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  1. 本週有海味店職員投訴, 腦控空間有賤人曾偉明向他兜售腦控機和他個人芯片, 誰知取得的竟是他人的芯片, 當他打開載有芯片的腦控機時, 他聽到的是我的聲音, 有時是我的眼透, 懷疑是我的芯片. 我提議他將機和芯片交給我或者交由警方處理, 但至今並未收到對方任何反應. 在此強烈讉責腦控賤人, 隨便派發他人芯片, 一條芯片等同一條人命, 如此草菅人命, 罪大當諸.




  1. 腦控賤人另一賤招, 當他們想捧賤人時, 將不正常的賤人同正常受害者併芯片, 將受害者的日常生活行為舉止顯示出來, 將不正常的賤人隱形, 令人以為他們想捧的賤人是正人君子. 反之, 當他們想陷害正常的受害者, 將受害者同癮君子, 性工作者併芯片, 令人錯覺以為受害者人格有問題. 舉例, 有人將在囚人仕同某濶太併芯片, 大家錯覺以為在囚人士嫁入豪門, 當上門找尋才發覺真相. 所以提醒在空間的觀察者, 你的所見所聞都是腦控賤人的精心佈局, 並非事實的全部.




  1. 當被腦控受害者每次出國旅遊, 目的地國家都會用腦控方法監控你的一舉一動. 換言之, 你被腦控的資料證據, 並非只在原產地, 可以是你所到的任何國家. 所以當你沒法從你的所在地取得任何證據時可到你所信任的國家, 由他國取得你在所在地被腦控的資料和證據.




  1. 本週在腦控空間作孽者是電台DJ, 新聞從業員. 曾志偉, 方中信, 劉青雲出言滋擾. 吳鎮宇, 馬鼎盛意圖企圖遙控電子武器摧殘受害者.




  1. 本週晚間有女子同我併芯片, 全身發臭, 據她說是沒熱水沐浴, 大家試想想, 當今20世紀末, 哪裡仍沒有熱水?




Ming Control News this week (December 3 to 9, 2018)




  1. This week, there was a complaint from the staff of the dry seafood store. He said that someone who call himself name Tsang Wei ming sold a brain control machine to the staff with his own chip, who knows that chip belong to another one. When he turn-on the brain control machine with the chip, He heard my voice, sometimes watch from my eyes through, He suspicion may own my chip. I propose that he hand me the machine and the chip or hand it over to the police, but until now, I have not received any response from such staff. I strongly condemns the brain control perp, one chip equivalent to one human life, you cannot casually distributing victim’s chip to someone else, treat human life as if it were not worth a straw, such crimes are too wicked to be pardoned. 2. Brain control perp used a tricky technology. When they want to rise someone who abnormal, they will use the abnormal perp within the chip with the normal victim to display the behavior of the victim’s daily life as abnormal perp’s life, and the abnormal perp will disappear. Such tricky made the stalker thought that the abnormal perp in normal. On the contrary, when they want to set the normal victim up, within the victim’s chip with someone who got drug addicts, or sex workers, misleading the stalker thought that the victim got a wrong personality. For example, the chip controller within the female with a rich woman, everyone in mind control space illusion that the female was marry to rich man, when someone by door to door to visit, then find out the truth that all they saw are belong to the rich woman, and the female was a prisoner, still stay in the prison. So remind the observers in the space, what you can see and hear are based on the mind control perp’s planning, everything you saw, you hear and your thought was not your own, of cause not the truth.


  1. When the brain-controlled victim travels abroad every time, the destination country will use brain control methods to monitor your every movement. In other words, the evidence of being brain control is not only in the place of origin, but also in any of your visited countries. So when you can't get any evidence from your location, you can going to other country that you can trust, to obtain the information and evidence that you have being mind control in your location.
    4. This week, the trouble maker in mind control space were radio DJs and journalist, also heard the voice public nuisance from Eric Tsang, Alex Fang, Sean Lau. Francis Ng, Ma Dingsheng Intentional attempt to remotely control electronic weapons harass victims. 5. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a woman evening who got whole body bad smell. According to her said, there is no hot water to bathe in her place. Let's think about it. At the end of the 20th century, where is there still no hot water?


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  1. 本週六起, 變態賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛, 據說娛樂圈有賤人無品,吸毒, 養不起自已之余又想學人做大佬, 故腦控一批智障人士遙控電子武器攻擊受害者賺錢, 同時又利用這批智障人士同社會精英併芯片, 以此廢人武功, 減少競爭力. 賤人計有吳鎮宇, 林家棟, 馬鼎盛,何守信. 據吳鎮宇講是他大佬曾志偉指使. 但據資料披露, 資金由吳君如所得, 部份用於支助港獨”.賣國賊!


  1. 本週腦控空間集結一批吸毒者, 當受害者食粉麵時, 將受害者同正在吸毒者併在一起, 令人以為食粉麵者正在吸毒, 大部份受害者都在不自覺的情況下被陷害.


  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人將我同小眼睛者併芯片, 將我眼睛扯到變形, 同時令我眼睛沒法張開. 另外又將遠視同近視者同我併芯片, 令我眼睛沒法聚焦.


  1. 變態控芯片賤人又有賤招, 當有受害者行街, 遠足時, 將逆行者同受害者併芯片, 令受害者舉步維艱.


  1. 變態腦控賤人另一賤招, 控制受害者眨眼頻率, 當受害者正在面試或者重要演講時, 變態控芯片賤人控制受害者眨眼頻率, 減低受害者印象分和可信性. 個人經驗, 當我宣傳反腦控時, 賤人令我不自覺地貶眼.


  1. 變態控芯片賤人為影響我社交生活, 老化我儀容, 將我同曾經是性工作者的控芯片賤人母親併芯片, 令我肌肉鬆弛, 手按有如棉花感覺, 故我將她命名為棉花雞”.


  1. 腦控空間傳說. 賤人以腦控方式控制家境富裕的長者, 離間他同兒媳關係, 排斥兒媳令其遷出, 再安排腦控內鬼以男看護的身份入駐長者家, 討好長者,以腦控方式揮霍長者金錢. 幾年後, 長者在不知不覺中被清空所有積蓄, 將資金的去向完全忘記, 最後變成老人痴呆症. 望受害者小心防範, 引以為鑑.


Mind control space news this week (November 26 to December 2, 2018)


  1. Since this Saturday, the metamorphosis perp continued to control the electronic weapons caused me headaches. It is said that someone want becoming a big brother in entertainment industry, but without money, without integrity, also got drug addict, so someone control a group of mental retarded people, remote electronic weapons attacked the victims to make money, and at the same time used this group of Idiots within chip with social elites in difference fields, in order to make them professional knowledge went up in flames and reduce competitiveness. The metamorphosis perps have Francis Ng, Gordon Lam, Ma Dingsheng and Ivan Ho. According to Francis Ng’s information, he was took direction from Eric Tsang. However, according to the information disclosed, the funds were obtained by Sandra Ng, and part of were used to support Hong Kong independence. They are behavior such traitors!
    2. This week, the brain control space gathers a group of drug addicts. When the victims eat noodles or Vermicelli, the metamorphosis chip controller within their chips with the drug addicts, misled the stalker that the victims are taking drugs instead of noodles or vermicelli, all happened are without victims awareness. Consciously framed.
    3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got small eyes, which caused my eyes to the deformation, made my eyes unable to open. Also within my chip with difference persons who got myopia or hyperopia, such made me cannot taking focus.
    4. The mind control perp used cheap tricky. When the victims walking on the street or hiking, the metamorphosis chip controller within their chip with someone walk in opposite position to struggling the victims for fun.


  1. There is another control for frequency of blinking eyes. When the victim is interviewing or giving an important speech, the metamorphosis perps used to controls the victim's blinking frequency, such cheap tricky used to lower victim’s impression and credibility. My experience, every time when I have speech against mind control, the perp will make me blink unconsciously, sometimes when I taking video for travelling, they also attack me by blinking eyes for fun.
    6. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with elderly for aging my appearance to reduced my social abilities, this week the chip controller within my chip with his mom who has been a sex worker before, which made my muscles slack, and when I press the skin like cotton, so I named her “Cotton chicken".
    7. The legend from mind control space. The perps used to mind control the rich elderly, tear up elders ‘family, separate the family members to move out, and then control the elder individual, arranged a male guards to take care elder for thief . After a few years, the elders are unknowingly emptied all their savings, and completely forgetting the whereabouts of the funds, and finally becoming Alzheimer's disease. So sad! The victims should take it as a warning for precautions.


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  1. 之前提到味覺控制, 今期講食慾控制. 我們的食慾在正常情況下是基於食物的色香味和當時的饑餓狀況. 但當處於被腦控的情況下, 當控芯片賤人將飽胃者同你併芯片, 你的饑餓感即時消失. 你對食物的喜惡也隨併芯片者的喜惡而改變. 當輪流同乞丐併芯片時, 你會不停食而沒有飽胃的感覺, 有人甚至食到嘔依然食慾旺盛. 我個人經驗, 試過持續性食7粒花生糖後即停, 後來被告知是7個不同人併芯片, 所以不自覺地食7粒花生糖(我平時最多不超過3).


2      腦控空間有明星以腦控方式, 性慾控制腦控受害者自瀆後, 集體不分男女併芯片去感覺高潮. 甚至以作為賺錢的方法. 其中涉及男女生理結構的不同, 有人因此引起肚痛及生理痛症, 此種仍未找到解決的方法. 另一種是遙控電子武器引起的高潮至子宮收縮陣痛, 事先可用水袋防範(不可用衝電式水袋).


  1. 很多到日本浸溫泉的朋友, 都有出水時昏厥的情況發生, 此同浸溫泉沒有任何關係, 大部份是腦控賤人遙控電子武器攻擊造成. 沒有解決方法, 舒緩方法是飲溫水, 維持身體溫度穩定.


  1. 有很多年青人都有雙腿酸痛的情況發生, 大家直覺想到可能是尿酸過多造成. 而實情是大部份因為被腦控, 變態腦控賤人將你和高度懸殊太大者併芯片所引起. 測試方法, 自行量度身體高度, 如發覺腿酸, 必定身體高度有異, 其高度上下差可達3.



  1. 據說控芯片人為考跟蹤者的判斷力, 將被跟蹤目標的腦音關閉, 用第一跟蹤者的腦音作為配音,將目標人物同配音員二合為一, 誤導後面的集體跟蹤者以為配音員的思維是目標人物的思維. 而經常引起誤會的是目標人物思維順暢, 而配音者因為整蠱而發出思維障礙. 令集體跟蹤者以為目標人物有失憶, 健忘的症狀.


  1. 腦控空間真假身份的替換. 首先用真聲講第一聲, 然後屏蔽真聲, 用近似的假聲緊接真聲發表意見, 令聽者以為全是真聲的見解, 控芯片人不停重複以上步驟, 令聲者相信所有聲音都是真聲而搞出很多誤會. 在此再次聲明, 我在腦控空間的腦音是由腦控人控制, 24小時全開, 期間有人剪輯, 潛聲, 潛入虛假思維, 挑撥離間, 切不可相信. 一切以我網上發表為準, 原則性和重要性問題請同本人直接聯絡確認為盼.


  1. 本週腦控空間聚集一群竊聽人, 相信同本土和外國的競選活動有關, 為掩飾竊聽身份, 不惜將芯片同受害者合併, 以此嫁禍受害者, 令受害人擔心被涉及而惶惶不可終日. 據說參與竊聽者計有劉偉文, 曾志偉, 方中信, 劉青雲, 鄧英敏, 狄嘉, 何守信, 黃子華等.


Mind Control News this week (November 19 to 25, 2018)


  1. I have been mentioned taste control in early issue, today we talking about appetite control. In the normal situation, our appetite is based on the color, flavor, smell and hunger of the food at the time. But when it is under the brain control and within the chip with someone who in full stomach, your hunger feeling disappears instantly. Which food you like and dislikes also according to whom you within with, the people who within your chip can change your taste and food likes degree. When you take turns within chip with beggars, you will non-stop eating and your stomach never feel full, some people even eating until vomiting but still have strong appetite. My personal experience, I have been eat 7 pcs peanuts cakes in same time, and was told that have 7 different people within my chip in turn, usually I never have peanuts cakes more than 3pcs.
    2 The movie stars in mind control space used dirty thought to control the victims for sexual masturbation, and then within chip with a lots of people in men and female together to feel the sexual high to earn the money for “shame” . some victims are without consent just for cover. It caused some victims abdominal pain and physiologic pain since difference physiological structure in men and women. And other one is sexual high by remote electronic weapons that caused female’s uterine contraction pain, water bag protection in advance (not available in the plug-in hot water bag).
    3. Many friends have come to Japan for hot springs, and have an experience in fall down in swoon when they are out of the hot water. It was not matter with hot springs, but caused by remote control electronic weapon attacks. There is no solution. Only drink warm water to less the feeling of syncope and keep your body temperature stable.


  1. There are many young people who have sore legs. Everyone intuitively thinks that it may be caused by excessive uric acid. The truth is that most of them are caused by within the chip with someone who have big height difference with you. You can used self-measure test, understand your real height first, when you felt sore legs, measure the height again, you will find out it is difference with your real height, the height difference can reach up or down about 3 inch.
    5. There is another tricky for gang stalking, first turn-off target ‘s brain sound, use first tracker’s brain sound as dubbin, so the target person and the voice actor are combined into one, misleading the gang stalkers behind. The gang stalker read the mind is first tracker’s not the target person. What often causes is the voice actor has acted as a mental disorder to cover the target person has a smooth thinking. Such cheap tricky used to misleading the collective tracker thinks that the target person got symptoms of amnesia and forgetfulness.
    6. How to distinguish the true brain sound and false in mind control space? The perp used the first sound with the real sound, then block the true sound, follow the similar false sound to express the opinion immediately, misleading the listener thinks they are the same person, the chip controller keeps repeating the above steps, so that the listener believes that all the sounds are come from the same person and got a lot of trouble in understanding. Here again, my brain sound in the brain control space is controlled by the chip controller not myself, the brain sound key is open 7/24, the perp can use for editing, sneaking the other sound, sneaking into other thought for tear apart between the thinker and listener, don’t believe what you listen in mind control space, use your logical think for Judge. Everything is subject to my online publication, any principle and importance issues, please contact me directly by cellphone to confirm.
  2. 7. This week, there are gathered a group of eavesdroppers in the brain control space. As said it is related to the local and foreign campaigns. In order to cover up the eavesdropping identity, the chip controller will be merged with the victims’ chips to confuse the investigation, the victims are worried about being involved. As said the gang stalkers both direct and indirect are Andrew Lau, Eric Tsang, Alex Fong, Sean Lau, English Tang, Di Ka, Ivan Ho, Dayo Wong etc.
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  1. 上期提到腦控之情緒控制, 其中值得一提的是時間控制. 賤人經常用的賤招之一是晨早上班時間, 遙控電子武器令你昏睡, 沒法起床致遲到; 賤招二, 利用思維干擾情緒上催促你, 令你沒法詳細, 集中地去完成一件事. 例如: 家中無事, 但心思很急地想回家; 讀報時只讀一半就轉去其它標題; 不停催促身邊人做一些不急的事情; 經常被自我時間控制至精神緊張. 所以當知道自己被腦控時要小心控制自己情緒.




  1. 腦控空間之假聲形成. 當被腦控受害者長期被賤人併芯片, 用賤人聲音作為第一聲, 長此以往大家已將賤人的聲音當作受害者聲音, 當受害者同賤人的芯片分開後, 賤人繼續以其聲音在空間扮受害者去欺騙受害者的朋友. 此情況一般是日間同受害者併芯片, 晚上受害者睡眠, 賤人同受害者分開芯片後在空間扮受害者騙人. 所以大家對在空間聽到的聲音不可盡信.




  1. 當控芯片賤人併你芯片作為掩飾竊聽時, 會關閉你的小便掣, 你會不思去洗手間. 解決方法: 多飲水, 稀釋尿液中的尿酸, 減少尿酸在身體中發酵.




  1. 我睡眠時, 習慣將磁石貼於手掌心, 本週變態控芯片賤人將有肝病者同我併芯片睡眠, 只是二個多小時, 我手心磁石位置肝部位已變黑. 當芯片分開一小時後, 我手心黑色消失, 而肝痛患者手心黑印至今已2, 仍未消失.




  1. 我反腦控博客文章每次都有TAG “Monita”, “Monita Choi”, 但不知為何在網上搜索“Monita”, “Monita Choi”,, 未能顯示我的文章, 想必是腦控賤人心悸, 不敢面對現實, 將我的TAG消失, 無恥!




  1. 大部份被腦控的受害者, 當同肥胖者併芯片時, 體重都偏肥. 我每天早上的體重都超過120, 當關閉所有腦控芯片後, 我自己實際的體重只有81. 呈現病態的過輕現象. 在此提醒有過重的受害者, 小心分別真肥和假肥, 變態控芯片賤人不停增加併芯片的數量, 令受害者感胃脹而不思進食, 當體重不斷下降, 控芯片賤人就不停增加併芯片的數量, 令你的體重長期定在某一數字去欺騙你. 當你的體重不知不覺地跌到過輕時, 將所有芯片分開, 你會見到一個皮墜骨瘦, 老態龍鍾帶病態的自己, 賤人繼而再散佈患癌的謠言, 然後遙控電子武器攻擊你致死, 令外間相信你是死於不治之症. 在此提醒受害者, 一定要注重飲食運動, 身體健康才是最重要.




  1. 大部份腦控男賤人將自己芯片同女受害者合併, 據說此舉可利用女性荷爾蒙令自己皮膚靚而顯得年輕, 但我相信其居心是出於性騷擾. 根據實例所知, 當男性長期同女性併芯片, 會令男性荷爾蒙變異而性無能, 大部份長期同女性併芯片的男性都有不育的情況而需求助於人工授孕, 而且大部份都誕生女嬰.




Mind control space news this week (November 12 to 18, 2018)


  1. In the last issue, I mentioned the emotional control. This week we talking about another control is time control. One of the tricks that the perps often remote control electronic weapons make you deep sleeping and can't get up in the morning, always late for office. Second, use fake thinking to interfere with emotions, made you feel push that everything you are doing, also pressure to someone else. You cannot have concentration with detail mind. For example, I felt urgent to back home for nothing, just my mind keep in want me to hurry up to back home; Read the newspaper roughly and cannot read in mind for detail.; Keep push people to do somethings that are not in urgent; often pressure yourself to mental stress. So be careful to control your emotions for relax yourself and the people around you.
    2. Why have a false sound in the brain control space? When the victim within the chip with perp in long-time, and using the perp’s voice as the first sound, everyone thought that the first voice should be victim’s voice, when both chips are separated, the perp used his/her own voices to play as victim in the space to cheat the victim's friends. They used within chip in daytime for people to recognized the voice and separate the chip at night-time for role play when victim fall at sleep. So everyone don’t trust the sound what you heard in the space, only face to face.
    3. When you not willing for toilet, that must the metamorphosis chip control within your chip as cover for gang-stalking, when some people in gang stalking, the chip controller will shut off your urine key in mind control machine. For your heath, Drink more water, dilute the uric acid, reduce uric acid fermentation in the body. Ask the chip controller turn-on the urine key every 4 hours if you can.


  1. When I sleep, I am used to sticking a magnet to the central of my palm. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got liver disease when I am sleeping, after about two hours, my palm magnet position has turned black. after the chip separated about one hour, the black sign disappear from my palms, but the patient who got liver disease has being over 2 days, the black sign still exist.
    5. I have my most of articles in my blog got TAG “Monita”, “Monita Choi” every time, but I don’t know why when I searched “Monita” or “Monita Choi” in network, my all article cannot show-up, I guess that may the mind control perp not guts to face the truth what they are doing, so used the such cheap tricky to wipe my tags, shameless!
    6. Most of the victims got fat since being within the chip with fatty person. My personal experience, I got my weight 120 pounds every morning in within chips situation, after all the chips off, my actual weight is only 81 pounds. So reminds to overweight victims. Be careful to distinguish between the real fat and fake. The metamorphosis chip controller keeps increasing the number of chips within with you, makes you feel full and cannot eat, then your weight will keep declining, the chip controller will continue to increase the number of chips within you to keep your weight in a constant number, so that you will not suspicious what’s happened. When your weight falls unconsciously, it will remove all chips. In that moment, you will see yourself in skinny, old, sick appearance, and then the perp will spread the rumors that you got cancer, finally remote control electronic weapon attacked you to death, so that outsiders believe that you are dying of incurable disease. remind to victims, take a consideration before you on diet, the best way for keep fit only excises.


  1. Most of the male perp wanna to within the chip with female victims, it is said such use female hormones to make their skin look younger, but I believe that the main purpose is sexual harassment. According to past experience, when male within the chip with female in long-term, will caused male hormones mutated and sexual impotence, also claim that cannot have baby, need for help by artificial fertilization, and most of them are born baby girls.
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  1. 腦控賤人另一賤招, 當我將反腦控文件用電郵方式送出時, 腦控賤人用我的名義和格式, 將修改的郵件相繼寄出, 當收件人郵件由遠期至近期排列時, 腦控賤人的假郵件將比我的真郵件先閱讀, 當見到真郵件同之前閱讀的郵件同名時, 以為是重複而忽略. 所以望收件人小心防範, 以免被誤導.


  1. 再次提醒受害者, 沐浴時要熄燈和使用沐浴手套, 每位受害者沐浴時, 都有大幚變態賤人跟蹤性騷擾, 雖然受害者感覺不到, 但變態賤人可感覺到你每一個動作.


  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人將我同懷孕女子併芯片, 因我長期將磁石貼於肚臍, 所以相信傷害目標是懷孕女子.


  1. 有人將受害者同視屏情色女子併芯片, 令受害者樣貌呈現於情色女子面上, 以此陷害受害者. 為避免相同事件發生, 在家坐定時可用敷面膜方式防範.


  1. 本週有另一發現, 當我開啟手機定位服務時, 驚訝地發現我的定位位置既然是山頂, 而我正身處銅鑼灣. 後來被告知原來是同山頂某人併芯片所致. 此事將進一步引伸到駕駛時使用GPS系統的問題, 如果司機將手機作為導航系統, 腦控賤人要整蠱你, 肯定將你的導航同他人掉換. 解決方法, 開車時將手機離手, 固定於車上(確定手機未被黑客駭入). 在家時關閉手機的定位位置, 以免給腦控賤人有機可乘.


Mind Control Space News this week (November 5 to 11, 2018)


  1. The mind control perps have another cheap trick. When I send out the email that relative to against brain control, the brain control perp follow my email sends the modified mail in succession with my name and format. As mail box’s arrangement, the fake mails sent by perp will be read earlier than my real mail. When the real mail is the same as the mail that was read before, the recipient may have considered it as repeat mail and ignored. Therefore, remind the recipient to be careful to avoid being misled and miss the real important email.
    2. Remind the victim again, turn off the lights and use the bathing gloves when taking shower. Every time when victim in bath, there are a lots of metamorphosis perps who are tracking you to sexual harassment. Although the victims can't feel it, but the metamorphosis perps can feel you in every movement.
    3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got pregnant, because I have stuck the magnet on the navel for a long time, so I believe the perp’s target was a pregnant woman.
    4. The metamorphosis chip controller within the victim’s chip with show girl, so that the victim's outlook appears on show girl’s face, the perp used such technology to frame the victim up without victim awareness. To avoid the same incident, you can have mask at home to prevent it.


  1. Another discovery this week, when I turned on the mobile phone location service, I was surprised to find that my location shows “The Peak”, at the same time, I was in Causeway Bay. I was told by the person, it was caused by within chip with someone who located in the peak. It will be further extended to the problem of using the GPS system while driving. When the driver uses the mobile phone as a navigation system, the brain control perp may within your chip with someone to change your map instruction for misleading. Solution, leave the phone hand free, fixed it on the car (make sure the phone is not being hacked). When you home, please turn off the location of the phone to keep the privacy, avoid criminal case when being within chips.


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近日有人提到, 腦控賤人經常用我的名字在各社交網路留言, 以此破壞我同朋友的關係, 任何人如見到有任何以我名義, 用攻擊性, 挑撥離間言詞在網絡留言者, 請以電話短信留下網址. 謝謝你們的協助!


 我一般每星期只用星期一, 星期五中午時間維繫我自己的網頁, 其它時間只作資訊性搜索, 甚少在社交網絡漫游, 更極少參與他人網頁留言, 不便之處, 望見諒!


It has been mentioned that brain control perps often use my name to leave messages on social networks for destroying my relationship with friends. If someone saw the message with some wording in extremely provokes in my name, please leave a URL by text message to my cellphone. Your assistance will be appreciate.
I usually maintenance my own webpage every Monday and Friday at noon. Not social network participle in other time, but information research. Hope you can understand my situation and any inconvenient caused.


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本週有很多大眾熟識的名人仙逝, 其中有前藝員藍潔英, 報紙大標題地形容她為坎坷的一生”, 我並不認同, 我會形容她為烈女的一生”, 她的而且確是一位烈女, 一位同腦控搏鬥的烈女, 她遭遇過腦控受害者的所有身心折磨, 最後敵不過電子武器摧毀而死亡, 用她的一生控訴腦控賤人慘無天日的暴行.


祝烈女一路好走, 我們將永遠懷念妳!



There are a lot of famous people past away this week, including the well-known artisan Yammie Lam. The newspaper headline describes her as a "frustration of life". I don't agree. I will describe her as "the life of heroic woman", she is a heroic, she fighting with mind control for many years, she has suffered all the physical and mental tortures by within the chips and electronic weapons. At the end, she was killed by the electronic weapons. She used her whole life to accuse the horrible atrocities caused by the metamorphosis mind control perps


I wish the heroic woman all the way, we will always miss you!

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  1. 1031日至114, 腦控賤人方中信, 吳鎮宇指使持續遙控電子武器令我劇烈頭痛超過15小時, 期間有受害者死亡. 據說是方中信, 吳鎮宇為博取電視劇某角色, 以折磨被腦控受害者之收益作為向監製換取演出的機會, 其中涉及利益, 片酬私相授受, 之前鄭子誠也用此方法, 博得演電視劇某角色.


  1. 腦控空間有人一直利用 ”Monita” 之名, 將腦控屏蔽器以每年一百萬, 賣與被腦控受害者, 當受害者知道屏蔽器根本不能屏蔽腦控而停止付款時, 腦控賤人又用 ”Monita” 之名出面追討, 此舉實志在破壞我 ”Monita” 的人格和誠信, 令受害者憎恨 ”Monita”. 因腦控空間很多人根本不認識真正的我-Monita, 腦控賤人隨便用某人的聲音長期自稱是 ”Monita”, 不認識 ”Monita” 的人自然將第一次聽到的假 ”Monita” 聲音當是真, 令真的 ”Monita” 長期蒙上不白之冤. 望被腦控受害者小心上當.


  1. 腦控空間經常有名人, 明星伸出援手, 問如何才能帮到我? 我的答案只有一個 帮我的唯一方法就是-反腦控屏蔽器”, 只有屏蔽腦控才是最根本的方法, 但遺憾的是至今仍未找到有效的屏蔽器.


Mind Control space news this week (October 29 to November 4, 2018)


  1. From October 31st to November 4th, the metamorphosis brain control perps Alex Fong, Francis Ng instructed to continuous remote control electronic weapons that caused me to serious headache for more than 15 hours, at least one victim died during such period. It is said that Alex Fong, Francis Ng both for a role in the TV series. In order to earn for tortured the victims as collateral condition to exchange the performance, which involves under table interest and payroll. As known, Timothy Cheng used this method to exchange TV drama role before.
    2. Some people in the brain control space have been using the name of “Monita” to sell brain-control shields for one million dollars a year to the victims. When the victim knows that the shield cannot block brain control and stop paying, the perps still used the name "Monita" to force the money back. The perps used such cheap trick to destroying my personality and integrity, causing the victims to hate "Monita". Many people in the brain control space do not know the real me - Monita, they only recognized their first voice to claim to be "Monita", they will not confirm which one is real one, and the poor real one has long been blinded. So be careful don’t fall to perps’ trap.
  2. Brain control space often have celebrities, the stars want to give a help to me, my answer would be "the only way to help me is give me have a Jammer or Shields to block the mind control", block the brain control is the most fundamental method for help. Unfortunately, not one can supply the shields.
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  1. 本週變態腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器攻擊我頭部不同部位, 眉頭位置, 耳背位置, 令我長期頭痛難忍. 同時計有方中信, 何守信, 吳鎮宇, 吳君如, 曾志偉, 錢嘉樂, 林家棟, 劉玉翠同我併芯片, 聲稱自已被電子武器攻擊, 實則是自已關了感覺掣, 根本感覺不到我的頭痛. 據指使遙控電子武器的人講, 害人所得金錢大部份上繳與他們背後的大佬謝賢, 譚泳麟, 周潤發, 劉江, 萧定一等.


今天有人提供資訊, 變態腦控賤人揚言將遙控電子武器攻擊受害者20, 估計集資目的是為繳交香港明星的稅務罰款. 以殘害市民身體健康作為個人的稅務罰款, 實屬禍國殃民之舉. 以上是真是假, 請讀者自行判斷!


  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人持續關閉我腦控機的小便掣至晚上約8時才開. 同時將因腎病而水腫的肥胖者同我併芯片, 令我透不了氣.


  1. 我近期發覺, 腦控賤人全方位進行情緒控制, 令他人兄弟反目, 夫妻分離, 父子, 父女互相仇視, 到底技術上是由電腦控制還是人為併芯片所引起就不得而知. 本週報章報導, 每天最少一粧是因情緒病而自殺的案件, 其中部份是天真無邪的年輕少女, 報紙披露是因為抑鬱症而墮樓身亡, 實質是死於腦控的情緒控制.


在此提出一些建議, 望被腦控而覺情緒低落的受害者, 多做帶氣運動, 切不可戒甜品, 適當的甜點和果糖是可以令人開心, 我有朋友曾經因為被肥胖者併芯而自以為超重, 為減肥而戒糖令整個人性情大變. 嚴重者, 可嘗試用情緒調節機, 主要是調節自身腦部的αβδθ, 因情緒控制大部份是因調節腦控機中此四種腦波的數據, 我們只要將數值還原, 調整好即可. 切不可有輕生的念頭, 生命誠可貴, 腦控賤人未死自己先死實屬不值. 詳細可參考:  阿尔法腦電波


  1. 上期提到味覺替換, 嗅覺替換也同樣原理, 當賤人關閉你的嗅覺掣, 開他人的嗅覺同你併芯片, 你聞到的是他人所聞到的味道. 例如有人經常聞到他人聞不到的臭味而懷疑自已腦部有腫瘤壓到嗅覺神經而就醫, 實際上是被腦控, 有一種可能性是同有腦部腫瘤的人併芯片,CT片有他人腫瘤的影子, 另一種就是嗅覺替換. 不要低估嗅覺替換所帶來的傷害, 有人因為被嗅覺替換聞不到焦味, 而引起火警.


Mind control space news this week (October 22 to 28, 2018)


  1. This week's the metamorphosis brain control perps continued to remoted electronic weapon to attack my head in different position such as back head, top head and ear, which made me suffer headaches for long-time per day. At the same time, there are Alex Fong, Ivan Hong, Francis Ng, Sandra Ng, Eric Tsang , Chin Ka Lok, Gordon Lam, Jade Lau within my chip with turn, claiming that they also attacked by electronic weapons, but the truth, they did not got hurt from within the chip since they shut down the feeling keys by themself. They simply can’t feel my headache.


According to the above perps confessed that most of the money which earn from electronic harassment should hand over to the big brothers such as Patrick Tse, Alan Tang, Chow Yun Fat, Lau Kong, Stephen Sui Junior etc.
Someone has provided information today. The metamorphosis perps also claim will electronic harassment victims over 20 days for fund-raising purpose use to pay tax penalties for Hong Kong stars. If it is true, the personal tax penalty why used to torture the victims’ health, that would have wrecked a country, ruined the citizen even oversea. The above is true or dare? the readers may judgement by your own!


  1. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller continues to turn-off the urination of my brain control machine until about 8 o'clock in the evening. At the same time, the obese person who is edema due to kidney disease within my chip in whole day, made me felt difficulty in toilet and felt too tight can't breathe.


  1. Recently, I discovered that the brain control perps used the emotional control in all directions, which makes victims’brothers against each other. The couple separated, father and son, and father and daughter hate each other. I don’t know whether it is technically controlled by computer or only within the chips caused. The dairy newspaper reported that at least one case of suicide due to emotional illness. Some of them were young girls with innocent. The newspaper disclosed that they were suicide due to depression, and the truth was the emotional control.

I have some suggestions to the victims who are being mind control and feel depressed. you should do more exercise, have some sweets, appropriate desserts and fructose can make people happy. I have a friend who got fat by being within the chip with obese without self-awareness, she used not sugar on diet, finally his temperament becoming worse and worse.  


In serious cases, you can try to use the emotion adjusting machine, mainly to adjust the α β δ θ of your brain wave, because most of the emotional control was due to the adjustment the data of the four kinds of brain waves in the brain control machine, we only can do may adjust them to normal. 


life is precious, save your life to against your enemy, think about that it is not worthwhile for the perps who hurt you and die after you.  


For the details above brainwaves, please refer to: http:/ / by search key word “alpha brainwave” 

  1. In the previous issue, the taste replacement was mentioned. The olfactory replacement is also the same principle. When the chip controller turn-off your sense of smell, and within the chip with others, that your smell is same as others not your own. For example, someone often sense of difference strange smell, and suspect may get a tumor that presses the olfactory nerve and seek medical treatment. In fact, he is being mind control and within the chip with someone who got a tumor, so that the CT film shows the shadow of another's tumor and replace the olfactory with other not his own. 

Don't underestimate the damage caused by the olfactory replacement. It can cause a fire when the olfactory replace, you can not smelled the burning.

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  1. 本週變態腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器攻擊我頭部不同部位, 眉頭位置, 耳背位置, 令我長期頭痛難忍. 同時計有方中信, 何守信, 吳鎮宇, 吳君如, 曾志偉, 錢嘉樂, 林家棟, 劉玉翠同我併芯片, 聲稱自已被電子武器攻擊, 實則是自已關了感覺掣, 根本感覺不到我的頭痛. 據指使遙控電子武器的人講, 害人所得金錢大部份上繳與他們背後的大佬謝賢, 譚泳麟, 周潤發, 劉江, 萧定一等.


今天有人提供資訊, 變態腦控賤人揚言將遙控電子武器攻擊受害者20, 估計集資目的是為繳交香港明星的稅務罰款. 以殘害市民身體健康作為個人的稅務罰款, 實屬禍國殃民之舉. 以上是真是假, 請讀者自行判斷!


  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人持續關閉我腦控機的小便掣至晚上約8時才開. 同時將因腎病而水腫的肥胖者同我併芯片, 令我透不了氣.


  1. 我近期發覺, 腦控賤人全方位進行情緒控制, 令他人兄弟反目, 夫妻分離, 父子, 父女互相仇視, 到底技術上是由電腦控制還是人為併芯片所引起就不得而知. 本週報章報導, 每天最少一粧是因情緒病而自殺的案件, 其中部份是天真無邪的年輕少女, 報紙披露是因為抑鬱症而墮樓身亡, 實質是死於腦控的情緒控制.


在此提出一些建議, 望被腦控而覺情緒低落的受害者, 多做帶氣運動, 切不可戒甜品, 適當的甜點和果糖是可以令人開心, 我有朋友曾經因為被肥胖者併芯而自以為超重, 為減肥而戒糖令整個人性情大變. 嚴重者, 可嘗試用情緒調節機, 主要是調節自身腦部的αβδθ, 因情緒控制大部份是因調節腦控機中此四種腦波的數據, 我們只要將數值還原, 調整好即可. 切不可有輕生的念頭, 生命誠可貴, 腦控賤人未死自己先死實屬不值. 詳細可參考:  阿尔法腦電波


  1. 上期提到味覺替換, 嗅覺替換也同樣原理, 當賤人關閉你的嗅覺掣, 開他人的嗅覺同你併芯片, 你聞到的是他人所聞到的味道. 例如有人經常聞到他人聞不到的臭味而懷疑自已腦部有腫瘤壓到嗅覺神經而就醫, 實際上是被腦控, 有一種可能性是同有腦部腫瘤的人併芯片,CT片有他人腫瘤的影子, 另一種就是嗅覺替換. 不要低估嗅覺替換所帶來的傷害, 有人因為被嗅覺替換聞不到焦味, 而引起火警.


Mind control space news this week (October 22 to 28, 2018)


  1. This week's the metamorphosis brain control perps continued to remoted electronic weapon to attack my head in different position such as back head, top head and ear, which made me suffer headaches for long-time per day. At the same time, there are Alex Fong, Ivan Hong, Francis Ng, Sandra Ng, Eric Tsang , Chin Ka Lok, Gordon Lam, Jade Lau within my chip with turn, claiming that they also attacked by electronic weapons, but the truth, they did not got hurt from within the chip since they shut down the feeling keys by themself. They simply can’t feel my headache.


According to the above perps confessed that most of the money which earn from electronic harassment should hand over to the big brothers such as Patrick Tse, Alan Tang, Chow Yun Fat, Lau Kong, Stephen Sui Junior etc.
Someone has provided information today. The metamorphosis perps also claim will electronic harassment victims over 20 days for fund-raising purpose use to pay tax penalties for Hong Kong stars. If it is true, the personal tax penalty why used to torture the victims’ health, that would have wrecked a country, ruined the citizen even oversea. The above is true or dare? the readers may judgement by your own!


  1. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller continues to turn-off the urination of my brain control machine until about 8 o'clock in the evening. At the same time, the obese person who is edema due to kidney disease within my chip in whole day, made me felt difficulty in toilet and felt too tight can't breathe.


  1. Recently, I discovered that the brain control perps used the emotional control in all directions, which makes victims’brothers against each other. The couple separated, father and son, and father and daughter hate each other. I don’t know whether it is technically controlled by computer or only within the chips caused. The dairy newspaper reported that at least one case of suicide due to emotional illness. Some of them were young girls with innocent. The newspaper disclosed that they were suicide due to depression, and the truth was the emotional control.

I have some suggestions to the victims who are being mind control and feel depressed. you should do more exercise, have some sweets, appropriate desserts and fructose can make people happy. I have a friend who got fat by being within the chip with obese without self-awareness, she used not sugar on diet, finally his temperament becoming worse and worse.  


In serious cases, you can try to use the emotion adjusting machine, mainly to adjust the α β δ θ of your brain wave, because most of the emotional control was due to the adjustment the data of the four kinds of brain waves in the brain control machine, we only can do may adjust them to normal. 


life is precious, save your life to against your enemy, think about that it is not worthwhile for the perps who hurt you and die after you.  


For the details above brainwaves, please refer to: http:/ / by search key word “alpha brainwave” 

  1. In the previous issue, the taste replacement was mentioned. The olfactory replacement is also the same principle. When the chip controller turn-off your sense of smell, and within the chip with others, that your smell is same as others not your own. For example, someone often sense of difference strange smell, and suspect may get a tumor that presses the olfactory nerve and seek medical treatment. In fact, he is being mind control and within the chip with someone who got a tumor, so that the CT film shows the shadow of another's tumor and replace the olfactory with other not his own. 

Don't underestimate the damage caused by the olfactory replacement. It can cause a fire when the olfactory replace, you can not smelled the burning.

Read more…


當我出外旅遊, 由乘搭飛機開始, 腦控賤人喪心病狂遙控電子武器令我3天頭痛, 嘔心. 據說背後指使者譚泳麟, 劉江, 蔡瀾, 吳君如, 萧定一等.


  1. 三天電子武器折磨, 令我瞬間髪根變白. 大家切不可低估電子武器摧殘頭痛, 對腦部所造成的嚴重傷害性.


  1. 近年傳媒經常報導手機被黑客入侵引起金錢損失, 將責任歸咎於手機製造商. 但事實上, 大部份都是腦控手機用家, 竊聽追蹤用家密碼所引致.


  1. 本週後期在腦控空間作孽的大部份是以吳君如為首的商台DJ廢柴大聯盟.


  1. 16日有一些女同姓戀者在腦控空間耍樂. 在此澄清, 本人非女同性戀者, 但對同性戀者也絕無歧視. 但求互不侵犯.


  1. 17-18日兩天, 有小腿骨折損者同我併芯片, 令我在旅遊期間, 舉步維艱. 據說骨折者是在腦控空間害人, 被人報復毒打至骨折. 變態控芯片賤人利用其傷殘同受害者併芯片, 以示洩忿.


  1. 味覺替換. 當我正在食雞肉時, 腦控賤人關閉我的味覺掣, 將我同另一位正在食牛肉的人併芯片, 將我的味覺換成他人的味覺, 我食到的雞肉是牛肉味. 神奇.


  1. 21日星期日下午因透露某人假結婚和提供未成年少女與腦控空間變態老狗性騷擾後, 由零晨至早上共7小時被睡眠剥奪, 不停將有腳患的受害者同我併芯片精神折磨.


  1. 腦控空間經常有賤人冒受害者(不知情)之名答應做犯法竊聽賺錢, 然後利用受害者給他人併芯片, 有禍受害者承擔, 錢賤人賺. 當被人揭穿後, 反過來冤不知名的受害者沒有遵守誠諾, 以此破壞受害者誠信. 卑鄙!


  1. 很多被腦控受害者都在不知不覺的情況下, 受到腦控賤人的情緒操縱, 被利用於針對某特定人物, 而此特定人物是腦控賤人所排斥的人. 個人經驗, 被腦控賤人情緒控制而不自覺地對旅行中團友講出有傷他人自尊心的言論. 例如 如今女人強勢, 皆因男人無用. 在此誠心誠意向此位好團友, 公認的好丈夫曾先生, 曾太太講聲 對不起”. 因我被腦控, 定力未夠強而被利用發出此愚蠢言論. 望見諒!



Mind control space news this week (October 8-21, 2018)


  1. When I traveled abroad, starting from departure, the metamorphosis perps continuing remote control electronic weapon made me headache over 3 days. It is said that the behind people giving order may Alan Tam, Lau Kong, Cai Lam, Sandra Ng, Stephen Siu Junior etc.
    2. Three days of electronic weapon torture, which makes me instantly whiten in hair. So don’t underestimate the damage caused by electronic weapons and the serious damage caused to the brain.
    3. In recent years, the media has often reported that mobile phones have been hacked to cause monetary losses, blaming the mobile phone manufacturers. But in fact, most of them were brain-controlled mobile phone users, eavesdropping tracking user passwords caused.
    4. In the late part of this week, the trouble makers were head by Sandra Ng together with part of DJ of Commercial Radio Hong Kong in mind control space.
    5. On the 16th, there are some lesbian lovers in the brain control space. Here, I clarify that I am not a lesbian, and no discrimination against homosexuals. But seek mutual non-aggression
    6. On the 17th to 18th, The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got calf fractures, which made me struggling during the tour. It is said that the such fracturing person have been worked in the brain control space, using electronic torture the victims, then being revenge for beaten to fracture. The metamorphosis chip controller uses his disability within chip with victims to show his resentment.


  1. Taste replacement. When I am eating chicken, the chip controller off my taste key in mind control machine, and within my chip with another person who is eating beef, and change my taste to the taste of others. I eating Chicken but in beef taste. Magical.
    8. On the afternoon of the 21st, I point out someone’s fake marriage and have been providing underage girl for sexual harassment in brain-controlled space, the such perp torture me by sleeping deprivation for 7 hours, at the same time within my chip with some persons who got sour legs and pain legs for physical and mental harassment.
    9. In mind control space, the perp often used victim’s name (without consent) promises someone doing criminal eavesdropping to make money. and then use the victim in unknown situation to within the chip as GSP, that makes the victims responded the legal liabilities and the perp making money. When the unknown victims did not follow their promise, the perp blamed the victims no keep his/her promise, used impudent enough to pervert the truth and destroy the victims’ integrity in return. I can’t believed such cheap tricky were human being. 10. Many victims are unknowingly being emotionally manipulated by the mind control perps and used to against a specific target for their want. Personal experience Being emotion controlled to hurt the member in travelling group by speech. Here, I sincerely said sorry to Mr. Tsang couple, since I was being mind controlled and made such stupid remark.
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  1. 變態控芯片賤人經常全開我腦音, 潛入虛假思維, 當我正在聽他人講話時, 現場第三者聽到的是我的腦音在講話. 原理是控芯片人將他人思維由我腦音發出; 另一方面, 全開腦音誤導他人以為我同腦控賤人正在聊天, 實質是腦控賤人問話, 我腦部自然的反應; 有時我自己在思考時發出腦音, 腦控賤人假意接著反應, 所以造成正在聊天的誤會和誤解.




  1. 被併芯片另一個擔心的原因是我不知道併我芯片的是什麼人, 動機是什麼? 是否利用我做為GSP去做犯法勾當.




  1. 當我睡眠時, 變態控芯片賤人經常將身軀比我矮小的人同我併芯片, 令我身體蜷曲, 腿部酸痛, 腿部一經伸直就抽筋. 近期更發展至將多人同我併芯片, 用同個鼻孔呼吸, 令我呼吸困難. 原因是我鼻大而併芯片者鼻細, 感覺有如鼻塞, 呼吸不暢順. 賤人以此剥奪我的睡眠.




  1. 有被腦控者因被同長者併芯片而自覺衰老, 找醫生整容而越整越醜. 在此提醒被腦控者, 整容時要多同醫生溝通, 以免整容變毀容.




  1. 本週腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我輕度頭痛, 令我沒法集中精神, 長期感覺疲累.




  1. 腦控空間有姓曾的變態畜牲(有話是曾志豪父親, 有話是之前賭場收數佬), 聯同姓朱的私家偵探, 招攬淫蟲於空間侮辱女性受害者, 視良家婦女為妓女, 併女受害者芯片性騷擾賺錢, 其可恥程度實令人髮指, 其變態丑行人人得而諸之. 而娛樂圈中人對此却等閒視之, 對畜牲的變態行徑習以為常, 相信也參與其中.實在太可恨了!




  1. 7. 本人將於本週後期出外旅遊, 下一期之新聞將順延至1022日繼續. 敬請留意.




Mind Control Space news this week (October 1 to 7, 2018)




  1. The metamorphosis chip controller open my brain sounds whole day long, and intercepting the thoughts not my own. When I am listening to others, the third party on the air hears only my brain sounds in speech, not others. The technology said that the controller used my brain sounds and other thought at the same time. On the other hand, the full-opening brain sound misleads others into thought that I am chatting with the perps. When the perp ask questions, my brain responds naturally in that moment; also when I thought something my brain automatic respond brain sound as voice, and the perp falsely reacted , which made the listener misunderstandings that we are in the chatting.
    2. I worried about being within the chip will causing a lots of problems, since I don't know who they are, all under the chip controller’s control. May the perps use within my chip as GPS to make a criminal act, what can I do?
    3. When I sleeping, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who shorter than me, make my body distorted, legs sore, and legs cramped as soon as I am straightened.


Recently, the metamorphosis controller becoming more run wild, within my chip with some people together using the same nostril to breathe, which makes me breath in difficulty. The principal was my nose is big and someone’s nose smaller than, it made me feel something inside nose, cannot breathing smooth. The metamorphosis perp used such tricky to deprived my sleeping in long-term.
4. When some people being mind controlled by within chip with elders without self-awakens, that caused consciously aging looking, so they are looking for a doctor to face up but becoming uglier. Remind to the people who planning for face surgery, please tell your doctor that you are being mind control, communication is more important before Plastic surgery. 


  1. This week, the metamorphosis brain control perps continuous remote control of electronic weapons made me got light headache, which made me unable in concentration and feel tired for a long time.
    6. The metamorphosis perp in the brain-controlled space who with a surname Tsang (as said there is a father of Tsang Chi How, and other said there was a casino chaser when his young), with a private detector surnamed Zhu, recruiting sex pests for sexual harassment by within chip with female victims in space for making money, and treating good women as prostitutes, the shameful degree is horrible, everyone hated their dirty behaviors with helpless. And the movie stars, actors, media staffs turn with black eyes as usual, I believe all were participated in such dirty business. Shame on them.
    7. I will travel abroad later this week. The next issue will post until October 22nd 2018, thank you for your attention.
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The American Intelligence Media are a group of investigators who have discovered who is attempting to enslave the human race and how they plant to go about it as follows:-
There are three sovereign states within states which work as one unit behind the scenes and who plan to take over and technologically enslave the whole human race by wireless means. They are the Vatican state, the London Financial District and Washington DC. Because they are sovereign states it is difficult to investigate their activities. Their members have created and continue to control the United Nations who are working against other nations.

There are nearly 500 members in the British Privy Council all of who are corporate war lords and they are the real power behind the throne of England. They work within the City of London. They are attempting to control the United States through their American counterparts The Senior Executive Service. They already control China. They preside over a series of tax free havens so they do not pay taxes. They work in alignment with George Soros. Washington DC takes its orders from the Queen who in turn takes her orders from the Vatican.

The Senior Executive Service continues to give United States contracts to the same corporations, many of who are owned by the British Queen Elizabeth II and the British Privy Council.

In 1995 a patent was created that would subsume all other patents in order to control everybody and everything on planet earth and which is euphemistically known as “the internet of things” patent but is called the Walker patent after Richard C Walker who filed it. However, it is now believed that Richard C Walker is a front man and that the patent is in reality owned and controlled by Sir Geoffrey Pattie.

Please watch the following “American Intelligence Media” youtube video which gives details about the Walker patent which is believed to be owned by Sir Geoffrey Pattie of the British Privy Council and which would be used to technologically enslave the whole human race

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Please forward to them by fax, not only for me, thanks.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

14 years ago, Canadian lawyer said to me: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."

What happened and what are happening ?

UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims  have everything I provided.

UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court.

So, "they" are hacking UN, International Human Rights Community , International Criminal Court and everything I am using , regardless of anything. Amnesty International , Human Rights Watch and UN , they all " witness" what they are doing. Criminal Court "delivered " 3 messages to me and to Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government... who are living with me as my neighbors, gathering around and in my workplace , as follows:

1. "MUTILATION AND TORTURE are war crimes and crimes against humanity."

2. " UNITING FOR prevention, accountability, redress" .

3. " Victims are at the very heart of ICC's work..." for my life being threatened and fight against on-going  torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward to them by fax, not only for me, thanks.

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Posted on August 19, 2019 by gretta fahey
If community activists are making leaflets or other documents to offer to members of the public they should create the original leaflet with a pen or marker in their own handwriting and their own drawings rather than creating it digitally. When they photocopy the original leaflet it can not be decoded by digital means and blocked from the printing process which is now an ongoing capability.
Currently there is an effort by the would-be enslavers of the human race who are strongly believed to be mostly members of the British Privy Council combined with bloodline families, members of the Vatican and Washington DC to create a false belief in the ability of machines to make uninformed decisions. According to a group of researchers who are known as the American Intelligence media, computer code does not drag ideas out of the sky.  Instead of making uninformed decisions as we are being asked to believe by the would-be enslavers of the human race, computers rely on hundreds of pre-programmed algorithms acting simultaneously to come up with a decision.    Computer programmers are renewing computer code on an almost daily basis because of anomalies. Subroutines are being implemented in computer software to make it appear that a computer can make uninformed decisions but said subroutines are being constantly created by hundreds of millions of computer programmers in the background. The would-be enslavers of the human race constantly create hoaxes in order that we direct our anger away from them and towards a non-existent enemy.
We must consider removing the sovereignty of the Vatican State, Washington Dc and The British Financial district all of which are legally considered sovereign states within sovereign states and which act as one unit in an effort to control and enslave the human race.

My website is called

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Hola, aquí es de noche, estoy en una crisis, unos de los gangstalker  me dijo que si seguía hablando de Álvaro Uribe Balas me iban a picar, por supuesto que lo seguiré ofendiendo, desde luego no necesito ofenderlo, él solo con sus actos se ayuda, espero que caíga, aquí en Colombia "picar" es un método de los paramilitares que te asesinan y se vuelven pedacitos, esa es una de las opciones que tienen, pero me dijeron que no aparecería con mi nombre, otra víctima silenciosa de este País, la otra opción es que tenga una especie de aneurisma y "pojjjjj" quede ahí, para descanso mío, el otro método es que te envenenan, ya he estado dos veces envenenada, aquí en la casa de mi madre, cuando escuchaba al controlador al oído decirme "metáselo en el culo", se siente mucho mareo, en Sincelejo también me envenenaron, esta vez mandó a una mujer, decía que me inyectaba, recuerdo que es de mareo, náuseas, el bendito calor en la cabeza, sobre todo en la cara, mucho calor, no bastaba lavarse la cara, la otra, el hecho es que no realmente no se cuánto tiempo me queda, la moda aquí es la siguiente, dicen que soy una boba, que me tienen de pista donde todo el mundo "aterriza" donde todo el mundo se conecta a la red del gangstalking, mis amados vecinos, de verdad que su dios los bendiga, si que bendice bastante, así que la red debe cambiar de antena, la antena soy yo, lo que he entendido es que yo sería un zombie, que mi voluntad corresponde a otra persona, y que esa persona no quiere estudiar más, que no me quiere servir de guía, dicen que según ellos, fue un gangstalker quien estudió a través de mi cerebro, él ahora me cobra 3 mil millones de pesos por mi vida y mi profesión, no me quieren dejar ir a Bogotá a realizar mi diplomado; la le pedí al gangstalker que me eliminara, me dicen que diga que creo en dios, ya se que ese dios es mentiras es un humano, que usa todas sus malditas malas vibraciones para dañar a la gente a través de esos malditos equipos, estoy muy tranquila, se que puede ser hoy, esta noche, mañana, en Bogotá, otra vez de pronto me envenenen,  

No sé por qué, yo creí que perseguían a los biólogos, ahora se que a mis compañeros les ha ido bien, creí que me equivocaba mucho, no entendía por qué me pasaba todo lo que me pasaba, después de saber que desde los 13 años soy TI, duré mucho tiempo en la Universidad, la cual no quiero sacar a relucir porque es otra muerte encima, sólo diré que varios de mis profesores, muchos de la facultad y de otras sabían qué estaba pasando conmigo, un hombre me abrió las puertas y me permitió trabajar en lo que yo quería, a pesar de que lloraba mucho, estaba haciendo realidad usar mis manos para llevar a cabo una investigación, todos los pequeños cursos que me pagué, fueron con mi esfuerzo, y le que los revise se va a dar cuenta que todos, absolutamente están relacionados, con restauración y con mi botánica porque como dijé moriré de pie, 

la verdad desconozco el hecho de que yo esté viva o no, el hecho es que en ese caso, una persona debe usar el casco que dicen que tiene mis conexiones neuronales, haré el esfuerzo, 

lo otro que me da miedo, es que uno de los hombres, no se si de otra frecuencia, dice que me va a hacer pasar por su esposa y que el proceso va a ser largo pero que al final moriré con alguna enfermedad de esas fuertes y él podrá cobrar me imagino yo, un seguro por mí, 

a este punto no sabes si para atrás o para adelante, si analizas, estás en un punto en el que analizando y con el dolor del alma, no he hecho nada en la vida, hasta ahora cumplí con una de mis metas pero desafortunadamente mi cabeza parece un coco vacío, la masa encefálica sigue ahí y es visible a la tomografía pero no hay mucho que trabaje, no he podido estudiar inglés porque el jefe de jefe dijo que era muy bruta y que nunca me lo permitiría, ya me ha cambiado mi sagrada ortografía, vivo con mucha tristeza, ahora resulta que mi casa es pura tristeza, hemos analizado y mi mamá dice que nunca a sido feliz, ella está enferma, yo estoy mal, mi abuela está mal, mi hermana está mal, resulta que vine a saber que toda mi familia, un núcleo de 7 personas somos TI, yo quiero descansar, esta realidad de saber todo lo que ahora sé, me ha hecho ver la realidad, estoy esperando a que ellos actúen, yo respeto mi vida, es sagrada, y estoy aquí para dignificarla, aunque lo que viene es más duro, el tipo seguirá colocando la frecuencia de muerte, yo se que resistiré, 

hace 36 horas que no duermo y se que eso me funde lo que pueda haber de cerebro, 

le agradezco que haya leído hasta este punto, el Dios del sol y la lluvia lo bendiga, sólo le pido que no se deje creer el cuento de cambiar, eso es sólo gangstalking, desafortunadamente cambian las personas de formas que usted no imagina, yo estoy organizada de tal forma que tengo como 10 personalidades en mí, CREA EN USTED, CREA QUE PUEDE, A PESAR DE LOS TROPIEZOS CONFÍE, SI QUIERE ESTUDIAR ESTUDIE, ellos evalúan quien pasa a una universidad, a los buenos los ayudan pero su cerebro es dañado paulatinamente, a mí me lo dañaron desde joven, sin embargo estudié, pero supongo que por eso la universidad me permitió graduarme, tuve un promedio de menos de 3.5. 

Usted no se imagina los hilos que mueven esta sociedad, en unos años todo lo relacionado con recursos naturales está vetado para algunos, a mí me vetaron, en este momento hacer un cambio, de tal forma que los vecinos que siguen creen que yo miento al escribir, los vecinos están engañados, este tipo les hizo creer que yo era pedófila, ellos le piden que me elimine, que haga lo posible por que yo salga de este pueblo, el tipo critica todo de mí, desde su punto de vista cree que soy mala en lo que hago, alguna vez percibí una desafortunada descarga dentro de mi cuerpo, creo que alguno de los gangstalker entró en mi y tenía aversión hacía mí, el tipo que en este momento está haciendo gangstalking en mí claramente me tiene rabia, pero no sé por qué. 

Creo que a pesar de todo, hasta lo que he hecho, iba por el camino que me había trazado, 

la verdad es muy bonito estar tranquila y saber que uno se ha cumplido así misma, que no se ha faltado, y que puedo morir en paz


Gracias por leer, espero que estas vivencias le sirvan de algo, que mi experiencia pueda guiarle de alguna manera, es para que entienda qué pasa y si descubre que también es TI, pueda vivir la vida mejor, en mi caso, yo aceleré todos los procesos, la radiación poco a poco va mellando mis capacidades, 

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