use spotlight through cb and or terrestrial(tv1)vowels are a letter between breaths so when they are converted into ultratones they pick up on recievers despersing them eveywhere through start to think your hearing therefore becoming paranoid,the vowels you think while searching are combined with the emissions already around you which i exsplained above.This when combined projects your thoughts by having your sights connection to what you see range the distance of there broadcast,remember you spell what you see at an astronomical speed which gives you awarness of self being.genraly used remote infrared sign systems recieves on all transmitters.these can be used by design to communicate with the recievers complying.(these become infrared audible sign recievers)the basic speech messages shall then be frequency modulated at 25 khz with a + - 2.5 khz deviation and shall have a infra wavelength from 850 950 nannometers.the recievers now shall produce a 12 decibel signal plus noise to noise ratio with a 1khz tone at again +-2.5 deviation of 25khz sub carrier.95%of what we hear is our own projected thoughts which includes memorys,imagination feelings ect.because we hear voices they are foreign to us,meaning they come across as a threat as we do not know who they are where there from and why me?!just been watching the effects of other victims been tortured by way of ultrasonic.the reason many of you think that there are hidden implants in you is because you are surrounded by ionide,it is within you and aronund you and is attracted to other metals especialy silver(which is how uri gellar bends spoons)it is radio active and halogenic and is also attracted to moisture just like in a plug in air freshner,you then have a nervous reation to this and naturaly rub the reas causing friction which like the air freshner charges the ions attracting it to other metals,as you move it triggers your perpitrators broadcast by having you answer yourself(which is natural because it is in a foreign voice)adding to the torment.the best advice i can give is to lipread forcefully your thoughtsand ask a question and you will discover that your thoughts will be projected and will be exchanged for a foreign voice which in turn will answer your question in the most extraordinary way.keep at it especialy at the worst of times,you will realise that you have a voice and can interact with forget also you have your own imagination that will also be exchanged for a foreign voice and will interact with the thoughts you project.i cannot stress enough that the broadcasters use the same process as they too project there thoughts .they use visual alpha light emissions,the reason it is so difficult to prove is because sight triggers there imagination and yours gets stimulated in the worse possible is synthetic telepathy.why us every one keeps askin,the answer is simple.we had a mental illness to begin with just not diagnosed.weve always been able to project our own thoughts using linear sound,"nice weather isnt it"been an example.we have all been under pressure at some time through our journey to actualy hearing them its just that we cant except its not our selfs plus second person grammer which comes from a foreign voice and this is natural,we grow up learning communication in all the right ways to make us who we are.v2k broadcasters know this .the perps are cb users,they meet there perfect match then take it gets taken away for us to hear.i have been no where near hell but has seen it,so there you go without us there will never be any diffrence between me and a genuinely ill person as at the minute no one cares apart fom us.
V2K (28)
After six years of studying this phenomenon i have come to a conclusion that is final.i know being a victim that first symptoms are paranoia ,now some of us are under lifes pressures which everbody has but to recive v2k you already need to be ill in some way.normal mentaly ill people already project there own thoughts which is why they hear voices,spotlight audio projects them further.When the perpitrators broadcast(as i now have)the sound automacicaly travels back to the origonal source which means when you speak through spotlight using a microphone it broadcasts silently until someone is ill enough.the perpitrators know that when they speak we have no option but to hear and because the sound reflects back to the origonal source they can(and only them)hear our most likely response to it which when hearing the return could be our answer or theres.they are addicted to it as they talk and hear a reply which could be one of there victims.broadcasted through cb radio by adding an infrared array(cctv camera works fine) it piggybacks on it as infrared travels along visable light (ultraviolet spectrum)this process enables them to do holosonics which is vision made out of sound and is only registerd by your subconious.if you are like me and you lie next to someone every night your probably wondering why they cant hear,this is because when your thoughts are projected they are still your thoughts which will be heard in many tones of voice and give the illusion someone is talking to you,as the person next to you doesnt know what your thinking they will not hear plus they are not already projecting there thought(ill enough)we recieve the last letter of there broadcast because of the echo on there microphone which because spotlight raises linear sound that gives us no choice but to chase there broadcast.when you start hearing clearer you interact with them (proving that one letter can produce seven flash thoughts)and have conversations with yourself just like they do,you even give the second person gramma your name which again you interact with proving that when you do hear your name(as the broadcasters dont know it)anything after is your own thought projection,whats decieving about it is that instead of I you hear WE which is because you have already interacted with them in some prove we were ill anyway and that this only happens to already ill people,my name is andy now how many andys are there in the uk,they would all hear including my girlfriend but because she already knows it she will use her subconcious to speak it as do all uninfected people.because when perpitrators speak they hear the reply it sometimes comes back as a female voice this is because in some acoustics when the speaker bleeds air this becomes subliminal and this makes some recordings sound female but they dont care as there broadcast spreads so far and wide they presume that one of us will be the answer they hear and odds are it will be.
spotlight -c.b cb fm am tv1 mobile(sonar)back through cb in digital
it works the same way as when you interact with someone normaly and have a conversation,you register what they say through speed of thought which you learnt through life by putting letters of the alphabet together for this very moment,at the same time as listning you are already thinking of a reply and waiting to have your say.sight triggers there sentences as your subconcious is raised and exchanged with second person gramma.example:now if i look at the television or anything else i can project what i see and hear it at a distance in another dialect because there broadcast gives you synthetic telepathy when you understand how it works,i have tried to exsplain in the simplist of terms as i too am under attack which is why i have copyrighted v2s alphatek a company orginisation dedicated in finding recipitants of syntheticaly recieved mental illnesses covering all mental illness diagnosis.broadcasted through digital telecommunication networks by converting speech within the ultrasonic range amplified by linear sound.recieved by all human senses and recieved by copyright owner in way of format i have set myself up with this technology through meeting another victim who lives just 30 miles away(awaiting friend request)with her say so i can communicate with her by using her name which i will only do under her say this moment my neice and girlfriend are watching television with the volume half way up and i can hear nothing,the reason i can hear voices is because when they broadcast it bleeds(leaks subliminals)i have more imformation if anybody is willing to listen and also have videos posted.i am correct because i wouldnt spend 2.500 dollars on something unless id done my homework and having done so proved how it works and why we hear them.andy
A company/orginisation dedicated in finding recipitants of syntheticaly received mental illnesses covering all mental illness diagnosis.broadcasted through digital telecommunication networks by way of converting speech into the ultrasonic range amplified by linear sound,received by all human senses.received by copyright owner in way of format above.
I have made myself part of a format used to correspond with copyright laws.i have a copyright witness registration certificate by the reads To verify that the work
Was registerd with the UK copyright service
On 27/04/2010
And that the copyright owner is listed as
It shall remain on record as evidence of copyright
until the registration exspiry date of
So i own and i am v2s alphatek.once all is out in the open people will create companys based on the foundation of our situation, it will be a new form of communication.As the copyright owner is the format used for copyright witness it proves should anybody else copy this process that we are hearing thought alterd projection as is received by copyright owner in the way of format used.
The mind and how it works
Certain sounds can cause certain triggers of images to be produced in the mind.
The human mind can be explored in many ways, it just depends on the person and how they want to explore it. Certain sounds can trigger certain thoughts in the mind. Take for
instance the sound of a bell ringing. If one hears a bell ringing,
then the mind produces an image of a bell. The same goes with smells.
Certain smells can cause a trigger in the mind. The mind produces an
image of the smell or tries to produce an image of what the smell is.
If you smell a rose, then your mind will produce a picture of a rose.
When you say don't t think of this or that, then you end up thinking
about it in your mind, but when you say do think of it, you don't
think of it, at least that's how my mind works.
Now take electromagnetic radiation, a silent weapon, and use it on someone's mind. Pointing the weapon directly at their brain and you get horrible results. If one is
happy, energetic, up going, fun, and wanting to take on the whole
world, these weapons can turn that around. You have a weapon that can
affect someone's mind so bad with this radiation, that it turns that
person into a fearful, non energetic, paranoid, depressed, unhappy
person. This silent kind of weapon being used on people can make one
look as if she/he has a mental disease and is in need of treatment.
The hearing of voices, how can one explain that? Truly, is it my own
mind doing this? Is my mind so messed up that I want to speak out of
terms in my own mind and not be able to control it? The research is
that there's an imbalance in the brain cortex and that's why the
hearing of the voices occur, same with bi-polar disease and chronic
depression. Medication and Psychiatry treatment are suppose to help
this area, but does this really work with one's who claim to be
Targeted Individuals? If they seek professional help and nothing is
changing, then what? Are they still considered mentally ill and
crazy? What about the facts they lay out? Why not take that into
consideration? Technology is so advanced, why wouldn't silent
electronic harassment weapons be possible in today's society? What
makes it impossible to exist? Why the use of silent weapons and why
is it being used unwillingly on people in the United States? Test
subjects. To see how they will react to the “attacks” as I call
it. It's an experiment. When you create something, you want to try it
out. So you experiment on objects and things to see how it works. If
it fails or doesn't do exactly as you would expect it to, then you go
back to the drawing board. You tweek it and start over again. If it
works as planned, you eventually upgrade it and keep the
experimentation going to see how the objects react to it til you get
to the point where you are confident you can use it on a wide range
of objects without error. Same with this technology. The people or
shall I say Military and Government body who funds it, are
experimenting with it right now (a guess, but a pretty good guess).
And that's why you have Targeted Individuals. They are seeing how the
people chosen are reacting to it and if they fight back or not or
commit suicide, give up, do as they are told (voices in the
head/orders), etc. No wonder people killed others because they were ordered to do so by the voices in their heads. I have done a lot of research in the past and a
lot of thinking every day to come up with this theory. What's your
opinion on this?
If you don't know what the white noise is, please check this video, the sound from the hair drier.
The noise itself might be smaller when the V2K perps tries to talk to the victim. And the V2K perp voices seems to be heard much clearly from inside of one's body like around the back of one's ear or through the vibration of one's breathing.
Can you hear the white noise while you experience the V2K? I think that's the key of how the V2K perps accessing one's brain EMF.