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I Have Been Working In Facebook For Days. Linking Story's Videos Mind Control Pages.

I Got Videos And Info On All Sorts Of Stuff. I released My Web Pages Last Night Please Read The Comments About My Pages Before Reading The Web Sight.

Have A Look At My Facebook You Will Learn Alot. Though Im Threatend By Others Every Time I Do Anything Online And Release Info By Other People In My Community here In Pawtucker And Neighorbing Citys.

I'll Apologize now for some of my strong Language On My Web Page. But I Have Been Harassed for like 6 years and they threaten to rape my wife every day. i learned about the TI's ( Targeted Indaviduals ) Not Long Ago.!/profile.php?id=100001376437223&v=wall

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Have a Look And Spread The Word Now In Facebook For More Exposure.

You Should check It Out. Alot Of People There Over 120 Friends Already In My List. You May Know Some Of Them.

Please Pass On The Word. I Have Added Alot Of Info And Videos.

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Before Jennifer Didn't Want To Know About The Chip Because Others Were Trying To Supress Her. They Were Trying To Put Thoughts In Her Head. For A While She Blaimed Me Her Husband. And THis Is What These People Do They Sit There And Do Stuff To People Then Blame Others. It's Why ALot Of People That Are Implanted Think It's There Own Famileys when It's Not. I Have been Trying To Teach Her About This Stuff For A Long Time But People Try To Effect Her Thoughts And Displace The Truth. It Realy A Bunch Of People Not Far From Up. Im Hopeing She Will Read About Some Stuff In Peace Pink And Learn. Sooner Or Later She Willl Find Out About It All. Who's Is In Her Head And Who's Been Messing With Her.
I Try To Tell Her About Things Then She Has Voices Lieing To Her Trying To Make Her Do Stuff. This Has Been Going On For A Long Time.

Because Others Have Used Our Names I Would Like To Make It Clear To You There are Others. A Few Guys And Girls. Saying there Myself And My Wife. Lieing To Others Trying To Get Her to Say And Do Stuff They Tryed This With Me Also Without Much Sucess.
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4 - 27 -09 Jennifer N.

Johnny Is Takeing X-tra Long To Get Home And I Fell Like He Had Sex With Someone.
I Lost His Half ! He Did Not Cheat On Me So Now I Feel Bad !
He Spent X-tra Time At Gateway. I Would Like To Learn Hot To Trust Him.
You Could Give Me An Idea As To What It Takes Maybe Even Councleing
For The Both Of Us To Togather. It's Almost Like Every Time I Learn Something
It's Like They Take It Away From Me. Thats Why I AM Haveing Such A Hard Time, Because I Keep Getting The Things I Think About And Learn On A Daily Basis Taken Away.

Written By Jennifer N. About The Fact That She Knows Something And For Some Reason Someone Dose Not Want Her To. They Have Been Trying To Keep Her From Knowing Who They People Are That Do Stuff To Her. John N. A.K.A Anubis

This Is Something She Wrote To Show Someone I Found It In One Of Her Books today Looking Through It There May Be More To Release. There Are A Few Books She Wrote In. I Asked Her Before I Released This.

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Diary Entry July 17, 2009

Forced awake another entire night with steady application of heat. The air conditioner is kept running at 60 degrees which doesn’t help. I’m being kept in a wet sweat and extremely uncomfortable all night long... first blasted with heat and then made to feel cold... They continue to deliberately undermine my flawless skin by further continued acceleration of the aging process by depleting the layer of collagen beneath the skin’s surface in addition to the artificial electronic marking of my skin. My forehead has the appearance of a neural network of sorts with an outline of squiggly lines in a pattern
faintly etched thereon from the man-machine interface and weapon assaults.

My day will come before a Congressional Hearing Committee, and I will see to it that this bunch of sick twisted little devil worshiping freaks don’t get off the hook as they did in the MKUltra hearings which was a total disgrace. When the day comes, it
will be necessary to have people in place and in charge like Nick
Begich, Robert Duncan and maybe Dr. John Hall and Cheryl Welsh with
other high-ranking women taken captive by this satellite electronic nightmare –
that is to say, a panel of people who know what they’re talking
about and who are prepared to ask the right questions Why was there
no interrogation of white collar criminals operating out of the
Pentagon and Department of Justice? Why was Stanford Research
let off the hook and not even mentioned when they were
/are the No. 1 ranking criminal perpetrator of crimes against
humanity because they helped design these black-budget programs. All of the agents and multiple agencies within the government complex, not to mention segments of every branch of the military as well as corporate – industrial – academic America
will need to be ferreted out, rounded up and brought to justice to be
punished for their crimes against humanity. Torture and human
experimentation going on and no one is being held responsible. There
are people who should have been thrown in jail a long time ago and
YET they are out and about having an informal lunch at the Elite
Hotel (once called the Carlton-Elite) in Zurich where they swap
stories. Besides this, why were they not ordered to pay back
billions of taxpayer dollars? You have someone like Senator Patrick
Leahy from my State of Vermont – someone who knew all about MK Ultra
and mind control experimentation that was taking place; in fact, it’s
alleged he had an active role in it. Yet, no one was punished for
these crimes against humanity carried out by the United States
government - crimes of nonconsensual human experimentation and

torture of innocent American citizens and nobody gives a rat’s ass?

I just do not think that this is so. These buzzards need to be rounded

up to begin paying for their misdeeds.

The MK Ultra hearings were a bogus waste of everyone’s time.

If you'd like to learn more about Stanford Research Institute's role - blow this link up to 400 and closely examine what's going on and who's who.
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1927 movie "Metropolis" tried to warn the world about mind control- prediction of the US depression and WWII1927 German movie. The MATRIX of Europe. This movie was destroyed. and had to be rebuilt from pieces... but what it predicted was what took the USA.. ie great depression,then WWII Someone knew then what was being worked on..or a lot of people knew..Germanytried to warn the world.. with Theatre.. silent movie.. so... everyone canwatch it.. language inspecific.. UNIVERSAL
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"Non-Lethal" Weapons; Brain Interference Technologies; the Altered Environment

In early spring of the year that I am writing this, I, a writer, and my boyfriend, a video artist, began to discover evidence that an ancient system was and is being used to interfere with our lives and with the lives of many others.

At a time when technologies of surveillance and control -- such as brain scanning, mind-body control,
wireless remote control, and high-power ultrasound – are developed with government funds in semi-secret, it is important that we understand their potential for intrusion on the lives of human beings and animals.

Yet it is difficult to ask for ethical consideration of the use of technologies that we have not been informed of or do not understand.

Remembering the example of dedicated investigation and code breaking -- set by many men and women who were intelligence agents in World War II, and in conjunction with the fictional poetic narrative
Revelations of Secret Surveillance, the references set forth here look at the potential for technology-mediated surveillance and repression.

In memory of Jerzy Witold Rózycki, Piotr Smolenski, Jan Gralinski, and François Lane, Polish
codebreakers working on deconstructing the Enigma and the French officer accompanying
them, who died when the ship carrying them between France and Algeria went down on
January 9, 1942, the exact day I was born.
.......................... Judy Malloy

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Thursday, July 15, 2010



Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans

In Operation Vigilant Guard, a Prison exclusive, reporters and filmmakers Rob Dew and Jason Douglass venture to Chicago,
Illinois, to document the militarization of domestic response during
disasters and terrorist events in the United States.


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Timothy May, part II's avatar

Timothy May, part II · less than 1 minute ago

Your rights come from God, not government. Government was created to protect them, not give them. But government has been systematically
eradicating them bit by patient bit for almost 150 years, and as a
self-governed people, there is no one to blame for this but ourselves.
As a result, we are being marched step-by-step down the path to another
civil war. Trust in God, trust your heart, don't say or do anything
stupid that draws attention to yourself - get involved in the process
while you can, but make quiet plans on the side to act, not as a
vigilante, but as a patriot whose only purpose is the preservation of
your family, law and order, and your nation by whatever means are
I don't know if this is true or not. Troops from other countries have trained in the USA for many many years. So they could be here simply
training with the US military.

However, If true, the fact isonly a few americans will fight even at this outrage. Three percent or
less. The rest will roll over to any authority, including the dog
catcher and parking maid. Just think how alone and naked you will feel
with military units, domestic or foriegn or contractors breathing down
your back. They will have great sport with you, because you are
unorganized. I suggest at the very least you all get involved in the
Appleseed Project across the nation. Learn how to be a rifleman. They
will teach you of our history even if you do not become an expert
rifleman. Women and children are trained free. Learn about the Three
percenters. Learn about preparedness.

As it was in 1776 soshall it be now. People have not changed over the centuries very much.
Think about it and best of luck to you all.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Come ahead! I don't think I will stop them all but some of them will be limping home. If every victim o the Nazi terror had taken just one
stormtrooper with 'em things would have been different. I believe in
non-violence if possible, but in the words of poet Dylan Thomas "I will
not go quietly into that good night". Liberty or Death and Live Free or
Die are more than just words to me. I have always believed that the
ownership of firearms and knowing how to use it is an obligation as a
citizen not a choice. The 2nd Amendment is there to stand against
tyranny, either foreign and domestic. LIBERTY OR DEATH!!!!
I feel for all you people who think the Constitution is going to protect you and your 2nd Amendment rights from Obama, Hillary, the UN,
and that Army Brigade that has been training for several years to
impose itself into the midst of a natural/manmade/contrived disaster -
and that treaty "43' signed allowing Canadian troops on American soil
to 'assist' with quelling natural disasters and political upheaval -and
'giving' American military forces the same authority on Canadian
soil...this is no longer about the Constitution. The Constitution is in
hospice. Many generations of Democrats and Republicans alike are
responsible for this.
El --Thousands of pages of documentation about The Usurper Barry Soetero aka Barak Obama. CALL FOR IMPEACHMENT
and throw out all politicians both Democrat and Republican who allowed
this Muslim-Communist extreemist become POTUS! dk
I live by my Constitutional Rights and will Die by them if need be. After all, that is what they were meant and designed for. To protect
our own states if our Government turns against us or is overthrown
within. Like I have claimed it to be after the first months in. Actions
speak lauder than words my friends. This all will happen before Nov
2010 you watch. To keep us from voteing them out. Claim Martial Laws
and disarmenment of the People of the United States. It is the only way
Obama can continue to carry out his radical agenda. Time for the
Militias to start to form up. I hope our states will start the process
to let our Fedorallies know we mean business. Start calling your
Senators and Representitives, Govenors and Mayors. Speak your demands
they stand up to stop this bastard or prepare to help defend your
state. Because that is what will stop them first if anything. All
States United to fight our Federal Government officials and this pesky
foriegn military that thinks they can disarm us all. Geez it is
suicide. Oh.. wait.. yeah they would commit suicide wouldn't they?
I will defend our Constitution and my family, or die trying.
Everyday I wake up anymore I am physically sickened at what is taking place in our own government/White House. I served in the United States
Marine Corp and swore to defend the Constitution of the United States.
May God rest the soul of anyone, either foriegn or domestic who tries
to come on my property and take my weapons from me. The 2nd Ammendmant
affords me as a US Citizen the right to bear arms. This ammendmant was
put in place to allow us as citizens to defend ourselves against our
own government in time of tyrany.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I have very serious questions about defending your home from a well organized, and superior force. That will get you and yours dead most
rickytick. All they would do is roll up an armored vehicle, like a
Bradley, and cut your house in half with 25mm chain gun fire. Game
over. If you have a 300 yard field of fire you still loose, they will
have helicopters with Hellfire missles. It's really no contest - you
will not prevail with semi auto weapons up against machine guns. Study
the tactics used by guerrillas, sucessfully, for many years. Booby
traps, and hit & run tactics work for small irregular groups.
Hopefully we will never have to find out how this would go down. Better
still, educate your friends, neighbors and co workers, get them
registered to vote and make sure they get to the voting booth Nov. 2,
2010. If each of us brings in one new conservative voter we will double
our strength. This is our best option - win the damn election with true
Constitutional conservatives. Start working TODAY - time is short. Have
a great plan "B" ready in case it all goes sideways.
WE must start the revolution now this son of a bitch must go i will join the south this ass hole thinks hes ABE Lincoln!!
Lets begin to organize on the net ...not to expose but at least we will have some kind of position and situations known. When it goes down!
When...what...where?? When certain positions/steps are taken...What we
do...Where use code locations longitude/latitude,oll etc. You military
know what, where and when...Let's Roll!
I don't usually post any comment or reply - further: consider whether or not descendants (of our ancestors who came here in middle 1600s,
during early 1700's, and since,) from England, Scotland, Ireland,
Wales, France, Switzerland, of members of Magna Charta signers, Order
of the Garter, DAR , UDC, Colonial Dames of the 17th Century , and
others, and still gathering genealogy - do you think we would not go to
the grave to defend our family, church, home, friends, God-given United
JUSTICE FOR ALL.??????????????? REMEMBER: God is Almighty, He sees all
and knows all.
Say - Van Jones, who are you calling the idiot box????????
I am a Christian and I know that the Lord is in control of all things.... However, you shal have no other Gods before you and if this
Goverment tells me that you can no longr worship my Lord Jesus Christ
and tell me that this Goverment will give you what you need, THEN,I
will do what is necessary to protect my family in ANY way I can....Navy
Vet 1957--61
Obongo, the Nairobi Nitwit, the Kenyan Klutz, has declared war on Americans, at least white ones, and if he and gang of marxists think
they can pull this off, the are more insane than I already thought they
were. This country, due to the misrule and incompetence of the B.
Hussein Obongo, is about on the verge of a civil war now over his
antics. The gun grab would light the fuse.
ive been expecting it since that communist waqs elected
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Bring 'em on! I've been prepared for this to happen ever since that foreigner Obama became President.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
We need a contigency plan and NOW these bastards are fixing to invade and here we are with our pants down...and its being implemented by our
own government...How Dare they....Well I put my life in harms way for
20 years now is the time of truth....1 is nothing but in numbers there
is safety.......
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Well, as one Patriot put it, years ago, IF there is going to be a fight, LET IT begin right here. (Incidently guys, careful what you say
on here...loose lips sink ships, admit nothing and acknowledge nothing!
These B%$#@&%$ are watching! They can't win unless we do NOTHING!
Above all pray to GOD and invoke His providence!!!
Are they going to confiscate our guns so they can kill us with them? They will play hell to get guns away from the Southern States where
hunting is the most popular sport. The South might declea open season
on politicians. Why doesn't Obama stop in Georgia, Alabama,
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
ARE AMERICANS NOT KENYANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR LYING
The story isn't bs, check out Fort Benning to see whose training . There will be a sh** storm, if they try it.
To quote a game show. " Come on Down!"
With all this going on, just talked to a California detective trying to get out of there. There is a proposed amendment (or was - I believe
they shot it down :)
- that all ammo sold would have a 6-month self-destruct powder so even
if your stock-piled, it would be no good after 6 mos. Again - this came
from a current Calif detective ! Any info on this anyone?
They may get me, but I'm taking all I can with me....I hace been stocking ammo for 2 years waiting on this to happen...
"The enemy is within" You know what they do with unarmed "problems"? They shoot you in the head and drop you in a hole or burn your body in
a furnace!

Marx and Stalin murdered over 65 MILLION of theirown people. Guess what idiot loves to brag about how he loves Marx,
Chavez and Castro? Yup, Alfred E Newman with a tan. Never surrender!
Visit JPFO dot org and learn how (in last century alone) over 50
MILLION murdered by their own governments. Unalienable right (GOD
GIVEN)...shall not be infringed. November..heads must roll.

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Tuesday, July 13th, 2010 · 2 comments
The Congressman who stood up in Washington and defended Targeted Individuals now is one. Ron Paul has sent another call for help following one last...
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Hi All, You should be able to click on the above link. If not, go to -Knoxville under Human Rights. Someone mentioned (2) more articles related to same subject which I'm going to look for now.
I am feeling positive today that we are going to work our way out of the clutches of these sick twisted little stubs of men.
Yesterday Ron Paul was on NPR. It was mentioned that over the next ten years there is going to be a Trillion Dollar less funding going to the DoD.
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#878 Microwave Engineer Physicist discusses shielding

This is great a discussion on how to sheild a vessel containing amagnetron from leeking dangerous levels of microwaves is discussed. Thisis abot shielding outside a vessel with a magnetron inside.
For us this would be the opposite, shielding the inside from RF orMicrowave from the outside. A ti called me years ago telling me he made asteal and copper coffin. the copper worked much better but only when itwas sealed shut, then he couldn't breath. Here they discuss a spiraltube that could allow an opening while stopping microwave leakage.Another problem is having an electrical wire that passes through theshield acting as an antenna that totally bypasses the shielding makingit useless. Filters on theinside as well as the outside is the solution to this problem. The newprinter I bought came with a magnetic filter to be put on the powercable just before the current enters the printer through the powercable. An electric cable has with it a magnetic shield surrounding the currentflow.
The shape of the enclosure doesn't seem to be a factor butthe door must seal. Something called a 1/4 wave is used around the edgesof your microwave oventhat seals with an almost magical effect. This was very good readingand answered a lot ofquestions.

read on: Peter Rosenholm
These are some key questions, statementsand answers.

subject:I am trying to coat a glass vesselwitha microwave paint that will contain the microwaves within the glassvessel.

Solicitaion for employment for anyone capable ofanswering this question: thanks foryour answer, and if you havea proprietary answer, then maybe we might have a employment situationor consulting arrangement. We are in need of a top notch microwaveengineer with thinking out of the box ideas.

Answer #1: are you completely enclosingthevessel? If not there will be significant leakage. For example, if thevessel is a flask, you would need a metal stopper in the top of it too.

Answer#2: But if you have a crack anywherewherethe vessel metal does not contact the metal stopper, there will be a lotof RF leakage.

Answer #3: (breathing holes while stillshielding) BTW, if you had to have anopen top ofthe vessel, you could make a vessel that had a long circular tube out ofthe top that was also conductively coated. If the diameter of the tubewas very small compared to the RF wavelength, then the tube would be a"cutt off waveguide" that will not let much of the RF leak out of thevessel. You would want the tube to be perhaps 2 to 4 wavelengths inlenght (or in I would imagine neccessary to breath)

Answer#4: Multiple layers separated by say1mmwill give a dramatic improvement in shielding. The layers do not need tobe earthed and are probably best left isolated. The biggest problem isjoining the shield to make it continuous. This is made worse when youenter the shield. If you enter the shield with say one power wire andyou fail to use a filtered feethru, the shielding will be defeated (willnot work). This would be the prime reason why your shielding, whilstlooking complete, will not work.

Answer #5: Copper, silver, gold orany metal isgoing to be good to any frequency. I work at mmwave frequencies, amongstothers, and beyond 100GHz. Metals contain and shield just fine at allfrequencies of interest to both you and me. The company may bespecifying the paint up to 1GHz because of their measurement ability.Alternatively the filler may be making the paint so poorly conductingthat it needs to be thicker than a normal paint thickness to beeffective.(Give us a link to the material you are using and we cancomment further)

Statementof difficulties:
My firstvessel I just wrapped with athin copper metal and it worked very well.
That was before I lookedup the specs for copper, and could not find where it was good for 2.45GHZ.
Sometimes this microwave stuff is justmagic to me. I am a physicist and electronics engineer, but I reallysalute you microwave guys. Sometimes things work, and the next timethey don't.

Statement of dificulties 2: I havetried coating it (painting it)with silver, then copper, then silver, and it worked pretty good thefirst time. The next time I tried it, it did not work very well. Maybemy technique and not paying as much detail to it as the first time.The two cylinders around the vessels were a failure. Maybe I need toput filters on the power lines to the transformer, as I am using the oldtransformer, capacitor, diode circuit to feed the magnetron.

Copper, silver, gold or anymetal isgoing to be good to any frequency. I work at mmwave frequencies, amongstothers, and beyond 100GHz. Metals contain and shield just fine at allfrequencies of interest to both you and me. The company may bespecifying the paint up to 1GHz because of their measurement ability.Alternatively the filler may be making the paint so poorly conductingthat it needs to be thicker than a normal paint thickness to beeffective.(Give us a link to the material you are using and we cancomment further)

If you use vacuum deposition of the metal thenyou will not have a problem. If you use foil the critical part is howwell you join the sheets. Both faces needs to be really clean and youwill want to overlap the sheets by say 2cm to get a low impedance joint.

Answer#6: If you use vacuum depositionof themetal then you will not have a problem. If you use foil the criticalpart is how well you join the sheets. Both faces needs to be reallyclean and you will want to overlap the sheets by say 2cm to get a lowimpedance joint.

Qestion #2: >Maybe Ineed to put filters on thepower lines to the transformer, as I am using the old transformer,capacitor, diode circuit to feed the magnetron.

Answer #7: Yes!Youabsolutely need filters on ANY wire going through the shield. Even ifthe wire is not connected to anything at all, say 1 inch outside thescreen and 1 inch inside, the shielding will appear to be completelyuseless. What you have is a receive antenna on the inside and a transmitantenna on the outside. The shield might just as well not be there inthis case.

Statement # 3: thank you again. thatexplains why wethought we had a "ground leak". We used a spectruum analyzer with a rfprobe and found that the ground from the power plug was emitting astrong rf signal all the way back to the ground, but when we measuredthe continuity, it was what it was theoretically was supposed to be forthe guage of wire we were using. We also found it on the power leads.It was really baffeling us.

the link to the paint is:
Thesilver paint that I used:

Answer #8: Changing units givesa lot of scope forerrors to creep in. However I will give it a go and you can check thesums.

Copper has a resistivity of 1.7E-8 ohm.metres

Thecopper paint is 0.3 ohm/sq for 1 mil (=0.001") thickness. This is0.00762 or 7.62E-6 ohm.metres.

Theresistivity of thepaint is therefore 448x higher than the pure metal. This means that theskin depth issqrt(448) times higher, ie 21x higher. Hence the skindepth at 2.45GHz is actually 27µm rather than 1.3µm. So theminimummaterial thickness needs to be at least 100µm.

It looks like youshould try at least four coats to build up the thickness to a suitablelevel.

Answer #9:
RF leaks easily through any smallcrack opening. Example, if in your microwave oven, the rf source and theoven cabinet had a 0.001" gap for even one inch length, you'd havearcing and high rf leakage. The door on a microwave oven does have asmall gap with a magic length of 1/4 wave which helps, seemingly bymagic (though not really) to keep rf in.

Answer #10: It sounds as if themagnetron is notcoupling into the load (water) effectively enough to preventinstability. If the load is inadequate the reflected power will be toogreat. It sounds as if the magnetron is squegging.

Answer #11:
The loss in a rectangular cavity shouldbe similar to the loss in a cylindrical cavity
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Remote Delivery System

I am assuming that I just ran across the method used for remote targeting of designer drugs and a multitude of other garbage shot into us. I guess this is how my mother, at age 84 and after just mentioning to me that she had a family history of rh arthritis, seven weeks later was diagnosed with the disease. I'm sure there's also a good reason why in the early a.m. hours my nasal passages are clipped closed with forced breathing through mouth.

New York Times

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Business > Companies > BioDelivery Sciences International Inc.




+0.0799 +3.47%



07/13/2010 9:55 AM ET

BioDelivery Sciences International Inc.

BDSI: Nasdaq; Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals - Diversified

Company Information

BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. (BDSI) is a specialty pharmaceutical company utilizing licensed and owned drug delivery technologies to develop
and commercialize, either on its own or in partnerships with third
parties, new formulations of therapeutics. The drug delivery
technologies include the BioErodible MucoAdhesive (BEMA) technology,
a small, erodible polymer film for application to the buccal mucosa
(the lining inside the cheek), and the Bioral cochleate drug delivery
technology, designed for the oral delivery of a range of products
otherwise administered intravenously
. The Company's United States
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) product, ONSOLIS (fentanyl buccal
soluble film), as well as the developmental stage products, utilizes
the BEMA technology. The Bioral formulation is an encochleated
version of Amphotericin B, a treatment for fungal infections.

BioDelivery Sciences International Inc.

Web site

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12 Jul 2010 Mailteam works--victims/supporters work trends
(1) Petition the ACLU to Assist Electronic Harassment And Stalking Victims
Organized by :
There is wide spread evidence that a growing number of citizens within the U.S are being harassed and assaulted with directed energy weapons, false imprisonment due to
victimization as a target, rape, breaking and entering of homes and serious health problems are being reported by people of all walks of life due to nonconsensual experimentation of directed energy weapons by law enforcement, the military and the whole sale of weapons and contracts by corporations to individuals to stalk, harass, torture and research on U.S citizens without their consent.

The ACLU wrote a report called "The Surveillance Industrial Complex: How the American Government is Conscripting Business and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society," so your group is aware that persons are being surveyed but the depth of harassment, invasion and human rights violations of the crime of Domestic Surveillance is one that must be fought and desperately requires representation.

We are respectfully asking you to assist us in having a voice.
We the American people of these United States call on the ACLU to assist us in our fight to restore order, justice and human rights to these victims of Electronic Surveillance, Harassment and Gang stalking.

If given representation, evidence to show the true depths of victimization and assault of these crimes may be submitted.

The link to the below petition form.

(2) An online petition by
It would be much appreciated that if you would continue help us to rise more voices for our cause.

(3) Video and Audio Suggestion from a victim
It's hard to send the same information in various languages if it is by audio. But I think that might be interesting if it includes the voices from the real TIs as guests. Such guest voices can be included via asking volunteers among TIs to answer questionnaires or record their stories and send them to the radio team as a mp3 format.

(4) A suggestion for victims' works

Ms. Joan Farr Heffington is running for Kansas Governor, Here is the letter from her.


Absolutely it is torture. But what has happened in the Wichita, Kansas area actually caused DEATH and they have done nothing. We're talking the intentional removal of the wrong body parts during surgery, the use of steroid cocktail mix I.V.'s (killed a woman in 2007), a boy infected with H1N1 and his mother duped into committing him to an insane asylum where he nearly died, and a man with five microchips in him (James Wolbert) that cause MS and cancer. This all happened in the last three years and we have 8+ people who will testify. Keep pressing your state for a Congressional inquiry, it is the only way...

Joan Farr Heffington
Candidate for Kansas Governor
7145 Blueberry Lane
Derby, Kansas 67037
Ph: 316.788.0901
Fx: 316.788.7990

(5) Shielding experience -- From Bob,
I'd like to share some details on the experiences I've been having with DEW blocking strategies.

Most of the attacks I suffer are directed at my head creating sensitive spots on the scalp, headaches, ringing ears, and invariably sleep deprivation. V2K is not that pronounced.

For a few months now I've been using silicon baking sheets with limited success.While blocking the energy sufficiently enough to allow sleep, they become too warm at times, or eventually fall away from my head, causing me to awake duringa subsequent attack. As I have mentioned to a local TI here, although they have sufficient benefit, I don't consider them a sole source of protection.

Just these past few days, I've been experimenting with the use of mirrors. I first got on this idea while watching an episode of a Canadian fiction television show called "Murdoch Mysteries". The story had the villain-of-the-week stealing a directed energy weapon prototype from the inventor Nikola Tesla, which the main character, Inspector Murdoch, was able to retrieve by using shielding coated with silver oxide(?) paint. I didn't initially make the connection but I then recalled my wife's suggestion of putting a mirror in the window. For some reason, I dismissed the idea at the time, but to my chagrin, I think the idea makes sense.

To investigate, I've decided to reflect the directed energy from one of my neighbours toward the nearby Vancouver airport. My thinking is that if anything is going to get the Feds attention is having focused microwave energy hitting an airport control tower.

The reaction so far has been significant. The energy that I'm reflecting immediately stops, and I am then subjected to a DEW attack from behind me, and from the direction of the airport! I am not convinced that this isn't an attempt to fool me into thinking that it's the airport staff that is doing this.

I am interested to know what all of you think of this.

(6) Shielding using square screen aluminum holes of 1.5 mm
A TI used aluminum screen meant for a screen door or screen window with a hole size of about 1.5 mm or a 1/16 inch. Writings that I have read about cell phone microwave antennas claim that they are using different hole sizes to shrink cell phone antennas. In the writings they said a whole will pick up frequencies from the diameter of the whole to 1/2 the diameter of the whole. So a mesh of round holes would pick up between .75mm and 1.5mm in range. I'm not sure how the square holes of door and window screen would effect this or if the woven wire as a factor.
I have looked at microwave ovens to see that they use round holes punched out of a very thin metal. I will assume this works better or is easier the manufacture or is more attractive. The goal would be to double the size of the hole for the next layer of screen to not leave a gap in frequency range. So optimally 3mm holes would then block .75mm to 3mm frequencies.
I have seen a 6 screen wall made by...I think.... Roger Stolce. his was copper instead of aluminum with varying sized spacing.
One microwave scientist working on the ADS weapon told me he thought we were being hit in the 1mm to 1.5 mm range. That would mean that the size used on this first test would be ideal and also readily available.
This TI wrapped it around her bed and it was 4 ft high, or 4 ft wide aluminum screen. This TI said it didn't totally stop the night time attacks but that it help a great deal, stopping the stinging burning. Total cost was twenty three dollars. Easily affordable.
We will have to see if this lasts and can they alter the frequency to by-pass this shielding. I will let you know. I would also like to say I tried this for my supposed MEDUSA attack which is a high powered microwave hearing effect that is loud instead of barely audible. The screen had no effect in that situation and I grounded it as well.
Peter Rosenholm

(7) Online Conference
There are few online conferences for people to discuss about secret mind control abuses and tortures

(8) Video
CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (2 of 2)
CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (1 of 2)
Science Channel Admits Microwaves Used in Mind Control

(9) Activism update, and some ideas -- From Bob D

I just got back the signed and stamped mail delivery certified card for 60 Minutes, and one for President Obama. There is still one activist packet out for Dateline, that I haven't gotten the signed certification card back yet.

I sent these news agencies, 60 Minutes and Dateline, and President Obama a packet containing correspondence between myself and the ER concerning the situation that developed on May 2, 2010. The material describes the situation and the fact that I am being targeted, and literally tortured to death and expect to be seriously disabled or dead in a matter of days, weeks, a few months at most. I asked these agents to visit and review the video material there, and then take action on behalf of the whole TI community.

60 Minutes card was signed June 28, 2010.
The White House card was signed July 06, 2010.
Dateline certification card has not yet been received.

Let us see what develops. They cannot claim they didn't know.
It occurs to me that TI's should hire an attorney and make a "formal" will, leaving their material wealth to whoever they please, or to the TI community to continue the resistance and drive to the ultimate victory over these high-tech tyrants. During the course of creating this will, is an opportunity to tell an attorney your story, and maybe have it written into the will itself.

Something to think about.
Today, for the first time, I spoke to this one individual about my targeting. He has known me for a number of years and have seen how much I've gone down hill in the last couple of years. I told him about the local stalking and about the potential of becoming a victim of high-tech homicide in the days and weeks ahead. To my complete surprise, he seem to know what I was talking about. It was as if what I was telling him was confirming what he thought all along. It turns out that when this guy was in the military, he received some specialized training in interrogation and torture techniques. I told him about the sleep deprivation and about the use of certain conventional technologies like a modified microwave oven, as a tool for inducing remote torture and death. He stated that sleep deprivation was primary to any interrogation process. Then he says, it sounds like the police is involved. Meaning that he either knew or suspected that the local police participate in this kind of unethical and illegal activities. It is unclear at this point how things will proceed form here. But if they do mess me up or end my life in the days or weeks ahead, people will know what really took place. That's all that really matters.
Bob D.

More "Mailteam works", Please go to the following link:

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My Wife Jennifer and Myself are st6ill being harassed and threatend about speaking out about chip implantd dayly by people some are the American Government others are loosers These Loosers have been tryin g to put ideas of doing drugs and stuff to this effect in my wifes head and trying to ake her look like some kind of prostatute. these people are scum some are in Rhode Islans others and in Massachutes in the United States of America.

ofcourse they want to use everyone elses name and blame everyone for what they do they figure if they can make it look like it's my and myu wife the others will not be cought these people are scum. some may be out own government and others are just assholes and low life digenerates. the faulse hope they will not be cought is funny. they will e cought in time and people will know.

they still continue with there fake voices and hidden identies. sooner or later they will all be cought.

every one now has to be Anubis so they others do not get cought. what a joke.

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The link to the below petition form.

Petition the ACLU to Assist Electronic Harassment And Stalking Victims
219 Signatures gmap.png
Published by Delisa on Jun 09, 2010
Category: Human Rights
Target: ACLU
Background (Preamble):

There is wide spread evidence that a growing number of citizens within the U.S are being harassed and
assaulted with directed energy weapons, false imprisonment due to
victimization as a target, rape, breaking and entering of homes and
serious health problems are being reported by people of all walks of
life due to nonconsensual experimentation of directed energy weapons by
law enforcement, the military and the whole sale of weapons and
contracts by corporations to individuals to stalk, harass, torture and
research on U.S citizens without their consent.

The ACLU wrote a report called "The Surveillance Industrial Complex: How
the American Government is Conscripting Business and Individuals in the
Construction of a Surveillance Society," so your group is aware that
persons are being surveyed but the depth of harassment, invasion and
human rights violations of the crime of Domestic Surveillance is one
that must be fought and desperately requires representation.

We are respectfully asking you to assist us in having a voice.
We the American people of these United States call on the ACLU to assist us in our fight to restore order,
justice and human rights to these victims of Electronic Surveillance,
Harassment and Gang stalking.

If given representation, evidence to show the true depths of
victimization and assault of these crimes may be submitted.

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Hypnosis at the restaurants

I have been dining out since the food costs cheep here. However, thereare some incidents happened in restaurants as they are the frequentplace I visit.

When I went to KFC at night, I had sudden problemof calculating the change. When I saw the change, I felt the change wasless, but I could not calculate them. It was like the part of my brainthat functions for calculation is totally shut out. I was able to "see"the change and I was able to check the colors and the words written onit. But I could not calculate the sum. I know how to say the number but Icould not add or substitute. It was like the feeling that the numberswere just like the regular words. I solve the problem by seeing the bigpicture at that time. I don't want to tell the local currency, so I usethe example with dollars. For example, the total is around 45$, and Ipaid 100$. The clerk gave me 3 paper moneys in return. I can see thedifference of their colors and the number on it, but I cannot add or sumthe numbers. Then I see the numbers like 20$, 10$, 5$. I could notcalculate the sum. But I was able to find out something wrong. Because Icould not calculate to sum up as 100$ nor substitute 45$ from 100$ toget the right change at that time, I tried to see the big picture by thecomparison. I know half of 100$ is 50$. Then I tried to calculate 20$,5$, and 5$. I was able to do this some how. I felt it was less than 50$,I mentioned about the change to the clerk. The clerk working there hadan ID that is different from the name on the receipt anyway. Also, thereceipt was written as the payment of 50$ bill. I still keep the pictureof the receipt for the evidence. If the company wants to check thetransaction, I can show it though. First, the clerk could not see theproblem, but I had the bill that did not make sense from what I bought.The customer to my left mentioned the problem as well, then the clerkfigured out the problem and returned the right change. That was about amonth ago. I think the hypnosis of this kind was my first timeexperienced. But I think that was like how one part of the brain is shutout, isn't it?

Today, I went to a local restaurant and ordered afull meal. First, I felt like heading to there was like forced. I couldfeel some necessary to get the food there instead in other place. Ithink this type of persuasion hypnosis is written by vijaykarthic. Then I went there and ordered two items. Therewas no customer waiting at the counter, and I was the only one to orderthere. I thought to buy two items and the total of them would be around18$. So, I picked up 20$ that would be enough. But somehow, when I sawmy money in my wallet, I picked up the paper money which is similarcolor as the one with less value. At this point, I felt like "I will usethis twenty" like feeling. That was much like the deep hypnosis. When Ichecked the wallet, I had a paper money with less value. At that point,my awareness of checking the value of the money in my hand was gone. Itwas like I was kept receiving the persuasion like "It's twenty forsure." When I ordered, the clerk asked me the meal A or meal B withsimilar name. I ordered meal A. Then I added another item. I gave themoney to the clerk before he asked meal A or meal B, then after myconfirmation, he returned my paper money by stating that was the onewill less value but the same color. I was not sure if I gave 20 or thatvalue because of the above reason, so I felt I made the mistake with thecolor and paid 50 instead. At that time, there are few people showed upand started ordering things. And the males to the right side both had50 in their hands just like what I paid to the clerk. I received thereceipt and the change. This time, I had no problem of calculating thechange. It's not like just glancing the sum, but I was able to calculateas usual without hypnosis like "That's collect."

The funny thingis that the clerk only gave me the receipt for the meal A. I ordered 2items, but he only made the transaction for one. That meal was what Ifelt to buy while I was heading to the restaurant. There were 3 Muslimwomen with head cover stood left from me at the counter. When I went tothe counter to get my meal in exchange of the receipt, the males stoodnear me and the three Muslim women came to the same counter. I saw thewomen ordered the item that I was thinking to order. Somehow, theyordered just one even they came in three. The clerk start preparing mymeal, but I saw he got bunch of the orders of meal B which is similar tomeal A. While I was waiting, some employees entered and started tocheck in at the time stamping machine.

What I learned? I thinkthe TIs should resist the strong intention of some type. Also, the perpsmight be fainted if the TI try to follow the intention or one's planfor the day. I might see some death thread from the people visiting thelocal restaurants if I change my mind and do not enter. Such incidentalready happened at the famous pizza restaurant at Split, Croatia. Itwould be fun to see someone picking a tourist for strange reason likethe logo on the T-shirt. By the way, I was able to recognized the samefaces in the restaurant today. The perp numbers here might be limited,like the bar-cord-hair middle age man with bushy eyebrow who was workingwith a doorman-looking old guy in another restaurants. The gabagecollectors engage in gang stalking.

I guess the local perps weregetting pissed off because I just ignore their same anchoringtechniques. If you know the perp strategies, they just repeat them allthe time with their wicked proud and mean behaviors. What if I say ourworld is already controlled by the so-called Aliens who have beenimplanting chips in humans for decades, and they are now brain washinghuman beings? And the perps are working for them through theirundercover works in half-mind controlled state? Just like the UFOvictims who got RFID chips few decades ago, I probably got somethingthat is high-tech like what DOD and DARPA have been studying.
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I was gone for a month, came back to notice the handlers had been in my blogs changing words around; for example, " disoriented" was changed to read "disorientated" and with content altered in (2) recent effort obviously to cause me appear to have a less than perfect command of the English language. When you see things that don't make sense if you read my posts, please know that those kinds of mistakes are carried out by handlers. Additionally, a bunch of comments were deleted from my peacepink inbox including all comments from Yeah Right and my Facebook page was not allowing anyone to view my site.

I turned on the radio this early a.m., the announcer went straight to a recording of "Stay tuned.... you are locked in to such and such radio station." and, then went to commercial break. Is that a little strange? Why didn't the recording just say "Locked on."

(3) commercial advertisements were read during the following half hour bringing America's attention to:

"....Diabetes is expected to increase, even in the very young." Diabetes is now a national epidemic. A disease barely mentioned 10 years ago. It's also on the rise globally and someone has everything to gain. Stanford Research Institute Int'l spin off company, Intuity Medical secures $64M Series D financing round

Jan 6, 2010 ... Intuity's unique All-in-One technology, simplifies testing to just one, ... using
With patent pending they expect to make 8 billion globally from this teatment plan alone.

"...We expect blindness to increase." an offshoot of the diabetes epidemic. And, at least a dozen other ailments for the corporate world to benefit from.

"...Cerebral Palsy is, also, on the rise with "tight muscle cramping" Parents urged to visit the American Academy of N e u r o l o g y for help finding a Neurologist and new pharmaceutical available.

And, then the mention of Pharmaceuticals: One newly devised medication called "Quietess:" "Help yourself get a good night's sleep and stop the ringing in your ears caused by machinery. Take Quietess.

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Lockheed-Martin is in bed with the Department of Defense and is a leader when it comes to criminal involvement of Human Experimentation - Brain Research - Weapons & Surveillance Equipment

Lockheed-Martin, formerly Lockheed – Sanders is the manufacturer of a microwave Synthetic Telepathy Weapon, 1973;
How could life controllers use the microwave voice equipment ... within the U.S. Government as "Synthetic Telepathy (a kind of Microwave voices .... for example, a microwave weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and Cached

Space Systems Company is a Lockheed-Martin subsidiary and manufacturer of surveillance and navigation systems; Sandia National Laboratory is a government-owned/contractor operated (GOCO) facility and Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, operates and manages Sandia Nat'l Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration. The DOE sponsored the Human Radiation Experiments of the Cold War (The Plutonium Files by Eileen Welsome); Sandia National Laboratory is actively involved in using nonconsensual American citizens as Human Guinea Pigs in their Research and Development and testing for the government and its Corporate Alliance. The National Institutes of Health are heavily invested in this activity as is the National Cancer Institute, big business along for the ride. It's called being team players.

Lockheed-Martin: Headquartered in Bethesda, MD is a global security company principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of
advanced technology systems, products and services. As a global security and information technology company, the majority of Lockheed-Martin's business is with the
U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Federal government agencies. Lockheed Martin is the largest provider of IT services, systems integration, and training to the U.S. Government.

Lockheed operates out of Ottawa, ONTARIO and is CANADA’s #1 Defense Company

Lockheed Martin Canada - Lockheed Martin, a global security company located in Ottawa and 10 locations in 6 Canadian provinces is a highly diversified global enterprise principally engaged in the research,
design, manufacture and integration of advanced-technology products. The company is a leader in systems integration, software development and large scale program management, and is Canada's premier supplier
of electronic defence and surveillance systems. Primary capabilities encompass the integration and management of complex computer-based electronic systems; the design, manufacture and supply of military-standard computers and electronic warfare, sonar and security systems; and the provision of life cycle support for major platforms.

The Institute for Information Technology of the National Research Council(NRC-IIT). Areas of expertise include soft ware engineering, knowledge management, intelligent systems, high performance computing, 2D digitizing and visualization, human-computer interaction and...

Lockheed Martin developing smarter robotics in South Jersey

sciam_special-robotics-237x300.jpg May200920 A major corporation’s subdivision in our region is becoming a leading innovator in “brain-inspired computing,” according to a Philadelphia Business Journal story by their technology writer Peter Key, who, our sources tell us, can rock a mean air guitar.

The Cherry Hill-based Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories has spent the last four years researching “brain-inspired computing” and is poised to make inroads in the science fiction-style technology, fueled by recent funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Lockheed’s research falls into four general categories, Key reports:

brain-inspired attentional researchinvolves monitoring the electrical activity of a person�s brain and using human information retention tools to improve computer recognition

brain box research involves teaching computers to learn by designing them to recognize when their previous tasks are applicable to new
situations, reducing redundancy

sensor box research — involves programming computers to discount large amounts of information except the most necessary pieces, increasing speed and
evaluation skills
attentional analysis — involves teaching computers to use orientation, color and motion� to scan large amounts of multimedia to identify relevance.

Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Technology Laboratories (ATL) Cherry Hill, NJ

1980.gif 1980s
We turned to robotics and artificial intelligence, combining earlier work in sensors, high-speed compact processors, and distributed computing. Our contracts with the U.S. Postal Service
produced machine vision for parcel sorters and a mechanical system that handled and sorted mail with unusual shapes. Meanwhile in artificial intelligence, we concentrated on expert systems and data fusion, essentially making computers mimic the deductive processes of the human mind. We produced expert systems for the U.S. Navy that increased the effectiveness of aircraft-maintenance and that diagnosed faults in the AEGIS Combat System—the U.S. Navy's premier command and control system aboard its most modern destroyers. Other work during this period included optical-data recording that achieved record/playback data rates greater than 10 billion bits/second. Our very-large-scale integration and very-high-speed circuits, designed using complementary metal-oxide semiconductors, enabled 200,000 transistors per unit with gate delays in the sub-nanosecond region. Our work for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
produced a reduced instruction set coprocessor capable of 50 million instructions/second.

1990_RPA.jpg 1990s
We developed a technology that mimics the human brainsoftware so sophisticated that it absorbs and coalesces in mere seconds volumes of data from numerous inputs into a near real-time assessment of a situation. We have accomplished this through the use of data fusion and mobile intelligent agent software
on programs like the Rotorcraft Pilot's Associate for the U.S. Army and the Joint Logistics Advanced Technology Demonstration for DARPA. We developed programs that allow a person to talk to a computer
while in the heat of battle, querying databases on and off the battlefield, and respond in seconds to requests. We accomplished this by combining spoken language understanding and mobile intelligent agents on the Listen, Communicate, Show — Marine program for DARPA.

2000.jpg 2000 and beyond
Imagine a team of unmanned helicopters and airplanes...

Lockheed UK {United Kingdom}

Fort Worth, TX

Lockheed Martin Receives $44M USMC AH-1Z Targeting System Production Contract

Helihub RSS Feed

Lockheed Martin Receives $44M USMC AH-1Z Targeting System Production Contract

Lockheed Martin 2 Jun, 10 ORLANDO, FL, June 21st, 2010 — The Naval Surface
Warfare Center has awarded Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] a $44 million
follow-on production contract for the Target Sight System (TSS), the
fire control system for the U.S. Marine Corps’ AH-1Z Cobra. The
agreement authorizes production of 18 additional units.

When I was being inducted into this Brain Research-Covert Mind Control Experimentation Program

Lockheed’s U-2 Dragon Lady: Real-Time Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance on a Moment’s Notice and Lockheed’s C 130 Hercules were the two military aircraft stalking me. When I was at home in my top floor apt with surround windows, I could look out and see them cruising close to the rooftop overhead or when driving they’d always appear in the distance... the images appeared to be the real deal with full audio
sound effects of roaring engines except that I know better and they were the holographic images instead. The same theatre production goes on endlessly whenever I look skyward. STANFORD RESEARCH
INSTITUTE and LOCKHEED-MARTIN are two major players in all of our targeting
. Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA , dubbed “the soul” of Silicon Valley, is the premiere intelligence (think tank) contractor to the DOD just as Lockheed-Martin is the premiere military contractor to the Pentagon. IF WE WERE TO EXPOSE LOCKHEED-MARTIN BY PUBLICLY GATHERING >in large numbers< AT THE GATES TO THEIR U.S. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS (OR, possibly all of us at the same scheduled time and date at any number of locations in the U.S., in CANADA and the UK) possibly the latter but I honestly think only gathering in huge numbers will have the desired impact. I've run this by a couple of my close friends on the "outside" and they agree that because we don't have any power and SRI and Lockheed (or other corporate criminal such as Raytheon, E-Systems who are just as dirty ) have all the power that only gathering in very large numbers would work. conservative dress and as neatly carried out as is humanly possible and maybe we could pull it off> think of it hypothetically in terms of selling a product - the product just happens to be ourselves (us) so we must put our very best foot forward. Essentially, the way things work is how it is p resented. - we will be “selling ourselves” to the American public and we will, if we are to pull it off successfully, need to appeal to the American upper and middle classes because they will be the ones who are going to save our asses hopefully. You may think that Lockheed has nothing to do with your personal targeting but it has everything to do with all of us even if they are not directly targeting you, just as going after Stanford Research Institute would do wonders for us
If we could do something to smear their fine reputation in the community (and, the same thing goes for Lockheed-Martin who boasts incessantly about their socially uplifting community services), it would be a start at getting this ended. Showing up in the well to do community of Menlo Park, CA could blemish their reputation dramatically. We could do our own smear campaign to big shot criminals of the white-colllar sort; i.e., the sick twisted little men who torture and experiment on me and all of you. If you need a rundown of SRI’s exploits and the careers of some of these esteemed twisted freaks, leave me a comment, and I’ll be happy to tell you all about the illustrious careers of some of them. BOTH OF THESE TWO CONTRACTOR’S DESERVE TO HAVE THEIR CORPORATE ACTIVITIES REVEALED TO THE PUBLIC and the federal government exposed for the huge Black Budget taxpayer fraud hand outs to these corporate industrialists and for their evil practices. We need to take a chance and assume that they will not like it.. Can we think about doing something like this? Exposing these two contractors would have the greatest impact in bringing down criminality within the Department of Defense and all the criminal agencies involved.

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