Whenever someone is shocked or frightened they are unable to think critically or rationally.
While they are in that state of shock or fear the required programming is inserted into their minds and they accept it without critically analysing it.
President John F Kennedy could have been murdered in a way that would make his murder look like an accident. However, he was murdered in a very public manner while television cameras were focused on him so as to deliberately traumatise the American people so that they could immediately be programmed with false information while they were still in a state of shock. The same scenario applies to 9/11.
At present we can be programmed by the use of traumatic imaging combined with traumatic story lines while watching the main stream media news on television. The news readers are all now required to read the news in a panic stricken voice so as to entrain the brains of the listeners into a state of panic. I deliberately avoid listening to all main stream media news because of this type of trickery. The fast picture change rate and the flicker rate on the television screen are other means which are currently being used to program the listener into believing the falsehoods which they hear on the television news. The aforementioned flicker rate can be used as a carrier to carry subliminal information into the human brain without the knowledge of the television viewer.
I no longer own a television and I have not owned one for many years.
Reading (15)
(1) Police throughout most of the world are now being trained using the same inculcation methods which are being used to inculcate individuals into religious cults.
(2) Many police stations are now being deliberately located close to microwave transmitters, which are being used to mind control the police. We are bathed in a sea of electromagnetic waves. Unbeknownst to most of us, messages are being secretly carried on those carrier waves into the heads of most of society without their consent. Our brains work electromagnetically and with frequency vibration. The predatory satanic New World Order cartel agents have been projecting frequencies containing information into the human brain within the frequency band of human brain activity, and the individual human being who unknowingly receives the information contained in the projected frequencies then believes that information is their own thoughts and opinions.
(3) Police are being used to enforce civil law which is a weapon of dark occultists who wish to enslave us via civil law as well as via technological means. We must return to the use of common law which is a justice system based on natural law and which empowers the human race against the dark occultists who sit at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command. COMMON LAW serves the human race and is an avenue of justice. CIVIL LAW is a weapon used against the human race by the self proclaimed elite.
(4) When the police are finished their training they then are being asked to attend an elaborate function similar to a wedding where their parents also attend in order to celebrate the fact that they are now about to begin their new employment. This situation is designed to make it difficult and shameful for those junior police officers to leave the police force after such a well advertised elaborate function attended by their parents and families when they eventually discover that they are regularly being asked to enforce immoral laws as part of their work requirements.
(5) Police work is now being so heavily compartmentalized that the police themselves are not being allowed to know what is occurring behind the scenes inside their own countries with regard to abuses of electromagnetic weapons. The only individuals who are allowed to see the overall picture of what is secretly occurring in any country or state are the dark occultists who run each country from the top of the worldwide false hierarchical based chain of command.
(6) The dark occultists and their agents, many of who are high level systems analysts, especially in Dublin City in the Republic of Ireland, control the actual programming of the human linked computerized control system which is being used to link the brains and central nervous systems of unwilling, non-consenting and largely unaware human beings to said computerized control system.
(7) Because police stations are being located close to the aforementioned microwave transmitters and because police themselves are being forced to carry communication devices close to their person on a continual basis during their working hours, it has been reported by Dr Barrie Trower, ex MI5, who is himself a microwave specialist that the numbers of police officers who are developing cancer is above national averages.
(8) When the police undergo initial training, they are being denied access to important information about the current capabilities of electromagnetic weapons, the capabilities of which would reflect in their decision whether to complete their police training course or not.
I include a resubmitted brief synopsis of only some of the current capabilities of electromagnetic weapons here.
When the human brain thinks a thought it produces an electromagnetic frequency which can be measured by wireless means from a distance and automatically translated into what the human subject has just thought about.
When you undergo an EEG examination your brain wave tracings show up on a computer screen. These brain wave tracings show distinctive patterns all of which have been translated into individual words and feelings and they have been compiled into a computerized dictionary which can be translated at the speed of light into what you are thinking , feeling, doing and saying . By this method anyone’s thoughts can be read and anyone’s activities can be monitored from a remote location by unknown neuro operatives.
A frequency modulator can be used to take frequencies from the human brain and mix them with other incoming frequencies so that the incoming frequencies over ride the original brain frequencies and in this way you can effect the thoughts and emotions of a human being, thereby modifying their behaviour, even without their knowledge. A frequency modulator can be used to modify the behaviour of a law court judge and jury so as to manipulate them to find a defendent guilty or not guilty. It can be used to sports men and women to change the outcome of a football match. It can be used to change the outcome of an election. It can be used on senior politicians to change their decisions. It is being used on psychiatrists to make them wrongly believe that individuals who are being remote neural manipulated are mentally insane. It can be used to turn followers of any organised religion into fanatics which I believe is currently allowed to occur.
Electrical signals are generated inside your head and body whenever you move a muscle. When you decide to move a finger an electrical signal is steered through our brain and central nervous system and travels right down to your finger via your neural system. The movement generates and electric current which generates off your brain and body and which can be read by external means by unknown neuro operatives who work from an unknown remote location. These neuro operatives can then read that electric signal and they can reconstruct the strenght of the current and in what direction it is flowing because we have implants and microdust which contains sensors inside our brains and bodies which now allows them to conduct these manipulations on us from an unknown external location. Neuro scientists and neuro operatives who are agents of the dark occultists can now read out elecromagnetic fields in great detail and have a computer analyse them rapidly so that they can now know what a human being is doing inside the privacy of their own home at all times, down to how many times that human subject blinked their eyes or breathed each day.
Further to that, a frequency modulator can be used to demodulate all electrical signals and then remodulate them and send them back to the human subject in ways that can then force the human subject to move a muscle entirely against their will, either knowingly or unknowingly. The electromagnetic field which surrounds your body when you are in inside such and electromagnetic field can be used against you to force an electric current inside your head and force it to travel down your neural system and into your limb and make that limb move against your will. This can be used to make you fall a break your ankle against your will while allowing you to believe that it occurred accidentally.
The hand proprioception and touch interfaces (HAPTIX) program is used to wirelessly stimulate the peripheral nervous system, forcing people to unwillingly feel vivid sensations of touch and proprioception while they are alone in the privacy of their own beds at night. It is very frightening if you have not been informed about this technological capability. I have experienced it many times against my will and without my permission.
Brain chips will be commercialized as deep brain stimulation devices or chip/biosensors for mankind to experience in their homes or businesses, for virtual enjoyment, pleasure, treatment for diseases of the mind, monitoring, diagnostics, energy harvesting, augmentation of artificial intelligences and computers, counter control measures, exploitation, the declaration of a cyber war and physical dominance of human beings at many levels of life according to Dr Hildegarde Staninger in her book “Global Brain Chip and Mesogens.”
The Richard C Walker patent which has also come to be known as the wireless internet of things patent number US6965816 describes the ability of neuro scientists to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or a human being.
Every time you think a thought, feel an emotion, move a body part, speak or act, then the neurons in your brain fire up and they generate an electromagnetic frequency which would then show up as a unique pattern on an electroencephalogram machine which is more commonly known as an EEG machine.
Each of these electromagnetic frequencies which you are generating all day long have totally unique patterns similar to words in a book. These unique patterns have all been identified and categorised and placed in a type of computerized dictionary. Software has been created that uses that computerized dictionary to translate all of the electromagnetic frequencies that a human brain and body generates at the same speed which the brain works at into the thoughts, words, feelings, actions and movements of that human being on a continual basis.
Therefore if you were continually attached to an electroenchepalogram machine as you went about your daily life and if some body else had access to the software that automatically translates the unique electromagnetic frequencies that your brain and body were generating they could know from looking at their computer screen every word that you say each day in combination with every emotion that you feel, every thought that you think, every time you move a body part, how long you sleep and how often you eat, among other deeply personal details of your life that you thought were private.
People have been illegally implanted with either nano technology or micro technology or both to the extent that it allows unknown criminals to wirelessly translate and to wirelessly analyse and store all of the electromagentic frequencies which their brain and body generate against their wills and without their permission. The unknown criminals now can know everything you say, do, think, feel, how long you sleep for and how often you eat. They can analyse the data and sell it to foreign powers so that other unknown criminals can also know your most private thoughts, words and actions.
The story is alot worse than losing all of your privacy. These unknown criminals can also broadcast frequencies into you without your permission if they have obtained your unique brain signature. They can broadcast frequencies which contain words, images, pictures, pain, forced muscle movement as well as emotions and feelings. They can broadcast pornographic images into the mind of a child. They can broadcast voice commands to you and if you disobey them they can then broadcast a pain signal into your brain and body. They can broadcast frequencies into you that cause your brain or body to malfunction and you might never know who they are or why they are doing it.
We need to urgently disassemble and ban whatever technology is enabling the wireless capabilities which allows human beings to be tortured inside their own homes on a continual basis. There could be devices on the electricity poles ajacent to peoples homes which is allowing them to be wirelessly tortured on a continuous basis for years at a time. What do we in Ireland need to have disassembled and banned in order to free ourselves from being constantly tortured by this evil technology?.
I got much of this information from a youtube channel called Sherry’s Research and Reviews
At ten minutes and seven seconds into the above linked youtube video a banner heading appears on the screen which says the following "Mind Reading Technology being used to Monitor Chinese Workers Emotions". While I was reading that heading a voice of a neuro operatives who I am now wirelessly linked to informed me that mind reading technology is now being used to monitor the emotions of all of the most senior Gardaí in the Republic of Ireland including the Chief Superintendent. I have been non-consensually subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation for a number of years and I am in constant contact with unknown neuro staff who transmit their voices inside my head by wireless means.
When the human race succeeds in destroying and outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters as well as all telephone masts, GWEN towers and phased arrays we will then be free from wireless enslavement via both body control and mind control forever. This ongoing wireless enslavement of human beings is called Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation. We will return to a state of absolute freedom, forever free from the attempted enslavement of the human race by dark occultists who currently own and control all worldwide banks, many corporations, the crown corporation, the United Nations, the Vatican, Washington DC, the London Financial District, the Pentagon, the British Commonwealth and much more The existence of satellites is an easily proven hoax. All worldwide data travels via undersea fibre optic cables. Many senior politicians and news editors and police chiefs may already be controlled by Remote Neural Monitoring. Please raise awareness of the urgent need to have microwave transmitters disabled and banned forever.
Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to the audio cortex of a human brain thereby forcing that human being to hear voices of military/intelligence personnel totally against the will of said human being.
Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to the visual cortex of a human brain thereby forcing that human being to see visions put their by artificial means.
Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to the motor cortex of a human brain thereby forcing that human being to move their muscles against their will.
Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to detect the subvocalizations of a human being thereby enabling military/industrial personnel to read the private thoughts of said human being totally against their will and to reply to them in real time via signals being returned to the audio cortex.
Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to sub-dermal implants of a human being which may be translated into pain signals at the point of impact.
Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to surveil all five senses of a human being.
Remote Neural Monitoring can effectively be carried out without any physical contact with the targeted human being.
The stringent laws of psychiatry are being used to cover the existence and extreme dangers of Remote Neural Monitoring. Mind Control is being used against psychiatrists and others in order to suppress all knowledge of Remote Neural Monitoring.
I personally know of many individuals throughout the island of Ireland who are wirelessly tethered to a supercomputer for the purposes of facilitating Remote Neural Monitoring of them. They no longer complain to the Gardai because they are continually being disbelieved as well as being considered insane. They can not prove that they are being Remote Neural Monitored because wirelessly enabled directed energy is invisible. Combined with this anybody who claims that they hear voices and their thoughts are being read are being ridiculed by sections of the main stream media. The overwhelming power of ridicule is impossible to fight against.
Please organise to your senior politicians to have all microwave transmitters urgently disabled and banned in your area.
I'm going to list some of the methods they use to make my social life exhausting:
- they make me look at a certain person and then insert disturbing (agressive, sexual) thoughts and/or agressive impulses
- they focus my attention on a particular thing people are saying and then insert similar (agressive, sexual thoughts about the others or humilliating thoughts about myself) thoughts related to what they were saying and/or anger (a certain word can bring up the same thought over and over again, everytime I hear it)
- they make me notice certain gestures people do and then insert similar thoughts and/or anger
- they make me spot unaesthetical things of other people and then insert offending commentaries in my mind
- they make me lose my interest/patience when conversating
- induced racing thoughts or racing inner conversation
- induced anger or hornyness when someone touches me or walks close to me
- induced narcissism
- induced paranoia
Also they use some of these methods to cancel the positive emotional feedback of doing a good deed.
These methods are usually coupled with others' strange reactions (as if they knew what I was thinking/feeling).
So this brings me to the question: do you think that people around us can really read our minds?
what they do not mention in the article is that this is a transceiver, so the implantee can receive messages from the operator, whom is receiving your thoughts and voice patterns.
Modern day telepathy? Scientists develop method for reconstructing thoughts
Written By Loren Grush Published February 01, 2012
While many people often wish they could hear what people around them are thinking, telepathic skills are often written off as science fiction. But one day, the ability to read people’s minds may not be a talent only reserved to psychics and X-Men.
A group of neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, reported they may have come up with a scientific way to read people’s minds.
Led by post-doctoral researcher Brian Pasley, the scientists have developed a method for deciphering the electrical signals in a person’s brain as they listen to words or conversation. Upon figuring out these signals, they were then able to use them to recreate the imagined speech of the same person.
The secret to their method lies in the temporal lobe of the brain, which is used in auditory perception. When a person hears a word or phrase being spoken, the activity that occurs in the temporal lobe also occurs when the person imagines that same word or phrase.
“This is a fundamental principle of the brain,” Robert Knight, a senior author for the study and a neuroscientist at UC Berkley, told “The area that performs a cognitive or behavioral function is also activated when you imagine that function. For example, let’s say you raise your right arm. Then if you imagine raising your right arm, the same areas that were active when you move your arm are working when you imagine it.”
In order to gather their findings, the researchers asked epilepsy patients undergoing brain surgery if they’d like to participate in research while they were in the hospital. Before these patients had their surgeries, they had to come to the hospital, have up to 256 electrodes placed over the surface of their brain, and then wait for a seizure to occur so the doctors could pin point the location of the seizure.
Sometimes this process takes a couple hours, but sometimes it can take weeks. So Pasley and his team utilized 15 neurosurgical patients’ extra time in the hospital while they were connected to the electrodes, having them hear 5 – 10 conversations.
Pasley then developed a way to reconstruct words using data from a person’s brain activity. Or in other words-reconstructing the words that people were thinking.
“He developed mathematical ways to match the electrical recordings from the electrodes in the brain to the sound characteristics that the patient heard,” Knight said. “The algorithms he developed can now predict a word the patient’s never heard before.”
While the researchers have barely scratched the surface of this new technique, they hope they have set the gears in motion for engineers to develop better communication aides for those who have been severely disabled, either from stroke or other illnesses.
“If you had a device that was safely implantable and actually helped the patient, there’s no doubt it would be used,” Knight said. “It could be used for someone with a speech problem, such as a severe muscular control problem like ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Or maybe someone who has a damage in the part of the brain that controls speech output, but their input area is intact.”
More importantly, Knight said their research is important for simply understanding how the brain works.
“Think of the number of things you do in a day cognitively - word understanding or motor control or how you’re paying attention to something. We don’t really know a lot about how the brain works in supporting the things you’re doing right now,” Knight said. “If we can figure those things out, it will have huge implications for understanding normal cognition and it will have important implications for a whole host of psychiatric disorders.”
But in terms of becoming a mind reader, Knight said people won’t be eavesdropping on peoples’ inner monologues any time soon. Unless they plan on getting surgery.
“You can’t broadcast your thoughts unless there’s an electrode there,” Knight said. “So if you have a significant other, you can implant them and potentially hear what they’re thinking.”
“Of course it would require a neurosurgeon, so I don’t think that trend will sweep the nation,” Knight jokingly added.
Knight, Pasley and their colleagues published their findings Tuesday in the open-access journal PLos Biology.
Read more:
A, "million light years", is not an answer that describes time. Included at the bottom are comments, mine included. Peter Rosenholm
The blog of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
Read your mind? Not in a ‘million light years’
Written by John Donnelly on February 28, 2011 — 8 Comments
The members of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues received a primer today on recent advances in the use of medical technology on neuro-imagery. It was a session that Dr. Gregory House of the TV show House would have found fascinating – especially the multiple uses of MRI machines to help detect hard-to-diagnosis diseases.
The Commission is considering whether to embark on examining ethical issues surrounding the uses of neuro-imagery and genetic testing.
A panel of scientists said that one cutting-edge ethical issue now involves how private companies could use this technology for what they called “neuro-marketing” in order to advance the sale of products.
But one issue not on the table: whether new technology can help read minds — because it can’t.
Such technology “is a million light years away,” said Dr. Martha Farah, the Walter H. Annenberg Professor in Natural Science and Director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania.
Science isn’t close to enabling researchers to read the thoughts of others, Farah said in an interview. Still, though, she knows people fear that it will happen. She said she gets asked about it frequently.
“We are nowhere near being able to read sentences or thoughts that are the equivalent of sentences,” Farah said. “But it is the case that we can derive a fair amount of personal information including current mental states, such as mood, intentions, and desire to buy an object” from Functional MRIs, or fMRIs.
But the interpretation of brain imagery, captured in fMRIs, was far from perfect, she said. “There is a lot of significant personal information from fMRIs. It is with a degree of accuracy that is far from perfect, but is well above chance.”
That leads Farah to be wary of neuro-marketing. “The biggest ethical issue to me is the fact that many of the most exciting new applications of brain imaging are being developed entirely with private corporate funding for commercial purposes,” she said. “I don’t think that is going to give us the best new contributions to society, and I don’t think that is going to lead to the greatest transparency concerning what these scans can do.”
Posted in Liveblog Coverage | Tagged Dr. Gregory House, Dr. Martha Farah, neuro-marketing, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, reading minds, TV show House
8 Comments to “Read your mind? Not in a ‘million light years’”
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sc's Gravatar sc
March 1, 2011 at 1:33 pm | Permalink
I believe that it is critically important to consider the ramifications of issues such as these preemptively. While it may not be exactly hyperbolic to state that we are “nowhere near being able to read … thoughts,” as soon as a company thinks this is a worthy goal and starts to invest heavily in it, the growth will be rapid.
I do not believe that anyone should at all suggest that this is an impossible endeavor, unfortunately. Just because our current imaging technologies are not up to the task does not mean that a more sensitive measure, or a paradigm shifting one, may not be on the horizon.
I would agree that we are relatively far from such technology, but with the current accelerations of technological growth and neuroscience understanding, it would not be surprising to see within the next 50 years.
Also, a light year is a measure of distance and not time. So, unless there is a suggestion that no one within a radius of 9.4×10^21 m has access to this technology, then that quote may have been given in error.
Martha Farah's Gravatar Martha Farah
March 1, 2011 at 6:24 pm | Permalink
Hello and thanks for the reasonable comments. I agree that one should never discount the possibility of a “paradigm shift,” but I feel confident that the extrapolation of current brain imaging methods will not get us there. And given concerns about mind reading with current technology expressed by some members of the public in attendance, it seemed worth making the point in loud & clear terms. There is some impressive work being done to read mental information from the brain. But relative to real mind-reading, it’s like climbing trees to get to the moon — you can make some progress away from the ground and toward the moon, but only so far. Speaking of celestial bodies, I was using a distance analogy — we’re nowhere close, we’re light years away — but it did get lost in quotation! Thanks again for your thoughts. Martha
tmk81's Gravatar tmk81
March 2, 2011 at 12:18 pm | Permalink
Just because public research is far from mind reading doesn’t mean it is not being done… clandestinely. Even Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, admits “Our biggest problem has always [been] how do we get into the head of somebody”. Note the word BIGGEST. It’s narrow views like those of Dr. Martha Farah that have been leading society to be caught with its pants down.
Gary D Chance's Gravatar Gary D Chance
March 3, 2011 at 4:46 pm | Permalink
The use of language here is extremely important. There’s a skip from neuroimaging to science with the conclusion derived from neuroimaging applied on the broader level of science. There is a whole other area of neuroscience involving detecting and decoding electrical impulses which was not even discussed at all. Neuroimaging fundamentally measures mass which limits what can be done with respect to brain research drastically.
Although we saw the letter “M” on the back of the brain by neuroimaging techniques where sight images are processed, we did not see any neurological work that reflected decoding electrical impulses such as was reported by the BBC News in 1999 where the ability to look through a cat’s eyes was accomplished: The Commission has utterly failed to bring to the surface this aspect of neuroscience today.
I make a similar analogy between mind reading today versus the inadequacy of neuroimaging to accomplish this at all. There has been a lack of any consideration given by the Commission to that branch of neuroscience which decodes electrical impluses that would reveal thoughts (words, sentences and images). This is completely different from neuroimaging.
I am quite concerned about this dismissal which is valid for neuroimaging being used on a broader basis when applied to science or other areas of neuroscience. My concern comes from the facts of my experience for the past decade where those people well known to me using neuroscience based surveillance technology have been able to read my thoughts (words, sentences and images) and repeat back to me what I am thinking by means of electronic transmission of sound, aka, Voice-to-Skull (V2K) so called by the US Army. I will go one step further and say that thoughts can be made audible in this manner, so that what one thinks in terms of words and sentences come out of a speaker because I hear my thoughts through S2K on a slight delay basis.
Those among the 22 public speakers at the end who reported the same experiences from various parts of the US that I have experienced in London revealed that this exists on a global basis and is being carried out as experiments on non-consensual human subjects as these people repeatedly described while they pleaded for help from the Commission to save their lives.
John Donnelly wrote “But one issue not on the table: whether new technology can help read minds — because it can’t.” This is the language problem. “New technology” is limited to neuroimaging when the Commission did not even consider other areas of neuroscience such as decoding the brain’s electromagnetic radiation emissions. “Science isn’t close to enabling researchers to read the thoughts of others, Farah said in an interview.” continues John Donnelly. Again this is a language usage fallacy. One cannot extrapolate a narrow area of research and application to a broader base.
The Commission has done itself and the public a great disservice by not considering all aspects of neuroscience or even science that might be applicable. I think that the Commission needs to go back to this area and do it justice by a thorough review of the current state of neuroscience that takes in decoding electrical impulses of the brain. What is actually being done is far, far from what is being presented by this Commission so far. This hole needs to be filled in, and those who speak from the public listened to very carefully. They are at the forefront of abuse by research.
Derek D. Brodie's Gravatar Derek D. Brodie
March 4, 2011 at 12:24 pm | Permalink
Pesonally if an individual was to actually try to read another individuals mind I believe it would entail this process. Find the vibratory frequency of the tissue of said subjects brain. Then pass that frequency at a low level through said tissue. Being received on the other side of said subjects head the frequency could then be analyzed for distortion due to electrical field functioning in brain processes. If the electrical field of the brain can be mapped. Then an individuals brain can be read by the fluctuations of said fields. Personal opinion not researched.
Peter Rosenholm's Gravatar Peter Rosenholm
March 4, 2011 at 5:36 pm | Permalink
Session 3 of Bioethics Commission
At about 45 minutes into this Session 3 video of the bioethics Commission Lisa Becker asks a question and in Dr. Farah’s response she says subvocal speech recognition is only speech and not mind reading. If knowing a subjects unspoken thoughts is not mind reading then what is mind reading.
I have written on how millimeter wave surveillance that measure heart and breathing rates as well as sweating as being used in concert with V2K/MEDUSA (microwave hearing effect) as being used as a remote lie detector or to enhance remote no-touch-torture using other directed energy weapons. We need to consider emergent and current technology as being components of a weapons system.
Another example might be to stimulate a part of the brain to bring up a memory. Subvocal speech recognition could be used to read the subjects unspoken thought. Similar results might be obtained with brain imaging/FMRI.
No longer can one technology be considered just by its self.
Peter Rosenholm
Jeff's Gravatar Jeff
March 4, 2011 at 6:13 pm | Permalink
jameskdom's Gravatar jameskdom
March 9, 2011 at 3:33 am | Permalink
Neuroscientists are already able to read some basic thoughts, like whether an individual test subject is looking at a picture of a cat or an image with a specific left or right orientation. They can even read pictures that you’re simply imagining in your mind’s eye. Even leaders in the field are shocked by how far we’ve come in our ability to peer into people’s minds. Will brain scans of the future be able to tell if a person is lying or telling the truth? Suggest whether a consumer wants to buy a car? Reveal our secret likes and dislikes, or our hidden prejudices? While we aren’t there yet, these possibilities have dramatic social, legal and ethical implications…
For all helmets, we noticed a 30 db amplification at 2.6 Ghz and a 20 db amplification at 1.2 Ghz, regardless of the position of the antenna on the cranium. In addition, all helmets exhibited a marked 20 db attenuation at around 1.5 Ghz, with no significant attenuation beyond 10 db anywhere else.Conclusion
The helmets amplify frequency bands that coincide with those allocated to the US government between 1.2 Ghz and 1.4 Ghz. According to the FCC, These bands are supposedly reserved for ''radio location'' (ie, GPS), and other communications with satellites (see, for example, [3]). The 2.6 Ghz band coincides with mobile phone technology. Though not affiliated by government, these bands are at the hands of multinational corporations.It requires no stretch of the imagination to conclude that the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC. We hope this report will encourage the paranoid community to develop improved helmet designs to avoid falling prey to these shortcomings.
LIM SC : I used aluminium sheet meant for heat insulator for roofing to shield Microwave attacks, I think it worked. Anyone else who find it effective too ? Please share your experience or experiment summary.
Mind reading is natural.
Carl G. Jung wrote some interesting notes about this subject inMemories, Dreams, Thoughts.
Some early kopt christian monk Antonius father withdrawn in the desertcould sense the thought of those who where coming to see him from longdistences.
Ken Wilbur wrote that we are toghether deep inside of us (think ofJung's concept of collective unconsious) like on our hands: we are thefingers but we are connected together just forgotten about theconnection and in our mind is only the top of the finger.
Also look up Herbert Hellinger's notion of morphogenetic fields.
I have special abilities (wich are not very special as you think) wichcan be called as special sensitivity, or hypervigilance, or extremeemphaty, or even mind reader skills. I am telling you: everyone is amindreader. There is no thought wich does belong to you.
These devil guys are devil, but by using these thechnologies they arelifting us up on a higher or deeper understandig of ourselfs. And theycannot make the mind reading process one way process. When they readsomeone's mind that target person can recieve information from thereader's mind. This is something what they really did not expected. Nowthey have to use "firewalls" persons who are hypnotised and do not knowabout they're real goals. As a target survives a few attepmpts, wich isabout to get him/her insane or suicide, he/she gets stronger and getsinformations and knowledge about them.
I have gathered some of these infos. When they realize that the targetis too "smart" they have to use firewalls all he time. So these guys(firewalls) become targets too. And so on. And our community is growing.And a lot of us dies.
Remote Neural Monitoring : A Technology Used For Controlling Human Brain
80HAVE you ever thought about something you never shared with anyone, and havebeen horror-struck at the mere thought of someone coming to know aboutyour little secret? If you have, then you probably have all the morereason to be paranoid now thanks to new and improved security systemsbeing developed around the world to deal with terrorism thatinadvertently end up impinging on one's privacy.
Some of the countries involved in such programmes include USA, UK, Spain,Germany and France. Recently, the National Security Agency (NSA) of theUS has developed a very efficient method of controlling the humanbrain. This technology is called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and isexpected to revolutionise crime detection and investigation.
What is it?
RNM works remotely to control the brain in order to read and detect anycriminal thought taking place inside the mind of a possibleperpetrator. Research studies have shown that the human brain thinks ata rate of about 5000 bits per second and does not have the capacity tocompete with supercomputers performing via satellites, implants andbiotelemetry. The human brain has a distinctive set of bioelectricresonance system. For the RNM system, supercomputers are being usedand, thus, with its help, supercomputers can send messages through animplanted person's nervous system in order to influence theirperformance in a desired way.
RNM has been developed after about 50 years of neuro-electromagnetic involuntary humanexperimentations. According to many scientists, within a few years itis expected that DNA microchips will be implanted in the human brainwhich would make it inherently controllable. With RNM, it will bepossible to read and control a person's emotional thought processesalong with the subconscious and dreams. At present, around the world,supercomputers are monitoring millions of people simultaneously withthe speed of 20 billion bits per second especially in countries likeUSA, Japan, Israel and many European countries.RNM has aset of certain programs functioning at different levels, like thesignals intelligence system which uses electromagnetic frequencies(EMF), to stimulate the brain for RNM and the electronic brain link(EBL). The EMF Brain Stimulation system has been designed as radiationintelligence which means receiving information from inadvertentlyoriginated electromagnetic waves in the environment. However, it is notrelated to radioactivity or nuclear detonation. The recording machinesin the signals intelligence system have electronic equipment thatinvestigate electrical activity in humans from a distance. Thiscomputer-generated brain mapping can constantly monitor all electricalactivities in the brain. The recording aid system decodes individualbrain maps for security purposes.
What does it do?
For purposes of electronic evaluation, electrical activity in the speechcentre of the brain can be translated in to the subject's verbalthoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the auditory cortex of thebrain directly bypassing the ear. This encoding helps in detectingaudio communication. It can also perform electrical mapping of thebrain's activity from the visual centre of the brain, which it does bybypassing the eyes and optic nerves, thus projecting images from thesubject's brain onto a video monitor. With this visual and audiomemory, both can be visualised and analysed. This system can, remotelyand non-invasively, detect information by digitally decoding the evokedpotentials in 30-50Hz, 5 millwatt electromagnetic emissions from thebrain. The nerves produce a shifting electrical pattern with a shiftingmagnetic flux which then puts on a constant amount of electromagneticwaves. There are spikes and patterns which are called evoked potentialsin the electromagnetic emission from the brain. The interesting partabout this is that the entire exercise is carried out without anyphysical contact with the subject.
The EMF emissions from the brain can be decoded into current thoughts, images and sounds in thesubject's brain. It sends complicated codes and electromagnetic pulsesignals to activate evoked potentials inside the brain, thus generatingsounds and visual images in the neural circuits. With its speech,auditory and visual communication systems, RNM allows for a completeaudio-visual brain to brain link or a brain-to-computer link.
Of course, the mechanism needs to decode the resonance frequency of eachspecific site to modulate the insertion of information in that specificlocation of the brain. RNM can also detect hearing via electromagneticmicrowaves, and it also features the transmission of specific commandsinto the subconscious, producing visual disturbances, visualhallucinations and injection of words and numbers in to the brainthrough electromagnetic radiation waves. Also, it manipulates emotionsand thoughts and reads thoughts remotely, causes pain to any nerve ofthe body, allows for remote manipulation of behaviour, controls sleeppatterns through which control over communication is made easy. Thiscan be used for crime investigation and security management.

With all the given benefits of RNM for tracking the illicit and treacherousactivities, there are many concerns and risks being pointed out byhuman rights activists and other scientists. The agencies of humanrights around the world have criticised RNM as a violation of basichuman rights because it violates privacy and the dignity of thoughtsand activities of life. Several countries have protested against it andrefer to it as an attack on their human and civil rights. Thescientists protesting against the use of RNM believe that people whohave been implanted involuntarily become biological robots and guineapigs for RNM activities in the guise of security. This is an importantbiological concern related to microchip implantation, which is a hiddentechnology using microwave radiations for the control of the mind.
Scientists believe that like leukemia and the cancerous risks posed by mobilephones which also emit microwaves, RNM can also pose similar threats toa subject's overall health as the heating effect of tissues with thespeed of light is a known effect of high powered microwave andelectromagnetic pulse weapons.
Thus, RNM remains a controversial technology which is being used in many countries for security maintenance and surveillance.