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Neuro weapons experts are now reproducing their own voices inside the heads of a selection of extremely unwilling people throughout the world with the aid of classified energy weapons. Some people have had two way voice technology imbedded in their ear canals, but even without the aid of this imbedded technology the voices of the neuro operatives can nevertheless be reproduced inside the head of an unwilling human being if that human being has an accumulation of technological dust particles inside their head via inhalation or ingesting throughout the food, water or air supply.

The practice of forcing unwilling people to hear the voices of criminals who work within the intelligence services or who are loosely affiliated with the intelligence services has now become widespread. The police and psychiatrists are refusing to confront this situation either through fear or because they have been already compromised by this technology or because they are under electronic mind control from the use of smart engineered technology in their environment. Targeted individuals of this practice of being forced to hear inner voices which is known as voice to skull direct communication or microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy for the most part no longer inform the police or psychiatrists of their predicament because they do not wish to be erroneously incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital. Many targeted individuals have purchased radio frequency tracers only to find that strong radio frequencies sometimes come out out of their ears or from the back or top of their heads. 

A criminal syndicate of neuro operatives have been reproducing their voices inside my head wholly against my will and without my permission for nearly sixteen years. They frequently threaten to torture me at some time in the future. They have graphically threatened to kill me using a variety of gruesome methods. They insult me regularly. Because of the accumulation of technological dust particles inside my body and brain, these members of the criminal syndicate can now move my facial muscles against my will and can also force my head to nod and shake against my will. My whole body has started to come alive against my will.

Targeted individuals and indeed any member of the public who has an accumulation of technological neuro dust dispersed throughout their body and brain can now be made to have a virtual reality experience without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. The virtual reality experience could be made to involve all five of their senses and it could be positive or negative. False cover stories such as the demonic possession hoax, the near death experience hoax, the extra-terrestrial hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and many other hoaxes have been invented to cover up these classified scientific capabilities. Stationary drones have been mistaken for satellites by the scientific community.

One of the voices which I hear coming from inside my head has informed me today that they hope to be able to gain total control of my brain and body in as little as six months time. If that situation comes about I would then be a remote controlled neuro slave. I would not be able to over-ride the wireless digital signals which they can both send and receive to and from the accumulations of technological neuro dust inside my body.

I am not the only one in this predicament. In fact there are so many other targeted individuals who are claiming to experience forced muscle movement and internal voices that if we all eventually become human robots the fabric of society will collapse in due course.

We have no choice to be disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia immediately. However, the general public appear to be under electronic mind control which is non-detectable and impossible to override. They appear to have been electronically mind controlled to believe that anybody who hears the voices of other human beings coming from inside their heads is mentally ill, which is not the case. If we organised to have the microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and outright banned electronic mind control would also be a thing of the past. Microwave transmitters can also be used and is being used to burn down houses be remote wireless means. Hence, another reason to urgently ban all microwave transmitters now. These are silent weapons and this is a secret war. Time is short. The worldwide economy may soon shut down because of the secret use of these wireless weapons in high places.

We can not afford to be naïve in a twenty first century of advanced technology where almost anything is possible. We have gone too far. Cadavers can now be made to get up and dance because of inner neuro dust combined with strategically placed implants. Real life human beings such as you and I can also be bio-robotized if given enough time to complete the process. There is no future for the children of his generation or for a million generations of children to come while the microwave transmitters remain standing.

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The people of most countries throughout the world have been inhaling and ingesting smart dust over the past decade or more without their knowledge or consent. This dust sized technology has now dispersed widely throughout the their bodies and brains.  This smart technology  can be tuned into wirelessly and controlled remotely via a myriad of digital technologies in their homes and wider environment and it can be used to control them from the inside out. People can now be made to hear voices, see visions, and feel sensations throughout their bodies. They can be given orders that they would hear coming from inside their heads. If they refuse to obey these orders they could be made to feel pain or in some instances they could be paralysed by remote control and from a distance. All human behaviour is being studied on a forensic level and computerized algorithms are being set up to automatically award points for behaviour which falls in line with the thinking of the  new would-be controllers, and to  deduct points for behaviour which is out of line with their thinking. Everything that every human being does, thinks and says every minute of every day could be used to award or deduct points to or from  their personal credit score. This control system is now being controlled by teams of neuro operatives who themselves are already controlled for the most part by algorithms.   Many people throughout the world have already been placed on this control system. They have come to be known as targeted individuals.

We are now at the eleventh hour. If you wish to live in freedom in the future you must organise to have all wireless enabling capabilities disassembled and banned. We are at a pivotal point in human history. If you act now you will help to ensure that millions of future generations of human beings live in freedom on this world. All government systems have been captured and corrupted and government staff have been placed under electronic mind control due to the fact that they have been mandated to use smart engineered technology in their work places. Banking systems and all intelligence services throughout the world have been fused into one bank and one intelligence service and they are headquartered in Switzerland. The intelligence service staff are under Nazi type control.

All of the worlds money supply is slowly and incrementally being taken from the human race through extra and unfair taxes and through people unknowingly being placed under electronic mind control when they are making their wills to give their money to bogus charities, so that these too can be used by the dark new world order cartel for nefarious purposes of control and eventual enslavement of the whole human race. All centres of power have been corrupted to the extent that all power now comes from a secret hierarchical based chain of command that few are knowledgeable about.

Space based technology does not exist. It has been hoaxed. What were once believed to be satellites were in fact stationary drones which are in near earth and can easily be shot down by the people who control them. All other microwave generating technology is ground based and can easily be disassembled and eventually banned outright be the control system if it so wishes. Gun control is about taking guns from the people and giving it to agents of the dark new world order cabal so that ordinary people would then be unable to defend themselves against a fascist dictatorship. In such a dictatorship money would no longer be in use. All farm land would be owned and controlled by the world control system and nobody would be allowed to eat unless they were totally obedient to the fascist control system. If you refused to fall in line with this system and your own personal credit score dropped below a certain point, you could be selected for capture or death by computerized algorithms without any human intervention whatsoever.

The brains of most of humanity have been entrained into a state of passive indifference by the use of frequency signals which are being transmitted from cell phone towers aka mobile phone masts. Most people are unable to comprehend the extreme danger that they and their families are now facing.
The dark new world order cabal wish to allow the human populace to remain asleep so that if the current world wide financial control system fails as it is being allowed to do, they will assume that it failed because of the normal vagaries of the now non-existent market. All prices are currently under the control of said computerized algorithms.
The whole worldwide control system is destined to fail by the Autumn of this year if we fail to take back our power according to sources close to me.

Please organise immediately to have gun control abolished by refusing to hand over your guns to the current military regime. 

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Enero 5 de 2019. 8.49 a.m. Dijo el controlador de turno "Voy a pasar al lumpe por la sala de profesores" un hombre le contestó de forma preocupada y tono de regaño, "cómo se le ocurre presentar a esa en la cordura" entonces el controlador le dijo que mejor en estado alterado y el hombre le dijo "Así es que tiene que hacer"

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8.26 p.m. Hoy entendí que colocan un programa para que en un momento determinado, al parecer por los que te controlan, te mates, de la forma que ellos quieren, entonces ¿qué hago yo? yo sopeso cada frase que me dicen, por eso es que anoto aquí todas las situaciones y las cosas que me dicen, porque para mí es importante que las personas sepan qué está pasando por mi cabeza en determinado momento y qué estoy sintiendo en ese momento porque a eso es que nos referimos los TI  cuando hablamos de tortura. En mi caso son las 24 horas, 7 días de la semana. Así que sigo hablando, cuando sopesas ya sabes que no eres tú quien quiere eso, que es una programación que han colocado en tu cabeza para ordenarte que lo hagas, puede ser que se relacione con una situación como cuando aprendes otro idioma, así lo hicieron saber investigaciones, la verdad aun desconozco el por qué pero puedo decir que en mi caso, ellos aprovechan mi situación para hacer lo que yo llamo encerronas, cuando pienso y me da cierta ansiedad por la falta de trabajo, de una se activa el programa o lo activan, adicionando una voz, diciendo cosas como "usted ya tiene 40 años, usted ya no hizo nada ,es mejor que se mate", cuando tengo problemas con mi mamá, ya que por mi situación estoy viviendo con mi mamá y mi abuela, el programa se activa y se siente como si no tuvieras salidas, en ciertos momentos cuando te hacen sentir con la energía baja, se siente como si no valieras, como si tuvieras que morir, luego te preguntas ¿qué hecho yo? ¿por qué tendría que morir? si es una persona la que me lo dice ¿qué razón tiene esa persona para desearte la muerte? ¿por qué tengo que  hacerle caso a una voz que me dice que debo morir? cómo le voy a hacer caso a una persona qué me dice eso? entonces como ya se que es un programa y lo dejo pasar, me da ansiedad y me altero, esto sucede hasta que la activación pasa, cuando están todas las personas colaboradoras y los amigos del controlador es peor la situación, porque el programa es activado por varias personas a la vez y de forma seguida, una vez tras otra, en este caso es cuestión de paciencia y amor propio, ya que la idea que te está cruzando en ese momento tus neuronas no es para nada agradable, es la expresión más violenta que puede haber. 

Si estás leyendo esto, es porque ya sabes que eres TI y están buscando información sobre cómo sobrellevar esta situación, ahora tu obligación y espero es que la aceptes porque quieras o no, ahora eres responsable de todas las personas a tu alrededor, ya sabrás que el radio de acción de las ondas con las que te dirigen están a kilómetros así que irradian muchas más personas de las que crees, ESO NO QUIERE DECIR QUE POR TU CULPA ELLOS SUFRIRÁN COMO TÚ Y QUE DEBES MORIR, NO!!!!!!!!  ABSOLUTAMENTE NO!!!!!!!!!!! te lo digo porque ellos si te harán sentir eso, NO ERES CULPABLE DE NADA, por azar, o porque un vecino quiso jugar contigo desde una noche, porque estás en la universidad y desean saber qué tanto sabes o según ellos qué tan inteligente eres, en fin, estas son mis razones en mi caso. Ya se que es difícil sobrellevarte a tí mismo en esta situación y es para tí un poco difícil llevar esta responsabilidad por los otros, no depende de tu edad, depende de tu conciencia. si ya lo sabes otros deben saberlo. PERO, CUIDADO!!!! no debes decir que oyes voces de personas, lo que quieren los controladores es que estés en lo más bajo incluso bajo el suelo, si te pones a decir que oyes voces podrás ser llevado a una clínica de reposo o manicomio, infórmate  de todo esto, sobre todo la parte técnica para que vayas entendiendo cómo es que lo hacen. Ahora bien ¿cómo puedes apoyar a otros? Comenta como algo de que tienes información que está pasando en el mundo, es parte de la nueva tecnología así que las personas te atenderán. La mayoría de la personas del común no sabe de eso. Lo pueden saber estudiantes de universidad que pueden tener relación con comercio oscuro u oculto, ya que los equipos con los que realizan su actividad no los venden como juguetes en cualquier almacén, pueden saberlo personas que manejan internets, pero la verdad pueden pasar inadvertidos porque para estos equipos es necesario tener dinero, para usarlos, cualquier persona, con práctica, justo ahora 10.03 p.m. me acaba de decir un hombre "hasta hay salones aquí". Si tienes oportunidad, explícalo a los niños, pero con cuidado, para que ellos sepan qué están haciendo en el mundo otras personas. Te habrás dado cuenta que en este blog hablamos de control mundial, bueno esta es una si no la última, claro que está desde los años 40, herramienta para manipular desde un satélite, así nos vigilan y nos manipulan a distancia, el que quiera, sobre todo los países latinoamericanos, aparte de nuestra idiosincracia que hace que las personas vivan con una forma de ser más laxa, está el hecho de existen fuerzas que nos quieren dirigir porque nos necesitan, sin ir más allá porque este no es el motivo de este aparte, te diré que en Latinoamérica como en África se encuentran muchos y valiosos recursos naturales, para países como EE.UU. es necesario tener un control, es en serio. Si te fijas en los grupos de Peacepink te darás cuenta que existe Control Neuronal 

Remoto en cualquier lugar del mundo, es triste saber que esto existe y que son nuestros congéneres los que lo hacen, pero da alivio saber que en otras partes del mundo a personas como tú y como yo, que están buscando su paz. su libertad, sobre todo, vivir con dignidad, ser un ser humano aceptado por lo que eres, un ser humano, tienes derecho a no hacer parte de un estudio mundial sobre el cerebro, como lo quieren hacer creer o simplemente a ser el juego más seguido por los desocupados de tu barrio, o la prostituta virtual más buscada de la red. 

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Unknown  neuro operatives who  use classified technology to reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that as soon as I have been wirelessly enslaved to a level where they can fully control my body whenever they wish they will then take me to a slave plantation overseas, where I will be given a new identity and made to do their bidding in whatever way they choose.   They also plan to abduct and enslave  some other targeted individuals of neuro weapon research and have then also taken to an overseas slave plantation.  I believe that these criminal neuro operatives whose work is heavily co-ordinated throughout the world by a worldwide organised crime syndicate bring fully completed and whole body controlled neuro slaves to my country where they are unknown to the government of my country.  They work in large groups in private buildings.  They are moved around this country by private transport and they almost never come to the attention of the Gardaí.  They are being forced to assist with the neural enslavement of people within my country.  This is how people throughout the world are being slowly enslaved by the use of wireless directed energy weapon technology. 

Non-consensual targeted individuals of neuro research have informed the police, psychiatrists and numerous other government officials of their plight.  However, the existence of wireless weapons is being vehemently denied by all government staff and the targeted individuals are being sent for psychiatric evaluation, which is mostly followed by incarceration in a psychiatric hospital for a period of time.   The police and other government officials can not reveal to the general public the existence of wireless weapons because by doing so the work of the judiciary would be declared unsound and all prisoners would have to be released from prison.   However, if they refuse to believe targeted individuals, neuro enslavement of random members of the public will grow at an exponential rate until such a time as they themselves would be wirelessly linked to a network of computers by their brain and spine and they would then be rendered helpless.  Their wills could and would be over-ridden by unknown neuro operatives who would be working by wireless means and from a remote location.

The unknown organised criminal syndicate who have been slowly enslaving random members of the public for many decades have already captured senior positions of power in all seats of government as well as the military, the police, the main-stream media, the Vatican, main stream medicine, psychiatry and the intelligence services throughout the world.  If the world money supply amounts to forty trillion dollars as some have claimed, I imagine that this worldwide organised crime syndicate ow own up to eighty percent of it and they plan to own it all unless we urgently disassemble and ban wireless enabling capabilities throughout the world right now.   However, government staff have been mandated to use smart phones which may be used to place them under electronic mind control to the extent that some of them are in a state of violent denial when confronted by the truth of the existence and extreme abuse of wirelessly enabled energy weapons throughout this country and most other countries of the world. 

The existence of satellite technology is now known to be an elaborate hoax.  Stationary drones have been presented to us as being satellites.  A myriad of other hoaxes, including the demonic possession hoax, the near death experience hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the moving statue hoax, have been generated down through the past few decades by the use of a combination of directed energy weapons, micro technology, holograms, actors and other trickery in order to misguide us and cloud our judgement and engender fear in us.  

Gun control is simply about taking the guns of the general public and handing them over to a future dictatorship so that we would no longer be able to protect ourselves in any way.   The teenage boys who have been found responsible for school shootings are suspected to have been under electronic mind control in order to set them up as patsies in order to aid and abet gun control throughout the world.   Please outlaw wireless enabling capabilities urgently.

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Because I have been a targeted individual of remote neural manipulation and voice to skull internal voice to skull communication for nearly sixteen years I sometimes hear information from these unknown wirelessly transmitted voices which I believe may be valuable to anybody looking for an antidote to wireless electronic harassment and torture. The following pieces of information may be helpful.
I have been wearing the same model of shoes for the last seven years or more. I recently purchased a new pair of shoes which were considerably higher than the type of shoes I usually wear. When I first wore the new shoes the technologically induced inner voices informed me that they had lost their alliance to me because all of their settings now needed to be changed and such a job was insurmountable at this late stage of my induction .
The neuro operative staff who reproduce their voices inside my head using classified technology also informed me on another occasion that they lose wireless anodyne connection to me anytime the technology inside my body endures undue stress such as whenever I bend down and stretch into an awkward position such as when I reach under the kitchen sink in order to retrieve something from the cupboard.
On a completely different occasion the neuro operatives informed me via inner voice technology that if dust sized technology passes the blood brain barrier and enters the basil ganglia then the targeted individual can be totally controlled from there on in.
Many people violently deny that technology which can wirelessly reproduce human voices inside peoples heads exist at all. However, only extremely ruthless people get to the top in todays society because they can now torture their opponents wirelessly without leaving any evidence. They have taken over control of the pharmaceutical industry, main stream medicine, psychiatry, public education, banking and all other government institutions of power. They also have taken control of the Vatican from behind the scenes.
We are at a pivotal point in human history. If we succeed in disassembling all wireless enabling capabilities and all microwave generating capabilities which are all ground based and under our capability to do so we will have set in motion a method of ensuring freedom for many future generations to come. It has become obvious to researchers that the existence of satellites is a hoax and what we originally presumed were satellites were in fact stationary drones. We have it in our power to defeat the would-be enslavers of the human race if we act quickly.

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Son las 5.48 a.m del 3 de enero de 2019, acabo de salir de lo que ellos llaman CUARTETAZO, se debe a que me editan desde un local de un centro comercial llamado Cuarta Etapa, Cabecera, en Bucaramanga, a 8 kilómetros de Girón, no escucho el sonido interno que escuché al pararme ayer, he recordado definiciones de Biología y matemáticas y aun las puedo decir, me duele la cabeza y siento ciertas regiones de mi cabeza pesadas. Al estar escribiendo estas líneas, me dijeron "la vieja ya está en vídeo". No escribo mucho, porque no quiero que ellos me editen lo que voy a escribir. Se que el cerebro ha sufrido mucho daño, ellos pasan toda la noche haciendo daño en mi cerebro. Apagué el radio antes de las 2 a.m. y me he hecho consciente a las 5.48 a.m., no se en qué tipo de trance he estado, pero siento que no he dormido. Tengo sueño, sin embargo, seguimos adelante. Ya el controlador me ha confirmado que es quien yo sabía que era. He sabido desde ayer que Fay un mujer que estudió en el colegio que estudié, ella hizo once grado en la tarde del 1993, está involucrada, ella ha sido colaboradora. Debo parar porque ya me di cuenta que el controlador está tratando de dictar lo que digo, este es un trabajo diario, la idea mía es que se pueda demostrar que en determinado lapso de tiempo, en un minuto, recibía acoso y tortura psicológica, esto no está documentado por los demás TI. 

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Small animals have been given dust sized technology to ingest.  When the technology has been evenly dispersed inside their bodies each piece of technology is then bi-directionally connected to a computer network, where neuro operatives are paid to bio-robotize each small animal so that they can be remote controlled to move and act largely against their wills.  This is also being done to real live human beings on a large scale but when they complain they are deemed to be mentally ill.  Governments can not admit that humans can be wirelessly interfered with because by doing so the law courts would be deemed unsound and prisoners would have to be let out of jail.  However, the human beings that have become bio-robotized can have their free will totally over powered and they can be made to commit acts of extreme evil such as poisoning the water supply of a whole city or take part in a school shooting. 

Many human beings who can prove that they are being slowly bio-robotized have come forward to be interviewed on youtube by award winning American journalist Ramola Dharmaraj on her channel which goes under the name of "Ramola D Reports".   Patents also exist which prove this capability.  

Secrecy allows evil to flourish.  Governments have a duty to admit to the existence of wireless weapons to their fellow country men and women and they must  destroy and ban all wireless enabling capabilities immediately.  However, these same wireless enabling capabilities are being used to electronically mind control them and they are not even aware that they are under electronic mind control.

Targeted individuals of wireless directed energy weapons are complaining to government officials throughout most of the world. Targeting of individuals is heavily co-ordinated throughout many countries in the world.  If the targeted individual moves to a different country they are met and followed by a team of gang-stalkers at each airport and their electronic harassment continues uninterrupted in the new country.   The only individuals who have the money and political connections to organise this slow and secret worldwide enslavement system  are the dark new world order crime cartel who control the intelligence services, the military and the police in most countries indirectly.    A secret technological holocaust is happening behind the scenes  in your life.  Many good will and good living human beings are being forced to commit suicide or else face experiencing whole body takeover.  Psychiatrists appear to be under electronic mind control or else they are afraid to come forward for fear of being targeted themselves.  Anytime a country is being taken over by a fascist regime they first of all take control of the main stream media and the police.  They has largely occurred in most European countries.  We can no longer trust the main stream media or the police.  They may have been captured at the top level by agents of the new would-be fascist dictatorship who regard most of us as useless eaters who are wasting the finite resources of this planet and who ultimately wish to depopulate the planet by killing of most of us and enslaving the rest.  To that end they have infiltrated and taken control of the drug industry, main stream medicine, the public water supply, the schooling system, and all other aspects of government.  Our current politicians are under electronic mind control or have been compromised in some other way by wireless weapons.  

Many hoaxes have been created to cover the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons as well as to cloud our judgement.  Some of these hoaxes include the demonic possession hoax, the near death experience hoax, the religious apparition hoax and the existence of satellites hoax.  All political control technology is either ground based or sky based but not space based.  Drones can easily be shot down.  Gun control is about taking the guns of the people and handing them over to the fascist dictatorship.  Do not support gun control.  

We must urgently break away from the fascist controlled European Parliament, ban all wireless enabling capabilities, and all electronic mind controlling capabilities.  We must reform under a very limited Government because it is true that the larger the government the less freedom we have.   The function of any government is simply to protect our rights, freedom and property.  That should be the only function of a government.

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Governments can not admit to the existence and abuse of wireless directed energy weapons because by doing so all law court judgements would then be rendered unsound and the government would collapse immediately.  Meanwhile, human beings are being electronically harassed and even forced to commit suicide while attempting to peacefully go about their lives.  Psychiatry is compliant with dishonest government officials.  What will targeted individuals of wireless directed energy weapons do to expose this ongoing technological holocaust which is now occurring throughout all European Countries, all American States and most of the world.  

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CCNA Security Jobs

What is the prerequisite for CCNA Security?

Initial Requirements & Prerequisite: You must hold a valid CCENT, CCNA Routing & Switching OR CCIE certification. You must also pass the Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) exam ($250). The exam is 90 minutes long and consists of 55-65 questions.

Achieving Cisco CCNA Security certification confirms that you have the associate-level knowledge and skills required to secure Cisco networks. It validates that you have the skills to develop a security infrastructure, recognize threats and vulnerabilities to networks, and mitigate security threats.


Cisco CCNA Security Certification: It is not hard to believe that the official curriculum of CCNA Security is subject to changes due to constant up-gradation of technology and its usage. Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) is spreading to touch the limits of e-business globally and it continues to increase, especially in operational and information technology fields. As regards the recent studies, we would have more than 50 billion things connected to the Internet in the next five years, therefore, network security will be a main concern and the need of the hour for network security professionals is to upgrade themselves with advanced technical standards.

The revised CCNA Security (IINS v3.0) curriculum is designed to bring data, device, and administration together to have better network security, which is more relevant and valuable than ever. It is destined to meet the current business demand so that the network security professionals are able to acquire new knowledge, training and vital skills to be successful in evolving job roles.

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THE BASICS OF MIND CONTROL AND BODY CONTROL ATTACKS: We are often asked, 'How can perps pinpoint places in my brain [or body] to achieve their intended malicious results'? Clearly, the most popular way is to direct two electromagnetic or ultrasonic signals from different angles into you brain or body. The first signal is just a straight high frequency single-frequency carrier wave. The second signal is that same carrier wave but modulated with the control or destructive signal they want to deliver to that specific area of your brain or body to perform their exact intended evil function. Where the signals intersect inside your brain or body, they interfere with each other, producing what we call the Fessenden effect. The resulting signals are the sum and difference frequencies of the two signals. Basically, a heterodyning process. The sum frequency is likely ignored by your brain and body. The difference frequency is the demodulated (ie: fully restored) control/destructive signal - now let loose in the targeted area of your brain or body. If microwaves are used, sound may be perceived due to the Microwave Hearing Effect phenomenon. If the demodulated signal is strong enough, tissue damage or destruction may occur. The humming, hissing, ringing or whistling sound perceived by the TI may result from either the carrier signals of the two transmissions being different from 20 Hz-to-20 KHz, or the control/destructive signal is using a single-tone signal (usually for test or targeting acquisition purposes). In mind control labs, these studies are often done by using electrodes because electrodes are much more efficient than remote transmitters. However, since perps can rarely secretly place electrodes on TIs, they use remote transmitters. "Cell" magazine published its research on this. To protect yourself, you MUST stop these signals from entering your head or body.

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Nobody wants her

The Perps turned my head into sexual mis conduct. Incest.

My father  broke my leg and  I Said I feel raped. He Started to accuse me of having sex with my dad. They told people.

Everything is about sex. The messed my head up. The Perps rape me when I watch television. They want all the attention. Interrogating me and hurting me.

He's mind controlling me to say stuff, like yes. He wants me.

It's a key word, if she repeat that she wants me. For 2 days he's been doing that. He wants to play the on and off relationship in this new city. Everyone she wants me. He wants to dump me in front of everbodies eyes. To shame me. He's bi sexual he wants my date. It's rape sex, you"ll become a sex slave and then I will throw you away. Show me your tits. Masturbate. Spread you legs. How come you can't keep  a date he's on about. People say nobody wants Angeline. I'm like nasty they think. They want to Shame me big. Nobody wants Her. Laugh! They Gossip.

People around me do the same.

They all think the same.  I don't want him, he's nasty. Crazy! Madness!

I'm not human to them. They are rude.

This is my life people.

God hid my beauty for them. They can't see.

They want me to argue with God. 

He's not helping her. The Perps torture me all day.

They fight me for everything I've got.  Rats.

I hope that day comes when Rats eats Rats.

Some need to die.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas.

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Some human beings are having their biological processes directly affected by the unethical imprinting of unnecessary digital signals into their auras. Even though we dont know what method is being used against us, many human beings throughout most of the world are now reporting that they are experiencing their own body energy fields being forced to move against their wills thereby forcing their own muscles to move also against their wills. One possible method being considered may be that surveillance operatives can now imprint said unnecessary digital signals into human auras by the use of a spectrometer which may be capable of being used to see inside the home of the individual being unethically interfered with. It may even be necessary for the targeted individual to be using a digital media screen because there may be reverse energy field cameras being built into digital media screens so as to enable the unethical operatives to see the human aura of their target.

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Conversion technology combined with spectral imaging allows anyone who has wireless weapons to see any and all human beings naked and up close. This is being done by agents of the dark new world order crime cartel who work from unknown remote locations. We must urgently ban all wireless enabling infrastructure and return to using only wired technology.

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Violent denial of the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons and internal voice generating technology will not make them go away.  

The dark new world order crime cartel are using neuro weapons and/or other directed energy weapons to subliminally hypnotise teenage body to carry out school shootings in order to bring about gun control which would then cause the ownership of said guns to be transferred from responsible private hands into the hands of criminal agents of the dark new world order crime cartel so that they could then enslave us more easily.

We have all been inhaling and ingesting metallic particulates.  When metal is placed inside a microwave oven it burns brightly.  Microwave transmitters are now being used to burn good living individuals while these good living individuals are inside their own homes.  This process has been enabled because we all have minute particles of metal inside our brains and bodies.  These victims are wrongly being sent for mental assessment.

We must urgently disassemble, destroy and ban microwave transmitters before we all become enslaved.

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