Group (20)


 1.        本週香港新警務處處長鄧炳強先生上任,但原來錢嘉樂同他併芯片,樣貌同聲音同錢嘉樂很相似。




2.         美國法律在2001年已制訂腦控空間管制條例,雖然刑罰太輕,但相信也起了一定的阻嚇作用。





Mind control Space news this week (Nov. 23 to 29, 2019)


1. This week, Hong Kong government appointed Mr. Tang Ping-Keung as new Commissioner of Police taking place. but in mind control space, Chin Ka-Lok who mapping with Mr. Tang, and you will found that they are same in appearance and voice.

The most outrageous thing is that Chin Ka-Lok pretended as Mr. Deng in the brain control space, used the same voice to mapping woman when who are bathing for sexually harassed. At the same time, used the same voice to directed remote control electronic weapon caused me strongly headache for over three minutes.

This incident made me wonder may entertainment industry had invaded the police station. As we all know, the entertainment industry most of they are
behave like thieves and prostitutes, May the perps want to mind control polices into their fellow. The brain control is really terrible. If it is not stopped in time, we cannot imagine what will happen next.



2.         U.S. law has enacted the space preservation act in 2001 that you can find in my last post and  Although the punishment inflicted on them was too mild in my personal opinion, but it have had played a deterrent role.


              We look in other side of Hong Kong, laws have not yet been enacted, so brain control was overflow. The victims whom being mind control still waiting about regulations of government.


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1.         腦控空間經常有賤人同我併芯片飲食,正常人會覺得很嘔心,但他們却爭著併芯片,令我百思不解。有人提出一個問題,當兩者併芯片時,腦控機是否可將被跟蹤者所食的食物,由跟蹤者的胃消化吸收? 我們對腦控機的認識實在太少,我只知道,我很喜歡美食,但我的體重由120磅一路下滑至目前約80磅,只是有多人和肥胖者同我併芯片撐肥了,令我體重在120-130磅浮動,視乎併芯片的人數而定。身體檢查一切正常, 而一直消瘦的原因是併芯片太多, 令我負荷太重, 每天消耗太多卡路里所致, 或是同以上所提及的原因有關? 相信只有專家能解答.


            我同併芯片者做個實驗,我不停飲水,但如果併我芯片者不需要去洗手間,我是完全沒有便意,同時我感覺仍很口渴。問題一, 沒有便意是控芯片賤人關閉我小便掣,或是我所飲的水由併芯片者吸收?問題二,我感覺口渴,是另有口渴者同我併芯片,或是我飲的水由併芯片者所吸收? 以上仍在尋求答案中。。。 


2.         本週連續多天,當我去洗手間時,聞到濃烈的血腥味,非由我本人發出,有時又聞到腐尸味,不知從何而來?有人解答, 腦控空間有對父子經常併芯片, 因兒子偷渡到加拿大後死亡, 所以其父在香港全身都是腐尸味, 要等尸體被火化, 腐尸味才會消失.



3.         香港時間星期六日間 (2日)溫哥華時間半夜時分,彭浩翔,鄧萃雯等人在腦控空間以誘發,潛聲方式,角色扮演害人,誤導他人以為我在場,以假亂真,欺騙聽者以為我吸食大麻, 其目的是勾結大麻供應商, 對我使用電子武器摧殘, 多謝在加拿大CBC電台提醒, 才得以清白. 在此對以上人仕提出強烈譴責,並聲明本人從來不同毒品和大麻打交道。



4.         腦控空間經常有人因消化不良,飲食三小時後,口中仍有濃烈刺鼻氣味,揮之不去,懷疑是同機械人人機合一有關。據說機械人有時會試食人類的食物,但吞下後流入儲存器,儲存器需要清理,不即時清理會發出異味。這方面我的認知很少,還望科學家解答。



5.         由本週開始, 溫哥華開始冬季時間, 時間較慢一小時, 比香港慢16小時.



Mind Control Space News this week (Oct. 28 to Nov. 2, 2019)


1. The Group stalking perps often mapping with me for dine and drink 24/7, I believe any normal people will feel disgust, but they are rush for, which makes me puzzled and raised a question. When the victim and perp mapping together, can the brain control machine function victim eating the food and perp absorb the food by perp’s stomach? As you know, I am not scientist, I only recognize tiny knowledge about the brain control machine. I am a foodie, but my weight has dropped from 120 pounds to now about 80 pounds. Since a lots of perp within my chip and someone got 120 pounds mapping with me, made me appearance look between 120 and 130 pounds, the weight is depending on the perps who mapping with me.


I took a medical examination, it shows everything in normal, why losing weight so quickly? Maybe the metamorphosis chip controller within too many chips with me, which makes me loading too heavy, losing too many calories per day? or is it related to the reasons that I mentioned above? 

I did an experiment with a perp who mapping me. I kept drinking a lots of water, but if perp didn't need to go to the toilet, I was completely no sense of toilet need.  And the other hand, I drunk a lots of water, but I felt thirsty. The first question, Is the chip controller turn-off my urine key? or the water I drunk is absorbed by the perp? Question 2, I felt thirsty, is the chip controller mapping me with someone who got thirsty?  or the water I drunk is absorbed by the perp who mapping me? all above I still looking for an answer. . .


2. There are few days this week, when I went to the toilet, I smelled of strong blood, it was not from me. Sometimes I smelled the corpse, I don’t know where it come from?  Someone answered that the brain control space has a pair of father and son, they mapping together all the time, the son smuggling to Canada about 5 years ago, recently the son died, so his father got corpse smell in Hong Kong, as know the smell will disappear until the body being cremated.

3. Hong Kong time Saturday (2nd Nov.) Vancouver time in the mid night after I fall asleep,
Pang Ho-Cheung, Sheren Tang and other perps in the brain control space to induce someone voice, role-playing as me, misleading others to thought that I am present, to confuse the listener that I am drug user. The purpose is to collude with the cannabis supplier, to remote electronic harassment. Thanks to the CBC radio station in Canada to let me know.

Here, I strongly condemn the above people and declare that I never ever get drugs and cannabis before, present and the future.

4. The metamorphosis chip controller always mapping someone who got indigestion and have a strong pungent smell in the mouth, someone said he have dinner 3 hours ago, and still got pungent smell, and suspected that may relate to the robot connected to the human. It is said, sometimes the robot wants to get a try to the human food, but after swallowing, they flow into the storage, the storage needs to be clean at once, otherwise will got the smell what the robot eat until cleaned. I have very little knowledge in this regard, and I hope the scientists can give me have an answer.

5. Starting this week, Vancouver starts winter time, one hour slower, 16 hours slower than Hong Kong.


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1.         有很多受害者在分開所有芯片後, 做身體檢查, 發覺血壓偏低, 有部份甚至是無緣故地極低. 因平時大家都被不知其數的腦控賤人併芯片, 所以並未感覺到異樣, 當還原自已身體時普遍都很瘦, 血色素也偏低. 有受害者堅稱被併芯片會引致血液無故流失.

而腦控空間有某離職的星島專欄作家, 每月收取吸血鬼一萬港元, 帮尋找阿笨 即不知情的被腦控受害者供其併芯片吸血 即血液轉移, 並講出所需的血型. 令人更加相信併芯片技術上能做到血液轉移.

近期讀到一些報導, 2016年的腦控技術, 已可利用電極通過血管運行, 令兩個不同的人有腦部感應, 發展到今時今日, 利用一種高寛帶的神經接口, 接駁醫療器, 令被腦控受害者的血液在睡眠中不知不覺地被轉移是絕對有可能的. 的進遠遠超的認和想, 此也解釋了為何很多受害者聲稱越睡越疲累的原因.  

我很明白, 很難令人相信此一事, 只可待醫學科進一步披


2.         有被腦控的受害者問如何行法律程序提出訴訟:

             a.         鑑定被腦控 - 找耳科醫生做檢查, 聽覺錄音可鑑定出是否被腦控, 出報告;


            b.         電子武器造成的身體痛症鑑定- 熱能圖;


            c.         找到訴訟目標, 即找到害你的變態腦控賤人;


            d.         找專打腦控訴訟的律師;


            e.   法庭排期提出訴訟.


3.         據講扮我的人是曾志偉兒媳婦, 通常在晚間我睡覺的時間出現, 有時日間遙控電子武器令我昏睡時出現.



4.         26 日由香飛溫哥華, 在航機上, 我坐經艙的中間位, 坐於我傍邊的女士投訴我身上的大褸過界, 再而投訴我手踭經踫到她, 令她感到很困, 我對此感到很抱, 並當場向她道. 同時我作出自我檢, 但令我百思不得其解的是我完全沒有感到自同她有任何碰和接, 而追根究底於變態控芯片賤人將超肥者同我併芯片, 令原本已狹窄的坐位空間變得更緊. 但是否因此而碰到她而我不自知? 其中有很多疑問?


有人講出原來有變態男賤人乘搭飛機時以手踭碰傍坐的女, 被投訴性騷, 以此上演一場戲, 利用我帮他澄. 但他不知我認得坐於我傍邊的女是腦控空間中人, 此一切原是有心人的刻安排, 實在是用心良苦.




Mind Control Space News this week (December 21 to 27, 2019)



1. Many victims did body check after removal all mapping, and found that the blood pressure was lower than normal, some were even extremely lowest for no reason. Because all victims were being mapping with countless perps who may got high blood pressure, so they cannot get the real feeling. When all mapping blocked, their body was very weak and the hemoglobin was in low level, and some victims insist that mapping can cause blood flew out without consent.

And there is a resigned Sing Tao columnist in Brain Control Space, who received "Vampire" 10,000 Hong Kong dollars each month to help find same blood type victim who was being brain control without self-awake, using for mapping to got blood transfer. Such made me believed that mind control mapping technology can achieve blood transfer.

Recently, I have read some reports of brain control technology issued at 2016, it was use Synchron’s tiny, flexible “stentrode” travels through the bloodstream to the brain, two people can have brain-to-brain communications, and a high-banded neural interface was used to connect medical devices. Up to day end of 2019, It is absolutely possible for using being brain-controlled victims’ blood transferred during sleep without victims’ consent. The advances of technology were far exceeding our cognition and imagination, which also explains why many victims claim sleep more, but got tired more. 


I understood the true is difficult to believe, we can only wait for further disclosed by medical technology


2. A brain-control victim asked how to initiate legal proceedings:

a. Identification that you are being mind controlled, getting result from Ophthalmologist, which audio recordings can identify.
b. Identification of physical pain caused by electronic weapons-
thermal map
c. Find the target who harmed you, and whom you will suing;
d. Find a lawyer who specializes in brain control lawsuits;
e. file a action for the court schedules.

3. As said, the person who acting as Monita was Eric Tsang’s daughter-in-law, who usually appears at night when I fall asleep, and sometimes appears when the remote electronic weapon makes me sleep during the daytime. 


4. I flew from Hong Kong to Vancouver on the 26th. On the plane, I was sitting in the middle of the economy class. The lady sitting next to me complained that my toggle Coat was out of bounds, and then complained that my elbow often touched her.  She was very distressed, I was sorry for it, and apologized to her at once.


At the same time, I made a self-criticism, and what puzzled me was that I did not felt any collision or touch with her at all, finally I blamed the metamorphosis chip control mapping me with someone who in over size, which made the already narrow sitting space more tight. But why I cannot felt any touch with her? There are many questions?

After that, someone told me a true story that there was a freak male who used elbow to touch a lady whom sitting next to him on an airplane before, and being complained of sexual harassment, he performed a drama above, try to used me to prove he was innocent.  But the freak male did not know that I recognized the lady sitting next to me who working in brain control space in my first view, all above was deliberate arrangement by a freak male, it is really attentively.


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 1.         變態腦控賤人本週繼續味覺操控,只剩下甜味。

 2.         本週吳鎮宇繼續接他大佬指示,持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,不論我身在何處,正在行街,正在打字,正在工作,仍不停遙控電子武器摧殘,間歇性他自己也同我併芯片頭痛。據他大佬所講,吳鎮宇有戀童癖案底,已沒得救了。

 3.         腦控空間有賤人,複製我腦控日誌和文章據為己有,據說他提前打上題目,等我上傳文章後,再用修輯方式,將我文章複製貼上,所以他上傳的日期比我早,令人以為我複製他的。我已在我腦控日誌中示範,先上傳5天日誌,然後用修輯方式再增加2天日誌,你可由我日誌中觀察到,上傳日期比實際日誌早2天。


4.         本週香港警察在前方為保護市民安全而同暴民拼搏中,而腦控空間,身為警察世家的譚泳麟,曾志偉持續背後指使遙控電子武器令我頭痛,睡眠剥奪,摧殘受害者健康。如此這般,難怪有些知情的市民,如此痛恨警察,將他們在腦控空間所受的傷害,發洩於現職警員身上。是否出身於警察世家就可以如此無法無天?肆意對市民施以電子武器折磨而不受法律的製裁。如此世道,難怪警民衝突,越趨嚴重。


5.         有一家姓鄧在腦控空間以害人為生,將周星馳故居變成老人院,一方面折磨長者,一方面將長者的殘疾和大小便失禁用於同受害者併芯片,精神折磨被腦控受害者。變態!



Mind Control Space news this week (Nov. 18 to 22, 2019)



1. The metamorphosis chip controller continue to taste manipulated this week, when I eta every food, only have sweet taste.

2. Francis Ng continued to pick up his big brother instructions, continuous remote control electronic weapons caused me headaches. No matter where I am, ever walking in the street, typing, working, non-stop suffered electronic harassment, some time, he within chip with me to make sure whether I got headache. According to his big brother said, Francis Ng had a criminal record of pedophilia case before,  and his life have already ruined by himself.

3. There is a perp in the brain control space. copied my brain control blog and articles for his own. he put a topic in advance. Then after I upload the article, use the editing method to copy and paste my article to his page, so he uploaded date is earlier than me, used to misled reader thought I copied him. I have demonstrated in my brain control blog, upload 5 days’ mind control dairy first, and then add 2 days by used edit function. You can note from my blog that the upload date is 2 days earlier than the actual dairy date.



4. This week, the Hong Kong police struggled with the mobs to protect the safety of the public. But in the brain control space, some people born in police family, such as Alan Tam, Eric Tsang continued gave an instruction to remote control electronic harassment for headaches, sleep deprivation, and devastating the health of the victims and me. So you will no wonder why some known citizens hate the police so much, they vent their angry of injuries in the brain-controlled space to the police officers. Why the police family can have done criminal to violate the rules? Why they deliberately torture the public with electronic weapons without legal enforcement? That’s why the conflict between the policemen and the citizens becoming more serious.

5. There is a surname Tang who made a harm to living in the brain-controlled space. He turns the original residence of Stephen Chow into an elder nursing home, tortured the elderly, used the elderly disables and urinary incontinence to mapping victims for psychological and physical torture. metamorphosis!


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腦控空間本周新聞 (2019-11-04至2019-11-10)

1.         本周腦控空間有人提出, 懷疑腦控機被人作了手腳, CT 片沒法顯示受害者痛症. 正常情況下, 當受害者被電子武器摧殘而引起的痛症, 腦控機CT片會將痛症位置顯示為紅色, 但有多部機同時不能顯示,  但當腦控賤人遙控電子武器令我身體發熱時, CT片能顯示為紅色, 奇怪!


2.         溫哥華時間119日下午時份, 腦控空間有人見到有位姓麥的剛剛被處死, 據稱是同背後指使遙控電子武器有關. 相信中國政府已在竭力打擊電子武器摧殘罪案.


3.         自從被腦控以來, 我的樣貌每天不同, 本周我的聲音也隨住不同人併芯片而改變. 令我不勝其煩.


4.         本週腦控畜牲仍然同我併芯片飲食, 當我在家煮食時, 他們關閉我味覺掣, 嗅覺掣, 令我食而無味. 但當我出外用餐時, 才開我的味覺掣, 嗅覺掣.


5.         本週變態逐臭賤人經常將放屁者, 口臭者, 身體發出異味者同我併芯片, 精神虐待受害者.



Mind Control Space News this week (Nov. 4 to 10, 2019)



1. This week, someone suspected that the mind control machine was being rigged. The CT film could not show the mcrowave symptoms. Under normal circumstances, when the victim got pains by electronic harassment, The CT film will display the pain position as red dot, there is not only one, but few more machines can't display too.  but when remote control electronic weapon makes me hot, the CT film displayed my whole body in red. It is unusual, may the perps want to omit some evidents that show in mind control machine.



2. On the afternoon of November 9th, Vancouver time, someone in the brain control space saw that a surnamed Mak being executed. It is said that related to the remote control of electronic weapons. I believe the Chinese government was strived to combat the crime of electronic harassment.



3. Since I being mind control, my appearance is different every day. This week my voice also changes every time, depends on who mapping me. It makes me feel anxious.


4. This week, the animal perps still mapping me for eating. When I cook at home, they turn off my taste, smell, and make me tasteless. But when I gone out for dine, I have my taste back.


5. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who in farts, bad breath, body odors, used for physical and psychological abuse.

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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-10-21至2019-10-27)

1.      腦控空間有一對母女,是蔡瀾由廣西找來假冒我,因其中有一人的名叫蔡昭雯,同我的名相差一個字,近期被人間蒸發了,而其身份被另一對母女所代替。 不知腦控賤人是何動機?望大家小心防範。


2.      目前腦控科技日新月異,賤人繼在當事人不知情的情況下,將受害者面孔樣貌賣與複製人和機械人公司,令我們身為平民百姓的被腦控受害者,每天生活在惶恐之中,擔心有朝一日被複製人代替了自己的身份。另一方面,每天照鏡子的時候,見到的是不同樣貌的自己,一個比一個更醜陋,此是何等的精神折磨。





          據美國新聞報導,此技術已入侵軍隊,紀律部隊。我擔心有朝一日,我們面對大家信任的警察時,他們原來已被換成複製人。更恐怖的是,假如有人將真警察殺害,然後將殺人犯換罝成真警察模樣混入警隊,這才是最可怕的。 特別是香港,經過幾個月來的蒙面混戰,紀律部隊確實需要認證每位警務人員的身分。



3.      相信大家近期在我facebook見到很多關於深假(deepfake)技術的轉貼文章,當深假技術已到泛濫的年代,作為讀者的我們,重點是應該如何判斷新聞資訊的真實性?






4.  本週當我在圖書館閱讀新聞時,變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器令我昏昏欲睡,沒辦法繼續閱讀,同時擔心被深睡後,造成隨身物品損失。相信很多被腦控受害者都有此經驗。我個人同睡魔抗衡的方法,是聽youtube中的能量音樂,令自己可集中精神繼續閱讀,雖然閱讀速度很慢,不能同自然方式相比,但起碼能保持清醒。



5.      現時溫哥華天氣約4-10度,當我於室內時,變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器令我身體發熱出汗,當我出外時又遙控電子武器令我身體發凍,特別是當我穿少件衫時,他們將電子武器的溫度放在0-3度,令我身體忽冷忽熱。



Mind Control Space News this week (Oct. 21-27, 2019)



1. As I know there are mother and daughter in the brain control space come from Guangxi of China, Cai Lam who used them to fake me, because one of them the named almost same as me, except the last Chinese word. It has been vanished recently and their identity is being used by another instead. I don't know what the perp’s intention? I hope everyone will be careful.


2. At present, the brain control technology is fast updated every day without our imagination, the perps sell the victim's face to the clone and robot company, making us and victims in fear every day, worry about will being clone and replaced identity. On the other hand, when I look in the mirror every day, I cannot found my real face but uglier day by day, it was so torture both in psychological and physical.

There is a joke from my auntie, she said after being mind control, if you reject to compromise with the perps, the metamorphosis chip controller will make your family members including their teenage daughters become uglier day by day, but your Philippines maids will become beauty and your driver will become handsome than master.  

According to US News, this face change technology has invaded the army and disciplined forces. I am worried about may one day, when we face the police who we trust, they have already been replaced by clone.  


The even more frightening is that if someone kills the real policeman and then replace by the murderer into a police force, it is the most terrible.  


Especially in Hong Kong, after months of smeared battles, the Hong Kong police force should verify the identity of each police officer for sure.


3. I believe that you have saw a lot of article of deep fake technology that I post on my Facebook. When the technology of deep fake technology has reached a overflow, as a reader, the key point is how to judge the truth or fake of news information.

The particularly in the brain control space, the brain control perps often use the fake fragments of deep false technology, play to the eye tracking people to watch as real time news, so that the eye tracking people believe what their saw was truth, fake news in real time, or true news as movies, in order to misleading others, To achieve the goal to wrong a good person, let go of the bad guys. many good officers are being defamed, and those guilty one who continuing to harm the country but freedom. So the good judgement is very important for the people who used the mind control space to get the information.


4. When I was reading news in the library this week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote electronic weapons made me fall asleep, unable to continue reading, also worried about the loss of personal belongings. I believe that most of being brain-controlled victims have same experience.  I got the way to against microwave sleep, you can listen to the energy music which can download in youtube, and concentrate on reading in same time, although the reading speed will slower than natural way, but at least can stay awake.



5. The weather in Vancouver is about 4-10 degrees recently. When I am indoors, the metamorphosis chip control remote-controlled electronic weapon makes me so hot about 25 degrees, but when I go out, they remote control electronic weapon makes me freeze, especially when I wearing a thinner clothing, they put the temperature in the electronic weapon at 0-3 degrees, which made my body hot and cold exchange in same time. It was physical tortured.


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1.  近期香港的反送中行動搞到沸沸揚揚,反對政府將一幚在香港以害人為生的腦控賤人移送中國再教育, 如果教育無效, 將判處死刑, 因為只要死亡才能阻止腦控人的大腦運作停止電子武器殺人. 因為香港沒有死刑, 就算逮捕他們, 他們仍然能於腦控空間用大腦控制殺人.   

令我百思不得其解的是為何香港有人會出來反對, 難道他們想香港恢復死刑, 或是他們很享受被腦控, 精神折磨的生活, 或者他根本不知被腦控; 或者他們根本就是腦控施害者, 所以才惧怕被送中國送終.


本週三(28), 變態腦控賤人喪心病狂遙控電子武器令我強烈頭痛超過14小時. 似乎在為自已 送中製造機會, 罪魁禍首是林建名,呂良偉,譚泳麟,張堅庭等.我已於829日報警備案.


2.  據說, 現時香港戲曲中心交由汪明荃負責, 但每次當她在腦控空間出現時, 即有人遙控電子武器令受害者劇烈頭痛, 到底是同香港戲曲中心虧本有關? 或是有人賊贓嫁禍? 相信只有當事人才知道.


3.  腦控空間有幾個變態控芯片賤人都是跛腳, 故此經常利用自己的殘疾併芯片傷害受害者至做手術. 據講只要受害者做手術, 變態控芯片賤人就有十萬元港幣的收入, 而受害者不只得不到一仙一毫的賠償,而且要自己支付超過二十萬元的手術費.我覺得很奇怪, 查問之下, 原來變態控芯片賤人同醫療系統勾結, 每次向做手術的醫生收取十萬元回扣, 難怪變態控芯片賤人樂此不疲的殘害被腦控受害者雙腿. 可惡!


4.  本週腦控空間有複製人疑雲, 有人質疑腦控空間有部份是複製人, 其中有成功和失敗的實驗品, 所以他們沒有身份, 不能出街行走, 只能以寄生蟲的方式同受害者併芯片, 利用受害者的眼睛窺探外間的一切. 據了解, 他們的存在是用於不知不覺地代替真身,以盜取真身的財產; 另一方面被擁有者利用於做犯法勾當後嫁禍真身; 或真身犯法,用複製人作為伏法的替身; 或者用於器官移植 恐怖!


請被腦控受害者不要等閒視之, 我們每天的生活都在他們的控制之下, 隨時可以在你我不知不覺中被複製人替代身份. 到底有何方法可識別複製人? 望這方面的專業人仕賜教為盼!




Mind Control Space News this week (August 26 to September 1, 2019)



1. Recently, Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests action has been heated up, against government extradition brain-controlling perps from Hong Kong to China for re-education. If education is ineffective, the death penalty will be imposed, since the death is the only way to stop perp’s brain to remote control electronic harassment and killing people. Because Hong Kong has no death penalty, even if they are arrested, they still can using their brain to control someone according to their instructions in the brain-controlled space.

What makes me puzzled is why some people in Hong Kong will come out against it. Do they want Hong Kong to resume the death penalty, or they enjoy being brain-controlled and being mentally tortured life, or they are being mind control without self-awakens. In the perps way, I sure they are afraid will extradition to China for death penalty, if you are not the perps, what’s your concern?

On Wednesday (28th), the metamorphosis chip controller remote electronic weapons made me have a strong headache for more than 14 hours. It seems that they are creating the opportunities for extradition to China themselves. The main culprit were Lam Kim Ming, Ray Liu, Alan Tam,
Alfred Cheung and so on. I have filed an alarm to police on August 29.


2. It is said that the Hong Kong Opera Centre under Liz Wan’s control, , but every time when she appears in the brain-controlled space, the metamorphosis chip controller were remote control electronic harassed victims to have several pains in human body. Is it related to the fiancé loss about Opera Centre?  Or someone who want to set her up? I believe that only themselves known.

3. There are several metamorphosis chip controller got legs disable in the brain control space. They often use their own disabilities mapping to the victim to hurt them to disable for surgery. It is said that as long as the victim taking surgery, the metamorphosis chip controller will get the income of HK$100,000, but the victims never get a compensation, and also have to pay more than HK$220,000 for surgery charges. Such
drive by curiosity, under the inquiry, the truth is the metamorphosis chip controller colluding with the medical system, the metamorphosis chip controller receive HK$100,000 rebate from the doctor who performed the surgery for the victim every time, that’s why the metamorphosis chip controller ridiculously enjoy to ruined the victim's legs. Damn!


4. There is a clone discussed this week, someone curiosity may have some clone work in brain control space as people, which were experimental products both in good and fail, so they have no identity, cannot walk out the street, only mapping to the victims, using the victim’s eye to tracing the outside as parasites. As I understanding that their existence are use to secretly replace the real human take-off his/her property; on the other hand, the clone owner can use the clone to do something illegal and then set the real human up; or replace the real human for jail when the real human who breaking the law; or use it for organ transplantation; etc.

Please be awaken by the clone problems, don't take it easy, we all under mind control including our daily life, and all can be secretly replaced by clone under the perps control. So would you please give me an answer how to identify between the clone and human? Your answer will be appreciate.

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 1.         本週變態控芯片賤人將他家中的老少,其中有便溺,放屁,因便溺而全身發臭者同我併芯片精神虐待。有時甚至將來經期的家中女性同我併在一起,令我全身帶有血腥味。其變態程度令人沒法理解。




2.         腦控空間有百無一用的文人,以我的相,用waterfront做筆名,瞥竊他人智慧,侵犯他人私隱,肆意搽黑他人,挑潑離間,利用他人來達到打擊我的目的。卑鄙!


3.         本週變態控芯片賤人剥奪我睡至早上七時,然後遙控電子武器令我昏睡至中午十一時。當我調教好閙鐘八時起床後,賤人遙控我手機關機,令我閙鐘失靈。最後當我將手機定好密碼,不被遙控後才能準時8:30起床,但當我起床後,賤人遙控電子武器令我有濃濃的睡意,沒法工作。




4.         本週賤人仍五感操控。聲覺:經常發出汽車引擎和抽氣扇的聲音,間中有某國家發出預警信號聲音。腦部經常覺得很噪, 很多雜音, 只好用除噪耳機作為舒緩。

       眼覺:因賤人經常併我芯片作為定位以眼部跟蹤目標人物,我擔心被圈涉, 經常出外,因外面光線太亮他們沒法跟從,但賤人將我的眼壓調低,當我在室內時, 光線變得太暗,眼睛模糊, 閱讀困難。

       味覺: 變態賤人經常同我併芯片飲食,將他們的飲食嗜好強加於我的身上,同時進行味覺操控,令我食不知其真味。  

       嗅覺:變態逐臭賤人經常將他自己家中洗手間的臭味,便溺不清潔的臭味發放滋擾; 當受害者煮食時,關閉其嗅覺掣,令其味道失調,失去正常的水準。 




Mind Control Space News this week (December 28, 2019 to January 3, 2020)


 1.         This week, the metamorphosis chip controller used his family members including uroclepsia, farting, and the whole body stink because of uroclepsia; Sometimes even his female member during the menstrual period that also mapping with me, I can smell the bloody body. They used all above for Psychological and physical harassment.

On the other hand, the metamorphosis chip controller within someone who got parasite, and caused navel itch, inflammation, and stinks with me, which was suspected to be a patient with some kind of microwave disease.

2. There is a writer who good for nothing and earn to living in the brain control space, he used my photo avatar with “waterfront” as a pseudonym, plagiarize the wisdom of victims, infringe the privacy of victims, arrogantly spoof to someone who they don’t like, provocate alienation between I and others, and use others to hit me back with their intention purpose. mean!


3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller deprived my sleeping until 7 am, and then remote control electronic weapon made me asleep until 11 noon. When I set the alarm to wake up at 8 o'clock, the perp remotely turned off my cell phone, disable my alarm. finally,  I set the password on my phone to get up at 8:30 on time without remote control, but when I get up, the perp still remote control electronic weapons make me felt very tired and got want to sleep sense, and I can't concentrate on my work all day.

The perp claim it is used to test the victim's willpower and ability to resist adversity. But the truth is intended to turn the new generation into a good for nothing garbage as bitch as perps, finally becoming a member who harm people to living in mind control space.


4. This week the metamorphosis chip controller still manipulated my five senses:


hearing: The sounds of car engines and exhaust fans are often issued, and occasionally, hear warning sounds issue from unknown countries when emergence. My head often felt a lot of difference noisy, so I have to use noise canceling headphones as a soothing.


sight: Because the perp bitches often mapping me as a positioning to track the target person with eyes, to avoided involving, I often going to outside to stop, because the sun was bright and the perp can't used eyes stalking, but the perp used to darkness my eye pressure, such caused me got blur eyes and have difficulty in reading. 


Taste:  the metamorphosis chip controller often mapping me for dine, impose their dietary habits on me to perform taste control, which make me cannot have the food real taste. Sometime when I have some food which they don’t like, they will turn off the taste key which caused me tasteless.



Smell: The metamorphosis chip controller often mapping me when I going to toilet, and issued the stinks smell of his own washroom to misled the people that my washroom got dirty; On the other hand, when the victim cooking, the controller turn-off the smell key, making the victim cannot smell the food and the cooking skill below the standard.


Touch: The metamorphosis chip controller often mapping someone who got skin allergy to the victims for harassment; on the other hand, when the victims get on clothing and bathing, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping the victims for sexual harassment; even it is non-touch, but when used mapping, the bitch’s hand same as your hand, they can felt all you felt, they can touch what you touch, so remember to wear the rough gloves for protection.


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1.            身為香港人的我, 自不免被人問及對當前香港暴動有何見解? 之前我已對此事提出我個人意見, 當前的暴亂既不是暴民之錯, 也非警務人員之過, 只是政府低估了腦控對社會所造成的傷害, 對排山倒海的暴動束手無策. 同時也表達了政府非主要的腦控技術控制者,  那麼直正最強腦控在哪裡


                要解決當前危機, 唯一辦法就是將警察和暴民的腦波調整到和諧”, 據說只需三天時間, 所有暴力即可平息. 但那麼直正最強腦控在哪裡


              有傳最強的腦控本身已腦殘, 好像不懂聽人話, 一意弧行, 威脅政府, 释放一批用腦控技術殘害百姓, 祸國殃民的罪魁禍首, 政府對此無理要求, 採取強硬不妥協的態度.


              相信暴動會持續, 直至找到最強腦控機,  醫好腦殘控制人為止.


2.            腦控空間有一賤人, 名叫蔡志恆, 假冒是我哥哥, 懷疑將我溫哥華地址作為他的住址證明, 事源我收到一封信, 收信人是  ”Choi Chi Hung”, 據了解, 此人逾期居留, 藏匿於溫哥華. 請亲朋好友, 小心被騙.


3.            變態控芯片賤人長期將我同多人併芯片, 令我腦部很多雜音, 經常嗡嗡聲. 當併我芯片者處於高噪音的環境時, 我同時也受到高噪音滋擾, 當併芯片者處於同我不同時差的國家時, 我日夜都受到噪音滋擾而不能入睡. 變態賤人實行長達8年的睡眠剥奪, 精神折磨, 其行為無法無天, 人神共憤!


另一方面變態控芯片賤人將我的咀嚼聲無限放大, 令我尷尬;  將家居生活背景聲音放大, 例如煮食的聲音, 以此製造高音貝, 影響他人生活. 特別加拿大人, 大家已習慣寧靜的生活, 被莫名其妙的噪音, 搞到煩躁不安, 他們的目的旨在製造種族歧視, 民族糾紛. 實在是可惡兼可恥! 民族敗類!


4.            本週變態控芯片賤人利用味覺操控, 當我所飲所食非賤人所好時, 變態控芯片賤人關閉我味覺掣, 本週另有新招, 我所食的食物只有咸味, 就算食麻辣也只有咸味, 沒有辣味. 此教懂我原來腦控機不只有味覺, 嗅覺掣, 還可以操控五味, 咸甜酸苦辣.


 Mind Control Space News this week (Nov. 11 to 17, 2019)


1.            As a Hong Kong native, some people always asked my opinions about the current riots in Hong Kong. I have had write my opinion on my blog before. The current riots are neither the mob's fault nor the police officers. Only the government underestimated the harm caused by brain control to the society, and inabilities to over control the technology. Such seems to tell all of us that the government was not a main controller of brain control technology, so where is the main brain control, that we are look for? 

                The only way to solve the current crisis is to adjust the brainwaves of the police and the mob to "harmony". It is said that only need three days, all violence can be quelled. But where is the main brain control machine?

                 It is said that the main brain controller who got early psychosis. He seems does not know how to listen to what do human said. He threatens the government, want the government releases a group of criminals who use brain control technology to harm the people obstruct national affairs and bring woe to the masses, the government has rejected to compromising such unreasonable demands.

                I believe that the riot will continue until the main brain control machine found and heal the patient of the controller.

 2.            There is a perp in the brain control space, named Choi Chi Hung, He fake as my brother, I suspected whom use my Vancouver address as proof of his address, since I received a letter, the recipient is "Choi Chi Hung". As known such perp who has overstayed and hiding in Vancouver. Warn to my friends, don’t believe someone who name “Choi Chi Hung” , be careful to be cheated.

3.            The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip for group stalking in long time, which makes my brain a lot of noise, often snoring. When someone mapping me in a high noise environment, I also suffer from high noise nuisance. When someone mapping me in outside country with different time zones, I am harassed by noise and can't fall asleep day and night. The metamorphosis chip controller used sleep deprivation, psychological and physical torture for over 8 years, their behavior is lawless, caused to popular indignation!

                 On the other hand, the metamorphosis chip controller enlarger chewing sound when I am dining, making me embarrassment, magnifying the sound of the home life background, such as the sound of cooking, to create a high-pitched sound, affecting to the others.  Special Canadians, everyone already used to a quiet environment, and suddenly suffered nerves by the inexplicable noise. The mind control perps’ purpose is to create racial discrimination and ethnic disputes. Shame on you all perps, you are the national scum!


4.            The metamorphosis chip controller uses the taste manipulated. When I eat some food which the perps don’t like, the metamorphosis chip controller will be shut down my taste. This week, there are new tricks. The food I eat was only salty flavor, even I eat spicy food, it is only salty, not spicy. That means the mind control machine got taste manipulate function.


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腦控空間本周新聞 (2019-10-07至2019-10-12)


 1.        由本週星期一下午三時時開始,變態腦控賤人持續約4天遙控電子武器令我和中外受害者頭痛超過80小時,我連續三天臥病在床,髮根全白。此事已不是我一個人的問題,是涉及到國際性



的問題。我身處溫哥華,而賤人明星大多數非身處加拿大,但仍不停的滋擾,集體併芯片跟蹤,遙控電子武器摧殘。賤人此舉在國際法上是否屬未經許可,擅闖他國國土? 為何政府不予管制?為何加拿大政府對於擅闖國土者視若無睹? 是加拿大政府目前沒有此技術?還是另有原因?


在此恳請香港政府和加拿大政府關注公民的人權, 還我公民應得的權益.












此次祸國民者是: 周潤發,謝賢,譚泳麟,任達華,劉華,黃子華,張堅庭等明星,你們是全世界華人的恥辱。




2.  本星期四, 有變態腦控老賤人用腦控眼部跟蹤香港公立醫院醫生做手術, 當手術至關鍵性位置時, 用朦朧眼睛和手震方法, 影響醫生做手術, 企圖令手術出錯, 意圖謀殺. 可幸香港醫生醫術高明, 保住病人生命 有人質疑老賤人, 根據老賤人自白, 腦控空間有最少三位腎病患者急需換臂, 所以出此下策, 每當有相同血型病患者做手術時, 賤人就用此手法進行不留痕跡的謀殺.


之前另有一單, 腦控空間有二個超過70高齡的老殘人, 為了換腎, 利用腦控方式, 令一家三口一父二子發生交通意外, 二子死亡後被換腎, 父親得以生存.




3.         美國政府已於2019104日頒布二份法例,







主要是針對深度偽造( Deep Fake)而發出. 香港變態腦控賤人經常利用此技術, 將腦控機所得的良家婦女影像和三級明星合成後, 在腦控空間播放, 以假亂真, 用於陷害被腦控受害者, 令受害者蒙上不明之冤. 更甚者製造政府高官貪污假象, 令受害者甚至到死都不知道被冤的真相.


相信在不久的將來, 香港也會相應頒出法例, 以保護市民私隱之餘, 打擊弄虛作假, 避免冤枉事件的發生. 自深度偽造( Deep Fake)技術至今, 有無數家庭家破人亡, 妻離子散, 自殺事件每天都在發生. 在此恳請政府盡快立法, 用法律還千千萬萬受害者的清白.




Mind control Space news this week (October 7 to 12, 2019)




1.  Starting from 3 pm on Monday this week, until Thursday three whole days, the metamorphosis chip controller continuous remote control electronic caused me and Chinese and foreign victims headache. The headache lasted over 80 hours, which made me felt dying. To be told that the mad perps use my headache CT film change with perp who use used my CT film as a prove for money compensation. I am not the only one being changed the CT film.


And the other hand, I can't understand why I am in Canada, and the perps in the position outside of Canada. Why can they use my eyes and mapping me to travel in Canada? Remoted control electronic harassment against Canadian Citizen? According to international law, a person who outside of Canada have got permission to Canada, if without permission will charge illegally trespass. Why the Hong Kong government did not taking action to restricting them? Why the Canadian government turned the blind eyes?


During the harassment of 80 hours, I heard the voice of the victims both in Chinese and foreign crying for help. I am fortunate enough to survive, but my hair roots are all white, I have spent 4 hours to write half of page. I urge please to the Hong Kong government and the Canadian government to pay attention to the human rights of citizens and the rights that your citizens legally own.




2.    On Thursday (10th), a metamorphosis old man used eye stalking to tracing doctor operation in public hospital of Hong Kong. When the operation was at a critical position, the old man used blurred vision and the shaking hand method mapping the doctor, used to affect the doctor's surgery, attempt to murder patient. Fortunately, doctor have a good medical skill and save the patient's life finally. Some people question the old man, according to his confession, there are at least three patients with kidney disease in the brain control space, and is urgently need health kidney for transfer. Therefore, every time when same blood type patient shows up. The perp will use this method to carry out murder without leaving traces.


And other case before, the brain control space has two old disabled perps, their age all over 70 years old. In order to change the kidney, they used brain control method cased a family of fathers and two sons have a traffic accident, two son died and the kidneys being transfer to two old perps, and his father survived since his kidneys no more young.




3.  It is so glad to know that these are two mainly issued for Deep Fake, binding by USA government at October 4, 2019. No. B602 & B730.


In Hong Kong, the metamorphosis brain control perps often use this technology to synthesize the image between the good women to dirty women, and then play it in the brain control space to mislead the eyes tracing by false frames, used to frame victims, leaving the victim with an unknown. Even worse, they used fake illusion of corruption to set the government official up, so that the citizen does not even know the truth.


I believe that in the near future, Hong Kong will also enact same legislation to protect the privacy of the public, combat fraud and avoid wrongful case. Since the Deep Fake technology, countless families had broken, suicides happen every day. I urge the government to bind the legislate as soon as possible, only the law can help innocent victims.


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1. 據說, 腦控空間有腦殘人自知自己腦殘, 將自己同最強大腦併芯片, 以他人之大腦作為自己所用, 當兩腦分開時, 最強大腦絲毫無損, 腦殘人經檢查後杏仁核呈萎縮狀況. 此正所謂害人終害己, 大快人心!


2.     本週到廣州了解人造首飾市場, 但到達當地的第二天, 頭部受到電子武器強烈攻擊超過15小時, 身為中國人的我, 感覺有如歡天喜地的回到娘家, 却遭到欺凌般委屈和無奈. 在自已國家的領土上都得不到應有的保護, 令我倍添凄涼.  

        香港政府呼籲一帶一路, 企業家應該為大灣區出一分力, 但如果腦控的問題不解決, 大家用於對付腦控已筋疲力盡, 何來精力建設大灣區. 政府的一帶一路政策似乎忽略了帶一條沒有腦控的路. 哀哉


3.     本週變態腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我強烈頭痛, 剛平息的電子武器摧殘, 又有死灰復燃的跡象, 相信娛樂圈同傳媒又再搞風搞雨.




Mind Control Space News this week (August 5 to 11, 2019)



1. These are some perp awaked that they got brain dead, and then mapping their brain with someone who got super brain, use the super brain’s life as their own for a long-time, when the two brains are separated, after medical examination, the super brain still in super turbot, but dead brain’s amygdala shows in shrinking situation. This is the so-called retribution, the harm end up reflect to dead brain.

2. I went to Guangzhou to visit the artificial jewelry market this week, but on the second day of my arrival, my head was attacked by electronic weapons over 15 hours. In that moment, I felt so up sad, as a Chinese, I returning to Chinese big family with joy, but being bullied. It was so hurt and helpless. Why I have not being protected in my own country? Why my love country also in such unstable situation.

According to Hong Kong government has call on the Belt and Road Initiative. The entrepreneurs should have a contribution to the Greater Bay Area. But if the problem of brain control not solved, everyone is exhausted by against brain control. How can I have the energy to develop the big Bay area? The government’s policy of the Belt and Road seems to be Ignore the road which without mind control, where can I find the advertising said that “
more protected and more sustainable sense of fulfilment, well-being and security”, such environment only a dream, not the truth.

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic weapons made me have a strong headache. The electronic harassment just stop few weeks, and seems there are signs of
back flame. I believed that the entertainment industry and the media will continue to making troubles as well as bigger.


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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-09-30至2019-10-06)

1.         近期在腦控空間被跟蹤者有部分是台灣人。相信同台灣近期競選有關;


2.         本周吳鎮宇, 錢家樂和文樂斌潛我和受害者聲駡人狗雑種


3.         有好心人提我,變態控芯片賤人在腦控機做手腳去傷害我的腦部; 另一方面將我同智障人士併芯片,令我沒辦法閱讀,理解和記憶;實驗雙重智障,原因之一是我約於十年前做腦部掃描結果,腦部海馬區比同年齡者白,故此有人下此毒手,賤人似乎特別忌諱腦部健康人士


4.         溫哥華時間星期六半夜有人潛夢,見到一女子著同我相似的睡衣,做出不雅舉止。在此澄清,我是一個人住,沒有其他人的眼部跟蹤,家中也沒有安裝任何鏡頭,相信又是明星賤人的角色扮演,意在醜化我。 在此向明星賤人提出強烈責,并保留法律追究的權利。



5.         本週變態控芯片逐臭賤人沒有公德心地遙控電子武器令我在公開場合放屁,空氣污染之餘, 損我儀態令我尷尬。




6.         本週變態控芯片賤人將我同吸毒者併芯片,令我不停流鼻水和不規則地吸氣。



7.         目前香港街頭搞事一族, 從傳媒報導所得, 其中暴徒的聲音大部份來自腦控空間以害人為生一族, 他們都是臨記, DJ和臨時記者, 他們以蒙面掩人耳目.



Mind Control Space News this week (Sept. 30 to Oct. 6, 2019)

1. Recently, some of being tracked targets are Taiwanese. I believe that it is related to Taiwan’s election campaign;

2. This week, Francis Ng, Qi Ka Lok and Man Lok Ban inducing me and the victim’s voice with dirty language.

3. A good person reminds me that the metamorphosis chip controller set some command in the brain control machine to hurt my brain; on the other hand, mapping me with someone who got mentally disorder, so that I felt uneasy to read, unable to understand, cannot remember what I read; there are double hurt my mental health.  One of the reasons was that I did a brain scan about 10 years ago. The result shows my hippocampus area of the brain was whiter than the same age group. Therefore, the chip controller made this dirty hand, the perps seem to be particularly hated to the people who got healthy brain.


4. There was a dream in the mid night in Vancouver time. I saw a woman wearing a pajamas similar to me and making indecent behaviors. To clarify here, I am live alone, no other people's eye tracking, no any cameral installed in my home, I believed that was role play of star, intended to vilify me. Here, I strongly condemned the perp stars and reserve the right to pursue the law.

5. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who continue for fart, caused me fart in public, 
the perp such behavior without civic virtue, addition to air pollution, also hurts to make me embarrassed.

6. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got drug addicts, so that I kept running nose and irregular inhalation.

7. In Hong Kong demonstration, as known from the media, most of participated mobs who voices I recognize belong to the perps who harm victims to living in mind control space. They are all actors, temporary actors, DJs and temporary reporters. They had use masks to cover their truly identities.


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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-10-13至2019-10-20)

1.         腦控空間賤人每天都在遙控電子武器摧殘市民的健康,相信是在幚目前區議會選舉籌集資金。當一個政黨自己沒有生財能力,需要在腦控人操控下,利用市民的微波痛症買藥錢作為選舉資金時,試問香港市民仍為投他們一票嗎?好了,當選後,區議會日後的營運資金仍靠吸市民血生存,試問這樣的一個政黨,如何為民請命,似是要取市民命吧!


2.         腦控空間有一傳說,周潤發已被槍毙,事情是真是假,政府未作出公佈。問題是周潤發有一個複製人,被槍毙的是真的周潤發或是複製人,收到的答案是所有被槍毙的犯人都必須經DNA核對,但以我的認知,複製人的DNA同真人應該是一樣。


3.         本週變態控芯片賤人關閉我腦控機上三個掣,一個思維掣,令我思維,記憶困難; 味覺掣,令我食而無味; 大小便掣,令我大小便困難; 相信受害者不只我一個。


4.         腦控空間有一小撮人,他們不能食任何食物,每食必嘔,只靠輪血為生,他們不能去醫院,原因不明。當在腦控空間見到相同血型的人,身處他們附近,會以綁架的方式,強搶他們去抽血供吸血鬼所用。大家都奇怪到底他們是什麼人,是否某種科技實驗的副產品?望有識之士賜教。 

            另我同受害者都有相同一個疑惑,在科技上,併芯片是否可做到血液轉移? 我曾經發覺自己肚臍有些微出血的情形,原以為是我肚臍貼磁鐵磨破所致,但用酒精消毒時,並未發現有任何破損傷口,為何會流血? 




 5.         在溫哥華,每天在圖書館做資料搜集,才知道原來我們在香港,很多重要的新聞各大媒體都不報導,可憐的香港人不僅思想被控制,連我們的新聞知情權也被剥奪。特別是同腦控,腦控訴訟,新聞作假等都全部不被報導,每天打開香港報紙,藥物廣告比新聞頁數還要多。 當選擇讀電子報紙,到重要新聞時,網頁永遠都沒辦法打開。我在加拿大短短一個多月,讀了許多在香港沒辦法讀到的新聞。只要同腦控有關,又沒有版權限制,我會轉貼到我facebook同大家分享。






6.         根據南華早報報導,目前香港有很多私人企業設立個人資料中心,其中最高準確率只有65%,如果將控制權放在卑鄙小人手中,被冤死害死的人更是不勝其數。


            以我個人為例,上期提到我個人檔案同賤人掉換,令我聲譽,求職受到制肘,好在特首明察秋毫,令我沉冤得雪,還我一個 A 級的個人誠信檔案。








Mind Control Space News this week (Oct. 13 to 20, 2019)




1.  The metamorphosis chip controller remote-controlled electronic weapons harm the health of the citizens every day. It is definably to fund raising for district council elections. When a political party does not have the ability to making money themselves, they not only choice is use the money that earn from pain killer that citizens’ microwave pain causing by electronic harassment, also under perps mind control. Do you thing under this situation, the Hong Kong citizen still giving them a vote?


Well, after the election, the working capital of the District Council will still use the blood of the citizens to survive. How can such a political party to help the citizens against mind control perps?  It seems to take the lives of the citizens more than anything !

2. There is a legend in the brain control space. Chow Yun-fat has been shot. The matter is true or false? The government has not made an announcement. The problem is that Chow Yun-fat has a clone. The one had been shot is the real Chow Yun Fat or the clone? The answer is that all the prisoners who before shot must be confirmed by DNA, but in my knowledge, the DNA of the original and clone should be the same. Right? How to distinguish the real one and the clone?

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller turn-off three key in my mind control machine, one for thinking, it caused me reading slower and difficulty in the thought and remember; second one, off my taste key, caused tasteless when I eat any foods; The third was off my urine, that caused me so difficulty in urinating. I am not only one victim, but most.


4. There is a small group of perp in the brain control space. They can't eat any food and vomited. They only rely on blood for a living. They can't go to the hospital. The reason is unknown. When the perp saw someone who got the same blood type, they will be kidnapped to take blood for the vampire. Everyone wonders what the hell they are? is it a by-product of some kind of technology experiment? If you know, please tell me with thanks.

In addition, I have the same doubts as the victims. In terms of technology, Mapping the chip can be able to transfer blood? I once noticed that there was some slight bleeding in my navel. I thought it may caused by the magnet that I stick in navel. However, when I disinfected with alcohol, I did not find any broken sign. Why did it bleed?
          Later, I realized that someone was unconsciously being taking blood in sleeping from the navel. Because I had a magnet, so mapping me with the victim to stop the blood draw. The blood draw was stopped, but my navel remained a few blood, which blood is someone else's or my own, I don't know? But it is horrible!


The above real story proves the possibility that the mapping can draw blood from the navel between two or more persons. To avoid getting blood from your deep sleep, protect your navel, I use a magnet, but if you have a virus in your body, the magnet will speed up the spread of the virus. If you have good idea, please let me know.


5. In Vancouver, I collect information every day in the library, that made me understood when I was in Hong Kong, I was being block by the media, a lots of important news will not be post in the major media and newspaper, poor Hong Kong people not only control by the mind control machine, also the right to know is also denied. For example, the mind control news, the brain control litigation, news fraud, etc.  above never reported before. Every day, when you read the newspapers in Hong Kong, the drug advertisements are more than news pages. When you choosing to read an electronic newspaper, when it comes to important news, the web page always cannot open. I have been in Canada for more than a month and read a lot of news which I never read in Hong Kong. As long as it is related to brain control and there are no copyright restrictions, I will post it to my Facebook to share with you.

However, after the mind control perps noted, when I read the news, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who did not understand English, causing me cannot read in English. And the other hand, the perp turn my mind key off,  I have repeat and repeat to reading for understanding.

When I saw most of perps and their children, they did not learn anything only do stalking in mind control space, when you mapping them, you will felt your brain disorder at once, so we shall keep reading to upgrade my brain, although you feel difficultly and terrible when you under mind control, please don't give up, read it a few times, and naturally increase your memory.


6. According to the news, there are many private corporation in Hong Kong that have set up personal data bank. The highest accuracy rate is only 65%. If the control putting in the wrong person, that will causing a lots of unjust cases.

In my own case, in the last issue, I mentioned that my
citizen social credit files have been exchanged with perp who harm victims to live in mind control space, which has made my reputation and job hunting constrained. Fortunately, the Hong Kong Chief Executive has been done in investigation and verified, give me have a A-Grad citizen social credit

There is a very important point here, The control and edited person who whether got integrity. In today Hong Kong, many company got private databases with mind control machine, it can be arbitrarily modifying by someone else, change the appearance of others, and used against whatever their real enemy or fake enemy just for pay, such only in their mind which may set up by the mind control machine.

So warn to the victims, if you everything in rough, please check your citizen social credit file if possible, to find out what’s wrong.

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1.         本人已被逼避走溫哥華,而變態腦控賤人仍不肯放過我,持續指使遙控電子武器越境令我和受害者頭痛。據說, 他們大佬答應每月付一萬元薪金給願意在空間工作的人,但每月出薪金前,要求他們一定做一樣犯法的事,才有糧出。此所謂犯法事,大多數都是遙控電子武器害人。




2.         於溫哥華時間19日下午15:35變態腦控賤人利用滑輪腳底接摩工具使用者同我併芯片,令我滑倒在街,據說同時有三人跌倒。滑輪使用者是林家棟家姐; 另一方面,每晚當我睡眠時,劉江遙控電子武器攻擊我腿部關節穴位,令我腿都酸痛。據說長期被攻擊可致腿部骨骼移位,相信腦控賤人正在有計劃地殘害我腿部至殘廢


在此提醒變態控芯片賤人,我的惩罰性索儐條款是具法律效力, 詳情請參閱  , 衡量自己是否賠償得起1000億美金才可害人傷殘。


同時提醒受害者出街時小心謹慎,賤人已到山穷水盡, 又跑路在外,只要有錢賺,任何傷天害理事都做得出。


據說當時控芯片者,有倆個組合 一個是黃子華,馬鼎盛; 另一個是張堅庭,劉江。哪個組合才是罪魁禍首?相信賤人自己心中有數。


3.         本週於晚上睡眠時間,變態控芯片賤人用多部電單車引擎的躁音嚴重滋擾,令我沒法睡眠,直至人大。想不到我們中國人在本國欺凌中國人後,繼續於外國失禮中國人, 有辱國體。實屬國耻!


4.         腦控空間有一真實的事件,多位在空間害人的孽障,利用掠奪受害者的賠償金,去投地起樓,但因他們既是外行,又偷工減料,令樓宇起成後不合格,政府拒絕發出入伙紙,令孽投資化水,還要將預賣樓花錢嘔出來賠償與買家。


還有另一帮收投資者資金起樓後, 資金去向不明, 現在西九工地因缺乏資金而停止運作. 故此, 人不停遙控電子武器賺藥錢之餘,還威脅投資者, 首期付款者, 令他們放棄追討的權利。卑鄙,無耻,賤格!


5.         另有一事,我百思不得其解,變態控芯片賤人經常將子宮癌痛患者同子宮健康者併芯片,令不知被腦控的受害者檢查結果以為自己子宮有事,到醫院摘除完整健康的子。我一直困惑為何要做此損人不利己的事?經他人提醒,認為是同器官移植有關才恍然大悟。可惡!




Mind Control Space News this week (Sept. 16 to 22, 2019)


1. I was forced to leaved Hong Kong for Vancouver, and the metamorphosis brain control perps still non-stop tortured. continue used globalizing remote control electronic weapons cause victims and me headaches for 3 days. It is said that they big brother have promised to pay a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan to those who are willing to work in space, but they are required to do something to break the law before get the salary, and most of these so-called offenses are remotely controlled electronic weapons to torture victims.


The big brothers behind them are: Liz Wan, Alfred Cheung, Patrick Tse, Simon Yam, English Tang, Paul Chu with his brothers, etc.

2. At 15:35 pm on Vancouver time, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping my chip with someone who rolling the foot massage, made me slipping on the street. as said that three people fell at the same time. The user of the foot rolling was Gordor Lam's sister;


On the other hand, when I sleep every night, Lau Kong remote control electronic weapon attacks my acupuncture points on the legs, which makes my legs sore and pain. According to expert said that such attack can cause the bones of the legs to shift. I believe that the brain control perps are intentionally to damaging my legs to the disabled.

I would like to remind the metamorphosis chip controller that my punitive claims are legally binding. You should refer to my website for details and measuring your paid ability, whether you can afford $100 billion for my compensation of disability.

At the same time, remind the victims to be cautious when you walking on the street. The perps were urgently need the money at this time, so even any source for making money, they will without human being, breaking the law to earn, even harm to innocents and everyone all they don’t care. So everyone shall be cautions it.

The culprits are two combinations: one Dayo Wang, Ma Ding-sheng, and other one is
Alfred. Which combination is the main culprit? You tell me.


3. This week's when I sleep in the evening, the metamorphosis chip controller used computer to create the motorcycle engine sounds for nuisance, so I can't fall asleep until someone to slap him down. I cannot imagine why the Chinese people who continue to be shame on the Chinese in foreign countries after they have shame on Chinese in China. It is a national shame!

4. There is a real case in the brain-controlled space. There are few perps used the victims compensation money to bought land and constructed building. However, because they are both laymen and cut corners, they will not be qualified after the building is completed. The government refused to issue occupation permits, so that the perps in the tight funding situation, since the investment was totally loss, and the pre-sales fund should be return to the buyers.


Also have another group of perps, they got an amount of fund rising as property investment for western Kowloon project, and then said the money totally lost with unknown, Now the site is shut down due to lack of funds. Therefore, the perps continue to remote control electronic weapons to making money in mind control space, also threaten to force investors to abandon their invested, let them give up the right to sue for compensation. Despicable, shameless, and so mean!


5. There is another nasty case. The metamorphosis chip controller often mapping the uterine cancer pain patients with the uterus health person together, the health person did not know being brain-controlled, going to check and got uterine cancer results, then book an operation to remove the whole Healthy uterus. I have been confusing why the perp done that to harm victim without any personal interest. I was reminded by someone who said that such case was related to organ transplantation for perps’ benefit. OMG!


I am lucky, I have been mapping with someone who got uterine pain, and I met a good ethics doctor in Hong Kong who save my healthy uterus.


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1.      今次重返溫哥華,同我三年前離開時不同的地方是多了很多大麻店,到東區一行,多了很多露宿者,相信加拿大未來經濟仍然存在隱憂。



2.      本週變態控芯片賤人將反應遲鈍,聲線比我低幾個音的人同的併芯片,令我講話很慢,很困難,不能以正常的速度和自然的聲線錄音。



3.      本週控芯片人有兩晚將眼睛模糊者同我分開,令我感受到格外清晰的眼睛,一口氣將 My Life Changed Forever”讀完。同時也證明我本身眼睛是健康清晰,是變態控芯片賤人令其模糊。另一方面, 本人極力推薦 ”My Life Changed Forever, 這本書, 相信被腦控受害者讀完有如身同感受, 明白被腦控並非只是香港人, 而是世界各地都在發生的事情, 大家都為保護自己家人而努力同之抗衡.


 Mind control Space News this week (Sept. 9 to 15, 2019)


1. I back to Vancouver last week, everything unchanged since I left three years ago, but there are more cannabis shops before. I went to the Eastern District and had a lot of homeless people in the street. I believe that Canada's economy still has serious concerns in the future.

Nowadays, science and technology are developed rapidly out of our imagination. When everyone is studying robots, can you see that robots may likely to replace humans in the near future, as our knowledge, the robots have infinite memory system, and human being’s memory are getting declining with age. It is very difficult to compare with the robot.  On the other hand, Drugs and marijuana keep to harm people every day, human beings are being manipulated to slowly suicide.
So made me puzzling is why the human still in coma, keeping killing each other with rioting, why don’t you keep calm and seriously to think about it. For example, the rioting in Hong Kong, French and around the world is a conspiracy. Do you know it is a scheme that destroys human beings and use to be replace by robots? Why everybody know that the cannabis and painkillers were addiction and harm to human’s nervous systems, but they still get it, since most of victims being targeted by electronic harassment, tortured from microwave pains, forced to use drugs to stop pains. From all of above, I believed our smart reader know how we can do in such moment and the near future?


2. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller keeping within my chip with someone who’s voice lower than me few more key and got slower reacted, caused me difficult to record at normal speed and natural sound.

3. This week, the chip controller gave me a break two night, separated my chip with someone who got blurred eyes, so I felt extra clear from my own eyes, and read the book "My Life Changed Forever" in one breath.  Such used to prove that my own eyes are healthy and clear, every eye’s problems all caused by mapping.


On the other hand, I highly recommend the book which I read "My Life Changed Forever". I believe that the victims will feeling a same pain as well as a writer, and you will have understood that you are not alone, there are most of targeted individual all over the world, not just in Hong Kong, everybody keeps to against mind control and protected to our own family as well as we can.


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Claims for turn-on my all brain sound


 鑑於腦控賤人長期24小時開我腦音與眾人共享, 故意令周邊的人都讀到我的思維, 嚴重侵犯我個人私隱和傷害我腦部健康. 另一方面, 利用他人潛聲, 潛入虛假思維, 以此影響腦控機電腦記錄的準確性.

今在此立下懲罰性索償, 以警效尤, 即時生效!



1) 每開腦音共享, 每分鐘罰款HK$100;


2) 潛入虛假思維, 每人每分鐘罰款HK$100;


3) 思維干擾, 每人每分鐘罰款HK$100;

補充, 之前提到因腦控引起的傷殘或死亡賠償額是美金一百億, 現提至美金一仟億, 此不包括在其它懲罰性索償內, 是純屬額外賠償. 敬請留意!

 Claims for turn-on my all brain sound

In view of the fact that the brain control perps turn my brain sound on for 24 hours and shared it with others, made people around me read what I thoughts, seriously invading my personal privacy and seriously harm to my brain. On the other hand, using other perps to inducing voices and false thinking to misleading people, intentionally to affects the accuracy of the brain computer records.

In order to stop above harassment situation, set up a punitive claim as following and effective immediately!

Punitive claims:

1) When Every time the brain sound is turn-on to shared, the penalty is HK$1 million per minute;

 2) When every time inducing the voice or inducing the false thinking, each person is fined HK$1 million per minute;

3) Brain and computer’s Interference for disturbed, each person is fined HK$1 million per minute;

In addition, the amount of disability or death compensation caused by brain control was US$10 billion which I post before. It is now raised to US$100 billion, and such US$100 billion will not including in other punitive claims, it is an individual compensation. Please pay attention!


P.S All above subject to Chinese vision. 以上以中文版為主.


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1.     腦控空間聚集大批角色扮演的人,A貨的明星名人, 而被扮演者真貨都藏於A貨的後邊. 疑似操控或監控A貨作業. 而我恰恰相反, 我的A貨全在我後面跟蹤, 我連她們的真名都不知道. 這就是施害者同受害者的分別.

 另一方面, A貨蔡瀾被真蔡瀾控制於腦控空間以併芯片性騷擾女性沐浴為生, 據說A貨有一因長期用眼部跟蹤而近乎盲眼的兒子, 和一個智障的未來兒媳婦.


2.     兩星期前, 有一帮以曾志偉為首的台灣人在空間集結, 據說是同近期台灣選舉有關.



3.     腦控賤人利用人跟人的方式跟蹤特定目標, 電腦將人物和被跟人物腦部合, 主記憶放於跟蹤者, 令跟蹤者記憶目標人物的日常時務一段長時間後, 將跟蹤者的大腦同被跟者分開, 目標人物在被跟蹤的那一段日子的記憶變得模糊, 因此解釋了為何經常聽到有人講遠記憶仍非常清晰, 但近記憶却是很模糊的原因.


簡單測試, 將主記憶放於跟蹤者身上, 將跟蹤者同我的腦部合併, 一起記憶一段文字, 然後將跟蹤者的腦部同我分開, 我對剛剛記憶的文字完全忘記, 但當跟蹤者腦部再一次合併後即記起那一段文字.

腦控賤人利用此一原理去腦控獨居長者, 更甚者利用不同跟蹤者, 記憶日常不同的時段, 然後混亂不同跟蹤者的時間記憶反應到長者身上, 令長者思維混亂. 例如長者剛剛食完午餐, 腦控人將跟蹤者掉換, 新跟蹤者的記憶是未進午餐, 甚至感覺到新跟蹤者肚餓而再一次進食午餐而不自知, 相反可能經常感到飽肚而整天不需進食, 當長者子女發覺此現象時, 只會認為是長者腦部記憶衰退, 甚至老人痴呆. 所以提醒做人子女, 多關心家中獨居長者, 留意是否有被腦控的現象, 以免誤服藥物而加重病徵.


4.     我家中EMF FIELD測試是0, 但當有人同我合併時, 數字變得不, 跳動得很快. 解釋原因是當我做測試時, 控機賤人關閉我的EMF FIELD, 所以測試結果是0, 當開機時, 數字就不停跳動. 所以不要太相信EMF的測試結果, 所有EMF數字都在腦控賤人控制之中. 據專家解釋, EMF FIELD 數字同併芯人處於WIFI環境有關.


Mind Control Space News this week (July 29 to August 4, 2019)

 1. The brain control space gathers a large number of role-playing people, that is, the substituted of stars and celebrities, and the real one was hidden behind for manipulated. But I am exactly the opposite, my substitutes all behind me for eyes stalking, I don’t even know their real names. That was the difference between the perp and victim.

On the other hand,
the substitute of Cai lam was used to within the chips with women who taking shower in mind control space for sexual harassment, he said was control by real Cai Lam
. As known the substitute of Cai Lam who have a son got almonds blind caused from long term eyes tracking, and a mentally disorder daughter-in-law.

2. Two weeks ago, a group of Taiwanese arranged by Eric Tsang gathered in mind control space, which was said to be related to the recent Taiwan election.

3. The brain control perp uses computer to combine both brains of tracker and target, then puts the main memory on the tracker, so that the tracker remembers the daily life of the target person for a long time, then separated their brains, the memory of target during that period has become blurred, so it explains why people often claims their past memory still very clear, but the current memory being very vague.

Simple test, put the main memory on the tracker, merge two brains between the tracker and mine, read to remember a text together, and then separate the tracker's brain from me. I completely forgot the text I just remembered, but when the tracker merges again, the memory show up at once.

As above principle, the brain control perps use this technology to control the elderly who live alone, and even more use different trackers in turn to memorize different time periods of the target daily life, and then mix the time periods to confuse the memory to the elderly.  For example, the elderly just had lunch, the brain control perp will change a new tracker. The memory of the new tracker has not yet taken the lunch, and the target even got a same feeling of hungry with the new tracker, and taking lunch again without self-awakens. In contrary, the target may often feel full all the day without meal when the perp control the trackers after meals in turn to confuse the target who think he/she had meal already. When the family members of elderly knowing this phenomenon, they will naturally think that the elderly have a memory loss or even
Morbus Alzheimer. So warn to the family of elderly, take more care to your elderly living alone, and pay attention to the elderly who may under brain control, if so, avoid to taking too much drug, such only increasing mental ill. 


4.  The EMF FIELD test in my home got 0, but when someone merges with me, the number becomes unstable and was fluctuated very fast. The explanation was that when I do the test, the controller shuts down my EMF FIELD, so the test result got 0. When the computer is turned on, the number will be fluctuates. So don't trust the EMF test results. All EMF value either in high or low are under the brain control machine. According to experts, the EMF FIELD figures was related to the WIFI where you are stand on.

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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-05-27至2019-06-02)

1.     變態控芯片賤人將多人同我併芯片, 眼部跟蹤我家中一切. 在法律上, 將他人眼跟蹤進入私人地方等同未經同意擅闖私人地方, 屬嚴重刑事罪行. 敬請留意!


2.     有人在空間以假的李兆基先生和劉鑾雄先生聲音作為招徠, 吸引投資者買賣股票, 實質上是以腦控方式欺騙投資者金錢. 望大家投資時, 小心謹慎, 以免受騙.


3.     當有人在空間被電子武器摧殘至死時, 腦控賤人刻意出來同受害者玩, 潛受害者聲, 大聲喧嘩作樂, 令死者家屬反感. 因大部份受害者都沒有眼部跟蹤, 並且被局部屏障, 不知發生何事, 只是在情緒影響下苦中作樂. 望死者家屬見諒!



4.     被腦控賣樓案例, 有長者在被腦控併芯片的情況下自己將物業出賣, 將金錢匯到不相熟者戶口後, 當上門收樓才醒覺物業已出售. 因整個交易程序都是業主自己處理, 所有人口供證實業主是處於清醒(被清醒人併芯片)的情況下, 又沒法提供被腦控的事實, 所以要追回物業很困難. 望長者小心, 將屋契交由銀行或子女保管較為安全.



5.     腦控空間經常聞到一股腐尸味, 據說是控芯片人將已死的人同遙控電子武器殺人犯併芯片, 令死者的尸臭味跟隨殺人犯作為懲罰. 我好奇的是, 人死後, 腦電波自然消失, 為何仍能傳播尸臭味? 據講, 當併死尸芯片時, 死尸復活, 潛聲時, 能講話, 但仍是死尸的模樣, 當芯片分開, 又恢復死亡, 有如我們電影所見的僵屍. 有人利用此種科技, 併死者芯片立遺囑和改遺囑, 實際上非死者的意願, 而是併芯片者的詭計.


6.     我的樣貌一天多變, 有時照鏡吓自己一跳. 近期將我同中國異見份子併芯片, 真不知變態控芯片賤人意欲何為?


7.     我住的大廈大部份住客都是律師和外籍教師, 但近期有娛樂圈三級女星同賊人入住, 並將同單位不同樓層的良家婦女同三級女星合併後在腦控空間以眼部跟蹤方式播放, 陷害良家婦女, 其中大部份是法律界單身女仕. 望本大廈業主小心挑選租客, 以免影響大廈的保安和聲譽.


8. 被告知, 有變態控芯片賤人在腦控機上做手腳, 令我腦部很多雜音, 長期局部智障, 令我執筆忘字, 書寫時感覺特別吃力. 另一方面, 腦控空間有人提出, 經常聽到我講話, 但他們同我講話時我聽不見, 很奇怪.



Mind control Space news this week (May 27 to June 02, 2019)


1. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a group of strangers, eyes tracking into my apartment, knowing my apartment everything, even personal belonging. Legally, group stalking same as trespass into private area without consent, it is a serious criminal offence. Keep your eyes out!

2. Some perps using false voices of Mr. Lee Shau-Kee and Mr. Joe Lau in the mind control space, taking the trick to attract investors to trade the stocks with intention. They used mind control technology to control the investors to buy and sell stocks to manipulate the stock market as their own.  
Mind your step to the trap!

3. When someone dead by electronic attacked in mind control space, the movie stars will come out to
present a false picture of peace and prosperity, play with the victims with loud and happy , making the family member of the deceased disgusted and misleading all people taking pleasure in others pain. It is so sorry, since all victims without eyes tracking, and partially block by the chip controller, they don’t know what happened in that moment, just playing under the influence of emotions as enjoy the hardships.


 4. Base on the case story, there is elderly people who sell his property being within the chip with perp in control. After all transaction completed, and the money remitted to someone unknown, whole property selling without owner’s own mind. The owner was wake up by the new owner when hand over the property. Show by prima facie, the whole procedures are handled by the owner himself. All the witnesses are confirmed that the owner with clear mind situation (actually within chip with clear mind perp), and the owner cannot provide the proofs that he is being mind controlled. Therefore, it is very difficult to get the property back. Warn to the elderly, your deeds safer to be kept by banks or your own children.
5. In the brain-controlled space, we often got a smells from dead body. It is said that the chip-controller within the dead body chip will the killer, the corpse smell is followed by the murderer as a punishment until the chip separated. I am curious, as I known, when certify the human body dead based on the brain stop working, when the brain stop working, how can the microwave connect to? Why the body still can spread the smell?  


According to the report, when live person within chip with the dead body, the dead body can have a movement with live person as live person wear a dead body clothing as cover, of Couse you listening the voice own by the live person, but the appearance own by dead body, like the zombies that we saw in the movies. Such make someone use this technology to have a fake sentence to making a will not the dead person’ will, But the chipmaker's tricks.


6. My appearance is changing day by day, sometimes I am scared by the mirror. In the near few days, I was being within chip with the dissidents of China. I don’t know what the wrong with metamorphosis chip controller, what are they intention for?

7. I residence in the apartment building, and the most of the residents are lawyers and foreign teachers, but recently there is a dirty movie actress together with thief are as tenancy, used difference floor but same flat to merged as movie and broadcasted to someone for eye tracking, the most of them are single women in the legal professional. Warn to the owner of my apartment building, carefully selects the tenants as responsibilities to protect the security and reputation of the building.

8. I was told by someone, the metamorphosis chip control making a serious tricky in brain control machine, which make my brain got a lot of noise, partially mental disorder, I can felt particularly difficult in writing, always forgot the words when I write. 


On the other hand, someone in mind control space said that often heard my brain sound, but I couldn’t hear them when they spoke to me. It was so strange?


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MKULTRA has now evolved into MONARCH, the use of nonlethal microwave weapons to induce trauma as a means of behavior modification.MONARCH II 80min III 45min copy links below & VISIT victims organization freedomfchs.comMUSIC: VISION THE BOOKS (petition)MKULTRA survivors group: group: mindjustice.orgFILMS ARE a T-SHIRT, cap, or BOOKS/DVD FOR SALE:amazon,createspace, lulu,ebay,iUniverse video and audio links below will stream unless they are downloaded.To download, PC users right-click and then select Save As; Mac users option-click.The Google and YouTube links will just stream when clicked.WMV video files are for PCs (Windows) which do not have QuickTime player.MOV or MP4 are for Macs or PCs with QuickTime (and are usually slightly better quality).MP3 audio files should play on any machine, including iPods and similar players.Please report any errors or broken links - many thanks.The interviews are in date order of release. 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It's very fast, works every time, it resumes download should there be an interruption, and it is FREE.Google Voice answers nation's call John J. KruzelAmerican Forces Press Service8/14/2009 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Google is tinkering with a new service that could transform the way troops on the frontlines communicate with their families on the homefront.Google Voice assigns users a single U.S. phone number that can ring at phones in multiple locations like the home, office or on a cellular device -- all at the same time. Coupled with a feature that stores and transcribes voicemail in e-mail form, Google Voice can relieve some of the technical hassles that come with staying connected."Google Voice can help keep people connected, can help servicemembers worry less about missing a call or not getting in touch with people they need to, and focus more on getting the mission done," said Army Sgt. Dale Sweetnam, who the U.S. Army is loaning to Google for a year to help the company coordinate its military outreach efforts.Sergeant Sweetnam, who spent 13 months deployed in Iraq with Task Force 49, provides Google a window into servicemembers' experiences downrange where keeping contact with family and friends back home competes with the demands of daily military objectives."With the operation tempo of the military and the intense nature of accomplishing a mission, to make communication just one less thing you have to worry about is a great tool," he said in an interview.As Google puts the final touches on Google Voice, the service is available in limited capacity and only by requesting an invitation from the company. But given its recognition that military deployments are often fraught with communication lags, Google is giving priority invites to active members of the military.Earlier this month, the company announced that troops with a .mil e-mail address can visit to sign up for a free Google Voice account.While the service has real-world applicability for many people, Google Voice is an especially useful tool for servicemembers, both deployed and at home."It is often hard or near impossible to receive calls when deployed abroad, due to limited access to phones and time zone differences," Sergeant Sweetnam said in an e-mail. "With Google Voice, you can listen to and read voicemail online, so you can hear messages from family members more often and keep up with what is going on back home."Having one, unchanging phone number could also be a welcome constant in a military career filled with frequent moves. Keeping a single phone number that travels with servicemembers amid permanent changes of station means no more need for new numbers or missed calls to old numbers along the way.An additional kicker is that because Google Voice is free, phone calls between friends and family who live overseas or in another state won't cost a small fortune."Military servicemembers often don't live in the same states and countries as their friends and family or other buddies they met in the military," Sergeant Sweetnam said. "Google Voice helps save money by offering free calls in the continental U.S. and low-priced international calls."
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