Monita Choi's Posts (246)

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1. Recently children being brain control problems are becoming more serious:

In daily
The metamorphosis chip controller combined the chip between the sleep apnea patients and children, caused the child die from suffocation; Also combined the chips by adults and children, because they are difference in height, so that adults and children have a same effect of sore leg , and the adults must bend their bodies when sleep; And the other hand, the metamorphosis chip control used to within himself chip with child, and then put his feet unbalance or within the child’s chip with someone who disable, made the children falling down and got serious hurt in body.

In study
When the children in class, the metamorphosis chip controller make the children as position system, close their thinking key, caused the children cannot thinking, always got blank in mind, can't absorb the knowledge in class. When exam, the metamorphosis chip controller with the child’s chip with someone who got mentally disorder, caused the child got zero mark in exam.

In the health
Many children are treated as medical research experiments without the parents' approved. made the children are constantly experiencing microwave symptoms and the parents are too tired to take care of them.

Who can tell me when is the end of mental torture to the citizens? It is not answer may far away not end in sign.


2. The Rubella is also known as "German Measles", It is caused artificial research or natural disaster? It is difficult to make a conclusion, in the fact of our knowledge that combined chips can cause microwave measles as a mode of transmission. When you got same symptoms, you should honest tell doctor you being mind control, that can help the doctor got a right diagnosis, to avoid becoming a real measles.


3. I was sleeping deprived last night. It is said that due to the foreign visit of the Chinese President, the media is doing news tracking in the brain-controlled space, used the victims as GSP in order to cover their identity of the eavesdropping, and the victims without any audio and visual, but cannot fall asleep. why chosen me, I guess the perp know I will attend a legal professional examination at China, so intend to screw me up.

1.     據了解, 目前兒童被腦控問題日趨嚴重:



 有變態控芯片賤人將睡眠窒息症病患者同兒童併芯片睡覺, 令兒童因窒息瘁死; 將成年人同小童併芯片, 因身高相差太大, 令成年人和小童都有腿酸痛的感覺, 且成年人必須彎曲身體才能入睡; 最卑鄙的是有變態控芯片賤人將自己同小童併芯片, 然後將腳部斜放或者同有腳患者併芯片, 害小童不停跌倒損傷. 


 當小童上堂時, 變態控芯片賤人將小童作定位系統, 關閉其思維掣, 令他們腦中一片空白, 對知識沒法吸收. 當考試時, 將智障人仕同小童併芯片, 令其沒法作答. 


很多兒童在家長不知情的情況下, 被當成醫學研究實驗品. 令到兒童身體不斷出現, 而家長疲於照顧.

到底腦控對市民的精神折磨何時能結束? 相信是遙遙無期. 


2.     對於目前的流行性病毒-痲疹, 是人為或是天災? 很難下定論, 但併芯片可導致微波痲疹確是鐵一般的事實. 當自知被腦控患者, 見醫生時必須誠實告知醫生, 以免演變成真痲疹.


3.     昨晚整夜被睡眠剥奪, 據說是因中國國家主席外訪, 傳媒在腦控空間做新聞跟蹤, 為掩護自已竊身份, 將受害者作為定位併芯片, 受害者感覺有如失眠, 沒有任何視聽. 至於為何偏偏選中我, 賤人知我計畫到中國參加法律專業試, 所以處心積累陷害.


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Continue to last issue

4. Continue to the last issue, the brain control machine destroys by focus system of radar. As the machine owner said, the machine was bought from their big brother after big brother got a new one, the new machine is more powerful than the old one. so we have to take all precautions against it.


5. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got intestinal parasites. I was known since I stick a magnet on my navel, when I felt the skin around the navel itchy, like the bite of the insect. That it is intestinal parasites patient. When the chips separated or removing the magnet, the itching disappeared.

4.    接上期披露有關腦控機在公海貨輪被爆炸後, 資料補充, 因大佬買入新的腦控機, 將舊機賣與下屬, 而被爆炸的是舊機. 所以仍然要小心防範, 新機比舊機更具威力.




5.    本週變態控芯片賤人將肚生蟲者同我併芯片, 因我長期將磁石貼於肚臍, 所以感覺到肚臍周圍皮膚痕癢, 有如蟲咬的感覺, 將芯片分開或者除下磁石時, 痕癢感消失.

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Mind control News this week (March 11 to 17, 2019)


1. The brain control perp used my own name to sell the Jammer for block mind control to the victims. Warn to victims for careful, all Jammer cannot taking effect, the perp only for cheating money. I have not yet see the available jammer or shield machine up today, Still in looking for…

2. This week, the cough is still continuing. Now I understood that someone use the brain control machine to connect to the medical machine. One of the functions is to click the cough point on the map of human body in computer. Continuing to hit the cough point will cause bleeding and loss of sound. I have been misunderstood to present that it was caused by within the chip with cough patient. The fact is I being a experiment as white mouse without self-concern. Solution: Use a powerful magnet place on your own acupoints to interference the medical computer, or a water bag. Place on the acupoint for cough soothing.

The brain control machine connects to the medical machine also has another function. Hit the acupuncture point in the map of the human body in computer, can make your skin feel hot and itchy, if you keeping itching by hand, finally it will form the illusion of skin allergies. Solution: When you feel hot, wash by clean water or iceberg.

Now we can proved that all of the above are microwave symptoms, which are the illusion of high-tech, rather than your own problem of health, so the victim should be careful when using the drug to avoid becoming a real patient.


It also explains why the respiratory syndrome and skin allergies continue to spread recently, and explains why the vaccine cannot taking effect.

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who the nose sore because of drug abuse. The strange thing is that when I touch my nose, I can feel the nose sore, when I use the paper towel, I can see the blood flowing out. But after the chip separated, my hand touched my own nose is completely smoothly, without any scars and flaws. It is so strange! Still looking for answers...

1.     腦控空間賤人用本人之名, 以向受害者出售反腦控屏蔽器為虛, 為實. 望受害者小心為盼. 我自至目, 仍未見過屏蔽器, 仍在努力找尋中


2.     本週咳, 據了解, 有人利用腦控機接醫療機, 其中有一功能是按人穴位圖示, 穴位, 可令人長時至出血和失聲. 我之前一直誤以為是同咳者併芯片所致, 原來真正的原因是在不知的情, 做了腦控人的白老. 方法: 用強力磁石放於自穴位干電子設, 或者用水袋放於穴位以作舒.


        腦控機接醫療機有另一功能, 按人穴位圖示, , 可令你皮有炙痕癢的感, 當你不停搔, 會形的假. 方法: 當感, 用清水洗或者冰竅.


現在證明以上都是微, 是高科出來的假, 而非關自身健, 所以受害者在用藥時需小心謹慎, 以免演成真病.


同時也解了為何近中東呼綜合症和皮的原因, 更解了為何疫會失效.


3.  本週變態控芯片賤人將因吸而引起鼻瘡者同我併芯片, 的是當我用手摸時可感到鼻瘡, 用紙巾搽抺時可見到血水流出. 但當芯片分開後, 手摸到的是自白滑的鼻, 沒有任何傷痕與瑕. 奇怪! 仍在找


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 1. There is a list of salary that record all staff name work on mind control space. According to someone’s sentence that my name on the list, but never get paid, and Sheren Tang was earning to living in space, but his name not on the list, and my own salary was separated paid to Eric Tsang, Pang Ho-Cheung and Sheren Tang. The reason was that I refuse to follow perps’ order to tortured the victims in the space. If all above was true, I don’t mind, I only want my freedom, why don’t they let me go, force me to stay in space. The answer is the payer paid by specifies condition that must keep me in space, about the salary whom they paid to was not in payer’s concern.  So I have reasonable grounds to believe that the payer is the chief culprit to pay for the perps to mind control me.


 2.     This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got flu and cough, which makes me have the same microwave symptoms. When I stay in the crowded place, the perp made me cough and I can felt the afraid of the people around me, I cannot explain that was no virus infection only microwave effect one by one, which makes me so embarrassed. Hong Kong in the peak of the flu near time. The public all afraid to the "flu". The government hospitals all over occupied.  For the sake of self-interest, the metamorphosis mind control perps disregard social responsibility and use the health of the citizens as the individual purpose for making money. It is too shameless and hateful!

3.  According to the news sources, the brain-controlling monk placed a brain-controlled machine on a cargo ship parking on high seas for about 3 years, and was sunk by the Chinese radar focus system in few days ago. It is said since the monk focus on the members whom participants of the Beijing People's Congress, and remote control electronic weapon harassment caused.

4. Due to the expiration of the Home Visit Permit this week, when I going to the renewal of the certificate, the metamorphosis chip controller within me chip with someone who got big eye bag and dark circle in right side, made my eye unbalance which document photo showing not my own image. After this time, I worry about that I will face the same problem when I renew my ID card. Although the system is identified by the iris, but I don't want to see my photo in the documents are strange one. 

I sincere request the government departments put a mind control shielding system in the photo area, let us all of victims can see our own face in the ID card, even our own face had lost far ago.

1.     空間有份工作人員名單, 都是受薪. 據拜讀過名單人士聲稱, 其中有我的名字存在, 而鄧萃雯一直在空間以害人為生, 却不在名單中, 而是將我在空間的薪金部分付給彭浩翔和鄧萃雯. 原因是我不肯按他們指示在空間害人. 令我不明白的是既然我不願打賤人工, 按理應放人, 為何要強迫我留在空間. 答案是付薪金者指定我必須在空間才支付人工, 但奇怪的是並非支付我本人. 所以我有合理的理據相信薪金支付者是用錢支付腦控賤人害我的罪魁禍首.



2.     本週腦控賤人將傷風感冒咳嗽的病患者同我併芯片, 令我有相同的微波病徵. 特別在人多的地方, 令到週邊的人惶恐, 我又不能逐一解釋是微波效應, 不會有病毒傳染, 令我十分尷尬. 香港近期是流感高峰期, 市民聞流感色變. 而各大政府醫院也己到人滿之患. 腦控賤人為了一己私利, 罔顧社會責任, 以市民的健康作為個人賺錢的目的. 實在是太無恥和可惡!




3.     據消息人士透露, 有腦控賤人將一部腦控大機放於公海的輪船上, 被中方的雷達聚焦系統擊沉. 據講與此次北京人大會議參會者被電子武器攻擊有關.




4.     本週因回鄉證到期, 前往換證時, 腦控賤人將兩邊大細眼, 右眼大眼袋和黑眼圈者同我併芯片, 令拍證件相出來的結果其樣貌非我自己所屬. 經過今次, 不禁令我擔心來緊換身份證時將會面對同樣的問題. 雖然是以虹膜為身份識別, 但當見到證件中照片很陌生時心中總不是滋味. 希望政府有關部門在拍照區增設腦控屏蔽系統, 令一眾被腦控受害者能見到自已久違了的真面目.



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1.     At home inventory, I lost a Lesportsac backpack, a LV monogram handbag with the same clothing accessories, also a pair of Tods shoes found which lost before, but the soles have been worn. My apartment’s doors and windows were not broken, suspected thieves trespass by key.  I can't understand why all my bags and shoes have been used, and it is not a most expensive product. Why the thieves targeted?  Also the previously lost 7 big albums have not been returned.

2.    This week's gossip news; The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with legs disable patient, which made my legs joint pain and weakness;  

When you heard Bob Lam’s voice appeared in mind control space, you can ignore it since all lies for misleading;

It is said that someone force Francis Ng to remote control electronic harassed victims in exchange for the academy award for best actor. True or dare?

In the near time, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got the problems with the respiratory tract, Nasal congestion, Congestion and super fatty person. According to the parties, said Joe Nieh received their money to for eye stalking me, it may relevel to Cai Lam, but I still not yet confirmed. 

3.     In the last issue, I talking about the perps used mind control technology to pull pranks on someone by within the low IQ chip with high IQ person for long-time, which made the high IQ person to lower his intelligence as Low IQ one. On the contrary, some parents may use such method by within chip with elites of school in order to increasing their children knowledge. But they never know, the metamorphosis chip controller within their children’s chip with one elite, also secretly within an idiot, also putting idiot in the first thinking place, which made your child sometime naive. Remind to parents, take your time with love to train your children during their grow up. Knowledge must to learn and absorb by themselves. There is no quick way for successful. Within chip will make your children being manipulate by someone for them entire life.

4. There is a list in the brain control space, which listing the detail number and name by the time when being mind control, so that the chip maker can clearly identify it. After then, some perps rearrange the number to confuse the user.

As said, the metamorphosis perp pays HK$10,000 per month as bait to recruit someone for keep the mind control machine with chips of victims. Most of them are kept by drug dealer and someone who need money urgently. They must turn on the machine for 24 hours every day that perp used for electronic harassment and gang stalking as positioning system. When victims suffered attack and ask the chip keeper to shut down the machine, the metamorphosis perp refuse and threat the chip keeper never shut down, otherwise will not get pay. Made the chip keeper for money to ignore victim’s life

On the other hand, the brain control perps replace the chip of the victim with evil one, and hand over to the good person for safe and lie to good people which chip for them own and their relatives, so most of the good people keep for themselves not for paid, and they shut down the machine all the time. Who knows when they relatives being killed by electronic harassment, they are being blame and blackmailed which they don’t know they kept one not really the died one. So remind readers never take the chip for others, it is a serious criminal offence. You should remember each chip is equivalent to a life.


1.  家居盤點時, 發現Lesportsac背包一個, LV monogram手袋一個同一些衣物配件不翼而飛, 而一對Tods皮鞋失而復得, 但鞋底已穿. 門窗沒有被爆破, 懷疑賊人是用鎖匙開門. 最令我百思不得其解的是所有袋和鞋都是已用過, 也不是特別貴價的產品, 為何賊人偏偏選中? 不解! 而之前遺失的大相簿仍未歸還.


2 本週雑碎; 變態控芯片賤人將我同不良於行患者併芯片, 令我雙腿關節痛和無力


在腦控空間聽到林盛斌聲音出現時即代表他所講的全屬虛構. 敬請留意




近期持續有呼吸道有問題, 鼻塞, 痰塞的肥胖變態賤人同我併芯片, 據當事人講是倪震收他們錢, 帮他們控芯片跟蹤我, 相信同蔡瀾有關係, 但仍未聽到倪震腦音確認.


3.  上期提到腦控賤人整蠱人的方法, 將低智能的人同高智能的人長時間併芯片, 令高智能者低智化. 相反有人為了培養自己的子女, 將精英同自己子女併芯片, 但並沒有將自已子女精英化而不解, 查核後, 原來被整盎. 腦控賤人將2位精英同他併芯片, 但暗中將一位智障也同他併芯片, 並將智障思維放於第一位, 令原本肓苗變成鋤苗. 在此提醒各位家長, 培養小朋友成長是需要時間和精神, 知識是要靠自己學習吸收, 沒有速成法. 併芯片方法只會令你的小朋友一世受人牽制.


4.  在腦控空間有份名單, 將在空間所有人以被腦控時間順序編號和人名列出, 令用芯片者清楚識別. 後期有人將芯片重新排列, 混淆用家


腦控賤人最新方法是將受害者的芯片以每月一萬元作為誘惑, 大部份放於吸毒者或急需用錢的人保管, 要他們24小時開機, 以便變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器摧殘和併芯片作為定位系統. 當保管到最後幾天. 腦控賤人遙控電子武器劇烈摧殘受害者, 保管者為保受害者生命要求關機時, 放芯片者揚言如關機. 將拒支付一萬元保管費, 令保管者為賺取一萬元而見死不救.


另一方面, 腦控賤人將受害者的芯片同賤人家屬的芯片掉換, 將賤人家屬的芯片交好人保管, 因大部份好人都不收費, 拿到芯片後長時間關機, 不受賤人控制, 再加上以為保管的芯片是自己朋友和親人, 更加盡心盡力去保護. 誰知自己的朋友和親人的芯片在賤人手中被摧殘, 自已盡心保護的竟是劊子手的家人. 當自己親人和朋友被死亡時以為關自己事而一世內咎 更甚者被賤人冤枉勒索. 所以提醒讀者, 切不可輕言保管他人芯片, 此屬觸犯嚴重刑事罪行. 每條芯片等同一條生命. 切記切記!


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  1. Why today’s Hong Kong becoming depression in economy, all since brain control. The brain control of perps who are constantly controlling electronic weapons caused the public got microwave symptoms to increase the drugs turnover, and then part of profit contributed to media by buy advertised in TV, radios and newspapers. monopolizing the pharmacy market with media support.


    On the other hand, for increasing the sales volume of newspaper, the mind control perps used the computer commend to stop internet access that someone who reading the news in internet, forced the reader to buy newspaper, because only newspapers can read advertising that they want you to read. Above convicted 4 criminals for brain control, electronic harassment, market monopolizing, access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent. The major of economy controlled by a small group of mind control perps in present Hong Kong, I believe that well known by all citizen, but not one dare to speak out under the pressure. 


2.     Some readers keep to asked why you disclose the real names of movie stars and DJs on the blog. Don’t you worry about being sued? I never worry about being sued. The reason is what I said is true, even sometimes may have judgment error but all causing by perps misleading. And the other hand, the arbitration rule shows that all the benefit of the doubts goes to the defendant, so I hope they will take an action to sue me, but I keep waiting and waiting up to 7 years long, no one has ever filed a lawsuit against me. That means I wrote everything based on the fact of true.


3. In the past 7 years, I got to saw a lot of unfair case in brain control space that happening to my friends and victims. A super mother who how to educated her three children becoming professional persons with hard and heart, after then the metamorphosis chip controller within her chip with someone who got cognitive slowly disease, made her got same effect and appearance shows older than nature; a genius gentlemen became a vulgar person with garbage sentence; how many hard-working people being tortured to psychogenic illness:  how many hard study students being mentally retarded; how many young people are got older in advance; how many person being thinking interference to unable for reading. Someone said that have been unable to read for 5 years, I said you are better than me, I have been unable to concentrate for reading more than 7 years. More and more the parents who sacrificed for themselves to protect children. How many innocent super brain persons, tough persons being mass psychogenic illness by mind control.  The remains were some mediocre, silly and stupid persons whom rely on mind control machine to make a living. So cheeky and despicable.

4. This week, the metamorphosis chip control within my chip with some people whom got stuffy nose, congestion, respiratory problems, which made me breathless.


5.     A senior woman has been passively within my chip for a long time without knowing. I don't know who she is, cannot communication with her, someone said she is a jewelry merchant, also there are several thieves in the space to watch and within her chips, I guess the thieves may be planning for robbery case. Watch up!

6. Recently, so many car accidents in Hong Kong since fatigue driving, but attacked by electronic weapons.  As a friend experience, when you feel fell asleep, sip and keep water in the mouth to prevent traffic accidents. It may work for above case.

7. When some people have a meeting in mind control space at mid-night, the chip controller may block me up, I can sleep peacefully. But when the meeting finished around 2 o'clock in the morning, the chip controller is fully turn-on my brain sound, used few person’s brain wave to interference and intercepting false thinking, made me sleep deprivation until the morning time. What is the purpose of the chip controller? I believe such operation must with something in secret that we unknown.

1.     造成今時今日香港零售業, 製造業百業萧條的局面, 全賴腦控. 腦控賤人不停遙控電子武器令市民有微波痛症, 增加藥物銷量, 再將銷售所得的部份利潤以賣廣告方式進貢電台和報紙傳媒, 壟斷市場. 另一方面, 對習慣於網上讀報者, 施與電腦指令暫停上網, 被逼要買報紙, 因只有報紙才能讀到廣告. 如是者, 構成腦控, 欺凌, 壟斷, 不當使用電腦四罪, 一切由一小撮人操控而成當今的局面, 相信大家都有目共睹, 但敢怒而不敢言. 但此只是冰山一角.


2.     經常有人問我將娛樂圈中之真人真事真姓名在博客披露, 不擔心被他們起訴嗎 我從不擔心被起訴, 原因是我所講都是事實, 就算有判斷上的錯誤, 都是腦控人所造成. 再加上腦控舉証困難, 所有疑點得益歸於被告, 所以我希望他們告我. 但等足了7年之久, 仍未見有人向我提出起訴, 實感遺憾!


3.     在過去的7, 我在腦控空間見了很多不平事發生於身邊朋友和受害者身上. 一位含辛茹苦培育三位子女成為專業人仕的超級好媽媽, 竟然被腦控賤人併芯片, 令她變成反應遲緩, 老態龍鍾;  一位學富五車的學者, 被賤人腦控後, 變成出言粗俗的市井小民; 多少勤力做事的人被精神折磨和滋擾, 多少努力讀書的莘莘學子被智障; 多少年輕者被提前老化; 多少被思維干擾至沒法正常閱讀, 有人概嘆已5年沒法閱讀, 我笑說比我好, 我多你2,7年沒法集中精神閱讀; 更多的是為了自己子女而牺牲的父母. 腦控害死多少無辜的智者, 學者, 強者, 剩下的只是依靠腦控機害人為生的庸碌之輩, 厚顏無恥的卑鄙小人. 可悲也!


4.     本週變態控芯片賤人將我同鼻塞, 痰塞, 呼吸道有問題者併芯片, 令我呼吸極之不暢順.


5. 有位高齡女士長期被動地同我併芯片而不自知, 我不知道她是何人? 不能對話, 據說是做珠寶生意, 同時有幾個賊在空間窺伺並併她芯片, 相信已成為賤賊的目標.


6. 近期經常有司機因被電子武器攻擊而在駕駛期間昏昏欲睡, 有朋友獻計, 當覺眼瞓時, 口中含一口水, 可防發生交通意外, 大家不妨試試.


7. 當晚間有人在空間開會時, 控芯片賤人將我屏蔽, 我可以寧靜地睡眠, 但當開完會後, 一般在零晨2左右, 控芯片賤人即全開我腦音, 同時潛聲, 虛假思維, 令我沒法入睡, 睡眠剥奪至早晨時份. 控芯片賤人此舉目的為何? 實不得而知, 相信其中必有不可告人的秘密.

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This week, Head by Albert Yeung,  

Paid to giving order for torture victims: Sandra Ng, Cai Lam

Trouble markers: Patrick Tse, Ray Lui, Kong Lau, Kong Tsang, Bowie Wu, Ivan Ho, Joe Nieh, Louis Koo etc. 

All above remote control electronic weapons tutored victims for money in mind control space.

On Monday (February 11), headed by Chow Yun-fat, instructed by Francis Ng, within my chip with the animal perp to remote-controlled electronic weapon caused me 3-5 degree headaches from 00:40 to 13:00 in the noon, and still continue…, during sleeping time, they awakened me up every hour. When I woke up, the animal perp also woke up to continued remote control of electronic weapons made me headaches.

1. According to the restaurant staff information, Bob Lam impersonated my name call up the staffs thought the WeChat app for demonstrate, and then keep the transportation fee for himself that deserved for everybody after the demonstration. If too busy to rejected whom will suffer difference type of harassment. Therefore, they complained to me when I went to restaurant.  


Remind to the people who want to participate in the demonstrations. you should find out what is the purpose of action in advance. Who is responsible? To avoid becoming the idiot. 


I set up the Alliances of the law actions against mind control, never call-on anyone to participate in demonstrations, please pay the attention to my blog will appreciate.


2. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who want to toilet, so that I have the same feeling and go to the toilet at the same time. I curiously why they done that suck? What is their purpose and motivation?

3. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with the sick elders in long-time, made me present older. When within my chip with someone who got muscle contractures, I saw a cutis laxa senilis and muscle contractures old woman at the mirror. OMG, it is frightening and horrible. Someone said such only the fake image, when the chips separated, you can have your own body back. But according to the professional said,  when you within the chip with older one in long-term, you never back to you own young body, which will destroy your body various organs and showing in steps old to older.

As far as I know, the brain control machine have a function to adjust the age to up and down. The exactly range was unknown. If you use the computer to adjust to premature aging, you can call back young. But if within the chips with sick and older persons, which is difficult to returned youth. from the above, we can know the truth. I never thought the movie stars can be so insidious and wicked, used cheap tricky to against the innocents. But the matter of fact, they torture the victims all the time without any reason.


4. Eye tracking the sexual assaulter being castrated, and put in a lot of insects in cut wound for three days, then burned, after that used garbage trucks for clean to landfill. WOU, this is really a big move!   But at the same time, it also calls on the victims to remain calm and sensible. It is a criminal offence to abuse lynching. The big brother was watch, don’t be prison. 


5. The metamorphosis chip controller used the victims as GSP to within chip for someone to Eavesdropping and tracking, they earn a lots of money by chip control, and then when someone remote control electronic for harassment, the chip controller also put my chip in for money earn again. As I know, the electronic harassment caused the pain for increase the medicine turnover. But when I know that all pains are caused by electronic weapons, I stop medicine, why the metamorphosis chip controller still got the profit from me. As said, no matter you got the medicine, they count the number of person for money. The controller used me for within chip in sparkle way multiple spread out, I am not a only one, but a lots of victims involving, the exactly number of people unable estimated.

6. This week's the metamorphosis chip controller keeping remote-controlled electronic weapons made me 1-5 degree headaches, and continued to within my chip with few sick and older people for torture. Their evil purpose was show as known.

7. As said the brain control machine used in Hong Kong with mainly functions was used to control prisoners, but now it is used to tortured the innocent people for personal gain. And the government has turned a blind eye. Why? Why Hong Kong becoming mind control city, and some citizen being harassment with unknown. As you can see the pharmacy is more than food store in Hong Kong. Why?

本週以楊受成為首, 吳君如, 蔡瀾付款, 謝賢, 呂良偉, 劉江, 曾江, 胡楓, 何守信, 倪震, 古天樂在腦控空間遙控電子武器作孽害人. 

期一(211), 以周潤發為首, 吳鎮宇指使, 將遙控電子武的畜牲同我併芯片, 由零晨12:40分開, 每小時喚, 我醒時, 也醒, 遙控電子武令我3-5級頭, 電子武至早上13:00, 仍在持


1.     據餐廳員工透露, 林盛斌利用我的名義, 以微信方式, 召集餐廳員工去示威游行後將示威游行人仕應得的車馬費中飽私囊, 有員工因實在太忙拒絕而遭到腦控滋擾, 故而向我投訴. 望有心參加示威游行人士, 事先需搞清楚所為何事? 誰人負責? 以免受無恥之徒欺騙. 我是反腦控訴狀大聯盟, 從未召集任何人仕參加示威行動. 警請留意!


2.     變態控芯片賤人經常將內急者同我併芯片, 令我有相同感覺而同時去洗手間, 此舉令我百思不得其解, 動機何在?


3.     變態控芯片賤人長期將多位年齡老邁的長者同我併芯片, 以圖令我提前衰老. 當將肌肉痿縮者同我併芯片, 照鏡時見到的是一副衰老的皮羹, 實是驚嚇和恐怖. 有人認為併芯片的衰老症是假性衰老, 當芯片分開時即回復原樣. 但有人質疑, 當長期同衰老身軀併芯片, 會加速身體各機能的衰老


 據我所知, 腦控機是可以設定人的年齡, 將人的年齡作上下調節, 幅度不詳. 如果用電腦調節到提前老化的, 可以調回年輕. 但如果是同衰老身軀併芯片, 即難以回復青春. 現在大家相信明星賤人的心術是何等之陰毒和醜陋.


4.     眼部跟蹤腦控空間性侵者被閹割, 再將蟲類放其傷口蠶食三天後將其火燒,再用垃圾車入堆填區. 此實屬大快人心之舉, 但同時也呼籲受害者保持理性, 濫用私刑是刑事罪行, 不可輕蹈法網.


5.     變態控芯片賤人利用我做為定位系, 被動地併芯片賺取報酬, 畜牲遙控電子武器摧殘受害者以賺取藥錢, 又將我併芯片摧. 但令我百思不得其解的是當我知道所有痛症都來自併芯片和電子武器摧殘時, 己拒絕藥物, 而變態賤人仍持續折磨我. 後來得知在腦控空間不只被併芯片跟蹤有報酬, 電子武器折磨也有回報. 不論你是否購, 變態控芯片賤人利用我以機駁機的方式, 將大量受害者併芯片摧, 其喪心病狂已到無藥可救地步. 相信受害者不只我一個, 而是沒法估的大多數.


6.     本周腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我輕至中度頭痛, 持續將多位有衰老症和身體有病痛者同我併芯片, 其邪惡之心昭然若揭.


7.     據了解, 香港用的腦控機功能主要是用於控制囚犯, 但現在居然明目張膽地為個人利益而殘害無辜市民, 最可恨的是政府居然視若無睹. 現時香市面上的藥房比超市場還要多, 了什? 可悲也!



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腦控空間有一小撮港獨分子, 計劃於中國新年後發起反政府示威游行.

反腦控訴狀大聯盟在此聲明, 反對港獨, 絕不參與此次行動.


Some of Hong Kong independence elements in the brain control space. they are planned to launch anti-government demonstrations after the Chinese New Year.

The Alliances for law-actions against mind control declares that we are not support to Hong Kong independence and will never participate in this operation.
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1. There are many perps got infertile, I don’t know why, may be done too much hurt to the people, and some in prison. So they refrigerated their sperm. When someone is doing IVF surgery, they secretly force the doctor to replace a sperm with the husband, so that the pregnant women holding stranger’s baby without knowing. the more pitiful is to help the prison raise the damage DNA. So when you doing IVF pregnancy, carefully choose a good doctor.

2. When you become a target for brain control, the perp will use the trick as bellow:

First for big families, they will
alienate family member, pick one more weakness, less willpower, support weakness to against with the strong one in the family, make weakness one to becoming the final decision maker. The perp used such strategy to make it easier to control and acquisition you own business.


If you are an employee, the same method is used. The perp who support low education one, suppress and exclude the high qualifications, it seems to announcing to the world that you must cooperate with them to used mind control machine, even the low-educated servants can become the president of the company. No matter how strong you are, if you rejected to follow their instruction, your career will more complicated and may go over. 


In the relationship between love couple, when the wife is more rational and calm, the brain control person must arrange a third party to replace her. Used the psychological, emotional and mind activities control mode, third party’s eye stalking to track the target. As the victim’s confession, each time When meeting his wife, He felt so nerves and have some unpleasant things happening every time (all troubles made by cheap perps), but when he met the third party together, he felt so comfortable and stress-free. So falling to the trap that set-up by mind control perps., and become the chess that manipulated by perps. 


3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got pronounce vague and accent with me, which made me got a same effect.

4. This week, the brain control monks continue to play role in the evening. Someone pretend me to make a lots of promises but not fulfill. So remind to the listener, carefully distinguish between the real and fake, avoid being cheated.

5. This week, the brain control monks continue to remotely control the electronic weapons, which makes me have a mild headache. The trouble makers are: Timothy Cheung, Ivan Ho, Francis Ng, Sammy Leung, Deon Cheung, Jade Lau.

6. When I am writing a blog, Bob Lam used mental retardation function and within my chip with him, which made me unable to write and read the computer subtitles.

1.     腦控空間有很多賤人, 不知因何故, 可能作孽太多, 大多數都不能生育, 有些是因為坐監, 所以他們將自己的精子雪藏, 當有人做試管嬰兒手術時, 暗中強迫醫生將人家老公的精子同他們掉換, 令孕婦變成代孕而不自知. 更可憐的是帮賤人養大有缺憾DNA的孩子. 所以當做人工授孕時, 小心選擇信譽良好的醫生.


2.     當你成為腦控賤人攻擊目標時, 使用的伎:


分化受害者大家庭, 常見的招數是向其中較弱, 意志力偏低者著手, 利用他們對付家族中的強者, 打擊強者, 吹捧扶植弱者,賤人更容和收購家族生意;

        在職場也用相同方法, 捧低學歷者, 打壓高學歷, 似乎在向全世界宣佈, 只要同腦控人合作, 低學歷的平傭之輩也可成為公司的總裁. 無論你有多強, 多本事, 如果你不同腦控人合作, 一樣難以上位, 一事無成. 

        在夫妻關係上, 當妻子一方較為理智, 冷靜時, 腦控賤人必安排第三者出現, 以心理,緒和思維控制方式, 用第三者的眼晴跟當事人. 受害者自白, 每次當見妻子時, 一定有不愉事情發生(腦控賤人制造出來), 但當同第三者一, 很舒, 無壓力. 所以就陷入腦控人設的溫,為腦控賤人操控的棋子.


3.     本週變態控花片賤人將我同有口音, 口齒不伶俐者併芯片, 令我發音含糊.


4.     本週腦控賤人繼續於晚間角色扮演, 有人扮我許下諾言後食言, 望聽者小心分辨為盼, 以免受騙.


5.     本週腦控賤人繼續遙控電子武器令我輕度頭痛, 作孽者計有鄭子誠, 何守信,吳鎮宇, 森美, 張松枝, 劉玉翠. 新年贈言 賤人賤到99, 乞食乞到年29”.


6.     當我正在博客時, 賤人林盛斌使用智障功併我芯片, 令我睇不清電腦字, 無法書.


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1. According to the searched, there are 4 name same as me in English spelling with 3 name same as me in Chinese characters inside Hong Kong. One only difference in last Chinese character. According to the space insider news, every time I got a headache, someone will paid a cheque with payee to "蔡昭儷" or “Monita Choi”, and the cheque can be cashed by someone in the same name with me. As the withdrawer said that she has left 10%, and return the cash to the payer after the cheque withdrawal. I believe this is a conspiracy, and is a prove to explain why I got headache in a long-time.

2. Hong Kong is at the peak of the flu. More than 300 kindergartens and child care centers have been reported closed classes. However, the metamorphosis chip controller still keeping within chips with a lots of victims for remote control electronic weapons 24 hours a day, causing the fake-flu and microwave diseases to spread. I try to stop them but the reply from the perp said that they need making money for live, so they have to do something illegal such as killing people. Damn!

3. Someone asked me, why you only accusation their big brothers in entertainment industry? Because they have width social influence, they have a lot of fans still unknown what their done in mind control space, still worship and trust them. Therefore, they will easy be being exploited and hoodwinked. I
deem that Hong Kong citizens have the right to know about brain control and believe that the fans want to know who their worship idol are. So I wrote what I hear and listen in space.  The reader can use my disclosure as a reference for self-judgment.


4. Family problems caused by brain control. When family members are being mind control, if within the chips with some perps which they are in good relationship, that the family members will keep closely. But if within the chips with some perps in compete for their own interests not your family interests, between the family members will feel strange and got alienated feeling, even the loved couple, their intimacy will suddenly disappear. This kind of thing often happens in the husband and wife and parent-child relationship. Therefore, as an outsider, keep reminded to the victims who involved inside. You have to believe that the party not only controlled your brain, also your emotions and behaviors, special in your family member whom closest to you, used your family member to guide you for making wrong decisions.

5. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with elders, I done a test, which made my brain responded slow down 4 times than normal. So it is nightmare when you within the chip with elders.

6. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller with my chip with difference people with turn, so when I taking photo, I got different shapes of double eyebrows, and all the fake eyebrows are above my own eyebrows, I believe that the people within my chip are all in short forehead, such chip control seriously damaged my appearance and social life;


1.  據調查, 在香港同我同名同姓的英文拼音一樣的共有4, 中英文名完全相同的有3, 都是後期改名. 另有一位中文名蔡昭儷和蔡昭麗有異. 據空間知情人士所講, 每次我頭痛後就有人開出一張以蔡昭儷抬頭的支票, 而支票又有人兌現, 兌現人坦承自留10%, 其它上繳回交支票給她人. 我相信此事是一個陰謀, 肯定同我長期被頭痛有很大的關係.




2.  香港正處流感高峰期, 據報導有超過300間幼稚園和幼兒中心停課. 但腦殘賤人族却每日24小時不停遙控電子武器併芯片攻擊, 令假性流感, 微波疾病不斷擴散, 而腦殘賤人族的大佬視若無睹, 當我喝止時, 賤人的答覆竟是他們要賺錢, 要食飯, 所以就要草菅人命. 實在令人齒冷. 可惡!




3.  有人問我, 為何我指責的全是香港娛樂圈的大哥大姐們? 因為他們有很大的社會影響力, 他們有很多影迷,仍不知道他們以腦控為生,仍然崇拜和信任他們, 故此很容易被利用和蒙蔽.為香港市民對腦控有知情權, 更加相信影迷想知道他們心目崇拜的對象是偶像或是嘔吐的對象.所以我將我在空間的所聽所聞在此披露, 讀者可作為參考,自行判斷.




4.  被腦控所引起的家庭問題. 當家庭多位成員被腦控人併芯片時, 如各腦控人的關係密切, 家庭成員的關係自己和睦. 但如果各腦控人各為旗主, 為爭奪某些家庭利益而各出其謀時, 家庭成員自然而然產生陌生和疏離感, 親人之間的亲切感也隨之突然消失. 此種事情經常不自覺地發生在夫妻, 親子關係上. 所以作為傍觀者清的角度, 對身邊被腦控的受害者多互相提醒, 相信當事人被腦控即是換成賤人的腦, 很多時情緒,思維已被控制, 很容易會做錯決定.




5.  本週變態控芯片賤人將長者同我併芯片,令我測試結果, 腦部反應遲鈍4, 好彩分開芯片後, 反應速度回復正常.




6.  本週變態控芯片賤人將我與不同人併芯片,令我有不同型狀的雙重眉,而所有雙重眉都在我自身眉毛之上, 相信同我併芯片者是額頭奇低者.此嚴重影響我儀容和社交生活;


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  1. This week's, the metamorphosis chip controller intermittent remote electronic weapons made me and victims headache from Monday until 20:00 on Thursday night, the pain increased to 8 degrees and vomiting, I reported the case to Wanchai Police Station at 9:30am of 25th. At about 11:00, the electronic weapon attack stopped. Until 18:00, the attack again until 20:00, then I found myself got nosebleeds.
    From the 26th to the 27th, the metamorphosis chip controller continued electronic harassment for 2 days in 1 to 5 degree headache, sleep deprivation in the evening, taking turns brain sound nuisance, mental abuse, the tortured behavior was already devastating.
    As known, such case caused by some actors of Cantonese opera, used the harassment of Hong Kong citizen as a bargaining power with HK government. But why such case involved with me? it is said that Cai Lam and Joe Nieh used my headache to earn personal interests. For the detail, please refer to the previous post "Hong Kong time 2019-01-21 to 2019-01-27".


If you read my blog, I believe everyone knows who’s the boss behind them. At present, there are six groups of sub-main chip control in the brain control space: Alan Tang and Simon Yam, Chow Yun Fat and Patrick Tse , Stephen Chow and Andy Lau; The members of trouble maker in the space are: Ray Lui, Cai Lam, Joe Nieh, Lau Kong, Steve Lee, Joyce Koi, Liz Wan, DoDo Zheng , Dayo Wong, Eric Tsang, Pete Chan, Sandra Ng, Timothy Cheng , English Tang, Francis Ng, Gordon Lam, Alex Fong, Julian Cheung and the DJs of various radio stations etc.
As the member said, the final decision-makers are Albert Yeung and Joseph Lau, they combat two chips together for a long-time, and their thinking influence each other. I curious who is the dominant thinking? If someone is familiar with them, please ask for a question and give me know with thanks.

  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人由星期一至四, 間歇性遙控電子武器令我頭痛, 至星期四晚上20:00時開始, 賤人持續遙控電子武器令我8級頭痛和嘔吐, 我於25日早上9:30親身到灣仔警署報案, 大概11時左右, 電子武器攻擊停止. 直至晚上18:00, 賤人又開始發動長達2小時的8級頭痛攻擊至20:00時停止. 我發覺自己有流鼻血的跡象.


26日至27, 變態腦控賤人持續2天遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛, 晚間睡眠剥奪, 輪流腦音滋擾, 精神虐待, 其行徑已到喪心病狂的地步. 


據了解, 今次事件是有一小撮粵劇紅伶利用市民的安危作為同政府討價還價的籌碼而發起的電子武器襲擊. 至於為何將我牽涉其中, 據講是蔡瀾同倪震利用我頭痛賺取個人利益. 其中涉及人物請參閱上一篇日誌 香港時間2019-01-212019-01-27”.


從日誌中所見之人員, 相信大家都知道他們背後的老闆是誰. 目前腦控空間有六大控線組合: 譚泳麟和任達華, 周潤發同謝賢, 周星馳和劉德華;


在空間作孽的主要成員是呂良偉,蔡瀾,倪震,劉江,李家鼎,蓋嗚輝,汪明荃,鄭裕玲,黃子華,曾志偉,陳可辛,吳君如,鄭子誠, 鄧英敏, 吳鎮宇, 林家棟, 方中信,張智霖和各電台DJ們等. 


據稱以上人員的最终決策者是楊受成和劉鑾雄. 他們兩位的芯片長期併在一起, 倆人的思維互相影響, 我好奇到底是誰人的思維作主導? 如果有人同他們相熟, 煩請代問一聲.


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  1. There is a murderer in the brain control space, who in charge of remote control electronic harassed victims for living over 10 years, someone call his name “Man” and someone call “Wei”, I don’t know which one for real name. When turn on his brain sound, he always within chip with Timothy Cheng for voice mixture. About one year ago, I eye stalking saw his body covered in a morgue, but the truth was a fake death. Recently I heard his voice again, starting at 4:30 pm on last Friday, He used electronic harass to me and victims in 8 degree headache over 48 hours. As known the lost mind to giving order perps behind the murderer are: Alan Tang, Chow Yun-fat, Simon Yam, Stephen Chow, Ray Lui, Peter Chan, Cai Lam, Joe Nieh, Ivan Ho etc. (I had email report to police station at the noon on Jan 13, 2019)
  2. According to my observation in the brain control space, a lots of people being mind control whom all got higher education and high-quality DNA, but being tortured until infertile. And the other hand, the animal perps under protected and non-stop developed their own child. In the long run, we are worried about high-quality DNA are extinct. But multiply metamorphosis DNA only. When asked why a high-quality DNA person does not have a child, the answer was being mind control, need concentra in professional career, unable to take care child. And the more important point was worry about their own children becoming targeted for blackmail and threating.
    3. There is a voice in the brain control space, claiming that the Hong Kong SAR government asked me for eavesdropping by eye gang stalking. I hereby declare that I am willing to join the government term only by black and white appointment letter from the SAR Government, I cannot accept only by brain sound.


  1. Recently I found that the brain control person has another trick. When I am stand beside the traffic light of stop sign, and seeing the car is coming, but I have a strong emotion to cross the road. According to the information, which was under brain control program, said willpower control, control your brain for instant impulse. Remind to the victims, the brain control technology can control the human mind to collide with the ongoing vehicle, so it is necessary to keep your mind clear all the time.
  2. 5. There are brain-controlled victims who follow the instructions of the perp to pay the protection fees. But the perp set the victim up, claim the victim paid only the cost of remote control of electronic weapons not protection fee, made the victims in guilt situation, even a hundred mouths cannot explain it away.
  3. All above detail you can refer to my other blog:


  1. 腦控空間有一殺人魔, 長期同鄭子誠併芯片, 有人稱他叫阿文”, 有人稱他叫阿偉”, 長期以遙控電子武器摧殘受害者為生. 大約一年前, “眼透見到他滿身傷痕放於停尸間, 而實情是以化妝方式假死亡. 近日又聽到他的聲音, 由星期五下午4時半開始, 持續48小時遙控電子武器摧殘受害者5-8級頭痛. 其背後喪心病狂指使者: 譚泳麟, 周潤發, 任達華, 周星馳, 呂良偉, 陳可辛, 蔡瀾, 倪震, 何守信等.(我己於2019年1月13日中午報警備案)


  1. 據我於腦控空間觀察, 很多受到高等教育, 擁有優質DNA的人被腦控, 甚至被腦控人用各式各樣的方法令他們不育, 或者只是生女. 而在腦控空間的畜牲反而受保護而大量繁衍下一代. 長此以往, 實擔心優質DNA的人類被滅絕. 而有缺憾的DNA泛濫. 當問及資優人仕為何不生育時, 答案是生小孩會影響職業生涯, 增加經濟負擔, 也會成為腦控人勒索, 威脅的目標.


  1. 腦控空間有聲音傳出, 聲稱香港特區政府要征用我用眼部跟蹤竊聽. 本人在此聲明, 對於政府的征用我義不容辭, 但必須有特區政府白紙黑字的委任狀, 單憑腦音的委任, 恕難從命.


  1. 近期發現腦控人再有賤招, 當我在交通燈口, 呈現紅燈, 而前面有車快到面前時, 我有強烈的衝動想衝過馬路. 據分析, 是腦控人制用思維控制方式, 令人有瞬間的衝動. 在此提醒被腦控受害者, 腦控技術是可以控制人的思維去同行走中的車輛相撞, 所以必須時刻保持頭腦清醒.


  1. 有腦控受害者按腦控入的指示, 去交免受電子武器摧殘的保護費, 反被屈指是付款於腦控人遙控電子武器的費用, 令受害者百詞莫辯.
  2. All above detail you can refer to my other blog:
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  1. According to the searched, there are 4 name same as me in English spelling with 3 name same as me in Chinese characters inside Hong Kong. One only difference in last Chinese character. According to the space insider news, every time I got a headache, someone will paid a cheque with payee to "蔡昭儷" or “Monita Choi”, and the cheque can be cashed by someone in the same name with me. As the withdrawer said that she has left 10%, and return the cash to the payer after the cheque withdrawal. I believe this is a conspiracy, and is a prove to explain why I got headache in a long-time.
  2. 2. Hong Kong is at the peak of the flu. More than 300 kindergartens and child care centers have been reported closed classes. However, the metamorphosis chip controller still keeping within chips with a lots of victims for remote control electronic weapons 24 hours a day, causing the fake-flu and microwave diseases to spread. I try to stop them but the reply from the perp said that they need making money for live, so they have to do something illegal such as killing people. Damn!
  3. 3. Someone asked me, why you only accusation their big brothers in entertainment industry? Because they have width social influence, they have a lot of fans still unknown what their done in mind control space, still worship and trust them. Therefore, they will easy be being exploited and hoodwinked. I deem that Hong Kong citizens have the right to know about brain control and believe that the fans want to know who their worship idol are. So I wrote what I hear and listen in space. The reader can use my disclosure as a reference for self-judgment.


  1. Family problems caused by brain control. When family members are being mind control, if within the chips with some perps which they are in good relationship, that the family members will keep closely. But if within the chips with some perps in compete for their own interests not your family interests, between the family members will feel strange and got alienated feeling, even the loved couple, their intimacy will suddenly disappear. This kind of thing often happens in the husband and wife and parent-child relationship. Therefore, as an outsider, keep reminded to the victims who involved inside. You have to believe that the party not only controlled your brain, also your emotions and behaviors, special in your family member whom closest to you, used your family member to guide you for making wrong decisions.
  2. 5. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with elders, I done a test, which made my brain responded slow down 4 times than normal. So it is nightmare when you within the chip with elders.
  3. 6. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller with my chip with difference people with turn, so when I taking photo, I got different shapes of double eyebrows, and all the fake eyebrows are above my own eyebrows, I believe that the people within my chip are all in short forehead, such chip control seriously damaged my appearance and social life;



  1. 據調查, 在香港同我同名同姓的英文拼音一樣的共有4, 中英文名完全相同的有3, 都是後期改名. 另有一位中文名蔡昭儷和蔡昭麗有異. 據空間知情人士所講, 每次我頭痛後就有人開出一張以蔡昭儷抬頭的支票, 而支票又有人兌現, 兌現人坦承自留10%, 其它上繳回交支票給她人. 我相信此事是一個陰謀, 肯定同我長期被頭痛有很大的關係.




  1. 香港正處流感高峰期, 據報導有超過300間幼稚園和幼兒中心停課. 但腦殘賤人族却每日24小時不停遙控電子武器併芯片攻擊, 令假性流感, 微波疾病不斷擴散, 而腦殘賤人族的大佬視若無睹, 當我喝止時, 賤人的答覆竟是他們要賺錢, 要食飯, 所以就要草菅人命. 實在令人齒冷. 可惡!




  1. 有人問我, 為何我指責的全是香港娛樂圈的大哥大姐們? 因為他們有很大的社會影響力, 他們有很多影迷,仍不知道他們以腦控為生,仍然崇拜和信任他們, 故此很容易被利用和蒙蔽. 我認為香港市民對腦控有知情權, 更加相信影迷想知道他們心目崇拜的對象是偶像或是嘔吐的對象.所以我將我在空間的所聽所聞在此披露, 讀者可作為參考,自行判斷.




  1. 被腦控所引起的家庭問題. 當家庭多位成員被腦控人併芯片時, 如各腦控人的關係密切, 家庭成員的關係自己和睦. 但如果各腦控人各為旗主, 為爭奪某些家庭利益而各出其謀時, 家庭成員自然而然產生陌生和疏離感, 親人之間的亲切感也隨之突然消失. 此種事情經常不自覺地發生在夫妻, 親子關係上. 所以作為傍觀者清的角度, 對身邊被腦控的受害者多互相提醒, 相信當事人被腦控即是換成賤人的腦, 很多時情緒,思維已被控制, 很容易會做錯決定.




  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人將長者同我併芯片,令我測試結果, 腦部反應遲鈍4, 好彩分開芯片後, 反應速度回復正常.




  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人將我與不同人併芯片,令我有不同型狀的雙重眉,而所有雙重眉都在我自身眉毛之上, 相信同我併芯片者是額頭奇低者.此嚴重影響我儀容和社交生活;



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1. This week, The metamorphosis perps as mad as lost the mind to give order for remote control electronic weapons to attack me and the victims for headache: Liz Wan, Chow Yun-fat, Alan Tang, Peter Chan, Stephen Shiu , Cai Lam, Pang Ho-Cheung etc. 1. Recently there have been a lot of incidents due to window cleaning. With the current brain-control technology, we took an example, put two chips together, turn-on the sensor key, one person sitting on the chair, the other sit near the window, the third one suddenly run to rushing the chair person, the impact cause the person fallen down, at the same time, the window sitter was unexpectedly having same effect and fell out of the window. At this point, warn to victims, mind you home helpers when cleaning the window, paying attention to home safety.

2. Suggestion to the victims of being brain control, when attacked by electronic weapons, if your energy can support you until police station, reporting to the police station is more effective than go to the hospital. According to the victim's personal experience, when attacked by electronic weapons, 999 ambulances are sent to the hospital. The hospital knows that cause by remote electronic harassment, will put the patient aside, wait about 4 hours, until the electronic weapon attack stops, then you can leave the hospital, no any care to the victim since it was not sick, it was caused by mind control technology. However, if you report directly to the Hong Kong Island Regional Headquarters- Wan chai Police Station, the police officers will take effective measures after registering your personal information. I believe it will be faster solve than in hospital. Of course, it depends on yourself situation, such how serious in hurt and pain.

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with mental disabled person, illiterate person and simplified Chinese person in turn, which made me have temporally writing and reading disorder.

4. In the brain control space, someone asked me, whom you willing to co-operated with? My answer was only interested in someone who can protecting me and everything in illegal. so my answer is the chief executive. Ha…ha… of course, it does not approve by chief executive yet, only my dream. If the dream cannot come true, I prefer follow myself only.

本週喪心病狂指使遙控電子武器攻擊我同受害者的罪魁禍首: 汪明荃, 周潤發, 譚泳麟, 陳可辛, 萧定一, 蔡瀾, 彭浩翔等.


  1. 近期有很多因抹窗而墮樓事件, 以目前腦控的技術, 只要將倆個人併芯片, 一個坐於椅上, 另一個倚在窗邊抹窗, 第三者以出奇不意沖向坐椅者, 並將其推倒, 與此同時正在抹窗者被突如其來的沖擊反應而失手跌出窗外. 在此呼籲被腦控受害者, 特別是家中傭工, 注意家居安全.


  1. 在此呼籲被腦控受害者, 遇電子武器襲擊時, 如果可自行堅持到警署報案比到醫院有效. 據受害者親身經驗, 當受電子武器攻擊,999救護車送醫院, 院方知道是電子武器攻擊, 將病人放於一邊, 需等待約4小時, 直至電子武器攻擊停止後自行出院.


但如果直接到灣仔總警署報案, 警員登記你的個人資料後, 第一時間採取有效措施, 相信更為快捷.


  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人將我同智障人仕併芯片, 令我有書寫, 閱讀障礙.


  1. 在腦控空間作孽者問我在腦控空間想跟誰人工作? 我屬意能保護到我, 又不做犯法勾當者也. 相信在空間而又肯定不做犯法事情的人非特首莫屬, 所以我答案是跟特首, 如果美夢不能成真, 我選擇跟自己.
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The metamorphosis perps who as mad as lost the mind gave the order to destroy country reputation, hurt the people wealthy by electronic harassment: Chow Yue Fat, Ray Liu, Peter Chen, DoDo Cheng, Dayo Wong, Ng Man Tat, Paul Chun, Sean Lau, Francis Ng, Timothy Cheng, Tseng Chi How, Jade Lau etc.

 1. The mind control perp spread rumors. Lie to people said that I am a manager in mind control space. Such used to make known to the public for kill. I had clarify that my own degree was human management, not the animal trainer, and refused the role of the scapegoat.

2. At present, the Hong Kong media has been monopolized to lower credibility by a few of brain control perps. Most of media group’s income come from the drug advertising which profits by remote control electronic weapons made public's headaches. So for the news from newspaper or some of media, I keep the skeptical attitude, should have assumptions boldly; find proofs with care to every news with my principle.

3. Brain control perps often use brain sounds to communicate with children, incepting the fake sound as your family members, lie to the children to get their leave home for kidnap. So always remind your children, don't trust any brain sounds, one’s happened, direct contact the family member in the normal way, never taking action alone.

4. The brain control perps keep to used the false statements telling your friends, you are in danger, need them help, the lie once again and again, make your friends lose faith. When some day, when you really have danger, everyone thinks it is an illusion. The perps used above to creates a story like "Wolf is coming."  So remind to the victims. When you hear your friends or your family is in danger, don’t hesitate to contact them to confirm, make sure everyone safety.

本週腦控空間喪心病狂指使遙控電子武器禍國殃民者: 周潤發, 呂良偉, 陳可辛, 鄭裕玲, 黃子華, 吳盂違, 秦沛, 劉青雲, 吳鎮宇, 鄭子誠, 曾志豪, 劉玉翠等.


  1. 腦控空間有人對外散佈謠言, 聲稱我是空間管理者. 此舉實屬捧殺. 本人在大學所讀的是人類管理學, 而非馴獸師, 謝絕代罪羔羊角色.


  1. 目前香港媒體已被一小撮腦控人所壟斷, 喪失公信力. 他們的營運資金大部份都來自藥物廣告收益, 實質是遙控電子武器令市民的頭痛所得利. 所以對報紙傳媒的言論, 我一直保留懷疑的態度, 本著大膽假設, 小心求證的原則.


  1. 腦控人經常利用腦音同小朋友溝通, 以各種謊言, 調教他們家人的聲音去欺騙小朋友離家後, 將其綁架勒索. 所以需時刻提醒家中小朋友, 不好隨便相信任何人包括家人的腦音, 多以正常途徑同家人聯絡, 不可隨便單獨行動.


  1. 腦控空間賤人不停用虛假陳述, 告知你身邊朋友, 你有危險, 你有事需要他們帮忙, 一次又一次謊報, 令你身邊朋友失了信心. 當有朝一日, 你真的有事時, 大家都以為是假象. 營造有如"狼來了"的傳說. 所以呼籲被腦控受害者, 當聽到你朋友, 家人有危險時, 以不厭其煩的態度, 彼此多聯絡, 確保大家處於安全的狀況.


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香港時間2019-01-07 (是日所有法律責任由方中信和林家棟負責)


02:33-07:30 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我半睡半醒.同時將鼻塞者,腿酸者,痰塞者和眼有雪花同我併芯片精神虐待;


07:30-24:00 變態賤人持續性開我腦音, 潛聲, 潛入虛假思維,挑撥離間;


07:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將雙腿酸痛, 沉重者同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-09:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛;


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


08:32-1000  變態控芯賤人將發屁, 便溺者同我併芯片性騷擾;


09:00-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將暗瘡鼻和額頭有暗瘡者同我併芯片精神虐待;


17:24-24:00     變態賤人間歇性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛;


17:50-24:00 變態賤人間歇性遙控電子武器令我耳背痛;


17:54-24:00 變態逐臭賤人間歇性同我併芯片放屁, 空氣污染;


10:15-14:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器思維干擾我讀報刊和書寫;


18:20       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有肥胖者;


18:20-24:00 變態控芯賤人間歇性將發泡雞同我併芯片性騷擾;


19:48-22:30 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛;


19:48-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將痰塞者同我併芯片精神虐待;


20:42-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將鼻塞者同我併芯片精神虐待;


20:45-24:00 變態控芯賤人間歇性將發瘟雞同我併芯片性騷擾;


21:00-24:00 變態控芯賤人將便秘狗吳震宇同我併芯片性騷擾;


22:30-24:00 變態控芯賤人持續性將棉花雞同我併芯片影響儀容;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




香港時間2019-01-08 (是日日間法律責任由薛家燕, 秦沛負責, 晚間由羅啟新, 曾志豪負責)


00:00-02:30 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我頭痛,睡眠剥奪; 輪流腦音滋擾; 同時將鼻塞者,痰塞者,腿酸者和眼有雪花者同我併芯片精神虐待;


00:00-02:30 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛和耳背痛;


06:33-09:00 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我半睡半醒.同時將鼻塞者,腿酸者,痰塞者和眼有雪花同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


09:00-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將雙腿酸痛, 沉重者同我併芯片精神虐待;


09:00-24:00 變態控芯賤人間歇性將便秘狗吳震宇同我併芯片性騷擾;


06:30-10:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-3級頭痛;


06:30-09:00 變態賤人姜文杰持續性開我腦音, 潛聲駡人, 潛入虛假思維,挑撥離間;


09:00-23:12 變態控芯賤人持續性將棉花雞同我併芯片影響儀容;


11:00-16:30 變態控芯片賤人關閉我小便掣, 令我小便困難:


11:36-12:15 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器思維干擾我讀報刊和書寫;


11:43-12:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我身體發熱;


11:42-12:16 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-3級頭痛;


12:00-17:00 變態控芯片賤人將樣貌有如雞泡魚者同我併芯片影響儀容;


12:15-18:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我感覺疲倦;


12:30-13:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子脈衝器攻擊我頸部淋巴;


16:58-24:00 變態控芯片賤人關閉我嗅覺和味覺掣, 令我食而無味:


18:15       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有肥胖者;


18:40       變態控芯片賤人將呼吸道有問題者同我併芯片精神虐待;


21:00-24:00 變態控芯賤人間歇性將發瘟雞同我併芯片性騷擾;


21:48-24:00 變態逐臭賤人間歇性同我併芯片放屁, 空氣污染;


21:51-23:30 變態控芯片賤人將腸胃不適者同我併芯片精神虐待;


21:48-24:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我3-5級頭痛;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).


香港時間2019-01-09 (是日日間法律責任由薛家燕, 林家棟負責, 晚間由羅啟新, 劉青雲負責)


00:00-03:00 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我頭痛,睡眠剥奪; 輪流腦音滋擾; 同時將鼻塞者,痰塞者,腿酸者和眼有雪花者同我併芯片精神虐待;


00:00-17:10 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;


03:00-08:30 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我半睡半醒.同時將鼻塞者,腿酸者,痰塞者和眼有雪花同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


08:30-18:00 變態控芯片賤人將全身肌肉鬆弛者同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將雙腿酸痛, 沉重者同我併芯片精神虐待;


10:10-11:00 變態控芯賤人將發屁, 便溺者同我併芯片性騷擾;


11:00-15:15 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器思維干擾我讀報刊和書寫;


11:29-17:10 變態控芯片賤人將腳痛者同我併芯片精神虐待;


11:32-17:10 變態控芯片賤人將右腿酸痛, 關節僵硬者同我併芯片精神虐待;


16:32-17:10 變態控芯賤人將發屁, 便溺者同我併芯片性騷擾;


18:00-19:04 變態賤人持續性開我腦音, 前後潛聲駡人, 潛入虛假思維,挑撥離間;


18:25       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有肥胖者;


19:00-22:00 變態控芯片賤人將左腿關節痛者同我併芯片精神虐待;


19:05-22:00 變態控芯片賤人將雙眼模糊,酸痛者同我併芯片影響視力;


23:12-23:30 變態控芯賤人間歇性將便秘狗吳鎮宇同我併芯片性騷擾;


21:08-24:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-3級頭痛,頭暈;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




香港時間2019-01-10 (是日所有法律責任由彭偉華, 鄭子誠,方中信, 陳文輝負責)


06:40-08:30 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我半睡半醒.同時將鼻塞者,腿酸者,痰塞者和發瘟雞和眼有雪花同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00 換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將雙腿酸痛, 沉重者同我併芯片精神虐待;


09:40-11:00 變態控芯賤人將發屁, 便溺者同我併芯片性騷擾;


11:00-11:30 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器思維干擾我讀報刊和書寫;


12:07-15:35 變態賤人間歇性電子武器令我1-3級頭痛,頭暈;


12:15-18:16 變態控芯片賤人將左腿關節痛者同我併芯片精神虐待;


15:15-15:35 變態逐臭賤人間歇性同我併芯片放屁, 空氣污染;


17:50-23:30 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我3-5級頭痛,頭暈;


18:30       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有全身肌肉下垂者.


19:00-24:00 變態逐臭賤人間歇性同我併芯片放屁, 空氣污染;


20:00-22:30 變態控芯賤人將便秘狗吳鎮宇同我併芯片性騷擾;


21:40-23:23 變態控芯片賤人將腸胃不適者同我併芯片精神虐待;


21:53-24:00 變態控芯賤人將坐圍痕癢者同我併芯片性騷擾;


23:27-24:00 變態控芯賤人間歇性將發瘟雞同我併芯片性騷擾;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




香港時間2019-01-11 (是日所有法律責任由周潤發,周星馳,鄭子誠,方中信,劉青雲,馬鼎盛,陳文輝負責)


00:00-08:30 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器每小時喚醒, 輪流腦音滋擾; 同時將鼻塞者,腿酸者和發瘟雞同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人間歇性將雙腿酸痛, 沉重者同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


10:15-11:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器思維干擾我讀報刊和書寫;


11:28-17:00 變態控芯片賤人將左腿關節痛者同我併芯片精神虐待;


16:35-24:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我5-8級頭痛,頭暈; (8小時)


17:50-20:00 變態控芯片賤人將全身發臭者同我併芯片精神虐待;


18:40       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有全身肌肉下垂者.


19:40-20:00 變態控芯賤人持續性將發泡雞同我併芯片性騷擾;


19:40-24:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我身體發熱;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




香港時間2019-01-12 (是日所有法律責任由呂良偉, 陳可辛,倪震,吳志森負責)


00:00-13:30 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我5-8級頭痛,頭暈; (13小時)


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


13:52-24:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我3-5級頭痛,頭暈;(10小時)


20:35-21:00 變態控芯賤人將坐圍痕癢者同我併芯片性騷擾;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




香港時間2019-01-13 (是日所有法律責任由呂良偉,陳可辛,鄧英敏負責)


01:45-09:00 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我頭痛,睡眠剥奪; 輪流腦音滋擾; 同時將鼻塞者,痰塞者,腿酸者和眼有雪花者同我併芯片精神虐待;


02:45-12:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我右額頭5-8級頭痛,頭暈;(9小時)


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


09:30-11:30 變態控芯片賤人將鼻塞者同我併芯片精神虐待;


11:00-21:20 變態控芯片賤人關閉我小便掣, 令我小便困難:


14:22-17:28 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;(3小時)


17:23-23:00 變態逐臭賤人間歇性同我併芯片放屁, 空氣污染;


20:00-24:00 變態賤人間歇性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈


21:20       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有全身肌肉下垂者.


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




將我每天在腦控空間所發生的一切有關腦控賤人濫用私刑事件在此披露做為日後警方口供同呈堂文件. 請各方親人及好友, 切不可付款給腦殘賤人族”, 你的好心將成為腦殘賤人族製造更多害人的機會.




本人在此再次聲明, 我和我的家人從未索取到任何賠償. 也從未由腦控人手上取得任何酬勞.




我是被精神禁錮”, 沒有腦控機, 沒有腦芯片, 沒有屏障器.

I write my day in the brain control space as the disclosure statement for the police, and later for court supporting documents.




Warn   to   my   relatives and friends, do not pay to the '' perp. sluts '', your kindness will become the ''Perp. Sluts'' to create one more opportunities to hurt me.




Here again I declare that I and my family never obtain any compensation and reward from the Perps. In the mind control space up today.




I was alone in the mind control space, I have no mind-control machine, no my own brain chip, no blocking device on my hand.




腦控賤人全週將載有我芯片的腦控機腦音掣全打開, 潛入他人思維,發放虛假思維. 挑撥離間,誤導聽者, 當我發出正面思維或指責賤人時, 有人覆蓋我的腦音. 令聽者以為是賤人的聲音. 反之將賤人的負面思維潛我聲, 由我的聲線發出.




當我閱讀時, 變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器思維干擾,令我沒辦法集中精神閱讀. 同時將有鄉音者同我併芯片, 影響我發音.




本週沐浴時, 變態控芯片賤人將我同多男一女併芯片性騷擾;




本週變態控芯片賤人將便溺而引起的發泡, 便秘引起的放屁者同我併芯片令我在公眾場所出醜, 空氣污染;












In the whole week,the perps controller turn on the brain control machine sound switch on full day Imperceptibly my mind by others to send for dirty words, issuing false thinking. Misled the listener.  When I send positive thinking or accusing perps, it was intermittent cover my brain sound by someone else.




When I reading, the perp turn on the brain machine key of all chips in mind control machine, that made me cannot reading in concentration. Also within chip with someone who with broad accent, it seriously over my fluent in speaking.




In the whole week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with several men and one woman together for sexual harassment, even I taking shower.




In the whole week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got gatism causing fart disorder every time, made me so embarrass for fart in public.




In the whole week, the metamorphosis perp remote control electronic for headache, body extremely hot and extremely cold with turn.




Gang stalking in 24 hours per day.


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  1. 本週腦控空間賤人依然每天持續遙控電子武器令我輕度頭痛, 令人不勝其煩. 喪心病狂指使者是: 陳可辛, 吳孟達, 方中信, 吳鎮宇, 何守信, 鄭子誠, 劉玉翠, 袁泳儀等. 作孽者仍然是無線電視甘草演員和電台DJ.


  1. 在女性來經期間, 變態賤人遙控電子武器攻擊受害者, 令受害者在不知不覺間經量增多, 長期持續如此, 將引致受害者貧血, 不育, 經年期提前. 據初步統計, 由青春期開始被腦控的受害者, 大約在40歲已進入經年期. 我之前文章多次提到此問題, 現再不厭其煩提醒年輕受害者: 需多進食補血食物; 當妳希望擁有自己小朋友, 但為了事業未有空閒時, 請雪藏卵子以備不時之需; 有醫生提議可暫停月經方式, 延遲進入更年期, 但此方法是否有效, 相信是因人而異.


  1. 近期熱門新聞是出外自駕遊時發生交通意外, 在此再次提醒受害者, 腦控賤人有幾種電子武器用於攻擊司機, 一是攻擊司機手和腿部突然抽搐; 另一種是攻擊腦部, 令司機腦部瞬間一片空白; 再有一種是潛入他人眼透”, 令司機錯覺以為車傍邊有人而分神. 以上一切都在司機沒有飲酒和沒有任何藥物的情況下發生. 望大家小心駕駛, 祝大家旅途愉快!


腦控空間放出消息, 有人放出三條芯片(不肯講人名)給賤人, 要賤人在他們仨人旅遊日本期間製造交通意外. 此消息不知是真是假? 望在日本旅遊者或正計劃到日本旅遊者格外小心!


  1. 當被腦控若干年後, 被腦音喚醒, 你第一時間接觸的是腦控賤人或是腦控好人, 對你日後的人生有很大的影響. 我個人經驗, 當我被喚醒後, 有人提我 他們全部是害你的人”, 所以我相信腦控我的人全是賤人, 所以我對他們的言論抱住懷疑的態度, 時刻提防他們, 保護自己, 所以除心身備受精神折磨外, 金錢上沒有任何損失.


但如果當你們被喚醒後, 聽到的是賤人扮好人, 首先令你信任他們, 相信他們同你合作可在腦控空間賺到錢, 欺騙你賣樓, 將錢投資某生意, 大部份最後血本無歸. 藍潔英就是最好的例子. 在此提醒受害者, 他們都是腦控你的人, 他們對你的性格, 脾氣, 弱點瞭若指掌, 在你沒有屏蔽器的情況下, 仍然是控制你腦部各方面的人, 所以切不可相信腦控賤人的言論, 就算他們是名人明星都不可信, 他們是最好的演員, 也可能他們已被賤人洗了腦.


Mind Control News this week (December 24 to 30, 2018)


  1. This week, The metamorphosis chip controller still have constantly remote control of electronic weapons every day, which makes me mildly headache and felt sick every day. The as mad as loss mind perps: Peter Chen, Ng Man Tat, Alex Fong, Francis Ng, Ivan Ho, Timothy Cheng, Jade Lau, Anita Yee etc. The stalkers and trouble maker still from TVB elderly actors and a radio DJs.
    2. During the girls’ victims in period, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic attacked the victims, causing the amount of menstrual flow to increase. For long-term persistence will cause anemia, infertility, and early MPS. As initial statistics, victims who have been brain-controlled before puberty, will early into MPS before 40- 45 years old. I have mentioned subject before, there is so important for the young victims, you should have more food to enrich the blood; please keep your eggs in case of emergency when you busy for your career. Some doctors will suggest that you can suspend menstruation to delay entering menopause by drugs. But this method only effective from person to person.
  2. Several traffic accident news recently when driving out of the town. there are several kinds of electronic weapons used to attack the driver which remind to the driver. One is to attack the driver's hand and the leg suddenly twitches; the other one is to attack the driver's brain instantly blank; another is used and other’s image incepting to driver’s vision, which makes used to disturb driver’s concertation. All of the above based on the driver does not drink alcohol and does not have any drugs. Free for driving only in free your mind, not under mind control.
    I got a news from mind control space, someone who released three chips (not willing to talk about who’s own) to the perp to create traffic accidents during their visit to Japan. I was unable to confirm the news is true or dare. So any victims whom you are travel in Japan or just planning to Japan, please take a serious consideration to keep your safety. This is a reminder.
  3. After being mind-controlled for several years, someone will awake you up by the brain sound, then you met the first group of gang stalkers will have a great impact on your future life. My personal experience, when I was awaked, someone told me there are the persons who ruin your life, so I met the first group which I believed they all were bad persons, so I hold a skeptical attitude towards their remarks, and always beware that how to protect myself, so there is no loss in money so long, except the harassment of psychologically and physically.

But when you are awakened, you met the first group are good persons what you thought, they made you to trust them, and to believe that they can help you to make money in the brain control space, persuade to sell you apartment, and then invest your money in a joint venture business until at the end, you will total lost. Yammie lam was a true story as example. Here to remind the victims, they are the perps who control you, gang stalking you for long time, they know your character, temper, weakness, before you got shield device, they still a controller to control your all aspects of your brain, how can you believe them and trust them in piece of word, even they are the famous people or movies stars, you should remember, they are the best of actors, some may have been brainwashed by the monks already. Remember, don’t trust the mind control perp anymore!

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  1. 本週變態腦控賤人喪心病狂地持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛, 陣痛程度從191-3級至21日的3-5. 據稱已引致7名長者死亡. 禍國殃民的劊子手是劉青雲, 方中信, 吳鎮宇, 鄭子誠, 鄧英敏, 何守信, 吳君如, 麥潔雯, 薛家燕.




  1. 本週在空間作孽, 滋擾受害者為生者: 以羅啟新為首的港台DJ, 商台節目”18C”DJ們和TVB 甘草演員們.




  1. 本週腦控賤人持續將他人同我併芯片,將我的樣貌同他人掉換, 不禁令我想起新科技面部識別系統, 不知是否有影響? 如果識別系統只是辨識虹眼膜, 那麼合併芯片後虹眼膜是否會被掉換? 相信一切有待實踐確認.




  1. 逢年過節, 生日, 腦控空間管理者會派 利是 給在空間工作的人. 據講今年又有人冒我的名去簽收, 但被識穿. 在此聲明, 我並非在腦控空間工作的人員, 是被腦控於空間的受害者, 如任意將我同他人併芯片, 遙控電子武器摧殘, 一切按懲罰性條款賠償.




  1. 我有一疑問, 想同大家討論, 當我們的高級警司離職後, 於空間工作, 同時用他們親人的名字在警隊出薪金作為在空間工作的薪酬, 此舉是否合政府公務員的體制? 而他們在腦控空間的工作是否由政府授權? 他們的職責是否保護特首同市民的安全? 或是同腦控賤人一樣做禍國殃民, 以電子武器摧殘被腦控受害者為生呢?




Mind Control Space News this week (December 17 to 23, 2018) 


  1. This week, the loss mind and metamorphosis chip controller persistent remote control of electronic weapons caused me headaches. The degree of pain from 1-3 on the 19th to 3-5 on the 21st. It is said that seven elders have been killed. Such perps whom have wrecked a country, ruined the people would be Sean Lau Liu, Alex Fong, Francis Ng, Timothy Cheng, English Tang, Ivan Ho, Sandra Ng, Kitman Mak, Nancy Chit etc.
    2. This week, the trouble makers for nuisance victims to earn for living would be: The RTHK’s DJs, head by Cuson Law, the radio show "18th floor, Block C" all DJs and TVB elderly actors.
    3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller keeps to within my chip with others, and change my appearance with. Such reminding me about the new technology facial recognition system. How can the system detect taking effect? ​​If the identification system only recognizes the iris film, how about within two chip together that makes iris film replaceable? I believe about needs to be confirmed by practice.
    4. In every year’s holidays, birthdays, brain control space managers will give "lucky money" to the perps who work in space. It is said someone took my name to sign for receipt, but does not work. I have to disclosure again, I am a victim being mind control in mind control space, not the person who working on, if someone with my chip for gang stalking or electronic harassment, such will compensate according to punitive terms.


  1. I have a question to discuss with you all. When our senior Superintendent of policemen leaves the post, work in space and use the names of their relatives to receive the salary from government as a pay in space. Do you think such move in line with the system of government civil servants? I guess it depends on their job in the brain-control space whether authorized by the government? Does their duty protect the safety of the chief executive and the citizens? Or they do the same job as the brain-controlling perps by use electronic weapons to tortured the victims? what do you think? I appreciably your opinions.


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  1. 本週由13號開始, 腦控賤人喪心病狂日間遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛, 晚間輪流腦音滋擾精神虐待, 據吳鎮宇說, 接到指令, 屠城7. 同時背後下指使者說, 在我出街時攻擊我, 誤導他人以為我不被攻擊. 下指令者: 曾志偉, 吳君如, 蔡瀾, 萧定一; 執行者: 吳鎮宇, 方中信, 陳文輝, 張智霖;


  1. 本週當我飲雞湯時, 變態控芯片賤人將生魚的魚腥味同我的嗅覺轉換, 令我有作嘔的感覺.


  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人將逆呼吸者同鼻塞者同我併芯片, 令我呼吸困難, 不能入睡.


  1. 本週當我有社交活動時, 變態控芯片賤人將精神病患者同我併芯片, 令我眼神閃爍, 飄忽, 精神極不穩定, 不能清晰表達自己所思所想; 當我行街, 搭車時, 不停引我笑, 令我失態於人前; 開我口部控制, 將腦音轉由口部表達, 令我自言自語, 令傍人以為我精神出現問題. 所以我同所有受害者一樣, 當務之急是學習如何控制自己的言行舉止. 再借用耳機去掩飾被腦控所造成的失態行為. 大家共勉之.


  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人將內褲不潔者同我併芯片, 我問她們為何如此不注重衛生? 反被告知她們習慣每7天換一次內褲. 真不知是哪個地方有如此習俗? 答案是吳三姑精神病院. 無言!!


  1. 有一小撮下流老狗仍然在腦控空間隨處便溺, 放屁滋擾受害者, 性騷擾女性. 利用他們到處生事的人是曾志豪的父親和哥哥, 何守信; 據了解, 背後指使者是謝賢, 蔡瀾和夏春秋. 同時經常聽到張松枝和他的父親, 劉玉翠和她的媽媽也在空間以滋擾受害者為生. 控芯片者有人講是麥文德, 有人講是薛家燕的兒子, 未得證賓. 到目前為止, 沒人出面阻止, 而是不停縱容他們害人, 性騷擾受害者. 對其背後指使者的心態我沒法理解, 有無人可話我知, 何以用如此下流的方法作賤受害者? 是基於哪種心理?


Mind Control Space News this week (December 10 to 16, 2018)


  1. Starting from the 13th this week, the brain control perps frenzied to remote-controlled electronic weapons make me headaches in 1-5 degree in daytime. In the evening, used the brain sounds nuisance as mental abuse. According to Francis said, he got instructions to harassment victims for 7 days. Also ask to use electronic attacked me when I was out, such misled others to thought that I was safety for shopping. The giving order persons: Eric Tsang, Sandra Ng, Cai Lam, Stephen Shiu Junior. Executors: Francis Ng, Alex Fong, Chen Man Fai, Julian Cheung.
    2. When I was drinking chicken soup this week, the metamorphosis chip controller changed my smell to fresh fish smashed the fish, which made me feel sick.
    3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got inverse abdominal breathing as well as nasal congestion, which makes me breathless and can't sleep.


  1. When I had social activities this week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a mentally ill person, which made my eyes blink quickly and shimmer, extremely unstable. I could not clearly express what I thought; When I walked out the street or by bus, the perps kept me laughing in front of people, control and turned my mind into a mouth, which made me talk to myself, and made people think that I had problems in my mind. So I am studying how to control myself behavior like all the victims, also used headphones to cover up the misconduct caused by brain control.
    5. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with unclean underwear woman. I asked her why you keep your underwear dirty and not change. They were told that they used to change their underwear every 7 days. I felt sick and asks where you are? The answer was Sandra Ng Mental Hospital. Silent!!


  1. There are dirty old men still tortured the victims by foul and fart in the brain-controlled space, sexually harassing women. As known they are managed by Ivan Ho, DJ Tsang Chi How’s father and brother. Also Deon Cheung and his father, Jade Lau and her mother are also earning to living in the space by harass the victims. Someone said that the metamorphosis chip controller to be Mak Man Tak, some people say may be the son of Nancy Chit, all to be confirm...


we all understood that the behind persons are Patrick Tse, Cai Lam and Kenneth Ng Kam Tsun. So far, no one has come forward to stop them, but to keep indulging them for sexual harassment to the victims. I don’t understand such torture conducts based on what kind of mental sick? someone can tell me what kind of psychology is it based on?


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  1. 本週有海味店職員投訴, 腦控空間有賤人曾偉明向他兜售腦控機和他個人芯片, 誰知取得的竟是他人的芯片, 當他打開載有芯片的腦控機時, 他聽到的是我的聲音, 有時是我的眼透, 懷疑是我的芯片. 我提議他將機和芯片交給我或者交由警方處理, 但至今並未收到對方任何反應. 在此強烈讉責腦控賤人, 隨便派發他人芯片, 一條芯片等同一條人命, 如此草菅人命, 罪大當諸.




  1. 腦控賤人另一賤招, 當他們想捧賤人時, 將不正常的賤人同正常受害者併芯片, 將受害者的日常生活行為舉止顯示出來, 將不正常的賤人隱形, 令人以為他們想捧的賤人是正人君子. 反之, 當他們想陷害正常的受害者, 將受害者同癮君子, 性工作者併芯片, 令人錯覺以為受害者人格有問題. 舉例, 有人將在囚人仕同某濶太併芯片, 大家錯覺以為在囚人士嫁入豪門, 當上門找尋才發覺真相. 所以提醒在空間的觀察者, 你的所見所聞都是腦控賤人的精心佈局, 並非事實的全部.




  1. 當被腦控受害者每次出國旅遊, 目的地國家都會用腦控方法監控你的一舉一動. 換言之, 你被腦控的資料證據, 並非只在原產地, 可以是你所到的任何國家. 所以當你沒法從你的所在地取得任何證據時可到你所信任的國家, 由他國取得你在所在地被腦控的資料和證據.




  1. 本週在腦控空間作孽者是電台DJ, 新聞從業員. 曾志偉, 方中信, 劉青雲出言滋擾. 吳鎮宇, 馬鼎盛意圖企圖遙控電子武器摧殘受害者.




  1. 本週晚間有女子同我併芯片, 全身發臭, 據她說是沒熱水沐浴, 大家試想想, 當今20世紀末, 哪裡仍沒有熱水?




Ming Control News this week (December 3 to 9, 2018)




  1. This week, there was a complaint from the staff of the dry seafood store. He said that someone who call himself name Tsang Wei ming sold a brain control machine to the staff with his own chip, who knows that chip belong to another one. When he turn-on the brain control machine with the chip, He heard my voice, sometimes watch from my eyes through, He suspicion may own my chip. I propose that he hand me the machine and the chip or hand it over to the police, but until now, I have not received any response from such staff. I strongly condemns the brain control perp, one chip equivalent to one human life, you cannot casually distributing victim’s chip to someone else, treat human life as if it were not worth a straw, such crimes are too wicked to be pardoned. 2. Brain control perp used a tricky technology. When they want to rise someone who abnormal, they will use the abnormal perp within the chip with the normal victim to display the behavior of the victim’s daily life as abnormal perp’s life, and the abnormal perp will disappear. Such tricky made the stalker thought that the abnormal perp in normal. On the contrary, when they want to set the normal victim up, within the victim’s chip with someone who got drug addicts, or sex workers, misleading the stalker thought that the victim got a wrong personality. For example, the chip controller within the female with a rich woman, everyone in mind control space illusion that the female was marry to rich man, when someone by door to door to visit, then find out the truth that all they saw are belong to the rich woman, and the female was a prisoner, still stay in the prison. So remind the observers in the space, what you can see and hear are based on the mind control perp’s planning, everything you saw, you hear and your thought was not your own, of cause not the truth.


  1. When the brain-controlled victim travels abroad every time, the destination country will use brain control methods to monitor your every movement. In other words, the evidence of being brain control is not only in the place of origin, but also in any of your visited countries. So when you can't get any evidence from your location, you can going to other country that you can trust, to obtain the information and evidence that you have being mind control in your location.
    4. This week, the trouble maker in mind control space were radio DJs and journalist, also heard the voice public nuisance from Eric Tsang, Alex Fang, Sean Lau. Francis Ng, Ma Dingsheng Intentional attempt to remotely control electronic weapons harass victims. 5. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a woman evening who got whole body bad smell. According to her said, there is no hot water to bathe in her place. Let's think about it. At the end of the 20th century, where is there still no hot water?


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