Monita Choi's Posts (246)

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香港時間2021-01-08 (是日法律責任由鄧炳強處長,何柱國先生, 李柱銘先生,楊受成先生負責)

00:00-24:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我身體忽冷忽熱;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將鼻塞,痰塞者同我併感覺精神虐待;

00:00-08:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器攻擊我我腿部穴位,令我雙腿酸痛難忍;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將身處高噪音者同我併聽覺,令我不得安靜。精神虐待;

04:30-08:00 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器半睡半醒; 潛聲,潛夢;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人全開我腦音,將多人同我併腦袋惡意思維干擾,潛聲誤導聽者;

07:35-08:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將我的嗅覺同身處污穢地方的人掉換。

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將比我實際體重高出56磅的肌肉鬆弛肥胖者同我併身體影響儀容和健康;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將眼睛老化和白內障者同我併眼睛影響我視力和儀容;

08:00-24:00 換衫和如廁時, 變態控機賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併感覺性騷擾;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將智障, 文盲,反應遲鈍者輪流同我併腦子影響我書寫和語言能力,同時也令我記憶不完整;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併身體大小便;


08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將麒麟腿者同我併身體影響儀容和精神虐待;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將尿酸中毒者同我併感覺,令我腿痠疼精神虐待;

08:00-10:00 變態控機賤人將失禁,便溺的肥胖者同我併感覺精神虐待;

08:00-09:00 變態控機賤人將糖尿病病患者同我併感覺,令我口干,口臭;

09:00-09:10 當我做運動時,變態控機賤人將反應遲鈍和雙腿僵硬,身體僵硬的肥胖者同我身體精神虐待;

15:33-16:30 變態賤人不當遙控電子指令停止我上網;

16:00-18:48 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛;

11:00-14:30 戴口罩時,變態控機賤人將口臭,鼻塞者同我併嗅著和感覺精神虐待;

11:16-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將"發泡雞"同我併感覺性騷擾;

11:30-11:53 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;


16:00-18:48 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;

19:00 沐浴時, 變態控機賤人將多男多女同我併感覺性騷擾;

19:30-24:00 變態控機賤人用混音影響我聽覺,令我聽覺不清晰;

19:42-23:00 變態控機賤人將皮膚痕癢者同我併感覺精神虐待;

20:05-24:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;

20:30-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將"發瘟雞"同我併感覺性騷擾;

21:33-24:00 變態控機賤人將失禁,發泡的肥胖者同我併感覺精神虐待;

22:00-24:00 變態逐臭賤人無功德心,遙控電子武器攻擊穴位,令我放屁,空氣污染

(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約126磅, 我實際體重是70磅)


香港時間2021-01-09(是日法律責任由鄧炳強處長,何柱國先生, 李柱銘先生,楊受成先生負責)

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將身處高噪音者同我併聽覺,令我不得安靜。精神虐待;

00:00-24:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我身體忽冷忽熱;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將鼻塞,痰塞者同我併感覺精神虐待;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人全開我腦音,將多人同我併腦袋惡意思維干擾,潛聲誤導聽者;

00:00-08:30 變態賤人遙控電子武器攻擊我我腿部穴位,令我雙腿酸痛難忍;

06:00-08:30 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將呼吸道疾病者同我併感覺精神虐待;

00:00-08:30 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器令我半睡半醒; 潛聲,潛夢

08:30-09:00 變態控機賤人將糖尿病病患者同我併感覺,令我口干,口臭;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將尿酸引起的雙腿痠痛, 沉重者同我併感覺精神虐待;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將眼睛老化和白內障者同我併眼睛影響儀容和視力聚焦;

08:30-24:00 換衫和如廁時, 變態控機賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併感覺性騷擾;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將智障, 文盲, 反應遲鈍者間歇性同我併腦袋影響我書寫和語言能力;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我身體大小便;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將我換成不同人的樣貌;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將比我實際體重高出56磅鬆弛肥胖者同我併身體影響儀容和健康;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將多名腦部有病者輪流同我換腦,令我沒辦法記憶;


09:00-09:10 當我做運動時,變態控機賤人將反應遲鈍和雙腿僵硬,身體僵硬的肥胖者同我身體精神虐待;

09:00-11:00 變態控機賤人將便溺,失禁者同我併感覺性騷擾;

11:00-13:30 戴口罩時,變態控機賤人將精神疲憊,口臭者同我併感覺精神虐待;

11:16 變態控機賤人將發泡者同我併感覺性騷擾;

14:45 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;

17:30-18:30 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我昏昏欲睡;

19:30-24:00 變態逐臭賤人無功德心,遙控電子武器攻擊穴位,令我放屁,空氣污染

19:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將腎病患者同我併感覺,令我眼睛痠澀,疲累;

21:20-24:00 變態控機賤人將皮膚痕癢者同我併感覺精神虐待;

22:40-23:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;

(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約126磅, 我實際體重是70)


香港時間2021-01-10(是日法律責任由鄧炳強處長,何柱國先生, 李柱銘先生,楊受成先生負責)

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將身處高噪音者同我併聽覺,令我不得安靜。精神虐待;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人全開我腦音,將多人同我併腦部惡意思維干擾,潛聲誤導聽者;

00:00-24:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我身體忽冷忽熱;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將鼻塞,痰塞者同我併感覺精神虐待;

00:00-08:00 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器半睡半醒; 潛聲,潛夢;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將呼吸道疾病者同我併感覺,令我呼吸困難精神虐待;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將我的嗅覺同身處污穢地方的人掉換。

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將我換成不同人的樣貌,令我呈俗氣;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將眼睛老化和白內障者同我併眼睛影響儀容和視力模糊;

08:00-24:00 換衫和如廁時, 變態控機賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併感覺性騷擾;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將智障, 文盲,反應遲鈍者輪流同我併腦部影響我書寫,語言能力和記憶;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併身體大小便;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併口部飲食;


08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將尿酸病患所引起的腿痠痛者同我併感覺精神虐待;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將比我實際體重高出56磅肥胖者同我併身體影響儀容和健康;

08:00-09:00 變態控機賤人將糖尿病病患者同我併感覺,令我口干,口臭;

08:56-09:06 當我做運動時,變態控機賤人將雙腿僵硬,身體僵硬的肥胖者同我身體精神虐待;

11:00-13:00 戴口罩時,變態控機賤人將口臭,鼻塞者同我併感覺精神虐待;

11:16-18:20 變態控機賤人間歇性將"發泡雞"同我併感覺性騷擾;

11:18, 16:06, 16:42,17:55 變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令我(1-5級)頭痛;

17:57-24:00 變態控機賤人遙控電子武器激我腸,令我腸胃不適;

18:30 沐浴時, 變態控機賤人將2男1肥女同我併感覺性騷擾;

18:53-22:00 變態控機賤人將皮膚痕癢者同我併感覺精神虐待;

20:30-22:00 變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令我(1-5級)頭痛;

(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約126磅, 我實際體重是70)


香港時間2021-01-11(是日法律責任由鄧炳強處長,何柱國先生, 李柱銘先生,楊受成先生負責)

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將身處高噪音者同我併聽覺,令我不得安靜。精神虐待;

00:00-24:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我身體忽冷忽熱;

00:00-08:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器攻擊我我腿部穴位,令我雙腿痠痛難忍;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將鼻塞,痰塞者同我併感覺精神虐待;

00:00-08:00 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器半睡半醒; 潛聲,潛夢;

00:00-08:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我腸胃不適;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令我(1-5級)頭痛;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將呼吸道疾病者同我併感覺,令我呼吸困難精神虐待;

08:00-09:00 變態控機賤人將糖尿病病患者同我併感覺,令我口干,口臭;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將我的嗅覺同身處污穢地方的人掉換。

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人全開我腦音,將多人同我併腦思維干擾,潛聲誤導聽者;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將我換成不同人的樣貌,包括男性的樣貌;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將比我實際體重高出56磅肥胖鬆弛者同我併身體影響儀容和健康;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將眼睛老化和近視者同我併眼睛影響儀容和視力聚焦;

08:00-24:00 換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併感覺性騷擾;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併腦袋影響我書寫和語言能力;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併身體大小便;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併口飲食;


08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將白內障者同我併視覺,令我眼睛帶有霧霾;


09:35-09:45 當我做運動時,變態控機賤人將雙腿僵硬, 身體僵硬的肥胖者同我身體精神虐待;

10:30-15:00 戴口罩時,變態控機賤人將口臭,鼻塞者同我併嗅著和感覺精神虐待;

10:43 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我(1-5級)頭痛;

11:59-16:14 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我(1-5級)頭痛;

16:30-18:00 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器令我昏睡;

18:30 沐浴時, 變態控機賤人將2男1肥女同我併感覺性騷擾,其中有便溺失禁者;

19:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將腸胃不適者同我併感覺精神虐待;

19:00-24:00 變態控機賤人用混音影響我聽覺,令我聽覺不清晰;

19:00-23:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我(1-5級)頭痛;

(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至126磅, 我實際體重是70磅)


香港時間2021-01-12(是日法律責任由鄧炳強處長,何柱國先生, 李柱銘先生,楊受成先生負責)

00:00-08:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器攻擊我我腿部穴位,令我雙腿酸痛難忍;

00:00-24:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我鼻塞,痰塞精神虐待;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將身處高噪音者同我併聽覺,令我不得安靜。精神虐待;

00:00-08:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我身體忽冷忽熱;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將呼吸道疾病者同我併呼吸,令我呼吸困難;

00:00-08:00 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器半睡半醒,潛聲;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人全開我腦音,將多人同我併腦思維干擾,潛聲誤導聽者;

00:00-09:00 變態控機賤人將糖尿病病患者同我併感覺,令我口干,口臭;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將雙腿冰冷者同我併感覺;

03:00-08:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將我的嗅覺同身處污穢地方的人掉換。

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將我換成不同人的樣貌,包括男性的樣貌,大部分比我實際年齡大和呈現俗氣;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將比我實際體重高出54磅肥胖鬆弛者同我併身體影響儀容和健康;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將眼睛老化和近視者同我併眼睛影響儀容和視力聚焦;

08:30-24:00 換衫和如廁時, 變態控芯片賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併感覺性騷擾;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將智障, 文盲者間歇性同我併腦袋影響我書寫和語言能力;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併身體大小便;

08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併口飲食;


08:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將白內障者同我併視覺,令我眼睛帶有霧霾;

08:00-10:00 變態控機賤人將失禁者同我併感覺性騷擾;

08:40-08:50 當我做運動時,變態控機賤人將雙腿和身體僵硬者同我身體精神虐待;

08:40-10:30 變態控機賤人將流鼻水者同我併感覺精神虐待;

11:00-14:00 戴口罩時,變態控機賤人將口臭,鼻塞,呼吸道疾病者同我併嗅著和感覺精神虐待;

11:00-12:00 變態控機賤人將雙關節痛和右腿無力者同我併感覺精神虐待;

16:00-18:30 變態控機賤人將雙腿僵硬,不能下蹲者同我併感覺精神虐待;

18:20-24:00 變態賤人每小時一次遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛;

19:00 沐浴時, 變態控機賤人將2男1肥女同我併感覺性騷擾;

19:20-24:00 變態控機賤人將皮膚痕癢者同我併感覺精神虐待;

19:25-22:00 變態控機賤人將左雙關節痛者同我併感覺精神虐待;

19:30-24:00 變態逐臭賤人無功德心,遙控電子武器攻擊穴位,令我放屁,空氣污染;

19:30-24:00 變態控機賤人將我聽覺混音,令我聽覺不清晰;

21:00-22:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我昏昏欲睡;

(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約126磅, 我實際體重是70磅)


香港時間2021-01-13(是日法律責任由鄧炳強處長,何柱國先生, 李柱銘先生,楊受成先生負責)

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將身處高噪音者同我併聽覺,令我不得安靜。精神虐待;

00:00-24:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我身體忽冷忽熱;


00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將鼻塞者同我併感覺精神虐待;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將痰塞者同我併感覺精神虐待;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將呼吸道疾病者同我併呼吸,令我呼吸困難;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將糖尿病病患者同我併感覺,令我口干,口臭和口酸;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人全開我腦音,將多人同我併腦袋思維干擾,潛聲誤導聽者;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將腸胃不適者同我併感覺精神虐待;

01:00-03:00 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器睡眠剥奪; 潛聲,潛夢;

01:00-03:00 變態賤人間歇性遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;

03:00-08:00 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器半睡半醒; 潛聲,潛夢;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將我的嗅覺同身處污穢地方的人掉換。

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將我換成不同人的樣貌;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將比我實際體重高出56磅肥胖者同我併身體影響儀容和健康;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將眼睛老化和近視者同我併眼睛影響儀容和視力沒辦法聚焦;

08:00-24:00 換衫和如廁時, 變態控機賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併感覺性騷擾;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將智障, 文盲,腦生瘤者輪流同我併腦影響我書寫和語言能力;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併身體大小便;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併口飲食;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將尿酸痛患者同我併感覺,令我雙腿痠疼,沉重;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將麒麟腿者同我併身體影響儀容和精神虐待;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將白內障者同我併視覺,令我眼睛帶有霧霾;

08:00-10:00 變態控機賤人將失禁者同我併感覺精神虐待;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將眼腫者同我併容貌精神虐待;

08:50-09:00 當我做運動時,變態控機賤人將雙腿僵硬無力者同我併感覺精神虐待;

09:09-09:13 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;(背後指使者:林家棟,香樹輝,王耀祖)

12:00-13:30 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-5級頭痛,頭暈;(背後指使者:林家棟,香樹輝,王耀祖)

12:00-13:30 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我雙耳背痛;

12:30-16:24 戴口罩時,變態控機賤人將氣喘,鼻塞者同我併嗅著和感覺精神虐待;

16:15-24:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我3-7級頭痛,頭暈;(背後指使者:林家棟,香樹輝,王耀祖)

19:40 沐浴時, 變態控機賤人將1男1女同我併感覺性騷擾;

(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約126磅, 我實際體重是70磅)


香港時間2021-01-14(是日法律責任由鄧炳強處長,何柱國先生, 李柱銘先生,楊受成先生負責)


00:00-15:24 變態控機賤人將鼻塞,痰塞者同我併感覺精神虐待;

00:00-08:00 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器令我半睡半醒; 潛聲,潛夢;


00:00-08:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我3-7級頭痛,頭暈;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將身處高噪音者同我併聽覺,令我不能安睡,精神虐待;

00:00-08:00 變態控機賤人將糖尿病病患者同我併感覺,令我口干;

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將我的嗅覺同身處污穢地方的人掉換。

00:00-24:00 變態控機賤人全開我腦音,將多人同我併腦袋思維干擾,潛聲誤導聽者;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將我換成不同人的樣貌;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將比我實際體重高出56磅肥胖者同我併身體影響儀容和健康;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將眼睛老化和近視者同我併眼睛影響儀容和視力沒辦法聚焦;

08:00-24:00 換衫和如廁時, 變態控機賤人控老畜牲和肥賤者同我併感覺性騷擾;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人間歇性將智障, 文盲,腦生瘤者輪流同我併腦影響我書寫和語言能力;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併身體大小便;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將多人同我併口飲食;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將因尿酸引發的雙腿痠疼者同我併身體精神虐待;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將大小不一麒麟腿者同我併身體影響儀容和精神虐待;

08:00-24:00 變態控機賤人將白內障者同我併視覺,令我眼睛帶有霧霾;

08:00-10:00 變態控機賤人將失禁,發泡者同我併感覺精神虐待;

08:11-11:00 變態控機賤人將右腿關節疼者同我併感覺精神虐待;

08:50-13:00 變態控機賤人將呼吸道疾病者同我併呼吸,令我呼吸困難;

08:35-08:45 當做運動時,變態控機賤人將全身僵硬者同我併感覺精神虐待;

10:30-16:00 戴口罩時,變態控機賤人將口臭,鼻塞者同我併嗅著和感覺精神虐待;

10:30-15:30 變態控機賤人將精神疲憊者同我併感覺精神虐待;

10:30-13:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-3級頭痛,頭暈;

11:20-13:00 變態控機賤人將急小便者同我併感覺精神虐待;

11:32-16:00 變態控機賤人將左腿關節疼者同我併感覺精神虐待;

15:00-19:00 變態控機賤人將鼻水倒流者同我併感覺精神虐待;

15:30-20:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我昏昏欲睡;

17:04-22:00 變態賤人遙控電子武器令我1-3級頭痛,頭暈;


17:36-22:00 變態控機賤人將"發泡雞"同我併感覺性騷擾;


19:10 沐浴時, 變態控機賤人將2男1女同我併感覺性騷擾;

(因直接和間接併大量芯片原故,體重上昇至約126磅, 我實際體重是70磅)


將我每天在腦控空間所發 生的一切有關腦控賤人濫用私刑事件在此披露做為日後警方口供和訴訟依據. 請各方親人及好友, 切不可付款給“腦殘賤人族”, 你的好心將成為“腦殘賤人族”製造更多害人的機會.


本人在此再次聲明, 我和我的家人從未索取到任何賠償. 也從未由腦控集團任何人手上取得任何酬勞. 


我是被”精神禁錮”, 沒有腦控機, 沒有腦芯片, 沒有屏障器.


I write my day in the brain control space as the disclosure statement for the police, and later for court supporting documents.


Warn   to   my   relatives and friends, do not pay to the '' perp. sluts '', your kindness will become the ''Perp. Sluts'' to create one more opportunities to hurt me.


Here again I declare that I and my family never obtain any compensation and reward from the Perps. In the mind control space up today.


I was alone in the mind control space, I have no mind-control machine, no my own brain chip, no blocking device on my hand.


腦控控機賤人全週24小時全開我腦音, 潛入他人虛假思維. 挑撥離間,誤導聽者, 當我發出正面思維或指責賤人時, 有人覆蓋我的腦音. 令聽者以為是賤人的聲音. 反之將賤人的負面思維潛我聲, 由我的聲線發出. 




In the whole week, the metamorphosis mind machine controller turn on my brain sound full day,  Imperceptibly to my mind by others with dirty words, issuing false though. Misled the listener.  When I send positive though or accusing perps, it was cover by someone’s brain sound, when the perp send negative though, it throughout from my brain sound. Made listener confused.


There are at lease 7 perps in group stalking 24 hours per day.


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腦控空間本週新聞(2021-01-01至2021-01-07)1. 2021年1月4日消息,中國中央決定在港組建(文化央企),對香港出版文化,媒體,影視界起了一定的監管作用,相信中央已正視香港媒體,影視人禍國殃民的事實,也到了零容忍的地步。 腦控機軍器私用已到威脅國家安全,按照港區國安法,香港政府有職責對危害國家安全罪行處罰,但腦控空間濫用遙控電子武器,殘害中外人士事件不停發生,仍在禍國殃民,為何香港政府視若無睹,是香港政府無能,或是法律在香港已形同虛設?2. 於1月3日至4日早上,腦控空間賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛超過30小時,同時睡眠剥奪,令我腦缺氧,甚至連巴士司機,的士司機都不放過,其囂張氣焰令人髪指。背後指使者是呂珊,薛家燕。 5日下午,何守信,曾江,劉江又接力繼續電子武器摧殘無辜受害者。在場有假特首在興波作浪,空間彌漫著怪異的氣氛。3. 本週控機賤人除了電子武器摧殘受害者頭痛外,將雙腿有殘疾者同正在行走的我併感覺,令我步履蹣跚。當在家休息時,變態控機賤人將雙腿痠疼者同我併感覺,晚上遙控電子武器攻擊我腿部穴位,令我腿部痠痛難忍,難以入眠。每次當我坐下起身時,感覺非常辛苦,擔心不知何時,不能自如站起。此種種的一切,都是變態控機賤人所作的孽。 在香港,被電子武器摧殘至腿有殘疾者不勝其數,放目皆是。難道香港醫療福利好,就可以放任電子武器和賤人任意殘害市民身體健康,為何特區政府不管不問?難道香港政府也被害成了跛腳政府?Mind Control Space News this week (January 1st to 7th, 2021)1. On January 4, 2021, the central government of China decided to establish a (cultural central enterprise) in Hong Kong, which played a certain regulatory role in Hong Kong’s publishing, culture, media, television and entertainment industries. I believed that the central government has faced up to the fact that Hong Kong media, television and entertainment industries have caused the seriously harm to country securities and the people. It has already reached the situation which China government can not tolerate.The mind control machines are military equipment, only use for military only, not private user, according to national military law, that privately used have threatened to national security. According to the Hong Kong National Security Law, the Hong Kong government has the responsibility to execute and punish such crimes. However, the remote controlled electronic harassment keeps continue to tortured Chinese both local and oversea, which have already caused wreck to the country and the people. Why the Hong Kong government turn a blind eyes to the fact, is the Hong Kong government lack of criminal capacity as well as criminal responsibility?2. Start at the morning of January 3rd to 4th, the metamorphosis mind controller continued to remotely control electronic weapons tortured me for headaches over 30 hours, even bus drivers and taxi drivers. At the same time, sleep deprivation and caused me cerebral hypoxia. As known this harassment token order from Rosanne Lui and Nancy Sit.On the afternoon of the 5th, Ivan Ho, Kenneth Tsang and Lau Kong continued harassment for innocent victims. Also the false chief executive indulged to do so, the space is filled with a weird atmosphere in this few days.3. After electronic harassment, the metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with some patients whom got injured and disabled on both legs when I walking, made me felt stagger. When I back home, the controller mapping me with someone who got sore legs. At night, remote DEW attacked acupuncture points on my legs, tortured for legs sore to unbearable. Every time when I sit down, I felt so hard to stand up, I worrying about may can not stand up someday. All about caused by the metamorphosis mind controller and the gang stalkersIn Hong Kong, there are countless people whose legs have been ruined by DEW to disabled. As known we have good medical welfare in Hong Kong, that not means you can attacked Hong Kong citizens what ever you want? Why the SAR government leave the problems alone? Is the Hong Kong government dying or also disabled too?
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腦控空間本週新聞(2021-01-01至2021-01-07)1. 2021年1月4日消息,中國中央決定在港組建(文化央企),對香港出版文化,媒體,影視界起了一定的監管作用,相信中央已正視香港媒體,影視人禍國殃民的事實,也到了零容忍的地步。 腦控機軍器私用已到威脅國家安全,按照港區國安法,香港政府有職責對危害國家安全罪行處罰,但腦控空間濫用遙控電子武器,殘害中外人士事件不停發生,仍在禍國殃民,為何香港政府視若無睹,是香港政府無能,或是法律在香港已形同虛設?2. 於1月3日至4日早上,腦控空間賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛超過30小時,同時睡眠剥奪,令我腦缺氧,甚至連巴士司機,的士司機都不放過,其囂張氣焰令人髪指。背後指使者是呂珊,薛家燕。 5日下午,何守信,曾江,劉江又接力繼續電子武器摧殘無辜受害者。在場有假特首在興波作浪,空間彌漫著怪異的氣氛。3. 本週控機賤人除了電子武器摧殘受害者頭痛外,將雙腿有殘疾者同正在行走的我併感覺,令我步履蹣跚。當在家休息時,變態控機賤人將雙腿痠疼者同我併感覺,晚上遙控電子武器攻擊我腿部穴位,令我腿部痠痛難忍,難以入眠。每次當我坐下起身時,感覺非常辛苦,擔心不知何時,不能自如站起。此種種的一切,都是變態控機賤人所作的孽。 在香港,被電子武器摧殘至腿有殘疾者不勝其數,放目皆是。難道香港醫療福利好,就可以放任電子武器和賤人任意殘害市民身體健康,為何特區政府不管不問?難道香港政府也被害成了跛腳政府?Mind Control Space News this week (January 1st to 7th, 2021)1. On January 4, 2021, the central government of China decided to establish a (cultural central enterprise) in Hong Kong, which played a certain regulatory role in Hong Kong’s publishing, culture, media, television and entertainment industries. I believed that the central government has faced up to the fact that Hong Kong media, television and entertainment industries have caused the seriously harm to country securities and the people. It has already reached the situation which China government can not tolerate.The mind control machines are military equipment, only use for military only, not private user, according to national military law, that privately used have threatened to national security. According to the Hong Kong National Security Law, the Hong Kong government has the responsibility to execute and punish such crimes. However, the remote controlled electronic harassment keeps continue to tortured Chinese both local and oversea, which have already caused wreck to the country and the people. Why the Hong Kong government turn a blind eyes to the fact, is the Hong Kong government lack of criminal capacity as well as criminal responsibility?2. Start at the morning of January 3rd to 4th, the metamorphosis mind controller continued to remotely control electronic weapons tortured me for headaches over 30 hours, even bus drivers and taxi drivers. At the same time, sleep deprivation and caused me cerebral hypoxia. As known this harassment token order from Rosanne Lui and Nancy Sit.On the afternoon of the 5th, Ivan Ho, Kenneth Tsang and Lau Kong continued harassment for innocent victims. Also the false chief executive indulged to do so, the space is filled with a weird atmosphere in this few days.3. After electronic harassment, the metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with some patients whom got injured and disabled on both legs when I walking, made me felt stagger. When I back home, the controller mapping me with someone who got sore legs. At night, remote DEW attacked acupuncture points on my legs, tortured for legs sore to unbearable. Every time when I sit down, I felt so hard to stand up, I worrying about may can not stand up someday. All about caused by the metamorphosis mind controller and the gang stalkersIn Hong Kong, there are countless people whose legs have been ruined by DEW to disabled. As known we have good medical welfare in Hong Kong, that not means you can attacked Hong Kong citizens what ever you want? Why the SAR government leave the problems alone? Is the Hong Kong government dying or also disabled too?
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Mind Control Space News this week (December 25 to 31, 2020)
During Christmas and New Year this week, since Covid-19 pandemic, many people celebrate at home. The metamorphosis mind controller has fewer opportunities to harassed the targeted persons, of cause I suffered less too. On the other hand, someone used eyes broadcasted the perps as dog live life whom were run away from Hong Kong, used to educated the perps whom intended to harm people then run away afterwards.
Today is new year eve, we will send away the Covid-19 in 2020, I hope all the Hong Kong people can have our new way with bright future in the coming 2021, and pray China will fully control climate change as will in 2025, all people can enjoy peace and prosperity!
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Mind Control Space News this week (December 19 to 25, 2020)

1. This week, another fake chief executive appeared in the brain control space again. When I asked her for name, she answered “Tsang" and I asked is it “Tsang" or “real” because “Tsang" and “real” are same pronounce in Cantonese. Finally confirm her name is “Tsang”. Except for the different way of presentation, her voice was exactly the same as Chief Executive Carrie Lam.

As said, Eric Tsang and Cuson Law used the voice of the false chief executive to order private company to provide surveillance video recordings which record the daily movement in public places, they used for editing to framing someone else, It was seriously infringing the privacy to citizens.

2. The mapping with two people, if other one in difference country with different voltage will caused light cases, the light will flicker, the humidifier will automatically turn off, even the main switch will auto off . So when you got flashing light, it means does not really the ghost in the house, but perps ghost were mapping you.

3. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping with someone who got congested nose at night, those were suspected to be Stephen Chow’ term, they mapping breathing with me, caused me difficult breathe and unable to sleep. In the daytime, the metamorphosis controller mapping me with someone who got deflated in the lower back of the brain, when I waved my arm, I felt the sound ”squeak" in my back of the head. I felt so terrifying!

This week, The metamorphosis mind controller start electronic harassment at 14:00 of the 22nd, he continuous remote control of electronic weapons caused me headache, I have reported the case to the Hong Kong police at 09:00 on the 23rd. The report number: Ref#ERC2012232093237. However, the harassment keeping on and also increased its torture power until 16:00, and then launched another attack at 21:44 until 03:00 on the 24th. It is said that this torture taking order from Lam Kin-Ming, Stephen Chow, Simon Yam, Andy Lau and famous Cantonese opera actors. As media statistics, at least 25% of Hong Kong citizens felt headache and dizziness every time when attacked.


1. 本週另一位假特首又出現在腦控空間,我問她大名時,她答”曾”,我問是”曾”或”真”,因為”曾”和”真”在廣東話是同音,最後確定她的名字是”曾惠妹”,除了講話的內涵不同外,她的聲音同林鄭特首一模一樣。


2. 原來同身處不同電壓的地方人士合併會令到電壓發生變化,輕者電燈有閃爍,放濕器自動關閉,嚴重者跳電掣。所以當有電燈閃爍時,並非家中有鬼,而是有寄生鬼同你併身體引起。

3. 變態控機賤人長期晚間將鼻塞者,懷疑是田啟文,陳文輝,林敏聰兄弟同我併呼吸,令我呼吸困難,沒辦法入睡。日間將後腦痿縮者同我併感覺,當我揮動手臂時感覺到後腦"吱吱"聲,很恐怖!

另一方面,本週變態控機賤人於22日下午在14:00時開始,持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,我已於23日早上09:00向香港警方報案,報案編號:Ref#ERC2012232093237. 但電子武器摧殘仍未停止,反而加大力度持續折磨至16:00, 然後於21:44又再一次發動攻擊至24日早上03:00才停止。據說此次摧殘來自林建名,周星馳,任達華,劉華和粵劇名伶,香港最少有25%的市民感覺到頭痛,頭暈。

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Mind Control Space News this week (December 12 to 18, 2020)

1. This week, started on December 12, the metamorphosis mind controller continuous remote control electronic weapons for headache over 4 days. As said, the trouble makers were actors of Cantonese opera co-operated with Stephen Chow as well as some actors who currently active in Guangdong Province. Starting on the 14th, fake Andy Lau’s team joint to continue again. No matter whether I was outside or at home, I felt drowsiness and headaches 24/7. I reported this crime in the morning on the 13th, and it stop a while in the afternoon, and then started harassment again in the evening and continue to 15th.

It is said that the famous actors of Cantonese opera have already invaded the political circle. Are they truly acting to disrupt politics, harm the country and kill the citizen? or they just act as role-playing? It seems not that simply, may secretly doing something to achieve the rule of survival of fittest, but actually done eliminate the strong and stay the weak,easy to manipulate with mind control technology. When will stop this situation? I am worry about.

2. I don’t know when it started. The appearance of my teeth was replaced with someone else. The teeth changed from white and neat to yellow and irregular. No matter how many time I washed by dental, it still yellow and irregular after washing, which made me felt weird. Finally turns out that mind control machine technology not only change a person's appearance, but also change the teeth out look, it can turning a non-smoker into smoke-stained teeth. It's incredible but psycho!

3. This week, there are some cheater cheat to live in mind control space, they used the cell phone number forward function to cheating someone who working in securities company, forward his cell phone number to the phone which the cheater for fraud. It is the real case, when a customer calls cell phone numbers that have been forward, the culprit pretends to be a financial person to approach the customer to buy stocks, fraudulently claiming that the account limit is insufficient and required money deposit for trading. When the customer is not suspected of fraudulently, and then depositing into the designated account , That is, you are lost. Please be careful!


1. 本週變態控機賤人由12月12日開始,持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,據說背後始作俑者是粵劇名伶聯同周星馳舊班底,現時活躍於廣東省一帶的演員,14日開始,劉華班底又接力搞事,全天候無論我身處外面或家中,都受到遙控電子武器攻擊致昏昏欲睡和頭痛。我已於13日早上報案,下午稍為緩和,晚上又開始摧殘。


2. 不知何時開始,我牙齒的外觀被換成另一套牙,由白而整齊的牙齒變成黃而不整齊,無論我如何洗牙,洗後依然黃色和不整齊,令我感覺很奇怪,後得知原來腦控機技術不只可改變一個人的樣貌,同時也可改變牙齒的排列,將一位不吸煙者變成煙漬牙。實在太不可思議但變態!

3. 本週腦控空間老千利用財經界人士手機的接駁功能,將手機號碼接駁到賊人的電話上用於詐騙。實例,當客戶打財經界人士手機聯絡時,賊人扮財經界人士的聲音同客戶接洽買賣股票,詐稱戶口限額不足,需存人現金才可買賣,當客戶不疑有詐存入指定戶口時,即中招。請大家務必小心!

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Mind Control Space News this week (December 5 to 11, 2020)

1. This week the metamorphosis mind controller adjusted my eyes as "reflective" all day. After I used sunglasses, the controller darker my vision, which seriously affected my reading. I thought I was the only one being targeted, after then I was reading the news, I learned that a fire truck crashed because the a driver suddenly got reflection in his eyes, finally I realized that the fire truck also was the metamorphosis main target which they want to attack to.

2. The metamorphosis mind controller keep continued to tortured my legs for ten years. When I am walking, the controller mapping me with some perps legs whose got joint pain, leg weakness, foot in different sizes, and leg soreness caused by uric acid were combined together. Such made my walk felt so difficulty and heavy, and I couldn't run. At night time, remote-controlled electronic weapons attacked the acupuncture points on my legs with the intention to loosening my legs joint.

Why they do that to me? It was later confirmed that someone set a program in brain control machine to disabling my legs . Who is? I have never get doubt in my relationship and the social life, why the controller did such evil to me, can you imagine how vicious they are, they not only don’t pay my money back, but disable me with evil intention.

3. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller was a stinking lover, he control our smells to the dirty place with bad smells. I sprayed the perfume to cover, but I can not smelled. I only smelled an odor that doesn't belong to me. I believe that the controller changed my sense of smell.

4. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with few perps to felt my urinary and even showering last about 10 years long. I have repeated strongly condemned in my articles. I would like to declare again that I absolutely do not need any wipe butt service, and I will never ever give a penny to any one who uses wipe butt service to beg for money. I will do is to keep my right to pursue the law for sexual harassment.


1. 本週變態控機賤人將我的眼睛調為”反光” 當我用太陽眼鏡後,賤人又將我視覺調暗,嚴重影響我視力。原本以為只是整蠱我,但當讀新聞時,得知有消防車司機因突然眼前反光而撞車後才明白控機賤人終極的破壞目標是消防車。

2. 變態控機賤人持續十年摧殘我雙腿,日間當我行路時,將多位腿部關節痛,腿部無力者,腿部大小不一,因尿酸引起的腿酸者同我併腿部,令我步履艱難,沉重,沒辦法跑動。晚間遙控電子武器攻擊我腿部穴位,意圖弄鬆我腿關節。


3. 本週在腦控空間作孽的是逐臭賤人,不停發放不同的臭味,我沒法聞到自已噴的香水味,只聞到一股不屬於我的異味,相信變態控機賤人掉換了我的嗅覺。

4. 變態控機賤人持續十年將多人同我併感覺大小便,甚至淋浴。我曾多次在我文章中提出強烈譴責。今再次聲明,我絕對不需要任何便後服務,也不會施捨一仙一毫予任何利用便後服務乞討金錢的下賤畜牲。我唯一會做的是保留法律追究權利,控告下賤者性騷擾。

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Mind Control Space News this week (November 28 to December 04, 2020)

1. There is someone acting as chief executive Mrs. Lam in brain control space to chatting with people at night, making people so puzzle and nuisance, since they are questioned about the chief executive is real or fake one? If she is the real one, all should sit down and listen to his advice to avoid disrespect. Finally, it turned out that she was Cuson Law tone voice acting as the chief executive for disturbing people sleeping.

This reminds me why some people say that they felt so nuisance when they hear "Monita", I guessed which may the perps also uses the same technique, acting as "Monita" with the same voice to disturb people sleeping and cause people angry, as said, the perp used such cheap trick to nuisance someone to begging for benefits and money in mind control space . if it is true, makes me puzzled is why no one contact me to talk about it?

2. According to sources, the famous Cantonese opera actress has a stage name of Red Mum with surname Lee. The face is very similar to Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam. Honestly I don’t like Cantonese opera and can not recognized the actress in fact. When I searched the actress name, but I cannot found any relevant information. If you know Red Mum, please let me know to confirm.

3. In the brain-controlled space, There is a rich man order a lawyer to apply ten court injunction orders for his own ten perps in the mind control space for protection not being electronic harassment and got the court approval. But made me felt unfair was someone used the ten perps’ defecation, incontinence to mapping with victims to got same feeling for harassment; one of deliberately to made me spray when I drunk coffee, some of own respiratory diseases mapping with victims for archives of fake confirmed Covid-19, as well as various elderly diseases mapping the five senses with victims for physically and mentally abuse. This incident wake me up. The law of Hong Kong is used to protect the perpetrators not the victims. the law gave the right to perpetrators for torture and abuse the victims. why? What is going on the Hong Kong legal system, is it really dying as said?

4. Someone asked me what is my opinion for the Hong Kong government today? My answer is "When there are more pharmacies than grocery stores on street, what do you think? good or bad?" When asked how to improving the management for mind control space? I personally though that the only way is to have the death penalty in law. As our known, it is about mind control, the real die is brain death, Imprisoning penalty only the evil perps body, their brain can use high technology to hacking to outside victims’ brain and use victims’ body for doing illegal, only the death penalty can be completely resolved.


1. 腦控空間的特首扮演者,於夜䦨人靜時出來同人聊天,令不知者不知所措,因不知是真特首與否?如果是真特首,定必正坐聽教,以免不敬。但最後證實是羅啟新調聲扮特首滋擾人,令人不勝其煩。


2. 據消息人士透露,粵劇名伶藝名紅菊,姓李,樣貌同香港特首林鄭月娥極為相似,因我不好粵劇,不熟悉名伶,又未能在網上找到有關資料,暫未確認。

3. 腦控空間有富豪找律師帮他們在腦控空間的十個人申請法庭禁制令,禁止被電子武器摧殘而得法院批准。但奇怪的是,有人利用此十人的便溺,失禁,刻意令人噴飯,各種老人病同受害者併感覺,併身體,精神虐待受害者,更甚者用其中有呼吸道疾病者同被腦控受害者併五感而被確診Covid-19。

此事令我如夢初醒,原來香港法律是用於保護腦控施害者,而非保護被腦控受害者。是帮助腦控賤人攞正保護去精神虐待摧殘受害者,製造更多假性的Covid-19 確診者。唉!我已對香港的法律制度失去信心!

4. 有人問我對今時今日香港政府的管治有何見解?我的答案是”當市面上藥店多於米店時,您認為是好還是壞?” 當問到如何能更好管治腦控空間?我個人認為最好的方法是恢復死刑,需知人死腦死,囚禁腦控賤人只是肉身,其腦仍可利用高科技駭入受害者的大腦和侵佔受害者身體去作惡,只有死刑可徹底解決。

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1. 26日上午,變態控機賤人將右腳斜放後同我併身體,令我行路時拗柴; 晚上變態控機賤人遙控電子武器激我腸,令我2小時內肚瀉5次。

2. 原來一直同我併身體的人是周星馳的帮底,晚間是陳文輝和他太太齙牙珍,陳文輝鼻塞,齙牙珍呼吸聲很大,同我併感覺令人沒法入睡。日間是現住周星馳故居姓鄧一家,經常將太太和老者的便溺,失禁,發泡同我併感覺,同時將鄧子豐潛我聲,發放負面思維,以此心身精神折磨。

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Mind Control News this week (November 13 to 19, 2020)

1. According to reports, two persons with similar names as me in the brain control space were missing, and they both had the same deposit amount about 70 million were also reported missing too.

A lady named Choi Chiu Man connected to me by her brain sound, said she did not know why her bank account suddenly increased by 70 million. I asked her, can it be withdraw? She replied, trying to get 200 yuan, no problem. She said felt that she was in danger, if withdraw all paid back to me, can I save her life? My answer was that I can not guarantee her safety. I suggested her to contact the bank freeze the amount temperately and wait for investigation. Then I haven't heard her brain sounds for fews days.

2. The mind-controlled space bitch keeps spreading rumours, misled listeners to thought that they pay me a salary and give me financial support. And the strange thing was the perps beg my father for money, the reason was that my expenses for bought gifts to my father belonged to them. It was only a few hundred yuan, and my father had to pay them the equivalent amount of gift. Finally, my father paid them to avoid unbearable harassment. The perps said that was the evidence to prove the expenses was belong to them, what? What the hell they talking about?

The fact is the perps turn the up side down. I have been brain-controlled for more than 40 years, and all the benefits in space have been plundered by brain-controlled perps.

It is said that Stephen Chow used my name and ID number to register a company with Andy Lau about 30 years ago, without my knowledge and without my consent, and used the company to collect the benefits from the brain-controlled space, total earned up to 21 billion, three persons of each got 7 billion, but because I was under mind control without self awa, the 7 billion under my name was shared by Stephen Chow and Andy Lau, and kept blamed all the wrong to me, caused me being nuisance over 30 years long without reasons. According to Stephen Chow, they used my share to high rates load to the big bosses when they business were short cash flow temporarily, once they loan to big boss who forced them, and they both fail to got it back. Stephen Chow and Andy Lau used to bought fixed assets to kept the rest property on hand.

Above story all came from Stephen Chow and Andy Lau. I try to company registry department for searching by my name, but can’t found it, as said my name was replace my someone else later, and then the company was cancelled, the record was deleted in improper way. But the orginal documents was kept in some people hand show to me in mind control space by eyes.

I have never ever receive a penny from any people except from my father. My income mainly earned from my own job over 30 years, until I lost my job under secretly suppress of brain control perps, then my father gave me all support both spirit and financial. Now the metamorphosis perps said my own was they paid, how the barefaced lie they tell. In this case, I refuse to be raised, please let me go, keep me out of mind control space, why the perps disagreed? Finally the fact is that all the interest I earn in the space is enough to support the mind brain perps including their big brothers, so they refuse to realize me. How incompetent and mean their are, I was hard to imagine that the big brothers in the entertainment industry were as a beater for the big bosses, and finally fell into evil path where harm the innocent women for live. I believe they will get retribution and punishment soon.

3. Starting at 18:00 on the 18th of this week, the metamorphosis mind controller started to remotely control electronic harassment for headache over 43 hours until my post upload on the 20th. I have reported the case to the Hong Kong police at 04:00 on the 19th. Case number: Ref #ERC2011192086402.

At 18:30 on the 19th, a metamorphosis mind controller remote controlled electronic weapon attacked me caused comatose in the bathroom for about half hour, at the same time, they remote-controlled electronic weapon attacked my stomach for vomit because I did not eat all day, the electronic attacked caused seriously damage to my stomach to twitches,. Then it continued to cause me headaches. The perp sluts taking turns to inceptive voice to me, make me unable fall asleep. When I fell asleep for less than 10 minutes, I was being awakened, the metamorphosis perps used such cheap tricks to achieve the purpose of mental, physical and psychological torture.

The inceptive voice was suspected to be Liu Wai-hung, but some people said the Liu Wai-hung still in jail, the voice may belong to his brother Liu Wai-keung from the real estate industry. Because many staffs of real estate industry gathered in the brain-controlled space this week, as our known, the real estate company relies on developer hegemony, so they must follow the guidelines of developer hegemony as you know they are the land monopoly.

What is the ultimate goal they want to achieve? I don’t know, I guess may related to the Chief Executive's Policy which will publish at date Nov 26, 2020. We can wait until that date for sure.


1. 據講,腦控空間有二位名字同我近似的人,相繼被失蹤,而她們的戶口都有相同數目是7,000萬也同告失蹤。有一位名字叫蔡昭墨的女士,用腦音問我,她不知為何戶口突然多了7,000萬,我問她是否能提取?她回答,嘗試去取200元,沒有問題。她感覺到自己有危險,問如將她戶口中的7,000萬交給我,是否可免去一死?我的答案是沒辦法保證她的安全,請她同銀行方面或警方聯絡,之後已有多天未聽到她的腦音。

2. 腦控空間賤人不停散播謠言,誤導聽者以為他們出薪金於我,養我。更甚者向家父乞討金錢,理由是我買禮物給父親的支出是他們所有,僅僅幾百元,需支付等值的銀碼予他們,家父因不堪滋騷而付款息事寧人,而賤人更猖獗的以此作為依據。


我嘗試到公司注冊處用我自己的名字查冊不果,據說之後他們用她人之名代替我的名,再之後公司取消了。 而在公司注冊處的公司資料被不當手段消失殆盡。我之所以相信此一事實,是有人將公司文件在腦控空間展示予我知曉,相信有很多人仍保留住公司注冊的文件以作日後證明。


3. 於本周18日18時開始,變態控機賤人開始遙控電子武器令我頭痛至此文章刊登,已超過43小時,我已於19號04:00向香港警方報案,案件編號:Ref#ERC2011192086402.

於19號18:30, 變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令我昏迷於洗手間約半小時,同時遙控電子武器攻擊我胃部,令我嘔吐,因我全天未進食,當被激胃時,所嘔吐的全是酸水致胃抽搐,對胃部造成難以彌補的傷害。然後更持續令我頭痛,有賤人輪流潛聲,令我不能入睡,當入睡不到10分鐘,又被潛聲喚醒,以此達到心身精神折磨的目的。

所潛聲音疑似廖偉雄等不知名人士,但有人說廖偉雄正在坐監,可能是他哥哥廖偉強地產界人士,因本周有多間地產界職員在腦控空間集結,他們的生意都是依賴地產霸權,所以必須聽從地產霸權的指引辦事,到底最終目的為何?目前仍未知道,估計同來緊 26號特首施政報告有關,大家拭目以待。

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Mind Control space news this week (November 07 to 13, 2020)

1.  This week, the metamorphosis mind controller continued to remote-controlled electronic weapons causing me and victims headache. I reported to the police twice for help.

At the same time, many people committed suicide since can’t stand electronic tortured. The suspects were the employees of Hong Kong radio stations, Apple Daily, TVB and Cantonese opera.

2.  It is said that the group of Chaozhouness has been uprooted, but still have small group exiled at Thailand and Philipine were being used by actors of Cantonese opera and movie stars for electronic tortured to China citizens and Hong Kong citizens for living.

The government has promoted to development the Greater Bay Area, but the Cantonese opera perps are so rampant in mind control at that area, how can the China Government protect Hong Kong citizen without brain control and electronic weapons during their work in the Greater Bay Area? If the government can be guaranteed, I will not hesitate go to Greater Bay Area for business.


1. 本週腦控空間持續有人遙控電子武器令我和受害者頭痛。我兩次報警求助。同時有很多人不堪電子武器摧殘而自殺。出面搞事者: 馬鼎盛,吳君如,鄧英敏,羅啟新,秦沛三兄弟; 因得益者有港台員工,蘋果日報員工,TVB員工, 商台員工和粵劇名伶。所以大家認為背後指使者是黎智英,譚詠麟,許冠傑,汪明荃,鄭裕玲等娛樂圈大哥大姐。

2. 據說腦控空間潮州幚已被連根拔起,剩下流亡泰國和菲律賓的一小撮被粵劇名伶和明星所利用,於腦控空間繼續遙控電子武器摧殘香港市民以及中國內地市民為生。


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Mind Control Space news this week (October 31 to November 06, 2020)

1. The most obvious brain control is the five senses manipulation. In Hong Kong, many restaurants cooperated with the brain control group to manipulated the taste and smell of the diners. For example, adjust the taste and smell of the diners’ brains to like a certain food so much, so that the diners will eat that food frequently at the same restaurant as addicted. You may thought that may be a dietary habits. No at all, when you go to other restaurants (non-brain control group partners) to eat the same food, you felt tasteless, but the other diners hold the opposite opinion of you, that you can deem you are under the taste manipulation.

Recently, when you walked through Causeway Bay of Hong Kong, did you noted that a restaurant was sealed up? The notice posted was "Suspected of colluding with taste forces, under sealing”. This is the first restaurant in the world to be sealed for manipulating taste. Does it the good signal which the Hong Kong government spares no effort in combating the brain control group.

2. Many people are not very clear about the mapping body that I had mentioned in my article. I recommend watching the movie "The Host" to get some understanding.

3. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller continued to mapping me with the patient who got kidney disease, which made my eyes sore and tired. At the same time, also mapping me with the patients who got diabetes and uric acid, I felt sore legs, dry mouth and bad breath every day, the perp used such to physical and mental abuse. 

Sleeping deprivation every night, only one night has a full 7 hours of sleep this week. I don't know when the government will face up to the seriously problems of mental torture in citizens? we want our mental health back.

4. This week the metamorphosis mind controller turned on my brain sounds 24/7, and kept intercepting my voice by false thought that no my own to maliciously spread rumours, misled the listener. I don’t know what the intention they are playing for? I guessed may someone who I known stand in the brain controll space, so the mind controller used the cheap trick for tear us apart.

5. In the morning of November 5th, the metamorphosis mind controller started to remotely control electronic weapons for headaches and sleep deprivation. At noon, they increasing the headache level to 5-7. I report to the police at around 17:00 that day for the record. Report number (ref#ERC2011052083563). and the harassment until 18:00 to stop.


1. 腦部操控其中最明顯的是五感操控。在香港,很多食肆會同腦控集團合作,操控食客味覺和嗅覺,例如,將食客腦部味覺和嗅覺調節到對某種食物極之喜愛的程度,令食客有如上癮一樣定時到餐廳吃飯,你可能會覺得這是食客的慣性。非也,當你到其它餐廳(非腦控集團合作者)食同一樣食物時,你覺得無味,而其他食客同你持相反的意見時,你就要小心,是味覺心理操控。


2. 很多人對我文章提到的併身體,併五感不是很清晰。我推薦睇電影 “天煞逆緣(The Host)” 可加深了解。

3. 本週,變態控機賤人持續將腎病患者同我併感覺,令我眼睛痠澀,精神疲倦; 同時將糖尿病患和尿酸病患同我一起併感覺,令我每天都感到腿痠,口乾,難聞的口氣,此是精神虐待。每晚睡眠剥奪,本星期只有一晚有完整的7小時睡眠。不知政府何時才正視腦控勢力對市民的精神和身心折磨,還市民的精神健康?

4. 本週變態控機賤人24小時開我腦音,不停潛我聲音惡意挑撥離間,潛入虛假思維,誤導聽者,不知意欲何為?後得知原來有我認識的人在腦控空間,所以控機人出此賤招挑撥離間。變態!

5. 於11月5日零晨開始,變態控機賤人開始遙控電子武器令我頭痛,睡眠剥奪,至中午十二時左右,更是變本加厲,將頭痛程度加至5-7級。我已於當天下午17:00左右報警備案,電子武器摧殘超過18小時。報案編號(ref#ERC2011052083563)。背後指使的嫌疑人: 任達華,曾偉文(A貨劉華),廖偉雄,馬鼎盛等。

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Mind Control News this week (October 24 to 29, 2020)

1. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller was deprived my sleeping by remote electronic weapon at night, maliciously voice inducing. At the same time mapping me with someone who got respiratory diseases, making me unable to breathing. During the afternoon, the metamorphosis mind controller remote electronic energy weapons caused me felt sleepy as well as some people in working whom unable to concentrated on their jobs.

Also the metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with two perps, one in left and one in right hand side with different skin colour, caused my face left and right sides have uneven colour as well as my legs shows different size.

On the other hand, mapping me with someone who stay in a high-noise environment, used to tortured my hearing 24/7.

And other one was mapping me with someone who got Jaundice, shows in eyes with yellow colour.

2. The cases about Flu. vaccines caused deaths in various countries are not matter of the vaccines, but the remote electronic weapon attack.

The same problems occurred in clinical trials of Covid-19. Many pharmaceutical companies stopped their R&D because they could not fight to remote electronic weapons.

Warn to the targeted individuals, if you are the main target, please take a consideration when shot.


1. 本週變態控機賤人晚間遙控電子武器睡眠剥奪,惡意潛聲,同時將鼻塞,呼吸道疾病者同我併感覺,令我沒法入睡。日間下午時份將我同工作人員一起併感覺,遙控電子武器令我們昏昏欲睡,沒辦法集中精神工作。




2. 各國流感疫苗出現死亡事件,原因不在疫苗,而是種疫苗者受電子武器攻擊致死。

Covid-19 的臨床實驗也出現相同問題,多家藥廠因沒辦法同電子武器抗衝而停止研發疫苗。所以提醒被腦控受害者,如果您是被主要針對的目標,接種疫苗時需加倍小心。

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Mind Control News this week (October 17 to 23, 2020)

1. Had been told that the mind control space used zoning control to facilitated the police to enforce the law, but the metamorphosis mind controllers still harassed victims across districts. We urge the manager who in charge of mind control space should strictly enforce and punish whom remote control electronic harassment and assurance cross-regional.

2. Last time I mentioned that the Chief Executive removed my name from the government list for my own freedom, but someone who did not set me free, also added my name to the list again. As said, someone tried to get me in just for got my own monthly salary 30,000 yuan, so put my name in list again. now I understood why the judger can not gave me a law protection order. It was unfair to me, I never ever got any salaries from government or mind control space, and now told me because someone want to got my salaries, so I had stay at mind control space being electronic harassment and mental torture. What is wrong with? Who got my salaries in the brain-controlled space those years? If it was a government official, why did they kept continue to paid the salary to wrong person? any hidden secrets in it?

3. Recently, the metamorphosis mind controller kept mapping me with the patients who got NIDDM and CKD, caused my mouth dry, bitter, stinky, puffy eyes, dark circles and blurred vision, and always felt tired. Although there were only a feeling, but I got a psychological threat, which was indeed a mental torture.

4. Recently, Hong Kong start to have a medical promotion, used remote control for diagnosis. The controller used the healthy people mapping with diabetic patient, the diagnosed result shows that the healthy people got diabetes after drank black coffee on an empty stomach. I believed which is a big big joke, Right?

The medical profession knows that all Hong Kong citizens are under mind control, mapping five senses can cause the same symptoms , why still promoted remote diagnosis, what is their intention, attempt to turn Hong Kong into a sick city? Or create miracles for drug sales growth?

5. About 5 million "Likes" on my Facebook were missing for no reason. I believed that our power for fighting brain control has shocked the nerves of mind control perps.

All my “likes” came from your support, and we will continue to against mind control, exposure more news for your study!


1. 據說,現時腦控空間實行分區管制,以便警方執法。但變態控機賤人依舊跨區施害。望空間管理者嚴格執行,懲罰無定向喪心病狂跨區施害行為。

2. 上次提到特首以我個人自由原因,將我名字從政府名單中刪除,但不知何故又被列入名單中,後來得知名單中的我月薪有三萬港幣,有人為取得我薪金而將我名字再次放入,但我自始至終不僅未取得分毫,而且長期受到精神折磨和電子武器摧殘。到底其中出現了什麼問題?這些年我在腦控空間的薪金由誰人所取?由何時開始?如果是政府官員,為何明知支錯薪仍繼續下去?其中是否有不可告人的秘密?

3. 近期變態控機賤人將糖尿病患者,腎病患者同我併感覺,令我口乾,口苦,口有異味,眼腫,黑眼圈和視力模糊,感覺疲憊。雖然只是感覺,但也造成心理威脅,實屬精神折磨。

4. 近期香港推出遙距診症,有人將健康者與糖尿病患者合併後,健康者在空肚飲黑咖啡的情況下,被診斷出有糖尿病,成本世紀一大笑話。


5. 不知何故,我 Facebook 約500萬個 ”Like” 被無故失蹤,相信反腦控的威力已震懾到腦控賤人的神經,這一切有賴大家對反腦控的支持。我們會繼續努力不懈!

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Mind Control News this week (October 10 to 16, 2020)

1. Once again, I would like to remind everyone that the Hong Kong bank has a A/C same as my Chinese and English name, but with a different ID number, such account used by a brain-controlled bitch for money laundering. The mind controller used my reputation to blackmail people's money and deposit it into a money laundering account with the same name. Since the money laundering account continued to have money deposited. If you are being blackmailed, please contact me ASAP.

2. According to reports, 40% of Hong Kong movie stars and actors are being changed to robots. They look exactly the same as original, and the real human have also disappeared. If keep on replace to robots from human, the hi-technology end up helping people or murder people?

The advantage of robots can solve the problems of food shortages in the future, but they can also replace humans and being use by mind controller to do something illegal.

On the other hand, our laws have not yet complete with Hi-technology in same time. Robots commit crimes. Who taking legal responsibility? Is the robot manufacturer, or the user, or someone behind it for manipulate with high-tech? How to proof? How to discriminate? It is a new issue.

3. The trouble makers whom involved in electronic harassment are radio DJs and media. Today all news come from data collecting machines, the foreign news can be publish after translation, There is no need out for news, It saved the time and the human resources than before. So there are a lots of media people loss their jobs, and some people prefer wrote a articles for the column without paid, only for becoming famous, and then use electronic harassment in the brain-controlled space for harm innocents to lives. Now you understood why most of metamorphosis mind controllers are media sluts.

4. The problems caused by mind mapping:

Some elders are lost by mapping with perp’s mind. the perp leads the elder to a place where the elder never been before, and then separates his mind, which makes the elder instantly lost. Warn to the elders, keep your address with you all the times;

One day, when you wake up, you found yourself in a strange place? How can you do? guide the body which mapping you to the nearest police station to tell the police that you are being mapping by mind control technology, and ask the police who help you to separate your minds as soon as possible.

5. The cases in this week, the mind hacker targeted to the elders, used the hacker’s mind leading the elders back to their home, transfer their luxury products to someone who connected to the hacker.

And other case leading the elders withdraw the cash from the bank and imperceptibly misled them which was dirty tissue and then throwing them into the trash box for stalker to pick up. Please pay more attention to the elders when they being targeted to prevent property losses.


1. 又一次提醒大家,香港銀行有同我相同中英文名,但不同身分證號碼銀行戶口存在,據說是腦控賤人用於洗黑錢的戶口。變態賤人利用我的名譽,勒索他人金錢後存入相同姓名的洗黑錢戶口,因洗黑錢戶口持續有錢存入。如您是被勒索者,請同我聯絡。

2. 據透露,香港娛樂圈明星有四成是機械人,同明星,藝員原來真人的樣貌一模一樣,而大部分真人也告失蹤。科技的進步到底是帮助了人類或是害了人類?機械人的好處是可以解決食物短缺的問題,但它們同時也可取替人類,被別有用心的人用於做犯法的事情。


3. 現時在腦控空間搞事者都是電台DJ,新聞傳媒。現時做新聞很容易,每天經電腦資料搜集,將外國新聞翻譯後,即可刊登,不需採訪和出外採集資料。寫專欄的世界文章一大抄,大部分都沒有薪金,只搏知名度,然後於腦控空間遙控電子武器害人賺錢為生。至此大家明白為何腦控空間賤人大部份是傳媒人。

4. 併思維所引起的問題:


當一覺醒來時,發現自己被併思維到陌生的地方怎麼辦? 引導身體擁有者到就近警局,向警方表明被腦控的景況,希望警方盡快將兩者思維分開,還彼此自由。

5. 本週案件,有賊人同長者併思維,以賊人的思維為主導,引領長者到自己家中,將家中寶物轉走。


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Mind Control News this week(Oct. 03 to 09, 2020)
1. This week the metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with someone who got the sagging lower lip, which caused me dripped while drinking; Also mapping someone who got the whistle-tooth, I can not close my mouth, serious harm to my appearance.
2. This week, the news focus on Trump's blood oxygen. I took a test, When mapping with different people, you got difference results from blood oxygen machine. Therefore, the test result of your blood oxygen may not your own data, but belong to someone who mapping you.
3. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with someone who got cataract in the eyes, which makes my vision blurred.
At the same time, I don’t know what the controller done on the brain-controlled machine. When I look far away, I feel a black cloud on my forehead, I can't relax my vision by open my eyes naturally.
4. Every night, when I fall asleep, the metamorphosis mind control key-in a old monster to my bed, used to misled stalker that I sleeping with him, and embarrassed me. The monster said that he was done for HK$100.
1. 本週變態控機賤人將下唇鬆弛下垂者同我合併,令我飲食時滴漏; 將哨牙者同我合併,令我口部不能合攏。
2. 本週特朗普血氧濃度問題成為傳媒焦點。當與不同人合併時,血氧機得出的結果會明顯地受合併者所影響,不同人合併得出不同的數據。所以你血氧機所測試結果,不一定屬於你的數據,可能是合併者的數據。
3. 變態控機賤人每天將我同白內障病患併眼睛,令我視覺模糊; 同時不知在腦控機上做了什麼手腳,當我遠望時,感覺到額頭有一片黑雲,有如泰山壓頂的感覺,沒法放寬視野。
4. 每晚睡覺時,變態控機賤人將老怪物用影像投影入我的睡床,令人錯覺以為我同老怪物睡在一起,以此令我失禮於人前。而老怪物辯稱是有人支付他每日HK$100而做此賤作。
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立約人: 蔡昭儷
The Punitive claims for mapping dine
Since the metamorphosis chip control mapping me with someone for dine whom I even do not know who they are, such made me felt disgust and unhygienic. For my heath consideration, herein make a legally binding contract as follow:
I urging to the controller of mind control machine, any mapping for dine with intentionally or unintentionally, all deem as harm to my health of human, I can claim HK$100,000 per meal per time. As a controller of mind control machine, you can choose whatever go or not to go, but as a being mind control victim like me, I have not choice, I only can choose is legal protection.
This contract will effective after post in my blog, after taking effect, if someone still mapping me for dine, I will deem that the controller accepted my term above, and willing to pay all the Punitive claims as will.
Choi Chiu Lai
April 17, 2020 at Vancouver
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Urge the government proposing the mind control threats to the National Security Law
Brain control technology and electronic harassment have had endangered to national security. Urge the government proposing to include it in the National Security Law, which clarifies the sentences for used brain control and remote control electronic harassment to tortured innocent citizens. It is recommended that the minimum penalty be 30 years prisons and the maximum death penalty be effective.
As our known, the Basic Law gives citizens the right to "freedom of thought", but in fact, citizens are facing threats from brain control every day, and the electronic harassment every moment. The protection to the citizens' rights which established by the Basic Law has disappeared.
Urge the government to face up the seriously threat caused by brain control technology to national security and people's lives. We sincere hoped that it will be included in the scope of national security law as soon as possible.
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Ming Control Space News this week (Sept. 26 to Oct. 02, 2020)

1. Remind everyone again, have the same Chinese and English names as mine bank A/C in Hong Kong, of cause with different ID numbers, as said, the same name account was used by brain-control perps for money laundering. The mind controller used my reputation to blackmail other people's money and deposit it into a money laundering account with my same name. If you are being blackmailed, please contact me ASAP.

2. The metamorphosis mind controller often exchanges my sense of hearing with someone who stay in high noise circumstance, which makes me being at high bass environment for a long time, seriously harm my sense of hearing and mental health.

3. Many victims as well as mine, when suffered electronic harassment, we will complain and blame to government, why the government did not taking any action against the mind control perps?

As our known, the chief executive sitting only 7 years, and the mind controllers are hereditary in long term, the officers will not put themselves at risky situation, they prefer wronged a victims than upset a narrow minded controller.

From the above, we understood that the facts of brain control have been secretly taking control in Hong Kong. Everyone knows that the controllers are the retired superintendents. They are already operating many years and now pass to their next generation, even the current police officers are afraid them sometimes.

The three branches of Hong Kong government, the executive, the legislature, the judiciary all manipulated by mind controllers, and the mind controllers all under money control which means they only listen to rich men, not victims as poor as mine.

How about Hong Kong’s future, we can not expect, we only can do is keep ourselves safe, keep our mind fresh everyday.

Today, everyone were focusing on the China-US disputed and seems to have forgotten the most importance thing is settle inside first. even forgot that the mind controllers own the mind control machines were made in Germany.

4.  Recently, there is a person who acted as chief executive of Hong Kong in the brain control space. She got a same voice as Chief Executive, but got difference though most of time. She was being Imperceptibly mind by Cuson Law, Ma Dingsheng, Leung Wei Hong, and Mak Chi Yung etc. In order to get rid of those who disagree with them, frame and set the victims up, misled the listener to making wrong decisions.


1. 再次提醒大家,香港銀行有同我相同中英文名,但不同身分證號碼銀行戶口存在,據說是腦控賤人用於洗黑錢的戶口。變態賤人利用我的名譽,勒索他人金錢後存入相同姓名的洗黑錢戶口。如您是被勒索者,請同我聯絡。

2. 變態控機賤人經常將我同處於高噪音者換聽覺,令我長期有如處於高音貝的環境,嚴重影響我的聽覺和精神健康。

3. 香港很多被腦控受害者,同我一樣,當被腦控賤人騷擾時,都會埋怨政府管治無能,任由腦控賤人無法無天。





4.  腦控空間近日有一位假扮香港特首的人,除聲音相似外,其它不值一提,她於腦控空間以特首之名,被羅啟新,馬鼎盛,梁雄偉,麥志鑫等人潛聲,以排斥異己,陷害和誤導被腦控的受害人。

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Mind Control space news this week( Sept. 19 to 25, 2020)

1. This week is UN General Assembly week, some people watch up in the brain-controlled space, although electronic harassment is still going on, but weakness. and the sleep deprivation was even worse.

2. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller still mapping me with someone who got tiny eyes, which makes my eyes deformed, and looks terrifying;

Also mapping with someone who got big chest, big belly, and wide shoulders with me, made my dressing shows unfit;

every time when I went out, the mind controller mapping me with someone who got joint pain and knee pain in the legs for mentally and physically abuse;

The most hateful thing is that when I wear a mask, mapping me with the patients who got bad breath, respiratory diseases, and irregular heart rhythms.

The metamorphosis mind controller used this cheap tricks to mentally and physically tortured the victims in long time, causing the victims to fell down, fracture, breathe difficulty and faint. Unfortunately, our government turn blind eyes, why?

腦控空間本週新聞(2020-09-19 至 2020-09-25)

1. 本週因為聯合國大會,腦控空間有人管理,未發覺有大事發生。間歇性電子武器摧殘仍在進行,只是力度減弱,而睡眠剥奪反而更甚。

2. 本週變態控機賤人仍然將眼睛很細者同我併樣貌,令我眼睛拉扯變形,樣貌極之恐怖;




變態控機賤人長期以此賤招精神虐待受害者,令受害者跌倒,骨折,呼吸困難而暈倒. 而我們政府卻視若無賭,冷血!

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