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There is an article on my blog about my bike tour in France. I was on the run because of these evils made my life horrible in the UK. They locked me out from the work market. So I jumped on my bike with all my belongings and turned the wheels towards Spain. There you can find fruits in every month of the year and people live you to sleep in tents if you don't make too much trouble.

I'd like you to think of these pictures. Just look at the maps and think about what you see?
I slept at Migné where a red dot is breaking the red line. I slept in my tent thinking that this area would be a peaceful place. I was wrong. Near to the crossing there is a military base with a huge "telecommunication tower". Not long before I reached this base, my camera gone. What a coincidence? The so called tower looked like this on the right:
The wind had been blown from east to north for one week with a constant speed around 15-25 km/hour. I was fed up with it.
Later on the way from Spain to Hungary I have ridden through some other interesting areas.
For example if you want to ride a really beautiful way through the Pirineos choose this ghat heading to Barbastro. You can see some interesting places, in both sides of the mountain. The road is enchanting, but take care, I saw human bones around.

Next area to check out is the wider area of Lake de Sainte Croix near Riez in France.
Having a closer look on this map above you can just leave your intuition work, thinking of weather manipulation. What is happening in this area? What is the purpose of weather manipuation? What is the main goal of these guys "upstairs"?
What else? Money. Controll. Power.
WeatherManipulationFrance240.jpgI drow a line and circled some of the manipulation stations. The side wich is in a military camp area I couldn't go in. The side closer to Riez you sould make some photos if you are there and share with the public. I coudn't make any.
So what is going on?

WeatherManipulationFrance241.jpgThe rainclouds are coming from the seasore, from south-east guarded with the mounten chain on both sides. Along the line what I drow there you will find the big "telecommunitation towers" you cannot miss them these are very big ones. So they are driving the havy rainclouds from south-east to the direction of the lake and over. After the Lake Ste Croix there is a relatively  flat area around Ruiz and then in right angle an other mountain and the River Durance. When the clouds reach the perpendicular mountain chain they loose the water. The Durance river is collecting that water. How does it makes money? Have a look at the map at Masoque:

WeatherManipulationFrance242.jpgAnd then down following the river count how many water drived power station you can see? More than 8 power station is in the area if I count all of them on other rivers too. Look for dams and power stations. The CIA used to fly quiet airports to keep confidential their moves. How can they organize this area? They need to reach every power station and the weather manipulation towers, and the dams fast. They need good quality roads.  Which they have. And they need a small airport where no one is asking too many questions. They can bring in engineers from all over the world, who know nothing about what is going on, or don't really care because of the good cash for keep mouth shut.
What do you think?
Anyone who is brave enough to investigate please do it. Please make pictures in the area. And listen for them. Just meditate on the map of wider area around:
And if you travel to Monaco, which is a heroin, cocaine entry base on sore, you can see some more advanced camouflage for these "telecommunication towers". There are four of these towers in Monaco. Telecommunication? with four so big antennas? Strange.
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Jared Loughner and Mind Control

(1)   Contact representatives


State representative Chip Limehouse is introducing a bill in the house this week that would require colleges to report cases of extreme behavior to local law enforcement officials.

Meanwhile, Summerville Representative Chris Murphy has plans to file a bill that would make anyone convicted of killing a public official face the death penalty.  Limehouse says he's considering rolling both bills into one.

Please contact with Rep. Chip and Chris to expose secret mind control weapons abuses and tortures.

Representative Chip Limehouse represents South Carolina's House of Representatives District 110, which includes the community of Mount Pleasant and the heart of Charleston's Historic District.


8 Cumberland Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29401-2650

(843) 577-6242


326C Blatt Bldg. 1105 Pendleton Street, South Carolina Statehouse, Columbia, SC

PO Box 11867

Columbia, SC 29211-1867

Office (803) 734-2977 Home (803) 252-0845

Representative Chris Murphy

Washington D.C. Office

412 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-4476

*New Britain Office

114 West Main St. Suite 206, New Britain, CT 06051

Phone: (860) 223-8412 Fax: (860) 827-9009

 **Meriden Office

22-26 West Main St. Meriden, CT 06450

Phone: (203) 630-0815

 **Danbury Office

198 Main St. Danbury, CT 06810

Phone: (203) 798-2072

 **Waterbury Office

49 Leavenworth St. Waterbury, CT 06702

Phone: (203) 759-7541


(2)    Jared Loughner has mentioned Mind Control in his video.

He suffered "Sleep deprivation". Jared writes “All humans are in need of sleep. Jared Loughner is a human. Hence, Jared Loughner is in need of sleep.”


Torturers used their electromagnetic (/microwave) mind control weapons:-

   To hack victims brain;

   To "inject" dreams to victims brain at night;

   To "inject" thoughts to victims brain every day;

   To harass victims brain with electromagnetic waves and make victims cannot concentrate to do anything;

   To torture victims and make victims suffer many diseases;

   To harass victims with "voice to skull" technologies;


An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009), the result shows that victims have suffered many symptoms. You can read these symptoms in question16 of the survey from the following link:


Thousands people have claimed that they have been torturing and abusing by covert Mind Control Weapons (and Directed Energy Weapons).

Some victims were tortured to death or driven to crazy, some victims were controlled to do bad, please have a look:  


If you can hear voices inside your brain, you are possible harassing by new "voice to skull" technologies.  

Mind Reading; mind control technologies had been well developed

More information about Mind Reading technologies  

More information about Mind Control technologies



I have filed my lawsuits to against government who covered such horrible mind control weapons (and Directed Energy Weapons) abuses and tortures. 

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis


Please help to urge government to investigate secret mind control weapons abuses and tortures.


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1. Current feasibility of antipersonnel electromagnetic weapons on the battlefield and
2. Current feasibility of remote surreptitious tracking and targeting of humans via satellite
by Zhijun Wei, UC Davis electrical engineering student, with background information by Cheryl Welsh,
director, Mind Justice October, 2005



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#1048 Clear Channel pulls Limbaugh’s ‘Straight Shooter’ billboard in Tucson

   Clear Channel is the company displaying our Big Brother Billboard", in Wisconsin. When first proposed they said they had to put it through their legal department. It went through and was erected as these images show.

  Another Billboard scheduled to go up in Florida had been agreed to at a two month term and fee, the cost was Emailed to the TI. When the TI their discussed some changes involving adding words including, "micro-chipping", to the billboard already designed they were told that since they were not a business nor had they done business with Clear Channel in the past that they could only proceed if the billboard was put up for one year. Because of that the billboard is on hold.
    In the, "Prison Planet", article Clear Channel is taking down a Rush Limbaugh billboard that declares him as a straight shooter. The radio show who put the billboard up requested this action. This is being done in reaction to the shooting of Representative Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and 18 others.
    It was after this shooting that someone in law enforcement attempted to make a connection between talk Radio and the shooting. Later attention was drawn to a Sarrah Palin web site listing the Representative as being targeted.
    One thing observed by us is that the Wisconsin Billboard has received no press from local news sources in the area. I would think this to be a news worthy event but nothing. Still billboards are a way for individuals and groups to express there opinions to the public. Let's hope that this avenue of expression is not about to be controlled as the news media appears to be.
    This might be a good time to donate for any who can afford it while we still have this right to express our views. You can see how by clicking on one of the images or the, "Big brother Billboard", on my flicker site. It will tell you how to send money through to me  at All monies collected will go only to the billboards. Prison planet article below.

                                                                                           Peter Rosenholm

Midas Resources

Listen to Alex Jones

    * Prison

Clear Channel pulls Limbaugh’s ‘Straight Shooter’ billboard in Tucson

Nathan Diebenow
Raw Story
Jan 14, 2011

In the wake of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and 18 others, the Texas-based parent company of a Tuscon-area talk radio station has removed a billboard referring to a popular conservative talk show host as a “straight shooter.”

The black billboard with white typewriter font surrounded by bullet holes promoting Rush Limbaugh’s radio program was okayed by the promotions department of NewsTalk 790 KNST, Clear Channel said in a statement to Talking Points Memo Thursday.

The media conglomerate explicitly noted that Limbaugh had not authorized the billboard, which displayed in Tucson for the last few weeks.

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Clear Channel pulls Limbaugh’s ‘Straight Shooter’ billboard in Tucson 011210banner3

“This particular ad – which used the common expression ‘straight shooter’ to describe Mr. Limbaugh’s candid and direct style – was designed and contracted for by the local station’s promotion department – not by Mr. Limbaugh’s program,” the statement said.

Clear Channel continued, “In the wake of the tragedy, Clear Channel Outdoor management in Tucson quickly elected to take down this ad – believing that discussion of its interpretation would not contribute to the desire for healing in the Tucson community.”

Full article here
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Here's a little theory to throw your way. Let me know if you agree or not. So with this “anxiety” attack happening to me as I type this, this got me thinking, what if there's someone pressing certain buttons at the military base to send the thoughts of paranoia, fear, embarrassment, humiliation, increased heart rate (blood pressure rises?), people pointing their fingers and laughing (images), or whatever to my mind? I can see one or more people sitting at a desk of some sort pressing certain commands on their computer screen to attack the targeted individual. Dumb ass military fucks. Maybe when the computer reads (scans) people's thoughts and saves in on to another computer, then once that data is saved on the other computer, the perpetrators then translate (maybe) it into words and sentences so they know what the individual sees, hears, tastes, smells, touches, or whatever. Then by them knowing this, they create a delusion of paranoia by collecting certain phrases, images, thoughts, interactions, etc, etc, etc from the individual's past and re-create the “anxiety” attacks I go through or you go through. Which could explain all of the repetitiveness that goes on in my mind when the “anxiety” attacks happen. Right now as I type this, they are trying to scare me with thoughts of paranoia. I know there's nothing to be paranoid about, because apparently if they were out to get me, they would of a long time ago and not keep repeating this thought over and over each time my “anxiety” attack happens. The thing that annoys me about this attack is when they repeat a certain phrase in my mind, they then attack my heart either during or after the phrase has been said. Over, and over, and over, and over until I guess I fall asleep (if I will be able to tonight). And then it starts over again when they feel it's time for me to have another “anxiety” attack. Thoughts?

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“Brain-Chip” Implant in the brain of Magnus Olsson. 


By: Media Group Sweden and MINDTECH, Magnus Olsson Stockhom SWEDEN …

( På Svenska under,,,)Magnus Olsson sweden

Magnus Olsson SWEDEN

For me, there was a day in life when everything changed. I went from a life as a citizen in a demo map indicative country into a world where violence and torture was the norm. It was not a journey across continents, but in life circumstances. It also included a science fiction drama that completely shattered my life. My name is Magnus Olsson, I am 38 years old, studied economics at the Cesar Ritz in Switzerland, American University of Paris and Harvard, Boston, USA, during the years 1988-1991. 1994 I started the company Jon Sandman who became a well known brand in the bedding industry. I managed with my life and had also met a wonderful woman whom I had two children with. They are now 13 to 16 years old. But all this harmony and success came to a sudden end. It happened five and a half years ago. After that, life has been about a constant struggle for survival. In order to cope with but also to be able to tell what has happened to me and get out of the nightmare.

The Follo wing Punkt Has Been posted on the World Wide Web as a Notice of Legal Purposes. I am-being framed by the illegal use of Remote Neural Monitoring.

  • Magnus Olsson, a Victim of Remote Neural Monitoring. Anything I Think May Not Be Used Against Me in a court of law or Any Other venue. The person or person performing the Remote Neural Monitoring are here by ordered to cease and desist operations said.Any person’s knowledge or variable Participating in said illegal activity must report to the proper Such Authorities.


It all started after I had been admitted to St. George (Capio). It was in spring 2005. I had been sedated and you must have deposited or injected one implanted in my head. I came in during a difficult exercise. It must have with defense research to do but I had never heard of this kind of technology before it happened, remote control of brain. Not had I not believed in it who claimed that such things occurred in Sweden.



magnus olsson sweden

From being an open successful person, I was transformed in my new life circumstances. There were many problems to overcome. The first was to cope with. Life was suddenly just as difficult as it had previously been a pleasant result of the days and weeks. Another problem was that no help was available. This was entirely in secret and was more like what the perpetrators of acts of madness trying to explain about his powerlessness of being repossessed. I was induced by sensory stimuli that could not be distinguished from the real. I assumed that most would consider me as a mentally disturbed if I tried to explain what has befallen me. It was an idea from the beginning. I had no information to relate to. At this time, I was knocked out. I was completely pacified and under their power. But there came a day when I started trying to do something even if it took over two years. First I went to the Royal Institute of Technology in Valhallavägen in Stockholm and spoke with several people. Asked if they knew who was involved in biological and remote computer connection with people. Then I got an address to the Alba-Nova. When I went there, I happened to come just when an international conference was in progress. Here I got the first facts that spoke of opportunities to establish communication with human biological systems. It was known as Biotech or Brain-Computer Interface. I realized that this was something the media. It is an amazing thing that the technology exists and that the project is ongoing.

Therefore, I contacted one of my acquaintances, Thabo Motsieola as a reporter and a renowned TV profile. I got to know him during my time with Jon Sandman Enterprises, which I had sold. He understood me and was interested in the subject. It was a great success. My mother and media  also came to mean a lot for me to get help to fight with this thing. But at first I could only say that there was something that had made my very difficult life change. It was something that had happened, I said, but could not explain more. She demanded to know, and when I told it. “When I was sedated at St. George’s Hospital in sweden, implanted  something inside my head. Then you use me in an experiment. I must fight to survive hurricanes. You know my thoughts, see what I see and feel. Everything. And you can communicate with me. Transferring different sounds and even speech directly into the brain. “It was in early 2005.

She and MIND TECH SWEDEN became not only my biggest support, but also my ally in proving what I am exposed to.

My mother Elisabeth Nystrom Barringer. She has personal experience of care, has worked with doctors and midwives have been for many years. Now she is active in this matter. Helps me, contacting people and is involved in everything.

Magnus Olsson

When I started searching the internet I became aware that there are people who share my situation. Implanted in hospitals or other places and used for experiments. It is about international organized crime research. Many of the stories from the victims was similar to my own case. The Internet contains research reports, opinion articles and documentary material.There is information from different parts of the world and the brutal mentality, to take advantage of people in life-destroying brain experiments seem to be the same in the country than the abuse occurs. Of all the impacts that many talked about was a lot of identical to my case. The usual torture is easier to explain as it is to burn, cut or physical torment. Anybody can associate with what it would be. There are probably not a difficult topic to address than this. Especially when you also will speak in their own cause. The whole subject of the great technology is largely unknown – and that some people would be exposed, it is most unlikely. It does not occur in our country! So it is. That says enough, most of these things. But there will be a resolution already in the letter.

magnus olsson sweden


Here are some examples of the methods they expose me to. Through interaction, you can bypass the sensory receptors and transmit messages / numbers directly into the brain. The same is with painful interfering signals and other sounds that you can often stay awake during the whole night. These applications are used daily for three years now. One can see through my eyes, hear my thoughts, manipulate my sleep and stay awake for long periods. Although increase or decrease heart rate, upload photos and scents into my brain as real as if I saw or smelled it in the natural environment. Of course you can hear what I hear, I am as a unit of the mainframe. You can change my behavior, including memory functions may be affected as well as emotions (having to be sexually aroused in inappropriate situations). For a long time has created a severe headache, nausea, blurred vision and problems with balance. Something that I never had before this started. In general, I am an example of that by inplantatet can create pain all over my body. Also, I collapsed and lost consciousness seven times within two months in spring 2008. On several of these occasions, I have come to the hospital by ambulance. My mom has been with me for five of those times and this is just one form of the consequences of what I am exposed to. It has no natural cause and you can never either to diagnose the cause.What I have mentioned here are the most common methods you use to torment me. All this is happening also in various stages day and night. In between, I try to sleep and rest so that I can survive. From my point of view, this is an equally crucial event that the establishment of concentration camps in Germany in the 1930s. Moreover, it seems a similar mentality that drives the perpetrators.

Proof of implants:



Fifty years after Skinner and Rogers warned of Science was a declaration by the European Ethics Group of the Swedish professor Goran Hermerén as chairman. The group advises the European Commission on ethical considerations of scientific issues. Their records of March 16, 2005 was also presented as a recommendation to the European Commission (Prof. Rafael Capurro) look at and what to do up there is exactly the same as I am exposed to. They speak in clear words about the danger of this technology and provides an understanding of all parts of it that I have mentioned. The following quotes come from the EU group is translated into Swedish by the network with Robert Naeslund, which we now work with. Ethical Council, which has a participant from each EU country has an official status within the EU. The Swedish professor Goran Hermerén is also Sweden’s first professor of medical ethics while he is also President ofthe EGE, The European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies. In their descriptions, it is called we term as electrodes, transmitters, and brain chips for ICT implants, which stands for information and communication technologies. Their full document is 30 pages on the Internet in English at the following Internet address for the EU ethics group:

magnus olsson brain chip

It asks the important question of a human being ceases to be human when his brain was implanted: a human being ceases to be human cases in some parts of her physical self, especially the brain, has been replaced or supplemented by ICT implants? In particular, as inplantaten can help to create the front-line people, who are always connected and can be conformed differently, to receive and emit signals for meetings, habits and movements. This naturally affects their dignity. In my case, it translates as connected persons not primarily manipulation but rather to break down and torture me. It is a form of torture. When this happens to people like me, educated, self-employed and any links to psychiatry and the legal system is of course an even clearer symptom of social disease. Then you can understand the degree of hardship mental patients and criminals have to live with. This is clearly just as degrading as to start locking up people in secret concentration camps. There were people just like now, completely lost the rights to his life and his body. EU group writes:One can also see this trend as a threat to human dignity and in particular to the human body’s integrity … Sure it is. Here, man has lost the last own, his body and brain. It also writes that hjärninplantaten used to control people. In some cases, already implanted microchips with opportunities for individual and social control. The confirms that this is a system that retrieves information from the brain. Brain-computer interaction or direct brain control is performed by communications technology which retrieves information from the brain and evaluates it. The worst threat, as in my case is clear and has also distanced the concentration camp opportunities affecting the central nervous system and man’s identity as a species. They show that ICT implants may affect the nervous system and in particular the brain and man’s identity as a species and individual autonomy … As already mentioned inplantaten can be used for both health and non-medical purposes.Both possibilities with implants should of course be subject to the informed condition

It should be questioned about this technique, even with the informed consent should be used.From the following quotation, one can see that there is a threat not only to a few individuals, but against our entire society. In its evaluation EGE makes the general conclusion that non-medical applications of implants is a potential threat to human dignity and democratic society … The use of remote control to take control of people’s will must be absolutely forbidden. Those old dictatorships forced people to hold certain views, but here you can see that Sweden is one step further and implanted brain chip to control man’s will.

Another text from their document indicates that there are no studies on the health risks of what I face. It must be emphasized that there is no reliable research studies on the long-term aspects of health related to ICT implants in the human body … The unlimited freedom for some can be a danger to others’ health and safety … As in other areas, the freedom to use the implants in the cell, as the principle of freedom, can collide with potentially adverse social effects. We’ve seen it for that abuse, violence and abuse of people for increasing the authorities’ power over the individual has had disastrous consequences. It is good that the European Commission’s ethical council takes it up to do it the easier for everyone else to also realize it. Freedom principle that the mention is in this case, institutional violence and also the biggest lack of freedom any man or population can be affected by. How severe these implants can occur as a threat to human autonomy, particularly when they are implanted in our brains? … How seriously ICT implants create irreversible effects in the human body and psyche? You can take my case as a measure. I have completely lost my self-determination. I hope it does not create irreversible effects in my body and psyche, the EGE writes. But using the technology of an illegal criminal research, so-called life sciences, with devastating consequences for a democratic society, given that all are potential victims. Just one hospital visit. These implants can be implanted through the nose, set in the neck or injected into the bloodstream. How will people and society protect itself against this threat?

magnus olson sweden

Ethics group also asks the question to what extent this technology will be misused by the military. But no matter what career plans they are responsible, it is a horror story. See threats they paint up and understand that it has gone far on the road. I was a successful self-employed with good education, an orderly life, but despite that I was a victim, how far can inplantaten give an individual or a group, special opportunities which may become a threat to society? … How far is it acceptable to people checked with the applications of other individuals who exploit this potential? … To what extent will this technology be misused by the military?

 What do journalists, MPs, party leaders on my case! Is it something that should continue? I’m an experiment victims who completely lost the right to my life! I must fight to survive but I am an adult and have support, can explain myself and that makes my situation hope after all. But even worse is it with children and the mentally ill as a professor Hermerén also suggests use of it here. ICT implants as through a network’s capacity can be misused in several ways for all varieties of social control and manipulation, such as for children and handicapped persons. Ethical Council also mentions, as I have said about their transfer of votes and other information that need not be perceived by the sensory receptors, but instead can is transmitted directly into the brain. It mentions it under the threat of military applications that need to be further examined. There will discuss: ‘Intrusive’ technology which bypasses normal sensory experiences. It’s the worst invasive you can experience. By disturbing the man of my brain. Creates a sounding cacophony of different tones and volumes that cuts into my head day and night. Moreover, adding to the number that can communicate with my thoughts but also has so much of other scary elements that it is not possible to describe what they claim.

But when this thing once and coming in under the media scrutiny, it must come out. We can see this power as part of their own insane idea, and with it follows all perversions. EU group suggests that it also spreads out racism among people. And there is of course through direct contact in people’s brains with the ability to manipulate perceptions.They write: EGE stresses the following possibilities should be banned: ICT implants used for the creation of cyber-racism … ICT implants used for changing the identity, memory, perception, cognition and perception of others … ICT implants in order to dominate others … Implants Monitoring of individuals also threatens human dignity. They can be used by government agencies, individuals and groups to increase their power over others. This topic must come to the knowledge, into the mass media. It must be addressed in parliament and every man must know it. The network we are part of the can indicate that the abuse lasted for 60 years without any uncovered. It must obviously be a big secret buried in the fact.

brain computer interface

Conceptual BCI system with various kinds of Neurofeedbacks. In the development of a BCI we need to handle two learning systems: The machine should learn to discriminate between different complex patterns of brain activity as accurate as possible and the BCI users should learn via different neurofeedback configurations to modulate their EEG activity and self-regulate or control them.

Another promising extension of BCI is to incorporate various neurofeedbacks to train subjects to modulate EEG brain patterns and parameters such as ERPs, ERD, SMR, P300 or slow cortical potentials (SCPs) to meet a specific criterion or to learn self-regulations skills. The subject then changes their EEG patterns in response to some feedback. Such integration of neurofeedback in BCI (Fig. 4) is an emerging technology for rehabilitation, but we believe is also a new paradigm in neuroscience that might reveal previously unknown brain activities associated with behavior or self-regulated mental states. The possibility of automated context-awareness as a new interface goes far beyond the standard BCI with simple feedback control. We hope to develop the next level of BCI system using neurofeedbacks for some selective cognitive phenomena. To do so, we need to rely increasingly on findings from other disciplines, especially, neuroscience, information technology, biomedical engineering, machine learning, and clinical rehabilitation.

magnus olsson sweden

Magnus Olsson SWEDEN


I look forward to your response

Stockholm August 7, 2009

Magnus Olsson


Jungfrudansen 64

171 51 Solna


Tel: 0709 263004

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another perspective

As we all can conclude (tell me if im not right), mind control and electronic harrasment is a terrible phenomenon that as been spreading all over society in the last 20 to 30 years, where we can find diferent type and diferent times for the harresment. The type of violation they make has some comum base but it varies in function of people and the times in life of a person in they attack.  Some guys here are victims for a year, some for more, and some for a lot more, and there are the so called the "perps". The violations off human integrity and rights have increased day after day in all world as we can see. There are people that know and people that dont know

I remember in my case that i "walk" for about 7 or 8 years with this tremendos violation before i reallise what was happening to me - my first internet search typing "mind control". 7 or 8 years trying to find help all alone. As i now know its comum, "heaven and hell", "psychiatric beleave"...etc a big nightmare, as we all know!!

Fortunately, we all have internet, at least, in most evoluted contries. well, if you search for " im hearing voices" or "im having nightmares" you get a lot of people specially on forums that say that they are hearing voices and some of them seems like me a long time ago. They say that need help and they search it in various sites like paranormal forums to chearch forums, psychiatric, etc.........people talk about it but they dont know whats going on...

Maybe we could help them by replying as well as we would extend the campain all over the net. Not invalidated the believe needs of the person in question, like go to doctor as well or sometimes maybe he is not and we have to be ethical about this. 

anyway there are some examples:

i never heard a bipolar that recently hear voices

this one is like me for shore some time ago, but he read the mind of others as a TI friend of mine has experienced,in my case i was the reading mind ( please translate in google ) ( of course they dont read anything, we are all connected to de "central" ) , and things with the TV.

Some of theme we can realy know for shore but we can tell them.


In the other hand look at these: they are telling to pay attention on voices?






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#1045 boy scouts or Hitler Youth

#1045 boy scouts or Hitler Youth

   I can remember when I had a cub scout troop and was told that we could no longer sit around a campfire at night. At the time I was reassured that we could sit around a lit can of Sterno though. <;-)

                                                                                                    Peter Rosenholm

Scouts Learn Law Enforcement, Train for Front Lines
1 year ago

What happened to the days when boy scouts would go out into nature, tell ghost stories around a campfire and sleep peacefully under the stars?
According to a story in today's New York Times, that is no longer the only pastime for boy scouts and their affiliate groups. Instead, they are now participating in a law enforcement exploring program that is training thousands of young people in skills used to confront terrorism, illegal immigration and escalating border violence.

Through the program, youths between the ages of 14 and 21 learn about the basic operation of law enforcement officials and take part in training exercises under the auspices of the Border Patrol, the Department of Homeland Security and other local agencies.

According to The Times, the training can involve chasing down illegal border crossers as well as more dangerous situations that include raiding marijuana fields, facing down terrorists and taking out "active shooters" on school campuses. Though leaders of the organization say the training is not intended to be applied outside the simulated Explorer setting, some of the pointers offered have a particularly narrow application.

"Put him on his face and put a knee in his back," a Border Patrol agent said about subduing a suspect during a training operation observed by The Times. "I guarantee that he'll shut up."

According to the Law Enforcement Explorers Web site, many departments use program participants "to assist in such areas as crime prevention, traffic/crowd control, recordkeeping, and telecommunications. These forms of assistance are always conducted under the supervision of law enforcement officers and serve to demonstrate that Explorers can be beneficial to the agency and the community."

There are at least 2,000 posts across the country with 35,000 members-a number that has seen significant increases since September 11.

Though the mission of teaching children about law enforcement seems mostly innocuous, the idea of a program that institutionalizes our national fear of illegal aliens and terrorists by handing teens mock weapons and telling them to deal with these threats is disconcerting.

One student told The Times, "I like shooting [the guns]. I like the sound they make. It gets me excited."

There's nothing wrong with teaching children to respect law enforcement; there's no problem with making students want to become federal agents when the grow up. The issues start to arise, though, when the programs play reinforce the fear of immigrants and foreigners that is already so deeply embedded in our society.

Especially in border towns where the situation is already tense, training emotional teenagers to have an acute fear of the other may not be the best way to teach the values that inspire the scouting movement.
Filed Under: National Security, The Cram
Tagged: border patrol, BorderPatrol, boy scouts, BoyScouts, law enforcement, LawEnforcement, training

Hitler Youth Wikipedia:
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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 1142011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: Six people killed and several people wounded at an Arizona shopping center. What could have cause it and who is responsible? Your comments and questions on this most important topic.

Join us also for Current Events This Week, TI interviews and more.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams


Yahoo Groups:


PS: We are looking for hosts for our Thursday night conference call. It will be at 11PM EST and 8PM PST. If you have what it takes to co-moderate this call, please contact me by responding to this message.

GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username "QOLSPONY". Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.



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To all T.I.'s

All of you want justice. You want to find ways to end this or put the culprits behinds bars for the hanest crime that they are doing to you. You want this to stop no matter what. You make blogs about it everyday. You record your moods and thinking patterns on whatever to keep record. I'm happy for you. You don't want to be tortured anymore. You don't want to die from this kind of torture; you want to live normal lives like everyone else. I never lived a normal life, so you know what? I don't give a fuck if I am killed by this technology. I accept the fact that I was chosen to be a targeted individual. I accept the fact that no one around me believes me. I accept the fact that it will never stop until I am dead. I want to die. Am I feeling depressed or worthless right now? No! I came to terms a long time ago and accepted it. If they kill me, then I have relief finally. They can't touch me anymore! My body won't belong to them anymore! I am free from the pain and suffering! I am waiting patiently day by day until they finally give me a heart attack or physically destroy my brain. Maybe they wont. Maybe they keep torturing me to drive me to suicide; good. But then when I get the nerve to start killing myself, they fuck with my head and make me scared. I hope I get a tumor of some kind or something happens that my suffering will end. You all keep fighting and I'll keep fighting myself, but I'll always have it in the back of my mind to be ready to die. I wish I knew my end so I could count down to it. Yup. All comments are welcome.
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Some basic knowledge about your email ports

Dear all:


The port Number 25 is for your sending your email while 110 is for receiving your email. Generally speaking, if they are blocked regardless of any reasons, you can't normally send or receive your email. Here is the tool for checking your ports open or not.


Remember, this is basic tool. For more authoritative answers, pls consult computer guy.




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Sharing daily symptoms

I just think it could be an idea in sharing and write down the symptoms we have at the moment and compare it.(not everyday of course-but once in awhile) See the patterns of what they do and what impact it may have us. If there are similarities in what they do under certain period of times. Its also good to have a kind of logg to be able to go back and recheck.

Januari 12, 2011

At the moment I suffer from burning hot and red skin. It has been like this for over a month now. First it was only the face, when sitting infront of the computor. Now its all over my body, the skin seems to be a bit swollen from the heat, like a heavy sunburn. Both my knees are quite swollen and red and are hurting from inside when walking, they are even warmer and hotter as the rest of the body. When laying in bed with the window open (even if -10 dgrees C outside) the body remains hot. When checking for fever, there is none. Together with this heat the hole body vibrates, by what seem as electronic pulsations as there would be an engine in body. (if ever tried TENS for hurting parts in body, thats the experience, but hundred of times more intense.)

Together with this always the high pitch tone and the chatter, sometimes overhead, sometimes close to/in ear, sometimes subliminal, and sometimes even projected from electrical eqipment or water and airsources.

I have for a while also had this red and dry parts by my temples. Especially the left one, as always feel hot.

The lack of sleep has went on for days, when laying down, it all gets much worse.   

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Research Results at BSI

Towards a Real Time Human Brain-Computer Interface with Neurofeedback: Improving Differentiability by Blind Source Separation

Laboratory for Advanced Brain Signal Processing

"Our emotional brain makes us more than a ‘mere computer processing information’, because it allows us to deal with and to take into account the value of this information, enabling us to have feeling or a sense for the beautiful." Masao Ito (2002)

Brain computer interfaces (BCI), are systems that use brain signals (electric, magnetic, metabolic) to control external devices such as computers, switches, wheelchairs, or neuroprostheses. While BCI research hopes to create new communication channels for disabled or elderly persons using their brain signals, recently efforts has been focused on developing potential applications in rehabilitation, multimedia communication and relaxation (such as immersive virtual reality control). The various BCI systems use different methods to extract the users intentions from her/his brain electrical activity. In our lab, we want to improve the performance of current BCI systems by focusing on how and when EEG brain signals can trigger consistent computer commands. We will use that insight to develop BCI technologies that function in real-time and respond to multiple-commands. Such advances would significantly augment human-computer interaction (HCI).

Fig. 1: Multi-stage procedure for on-line BCI
Fig.1: Multi-stage procedure for on-line BCI: Preprocessing, blind source separation (BSS) and feature extractions play a key role in real-time high performance BCI systems. Since the EEG are rather weak and are substantially disturbed by on-going activity, artifacts and noise, needed to extract and discriminate useful brain patterns, we need powerful blind signal processing and machine learning algorithms.

Fig. 2 (Upper): Diagram of one of our developed EEG-BCI classification method for imaginary hands movements

Fig. 2 (Lower): Typical topographic spatial patterns during imaginary hand and foot movements allow us to design optimal layout of electrodes
Fig. 2: (Upper) Diagram of one of our developed EEG-BCI classification method for imaginary hands movements. In the preprocessing stage, the time-domain EEG signals are transformed into the time-frequency representation by the Morlet wavelet transform. NMF with the alpha divergence is applied to determine representative basis vectors and associated discriminant features s(t). A probabilistic, model-based classifier processes NMF-based features as inputs to generate a final decision.
(Lower) Typical topographic spatial patterns during imaginary hand and foot movements allow us to design optimal layout of electrodes. For three commands BCI variant, we achieved a classification rate between 84% - 92%.

Fig. 3: Spectrogram (time-frequency representation) of EEG for SSVEP BCI
Fig. 3: Spectrogram (time-frequency representation) of EEG for SSVEP BCI, Horizontal red segments represent discriminated SSVEPs corresponding to various flicking frequency (10,12,15,20,30 Hz) of images for which a subject was focused on.

Fig. 4: Conceptual BCI system with various kinds of Neurofeedbacks.
Fig. 4: Conceptual BCI system with various kinds of Neurofeedbacks. In the development of a BCI we need to handle two learning systems: The machine should learn to discriminate between different complex patterns of brain activity as accurate as possible and the BCI users should learn via different neurofeedback configurations to modulate their EEG activity and self-regulate or control them.

Our BCI system has an EEG data acquisition module, signal preprocessing with online blind-source separation (BSS) to reduce artifacts and improvement signal to noise ratio, a features extraction system and an ensemble of adaptive classifiers (Fig. 1).

We are currently investigating and testing several promising EEG paradigms including: (i) measuring the brain activity over the primary motor cortex that results from imaginary limbs and tongue movements, (ii) detecting the presence of EEG periodic waveforms, called steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP) elicited by a flashing light sources (e.g., LEDs or phase-reversing checkerboards), and (iii) identifying characteristic event related potentials (ERP) in EEG that follow an event noticed by the user (or his/her intention), e.g., P300 peak waveforms after a flash of a character the user focused attention on.

One approach we take, exploits temporal/spatial changes and/or spectral characteristics of SMR (sensorimotor rhythm) oscillations, or mu-rhythm (8-12 Hz), and beta rhythm (18-25 Hz). These oscillations typically decrease during movement or when preparing for movement (event related desynchronization, ERD) and increase after movement and in relaxation (event-related synchronization, ERS). ERD and ERS help identify those EEG features associated with the task of motor imagery EEG classification.

Taking a different approach, we designed a smart multiple choice table in a form of an array of small checkerboard images flickering with different frequency. When a BCI user focuses his/her attention, or gazes on a specific flickering image or a symbol, a corresponding periodic component (SSVEP) can be in EEG signals (although it is buried in large noise and is difficult to extract). By applying BSS and bank of sub-band filters, we showed that it is possible to decompose the SSVEP waveforms in a series of cortical components. Paradigm based on SSVEP remains one of the most promising and reliable communication modes for a fast BCI system that could discriminate of a high number of unique commands or symbols, so as to allow autonomous navigation computer screen cursor (or realize a virtual joystick).

Although the above paradigms are quite well known, our designs of experiments are quite original. Moreover, we developed and implemented novel and efficient, real-time signal preprocessing tools, and feature extraction algorithms. For example, we have applied adaptive spatial-temporal filtering and new nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) technique to extract features (Fig. 2) and novel ICA and sub-band filtering approach to reduce noise (Fig. 3). On going research in our lab is attempting to optimize mu-rhythm and SSVEP detection algorithms for high performance, real-time, multi commands BCI.

Another promising extension of BCI is to incorporate various neurofeedbacks to train subjects to modulate EEG brain patterns and parameters such as ERPs, ERD, SMR, P300 or slow cortical potentials (SCPs) to meet a specific criterion or to learn self-regulations skills. The subject then changes their EEG patterns in response to some feedback. Such integration of neurofeedback in BCI (Fig. 4) is an emerging technology for rehabilitation, but we believe is also a new paradigm in neuroscience that might reveal previously unknown brain activities associated with behavior or self-regulated mental states. The possibility of automated context-awareness as a new interface goes far beyond the standard BCI with simple feedback control. We hope to develop the next level of BCI system using neurofeedbacks for some selective cognitive phenomena. To do so, we need to rely increasingly on findings from other disciplines, especially, neuroscience, information technology, biomedical engineering, machine learning, and clinical rehabilitation.

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Jacob's Ladder
Magnetic Gun
Mini EMP
Model Rocket Launcher
Nausea Generator
Pain Field Generator
Pocket-Sized Pain Field Generator
Solid State Tesla Coil
Stun Gloves
Stun Gun
Stun Gun 2
Stun Gun 3
Tesla Coil
Tesla Coil 2
Vortex Cannon

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