Linked (8)

I am wirelessly linked from technology inside my brain and body to what I believe are a network of computers and super computers who are staffed by neuro scientists and many other neuro operatives. These neuro operatives send and receive material to and from my brain and body via the various wireless links which fuse me to their equipment. I hear their voices coming from inside my head which we now know to be which is also known as voice to skull or microwave hearing and not mental illness as previously thought. Wireless enabled harassment and torture have been occurring for more than a hundred years without the knowledge of the general public and everything was successfully covered up by the use of the false science known as psychiatry.
I have never met any of the aforementioned neuro operatives or their financial backers and I as yet do not know who they are. I can not prove when or how the technology came to be inside my brain and body but it occurred without my knowledge or consent. These neuro operatives who interact with me regularly send signals to my brain which have the capability of interacting with both the visual centre and the hearing centre of my brain as well as forcing my muscles to move against my will as well as sending me pain signals when ever they see fit. I have been locked inside what is known as a virtual reality hold where I was forced to see moving images while my eyes were closed. I have also been forced to see images of a variety of entities and even television cartoon figures which were moving around my home while my eyes were open which is another one of the many and varied capabilities of neuro science at this present time.
The worse of these neuro science enabled experiences which I am experiencing right now is the experience of having the neuro operatives send information into the muscles of my face and body in order to allow them to eventually gain total control of the muscle structure of my body so that they could possibly externally control me by wireless means and from a remote location. I am frightened by this capability more than any other.
Yesterday, I was sent several short term pain signals to my right knee which made me scream and complain to the neuro operatives who are constantly engaged with me via this internal technology. A male voice which was coming from inside my head was heard by me to say the following “Will you stop hurting her right knee.” I female voice responded as follows “I can’t. I am in the middle of a routine.” Through prompting from me she continued as follows “I have an anomaly with your right knee. It is not information which I can insert as expected. Every time I insert information in your knee I need updates on what is gone before and I am not getting them. The technology inside your knee is still there as expected but it probably has moved out of alignment so I am not getting feedback from what I already inserted. I wish to make your knee available for remote control because I get paid for it and I am in debt so therefore I am forced to conduct immoral work.” I myself then asked this female voice if she was sorry that she ever undertook the evil work of bio-robotizing me. She replied as follows “No because I am a psychopath and I have no such qualms.”
All targeted individuals including myself should be supplied with jammers to jam the digital signals which are being sent to our brains and bodies on a continual basis at this time. Please make that happen.

Last night something unusual was made to happen to me by these unknown neuro operatives. I felt a strong energy forceably come into my body and pulsate through my heart for about five or ten minutes. I then heard one of the neuro operatives say the following ” She will have senergy cascading through her.” I do not know the precise meaning of the word “senergy” when used in this context but I post absolutely everything I experience online in case it is helpful to people who are fighting against this control and enslavement system. This morning I heard another internal voice say the following ” Your blood is now streaming inside the areas we have worked on over the years and you are soon to be almost totally bio-robotized.” Many of my facebook friends and others are also reporting the same experiences of having their own muscles forceably moved against their wills as I am. We are all experiencing unusual experiences because many of us now have unwanted technology inside our brains and bodies which has been put there against our wills and without our permission. The individuals who do not have any dust sized technology inside their brains and bodies are dark occultists who live in a country which this dust sized technology is not being placed in the food or water supply and is not being sprayed from the skies over their heads. One mathematician who charted all of the airline flights throughout the world stated that said country is Madagascar

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly linked to the smart grid from a programmable bio-chip implant.   The operatives who monitor and control me force me to listen to their dictates every day whenever they wish.   I heard one of them say the following today via the wireless link as follows  "This is a cost effective way of monitoring people while they are inside their own homes.  If they have nothing to hide they wont mind."   I mind very much.  My website where I outline in extreme detail some of my experiences of being non-consensually wirelessly linked to said smart grid is called  

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I have become wirelessly tethered from technology inside my body to a network of computers which are controlled by criminal gangs. The wireless link between me and this computer network allows two way traffic. The criminal gangs who control the wireless tethering equipment steal information from by body and brain on an ongoing basis. They also send information into my brain and body against my will and without my permission by the two way link. They can reproduce their voices inside my head. They can send moving images both to my minds eye and also to the room I am in, which usually appear in the form of moving holograms of people. They can force me to feel sensations or pain on any part of my body. They can give me a severe limp which they can then remove within minutes to allow me to walk perfectly fine again. They can move my facial muscles against my will. They have forced my neck to nod vigorously against my will on only one occasion without my permission and against my will.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that if they ever crack the code which would allow them into certain information centres inside my brain and body they will eventually be able to immobilize me at will. They have informed me that they would at some future time be able to immobilize me so rigidly that they could then mail me in a box and nobody would know that there was a real live human being inside the box because I would be immobilized so rigidly that I would not be able to move even slightly. They have also informed me that if I ever thought about attempting to commit suicide they would immobilize me immediately so that I could never succeed in even attempting suicide.
This cruel system of being wirelessly tethered to computer systems from technology inside the human body is meant for all other than the would-be enslavers of the human race. If the process could be fully automated that scenario is a possibility because senior politicians throughout the western world are either under a process of mind control or else they have already become wirelessly tethered to the control system themselves or else they have become compromised and thereby controllable by trickery or by other means.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that they are gaining more and more control over my brain and body through a process known as coding which is currently being taught to university students. Are university students involved in my electronic harassment and torture and are they being informed that they are coding information inside a real live human being or a laboratory animal? If you know, please answer.
If we fail to disassemble and ban all infrastructure which allows wirelessly enabled harassment and torture, soon we will reach a situation where babies will be implanted on the day they are born and shortly thereafter they will be wirelessly linked for life to a computer tethering system which I believe is being run behind the scenes of our lives by both Satanists and Luciferians who pose as honest business men. If that ever happens the human race would then be enslaved for all eternity. You have a duty to raise awareness and you have a duty to canvass to have all infrastructure which enables wireless enslavement disassembled and banned throughout the world immediately.
The reason you have not heard the above information from your government is because anytime targeted individuals of wireless harassment and torture inform the police of their experiences they are immediately send for psychiatric evaluation, which is followed by a stay in a psychiatric hospital which causes them to lose all of their credibility from that day forward. They are publicly classified as mentally unstable. This scenario is happening all over the world. You and your family are in grave danger of being wirelessly enslaved. It is extremely cruel.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called

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My brain and body have been directly connected to a computer network by wireless means without my permission.    I have been implanted with either one or more RFID chips.  The unknown criminal operatives who control the network of computers which I have become wirelessly linked to could end up controlling me.  The technology which is being used to wirelessly and non-consensually link me to said computer network is classified and the neuro operatives who monitor me take readings of all of my bodily functions on a continual basis.  Because they have the ability to monitor my inner dialogue and assess my memories they now know everything about me.   I am not allowed to have any mental or physical privacy at all.  These neuro operatives speak to me via a two way link on an almost constant basis.  I keep a daily blog on several social media sites about some of what they say to me throughout each day.    They oppress me to an extreme degree by what they say to me.   Here is some of what they said to me in the past twenty four hours.

"I am on board with this system.  If this woman Gretta Fahey needs a problem solved we will solve it for her.  Nobody else will solve her problems for her from now on."

"Is Gretta Fahey wearing clothes?"   The response was "Yes".   This was further  followed on by the following enquiry  "How come I can not see her wearing any clothes?"    This was further followed on by the following reply  "Because we have built up a picture of her based on her internal structure and not her clothes you can not see her wearing clothes.  We see all targeted individuals who we have built up an internal picture of as naked.  It can't be helped."

"What stage are we at with Fahey?"    "We could now give her enough pain to force her to commit suicide any time we wish.  However, we wont do that right now.  She is harmless enough."

"Will the bodies of the people who have been targeted in Ireland be examined by the state after they die."   "Yes".      "They will find evidence like no other evidence they ever found before to prove these people have been targeted with energy weapons."

"This woman was woken up in the middle of the night when she was sleeping by the neuro staff on several occasions during the night."   The response that came through was as follows   "Nobody here cares."

"I got a suicide ideation out of that woman, Fahey."   "You seem glad that you got a suicide ideation out of a woman by the comment you made to her."

"Make a cannibal out of Gretta Fahey.   Put human meat in her food."   This was followed on by the following response.  "I wont because she is a vegetarian."

The neuro operatives read my inner dialogue on a constant basis and I sometimes think aloud because the neuro operatives have manipulated my brain to speak my thoughts aloud.   I said the following "The people in my village don't get up early on a Sunday morning because they go out on a Saturday night. "   The response I received from the neuro operatives was as follows  "What the people of your village do of a Saturday night is of no interest to me but if they stay in bed of a Sunday morning they will be penalised."

"She keeps inside her budget.  She purchased two food choppers and a radio."  This was followed on by another voice which was heard by me to say the following  "Don't tell me what she is entitled to purchase.  I decide that."


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I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked to neuro operatives who force me to listen to their voices throughout each and every day entirely against my will and without my permission. A selection of neuro operatives, who I have been informed are core volunteers in playing a part in my electronic harassment and psychological torture, wake me up and place my in a hyper alert state in the middle of the night, many nights, in order to speak to me and insult me and threaten me and keep me awake for hours at a time when I should be sleeping. When I complained via the two way bio-communication link which allows them to communicate with me against my will and without my permission they said that they could not get a time slot during the day to perform their electronic harassment duties and that is why they harass me during many nights.

I am a victim of the brutal hacking of brains and bodies of human beings which is now widespread and growing throughout Western European Countries and further afield. The main stream media are keeping the populace in the dark about this psychological torture mechanism which is getting ever closer to their own doors. They are more than likely under strong microwave mind control. Further to that, authoritarian psychiatry use fraudulent mental health labelling on anybody who attempts to whistle blow about the existence and abuse of wireless weapon electronic harassment and torture. Neuro weapons have been in field-testing for at least sixteen years in the Republic of Ireland and possibly for many decades before I became a victim of it. This is an ongoing crime against humanity. The only way forward is to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities together with all microwave mind control capabilities, so that people can begin to think clearly again. Currently many appear to be programmed to only believe what they hear from the mouths of the main stream media announcers. However, the main stream media is now privately owned and controlled by the dark new world order evil cabal and they use said main stream media as their mouthpiece in order to misdirect the rest of the humanity and to lead them into a false sense of security

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Targeted individuals of wirelessly enabled Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation have had implants placed inside their brains and bodies in order to enable neuro operatives to take readings of various bodily functions as well as brain functions. By the act of placing said implants inside the victims brain and body said targeted individuals have now become wirelessly linked to a super-computer network combined with a myriad of other personal computers placed close to th...e victims brain and body as well as thousands of miles away. Private computer readouts pertaining to my own brain and body can now be accessed anywhere there is wireless capability across the world. Criminal neuro operatives can also speak to me whenever they wish via the implants which have been illegally placed inside my head. I have no possible way of blocking their unwanted voices out, no matter when they speak to me.

I now believe that many if not most human beings throughout the world may have illegal implants placed inside their heads and bodies without knowing about it. They also may be wirelessly linked by a two way energy connection to a super-computer where their thoughts are being monitored in real time and these thoughts are being analysed and stored on a cloud storage facility somewhere in the world to the extent that these human beings have been categorised to some extent so that they can be dealt with more thoroughly at some time in the future. We can instantly stop this evil neuro technology in its tracks by disabling and outlawing all wirelessly enabling technology throughout the world urgently. Please bring this matter to the attention of the public now.

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日本國公開特許公報(A)國際特許分類第6版G01S 7/38
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