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ACLU Sues U.S. for Information on Targeted Killing Program

Today we filed a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act to demand that the government release basic — and accurate — information about the government’s targeted killing program.
Our government’s deliberate and premeditated killing of American terrorism suspects raises profound questions that ought to be the subject of public debate. Unfortunately the Obama administration has released very little information about the practice — its official position is that the targeted killing program is a state secret — and some of the information it has released has been misleading.
Our suit overlaps with the one recently filed by The New York Times insofar as it seeks the legal memos on which the targeted killing program is based. But our suit is broader. We’re seeking, in addition to the legal memos, the government’s evidentiary basis for strikes that killed three Americans in Yemen in the fall of 2011. We’re also seeking information about the process by which the administration adds Americans to secret government “kill lists.” We think it’s crucial that the administration release the legal memos, but we don’t think the memos alone will allow the public to evaluate the lawfulness and wisdom of the program.
We know something about the fall 2011 strikes from media reports. On September 30, the CIA and the military’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) jointly carried out the targeted killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen born in New Mexico, using missiles fired from unmanned drones in Yemen. A second U.S. citizen, Samir Khan, was killed in the same attack. Two weeks later, Anwar al-Awlaki’s son, Abdulrahman, a 16-year-old U.S. citizen born in Colorado, was killed in another U.S. drone strike elsewhere in Yemen. The administration has not adequately explained the legal basis for these strikes, and it has not explained the factual basis, either.
Soon after the fall 2011 strikes, we submitted a FOIA request to the CIA, Department of Defense, and Department of Justice (DOJ). Three months later, we have yet to receive a single document in response. Outrageously, the CIA and the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel responded by refusing to confirm or deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to our request. Essentially, these agencies are saying the targeted killing program is so secret that they can’t even acknowledge that it exists. More...
Open Letter to Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Federal Party Leaders on Human Rights Priorities
May 9, 2011
Fr: Human Rights Watch
Dear Prime Minister Harper,
Canada has a celebrated and respected history as a leading advocate for human rights on the international stage. Unfortunately, in recent years, Canada's voice as a champion of these principles has become muted. In light of your re-election, we hope that you will work for this trend to be reversed.
Human Rights Watch conducts research on a number of human rights issues where Canada has an important role to play. In some instances, our research has documented a failure by Canada to defend adequately or to adhere to international standards.
We are concerned about the impact that Canada's record on these issues will have on the country and on the global human rights community. Below, we present our concerns and suggest steps that Canada and its parliament, with your leadership, should take to address them.
These issues are not an exhaustive list of the human rights concerns facing the Canada, but instead reflect areas studied by Human Rights Watch.
Human Rights Watch strongly urges that these issues be made a priority during the next legislative session and that concrete solutions are pursued to help Canada improve its role as an advocate for fundamental human rights and its conduct as a responsible global citizen. We would welcome the opportunity to provide you and members of Parliament with additional information on our work, and to engage in discussion about how we might work together in the future to protect and promote fundamental human rights, both within Canada and abroad.
Kenneth Roth
Executive Director
Jasmine Herlt
Canada Director
Suresh Bhalla
Co-Chair, Canada Committee
Nancy Hamm
Co-Chair, Canada Committee
Cc: Jack Layton, Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada, Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition
Interim Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
Interim Leader of the Bloc Quebecois
Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada
Hey remember someone said they might be a caulbearer.
I wondered why children would be targetted as i have been a child target and i know many of you have said you are also. I had to find out WHY children as they always pass it off as something you have done in your adulthood but for me its been since very young.
I found it!!!
See if any of you RELATE to this because I really do.
New research reflects leap in mind control secret weaponry
California researchers have presented a new paper published in PLoS Biology this week evidencing that they can track brain activity of a person listening to spoken words and use it to reconstruct the words. The report describes what thousands of targeted individuals consistently allege they experience,neurophonic mind and behavior control, a type of "no-touch torture." ....
read more :
I have done a research in documentation recommended by victims and researchers. Now I have more knowledge and more fears than before, given the extent of what is happening. When I saw the level of education of those who testified in the Bioethics Commission I realized that what I perceived - the set of things that hit me - was only a subset of what is at the disposal of the attackers.
I will try to describe in this post, that I will update as much as possible, what I learned from the links and make a brief description of the contents.
I cannot thank enough to those who have provided me wiht those links.
(Rivista X-TIMES di GENNAIO 2010 €uro 5,90
[ ( Magazine -Журнал - マガジン 1997 ) ]
Articolo di Ettore Interdonato
Canadian victims and all victims in the world are quietly waiting for that.
Per oltre un secolo, ad eccezione che in Italia, Alexander Graham Bell è stato considerato l'inventore del telefono. Grazie al lavoro di ricerca di Basilio Catania, recepito dalla Federazione Italiana di Elettrotecnica tale certezza è stata messa in discussione a livello internazionale. L' 11 giugno 2002 il Congresso degli Stati Uniti, con la risoluzione 269, ha riconosciuto che se Meucci avesse avuto i soldi per pagare il caveat del 1874,Alexander Graham Bell non avrebbe potuto acquistare il brevetto; e che il lavoro di Antonio Meucci nell'invenzione del telefono deve essere riconosciuto.
Qui sotto,c'è la copia online di una mia email inviata a in data 15/02/2007 dimensione e peso 2,7 kb, se vuoi approfondire a capire cosa è giovanidee devi cliccare qui.
Questa email è stata inviata tramite un'altra mia email box che fa riferimento al dominio di Virgilio.
La cosa curiosa è che tempo dopo e cioè a NOVEMBRE 2007 è nata l'applicazione VOCA-CELL.
Come al solito,non solo non ti danno una lira e nessun riconoscimento,ma non rispondono neanche alle email e si rivelano dri negrieri e dei vessatori incalliti.
Ovvio che in calce firmo con Antonio Meucci 2 e cioè come colui alla quale hanno rubato l'idea del telefono per arricchirsi e che solo dopo diversi secoli hanno attribuito onestamente e correttamente l'idea;da quanto vidi attraverso i documentari, Meucci era diventato rabbioso,acido e bisbetico e il suo carattere era mutato a causa di questa frode.Io non sono da meno e forse,tra qualche secolo alcune mie idee mi verranno attribuite perchè questa qui non è l'unica,ma ci tenevo a metterla in chiaro perchè avendo i riferimenti mi pare ovvio che ci sono troppe allusioni a chi l'ha proposta,dove l'ha proposta e acui non hanno fatto nessuna proposta e dato solo calci in culo.
Ciao :-)
Oggi verso le 14.00 circa ho avuto un ideuzza (o una bozza di idea), mi stavo chiedendo se fosse possibile immettere nei vari cellulari e/o videofonini un' APPLICAZIONE che serva come TRANSLATORE o TRADUTTORE simultaneo.
UNO dei problemi principali di questa €UROPA Unita,sono proprio tutte queste lingue che mi ricordano la TORRE di BABELE.
Se tra tutte le opzioni possibili, si potesse aggiungere ai telefonini e videofonini,un TRANSLATORE che oltre a disporre di un vocabolario molto ricco,riesca a farmi almeno la traduzione simultanea sarebbe molto utile.
e ovviamente anche in francese spagonolo, portoghese,polacco, sloveno, olandese ecc. ecc. (20 e più lingue se non erro qui nell'U.€. oltre ai vari dialetti...).
Forse tutti impareremmo anche meglio le lingue od almeno più vocaboli quando ci spostiamo all'INTERNO dell' UNIONE (che fa la forza) €UROPEA.
L'ho già proposta a TELECOM ITALIA ed anche a WIND e lo farò anche a FASTWEB; con un INDAGINE di MERCATO,valuteranno loro la fattibilità e la possibilità di tale applicazione.
Inoltre se ci fosse un TRADUTTORE simultaneo fiso nei vari AUTOGRILL (o aree di ristoro in autostrada) forse anche per i baristi oltre che per i clienti la comprensione sarebbe più facile e veloce anche verso i clienti di altre nazioni (RUSSI COMPRESI).
RIMANGO comunque dell'idea che la TECNOLOGIA dovrebbe esser
impiegata di più anche e soprattutto per INTEGRARCI meglio,capirci
e DIVENTARE più forti (l'UNIONE fa la forza e sono europeista dal 1995)
Ed ecco cosa accadde in data Giovedì 29 Novembre 2007.

Vocacell: dizionario di lingua per cellulari con interrogazione e risposta vocale
Pubblicato il 14/12/2007 | da Giovanni Benedetto
"Il portatore sano di cultura": così è stato definito il Vocacell, il vocabolario di lingua incluso nel cellulare con interrogazione e risposta vocale...
Nasce in Italia a Saluzzo (Cuneo) il vocabolario di lingua incluso nel cellulare con interrogazione e risposta vocale. L’ideatore è Giovanni Benedetto trentanovenne laureato in ingegneria elettronica al Politecnico di Torino.
L’utente pronunciando la parola di suo interesse, in prossimità del microfono del cellulare riceverà come risposta, il significato del vocabolo sotto forma vocale (volendo anche testuale).
Ciò che si otterrebbe consultando un vocabolario tradizionale di lingua si potrà avere comodamente, in formato audio, dal nostro fedele cellulare.
La diffusione capillare di cellulari che supportino tale funzionalità, potrebbe avere degli importanti risvolti sociali. Si pensi all’immediatezza di risposta, rispetto alla tradizionale consultazione di un vocabolario cartaceo o elettronico, operazione che di solito molti studenti tendono a rimandare quanto più possibile: con il nuovo sistema è un attimo pronunci il vocabolo e subito apprendi il significato di una nuova parola ovunque tu sia, a scuola, sul treno, in pizzeria tanto il cellulare è sempre con noi, il vocabolario o il computer no. Potrebbe rivelarsi un valido ausilio anche per le persone non vedenti.
L’applicazione, che prevede l’estensione a tutti i vocabolari di lingua del mondo, non è ancora in vendita ed è protetta da brevetto internazionale.
Per maggiori informazioni
Brevettato un software che permette di inserire 55mila vocaboli nel cellulare
Non sai cosa significa? Chiedilo al telefono
La ricerca avviene con il sistema vocale: si pronuncia il termine richiesto e il cellulare risponde con la spiegazione
MILANO - Tra le molti cose che un telefonino, tra breve, sarà in grado di fare ci potrebbe essere anche quella di spiegare il significato e l'uso delle parole che non si conoscono. Siccome l'idea ha buone potenzialità, anche sotto il profilo commerciale, l'ingegnere saluzzese Gianni Benedetto l'ha brevettata. Si tratta di un software che permette di memorizzare circa 55mila vocaboli e di ricercarli con un sistema di riconoscimento vocale. Il tutto su uno spazio di memoria di 10 Mb, inseribile quindi in una memory card da mettere nel cellulare.
COME FUNZIONA - Uno si imbatte in un termine sconosciuto e chiede aiuto al suo cellulare: pronuncia con voce chiara nel microfono la parola che vuole conoscere (guarda il video). La risposta a quel punto può arrivare in due modi, a scelta dell'utente: o un testo, come fosse un sms, oppure un messaggio vocale che legge all'utente la spiegazione richiesta. Il software brevettato da Benedetto è in grado di "girare" su tutti i modelli dei telefonini di nuova generazione e sui palmari e può essere esteso ad lingue europee oltre a quella italiana.
10 dicembre 2007 (ultima modifica: 20 dicembre 2007)
Anche questi bollini per la tutela minori di Mediaset furono una mia idea nel lontanissimo 1996.
Ho scritto che non li ho realizzati io,ma sò benissimo come li proposi.
In quegli anni anche una trasmissione della RAI fu una mia idea, si trattava de La notte per Voi e la conduceva Gabriele La Porta che era il direttore del palinsensto notturno RAI.
Questa fu una mia idea e la V di VOI fu creata così perchè avevo espressamente detto che la V doveva essere una V di VISITORS in quanto era un omaggio di profondo rispetto ai visitatori extraterrestri.
V di VISITORS,la trasmissione era dedicata a VOI cari VISITATORI e nel 2005 ho inziato a capire che i VISITATORI (soprattutto i GRIGI di orione e Zeta Reticuli assieme ai MIB) sono figli della bestia e non ad immagine e somiglianza di un essere divino.
Ai posteri l'ardua sentenza di elargire come ad Antonio Meucci l'attribuzione dell'idea e di solito è proprio molti secoli dopo che danno ragione ai poveracci come me.
Nicola Testa subì una campagna diffamatoria ad opera di Edison e Marconi lavorò per il duce e questo lo si sà solo dopo circa un secolo che è morto.
Galileo dovette ritrattare la sua teoria eliocentrica e uscire dal tribunale incazzato nero con una frase che è "historia": "Eppur essa gira comunquwe".
Anche Galileo venne creduto e riabilitato qualche secolo dopo.
Giovanna d'Arco chiamata per 500 anni la puttana o la strega d'Orleas dopo che aveva liberato la Francia dagli invasori inglesi.
spero che un giorno anche io - se non da vivo - avrò questa forma di IVISTITIA-AE perchè sò ciò che affermo.
Altri vecchie idee:
- L'idea dei "power mix" dopo una telefonata effettuata allo 02/250961 (RTL 102.5) facendo loro presente che da diversi anni continuavano con il jingle "power hits" e che era ora di aggiungere ai loro palinsesti dei mixaggi. Chiesi loro per incentivarli e motivarli se solo RADIO DEE-JAY ha il monopolio del mixaggio all'interno di un Network. Qualche mese dopo Massimo Alberti e Andrea Maggio,mandavano in onda quella che era una mia idea e cioè i POWER MIX con tanto di jingle che li annunciava. Anche in quell'occasione, parlando con Alberto Bisi dietro le quinte, venni preso per i fondelli, offeso a morte e preso per il cu**. Non ascoltai più quella radio e ritornai a RADIO STUDIO+ con Graziano Fanelli, Claudio Tozzo e ancor oggi, disprezzo quella Radio per avermi dato solo umiliazioni a partire da maggio 1998 quando al Crazy Club di Alberto Bisi e Max Pandini, si aggiunsero Walter Pizzulli subito dopo Floriana Ferrer.
Nel 1996 uno dei programmi da me più seguiti era "Guarda che Luna" con Miriam Fecchi e Fabiana Viola oltre a Password di Nicoletta de Ponti che nel 1998 assieme a Roberto Bernorio e Alba Parietti si ritroveranno su Italia1 in un programma di sesso.
Quella trasmissione televisiva fu un disastro e a tutt'oggi non scordo le figure di mxxxx di Berlorio, De ponti e Parietti. Nota bene che sia Nicoletta de ponti che Alba Parietti, in un incidente stradale si sono rotte una gamba. (ANATEMA) Bernorio invece si è rotto l'osso sacro.
- La CASSA AUTOMATIZZATA per autogrill
- Il differenziatore automatico domestico e industriale che doveva assorbire i rifiuti
- Pannelli solari per i treni e convogliare l'energia in eccesso in una turbina apposita e pannelli solari sopra le stazioni treni corriere e distributori benzina.
- Pannelli solari sopra i tetti delle stazioni di benzina e degli aereoporti oltre alle stazioni fs.
- fischiettata riff canzone word on - bob sinclair
DISTINGUI ciò che fa molto male da ciò che è LETALE
- Le droghe leggere SIGARETTE HASHISH e MARIJUANA fanno molto MALE
- Le droghe PESANTI (tutte le altre) sono letali
A tal proposito in una statistica del 2006 CHIESTA tramite email a STUDIO APERTO ne uscì che : il 79,4 % degli intervistati dichiarava di aver inziato a far uso di DROGHE dopo avere cominciato a fumare con apparentemente innocue,comuni,legali e trascurate sigarette e come sospettavo fungono da deterrente. La statistica l'ho chiesta ed ottenuta e non si comincia con le "sigarette elaborate",ma semmai con le cicche della PHILIP MORRIS per poi arrivare anche all'eroina e quindi non con i cannabinoidi !!!
Non ci volle molto in quell'anno nel telefonare allo 02/21021 chiedere di parlare con la redazione di uno dei loro TG,la casualità fu che scelsero e mi passarano Studio Aperto,gli lasciai questo mio spunto e appresi dopo qualche tempo grazie ad Elena Guarnieri (guarnigioni) che la statistica me l'avevano data e che come sospettavo, sono proprio le sigarettine la prima droga che poi ti conduce alle altre. Ovvio che se una persona ci pensa, fumando già sigarette è più predisposto a provare a fumare una di quelle sigarettine elaborate dopo che qualcuno ha farcito una cartina. Maledetta quella volta che mi hanno fatto provare a fumare sigarette (mi pare Marlboro) e che ero altrochè minorenne.
FILM : INSIDER (dietro la VERITAS-is)
Nel 2008 decennale della morte di Lucio Battisti ritrovavo la voglia di remixare una sua canzone come hai vecchi tempi quando si faceva la vita da artisti e di rappare in freestyle usciva una cosa carina che rimetteva voglia di cantare e di assaporare l'aria pura svuotata di nicotina e condensato ....
MA DI NUOVO NON FUMO più e tutto questo non c'è più...
MA DA QUANDO NON FUMO più tutto questo NON c'è più ...
La prima volta smisi di fumare a 21 anni e mi sentivo i polmoni rinascere , risvegliare,la prima settimana cali di pressione, crisi d'astinenza e le prime tre notti continuavo a sudare.
►1a volta: Marzo 1998
►2a volta Settembre 1999
►27 Gennaio 2005
►Aprile 2005 (quando è morto Giovanni Paolo II)
►27 Gennaio 2006
►Ottobre 2006
►27 Gennaio 2007
►Ottobre 2008
Prima di divenire una cavia al 100% di MIND KONTROL 2010 praticavo:
PULIZIA del CORPO (dentro e fuori)
PULIZIA dellA MENTE (sgombera da sballi vari e da rinforzo negativo)
PULIZIA del LINGUAGGIO (bestemmie e parolacce)
PULIZIA dell'auto e della casa
Durante il suo ministero ha varato una legge anti-fumo (legge 3/2003) che dal 10 gennaio 2005 estende il divieto di fumare a tutti i locali aperti al pubblico e ai luoghi di lavoro.
legge antifumo 10 gennaio 2005
"stranamente" messo sul rogo in data 02 FEBBRAIO 2005
Rammento anche troppo bene che dopo quella legge,qualcuno lamentava troppe perdite di introiti e cioè le multinazionali del tabacco. Che sia stata una ritorsione verso i suoi confronti? Il dubbio resta.
dgt su google: SOMMERGIBILE CARICO DI COCA (27 marzo 2006)
Prima scaricano interi bancali di coca da aerei e sommergibili e dopo vengono a sequestrarti i quartini che loro stessi ti hanno fatto pervenire come GENERALE GIAMPAOLO GANZER (ROS) e COLONNELLO LUIGI VERDE CARABINIERI BOLZANO.
Se volete veramente fare la guerra al narcotraffico,prima ripulite i PARLAMENTARI, LE VOSTRE CASERME e LE VOSTRE QUESTURE.
ATTENTATO CARLO PALERMO (ex AISJCA-MFT) per MORFINA BASE in deposito a TRENTO,BOLZANO E VERONA dalla TURCHIA e COMPLICI SERVIZI SEGRETI.Come nel caso dei SOMMERGIBILI che trasportano anche ARMI oltre a COCA. Chi credi ci sia alle spalle della prostituzione in NERO in Italia?Perchè la legge MERLIN non s'ha da abrogare? L'olanda mi fa schifo perchè ci sono le vetrine e le trovo squallide,in Italia "la vetrina" parte dal Brennero e arriva fino a Taranto,in Germania invece c'è la giusta via di mezzo e leggi più severe e rigorose per mantenere la via di mezzo.
SANTA ILARIA ALPI e SAN MIRAN HROVATIN - Il più crudele dei giorni:"Questa strada è servita a coprire ogni sorta di porcherie tossiche,tutto questo con la complicità di ...
†††††††††††††Ilaria Alpi††††††††††††
††††††††††Miran Hrovatin†††††††††††
†††††††Anna Politkovskaja ††††††††††
Ed ecco che come volevasi dimostrare, bisogna proprio cominciare a ripulire caserme,parlamenti etc.
Maresciallo contivava mariuana all'interno della Caserma
Prima di andare a levare una pagliuzza dagli occhi di un tuo fratello,leva le travi che stanno dinanzi ai tuoi occhi.
L'Istituto Superiore di Stato Maggiore Interforze (ISSMI) è nato nel luglio del 1994, nell'ambito della riorganizzazione del Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa, nelle attuali tre componenti: l'Istituto Alti Studi per la Difesa (IASD), il Centro Militare di Studi Strategici (CeMiSS) e l'ISSMI stesso.
english version
Riflessioni sull'utilizzo delle armi non letali (non lethal weapons)
Magg. CC t.ISSMI Rosario Castello
1. Premessa
Quando duemila anni fa circa, Sun Tzu affermò che per annientare il nemico non era necessario distruggerlo fisicamente, ma annientarne la volontà di vincere, forse non immaginava ancora la possibilità di impiegare un'arma non letale. Sta di fatto che oggi, con il progressivo affermarsi delle Operazioni Diverse dalla Guerra (Military Operations Other Than War) come strumento eclettico di soluzione delle crisi internazionali, l'utilizzo delle armi cosiddette letali sta incontrando un momento di riflessione. Si è compreso, cioè, che per raggiungere lo scopo basta convincere la controparte, piegandone la volontà senza necessariamente distruggerne le sue forze vive, utilizzando metodi diplomatici ovvero armi non letali o inabilitanti (Non Lethal Weapons). La necessità per i comandanti militari e per i decisori politici di orientarsi verso questo tipo di armamento cosiddetto non letale deriva sostanzialmente da due fattori: - l'indisponibilità dell'opinione pubblica internazionale, che assiste alle "Cnn war", a tollerare perdite di vite umane sia fra gli uomini dei propri contingenti sia fra i civili delle popolazioni locali; - la necessità di risolvere il dilemma della scelta fra l'uso della forza armata e l'inazione di fronte ad una minaccia, dilemma nel quale si sentono sempre più spesso imprigionati i militari dei moderni eserciti occidentali durante le missioni internazionali di pace, frenati, tra l'altro, da regole d'ingaggio estremamente restrittive. A questo punto, sorgono degli interrogativi: qual è la valenza tecnologica di tali strumenti? Quali sono i vantaggi e gli svantaggi connessi al loro utilizzo? Qual è l'influenza di tali mezzi sull'attività di pianificazione di un'operazione di supporto alla pace (PSO)? Nei paragrafi che seguono, sono raccolte le argomentazioni in risposta a tali quesiti, nell'intento di fornire una panoramica sull'argomento con particolare riferimento alle PSO (Peace Support Operations)e ai servizi di tutela dell'ordine pubblico.
2. Le armi non letali: la tecnologia, l'applicabilità, vantaggi e svantaggi Prima di addentrarci nella trattazione, si ritiene opportuno fornire una definizione di "arma non letale".
Il sistema migliore è utilizzare un approccio funzionale, individuandone in primis le finalità. Tali armi sono, infatti, quelle esplicitamente progettate ed impiegate con lo scopo primario di inabilitare le persone, i mezzi ed i materiali, rendendo minima la possibilità di causare loro danni permanenti. Ciò che conta, in altre parole, è ridurre i danni inferti alla controparte, pur raggiungendo gli obiettivi militari e politici. A fronte di questo scopo numerose sono le definizioni che sono state formulate. Ritenendo la loro valenza pressoché uguale, non se ne citerà una in particolare, ma verranno presentate tutte quelle raccolte (vds. allegato A). Per completezza d'informazione si ritiene utile accennare anche al dibattito sorto fra i sostenitori della terminologia "Non lethal weapon" e quelli a favore dell'accezione "Less than lethal weapon". Le argomentazioni a favore dell'una e dell'altra tesi condurrebbero lontano. Per brevità si assume di trattare le armi non letali con il termine di "armi inabilitanti". Ciò poichè si ritiene che l'aggettivo inabilitante sia quello che più degli altri esprime efficacemente lo scopo di queste armi, volte proprio ad impedire il corretto funzionamento dei mezzi e la mobilità degli uomini, limitando al massimo, pur non escludendoli, i danni collaterali; il termine inabilitante appare inoltre totalmente svincolato da qualsiasi falsa idea di "armi buone" in grado di evitare sempre e in qualsiasi condizione inutili spargimenti di sangue e distruzioni.
a. La tecnologia
Gli investimenti nel campo della ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico, attuati principalmente dai Paesi NATO durante il periodo della guerra fredda, hanno prodotto risultati significativi che, oggi, possono essere sfruttati sia tecnologicamente, sia industrialmente, per la produzione di armi inabilitanti. Le tecnologie utilizzate sono essenzialmente su base elettronica/optoelettronica, acustica, chimica/biologica, medica e meccanica. La maturità di tali discipline è in grado di generare una notevole varietà di prodotti che danno luogo ad effetti neutralizzanti nei confronti di mezzi, di persone e materiali. Per quanto sopra, le armi inabilitanti possono essere suddivise in cinque aree tecnologiche principali: - area opto-elettronica: in questa categoria rientrano i Fumogeni multispettrali, i Laser a bassa energia, gli Impulsi elettromagnetici non nucleari diretti a provocare l'alterazione dei circuiti logici e dei contenuti delle memorie dei computer. Per quanto riguarda le armi laser accecanti si discute se possono essere considerate armi non letali, poiché si sostiene che esse abbiano un'alta probabilità di infliggere danni permanenti particolarmente inumani. - area acustica: in questa categoria rientrano generatori di Ultrasuoni, cioè dei suoni a frequenza ultrabassa che se diretti contro una persona causano disorientamento, vomito, ecc.; - area chimica e batteriologica: questa è una categoria particolarmente vasta che comprende gli Agenti Calmanti, gli Agenti Biologici, le Supercolle e gli Antiaderenti. Vi rientrano le Schiume, i Supercaustici e le Tecnologie di alterazione della combustione. Paradossalmente, seppur progettate per limitare le sofferenze ed il numero dei morti, molte di queste tecnologie rischiano di rientrare nelle categorie vietate dalla convenzione per il bando delle armi chimiche o da quella per il bando delle armi battereologiche; ad esempio, l'impiego delle supercolle, che pure erano in dotazione alle truppe americane in Somalia, potrebbe essere limitato perché uno dei loro componenti chimici risulterebbe vietato da alcuni accordi internazionali per la tutela dell'ambiente ratificati da Stati Uniti; - area informatica: i virus informatici sono l'unico tipo di arma inabilitante che rientra in questa categoria e sono diretti a danneggiare in modo permanente o temporaneo un sistema informatico. Essi sono estremamente efficaci poiché uniscono ad un'alta capacità di penetrazione nelle reti e nei sistemi dell'avversario un elevato grado di anonimità; in altre parole, è difficile attribuire la responsabilità dell'attacco, poiché a portarlo avanti potrebbe essere stato un singolo hacher, un'organizzazione o uno Stato; - area cinetica: questa categoria comprende l'insieme delle tecnologie inabilitanti fondate sull'energia cinetica (quindi sull'urto). Ne sono esempi i proiettili di gomma (rubber bullet) o legno, i cannoni ad acqua (water cannon), le granate di tipo spugnoso, lanciate da normali lanciagranate e formate cioè da un proiettile di plastica ad alta densità, la cui punta è rivestita di materiale spugnoso in grado di attutire il colpo. Pur non trattandosi di un settore ad altissima tecnologia, si sono avute molte applicazioni e sviluppi in questo campo, anche se l'esperienza ha purtroppo mostrato che anche queste tecnologie non sempre restano al di sotto della soglia letale (uno dei fattori più rilevanti di rischio riguarda la distanza dell'individuo colpito da chi spara).
b. L'applicabilità
Nella conduzione delle PSO gli imperativi politici, che sono dominanti, e che bisogna tradurre in obiettivi militari coerenti, influenzano sia la pianificazione sia la relativa condotta delle predette operazioni. Lo dimostra il fatto che in tali operazioni avvenimenti di rilevanza tattica, quali l'uccisione accidentale di alcuni civili, può mettere in discussione la continuazione stessa della missione. Ecco perché si avverte, forte, la necessità di sviluppare, e quindi impiegare, una classe di armamenti in grado di operare un'azione dissuasiva, evitando il ricorso all'impiego dei sistemi d'arma tradizionali ritenuti, in certe occasioni, non aderenti allo scopo per letalità ed impatto psicologico. Inoltre per garantire la sicurezza dei propri uomini occorrono una dottrina e delle tecnologie estremamente flessibili. In tal senso le armi inabilitanti possono avere un ruolo fondamentale risultando esse stesse una "risposta flessibile" idonea a soddisfare il bisogno di dosare la risposta armata e di avere a disposizione un deterrente soft in grado di evitare che dalla minaccia si passi direttamente all'impiego della forza letale. Uno dei principali problemi operativi, com'è noto, emersi nell'ambito delle PSO, è quello di tenere sotto controllo manifestazioni più o meno spontanee, in cui a civili disarmati, si mescolano anche elementi armati e facinorosi (c.d. operazioni di "crowd control" e "anti riot").
c. Vantaggi e Svantaggi
I vantaggi e gli svantaggi dell'impiego delle ami inabilitanti sono molteplici. Nel presente lavoro ci si è limitati a citare quelli ritenuti più aderenti alle finalità dello studio in argomento. (1) Vantaggi. L'uso delle armi inabilitanti, nell'ambito dello spettro dei suoi possibili utilizzi, può: - consentire il rispetto del principio di proporzionalità e delle Convenzioni giuridiche internazionali (vds. allegato B) sia dal punto di vista umanitario, sia da quello sociale/culturale; - permettere, specialmente nei conflitti a bassa intensità, di disarmare, frustrare, ritardare o impedire la mobilitazione o le azioni ostili dell'avversario, rendendo così disponibile più tempo per le azioni diplomatiche o per lo schieramento di rinforzi amici e alleati; - consentire attacchi molto selettivi contro obiettivi posti nelle vicinanze di significativi manufatti non militari (simboli culturali, religiosi e storici) che non debbono essere minimamente danneggiati; - aumentare la credibilità delle forze di pace fornendo ai Comandanti ulteriori opzioni militari per la gradualità della risposta al di sotto della soglia di letalità; - consentire al personale del contingente militare di non apparire come una forza di occupazione contribuendo alla positiva immagine del proprio Paese e/o della coalizione internazionale verso la popolazione locale, le opposte fazioni e gli operatori della pubblica informazione; - rinforzare la deterrenza, rendendo l'avversario consapevole che le nostre forze militari possono intervenire tempestivamente ed efficacemente per conseguire obiettivi umanitari o di altra natura senza costi politici, militari ed economici proibitivi; - essere, in genere, notevolmente più economiche delle armi letali, a causa principalmente dei più bassi costi di sviluppo, produzione, supporto logistico ed impiego operativo; - suscitare reazioni positive dell'ambiente politico, nazionale ed internazionale, e della pubblica opinione, in conseguenza della minore probabilità di subire perdite e di provocare danni a persone, cose o ambiente; a ciò si aggiunga il minor costo della ricostruzione postbellica. (2) Svantaggi. Le armi non letali: - comportano il pericolo di proliferazione per la loro diffusione come strumento ad alta efficacia, per uso interno da parte dei governi o come mezzo per attività criminali; - comportano il rischio di indurre una escalation della reazione dell'avversario a fronte del modesto danno e dell'alto fastidio portato dalle armi inabilitanti; - richiedono un nuovo approccio dottrinario ed operativo nell'uso della forza; - richiedono un adeguato addestramento per essere usate correttamente ed efficacemente sia da sole sia congiuntamente ad armi letali; - richiedono la valutazione dell'impatto psicologico e della moralità del loro impiego, in quanto le armi inabilitanti potrebbero risultare più "odiose" di una rappresaglia o di una decimazione (si pensi ad esempio allo sfondamento di un timpano, a causa dell'utilizzo di armi non letali, che potrebbe rivelarsi letale in un paese del terzo); - richiedono, in genere, maggiori e più accurate informazioni di tipo intelligence, nonché un più stretto coordinamento, comando e controllo; - devono essere conformi ai trattati ed alle norme nazionali ed internazionali ed il loro impiego potrebbe aprire tutta una serie di nuove questioni legali; - potrebbero essere percepite come armi di scarso effetto, laddove non fossero esplicitamente ed immediatamente efficaci, oppure come forma di debolezza, in quanto non distruggono l'avversario, ma ne riducono la volontà e la possibilità di combattere e la coesione; - potrebbero portare alla cattura di molti prigionieri, se fossero utilizzate ampiamente non solo nelle PSO ma anche nell'ambito di conflitti convenzionali.
3. L'effetto mediatico
In base ad una esigenza sempre più forte della nostra società, in cui ogni evento viene portato in senso reale nelle case dei cittadini, diventa sempre più difficile per un esercito usufruire del supporto dell'opinione pubblica nazionale di fronte alla morte o al ferimento, anche accidentale, di innocenti. Senza questo appoggio l'esito stesso della missione, indipendentemente dai successi militari, viene messo in pericolo. Questa è la ragione per cui armi selettive e dal grado di letalità limitato riuscirebbero certamente a ridurre questo gravissimo rischio contribuendo a vincere quelle che ormai costituiscono una dimensione fondamentale di ogni operazione militare: l'effetto CNN. L'effetto sia psicologico sia propriamente materiale dell'impiego su vasta scala di queste nuove armi potrebbe, quindi, essere di dimensioni importanti, soprattutto se inserito all'interno di due passaggi vitali di una PSO: il consenso e la proporzionalità dell'uso della forza.
4. Possibili impieghi delle armi non letali nelle operazioni di ordine pubblico
La degenerazione degli scontri di piazza in occasioni di manifestazioni di vario genere ha messo in luce i limiti delle forze dell'ordine nel gestire cospicui gruppi di manifestanti violenti con gli strumenti classici in dotazione alle Forze di Polizia, strumenti non più in grado di soddisfare le moderne esigenze di ordine pubblico che si basano sulla necessità di evitare lo scontro e provocare il minor danno possibile alle persone, identificando ed isolando i facinorosi. Anche in Italia, le forze dell'ordine hanno affrontato, in alcune occasioni, scontri ad alta intensità simili a quelli che già hanno interessato le forze dell'ordine degli Stati Uniti (rivolta di interi quartieri a Los Angeles), in Israele (intifada) e in Gran Bretagna (scontri razziali e manifestazione in Ulster), Paesi questi che per primi hanno sviluppato la ricerca tecnologica nel settore delle armi non letali, alcune delle quali, già testate, sono adatte ai compiti di contenimento di folle di rivoltosi. Si pensi alle pallottole di gomma e alle granate flashbang, cioè accecanti-assordanti, mentre si studiano altri strumenti quali sostanze collanti o scivolose per bloccare o impedire il passaggio lungo i confini di eventuali "zone rosse", speciali cannoni per lanciare contro i gruppi più aggressivi miscele maleodoranti o schiume collanti che a contatto con l'aria si solidificano bloccando i facinorosi o creando barriere invalicabili anche a una folla inferocita se opportunamente corrette con sostanze repellenti o irritanti. Sono altresì allo studio munizioni speciali caricate a vernice che permetterebbero di rendere facilmente distinguibili i manifestanti più facinorosi rispetto a quelli pacifici. Tutti questi sistemi sono già in dotazione sperimentale ai reparti militari statunitensi e anche ai reparti antisommossa di molte forze di polizia americane, mentre sono in fase di sviluppo altre armi non letali, quali emettitori acustici di ultrasuoni a bassissima frequenza in grado di provocare nausea e stordimento e quindi rendere inoffensivi gli aggressori (utilizzati fin dagli anni '80 dai Sovietici per tenere lontani i curiosi dai perimetri di basi e poligoni militari e dagli Inglesi in Ulster) ed armi che emettono impulsi luminosi ad alta intensità e luci stroboscopiche (note anche come Dream Machine), in grado di disturbare temporaneamente la frequenza delle onde cerebrali umane, causando vertigini, disorientamento e nausea.
5. Natura e disciplina giuridica delle armi inabilitanti non letali
Il primo spinoso problema nello studio delle armi non letali è quello di stabilire se esse rientrino o meno nella categoria delle armi, sebbene con effetti particolari,oppure se esse siano qualcosa di diverso. Se non fossero armi di tipo convenzionale, occorrerebbe infatti chiedersi cosa sono e qual è il loro regime giuridico. Secondo Alhadeff, sia le tecnologie inabilitanti sia le armi letali hanno lo stesso obiettivo (cioè persone o cose), ma differenti sono le modalità di efficacia: le prime hanno effetti distruttivi e sono state progettate con tale scopo, le seconde mirano ad avere effetti il più possibile reversibili. Pertanto, dal concetto di arma non letale occorre escludere tutto ciò che non è volto direttamente alla inabilitazione né è stato progettato come tale. Vanno esclusi dunque i giubbotti antiproiettile ed i sistemi di sorveglianza di aree, come le reti satellitari, perché non sono state progettati con l'intento di recare un danno non letale ad uomini e mezzi. Vanno esclusi inoltre i sistemi d'arma di bassa tecnologia, come i bastoni in legno o i manganelli, "perchè poco significativi", nonché tutti i dispositivi associati alla guerra psicologica, elettronica e dell'informazione e le armi letali di precisione perché non sono state progettate con il preciso scopo di minimizzare i danni a persone o cose. Considerata la questione dal punto di vista dell'ordinamento giuridico interno, la soluzione non può essere che una sola: le armi non letali sono armi tout court. Attualmente, "agli effetti della legge penale" è arma, ai sensi del 2° comma dell'art. 585 codice penale, lo strumento la cui destinazione naturale è l'offesa ad una persona fisica, mentre dal 3° comma del medesimo articolo di desume che è altresì arma qualsivoglia strumento atto ad offendere persone o cose di cui sia dalla legge vietato il porto in modo assoluto ovvero senza giustificato motivo. Qui è contenuta, dunque, la nozione giuridica di arma la quale è assoggettata alla disciplina del codice penale: l'arma non letale, in quanto strumento idoneo ad offendere, non può che essere un'arma secondo il nostro ordinamento, potendo l'offesa tradursi in qualsivoglia lesione (fisica, un impedimento, una inabilitazione di cose o persone) cioè in un danno. Essendo, quindi, armi in senso convenzionale, benché non letali, sono sottoposte alle stesse restrizioni a cui sono soggette le armi letali. Sul piano del diritto internazionale pubblico, la giustificazione giuridica alle cd "armi non letali", trova fondamento nei principi consuetudinari dei conflitti armati (principi della necessità militare, dell'umanità e della proporzionalità tra danno e azione militare), nel principio del superfluous injury or necessary suffering, nel principio definito della discrimination. Tali principi derivano, in particolare, dagli artt. 35, 36, 51 del I Protocollo addizionale alla convenzione di Ginevra del 12 agosto 1977. Secondo l'art. 36, ciascuna Parte contraente ha l'obbligo di assicurare la legalità di ogni arma o di altri strumenti internazionali alla luce delle previsioni del medesimo Protocollo. L'art. 35 proibisce espressamente le "armi" che cagionano offese superflue o sofferenze non necessarie. Si tratta di un corollario alla regola, contenuta nell'art. 22 della Convenzione II dell'Aia del 29 luglio 1899, ratificata dall'Italia il 4 settembre 1900, per la quale "il diritto dei belligeranti di adottare forme di offesa verso il nemico non è illimitato". L'art.51, infine, proibisce le armi che siano ad effetto indiscriminato. Si tratta di una regola fondamentale in quanto vieta l'azione di aggressione verso obiettivi che non siano di natura militare o che siano civili e miliari ad un tempo ovvero soltanto civili senza distinzione. Si ritiene tuttavia che il modo migliore per deliberare la legalità delle armi non letali sia quello di prendere in considerazione, di volta in volta, gli effetti di ciascuna nuova tecnologia su uomini e mezzi.
6. Conclusioni
La discriminazione dell'impiego della forza militare è un fattore di vitale importanza nella conduzione delle Operazioni Diverse dalla Guerra ed in particolare delle PSO. L'influenza dei fattori politici, dominanti in questo caso rispetto agli altri, comporta la necessità di poter disporre di mezzi e strumenti che consentono di graduare l'impiego della forze e giungere all'end state della missione minimizzando gli effetti collaterali sulla controparte e sulle proprie truppe. In questo specifico settore la tecnologia è di sicuro ausilio. Essa consente, infatti, di avere armi sofisticate, facilmente impiegabili, dagli effetti graduali e graduabili. A fronte, però, di un'innovazione spiccata e aderente alle necessità degli odierni scenari, si assiste ad una mentalità non ancora pronta ad accettare tale tipo di evoluzione. Ciò si riflette nella conseguente carenza di un adeguato supporto giuridico normativo che ne agevoli l'impiego. Infine rimane la risposta al terzo degli interrogativi posti in premessa. Il peso di tali mezzi in fase pianificazione è, senza dubbio, notevole. Disporne o non disporne implica diversi modi di agire, differenti "course of action" sulle quali il Comandante si troverà a dover decidere, diversa composizione ed articolazione delle forze per i vari compiti che verranno assegnati. Chiunque, anche non del settore, comprende facilmente che maggiore è la disponibilità di risorse, più ampia è la discrezionalità del Comandante nelle scelte delle linee d'azione. A questo punto, per dare un senso di concretezza alle parole, si potrebbe provare ad immaginare la struttura di un costituendo reparto dotato di armi convenzionali e di armi non letali. Potremmo facilmente parlare di squadre o plotoni da inserire nelle compagnie delle unità di manovra o, addirittura, di compagnie ad hoc costituite da squadre specializzate sui vari sistemi inabilitanti. Ma in realtà, ciò che si pensa sia pagante, sarà il supporto tecnicologistico e l'addestramento del personale preposto. In conclusione, a fronte della attualità di quanto scrisse Sun Tzu duemila anni fa(1), si ritiene interessante riportare la seguente citazione: "… Malgrado i numerosi problemi che esse sollevano, le armi non letali rimangono comunque l'unico strumento capace di dare efficacia allo svolgimento di nuovi compiti affidati alle forze armate di cui le PSO sono la regina del momento…"(2).
(1) - "L'abilità del Comandante consiste nel piegare le forze del nemico senza alcun combattimento, nell'impadronirsi delle città senza assalirle, nel conquistare lo stato nemico senza lunghe operazioni militari".
(2) - JAN ALHADEFF, Le armi inabilitanti non letali, collana Franco Angeli 1999.
Chi sono i candidati manciuriani?
Il buon soldato
Era il 1973 quando l’allora direttore della CIA Richard Helms diede ordine di distruggere, e in buona parte distrutte lui stesso, tutti i documenti top secret riguardanti gli esperimenti sul controllo mentale portati avanti fino a quel momento dalla Agency su vittime inconsapevoli. Ma evidentemente gli esperimenti furono così tanti, e tanti erano i file, che non tutti andarono distrutti ed è così che, grazie al Freedon of Information Act tali studi, raggruppati sotto il progetto ombrello MK-Ultra, sono entrati a far parte della storia “ufficiale” e non della storia “cospirazionista”. Questi esperimenti illegali, compiuti su carcerati, pazienti di ospedali psichiatrici e agenti dei servizi segreti erano finalizzati a creare i cosiddetti “candidati manciuriani”, killer perfetti che ubbidissero agli ordini senza remore e, spesso, senza poi ricordare di averli eseguiti. Robot nelle mani dei mandanti, imbottiti di droghe, oppure manipolati con l’uso dell’ipnosi, dell’elettromagnetismo e di impianti microchip, messi a punto già nei primi anni ’70 da volenterosi collaboratori della CIA, quali il Dottor José M.R. Delgado, soprannominato “radio matador” in seguito a un famoso esperimento in cui l’esimio scienziato era riuscito a controllare a distanza le azioni di un toro microchippato, durante una corrida. Queste le parole di Delgado che, nonostante i metodi e i fini discutibili, conosceva bene la sua materia: «Dobbiamo controllare elettronicamente il cervello. Un giorno, eserciti e generali saranno controllati da stimolazioni elettriche». È del Settembre 2010 la notizia, ripresa da diversi giornali fra cui La Stampa, che il DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) americano stia sperimentando un elmetto per controllare a distanza i soldati, tramite ultrasuoni. Pare infatti che il degno erede di Delgado, il professor William Tyler, neuroscienziato dell’Arizona State University, abbia messo a punto una tecnica – la transcranial pulse ultrasound – in grado di stimolare zone della mente prima inaccessibili e senza l’utilizzo della chirurgia. «Ci siamo quindi chiesti», ha spiegato il professore, «come questa tecnica avrebbe potuto procurare vantaggi strategici ai nostri soldati e abbiamo ideato un prototipo di elmetto equipaggiato con dei trasmettitori di ultrasuoni controllati da un dispositivo esterno». Il fine è quello di aumentare la resistenza fisica e psicologica dei combattenti, e chissà cos’altro. Truppe comandate a distanza da impulsi che agiscono direttamente nelle aree più sensibili del cervello. Sembra un film di fantascienza e invece, come spesso accade, è la realtà. Questi studi vengono propinati come sperimentazioni intese al miglioramento della vita del soldato durante e dopo l’azione di guerra, ma corrispondono sin troppo bene ai fini e ai metodi del progetto MK-Ultra, o qualsiasi sua derivazione. Il progetto di Delgado è stato portato avanti, secondo loro, per il bene dell’umanità. Resta da appurare se i soldati siano d’accordo a farsi comandare a distanza, ma a questa categoria generalmente non viene chiesto il parere, perché per i “signori nella stanza dei bottoni”, come dimostrano queste sperimentazioni, un bravo soldato non pensa, agisce. Così arriviamo a una notizia più recente, secondo la quale alcuni militari statunitensi stanno portando avanti una causa contro la CIA, che avrebbe impiantato nel loro cervello degli elettrodi, senza consenso. Le prove ci sono, i testimoni anche, ci auguriamo vi sarà anche giustizia, almeno in questo caso perché mi sembra evidente che i militari, come i civili, per alcuni potenti servono solo come carne da macello.
Lavinia Pallotta (X-Times gennaio 2011)
ENG) A group of military veterans in California are suing the CIA over allegedly implanting remote control devices in their brains. They allege the spy agency was on a quest to turn humans into robot-like assassins via electrodes planted in their brains.
what they do not mention in the article is that this is a transceiver, so the implantee can receive messages from the operator, whom is receiving your thoughts and voice patterns.
Modern day telepathy? Scientists develop method for reconstructing thoughts
Written By Loren Grush Published February 01, 2012
While many people often wish they could hear what people around them are thinking, telepathic skills are often written off as science fiction. But one day, the ability to read people’s minds may not be a talent only reserved to psychics and X-Men.
A group of neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, reported they may have come up with a scientific way to read people’s minds.
Led by post-doctoral researcher Brian Pasley, the scientists have developed a method for deciphering the electrical signals in a person’s brain as they listen to words or conversation. Upon figuring out these signals, they were then able to use them to recreate the imagined speech of the same person.
The secret to their method lies in the temporal lobe of the brain, which is used in auditory perception. When a person hears a word or phrase being spoken, the activity that occurs in the temporal lobe also occurs when the person imagines that same word or phrase.
“This is a fundamental principle of the brain,” Robert Knight, a senior author for the study and a neuroscientist at UC Berkley, told “The area that performs a cognitive or behavioral function is also activated when you imagine that function. For example, let’s say you raise your right arm. Then if you imagine raising your right arm, the same areas that were active when you move your arm are working when you imagine it.”
In order to gather their findings, the researchers asked epilepsy patients undergoing brain surgery if they’d like to participate in research while they were in the hospital. Before these patients had their surgeries, they had to come to the hospital, have up to 256 electrodes placed over the surface of their brain, and then wait for a seizure to occur so the doctors could pin point the location of the seizure.
Sometimes this process takes a couple hours, but sometimes it can take weeks. So Pasley and his team utilized 15 neurosurgical patients’ extra time in the hospital while they were connected to the electrodes, having them hear 5 – 10 conversations.
Pasley then developed a way to reconstruct words using data from a person’s brain activity. Or in other words-reconstructing the words that people were thinking.
“He developed mathematical ways to match the electrical recordings from the electrodes in the brain to the sound characteristics that the patient heard,” Knight said. “The algorithms he developed can now predict a word the patient’s never heard before.”
While the researchers have barely scratched the surface of this new technique, they hope they have set the gears in motion for engineers to develop better communication aides for those who have been severely disabled, either from stroke or other illnesses.
“If you had a device that was safely implantable and actually helped the patient, there’s no doubt it would be used,” Knight said. “It could be used for someone with a speech problem, such as a severe muscular control problem like ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Or maybe someone who has a damage in the part of the brain that controls speech output, but their input area is intact.”
More importantly, Knight said their research is important for simply understanding how the brain works.
“Think of the number of things you do in a day cognitively - word understanding or motor control or how you’re paying attention to something. We don’t really know a lot about how the brain works in supporting the things you’re doing right now,” Knight said. “If we can figure those things out, it will have huge implications for understanding normal cognition and it will have important implications for a whole host of psychiatric disorders.”
But in terms of becoming a mind reader, Knight said people won’t be eavesdropping on peoples’ inner monologues any time soon. Unless they plan on getting surgery.
“You can’t broadcast your thoughts unless there’s an electrode there,” Knight said. “So if you have a significant other, you can implant them and potentially hear what they’re thinking.”
“Of course it would require a neurosurgeon, so I don’t think that trend will sweep the nation,” Knight jokingly added.
Knight, Pasley and their colleagues published their findings Tuesday in the open-access journal PLos Biology.
Read more:
Torturing Democracy
Tortured in America
American Cognitive Liberties Association
Physicians for Human Rights
International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons
Mind Justice
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
Targeted Individual Canada
for bright honest eyes only…
New Zealand
Organised Crime of Covert Electronic Assault, Stalking & Surveillance
Targeted Individuals Europe
Mind Control
- MindTech Sweden
German pages
Video about the US/European Testing Tour.
Testing for non-concented implants using RF detection.
This video exposes that electronic domestic terrorism affects all aspects of society.
This is a silent rape. This video shows that the terrorist have no conscience and even torture children.
Hai Everybody,
This is vincent george again, I greet everybody in the name of jesus. I have been harrased day in and day out for the past 15 years, there is not even a day i was spared, i have been experimented for various kind of torture each of different kinds, they keep talking to me continously and use all sorts of torturing techniques in my body, i am writing with a lot of pain in my body, presently they have given tooth ache, ear pain and jaw pain together due to which i am not in a position even to open my mouth and not able to chew anything, they are also threatening of paralysing my nerves and so that i will not be able to move and also they say that they will see to that they will do things in such a way that i will not be in proper senses, they keep trying all this sort of experimentation in my body, everyday they do something new and keep repeating the same after a while, they threaten of dire consequenses if i dont oblige to their interests, they torture me even while i am praying in the church, i am not able to join any work because of these evil perps, and i am bankrupt, but still i trust in the lord he guides me through. I am sure there will be a day very soon for which they will be severely punished, lets all pray for this day sincerely to the lord so that these perps will be completely wiped out. I have submitted myself completely at the feet of the lord, and he will not let me astray, i request your goodselves to pray for me and i will surely remember you all in my prayers.
Vincent George
The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
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Welcome to Spookland: Tricks of the Trade of the CIA
by Steve Mizrach
Posted Oct. 19, 2006
Origin and Function of the CIA: The "Cult of Intelligence"
The CIA was created at the outset of the Cold War by Truman's National Security Act of 1947. That Act was a response to Yalta, and to the general pervasive fear that, after WW II, the greatest threat to world peace was the communists. The CIA was mostly formed out of the reorganized OSS (Office of Strategic Services) which coordinated espionage and intelligence activities against the Nazis. (However, anti-communism was an overarching concern for the new agency, which enlisted some of its old enemies against a previous ally: many former Nazis functionaries, such as Richard Gehlen, were enlisted into the CIA spy network in Eastern Europe.) The mission the CIA was expressly charged with was the centralization and coordination of all the data from the intelligence agencies of the government - namely, those associated with the branches of the military service; and after 1952, the National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconaissance Office, and the intelligence activities of the Atomic Energy Commission, State Department, Treasury Department, and Justice Department.
The CIA was also granted in 1952 sweeping "other" powers besides merely the gathering of intelligence. And despite the fact that it was created for that purpose, due to counterintelligence and countermeasures, the CIA has only been able to get minor information, mostly from serendipitous occasions, such as getting their hands on a defector that was not a "plant." Despite the glamourizations of the spy trade in James Bond movies, the truth is that field operatives can only get so much information on troop movements, weapons stockpiles, and the intentions of foreign leaders. For that reason, the CIA has relied ever increasingly on electronic techniques; but spy sattelites, wiretaps, and spy planes are subject to electronic (and other) countermeasures. It has often been demonstrated in the past that the CIA took intelligence and distorted it to support the policy inclinations of its Director or the current Commander-in-Chief, sometimes with disastrous consequences. Reams of data are collected by the agency every day, much more than anyone can ever process, and no one coordinates what to do with the humongous piles of uncracked ciphers and unprocessed intelligence.
Perhaps because of the limitations of 'intelligence,' or in spite of them, the CIA has chosen to excel in an entirely different area: covert operations. The CIA has become a secret branch of the President's foreign policy apparatus, able to act where he cannot do things openly, because the CIA does not have to answer questions from the press. All agents agree that, when necessary, they will lie to anyone, including Congressional Oversight committees, in the interests of 'national security.' This policy, called "plausible denial," goes hand-in-hand with the fact that every agent must sign a contract agreeing not to reveal anything 'sensitive' that they learned during their service without the CIA's prior consent. To the "imperial presidency", the CIA became seen as a 'can-do' agency, because unlike any other part of the government, they had full control over their own budget and operations - they answered to nobody. This is part of what Victor Marchetti called the 'theology of national security,' maintained through the 'cult of intelligence.' It is a theology of salvation through duty to country - and adherents of the ritual believe all sins may be forgiven them.
The CIA has always maintained that all its secrecy and "clandestine mentality" are part of its efforts to keep vital secrets out of the hands of America's enemies. They claim that disclosure of their activities might jeopardize agents in the field and also destroy many important efforts of foreign policy, because CIA-controlled foreign agents would be revealed as such to their own people. As far as they are concerned, freedom of the press and freedom of information take a back seat, because any secrets given up are secrets betrayed into the hands of the enemy. Of course, to many others, all this secrecy is just a way for the CIA to hide its activities from the criticism of the American people, in the name of national security. But the art of the spook trade is like a poker game: know as much as you can about your enemy while giving the least away. In a world where anybody can be working for the other side - and paranoia is never in short supply in the halls of Langeley - you can't trust anybody, and anything is fair game. "Black operations" are necessary, 'cause we gotta do it to 'em before they do it to us. That is the commandment at the heart of the cult of intelligence and its spookly apostles.
The CIA, whose chief sphere of operations during the Cold War was to be the Soviet Union and China, made much of its actual focus the developing or "Third World." It was there that the CIA flexed its political muscle, recruited its hired hands, and interfered in other peoples' business, all the while pretending to be aiming its operations against the other threatening "superpowers." Unfortunately, the KGB was as good at the game as the CIA, and for that reason the CIA was never able to score very many successes in either the intelligence or covert operations field - which is why they made the Third World, an area the U.S. has always been better at pushing around, their chief focus of activity. Most Third World nations were no real security threat to the United States, but the CIA could always claim that there was the danger of their falling into the "Soviet sphere of influence." The CIA's goals in the developing world were really based on other factors: strategic interests (military bases, listening posts, naval ports), material interests (natural resources and trade goods), and economic interests (protecting the property of multinational U.S. corporations such as United Fruit, IT&T, and Exxon.) Democracy and freedom necessarily took a back seat.
Here on Our Shores: Domestic Operations
Despite its mandate to handle 'foreign' threats, the CIA has never kept its hands off domestic groups right here in the U.S. Its policy of persecution of such groups has always been based from the belief that they are the tools of foreign manipulation. And why not? If the CIA was manipulating Eastern European organizations during the rebellions of the Prague Spring, it figured the KGB was just as likely to be behind the revolutionary groups here in the U.S. Finding those links pointing to Soviet support was a pretty hard task (because there were none), but it never kept the Agency from its dirty work. Despite the fact that some of the groups, like the Trotskyist SWP, openly eschewed Soviet communism, the CIA could never accept the fact that such organizations were "homegrown" developments of dissent and discontent. They had to be getting their financing from abroad, thought the spookmasters...
During the late 60s, the CIA frequently recruited young men to infiltrate 'subversive' (generally antiwar) groups as agents provocateurs . These infiltrators were to try and agitate the groups and get them to surrender their nonviolent tactics for more militant ones. As part of the joint COINTELPRO effort with the FBI, the CIA maintained wiretaps, 'bugging' devices, hidden tape recorders, and other gimmicks for the invasion of privacy at the premises of the meeting places of many of these groups. Files were maintained on important (but potentially 'threatening') citizens such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Tom Hayden. Anybody who was a potential troublemaker of whistleblower soon would discover how the CIA used its relationship with other government agencies (such as the IRS)... and find his or her credit rating slashed, employee record blacklisted, bank account frozen, incoming mail opened, and careers ruined. If they were authors, they might soon discover publishers avoiding them like the Plague; if they were film directors or producerers, they might find their projects suddenly 'cancelled.' You tangle with the Company at your own peril.
The groups that the COINTELPRO effort targeted primarily were the Socialist Workers' Party, the Black Panther Party, and the Young Communist League. Radical, revolutionary, militant, and communist organizations were the initial targets; but liberal, socialist, pacifist, and reformist groups (like Ralph Nader's) often found themselves under scrutiny as well. Often immigrants to the U.S. were monitored for possible ideological or other connections to 'hostile' foreign governments or to 'terrorist' organizations, and lost their right of residency (and speech) in the U.S. when they were suspected of 'un-American' sentiments. (Nixon's "plumbers" squad had some former CIA men on it, and they focused primarily on Nixon's real and perceived enemies, including columnist Jack Anderson, who received death threats.) The CIA found clever ways of discrediting organizations (such as the American Indian Movement) by 'framing' their leaders for crimes they did not commit or creating false trails to violent incidents and terrorist organizations.
"Center for International Assassination": Attempts on Poltical Leaders
The assassination attempts that the CIA made on Fidel Castro in the 1960s - including using a poisoned cigar and Cuban exile 'hit squads' like Alpha 66 - are fairly well known. But the CIA has tried to kill other foreign leaders - in direct violation of the Geneva Convention and other articles of international law - when it felt them to be a sufficient 'threat' to U.S. interests. Other attempted victims included President Nasser of Egypt and Kim Il Sung of North Korea in the 1950s. The CIA provided names of prominent members of the Communist party of Indonesia in the 1960s to paramilitary forces under General Suharto, who killed some 60,000. In a similar operation called Project Phoenix, the CIA and South Vietnamese security forces may have killed some 12,000 VietCong leaders in North and South Vietnam. Prominent terrorists, such as Abu Nidal, have been on the CIA's 'hit list' for a long time, but they are tough 'marks' for killing due to their great mobility. The reason why many of us haven't heard much of this is that the CIA is not above murdering journalists, when that becomes necessary.
But did the CIA conspire to kill U.S. officials right here at home? Might they have even murdered a president? Jim Garrison's investigation of the Kennedy Assassination revealed many potential links between the CIA, Cuban exiles, and the Mafia, who all hated Kennedy for different reasons. Richard Helms finally admitted in 1974 that one part of Garrison's investigation, Clay Shaw, was indeed a CIA operative. The CIA hated Kennedy because in one of his executive orders, he issued a presidential directive to put the CIA under joint military and civilian control. In the wake of the bay of pigs fiasco, Kennedy threatened to seek detente with the USSR and Cuba, and "break the CIA into a thousand pieces." It is clear that the CIA knew Oswald pretty well, enough to be sending him money some months before November 1963; and other principals in the Garrison investigation had connections, as well. Jack Ruby may have helped the CIA run guns into Cuba on some trips there, and Guy Banister was with the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which often worked closely with the CIA. If there was a conspiracy to kill the President, then the CIA was almost surely part of it. Some "assassination researchers" have also found curious CIA links to the King and Robert Kennedy, Jr. slayings, as well, where there are some hints of suspicious activity.
The CIA rarely dirties its own hands with something as messy and jeopardizing as assassination. Often, mercenaries and contract agents are maintained for such actions. When the CIA does get personally involved, it tries to make the death of the victim appear to be as much of an 'accident' as possible, through the use of poisons and other 'invisible' techniques. Weapons training of all kinds is standard for field operatives, but the best of the black ops are trained in the more subtle means of killing. The preferred method for killing foreign leaders is to get their own countrymen to pull off the execution - then the CIA can attempt to wash its hands of the whole matter. Thus, the CIA trains, advises, and equips many of the paramilitary 'death squads' of El Salvador and Guatemala, while claiming to have nothing to do with them. There are often very few international inquiries into the deaths of guerilla leaders, no matter how suspicious the circumstances...
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: Mind Control Research
Ostensibly, the agency began its MKULTRA project with the search for nothing more than the perfect truth serum. Such a drug would set intelligence light years ahead, and deal with the headaches posed by defectors, spies, and double agents. In its quest for The "Truth Drug", the CIA would use in the 1950s just about every chemical that the counterculture would turn to a decade later - Albert Hoffman's LSD, Gordon Wasson's 'Magic Mushroom' psilocybin, and marijuana. It was thought that such drugs could 'destabilize' the personality enough to elicit confessions or even whole changes of belief structures (deprogramming.) Then came the revelations from Korea of American soldiers producing taped confessions renouncing "the wars of imperialist regimes" and their citizenship. A Miami Herald article written by a CIA disinformant attempted to solve the mystery of how red-blooded American boys could turn against their country. And it coined a new word taken from a Korean translation: "brainwashing."
The CIA had always used the same methods of coercion as the KGB: sexual entrapment; blacklisting; 'framing' people for uncommitted crimes; or outright physical torture. But there was no foolproof method for assuring that confessions were true; no polygraph test was 100% certain, and even then the information could be 'planted.' Along with the technological supremacy of the United States came a belief in the omnipotence of science. So the CIA was eager to test the powers of technology in new realms. Spy sattelites and electronic bugs were great information gatherers. But the realm of 'human intelligence' still demanded more innovations. Further, new chemical agents could facilitate covert warfare: the CIA thought that "dusting" a crowd with LSD could pacify them; and they experimented with other drugs that might alter the emotions, including the hallucinogen BZ which created paranoid delusions and rage toward the nearest people. In a paramilitary situation, use of such tactics could be devastating.
For a while, the CIA thought that LSD might be the ultimate Spook Drug. They tested it on unsuspecting army privates; put it in the food of federal prisoners; gave it to people visiting prostitutes in hotel rooms; (while watching from behind a see-through two-way mirror in the next room - Operation Twilight Climax) and even put in drinking water, 'just to see what would happen.' Methods of delivery were often comical: such as the time when they tried to spray a convention of foreign dignitaries with an LSD aerosol, with little success (it dissipated too quickly.) Eventually, they found it too 'unpredictable,' but one maverick agent, Ronald Stark, may have been instrumental in getting LSD onto the street black market, and thence making it a staple for the 'counterculture' of the period. Martin A. Lee and Norman O. Solomon note the curious cultural politics of LSD in their recent book, and point out the curious connection of the CIA to some of the early acid gurus at Millbrook.
It is always the case in the echelons of national security that when the enemy is believed to have a capability that it becomes a priority to beat them to the punch. Hence, the CIA attempted to create its own Manchurian Candidate, someone who could literally be 'reprogrammed' to kill Communist leaders or even have his ideology and loyalty switched. In its search for mind control, the CIA found willing allies in the academic behaviorist psychological establishment. Tired of controlling salivating dogs, running rats, and flying pigeons, the behaviorists were beginnning to look into the possibility of controlling human behavior. J.B. Watson and his successor B.F. Skinner looked toward a Clockwork Orange world where antisocial behavior could be completely eliminated. Delgado impressed the world by stopping a bull in its tracks with a pair of electrodes and a handheld transmitter; what was on everybody's minds was... what next?
The head of the American Psychological Association, a behaviorist named Donald Cameron, was internationally recognized for his work in 'psychic driving'. He was searching for a technique of wiping the mind 'clean', making it a tabula rasa , so that new beliefs could be implanted. Originally he was only interested in using this technique to 'cure' the mentally ill. But the CIA's head of TSS (Technical Support Services), Sid Gottlieb, saw other possibilities, as did his colleague Morse Allen. Cameron used a variety of techniques ranging from sensory deprivation (also taken up eagerly by countercultural figures, including John Lilly) to electroshock, hallucinogens, isolation, and bombardment by radiofrequency waves, to 'treat' his subjects. The CIA could provide Cameron with what he was lacking: subjects. People from marginal sectors of society like prisoners, drug addicts, prostitutes, the homeless, and deviants. It was assumed that these people had nowhere to turn to and were the least possible security risk.
The irony of medical torture being used to assist a regime was not lost on Cameron's colleagues, such as neurologist William Sargant, who still remembered the Hippocratic Oath, and the statements of the Nazi doctors at the Nuremberg trials. Cameron also was unable to provide the success that the Agency wanted: he could lobotomize his patients and turn them into virtual zombies, but he couldn't manage to return them as functioning members of society with new personalities. The human spirit just remained too damn slippery for the Scottish doctor. In the post-Kennedy shakeup of 1964, Cameron lost his MKULTRA funding. LSD had slipped out of the hands of the controllers and into the uncontrollable rebellious hippies. The Agency saw the need to practice damage control in a new post-Dulles era.
MKULTRA was renamed MKSearch and placed under the control of ORD (Operations Research & Development.) The new agenda became more focused on direct brain stimulation and hypnosis. Neurologist Wilder Penfield showed that patients could recall vividly past memories when areas of their brain were stimulated. What, the Agency wondered, could they achieve if they could use electrical stimulation of the brain to cause a man to hallucinate that his beloved leader was his worst enemy? Could hypnosis create a 'sleeper' who could be 'activated' to carry out a mission five years down the road after being 'triggered' by a word or signal and perform it with no recall of his action? These experiments also met with highly limited success. A Cuban exile was hypnotized and told he would kill Castro when he heard the word "cigar." Before being brought out of the trance, he was told Castro was in the room. The hypnotist then said the word "cigar." The Cuban politely replied, "Sorry, I don't smoke." The Cuban dictator would survive yet another attempt to rub him out.
Perhaps in desperation, in the 1970s the Agency would turn to the occult. Telepaths were asked to try and read minds and even place suggestions into them. Clairvoyants and fortunetellers were consulted for their usability in intelligence-gathering. Palmists and phrenologists were asked for their techniques of personality assessment. Could easily controllable people be found by their palms? One project even looked into the links between eye color and mental illness. Victims of multiple-personality disorder or those claiming to be 'spirit possessed' were studied. In the Vacaville prison, famous for its detention of Prof. Timothy Leary, weird experiments were performed with altered consciousness which made even the king of 'trippers' worry. The Devil was alive and well and working in Langeley.
The Doping of America: The CIA and the Drug Trade
During the same period of its LSD experiments, it was well known that the CIA was involved with the drug merchants of the 'Golden Triangle' who were smuggling in much of the United States' heroin supply. Some opium was also entering the U.S. from Pakistan and Afghanistan, where the CIA at the least turned a "blind eye" toward the drug trade. The CIA has never stopped looking the other way when drug dealers have had the right politics - they also had connections with the Medellin cocaine cartel in the early 80s, who at the time where providing information on the Communist insurgency in the region. While the DEA was busy busting narco-traffickers, the CIA often kept many of them (such as General Manuel Noriega) on its payroll. Many insurgent groups supported by the CIA - including RENAMO, the Contras, and the Afghan mujaheddin - engaged in drug trafficking with the U.S., to pay for U.S.-built arms and materiel. There is some evidence to suggest that the CIA may have even been flying in the drugs for them, on their return flights to the U.S. (!) The fact that many of the 'freelance' mercenaries employed by the agency (a la Soldier of Fortune) often "part-time" to train the private security forces of the traffickers is not a complete coincidence.
But the CIA, while undermining the official policy of the DEA through its own covert policy, never lost sight of the propaganda value of the War on Drugs. That "war" allowed a much more open use of military force in Latin American countries such as Peru and Colombia, where there was virtual 'civil war' between the narco-traffickers and the government. However, the American 'foreign policy establishment' tried to portray a different picture, suggesting that it was the guerillas and rebels in those countries - such as the Shining Path or other Marxist groups - that were doing the trafficking, with the complicity of countries such as Nicaragua and Cuba, who allowed overflights of drug-bearing planes. Rather than going after the big cartels and their processing plants, the CIA has often cooperated with the Peruvian army to go after coca-growing peasant villages, suspected of being hotbeds of 'subversive' activity. It is entirely possible that many revolutionary groups are engaged in the drug trade, but the lion's share comes in from the vast organizations and distribution networks created by the drug cartel heads, many of whom are former important "agribusiness" leaders who got support from the CIA-backed Agency of International Development (AID).
One might wonder, of course, why the CIA, which is so concerned with the subversive effects of foreign influences on our great nation, assists other countries to ply their drug trade here. The answer is chilling, but any inner-city resident can tell you why: crack in in the 'hood keeps the poor killing each other (the incessant 'gang wars' over drug turf) rather than going after their real enemies - "divide and conquer." You can't demand your rights or freedoms when you're enslaved to drugs, or think about your oppression when you're strung out on crack. Many radical black groups, such as the Nation of Islam, call upon black youth to stay drug-free. It's not just for silly moralistic purposes, a la "Just Say No." They realize that drugs are a tool of the shadow government to keep people in the inner-city down and out, and also that the "War on Drugs" gives government an excuse to throw our civil liberties out the window and use police-state tactics to fight the 'drug epidemic' their own CIA brought here.
In the Name of Democracy: Covert Operations and Interventions
The CIA has never had a problem with overthrowing democratically elected governments, especially when they democratically decide to do something that the Agency considers not to be in the U.S.'s interests. Michael Manley in Jamaica, Salvador Allende in Chile, and Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala were three leaders overthrown by CIA-led insurgencies. The CIA has also provided covert support for rebel groups such as RENAMO in Mozambique, the Contras in Nicaragua, the Afghan mujaheddin , the Kurds in Iraq, and the Inkatha Zulu party in South Africa. The current president of Nicaragua, Violeta Chamorro, was also on the CIA payroll when she was publishing La Prensa , urging her people to overthrow the Sandinistas. Many of the paramilitary coup d'etats in South America were supported by the CIA, including the takeover by the generals in Paraguay and Argentina. The CIA also supported some 30,000 Meo tribe mercenaries in Laos in the 1960s, as well as other soldiers of fortune, to destabilize the existing regime. Of course, the CIA has done their best to tamper with undemocratic governments as well, but with less success - agents of the CIA were wandering through Tibet in the 1950s, doing their best in whip the Tibetans into a bloody revolt against the Chinese. And several unsuccessful invasions of Cuba have been attempted in the wake of the original Bay of Pigs Fiasco, by CIA-armed Cuban exile brigades such as Alpha 66.
But overt, naked, military force can often jeopardize the CIA, especially when it fails and their role in the action stands revealed. For that reason, they often utilize more 'subtle' methods to destabilize governments. They have stuck their fingers in many elections and 'rigged' them to produce a more 'beneficial' result. To make governments more unopopular with their people, they have also used economic sabotage - they tried to ruin a whole years' sugar crop from Cuba by coating it with an unpalatable substance; and for years in East Germany they attempted to sour milk, disrupt mining activity, sabotage factories, and ruin other productive industries. Another technique is to use propraganda and disinformation - they spread false stories about the regime, especially here in the U.S. and the presses of its allies, in the hope that other nations will stop trading with the country. The CIA also uses techniques to reduce the charisma and appeal of foreign (especially revolutionary/anti-US) leaders - at one point, they tried to make the beard of Fidel Castro fall out, as if that was somehow the source of some Samson-like power for him!
That is their "negative" policy. But when they want to support pro-capitalist or pro-United States political parties, they often use other techniques. They provide "political advice and counsel," which we might call "spin doctoring" here in the U.S., to make those parties more palatable. Sometimes they give financial assistance to those parties covertly, or subsidies to important individuals. Other times they try and support private organizations like trade unions, business firms, and "think tanks" that are willing to 'lobby' for better relations with the U.S. Occasionally there is even "private" training and coaching of opposition leaders here in the United States, and carefully crafted exchange programs. Many of the organizations who exist ostensibly to aid and support democracy and development in the Third World - like the Foundation for Democracy - are CIA fronts who really support anti-communist regimes, even if they are basically undemocratic and under military rule. Pro-U.S. regimes like ARENA in El Salvador and the PRI Nationalist Party of Mexico often receive "technical" assistance from the CIA in managing the affairs of their country - especially as regards 'unruly' peasants and the possibility of insurrection.
The irony of using undemocratic means to 'protect democracy' has not been lost on many commentators. In many cases, the leftist leaders overthrown by the CIA were elected in fair and popular elections, and were not even inclined to allowing Soviet hemispheric ambitions into their country; but the CIA did not believe that, and certainly tried to convince others that that was a real danger. The CIA feels it has some god-given right, somehow, to interfere with the affairs of other nations; while at the same time supposedly carrying out its mission of blocking such infiltrations right here at home. How would the American people react if they found out that the KGB was interfering in our democracy? They shouldn't cry foul, then, when countries protest when the CIA does the same thing in trampling on their national sovereignty. While the Peace Corps was trying to nudge the Third World toward a pro-U.S. attitude, the CIA was doing its best to turn them into the other camp by playing the "ugly American."
Keeping Company with the Company: Friends of the CIA
The CIA has many controversial friends. Over the years, it has maintained many ties with the Mafia and organized crime, and it is very likely that Mob hit men have done contract work for the CIA in the past. Another group that it has frequently been involved with has been the international arms traders, like Adnan Khashoggi. Such arms dealers have turned up in countries with very flimsy explanations as to their presence there... inevitably with some CIA equipment for sale. True to their business, the arms dealers will often sell to both sides of a conflict - for example, arming both Iran and Iraq during their long war. One tie the CIA has worked hard to maintain over the years is with the Vatican, for obvious reasons. In the world of gathering intelligence you need to spread your tentacles far; who better to pick up some juicy info then a priest hearing Confession? The CIA has many connections to the para-Jesuit order Opus Dei and also to the Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights of Malta (the order descended from the Knights Hospitaller of St. John, kicked off the isle of Malta by Napoleon's troops.) Several CIA officials, including Bill Casey, have been made honorary members of this Catholic order. Needless to say, the CIA has had no problem making friends with prominent dictators, such as Pinochet, "Baby Doc" Duvalier, Marcos, the Pahlevi Shah, Somoza, General Franco, and, until 1989, Noriega in Panama and Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
But is there really a connection between the CIA and "international fascism" as some more conspiratorially-minded individuals have suggested? It does appear that the CIA was involved in some of the shady right-wing intrigues of Europe, including the whole P2 Masonic affair in Italy. Also, the group connected to Pope John Paul II's attempted assassination, the Gray Wolves, is part of a fascist "Black International" which is linked closely to the Reverend Moon's organization and Gen. Singlaub's World Anti-Communist League, which have been known to work with the CIA. There are those who think that the CIA was part of Project Paperclip, which smuggled ex-Nazi scientists and S.S. officials into this country to spy on Russia or develop rocket technology, or that it assisted the right-wing generals in South America to hide Nuremberg war criminals from international justice in exchange for what information could be gleaned on Soviet military forces. Some U.S. far-right groups are actually as paranoid about the CIA and its 'internationalist' agenda as they are about the Trilateral Commission or the Council for Foreign Relations, so it is doubtful that the CIA works with them...
It's not always clear where the CIA stands in the shifting sands of international politics: they can and do switch sides and double-cross their "friends." The CIA supported the Kurds from 1975-79 in their war for independence from Iraq, but when the Ayatollah Khoemini came to power in Iran, he was perceived as a greater threat. Keeping Saddam Hussein in power to 'buffer' Iraq took precedence over the Kurds' rights, and they were abdandoned to his savage response. Then, when Khoemini died and Hussein invaded Kuwait, the U.S. turned against Hussein, who they had been arming for the past eight years. Following the 'liberation' of Kuwait, the U.S. invited the Kurds to rebel yet again, only to abandon them to Saddam Hussein's forces once more. Having been double-crossed twice, I am sure that the Kurds will run the other way the next time the CIA comes around with some scheme. It is not suprising that the only 'friends' the CIA has are people who are equally as untrusting of others, and untrustworthy, as it is in its affairs - mercenaries, soldiers of fortune, cutthroats, adventurers, and other spy agencies such as the Israeli Mossad.
The CIA and the KGB often get involved with complex games with each other - games so elaborate and pointless that, as one commentator has noted, it seems that they are jokes for their benefit and at our expense. In the cloak-and-dagger world of Spookland, anything is fair game. The CIA has had 'sleepers' placed in many countries - these agents often going over to live in those countries for months or even years under some cover before they are finally 'activated' to carry out some mission. In order to 'sting' KGB operatives, the CIA has often leaked all kinds of false documents to people in order to 'weed' out their contacts, even involving people who really should not be under any suspicion. What goes on in the Soviet and American embassies would almost be funny if it were not such a waste of taxpayer money. The CIA has often gone to elaborate lengths to embarass their enemies, including taking pictures of them visiting brothels or other compromising situations. Nonetheless, these games are often carried out with a spirit of comraderie. After all, the CIA and the KGB had a mutual interest in keeping the Cold War going, because it kept them in business. That made them the strangest 'friends' of all, but after all, politics does make strange bedfellows.
Cloak and Gown: The CIA and College Campuses
The nation was shocked by a series of revelations in 1967 that the CIA was connected to the National Student Association. It was revealed in a series of articles that the CIA often maintained professors as recruiting agents on college campuses who were to keep their eyes out for students who would make good potential Company cadres. As a result, many campuses moved to bar the CIA from recruiting their students; but the confidential informal networks between the administration and faculty and the CIA often remained, and were used to send more recruits the Agency's way. Some of the young agents hired in this way were used to infiltrate campus leftist groups and spy on them, or to "plant" stories in the campus newsletter, or to found Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapters where the CIA could easily locate future allies. Many universities discovered, to their discomfort, that CIA-connected professors were often taking a cue on their curriculum from the Agency, and saw it as threat to academic freedom. Student leftists often tried to 'out' those professors and get them fired.
The CIA has also used funds from its Science & Technology Directorate to subsidize academic research projects. Many academic behaviorists received those funds for their research into human-behavior control. But academic research into covert warfare technology - remember Bond's amazingly lethal devices - was also supported as well, in addition to the general DoD funding of projects such as SDI. Much of the early LSD research - in the pre-Leary era - was controlled by academics working for the CIA as well. Amazingly, there were some CIA links to the 1969 University of Colorado investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). Some UFO buffs feel that this may be because the CIA still suspects that UFOs are "some foreign power's secret air force," and they wanted to throw other people off the trail of their investigation... but others think this is because the CIA is doing research into the 'psychological warfare' aspects of utilizing UFO 'true believers' and they want to throw them off this trail as well.
Certainly, the CIA was carrying out clandestine activity at many U.S. universities in strategic locations. The University of Miami in the early 1960s was an important staging base for many of its operations against Cuba. Jim Jones, the cult leader who had his Peoples' Temple followers commit suicide in the jungles of Guiana, may have been part of a CIA operation within the University of California system focusing on psychological warfare. Even today there are people who wonder whether Jones was just crazy or if he was really following orders. Some international universities, especially those in equatorial Africa, are used for training local, native henchmen and agents, much as the KGB trains its African operatives as Patrice Lumumba Friendship University. The CIA has always felt it a priority to get the true WASP bluebloods into the Company, by recruiting the sons of "well-bred" families at Ivy League schools such as Harvard and Yale. Changing demographics and political winds have caused the Agency to focus its efforts much more on recruiting from midwestern and southern schools.
The Secret Government: Banks, Guns, and Shadow Proprietaries
The "Enterprise," as it was called, was a joint effort during the 1980s between the NSA, CIA, and DIA to go over Congress' policy in Central America. As the Christic Institute has pointed out, the 'Shadow' government behind the 'Enterprise' has been active for 25 years, and the recent Iran-Contra hearings have only scratched its surface, grabbing its more visible members such as North, Secord, and Poindexter. The "Enterprise' was to sell arms to Iranian 'moderates' in order to raise funds to support the Nicaraguan Contras, whose aid had been reduced to a minimal level in 1985. Links to the Islamic Republic were not hard to find since the 'moderate' contacts made by Reagan's "October Surprise" Team (which included Bill Casey) in 1980 were all too eager to accept our weapons in their war with Iraq. It was thought, somewhat erroneously, that these 'moderates' had some connection to the Shiite groups in Lebanon who were holding Americans hostage, and that they could obtain their release. The "Enterprise" also was involved with some attempted bombings right here in the U.S., and sabotage efforts against groups opposing U.S. Central America policy, such as the Pledge of Resistance and the Christic Institute. Bill Moyers called the Iran-Contra hearings a "Constitutional Crisis," much as some people called Watergate 20 years earlier... but they did not result in the resignation of a president.
It turns out that unscrupulous businessmen, like Stefan Halper and Harvey D. MacLean, Jr., who founded the Palmer National Bank in 1983, used deregulation in order to make loans to ex-CIA operatives involved in funding the Contras. Much of the S & L swindle, it turns out, may have turned up in the hands of the CIA. Halper, not unsurprisingly, was one of the individuals who helped set up Oliver North's defense fund. Other banks, such as Robert L. Corson's Vision Banc Savings, were involved in the 'laundering' of money connected with Noriega... and the Houston bank went under four months after Corson took ownership. The "vanishing money" in the Iran-Contra scandal went, in part, to secret Swiss accounts belonging to its principals - but at this point it intertwines with another recent scandal, involving the Bank of Commerce and Credit, International (BCCI). BCCI has been branded an 'outlaw' bank for its supports of brutal Middle East regimes, but one of its big trading partners, it seems, was the CIA, as well. Yet another banking scandal - the Banco Ambrosiano scandal, where millions of dollars disappeared from the Vatican Bank into the pockets of "G-d's Banker," Roberto Calvi, has CIA written all over it... Licio Gelli and his Italian organization may have worked with the CIA to frame the Communists in a train station bombing in Italy in 1980.
The CIA has a rather remarkable 'financial empire.' Despite the fact that it is the only government agency with a totally unmonitored 'black budget' - they can spend as they see fit (within set limits) - it is also the only one that annually turns a profit! That is because it maintains many 'shadow proprietaries,' commercial enterprises that operate "up-front" operations until the point where they are called on to do CIA business. Some of those proprietaries include major airlines, such as Pacific Air and its subsidiary Air America, and trade organizations (such as the International Trade Mart) that are really used for covert operations coordination. These shadow companies are maintained tightly and squeaky-clean (and often turn over a hefty profit) until their covert support becomes necessary. It is well known that the CIA brass reguarly invest much of the Agency's money in stocks and risky investments rather than the generally tame security bonds issued by the government. It isn't just James Bond who believes in gambling... the CIA feels that financial independence is an important key to remaining free of government oversight.
Conclusions: What Future for Shadow-Politics?
Robert Gates, who became Director of Central Intelligence recently over questions that he (like other illustrious predecessors) distorted intelligence to support policy, declared that the Agency would be taking "new directions." In the post-Cold War world, the Agency would focus on "new threats." Two new sources identified as potential threat sources were Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism in the Middle East, and economic 'warfare' on the part of ostensible U.S. 'allies' such as Germany and Japan. In addition, Bush had directed Gates to marshal the CIA's resources to curtail the proliferation of "weapons of mass destruction" - chemical, biological, and nuclear devices. (That is ironic, in light of the U.S. refusal to sign chemical weapons accords in the 1970s and its own huge nuclear arsenal.) Industrial espionage and sabotage were to be part of the new focus of the Agency - but, needless to say, the Company will probably do more than just prevent foreign powers from doing it to us: they will try to "do it to them before they do it to us." If Japan can steal our technological secrets, well, surely there must be ways the cult of intellligence can beat them at their own game? Gates seems to think so.
The founding fathers enjoined their nascent republic to constant vigilance against its enemies. There is vigilance, and then there is paranoia. One can be on guard against danger, or one can go out of their way to see enemies where there aren't any. The Pentagon has always profitting by overestimating the size and capability of American enemies, and the CIA knows the value of that game as well - lest their budget fall to the cutback axe as well! The CIA simply cannot handle a world without enemies, without people ready for a double-cross. Once you're part of the spook trade, it becomes impossible to see things any other way. And if the CIA doesn't have communism as a scapegoat, it may have to create something else to fulfill its role as the justifier of its actions, and find another sparring partner altogether in the absence of the KGB. No federal bureaucracy ever mandates itself out of existence, saying "Hey, our job's done, we can go home!" And if most small government bureaucracies are reluctant to cease their self-promotion and perpetuation, consider the Agency, which is a multibillion dollar organization with some 16,000 admitted employees...
But if the CIA isn't willing to pack its bags and go home, perhaps it is time for Congress to act. The National Security Act of 1947 should be revoked, or at least have many of its provisions changed severely. The CIA should be turned back into what it was meant to be, an intelligence-processing center with lots of number-cruching bureaucrats, like elsewhere in Washington. But Clandestine Services and Covert Operations are fossils, and should be scrapped. The "black ops" should be retired. Spying in peacetime - in the absence of a clear and present threat - should be illegal. But most certainly interference with the democratic processes of other countries should be made illegal, especially paramilitary exercises. The shadow government's covert policy has often been at open odds with the stated public policy of the elected government in many areas, putting us in the position of considerable distrust by the rest of the world. In a free society, foreign policy should be as open and democratic as domestic policy. If the President wants to aid nations that have democratic values and protect human rights, or to sanction or use military force against those countries that are true threats to the United States or its allies (and not just ruled with a form of government we don't like), let him openly ask for the support of the American people, not go behind their backs.
There will always be a need to gather intelligence about the military capabilities of other nations, and for a center to coordinate the gathering of that intelligence. Such a center would really know when a country was preparing for war or invasion, and how to plan a response. The CIA's dismal failure in predicting Iraq's aggression against Kuwait shows that it is not competent for that task. And it is not competent because since 1952 it has gained proficiency in all the "black operations" to the detriment of improving intelligence techniques. The CIA must be "broken in a thousand pieces," as Kennedy wanted, and built anew, into something that will not be a disgrace to American principles and ideals. That new agency will address real concerns to national security, and not chase after phantoms. And it will take a sea change in the government to bring about a "new" CIA; but such a sea change is well overdue.
Steve Mizrach
The CIA: Criminals in Action (July 15, 2008)
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The Gotfried Bill Dismantling All 50 States CONSTITUTIONS Fails!
We have news as to the effects of our letter that was sent to all of the Senators and Assembly Members in New York to stop the Gottfried Bill from passing into law. We have been notified that the Gottfried Bill did not pass and did not get voted to go to the floor. The session for 2011 has ended. The Gottfried bill will not be being voted on for this year of 2011. However we were told that the Bill will be assigned a new number and possibly sponsored again in 2012 in an effort to try to seize all 50 States and get voted in.
Thank You Deborah Lamb and John Mecca | ||
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NEW Second installment of Internet Segment: update for June 15, 2010:
Update on our Court Action:
This is our second installment of information regarding our court case. We have received extra phone calls from victims asking for information and or direct help. The requests are here answered for those that asked the questions and for those who may want to know. First we are not perfect, nor attorneys and financially unable to do more than what is presented here. One of the questions asked was, would we help with another persons court case; we cannot give legal advise as it is considered illegal, we are going to give adequate review of our own complaint to give the victims an insight as to how to handle their own as a parallel. The facts of how a victim should approach the problem of formulating their own complaint is a relative issue, as we believe as we have said on the first installment that a complaint should be entered into a State Court and not a Federal Court. The reason for that is mentioned in the first installment.
A second question was regarding FOIA and State FOILS, where the specifics were how to go about preparing an FOIA/FOIL. The first issue to face is that the authorities both state and federal are allowed to lie and keep the information you may be seeking where it is about yourself secret. Because whether you're under human experimentation or some form of new bizarre form of trustee prisoner, you would be refused on the basis that an ongoing lawful investigation was being performed upon the person. As well from our own efforts to FOIL and FOIA the information being sought will not be given unless it is about a generic topic. Such topics must specify a time period and the actual information requested must be about some aspect that is not directly connected to the information you seek but is possible from the generic information to cause a perception that such as what you truly seek is likely to be present. All in all the only way to get information about ones self is to FOIA/FOIL and then subsequently appeal and upon getting nothing still then to sue in a court for an answer. However evidence showing standing and harm will be needed to get the court to find for the Plaintiffs and order an answer from the Defendants. This information is what we have learned from personally sending out FOIA's/FOIL's.
In our first installment we made it clear that attorneys will not help us and we presume will not help any attack victim, due to the fact the attacks are being done under law, however they are unconstitutional. We are "Pro Se" as a necessity, because lawyers will not touch this kind of problem; until someone establishes case law by winning.
Now our Court update for June 15, 2010 is:
The Court is currently hearing Defendants and Plaintiffs Motions. The Defendants always ask for a dismissal and have entered a Motion for dismissal, we the Plaintiffs Debbie and John have entered a cross motion to counter the Defendants Motion, that we believe is more than adequate for discounting and mooting the Defendants motion based on law. Therefore we are currently awaiting the outcome of the Justices decision in this most important matter. The decision by the Justice regarding those motions is set for mid-July and neither Defendants or us Plaintiffs, Debbie and John are required to attend, so far as we know at this present time. Our complaint asks that all New Yorkers who have been experimented on without their knowledge or consent must be notified by Defendants being New York authorities, when and if we win our case. No public hearing is scheduled at this time.
Recent emails from victims about New York State Legislative Bill A6665C Gottfried (MS) -- Prohibits participation in torture and improper treatment of prisoners by health care professionals information of New York State Legislative Bills to prohibit Physicians involving themselves in harsh investigations, does not benefit electronic attack victims.
The following is John Mecca's and Deborah Lamb's analysis based on NYS Law of the text of the Bill 4495--A, that shows in simple terms the true purpose and meaning of the NYS Bill; “PROHIBITING PARTICIPATION IN TORTURE AND IMPROPER TREATMENT OF PRISONERS BY HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS”.
Where the Bills definition of "Prisoner" means any person who is subject to punishment, detention, incarceration, interrogation, intimidation or coercion.
1.) This Bill is to a great degree for the purpose of removing linkage of liability, of NYS, that the State not be held liable for the actions of medical personnel whom engage in aiding harsh and egregious treatment; is by the Bill implied to be applied on a case by case basis and is not a blanket statement for all medical personnel. Nor intended as a Bill for indicating criminal activity by medical authorities.
2.) In essence the Bill is an unconstitutional effort of the NYS legislature to have on their books a law that places responsibility for wrong doing by medical personnel upon them alone, and further that the law by its wording leaves the medical personnel responsible to prove where sued that they had substantiation of adequate legal sanction, from whatever authority they operated under; such proof necessary for a medical practitioner to obtain from the authority they acted under has intrinsic barriers at present under for example Federal FISA and other authorities such as Military Tribunals. For example Guantanamo Internees are not protected under the CAT Act due to the U.S. State Department having claimed exemption of that act and other restrictions such as those under the Geneva Convention, by the authorities of the State Department claiming allowance to contravene those international and other agreements and laws through the legal stricture of “Lex Specialis”, in legal theory and practice, is a doctrine relating to the interpretation of laws, and can apply in both domestic and international law contexts. The doctrine states that a law governing a specific subject matter (lex specialis) overrides a law which only governs general matters (lex generalis).
3.) By the laws wording, it does not therefore actually prohibit medical personnel from engaging in aiding harsh and similar treatment where legally sanctioned, nor does it encompass or prohibit pain and suffering caused by human research or experimentation. Human experimentation is not an issue covered by this Bill, except that the Bill excludes pain and suffering as an issue where they were caused from NYS waiver of consent human experimentation or research. Therefore the Bill does infer sanction of legitimacy of NYS waiver of consent human experimentation or research to cause pain and suffering.
4.) The NYS law does not state that there is a criminal penalty for medical personnel, by there not being any mention of any penalty, is inferring that it is merely a reportable condition of a medical personnel's activity, which may result in some peer review.
5.) In the Bill there is no mention of addendum to criminal law, as a further indication there is no criminal penalty implied. And how could there be any criminal penalty, where the higher Federal authorities have laws for virtual torture and harsh treatment that sanction such activities to that which the NYS Bill decries.
6.) The Bill implies without qualification that NYS authorities themselves cannot be involved with virtual torture and harsh treatment and that such lack of text qualification prohibiting NYS authorities as a meaning of implied restriction of NYS authorities, is wholly mitigated by the existence of the vague waiver of consent human experiment and research laws, which can enable use of pain and suffering as apart of an experiment or research. Therefore by the laws wording, it does not therefore actually prohibit authorities or medical personnel from engaging or in aiding harsh and similar egregious treatment where legally sanctioned as such laws allowing sanction exist in NYS.
7.) The Bill essentially is used as a vehicle to unconstitutionally quantify persons who are ill treated inside or outside of New York by medical authorities or NYS authorities as without their guaranteed NYS CONSTITUTIONS CIVIL RIGHTS of due process, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and other rights. This is done by the qualification that such abuses by authorities are as can be understood from the text of the law are not open to criminal penalties.
8.) The Bill is an unconstitutional extension and subsequent unconstitutional extension as a prejudice against any person egregiously effected by NYS medical personnel, accommodated by the unconstitutional acceptance in a breech of New Yorkers civil rights that enable unconstitutional acts by Federal or even NYS authorities to be considered separable as to the liability of NYS where in the Bill the state seeks to sever its liability as regards egregious actions of medical authorities and is wholly conflicting with the scope, meaning and purpose of not only New Yorkers Constitutions Civil Rights but also of other states constitutions Civil Rights and some would argue is in conflict even with the U.S. Constitution where honest legal authorities were queried.
9.) All TI's as persons whom are being attacked face possible negative influence by this Bill in context of: (a) the unconstitutional definitions the NY legislature invented to protect NYS from liability (b) and the unconstitutional holding by the NY legislature of egregious acts by licensed and other authorities as not actionable for criminal charges and, (c) it is unconstitutional for the NYS to imply no criminal penalty where the reason is to unconstitutionally alleviate NYS of liability as to the acts of their licensed or otherwise controlled medical professionals, as it is a perversion of the law. Such that upon authorities or medical personnel coming to light in the discovery phase of a complaint, could have such legislation enable offending defendants to claim that New York State and hence its authorities are free and clear from liability except as to minor infraction and that could result in pain and suffering not being allowed as issues of intent by defendants and therefore such pain and suffering as liability could be evaded by New York State authorities and New York State.
10.) In summation this Bill is slickly worded, as it decreases our NYS Civil Rights as sovereign people to prevent liability not only of New York and its New York authorities, but also its medical personnel as well.
11.) The Bill needs to be opposed and not embraced.
The Bill if read carefully is an effort by the NYS legislature to prevent News York States liability if a physician is sued by a victim for having been involved with torture or ill treatment of a person. As well the Bill CLICK here <> check full text, summary and enter the numbers S04495A up will come the full text and read carefully you will see the legislature is providing legal loopholes for them to allow physicians as NY licensed medical practitioners to act to do torture, but that the new legislation holds NY free from being held liable and also NY does not say that those who chose to do the deed will be held criminally liable, just that NY will not face liability and therefore could not be sued. Not sued at least if the wording is inadequate, the law itself is unconstitutional to sanction the act of participation in torture or harsh treatment anyway. Additionally the legislation provides another loophole that legally sanctioned actions of whatever authority are not covered, they could be Nazi Doctor Joseph Mengele research and experiments under wavier of consent human experimentation available under public laws of NY. So what is the legislation, it is an unconstitutional construction releasing physicians from adhering to the new law and frees NY from liability where such New York medical authorities involved with ill treatment of a person may be taking place inside or outside of NY jurisdiction. To sum up, victims and activists who care, should start a letter writing campaign to have the final Bills draft scrapped and that the true issues of Peoples rights be addressed, by espousing that NY have a policy that physicians offenses whether under color of law or not should be criminal offenses. That the NY State must not be allowed to state in law, well if you want to be involved with torture NY physician you can but you are not sanctioned to do so by NY, that is NY saying the people the physician is acting upon to aid torture or harsh treatment have no rights and must be countered by email, mail, phone calls and faxes to say: “SCRAP NYS Senator Duanes BILL S04495A” it's unconstitutional under the Civil Rights of New Yorkers CONSTITUTION to dilute New Yorkers rights.
Below is an excerpt from the tragic Bill, notice the last sentence in bold text, which is a blatant loophole for a physician to ignore the prohibition on torture the Bill pretends to enforce.
§ 22. Participation in torture or improper treatment of prisoners by
9 health care professionals. 1. Definitions. As used in this section, the
10 terms "torture" and "improper treatment" shall be interpreted in accord-
11 ance with applicable international treaties, principles and standards as
12 well as the decisions, observations and recommendations of the corre-
13 sponding interpreting bodies. However, for the purposes of this section,
14 it shall not be an element of either "torture" or "improper treatment"
15 that such acts be committed by a government or non-government actor,
16 entity, or official; under color of law; or not under color of law. As
17 used in this section, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the
18 following terms have the following meanings:
(b) "Torture" means any intentional act or intentional omission by
40 which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is inflicted
41 on a person for such purposes as obtaining from the person or from a
42 third person information or a confession, punishing the person for an
43 act the person or a third person has committed (including the holding of
44 a belief or membership in any group) or is suspected of having commit-
45 ted, or intimidating or coercing the person or a third person, or for
46 any reason based on discrimination of any kind. It does not include
47 pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful
48 sanction.
There are other loopholes hidden also where they are in context where a paragraph leads into another that allow for further abuse, the BILL is a harm upon the people and a boom to the State.
We have seen the e-mail circulating telling TI's among others to e-mail the representatives of an Assemblyman in New York and the New York State Senator proposing those bills, however what TI's really should be doing in order to help their cause is email all the Senators and Assembly persons the following message:
“SCRAP NYS Senator Duanes BILL S04495A” it's unconstitutional under the Civil Rights of New Yorkers CONSTITUTION to dilute New Yorkers rights by tacit allowance to physicians to engage in such activity and to codify human experimentation that causes pain and suffering as altogether allowable as the Bill states is the case pertinent to the new legislation. It is immoral and illegal under NYS laws.
To end this installment we thank all the victims and activists who are working diligently to stop this egregious atrocity.
We will update as soon as possible!
END OF -- June 15, 2010 – INSTALLMENT.
It has been discovered there are New York Public Health Laws and New York Mental Health Laws that are being used to strip New Yorkers of their New York “STATE” Civil Rights secretly, allowing “State of New York” authorities to destroy any New Yorkers health and life without notification of the persons affected. The same kinds of actions are happening to all persons in other “states”, under their own states laws.
To make things worse there are other New York State laws that allow state authorities to evade admitting that they have secretly declared a person incompetent for subsequent nomination into a deadly human experiment using covertly installed in the body devices (in vivo) that emit deadly energy, while the person is completely unaware and going about their daily tasks and going to work. Even if the person's doctor or lawyer were to ask the authorities, the authorities decide whether to tell them or not and according to law, do not have to tell them, unless the victim has substantial evidence and takes the authorities to court. If a person's doctor or lawyer knows of what is happening to the victim, they won't tell the victim, because they are licensed with the state and therefore obligated not to aid uncovering an ongoing human experiment “lawful investigation”.
The attacks on people throughout the nation and world vary, where the technology ranges from implanted in the body devices emitting deadly energy to other techniques of implanted in the body tracking devices to allow them to be efficiently stalked by authorities teams of harassers and also tracking devices to allow the use of deadly radar beams to be sent into their bodies location. The general issue is that the people are having their immune systems traumatized to destroy their health and minds. Many of the victims report torture level pain in a virtual sentence of death.
In States like New York the laws allow federal authorities like the agency Health and Human Services (HHS), military authorities like the CIA, hospitals, universities, institutions, private corporations and doctors, to operate under permission of written New York State laws; the entities mentioned are therefore by law given permission to operate in the State of New York by New York itself, those entities however are still obligated to obey the other laws of New York State that protect a person, which the entities are not obeying. The entities are also obligated not to breach New York States CONSTITUTIONS CIVIL RIGHTS OF NEW YORKERS; therefore the entities from other than the state itself are actionable for liability for breaching the peoples civil rights, just the same as state authorities are liable when they have ignored a persons civil rights. Thereby all of the attacks reported by people throughout the nation are being allowed by the respective STATES laws that the person lives in. The issue therefore is that in order to bring a complaint to stop the attacks it can and should be brought first in a STATE Court, because the STATE authorities are in action as permitting the activity even where it is from federal authorities for example. This is known from our having found the laws that specify the state gives permission for the entities to operate inside New Yorks jurisdiction. The specific laws that allow such atrocities will be outlined in detail in this articles next installment.
It sounds impossible, it is not, there are such laws here in New York and there appears to be the same laws, with somewhat different wording that allow for the same thing to happen, in the other 49 states.
There are several thousand people over the last 15 or so years telling of their being attacked and or used in human experiments that have destroyed their lives, these people were leading normal lives and suddenly their world was turned upside down by State authorized authorities making up for their state budgets deficits by designating people falsely to be “incompetent” and selling the victimized people for use in human experiments for profit. The old saying is, “if you follow the money the truth will be found”; the money motive is a part of the issue of why a person is chosen, because the states need money and they also have men and women without conscience that will do whatever they are ordered to do. Not like you, where your conscience would bother you to pick some New Yorker or people in another state to experiment on, knowing full well their life would be destroyed. Because of the authorities and media ignoring this injustce many of the victims of this abuse have died.
Imagine you wake up and find yourself the target of the authorities, who are really covertly silently torturing you and no authorities will listen to you or help you at all. The electronic pulsing devices do not only cause extreme pain, but are designed to affect the frontal lobe of the brain to depreciate judgment, in effect a reducing the intellect of a person. As the laws are today you too are also at risk for the same thing happening, as well also your family and friends and acquaintances; the potential really exists that you have already been implanted and the authorities have not turned it on or high enough for you to notice it. The laws are on the books and the activities are well known to be going on, there are innumerable websites discussing the attacks on people throughout the nation. One person having this happen to them, is one too many.
The discussion of people affected varies as to how to get the attacks to stop. There has until now been confusion about the source of jurisdictional responsibility of the attacks, resulting in people taking their cases incorrectly to the federal courts; it has been shown by law the states are responsible and not the federal government. Not to say the federal government is not involved; it is a fact however the states are permitting the attacks upon a New Yorkers, Californians, Texans or whatever state the person lives in, where federal or other entities are in action.
Gathering sufficient evidence is what is needed to gain a hearing in court, it has been difficult to do under the circumstances that the authorities call the attacks “human experiments or research”, as a cover for their unconstitutional crimes. The general issues for most of those claiming to be affected is the common thread of their experiences with other victims, such similar reports amount to evidence by commonality; that essentially says to an observer, that something more than mass hysteria is occurring.
The victims reporting here in this article have gathered substantial evidence of various kinds and their evidence conforms to courts requirements for a hearing. It is now in the hands of the Court to do the right thing, or cause further litigation of the case where it may ultimately wind up having to be appealed and by due diligence of Lamb and Mecca, wind up in a federal court; that will in all likelihood result in the federal court enforcing their New York State Constitutional Civil Rights, where they coincide with their federal Constitutions' Civil Rights.
You might have asked yourself why attorneys have been unable or unwilling to bring a complaint into court, why detectives produce nothing they will back up in a court, why doctors see nothing; well there are laws in New York and other states that hold them criminally liable for exposing an ongoing “so called” human experiment quantified in the eyes of the authorities as being a “lawful investigation” of a suspect/subject. Such so called “lawful investigation” have the full weight of law to enforce the maintenance of secrecy, so that the experiments remain secret, thereby the laws prevent licensed with the state authorities from rendering “honest service” to victims. Where the licensed professionals such as attorneys, private detectives and doctors may well appear to be helping, they always fall short of the goal because they are compromised by the laws, if they are not actively misleading the victim. The laws that allow what is described are unconstitutional, but are used by authorities as if they were constitutional; the laws for maintaining secrecy of investigations to keep victims from getting evidence by the state authorities, is by keeping all licensed with the state professionals on a legal leash. Many of the licensed with the state professionals and authorities have exhibited actions and attitude of sanctioning such atrocities. The same reasonings are why the news media has ignored the victims plight. The only way out is through a court where the activities are exposed.
Some of those who are being experimented on have made an effort to get the problem resolved by going to court. That may seem like the intelligent response to do, to get something so offensive to stop, but it has been a nightmare for those making the attempt in court; due to another set of authorities laws and policy and case law that support State authorities allowance to lie compounding the problem. Such that the authorities can legally deny all knowledge of the activity, leaving the victim without any ability to get to the truth unless their court case is properly structured. To most of you who read this, it may seem impossible the authorities are allowed to lie in consideration of what's being complained about, but the issue has been decided in court cases that have found for State authorities being allowed to lie while in pursuit of a “lawful investigation” of a suspect/human subject; where in our case we are talking about the authorities pursuit of a person who is a human experiment. Licensed with the state professionals are not supposed to help or aid a victimized person to expose the activity, professionals who don't want to go along could be subject to retaliation by authorities, in being threatened with jail or loose their license to enforce secrecy; such threats have no real weight and those professionals that go along are guilty of conspiracy to defraud. That anybody can have the State step in and seize them as their guardian by nominating the person incompetent secretly without notice is inherently illegal and on the opposing side supported that it is illegal by case law. The licensed professionals are not free from responsibility, they are actionable and not free from liability where they are silent or go along with authorities, on the basis of the egregious nature of the actions authorized by authorities. What is being done to people in the 50 states, is against their guaranteed state Constitutions Civil Rights of persons. These are some of the reasons for all the secrecy by authorities, being they can be stopped and the authorities know that, their main objective is to keep victims from going to court and that is their highest priority.
As victims we have been fighting for our lives trying to stop the insidious atrocity in court, it is a fight critical and crucial to saving our own lives, as well as to help save the lives of many people in New York and throughout the United States where we win. The two affected new Yorkers, John and Debbie have been diligent in searching out a means to produce evidence where the evidence gathered has not been dependent upon licensed authorities; as a part of their evidence they have used a special advanced electronic test according to an electromagnetic standard test of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., which is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology, setting standards for industry and governments around the world. They have gathered other evidences as well to support their case.
How did we get to this depraved state of human rights abuse and what can be done to reverse the trend of adoption of Nazi like legal allowances to have our State Constitution Civil Rights of persons of any state taken away. These actions of state authorities taking away a person's rights without telling anyone that they are really stealing the body and mind of a person to torture or kill them, is just like a judicial secret star chamber of rogue judges deciding who lives and who dies. The actions of authorities described in this article are a new form of corruption for use by authorities in personal vendettas, legitimate activist assassinations, money making, power and outright sadistic training of other authorities to learn how to do an attack upon a person. That is an issue for the courts to remedy you may think, well there are two people in Court in New York who are also victims and as of this June 2nd 2010, they are attempting to turn this extraordinary immoral activity around and make such vague laws illegal through case law. The Plaintiffs in court being Deborah Lamb and John Mecca are being egregiously affected with pain and suffering from electronic torture by implanted devices, they are currently scheduled for a hearing this July in Long Island New York, of their well supported and properly organized case. You are asked to forward this article to all and anyone whom you believe cares, who has lost hope, who can further spread the word and to those who may want to attend the hearing to show support. Also we need your Prayers that justice prevails and we win.
The next installment will be in a few days to a week!
Dear TI's, Our Court Case News
Other Sad News
Yours Truly, |
CAUTION: A dubious activist Eleanor White has posted a ratings page for mind control reporting websites. Although she claims to be a "radio engineer" (ham radio operator) which is a person who can operate a radio, whereas most cell phones are more complicated and operated by pre teens. Eleanor White has made some very serious mistakes regarding statements in her ratings about numerous websites that I think are undermining good reporting by various authors. She states that the IEEE test for implants is not confirmed by her; the test is as it is from the most prestigious organization the IEEE devising tests for government and industry, we have a test on that she thinks requires her stamp of approval based on her very limited academic training in the art of turning the tuning dial of a radio. It may well be important to note she decrys any term applied to the attacks other than harassment and is uninterested in the facts that such attacks are anything but human experimentation. I believe that the facts on as well as relate the legal aspects that show the attacks are the results of laws beyond those of human experimentation. Ms White also ststes that validation of the numbers of persons having been implanted has not been established. Estimates of the numbers of persons covertly implanted can be understood by reading the following page ( X ) . In these times of an artificially induced world crash as the numbers of affected is on the a dramatic rise is sensed from this author that the imminent crash is in part planned to occur as the people begin to make headway in having the crime of covert torture becomming known to the general public. What may happen in the crash is that the citizens will be cut off from normal media and the web to keep the secret of the torture. The Camps all across the country are ready. The trap upon the people has already been sprung. What authority will rise to stop the people from being nothing but cattle. Beware of those saying this is reasonable and that is unreasonable, the agencies penchant is to lead those who seek the truth astray.
Below is Eleanor White's notice of her lack of judgement as to
rating websites showing up in various places around the internet!
Eleanor White before sending that activism item
out, check its credibility rating at: http://www.creviews .net
* * *
Kansas allows for citizen formation of Grand Juries, now the
power is in the hands of people organized well enough to act!
Five other states provide for citizen-petitioned grand juries:
Oklahoma, New Mexico, North Dakota, Nebraska and