Gretta Fahey's Posts (909)

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We have reached a point in human history when we can no longer tell the difference between a human being and a robot which has been entirely manufactured from synthetic material because the capability exists and is in common use where by both the physical workings of robots and the software of robots can be wirelessly and invisibly interfaced to a human being who is remotely located from the robot and who can operate the robot as easily as he or she can govern their own brain and body.
If the robot is being viewed through a digital media screen and if their faces have face make up applied to them and if they have eye glasses over their eyes absolutely nobody could then tell the difference between the real human being and a robot. Therefore high profile men and women can now be murdered and then replaced by a robot for the benefit of public performances in order to fool the general public into following their dictates.
What should the general public do in order to stop those in positions of responsibility in the world from fooling the aforementioned general public by this and many other technological means? Please leave a comment.
This trickery may have already been attempted by using a robot made in the image of Prince Charles who is also known as the Prince of Wales because there exists youtube vidoes purporting to be him which look unlike him.
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I am being wirelessly and invisibly and slowly enslaved from an unknown remote location by unknown criminals who use nano technology which has permeated my brain and body to conduct wireless experiments on me to the extent that they may one day be able to immobilize me if I refuse to obey them.
These criminals speak to me by wireless means using a brain to brain interface system or other bio-communication systems. They have informed me that their brains have been programmed in a way that is similar to computer programming to the extent that they can not break their programming and they must carry out their work on me despite serious misgivings.
Who programmed them to commit the aforementioned illegal acts? Who ordered the aforementioned programming to be carried out? Who paid for the aforementioned programming as it was being carried out? Whoever ordered, paid for or programmed them to commit the aforementioned illegal acts should be placed under arrest immediately.
I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland and my youtube channel is called gretta fahey.

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According to world renowned neuro scientist and directed energy weapons expert Dr Robert Duncan, there is a sixty year gap in knowledge of advanced technology between the public sector and top secret laboratories. This ongoing situation allows those who have access to these hidden technologies to appear God like because of their abilities to use neurological cloning and behaviour science manipulation methods.
Information was released to the public at the 'American Chemical Society Fall 2000 event which informs us that a polymer called the 'PEDOT' polymer is being manufactured which allows human brains to be linked to computers. Applying a layer of 'PEDOT' to other materials makes them conductive.
This information has been presented to the public sector as new. However, black budget military scientists have successfully integrated the brains of non-consenting human beings to computer control systems dozens of years ago and whenever the victims of this technology reported the matter to their local police or general medical practitioner they were always falsely accused of being mentally ill. Most of the general public now have bio-synthetic materials inside our brains and bodies which we either inhaled, ingested or had vaccinated into us. Many people, including senior politicians have been placed under wirelessly administered mind control as well as wirelessly administered physical nervous system control without their knowledge and consent. If you are placed under wireless control, voice commands, images and pain signals can be sent directly to your brain and body from unknown remote locations either by human operatives or pre-programmed algorithms. Sovereign countries are now being overthrown from the inside by their own politicians who are under external electronic mind control as well as external body control. Our only recourse to taking back our sovereignty is by disassembling and banning all wireless enabling technologies as well as all phased arrays and other related technologies throughout our countries while we still can.
The war to gain control of our minds and bodies by wireless remote means is being fought against us by the United Nations who work through the World Health Organisation and by many other means. U.N. Agenda 21 is the action plan they are using to enslave us. Under the U.N. Agenda 21 action plan we would no longer be allowed to own our homes, our vehicles or even our clothing. Those of us who would be allowed to live would be forced to move into smart cities where we would be under full spectrum surveillance and control by our slave masters who are believed to be mostly dark Luciferians.
Some of the above information was obtained at the following links:-
Some of the above information was obatined from a Book called 'Project Soul Catcher' by Dr Robert Duncan.

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At approximately 47 minutes into the linked youtube video which is called 'Discussing the Growing Pushback with John Waters , the aforementioned international journalist and author John Waters talks about the current Irish minister for Health Stephen Donnelly and his attitude to new regulations in Ireland which require us to maintain the number of people in our homes to no more than six at any one time. Stephen Donnelly wanted the Irish police force to be given new powers to enter our homes in order to count the number of people there and to prosecute us if they found more than six people in anyones home. Stephen Donnelly's party leader and others had to disuade him from giving the Irish police force such new powers because under the constitution of Ireland it is illegal for the Irish police force to enter the home of anyone without an arrest warrant and further to that a crime must have been committed and all relevant legal documents must be in place before the police are ever allowed to enter the private domain of an individual.
What I believe is occurring with Stephen Donnelly and other government ministers is they are being subjected to electronic mind control. According to Dr Robert Duncan in his latest book which is called Project Soul Catcher many people's brain signals are being stored and tracked in real time on supercomputers which are housed in the semi-secret command, control and communication underground basis in the United States. Phased Arrays are being used to beam messages and behaviour into the minds of a selection of individuals and in some cases entire populations. This occurs without the knowledge of the targeted population and there is no defence against it other than possibly by maintaining a good distance away from certain antennas or certain digital devices. Currently much research is being devoted to develop tools to filter thought pathways.
According to the speaker John Waters, in 2008, the aforementioned Irish Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly was a heroic idealist who wanted to take on the International Monitory Fund and to save Ireland from Troika which is the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. John Waters went on to say that now whenever someone gets appointed to a Ministerial Office they shortly become utterly changed from the person they were and they abandon every single principle that they ever articulated up to that point and they then articulate the opposite of what they used to articulate. If they were anti-globalization up to that point they would then become pro-globalization. Stephen Donnelly became a quasi-fascist within hours of becoming Minister for Health. In order to protect the minds of our politicians and our police and military from wirelessly enabled thought control technology we must urgently have the infrastructure which enables thought control disassembled and banned. However, how do we go about this while we can no longer rely on the autonomy of the minds of our elected politicians long enough for them to take this urgent matter on board and deal with it?

Thought control is sometimes known as electronic mind control or cognitive control, 

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I am neurally linked by wireless means to a computerized control network against my will and without my consent and this computerized control network is run by men and women who have feelings of inadequacy about themselves to the extent that they feel they must wirelessly torture their fellow men and women in order to build up their egos. If they felt adequate and confident they would live their own lives independently and autonomously without feeling the need to wirelessly control, enslave and torture their own equals.
The men and women which I am neurally linked to have the ability to control the sensations which I feel on my skin using haptic technology which is also known as haptic feedback.
The wikepedia definition of haptic technology is as follows:-
Haptic technology, also known as kinaesthetic communication or 3D touch, refers to any technology that can create an experience of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user. These technologies can be used to create virtual objects in a computer simulation, to control virtual objects, and to enhance remote control of machines and devices.
Haptic feedback is the use of touch to communicate with users. Most people are familiar with the vibration in a mobile phone or the rumble in a game controller – but haptic feedback is much more than that. Robert Blenkinsopp, VP Engineering at Ultraleap, explains why.
Human beings have five senses, but electronic devices communicate with us using predominantly just two: sight and hearing.
Haptic feedback (often shortened to just haptics) changes this by simulating the sense of touch. Not only can you touch a computer or other device, but the computer can touch you back.
Because I am neurally linked to a computerized control network without my consent, now often when I sit on my own toilet while I am alone in the privacy of my own home, the team of staff who run the computerized control network which I am neurally linked to force me to feel a hand being placed on my genitals while I am attempting to urinate. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. Please do not allow yourself or your children to ever become neurally linked by wireless means to a computerized control and torture system which as I am neurally linked to without my consent and against my will because it is hell on earth . My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland (dot) net. The police do not believe those who inform them that they have become non-consensually neurally linked to a computerized control network because our ongoing inslavement and torture is invisible and also because most police forces throughout the world are being subjected to electronic mind control. There are already millions of us connected to a computerized control network throughout the world and nothing is being done to stop you from being connected to it in the future.

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I am linked up by brain to brain interface to an enslavement system which is being run by criminal sadists and others.  I have attempted to inform the Gardai of this situation but because I can not prove that this is the case they would not accept a statement from me.   Today, Sunday 30th August, 2020 at 1.45pm Irish time I heard  via the brain to brain interface the following conversation between two of the staff who work at the other end of the brain to brain interface system as follows:-

"Is Gretta Fahey for the front line system? "     "No. She is not for the front line system".   "What is she doing here then."

Just before that coversation occurred I was looking at clothing for sale online and I said aloud that those clothes were too expensive for my own budget which alerted one of the aforementioned staff members to the fact that I was not who she was informed that I was because if I was being prepared for the front line (whatever that is) then I imagine that I would have already been fully enslaved by them and they would have been supplying me with expensive clothing in order to prepare me for a front line position.   Further to that scenario, during the past number of years on numerous occasions attempts have been made via brain to brain interface by unknown neuro staff members  to manipulate me to accept bribes off them.   I have always replied that I would never ever accept bribes off anyone and that I would prefer to starve to death that ever to accept bribes.  What does it mean to be part of a front line system in a slave colony where all of the slaves involved are wirelessly tethered to a computerized network via brain to brain interface?

I am a slave within a slave colony of wirelessly tethered slaves and the reason our politicians, our police officers and our main stream media have not been made aware of this by officialdum is because they are about to be enslaved themselves.  Nobody warns slaves in advance that they are about to be enslaved.

You might ask how billions can be enslaved by a small number of slave masters.  The answer is that they use computerized algorithms,  robot police officers and robot dogs combined with a social credit score system to run the aforementioned slave colony.

The Gardai and senior politicians are under  mind control as well as thought stream filtering.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my address in Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland.

My website is called targetedindividualsireland   dot net

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I have become forceably brain to brain interfaced with unknown criminals who have access to all my personal data which they steal from my brain and body. This situation has been ongoing for many years. These unknown criminals overwhelm me by forcing me to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my own head. They also force me to see visions, and to feel sensations on my skin. They forceably move a selection of my muscles against my will be transmitting electrical signals to the motor cortex of my brain. They deprive me of sleep frequently. They achieve all of this from a distance by wireless means without allowing me to know who they are or where they are located. As a consequence of this ongoing and unendurable stress I often scream as loudly as I can in order to alleviate the stress that I am feeling. I live alone in a rural location and I don't have any near neighbours so I do not disturb anybody by my ongoing screaming.
Today the 28th of August, 2020 at approximately 4.20 pm Irish time I heard the following conversation being conducted by the brain to brain interface criminal operatives while they talked among themselves and I heard it coming from inside my own head as follows
'I can make her scream all I like.'
'The screams will be deleted at the end'
'There is no such thing as blame here'
'There is no one watching. We can do what we like.'
Later on today at 6.52 pm Irish time I heard the following voice coming from inside my head which was transmitted to me via brain to brain interface as follows:
"I am pulling my team out of here. This is not a stable lady."

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The United Nations are waging war against humanity now. They are using an action plan called U.N. Agenda 21 to control and enslave us.
UN Agenda 21 is an action plan to inventory and control all land, water, plants, minerals, construction, means of production, food, energy, law enforcement, education , information and human beings.
UN Agenda 21 was drawn up on the assumption that our current life styles are unsustainable. The individuals who created the UN Agenda 21 action plan falsely claim that we use too much water and too much energy. They have already secretly wirelessly connected several million of us by wireless means to a computerized enslavement system where we hear voice commands coming from inside our heads informing us of how they would like us to behave and what we are allowed to think about. They claim that owning our own homes, our own vehicles and our own land is unsustainable. They claim that we must move into smart cities where we can be surveilled and controlled on a constant basis. They plan to close the post offices and schools throughout the countryside. They plan to destroy the roads through the countryside because they claim that they are unsustainable.They plan to release panthers and wolves into the countryside. In such a scenario we would never be able to return to the countryside because of the danger from those wild animals.
UN Agenda 21 is being supported by universities, foundations, business organisations and public sector agencies because the individuals who run those organisations are under the influence of electronic mind control programming which comes from the digital devices which they are mandated to carry on their persons.
According to neuro scientist and author Dr Robert Duncan technology can now be used to amplify certain thought processes to obsessive-compulsive levels and it can also be used to suppress and filter other thoughts. Thought filters can be placed on entire populations. I strongly believe that this is occurring to both university staff and senior politicians. For further information on thought stream filtering please read page 125 and 126 of Dr Robert Duncan's book called 'Project Soul Catcher.'
The United Nations and the World Health Organisation are both owned and run by the Pilgrim Society which is a British and American secret society which wishes to enslave us through the UN Agenda 21 action plan. The Pilgrim Society see the rest of humanity as their enemies because they claim that we use up the resources of this earth simply by living our lives. The Pilgrim Society wish to become worldwide dictators. Hundreds of academics throughout the world have researched tirelessly in order to discover the names of all members of the Pilgrim Society and they have succeeded in their quest to do so. Many of the members of the Pilgrim Society are high profile men and women. They should be arrested for crimes against their fellow men, women and children of the world. We should then disassemble all infrastructure which allows wireless enslavement of men and women through physical remote control of their central nervous systems as described in patent number US 6965816 and we should also disassemble and have banned all of the infrastructure which enables electronic mind control of most of humanity.
We have been falsely led to believe that nobody on earth can escape the surveillance and control system which is now being set up throughout the world. However, because the earth is now known to be flat and fixed and not a spinning ball which was originally thought to be the case, many men and women are not being sprayed with chemtrails from the skies over our heads and those same group of men and women are not being included in the surveillance and full spectrum dominance system which the rest of us are being subjected to by them.

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The United Nations are waging war against humanity now. They are using an action plan called U.N. Agenda 21 to control and enslave us.
UN Agenda 21 is an action plan to inventory and control all land, water, plants, minerals, construction, means of production, food, energy, law enforcement, education , information and human beings.
UN Agenda 21 was drawn up on the assumption that our current life styles are unsustainable. The individuals who created the UN Agenda 21 action plan falsely claim that we use too much water and too much energy. They have already secretly wirelessly connected several million of us by wireless means to a computerized enslavement system where we hear voice commands coming from inside our heads informing us of how they would like us to behave and what we are allowed to think about. They claim that owning our own homes, our own vehicles and our own land is unsustainable. They claim that we must move into smart cities where we can be surveilled and controlled on a constant basis. They plan to close the post offices and schools throughout the countryside. They plan to destroy the roads through the countryside because they claim that they are unsustainable.They plan to release panthers and wolves into the countryside. In such a scenario we would never be able to return to the countryside because of the danger from those wild animals.
UN Agenda 21 is being supported by universities, foundations, business organisations and public sector agencies because the individuals who run those organisations are under the influence of electronic mind control programming which comes from the digital devices which they are mandated to carry on their persons.
The United Nations and the World Health Organisation are both owned and run by the Pilgrim Society which is a British and American secret society which wishes to enslave us through the UN Agenda 21 action plan. The Pilgrim Society see the rest of humanity as their enemies because they claim that we use up the resources of this earth simply by living our lives. The Pilgrim Society wish to become worldwide dictators. Hundreds of academics throughout the world have researched tirelessly in order to discover the names of all members of the Pilgrim Society and they have succeeded in their quest to do so. Many of the members of the Pilgrim Society are high profile men and women. They should be arrested for crimes against their fellow men, women and children of the world. We should then disassemble all infrastructure which allows wireless enslavement of men and women through physical remote control of their central nervous systems as described in patent number US 6965816 and we should also disassemble and have banned all of the infrastructure which enables electronic mind control of most of humanity.

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Why is my computer running slow now and who is hacking into my computer now and if possible can you find out who is hacking into my brain from this information because those who are externally controlling my computer are also externally controlling parts of my central nervous system?

Name: Local Area Connection* 1
Description: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:a8
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::15b6:ee6a:e1a:994e%10/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: Local Area Connection* 2
Description: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #2
Physical address (MAC): 1a:56:80:c7:9f:a7
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::68a3:5bbb:2ff4:6a37%19/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: Ethernet 2
Description: Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device #2
Physical address (MAC): 0c:5b:8f:27:9a:64
Status: Operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
Link speed (Receive/Transmit): 150/150 (Mbps)
DHCP enabled: Yes
DHCP servers:
DHCP lease obtained: ‎Tuesday ‎25 ‎August ‎2020 21:17:40
DHCP lease expires: ‎Wednesday ‎26 ‎August ‎2020 21:17:40
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::3dac:d047:bd39:54d%11/64
Default gateway:
DNS servers:,
DNS domain name:
DNS connection suffix:
DNS search suffix list:
Network name: 3MobileWiFi-97F1
Network category: Public
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Connected to Internet / Connected to unknown network

Name: Bluetooth Network Connection
Description: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:ab
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::74a5:6bec:b50d:9eea%12/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: WiFi
Description: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:a7
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::a025:d6d6:dbe8:6fc0%7/64
Default gateway:
DNS servers:,
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: Ethernet
Description: Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device
Physical address (MAC): 0c:5b:8f:27:9a:64
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected
Link-local IPv6 address: fe80::3dac:d047:bd39:54d%11
IPv4 address:
IPv4 DNS servers:
Manufacturer: Microsoft
Description: Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device #2
Driver version: 10.0.18362.1
Physical address (MAC): 0C-5B-8F-27-9A-64

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Why is my computer running slow now? Name: Local Area Connection* 1 Description: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:a8 Status: Not operational Maximum transmission unit: 1500 IPv4 address: IPv6 address: fe80::15b6:ee6a:e1a:994e%10/64 DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1 Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected Name: Local Area Connection* 2 Description: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #2 Physical address (MAC): 1a:56:80:c7:9f:a7 Status: Not operational Maximum transmission unit: 1500 IPv4 address: IPv6 address: fe80::68a3:5bbb:2ff4:6a37%19/64 DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1 Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected Name: Ethernet 2 Description: Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device #2 Physical address (MAC): 0c:5b:8f:27:9a:64 Status: Operational Maximum transmission unit: 1500 Link speed (Receive/Transmit): 150/150 (Mbps) DHCP enabled: Yes DHCP servers: DHCP lease obtained: ‎Tuesday ‎25 ‎August ‎2020 21:17:40 DHCP lease expires: ‎Wednesday ‎26 ‎August ‎2020 21:17:40 IPv4 address: IPv6 address: fe80::3dac:d047:bd39:54d%11/64 Default gateway: DNS servers:, DNS domain name: DNS connection suffix: DNS search suffix list: Network name: 3MobileWiFi-97F1 Network category: Public Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Connected to Internet / Connected to unknown network Name: Bluetooth Network Connection Description: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:ab Status: Not operational Maximum transmission unit: 1500 IPv4 address: IPv6 address: fe80::74a5:6bec:b50d:9eea%12/64 DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1 Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected Name: WiFi Description: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:a7 Status: Not operational WHY IS MY COMPUTER RUNNING SLOW NOW? Maximum transmission unit: 1500 IPv4 address: IPv6 address: fe80::a025:d6d6:dbe8:6fc0%7/64 Default gateway: DNS servers:, Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected Name: Ethernet Description: Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device Physical address (MAC): 0c:5b:8f:27:9a:64 Status: Not operational Maximum transmission unit: 1500 Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected Link-local IPv6 address: fe80::3dac:d047:bd39:54d%11 IPv4 address: IPv4 DNS servers: Manufacturer: Microsoft Description: Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device #2 Driver version: 10.0.18362.1 Physical address (MAC): 0C-5B-8F-27-9A-64

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I am a non-consenting victim of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation which is being conducted by unknown criminals who work from unknown remote locations and this situation has been happening to me continuously for more than seventeen years. By now I have endured so much remote neural manipulation that the unknown operatives who both remote neural monitor and remote neural manipulate my brain and central nervous system can cause most of the muscles of my body to move against my will. The aforementioned unknown criminals have informed me via brain to brain interfacing that they have now enabled a situation where they could get me to perform acts against my will by manipulating both my brain and central nervous system from an unknown remote location while I am in any public arena. They have also informed me via the same communication method that they will influence me to give one of their operatives the keys to my home on an occasion where they would influence me to meet one of their agents in public. If that occurred and I publicly handed over the keys to my home to one of their agents while under remote influencing capability they would then acknowledge to the world that I had given them the keys to my home of my own free will. They have informed me that others in their group have pulled that exact scam on a vulnerable individual while that vulnerable induvidual was being remotely influenced by brain to brain interacing capabilities and by several other means.
I now plan to leave the keys of my home in the care of someone I trust  whenever I leave home in future. If you are a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation please be aware of this type of manipulation and act to protect yourself from it. My website which I alone own and control is called My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.

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A brain computer interface is being used to feed electrical signals into my brain against my will due to the fact that I have been given an organic brain implant which relies on direct wetware to wetware connectivity. Organic brain implants can be given to us via smart vaccines or via ingestion or inhalation against our wills and without our permission. This organic brain implant has allowed unknown others to take external control of my brain and central nervous system and has rendered me a wireless slave. The same fate is in store of you all .
I did not gain any advantage from this situation. My brain does not interface directly with cloud A.I. My interface does not allow me to communicate directly with robots or automobiles or other technology. Instead I experience constant voice commands, unwanted visions including pornography, instant disablement, pain, electric shock, and forced muscle movement and partial virtual reality holds which I find it difficult to pull myself out of. I am now a wireless slave . An organic brain implant will be given to you without your permission and it is not a digital upgrade. It is a downgrade into total and absolute enslavement where you may be denied permission to move a single muscle in your body if you dare to challenge the slave masters who are the British and American Pilgrim Society who own and control the United Nations and the World Health Organisation. We might have a way out of this enslavement if the infrastructure which allows wireless connections is disassembled and banned. Otherwise babies will be born into enslavement from this time on, under dark Luciferian and Satanic control for all eternity.
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Some individuals have been stealing data from my brain and body for the past seventeen years or more by wireless remote means. They also have been writing codes into my central nervous system in order to gain wireless external control over my physical body. Here is some of what they were heard by me to say over the past twenty four hours via bio-communication technology by direct means into my brain as follows:-
“Gretta. Your brain and body have now been coded for external remote control. You are going live next Thursday.”
“You are now a sleeper agent who can be physically controlled through a computer.”
“Take her in for questioning.”
“This lady is not someone I wish to interfere with in the course of my life. I dont want her to be free.”
“We dont want her to commit suicide. We are not really there yet.”
“I am deeply dismayed by her trajectory. We were not expecting this.”
“Systems analysis of the lady right now.”
“You dont have the right to ask for systems analysis of her.”
“I have the right to ask. I am paying for this charade.”
“We wish to stand down.”
“Alot of work has been done on this lady. We wish to have a stake in her ownership.”
“If she was mine I would be more co-operative to the system.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 0949360901
My email address is
My website address is

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If you should ever complain about false authority figures such as rogue intelligence agents or rogue government staff then they have an understood policy of using whatever leverage they can find against you in order to make your life difficult.
If you are in financial debt, or are addicted to any substance they will use your addiction or debt to manipulate you further.
If you have children they may attempt to take them from you often citing that you are an unfit parent and supplying a bogus reason for claiming it.
If you have a spouse they can easily manipulate wireless electronic mind control weapons to turn your spouse against you.
If you are in rented accommodation they can manipulate your landlord or landlady to evict you.
If you drive a vehicle they might stop you on your travels often in order to examine said vehicle.
Even if you normally drink tea or coffee they could then call you in for bogus questioning and deliberately keep you waiting for hours without tea or coffee. Tea and coffee are nervous stimulents and they are also a type of drug so if you are a habitual drinker of these drinks and you can not access them while at the police station you will begin to feel very tired without a regular intake. When you reach a peak of tiredness you will then be interviewed while you are physically at your worst.
I am in a very strong position because I dont own a vehicle and I dont drink tea, coffee or alcohol and I dont smoke cigarettes. . I also am single and alone without children. I live in my family home where I was born and I am not in any debt. I have never committed a crime in my life. The police or military have no leverage against me. However, now with advances in technology we can have our physical bodies externally controlled through central nervous system control which is described in United States patent number US 6965816. A computer to brain interface can be used to write information into our brains and central nervous systems under the above patent using transcranial magnetic stimulation or by a number of other means. Some of the electrical pulses which are generated when information is written into your brain can cause your muscles to move against your will and this can all be achieved by unknown criminal operatives while they work from an unknown remote location. There are thousands of books in circulation about this capability. I am under wireless brain to brain interface against my will and without my consent on a constant basis and many of my muscles can now be forceably made to move against my will. Many other targeted individuals throughout the world are reporting the same or similar experiences to me.
Rogue authority personnel can use this capability against somebody they wish to compromise and they often do.

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The Vatican are experts in psychology. It is essential to them that they are experts in psychology in order to keep their estimated two billion followers from ever thinking logically. If their followers ever began to think logically they would then have no followers and no more money flowing into their coffers. In order to render their followers into a state of unquestioning obedience and subservience they covertly use electronic mind control on school children. However, when I was a child before electronic mind control came into widespread use the Vatican used trauma based mind control on school children. We used to be beaten with canes if we could not answer a question when asked by the school teacher. School teachers were trained in catholic teacher training colleges to be absolutely authoritarian. The trauma based mind controlled school children then grew up with an extreme fear of false authority and were afraid to raise their head above the radar and were also afraid to question church and state. The Vatican through the Catholic church system also urged parents to raise their children by using the authoritarian parenting style. The Vatican manipulated parents to lie to their children about Santa Clause in order to break all trust between parent and child so that they child could never trust the parent again. This lie is profoundly devastating to the mental health of the child. Up until recently trauma based mind control tactics such as caning were still being used in African schools because the electronic mind control infrastructure which would allow for mind controlling the African children had still not been erected in Africa. Please distrust the Vatican. They are a corporation which is primarily a business concern.
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Now that some individuals have accepted the covid-19 hoaxed pandemic as being a real pandemic the pilgrim society slave masters can and will kill many more individuals by wireless remote means and then they will claim that that the dead have died from covid-19.
Please wake up to what is really occurring which is a war of attrition by the pilgrim society super rich against the rest of the world. The pilgrim society are eugenicists who wish to depopulate the world because they believe that we are taking their share of the resources of this world. They also believe that we are no longer needed because they have nearly fully automated all of their own private factories with robots and other methods of automation.
Expect more lock downs and deaths in the future or else help to expose what is really occurring. You will find it difficult to expose this because many individuals are under electronic mind control and they only believe information that they are programmed to believe. If all microwave transmitters and HAARP phased arrays and some other infrastructure which enabled electronic mind control were disassembled and banned the men and women of the world would be able to think more clearly again and we would regain our freedom within a short space of time. We aught to consider disassembling and banning them.
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By analysing the temporal lobes of the human brain using electromagnetic radiation scientists can identify unique EEG patterns and relate them to the individual words, thoughts, body movements and emotions of the human research subject. In 1972 Dr Lawrence Pinneo of the Stanford Research Institute created an EEG dictionary of each unique EEG pattern and its related unique thought or unique word. That EEG dictionary can now be used to translate your unique EEG patterns into the thoughts that you think and the words that you say. Now, whenever you are in the presence of electromagnetic radiation, specificially extremely low frequency waves your thoughts and words can be monitored without your awareness and can then be transmitted by your digital device to a computerized storage capability so that the intelligence services can know what you are thinking and speaking at all times when your smart phone is on your person or when you are in front of your computer screen. For this and still further information about this topic please read a book called ‘Guinea Pigs’ by Dr John Hall.

We all have neural dust inside our brains and bodies and it got there mostly through inhalation and ingestion. Each neural dust mote contains a piezoelectric crystal. The neural dust motes inside our brains and bodies are being used to read our brain signals and the data gathered from our brains and bodies is collected by whatever smart phone is registered to the name of each individual. The smart phones can automatically transmit the data to a central control system. This has all been achieved without the permission of the majority of the human race by individuals who wish to wirelessly enslave or else torture or genocide us.
When our neurons fire and pass signals to each other they reach what is known as an action potential when generates and electrical pulse. These electrical pulses are measured using EEGs and are automatically translated into what you see, hear, feel, smell, touch, taste and they are also translated into all of your muscle movement including the smooth muscle movements of your intestines. This information is extracted from your brain and is transmitted wirelessly to a central storage system. This process is called A BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE.
A COMPUTER BRAIN INTERFACE writes information into your brain using transcranial magnetic stimulation or by a number of other means. Phosphene induction is used to write information into the brain. The process of writing information into your brain is used to stimulate your action potentials which generates electrical pulses. The process is called SSVEP. The electrical pulses which are generated by this process cause you to see, hear, feel, smell, touch and taste what is not actually real. It is simply an illusion but yet you can be made to feel as if you are inside a virtual reality setting which can be used to either torture you or to allow you to experience a state of bliss. Some of the electrical pulses which are generated when information is written into your brain can be used to cause the muscles of your face and body to be remotely controlled against your will, which can be used to turn you into a bio-robot. This process is currently being used throughout the world as a form of wireless remote controlled secret torture. I am one of the victims of this type of secret torture.
A BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE is created by attaching a BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE TO A COMPUTER BRAIN INTERFACE. By means of brain computer interface the brainwaves are extracted from one human being and they are stored inside a computer. They can then be sent thousands of miles across the world to another computer which can be owned and controlled by criminal neuro operatives. The criminal neuro operatives write this information into the brain of a second human being, often against the will and without the consent of that second human being.
The industrialist Elon Musk has stated that he plans to inject a neural lace into the brains of members of the public in such a way that the neural lace would form a brain computer interface which would in turn enable him and and his colleagues to connect the brains of members of the public to the internet. Targeted individuals whose brains are already permeated with neural dust can now be accessed by thousands of criminals with knowledge of neuro science who the victims do not know and who work at remote locations which are unknown to the victims. The victims can be remotely harassed, tortured, enslaved, bio-robotized and even genocided by any number of unknown brain and body hackers. Targeted individuals of remote wireless torture can have their bodies externally controlled to such a level that a hoax of demonic possession was created as one of many cover stories in order to cover up the extremely advanced current capabilities of science and technology. Targeted individuals can now have their facial muscles and their speech controlled to such an extent that criminal neuro scientists and neuro operatives can actually speak through the targeted individual and by this means force the targeted individual to confess to a crime that they did not commit and even to unwillingly sign a statement to that effect.
I am brain to brain interfaced against my will and without my permission to an illegal human control system which is being set up across the world without the knowledge or consent of most of the world. I spend a lot of my time raising awareness of it online. I have lots of friends throughout Ireland who are also non-consensually brain to brain linked with this illegal system but because it is wireless and invisible we find it difficult to convince the relevant authorities that this is what is happening to us. However, everybody will know about it soon. If you would like to know more about it you should then read the following books:-
'Guinea Pigs' by Dr John Hall.
'Project Soul Catcher' by Dr Robert Duncan.
The Irish government will eventually have to disassemble and ban the infrastructure which allows this human brain to brain interfacing system because it is not in the best interests of the Irish people. In fact, it is a wireless enslavement system and many Irish people and others are already partially enslaved by it but because it is wireless and invisible they do not have the technological capabilities to prove that they are wirelessly connected to it so they are being disbelieved.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
My website is called
My youtube channel is called gretta fahey

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By analysing the temporal lobes of the human brain using electromagnetic radiation scientists can identify unique EEG patterns and relate them to the individual words, thoughts, body movements and emotions of the human research subject. In 1972 Dr Lawrence Pinneo of the Stanford Research Institute created an EEG dictionary of each unique EEG pattern and its related unique thought or unique word. That EEG dictionary can now be used to translate your unique EEG patterns into the thoughts that you think and the words that you say. Now, whenever you are in the presence of electromagnetic radiation, specificially extremely low frequency waves your thoughts and words can be monitored without your awareness and can then be transmitted by your digital device to a computerized storage capability so that the intelligence services can know what you are thinking and speaking at all times when your smart phone is on your person or when you are in front of your computer screen. For this and still further information about this topic please read a book called ‘Guinea Pigs’ by Dr John Hall.
I am a non-consenting research subject of neurological research and the scientists and operatives who monitor and manipulate my brain and body speak to me on a live link to the extent that I have absolutely no mental privacy and herebelow is a small sample of some of what they have been saying to me recently as follows:
“Do you have to touch your leg like that” That was said at 8.50 p.m. Irish time on 5th August, 2020.
” Have we any control over this woman’s bowel and bladder which would allow us to cause problems for her when she is out and about in town.?”
“No, because this woman does not eat the type of food that contains the particulates which would allow us to wirelessly control her bower other than what has become embedded in her alimentary canal and this situation is not adequate for that to occur.”
“We might have to get her to commit suicide.”
“I am going to manipulate a bowel movement.” (They have never done this to me.)
“Go to the bathroom.”
“Hurry on and take a shower because we want to show case you.”
“What time does she get up at.”
“Get on with your job of deficating so I can do an analysis.” This was then followed by another voice which was heard by me to say the following “This is not acceptable discourse.”
“You will have to go out there and install something in her home.” “This is illegal under our rules.” “We dont have any rules.”
“We dont expect any discipline from ourselves and yet we order the subjects to adopt extreme self discipline every day.”
“She is on hyper alert. Why is that?” “I dont require her to have any more sleep.”
“You wont select your own clothes in the future. We will do so.”
“Everything is public knowledge now.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland, and todays date is 6th August, 2020.
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