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The metamorphosis perps who as mad as lost the mind gave the order to destroy country reputation, hurt the people wealthy by electronic harassment: Chow Yue Fat, Ray Liu, Peter Chen, DoDo Cheng, Dayo Wong, Ng Man Tat, Paul Chun, Sean Lau, Francis Ng, Timothy Cheng, Tseng Chi How, Jade Lau etc.

 1. The mind control perp spread rumors. Lie to people said that I am a manager in mind control space. Such used to make known to the public for kill. I had clarify that my own degree was human management, not the animal trainer, and refused the role of the scapegoat.

2. At present, the Hong Kong media has been monopolized to lower credibility by a few of brain control perps. Most of media group’s income come from the drug advertising which profits by remote control electronic weapons made public's headaches. So for the news from newspaper or some of media, I keep the skeptical attitude, should have assumptions boldly; find proofs with care to every news with my principle.

3. Brain control perps often use brain sounds to communicate with children, incepting the fake sound as your family members, lie to the children to get their leave home for kidnap. So always remind your children, don't trust any brain sounds, one’s happened, direct contact the family member in the normal way, never taking action alone.

4. The brain control perps keep to used the false statements telling your friends, you are in danger, need them help, the lie once again and again, make your friends lose faith. When some day, when you really have danger, everyone thinks it is an illusion. The perps used above to creates a story like "Wolf is coming."  So remind to the victims. When you hear your friends or your family is in danger, don’t hesitate to contact them to confirm, make sure everyone safety.

本週腦控空間喪心病狂指使遙控電子武器禍國殃民者: 周潤發, 呂良偉, 陳可辛, 鄭裕玲, 黃子華, 吳盂違, 秦沛, 劉青雲, 吳鎮宇, 鄭子誠, 曾志豪, 劉玉翠等.


  1. 腦控空間有人對外散佈謠言, 聲稱我是空間管理者. 此舉實屬捧殺. 本人在大學所讀的是人類管理學, 而非馴獸師, 謝絕代罪羔羊角色.


  1. 目前香港媒體已被一小撮腦控人所壟斷, 喪失公信力. 他們的營運資金大部份都來自藥物廣告收益, 實質是遙控電子武器令市民的頭痛所得利. 所以對報紙傳媒的言論, 我一直保留懷疑的態度, 本著大膽假設, 小心求證的原則.


  1. 腦控人經常利用腦音同小朋友溝通, 以各種謊言, 調教他們家人的聲音去欺騙小朋友離家後, 將其綁架勒索. 所以需時刻提醒家中小朋友, 不好隨便相信任何人包括家人的腦音, 多以正常途徑同家人聯絡, 不可隨便單獨行動.


  1. 腦控空間賤人不停用虛假陳述, 告知你身邊朋友, 你有危險, 你有事需要他們帮忙, 一次又一次謊報, 令你身邊朋友失了信心. 當有朝一日, 你真的有事時, 大家都以為是假象. 營造有如"狼來了"的傳說. 所以呼籲被腦控受害者, 當聽到你朋友, 家人有危險時, 以不厭其煩的態度, 彼此多聯絡, 確保大家處於安全的狀況.


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香港時間2019-01-07 (是日所有法律責任由方中信和林家棟負責)


02:33-07:30 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我半睡半醒.同時將鼻塞者,腿酸者,痰塞者和眼有雪花同我併芯片精神虐待;


07:30-24:00 變態賤人持續性開我腦音, 潛聲, 潛入虛假思維,挑撥離間;


07:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將雙腿酸痛, 沉重者同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-09:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛;


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


08:32-1000  變態控芯賤人將發屁, 便溺者同我併芯片性騷擾;


09:00-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將暗瘡鼻和額頭有暗瘡者同我併芯片精神虐待;


17:24-24:00     變態賤人間歇性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛;


17:50-24:00 變態賤人間歇性遙控電子武器令我耳背痛;


17:54-24:00 變態逐臭賤人間歇性同我併芯片放屁, 空氣污染;


10:15-14:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器思維干擾我讀報刊和書寫;


18:20       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有肥胖者;


18:20-24:00 變態控芯賤人間歇性將發泡雞同我併芯片性騷擾;


19:48-22:30 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛;


19:48-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將痰塞者同我併芯片精神虐待;


20:42-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將鼻塞者同我併芯片精神虐待;


20:45-24:00 變態控芯賤人間歇性將發瘟雞同我併芯片性騷擾;


21:00-24:00 變態控芯賤人將便秘狗吳震宇同我併芯片性騷擾;


22:30-24:00 變態控芯賤人持續性將棉花雞同我併芯片影響儀容;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




香港時間2019-01-08 (是日日間法律責任由薛家燕, 秦沛負責, 晚間由羅啟新, 曾志豪負責)


00:00-02:30 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我頭痛,睡眠剥奪; 輪流腦音滋擾; 同時將鼻塞者,痰塞者,腿酸者和眼有雪花者同我併芯片精神虐待;


00:00-02:30 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛和耳背痛;


06:33-09:00 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我半睡半醒.同時將鼻塞者,腿酸者,痰塞者和眼有雪花同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


09:00-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將雙腿酸痛, 沉重者同我併芯片精神虐待;


09:00-24:00 變態控芯賤人間歇性將便秘狗吳震宇同我併芯片性騷擾;


06:30-10:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-3級頭痛;


06:30-09:00 變態賤人姜文杰持續性開我腦音, 潛聲駡人, 潛入虛假思維,挑撥離間;


09:00-23:12 變態控芯賤人持續性將棉花雞同我併芯片影響儀容;


11:00-16:30 變態控芯片賤人關閉我小便掣, 令我小便困難:


11:36-12:15 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器思維干擾我讀報刊和書寫;


11:43-12:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我身體發熱;


11:42-12:16 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-3級頭痛;


12:00-17:00 變態控芯片賤人將樣貌有如雞泡魚者同我併芯片影響儀容;


12:15-18:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我感覺疲倦;


12:30-13:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子脈衝器攻擊我頸部淋巴;


16:58-24:00 變態控芯片賤人關閉我嗅覺和味覺掣, 令我食而無味:


18:15       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有肥胖者;


18:40       變態控芯片賤人將呼吸道有問題者同我併芯片精神虐待;


21:00-24:00 變態控芯賤人間歇性將發瘟雞同我併芯片性騷擾;


21:48-24:00 變態逐臭賤人間歇性同我併芯片放屁, 空氣污染;


21:51-23:30 變態控芯片賤人將腸胃不適者同我併芯片精神虐待;


21:48-24:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我3-5級頭痛;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).


香港時間2019-01-09 (是日日間法律責任由薛家燕, 林家棟負責, 晚間由羅啟新, 劉青雲負責)


00:00-03:00 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我頭痛,睡眠剥奪; 輪流腦音滋擾; 同時將鼻塞者,痰塞者,腿酸者和眼有雪花者同我併芯片精神虐待;


00:00-17:10 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;


03:00-08:30 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我半睡半醒.同時將鼻塞者,腿酸者,痰塞者和眼有雪花同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


08:30-18:00 變態控芯片賤人將全身肌肉鬆弛者同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將雙腿酸痛, 沉重者同我併芯片精神虐待;


10:10-11:00 變態控芯賤人將發屁, 便溺者同我併芯片性騷擾;


11:00-15:15 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器思維干擾我讀報刊和書寫;


11:29-17:10 變態控芯片賤人將腳痛者同我併芯片精神虐待;


11:32-17:10 變態控芯片賤人將右腿酸痛, 關節僵硬者同我併芯片精神虐待;


16:32-17:10 變態控芯賤人將發屁, 便溺者同我併芯片性騷擾;


18:00-19:04 變態賤人持續性開我腦音, 前後潛聲駡人, 潛入虛假思維,挑撥離間;


18:25       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有肥胖者;


19:00-22:00 變態控芯片賤人將左腿關節痛者同我併芯片精神虐待;


19:05-22:00 變態控芯片賤人將雙眼模糊,酸痛者同我併芯片影響視力;


23:12-23:30 變態控芯賤人間歇性將便秘狗吳鎮宇同我併芯片性騷擾;


21:08-24:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-3級頭痛,頭暈;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




香港時間2019-01-10 (是日所有法律責任由彭偉華, 鄭子誠,方中信, 陳文輝負責)


06:40-08:30 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我半睡半醒.同時將鼻塞者,腿酸者,痰塞者和發瘟雞和眼有雪花同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00 換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將雙腿酸痛, 沉重者同我併芯片精神虐待;


09:40-11:00 變態控芯賤人將發屁, 便溺者同我併芯片性騷擾;


11:00-11:30 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器思維干擾我讀報刊和書寫;


12:07-15:35 變態賤人間歇性電子武器令我1-3級頭痛,頭暈;


12:15-18:16 變態控芯片賤人將左腿關節痛者同我併芯片精神虐待;


15:15-15:35 變態逐臭賤人間歇性同我併芯片放屁, 空氣污染;


17:50-23:30 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我3-5級頭痛,頭暈;


18:30       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有全身肌肉下垂者.


19:00-24:00 變態逐臭賤人間歇性同我併芯片放屁, 空氣污染;


20:00-22:30 變態控芯賤人將便秘狗吳鎮宇同我併芯片性騷擾;


21:40-23:23 變態控芯片賤人將腸胃不適者同我併芯片精神虐待;


21:53-24:00 變態控芯賤人將坐圍痕癢者同我併芯片性騷擾;


23:27-24:00 變態控芯賤人間歇性將發瘟雞同我併芯片性騷擾;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




香港時間2019-01-11 (是日所有法律責任由周潤發,周星馳,鄭子誠,方中信,劉青雲,馬鼎盛,陳文輝負責)


00:00-08:30 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器每小時喚醒, 輪流腦音滋擾; 同時將鼻塞者,腿酸者和發瘟雞同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人間歇性將雙腿酸痛, 沉重者同我併芯片精神虐待;


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


10:15-11:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器思維干擾我讀報刊和書寫;


11:28-17:00 變態控芯片賤人將左腿關節痛者同我併芯片精神虐待;


16:35-24:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我5-8級頭痛,頭暈; (8小時)


17:50-20:00 變態控芯片賤人將全身發臭者同我併芯片精神虐待;


18:40       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有全身肌肉下垂者.


19:40-20:00 變態控芯賤人持續性將發泡雞同我併芯片性騷擾;


19:40-24:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我身體發熱;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




香港時間2019-01-12 (是日所有法律責任由呂良偉, 陳可辛,倪震,吳志森負責)


00:00-13:30 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我5-8級頭痛,頭暈; (13小時)


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


13:52-24:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我3-5級頭痛,頭暈;(10小時)


20:35-21:00 變態控芯賤人將坐圍痕癢者同我併芯片性騷擾;


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




香港時間2019-01-13 (是日所有法律責任由呂良偉,陳可辛,鄧英敏負責)


01:45-09:00 變態賤人遙控電子脈衝器令我頭痛,睡眠剥奪; 輪流腦音滋擾; 同時將鼻塞者,痰塞者,腿酸者和眼有雪花者同我併芯片精神虐待;


02:45-12:00 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我右額頭5-8級頭痛,頭暈;(9小時)


08:30-24:00換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併芯片性騷擾;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將左眼白內障者, 腎病引起的眼睛酸痛疲倦, 右眼眼肚有斜紋者,沒精神者同我併芯片影響儀容和視力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併芯片影響我書寫和語言能力;


08:30-24:00 變態控芯片賤人將下巴痿縮,大頸泡,多隻有喉結的雄性動物同我併芯片影響儀容;


09:30-11:30 變態控芯片賤人將鼻塞者同我併芯片精神虐待;


11:00-21:20 變態控芯片賤人關閉我小便掣, 令我小便困難:


14:22-17:28 變態賤人持續性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;(3小時)


17:23-23:00 變態逐臭賤人間歇性同我併芯片放屁, 空氣污染;


20:00-24:00 變態賤人間歇性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈


21:20       沐浴時,變態控芯賤人將多男1女同我併芯片性騷擾,其中有全身肌肉下垂者.


(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約120, 我實際體重是81).




將我每天在腦控空間所發生的一切有關腦控賤人濫用私刑事件在此披露做為日後警方口供同呈堂文件. 請各方親人及好友, 切不可付款給腦殘賤人族”, 你的好心將成為腦殘賤人族製造更多害人的機會.




本人在此再次聲明, 我和我的家人從未索取到任何賠償. 也從未由腦控人手上取得任何酬勞.




我是被精神禁錮”, 沒有腦控機, 沒有腦芯片, 沒有屏障器.

I write my day in the brain control space as the disclosure statement for the police, and later for court supporting documents.




Warn   to   my   relatives and friends, do not pay to the '' perp. sluts '', your kindness will become the ''Perp. Sluts'' to create one more opportunities to hurt me.




Here again I declare that I and my family never obtain any compensation and reward from the Perps. In the mind control space up today.




I was alone in the mind control space, I have no mind-control machine, no my own brain chip, no blocking device on my hand.




腦控賤人全週將載有我芯片的腦控機腦音掣全打開, 潛入他人思維,發放虛假思維. 挑撥離間,誤導聽者, 當我發出正面思維或指責賤人時, 有人覆蓋我的腦音. 令聽者以為是賤人的聲音. 反之將賤人的負面思維潛我聲, 由我的聲線發出.




當我閱讀時, 變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器思維干擾,令我沒辦法集中精神閱讀. 同時將有鄉音者同我併芯片, 影響我發音.




本週沐浴時, 變態控芯片賤人將我同多男一女併芯片性騷擾;




本週變態控芯片賤人將便溺而引起的發泡, 便秘引起的放屁者同我併芯片令我在公眾場所出醜, 空氣污染;












In the whole week,the perps controller turn on the brain control machine sound switch on full day Imperceptibly my mind by others to send for dirty words, issuing false thinking. Misled the listener.  When I send positive thinking or accusing perps, it was intermittent cover my brain sound by someone else.




When I reading, the perp turn on the brain machine key of all chips in mind control machine, that made me cannot reading in concentration. Also within chip with someone who with broad accent, it seriously over my fluent in speaking.




In the whole week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with several men and one woman together for sexual harassment, even I taking shower.




In the whole week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got gatism causing fart disorder every time, made me so embarrass for fart in public.




In the whole week, the metamorphosis perp remote control electronic for headache, body extremely hot and extremely cold with turn.




Gang stalking in 24 hours per day.


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Gracias por leerme. No había vuelto a escribir, se presentan situaciones diferentes que impiden que lo haga, pero todos los días desde que comencé a escribir siento la necesidad de hacerlo, hoy como cada segundo, recibo maltrato psicológico por parte de la persona que realiza el gangstalking, hoy le volví a escuchar fuera de sus micrófonos, posiblemente conscientemente, que se dirige a mí como "la idiota", esto lo dijo hoy a las 6:49 p.m.,  comentó que estoy conectada a dos megacomputadoras, para que me sienta tan presionada, tan sin esperanza, que decida irme, el tipo se comporta como Calígula, quien en su tiempo entregaba un arma a la persona que quería que se quitara la vida en su presencia.


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Posted on August 28, 2019 by gretta fahey
A direct behavioural control system is the most extreme form of psychological torture known to man. It involves gaining wireless control over the musculature of a human victim and then using algorithms to remote control the human being from that time forward leaving the human victim unable to ever move any of their own muscles again for the whole of their lives. They come to be in a position where they are entirely at the mercy of psychopaths and sadists who could force the victim to place their hand in a pot of boiling water until their skin falls off, which is similar as to how torture was carried out during the second world war.
Achieving direct behavioural control over a human being may involves ensuring that anybody who is selected for direct behavioural control first be given dust sized particles to ingest and inhale which would be made to happen without the selected victim knowing that it is happening. The dust sized particles could possibly then group together inside the human body into pieces which are large enough to adhere to pieces of human tissue which could possibly be wirelessly connected to a network of computers where the human tissue of that human victim could be externally controlled. However, another explanation which has been given for the recent phenomenon which is called human bio-robotization is that the human being is wirelessly connected to a super computer via neural dust which penetrates the blood brain barrier and adheres to a neuro transmitters of the human brain. The neural dust is then wirelessly connected to a network of computers where all activities of the motor cortex are recorded and later wirelessly replayed to the victims brain and body in order to make their muscles move against their wills.
I am being prepared for human bio-robotization. My facial and neck muscles are already under the direct control of unknown neuro operatives who can now force any muscle in my face and most of my neck to move against my own will. My right hand has begun to move against my will. I can feel energy surging out from the centre of my hand on occasions. I can see my thumb and fingers move against my will. I have been wirelessly tethered to this direct behavioural control system for many years and I feel that the unknown neuro operatives who are preparing me for human bio-robotization are gaining more and more control over my head and body at the months go by. I have written about my experiences in my website which is called

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Firstly, please see what International Criminal Court and I were  chatting about .

Then, please see " After UN contacted me..."

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

All I allege against Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors , gathering around and in my workplace , who are committing torture, harassment, threats, poisoning, terror, attempted murder, are indisputable facts. 

As long as any of them, UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, former  Mr Attorney General of Canada, Ontario Ombudsman, expresses their voice or stands up for me, they must hack, block, filter them all no matter who they are, including everything I am using, all social medias, all VPNs...and my cellphone.

Please  see  2 photos below you can understand what happened and what are happening to me.

1. Voice from   International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims

2. Hack UN Human Rights

( Why do I use netlog? )

And,  UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided.

14 years ago, Canadian lawyer said to me: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."

UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court. International Criminal Court and me regarding what happened and what are happening.

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this by fax, not only for myself, thanks.

These 5 links below for your reference:

In 2009, UN Connnittee Against Torture stated as follows regarding the use of Non-Lethal Weapons

The purpose of Non-Lethal Weapons by  Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate

International Trade and Show for Non-Lethal Weapons

After UN contacted me...

Watch this being hacked video  "After UN contacted me..."

Listen to this being hacked audio

Regarding " Inhumane Weapons" , "Non-Lethal Weapons " viewed by UN and  Canadian Security Intelligence Service; and related Information and literature  from World Health Organization  and the Department of The Army  ( You must have them. ) , please see this video below:

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Forced vomiting

One evening last month they made me vomit 3 times, then they kept me awake and I could feel the frequencies going across my stomach. Then at 4 20 a.m. they made me vomit again and this time it was black vomit. Then they let me sleep. After that I checked on google and it said black vomit is coagulated blood and is a medical emergency. Obviously it was not an emergency in this case, but please note it could be, and be aware of that. I could not eat the next day, and only ate bread and snacks for weeks. I think my stomach is OK now.

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Posted on August 27, 2019 by gretta fahey
A group of psychopathic and sadistic individuals have decided to enslave their fellow human beings by first of all setting up a social credit score system where we would be awarded high scores if we grovelled to them and were subserviently obedient to them as well as being obedient to all of their many and varied rules. They would also punish anyone who dared to disobey them and they punishment would be administered wirelessly and from a remote location. First of all they plan to wirelessly link each and everyone of us to a pre-programmed computerized human control system if they are allowed to have the large bandwidth that they need in order to achieve this universal wireless enslavement through making fifth generation wireless technology mandatory in all countries throughout the world.
We already may have the necessary nano particulates inside our bodies because it was sprayed on us from the air. Further to this other necessary implants are thought to have been injected into us in the disposable needles which are being used to vaccinate us. The nano material may have spread around the human body via the blood stream because of the fungus like material which was also deliberately sprayed on us in order to facilitate this. However, the nano particulates may or may then leave the human body if it is not pushed further into the muscles of that human body by neuro operatives who are employed to target certain individuals and to push the nano particulates from the human blood stream into the human musculature in order to be able to take eventual external control of the musculature of those pre-selected targeted individuals of which I am one. I have been targeted from total external control which is also known as human bio-robotization. The unknown neuro operatives whose computer network I am wirelessly linked to can now move my facial and neck muscles against my will. My right hand is now taking on a life of its own. Many other targeted individuals whose names I have recorded have voiced similar complaints online.
If we dared to question the right of the slave masters to enslave us and if we continued to disobey their rules they would then make an example of the targeted individuals that they have already partially prepared for human bio-robotization so that nobody else would dare question them ever again. Please disassemble and ban all wirelessly enabling capabilities across the world right now. Science and technology have been taken too far and we are on the edge of a nightmare. Please act now. My whole story is to be found at my website which is called Psychiatrists are under psychological control. They have been inculcated into the cult of psychiatry which has no basis in science whatsoever. It is being used to over ride the legal process in order to place good will human beings on a psychiatric hold whenever they wish to warn the public of the danger we are all in at this pivotal time in the history of the human race.

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Even though I never move my computer from its permanent location inside my own home sometimes when I wish to find the location of my computer the location is wrongly ascribed to a location in Dublin, Ireland or even the south of Ireland. I wish to state that I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I was born at this address. I will live here until I die. I do not move my computer anywhere else ever. I dont know why an incorrect address for the location of this my one and only computer is presented when I ask for my current location but it has been wrongly located on numerous occasions. The reason this concerns me is because I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to a network of computers where I am being electronically harassed and psychologically tortured on an ongoing basis for the purposes of gaining complete external control of my musculature for the eventual purposes of physically enslaving me by wireless means. Secrecy allows evil to flourish and the individuals who are attempting to physically enslave me by wireless means may not wish that my physical location be known to the public. My real and only location is as follows
latitude and longditude
53° 42' 20.0897" N, 9° 9' 2.7154" W.
My name is Gretta Fahey.
My landline home phone number is 0949360901
My website is

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There is a false hierarchical based chain of command being set up right now in secret across the world. It involves having dark occultists such as Luciferians and Satanists at the top, followed possibly by corporations which may by then be privately owned by the dark occultists because the dark occultists are using corrupt banking laws to print money out of nothing and they are using this money to purchase all of the resources on the planet. I believe that national boundaries would be dissolved because national identities unite people and the dark occultists do not wish that to happen. They prefer to divide and conquer. Each man would be affiliated with whichever corporation he worked for. Nobody could exist outside the work system. Women would be subservient to men and they would not be allowed in the work force at all. It would be mandatory for men and women to marry at a very young age and stay married for life. Children would be seen to be owned by the state and they would be raised to have a satanic mind set which is a belief in moral relativism rather than a belief in objective right and wrong. All human beings other than the Satanists and Luciferians at the top of the false hierarchical based chain of command would by then be wirelessly tethered from technology inside their brains and bodies to a computerized control and enslavement system. The reason I have become aware of this is because I myself am already non-consensually and extremely unwillingly wirelessly tethered to this computerized control and enslavement system where I receive voice commands on a regular basis.
Globalists are doing everything in their power to centralise all world power in their own hands and to ultimately disempower all of their fellow human beings totally and utterly. Hundreds of people who have realised this have been investigating all worldwide legal documents which allow a small group of men to take control of more and more of the management of this world and its citizens in secret. The hundreds of independent investigators who have been scrutinizing the paper trail and who are all reporting their findings to a group of spokes people known as The American Intelligence Media have discovered that three small independent sovereign states which are landlocked inside large countries but which have no legal affiliation with those large countries are responsible for this ongoing attempt at the takeover and wireless control of the world and of their fellow human beings. They are the City of London Financial District which is an independent state which is landlocked inside the United Kingdom, Washington DC which is an independent state and which is landlocked inside the United States, and the Vatican State which is an independent state and which is landlocked inside Italy. Some if not all of the individuals who work inside these three small independent sovereign states are working towards enslaving the whole human race.
The British Privy Council who work inside the City of London Financial District work for the Crown. The Queen of England owns the bank of England. The British Privy Council and others who work inside the City of London Financial District run the bank of England on behalf of the Queen of England. In fact, the whole worldwide banking system is run from this location inside the City of London Financial District. A British company called Serco now controls and runs the United States Military. The British Privy Council is a major player in the United States, and most especially in Silicon Valley. . The British are setting up an initiative to drive the Chinese government against the United States. The British are also attempting to drive Russia against the United States according to the American Intelligence Media. The American Intelligence Media support the fact that The British Monarchy is a cover for the greatest insider trading group that has ever existed.
I am not in favour of monarchies or indeed any type of hierarchical based chain of command. I am an anarchist and I would love to live in a world which would be run by a system of rules without rulers. This world is self-regulating . We do not need rulers, just rules. However, I do not believe that the British Monarchy are evil. I believe that they are being controlled. The dark occultists never place themselves at the forefront of any hierarchy in case the people ever turned against the hierarchy and had them killed. The dark occultists always hide in the darkness of anonymity.
I also do not believe that most members of the British Privy Council are evil. They also have high profile positions which makes me believe that they are being influenced by the real evil dark occultists whose names we do not yet know. The British Privy Council may be victims rather than evil men and women. They could be under extreme electronic mind control, something which there is no defence against as yet. Many of the British Privy Council have titles such as Sir or Lord. Examples are Lord Mark Mallock-Brown and Sir Geoffrey Pattie. When a member of the British Privy Council is given a title they are obliged to take an oath to the Queen of England for life. If they break the oath they could be found hanging upside down under Blackfriars Bridge in London. We do not know what constraints they are under. We must rescue them rather than punish them. It is against the law to speak about the Queens business. They are obliged to take their secrets to the grave. If we gain the trust of the The British Privy Council they will then tell us who their overlords really are. One of the main reasons I believe that the great evil which has befallen our planet does not stem directly from the British Privy Council members themselves is because the dark occultists love to insult those who work from them by called them derogatory names. They have names the British Privy Council after an outside toilet.
My website is called

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I have become wirelessly fused to a computerized centralized control system by bi-directional wireless links from by brain and body to said computerized human control system. The control system collects electrical data from my brain and body on a continual basis which it automatically translates into my verbal thoughts, words and actions. The control system sends me voices, visions, pain and other bodily sensations. On several occasions the control system used wireless signals to place me in a virtual reality hold for a short space of time where I was obliged to watch moving images against my will. They can also place me in a frequency hold which they did for a whole year back in approximately 2009 where the frequency which generates terror in a human being was locked on to my unique brain or else DNA signature during the entirety of that year.

The computerized control system which I am being controlled by is also being used to influence the thought processes of government officials such as politicians and the police to the extent that in most instances they are not inclined to even believe this invisible wireless human control system exists. We can provide a large number of patent numbers which prove it exists. The United States patent office has been proven to be corrupt to the extent that any and all patents which are being registered there are being automatically being stolen by a cabal of criminals who wish to take over and enslave the human race. We can also provide proof of the existence of the fact that many of us are wirelessly tethered to this system by our brains and bodies by the use of spectrum analysers and other equipment which would prove without any doubt that there are irregularities in our human energy fields.

Bryan Tew is a well known targeted individual who has experienced similar wireless harassment and psychological torture experiences to what I have experienced because of being non-consensually linked to said system. He has stated online that according to his research the neuro operatives who operate the computerized human control and enslavement system do not actually need any physical equipment to run it and instead they can be placed into a virtual reality setting by wireless means where they can then use virtual reality screens to run said system. If this is in fact the case I believe that they would have to have a variety of electrical implants implanted throughout their heads and bodies which would allow such a virtual reality workspace to be manifested by wireless means around them. The reason that we must discuss this further is because if the police show up at the home of anybody who is thought to be electronically harassing and furthering the wireless enslavement of any of their fellow human beings, they would not be able to find the equipment they would expect to find in order to arrest the suspects. They instead would need to bring a high quality spectrum analyser to the home of all suspects in order to detect anomalies in the energy field of the suspect.

Many targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation complain of also being stalked on an occasional basis. I myself am a bicycle user and I cycle my bicycle to my nearby towns of Claremorris or Ballinrobe several times per month. On many occasions when I am travelling to or from Ballinrobe by the Cloongowla Road I encounter a man walking alone while wheeling a bicycle and wearing a chain either around his waste or hanging from his trouser. The bicycle walking man who I encounter is a different man each time. The Cloongowla Road is level and continues on for a distance of six kilometres. It is isolated. It has a total of nineteen houses throughout the whole six kilometres. Most of those houses are near each other and are near the town. There is no need to walk a bicycle if the road is level. The chain which is worn by whatever man I happen to meet that day is suitable for tying up the hands and feet of human being. Has any other targeted individual encountered men who wear chains either around their waist or hanging from their trousers. I have written and posted online about these encounters on the Cloongowla Road outside Ballinrobe, County Mayo, Ireland once or twice before but it has not deterred these men. This is a situation which I have encountered at least seven times already. It could have been happening longer than that but it took me a while to wake up to the pattern of their odd and intimidating behaviour. They don’t look or dress like Irish men do. I will continue to post information on this phenomenon.

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<p>I have become non-consensually wirelessly linked to a computerized control system which is shortly meant for most people throughout the world.    I have been informed by wireless means via this system that I must tow the line.   I understand that the phrase "tow the line" means keep to the letter of the law.   I responded to said wirelessly generated voice as follows "I tow the line and I always have done as far as constitutional law is concerned.  You are attempting to enforce satanic law which is being enforced via advanced technology and which is being generated by unelected individuals who work out of the privately owned United Nations in New York City which in turn is governed by individuals who work inside three small independent sovereign states acting as one unit and they are called The Vatican State, The London Financial District and Washington DC.   They are owned and run by a small group of private individuals who have usurped constitutional laws throughout the world with the aim of eventual total technological enslavement of the rest of the human race."</p>

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly linked by many two way streams of energy from technology inside my head and body to a network of computers or else to a supercomputer or both. I have been non-consensually bio-engineered over many years to the extent that the muscles of my face can now be externally controlled by wireless means and this is being done to me by unknown operatives who work from a remote location.. My facial muscles are being moved vigorously against my will and without my permission by wireless means on an almost daily basis. Will the capability to wirelessly move my facial muscles by remote control continue to be a capability after I am dead and if so for how long will the capability to do so last?

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Name: Local Area Connection* 1
Description: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:a8
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::9906:39ea:42c6:8fa4%18/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: Local Area Connection* 3
Description: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #2
Physical address (MAC): 1a:56:80:c7:9f:a7
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::c061:c4ee:59c3:6b90%10/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: WiFi
Description: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:a7
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::2901:b75e:2aaf:629%9/64
Default gateway:
DNS servers:,
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: Bluetooth Network Connection
Description: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:ab
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::65e9:a468:240f:f87d%4/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: Ethernet
Description: Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device
Physical address (MAC): 0c:5b:8f:27:9a:64
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

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Name: Local Area Connection* 1
Description: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:a8
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::9906:39ea:42c6:8fa4%18/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: Local Area Connection* 3
Description: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #2
Physical address (MAC): 1a:56:80:c7:9f:a7
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::c061:c4ee:59c3:6b90%10/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: WiFi
Description: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:a7
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::2901:b75e:2aaf:629%9/64
Default gateway:
DNS servers:,
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: Bluetooth Network Connection
Description: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:ab
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::65e9:a468:240f:f87d%4/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: Ethernet
Description: Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device
Physical address (MAC): 0c:5b:8f:27:9a:64
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

UN encouraged and advised me to expose to defend  Human Rights. I did.

But, "they", Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government... who are living with me as my neighbors, gathering around and in my workplace  ,are hacking everything I am using, everything you can imagine,  including this photo for UN Human Rights. Even, regardless of anything, they are hacking UN, International Human Rights Community, and International Criminal Court. Please see  this photo below.

What happened and what are happening?

UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims  have everything I provided.

14 years ago, Canadian lawyer said to me: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."

UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court.

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-gping torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this by fax, not only for myself, thanks.9143219464?profile=original

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The brains of most of the human race have now become digitalized by the following process. We have been sprayed with nano particle microwave resonant material from spraying of the skies over our heads by aircraft. The nano particle microwave resonant material has infiltrated our blood brain barriers and has adhered to the neuro transmitters in our brains. The nano particle microwave resonant material can decode the neuro transmitters of our brains in a process called transcranial brain stimulation. This renders our brains digitalized.
If you send a letter to a politician via email the letter is in digitalized form and the politicians brain is in digitalized form, the neuro operatives who intercept emails at a centralized location scramble the message in the digitalized email and the way it is received in the digitalized brain of the politician. The politician will be deliberately made to adhere to a strict protocol of indifference to all communications which are counter to what they have already been programmed to accept. This has been done over many years and is repeated on a daily basis. The digital signals which are constantly programming their digitalized brains come from nearby microwave transmitters and now also from nearby 5G millimetre wave transmitters.
There is a way around this process. You must write all letters from here on in in cursive in order to subvert this process.
If we all follow this advice we will have great success in waking humanity up to the ongoing attempt at digitally enslaving us by a cabal of globalists. If you are making posters, design them yourself with your own hand. Inform everyone you write to of the urgent need to organise to have all microwave transmitters and millimetre wave transmitters disassembled and banned throughout the world. We may be able to destroy the nano particle microwave resonant material which has adhered to the neuro transmitters of our brains by having ourselves pulsed with strong pulses of magnetic energy or we may be able to detoxify it our of our bodies by ingesting borox or some similar substance.
If we do nothing we will all be enslaved by wireless means. You must act now.

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Please see 2 photos. You help me forward?

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Here are 2 pieces of evidence about how  Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government... who are living with me as my neighbors and gathering around / in my workplace, are torturing me, terrorizing me with Microwave Weapons, not only this one,  which  can cause both tinnitus and damage to my brain.

Photo 1 for evidence

Photo 2 for evidence

Recently ,  one professor of University of  California, San Diego stated: If you are secretly forced to take one medicine called " sensitizer ", they can start their torture, terror and murder by Microwave, Radio Frequency...because you are now very sensitive to  Microwave, Radio Frequency. ( This paragraph is being filtered.)

For more evidence, for more details , UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided.

UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court.

So, "they" are hacking UN, International Human Rights Community , International Criminal Court and everything I am using , regardless of anything. Amnesty International , Human Rights Watch and UN , they all " witness" what they are doing.

Fight for my life being threatened and fight against on-going  torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture




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