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At this present time I'm seeking statements from the Targeted Individual community. 1) When your crimes started 2) Who is responsible 3) What are they doing to you 4) The methods that they use 5) How are you affected by it and 6) What are you doing to get help

Once this statement has been submitted to me, the next stage is to interview you. The interview will translate to me putting together an AFFIDAVIT on your behalf. When the AFFIDAVIT is completed, it will be email to you. Then your job would be to get it NOTARIZED. 

Once your AFFIDAVIT has been NOTARIZED, the next step is to 1) send me a copy via email and 2) mail it to the three PARTIES that is listed in  your AFFIDAVIT.

The purpose of creating the AFFIDAVIT is to DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY. Once you DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY than NO ONE can say it isn't happening. But it does not stop there. Once the AFFIDAVIT has been completed, we will be closer to forming a Coalition. By having a Coalition, we can represent each other through the completed AFFIDAVITS. For instance, we can reach out to your political representatives as a group, which together with the AFFIDAVIT makes your case legitimate.

Therefore, if you want to do something, this is where we must begin.

Thank you for your attention in this manner.


Chris J. Brunson


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We have a preadent with a brain now.

The President Oboma is a constitution lawyer and knows the laws.He has to abide by the constitution and he clams to believe that, and he wants us to believe that.We need to be responsible and provide him with  information that we have, so we can stop this madness.And we all know the madness I'm talking about. If not for ourselves for other people.I'm sick of self righteous people going around the world trying to tell other societies how should live and how to treat people.when i have eye and can see whats going on.they make me sick . It's insulting and I don't appreciate it.
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GSS Friday Group Session 9PM EST/6PM PST Conference Call 342011This Week: We will be spending a lot of time talking about the what happened at the Bio-ethics Commission, what to look forward to in the future and live testimonies of the speakers who attended this conference.Next, we will dedicate a large amount of time to the Middle East Crisis. Recently, there have been large protests in two major middle eastern countries: Egypt and Libya. Now the United States is sending troops to protect their financial interests.Last, we will end the show with other current events that reflect our lives.Your participation will be gladly appreciated!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira Williams'Senior ModeratorNigel NicholsonAnalyst 2/4 Thurs. Night ModeratorAmy AndersonResearcher -- Thurs. Nights ModeratorPeter PerezSupportive ModeratorLiam AndersonAssistant ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook: Groups: Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony CarstarphoneOther Conference Calls:KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 # Wed./Sat. 9PM ESTNIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 # Tuesdays 11PM ESTSkype For International Callers1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username "QOLSPONY". Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for youparticipation.GSS2
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Human Morality Vs Human Confusion

I'd like to start off by saying that I've been hit by heavy SRAs, so I might be a little confusing.  If you need help understanding a concept, ask me to go more indepth, please.


These are the things I've learned from my torture, and they seem to be the rules that those that govern us live by.  How do the subjects make you feel?  How do you think you'd be manipulated?


1.) Value.  Do you place your value on being a good person and upholding certain values, or do you place your worth on monetary things that grant you security?  Which one is wiser?  There are two golden rules; one is gold and one is do onto others as you'd have them do onto you.


2.) Sexuality.  What do you think makes a good person sexually?  Do you think our animal cravings can be judged?  Do you believe that human sexuality and human morality should be mixed or that they are mutually exclusive?  Do you feel embarrassed about having sex?  Does it make you edgy or onguard, or do you simply ignore the subject?  If someone was to defame you sexually, how would you react? 


3.) Awareness. Do you have some inner feeling that you've been wronged somehow?  Is it possible to be wronged if everyone is the protagonist of their own reality in the game of survival? 

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#1094 Bioethics Commission off camera observations

  If you watch the Bio ethics commission you will see these people talk all about this subject at length and yet dance around many subjects or details. Dr. Amy Gutmann started the Commission saying that clearly the Guatemalan tests were wrong and there will be no debating that non-consensual human experimentation, "is wrong". Everyone of the sitting commettee members agreed.  Still Dr. Farah a speaker denied subvocal speech recognition is mind reading when asked by the Chair Dr. amy Gutmann. They broke after this exchange between DR. Farah and the Dr. Amy Gutmann. I then walked up to them as Dr. Gutmann walked away say, "We will discuss this later". I don't think she was happy with Dr. Farah twisting the truth. I then spoke to Dr. Farah who denied knowing about millimeter wave surveillance and V2K. I explained how they are used as a remote lie detector, but she claimed to know nothing about it.
    You will then see Dr. Farah push for brain imaging or FMRI to be used as a lie detector in her closing remarks. Dr. Gutmann then points out that brain imaging for lie detection is only 90% accurate. She states that that would mean 10% of the innocent people would be found guilty who were innocent and 10% of the criminals would walk away.
     I want you to look deeper and see that the Chair Dr. Amy Gutmann is the eighth president of the, "University of Pennsylvania". She is the Boss of a few of these people at this meeting. They very likely have had these areas of contention for some time.
Dr. Farah also of the, "University of Pennsylvania" is the Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and and the Director for the Center for Neuroscience and society: as well as senior Fellow, Center for Bioethics. If you are catching on it has been these peoples jobs to look at the ethics of looking into our brain...........At the University of Pennsylvania!
    On the legal side and also from, "University of Pennsylvania Law school and School of Medicine. was Dr. Stephen Morse, J.D., Ph.D. Professor of Psychology and Law in Psychiatry.
    To Top off the list Dr. Moreno was in attendance also from the, "University of Pennsylvania". I asked him about using millimeter wave with V2K as a lie detector. He said he didn't know of the technology so I said, It is, "Voice to Skull", the,  "Voice of God Weapon", "MEDUSA", "The Microwave Hearing Effect", "The Frey Effect"..." He said Oh I think I heard of that one. He then left.
     I'm unsure of how this will end. Billions are being made on the non-consensual human experiments done on us. National security is a good excuse to not speak about some things but clearly they are denying subjects that are not a national security issue like MEDUSA and its microwave hearing effect, The Army listed V2K on one of its sites till it was curriusly taken off. "Subvocal", was meantioned as, "Mind Reading" and I credit Dr. Amy Gutmann the Chair for actually bring that up. Then though Dr. Farah says it is not mind reading it is just muscles that twitch to the unspoken thought, and that mind control is a million years away. Clearly the desire for federal grants, power and control is stering this commission away from the truth or at least the whole truth.
    As we the TIs were speaking a man and Dr. Moreno were standing over by the door way and Ken Rhoades over heard the undisclosed man say, "They are catching on".

"Moreno has been a senior staff member for two presidential commissions and has given invited testimony for both houses of Congress.

In 2005, Moreno joined the faculty at Penn as part of President Amy Gutmann’s Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) Initiative.

Moreno is the editor or author of 17 books including:

    * Progress in Bioethics: Science, Policy, and Politics, (MIT Press, 2010) ISBN 9780262134880
    * Science Next: Innovation for the Common Good from the Center for American Progress, (Bellevue Literary Press, 2009) ISBN 1934137189
    * Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense, (Dana Press, 2007) ISBN 1 932594167 [6]
    * Ethical Guidelines for Innovative Surgery, (University Publishing Group, 2006) ISBN 1555720439
    * Is There an Ethicist in the House?: On the Cutting Edge of Bioethics, (Indiana University Press, 2005) ISBN 0253346355
    * Ethics in Clinical Practice, (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Second Edition, 2004) ISBN 0763729450
    * In the Wake of Terror: Medicine and Morality in a Time of Crisis, (MIT Press, 2004) ISBN 0262633027
    * Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research: Readings and Commentary, (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003) ISBN 0801878136
    * Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans, (Routledge, 2000) ISBN 0415928354
    * Deciding Together: Bioethics and Moral Consensus (Oxford University Press, 1995) ISBN 019509218X
    * Arguing Euthanasia: The Controversy Over Mercy Killing, Assisted Suicide, And The "Right To Die", (Touchstone, 1995) ISBN 0684807602

Selected articles

    * "Embracing Military Medical Ethics," American Journal of Bioethics, 2008, 8(2): 1-3 [1]
    * "The Triumph of Autonomy in Bioethics and Commercialism in American Healthcare," Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2007, 16: 415-419 [2]
    * “Taking Stem Cells Seriously”, American Journal of Bioethics, 2006, 6(5), 6-7. [3]
    * “Congress’s Hybrid Problem,” Hastings Center Report, 2006: 12-13. [4]
    * “Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research.” Nature Biotechnology, 2005, 23: 793-4. [5]

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This is from Anon from responding to the topic "psychiatric credentialing-conclusions""Quick outline of Psychologists’ Professional Obligations as weighed vs. use of deception in Hmn Subj Rsch:(excerpted & summarized from the grad paper I mentioned a few posts back)A crash course in Psych and the Law, 501 level, if you’re interested:Van Hoose’s Five (5) Fundamental Duties of the Psychologist(Swenson, L.C., Psychology & Law)1) Autonomy - duty to uphold the right to self-determination2) Beneficence - duty to benefit the client3) Nonmalficence - duty to not cause harm to or compromise the dignity of the client4) Justice - protection of civil rights5) Fidelity - duty to promote trust inherent in fiduciary relationships and in contract with the publicEthics summary: Use of deception in Human Subject Research must be weighed against the 5 duties.-The Duty to Autonomy necessarily intersects with Constitutional Rights, including Habeas Corpus-The Duty to Beneficence includes the extent to which the participant will benefit from the experience of inclusion in the research, or from application of its findings-The Duty to Justice weighs deception against civil rights, specifically as per any increasing levels of invasion of privacy-The Duty of Fidelity weighs deception against averse effects on the public trust, to include consideration of: the future ability to recruit participants and conduct research, the profession itself as a model of societal conduct, and the overall continuance of trust in the profession-The Duty of Nonmalficence weighs deception against actual physical and psychological harm to the subject. Breach of this duty is grounds for civil action through Tort suits for socially unreasonable conduct of individuals or institutions that in some way injures a private individual. Breach of duty occurs when the researcher’s conduct can be considered unreasonable and imprudent.––DHHS and Human Subjects Research in recent news:Even weighing what has been, by some accounts, the most lax Human Subjects Research set of guidelines issued to date (see Federal Register, Vol 68 No 119, June 20, 2003, Rules and Regs) “45 CFR Part 46 Waiver of the Applicability of Certain Provisions of DHHS Regulations for Protection of Human Research Subjects for DHHS Conducted or Supported Epidemiologic Research Involving Prisoners as Subjects”Here are the stipulations for allowing researchers to waive informed consent (for the vulnerable population of prisoners):The research at issue:-Involves no more than MINIMAL RISK and no more than MINIMAL INCONVENIENCE to the subjects-The prisoners are not a particular focus of the research-Reasonable provisions are made to protect the privacy of the subjects-Reasonable provisions are made to maintain the confidentiality of the data–-And now, a word from US:Now, knowing that the above 4 stipulations were made for waiving informed consent for prisoners in an epidemiological study, where does that leave us as HmnSubjs for the current “study?”Let’s turn the idea of deception on its head and frame the study as follows:Who would sign up for a study where the researchers told the prospective subjects that the following would occur:-You will be subject to physical and psychological torment-You may be subject to assault by instrumentation-You may be subject to humiliation and degradation-You will be subject to conditioning models designed to shape your behavior, and in the long term, reshape your belief systems, including but not limited to: your religious/spiritual beliefs, your political beliefs, your purchasing and consumer habits-Your relationships and social networks will be disrupted, you may be defamed or cast in intentionally misleading light regarding your character; relationships will be used as leverage to shape your person, including threats, intimidation, coercion-You will incur real-world medical expenses for which you will be responsible-You may incur real-world consequences by way of experimental inducements, to include, but not limited to institutionalization or incarceration-You may be required to relocate due to destitution or eviction due to perceived nuisance-You may not leave the study at any time-You will not know the identity of the researchers nor the source of the study funding-You will not be debriefed at any time about the true nature of the study––One final note, the fact that one potential outcome is this:or even become functionally mentally ill due to just rich, and it shows what an epistemologically-closed loop this particular “study” was developed in.Because in essence, if they were at all concerned with, you know, intersections with other realities like the Rule of Law, they’d realize they’re admitting to grounds for civil Tort actions. If they represent that the effects of the study have made you mentally ill, and you’re not, that’s a False Light Tort.If they represent that the effects of the study have made you mentally ill, and you are, then that’s an Intentional Tort. Speaking of credentialing, either Tort is grounds for stripping someone’s license.The idea that they can continue to detain you indefinitely because you’re now damaged goods is exactly the same appalling, despicable logic being used at G.tmo. It’s sick. They’re saying, “lookie, we broke em, they’re really pissed off about what we did to them. That makes them a higher risk. Can we keep em?”––-This is no ordinary study. In fact, it is more of a CTP op in the disguise of a study.It could be said that DHHS (the ultimate governing body, if there even was one), was thoroughly deceived in green-lighting this project."
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A Military – Industrial Complex that tortures and abuses defenseless American citizens and good corporate citizens like Lockheed – Martin and Stanford Research Institute can cozy up after hours to a life-size autonomous (intelligent) robot designed to both give and receive sexual pleasure...  a sex toy or mannequin designed by the same doctors and scientists who go about setting up mechanical and electronic systems in the sexual organs of targeted individuals using biomedical devices or Advanced Nanotechnology particles and devices to study and manipulate and replace.  As far as I am able to determine, my body is accessed through DNA and a cybernetic double of sorts at a display screen in a remote location where an operator or CIA “handler” as they call themselves, digitally records every thought, emotion and perception and watches every movement and gesture in 3D – recording impulses to and from the Central Nervous System and neural network – an INTERFACE that mimics or replicates the memory function in the brain artificially replicating my mental processes to know my every thought for technological robots that closely resemble human beings.  SRI International through the Total Information Awareness System are, I believe, preparing to not only introduce sophisticated electronic communications technology but also introduce life-like nannies who are able to interact and emote with everything fine tuned including a sense of smell to know when the babies milk is burning on the stove and household helpers – robots with artificial skin to promote a human-like appearance. Universities are presently working on teeth that can be grown by these freaks.  Little boys with toys who somewhere along the way became devious and twisted put your tax dollars to work.


Was Lockheed – Sanders involved in the Columbine 1999 Shooting (?)

The Oct-Nov. 1994 NEXUS magazine reported:  “Directed-energy weapons currently being deployed include, for example,  a microwave weapon manufactured by Lockhed-Sanders and used for a process known as ‘Voice Synthesis’ which is remote beaming of audio (i.e., voices or other audible signals) directly into the brain of any selected human target.  “Synthetic Telepathy.”  This pychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at the November, 1993 Non-Lethal weapons conference.”  http://artificial




Technology is called voice-to-skull technology (V2K) a relentless set of voices …. by Lockheed – Sanders, and used by the CIA, who call the process 'voice ….. Internal voice technology is most applicable within the same language and culture. …


The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has done extensive research into microwave heating and voice-to-skull devices, according to a Washington Post article on voice hearers at this link:


Families of shooting victims have the right to know about Military EMR Mind Control V2K weapons that can be used to kill and that are being secretly tested and deployed around the world –  weapons that politicians continue to vote in favor of.  It is information that needs to be published by the media to inform and educate the public because of shootings.  It should be front-page news and out in the open for the families of both the Columbine shooters and the victims and the Arizona Congresswoman and others too numerous to mention.  One would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not notice a direct correlation. Intelligence agencies have a history of involvement of criminal Mind Control and Voice-to-Skull Technology with an interest in programmed assassins or a “Manchurian Candidate.” Stanford Research Institute has a long history of CIA criminal collaboration, and it would be par for the course to lump Lockheed – Martin in with that same bunch.

There is no statute of limitations on murder.


Recently a Florida mother married to a Military officer shot and killed first her son and then shot her daughter in the head killing her.

Arizona Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, was shot in the head. She is married to a NASA astronaut.  NASA is involved in this.

Andrea Yates, a mother who drowned her children in the bathtub heard voices and was told her children would be safe. I was told they'd go after my son if I didn't cooperate so there's not a lot of difference here really. Andrea Yates heard voices yet had never before been diagnosed as Schizophrenic. She could have been targeted for many years which is how these programs operate – with no time off for good behavior and many known victims of the technology have a history of hearing voices going back to childhood.

Timothy McVeigh was executed shortly after being found guilty so there could be no time for him to speak of technology that might have been involved. Timothy McVeigh targeted a Federal Government Building. Why do you think he targeted the Oklahoma Federal Building (?)


Money is handed over to criminal organizations that go unchecked and their lies are all supported.

Congress continues to approve increased Military spending for development of laser – plasma and microwave weapons of mass destruction – plasma weapons which ethical scientists refuse to comment on because they can be turned into hideous torture weapons.  If these ethical scientists refuse to work under strict Military orders, they lose their funding and their livelihoods… weapons the USAF insists on developing that are tested on Human Subjects. 

Congress okays the spending and corporations are left to their own devices.


I thought I recognized one of my Vermont State Senators walking through the main town square two weekends ago with a plain-clothes police escort at his side. This same elected official who has repeatedly over past decades turned his back on thousands of defenseless American civilians asking him for help – to get criminal corrupt corporations to do legitimate experimentation and leave the rest of us alone but for political gain, re-election and power, he turns his back every time.   To keep the Military – Industrial machine going strong.


Now even heating assistance programs for needy Vermonter’s homes is to be taken away. Soon we will look like the Soviet Union during the Russian Revolution when homes were expropriated and heat to keep warm was closely monitored and allocated and it was a criminal offense to hunt down wood to burn so they could try to keep warm.  


Bad times are being declared all to keep the Military – Industrial machine going strong.  Now they want to bring the global multi-million dollar weapons manufacturer, navigation -  aerospace giant and defense contractor to the Pentagon that goes by the name of Lockheed - Martin to set up shop in Vermont.  Lockheed -Martin - a landmark recipient of DARPA taxpayer-funded dollars.

While typing this document to my elected officials, when I closed the screen a new screen opened to a google search: Burlington, Vermont Cemeteries and today they posted a BURIAL SITE as advertisement at my yahoo page. This, in addition to the manipulation of my HEART MUSCLE as a tactical threat to my safety and well being. Most targeted individuals will not talk openly about what is being done to them and their loved ones because they have been made to fear the repercussions. Many of us have been locked up on mental wards trying to get help. As I said, the CIA/ DIA was very clever to enlist the help of medical doctors and psychiatrists in designing these programs: A thorough job is done to discredit victim/target. They didn't neglect to leave anything out. I hope those who can do something will finally see that these people who operate in the shadows are stopped... criminal corporations joined at the hip to the Pentagon (corporations that make up the U.S. government) which funds these programs along with the intelligence agencies.


It’s easy for them to target senior citizens and they particularly go after women who often have less of a support system, often live alone, and it’s more believable when they die of a heart attack and various other things that could be chalked up to age related, but the chief reason as I see it is because it gives the “handlers” more of an opportunity to DISFIGURE their prey. Disfigurement is a chief component of the assaults (it is this aspect of the targeting that gives these losers a thrill – it’s like having a box of crayons) and with women over the age of 55 yrs they can accelerate the aging process with the technology which depletes the layer of collagen beneath the dermis and  artificially electronically  manufacture  lines and wrinkles on our faces with the stroke of an “illumination” pen to point of influence at the display screen or console which houses a DNA double. Two years ago my skin was flawless and I looked 40 yrs instead of 60 yrs.  I was told they would do something about it and destroy my face putting wrinkles and a so-called age-related story on it. – Today is 2-24-11 and lately they have been busy working at the destruction of my well rounded flawless cheeks after manufacturing a bunch of small lines/wrinkles where there were none just a couple weeks before.. In August, 2010 they got on my phone line as the phone rested on my pillow after listening in on a conference call telling me “...little by little we will break  you."  I've kept a diary entry of how they are able to do do what they do to carry out these tactics and will speak more of it in another document wholly related to this issue.

One of the latest threats besides ending my life with the remote heart attack weapon is that they intend to knock out a front tooth with attention paid to causing the gum to be sore and tender.

I have endured excruciating pain to my legs while standing at a computer station trying to complete this document all the while my computer has been remote electronically manipulated to prevent me from doing so and it has taken me close to two weeks to type it.   


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NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE ELECTRONIC BRAIN LINK TECHNOLOGY [Mjuk brytning] [Mjuk brytning]NSA SIGINT can remotely detect, identify and monitor a person’s bioelectric fields. [Mjuk brytning] [Mjuk brytning]The NSA’s Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to monitor remotely and non-invasively information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic emissions from the brain. [Mjuk brytning] [Mjuk brytning]Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called "evoked potentials". Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image in the brain has a corresponding "evoked potential" or set of "evoked potentials". The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject’s brain.


EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain’s neural circuits. EMF Brain


NSA TECHNIQUES AND RESOURCES [Mjuk brytning] [Mjuk brytning]Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location, inside any building, continuously, anywhere in the country. A system for inexpensive implementation of these operations allows for thousands of persons in every community to be spied on constantly by the NSA. [Mjuk brytning][Mjuk brytning]Remote RNM Devices[Mjuk brytning][Mjuk brytning]NSA’s RNM equipment remotely reads the evoked potentials (EEGs) of the human brain for tracking individuals, and can send messages through the nervous systems to affect their performance. RNM can electronically identify individuals and track them anywhere. This equipment is on a network and is used for domestic intelligence operations, government security and military base security, and in case of bioelectric warfare.




Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance [Mjuk brytning][Mjuk brytning]A subject’s bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours a day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone.



An example of EMF Brain Stimulation[Mjuk brytning]

Brain Arena

Bioelectric Resonance Frequency

Information Induced Through Modulation

Motor Control Cortex

10 Hz

Motor Impulse co-ordination

Auditory Cortex

15 Hz

Sound which bypasses the ears

Visual Cortex

25 Hz

Images in the brain bypassing the eyes


9 Hz

Phantom touch sense

Thought Center

20 Hz

Imposed subconscious thoughts







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These perps keep torturing me during my work today as soon as i started working the started making my head to  spin and partially unconsious and keep talking to me in all filthy way they can about me and my family members and laughing loudly and making fun of me and my family members, i am writing this blog in a partial state and also they are making me loose my memory as well.  they are not letting me to work, they are forcing me to quit the job and sit at home, they are not letting me to even pray peacefully and keep commenting about my prayer while i pray, According to them they dont want me to pray, work and talk to anybody other than to these perps. They are trying all possible ways to make my life miserable, even after 14 long years.

I am determined to be faithful to god and to face any sort of torture, and surrender only to god and not to these evil perps, i am very sure god will guide me and help me in every walk of my life and punish these perps very shortly. I will still be obedient to the lord inspite of any obstacles and hardships. these perps are telling me that they will shortly make me a complete psyche and fulfill their evil desires, they are not letting me even to ride my two wheeler and to drive the car as well, they have tried every possible tricks with my body, they dont even let me to sleep peacefully, they induce perverted thoughts and control my sleep and induce evil dreams into me, they wanted me to commit suicide.

Any way please pray for me and i every day pray for all the people who are suffering like me, may god give the strength and  courage to each any everyone like me to fight against these perps till the end, and punish these perps.


Thanks and Regards


Vincent George

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#1093 Insight into the Bio-ethics commission


What you can't see is that to the left and right of Dr. Amy Gutmann is a panel of about ten people. I am going to scan in some of the documents that were given so other can read what we were given during this two day meeting. Here is the link keep this some where and visit it to see the documents as I scan an put them up. I hope they are clear enough and readable. I'll start soon.

     I honestly am unsure of what the results will be. This has to be very hard thing for a government to admit to. It is profiteering on the suffering of others. There were speakers both pro and con. I spoke to a Dr. Martha Farah. The Chair for Presidential Commission for the study of Bio-ethical Issues, Amy Gutmann had just asked her about, "Mind Control"? Dr. Farah said something to the effect that mind control doesn't exist and something like it is a million years away. But then Dr. Gutmann asked about subvocal speech recognition? Dr. Farah then said that isn't mind control, that is reading the movement of muscles in connection with speech or unspoken speech. The truth is that it is the reading of you unspoken thoughts. The brain still sends the nerve impulses down to the lower jaw. these then can be decoded and with a computer our thoughts/unspoken thoughts are heard. They ended then taking a break. I made my way over to the two now talking and Dr. Gutman said we will talk about this later.

     I then mentioned something about subvocal speech recognition as being the reading of our thoughts and went on to ask what she thought about millimeter wave surveillance in combination with V2K being used as a remote lie detector. she claimed to not know anything about these technologies.

     Then at the end she gave a closing statement on how FMRI or brain imaging should be studied and used as a lie detection system for law enforcement and either the military or Home land security. She was criticized by Dr. Gutmann saying this technology has only been proven to be 90% affective. Some how I had hit right on her agenda maybe. I'll be thinking about this some more and will be reviewing the video of the commission.

    I'll post there literature here.


                                                                                            Peter Rosenholm

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#1092 YouTube Videos TIs at Bioethics Commision meeting

1pat21 contacted me when the Billboard first went up asking permission to make a YouTube video. Of course it was agreed to and we Emailed her to tell her OK and Thank You.
1pat21 is at it again doing what she does best for us blowing out YouTube videos of the TIs who spoke for all of us.

Thanks to Marc for sending me what is below.  Peter

Really enjoyed the meeting, got to see the familiar faces that I hear alot doing activism. We really let them have it. Lonnie Ali-wife of Muhammed Ali was down there.

And here is the link to the commissions video:

Bio-ethics commission where many TI's spoke. It will be easiest to see the majority speak at the end of the second day. The last 1/2 hour.   Peter
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The following document was addressed to:  The Mayor, Executive Offices of the Governor, Vermont State Attorney General, VT State Senator Bernie Sanders, Vermont State Senator Patrick Leahy, Congressional Representative Peter Welsh,  U.S. Department of Justice, Burlington Free Press and the Bahrenburg Family, dated January 24, 2011 after learning that the criminal black-budget aerospace giant plans to set up shop in Vermont.


Lockheed – Martin is coming to Vermont for “climate-change-related issues" and  the first thing that comes to mind is a new Pentagon assignment; possibly weather manipulation and the HAARP facility for determining which regions of the world to target next with a catastrophic event and other such noble endeavor in collaboration with the U. S. Air Force.

Lockheed – Martin is a corporation linked to a Department of Defense Black Psychological Operation that has my name on it. Lockheed works in collaboration with a criminal organization known for decades as the Stanford Research Institute and now SRI International. My life was stolen out from under me and my days now consist of being terrorized and brutalized with invisible beams of Satellite Space-Based Directed Energy Weapon Systems and every elected official in Burlington, Vermont from the Mayor to the Governor to State Senators and our` elected Representative, Peter Welch, who sits on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform – apparently they all sit in the back pocket of these Corporations in a system of denial… programs costing anywhere between $5 - $10 million annually at a time of budget crisis that increases military spending through the roof which I assume includes these illegal criminal programs. To date, not one elected official has come forward to voice opposition to gross human rights violations terrorizing me and thousands of others  with the same weapon systems used for the inhumane interrogation methods devised by Lockheed -Martin and used at Guantanamo and black prison sites.  How is it that no one will punish sick perverts who sit at the head of global multi-million dollar corporations linked to the Department of Defense (?)   YOU ARE MY ELECTED OFFICIALS; AND I EXPECT SOMETHING TO BE DONE ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON!   I WANT IT STOPPED now!

In addition to using me as a laboratory specimen that responds to stimulus and tracking - surveillance devices, my body and mind is raped and pillaged; I’m jerked around every which way due to my insides being overrun and polluted with Advanced Nanotechnology particles and devices that pose serious DNA risks to humans and the environment and used for human engineering based on the Human Genome Project and Converging Technologies of Nano – Bio – Info – Cogno and the study and manipulation of human control functions and mechanical and electronic ‘systems’ designed to replace them involving the application of statistical mechanics and communication engineering – the use of computers For the creation of technological robots resembling man.  My body is kept heated; I am forced awake all night long subjected to loud remote beaming of artificial electronic 'noise' and audible signals into my brain; I get electric shocks and jolts; an electromagnetic 'electric' current runs – often races – through my body along systems with a micro-generator (activation point)  anchored to the 2nd toe of my left foot – a toe that is curled up, pulled  back and crippled along with a foot that is deformed with skin peeling off heels of both feet from the frequency or current that has been established in my body.

They do it because they are sick perverted men.  They do it because they can get away with it. They do it because my body is not bloody and bruised with visible signs of injury and lying in the street. – Because DISTURBED MEN WITH MONEY AND POWER HAVE INFILTRATED EVERY AGENCY OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and it appears from the lack of response that they operate at the State and local government levels as well.  Every elected official in the town of Burlington, Vermont goes about his day as though this is not going on. 

As was true of the architects of the Nazi Concentration Camps of Europe in the 2nd WW and Gestapo methods devised by the Germans for torture and elimination of Jews, the disabled and other undesirables, these predators are from top universities and are electrical and mechanical engineers, physicists, psychologists, medical doctors and scientists who are not working in anyone's best interests.  And, not one of my elected officials or brave State Senators will stick their neck out for fear of getting it lopped off.

All the while    “...Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.” Eli Weisel

This time around they not only go after who they consider undesirable including the homeless, disabled and whistleblowers, they will go after anyone. There are tens of thousands of victims and very possibly hundreds of thousands to a million worldwide when a head count is done - It is spearheaded by the United States. Many don’t know what is being done to them – they don't have a clue. They only know they’ve become sick or crippled or are in pain and don’t look beyond ‘natural causes’ because it is inconceivable and too incomprehensible that they could never imagine the truth of what is really going on.  They will get around to you and your loved ones if it is not stopped.  They are predators with no conscience, and they seem to enjoy the line of work they’re in.  They are the counterparts of the German Nazi war machine and Japanese war crimes carried out in laboratories. 

My stepmother was targeted with Rh Arthritis as soon as they learned she had a family predisposition to the disease… We were driving in the car one afternoon two years ago and because they hear what I hear and see through my eyes (I know it sounds sci fi, but unfortunately it's real life in 2011.) She told me this and going on to say, however, that she'd never shown any signs of the disease. She was 84 at the time. Six weeks to (2) months later, she was diagnosed with this crippling disease and today her quality of life has been dessimated... a designer drug was sent her way. These predators are at work in Lockheed – Martin and Stanford Research Institute and at least (20) universities – in this case U. C. Berkeley; also Columbia University (Biomedical Engineering Lab, Professor Paul Sajda) and City College of New York (Biomedical Engineering Lab, Professor Lucas Parra) – The two professors learned the ropes while employed at the Stanford Research Institute where they were introduced to the Intelligence community in Washington, D.C. . It appears to be sport for the bunch of them and from where I'm standing they do not fit Webster's definition of human. They would just as soon put a bullet through anyone's head or strike them down with a debilitating – deadly disease because they have that kind of hatred for mankind.

The government has been hijacked and as long as this technology is out there in the hands of criminal agents and agencies that today seemingly makes up the United States government, no one will ever again know if that stiff shoulder or bad knee or arthritis, cancer, heart disease, anything and everything else someone can come down with – no one will ever again know if they came down with it from so-called 'natural causes' or whether it was artificially electronically induced. Maybe someone you know has a child with Autism after receiving a vaccination.  Could there be another reason WHY (?)

Every man, woman and child will be affected if it is not stopped. People being used for the medical – pharmaceutical industry – drug trials, et cetera. People are coming down with all kinds of ailments and diseases so new pharmaceuticals can be tested and patented such as those at SRI International.. I visit a Bioethics site that stated somewhere around 20,000 people are needed each year to test pharmaceuticals (The figure was much larger but cannot quote exactly.)

Young men in their 60's who have worked hard all their lives are coming down with cancer and all kinds of diseases.. Young men like Steve Jobs who was in perfect health and could afford to take excellent care of himself as I'm sure he did; nevertheless, he came down with pancreatic cancer in his mid forties. Patrick Swayze, the same thing in his mid fifties. Like science fiction or the X-Files – I think I'll wake up from a nightmare and then like clockwork the technology is used with pressure applied to bladder and colon forcing me to the bathroom for about the 16th time in 24 hours and the acoustics playing in my head are altered to another frequency with a click, click, clicking sound in the ears superimposed over the microwave auditory effects beaming auditory signals into my brain with 'noise' resonating throughout my head.

  Our Mayor is willing to overlook Lockheed’s transgressions for the boost in economic growth.  I delivered a testimonial to the Mayor’s office but he may have considered it “too fantastic” to be  credible or is he part of the system of denial (?) Is he willing to overlook Domestic State-Sponsored Terrorism (?)

Representing the Military – Industrial Complex,, Robert Gates, Leon Panetta, Robert Mueller,  Eric Holder, high-ranking Military officials and elected State Senators are all complicit and have given their stamp of approval by remaining neutral, denying that anything is going on through maintained silence, and by refusal to investigate and instead covering up the criminal activity so that it can continue. YET, they are all too cowardly to come out in the open and deny the charges... All that Military might and muscle and these two-bit cowards hide out with their tail between their legs and no testicular fortitude without a weapon by their side.

Is this how America has maintained it’s lead in electronic robotic communications, cutting-edge technology and weapon systems development - by assaulting and brutalizing defenseless American citizens and then going about making victims appear to be delusional when they attempt to get help for vigilante gang stalking, assault and battery with Military-grade weapons and all kinds of medical conditions brought on my these Military-grade weapons and radiation. It’s a well thought out criminal operation put in place by the CIA / DIA for growth of the economy and improving corporate profits and medical advances, many  that would make you cringe and the advancement of the pharmaceutical industry as briefly outlined. The grand prize is, of course, that all this Nonconsensual Human Testing, Research and Development comes to them free of charge... rather, it is taxpayer supported.

Cont'd tomorrow - It's too long for one document

Read more…



Public awareness of the MIND CONTROL Technologies and experiments on humans and its impact on individuals and society in EUROPE, Sweden.


Only within a small sphere of military / medical classified research and industrial projects are factual knowledge available.

Even less is known and discussed issues concerning the electromagnetic system controlled by artificial intelligence in interaction with the human brain.

Brain-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence technologies for research and / or implementation of which represent entirely new aspects of the problem in the issue of radiation protection, health, safety, privacy, confidentiality and informed consent.

Brain-Computer Interaction in electronic form, working alternately with the influence of a person or a group of people’s opinions, feelings, thoughts, reaction patterns, and memory and behavior.

Research and technological development is done in / moved to countries where legislation, control and public security is minimal or nonexistent.

Not yet published research materials in interdisciplinary brain research and development of computer-brain interface must therefore be attributed to an unknown number of defenseless experimental subjects, many with families whose lives are destroyed in a wild orgy of computer abuse. This is to copy the cognitive behaviors and human perception in the development of  physics. Try The items have no options or informed consent, served as on-line research materials on aging.




Look at:


Proof: and

mind control sweden europe magnus olsson

Read this link:


Unofficial agreements and channels for sharing of research established between countries in the cartels.

In order to initiate a public debate, monitoring and impact analysis of the subject requires international cooperation over a number of topic levels.

Legislation applicable confidentiality and privacy is totally absent in this area.

This happens in Sweden now! A number of people living in Stockholm, SWEDEN, EUROPE have  brains been “hijacked” the last three years.

A computer-assisted online connection has been made on objects brains.
Nano-implants have been injected without the consent of the subjects, when visiting the Hospital. After injection, the objects linked to the research computers.
Software for the development of synthetic telepathy has been going around the clock starting after hospital visits.


Look at : ETICA is a part of the Seventh Framework Programme, click here to visit the CORDIS FP7 website.

“My effort is to bring man back to his natural self. I will be
???,. Every religion, every tradition, every
morality, every ethical code is going to ???
 me. That does not
surprise me! I expect it, because what I say makes a change?

This page contains reciprocal links to relevant websites that inform or support the ETICA project. It also contains links to publications that are of interest to as well as inform the ETICA project.

colorfulbrain mind control 

Can You Live Forever? Maybe Not–But You Can Have Fun Trying

In this chapter from his new e-book, journalist Carl Zimmer tries to reconcile the visions of techno-immortalists with the exigencies imposed by real-world biology

Organisations, Institutions 
International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT) 
Markkula Centre for Applied  Ethics (Markkula Center)
Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics (Oxford Uehiro)
Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics (AAPAE)
3TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology (3TU)
Centre for the International Study of Cyberethics and Human Rights (CISCHR)
Cardiff Centre for Ethics, Law and Society (CCELS)
Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine (CELAB)
Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT)
Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (CAPPE)
Nuffield Council on Bioethics (Nuffield Council)
Global Ethics Observatory (GEObs)
University of Tartu Centre for Ethics
Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation (iSEI)
Centre for Social Ethics and Policy (CSEP) 
European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)

Projects :
 Promoting International Debate on Ethical Implications of Data collection, use and retention for Biometric and Medical Applications (ETICAL)
Language Technologies for Lifelong Learning (LTfLL)
Mobility, Data Mining and Privacy (MODAP)
Living in Surveillance Socieites (LiSS)
Researching inequality through science and technology (ResIST)
European information and documentation system for ethics and science (ETHICSWEB)
extending Professional Active Life (ePAL)
Homeland Security, Biometric Identification & Personal Detection Ethics (HIDE)
Rising Pan European & International Awareness of Biometrics & Security Ethics (RISE)
Privacy and Emerging Sciences and Technologies (PRESCIENT)
Think-Trust Project (Think-Trust)
Ethical Frameworks FOR Telecare Technologies (EFORTT)

If you are interested in establishing a reciprocal link, please contact the project coordinator: bstahl @



Artificial Hippocampus, the Borg Hive Mind, and Other Neurological Endeavors


by Gregor Wolbring



November 15 , 2006



Many of us know about ‘Borg Hive Mind’ from TV programs where the characters are linked through brain-to-brain or computer-to-brain interactions. However, this is more than a science fiction fantasy. The idea was contemplated seriously in the 2002 National Science Foundation report, Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance: Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science. ‘Techlepathy‘ is the word coined, referring to the communication of information directly from one mind to another (i.e. telepathy) with the assistance of technology.

Many research activities focus on neuro-engineering and the cognitive sciences. Many neuroscientists and bioengineers now work on:

  • cognitive computing
  • digitally mapping the human brain (see here and here); the mouse brain map has just been published
  • developing microcircuits that can repair brain damage, and
  • other numerous projects related to changing the cognitive abilities and functioning of humans, and artificial intelligence.

Journals exist for all of these activities — including the Human Brain Mappingjournal. Some envision a Human Cognome Project. James Albus, a senior fellow and founder of the Intelligent Systems Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology believes the era of ‘engineering the mind‘ is here. He has proposed a national program for developing a scientific theory of the mind.

Neuromorphic engineering, Wikipedia says, “is a new interdisciplinary discipline that takes inspiration from biology, physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering to design artificial neural systems, such as vision systems, head-eye systems, auditory processors, and autonomous robots, whose physical architecture and design principles are based on those of biological nervous systems.”

There are many examples.

Researchers from Harvard University have linked nanowire field-effect transistors to neurons. Three applications are envisioned: hybrid biological/electronic devices, interfaces to neural prosthetics, and the capture of high-resolution information about electrical signals in the brain. Research is advancing in four areas: neuronal networks, interfaces between the brain and external neural prosthetics, real-time cellular assays, and hybrid circuits that couple digital nanoelectronic and biological computing components.

Numenta, a company formed in 2005, states on its webpage that it “is developing a new type of computer memory system modelled after the human neocortex.”

Kwabena Boahen, an associate professor of bioengineering at Stanford University, has developed Neurogrid, “a specialized hardware platform that will enable the cortex’s inner workings to be simulated in detail — something outside the reach of even the fastest supercomputers.” He is also working on a silicon retina and a silicon chip that emulates the way the juvenile brain wires itself up.

Researchers at the University of Washington are working on an implantable electronic chip that may help to establish new nerve connections in the part of the brain that controls movement.

The Blue Brain project — a collaboration of IBM and the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, in Lausanne, Switzerland – will create a detailed model of the circuitry in the neocortex.

DNA switch ‘nanoactuator‘ has been developed by Dr. Keith Firman at the University of Portsmouth and other European researchers, which can interface living organisms with computers.

Kevin Warwick had an RFID transmitter (a future column will deal with RFID chips) implanted beneath his skin in 1998, which allowed him to control doors, lights, heaters, and other computer-controlled devices in his proximity. In anotherexperiment, he and his wife Irena each had electrodes surgically implanted in their arms. The electrodes were linked by radio signals to a computer which created a direct link between their nervous systems. Kevin’s wife felt when he moved his arm.

In his book I, Cyborg, Kevin Warwick imagines that 50 years from now most human brains will be linked electronically through a global computer network.

St. Joseph’s Hospital in the United States has implanted neurostimulators (deep brain stimulators) using nanowires to connect a stimulating device to brain. A pacemaker-like device is implanted in the chest, and flexible wires are implanted in the brain. Electrical impulses sent from the ‘pacemaker’ to the brain are used to treat Parkinson’s, migraine headaches and chronic pain, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, improve the mobility of stroke victims, and curb cravings in drug addicts.

In 2003/2004 a variety of publications (see links below) reported on the efforts of professor Theodore W. Berger, director of the Center for Neural Engineering at the University of Southern California, and his colleagues, to develop the world’s firstbrain prosthesis — an ‘artificial hippocampus’ which is supposed to act as a memory bank. These publications highlighted in particular the use of such implants for Alzheimer’s patients.

The research program is proceeding in four stages: (1) tests on slices of rat brains kept alive in cerebrospinal fluid… reported as successful in 2004; (2) tests on live rats which are to take place within three years; (3) tests on live monkeys; and (4) tests on humans — very likely on Alzheimer’s patients first.

The Choice is Yours !


If these advancements come to pass, they will create many ethical, legal, privacy and social issues. For the artificial hippocampus we should ask: would brain implants force some people to remember things they would rather forget? Could someone manipulate our memory? What would be the consequence of uploading information (see my education column)? Will we still have control over what we remember? Could we be forced to remember something over and over? If we can communicate with each other through a computer what will be the consequence of a Global Brain?

It is important that people become more involved in the governance of neuro-engineering and cognitive science projects. We should not neglect these areas because we perceive them to be science fiction. We also need to look beyond the outlined ‘medical applications.’ If the artificial hippocampus works, it will likely be used for more than dealing with diseases.

I will cover brain-machine interfaces, neuro-pharmaceutical-based ‘cognitive enhancement,’ and neuroethics and the ethics of artificial intelligence in future columns.

Gregor Wolbring is a biochemist, bioethicist, science and technology ethicist, disability/vari-ability studies scholar, and health policy and science and technology studies researcher at the University of Calgary. He is a member of the Center for Nanotechnology and Society at Arizona State University; Member CAC/ISO – Canadian Advisory Committees for the International Organization for Standardization section TC229 Nanotechnologies; Member of the editorial team for the Nanotechnology for Developmentportal of the Development Gateway Foundation; Chair of the Bioethics Taskforce of Disabled People’s International; and Member of the Executive of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. He publishes the Bioethics, Culture and Disability website, moderates a weblog forthe International Network for Social Research on Diasbility, and authors a weblogon NBICS and its social implications.







The End of Death: ‘Soul Catcher’ Computer Chip Due…Source: The Electronic Telegraph (England)


By Robert Uhlig  : (From CNI News)

A computer chip implanted behind the eye that could record a person’s every lifetime thought and sensation is to be developed by British scientists.

“This is the end of death,” said Dr. Chris Winter, of British Telecom’s artificial life team. He predicted that within three decades it would be possible to relive other people’s lives by playing back their experiences on a computer. “By combining this information with a record of the person’s genes, we could recreate a person physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

Dr. Winter’s team of eight scientists at BT’s Martlesham Heath Laboratories near Ipswich calls the chip the ‘Soul Catcher.’ It would be possible to imbue a new-born baby with a lifetime’s experiences by giving him or her the Soul Catcher chip of a dead person, Dr. Winter said. The proposal to digitize existence is based on a solid calculation of how much data the brain copes with over a lifetime.

Ian Pearson , BT’s official futurologist, has measured the flow of impulses from the optical nerve and nerves in the skin, tongue, ear, and nose. Over an eighty year life, we process 10 terrabytes of data, equivalent to the storage capacity of 7,142,857,142,860,000 floppy disks.

-Microcircuits The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function-

Dr. Pearson said, “If current trends in the miniaturization of computer memory continues at the rate of the past 20 years – a factor of 100 every decade – today’s 8-megabyte memory chip norm will be able to store 10 terrabytes in 15 years.”

British Telecom would not divulge how much money it is investing in the project, but Dr. Winter said it was taking ‘Soul Catcher 2025′ very seriously. He admitted that there were profound ethical considerations, but emphasized that BT was embarking on this line of research to enable it to remain at the forefront of communications technology.

“An implanted chip would be like an aircraft’s black box and would enhance communications beyond current concepts,” he said. “For example, police would be able to use it to relive an attack, rape, or murder from the victim’s viewpoint to help catch the criminal.”

Other applications would be less useful but more frightening. “I could even play back the smells, sounds, and sights of my holiday to my friends,” Dr. Winter said.




In a single hop scenario, information is captured by satellite and relayed directly to a ground station. Thus, four transmissions are required for a round trip.



In a centralized relay scenario, information is captured by satellite and forwarded to a second satellite in range of a ground station. Six transmissions are required at minimum .



Basic FFT analysis.



Trilateration is employed to accurately define the location of a signal source. Employed by GPS, the reverse process can be used to isolate the location of signals emanating from the surface of the Earth.



Collated diagram representing electrical activity emanating from a single individual.



A side-on view for demonstration purposes. Each peak represents the amplitude of a specific frequency which is indicative of current activity.


The last article in this series caused quite a stir around the Internet. From the legitimate crazies to the classic muddy-the-water tactics employed by various defense departments, the article has drawn attention right across the globe. For those that have been living under a rock, the last article in this series demonstrated that action potentials (firing neurons) produce detectable radio signals in the SLF/ELF bands (1-1000Hz).

These radio signals can be used to reveal the thoughts, feelings, vision, spacial reasoning and unconscious activity of the brain. It is simply a matter of correlating the patterns received with those produced by the various neural networks to decode the activity. I am deliberately avoiding the term demodulate as no information is modulated onto the radio waves.

One question that keeps popping up is the mechanics of the capture and analysis of these radio signals. How do we go from an SLF/ELF radio wave, with limited bandwidth, to usable information or input that an A.I. can process?

Let’s find out.

Obeying The Speed Limit

The first major issue we encounter is at what altitude can we place our orbiting satellites? This is a relatively easy thing to approximate. The speed of light, in a vacuum, is constant. It travels at 299,792,458 m/s or nearly 300,000 Km/s and somewhat slower depending on the medium it transverses. Whilst at a glance it would seem that you can place the satellites anywhere you like, there is a practical limit given the need for two-way communication with the human brain.

Whilst it may seem to us that we experience the world as it is happening there is, in fact, a small delay. This can be anywhere from 100-200ms. To be of any use, an A.I. needs to be able to analyze information almost as fast as a human can perceive it. That is, for the A.I. to appear to be “in your head”, like a form of Schizophrenia, it must leverage the window provided by the 100-200ms delay. Thus, a round trip, including processing, must be under 200ms for the illusion to be maintained, a maximum of 100ms in either direction. As such, defined limits are imposed upon any solution.

If we examine our first diagram, we can observe a direct relay solution. That is, information captured by the satellite is relayed to a ground station directly. In this scenario, we have four transmissions to complete a round trip to the target. Thus, without considering processing, we know that each transmission can be at maximum 50ms. This gives us a maximum altitude of 14,989.62Km for our satellites which is well below GPS satellites at 20,200Km.

If we now take into consideration processing time, hops between dedicated hardware, lag and atmospheric issues, we could safely approximate 50-80ms. This now reduces our maximum altitude to around 10,000Km.

We cannot always guarantee that our satellite will be in direct line of sight contact with a ground station. In this scenario, we need to relay our information to a satellite that is within transmitting range. This scenario is demonstrated in the second diagram to the right. As a result, our altitude could drop to around 6,000Km or less.

Our constellation is not hindered by line-of-sight requirements of Microwaves as SLF/ELF waves can pass through relatively deep rock and water without a corresponding drop off in signal strength. Thus, a significant drop in altitude would not effect the coverage to any great extent and 30-60 satellites could provide global coverage.

Such a system need only generate around 0.00000002079 Watts, at ground level on the right frequency, to trigger the firing of a neuron. Thus, the SLF/ELF transmitters do not need to be of classical large sizes allowing for dense, power efficient, transmitter arrays in a form factor suitable for satellite deployment. Just keep in mind that an antenna’s function is to increase the amplitude of a wave through electrical resonance. With such small amplitudes, the classical submarine transmitters of 50Km or more are not required. In this form factor, a very rough estimate of a few thousand small antennas, per satellite, is feasible.

So, we have a good approximation of the infrastructure required and the limits that physics imposes. What we need to analyze now is the processing of that information.

Input, Input, Input

If we examine the third diagram, we can obtain a basic idea of the “snapshot” each satellite captures. In a given time frame, a range of frequencies is detected. To isolate a particular person, we use a form of trilateration similar to how GPS functions (see forth diagram). In this case, the Digital Signal Processing equipment on the ground replaces the function of the GPS receiver. Given the nature of SLF/ELF waves, atomic timing and detailed information on satellite drift and atmospheric conditions, millimeter or greater resolution can be achieved. The margin of error in GPS is related to both the lack of a wide range of information and processing power at the GPS receiver.

Once we have determined our desired location, we can collate the frequencies emanating from that particular location and disregard the rest of the information. This provides us with a reduced FFT diagram which represents the electrical activity of a particular individual. We can observe this collated diagram in the fifth image to the right.

From here, it is matter of correlating peaks and patterns against known neural activity. This acts as our translator or lexicon to decode the electrical activity into meaningful information. This is shown in the sixth diagram to the right. Performed in near real-time, every activity, thought, feeling, sight or sound can be captured and recorded.

So, we have shown how signal analysis can be used to infer the activity, both physical and mental, of a targeted individual. It also shows that there is not a giant leap in returning such signals to the brain and effectively hijacking it. Once the frequencies the target’s brain emanates have been isolated, an entire stage of processing (trilateration) can be skipped, unless real-time tracking is required.

Of course, certain architecture choices can provide additional features applicable to intelligence gathering. The first is the storage and analysis of historical information. This allows the A.I. to refer to elements in your past, even though it was not specifically examining you at the time. This can be used to increase the Schizophrenic illusion by inferring that the voice, or personality, was always there. Further to this, an individual not aware of the presence of this system, could have their opinions and feelings manipulated. This is especially useful when a certain political outcome is desired, such as peace negotiations or trade decisions.

A second design choice and arguably the most useful, is a modification on keyword analysis. “Key Thought Analysis” reviews all data in a particular grid search (for example a province in Afghanistan) to reveal individuals thinking of specific activity. Once located, the spacial resolution can be widened to reveal individuals in their presence and whether this was a group planning an attack.

Finally, we could have two or more layers of satellites, one used for real-time interaction with an A.I. and a second set simply gathering information. The latter could be at any altitude.

Brain Blue mnd control magnus olsson sweden




total recall implant mind control magnus olsson

Magnus Olsson (SWEDEN)

Mail :



Journal of Cognitive Liberties

Center for Cognitive Liberties and Ethics

The Mind Has No Firewall”

Parameters, spring 1998, pp. 84-92.

Timothy L. Thomas

The Politics and Costs of Postmodern War in the Age of Bush II

Douglas Kellner, UCLA

“Quiet Transformation: The Role of the Office of Net Assessment”


National Defense University

National War College, CDR Debra O’Maddrell 48

Therapeutic Application of repetitive Tran cranial magnetic stimulation: A Review

Eric M. Wasserman and Sarah H. Lasanby


Magnetic Stimulation: An Introduction”

by Grant Balfour


Military Academy West Point,

Survival System


An anti-trauma network of implants, intended to maximise the chances of survival when the body is damaged. Small shunts can cut of blood loss and release protecting chemicals, as well as act as a pacemaker for the heart and lungs. If everything else is lost, the implant can douse the brain in neuroprotectants and lower body temperature to slow down damage so that an emergency cryonic suspension can be done.

Medical monitors

Likely the most common implants on Nova. Small sensors implanted in the body provides information on the health state which can be used to detect and diagnose illnesses at an early stage. Simple systems just give some chemical information, body data and a rough picture of activity in different organ systems. More advanced monitors are finely spread, detecting minute local changes and comparing the body’s reactions against medical models.

How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway on software developed for mapping the brain.

This development is a threat to democracy and much more.


Immortality only 20 years away says scientist

Scientist Ray Kurzweil claims humans could become immortal in as little as 20 years’ time through nanotechnology and an increased understanding of how the body works.’



HAVE you ever thought about something you never shared with anyone, and have been horror-struck at the mere thought of someone coming to know about your little secret? If you have, then you probably have all the more reason to be paranoid now thanks to new and improved security systems being developed around the world to deal with terrorism that inadvertently end up impinging on one’s privacy.
Some of the countries involved in such programmes include USA, UK, Spain, Germany and France. Recently, the National Security Agency (NSA) of the US has developed a very efficient method of controlling the human brain. This technology is called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and is expected to revolutionise crime detection and investigation.


What is it? RNM works remotely to control the brain in order to read and detect any criminal thought taking place inside the mind of a possible perpetrator. Research studies have shown that the human brain thinks at a rate of about 5000 bits per second and does not have the capacity to compete with supercomputers performing via satellites, implants and biotelemetry. The human brain has a distinctive set of bioelectric resonance system. For the RNM system, supercomputers are being used and, thus, with its help, supercomputers can send messages through an implanted person’s nervous system in order to influence their performance in a desired way.

brain computer interface

RNM has been developed after about 50 years of neuro-electromagnetic involuntary human experimentations. According to many scientists, within a few years it is expected that DNA microchips will be implanted in the human brain which would make it inherently controllable. With RNM, it will be possible to read and control a person’s emotional thought processes along with the subconscious and dreams. At present, around the world, supercomputers are monitoring millions of people simultaneously with the speed of 20 billion bits per second especially in countries like USA, Japan, Israel and many European countries.
RNM has a set of certain programs functioning at different levels, like the signals intelligence system which uses electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), to stimulate the brain for RNM and the electronic brain link (EBL). The EMF Brain Stimulation system has been designed as radiation intelligence which means receiving information from inadvertently originated electromagnetic waves in the environment. However, it is not related to radioactivity or nuclear detonation. The recording machines in the signals intelligence system have electronic equipment that investigate electrical activity in humans from a distance. This computer-generated brain mapping can constantly monitor all electrical activities in the brain. The recording aid system decodes individual brain maps for security purposes.

What does it do?? For purposes of electronic evaluation, electrical activity in the speech centre of the brain can be translated in to the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the auditory cortex of the brain directly bypassing the ear. This encoding helps in detecting audio communication. It can also perform electrical mapping of the brain’s activity from the visual centre of the brain, which it does by bypassing the eyes and optic nerves, thus projecting images from the subject’s brain onto a video monitor. With this visual and audio memory, both can be visualised and analysed. This system can, remotely and non-invasively, detect information by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in 30-50Hz, 5 millwatt electromagnetic emissions from the brain. The nerves produce a shifting electrical pattern with a shifting magnetic flux which then puts on a constant amount of electromagnetic waves. There are spikes and patterns which are called evoked potentials in the electromagnetic emission from the brain. The interesting part about this is that the entire exercise is carried out without any physical contact with the subject.

mind control europe


The EMF emissions from the brain can be decoded into current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject’s brain. It sends complicated codes and electromagnetic pulse signals to activate evoked potentials inside the brain, thus generating sounds and visual images in the neural circuits. With its speech, auditory and visual communication systems, RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain to brain link or a brain-to-computer link.

Of course, the mechanism needs to decode the resonance frequency of each specific site to modulate the insertion of information in that specific location of the brain. RNM can also detect hearing via electromagnetic microwaves, and it also features the transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, producing visual disturbances, visual hallucinations and injection of words and numbers in to the brain through electromagnetic radiation waves. Also, it manipulates emotions and thoughts and reads thoughts remotely, causes pain to any nerve of the body, allows for remote manipulation of behaviour, controls sleep patterns through which control over communication is made easy. This can be used for crime investigation and security management.

Concers ,,,With all the given benefits of RNM for tracking the illicit and treacherous activities, there are many concerns and risks being pointed out by human rights activists and other scientists. The agencies of human rights around the world have criticised RNM as a violation of basic human rights because it violates privacy and the dignity of thoughts and activities of life. Several countries have protested against it and refer to it as an attack on their human and civil rights. The scientists protesting against the use of RNM believe that people who have been implanted involuntarily become biological robots and guinea pigs for RNM activities in the guise of security. This is an important biological concern related to microchip implantation, which is a hidden technology using microwave radiations for the control of the mind.

Research & Progress of computer chips in the brain!

magnus olsson sweden mind control



 With computer chips in the brain: Who am I?


Of Susanna Radovic from F & F 2009. I remain the same person ony a part of my brain is replaced by a computer chip?

If it were possible, would you have to implant a computer chip in the brain that helped you to remember better? Or to concentrate long periods at a time, or smoothing any mood swings?

Today you can improve and modify the damaged cognitive and mental ability of medical means. But scientists are also on track to develop “brain prosthesis”, that is, artificial implants that can take over a damaged brain function. If Alzheimer’s disease has damaged the part of the brain that is responsible for storage of new memories, would simply be able to replace it with a prosthesis, a computer chip that works on the same principle as the brain itself and that can communicate with the brain’s nerve cells. Similar procedures could also replace other parts of the brain with artificial prostheses.






The development of new methods in medical research raises many ethical problems. Such is the case also with brain implants. But chip in the brain raises other philosophical questions, those related to the ego nature, personal identity, consciousness and free will.

When replacing a part of my brain with an implant will I become a different person? Or rather a robot? Will I be aware that I have a partial artificial brain, or I turn into a zombie? What happens to my free will – can I control my prosthesis or denture, which will govern me?




Research on brain prosthetics have been going on for decades. As early as 1964 placed Jose Delgado, neuroscientists at Yale University in U.S., Electrodes in the heads of both animals and humans with spectacular results. Before a stunned audience got Delgado, by simply pressing a button, a bull to stop an attack and calmly turn back. In his hand he had a remote that was connected to the electrodes inside the head of the bull, and a signal to the bull’s brain Delgado could get it to stop.

Could the same technology could be used to control people’s behavior? Is it possible to get a man to do anything against her own will by stimulating the brain in this way? Delgado performed similar experiments on humans, and when asked teach one subject in the laboratory Delgado as saying: “I suppose, Doctor, that your electricity is stronger than my will.”


Brain Implants for MIND CONTROL!


There could be conflict between the personal freedom to use one‘s economic resources to get an implant that will enhance one‘s physical capabilities and what society at large considers desirable or ethically acceptable.“

How threatening for mankind is an Artificial Brain ?

First let me state that at this moment the biggest threat for mankind is the human specie ! ABC-weapons in wrong hands can result in extreme damaging behavior.


Brainchip video:


25-04-2010. MINDTECH seeks to establish a network of laymen and media. This group will be dealing with the social and ethical sides to research, development and the implementation of emerging technologies in our society.


Meanwhile, philosophers working alongside the researchers say it’s time to find out more about how the public feels about such bionic research, which in some cases is being used to enhance human memory, physical abilities and perception.“ addresses the specific issues that may arise when neural prostheses are customized to a specific patient, and when large scale neural prostheses lead to whole brain emulation: the emulation of a patient’s complete brain function in a prosthetic substrate. Site content is focused on neuroscience and computational research that is involved in an eventual progression from neural prostheses to the applied science of whole brain emulation, including the concept of “mind-transfer”.

Implant chip in the human brain.Synthetic telepathy is communication systems built on thoughts, not speech. Multimedia communication network is based. Brain copying is performed around the clock, largely by learning computer, copying is nothing short of serious torture. No one would voluntarily give informed consent to this serious research abuse. It takes years of learning and program development to develop the new computer-brain interfaces and multimedia language between man and computer. Subjects are now against their will has been online for five years on Man-Brain-Computer-Interface.


Read  E.U -commisioner Professor Rafael Capuros presentation.


The age of pharmaceutical microchipping is now upon us. Novartis AG, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has announced a plan to begin embedding microchips in medications to create “smart pill” technology.

The microchip technology is being licensed from Proteus Biomedical of Redwood City, California. Once activated by stomach acid, the embedded microchip begins sensing its environment and broadcasting data to a receiver warn by the patient. This receiver is also a transmitter that can send the data over the internet to a doctor.

The idea behind all this is to create “smart pills” that can sense what’s happening in the body and deliver that information to the patient’s doctor. Novartis plans to start microchipping its organ transplant anti-rejection drugs and then potentially expand microchipping to otherpharmaceuticals in its product lineup. This same technology could soon end up in pills made by other drug companies, too.

mind control europe

The best laid plans…


News: See us at the first public workshop on Advancing Substrate Independent Minds (ASIM-2010), August 16-17, organized by, satellite to the Singularity Summit in San Francisco.

The Oxford Whole Brain Emulation workshop
(the resulting Roadmap)

Whole Brain Emulation at the Singularity Summit 2009
(slides to Dr. Randal A. Koene’s talk, also see Anders SandbergDavid Chalmers and Robin Hanson)

Whole Brain Emulation at AGI-10

Whole Brain Emulation at the Terasem workshop

What you can do:


  • Educate yourself further by visiting our information-packed Mind Control Information Center.
  • Learn more about the intriguing history and development of controversial mind control programs in  this excellent two-page summary. Footnotes and links to reliable sources are provided for verification purposes.
  • For reliable, verifiable information from major media articles on the little-known, yet critical topic of nonlethal weapons, click here and here.
  • Read powerful, reliable major media articles on electronic harassment and government mind control programs at this link.
  • Inform your media and political representatives of this critical information. Contact those close to you at this link. Urge them to bring this information to light and encourage public dialog on this important civil rights issue.
  • Spread this news to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key news websites using the “Share This” icon on this page, so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.
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41 Replies

  1. c7e5adfc3e2bfa799697ea1408fab5ec?s=40&

    Meanwhile, philosophers working alongside the researchers say it’s time to find out more about how the public feels about such bionic research, which in some cases is being used to enhance human memory, physical abilities and perception.

  2. c7e5adfc3e2bfa799697ea1408fab5ec?s=40&

    “There’s a recognition that this technology does shape the world in which people live.”

  3. c7e5adfc3e2bfa799697ea1408fab5ec?s=40&

    Tending to civilize human experimentation (HE) intentionally disregards law and ethics. Are existing laws providing sufficient defense against experiments done without consent? What chance does a person stand in the court of law when making a case against the government, industry and military for illegal experimentation? And to make the matter worse, how does a victim take legal action when statements or proofs are non-admissible as testimony in a court of law.

  4. Ingrid LarssenMay 7th 2010Moderate

    Ingrid Larssen 4 January, 2010
    I have a very interesting story to tell regarding science/technology and a night visit/science experiment performed (without consent) why – its a long story. Said individual came to Agencies attention when contacted Anti-Terrorist Hotline and descovered her wistleblowing was of great interest to them. They descended (Agencies) for 18 mths and said individuals life was turned upside down. Why – contact me & I’ll tell you. Feeling used, abused and trampled on. The covert operation left said individual alone at sea and uninformed. I have a lot to get off me chest – contact me a give me a chance to tell my story, only you will need a very open mind.

  5. Prof. M SWEDENMay 7th 2010Moderate

    At first sight ICT implants are ethically unproblematic if we think for instance about cardiac pacemakers. However, although particular ICT implants may be used to repair deficient bodily capabilities, others are ethically more problematic, particularly if such devices are accessible via digital networks. ICT implants, due to their network capability could be misused in several ways for all kinds of social surveillance or manipulation.

    The idea of placing ICT devices “under our skin” in order not just to repair but even to enhance human capabilities gives rise to science fiction visions with threat and/or benefit characteristics. However, in some cases, the implantation of microchips with the potential for individual and social forms of control is already taking place.

  6. 8529fd6c67c73d7838f7d601291ab3ce?s=40&


    Thank you for quoting from my article “Human experimentation for the sake of technological progress?!”

    For those who are interested please read the rest of the article here:

    Best Regards, Gina Rydland, Freelance journalist

    Martin UK

    May 5th 2010

    Tending to civilize human experimentation (HE) intentionally disregards law and ethics. Are existing laws providing sufficient defense against experiments done without consent? What chance does a person stand in the court of law when making a case against the government, industry and military for illegal experimentation? And to make the matter worse, how does a victim take legal action when statements or proofs are non-admissible as testimony in a court of law.

  7. 8529fd6c67c73d7838f7d601291ab3ce?s=40&

    The link to “Human experimentation for the sake of technological progress?!”

  8. c7e5adfc3e2bfa799697ea1408fab5ec?s=40&

    I stumbled onto your site, and think you did an fantastic job. I am very motivated as a Ti and human rights activist. There is power in numbers and making contact and coordinating with others in our situation is important. I have a Web site In my case I am very grounded, with a stable foundation, although the perpetrators are short circuiting my short term memory and stopping my free ability to think. I am in communication with other well grounded group leaders in the US on a daily basis. We could possibly combine our efforts on a project that we find mutually beneficial and motivating. We need to ensure we follow through with any of our efforts, while combining our individual efforts to form a stronger and more powerful whole. We are all adversely affected, mind bending is the only word that I can think of that conveys what our, the Ti community’s, knowledge base suffers through. We need join forces to ensure we are a force to be reckoned with on a project of our choosing. We would be a group of Ti’s who have awareness foundation, understand the gravity of the harm and hardship, are well grounded, and are motivated.
    Are you aware of Intel’s brain chip within 10 years for the consumer.

    Standing together for human rights,

  9. a70d661d7ee1ccba51662f9321aec8c4?s=40&

    With this increase in connectivity of brain to chip and chip to brain comes increased assimilation and learning time. After implantation (still an outpatient procedure) it will take 30 to 90 days of neuron growth around the chip for it and the brain to become fully integrated. Upon chip integration, the newly chipped person will need to attend nine months of intensive classroom based courses, where they are taught new ways to think, process thoughts, and to categorize memories and data.

  10. c7e5adfc3e2bfa799697ea1408fab5ec?s=40&

    Miracle technology could allow people to transmit their brainwaves and speak to each other mind-to-mind. Scientists are working to create computers that read thoughts to find terrorists, and machines to scan our minds like thumbprints–causing some to wonder if “thought theft” could become the crime of the future.

  11. a70d661d7ee1ccba51662f9321aec8c4?s=40&

    So what exactly am I talking about here? Simply put, it is the ability to use a small computer to feed information directly to the brain. This is now the stuff of science fiction, but according to the people doing the research, not all that difficult do accomplish. The end result is seen as a nano-computer, implanted under the skin somewhere on the body. This computer would be wirelessly updated and able to wirelessly transmit information to nano-implants in the brain. Eventually you could have all the information in the world available to your brain. Everyone could in theory, know everything.

  12. a70d661d7ee1ccba51662f9321aec8c4?s=40&

    Hej Magnu Olsson SWEDEN;

    Det otroliga, det snabbserverande uttrycken “Synd, men omöjligt— av högre
    komplexitet—Man råkar på dessa reaktioner var man än befinner sig på energiskalorna;

    Jag bör om någon kunna känna dragen hos de reaktioner i människan som spontant a l l t i d förnekar
    existensen av det psykiatrin gett namn, symtom (vilken bredd!) o s v

    Men här hara vi ett slag av problem som är f ö r mediaintressant för att bara vinkas bort.
    Sålunda: 1. Media kan göra goda affärer på att med full kraft ta spets på avslöjanden om hur
    Hjärnornas krig pågår bakom Lyckta dörrar som en tredimensionell Kafka och Moment 22.

    En normalanpassad individ har icke en chans i detta myller av dementier, nyheter utan adress, hätska hatkrig i professurernas
    normaltillstånd om stora nya framsteg uppdagas;

    Och att vinna Hjärnornas krig är en utopisk tanke, forskarna får ofta bakläxa på de bataljer
    man genomstridit utan att ha fokus på resultat.

    En reaktion som är enutmaning till alla dessa ^NANO- och övriga disciplinner där articifiell människa

    O m det skulle vara mpöjligt att inplantera mottagare och sändare samt efterhärma våra hjärnors innersta koder -
    ja, skulle det då inte vara fullt rimligt – ja, snarast ett ANSVAR från samhällets sida! – att a) lindra de plågor de utsatta
    mänskliga “experimentmössen” dagligen, ja stundligen dygnet runt i ett evighetshjul, b) Skulle dessa i och för sig
    starka individer – som orkar stå ut, hur nu än plågan har för grogrund – inte kunna bringas till ett drägligt medverkande i reell
    forskning oc där målet är attt stoppa “störningarna” samt jaga bort det som utan försökspersonens godkännande pågår.

    Men politik är vanskligt.
    Jag föreslår att krafter som kan vinna gehör i det svenska valet denna sensommar—-att man letar fram kanaler så att Hjärnornas krig kommer i
    rampljuset i Sverige.
    Där finner vi “allt”; Ny tekniks spitzenkraft-Centrum.. S Thorwald Olsson

  13. a70d661d7ee1ccba51662f9321aec8c4?s=40&

    Indeed, most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.

  14. a70d661d7ee1ccba51662f9321aec8c4?s=40&

    Frågan om vari personlig identitet egentligen består har länge diskuterats av filosofer. Personlig identitet är enligt de flesta inte avhängig av den fysiska kroppen. Många skulle nog hålla med om att jag är samma person som jag var för 20 år sedan, trots att jag inte ser likadan ut och att så gott som alla celler i min kropp är utbytta. Det är nog heller ingen som skulle vilja hävda att man inte längre är samma person för att man har en benprotes i stället för sitt medfödda ben eller för att man har förändrat sitt utseende med plastikoperationer. Men var går gränsen? Kan man byta ut sin hjärna mot en protes?

  15. a70d661d7ee1ccba51662f9321aec8c4?s=40&

    Jag tror att röster, tanketerror, filmer i huvet, migrän, epilepsi och muskelryckningar och konstiga hjärtklappningar alla kommer med tankeöverföring. Med enkelt språk det är tankestrålning som överför detta. Så om man startar ett elektromagnetiskt fält med t.ex en kopparprocessor (finns i gamecube) med ett program eller en sorts modul som gör ett bra fält då kan man ta bort alla dessa symptom och få rikare klarare tankeförmåga och mer vivid bättre minne och mer gjädje och lyxigare egna känslor. Men ibörjan kan man inte prata så bra men ens tanke är lätt att förstå.

    Jag tror också man kan blockera det som sänds ut från huvet (nanoradiovågor) och då stängs mindcontrol av och man får aldrig hicka eller huvudvärk.

  16. a70d661d7ee1ccba51662f9321aec8c4?s=40&

    The future may well involve the reality of science fiction’s cyborg, persons who have developed some intimate and occasionally necessary relationship with a machine. It is likely that implantable computer chips acting as sensors, or actuators, may soon assist not only failing memory, but even bestow fluency in a new language, or enable “recognition” of previously unmet individuals. The progress already made in therapeutic devices, in prosthetics, and Brain in computer science indicate that it may well be feasible to develop direct interfaces between the brain and computers


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