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jason m. cunningham

who is this fake people who says dons this title don't wave to cia? I'm sure these sleep with the enemy everywhere or they help rapists for a payout and how many of peace-pink is a real genuine creature of GOD or a soft commie?, please don't sleep with the enemy, many possible in peacepink even use these weapons as they are deceivers ors spots, texas is filling up with globalist traitors as trash for the corrupt in our own gov in this state starts at the city level,I think tyhey are real globalists running their agenda but texans have to march against the rfid and other things to tell them comfortable they wont take it form them,the texas politicians who sleep well are either retired or thwey are not afraid of G*D or hellfire    

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What do you think about starting a "wave". Every Monday 9:00 a.m. (their time) writing to CIA:

STOP GANGSTALKING IN ...... (your Country) Link:

I will do that from now.

Now I am bothersome there.

If you follow, the wave will get big and successful. :-)

With greetings from Austria


follow my blog on Facebook: made2Cyborg

here you get information too.

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The following list of articles summarise what is known of System X.  System X is a generic title for microwave-based interfacing with humans from satellites and is not specific to any one nation.  System X is an interface to the human brain/body and the source of claims behind v2k, RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring), Synethetic telepathy.  Claims of torture, harassment, etc., are from the effects of this system and its efforts to remotely control humans.

These articles cover what is known of US and Russian efforts in this area, however, it is suspected that there may be additional systems in orbit from other nations.

This first article details the attacks on CIA and diplomatic staff in both Cuba and China.  Based on the evidence, it has been identified as System X:

This article is a basic introduction to System X and how I came to investigate it.  It introduces 'We' and 'Nobody', the neural and body interface respectively:

This article explores the evidence of the development of System X within the US and 5-eyes nations.  It also provides a detailed overview of the multi-role function of the transceiver:

This article covers the variations of human drone System X is seeking to develop:

This article covers the capabilities of 'We', the neural interface:

This article explains what a Targeted Individual is, in the context of System X:

This article analyses the ideology behind System X:

This article explores various use cases for the body interface known as 'Nobody':

This article details and explores the claims of sexual assaults in relation to System X:

This article discusses Project Blue Beam and the role System X plays, as well as feasibility:

This article details the role of the British and Irish governments and its presence in the British Isles:

This article discusses the Russian version of System X and the current evidence for it:

This article discusses the transceiver and the technology behind it:

This article begins the investigation into MKUltra and its application to the development of System X:

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Every time you think a thought, feel an emotion, move a body part, speak or act, then the neurons in your brain fire up and they generate an electromagnetic frequency which would then show up as a unique pattern on an electroencephalogram machine which is more commonly known as an EEG machine.
Each of these electromagnetic frequencies which you are generating all day long have totally unique patterns similar to words in a book. These unique patterns have all been identified and categorised and placed in a type of computerized dictionary. Software has been created that uses that computerized dictionary to translate all of the electromagnetic frequencies that a human brain and body generates at the same speed which the brain generates the frequencies into the thoughts, words, feelings, actions and movements of that human being on a continual basis.
Therefore if you were continually attached to an EEG machine as you went about your daily life and if some body else had access to the software that automatically translates the unique electromagnetic frequencies that your brain and body were generating they could know from looking at their computer screen every word that you say each day in combination with every emotion that you feel, every thought that you think, every time you move a body part, how long you sleep for and how often you eat, among other deeply personal details of your life that you thought were private.
In the past few decades people have been illegally and non-consensually implanted with either nano technology or micro technology or both to the extent that these illegal brain and body implantations allow unknown criminals to wirelessly steal and store all of the electromagentic frequencies which the brain and body of the victim generate and this is being done against the will and without the permission of the victim.
These unknown criminals can now know everything that you think, do, say and feel as well as how long you sleep for and how often you eat, among other things. They can analyse the data which your brain and body generates and they often sell it to foreign powers so that other unknown criminals can also know your most private thoughts, words and actions.
The story is much worse than simply losing all of your privacy.
These unknown criminals can also broadcast electromagnetic frequencies back into your brain and body without your permission if they have illegally obtained your unique brain signature. They can broadcast electromagnetic frequencies which contain words, images, pictures, pain, forced muscle movement as well as emotions and feelings. They can broadcast pornographic images into the mind of a child. They can broadcast voice commands to you and if you disobey them they can then broadcast a pain signal into your brain and body. They can broadcast frequencies into you that cause your brain or body to malfunction and you might never know who they are or why they are doing it. They can broadcast frequencies to any organ of your body which cause it to malfunction. In more advanced cases of human body takeover they can control your vocal cords and they can cause you to speak against your will, even in a voice that does not sound like your own. They can now wirelessly kill you. They can do all of this from a remote location without you ever knowing who is doing it to you.
If senior politicians from any country wished to reveal the existence and abuse of this technology to the police or to the military of their country they would not be able to do so without whoever is monitoring the data being generated by their brains and bodies finding out that they attempted to reveal this information and their country would then receive no more foreign funding.
We need to urgently disassemble and ban whatever technology is enabling the wireless capabilities which allows human beings to be tortured on a continual basis while inside their own homes.
There could be devices on the electricity poles adjacent to peoples homes which is allowing them to be wirelessly tortured on a continuous basis for years at a time. What do we need to have disassembled and banned in order to free ourselves from being constantly tortured by this evil technology? We can not depend on senior politicians or senior police officers any longer because they may have already been wirelessly tethered to the human control system and can not speak about anything without being externally monitored. They could possibly be under mass electronic mind control too and in order to free humanity from mass mind control we should take down and ban all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia.
When targeted individuals of these wireless brain weapons report their experiences to the police, the police then wrongly recommend that in all instances they undergo psychiatric evaluation. Psychiatrists are misled to believe that people who report being targeted by thought reading technology and other wireless weapons are mentally unwell and said psychiatrists are also instructed to legally force the victim to ingest harmful substances which have extremely distressing side effects. Because of this, targeted individuals are now afraid to inform government officials of their ongoing experiences of being wirelessly tortured which allows this extreme crime to remain hidden from the public.
The individuals who wish to enslave us may have been traced to agents of the British Crown. Many hundreds of individual researchers have examined legal documents and have followed a worldwide financial trail which leads to the London Financial District, the Vatican and Washington DC which are three privately owned countries within other public countries and the individuals who work inside them do so without any public oversight.
They have gone to enormous lenghts to mislead the public by attempting to misdirect the blame for the attempt at world control on to non-existent fictional enemies such as sentient artificial intelligence, the supernatural and extraterresterial visitors, none of which exist in reality.
Many individuals throughout Ireland are already wirelessly connected to this control system where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies is being uploaded to a super computer. I am one such individual and I have the contact details of sixteen other Irish people. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called I also wish to recommend the website of a Dublin based targeted individual which is called

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Posted on September 16, 2019 by gretta fahey
I am a non-consensual targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. The electromagnetic frequencies which are being generated by my brain and body are being collected wirelessly and translated into everything I think, do, say, feel, how often I eat, how often I visit the toilet, and how much exercise I take on a constant basis among other things. Electromagnetic frequencies are also being sent to my brain and body in order to force me to hear voice commands, feel electric shocks, feel pain signals, see visions, see pictures, be deprived of sleep, be artificially made to feel extremely cold, be artificially made to feel extremely hot, and have my own muscles move against my will among a number of other things. I have been placed on this program because I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and the so called world management team wish to create a policy where individuals who are in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome can have their lives controlled by government agents and government laws. I hear the voices of the criminals who terrorise me all day long every day of my life. They threaten my life, they insult me and demean me on a constant basis. I often post online some of what they say to me in order to prepare other targeted individuals of these programs for what they might experience in the future themselves if these programs are not stopped by banning all transmitters and wireless enabling capabilities. Here is some of what the perpetrators of this technological enslavement program have said to me today as follows:-
“Showing your arse to the men.” (I was alone in my yard and I bent down in order to free out a water channel that had become blocked.)
“We will take you down with that action, you stupid cunt.” ( I was alone in my yard and I held my hand behind my back in order to stop the perpetrators from place swirling energy around my nether regions which they often do because they wish to establish if I have any bladder or bowel problems which I am claiming disability allowance for.)
“My staff need to get readings of bowel anomalies so that we can verify that you have irritable bowel syndrome.”
“Put a marker on this system.”
“She shouldn’t be living alone for one thing. Should she?”
“Put an end to her life. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Well done. We have now got a system in place where we can now monitor her from inside for the rest of her life.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called

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Every time you think a thought, feel an emotion, move a body part, speak or act, then the neurons in your brain fire up and they generate an electromagnetic frequency which would then show up as a unique pattern on an electroencephalogram machine which is more commonly known as an EEG machine.
Each of these electromagnetic frequencies which you are generating all day long have totally unique patterns similar to words in a book. These unique patterns have all been identified and categorised and placed in a type of computerized dictionary. Software has been created that uses that computerized dictionary to translate all of the electromagnetic frequencies that a human brain and body generates at the same speed which the brain works at into the thoughts, words, feelings, actions and movements of that human being on a continual basis.
Therefore if you were continually attached to an electroenchepalogram machine as you went about your daily life and if some body else had access to the software that automatically translates the unique electromagnetic frequencies that your brain and body were generating they could know from looking at their computer screen every word that you say each day in combination with every emotion that you feel, every thought that you think, every time you move a body part, how long you sleep and how often you eat, among other deeply personal details of your life that you thought were private.
People have been illegally implanted with either nano technology or micro technology or both to the extent that it allows unknown criminals to wirelessly translate and to wirelessly analyse and store all of the electromagentic frequencies which their brain and body generate against their wills and without their permission. The unknown criminals now can know everything you say, do, think, feel, how long you sleep for and how often you eat. They can analyse the data and sell it to foreign powers so that other unknown criminals can also know your most private thoughts, words and actions.
The story is alot worse than losing all of your privacy. These unknown criminals can also broadcast frequencies into you without your permission if they have obtained your unique brain signature. They can broadcast frequencies which contain words, images, pictures, pain, forced muscle movement as well as emotions and feelings. They can broadcast pornographic images into the mind of a child. They can broadcast voice commands to you and if you disobey them they can then broadcast a pain signal into your brain and body. They can broadcast frequencies into you that cause your brain or body to malfunction and you might never know who they are or why they are doing it.
We need to urgently disassemble and ban whatever technology is enabling the wireless capabilities which allows human beings to be tortured inside their own homes on a continual basis. There could be devices on the electricity poles ajacent to peoples homes which is allowing them to be wirelessly tortured on a continuous basis for years at a time. What do we in Ireland need to have disassembled and banned in order to free ourselves from being constantly tortured by this evil technology?.
I got much of this information from a youtube channel called Sherry’s Research and Reviews

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There are two centralizations of power in the world now and one controls the other but who controls who? One centralization of power is the three privately owned states within states acting as one unit which are the London Financial District, The Vatican and Washington DC which the so called ruling elite work out of. All world banking is being centralized in the privately owned London Financial District while the privately owned Washington DC is considered to be the control centre for the military wing of the new world order and the Vatican is now considered the mind controlling and inculcation centre of the new world order. The individuals who own and run these three privately owned states within publicly owned countries work beyond the reach of governments because they work through world banking, giant corporations, the main stream media and the intelligence services which they are purported to own and run themselves. Many publicly run bodies feed into their central control system which is considered to be the British Crown.

The other possible centralization of power may be a rogue branch of the intelligence service which has armed themselves with wireless weapons and which is outwardly taking orders from agents of the British Crown such as Arvinder Sambei but who may have used wireless weapons to secretly enslave Arvinder Sambei and other agents of the British Crown by possibly gaining wireless control of their central nervous systems and immobilising them if they refuse to obey all orders. One can now partially wirelessly control the physicality of some human beings through controlling their central nervous systems to the extent that those human beings can be physically remote controlled to commit acts which are not in their own best interest. There are patents and informants to support this. Agents of the British Crown who appear to be controlling the whole world could possibly either be under microwave mind control or physical body control. However, the individuals who control the British Crown have endeavoured to rigidly control all wireless weapons and to heavily compartmentalize the work of the intelligence services to the extent that it might be impossible for a rogue branch of the intelligence services to ever break away and attempt to gain control of the top of the heirarchical based chain of command wirelessly while working from a remote location which is how these weapons are being used. It is being claimed that the only ones who have any freedom left in the world today are the unsuspecting individuals at the bottom of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command and we are the individuals who must act to free the others from both mind control and physical body control weapons. Which group control the world?. Is it the British Crown and their allies or is it a rogue branch of the worldwide intelligence services?

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The crown estate owns the privately owned London Financial District.  Who’s names are on the deed of ownership?
Who owns the privately owned Vatican state and if it is non owned by the Pope of Rome who’s names are on the deed of ownership?
Who owns the privately owned Washington D.C. Who’s name or names are on the deed of ownership?
It may become clear who runs the whole world based on the names on the deeds of ownership of The London Financial District, The Vatican State and Washington DC. The entire worldwide banking system is being run from the London Financial District and the aforementioned three privately owned states within countries are the seats of the so called ruling elite so therefore when the names of the owners of those privately owned states are known we will be closer to knowing the names of the would be slave masters of the human race

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Posted on September 14, 2019 by gretta fahey 
I am a non-consensual targeted individual of wirelessly enabled electronic control and I receive voice commands and wirelessly delivered pain via a live link between me and the criminal brain weapons experts. Because the live link is bi-directional the criminal brain weapons experts can read the electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and body and by this means and others they can know what I am doing and saying throughout each day. I have no privacy whatsoever and this situation is meant for you if the microwave transmitters are not taken down and banned now.
I sometimes publish some of what the wirelessly delivered voices of the criminal operatives of this human control system say to me and here is some of what they have been saying to me and about me to each other in the past few days as follows:-
“What will we do with her when she is ours?”
“We can’t have you sending out information like this.”
“Is there anyone in Dublin to put a stop to this woman’s nonsense.”
“Keep a civil tongue in your head.”
“I’m out. I am letting go of my investment in this woman.”
“We haven’t anything on her but I could make up something pretty quick.”
“What evidence have you against this individual.” “None whatsoever. She never committed a crime in her life.” You better manufacture some evidence then.”
“Recently we’ve had a lot of activity in this area and we’re very keen to get a system in place.”
“There is pressure on the side of her jaws at the moment. ” “Do we care.” “No”.
“She drinks.” “She doesn’t drink alcohol.” “I didn’t say she drinks alcohol.”
“I own you and everything about you.”
“Put a muzzle on her.”
“We wish to bring people who have irritable bowel syndrome under government control.”
“Ask Dunnes Stores to cease selling yellow and white garments as well as red and white garments because it is confusing my system of knowing the status of the human being which I see on my screen.”
“Open the bowel is not the case.” This was said while I was sitting on the toilet in the privacy of my own home where I was entirely alone and the outer doors were locked.
“They saw me moving the body.” ( The last sentence “they saw me moving the body” was said by one of the criminal brain weapon experts in relation to the fact that the individuals who forced me to become brain to brain interfaced with them against my will and without my permission through illegal implants and electrodes and other particulates inside my head and body can move the trunk of my body up and down by wireless external means when I am lying in my bed alone at night. These same individuals have illegally placed implants in my eyes which show up as fluorescent green when I shine an ultra violet light into my eyes so I can prove that they are there. They informed me that other operatives who work from a different location than the aforementioned group of operatives and whose job it is to monitor all of what I see and hear on a continual basis would have seen my body moving up and down in my bed against my will because on this particular occasion I happened to look down at my body while it was occurring. They further informed me that the second group of operatives have a duty to report any anomalies to head office and they would have reported that my body was being moved against my will. For some reason the first group of operatives are afraid that the second group of operatives who are responsible for monitoring all my audio and visual input will report that they have been moving the trunk of my body vigorously by wireless external means via control of my central nervous system and this has happened on many occasions down through the last number of years.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland.

My website which I alone own and control is called

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

I don't want to fight although " Human Rights can not be compromised ".  However,  what they are madly doing is forcing me to file complaints against them . I have no options.

Here are our email letters  between UN Human Rights Office and me.




What happened, what are happening?

UN Human Rights ,  International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, and International Criminal Court have everything I provided.

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this below  to International Bar Association by fax , thanks.

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Please forward this below  to International Bar Association by fax , thanks.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

I don't want to fight although " Human Rights can not be compromised ".  However,  what they are madly doing is forcing me to file complaints against them . I have no options.

Here are our email letters  between UN Human Rights Office and me.




What happened, what are happening?

UN Human Rights ,  International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, and International Criminal Court have everything I provided.

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


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Posted on September 14, 2019 by gretta fahey
A human control and enslavement system is being set up throughout the world which would render you paralysed from head to toe if you failed to obey the slave masters. We are believed to have inhaled and ingested nano particulates which can penetrate the blood brain barrier and which adhere to the neuro transmitters of our brains and also to our central nervous system. These nano particulates in combination with implants and also in combination with samples of our DNA may be needed to complete the process of physical control of the body of a human being. This human body control system is being developed behind the scenes throughout the world. Many individuals have become non-consensual victims of experimentation where their own limbs are being moved against their wills and where their vocal cords are being controlled against their wills on occasions. Ramola Dharmaraj who is a renowned online journalist from Boston, United States has interviewed many individuals who have publicly confessed to being partially under electronic wireless physical control. Her interviews can be found at her youtube channel which is called Ramola D Reports and also at her website which is called
We do not as yet know who the slave masters are but a group of individuals who have a youtube channel called American Intelligence Media believe that all roads lead to London, England and to the crown corporation. We do not know yet who are the slave masters and who are the slaves among the British Privy Council and among the Pilgrim Society but that is where their research is leading. The American Intelligence Media believe that the Pilgrim Society is the head and body of the slave system with lots of other feeder groups coming from across the world.
I myself am under wireless electronic control from my central nervous system where a selection of my facial and neck muscles as well as my eye muscles and vocal cords are being remote controlled against my will on a random basis. I no longer involve agents of the government in my affairs because when I informed them about this situation in the past they refused to believe me and they wrongly accused me of being mentally unwell. I believe them to be under strong remote influencing due to the presence of advanced technology in their environment which they have no real understanding of and which they need to disassemble and ban right now. Subliminal messaging comes through such technology. Who is responsible for deciding what subliminal messages are sent through this remote subliminal messaging system and where is said subliminal messaging central control system located in Ireland and where is it located in the United Kingdom ?. Where is said subliminal messaging central control system located in the United States and who runs it there?
The slave masters are currently beyond the reach of governments because they work through the banking system and through giant corporations. They have no conscience and they are willing to torture and kill millions of their fellow human beings whenever they wish. Some of their staff may be under central nervous system wireless external control and may be partially immobilized if they are not subservient to the slave masters. Others of their staff may be under a form a post hypnotic control. Because of this unique situation we have no way of knowing who among them are the slave masters and who among them are the enslaved so therefore we can not know exactly who among them are intent on wirelessly enslaving us via gaining wireless control of our central nervous systems. We must disempower them now by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters, smart street lighting and CCTV cameras which have also been fitted with smart technology. We must pull back from the brink of enslavement now. Don’t allow your children to be vaccinated and don’t register your children at birth. You are legally enslaving them when you register their births according to man made law which is now totally out of harmony with moral law. Act now while you can or else your children will be rigidly enslaved and you could also be rigidly enslaved

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