Monita Choi's Posts (246)

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1.     本週二下午開始, 腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,1-5級程度的痛楚發展至週三8級頭痛, 背後始作俑者是汪明荃, 林建名, 周星馳, 曾志偉, 倪震, 其喪心病狂實令人髪指.

最令我百思不得其解的是以上人士全部是特區政府甄選出來的人大代表, 政協委員, 到底人大代表和政協委員的職是為什? 是以遙控電子武市民為生的人嗎?

2.     在現實生活中, 我發現有很多我相識的人, 有另一位樣貌同他們年青時一模一樣, 一樣的聲音, 一樣的舉止, 但有著不同的語言, 而年輕相似者大部份在中國. 到底他們是複製人還是另類科技? 他們有個共同的點就是都被腦控, 我懷疑可能有人將早期被腦控人士的芯片記憶體錄製, 然後將芯片同在中國的另一個人併在一起, 令疑似複製人與原樣的人有相同樣貌, 但不同年齡. 最其怪的是年輕者大部份都聲稱自小到大都是一樣的樣貌, 沒有大的改變. 奇怪

3.     本週羅啟新和鄭子誠因指使遙控電子武器而被行政拘留.


4.     自從我刊登螞蟻受手機頻率影響的視屏後, 我家中開始有螞蟻, 最其怪的是它們不近蜜糖, 只是幾只盲無目的的爬行, 相信是腦控人同我玩微波螞蟻遊戲.

5.     腦控空間有一位名叫曾惠文的女子, 經常將她肥胖的身型同我併芯片, 將他的家人用特技投於我家中進行滋擾, 據知是她嫌棄她家人失禮, 將他們的芯片同我併在一起以失禮我, 並向外訛稱他們是我家人, 將自家的羞恥寄托於他人的痛苦之上. 記住己所不欲, 莫施於人.



Mind Control Space News this week (July 08 to 14, 2019)

1. Starting from the afternoon of this Tuesday (9th), the brain-controlled monks remote control the electronic weapons caused me headaches. The pain from the 1-5 level up to the eight grade headache on Wednesday. The perps whom gave the order for harassment as know were Liz Wan, Lam Kim Ming, Stephen Chow, Eric Tsang, Joe Nieh etc. they are all as mad as microwave killers.

The most puzzling to me when I typing their name, all the above people are representatives of the
people's congress elected by the SAR government. Members of the NPC and CPPCC, what are the duties of NPC and CPPCC members? Are the SAR or NPC gave them right to harassment the citizens both in China and Hong Kong?

2.  I have a discover in the recent time, I found that there are many people whom I know, have the other one who face looks exactly the same as when they were young, the same voice, the same manner, but with different languages, and most of the youngers are resident in mainland China. Are they human clone or other high technologies? They all have in common were being brain-controlled. I suspect that someone might record the memory chip of the brain-controlled person in the early days, and then used the chip within to other person in mainland China. Causing the suspected copy person has the same appearance as the original one, but in different generation. I ask to the young one, they claim that they have the same appearance since childhood, no big change. They are surprising me. 


3. The DJ of Cuson Law and The TVB actor of Timothy Cheng were detention on suspicion this week for remotely controlled electronic weapons for harassment.

4. Since I share the video of ants affected by the frequency of mobile phones, I got some ants in my apartment that never saw before. The strangest thing is that it were not close to honey, but blind and purposeless crawlers. I believe that brain control perp playing the microwave ant’s game with me.

5. There is a woman named Tsang wei man in the brain control space. She uses her own obese body shape to
within chip with me.  Projected his family members with special effects to my home to nuisance and mental abused. As known that she dislikes her family since rude. So done above for embarrassing me, and misled people that her family was my.  Waning to Tsang Wei Man, I don’t even know you, don’t place your own shame on me ever you don’t want to.


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All compensation requested handled by law


在腦控空間經常有人提出不同的賠償方法. 在此敬請各位有意作出賠償人仕, 將賠償金交由你信任的律師辦理, 確保一切賠償在公平, 公正, 合法的情況下進行.


你們自己指定的律師, 律師費請自行支付, 我指定的律師由我支付.





All compensation requested handled by law

In the brain control space, different compensation methods are often proposed. In this case, If someone willing to make compensation, Please through your trusted lawyer to ensure that all compensation procedures are conducted in a fair, just and according to laws

You point out your own lawyer, that will responsible the legal fees in your own, and I will paid my legal fee by my own.

Thanks for your cooperation!


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Cell phone’s E-money scam



腦控空間有人利用無辜受害者併芯片, 並用電子錢包過數方式, 向竊聽者收取費用, 甚至進行洗黑錢活動.




另一方面, 追溯到已過去的中國新年, 據講有人利用我的名和已注銷超過8年的電話號碼91229749向在腦控空間素不相識的富豪乞討利是錢, 令人莫名其妙. 我本人53300129電話號碼從未啟用電子錢包, 敬請留意!




在此澄清, 本人在腦控空間,只是一名受害者, 并非工作人員. 經常有一大帮人同我併芯片腦控, 思維干擾, 精神虐待, 他們全部同我素未謀面, 只是聽聲, 腦音聊天得知是娛樂圈一眾敗類, 非我朋友. 近期有姓鄧的一家, 據講是明星周星馳的朋友, 聯同汪明荃負責的TBV臨記, 24小時開我腦音滋擾, 令我不勝其煩 在此澄清, 我非娛樂圈中人, 同娛樂圈沒有任何關係, 只是莫名其妙被腦控. 望我的朋友, 親人不輕信他們, 小心被騙!




Cell phone’s E-money scam

The metamorphosis chip controller used the innocent victims to within chip with someone who want to stalking and eavesdroppers in mind control space, and use e-wallets to collect fees, even with money laundering activities.

Date back to the Chinese New Year 2019, it is said that someone used my name and the telephone number 91229749 that has been written off for more than 8 years, to begging lucky money from rich man who I don’t know in brain control space. It is inexplicable. I have to clarify that I have only one phone number 53300129, and never ever register for e-wallet or e-money, so be careful the scam.

I have to clarify again, I am a victim in mind control space, not a staff member. There are a large group of people within my chip in long-term without my consent, thinking interference, mental abuse all the day, I even cannot contact with then, just listen with V2K, Through chat to known whom the movie stars. They are not my friend.


Recently, there is a family name said Tang, which is said to be a friend of the movie star of Stephen Chow, together with Liz wan leads of extra acts of TVB, 24 hours for brain nuisance, I had felt exhausted and so bothered.


It was made me so confuse, why me, I am not a person in the entertainment industry, and never ever have any connected with the entertainment industry, why they mind control me. Warn to my friends, relatives, don’t believed them, be careful to be cheated!


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1.     本週我到中國旅遊, 變態腦控賤人將多人同我併芯片令我肥腫難分, 當我拍照時更將面有色斑, 肥大, 滿面皺紋者同我併芯片, 令我奇醜無比.


2.     在腦控空間作孽的女人, 大部份丈夫已坐監或逃離香港, 作為老婆的在腦控空間長期窺探他人的夫妻生活後, 寂寞難耐, 又擔心尷尬, 所以用腦控併芯片方式, 誘導被腦控不自知的女受害者作為掩飾, 利用自瀆方法解決性需要, 最可憐的是無辜受害者, 被作為恥笑的對象而不自知. 可惡!

本人防範被滋擾的方法是睡覺時戴帶有磁石手套, 一方面避免被誤會和滋擾, 一方面同護手霜同時使用可令手部皮膚白滑水嫩.



3.     本週有一肥胖女24小時同我併芯片, 潛我腦音發施號令, 令人錯覺以為我是腦控空間的管理者. 有人講她是姓鄧, 有人講是姓曾, 到底她的真正身份是何人? 實無法確認.



4 推荐一部有關腦控的電影”Dare to love”, 真人真事改編, 很大感觸!





Mind Control Space News this week (July 1st to 7th, 2019)



1. I traveled to China this week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a lot of perps whom all in fat and swollen. When I look at the pictures, all shows very ugly with spots, fat, and wrinkles.

2. In the brain-controlled space, most of the husbands have been imprisoned or fled from Hong Kong, as their wives, eyes stalking victims’ personal life in mind control space, causing the feeling of lonely, so they use within chip technology, mind control female victims, Inducing the female victim as cover using self-defeating methods to solve their sexual needs, the most pitiful is the innocent victims, being the targeted of people’s
contemptuous look
without self-awareness. Damn!

My method of preventing nuisance is to wear magnetic gloves while sleeping, first to avoid sexual nuisance and may someone misled people that you. On the one hand, wear gloves with hand cream can make your skin of the hand younger and smooth. It is a good idea, right!

3. This week, there is an obese woman who within my chip for 24 hours. Inducing my brain to send a command through my voice, misled the people that I am the manager of the brain control space. Some people said who is surnamed Tang, some people say that she is surnamed tsang, at the end, I cannot got a confirmation to his true identity?

4. Recommend a movie that talking about brain control "Dare to love", based on true story, the female victims may got a same feeling with the story as well as me.


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1.    本週腦控賤人將我的電話錄音斷章取義地剪輯成召集他人到總警署示威. 我對話的真正內容是勸告受害者, 當感到生命受到威脅的時候, 到所屬的警署報案, 如果不受理, 可到位於港島區灣仔總署報案. 特此澄清!


2.     自從感到生命受到威脅,201510月開始持續性在我的weshare blog


facebook (提出索取賠償條款, 累積至今已是天文數字, 擔心腦控人以物業作為賠償, 特此作出補充, 所有樓宇, 房屋都不能作為代賠償金, 只接受已補地價, 並且超過99年的土地和現金. 專此!


3.     不知何故? 當我晚間睡眠時, 變態控芯片賤人要我開燈才可入睡, 當我關燈時即遙控電子能量器令我清醒, 同時將多人同我併芯片腦音滋擾, 令我沒法入睡.


4.     我實際體重是84, 但每天量體重時都在120磅和130磅之間, 同一天早晚量體重時相差超過10. 變態控芯片賤人將超過40多磅的人同我併芯片, 已令我身體難以負荷. 試想像, 如果一位BB體重8, 每天同時抱住5BB長達24小時的感覺.


5.     本週變態腦控賤人仍然將比我矮3-7吋的人同我併芯片, 甚至當我做伸展運動時也不肯分開芯片, 令我每日24小時感覺呼吸困難和腿酸難忍. 


6.     有人問我為何經常戴帽, 原因之一, 因我經常被電子武器攻擊頭痛, 令頭髮瞬間變白, 又擔心經常染髮影響健康, 所以戴帽. 其二, 是賤人將我同面型完全不同的人併芯片, 令我額頭很短, 很醜樣, 所以戴帽作為遮醜用.



Mind control Space news this week (June 24 to 29, 2019)


1. This week, the brain control monks cut my phone recordings out of context to call for people against to the police station. My  original phone recording content was to advise the victims, when they feel that their life in dangerous,  should report to their own area police station ASAP. If the sub-police staton don't accept it, you can report to the Wanchai headquarter Office on Hong Kong Island. Hereby clarify!

2. Since I felt that my life is in dangerous, I have post my compensation clauses to my weshare blog


and facebook since October 2015. The accumulation have had a huge numbers. I am worried about that the brain control perps will use the property as compensation. so to clarify that the apartment building can not be used as compensation, only accept land premiums with he expiry date more than 99 years of useland or cash.

3. Somehow? When I was sleeping in the evening, the abnormal chip controller asked me to turn on the light, otherwise will remoted eletronice made me sleep deprivation. I am not only one,but others.

4. My actual weight is 84 pounds, but now my weight is between 120 pounds and 130 pounds per day. The difference between the weight of the morning and the night is more than 10 pounds. The metamorphosis chip controller increasing my weight more than 40 pounds. The chips has made my body over load and felt sick.  you can imagine if a Baby weighs 8 pounds and holds 5 body of Babys for 24 hours a day, what's your feeling?

5. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller still within my chip with someone who short than me about 3-7 inchs, even when I do stretching exercises, which make me felt unbearable with legs sour and pain 24 hours a day.


6.  Someone asked me why I often wear a hat, there are two advantages, first one,  I am often attacked by electronic weapons for headache caused a lots of white hair, and worry about often dyed hair affects health, so wear a hat for cover. Second, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got a very short forehead, make my face look very ugly, so wearing a hat also for outlook.



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1.     星期一(17)遊行示威參與者大部份是在網上以賣粉絲, 做網上打手的一群. 星期五圍警察總部的是各大專院校學生會發起.


2.     腦控空間有姓文的賤人, 將腦控空間受害者祈禱的錄像, 剪輯成受害者跪地求饒的片段; 另一方面, 將自己同受害長者併芯片, 腦控受害長者毒打自已的兒孫. 以此滿足其自卑, 變態虐待狂心理. 賤格!


3.     本週五當我參加珠寶展時, 變態賤人將多人同我併芯片, 令我舉步維艱. 據稱其中有部份是以盜竊為生的賊人.


4.     由週六下午三時開始, 變態控芯片賤人持續遙控電子武器令我同受害者頭痛至星期日下午5, 一切相信同促銷藥品有關.

在此呼籲全港市民罢有藥品廣告的報紙, 辦報者為了營運資金, 勒索藥廠登廣告, 令藥品成本增加, 最後轉嫁於市民身上. 另一方面製造各式各樣微波痛症, 令市民購買高價而非自身所需的藥物. 以上一切, 都源自辦報者無德無能, 又意在控制傳媒所造成. 對此報傳媒, 以強烈讉責!

5.     變態控芯片賤人常全開我腦音, 將多人同我併芯片, 輪流潛聲不停駡人, 搬弄是非, 挑撥離間, 我沒有屏蔽器, 沒法抗衡來自各方的思維干擾. 遇到此種沒法阻止的情況, 我會多方了解和判斷, 以此知道空間一些不為人知的事情. 所以敬請在空間的聆聽者明白雖然由我發腦音發聲, 但非本人意願, 如果有任何錯誤的言語, 請立即糾正. 我相信腦控賤人此舉同腦控機記錄有關, 鬼祟地潛他人聲散佈謠言, 令在場者的腦音全記錄在案, 以此陷害受害者


6.     自從庙街殺街後, 賣藝者同娛樂圈的老牌歌星, 藝員, 警察高層合作, 在空間聯同一些有婦科病的肥胖女人, 以併芯片害人為生. 將自己的快樂強加於受害者和痛患者痛苦之上,  請大家多加防範.


Mind Control Space News this week (June 17 to 23, 2019)

 1. On Monday (17th), most of the participants in the demonstrations were the people who used online to sell fans and be a group of online thugs.

 On Friday (21st), part of participants in the acts of besieging police headquarters were the students of the colleges and universities, and part of unemployed youth.

2. In the brain-controlled space, there is a perp who with surname “Man”, used a video that shows a victim in praying clipped into fragments which becoming the victim who was pleading him for mercy, totally change the meaning, and keep to show the fragment in mind control space to misled people who with eye stalking;

On the other hand, “Man” within the chip with elder, and beaten the elder’s grandson hardly.  All above show “Man” was an inferiority and abnormal sadism whom I never ever seen before. Remind all be careful in mind control space.

3. When I participated in the Jewelry Show on this Friday, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a lots of perps, made me felt so heave in walking, as said, some of them are make a living from theft, and used eyes stalking looking for target in mind control space.

4. Starting from 3 pm on Saturday, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic weapons caused me and victims headache until 5 pm on Sunday, I believed such long-term tortured related to force the sales of drugs.

Call to all of Hong Kong citizen, stop buy the newspapers which got drug advertisements. As based understanding, the newspaper funding for operation, force the pharmaceutical companies paid for advertising fee, such increased the cost of medicines, and finally passed the cost to the patients whom tortured by the electronic harassment.  All of the above were causing from the publisher who run the newspaper business with no morality and incompetence, but got an intention to manipulate the media. We all being mind control victims shame on them with condemn.

 5. The metamorphosis chip controller always turn-on my brain sound 7/24, within my chip with someone who intercepting the thought not my own, but my brain sound, sometimes with my involuntary speech, in turn with difference perps get into mischief.  I don't have a shield, can't counter interference from all parties in the same time, while in such situation that I can't stop, I will learn to study, judge in many ways, so as to know some things that unknown in the space. So if you are the listeners in the space, please stop and correct them immediately for the wrong sentence. I believe someone got the brain sound recorder, and used the monks to spread the rumors, so that the voices of the participants are fully documented, the perps used to set up the targeted victims with cheap trick.

6. Since the temple street show closed, the street performer cooperated with the last generation singers, artists as well as police officer earn for living in brain control space. Used metamorphosis chip controller within the victims chip with obese women, as well as some women who got gynecological diseases, such as only one side breast, breast ptosis,
leukorrhagia, Uterine ptosis, no uterus etc. making victims got the same feeling with sufferer, but for perps fun. Hateful!


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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-06-10至2019-06-16)

1.     本週熱門話題, 示威遊行, 至暴動事件.



示威遊行人數官方數字同民間統計相差很大, 眼看未為實, 圖可亂真, 大家自行判斷. 相信大家最有興趣知道的是到底參加示威遊行的是何方人仕? 答案是大部份是娛樂圈臨記加上最少超過5車的大陸遊客, 有如拍電影一樣賓虛的場面, 據說每人只收港幋一佰大元, 抵用!



        至於暴動事件, 是由黑社會成員組成, 前面大佬每人一千大元, 後面一群逃學學生大部份是娛樂圈人和臨記的子女, 每人一百大元僱用. 有說是被腦控之情緒操控至失人性. 有說是黑社會年中太公分猪肉(即黑社會分紅於各堂口). 是真是假? 大家自行判斷.



        星期日是各政黨召集的遊行, 目的是想我們的特首下台. 據講等待做特首的名單很長,輪侯時間, 故出此下策. 小道消息, 大家自行判斷.




        至於法律界的反對聲音, 據說大部份法律界人員被腦控由來以久, 冤案, 錯案, 沒法用常理解釋的案件類積至今甚多, 一但修例通過, 又不能公開腦控事實, 很多案件必定重審, 勢將嚴重影響法律界聲譽.




        至於教育界同樣也受到被腦控之害, 因腦控賤人要竊取試題圖利, 必定腦控教師為已所用, 今次順便用思維操控方式, 令其出街遊行湊數. 可憐!


        目前香港已成腦控之都, 而控制者大部份已逃離香港, 盤踞於東南亞以及世界各地, 但仍繼續以遙距腦控方式控制香港各個範疇. 現在政府公佈無限期暫緩修訂逃犯條例”, 即是告訴香港市民, 大家仍需無了期忍受腦控, 電子武器摧殘之苦. 悲也!




2.     腦控空間有很多富豪, 因不想得罪腦控賤人, 又不想讓他人以為他們同腦控賤人有勾結, 所以當腦控賤人向富豪索取利益, 例如, 房屋, 鋪位, 酒店現金禮卷, 購物現金禮卷作為贈送時, 富豪一直都以送贈 ”Monita Choi” 為名寄出, 收貨地址全是娛樂圈大佬的通信地址, 我問為何如此處理時? 答案是Monita Choi從未做過一件違法的事, 所以富豪們不需為贈送而負上法律責任, 至於誰人收禮, 富豪們心中有數. 雖然腦控空間包括我在內,6Monita Choi, 除了我之外, 她們都同腦控人有金錢來往, 甚至借用銀行戶口與腦控人所用, 只我一位同他們沒有任何錢銀瓜葛.


所以在此恳請富豪門下次贈送時, 改用他人之名, 以免他人錯以為我是腦控人的同黨而受牽連. 雖知我是反腦控人仕, 同腦控賤人處於對立面, 腦控人此舉實是抹黑我毒招, 望富豪們能明白我的處境為盼.


 Mind Control Space News this week (June 10 to 16, 2019)


1. Hot topics this week, from demonstrations to riots.

The official figures of the number of demonstrations are very different from the folk statistics, you may confusing by picture key-up without true. I believe everyone may interested in knowing the people backgroup who participating in the demonstration. The most of participating people were the extra of entertainment, also with at least 5 cars mainland tourists, like to making movie as
Ben - Hur stuns
 It is said that each person only received one hundred Hong Kong dollars per day, lower the minimax pay for hours.

As for the rioting incident, it is composed the members of the
Criminal Organization. In front line of the members, each person was received one thousand dollars for reward. The back side group some were the escaping students, part of children were extra and relative of entertainment, all employed for one hundred yuan. They all under emotional control of mind control machine, caused them to loss of humanity.  Also
said the big brothers used such rioting for money and dividends to each area where under criminal organization. True or dare? I don’t know, you tell me.

Sunday is a parade convened by various political parties. The purpose is to let our chief executives step down. As said the waiting list for the chief executive is very long. In order to shorten the waiting time, they make such tricky decision. It is grapevine news, what do you think? Judges on your own and give me have your opinions will be appreciated.

For the opposition voices of the legal profession, it is said that most of the legal profession were being brain controlled for a long time. There are so many cases in
Injustice, some cases cannot be explained by common sense.  Once the amendments are passed, many cases must be re-open file without open public for the facts of mind control, which will seriously affect the reputation of the legal profession.


For the education sector, they also under the brain control for a long time since the brain control monks want to eye stalking the examination questions for profit, brain control teachers for their used. This time, the mind control monks also use emotion control by the way got them to the streets to get a quorum.  Poor!

In the now of Hong Kong has become a brain-controlling city. Most of the chip controllers have fled away Hong Kong for Asia, some around the world. However, they still continue to remote control Hong Kong in various categories by mind control machine. In this moment, the Government announced an indefinite suspension of the fugitive offenders Ordinance. "Which means to tell the citizens in Hong Kong that everyone still under brain control and electronic harassment, and out of government’s control. Sadness!


Attach the video for ants control by frequency.


2. There are many rich men in the brain control space, they don't want to offend the mind control monks, they don't want others to think that they have collusion with the brain control monks. So when the brain control monks ask for benefits from the rich men, for example, houses, shops, hotel cash coupons, shopping cash coupons as gifts, the rich men always sent under the name of "Monita Choi", but the delivery address always own by the big brother of entertainment circle, I asked why? The answer was said that Monita Choi who never done anything illegal, so the rich men used her name to prevent to taking legal responsibility for giving, and who is beneficial one that all on the rich men own mind. Although there are 5 people name “Monita Choi” in brain control space without me, they all have money transaction even borrowing bank accounts with brain control monks, I am the only one never have money involved.


To request with please, when you offer the gifts next time, Please use other's name, in order to avoid people thinking that I am a member of brain-controlling party and being involve. Please note that I am an anti-brain control person, I am in opposition of the brain-controlling monks, they used such to black my name, so I sincerely hope all the rich men will tying out with thanks.



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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-06-10至2019-06-16)

1.     本週熱門話題, 示威遊行, 至暴動事件.



示威遊行人數官方數字同民間統計相差很大, 眼看未為實, 圖可亂真, 大家自行判斷. 相信大家最有興趣知道的是到底參加示威遊行的是何方人仕? 答案是大部份是娛樂圈臨記加上最少超過5車的大陸遊客, 有如拍電影一樣賓虛的場面, 據說每人只收港幋一佰大元, 抵用!



        至於暴動事件, 是由黑社會成員組成, 前面大佬每人一千大元, 後面一群逃學學生大部份是娛樂圈人和臨記的子女, 每人一百大元僱用. 有說是被腦控之情緒操控至失人性. 有說是黑社會年中太公分猪肉(即黑社會分紅於各堂口). 是真是假? 大家自行判斷.



        星期日是各政黨召集的遊行, 目的是想我們的特首下台. 據講等待做特首的名單很長,輪侯時間, 故出此下策. 小道消息, 大家自行判斷.




        至於法律界的反對聲音, 據說大部份法律界人員被腦控由來以久, 冤案, 錯案, 沒法用常理解釋的案件類積至今甚多, 一但修例通過, 又不能公開腦控事實, 很多案件必定重審, 勢將嚴重影響法律界聲譽.




        至於教育界同樣也受到被腦控之害, 因腦控賤人要竊取試題圖利, 必定腦控教師為已所用, 今次順便用思維操控方式, 令其出街遊行湊數. 可憐!


        目前香港已成腦控之都, 而控制者大部份已逃離香港, 盤踞於東南亞以及世界各地, 但仍繼續以遙距腦控方式控制香港各個範疇. 現在政府公佈無限期暫緩修訂逃犯條例”, 即是告訴香港市民, 大家仍需無了期忍受腦控, 電子武器摧殘之苦. 悲也!




2.     腦控空間有很多富豪, 因不想得罪腦控賤人, 又不想讓他人以為他們同腦控賤人有勾結, 所以當腦控賤人向富豪索取利益, 例如, 房屋, 鋪位, 酒店現金禮卷, 購物現金禮卷作為贈送時, 富豪一直都以送贈 ”Monita Choi” 為名寄出, 收貨地址全是娛樂圈大佬的通信地址, 我問為何如此處理時? 答案是Monita Choi從未做過一件違法的事, 所以富豪們不需為贈送而負上法律責任, 至於誰人收禮, 富豪們心中有數. 雖然腦控空間包括我在內,6Monita Choi, 除了我之外, 她們都同腦控人有金錢來往, 甚至借用銀行戶口與腦控人所用, 只我一位同他們沒有任何錢銀瓜葛.


所以在此恳請富豪門下次贈送時, 改用他人之名, 以免他人錯以為我是腦控人的同黨而受牽連. 雖知我是反腦控人仕, 同腦控賤人處於對立面, 腦控人此舉實是抹黑我毒招, 望富豪們能明白我的處境為盼.


 Mind Control Space News this week (June 10 to 16, 2019)


1. Hot topics this week, from demonstrations to riots.

The official figures of the number of demonstrations are very different from the folk statistics, you may confusing by picture key-up without true. I believe everyone may interested in knowing the people backgroup who participating in the demonstration. The most of participating people were the extra of entertainment, also with at least 5 cars mainland tourists, like to making movie as
Ben - Hur stuns
 It is said that each person only received one hundred Hong Kong dollars per day, lower the minimax pay for hours.

As for the rioting incident, it is composed the members of the
Criminal Organization. In front line of the members, each person was received one thousand dollars for reward. The back side group some were the escaping students, part of children were extra and relative of entertainment, all employed for one hundred yuan. They all under emotional control of mind control machine, caused them to loss of humanity.  Also
said the big brothers used such rioting for money and dividends to each area where under criminal organization. True or dare? I don’t know, you tell me.

Sunday is a parade convened by various political parties. The purpose is to let our chief executives step down. As said the waiting list for the chief executive is very long. In order to shorten the waiting time, they make such tricky decision. It is grapevine news, what do you think? Judges on your own and give me have your opinions will be appreciated.

For the opposition voices of the legal profession, it is said that most of the legal profession were being brain controlled for a long time. There are so many cases in
Injustice, some cases cannot be explained by common sense.  Once the amendments are passed, many cases must be re-open file without open public for the facts of mind control, which will seriously affect the reputation of the legal profession.


For the education sector, they also under the brain control for a long time since the brain control monks want to eye stalking the examination questions for profit, brain control teachers for their used. This time, the mind control monks also use emotion control by the way got them to the streets to get a quorum.  Poor!

In the now of Hong Kong has become a brain-controlling city. Most of the chip controllers have fled away Hong Kong for Asia, some around the world. However, they still continue to remote control Hong Kong in various categories by mind control machine. In this moment, the Government announced an indefinite suspension of the fugitive offenders Ordinance. "Which means to tell the citizens in Hong Kong that everyone still under brain control and electronic harassment, and out of government’s control. Sadness!


Attach the video for ants control by frequency.


2. There are many rich men in the brain control space, they don't want to offend the mind control monks, they don't want others to think that they have collusion with the brain control monks. So when the brain control monks ask for benefits from the rich men, for example, houses, shops, hotel cash coupons, shopping cash coupons as gifts, the rich men always sent under the name of "Monita Choi", but the delivery address always own by the big brother of entertainment circle, I asked why? The answer was said that Monita Choi who never done anything illegal, so the rich men used her name to prevent to taking legal responsibility for giving, and who is beneficial one that all on the rich men own mind. Although there are 5 people name “Monita Choi” in brain control space without me, they all have money transaction even borrowing bank accounts with brain control monks, I am the only one never have money involved.


To request with please, when you offer the gifts next time, Please use other's name, in order to avoid people thinking that I am a member of brain-controlling party and being involve. Please note that I am an anti-brain control person, I am in opposition of the brain-controlling monks, they used such to black my name, so I sincerely hope all the rich men will tying out with thanks.



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1.     69日反修例大遊行, 反對派假冒反腦控訴訟大聯盟召集成員上街遊行. 在此再次澄清, 反腦控訴訟大聯盟立場是支持政府修例, 將逃亡在外的腦控賤人引渡返港受審. 反腦控訴訟大聯盟在未能確保成員安全的情況下, 絕不贊成上街遊行和做出過激又於事無補的愚蠢事情.

2.     腦控賤人在三天長假期間, 持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛, 已於68中午到灣仔警署報案, 警方回應仍在調查中… 

       據了解, 今次頭痛事件是由羅啟新控芯片, 張松枝指使畜牲遙控電子武器造成.

3.     本週腦控賤人持續每天長時間關閉小便掣, 在將有病者同我併芯片,令我小便困難, 意在令我尿酸中毒.

4.     記得多年前的廣信事件, 其中有一大筆國有資產現在腦控人手中, 相信同廣東幚有關

5.     每晚沐浴時, 林盛斌父親, 陳文輝父親, 彭浩翔父親出性騷擾; 按併芯片原理, 不到對方, 但能到對方的每一個動. 故此可構成性騷的嚴罪行. 望各方自律, 自重!


6.     當我書寫閱讀時, 吳震宇和一智障女子同我併芯片, 令我有閱讀書寫困難;

7.     變態控芯片賤人的精神虐待日趨嚴重. 當我在外購物時, 腦控賤人不停腦音滋擾, 同時將眼部老化, 腿部有殘疾者同我併芯片, 令我忙於應付, 既要小心路面交通, 又要擔心自己腿部受傷, 又要受電子武器攻擊, 又要記住購物清單, 以免遺漏, 以此令我不能集中精神, 嚴重傷害我的邏輯思維, 協調性和反應速度. 晚間睡眠剥奪,2小時喚醒, 難有深層睡眠時間. 我從過目不忘至現時需三讀才能記得. 變態控芯片賤人的精神虐待已到喪心病狂, 無藥可救地步. 而最奇的是腦控空間中人並沒有出面阻. 反而令人覺得是參與其中


8.     據了解, 腦控賤人在不同範疇, 收賣職員為他們所用, 其中有部份是政府公務員. 很多朋友郵寄賤人的犯罪證據給我, 都石沉大海; 當報紙有任何重要新聞不為我知, 我所訂閱, 每天派發的必定停送一天; 我的電郵信箱經常有被駭入的跡象, 而駭客是使用政府圖書館, 於圖書館關門的時間後. 此一切, 證明了腦控賤人所獵涉的範圍很廣, 受害者不可掉以輕心. 重要文件最好當面交收, 以免為他人所取.



Mind Control Space News this week (June 3 to 9, 2019) 



1. The march on June 9th, someone again pretending the members of Alliances for law-actions against mind control call for members to the streets for March. Here I clarify again that  Alliances for law-actions against mind control in position to support the government to amend the litigation as soon as possible, taking the escape mind control perp from oversea return to Hong Kong for trial.  The  Alliances for law-actions against mind control  never call on member in favor of taking to the streets and making excessive stupid things under unstable situation. 


2. During the three-day long vacation, the metamorphosis brain control perps continued to use the remote control electronic weapon to cause headaches. I had reported to the Wan Chai Police Station at noon on June 8. The police response is still under investigation...

As known that this headache incident was caused by chip controller of Cuson Law who got my chip and Deon Cheung gave the order for electronic harassment. I am not only one, but a lots of victims,

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller continue to off my urine key in mind control system for a long time every day, also within the chip with kidney disease person, which will cause uric acid metabolism disorder as the perps intention.

4. D
id you remember the case of GITIC of 1999.  As said there are large amount hold on the perps were belong to GITIC, of cause they all in the mind control space. 


5. When I taking shower every night, Bob Lam’s father, Chan Man Fei’s father, and Pang Ho-Cheung’s father within my chip for sexual harassment, as the technology for the within chips together, it will not touch to each other, but can feel to the each other every movement, so it was a criminal case for non-touch sexual harassment.

6. Said Francis Ng and a woman who got mental disorder always within my chip when I writing and reading, which made me short in time, and cannot do anything, but sitting for wait until the chip separated.

7. The mentality abuse is increasing every day, even in shopping, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got legs disable, blurred my vision, and non-stop brain sound communication with me in turn for nuisance. I have to be careful for road traffic, worry about disable legs will injury me, and bearing the headache from electronic harassment, so as remember the shopping list to avoid omission, such used to tortured my concentration, seriously hurt my logical thinking, coordination and the speed of reaction. And the other hand, sleep deprivation in the evening, wake me up every 2 hours by remoted control, it is difficult to have deep sleep time. In before, I never even forgot a word after reading, and now I have to read three times and hard to remember. The mental abuse have developing to as madness as craze situation, totally out of control, and everyone turn blank eyes in mind control space, sees unwilling to involving but participated.

8. As said, the mind control perps manipulated some professional in difference field work for them, some of them are government civil servants. For example my friends have sent me the criminal evidence of the perps, all cannot reach my hand; they also manipulated in media, when the newspaper post any important news that they don’t want me to know, they can order to stopped for one day; Also my email often has signs of being invaded, and the hacker is using the computer inside the government library, and the time was after the library closed. All proves show to us that the mind control perps hunting scope were wide over our expectation, and victims should be extra careful. Important documents should be handed over in person, so as not to be taken by others.


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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-05-27至2019-06-02)

1.     變態控芯片賤人將多人同我併芯片, 眼部跟蹤我家中一切. 在法律上, 將他人眼跟蹤進入私人地方等同未經同意擅闖私人地方, 屬嚴重刑事罪行. 敬請留意!


2.     有人在空間以假的李兆基先生和劉鑾雄先生聲音作為招徠, 吸引投資者買賣股票, 實質上是以腦控方式欺騙投資者金錢. 望大家投資時, 小心謹慎, 以免受騙.


3.     當有人在空間被電子武器摧殘至死時, 腦控賤人刻意出來同受害者玩, 潛受害者聲, 大聲喧嘩作樂, 令死者家屬反感. 因大部份受害者都沒有眼部跟蹤, 並且被局部屏障, 不知發生何事, 只是在情緒影響下苦中作樂. 望死者家屬見諒!



4.     被腦控賣樓案例, 有長者在被腦控併芯片的情況下自己將物業出賣, 將金錢匯到不相熟者戶口後, 當上門收樓才醒覺物業已出售. 因整個交易程序都是業主自己處理, 所有人口供證實業主是處於清醒(被清醒人併芯片)的情況下, 又沒法提供被腦控的事實, 所以要追回物業很困難. 望長者小心, 將屋契交由銀行或子女保管較為安全.



5.     腦控空間經常聞到一股腐尸味, 據說是控芯片人將已死的人同遙控電子武器殺人犯併芯片, 令死者的尸臭味跟隨殺人犯作為懲罰. 我好奇的是, 人死後, 腦電波自然消失, 為何仍能傳播尸臭味? 據講, 當併死尸芯片時, 死尸復活, 潛聲時, 能講話, 但仍是死尸的模樣, 當芯片分開, 又恢復死亡, 有如我們電影所見的僵屍. 有人利用此種科技, 併死者芯片立遺囑和改遺囑, 實際上非死者的意願, 而是併芯片者的詭計.


6.     我的樣貌一天多變, 有時照鏡吓自己一跳. 近期將我同中國異見份子併芯片, 真不知變態控芯片賤人意欲何為?


7.     我住的大廈大部份住客都是律師和外籍教師, 但近期有娛樂圈三級女星同賊人入住, 並將同單位不同樓層的良家婦女同三級女星合併後在腦控空間以眼部跟蹤方式播放, 陷害良家婦女, 其中大部份是法律界單身女仕. 望本大廈業主小心挑選租客, 以免影響大廈的保安和聲譽.


8. 被告知, 有變態控芯片賤人在腦控機上做手腳, 令我腦部很多雜音, 長期局部智障, 令我執筆忘字, 書寫時感覺特別吃力. 另一方面, 腦控空間有人提出, 經常聽到我講話, 但他們同我講話時我聽不見, 很奇怪.



Mind control Space news this week (May 27 to June 02, 2019)


1. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a group of strangers, eyes tracking into my apartment, knowing my apartment everything, even personal belonging. Legally, group stalking same as trespass into private area without consent, it is a serious criminal offence. Keep your eyes out!

2. Some perps using false voices of Mr. Lee Shau-Kee and Mr. Joe Lau in the mind control space, taking the trick to attract investors to trade the stocks with intention. They used mind control technology to control the investors to buy and sell stocks to manipulate the stock market as their own.  
Mind your step to the trap!

3. When someone dead by electronic attacked in mind control space, the movie stars will come out to
present a false picture of peace and prosperity, play with the victims with loud and happy , making the family member of the deceased disgusted and misleading all people taking pleasure in others pain. It is so sorry, since all victims without eyes tracking, and partially block by the chip controller, they don’t know what happened in that moment, just playing under the influence of emotions as enjoy the hardships.


 4. Base on the case story, there is elderly people who sell his property being within the chip with perp in control. After all transaction completed, and the money remitted to someone unknown, whole property selling without owner’s own mind. The owner was wake up by the new owner when hand over the property. Show by prima facie, the whole procedures are handled by the owner himself. All the witnesses are confirmed that the owner with clear mind situation (actually within chip with clear mind perp), and the owner cannot provide the proofs that he is being mind controlled. Therefore, it is very difficult to get the property back. Warn to the elderly, your deeds safer to be kept by banks or your own children.
5. In the brain-controlled space, we often got a smells from dead body. It is said that the chip-controller within the dead body chip will the killer, the corpse smell is followed by the murderer as a punishment until the chip separated. I am curious, as I known, when certify the human body dead based on the brain stop working, when the brain stop working, how can the microwave connect to? Why the body still can spread the smell?  


According to the report, when live person within chip with the dead body, the dead body can have a movement with live person as live person wear a dead body clothing as cover, of Couse you listening the voice own by the live person, but the appearance own by dead body, like the zombies that we saw in the movies. Such make someone use this technology to have a fake sentence to making a will not the dead person’ will, But the chipmaker's tricks.


6. My appearance is changing day by day, sometimes I am scared by the mirror. In the near few days, I was being within chip with the dissidents of China. I don’t know what the wrong with metamorphosis chip controller, what are they intention for?

7. I residence in the apartment building, and the most of the residents are lawyers and foreign teachers, but recently there is a dirty movie actress together with thief are as tenancy, used difference floor but same flat to merged as movie and broadcasted to someone for eye tracking, the most of them are single women in the legal professional. Warn to the owner of my apartment building, carefully selects the tenants as responsibilities to protect the security and reputation of the building.

8. I was told by someone, the metamorphosis chip control making a serious tricky in brain control machine, which make my brain got a lot of noise, partially mental disorder, I can felt particularly difficult in writing, always forgot the words when I write. 


On the other hand, someone in mind control space said that often heard my brain sound, but I couldn’t hear them when they spoke to me. It was so strange?


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Mind Control News this week (May 20 to 26, 2019)


1. As said, HKRT used a turtle within chip with someone who done sexual harassment in mind control space, caused the metamorphosis one got the turtle smell. You can see the turtle broadcast all day in video. But I worry about the person mapping with turtle not only metamorphosis one but victims. 

2.     Someone pretending as richest man, provide a shield house for a girl who being mind control, when a girl want to the shield house, she being watch my the video all the time, also report to the policy for sexual harassment. Warn to the victims, be careful the trap set up by the perps. 

3. There are some disable perps in mind control space, used their disable legs mapping with victims, intended to hurt the victims for disable. There are over 100 people have been broken for hospital. As said, when the victim got hurt, the victimizer can got $100,000. when I ask why, the payer said he paid the compensation for victim via the victimizer, and the victimizer pocket the money, no his business. What the hell he said, unbelievable. 


4.     There are some awful happened this week. When I am in the bathroom, I can smell like marijuana. I am single. I never ever eat marijuana. How come got smell of marijuana? When I open the refrigerator, to smell very unpleasant, like stinky pig's visceral taste, we all know that the current supply of fresh pork was suspended in Hong Kong. How come the stinky smell from? I believe it is come from another person who mapping with me.

5. When you find that you want not to say any more in daily, or you forgot the completed sentence when talking, and even find it difficult to express what you thing about, it's not your brain being damaged, but your brain was being control by the metamorphosis chip controller who off your oral key, in order to control your verbal ability. I have been told that the metamorphosis chip controller had partially off my oral key for eight years, attempting to ruin my legal career with intention.

6.  Most people ask what I can do under mind control, in the one-on-one stalking situation, you can continue your career with pressure. If you are the main targeted object, in gang stalking with group of perps who turn-on your brain sound all the day, intercepting the thought not your own,
injured your brain and central nervous system by electronic weapon, that your entire career will be completely destroyed. Someone will choice travelling all the world to relax. But if your finance situation are not allowed that you can fight with it or wait for dying. So sad is it.

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Mind Control News this week (May 13 to 19, 2019)

Mind Control News this week (May 13 to 19, 2019)


1. There are many people in the brain-controlled space who have sore legs caused by uric acid. As known that when people being used as a positioning coved in the mind control space, the metamorphosis chip controller used off the urine key to keep the gang stalker concentration, sometimes off last over 8 hours, so most of them showed signs of uric acidosis.
According to the above, warn to the brain-controlled victims. When you find that you have more than 4 hours without going to the toilet and your legs are sore, you may be secreted being as a positioning system, so you should drink more water, eat some cucumbers, and keep activities to prevent being uric acidosis.

2. In near few years, I discovered that there are different kinds of insects invading my apartment.  Such case I never even saw before. There are 6-8 very beautiful tortoise beetles, oversized butterflies, Gecko and ants. They disappeared mysteriously after mysterious appearance. According to scientific explanation, it is caused by the change of the magnetic field. Why does it cause the magnetic field to change? The reason is that the chip controller within my chip with different people in different regions, the frequency around me will changes accordingly, so different insects appearance depends on difference people in difference regions that local produced. I asked the chip mapping person, such insects show in your side all the way, the answer is yes. So the conclusion is that the insects appears and disappears based on the volume of frequency.   

According to the above, I would like to give a suggestion to the restaurant, use a frequency rodent killer instead of rodenticide to ensure the safety of the diners.

3. This week's, the metamorphosis chip controller still remote-controlled electronic weapons caused headaches and physical fever to me and victims. The metal disable killer all from the entertainment industry, DJs and major media. For the above reasons, the well-known tycoons is Mr. Charles Ho in media industry and Mr Albert Yeung in entertainment industry, so they should bear legal responsibility for the negligent duty of management. I believe all our Hong Kong citizens have no objection to this.

Starting at 2:24 am on Monday (20th), the metamorphosis chip controller began to remotely control the electronic weapon attack victim's intensity headache until noon, still in continuous...

I have report to the police office by email at 11:52, and CC copy sent to Chief Executive's Office as well.

4. beginning this week, there are a lot of dirty movie starts in mind control space earn for live. Warn to the victims, Everyone should take care yourself and the children, don’t believed what they said about I got few children, I understood your feeling, they are all lie, they want to used your child as replace for them, since they harm many people in mind control space, worry about someone will revenge, so use your child to mapping the chip with their child as targeted replacement. Be careful!

5. There are many foreigners in the brain control space, and the manager of the space arranges a number of abnormal Chinese men to bully women, elderly and Children. It seems that the perps wants to show the weakest of Chinese people how to be birdbrain, how degenerate and incompetent to the world, only in capable in bully women and children. What is the motivation behind them?
Disgrace their own country?


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Mind Control News this week (May 6 to 12, 2019)


 The trouble maker this week: Cuson Law, Timothy Cheng, Ng Man Tat, Ivan Ho, Francis Ng, Gordor Lam, Jade Lau etc.


The persons for legal responsibility this week: Patrick Tse, Liza Wan, Sandra Ng.


1. Said Gordon Lam for get a Hong Kong Film Award, agreed to take care over 70 elders in mind control space for exchange. After got it, he never keep her promise, within the chips with over 70 elders to the victims, causing the victims felt the same pains of the elderly, and also causing victims image older soonest, reaction show slower than before.  We got a lots of complaints about inconveniences and injuries to the victims in life, work from the victims for mental abuse cases causing by within chip with elderly.

Even more ridiculous was merger of countless elders' chips with me, using my eyes as their eyes to saw all my life, even my home, seriously invading my privacy.  I with vigorously denounce to the brain control perps led by Gordon Lam and Cuson Law for above behaviors, I will reserve all my rights to take legal action.

2. Brain control monks forced victims to participate in remote electronic weapons to torture others for making money, otherwise will continue being electronic harassment, intended to turn victims into perpetrators for save the compensation. I have being tortured by electronic weapons for more than 30 years, I can feel the pain of victims same as mine, I never ever harm to the victims, I want to keep the right to pursue law for compensation.


3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a lots of people for 24 hours a day, shutting down my urinary key; sleep deprivation, merging multiple chips with me and even breathing together, which made me unable to sleep. When I ask why? Liza Wan’s sound answered that Eric Tsang offer $30,000 Hong Kong dollars for deprived sleeping to the victims. As I known, Eric Tsang has been imprisoned, why he do that, what is his real motivation and purpose?

4. When I went to the beauty salon for massage this week, the metamorphosis chip controller took turns to within my chip with 7 perps, including one more than 140 pounds. Because of the different body types, I feel nothing after massage, but all within chips perp got sore and pain in difference body part such as hands and shoulders.  They used their pains to within the chips with other victims, made the victims felt the same pain with them for fun. We are heartily piqued on their rascally and rogues behaviors.


5. I clarify again, there is no relationship between my family and Cai Lam, and even don’t know for each other.



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1. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller continuous remote control electronic harassed victims for headache. The controller who control my chip as known was cuson Law, He taking advantage of Hong Kong Radio's civil servant status, control my chip for opening my brain sound 7/24, made me suffer whole week headache. Also the relating persons who order to electronic harassment should taking legal liabilities were Liza Wan, DoDo Cheng, Dayo Wong, Sandra Ng, Peter Chan, Cai Lam and Joe Nieh etc.


2.  As said, Eric Tsang was arrested for violating people's privacy to making personal interests. According to brain-controlled space observers, after arrest and placed in a prison for few hour, he has within someone’s chip for outside social. (Eric Tsang's chip was combined with outside freedom man, used mind control to freedom man for any movement according to what he want, and the eyes stalking saw both of them were merged together acting freely outside.  The officer checking prison house, saw Eric Tsang still in prison house as asleep.) 


3. As said, Nancy Chit’s son, Paul Chun’s son together with Chu’s family of private detectives have illegally fled outside Hong Kong by container ship. According to the parties concerned, the voyage lasted about four days. After arriving at the shore of a small island, a car took them to a very hot place with no air conditioning and poor sanitation, even they did not know the address, and someone will give them meal boxes every day. But their brain sounds still in the brain-controlled space.


 On the other hand, Cai Lam and Joe Nieh have fled Taiwan, and the brain Sound still give command for electronic harass victims for headache.


Sometimes, when I posted the news about the artists or movie stars fled out of Hong Kong, the newspapers and magazines will post some information and photos to misled reader that their still in Hong Kong. The matter of fact, the newspapers and magazines post was some historical photos, and we try to send someone to the place of activities without seeing the parties at all. So it is let me know today's entertainment news only for fun without credibility, we can said it is a joke on you news.


4. The brain control perps used to control some of people in the fashion wholesale center, when some customers ordering or retailing, the perp order the sales to raising the price, and then pay the difference mark up to the perp, the buyers and sellers are both Complain that will lost a lots of business.

 5. Next week, The people who voluntarily to manger the brain control space are Patrick Tse, Liza Wan, Sandra Ng.

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1. During Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival, the brain control perp used the laser to project the image of the deceased family member in the victim's home, and chatted with the victim based on the information that obtained from the previous brain control, not only recall the love between each other’s, but the truth was defrauding money, remind to the victims, the scams are endless, be careful the traps.

2. This week, Alan Tan,
Chan and Eric Tsang took legal responsibility. They order Cai Lam, Joe Nieh, Chin Ka Lok, Cuson Law, Tsang Chi How, Francis Ng, Gordon Lam, Ivan Ho and others to remotely control electronic weapon causing headaches for me and the victims. Sleep deprivation continued 7 days in the evening. At the same time within my chip with stinky elders who got foul all the time as mental abuse. I have report to the police at noon on the 26th.

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with over 70 persons including my friends and family, used to torture me and harassed my friends, causing
widespread indignation and discontent
and. Also causing my weight increased from 83 lbs to 130 lbs, there are increased 10 lbs per day. It is incredible. My current physical load has been seriously damaged, and my joints are swollen and painful.

4. Once again, if you got someone else's chip, please submit it to the police for record. You need to know that you are not only taking a chip, but a human life, and the chip can expend to thousands of lives. If you cannot hand over the chip currently, please shut down the machine as soon as possible. Otherwise you may bear a legal responsibility for murder. As said that my main chips was distributed by Stephen Chow to Patrick Tse, Alan Tang, Simon Yam,
Cuson Law and Peter Chan. 

5. Brain control monks continue to spread rumors in the space, misleading the listener that torture me by within chip with over 70 persons and electronic harassment since I got their money. I should clarify again that I ever never obtained any money or remuneration from the brain control perps. The perps used the lie as an excuse to harass me, I will reserve the right to pursue the law for what they done to me.

6. The brain control perp uses the mentally disable person to keep the brain control machine and the chips, and then use chips combination to merger their body with mentally disable person and guide the mentally disable person to control the chips according to what they want. If one day, the disable person seized by the polices, the handicapped person who have an excuse for short term Jail.  And the other hand, the well-known person will use mentally disable person as brain sound inception, use to hide their well-known sounds. So please be careful to consider such situation when you judging the cases in the brain control space.

7. It has been mentioned that many victims got hair loss, the matter of fact was caused by within chip with the patient who got sick.  When the chips separated, the hair loss disappears instantly. This is purely caused by technology. , non-drugs can be cured.

8.  Some complaints from victims this morning. Yesterday the brain-controlled perps used electronic harassment as a threat, forced the victims to join the demonstration for against proposed extradition law. They refused to do since all victims did not want the mind control to continue, hope the government can revise the regulation for the mind control fugitives who have flee abroad can transfer back to Hong Kong for trial. The demonstration were called by the brain-controlled perps, and have HK$50.00 /person per hour. Most of the participants did not know, and the money was finally got by the perps. So it is shameful for the perps who for personal interest to force the victims to participate in the demonstration, force the victims to do something not their want!

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 1. After read my being mind control diary, someone asked how to determine who will taking legal responsibility? On what basis? I will rely on the following points to confirm.

 A. someone taking responsibility in mind control space in that day.
 B. Those whom giving order to monks for harm victims in the brain-controlled space;
 C. Owners of profits of interest;
 D. Those who use my chip without my consent;
 E. The managers who have an ability to stop but turn a blind eye for the perp who remote control electronic harassment.

This week, some people who meet above points and should took legal responsibility were Patrick Tse, Simon Yam, Stephen Chow, Sandra Ng, Peter Chan.

2. This week, there are new discoveries on the chips combination. When the people in the typhoon area within the chip with someone who in quiet area, the quiet person can felt the strong wind and the terrace objects are also blown up. When the chips are separated, instantly respond to a quiet environment. I believe this is what the perps said that they have an ability to control the wind and rain on their own.

The same principle, sometime when you felt the new air conditioner is not cold, it is not your air conditioner got problem, but the person merges someone who in a hot place without air conditioner.  Such as bringing you to his hot environment, so you cannot feeling what about air conditioner on or off.

Based on the above two points, I believe that some of the brain control perps who fled to live in the typhoon's tropical islands. I hope that the newly revised "Criminal Extradition Ordinance" will pass as soon as possible and can take them back to Hong Kong for trial.



3. This week, the brain control monks use cheap tricks to control victims poo and pee, They used to control the poo and pee at several time per day, making the victims going to toilet frequently. During the Easter holiday, most of people going out busy for shopping and travelling, but also busy looking for toilet too. The chip controller was got seriously sick in mind.

4. This week, someone was found out that the top model company got a mind control machine and several chips, and report detail address in mind control space, At that time, there were many government officials and police officers in the space, but everyone ignored them, not take any action. Such made me despair of the law enforcement once again.

5. This week, the metamorphosis chip control turn-on my brain sound 24/7, sleep deprivation, also within my chip with someone who got sleep apnea, so I have to sitting to sleeping. On the other hand, continuous remote control electronic harassment for headache.

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 1. After read my being mind control diary, someone asked how to determine who will taking legal responsibility? On what basis? I will rely on the following points to confirm.

 A. someone taking responsibility in mind control space in that day.
 B. Those whom giving order to monks for harm victims in the brain-controlled space;
 C. Owners of profits of interest;
 D. Those who use my chip without my consent;
 E. The managers who have an ability to stop but turn a blind eye for the perp who remote control electronic harassment.

This week, some people who meet above points and should took legal responsibility were Patrick Tse, Simon Yam, Stephen Chow, Sandra Ng, Peter Chan.

2. This week, there are new discoveries on the chips combination. When the people in the typhoon area within the chip with someone who in quiet area, the quiet person can felt the strong wind and the terrace objects are also blown up. When the chips are separated, instantly respond to a quiet environment. I believe this is what the perps said that they have an ability to control the wind and rain on their own.

The same principle, sometime when you felt the new air conditioner is not cold, it is not your air conditioner got problem, but the person merges someone who in a hot place without air conditioner.  Such as bringing you to his hot environment, so you cannot feeling what about air conditioner on or off.

Based on the above two points, I believe that some of the brain control perps who fled to live in the typhoon's tropical islands. I hope that the newly revised "Criminal Extradition Ordinance" will pass as soon as possible and can take them back to Hong Kong for trial.



3. This week, the brain control monks use cheap tricks to control victims poo and pee, They used to control the poo and pee at several time per day, making the victims going to toilet frequently. During the Easter holiday, most of people going out busy for shopping and travelling, but also busy looking for toilet too. The chip controller was got seriously sick in mind.

4. This week, someone was found out that the top model company got a mind control machine and several chips, and report detail address in mind control space, At that time, there were many government officials and police officers in the space, but everyone ignored them, not take any action. Such made me despair of the law enforcement once again.

5. This week, the metamorphosis chip control turn-on my brain sound 24/7, sleep deprivation, also within my chip with someone who got sleep apnea, so I have to sitting to sleeping. On the other hand, continuous remote control electronic harassment for headache.

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1.  When I arrived in Melbourne the next day, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic weapon caused me seriously headache, which made me unable to get out of bed for 24 hours. At the same time, they took turns nuisance me with difference brain sound.  At the third day continued remote electronic weapon made me mild to moderate headache. The madness perp was intended to kill my life. The people who should take a responsibility for such electronic harassment will be Simon Yam Tat Wah, Stephen Chow, Cai Lam and Joe Nieh etc.


2.     On Sunday (April 14) at about 1 pm, the metamorphosis chip controller caused a victim's right leg to a fracture, and then within my chip with fracture victim, causing my right leg seriously painful. The trouble maker was Tsang Wei Ming and his brother.


3. The metamorphosis chip controller brain control my friend's, misled my friend that I may in dangerous, hire them to used eye stalking to trace me in mind control space and agreed to pay. That means used my friend to invade my privacy. They kept making excuses to harass me, and charged my friends with protection fees. Finally, When my friends ask for pay, the perp threatening my friend if you want to get pay, you should remote control electronic weapons made me a headache. Force my friend give up for my safety. Warn to my friends, don’t trust the perps, in case of being forced, made a excuses and out of door to avoid invading the privacy of others, because most times The person you are tracking is not me, but the person who the perp want to track and used my friend as the positioning system.

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Mind control news this week (April 1 to 7, 2019)

 The human brain is divided into left and right halves, but the functions are quite different. The left brain mainly controls knowledge, judgment, thinking, etc., and has a close relationship with the consciousness. The right brain is self-contained, capable of exerting its own imagination, thinking, and imaging ideas, and has an excellent function as a storyteller. If it is the left brain, no matter how you rack your brains, it has its limits. However, as long as the memory of the right brain is combined with thinking ability, it can be connected with pure thinking and image thinking without language. The original concept will be magically triggered.

I am a jewelry designer. The operation of the right brain is especially important to me. But the brain
controller has long-term remote control of electronic weapons attacking my right brain. The purpose is to and ruin my talent of design, make me loss my creativity. As said, before I awake being mind control, these are 10 person paid for eyes stalking my design drawing every day, after I known be mind control, I stopped designing. So the perps remote control electronic weapon attacked my right brain for revenge.

2. According to the credible news about the brain control machine, when the brain control machine is connected with the beauty machine, The controller can adjust the age, appearance and skin quality of the being brain control person at will. The controller adjusts my age Up to 70, 20 years higher than my actual age, and also made a 50% change in my appearance, intended to prematurely aging me. It seems to intentionally kill me in advance.  And I am not only one victim as know.

1. 人的腦分為左、右兩半部, 而功能卻大不一樣。左腦主要控制著知識、判斷、思考等,和顯意識有密切的關係。 右腦具有自主性,能夠發揮獨自的想像力、思考,把創意圖像化,同時具有做為一個故事述說者的卓越功能。如果是左腦的話,無論是你如何的絞盡腦汁,都有它的極限。但是右腦的記憶力只要和思考力一結合,就能夠和不靠語言的前語言性純粹思考、圖像思考連結,而獨創性的構想就會神奇般的被引發出來。

我是一位首, 右腦的運對我特別重要. 但腦殘賤人長遙控電子武我右腦, 其目的是令我沒法發我的創, 我設計的才華. 在我未知自被腦控前, 每日設計時, 10個人付款腦控人眼部跟, 當我知被腦控後, 已停設計, 此有如斷腦控人收入, 所以賤人長期遙控電子武我右腦以作報

2. 對腦控機了人仕的可信消, 當腦控機同美容機連接時, 可以隨意調被腦控者的年, , . 而控機者將我的年調高至70, 比我實20, 同時將我的樣也作出50%的改, 意在將我提前衰老. 似是有意將我提前死亡而受害者不只我一個.

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1.  本週腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛, 雖然力度減輕, 但每天長時間折磨, 令人精神狀態日趨疲累. 據說腦控空間有大佬提出, 誰人缺錢, 等錢用就於空間遙控電子武器害人賺錢, 即大部份都是為錢自願以害人為生, 並不是被強迫. 本週以遙控電子武器害人為生者薛家燕, 林盛斌, 方中信, 倪震, 蔡瀾, 劉玉翠, 張松枝, 吳震宇, 吳孟達, 陳文輝, 鄧英敏, 陳可辛等.


2.     綜合已往8, 腦控賤人所作所為目的是精神折磨, 將人提前老化.

以我個人為例, 每天24小時全開我腦音, 將我的所思所想由腦音在空間即時播放, 同時將他人虛假思維潛入, 由我腦音播出誤導聽者; 將不相識的陌生人不停腦音滋擾;晚間睡眠剥奪, 將有睡眠窒息症者同我併芯片, 令我沒法進入深層睡眠; 每天不停遙控電子武器令我頭痛; 將不同痛症的病患者同我併芯片, 令我一人感受所有病患者的痛楚; 長時間將便溺, 便秘的老朽同我併芯片將我提前老化. 喪心病狂地精神虐待, 其行徑有如精神失常上癮的冷血虐待狂.

很多年輕受害者經此一役後, 最輕者需3年物理治療, 心理治療才能達致身心平衡. 嚴重者大多精神失常和被自殺死亡. 大家切不同低估腦控對受害者身心所造成的永久不可磨滅的慘痛記憶和傷害. 不要被腦控人嘻皮笑臉所迷惑, 要看清笑臉背後的微波有如慢性毒藥般侵害我們人腦的意志和記憶.

專家呼籲受害者要多運動, 每天一杯鮮奶, 一隻雞蛋, 一隻香蕉, 多進食抗氧化食物. 切不可吸毒和服食軟性毒品加重腦部的傷害.


3.     本週變態控芯片賤人將眼睛老化的長者同我併芯片, 令我書寫, 閱讀困難.

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