Towers (12)

Satanists and dark Luciferians are promoting their own people to positions of power within both church and state organisations throughout the world in order to further their own agenda which is worldwide enslavement and genocide. It has now been adequately proven that the covid-19 pandemic was hoaxed by the use of pseudoscience and by mis-attributing other deaths to covid-19. The Satanists and dark Luciferians have been using mass electronic mind control programming to make the world population believe in that hoax and in a myriad of other hoaxes before that one.

The aforementioned Satanists as well as dark Luciferians are installing large towers in public areas throughout the world most of which are there to produce behavioural alternations in the civilian population via mass mind control. Most if not all windmills throughout the world have a dual purpose. They have not just been installed to produce wind energy. They can also be used to broadcast transmissions which both entrain the brains of people for miles around them and which also enable subconscious hypnosis of any and all of the surrounding population.

At this point in time Acoustic Psycho Correction technology exists which transmits audible messages into the human head via bone conduction which means that ear plugs will not restrict the messages. Acoustic Psycho Correction devices are now manufactured as hand held devices in some instances and can be used to mentally torture and torment any non-consenting individual or selection of non-consenting individuals by others who have access to such devices. The victims of the aforementioned audible message transmissions are then wrongly labelled as being mentally ill if they dare to complain of hearing voices coming from inside their heads. The reason that they are labelled as being mentally ill without further investigation as to the origin and contents of the aforementioned audible messages is because the police and psychiatrists are now under heavy mind control programming themselves and they resist all information which does not come to them from official sources. Sadly, official sources can no longer be trusted.

As we can not easily disassemble and ban all large towers which are being used to house technology which is itself then being used to manipulate our brains and bodies from remote locations we must instead develop firewalls for our homes which would block digital transmissions from coming into our homes and into our brains and central nervous systems. Is any work being done now anywhere throughout the world to develop such firewalls? Have they already been developed and if so are they affordable and when can where can they be purchased by members of the public?
My website which I alone own and control is called
I obtained the technological information inside the above post from the following online link

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Brain science is being developed for military and warfare applications. Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, U.S.A., who works in this particular area had this to say in the below linked youtube video “The human brain can be assessed in real time by utilizing convergent forms of neuro imaging when coupled to a host of neuro electric physiological techniques. This has created an opportunity to be able to affect the way humans think, feel and behave on a variety of levels, both individually and in groups.” Professor Giordano went on to say that this has allowed brain scientists to conduct intellectual assessment, knowledge acquisition, and CONTROL on an individual level, a group level and a global level. “This also allows brain scientists to physically affect the brain using these techniques and tools in ways that are important to, and highly leverageable within national security, intelligence and the defence agenda. They can foster thoughts and feelings of affiliation and passivity in whole populations. “
Hundreds of thousands of targeted individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world combined are being targeted and both psychologically and physically tortured by directed energy weapons while going about their everyday lives. We have failed to get agents of the state to take us seriously because the state have been rendered passive by the brain weapons that Professor Giordano refers to in the afore mentioned youtube video which I have linked here below. The human race are about to be totally and utterly disempowered and enslaved if they fail to overcome this technologically induced state of passivity. Frequencies are currently being broadcast from telephone towers and other paraphernalia throughout most of the world which carry information and perceptions which align with the natural frequencies of the human brain, which allows the human brain to accept that false information as true. We need to urgently disassemble and ban said telephone towers because otherwise a terrible fate awaits each of us. We would no longer be allowed to own anything or make even the smallest decision regarding our own lives. I have been wirelessly linked to the worldwide computerized human control system from nano implants inside my brain and body for many years and I am fully aware of the extreme cruelty of this computerized human control system which lies in your future if you fail to act.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called My main email address is

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The official story is that there are hundreds of thousands of people within the intelligence services who have been entrusted with advanced technologies and who now have become rogue. They use directed energy weapons to torture individuals inside their own homes by wireless means and from remote locations. They ultimately control psychiatry, the police , main stream medicine and the corporate media via their wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons. They have manipulated the main stream media to focus only on irrelevant and diversive topics.

In reality these supposed rogue individuals are being heavily co-ordinated by the use of smart engineered technology. They can not act without all of their actions being documented and controlled. They ultimately work for a secret cabal who are attempting to use the intelligence services to enslave the human race. This cabal of would be enslavers use disinformation and misinformation tactics to cover up their attempt at slowly and incrementally enslaving us by a wide variety of different tactics. However, their main enslavement tactic is to wirelessly link many unwilling human beings via neural implants to computer networks where all of the electric activity generated by our brains and bodies can be monitored and analysed on a minute by minute basis for the rest of our lives.

"It's now common knowledge that a global surveillance network has been put in place by the intelligence agencies that allows them to illegally intercept all electronic communications. What is not common knowledge, however, is that this global surveillance network can pick up bioelectric signals as well -- not just signals from electronic voice and data communications. It can pick up the electrical signals in our brains and other biological systems, and with relative ease, calibrate their systems to decode and translate those signals. Furthermore, with electromagnetic weapons, that have been in place for decades, it's easy to to manipulate these biological signals within humans to communicate with them, condition them, or torture them -- all covertly, and under the protection of classified and compartmentalized programs. Anyone is a potential target, some are aware of it, some are not. Regardless, this highly classified technology is being abused on a widespread basis to spy on the thoughts of Americans, to torture them into submission, to sabotage their lives in order to marginalize and discredit them, or to manipulate them for the benefit of the perpetrators. It is a highly illegal, unethical and unconstitutional program, that operates under the tightest forms of secrecy. Unfortunately, because of the power of this technology, and its stealth nature, the criminal perpetrators -- within the deep state and power elite -- get more powerful everyday by subjugating more and more people."

The above information can be found at


The surveillance system currently being used by all intelligence agencies was created from knowledge gleaned from Nazi scientists who were secreted into Western military research agencies under ‘Operation Paperclip’ after WWII .

A parallel system was instigated in the Soviet Union also using knowledge from captured Nazi scientists .

The system uses ground based phased radar arrays and satellite technology which can accurately target an individual .

The system uses heterodyned energy beams across multiple frequencies .

The system is based on Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) which can be used to read the state of individual neurons in the brain .

The system is global in reach .

The system has been in use for decades and is constantly being scaled upwards in size .

The system itself is controlled largely by super computer powered A.I.

The system is used primarily for political and financial control .

Social engineering and eugenics are a longer term goal .

The system uses directed EM energy to torture , murder & mind control targets .

The wider system is under the control of the U.S. D.o.D and the C.I.A. and is franchised out via the Five Eyes countries to other N.A.T.O countries .

From "The Matrix Deciphered" by Dr Robert Duncan.

There are hundreds of credible whistleblowers and thousands of patents to support the existence and abuse of individuals by directed energy weapons while these individuals attempt to go about their lives.

If this worldwide control system bears no resemblance to your current reality it is because the worldwide social engineering platform known as Tavistock has created a false reality construct for you over many decades simply by manipulating the school curriculum, organised religion structures and the main stream media. The social engineering control matrix gives us our initial platform of beliefs which is our world view. From this platform of beliefs they are then able to control who we think we are and what we think we can do and what is possible and not possible. They deliberately attempt to condense our realities into smaller and smaller realities. If your only sources of information are those three outlets you are now living in a false reality construct which bears no resemblance to what is really happening behind the scenes throughout most of the world.

Virtual reality headsets are no longer necessary. If you have imbedded nano particulates inside your brain and body which many believe are being sprayed from the sky you can experience an unexpected virtual reality experience where signals which generate sound, vision, smells and sensations are injected into your brain. You can be made to hear voices, see videos, and feel sensations which can be pleasant or unpleasant. Your own muscles can be made to move against your will. For added effect, focused ultrasound can be used to move the furniture in your room and break your ornaments. The intelligence services, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. For many centuries they have been using magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past This is the real explanation for near death experience, poltergeist experiences, demonic possession experiences, extra-terrestrial experiences, moving statues and a wide variety of other experiences that have been used to cover up the existence and abuse of wireless neuro weapons and a wide variety of other advances in technology. The mental health act is also being used to cover up these wirelessly enabled abuses.


We have been inhaling and ingesting programmable biochips. It is my belief that in a selection of targeted individuals these programmable biochips are being forced into their muscles by a process known as forced induction each night while the targeted individual is sleeping. This is being carried out by criminal neuro operatives while using wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons, while working from an unknown remote location. When a sufficient quantity of programmable biochips have been imbedded in the muscles of the targeted individuals these programmable biochips are then co-ordinated to act in tandem with each other and are programmed to move the muscles of the targeted individual against their will. In order to fully activate this process the motor cortex of the targeted individual must be wirelessly injected with digital signals which also act in tandem with the programmable biochips. When all of the muscles of a human being can eventually be fully operated by criminals using wireless capabilities and while working from a remote location then that human being is known as a bio-robotized human being.

It is my belief that when enough good will human beings have unknowingly undergone the process of having their muscles imbedded with programmed biochips they would be used against their wills in a military psychological operation to frighten the rest of the human race into handing over their human rights to a group of behind the scenes criminals who wish to enslave the human race. The bio-robotized human beings could be used to commit crimes against their wills. The bio-robotized human beings could be used to strike fear in the rest of the human race shortly after they die in a psychological operation like never before. If you believe that you are being slowly and incrementally bio-robotized please ask your relatives to have your body cremated after you die so that your deceased body can not be used for nefarious purposes. We can stop this human enslavement process in its tracks by having all telephone towers and microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned urgently. All computer data travels by undersea fibre optic cables. The existence of satellites is believed to be a hoax .Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.

Under sea fibre optic cables are responsible for transmitting all internet and other data across the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple are all building and laying their own under sea fibre optic cables in order to transmit their own computer data across the world as per the enclosed video link.

Air and space can not co-exist side by side. The vacuum of space would suck the air from the atmosphere leaving us with no air to breathe. We can easily save ourselves from being permanently wirelessly tethered to a super-computer which is what happens to victims of Remote Neural Monitoring simply by outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and shooting down drones with technology which can be found at the following link.

"The drone has a capacity to employ focused frequencies. Drones or UAVs can convey explosives, chemicals and pornography to designated sights. drone-killing laser -- which is the focus of this article -- is ground based, housed in suitcase-sized boxes on the order of X-boxes, I gather, and draws its power from either the electrical grid or generators, where needed"…/welcome-world-drone-killing-laser-…/



These hoaxes were created by the self-proclaimed elite by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The intelligence services, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills. They have also used it in the past to create the moving statue hoax. These dark occultists use streams of energy to move furniture about when hoaxing poltergeist situations.

The satanic and luciferian would-be enslavers of the human race are ultimately afraid of online information because it lacks a central focus to control. Therefore they attempt to drown out the truth by flooding the internet with misinformation, hence another reason for the many and varied online hoaxes.




Microwave energy plus metallic particulates equals fire. Microwave transmitters combined with the metallic particulates from chemtrail geo-engineering which have become imbedded inside our muscles has given rogue intelligence agents the capability to spontaneously combust any and all of us at will. I believe we could all be burned to death during the night if a rogue intelligent agent raised the level of microwave energy which is now being emitted from telephone towers. Solution - Urgently ban telephone towers and all related paraphernalia.


Cell Towers, Gwen Towers, Doppler Radar, Haarp, and Smart Meters are a trojan horse network of genocide and death. A network of towers combined with nano technology could be used, like a tesla coil, to generate a fog of electromagnetic energy and burn a selection of individuals to death. This weaponised technology is already being tested in the upper atmosphere. Any type of falsefied super-natural cover story could be published later. Charles Frederick Wust

The police aught to use electromagnetic spectrum analysers in detection of abuse of directed energy weapons and they aught to begin to have the blood of the targeted individual analysed for bio-markers.

Links to youtube videos about Undersea fibre optic cables

Undersea Cables Power the Internet

Deep Sea Cables.

The Worlds Undersea Internet Cables

Undersea Fibre Optic Cables

Open Undersea Cable System

Submarine Cable Network

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If fifth generation wireless technology combined with in-home smart meters ever become fully operational we would then all be linked by wireless means from nano technology which is already inside us to a computer network.  We would then lose all mental privacy forever.  We would no longer have regular schooling or university education.  We would no longer have use for newspapers or main stream media.  We would no longer have use for general practitioners, the law courts, regular police or military.   We would never enjoy mental privacy again.   Further to this, if you have a smart metre forceably installed in your home it can be used to wirelessly burn down your home by remote control.  Frequency technology can be used to make you fall asleep inside your home, and then your home could be burned down while you are sleeping inside.

A large selection of individuals have already been wirelessly linked by remote means to a network of computers which are monitored on a twenty four hour basis by surveillance staff, who are employed by unknown human beings.  These surveillance staff get reimbursed by providing them with all the need to live.  However, they do not and can not use money.  This makes them enslaved to the evil system they work for , for ever.  They did not know what they were getting involved in when they signed up to this mode of living.  They can no longer speak publicly about their ordeal because they would be dishomed  and threatened with dismemberment.  Even though they live in large gathering of one hundred and eighty or more they can not and would never leave their building where they both work and live because evil abounds in the outer world.  Individuals who have placed tracking devices inside them would shoot them dead if they ever decided to leave.  There are no bolts on their doors.  They can leave whenever they wish but they will meet certain death.

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There is a conspiracy to enslave the human race by a variety of means including by  wirelessly linking each and everyone of us to  a computer network from brain implants.   The computer network enslavement protocol  is owned and controlled by various secret societies of dark occultists.  This situation is well in its advancement stages but owing to the fact that now all main stream media is owned and controlled by these dark occultists most individuals have no idea of the extreme danger to their freedom.   These dark occultists have been attempting to slowly and incrementally enslave us for many centuries by man-made laws and by financial means as well as through a system of documenting anybody in the know as being of unsound mind.   The intention of the dark occultists is to totally disempower us and to leave us without the ability to own any material possessions what so ever.  They are using mass electronic mind control  which is being emitted by  telephone towers and other towers in order to lull their fellow human beings into a false sense of security and freedom.  These dark occultists use the main stream media to promote and maintain  the use of negative behaviours in society because over time negative behaviours weaken us.  They deliberately atomise society by creating an unnecessary culture of emigration combined with migration, both inwards and outwards.  They cultivate a climate of constant over work, where pointless, totally unessential  and damaging work is the norm.   They wish to ultimately eliminate all privacy from society.   They are currently attempting to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command.    Church and state are now seen to be working as one.     My work on the matter has been disclaimed on the grounds that I have been falsely documented as being of unsound mind.

The afore mentioned secret societies of dark occultists are composed of the deep state which comprises of the top level members of approximately seventeen different intelligence agencies from around the world, along with inter-related blood line families, as well the controlling forces behind organised religions and most of the members of the council for foreign relations, among others.  Others as well as myself have suggested that we aught to take DNA samples from military leaders, senior politicians, supreme court judges as well as all unelected decision makers throughout the world as a means of identifying those who are attempting to enslave us by wireless means.   As there is no protocol in place to achieve this by current means we aught to urgently stage a worldwide revolution.    We aught to  supply ourselves with electromagnetic spectrum analysers in order to identify and help those who are secretly under attack from directed energy weapons and other means.  As yet, countless targeted individuals of remote energy attacks have been unable to prove that invisible energy is being used to in-home monitor and electronically attack them.   Please organise  to have all telephone towers and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned as a matter of urgency.   We have only a few months to achieve this level  counter attack because if fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters become operational in the next few years  the capabilities of said dark occultists  to wirelessly in-home monitor and electronically attack us will increase exponentially.   This matter is urgent.  Please attend to it now.

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I am currently hearing intelligent sounding  voices of my fellow human beings coming from inside my head.   You will shortly begin to hear voices coming from inside your head which will be sent to you by digital signals.    These inner voices are currently  being generated inside the heads of millions of human beings throughout the world.   There are at least four different types to technological means available to the intelligence services which they and many other groups use widely for the purposes of direct voice communication.  This technology and the work the intelligence services do is covered under various secrecy clauses.  However, it is an open secret that such technology exists and is in widespread use.

This morning, an unknown wirelessly transmitted voice of a real human being asked me a question.   I refused to answer on the grounds that the questioner was forcing his voice inside my head against my will and without my permission in an act of extreme evil.   I then heard the voice report to a colleague that he was being met with resistence.   His colleague feigned surprise that I was refusing to speak to him.  That colleague said that they regularly spoke to the staff during conference calls on a regular basis.   That colleague was then told that I was not a member of staff because I had refused all offers of bribes which were made to me over many years via voice to skull direct communication.    The colleague then went on to announce that I was a criminal and as such they had a duty to speak to me by the use of inner voice forcing technology whether I was amenable to it or not.  The colleague was again informed that I was not a criminal.  The colleague then replied that I was the subject of investigation and as such they had a duty to speak to me by the use of said voice forcing technology. 

My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.  My landline home telephone number is 0949360901.   I am a real and verified human being.  The voices which I hear coming from inside my head have informed me that my long term receipt of disability allowance is uninvestigatible by the normal means because I am claiming disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and bladder problems.  Neither of these conditions can be investigated for eligibility under normal conditions so I was placed on a program called remote neural monitoring more than fifteen years ago.  nother reason that I was placed on remote neural monitoring was because I officially informed a disability assessment doctor that I had been neglected by main stream medicine for my irritable bowel syndrome condition and I had been denied a request for disability allownace which I made to Dr John Connolly, Pontoon, Castebar, Co. Mayo in the past. I have written my whole story on my website which is called ; Most of the story can easily be listened to on several youtube videos which are linked to that website.   If or when 5G , fifth generation technology becomes operational then millions of human beings can be placed on remote neural monitoring at the same time, against their wills and without their permission.  They will by linked via telephone lines close to their homes to hostile and insulting voices which they will hear day and night every waking moment.  They wont be allowed to sleep.  They will sometimes receive electric shocks and other sensations.  This brain wave technology is enslavement technology.  Please organise to have all telephone masts urgently banned in order to save yourself and your children from imminent enslavement.

IrishTargeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation  no longer inform the Irish Gardaí or psychiatrists of their torturous experiences of being remote neural monitored and remote neural manipulated  because we are disbelieved by all concerned.   This is more than likely due to the fact that electronic mind control has become universal throughout Ireland and we can no longer get through to them verbally, and we no longer trust man-made laws which have become so out of alignment with natural law and ethics that they should no longer be honoured.

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Coincidental waves such as those from cell phones and radio stations penetrate our bodies. Our bio-systems such as our heart beat intermodulates these signals. These co-incidental waves can then be retrieved from around the human body and the information therein can be used to read your heartbeat, your body temperature, your brain waves etc, and can be used to decipher what you are thinking.

Each human being generates alot of data so high speed computers are needed to target even one individual for real time thought and human body data analysis and for human body manipulation and modification. GPS signals need to be synchronised in order to achieve constant contact with the targeted subject. Cell phone towers are essential for GPS signal synchronisation. Brain damage or death can be caused on purpose in order to declare war on the human race.

This system leaves almost no connection to the culprits. It shorts the justice system and it goes around the constitution. The justice system does not understand advances in technology. For further information please check out the following link to a youtube video where the electronics engineer Dave Case is being interviewed by award winning online journalist Ramola D.

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Unwilling targeted individuals of non-consensual wirelessly enabled neuro weapons research number in their millions throughout most of the world. They are connected by electronic brain link and some other modalities to neuro weapons operatives who they dont know and who they dont respect.

Through this electronic brain link modality and through a number of other modalities the neuro weapons operatives force their voices inside the heads of the targeted individuals while th...e targeted individuals go about their daily lives.
Targeted individuals are virtual hostages to the constant voices of the neuro weapons operatives.

The neuro weapons operatives have claimed that this wireless virtual enslavement system of forced brain to brain interface which the targeted individuals constantly experience will very soon be extended to the whole human race if they refuse to demolish all microwave transmitters which are also known as phone towers.
The neuro weapons operatives have claimed that in the future there will be no governments, no police, no hospitals, no psychiatrists, no schools, no prisons, no banks, no money, no property ownership except for the fact that unknown members of the deep state will attempt full ownership of the whole earth.

There would be virtual prisons from which there could be no escape. There would be virtual hospitals and psychiatrists. Human beings would have no mental privacy whatsoever. They would be abject slaves.
Human beings could slowly and incrementally be totally remote controlled if they disobeyed the unknown enslavers.
Everybody would live inside smart cities where they would not even own their own clothes. They would be given uniforms and they might be moved from residence to residence frequently. They would not even be allowed to own a bicycle. They would be given use of one if they were obedient. Please ask your local representative to have all telephone towers dismantled urgently. This is a world war of attrition that has been slowly and incrementally gaining power for decades and even centuries. Please act now.

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I am in receipt of disability allowance for thyroid disfunction in combination with irritable bowel syndrome and a number of other health problems for more than twenty years. My irritable bowel syndrome is mainly stress related but may or may not be food related. I have tried many different diets over many years but I have failed to sustain any of the diets long term due mainly to stress.
I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of remote neural monitoring and I have been so for nearly fifteen years. I have never been informed as to why I have been subjected to this overwhelming and unwelcome control system.
At this stage of being remote neural monitored my brain has been partially mapped to a level where the muscles of my body can be controlled against my will if I do not obey the directives which I receive via electronic brain link from unknown individuals who speak to me from an unknown location.
Because my irritable bowel syndrome may be being caused to a certain degree by my overeating I have now been informed via electronic brain link that I will be partially neurologically paralysed in the future if I do not restrict my diet as these unknown remote neural monitoring staff see fit. These same staff first considered placing socio economic sanctions on me in order to try to restrict my diet, but then they decided that that method of controlling me was not possible.

Ironically, the reason I overeat is because of the stress that has been introduced into my life because of being subjected to remote neural monitoring. Ironically, the stress of being remote neural monitored is worsening my irritable bowel syndrome. I do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or take illegal or prescription drugs. I am not too overweight, just a little bit, however the remote neural monitoring staff informed me via electronic brain link that being overweight will be made illegal in the future if they ever take control over the whole human race..

I have been informed via electronic brain link that there are "shadow" government directives that this remote neural monitoring system stay in place throughout the world. Are these "shadow" government directives being issued from the European Union which is now a financial and economic dictatorship? Do the European Commissioners even know about the existence of the "shadow" government and about this remote neural monitoring system that I am being slowly enslaved under?

It is my firm belief that we can easily bring this remote neural monitoring system to a stop simply by demolishing all telephone towers and related paraphernalia. Telephone towers can be used to administer strong mind control to the masses of humans. Telephone towers can be used to both physically and psychologically torture human beings while these human beings are inside their own homes. Telephone towers can be used to send energy weapons to damage the structure of homes and buildings. Telephone towers can be used to cause illness or death to any individual be remote means. Telephone towers can be used to genocide whole towns or cities if the individuals who live in those towns or cities challenged the growing worldwide dictatorship. We must urgently demolish all telephone towers. It is now widely believed that all control technology is ground based. Space does not exist because air and space can not co-exist side by side. Sadly, our main stream media is controlled on a worldwide scale and is not allowed to question any and all untruths of which there are many.

Individuals who are being targeted by remote neural monitoring can not inform the police or psychiatry of their plight because there are regulations in place which would mean that they would be obliged to hand over all of their legal power to the police who would then be obliged to send them to see a psychiatrist, who may incarcerate them in a mental institution where they would be forced to ingest substances which are now known to be poisonous.

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Source of torture GWEN Towers

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd post an update. I've moved and am in a better living arrangement and things are looking up. I don't have internet access where I am so updates will be few and far between. I've posted some dangerous material so I will try to post at least once a month. If you don't see me post in at least three months I guess you will know what happened to me. Ok onto other info. I was watching conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura, the episode was Mind Invaders. The subject was Targeted Individuals. What they did was interview T.i's and found the source of this weaponry. What they found was that most T.I's were found around GWEN towers. GWEN towers were used during the cold war era and are said to be officially out of operation. What they did was to make a grid of the Targeted Individuals and put them on a map. They then compared the map to GWEN towers and T.I's were found near and around these towers. It seems to me to be a plausible source of these signals that torture us. This episode can be found if you would like to search for it, I would provide a link but I am composing this offline to be posted when I gain internet access. I will update my situation at a later date. Peace and be strong.

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This theory of 911 assumes that media electronic trickery and militaryholographic airliner images were used to create the images of the 911airliner Twin Tower crashes. The 911 false flag operation of the TwinTowers necessitated the use of electronic deception in the media and airtraffic to complete their mission. The four civilian passenger planesmost likely were diverted to a secluded area of the Atlantic Ocean andcrashed and sank quickly with all hands in the deepest part of the oceanor more likely just off the coast of New York. The major Navy trainingoperations which were conducted on the same day of 911 off the New Yorkcoast were most likely a cover for the clearing of this secluded area ofspace in the Atlantic Ocean where the four planes were to be crashedand sank. And most people have forgotten that there was a majorhurricane off the coast of New York on 9/11 which also blocked all airand ship traffic to and from Europe. So few if any eyes were presentoff the Atlantic coast on 911.

This area of exploration in theAtlantic for remote viewers and salvage ships might one day locate andrecover these four 911 airplane crash sites to begin the trueinvestigation of 911 and the criminal acts of terrorism by our owngovernment officials.

The first Twin Tower plane crash was anelectronic ghost airplane or media doctored footage which covered anolder USAF circular drone UFO craft loaded with explosives as was thesecond plane to hit the second Twin Tower. These holographic airplaneimages are painted over the circular drone UFO crafts and can be seen inthe 911 footage as the unknown circular appendages on the airlinerimages which crashed into the Towers. See the Richard D. Hall footageon the internet --
The Pentagon was most likely hit by a missile fired point blank from amissile installation under the Pentagon's own helicopter pad. Andlastly, the Pennsylvania airplane crash sight was probably multiple USAFairplane missile strikes to the ground to make it look like an aircrash sight.

I doubt that the 911 government and militaryconspirators would bother with flying the four 911 airplanes to adistant location to imprison the 400 or 500 airline passengers. Theycould not risk the possible truth coming out if anyone escaped or thehundreds of jailers who might talked about the 911 passengers that wereimprisoned. So most likely they were all killed in one area of the ofthe Atlantic Ocean on 9/11. This will probably be the way that 911 iseventually revealed and truly disclosed -- with the physical Atlanticairliner crash sites discovered and salvaged underwater.

Lastly,a fifth major airliner was downed just off the coast of New York a fewweeks later than 911 with possible fuel tank problems. But this wasalso likely an intentional downing of an aircraft to cover any wreckagethat might one day come to shore from the four previously downedairliners in the Atlantic. If any airliner wreckage washed up onbeaches then it can be said to be from this latest airliner crashwreckage.

So perhaps the four airliners may not reside in thedeepest parts of the Atlantic's Laurentian Trench off of the Canadiancoast but much more close by just off the coast of New York. Why elsewould a fifth airliner be sacrificed so quickly to mask possibleairliner wreckage coming ashore. With remote viewing or the Titanic typelocator technology perhaps one day the truth of 911 will be known tothe world.

This and all of my 100 plus articles on the internet can be re-posted anywhere without permission. -- J.E. Ante

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