human (197)
Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.
Chris J. Brunson
Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader
Yahoo Groups:
GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 1142011
Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #
This Week: Six people killed and several people wounded at an Arizona shopping center. What could have cause it and who is responsible? Your comments and questions on this most important topic.
Join us also for Current Events This Week, TI interviews and more.
Your participation will be gladly appreciated!
Chris J. Brunson
Elvira Williams
Yahoo Groups:
PS: We are looking for hosts for our Thursday night conference call. It will be at 11PM EST and 8PM PST. If you have what it takes to co-moderate this call, please contact me by responding to this message.
GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone
Conference Calls:
KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #
Skype For International Callers
1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username "QOLSPONY". Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.
The list of human experiment in Japan after the WWII, and the list of 731 and Japanese Army related people who got job in the university hospitals, etc after the war. 731 mad scientists have been working in the famous hospitals and medical manufacturers. And the human experiments often held in university hospitals toward the mental patients. My guess is that the gang stalking victims are often claimed as mentally ill to be become the new pray for the secret human experiments in the hospitals.
人体実験には精神病患者やマイノリティが世界的にも選ばれていたようですが、意外と精神病でっち上げを行う理由には人体実験用の対象者が必要なのか もしれません。孤独な人や精神病だと見なされて周囲に無視されているような人の場合は、精神科医が何をやっても告発の可能性は低いでしょうからね。日本でも、精神病患者に対しての人体実験は多数報告されています。集団ストーカーが勧める精神病院や精神科医について調べれば、最新の実験を行っているのが何処かとか誰が関わっているのかわかるかもしれません。あるサイトでは、精神病患者だけでなく、自衛官にも行っていることが書かれていますが、同じレベルで知恵遅れなどとみなされてるんでしょうか。アメリカでも軍人が人体実験に使われていた過去があります。それから、日本での人体実験は731部隊と比較されてもいいと思います。年表を見ると、大学病院は気をつけたほうがいいみたいですね。731部隊関係の人たちも一部は大学病院に転職してるみたいですし、結局彼らが現在でも実験を行っているとしても、おかしくないでしょうね。
1951 年
国立第1病院等で乳児に致死性大腸菌 を感染させる人体実験が行われた。感染性ありと報告。
名古屋市立乳児院 で乳児に大腸菌を感染させる人体実験。
1952-56 年
米軍援助金による新潟精神病院でのツツガムシ人体実験。精神病患者にツツ ガムシを接種した。8名死亡、1名自殺。
1965年3月 24日
名古屋市の興和製薬で、昭和38年10月に同社のかぜ薬新薬キセナラミンを社員ら187人に投与し、人体実験していたと被害者らが人権侵害 と東京法務局に告発。
千葉大医学部の 鈴木充医師が同大学内や川崎製鉄などの64人にチフス、赤痢を接種する人体実験をした容疑で逮捕。1審無罪、1976年4月東京高裁で有罪、1982年5月最高裁で懲役6年確定。
自衛隊員に赤痢 菌と赤痢予防薬(未承認薬)の人体実験、隊員1089人のうち577人に急性食中毒発生。
香港インフルエンザワク チ ンを少年自衛官335人に人体実験と『防衛衛生』が発表。
広島大学の岩森茂助教授らが悪性貧血患者3人 にガ ン細胞を移植して免疫抗体をつくる人体実験を行い、学会で発表。
東大医学部台弘教授が20年前にやった 精神病患者へのロボトミー手術は人体実験だったと告発される。
岐阜大学医学部精神科の難波益之教授グループの 助手竹内巧治助手が、岐阜県内の私立病院に通院していた妊娠中の女性分裂症患者を大学病院に転院させ、本人の同意を得ずに中絶手術をした上、胎児の脳を解剖した と、学会で内部告発。竹内助手は、妊娠中の分裂病患者が服用した向精神薬(ハロペリドール)の胎児の脳への分布を調べた。
1993 年
オウ ム真理教、 ヘッドギアPSI開発のために幹部信者で人体実験。
オウム真理教、反抗的信者でボツリヌスやコレラ使用の細 菌兵器の人体実験。
七 三一部隊関係
石井四郎 (第一・三代部隊長)
北野政次 (第二代部隊長) ミドリ十字共同設立者・取締役/日本学術会議南極特別委員/文部省百日咳研究会
吉村寿人 (凍傷研究班) 京都府立医科大学学長/日本学術会議南極特別委員/生気象学会会長
笠原四郎 (ウイルス研究班) 北里研究所
田中英雄 (ペストノミ研究班) 大阪市立大 学医学部長
湊政雄 (コレラ研究班) 京都大学教授
田部井和 (チフス研究班) 京都大学細菌学 教授/兵庫県立医科大学教授
所安夫 (流行性出血熱研究班) 東京大学教授/帝京大学教授
江島真平 (赤痢研究班) 国立予防衛生研究所
二木秀雄 (結核研究班) ミドリ十字共同設立者
岡本耕造 (病理研究班) 京都大学医学部長/近畿大学医学部長
石川太刀雄丸(病理研究班) 金沢大学医学部長/金沢大学癌研究所所長 /日本学術会議会員
草味政夫 (薬理研究班) 昭和薬科大学教授
八木沢行正 (植物学研究班) 国 立予防衛生研究所/日本抗生物質学術協議会理事
朝比奈正二郎(発疹チフス・ワクチン製造班) 国立予防衛生研究所
園口忠男 (細菌戦 研究班) 陸上自衛隊衛生学校副校長
増田美保 (細菌戦研究班) 防衛大学校教授
安東洪次 (大連 支部長) 東京大学伝染病研究所教授/実験動物中央研究所所長
春日忠善 (大連支部長) 北里研究所/文 部省百日咳研究会
村田良介 (南京一六四四部隊) 国立予防衛生研究所所長(第七代)
小川透 (南京一六四四部 隊) 名古屋市立大学医学部教授
内藤良一 (陸軍軍医学校防疫研 究室) ミドリ十 字共同設立者・社長・会長
宮川米次 (東京帝国大学伝染病研究所長) 東芝生物物理化学研究所所長
緒方富雄 (東京帝国大学伝染病 研究所助教授)東京大学医学部教授
細谷省吾 (東京帝国大学伝染病研究所教授) 東京大学伝染病研究所教授
柳沢謙 (結核研究) 国立予防衛生研究所所長(第五代)
小島三郎 (東京帝国大学伝染病研究所教授) 国立予防衛生研究所所長(第二代)
小 林六造 (京都帝国大学教授) 国立予防衛生研究所所長(初代)
戸田正三 (京都帝国大学教授) 南極特別委員/金 沢大学学長
木村廉 (京都帝国大学教授) 日本医学会副会頭/名古屋市立大学学長
正路倫之助 (京都帝国大学教授) 第一期学術会議会員
Mailing address:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Now we're talking!! This is exactly the point of all this FAXING... We want to make a HUGE IMPACT !!!
Monday, 07 June 2010 20:26
Illegal Activity Would Violate Nuremberg Code and Could Open Door to Prosecution
- Research and medical experimentation on detainees was used to measure theeffects of large- volume waterboarding and adjust the procedureaccording to the results. After medical monitoring and advice, the CIAexperimentally added saline, in an attempt to prevent putting detaineesin a coma or killing them through over-ingestion of large amounts ofplain water. The report observes: “‘Waterboarding 2.0’ was the productof the CIA’s developing and field-testing an intentionally harmfulpractice, using systematic medical monitoring and the application ofsubsequent generalizable knowledge.”
- Health professionals monitored sleep deprivation on more than a dozendetainees in 48-, 96- and 180-hour increments. This research wasapparently used to monitor and assess the effects of varying levels ofsleep deprivation to support legal definitions of torture and to planfuture sleep deprivation techniques.
- Health professionals appear to have analyzed data, based on their observationsof 25 detainees who were subjected to individual and combinedapplications of “enhanced” interrogation techniques, to determinewhether one type of application over another would increase thesubject’s “susceptibility to severe pain.” The alleged research appearsto have been undertaken only to assess the legality of the “enhanced”interrogation tactics and to guide future application of the techniques.
Americans Under Atack Need Help Need Human Rights
people need to stop it all
alot are hearing first names and it's becouse they are cutting words out trying to make it like thy can choose what i say. so if there is proof the government and police involved they hope they get away with it all these frequencies are mixed recall me talking about Underhand ?
They got 1 frequencie to listen and stuff with a few guy on it. then another to listen then they use first names on the other to start trouble the government would like you to kill one another. every one wants to claim it's a program and i got a feeling that the government is doing it all the time and haveing something to launch the program they say it's 2 people if there are 2 people and 2,000 listening why are they all hearing a few voices becouse of the voice synthsizer and i figure the system that keeps me on it is in the pawtucket police department or close by this is why they do not shut the chips off becouse there afraid to get cought.
See i always hear them changeing my words all day long to day there word is your dead and there saying im saying this as i hear them in my head.
These guys got a words list keywords to use to piss people off. and they mix it with racial coments.
these guys try to get others in fights and double talk people.
They try to get people to respond then try to get them to talk to people. some of these guys try to make it look like someone has there wife or familey member. This is what and say to others while they are doing things themself. so we got mixed people on here. if they blaim one or 2 people they forgot to look at the others some use a technologie to hide themself.
what would the police let it go on for and the government there afraid to get cought.
see some people are talking to others and stuff then talking shit like someone knows it all then they do not. why would some stay on a frequencie for years and hear only a few people then know it all it's imposable to do.
now people are comeing forward with more evidanve and still some do not belive. me i have not done anything more then the police or the government.
they use the mental disorder bullshit to to away with shit replying to others it's all in your head.
yeasterday i heard someone was explaining chip types and the swine ful vaccine with the ready made chip in it this is a chip that works one way they say to listen only a NWO chip. i was told this was to monitor people so even if they got an old they can only listen with the new one and record data to track people.
see chips are no god i been wanting to gt mine and my wife jennifer's chip removed and the government refuses and the doctors and the people want it out but some will not let it happen
alot are hearing first names and it's becouse they are cutting words out trying to make it like thy can choose what i say. so if there is proof the government and police involved they hope they get away with it all these frequencies are mixed recall me talking about Underhand ?
They got 1 frequencie to listen and stuff with a few guy on it. then another to listen then they use first names on the other to start trouble the government would like you to kill one another. every one wants to claim it's a program and i got a feeling that the government is doing it all the time and haveing something to launch the program they say it's 2 people if there are 2 people and 2,000 listening why are they all hearing a few voices becouse of the voice synthsizer and i figure the system that keeps me on it is in the pawtucket police department or close by this is why they do not shut the chips off becouse there afraid to get cought.
See i always hear them changeing my words all day long to day there word is your dead and there saying im saying this as i hear them in my head.
These guys got a words list keywords to use to piss people off. and they mix it with racial coments.
these guys try to get others in fights and double talk people.
They try to get people to respond then try to get them to talk to people. some of these guys try to make it look like someone has there wife or familey member. This is what and say to others while they are doing things themself. so we got mixed people on here. if they blaim one or 2 people they forgot to look at the others some use a technologie to hide themself.
what would the police let it go on for and the government there afraid to get cought.
see some people are talking to others and stuff then talking shit like someone knows it all then they do not. why would some stay on a frequencie for years and hear only a few people then know it all it's imposable to do.
now people are comeing forward with more evidanve and still some do not belive. me i have not done anything more then the police or the government.
they use the mental disorder bullshit to to away with shit replying to others it's all in your head.
yeasterday i heard someone was explaining chip types and the swine ful vaccine with the ready made chip in it this is a chip that works one way they say to listen only a NWO chip. i was told this was to monitor people so even if they got an old they can only listen with the new one and record data to track people.
see chips are no god i been wanting to gt mine and my wife jennifer's chip removed and the government refuses and the doctors and the people want it out but some will not let it happen
I Would like to get help for me and my wife we are chipped and arevictims i need info on reporting it and i need to get it found andremoved. we have been kept appart on the frequencies and people havelied to me and they tryed to rape my wife and make her think it wasmyself it was them. A Police officer chipped. I did get them fired theydeserved it then they set me up. people used my name and I didn't knowanything about chips they said they were the F.B.I and the Military andothers it started with the police department. Then I found out therewere Others on here and they started this rape shit so things happenedhere i am 6 years later.. my wife dose not understand the situation theylied to her and try to blame me for it all. I defended my wife theytold me I had had no wright to be with.
so i fought for my wife and myself she was realy the victim in John .nAnubis she dose not know what i had to do. my wife is jennifer and iwould like to report it and get help.
After the police I never belived these people the said there werefamileys chipped the cop lied so much i never belived them. when theysaid it and then they said they were going to rape my wife an i defendedher Jennifer is not at fault.
victims i need info on reporting it and i need to get it found and
removed. we have been kept appart on the frequencies and people have
lied to me and they tryed to rape my wife and make her think it was
myself it was them. A Police officer chipped. I did get them fired they
deserved it then they set me up. people used my name and I didn't know
anything about chips they said they were the F.B.I and the Military and
others it started with the police department. Then I found out there
were Others on here and they started this rape shit so things happened
here i am 6 years later.. my wife dose not understand the situation they
lied to her and try to blame me for it all. I defended my wife they
told me I had had no wright to be with.
so i fought for my wife and myself she was realy the victim in John .n
Anubis she dose not know what i had to do. my wife is jennifer and i
would like to report it and get help.
After the police I never belived these people the said there were
famileys chipped the cop lied so much i never belived them. when they
said it and then they said they were going to rape my wife an i defended
her Jennifer is not at fault.
This is America others say it's there neighbors and other people alot of it's your own government.
maybe we can get support here
Please Help The US Stop Our Government
this is what they been trying to d to my wife it's rape through mind controal they try to do it in the real world too and force people...