through a hole in the screen. Then we had to keep all the windows closed. I balked at that, so he duct taped these black plastic panels near the openings of the sliding glass door and other windows. It's

like living in a box. It's a totally isolated and isolating situation.

6-15-2012 8:09 AM


When my behavior was being manipulated prior to the mobbing, I had encounters with several people in Spokane WA that are part of influential, affluent families that own most of that city.  Robideaux, Finley, Jaremko, Wendle, Barton...follow the money and you'll find who is behind the targeting.

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Fact, Fiction, or Manufactured Fantasy

This past week I finally realized that what I have been living with for the past year and half is not a figment of my imagination (which I already knew but now it is confirmed) nor am I the only one on the planet being followed by multiple individuals 24/7, being electronically monitored every way imaginable (and then some), or having any number of other unthinkable attrocities inflicted on them at any given time. Is this good news to learn that I am not alone in this hellish nightmare? At first I think so. At first I experience an overwhelming sense of relief and for the first time since this all started I feel validated and understood. I realize that if I want to I reach out to others who are in the exact same position as I and potentially befriend some of you i can. This hits me as a tall glass of water would to someone in the desert. I haven't had a real friend to talk to in months I have been forced to live as though I am a hermit for months now and I trust no one!It is with these thoughts in my mind that I start scouring this site as well as several others. I have learned of things that are happening to us all that until a few weeks ago I thought only existed in Sci Fi movies. I have learned that most likely I am being targeted with microwave energy attacks, V2k (a form of brainwashing but the person doesn't have to even be physically close to you but instead uses a microwave to transport their message to my brain), other types of direct energy weapons that can cause any type of physical symptom and/or pain, they can project holograms (that I could potentially believe are real), manifest any type of sound either at will or continuously depending on their chosen tactic dejure and the list can go on and on.So far I have only mentioned the physical attacks to your person which does not say anything about what all of this does to us psychologically. For the past year and half my personal items have been hidden randomly from me on a regular basis. My children have been directed by "them" to also hide my things which has meant that I have to guard my keys, phone, and anything else I don't want to lose my mind over when it isn't in the place I left it only 5 minutes before. My husband then went on a smear campaign to everyone in my life using my paranoia, erratic behavior, and anger as evidence of my new mental illness. To this I say, heck yes I am paranoid, erratic, and down right pissed off! I don't know many (actually nobody) people that wouldn't be given the above mentioned circumstances. So yes, when I found out that there was a whole community out there who not only understands what I am going through but knows what it feels like because they suffer from the same things I was relieved.However the reality of this has now sunk in to what is left of my energy damaged brain and I am saddened beyond belief in fact I am broken hearted. The idea that there are millions of people in our world who are all being tortured 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is almost more than I am able to fathom. I can honestly say to you all that I wish I were alone in this nightmare that all of you out there could not fathom the kind of pain (emotional and physical) I have endured or the level of fear I live with on a daily basis. No one should be able to comprehend this kind of life!But here we are and this is our reality now we deal with it, right? I am sincerely grateful for all of you who are here before me who can offer their experience, strength, and hope as to how you all live with this day in and day out. I need all the help I can get because I am fresh out of ideas. Please post anything you can think of that you think any "newbie" should know.I would also appreciate it if you would check out the pictures I have posted on my page and let me know what you think it is or if you have seen anything like this in your communities.Thank you and God Bless
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Keep the Ethical Light Burning

Keep the Ethical Light Burning

Lynn Weed, the President of KELB, a 501 C3 non-profit organization is involved in several projects to expose government sponsored covert crimes. Such projects included filing a lawsuit against the U.S. government, creating a safe house community, which include organic farming and developing and education campaign that informs the general public about these crimes.

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Supreme Court To Hear GPS Surveillance Case

Website 1:

Website 2:


Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) New sensor array used to conduct covert surveillance of individuals who are not suspected of any crime. The sensors secretly collects and record information concerning individuals, including video images, audio recordings, cardiovascular signals, pheromones, electrodermal activity and respiratory measurements. Under the program, DHS will collect and retain of a mix of “physicological and behavioral signals” from individuals as they engage in daily activities. FAST is funded by SET’s Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency and is managed by SET’s Human Factors Behavior Sciences Division. FAST is designed to allow the agency to capture biological and behavior information from subjects.

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Persistant Widespread Food & Product Contamination

Dear Minoo Mehrotra,

I'm submitting my evidence concerning widespread food & product contamination.

Here's the information you requested:

Chris J. Brunson
3439 Ramsey Street PMB #122
Fayetteville, NC 28311
phone: 347-285-0000

I contacted the headquarters of IGA Carlie C's Supermarket and spoke to Jay Mclamb. He works in the Business Department and can be reached at: 910-892-4124. Two key areas: 1) service deliveries to the establishment and 2) how many employees are assigned to a store at a given time.

I told he about the gang stalking, electronic harassment and on-going food and product contamination I'm receiving from these criminal organizations. References should also be made to Nano Technology and the affects of SILICONE, since there is a large presence of these two ingredients in the products.

Anyway, please contact me at your earliest convenience. There should be enough to file a complaint with your office.

Chris J. Brunson
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Targeted Individual Coalition for Self-Determination


Attention Coalition Members!

We were able to accomplish the following things in the first meeting:

Name: Targeted Individual Coalition for Self-Determination (tentative until we reach 20 members).

Mission Statement: Advocate for Targeted Individuals of Government Sponsored Organized Stalking, Directed Energy Assaults and 24/7 Surveillance. And seeking a resolution in stopping these crimes (tentative until we reach 20 members).

Peter's version: Possibility for production and gathering of legal paperwork and conjurer people who want to authenticate our individual targeting experiences (discussion mode).

Statement Of Principles

1. We are against all forms of electro-magnetic torture concerning the use of directed energy weapons. (tentative)

2. We are against the use of mind control tactics that negatively influence human behavior. (tentative)

3. We are against using technology for the purpose of modifying human behavior. (tentative)

4. We support strong legislation that restricts the use of micro-wave torture weapons, organized stalking tactics, chemical spraying, privacy invasions and vandalism of personal property. (tentative)

5. We support strong enforcement that will protect our vital infrastructures: food, water and manufacturing systems. (tentative)

Committee Formation: The Affidavit Committee was formed. The purpose is to interview targeted individuals who submitted their statements and to assist them in the completion of the Affidavit process.

The meeting was attended by Chris J. Brunson, Jeff Murray and Peter Perez.

Absence: Lindsay Baldwin

Next meeting: Currently not schedule.

PS: If you will like to attend future coalition meetings, please visit this link:

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Outsourcing of the surveillance system

It seems the gang stalking by the foreigners seems to be like the outsourcing of the surveillance system to the people from other nations. In Killing Hope, the author writes about the FBI putting the Americans abroad on surveillance. I think the situation for the TIs are similar to such even for the non-American TIs.


Recently, I found out the pattern in another country. Sometimes, the people from a specific country starts to show up often no matter the TI changes one's location inside of the country. For instance, I had been encountered Japanese in a row. I took a bed in a hostel. At that time, I encountered one Japanese in my room. Next day, I moved to another room because of the booking. Still, I encountered some Japanese there. Some Japanese moved out, then another Japanese arrived.


Nowadays, I found French people were around me. I met a man whose parents decided his staying in the same place - he lived next to my room. He was talking about attending a language school, but he had no plan of where the schools are. The conversation with him was quite strange. He asked if I practice Karate, if I like Sake, when I go back to Japan. I have been hearing similar questions for the icebreaker from the travelers often. I don't really know the reason why these questions happened to be the starter of the conversation. Who wants to asks a Japanese if she practice Karate or Aikido or like martial arts? And his reply when I asked back was funny. He said that he practiced Karate and have a white belt and he wants to practice again. I do took introduction to Karate and Aikido when I was in college for getting PE credit. But why do I have to get such questions asked from total strangers? And the answer is similar to what I did? And when we were in conversation, he often tried to get close to me about less than 50cm distance. He tried to do so even he sat on a chair. And in one occasion, he did not close his door and left it open for about 45 degree whole night. He lived in the room next to me. I don't really know what he was doing, but it could be a set up for claiming me for the sexually active. He simply did not fit into the atmosphere, so I was aware of him as a perp.


And yesterday, I encountered 2 Japanese women who stood behind me and started talking about how Japan became hard to get out for the people with lots of traveling history. I started filming the streetview for the evidence. Later,they talked about the difficulty for the entry to the country - which we are in. They were talking that they are attending a school. How often people from the same country stand behind of someone and start conversation about the traveling and the security?


By the way, a Japanese I met in another country was traveling very suspicious way. He was from Mid East and moving around Europe very quickly. I think these gang stalkers might have more suspicious records than the TIs looking for safe place to stay because of the Nazis-like human tracking.


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Here is the file. Open Office format. I do not want to share the direct link to the total strangers, but I want to make the file ready for the people interested.


Here is the riddle: last 3 parts, you must consider the Northwestern wind. You must solve the riddle to get the right address.


If you don't get the riddle and still want the file, please contact me at FB.

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GSS Spiritual Revival 8PM EST/5PM PST Conference Call 3202011Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Sunday Nights at 8PM EST or 5PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #We will have guest minister Juanita. The call will feature bible study, spiritual prayer and live testimonies. If you desire the word of GOD and appreciate the comfort of fellow targeted individuals, please join us. And remember, God loves you!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira WilliamsSenior ModeratorMEHRZAD MALEKZADEH(Constitution Lost)Senior PastorJuanitaGuest PastorAmy AndersonResearcher — Thurs. Nights ModeratorPeter Perez Supportive ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook:…Yahoo Groups: For International Callers 1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.
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At this present time I'm seeking statements from the Targeted Individual community. 1) When your crimes started 2) Who is responsible 3) What are they doing to you 4) The methods that they use 5) How are you affected by it and 6) What are you doing to get help

Once this statement has been submitted to me, the next stage is to interview you. The interview will translate to me putting together an AFFIDAVIT on your behalf. When the AFFIDAVIT is completed, it will be email to you. Then your job would be to get it NOTARIZED. 

Once your AFFIDAVIT has been NOTARIZED, the next step is to 1) send me a copy via email and 2) mail it to the three PARTIES that is listed in  your AFFIDAVIT.

The purpose of creating the AFFIDAVIT is to DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY. Once you DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY than NO ONE can say it isn't happening. But it does not stop there. Once the AFFIDAVIT has been completed, we will be closer to forming a Coalition. By having a Coalition, we can represent each other through the completed AFFIDAVITS. For instance, we can reach out to your political representatives as a group, which together with the AFFIDAVIT makes your case legitimate.

Therefore, if you want to do something, this is where we must begin.

Thank you for your attention in this manner.


Chris J. Brunson


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Earth Day.... So that is why I felt like crap.  There is a lot I can deal with, for example... N.W.O, wanker bankers, twats that mouth off at how wrong everyone is only to contradict all they pretend to be about.  Let us face it.... Alex Jones is a plum, Brian Gerish was naval, is naval and always will be a sniveling slimy propagandistic.  " how do I know that cause I do.." ( you have to have watched the bullshit to smile at that one) ... and on and on the self important pratts go.... in the end they are all shivering  ball less wafflers. What I can not handle is the horrible negative person all this crap has turned me in to.  Full of hate with more than a twist of Gang stalked hell.
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GSS Thurs. Free Forum 11PM EST or 8PM PST Conference Call 3032011Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Thursday's Nights at 11PM EST or 8PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #This Week: Amy Anderson, moderator of the Thursday's Night Program (Nigel Nicholson 2/4), is seeking your support for her upcoming trial. All she needs from you is a statement describing how you found out about her, your targeting and why your support her getting resolution for her case. Please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you in writing the statement.Your assistance in this manner will be gladly appreciated!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira Williams’Senior ModeratorNigel NicholsonAnalyst 2/4 Thurs. Night ModeratorAmy AndersonResearcher - Thurs. Nights ModeratorLiam AndersonAssistant ModeratorPeter PerezAssistant ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook:…Yahoo Groups: Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony CarstarphoneOther Conference Calls:KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 # Wed./Sat. 9PM ESTNIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 # Tuesdays 11PM ESTSkype For International Callers1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for youparticipation.
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GSS Friday Group Session 9PM EST/6PM PST Conference Call 3112011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: At this present time I’m seeking statements from the Targeted
Individual community. 1) When your crimes started 2) Who is responsible
3) What are they doing to you 4) The methods that they use 5) How are
you affected by it and 6) What are you doing to get help.

Once this statement has been submitted to me, the next stage is to interview you. The interview will translate to me putting together an AFFIDAVIT on your behalf. When the AFFIDAVIT is completed, it will be email to you. Then your job would be to get it NOTARIZED.

Once your AFFIDAVIT has been NOTARIZED, the next step is to 1) send me a copy via email and 2) mail it to the three PARTIES that is listed in your AFFIDAVIT.

The purpose of creating the AFFIDAVIT is to DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY. Once you DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY than NO ONE can say it isn’t happening. But it does not stop there. Once the AFFIDAVIT has been completed, we will be closer to forming a Coalition. By having a Coalition, we can represent each other through the completed AFFIDAVITS. For instance, we can reach out to your political representatives as a group, which together with the AFFIDAVIT makes your case legitimate.

Therefore, if you want to do something, this is where we must begin. Thank you for your attention in this manner.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams’
Senior Moderator

Nigel Nicholson
Analyst 2/4 Thurs. Night Moderator

Amy Anderson
Researcher — Thurs. Nights Moderator

Peter Perez
Supportive Moderator

Liam Anderson
Assistant Moderator


Yahoo Groups:


GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and we are currently looking for a new spiritual leader to moderate this call. If you are interested, please contact me (email): Thanks!

Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 # Wed./Sat. 9PM EST
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 # Tuesdays 11PM EST

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you
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GSS Friday Group Session 9PM EST/6PM PST Conference Call 342011This Week: We will be spending a lot of time talking about the what happened at the Bio-ethics Commission, what to look forward to in the future and live testimonies of the speakers who attended this conference.Next, we will dedicate a large amount of time to the Middle East Crisis. Recently, there have been large protests in two major middle eastern countries: Egypt and Libya. Now the United States is sending troops to protect their financial interests.Last, we will end the show with other current events that reflect our lives.Your participation will be gladly appreciated!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira Williams'Senior ModeratorNigel NicholsonAnalyst 2/4 Thurs. Night ModeratorAmy AndersonResearcher -- Thurs. Nights ModeratorPeter PerezSupportive ModeratorLiam AndersonAssistant ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook: Groups: Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony CarstarphoneOther Conference Calls:KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 # Wed./Sat. 9PM ESTNIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 # Tuesdays 11PM ESTSkype For International Callers1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username "QOLSPONY". Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for youparticipation.GSS2
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GSS Spiritual Revival Conference Call 8PM EST/5PM PST 3132011We are excited to bring to your attention a new guest. His name is Constitution Lost. He runs several sites on Youtube and is actively pursuing a minister career.In respect to GSSSR, he will be interview for part two on Orgone technology (part one can be heard on episode 101 under GSS Group Session (GSSGS)), how spiritual warfare impacts the TI community, bible teaching and personal testimonies from all who attend.This is an introduction to his pastorship on the GSSSR conference call and the orgone project we plan to develop with it.Also, we have contacted Juanita. She runs her own prayer call and have been doing it for sometime. An alliance with her will allow us to increase our reach to a greater TI community.However, this alliance is still be decided upon her approval.Calls are hosted on under “Government Sponsored Stalking”. Please give us a call at 724-444-7444. Code: 83319 # Pin: 1 #.Your participation will gladly be appreciated. God Bless You.Chris J. BrunsonInvestigator
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