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"2.5 trillion dollars has gone into a NASA and military program most of the dollars were taken from the Pentagon pre 9/11 and were being investigated by accountants and auditors from the Government and military when they were suddenly all killed, in the missile attack on the pentagon along with building 7 which housed the results of the FBI and Government and military investigation!, how convenient."

--- On Wed, 2/17/10,

From: c
Subject: Hi
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 3:32 AM

Hi everyone been away a while hope everyones ok, I am now on "@@#$#", good source of information from professionals in the intelligence and military community, lots of interesting discussions about technology and what the U.S are really doing in the middle east, I am also on researchgate for scientists and military personel which I am getting good info about developments in weapons systems which target us by microwave, acoustic and electro magnetic technology.
There are also lots about surveillance capabilities and satellite development as they have turned from star wars to earth wars about 2.5 trillion dollars has gone into a NASA and military program most of the dollars were taken from the Pentagon pre 9/11 and were being investigated by accountants and auditors from the Government and military when they were suddenly all killed, in the missile attack on the pentagon along with building 7 which housed the results of the FBI and Government and military investigation!, how convenient.

The Victims at the Pentagon on 9/11 that did not live and died.. THE MC VICTIMS OF TORTURE to DEATH (Watch the last 3/4 of the Video)
The investigation had been running 18 months prior to 9/11, and guess what? thats exactly how long builders had been working in the Trades Centers, Building 7 and the Pentagon.
For too long everyone have been looking in the wrong direction, look at who were doing the work on these buildings all have contracts with the military and are security cleared, I rest my case the mystery of 9/11 is solved !

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Nanoradio/Subcellular Remote-Control Interfaces

University of California At Irvine. Nanoradio/Subcellular Remote-Control Interfaces



Less than two weeks after a team of scientists created a nanoscale radio component, scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have gone one better — announcing the creation of the world’s first complete nanoradio.

The breakthrough nanoradio consists of a single carbon-nanotube molecule that serves simultaneously as all the essential components of a radio – antenna, tunable band-pass filteramplifier and demodulator. Physicist Alex Zettlled the development team, and graduate student Kenneth Jensen built the radio.

“I’m totally amazed that it works so well,” says Zettl. “Making individual components are good breakthroughs, but the holy grail was putting it all together. So we’re ecstatic that we were able to achieve that full integration.”

The radio opens the possibility of creating radio-controlled interfaces on the subcellular scale, which may have applications in the areas of medical and sensor technology.

Nanoelectronic systems are considered crucial to the continued miniaturization of electronic devices, and it’s becoming a hot research and investment arena. Two weeks ago, a team at the University of California at Irvine announced the development of a nanoscale demodulator, an essential component of a radio.

The number of consumer products using nanotechnology — from the iPhone to home pregnancy testing kits — has soared from 212 to well over 500, according to the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies’ online inventory of manufacturer-identified nanotech goods in March 2006.

The nanoradio is less than one micron long and only 10 nanometers wide — or one ten-thousandth the width of a human hair — making it the smallest radio ever created.

The researchers’ paper was published at the American Chemical Society’s Nano Letters website.

The first transmission received by the nanoradio was an FM broadcast of Eric Clapton’s “Layla.” (The lab has posted video of that moment.) The Clapton classic was quickly followed by the Beach Boys’ “Good Vibrations” and Handel’s Largo from the opera Xerxes — the first piece of music broadcast by radio, on Dec. 24, 1906.

The nanoradio’s amplifier operates on the same principles as vacuum-tube radios from the 1940s and early ’50s, says Zettl.

“We’ve come full circle. We’re using the old vacuum-tube principle of having electrons jump off the tip of the nanotube onto another electrode, rather than the conventional solid-state transistor principle,” says Zettl.

The electronic properties of this electron-emitting nanotube function as the radio’s demodulator — making a complete radio possible within a single molecule.

The audio quality “can be very good,” says Zettl, but if you listen closely, some unique effects of the radio’s tiny size can be heard: an old-fashioned “scratchiness” that occurs because the device is working in the quantum regime.

“The amazing thing is that since we have such a sensitive nanoscale system, individual atoms jumping on and off the nanotube cause a perturbation that you can hear,” says Zettl. He notes that this effect can be eliminated through the use of a better vacuum.

Because of its small size, the nanoradio could be inserted into a living human cell, opening up the possibility of exciting medical applications for the technology, says Jillian M. Buriak, an expert in nanotechnology at the University of Alberta’s chemistry department.

“These carbon nanotubes are so small that we can have a radio-controlled interface with something that is on the same length scale as the basic submachinery of the cell and the basic workings of life,” says Buriak.

The nanoradio could be used to see inside cells in real time and under normal conditions, instead of current techniques, which involve “exploding the cells and going in and looking at the remnants,” says Buriak.

“This device could allow you to spy on the cell and do things inside the cell at the molecular level, which is really neat,” says Buriak, who is currently researching how to enable interactions between individual human neurons and computer chips.

The Lawrence Lab team is currently working on ways to integrate the radio with biological systems, says Zettl.

“We have colleagues here in Berkeley who are experts in cell biology, and aspects of biological interfaces to nano-electromechanical structures, so we’re exploring the different possibilities of mating this radio with other systems to take advantage of its size and power,” says Zettl.

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"They held people in cages"Leuren Moret Discusses MKUltra, Tavistock, HAARP, and many of the experiments that were carried out at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Stanford University, and Livermore Labs. Leuren and I were in San Francisco yesterday, (June 13, 2009). When we passed Stillwell Hall she said, "They (department of Defense Jason Scientists,, funded by the Mitre corporation) held people in cages"
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Cognitive Neurosystems Lab

Cognitive Neurosystems Lab


The Cognitive NeuroSystems Lab at UC Irvine conducts research on vision, hearing and synthetic telepathy; past work includes studies of search and navigation in 4D virtual environments. The Lab is directed by Mike D'Zmura, a member of the Department of Cognitive Sciences. The Department is, in turn, part of UC Irvine's School of Social Sciences. Students interested in graduate studies here should refer to the Departmental doctoral program web page; the Department offers a Ph.D. in Psychology with an optional concentration in Cognitive Neuroscience. Contact us.


Michael D'Zmura

Professor & Chair, Department of Cognitive Sciences

University of California, Irvine

Contact information

Social Sciences Plaza B 3219

University of California, Irvine, California 92697-5100 USA


Read more… by ron angell on July 10, 2010 at 4:13amMy neighbors... died.. and during this event.. were clouds that could be controlled to decend upon you on a house by house basis.... sprayed from chemtrail planes above and then used HAARP/Russian Woodpecker technology to use 3 sinusodial waves that bounce off one another to move the toxin to exactly where they wanted to go- Dr. James Passaro lived only a few blocks from my former home in Oak Park. Many others died there- the Catholic Church St. Edmunds Empty, as well as the Lutheran Church, Baptist Church, Episcopalianan Church, Methodist Church, all the churches Christmas 2006.
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The age of pharmaceutical microchipping is now upon us. Novartis AG, one of the largest drug companies in the world, hasannounced a plan to begin embedding microchips in medications to create “smartpill” technology.


Brain Implants for MIND CONTROL // Minduploading

Brain Implants for MIND CONTROL!


There could be conflict between the personal freedom to use one‘s economic resources to get animplant that will enhance one‘s physical capabilities and what society at largeconsiders desirable or ethically acceptable.“

How threatening for mankind is an Artificial Brain ?

First let me state that at this moment the biggest threat for mankind is the human specie ! ABC-weapons in wrong hands can result inextreme damaging behavior.

Brainchip video:

25-04-2010. MINDTECH seeks to establish a network of laymen and media. This group will be dealing with the social andethical sides to research, development and the implementation of emergingtechnologies in our society.


Meanwhile, philosophers working alongside the researchers say it’s time to find out more about how the public feels aboutsuch bionic research, which in some cases is being used to enhance humanmemory, physical abilities and perception.“ addresses the specific issues that may arise when neural prostheses are customized to a specific patient, and when large scaleneural prostheses lead to whole brain emulation: the emulation of a patient’scomplete brain function in a prosthetic substrate. Site content is focused onneuroscience and computational research that is involved in an eventualprogression from neural prostheses to the applied science of whole brainemulation, including the concept of “mind-transfer”.


Implant chip in the human brain.Synthetic telepathy is communication systems built on thoughts, not speech. Multimedia communication network is based. Brain copying is performedaround the clock, largely by learning computer, copying is nothing short ofserious torture. No one would voluntarily give informed consent to this seriousresearch abuse. It takes years of learning and program development to developthe new computer-brain interfaces and multimedia language between man andcomputer. Subjects are now against their will has been online for five years on Man-Brain-Computer-Interface.




Read  E.U -commisioner Professor Rafael Capuros presentation.


And look at  Ray kurzweils video:

Mind Control / Uploading ,,,



That some of today’s cutting-edge neuroscience breakthroughs in nanotechnology, computer-brain integration andinformation technologies not yet recognized because they are too controversialwith regard to the prevailing legal and IT policy and medical diagnostics.

The age of pharmaceutical microchipping is now upon us. Novartis AG, one of the largest drug companies in the world,has announced a plan to begin embedding microchips in medications to create“smart pill” technology.

The microchip technology is being licensed from Proteus Biomedical of Redwood City,California. Once activated by stomach acid, the embedded microchip begins sensingits environment and broadcasting data to a receiver warn by the patient. Thisreceiver is also a transmitter that can send the data over the internet to a doctor.

The idea behind all this is to create “smart pills” that can sense what’s happening inthe body and deliver that information tothe patient’s doctor. Novartis plans to start microchipping itsorgan transplant anti-rejection drugs andthen potentially expand microchipping to otherpharmaceuticals inits product lineup. This same technology could soon end up in pills made byother drug companies, too.

The best laid plans…


News: See us at the first public workshop on Advancing Substrate Independent Minds (ASIM-2010), August 16-17, organized by, satellite to the SingularitySummit in San Francisco.

The Oxford Whole Brain Emulation workshop
(the resulting 

Whole Brain Emulation at the Singularity Summit 2009
slides to Dr.Randal A. Koene’s talk, also see Anders Sandberg, David Chalmers and Robin Hanson)

Whole Brain Emulation at AGI-10

Whole Brain Emulation at the Terasem workshop

Interview with Dr. Randal A. Koene on the Sunday Evening Update of (October 25, 2009)

“Randal Koene on WholeBrain Emulation” at

AGI-08 discussion sessionon Neural Network and Brain Modeling chaired by Dr. Randal Koene

Dr. Randal A. Koene’s web site


Whole Brain Emulation Workshop

Brain emulation, the possible future one-to-one modelling of the function of the human brain, is academicallyinteresting and important for several reasons:


  • Brain emulation would itself be a test of many ideas in the philosophy of mind and philosophy ofidentity, or provide a novel context for thinking about such ideas.
  • It may represent a radical form of human enhancement different from other forms.


  • Brain emulation is the logical endpoint of computational neuroscience’s attempts toaccurately model neurons and brain systems.
  • Brain emulation would help understand the brain, both in the lead-up to successful emulation andafterwards by providing a perfect test bed for neuroscienceexperimentation and study.
  • Neuromorphic engineering based on partial results would be useful in a numberof applications such as pattern recognition, AI and brain-computerinterfaces.
  • As a research goal it might be a strong vision to stimulate computational neuroscience.
  • As a case of future studies it represents a case where a radical future possibility can beexamined in the light of current knowledge.


  • The economic impact of copyable brains would be immense, and have profound societalconsequences.


  • If brain emulation of particular brains is possible and affordable, and if the concernsof individual identity can be met, such emulation would enable backupcopies and “digital immortality”.


Resources: Brain Emulation Roadmap

Pacemaker for Your Brain: Brain-to-Computer Chip Revolutionizes Neurological Therapy

ScienceDaily (June 29, 2010) — By stimulatingcertain areas of the brain,,,

Mind reading machine:,0






Public awareness of the MIND CONTROL Technologies and experiments on humans and its impact on individuals and society in Sweden.

Information and communication society is on its way directly into our brains and the ethicaldebate is non-existent in Sweden and must be urgently addressed inmedia.We are a company(MINDTECH) that works for this and have come intocontact with people who are victims of these experiments. These victims haveshared stories and is living in the same geographical catchment area,therefore, Solna near KI, KTH and Kista. The stories are so horrible when aslaboratory HUMANS and to test the new technology in themost macabre and perverted ways.



Only within a small sphere of military / medical classified research and industrial projects are factual knowledgeavailable.

It has once been of scientific research has focused on the new technologoist is developed into a commercial orgy of humantorture and humiliation, injury to a third party carried out byresearchers and their speaking computers with artificial intelligence.

How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway onsoftware developed for mapping the brain.

This development is a threat to democracy and much more.

Read more on “Science” technology are available. We can no longer deny that the development goes against the “Mind control” Systems.

UN mighty Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a platform. Here are committing Sweden in research and developmentof crimes

against our fundamental rights as citizens.

Even less is known and discussed issues concerning the electromagnetic system controlled by artificial intelligence ininteraction with the human brain.


Brain-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence technologies for research and / or implementation of whichrepresent entirely new aspects of the problem in the issue of radiationprotection, health, safety, privacy, confidentiality and informed consent.

Brain-Computer Interaction in electronic form, working alternately with the influence of a person or a group of people’sopinions, feelings, thoughts, reaction patterns, and memory and behavior.

Research and technological development is done in / moved to countries where legislation, control and public scrutiny isminimal or nonexistent.


An implant. It is an independent processor linked to the neurocomputer built to house an AI. The AI program has access tothe sensory data and information in the neurocomputer, and can “read” surfacethoughts of the owner (of course, access controls can be set if needed, both inthe implant and the AI). Having (or several) as advisor/secretary/partner isbecoming more and more common, although most people rely on an external AIsystem and a wireless neural connection.



An implant of the limbic system, enabling the owners to control their moods. Normally it justsets an allowed range and a bias (e.g. towards cheerfulness or calm), but itcan also induce stronger emotional states. The implant is somewhat dangerousdue to the risk of addiction to extreme positive states; most users at leasttend to improve their mood. Originally it was developed on Nova for treatmentof certain emotional disorders, especially the rare but devastating OIAIS(Ocean Induced AutoImmune Syndrome, an autoimmune illness induced by certainpoisons causing severe mood swings due to damage of the limbic system). Latermore widespread use developed. There are also moodcasters, systems sendingsignals to the implants of people who have allowed access.


.The capability to enhance the brain with extra memory capacity that will be the edge advantagefor generations.



Wideband Link

The implants used by Unity to achieve group consciousness. Unlike an ordinary neurointerfaceit connects to most of the cerebral cortex and has a much higher bandwidth. Itcan send and receive signals not just of primary sensory and motor informationbut also higher order associations and thoughts. Since each human has anindividual “mental language” sophisticated translation systems and muchtraining is required before digital telepathy is possible. Wideband links arealso used by the Net Transcendence and Next Step Foundation in theirexperiments with expanding the human mind. One of the most controversial andinteresting applications is to let software rewrite parts of the cortex; thiscould be the ultimate psychodesign, even if it is currentlyextremely crude.24/12/2010


Medial forebrain pacemaker

An implant in the motivation and pleasure centres that is controlled by the owner’sneurocomputer. It is illegal on Nova and very addictive: users quickly becomehooked on anything that activates it. It can be used together with behaviourtherapy to change habits and personality, a kind of bionic psychodesign: theuser links the implant to some reward evaluator (such as a monitoring AI) thatrewards certain actions. The result is a strong increase in rewarded actions,which can be used to produce extreme ambition or tenacity. Unfortunately thetemptations and dangers of use arehuge.

The capability to enhance the brain with extra memory capacity that will be the edge advantage

Some of the applications for this chips will be to enhance brain power.

Autonomous control

Enables the owner to control many aspects of the autonomous nervous system such as hunger, sleep or pain. Turning off thesefunctions are of course dangerous, but sometimes useful. It can also act as asuper-alarm clock (guaranteed to wake you up) or “homeostatic tuner” tooptimise the hormone balance of the body.


What you can do:

  • Educate yourself further by visiting our information-packed Mind Control Information Center.
  • Learn more about the intriguing history and development of controversial mindcontrol programs in  this excellent two-page summary. Footnotes and links to reliable sources are provided for verificationpurposes.
  • For reliable, verifiable information from major media articles on thelittle-known, yet critical topic of nonlethal weapons, click here and here.
  • Read powerful, reliable major media articles on electronic harassment andgovernment mind control programs at this link.
  • Inform your media and political representatives of this critical information.Contact those close to you at this link. Urge them to bring this information to light and encourage publicdialog on this important civil rights issue.
  • Spread this news to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key news websites using the “Share This” iconon this page, so that we can fill the role at which the major media issadly failing. Together,we can make a difference.

Survival System

An anti-trauma network of implants, intended to maximise the chances of survival when the body is damaged. Smallshunts can cut of blood loss and release protecting chemicals, as well as actas a pacemaker for the heart and lungs. If everything else is lost, the implantcan douse the brain in neuroprotectants and lower body temperature to slow downdamage so that an emergency cryonic suspension can be done.

Medical monitors

Likely the most common implants on Nova. Small sensors implanted in the body provides information on the health state which canbe used to detect and diagnose illnesses at an early stage. Simple systems justgive some chemical information, body data and a rough picture of activity indifferent organ systems. More advanced monitors are finely spread, detectingminute local changes and comparing the body’s reactions against medical models.

How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway onsoftware developed for mapping the brain.

This development is a threat to democracy and much more.

Read more on “Science” technology are available. We can no longer deny that the development goes against the “Mind control” Systems.

UN mighty Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a platform. Here are committing Sweden in research and developmentof crimes against our fundamental rights as citizens.

Unofficial agreements and channels for sharing of research established between countries in the cartels.

In order to initiate a public debate, monitoring and impact analysis of the subject requires internationalcooperation over a number of topic levels.

Information and communication society is on its way directly into our brains and the ethical debate is non-existent inSweden and must be urgently addressed in media.We are a company(MINDTECH)that works for this and have come into contact with people who are victims ofthese experiments. These victims have shared stories and is living in the samegeographical catchment area, therefore, Solna near KI, KTH and Kista. Thestories are so horrible when as laboratory animals and to test the newtechnology in the most macabre and perverted ways.

Clearly DARPA (USA) and  SÄPO (Sweden)wouldpay quite a lot, given that the research arm of the US military continues tofundscientific development of that exact technology. By: Anders Sandberg. Oxford U.K

In recent decades meetings, between nanotechnology, information technology, biotechnology and neuroscience haveproduced a new research area, which is developing new, unknown products andservices. We are facing a new revolution, which are currently, of universal neurocomputing. A unique perceptual tool, not only does our consciousminds, but also imitate them, sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.

Legislation applicable confidentiality and privacy is totally absent in this area.

This happens in Sweden now! A number of people living in Solna theirbrains have been “hijacked” the last three years.

A computer-assisted online connection has been made on objects brains.
Nano-implants have been injected without the consent of the subjects, whenvisiting the Hospital.
After injection, the objects linked tothe research computers.


Human implants.

Even less is known and discussed issues concerning the electromagnetic system controlled by artificial intelligence ininteraction with the human brain.

Brain-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence technologies for research and / or implementation of whichrepresent entirely new aspects of the problem in the issue of radiationprotection, health, safety, privacy, confidentiality and informed consent.

Brain-Computer Interaction in electronic form, working alternately with the influence of a person or a group of people’sopinions, feelings, thoughts, reaction patterns, and memory and behavior.

Research and technological development is done in / moved to countries where legislation, control and public scrutiny isminimal or nonexistent.

Unofficial agreements and channels for sharing of research established between countries in the cartels.

In order to initiate a public debate, monitoring and impact analysis of the subject requires international cooperation over anumber of topic levels.

Legislation applicable confidentiality and privacy is totally absent in this area.

It has once been of scientific research has focused on the new technologoist is developed into a commercial orgy of humantorture and humiliation, injury to a third party carried out byresearchers and their speaking computers with artificial intelligence.

How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway onsoftware developed for mapping the brain.

This development is a threat to democracy and much more.

Read more on “Science” technology are available. We can no longer deny that the development goes against the “Mind control” Systems.

UN mighty Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a platform. Here are committing Sweden in research and developmentof crimes against our fundamental rights as citizens.

How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway on softwaredeveloped for mapping the brain.

This development is a threat to democracy and much more.

Read more on “Science” technology are available. We can no longer deny that the development goes against the “Mind control” Systems.



UN mighty Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a platform. Here are committing Sweden in research and developmentof crimes against our fundamental rights as citizens.

This happens in Sweden now! A number of people living in Solna theirbrains have been “hijacked” the last three years.

A computer-assisted online connection has been made on objects brains.
Nano-implants have been injected without the consent of the subjects, whenvisiting the Hospital. After injection, the objects linked to the researchcomputers.
Software for the development of synthetic telepathy has been going around theclock starting after hospital visits.

This development is a threat to democracy and much more.

Read more on “Science” technology are available. We can no longer deny that the development goes against the “Mind control” Systems.

UN mighty Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a platform. Here are committing Sweden in research and developmentof crimes against our fundamental rights as citizens.

pick up where nature left off, incorporating Google-like master maps into neural implants. This in turn wouldallow us to search our own memories — not just those on the Web — withsomething like the efficiency and reliability of a computer search engine.

By: Ellen McMcgee (Boston) and Mc gee and Mq Maguire jr. Jr (KTH Kista Stockholm SWEDEN)

First, we have to remember that all sensory data we experience is converted into electricalsignals that the brain can process. The brain does a very good job of this, andwe in turn experience these inputs as subjective awareness (namely through consciousnessand feelings of qualia); our perception of reality is therefore nothing morethan the brain’s interpretationof incoming sensory information.

Now imagine that you could stop this sensory data at the conversion point and replace it with something else.

“This in turn would allow us to search our own memories — not just those on the Web — with something like the efficiencyand reliability of a computer search engine.” he postulates.

“How much would you pay to have a small memory chip implanted in your brain if that chip would double the capacity ofyour short-term memory? Or guarantee that you would never again forget a faceor a name?”

Clearly DARPA (USA) and  SÄPO (Sweden)wouldpay quite a lot, given that the research arm of the US military continuesto fundscientific development of that exact technology. By: Anders Sandberg. Oxford U.K

In recent decades meetings, between nanotechnology, information technology, biotechnology and neuroscience haveproduced a new research area, which is developing new, unknown products andservices. We are facing a new revolution, which are currently, of universal neurocomputing. A unique perceptual tool, not only does our consciousminds, but also imitate them, sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.

Legislation applicable confidentiality and privacy is totally absent in this area.

This happens in Sweden now! A number of people living in Solna theirbrains have been “hijacked” the last three years.

A computer-assisted online connection has been made on objects brains.
Nano-implants have been injected without the consent of the subjects, whenvisiting the Hospital.
After injection, the objects linked tothe research computers.

Magnus Olsson

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#1039 Big Brother Bill board Video


                Check this out, another YouTube video on the Big Brother billboard on I-94 in Milwaukee Wisconsin at the Ryan rd exit.                                       -Peter Rosenholm



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#1038 Surveillance and Subversion: The FBI's Secret War

      I know there is an aspect of Cointelpro to this and the FBI won't take our complaints. One FBI agent even said they have these weapons but only use them on, "Foreign Nationals". This points directly to the FISA laws and how they have been turned against the US citizens.
      But there is also an MKultra aspect and that is where the mind control and the freaky stuff you mentioned comes in. The CIA logs state over and over MKultra and, "Mind Control of US Citizens". Larson also mentions in his law suite MKultra is funded through 2011, something I wish, "we" could prove.
      Then there is, "Non consensual Human Experimentation". Under this exemption it was where directed energy weapons, drugs and biological weapons come in. The justification for these exemption was where it could protect our troops facing these attacks in battle.
      Only under Fusion Centers do you see these groups with their weapons, programs, tactics all brought together. They are now under the control of Home Land Security but were under the control of The Joint Terrorism Task Force pre-911 when I was hit pretty badly. Thus the, "War on Terrorism", is the justification and rational now and really has always been to pass these laws and put this on the streets.
      Lawyer BOB should approach the whole thing. It is not just COINTELPRO.
      Can you fit that into 30 seconds?
      We need a new bill passed called, "Give Us a F--King Break". TIs are tired of this crap in their lives. We have done our part for the cause of activist repression, mind control of the US population and protecting our troops.
     On that note HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  <;-)

                                                                                        Peter Rosenholm
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VIDEO: FACEBOOK+CIA+DARPA+NWO  = CIA Profile Database in facebook




ITA) Le pagine facebook sono state tutte vandalizzate,anche la mia pagina artista e io ho una diffida da facebook. Io sono stato bannato 2 volte in due mesi senza motivo e pubblicherò le email che mi ha inviato lo staff di facebook.
DARPA + CIA + NWO + FACEBOOK, non hanno gradito il mio progetto: "Tutti in sequenza".

Io avevo incorporato 102 video con le applicazioni "My web embled" e documentari con l'applicazione "my stuff".
Loro hanno distrutto tutto quanto. Questo è un sabotaggio mirato contro la mia persona perchè ho fatto troppo rumore ed evidentemente troppo bene per DARPA,CIA,NWO e FACEBOOK.

E' giunto un avviso in cui io ho violato copyright e immesso materiale offensivo e
le applicazioni |my stuff| e |my web embled| sono state bloccate. Pare
evidente, che la CIA  - che in parte manovra facebook - non GRADISCA il fatto
che avevo "FISSATO" o "INCORPORATO" i video youtube di parecchie
vittime del mondo: CANADA,USA,ITALIA, ZIMBABWE,TAILANDIA e cioè HELENE,BRENDA MIJOKO, STEVE, JOHN, PAOLO, MATTEO , ROMOLO etc. Tutti i video in sequenza bloccati e io ho una diffida e non posso neanche caricare video.

  • Oltre a ciò, un mio canale youtube "stranamente" è stato chiuso.
    Decisamente ovvio e scontato che FACEBOOK, ha dei degni figli di ALLEN WELSH (il promotore del progetto MK-ultra e direttore della CIA negli anni '50) e decisamente ovvio che i suoi figli e nipotini che continuano con MK-ultra 2000, HANNO PAURA in quanto queste pagi nesociali facebook,stavano crescendo e MOSTRAVANO la nuda cruda e pura verità con i VIDEO delle stesse vittime che parlano e raccontano da una parte all'altra del mondo cosa gli hanno fatto.
  • Per me, è evidente che la loro contromossa è stata quella di prendere contro misure in maiera veloce e repentina perchè tutti i nostri video youtube,messi in sequenza e uno vicino all'altro sono SCOMODI e noi stavamo facendo un lavoro è pericoloso perchè rischia di svelare ciò che fanno dentro le abitazioni di civili: cioè NOI.
  • è evidente che tutti quei video è il mio progetto : "TUTTI in FILA o TUTTI in SEQUENZA" sulla pagina facebook inglese, non è piaciuto agli stessi che operano su civili e anche
  • è evidente che con questa mossa la grande CIA e la grande NSA insieme al nostro caro ROS ne a tutta quwella gente sporca di sangue innocente non è piaciuta
    "l'OPERAZIONE TUTTI in FILA, TUTTI in SEQUENZA" ed hanno disintegrato la possibilità di fissare o incorporare video.
  • è evidente che non abbiamo commesso nessuna VIOLAZIONE COPYRIGHT in quanto i video,era fissati/incorporati e non rubati, senza tralasciare che tramite youtube, singola VITTIMA (AMERICANA,CANADESE,TAILAN DESE etc.). Con 4 brevi righe in inglese, illustravo questo progetto sulla pagina ANGLO-AMERICO-AUSTRALIANA. E specificavo che se non 'accordo, di rispondere che avrei tolto il video youtube dalla lista. SE nessuno risponde ai miei messaggi, io deduco che gli và bene.

In italia noi diciamo : "Chi TACE ACCONSENTE"; infatti in GIAPPONE come in ITALIA, il saggio insegna che "CHIEDERE è VERGOGNA di un MOMENTO, NON CHIEDERE, è VERGOGNA di una VITA".

* 聞くは一時の恥聞かぬは一生の恥
* Kiku ha ittoki no haji kikanu ha isshou no haji.
* Chiedere è vergogna di un momento, non chiedere è vergogna di una vita.
* Domandare è lecito, rispondere è cortesia
* Il domandare è senno, il rispondere è obbligo.
* To ask is permissible,to answer is courtesy.
* Demander est permis, répondre est courtoisie.
* Zu fragen ist zulässig, zu antworten ist Höflichkeit.

A tutti andava benissimo che io incorporassi i loro video, perfino Steve degli U.S.A. mi ha lasciato un bel messaggio ed è tra i miei amici in peacepink ed anche in youtube e mi sono fatto altri amici nel resto del mondo sul mio canale primario youtube.

"Nel mio vangelo" e nel mio credo vige il: "CHIEDERE è LECITO e RISPONDERE è cortesìa,  CHIEDERE è VERGOGNA di un MOMENTO, NON CHIEDERE è
VERGOGNA di una VITA" come insegna il saggio giapponese.

Io ho chiesto, la CIA il ROS e tutta questa gentaglia NON ha mai chiesto nulla, come i NAZISTI non hanno
chiesto il permesso agli ebrei di portarli con i treni nei LAGER a fare

Con questo chiudo questo messaggio e mi prenderò la decisione intelligente, di INIZIARE a fissare su tutti gli altri forum, e community dove sono iscritto e voglio rispondere alla loro GUERRA con GUERRA.
Io ho un BACKUP e in qualche ora, posso rifare quello che FACEBOOK mi ha DISTRUTTO da tantissime altre parti.






Noi siamo contro le armi e le torture elettromagnetiche ("mywebembled" and "my stuff" destroy)


We are against the weapons electromagnetic,NWO,microchip RFID and MK Ultra ("mywebembled" and "my stuff" destroy)


Nous sommes contre les armes électromagnétiques, RFID et NWO ("mywebembled" and "my stuff" destroy)


Wir sind gegen psychotronische Waffen,Mikrochip RFID,Folterungen ("mywebembled" and "my stuff" destroy) ("mywebembled" destroy)


DJ AtlantiTEO  ("mywebembled" destroy)


L'Adige e il Trentino


La prophétie et la légende du grand monarque (X-72)


I.C.€. (Intelligence Community €urope)




La sanità in Trentino ha delle pecche? (Trento Rovereto Arco Pergine Cavalese)


Psichiatria e psicofarmaci : uso e abuso molto diffuso !!!


Rovereto Kufstein Forchheim Dolní Dobrouč Bento Gonçalves





Application MY STUFF and MY WEB EMBLED ruined.


A causa di continui banning e blocchi immotivati ad opera dello staff facebook (che poi è pure capace di inviare messaggi mirati offrendo lavoro), questo account viene definitivamente chiuso e lasciato come una barca alla deriva.
Eccola qui il messaggio strano che inizia con DEAR MATTEO

In due mesi,per due volte,ho acceso il PC e mi sono trovato già fuori,ovvero bannato.
A ottobre dopo aver scritto (nella solita lingua e cioè INGLESE) ecco cosa mi hanno risposto:

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Subject: RE: I found my account disabled (SGRUNT)
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 18:19:42 +0200
Subject: Re: I found my account disabled (gulp)

Ciao Matteo,

Grazie per averci fornito il tuo documento di identità. In seguito a un'analisi più approfondita, sembra che il tuo account sia stato disabilitato per sbaglio. Ci scusiamo sinceramente per l'inconveniente che hai riscontrato. Il tuo account è stato riattivato e ora puoi accedervi normalmente. Ti garantiamo che il tuo documento di identità è stato eliminato in modo permanente dai nostri server.

Se hai altre domande, visita il nostro Centro assistenza all'indirizzo seguente:

User Operations

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La stessa cosa è successa nei primi giorni di dicembre e anche stavolta,ero impossibilitato a fare il login.
All'inizio una risposta simile a quella copiata qui sopra,ma con l'obbligo di attendere maggiori verifiche.
Ecco nuovamente il copia/incolla:

Inviato: venerdì 10 dicembre 2010 13.18.12
Il tuo account è stato sospeso in via temporanea poiché il tuo profilo non contiene il tuo nome reale. Facebook richiede a tutti i membri di fornire nomi e cognomi reali. Se desideri usare di nuovo questo profilo, contattaci comunicandoci il tuo nome reale. Cercheremo di aggiornare il tuo profilo e riattivare il tuo account.

Gli account devono rispettare tutte le seguenti normative relative ai nomi:

• Sono vietati i nomi falsi.
• È vietato usare le iniziali al posto del nome completo.
• È consentito usare soprannomi, ma solo se sono una variazione del nome o cognome reale dell'utente, ad esempio "Peppe" al posto di "Giuseppe".
• È vietato l'uso di titoli professionali e religiosi.
• È vietato l'uso di caratteri speciali all'interno dei nomi.
• È vietato fare le veci di qualcuno o qualcosa.

Se la tua privacy ti preoccupa, puoi sempre limitare chi può trovarti nelle ricerche nella pagina "Informazioni di base", accessibile selezionando la voce "Impostazioni sulla privacy" dal menu a discesa "Account" nell'angolo in alto a destra di tutte le pagine di Facebook.

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RE AtlantiTeo to BEATRICE operator facebook:

ENG) Hello Beatrice, thank you for the reply.
It's seems absurd to me that my account has been disabled for such trifles and nonsense.
In facebook there are cyberbullying,CYBERKIDDY, identity theft with envy theft of personal photos and and much worse.
My name is Matteo Tenni.
The rule, Facebook allows you to enter the 2nd name or nickname.
My name on facebook is always Matthew Matthew Tenni as rule of facebook.
They are joined by more than facebook du years.
My birth date is correct and also the details are correct.
My URL is matteo.tenni.atlantiteo
The pronunciation of my surname is Tēnni and not Tĕnni and held it as in Latin:
1 coniugazione LATINA: AMARE
2 coniugazione LATINA: MONĒRE
3 coinugazione LATINA: LEGĔRE
4 coniugazione LATINA: AUDIRE
Your name is Beatrice or Beatrix? Bĕatrice o Beatricĕ?
Why Marie-Thérèse de Brosses?
Princìpi or prìncipi ? àncora o ancòra ?
I do not understand facebook staff.
Disable accounts for trifles and nonsense instead of blocking the gang of bullies and harasses people.
Spammers, those who curse, people who violate the accounts of others, and those who glorify hatred and there are many.

Thanks and good job, I hope that my account will be restored soon.

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Ecco cosa mi ha risposto per la seconda volta INVENTANDOSI BALLE su BALLE.
N.B. che già alla prima risposta,sosteneva che per una "e" con il segno della BREVE LATINA, dovevo esser disabilitato,ma ecco cosa accade poi ...
Inviato: lunedì 13 dicembre 2010 10.46.47
Ciao Matteo,
Il tuo account è stato sospeso poiché hai caricato una foto che violava la Dichiarazione dei diritti e delle responsabilità di Facebook. Tale contenuto è stato rimosso dal sito. Per motivi tecnici e di sicurezza, Facebook non può fornirti una descrizione o una copia dei contenuti rimossi.

Ti facciamo inoltre presente che Facebook richiede a tutti i membri di fornire nomi e cognomi reali. Dopo aver riesaminato la situazione, abbiamo riattivato il tuo account e aggiornato il tuo profilo in modo che riporti il tuo nome reale.

Ti preghiamo di leggere le linee guida riportate di seguito per evitare che il tuo account personale venga nuovamente disabilitato in futuro.

• Non pubblicare immagini di nudo e altri contenuti grafici sessualmente espliciti.
• Rimuovi tutte le foto di questo tipo che hai caricato sul sito.
• Non usare il sito per molestare gli altri o per contattare persone che non conosci. Non ti è consentito inviare richieste di amicizia indesiderate o messaggi a persone che non conosci.

Per maggiori informazioni sui comportamenti vietati da Facebook, leggi la Dichiarazione dei diritti e delle responsabilità, a cui puoi accedere cliccando sul link "Condizioni" in basso a qualsiasi pagina di Facebook.

Ci scusiamo per qualsiasi inconveniente e apprezziamo la tua collaborazione d'ora in avanti.


User Operations

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Hi Beatrice,
****Ti facciamo inoltre presente che Facebook richiede a tutti i membri di fornire nomi e cognomi reali. Dopo aver riesaminato la situazione, abbiamo riattivato il tuo account e aggiornato il tuo profilo in modo che riporti il tuo nome reale.

No cari,negativo.
Il mio profilo NON è stato ancòra riabilitato.
Se non viene spiegato quale è il contenuto INOPPORTUNO, con il dovuto rispetto per te e per voi,è assurdo rimproverare un utente.
Facebook non offre più serietà e diplomazia.Non sono riferito a te Beatrice e neanche ai tuoi colleghi,ma ad una politica che fa acqua come la politica italiana, infatti domani Berlusconi cadrà con il suo Governo. Facebook assomiglia sempre più alla politica italiana.
Forse, invece di aggiornamenti è meglio che facebook riguardi i suoi termini e condizioni e torni ad esser serio ed elastico con gli utenti che lavorano seriamente e duramente e intollerante con cyber-bullismo etc.
Io non ho caricato foto porno e non sono un utente molesto. Non posso capire quale è il contenuto inopportuno e accuso chi mi ha bloccato di avermi causato un danno. Lo stesso è successo a ottobre. Questa è una forma di stalking.
A gennaio sarò ancora bloccato senza neanche capire perchè? Quanti anni e quanta esperienza hanno i membri e lo staff facebook. Non sono teen-ager vero?
Ho tanti gruppi e pagine sociali e affronto tematiche serie e difficili.
Io ho 33 anni e io non sono un teen-ager di 16 anni.

Me ne torno su netlog, su mypace, su windows live space,su peacepink, sui miei forum e sul mio sito.
Qualora il mio account venga riabilitato,resterà inoperativo.
A mia scelta distruggere e estinguere tutti i miei gruppi e pagine sociali e spostarmi in social-network che BLOCCANO gli utenti veramente molesti. Nelle altre community,io non ho mai avuto problemi. Solo facebook blocca e banna per inezie e lascia autentiche GANG di CYBER KIDS, combinare disastri e aggiungere VIRUS e siti dall'alto contenuto dannoso per facebook e per gli altri utenti.

Ciao grazie Beatrice, buon lavoro e Merry Christmas.
(I hope you understand Italian or else I rewrite in English for you)

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Inviato: lunedì 13 dicembre 2010 18.35.39
Ciao Matteo,
Abbiamo provveduto alla riattivazione del tuo account, al quale puoi ora accedere nuovamente. Ci scusiamo per qualsiasi inconveniente. Per ulteriori informazioni ti preghiamo di consultare il nostro Centro assistenza al seguente indirizzo:

Grazie per aver contattato Facebook,

User Operations

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bugs after disabling my account WRONGLY
Please,kindly to straighten my facebook.
There are many bugs
thanks and good job

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Dopo tutta questa gran "menata" che mi ha tenuto fuori NOVE giorni, adesso ho un blocco e non solo, mi hanno fatto la "perquisa" sul mio account e buttato via 30 foto PROFILO - alcune delle quali ho dovuto ricaricarle - come quella della bandiera euro-trentino che ho realizzato personalmente. MATERIALE OSCENO NON CE N'ERA e SICCOME IL MIO ACCOUNT è PRATICAMENTE BLINDATO PERFINO PER GLI AMICI CHE HO TRA I MIEI CONTATTI,COME FACEVANO A VEDERE DENTRO E AD INVENTARSI UN "QUALCOSA" ?
MI HANNO CESTINATO TUTTE LE FOTO PROFILO (OVVERO QUELLE DEL MIO FACCIONE) E BANDIERE OLTRE A FOTO NON CERTO PORNO O OSCENE E INOLTRE HO UN BLOCCO sulla possibilità di caricare video. Ho continui BUGS (errori) e mi hanno fatto veramente girare i maroni quando dalle pagine sociali, HANNo DISINTEGRATO le APPLICAZIONI MY WEB EBMLED ed anche MY STUFF dove c'erano I N C O R P O R A T I (e quindi non certo caricati) VIDEO di DOCUMENTARI ma molto più gravi i VIDEO DELLE STESSE VITTIME da ARMI ELETTROMAGNETICHE a cui una alla volta ho scritto tramite youtube il mio progetto: "PROJECT ALL IN SEQUENCE" ossia tutti in in sequenza.

LE VERE MOTIVAZIONI - se hai letto fin qui - sono che sulla pagina soviale ANGLO-AMERICO-AUSTRALIANA denominata :

►We are against the weapons electromagnetic,NWO,microchip RFID and MK Ultra

avevo fatto un ottimo lavoro perfino per AMERICANI e CANADESI INCORPORANDO un video per ciascuna vittima e scovando anche un TAILANDESE e un AFRICANO oltre a ITALIANI e BRITANNICI.

La verità? The truth? Semplice essendo FACEBOOK controllato anche da CIA+DARPA+NWO e avendo visto in me un PERICOLO per tutti questi video in sequenza, la loro decisione è stata di SABOTARMI in tutte le maniere e inventarsi FALSITA'.

CI SONO LE GANG di BOTNET e SPAMMATORI oltre a CYBER BIMBE VOGLIOSE e LUSSURIOSE che imperversano e cacano il azz a me e fanno tanta "pupubraghe" perchè se ne INCORPORO e FISSO troppi di video di ogni vittima, oltre a farmeli amici su youtube, SI SVEGLIANO troppi CAZZARI che usano facebook solo per MINCHIATE oltre a gente che vuole vederci chiaro e questo non giova per l'elitè e per i fautori di Mk-ultra 2000 e delle GANGSTALKING.

Stranamente poi mi è pure arrivato una sota di messaggio "strano" da SEATTLE dove mi propongono di lvorare per facebook. Per forza anche se il mio IP è dinamico e non statico, loro vedono la provenienza e comunque sanno quante ore passo al PC,quali sono le mie pagine e se vogliono ogni mio singolo CLICK. In certi casi è già successo che perfino PIRATI INFORMATICI del tipo BLACK HAT e non certo WHITE HAT, abbiano trovato lavoro dopo che erano finiti in galera.
Un caso eclatante qui nella mia zona è di un ragazzo di MORI che anni fa riuscì a creare grossi problemi. Finì in galera e una ditta INFORMATICA di MILANO lo fece uscire di prigione dopo la truffa che aveva generato e che era finita su tutti i giornali proprio questa AZIENDA gli riconosceva una certa intelligenza informatica ed anche un tipo brillante e non stupido nonostante avesse innescato grossi problemi.

Posso anche ricercare qugli arrticoli di giornale e rammento che già negli anni 90 era molto bravo perfino a falsificare gli abbontamenti per il pullman e li rivendeva a metà prezzo agli studenti.

Un genietto dell'informatica,ma ancora giovanissimo e un BLACK HAT, tuttavia riconosciuto il suo potenziale informatico che lo ha trasferito da TRENTO A MILANO e chissà cosa fa adesso e se come BIG KING GENNARI STEFANO the ORIGINAL e non il tarocco è divenuto un WHITE HAT e quindi è maturato e cresciuto di qualità e intelletto invece di quantità egoistica.
il vero HACKER e colui che CHIUDE SITI PEDOPORNO e mette frutto il suo genio per la FORZA CHIARA e non per la forza OSCURA. Se vuoi capire cosa sono FORZA CHIARA e FORZA OSCURA immetti: FILOSOFIA DEL CAVALIERE JEDY WIKIPEDIA.
Eccoti il link, fai copia/incolla in un'altra scheda o finestra.

Come insegna un MASTER di ARTI MARZIALI, la FORZA è nella testa,nel cuore e nell'onore e non nei MUSCOLI e quandosi combatte, ci si fa il saluto prima e alla fine dell'INCONTRO.

HI SENSEI (先生) !!!

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mercoledì 15 dicembre 2010 12.18.12
from AtlantiTeo:

Ciao Beatrice,
Come stai? How are you? It's ok?
Excuseme,today my account facebook again enabled but i have "BUGs". :-/
Facebook has made me perquisition and I have thrown away an album with 30 photos.
You Knew That Might make the perquisition as the police?
it's absurd.
I have all the privacy settings locked and facebook can also get to spy on.
it's an abuse ...
I do not load anything on my account.
I load links, and video sites only on pages and groups, and I closed the account to keep inconspicuous.
Instead of banning me and trashed me a
photo album with 30 pictures. All's my photos profile.
I can not video recordin and is all a BUGs.

This is the second time in two months.
October and December 2010.

Mi dispiace disturbarti di nuovo Beatrice,ma il mio account non mi permette di contattare neanche il centro assistenza.
Sono pieno di BUG,cioè di errori. Allego screeshots
Con il dovuto rispetto, ho notato che mi avete fatto una perquisizione.
Vi ha mandato la CIA e la DARPA?
Grazie io sono già vittima delle GANGSTALKING ed ho capito benissimo cosa è successo.
Sò che facebook e la CIA collaborano e anche la DARPA e NWO.
Prima rovinano le persone come me con le GANGSTALKING e poi intervengono i SERVIZI SEGRETI.
MATT ITALIAN CASE n.77 of GANGSTLKING and MIOND KONTROL and with radiographie MICROCHIPS in my brain and in my BODY.
Fare una perquisione ad una persona che è vittima da abuso tecnologico e ROVINARE così il suo account e creare BUG è proprio da NAZISTI e da COPS. UNA VIOLENZA BESTIALE e tengo anche gli screenshot.
Tutti dobbiamo morire prima e poi e aspetto che l'anima venga soppesata dalla bilancia.

Worldwide Campaign to stop the Abuse and Torture of Mind Control/DEWs

Ho capito benissimo la motivazione della perquisizione e del banning ed è una VIOLAZIONE fare una PERQUISIZIONE del genere per INEZIE e IMMOTIVAZIONE.
Io sono un civile e non sono un terrorista. Non si possono torturare così i civili.

][\/][ATT ITALIAN CASE n.77 on 180 cases

VIDEO YOUTUBE for you dear operator facebook

IO non ho niente con te BEATRICE,ma ho capito chi è stato e perchè mi ha disabilitato l'account sia a OTTOBRE che a DICEMBRE 2010 ed è meglio che ti INFORMI BENE per chi lavori BEATRIX:  CIA,DARPA,NWO and ... facebook la mafia dei massoni

Ciao e buon lavoro !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Read more…

Skype For International Callers

Dear Comrades,

Recently I researched a way to bring international Targeted Individuals to the GSS conference call. It is pretty simple. It involves 1) creating a skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.

Chris J. Brunson

PS: GSS Conference Calls are held on under the name “Government Sponsored Stalking” every Friday’s at 9PM EST/6PM PST.


Read more…


Public awareness of the MIND CONTROL Technologies and experiments on humans and its impact on individuals and society in EUROPE, Sweden.


Only within a small sphere of military / medical classified research and industrial projects are factual knowledge available.

Even less is known and discussed issues concerning the electromagnetic system controlled by artificial intelligence in interaction with the human brain.

Brain-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence technologies for research and / or implementation of which represent entirely new aspects of the problem in the issue of radiation protection, health, safety, privacy, confidentiality and informed consent.

Brain-Computer Interaction in electronic form, working alternately with the influence of a person or a group of people’s opinions, feelings, thoughts, reaction patterns, and memory and behavior.

Research and technological development is done in / moved to countries where legislation, control and public scrutiny is minimal or nonexistent.

Read this link:


Unofficial agreements and channels for sharing of research established between countries in the cartels.

In order to initiate a public debate, monitoring and impact analysis of the subject requires international cooperation over a number of topic levels.

Legislation applicable confidentiality and privacy is totally absent in this area.

This happens in Sweden now! A number of people living in Stockholm, SWEDEN, EUROPE have  brains been “hijacked” the last three years.

A computer-assisted online connection has been made on objects brains.
Nano-implants have been injected without the consent of the subjects, when visiting the Hospital. After injection, the objects linked to the research computers.
Software for the development of synthetic telepathy has been going around the clock starting after hospital visits.

Every religion, every tradition, every
morality, every ethical code is going to ???
me. That does not
surprise me! I expect it, because what I am saying and doing is changing
the very course of human consciousness.”



Brain Implants for MIND CONTROL!

Brain Network

There could be conflict between the personal freedom to use one‘s economic resources to get an implant that will enhance one‘s physical capabilities and what society at large considers desirable or ethically acceptable.“

How threatening for mankind is an Artificial Brain ?


First let me state that at this moment the biggest threat for mankind is the human specie ! ABC-weapons in wrong hands can result in extreme damaging behavior.

Brainchip video:


25-04-2010. MINDTECH seeks to establish a network of laymen and media. This group will be dealing with the social and ethical sides to research, development and the implementation of emerging technologies in our society.
brai control mind control


Meanwhile, philosophers working alongside the researchers say it’s time to find out more about how the public feels about such bionic research, which in some cases is being used to enhance human memory, physical abilities and perception.“ addresses the specific issues that may arise when neural prostheses are customized to a specific patient, and when large scale neural prostheses lead to whole brain emulation: the emulation of a patient’s complete brain function in a prosthetic substrate. Site content is focused on neuroscience and computational research that is involved in an eventual progression from neural prostheses to the applied science of whole brain emulation, including the concept of “mind-transfer”.


Implant chip in the human brain.Synthetic telepathy is communication systems built on thoughts, not speech. Multimedia communication network is based. Brain copying is performed around the clock, largely by learning computer, copying is nothing short of serious torture. No one would voluntarily give informed consent to this serious research abuse. It takes years of learning and program development to develop the new computer-brain interfaces and multimedia language between man and computer. Subjects are now against their will has been online for five years on Man-Brain-Computer-Interface.


Read  E.U -commisioner Professor Rafael Capuros presentation.

Mind Control / Uploading ,,,


Brainnetworl minduploading

That some of today’s cutting-edge neuroscience breakthroughs in nanotechnology, computer-brain integration and information technologies not yet recognized because they are too controversial with regard to the prevailing legal and IT policy and medical diagnostics.

The age of pharmaceutical microchipping is now upon us. Novartis AG, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has announced a plan to begin embedding microchips in medications to create “smart pill” technology.

The microchip technology is being licensed from Proteus Biomedical of Redwood City, California. Once activated by stomach acid, the embedded microchip begins sensing its environment and broadcasting data to a receiver warn by the patient. This receiver is also a transmitter that can send the data over the internet to a doctor.

The idea behind all this is to create “smart pills” that can sense what’s happening in the body and deliver that information to the patient’s doctor. Novartis plans to start microchipping its organ transplant anti-rejection drugs and then potentially expand microchipping to otherpharmaceuticals in its product lineup. This same technology could soon end up in pills made by other drug companies, too.



Albert Einstein

Look att this webblink:



Best to you all // Magnus Olsson SWEDEN

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Electronic devices..

Just wonder about if this is just a coincidence or not... First my laptop crasched. Then my mobilephone. It was fully charged, I made 1 phone call, then had it beside my-turned off. When trying to switch it on, the battery is empty again...

And this is not an old battery, and when thinking about it, the harassment,it all started at the time I got my new phone and swithed to another operator. Has anybody else here experienced the same? When I insert the plug for any electronic device at home, I get the "blue sparkle" when doing it. Is this a possibility due to the radiation or what? My electronic knowledge is poor and if anybody has any news on this, I sure would appreciate it.//Annie

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Brain will be battlefield of future....

Brain will be battlefield of future, warns US intelligence report

The human brain could become a battlefield in future wars, a new report predicts, including 'pharmacological land mines' and drones directed by mind control

Brain scan

Rapid advances in neuroscience could have a dramatic impact on national security and the way in which future wars are fought, US intelligence officials have been told.

In a report commissioned by the Defense Intelligence Agency, leading scientists were asked to examine how a greater understanding of the brain over the next 20 years is likely to drive the development of new medicines and technologies.

They found several areas in which progress could have a profound impact, including behaviour-altering drugs, scanners that can interpret a person's state of mind and devices capable of boosting senses such as hearing and vision.

On the battlefield, bullets may be replaced with "pharmacological land mines" that release drugs to incapacitate soldiers on contact, while scanners and other electronic devices could be developed to identify suspects from their brain activity and even disrupt their ability to tell lies when questioned, the report says.

"The concept of torture could also be altered by products in this market. It is possible that some day there could be a technique developed to extract information from a prisoner that does not have any lasting side effects," the report states.

The report highlights one electronic technique, called transcranial direct current stimulation, which involves using electrical pulses to interfere with the firing of neurons in the brain and has been shown to delay a person's ability to tell a lie.

Drugs could also be used to enhance the performance of military personnel. There is already anecdotal evidence of troops using the narcolepsy drug modafinil, and ritalin, which is prescribed for attention deficit disorder, to boost their performance. Future drugs, developed to boost the cognitive faculties of people with dementia, are likely to be used in a similar way, the report adds.

Greater understanding of the brain's workings is also expected to usher in new devices that link directly to the brain, either to allow operators to control machinery with their minds, such as flying unmanned reconnaissance drones, or to boost their natural senses.

For example, video from a person's glasses, or audio recorded from a headset, could be processed by a computer to help search for relevant information. "Experiments indicate that the advantages of these devices are such that human operators will be greatly enhanced for things like photo reconnaissance and so on," Kit Green, who chaired the report committee, said.

The report warns that while the US and other western nations might now consider themselves at the forefront of neuroscience, that is likely to change as other countries ramp up their computing capabilities. Unless security services can monitor progress internationally, they risk "major, even catastrophic, intelligence failures in the years ahead", the report warns.

"In the intelligence community, there is an extremely small number of people who understand the science and without that it's going to be impossible to predict surprises. This is a black hole that needs to be filled with light," Green told the Guardian.

The technologies will one day have applications in counter-terrorism and crime-fighting. The report says brain imaging will not improve sufficiently in the next 20 years to read peoples' intentions from afar and spot criminals before they act, but it might be good enough to help identify people at a checkpoint or counter who are afraid or anxious.

"We're not going to be reading minds at a distance, but that doesn't mean we can't detect gross changes in anxiety or fear, and then subsequently talk to those individuals to see what's upsetting them," Green said.

The development of advanced surveillance techniques, such as cameras that can spot fearful expressions on people's faces, could lead to some inventive ways to fool them, the report adds, such as Botox injections to relax facial muscles.

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#1034 Bobby goes to the Bahama's

#1034 Bobby goes to the Bahama's

Good luck on your trip to the Bahama's Bobby, shake-a-perp!
It has always confused me how they spent millions of dollars on just me. I don't think it was actually about me but more so that in the future they will have the means to automate this system of Mind Control/Cointelpro/MKultra/Behavior Modification with computers and technology. They are learning on us. In the future though agent provocateurs who are the life of the party a peaceful demonstrations lately, there will be world wide,"Security", even more so than they have now with us. Satellites, communication grids, cell phone jumping maybe even power grids to follow Bobby where ever he goes, even some remote island.
Like the videos Julianne put up at one time from the UK by a girl that went missing after she snuck them out of the House of Common's of something. (were they supposed to be commoners?). In that case cameras followed individuals. With facial recognition confirmed an identity and pulled up all information on the subject to see a warrant was issued. Then there private security firm grabbed the guy on the street.
Close to being completely automated and autonomous. The computer cant be bribed, coerced feel sympathy or pain over it's actions. Maybe a beam will paralyze the subject and a robot will show up without a driver and dumb the subject in a bin and drive off.
Computers won't be our masters but they will serve them well.
So in the future Bobby they will screw you over more effectively and efficiently for a lower cost per individual. I wish I had that corner to hide in out of view of,"Big Brother", from George Orwell's 1984.

Peter Rosenholm

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Big Brother is Watching You TI BILLBOARD

Are You Targeted? ( is an orientation and survival guide for targets of state-sanctioned, covert campaigns of terror. If you’re a target, you probably have no idea why so many people are coming after you; head on over to the orientation section to get an idea of what’s happening. Check out thesurvival section to understand the basics of how to protect yourself from the most damaging assaults. There’s also a list of articles which you can use to look up information quickly, as well as a site map.

Your input is welcome. Recently-published articles are open to comments. If you want to leave your calling card, visit the reader comments section.

Targeting in a nutshell, for truth- or curiosity- seekers dropping in

After studying the targeting ecosystem, I have concluded that psychological warfare techniquesclandestine technologies, and large networks of informants have been used to eradicate or discredit whistleblowers and opponents of powerful people for decades. There are so many people involved that the mechanisms of targeting can’t be hidden. In essence, this is an open secret, kept out of the general public’s awareness by several factors which the masterminds behind targeting programs have fully accounted for:

  • The tactics used against targets are specifically designed to discredit them;
  • Bystanders who observe what’s going on find it is to their advantage to be willfully ignorant;
  • Most people who participate don’t know the full extent of what a campaign entails, and those who do know are afraid of having this machinery turned against them;
  • The most mentally unbalanced targets are assisted in publicizing their experiences;
  • There is widespread corruption and subversion of the agencies entrusted to maintain law and order, and of the mainstream media, which is supposed to uncover programs like these.

While these political weapons have been used against government officials and employees to keep them “in line” since the 1990′s or before, reports about this type of covert activity have been flooding in since 2001. It seems that there is now a global, and currently invisible, purge of undesirables underway. Interestingly, people who were illegally experimented on in previous government programs (such as MKULTRA), or targeted decades ago by governmental organizations like the East German Stasi, appear to be the highest value targets.

As we might expect from studying the mass purges of the 20th century, this pogrom has the implied support of the majority of the population. There is a societal dance of denial in progress, and it takes the willful ignorance of the general public to keep the dance going.

If you’re interested in learning more, you could study the orientation section, or read Mark Rich’s book on the subject, which was my orientation.




Government Sponsored Stalking supports this Ad Campaign:

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#1033 Threat Assessment/ don't make stupid statements

The only people being murdered are TIs. XXX is right though the criteria for considering if someone is a threat is, "Are they a danger to themselves or anyone else".
The situation we are in means there is no room for flippant remarks or jokes that cross that line.
Here is an example, do you people recall the pictures of the shielded room at my Flickr site.

The woman who bought that room called police for some reason I really don't know why, but when they saw this room they declared she was a danger to her self. She was involuntarily committed and force injected with psychotic medicine.
They claimed she would suffocate in this room. You can see in the pictures that she has a fan in front of one of the two microwave blocking vents. It has been three weeks since she was last injected and people who know her say she still hasn't fully recovered. Her lawyer did get her off by convincing a judge that she is not a danger.
Here is another example. Police moved the brother of two past local police into my second floor apartment. where I came under surveillance at first unknown to me at the time. then they began with the V2K making threats and invading my privacy. I was being attacked in my own home and couldn't do anything about it. I contacted police and the FBI. They would not help me. I loaded up guns to defend myself but they got my father to take them. That is when I was attacked by the supposed MEDUSA microwave weapon. I went to the hospital and was set up the ambulance was even diverted to a small obscure hospital. After being drugged I woke up over a day later being rolled into a mental hospital strapped to a gurney. I could here my attackers through V2K saying, "This is how we do a hit today". They attempted a forced suicide with psychological torture and regular directed energy torture.
These are very sick people. All you have to do is give them a reason....any reason and they will kill or destroy you. They will promote the war on terrorism and get paid overtime while doing this to you. Don't be stupid and say stupid things. This is not the best of times to be living in this country..........and they have done a lot more than just this to me.

Peter Rosenholm

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Everyday is a day of struggle for me even after 14 years of rigorous torture which I am undergoing, they are spoiling my regular functioning of my body by giving me abnormal things,they spoilt my whole life, god gave this life to live in a right way and not to suffer, they constantly keep torturing me and keep talking to me using all filthy language and giving me shocks and pains in my body they blackmail me, that if I don’t heed to their request, they will place the biochip into the body of my brothers and mother who are presently in the U.S. and Canada, they also say that they have a great network and the support of U.S government and no one can do anything to them.

My torture started while I was in the peak of my career at the age of 32 , I really don’t understand if the government is supporting this evil perps, let the government officials and the president himself think for a moment if the same thing happens to them and their kin, will they be still supporting these evil perps.

For example the present U.S president if he happened to undergo such sort of torture and the mind reading at the age of 32, will it be possible for him to have become the president of America now and if anyone read his thoughts, will it be possible to run the government now or if the samething happens to his close family members who are innocent will the government still support this research and weapons, it has to be understood god made each one in his own image and each one is unique, and the others values has to be understood, if anyone who understands the human values then he will have respect for others, according to jesus, love your neighbour as you love yourself. The government who is supposed to care of their subjects,and supposed to be responsible don’t do the same, instead support these evil perps. I don’t mean only one nation or only FBI or CiA, I mean every other country’s government which supports this evil perps should be stopped, only then god also will come forward to help this world.

These evil perps are nothing but terrorists in other form, if anybody is supporting these evilperps it means they are encouraging terrorism, why should the innocent people suffer for no fault of theirs, this has to be immediately banned and discouraged all over the world and bring the evilperps to the books of law. Keep praying, god help each and everyone who is suffering from the torture of evil perps.

Thanks and Regards

Vincent George

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