technologically (12)

If you accept the proposed covid-19 vaccine, technology will be inserted into you which will be wirelessly connected to a central computerized control system and your life will then be placed under partial external wireless control. A brain decoder will be used to read your thoughts and memories. If you complain, the police automatically send you down the road to psychiatry leaving the matter unresolved.
Under this system which I have been already connected to , those who work at the state of the art control centre speak to me by wireless means and I hear their voices coming from inside my own head. They appear to know what I am doing at all times due to their ability to decode my brain waves. I record some of what they say as follows:-
"If she has irritable bowel syndrome she must answer to me as to how much food she eats."
"Why are we here." " Because we plan to bio-robotize her in order to make something occur."
"The American solution to someone who is not mind controlled is to make them pass away."
"Bathroom break Please."
"We contain the posts and letters of targeted individuals to stop information getting to the public."
"Do you need to wash yourself."
"I wish to pursue this lady further. She is fair game."
"We are turning her into a mannequin."
"Gretta is at the end of the line. We have got her in a bind."
"She took a dump."
"Why dont you just block her information from going out."
"F*** you Gretta. Do what you are told."
"There is something funny about her because she is not sexually active."
"You should be pulled out of your house and rocked to death."
"If you ever cross my path again i'll have your fingers off."
There are secret armies of criminals going around the country and they damage ornaments in cemetaries and they open farm gates and release animals into roads among other acts of vandalism. They are paid to carry out these acts of vandalism in order to generate fear in society so as to create a complaint general public who will not question the dictates of the United Nations and World Health Organisation.
Government ministers and journalists for the most part are under technologically induced mind control. Pat Kenny who is a leading current affairs presenter in the Republic of Ireland is still promoting the covid-19 hoaxed pandemic even after it has been proven beyond any doubt that it is hoaxed. He is an intelligent man and would not have this mind-set of unquestioning belief in a hoax unless he was under technologically induced mind control. It has been noted that some government ministers have a complete change of attitute shortly after they are elected to the office of government minister. Not a word is spoken among the main stream media about technologically induced mind control even though there are hundreds of book available for purchase on that very subject. How do we deprogram our government ministers and senior journalists from their technologically induced mind control status.
Under U.N. Agenda 21 the United Nations wish to obtain worldwide financial control as well as the control of all land use and property rights throughout the world. They do not care about the health of this planet or the health of its men and women but they are using both of these reasons to initiate a rigid control system over us all. One can not break this planet. It is self sustaining. They have created a pseudo science in order to attempt to make us believe otherwise. A group of international lawyers are currently planning on taking the World Health Organisation to court in order to prove that the covid-19 pandemic is nothing but a hoax which is based on false science. According to one of those international lawers, Mr Reiner Fuellmich, those responsible for the corona scandal must be criminally prosecuted for civil damages. The PCR test which is being used to identify covid-19 is incapable of diagnosing any disease and does not mean an infection is present even if tested positive. However, the judge presiding over such a court case could easily be placed under technologically induced mind control. We must find a way to protect that judge and those international lawyers from technologically induced mind control throughout the coming months and years. For further information on that upcoming covid-19 hoaxed pandemic legal action please read the information to be found at the following online youtube link which is called "Crimes Against Humanity".
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called www.

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According to renowned neuro science and neuro technology expert, Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University medical center, United States, minimal sized electrodes can now be placed in a network inside a human brain which would allow neuro operatives to read and write into the brain function of that human being in real time. These aforementioned electrodes have already become lodged inside the brains and bodies of most human beings in both the United States and Europe and in fact most of the world through both inhalation and ingestion in most cases. These electrodes wirelessly transmit and receive encoded information to and from a super computer network for real time brain state monitoring and data extraction.
Because most of us now have the aforementioned electrodes lodged inside our brains and bodies without our consent we can now be murdered wirelessly without anybody becoming aware of it. We can also be experimented on in a wide variety of ways by wireless means without us ever knowing who is wirelessly experimeing on us. Because of this wirelessly enabled capability, random human beings have been selected for non-consensual experimention where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies are being uploaded via a bi-directional wireless link to a super computer network where it is being automatically translated in real time into everything that human being thinks, says and does and this happens on a continual basis throughout each moment of their lives. The unknown criminal black budget neuro scientists and other neuro operatives, while working by wireless means from remote locations use the bi-directional link to upload images, mirages, voices, other sounds, odors, sensations, pain, forced muscle movement and other experiences to the brains and bodies of the aforementioned non-consensual experimentation victims. The forced muscle movement capability can be used to force a human being to hit themselves with their own fists or even to jump off a cliff against their will or even to drive their vehicle into a group of people.
Because of the fact that electrodes have become lodged inside the brains of psychiatrists, general practitioners, the police and many other government staff they are now receiving encoded information into their brains which makes them predisposed to believe only information which comes down from the top of a false heirarchical based chain of command where it is believed that individuals who mostly practice a dark form of Luciferianism reside at the top. Because of this situation, many individuals who are fully aware of the ongoing abuses of neuro science and neuro technology are afraid to speak openly because of a real fear of psychiatric intervention.
Many individuals throughout the world are being forced into experiencing virtual reality experiences for short spaces of time which has led to further confusion about what is happening behind the scenes in the world today. In order to cover up the existence and widespread abuse of neuro science and neuro technology combined with directed energy weapons, many cover stories have been invented to misdirect the public so that they would not be able to realize what is really occurring behind the scenes of their lvies. Some of the false cover stories which have been invented to cover the vast capabilities of neuro science and neuro technology are as follows :- the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the extra-terresterial visitation hoax, the channelling hoax, the psychic ability hoax, the moving statue hoax, the poltergiest hoax, and many other hoaxes. Objective reality is real but it is being allowed to be confused with virtual reality and this situation is being supported by both governments and the press. The dark luciferians wish us to believe in all types of supernatural falsehoods and other types of deception so that they can more easily control us. A differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power and they have been lying to us for multi generations both through the school system and through the main stream media and they continue to do so to this day.
Professor James Giordano can be found online presenting many youtube videos outlining the current vast capabilities of neuro science and neuro technology. We must urgently disassemble all wireless enabling capabilities and have them banned before fifth generation millimeter wave technology is fully operational because if we wait until 5G is fully operational you may then be forced to hear voice commands being transmitted inside your head as well as applied pain if and when you fail to carry out the commands issued by those voices, some of which may be generated by artificial intelligence. 5G which is also known as fifth generation millimeter wave technology has the well known capability to carry pain signals and it is currently being erected throughout my country Ireland and most other countries throughout the world in order to technologically enslave us. Further to this, preprogrammable microchips exist which can induce pain in the microchip implant victim if they should attempt to cross pre-set boundaries such as the boundaries of their own town or city. The non-consensually inserted microchip could be programmed to send signals to the electrodes which have already become imbedded inside the brains and bodies of most individuals causing the electrodes to induce pain in the individual. A microchip actually picks up and amplifies ambient electrical energy. If you have a micro chip inserted in you either non-consensually or consensually and you then get in the range of a powerful electromagnetic field the microchip can actually be used to burn you!
If we act urgently we can save ourselves from technological enslavement to the dark luciferian would-be slave masters. Please share.

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1. Switch off the electricity to your home every night.

2. Switch off all electrical appliances inside your home during each day when not in use because they generate electromagnetic energy while they remain switched on and that electromagnetic energy can and is being used to render us incapable in various ways

3. Make sure both your home and your car use non-electric energy.

4. Do not use a smart phone ever. Disassemble it and render it unoperable before you throw it away.

5 Do not use a television because it is now being used as a type of spying tool wherever it is to be found such as in schools and universities and in private institutions for the reason that measurements can be taken from television screen analysis and from all smart screen analysis which allow neuro operatives to discern how many individuals are in a room and what they are saying to each other as well as other measurements.

6. If and when it becomes necessary, disassemble all electric cables throughout your home because they can be used against you and your family because when you have switched off all electricity to those cables they can be re-electrified wirelessly and then used against you at a time when you are unaware it is occurring for example while you sleep.

7. Bluetooth is now being used to collect data from all of your digitalized electrical appliances about you such as your smart phone, your printer, your computer, your smart television and your digital radio. This data is then being used to compile a profile of you and that profile can then be used to build a map of your brain and following on from that, your brain map could essentially be used to bio-robotize you and then to wirelessly control you on a physical basis by external means. The capability to bio-robotize and then externall control human beings by wireless means is now in use throughout the world leading to extreme danger for humanity in general. The optimum situation is to use no digitalized electrical appliances. If you must use one such a computer keep it in a garden shed at all times if possible and do not bring it into your home ever.

Targeted individuals of electronic harassment and torture are not ever going to be helped by church or state so as to protect us from further electronic harassment and torture so it is in our own interests to protect ourselves from those signals. Most government staff and most senior politicians are now under the control of a mystery system which has rendered them unable to think independent throughts.

Many human beings are being wirelessly harassed and tortured while they are inside their own homes. They first become wirelessly linked to a network of closed-circuit computers from implants and electrodes which have come to be inside their brains and bodies without their knowledge or consent. Unknown neuro operatives who are enabled to work from a remote location because of the wireless capabilities which they now use harass and torture the victim in a multitude of ways until they eventually die many years later. If the victim complains they risk psychiatric incarceration as well as forced medication with substances which bear no resemblance to actual medicine and which have such extreme side effects that the patient experiences these side effects as being tortured from the inside out.
Minimal sized electrodes can now be put in a network within a human brain which allows neuro operatives to read and write into the brain function of that human being in real time while working from a remote location. The aforementioned minimal sized electrodes could be sprayed close to a human being and they would then adhere to the mucus membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears of that human being and they would then navigate the human vasoculture, cross the blood brain barrier and precisely auto-position themselves among or even within brain cells. They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a super computer network for real time brain state monitoring and data extraction. The minimal sized network of electrodes provides direct real time monitoring and control of signals to and from the brain cells, leading to the capability to bio-robotize a human being and remote control that human being in real time. Please watch the following youtube video which is being presented by Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University, United States for information on current capabilities in brain science and technology.
Many individuals have been non-consensually wirelessly linked by a bi-directional link to a network of super computers where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies are downloaded to super computers and where all of that electrical activity is automatically translated in real time to everything that individual thinks, says and does and this happens on a continual basis. Unknown neuro operatives who work from unknown remote locations use the bi-directional link to upload sounds, voices, images, sensations, pain, feelings and forced muscle movements to those non-consenting individuals.
A pre-ordained path has been mapped out by which all targeted individuals of the above non-consensual wirelessly enabled remote experimentation must follow if they wish to officially complain about their experiences. No matter how well we voice our complaints and no matter who we complain to, whether it be the police, psychiatrists or general practitioners, that pre-ordained path which has been mapped out for all of our complaints more than likely leads to involuntary incarceration inside a psychiatric hospital, and because of this pre-ordained path that we must follow when we officially complain of being wirelessly tortured, our complaints never get heard from an official perspective. More often than not, we are wrongly regarded as insane.

Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called My facebook page is

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I have already become linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things. My experiences are so extreme that most uninformed individuals can not believe that neuro science and neuro technology has advanced to the extent it has and instead they prefer to disbelieve me when I recount my experiences. First of all, back in the spring of 2003 my brain and body were linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a network of computers, and those computers may well be also linked to a super computer. This link enables the neuro staff who operated these computers to force me to listen to their voices coming from inside my head at all times of the day or night. They wake me up from sleep whenever they wish by speaking to me or by sending me a pain signal.
Over time the neuro operatives built up a brain map which then enabled them to take control over my facial muscles and some of my neck muscles as well as my vocal cords on some occasions. When I move my facial muscles of my own accord the exact sequences of events that happens in my brain is then tabulated and repeated so that the criminal neuro operatives can later move my facial muscles against my will. Now, whenever the neuro operatives take external control of my vocal cords while speaking through me they also take external control of my facial muscles at the same time. If the neuro operative who is speaking through me is angry I now can tell that that is the case because my own eyes blaze up in anger and my face grimaces in anger when I am being spoken through. These experiences mostly occur when I am alone, but they could easily be made to occur when I am out in public. I have many friends and acquaintances who are also experiencing similar experiences. I have become technologically possessed.
At some time in the future, if the neuro operatives sever the link between my brain and central nervous system, I could then be entirely taken over and run from behind the scenes. I have been informed by brain link that programs have already been written which would then be used to operate me like a an automaton, by remote control if indeed the link between my brain and central nervous system was every severed. However, in such an eventuality I would not be kept alive for very long because the level of intelligence needed to operate me by remote control would be too high.
Many targeted individuals are telling the same story as I am and we are all attempting to raise awareness of this horrific situation but one of the main reasons we sometimes fail to be believed is because most of the human race may already be linked to the internet-of-things other than just targeted individuals and it appears from the point of view of us targeted individuals that most other individuals have become locked into a state of subliminal hypnosis where they are unable to believe us and that this state of subliminal hypnosis may also be combined with wirelessly enabled brain entrainment because their responses are not normal. They are not outraged activists like they would be expected to be when hearing of wirelessly enabled technological enslavement and human bio-robotization. It is as if the general public have been rendered unable to think past a certain point. The only way we can return to normal as a human race is by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia in my opinion.
I plan to dry fast over the next forty eight hours. Many online reports declare dry fasting to be very beneficial for human health. I believe that dry fasting will nullify some if not all of the work of the technological enslavers. I will write about how successful this strategy of dry fasting has been to dislodge the technology of the would be enslavers at some time in the near future.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my website is I write about my experiences of being wirelessly and non-consensually linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things simply in order to raise awareness of the extreme danger humanity is now it. I never have, and I never will accept payment for what I write and send to the public and for what I post online.

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I recently watched two youtube videos which gave detailed information of how slave handlers are using extremely advanced technology to control their slaves of which I am one.

Hearing Voices? Audio Implants
The Illuminati and Intelligence Agencies began conducting secret research into audio implants in the 20th century and they began implanting victims with audio implants in the 1960s for reasons of experimentation.
In the Vietnam war, the military used audio implant devices to aid communicating to their men who were sent into tunnels and who had to travel through forests.
The Illuminati, the Intelligence and Military Consortium kept the experimentation secret.
By the 1970s the intelligence agencies were willing to start using hundreds of people to experiment on opporationally with the implants. The controllers were very heavy handed with the people they implanted, and they used the full force of the Illuminati Intelligence agencies power to keep these people under their control at all times.
These innocent victims have had their lives totally destroyed. Some tried to fight back in order to get out from under the incessent audio messages that the implants sent but the system was too big and too powerful to fight.
Police, congress men, psychologists and others turned their backs on these victims. Some victims committed suicide and others continued to fight.
In 1925, sounds were created in people by radio engineers, by placing electrodes near the ear with a modulated alternating current.
By 1937, - by passing an alternating electrical current in the audible frequency range from an electrode to the skin, Stephen Jones found that he could make people hear sounds.
The military uses audio implants operationally to be able to talk to soldiers in situations where external noise would compromise the location of the soldiers.
In the 1970s the Illuminati and intelligence services began to secretly implant people, without their permission and at a time when they did not know they were being implanted.
In the 1990s, audio implants alone with other implants began to be used more agressively by the mind control programmers. Many intelligence operations are carried out with the aid of audio implants. Thousands of individuals have received audio implants without their permission by agents of the new world order. These implants contain a receiver, a processor, a transmitter plus electrodes or an electrical stimulating device.
When sound waves arrive to the human ear, sound causes biological reactions all along the auditory pathway from the cochlia to the auditory nerve, the brain stem and the primary cortical projection areas.
For secret implants, the electrical impulse that is generated to stimulate the victim to hear voices is totally unnoticed by everyone but the victim. Psychologists are being used to shut victims up by falsely declaring that the victim is crazy, delusional and insane and they claim audio implants dont exist. Most people who are slaves to audio implant techniques and technologies are being falsely informed that they are have paranoid schizophrenia.
Handlers communicate voice commands and death threats on an almost continual basis. The audio implants are often being used with other mind control implants. The new world order have a full cadre of trained operatives, both men and women who staff their secret basis, from which they monitor and broadcast signals to their slaves. The implants can also produce beta waves.
Certain implants are designed to suppress a certain type of thinking. The body of the victim may even be sent into paralysis or be given various response stimuli in order to suppress a certain thought pattern. If the slave begins to have certain thought patterns that threaten the programming structure, these implants then kick in to divert a persons mental activity to something else.
Engages Neuro Science and Technology as "a means of contending against another" to
1. assess, predict and control particular cognitions, emotions and behaviours.
2 mitigate aggression and foster cognitions, emotions and/or behaviours of affiliation or passivity.
3 incur burdens of morbity, disability or suffering and in this way "neutralize" potential opponents,
4 induce mortality.
They have weapons which are called neuro sensory immobilizing agents. Some of them which are known as high out put sensory stimulators that use high electromagnetic pulse energy that disrupt neurological sensory function and they are already being used.
Another weapon called intra cranial pulse stimulators use direct electromagnetic pulses to disrupt neural network aggrigation. They essentially disrupt the network properties of the brain and create confusion. They are both individual and group disruptors.
Neural networks operate by key controller and influencing nodes that interact with other networks within the brain.
If we can utilize trans cranial mechanisms to be able to disrupt this essentially we can create disrupted neural network aggrigation and literally disrupt peoples sense of time, space and place.
Neuro-modified cyborg systems. They can cybernetic interactive systems to remotely control brain systems.
At nineteen minutes and fifteen seconds into the linked youtube video Professor James Giardino falsely claimed that they are not dropping electrodes into peoples heads and that this is not a large scale program to infiltrate the population with in-dwelling electrodes.
Will this be widely seen as a mechanism of individual and crowd control? He falsely claims that it will not, at least in the immediate future.
The use of neural interfacing and physiological interfacing through the idea of remote controlled small scale systems to be able to modify the behaviour of non-human animals and insects. The pioneering work was done by Darpa for example the darpa beetle and the darpa fly, and more recently a non-darpa funded commercial interprize who calls itself "Dragon Fly" has been able to utilize a combined set of techniques, both direct neural stimulation through the use of macro technology and octogenetic control of key neuron firing patterns to be able to direct the wing beats and pulses and as a consequence, directionality of a dragon fly. They use high level nano or low level micro electrodes which can record and deliver certain types of pay loads.
We can access and effect neural systems to effect, altar, change, direct brains. We can use these systems for interrogation.


My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.  My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website where you will find details of my technological enslavement is  .Unknown operatives issue me voice commands on a  onstant basis.   These unknown neuro operatives also move my facial muscles against my will and without my permission whenever they wish.   Please read my linked website to know more.

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A British owned corporation called Serco is working through all governments throughout the world including Ireland with the aim of enslaving the human race.   I have been electronically harassed and psychologically tortured for more than sixteen years by the use of directed energy weapons and I now wish to know who in Ireland is directly involved in both my electronic harassment and psychological torture.  I want answers?

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I am a non-consensual  victim of an unknown crime syndicate who use formerly classified voice to skull direct human communication to  to  speak to me by wireless means and from a remote location  against my will and without my permission.   I have been brain to computer linked for more than fifteen years.  These criminals are able to decode much of the electrical activity generated by my brain and body throughout each day via a two way stream of electromagnetic energy which is wirelessly linked to embedded material inside  my brain and body.   I sometimes write down what these individuals who reproduce their voices inside my head say to me and post it online in many and varied social media sites and on my own website which is called ; Here is some of what these voices which I hear coming from inside my head have been saying to me over the past few days.

"Sidney house corporation has asked why is this woman being allowed to send secret information around the world".

"It is highly inappropriate to throw out that many carrots".

"How dare you write down what we say.  It was never in the bargain. Certain people are extremely distraught."

"I have become an accomplice in this so I may as well destroy the woman".

"If we fail to get her married off we will instead deem her to have borderline paranoid schizophrenia."

"They will kill us or they will kill her if that goes out".

"She is neither elegant nor astute."

"She is not one of us.  Why the heck didnt we know that before we came here?    This was replied to by another unknown voice as follows  "We did know it because none of them are with us.  They are all non-consensual.  It server us better to pretend we believe that they have consented to being neuro research subjects.  

"The Antifada are here at the lookout post.  The lair of the neuro research group is underground in London.  It can be accessed through a chamber inside the house of Lords."

"How many chances does this woman need.  Speak to me or else".

"There is no income stream coming from this woman.  This was responded to by another unknown voice as follows  "An income stream will be now set up to come from this womans estate.   Further to that I heard the following information also coming from inside my head   "This is against all known laws of the circuit courts".   The response I heard then was as follows  "Signalling each other is not the way forward.  I have killed your information source".    While this was being said I got a strong feeling that the individual who I was brain to brain linked at that exact time had been killed because I can feel their emotions and I felt something very strange and unexplanable coming from the brain to brain link into my own head.

"We will decommission the system if this much information is out there".

"This pig of a woman has no right to exist".

"We will have to abandon ship.  We are in danger".  

I had been kept awake at night because of hearing constant voice to skull direct human communication voices coming from inside my head.  I had complained about this during the day via the voice to skull direct human communication system.  I had been unable to carry out my own business due to extreme tiredness.  They then informed me that they had deprived the night staff who had been keeping me awake of work for four weeks as a punishment.  However, other night staff had then later on  begun to keep me awake.  I complained to these individuals that they were keeping me awake by their continual talking during the night.  I then heard the following voices coming from inside my head while speaking to each other "Do you want a four week vacation?.  This was followed by "Yes."   This was followed by "Well keep her awake then."  This was followed by still another inner voice which said "You are going to have to leave this employ.  You are turning against the welfare of this woman."

"If this woman had had a hysterectomy we would have had her by now.  We would have got to the bowel and scared it a bit in order to cause her problems in the future".  

"You have gone out of your way to make me cross".

"Keep your head above the radar and I will slowly inform you that we will kill you".  

"We can pretty much do what we like here.  We have no consideration for you.  Obviously we care enough to keep you alive.  It would be counter productive otherwise."

I would like to strongly advice other recepients of voice to skull unwanted voices to reply to the voices in the following manner as a matter of course.  "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head entirely without my permission while saying the following   (then you repeat whatever you heard them say).  This may lead to exposure in the future for the following reason,   A permanent electronic record of anybody who uses wirelessly enabled  technology  in order to speak to unknown targeted individuals remotely and without their permission might be kept for security reasons.  If and when the courts obtain those electronic records the perpetrators will not be able to claim that they did not know that they were projecting their voices inside the heads on non-consensual and extremely unwilling human beings if you inform them each time they speak to you that you are hearing their voices coming from inside your head and it is non-consensual.  .

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If you hear technologically induced voices coming from inside your head against your will and wholly without your permission you should always respond to them exactly as follows - "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head against my will and wholly without my permission while saying the following" (here you repeat exactly what they said to you.) Whenever you reply to the people who wirelessly transmit their voices into your head in this manner they react in annoyance for the following reason - The neuro operatives who interrogate me on a constant basis by reproducing their voices inside my head go on to sell their comments combined with my replies to interested parties in order to fully understand my personality type for purposes of brain research and many other types of research. However, they are not allowed to acknowledge to the seller exactly how they procured their data because their methods are highly unethical. The purchaser will only purchase the data on condition that they partially delete the part of my reply which says "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head against my will and wholly without my permission while saying the following". However, said neuro operatives can not delete any of my spoken words without incurring both legal and financial penalties at a later date because of an reason unknown both to me and to the  neuro staff who I do not know and who I have never met.

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I regularly hear wirelessly enabled technologically induced voices coming from inside my head.  These voices are intelligent voices of real human beings who work for the intelligence agencies in the area of brain weapon research.  Because I have been hearing these voices coming from inside my head for more than fifteen years I am somewhat familiar with the work practices of the men and women who speak to me using this direct communication method.  This morning the work supervisor of the brain weapon research team who is known to me as Mrs Courtney was heard to say by me the following " I do not have the technology to monitor them all of the time.  There is distrust in the management.  They bandy names about all of the time".   I myself have interpreted that information to mean that the staff no longer trust their supervisor Mrs Courtney and they are deliberately passing names and other information to me in an effort to alert the wider world of the extreme dangers we are all in from  wirelessly enabled long term torture.  Please warn the world of the urgent need to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and 5G millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia.  Otherwise there is a danger to you and your family of being forceably linked by wireless technological means to a network of computers for your entire life where you  would  then be enabled to hear voices coming from inside your head.  These voices would give you orders that you would be forced to obey.  If you refused to obey you might receive a pain signal or you could even be immobilized if there were enough programmable bio-chips in your body to enabled criminals to immobilize you.  This is urgent.  This process is occurring on an incremental basis throughout the world to many individuals.  The remainder of the population appear to be under strong electronic mind control.  It is proving difficult to wake people up to the danger to their freedom.  Please help to raise awareness of the vast scale of wireless enabled capabilities.
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I have been a non-consensual and extremely unwilling  neuro weapons research subject for more than fifteen years.  During that time I have appealed to various state sponsored employees for help in combating unwarranted wireless manipulation of my brain and body through the operation of both internal and external  nano technology throughout both my brain and body.

I am continually being communicated with via voice to skull internal communication, where I hear the technologically induced  voices of neuro researchers coming from inside my head.   This very day I heard a  technologically induced   voice which was coming from inside my head say the following " The program has been a total success in the sense that we now have this woman primed for paralysis, and furthermore this process can be carried out on any human being throughout the world provided that we have the necessary capabilities.   All governments are willingly participating in providing us with the capabilities that we need in order to wirelessly enslave the human race.  The government staff that we deal with  suffer from disordered thinking due to the continued use of smart phones and other technology, and they now do not know how to pull back from the brink of annihilation.

Millions of good living human beings throughout the western world are currently being subjected to a system called Remote Neural Monitoring, which involves being non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly linked to a super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves from nano implants inside their brains and bodies. If general medical practitioners and the police are informed by the subjects themselves of being subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring, both the general medical practitioners and police would lose their jobs if they failed to send the complainants for psychiatric evaluation. When psychiatrists are then informed by the subjects themselves that they are being Remote Neural Monitored they are detained inside a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period of time, where they are legally obliged to take highly toxic substances which slowly and incrementally damage their brains and bodies. This is the reason why Remote Neural Monitoring is so widespread that it could collapse the whole fabric of society at this point in time and yet nobody knows about it except the millions of torture victims that it leaves in its wake. Ban microwave transmitters for true human freedom.

Victims of a new human enslavement methodology called  Remote Neural Monitoring are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a continuous two way stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves via illegal implants.   These implants have been illegally  introduced into the brains and bodies of all populations throughout the western world through illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads with nano particulates which we then inhale and ingest.  These and other implants  may also be introduced into our bodies by a variety of other means.    A cabal of criminal super-rich individuals aspire to eventually be able to remotely monitor and  measure all of the electromagnetic activity in both the brains and bodies of all  human beings and all other living things on a continuous basis throughout each day.

A selection of good will, good living human beings have been  selected for total brain readout  analysis and brain and body manipulation  via super-computer over the past few decades.   These human beings  are currently known as targeted individuals.  According to well known cybernetic warfare  researcher  Bryan Tew,  their unique digital brainwave imprint is  secretly obtained by criminals  and it is uploaded to a super-computer.  The illegal nano-particulates which they have inhaled and ingested digitalise the brain of the targeted individual  and turns it into a digital receiver.   In combination with the super-computer, criminal neuro personnel then manipulate the visual cortex, the auditory cortex, the motor cortex and the sensory cortex in order to inject sound, vision, memory manipulation, muscle movement and even pain signals to that targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.

Targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring have nothing to gain and everything to lose from being illegally and immorally remote neural monitored.  They go about their lives seemingly as normal.  Nobody around them can tell that they are hearing voices and feeling unusual sensations throughout their body on a continual basis.  Main stream medicine, psychiatry and the law are refusing to confront the by now widespread existence and extreme abuse of Remote Neural Monitoring.  Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are being wrongly evaluated as being mentally ill.    As soon as any targeted individual claims they are being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring they are deemed to be mentally unwell by a strongly conditioned false belief which was deliberately inserted into the minds of society in the distant past through  constant repetition and fear manipulation.

When non-consensual and extremely unwilling  targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring  hear the voices of criminal neuro operatives coming from inside their heads they react with hostility towards the speakers of those voices.  They refuse to be civil to criminals who insist on placing their  voices inside the targeted individuals  heads.   On the other side of the equasion, the criminal neuro operatives themselves feign surprise that the targeted individual continually refuses to have a pleasant conversation with them via this new illegal methodology.   The targeted individual sometimes wonders if all of the illegal  speakers who force their voices inside the head of the targeted individual are even fully aware of the illegal methodology that is being used to hold the conversation.   Some of the illegal speakers may be being misinformed as to the methodology that is being used to speak to the targeted individual.

The cabal of criminal super-rich individuals who own the rights to the Remote Neural Monitoring signalling process plan to place the whole human race other than themselves on this system of Remote Neural Monitoring, which has also come to be known as bio-metrics control, from birth until death.  Every human being other than themselves would be allocated a universal bio-metrics identity card which would contain a permanent indelible record of their whole life.

If a universal, hierarchical based chain of command combined with universal remote neural monitoring for the whole human race ever becomes a reality, any one member of the deep state if they so wished, could command a super-computer to send extreme pain signals into the nervous system of all of  their fellow human beings, other than the individuals at the top of the control hierarchy who are outside the current system of control and technological enslavement.

Luckily, there is a simple solution to the technological enslavement of the human race.   The human race will disassemble and destroy all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia.   The existence of satellites and space based weapons is an elaborate and easily proveable hoax along with a multitude of other hoaxes.

The existence of satellites lie was invented in order to make NASA appear invincible.

If satellites really existed all of our satellite dishes would be pointing straight up to the sky in order to receive and transmit signals. However, our satellite dishes are pointing sideways in order to receive signals from microwave transmitters and these signals that said microwave transmitters are transmitting are being relayed from undersea fibre optic cables.

Further to that, so -called satellite navigation data is being obtained from triangulation of signals which are being transmitted from cell phone towers which are also known as phone masts.

Under sea fibre optic cables are responsible for transmitting all internet and other data across the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple are all building and laying their own under sea fibre optic cables in order to transmit their own computer data across the world as per the enclosed video link.

Air and space can not co-exist side by side. The vacuum of space would suck the air from   the atmosphere leaving us with no air to breathe.  We can easily save ourselves from being permanently wirelessly tethered to a super-computer which is what happens to victims of Remote Neural Monitoring simply by outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and returning to life without cell phones.

As well as the creation of the satellite hoax,  many other hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries by the cabal of criminal super-rich who are sometimes know by a number of other names including the self-proclaimed elite.

These hoaxes were created by the self-proclaimed elite  by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.

Some of the other hoaxes that have been created by the would-be enslavers of the human race are as follows:-

The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.

Please raise awareness of the urgent need to dismantle microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia all over the world now.


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I am non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly tethered via a microchip implant to a network of computers as well as a supercomputer.  The implanting occurred without my knowledge or permission at a time when I was unconscious of it happening.  This microchip implant in combination with a variety of other bio-medical implants is being used to read my sub-vocal thoughts in real time. When my sub-vocal thoughts are read by unknown neuro staff they then reply to them in real time using other implants which may be imbedded in my ear canals.  Still other implants can be used to send pain signals if I refuse to obey these commands.

You may already be imbedded with a series of implants because implantable technology is in widespread use throughout main stream medicine largely without the knowledge or consent of the patient and also without the knowledge of the implanter. These tiny implants are being built into medical devices and some may even be imbedded into disposable needles.

As my wireless tethering is invisible to the naked eye but not to microchip cameras I have not yet been able to prove this wireless tethering to the police or psychiatry so they may erroneously believe me to be mentally ill. However, I have lived alone for many years without assistance and without any drugs so therefore I could not possibly be mentally ill.  Other individuals claiming similar wireless tethering are widespread through Ireland and the wider world. They are automatically deemed to be mentally ill without any appraisal of the evidence.   Some people in positions of authority are actively denying that this slow and incremental enslavement of the human race is occurring at all either because they are heavily mind controlled by a variety of technological devices or because they have become actively involved in the implanting process or because they have become wirelessly tethered themselves and can no longer help or because they have legally compromised themselves and  therefore can not admit the truth.   

There is an easy solution but one which most people are not willing to implement because their own brains and bodies have not been wirelessly tethered yet. The solution is simply to have all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia banned outright. Without microwave transmitters no electronic mind control can exist and no wireless tethering of real live human beings can exist either. The existence of satellites is an easily provable hoax. All worldwide date is being transmitted via undersea fibre optic cables. Please raise awareness of this urgent issue before you yourself become wirelessly tethered by both your brain and spinal cord.

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A moment ago, a technologically induced, microwave hearing voice which I heard coming from inside my head informed me of the following "You will only have privileges while you are generating money for me." The internal voice then went on to inform me that I am a slave.

Microwave hearing which is the science of projecting human voices inside the heads of extremely unwilling and non-consensual human beings is now widespread throughout Ireland and the wider world. It was used in the first Iraq war and it was then known as "Voice of God Weapons". It can only manifest inside the heads of human beings who are first sprayed with nano technology from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. We inhale and ingest the nano technology which penetrates the blood brain barrier and we eventually become receivers and transmitters of sounds, visions and other sensations.

Since the advent of this technology some individuals have misinterpreted their experiences as supernatural and extra-terresterial. This is not the case. All supernatural and extra-terresterial experiences are simply advanced brain weapons combined with holograms and military psychological operations.

Privileges are the domain of slaves. My rights are my birth-rights. No legislation can ever change my rights. The law has nothing to do with my rights. My rights can not be added to or subtracted from by another human being ever. Some individuals falsely imply that they have man-made authority over other human beings. They are wrong. Our rights are actions we take that dont harm anyone. We all have the same rights by virtue of being human beings.

Microwave hearing and technological enslavement of human beings can only exist while microwave transmitters and 5G millimeter wave transmitters are in place throughout our countries. All technology being used to slowly and incrementally enslave the human race is ground based. The existence of satellites is a hoax. At least eighty percent of human beings are unknowingly working to enslave the human race. They are mostly lawyers, politicians, government administrators, telecom engineers, main-stream media, etc.

Please organize to have microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia dismantled urgently.

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