Millions of good living human beings throughout the western world are currently being subjected to a system called Remote Neural Monitoring, which involves being non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly linked to a super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves from nano implants inside their brains and bodies. If general medical practitioners and the police are informed by the subjects themselves of being subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring, both the general medical practitioners and police would lose their jobs if they failed to send the complainants for psychiatric evaluation. When psychiatrists are then informed by the subjects themselves that they are being Remote Neural Monitored they are detained inside a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period of time, where they are legally obliged to take highly toxic substances which slowly and incrementally damage their brains and bodies. This is the reason why Remote Neural Monitoring is so widespread that it could collapse the whole fabric of society at this point in time and yet nobody knows about it except the millions of torture victims that it leaves in its wake. Ban microwave transmitters for true human freedom.
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Millions of good living human beings throughout the western world are currently being subjected to a system called Remote Neural Monitoring, which involves being non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly linked to a super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves from nano implants inside their brains and bodies. If general medical practitioners and the police are informed by the subjects themselves of being subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring, both the general medical practitioners and police would lose their jobs if they failed to send the complainants for psychiatric evaluation. When psychiatrists are then informed by the subjects themselves that they are being Remote Neural Monitored they are detained inside a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period of time, where they are legally obliged to take highly toxic substances which slowly and incrementally damage their brains and bodies. This is the reason why Remote Neural Monitoring is so widespread that it could collapse the whole fabric of society at this point in time and yet nobody knows about it except the millions of torture victims that it leaves in its wake. Ban microwave transmitters for true human freedom.
There appears to be a demarcation line between the super rich and the rest of the human race. The super-rich appear to have no access to any known man-made laws.
It is abundantly clear to everyone by now that the criminal cabal commonly known as the super-rich do not include themselves in the enslavement system which is currently being rolled out for everyone else under the guise of law and order.
It is abundantly clear to everyone by now that the criminal cabal commonly known as the super-rich do not include themselves in the enslavement system which is currently being rolled out for everyone else under the guise of law and order.
Victims of a new human enslavement methodology called Remote Neural Monitoring are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a continuous two way stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves via illegal implants. These implants have been illegally introduced into the brains and bodies of all populations throughout the western world through illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads with nano particulates which we then inhale and ingest. These and other implants may also be introduced into our bodies by a variety of other means. A cabal of criminal super-rich individuals aspire to eventually be able to remotely monitor and measure all of the electromagnetic activity in both the brains and bodies of all human beings and all other living things on a continuous basis throughout each day.
A selection of good will, good living human beings have been selected for total brain readout analysis and brain and body manipulation via super-computer over the past few decades. These human beings are currently known as targeted individuals. According to well known cybernetic warfare researcher Bryan Tew, their unique digital brainwave imprint is secretly obtained by criminals and it is uploaded to a super-computer. The illegal nano-particulates which they have inhaled and ingested digitalise the brain of the targeted individual and turns it into a digital receiver. In combination with the super-computer, criminal neuro personnel then manipulate the visual cortex, the auditory cortex, the motor cortex and the sensory cortex in order to inject sound, vision, memory manipulation, muscle movement and even pain signals to that targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.
Targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring have nothing to gain and everything to lose from being illegally and immorally remote neural monitored. They go about their lives seemingly as normal. Nobody around them can tell that they are hearing voices and feeling unusual sensations throughout their body on a continual basis. Main stream medicine, psychiatry and the law are refusing to confront the by now widespread existence and extreme abuse of Remote Neural Monitoring. Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are being wrongly evaluated as being mentally ill.
When non-consensual and extremely unwilling targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring hear the voices of criminal neuro operatives coming from inside their heads they react with hostility towards the speakers of those voices. They refuse to be civil to criminals who insist on placing their voices inside the targeted individuals heads. On the other side of the equasion, the criminal neuro operatives themselves feign surprise that the targeted individual continually refuses to have a pleasant conversation with them via this new illegal methodology. The targeted individual sometimes wonders if all of the illegal speakers who force their voices inside the head of the targeted individual are even fully aware of the illegal methodology that is being used to hold the conversation. Some of the illegal speakers may be being misinformed as to the methodology that is being used to speak to the targeted individual.
The cabal of criminal super-rich individuals who own the rights to the Remote Neural Monitoring signalling process plan to place the whole human race other than themselves on this system of Remote Neural Monitoring, which has also come to be known as bio-metrics control, from birth until death. Every human being other than themselves would be allocated a universal bio-metrics identity card which would contain a permanent indelible record of their whole life.
If a universal, hierarchical based chain of command combined with universal remote neural monitoring for the whole human race ever becomes a reality, any one member of the deep state if they so wished, could command a super-computer to send extreme pain signals into the nervous system of all of their fellow human beings, other than the individuals at the top of the control hierarchy who are outside the current system of control and technological enslavement.
Luckily, there is a simple solution to the technological enslavement of the human race. The human race will disassemble and destroy all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia. The existence of satellites and space based weapons is an elaborate and easily proveable hoax along with a multitude of other hoaxes.
The existence of satellites lie was invented in order to make NASA appear invincible.
If satellites really existed all of our satellite dishes would be pointing straight up to the sky in order to receive and transmit signals. However, our satellite dishes are pointing sideways in order to receive signals from microwave transmitters and these signals that said microwave transmitters are transmitting are being relayed from undersea fibre optic cables.
Further to that, so -called satellite navigation data is being obtained from triangulation of signals which are being transmitted from cell phone towers which are also known as phone masts.
Under sea fibre optic cables are responsible for transmitting all internet and other data across the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple are all building and laying their own under sea fibre optic cables in order to transmit their own computer data across the world as per the enclosed video link.
Air and space can not co-exist side by side. The vacuum of space would suck the air from the atmosphere leaving us with no air to breathe. We can easily save ourselves from being permanently wirelessly tethered to a super-computer which is what happens to victims of Remote Neural Monitoring simply by outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and returning to life without cell phones.
As well as the creation of the satellite hoax, many other hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries by the cabal of criminal super-rich who are sometimes know by a number of other names including the self-proclaimed elite.
These hoaxes were created by the self-proclaimed elite by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.
Some of the other hoaxes that have been created by the would-be enslavers of the human race are as follows:-
The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.
Our life experience on this earth should be about experiencing problems and learning to solve them in a natural way. It should not be about obediently following orders from birth until death. Human beings who are subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring claim there is no joy in their lives. Their lives are being micro-managed as never before via receiving instructions and criticisms on a constant basis from the speakers of their internal technologically induced voices. They have absolutely no mental privacy and in most cases they now long for death. The majority of the human race do not wish to live in a planet of universal enslavement. Universal remote neural monitoring combined with a universal chain of command combined with universal bio-metrics identification only benefits a criminal cabal of the super-rich and nobody else.
Please raise awareness of the urgent need to dismantle microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia all over the world now.
Main stream medicine and psychiatry are refusing to confront the existence of a branch of neuroscience which is commonly known as Remote Neural Monitoring. Instead, anybody who complains of being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring is being wrongly evaluated by psychiatrists as being mentally ill. Psychiatry is being used to suppress all information pertaining to the worst crime that anybody has ever experienced. If psychiatrists continue to shut out all knowledge of remote neural monitoring from their own minds, more and more individuals will come forward complaining of it. Psychiatrists must urgently acknowledge the existence of Remote Neural Monitoring before it technologically enslaves the whole human race.
Definition of Remote Neural Monitoring by Bryan Tew.
There may be as many as one thousand programs of mind control which are being used for the purposes of training, research and development. There are many different projects under each program.
Remote Neural Monitoring is a process where victims are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a bi-directional continuous stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves that are specifically tuned to the victims unique brain wave signature via illegal implants which have been introduced throughout the victims brain and body by chemtrail spraying of the skies with nano particulates and by a variety of other means. These illegal nano particulates digitalise the victims brain and turns it into a digital receiver. Once the victim is tied to a super-computer the super-computer is able to interface with the brains nano particulates in order to measure and monitor and download all the electromagnetic activity of the victims brain at the speed of light. The super-computer is able to conduct hundreds of thousands of calculations per second. The process of Remote Neural Monitoring is automated and adapted to the victim.
The hive mind team obtain an EEG digital brainwave imprint of the victim. They download that to their super-computer and then they tie the victim to that super-computer for life by way of a bi-directional continuous stream of energy which contains a hidden carrier frequency..
Unknown computer neuro personnel called a hive mind team interface with the super-computer and can manipulate the visual cortex, audio cortex, motor cortex and sensory cortex of the victim in order to introduce sounds, visions, muscle movement and eventually pain signals into the victims brain and body. The hive mind team can inject impulses and memory attacks, visual entrainment and verbal entrainment, two dimensional images, dream modulation, neuro linguistic programming. The head of the hive mind team called the clone is able to clone his brain wave signature to the victims brain wave signature. He can clone his thoughts to your mind. Another member of the hive mind team is a human firewall so that you can not read the mind of the clone. The hive mind team also have nano technology inside their bodies and brains. They will use other people who are paid organised-stalkers to harass and attack the target in order to provoke the victim into an emotional response which can then be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data. They use physical and psychological trauma to map out the sensory and neural pathways of the target. They are seeking to build coherent patterns of thought so that they can begin to map out the brain of the targeted individual. Brutal psychological trauma is necessary in order to force the victim to dissociate from reality. They are breaking the brain of the target down to the synaptic level. The paid organised -stalkers are also used to discredit the targeted individual so that no one will believe the targeted individual, which will further traumatise them.
We have millions of neurons in our brains that communicate with each other through what is called a synaptic gap. The neuro transmitter is there and that is how the technology is designed to speak to and decode your thoughts.
Further Bryan Tew Material.
Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to image, measure and transmit brain and neural activity.Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to a super-computer via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies. The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the targeted individual in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.
A computer multiplexer routes the brain signals to a tower or mobile platform .(The mobile platform could be as large as a truck or as small as a suitcase.) The tower or mobile platform then relays the signals to a digital receiver. If the hive mind teams are working on the victim from an overseas location which they may do soon after they have obtained an EEG readout of the victims unique signature, in that case the bi-directional continuous stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves will be routed from the human brain to the super-computer via undersea fibre optic cables.
The cerebral cortex is remotely tied to a supercomputer which monitors and manipulates all of the electromagentic activity of the human brain.
There are hive mind teams involved which aid and abet the process for the purposes of training, research and development. The hive mind teams manually inject information into the human brain when whenever they need to but up to twnety percent of all of the manipulation is now being done automatically by the supercomputer. The automated work of the supercomputer involves muscle manipulating via the motor cortex of the human being, as well as inducing sleep disturbances when necessary and the supercomputer can automatically decide to kill a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring.
The brain of the victim has been digitized by nano technology which they have both inhaled and ingested from illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Nano technology is already in the brains of all 318 million Americans as well as all Europeans and further afield. Once ingested, the nano technology then migrates to the brain and adheres to the neuro transmitter of the brain. It begins to decode those neuro transmitters after it is activated. Your brain can be activated from thousands of miles away using a process called Directed Energy Flashing Photons. Even though everyone is infected with nano technology only a few million human beings have been activated throughout the world so far.
The hive mind teams force the targeted individual into a pattern of response and a pattern of speech. They try to develop and identify patterns of behaviour of the targeted individual which they then remotely measure and re-intigrate into the Remote Neural Monitoring data for the purposes of building a cognotive moel of the human brain. The hive mind teams deliberately generate anxiety and fear in order to generate emotional responses which can be measured and reintigrated back into the remote neural monitoring data.
The super-computer has copies of the bio-algorhythms of the will, intellect and emotions of any targeted individual that has become wirelessly tethered ot it. The will, intellect and emotions of these targeted individuals is used to further program the super-computer. Naturally the super-computer, being non-sentient can not actually feel the emotions. It can only simulate them through the tone of voice that it is programmed to use.
The hive mind team turn the brain of the victim into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communication system.
Remote Neural Monitoring locks on to the emotional state of the victim. If the victim uses pleasing music or a pleasant pass-time to dampen down the neural link to the hive mind team and to the super-computer trauma will then be used to re-entrain the brain of the victim back to the desired frequency of the Remote Neural Monitoring system.
Remote Neural Manipulation is the ability of the system to predict and influence your memories during thought composition in order to pitch you into some type of action or access sequence.
It is imperative that the hive mind team do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit targeted individuals. In some situations the hive mind create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.
The hive mind team can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. They are using a fabricated and falsefied stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves specifically to match the brain wave sequence of the victim. This bio-directional stream, known as the information and injection feedback loop which scientists call the neural link contains a hidden carrier frequency which is specificaly tuned to the unique one of a kind brain wave signature of the victim.
The hive mind team obtain the digital brain imprint of the victim which they remotely measure and then they upload it into a super-computer and they wirelessly tie the victim to that super-computer for life by way of the bio-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves, turning the brain of the targeted individual into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communication system. The victim is then a walking digital receiver. They attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.
There is a perceived seventy or eighty year gap between the technology available in the market place and the technology available to the satanic and luciferian control system. They wish to determine what a society can maintain is true.
Further links to the work of Bryan Tew.
Main stream medicine and psychiatry are refusing to confront the existence of a branch of neuroscience which is commonly known as Remote Neural Monitoring. Instead, anybody who complains of being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring is being wrongly evaluated by psychiatrists as being mentally ill. Psychiatry is being used to suppress all information pertaining to the worst crime that anybody has ever experienced. If psychiatrists continue to shut out all knowledge of remote neural monitoring from their own minds, more and more individuals will come forward complaining of it. Psychiatrists must urgently acknowledge the existence of Remote Neural Monitoring before it technologically enslaves the whole human race.
Definition of Remote Neural Monitoring by Bryan Tew.
There may be as many as one thousand programs of mind control which are being used for the purposes of training, research and development. There are many different projects under each program.
Remote Neural Monitoring is a process where victims are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a bi-directional continuous stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves that are specifically tuned to the victims unique brain wave signature via illegal implants which have been introduced throughout the victims brain and body by chemtrail spraying of the skies with nano particulates and by a variety of other means. These illegal nano particulates digitalise the victims brain and turns it into a digital receiver. Once the victim is tied to a super-computer the super-computer is able to interface with the brains nano particulates in order to measure and monitor and download all the electromagnetic activity of the victims brain at the speed of light. The super-computer is able to conduct hundreds of thousands of calculations per second. The process of Remote Neural Monitoring is automated and adapted to the victim.
The hive mind team obtain an EEG digital brainwave imprint of the victim. They download that to their super-computer and then they tie the victim to that super-computer for life by way of a bi-directional continuous stream of energy which contains a hidden carrier frequency..
Unknown computer neuro personnel called a hive mind team interface with the super-computer and can manipulate the visual cortex, audio cortex, motor cortex and sensory cortex of the victim in order to introduce sounds, visions, muscle movement and eventually pain signals into the victims brain and body. The hive mind team can inject impulses and memory attacks, visual entrainment and verbal entrainment, two dimensional images, dream modulation, neuro linguistic programming. The head of the hive mind team called the clone is able to clone his brain wave signature to the victims brain wave signature. He can clone his thoughts to your mind. Another member of the hive mind team is a human firewall so that you can not read the mind of the clone. The hive mind team also have nano technology inside their bodies and brains. They will use other people who are paid organised-stalkers to harass and attack the target in order to provoke the victim into an emotional response which can then be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data. They use physical and psychological trauma to map out the sensory and neural pathways of the target. They are seeking to build coherent patterns of thought so that they can begin to map out the brain of the targeted individual. Brutal psychological trauma is necessary in order to force the victim to dissociate from reality. They are breaking the brain of the target down to the synaptic level. The paid organised -stalkers are also used to discredit the targeted individual so that no one will believe the targeted individual, which will further traumatise them.
We have millions of neurons in our brains that communicate with each other through what is called a synaptic gap. The neuro transmitter is there and that is how the technology is designed to speak to and decode your thoughts.
Further Bryan Tew Material.
Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to image, measure and transmit brain and neural activity.Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to a super-computer via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies. The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the targeted individual in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.
A computer multiplexer routes the brain signals to a tower or mobile platform .(The mobile platform could be as large as a truck or as small as a suitcase.) The tower or mobile platform then relays the signals to a digital receiver. If the hive mind teams are working on the victim from an overseas location which they may do soon after they have obtained an EEG readout of the victims unique signature, in that case the bi-directional continuous stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves will be routed from the human brain to the super-computer via undersea fibre optic cables.
The cerebral cortex is remotely tied to a supercomputer which monitors and manipulates all of the electromagentic activity of the human brain.
There are hive mind teams involved which aid and abet the process for the purposes of training, research and development. The hive mind teams manually inject information into the human brain when whenever they need to but up to twnety percent of all of the manipulation is now being done automatically by the supercomputer. The automated work of the supercomputer involves muscle manipulating via the motor cortex of the human being, as well as inducing sleep disturbances when necessary and the supercomputer can automatically decide to kill a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring.
The brain of the victim has been digitized by nano technology which they have both inhaled and ingested from illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Nano technology is already in the brains of all 318 million Americans as well as all Europeans and further afield. Once ingested, the nano technology then migrates to the brain and adheres to the neuro transmitter of the brain. It begins to decode those neuro transmitters after it is activated. Your brain can be activated from thousands of miles away using a process called Directed Energy Flashing Photons. Even though everyone is infected with nano technology only a few million human beings have been activated throughout the world so far.
The hive mind teams force the targeted individual into a pattern of response and a pattern of speech. They try to develop and identify patterns of behaviour of the targeted individual which they then remotely measure and re-intigrate into the Remote Neural Monitoring data for the purposes of building a cognotive moel of the human brain. The hive mind teams deliberately generate anxiety and fear in order to generate emotional responses which can be measured and reintigrated back into the remote neural monitoring data.
The super-computer has copies of the bio-algorhythms of the will, intellect and emotions of any targeted individual that has become wirelessly tethered ot it. The will, intellect and emotions of these targeted individuals is used to further program the super-computer. Naturally the super-computer, being non-sentient can not actually feel the emotions. It can only simulate them through the tone of voice that it is programmed to use.
The hive mind team turn the brain of the victim into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communication system.
Remote Neural Monitoring locks on to the emotional state of the victim. If the victim uses pleasing music or a pleasant pass-time to dampen down the neural link to the hive mind team and to the super-computer trauma will then be used to re-entrain the brain of the victim back to the desired frequency of the Remote Neural Monitoring system.
Remote Neural Manipulation is the ability of the system to predict and influence your memories during thought composition in order to pitch you into some type of action or access sequence.
It is imperative that the hive mind team do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit targeted individuals. In some situations the hive mind create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.
The hive mind team can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. They are using a fabricated and falsefied stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves specifically to match the brain wave sequence of the victim. This bi-directional stream, known as the information and injection feedback loop which scientists call the neural link contains a hidden carrier frequency which is specificaly tuned to the unique one of a kind brain wave signature of the victim.
The hive mind team obtain the digital brain imprint of the victim which they remotely measure and then they upload it into a super-computer and they wirelessly tie the victim to that super-computer for life by way of the bi-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves, turning the brain of the targeted individual into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communication system. The victim is then a walking digital receiver. They attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.
There is a perceived seventy or eighty year gap between the technology available in the market place and the technology available to the satanic and luciferian control system. They wish to determine what a society can maintain is true.
Further links to the work of Bryan Tew.
Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a bi-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves via illegal implants which have been introduced throughout their brains and bodies by chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and by a variety of other means. Computer neuro personnel can then manipulate the visual cortex, audio cortex, motor cortex and sensory cortex of the victim in order to introduce sounds, visions, muscle movement and eventually pain signals into the victims brain and body.
Over thousands of years this world has been organised into twin heirarchies of church and state which are all controlled by the unelected deep state at the top level. If you belong to a heirarchy you are legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being, who also is legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being and so on, up the line, even though you can have no way of knowing the ultimate agenda of the order giver who resides at the top of the heirarchy.
The deep state plan to place the whole human race other than themselves on a system of remote neural monitoring from birth where every human being would be allocated a universal biometrics identity card which would contain a permanent indellible record of their whole life.
If a universal heirarchical based chain of command combined with universal remote neural monitoring for the whole human race ever becomes a reality, any one member of the deep state at the very top of the heirarchy, if they so wished, could command a super-computer to introduce extreme pain signals into the brain and nervous system of each and every human being on the planet forcing them all to commit suicide immediately. The inner circle of the deep state would then have this whole planet to themselves.
I believe politicians throughout the western world are being attacked and compromised in a myriad of ways by dark occultists who will stop at nothing in order to gain control of the whole human race. Politicians who dare to challenge the creeping fascism of the deep state suddenly meet with an accident or sudden death. We must support our political leaders by first of all listing the many and varied ways in which they can be undermined and then we must find a way of helping them by writing about issues that they appear unable to discuss at this point in time, one of which is Remote Neural Monitoring.
Remote Neural Monitoring involves placing illegal implants inside the bodies and brains of all individuals through chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads with nano particulates which we inhale and ingest. These nano particulates then become encased inside our bodies and brains and can be used in combination with remote neural monitoring to virtually enslave us by wireless remote means and from a distance. All people in western society now are embedded with nano particulates throughout their brains and bodies but only a small selection of people are having their implants activated, a process which can be carried out from thousands of miles away.
When a human being has their internal nano implants activated all of the electrical signals coming from their bodies and brains are then analysed wirelessly by a supercomputer so that everything is known about that individual from that time forward. The supercomputer tracks them everywhere they go. It keeps a record of their breathing rate, their blood pressure, how long they sleep and what they say among hundreds of other details. If a politician has been activated for the purposes of remote neural monitoring they they could not secretly inform any member of the public about the extreme dangers of remote neural monitoring without it being known by agents the deep state who would then act against them in unknown ways.
There is no defence against remote influencing capabilities if you choose to surround yourself with digital technology, especially high definition televisions, wireless modems and smart engineered technology. Remote Influencing capabilities are being used to subliminally influence much of society to believe only what their government and main stream media tells them and to disbelieve online sources of information.
We can almost instantly re-empower ourselves by outlawing all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia. The existence of satellites and space based weapons are easily proveable hoaxes along with a vast number of other hoaxes. All worldwide data is currently being transmitted via undersea fibre optic cables which then carry digital signals to microwave transmitters. Please research and raise awareness of Remote Neural Monitoring.
We have all been sprayed with nano particulates from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. We have all inhaled and ingested these nano particulates and they have now lodged throughout our brains and bodies. Combined with these nano particulates many people have been implanted with microchips which connect wirelessly to these nano implants. These nano implants and micro sensors have become encased inside all parts of our bodies and brains. Anybody can now wirelessly tether us to a computer network and enslave us by this means.
According to a book called "Project Lucid" published in 1996 by one of Americas foremost authorities on the dangers of technology, Texe Marrs, there are super-secret experiments by government and corporate laboratories in which unwilling human subjects are having computer chips and transmitting devices implanted into their brains, ears and elsewhere in their bodies. The primary reason for this systems use is control.
I myself am a fifteen year long non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of neuro weapon research, which is being conducted on me by wireless means and by unknown neuro operatives who work from a remote location. These criminal neuro operatives can turn the neocortex of the victim into their very own visual, verbal, and auditive communication system simply by manipulating the audio cortex, the visual cortex, the motor cortex and the sensory cortex of the victim whenever they wish. What this means in my own case is that the muscles of my face can now be moved against my will. I can be made to grimace against my will. The neuro operatives can gain control of my mouth, jaws, lips and tongue and force words and whole sentences out of my mouth against my will. They can nod and shake my head vigorously by remote means. They have even moved my eyes rapidly back and forth against my will on one occasion.
Added to that, the criminal neuro operatives can force both sounds and voices inside my head any time of the day or night. They taunt me constantly and they frequently threaten to torture me at some time in the future. They also threaten to kill me on occasion. These criminals monitor everything I say and do. They attempt to forbid me from every having any conversations about any other members of the human race. When I am on the telephone I am only allowed to speak about myself or my own issues. However, I do not obey them. I treat them with distain.
The criminal neuro operatives who have been part of my life every day for more than fifteen years have informed me that they can see whatever I see provided it is close. They are unable to see anything I see in the distance. They have turned my brain into their very own visual system. They have the capability to hear whatever I hear but they have not activated that capability because it would interfere with their thought analysis work. Combined with all of this they can also make me feel sensations on my skin whenever they wish. They can even make these sensations appear hand shaped as if a human hand was physically holding my wrist. This capability is called haptic technological capability. Their experimentation of me is not concerned with mind control. Their experimentation of me is about research and development of human body control methodologies. These criminal neuro operatives could potentially place somebody inside a virtual hell if they wished to do so.
Humanity is currently being sprayed with chemtrails which contain nano technology which human beings are inhaling and ingesting. By this means and others we have become seeded with nano technology which can be used to abuse us. We have no option but to disassemble and destroy the totally ground based wireless enslavement system which is composed of microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and other antenna and related paraphernalia. The future is not viable if we fail to do so. The existence of satellites and other space based weapons is an easily proveable hoax. Under sea fibre optic cables are currently being used to transmit all worldwide data.
I am not the only targeted individual of non-consensual neuro weapons research in Ireland or overseas. There are hundreds of thousands of us. We call ourselves targeted individuals. Our stories are being disregarded because many others are being heavily mind controlled to disbelieve us. Remote influencing technologies are being used against them without their knowledge to encourage them to only believe whatever their government or media informs them of. Targeted Individuals no longer can inform the police, their general medical practitioner or psychiatry of their predicament because they are not being believed. They end up locked in psychiatric hospitals where they are being forced to ingest brain damaging toxic substances which pose as anti-psychotic medication. When they are under the influence of these toxic substances they are no longer able to explain their predicament in a plausible manner because these toxic substances blur their thinking in all cases.
The super-rich who wish to enslave the human race by technological means wish to hide their growing control over us. To that end, the fact that they have secret means to control hundreds of thousands of their fellow human beings throughout the world has remained a secret until now. Their agents discredit anyone who attempts to inform the public of their experiences of being a non-consensual neuro weapons research subject. Every effort is made to place that whistleblower in a psychiatric hospital as soon as they attempt to tell of their experiences. Failing that, agents of the enslavement system make every attempt to place said whistleblower on a terrorist list.
The super-rich who wish to gain control over the human race have fabricated hoaxes in order to provide cover stories to cover the existence of this advance secret technology and to engender passivity in the masses, and to make they themselves appear to have more power and capability than they actually have.
These hoaxes were created by dark occultists by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means.
A selection of the hoaxes which have been created are as follows:-
The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax to name a few.
Placing private homes on a listed building program is mostly a psychological operation to get the public used to the idea of asking their own government for permission to make adjustments to their own privately owned homes.
The dark occultists who wish to gradually and incrementally enslave their fellow human beings by means of wirelessly tethering them from nano and micro implants to a supercomputer wish us to grow accustomed to asking their permission for everything we do in the privacy of our own homes. They wish to slowly and incrementally gain a foot hold into the right to control how we keep our homes decorated. We must urgently ban microwave transmitters in order to put a stop to wireless enslavement via wireless tethering of human beings which has secretly become common place throughout Ireland unbeknownst to most. When said human beings inform certain authority figures that they have become wirelessly tethered to a network of supercomputers they are dispatched to psychiatry and the secret enslavement program continues to remain censored.
We have all been sprayed with nano particulates from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. We have all inhaled and ingested these nano particulates and they have now lodged throughout our brains and bodies. Combined with these nano particulates many people have been implanted with microchips which connect wirelessly to these nano implants. These nano implants and micro sensors have become encased inside all parts of our bodies and brains. Anybody can now wirelessly tether us to a computer network and enslave us by this means.
According to a book called "Project Lucid" published in 1996 by one of Americas foremost authorities on the dangers of technology, Texe Marrs, there are super-secret experiments by government and corporate laboratories in which unwilling human subjects are having computer chips and transmitting devices implanted into their brains, ears and elsewhere in their bodies. The primary reason for this systems use is control.
I myself am a fifteen year long non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of neuro weapon research, which is being conducted on me by wireless means and by unknown neuro operatives who work from a remote location. These criminal neuro operatives can turn the neocortex of the victim into their very own visual, verbal, and auditive communication system simply by manipulating the audio cortex, the visual cortex, the motor cortex and the sensory cortex of the victim whenever they wish. What this means in my own case is that the muscles of my face can now be moved against my will. I can be made to grimace against my will. The neuro operatives can gain control of my mouth, jaws, lips and tongue and force words and whole sentences out of my mouth against my will. They can nod and shake my head vigorously by remote means. They have even moved my eyes rapidly back and forth against my will on one occasion.
Added to that, the criminal neuro operatives can force both sounds and voices inside my head any time of the day or night. They taunt me constantly and they frequently threaten to torture me at some time in the future. They also threaten to kill me on occasion. These criminals monitor everything I say and do. They attempt to forbid me from every having any conversations about any other members of the human race. When I am on the telephone I am only allowed to speak about myself or my own issues. However, I do not obey them. I treat them with distain.
The criminal neuro operatives who have been part of my life every day for more than fifteen years have informed me that they can see whatever I see provided it is close. They are unable to see anything I see in the distance. They have turned my brain into their very own visual system. They have the capability to hear whatever I hear but they have not activated that capability because it would interfere with their thought analysis work. Combined with all of this they can also make me feel sensations on my skin whenever they wish. They can even make these sensations appear hand shaped as if a human hand was physically holding my wrist. This capability is called haptic technological capability. Their experimentation of me is not concerned with mind control. Their experimentation of me is about research and development of human body control methodologies. These criminal neuro operatives could potentially place somebody inside a virtual hell if they wished to do so.
Humanity is currently being sprayed with chemtrails which contain nano technology which human beings are inhaling and ingesting. By this means and others we have become seeded with nano technology which can be used to abuse us. We have no option but to disassemble and destroy the totally ground based wireless enslavement system which is composed of microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and other antenna and related paraphernalia. The future is not viable if we fail to do so. The existence of satellites and other space based weapons is an easily proveable hoax. Under sea fibre optic cables are currently being used to transmit all worldwide data.
I am not the only targeted individual of non-consensual neuro weapons research in Ireland or overseas. There are hundreds of thousands of us. We call ourselves targeted individuals. Our stories are being disregarded because many others are being heavily mind controlled to disbelieve us. Remote influencing technologies are being used against them without their knowledge to encourage them to only believe whatever their government or media informs them of. Targeted Individuals no longer can inform the police, their general medical practitioner or psychiatry of their predicament because they are not being believed. They end up locked in psychiatric hospitals where they are being forced to ingest brain damaging toxic substances which pose as anti-psychotic medication. When they are under the influence of these toxic substances they are no longer able to explain their predicament in a plausible manner because these toxic substances blur their thinking in all cases.
The super-rich who wish to enslave the human race by technological means wish to hide their growing control over us. To that end, the fact that they have secret means to control hundreds of thousands of their fellow human beings throughout the world has remained a secret until now. Their agents discredit anyone who attempts to inform the public of their experiences of being a non-consensual neuro weapons research subject. Every effort is made to place that whistleblower in a psychiatric hospital as soon as they attempt to tell of their experiences. Failing that, agents of the enslavement system make every attempt to place said whistleblower on a terrorist list.
The super-rich who wish to gain control over the human race have fabricated hoaxes in order to provide cover stories to cover the existence of this advance secret technology and to engender passivity in the masses, and to make they themselves appear to have more power and capability than they actually have.
These hoaxes were created by dark occultists by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means.
A selection of the hoaxes which have been created are as follows:-
The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax to name a few.
Satanic Principles in Action.
If your son or daughter becomes an alcoholic you can help them to recover quite easily by giving them large doses of vitamin B3 along with large doses of vitamin C. You can also give them a diet of nothing but raw food. By this means it is being claimed that they will very shortly lose all craving for alcohol. For further information please read "The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism" by Abram Hoffer and Andrew W. Saul. If you subscribe to the Luciferian and Satanic dictates of how to treat a close relative who is an alcoholic you will be instructed to throw them out of the family home and leave them to suffer alone. If you refuse to throw them out you will be accused of being an enabler. The current worldwide Satanic and Luciferian control system spreads hate and despair at every opportunity.
The Satanic and Luciferian control system coined the phrase "Out the Door at Twenty Four" so that adult children will be denied the right to live in their parents home after they reach that age. This satanic mind-set is being pushed so that no child will have the peace of mind that a feeling of "future security" would afford them and also so that each child would be obliged to take out a mortgage in order to buy their own home so that they would be enslaved to the satanic and luciferian control system to continual debt. If a child has a strong sense of future security by being provided with a room for life rent free, that child or young adult is better able to help the human race fight against the evil Satanic and Luciferian control and would-be enslavement system. Please bestow your child with a room for life, rent free.
Multiple Personality Disorder is an artificial construct which is created scientifically by the use of Remote Neural Monitoring. Remote Neural Monitoring has been in common use for at least fifty years and is being covered up by false psychiatry. When a human being becomes a subject of Remote Neural Monitoring they are wirelessly tethered to a network of computers combined with a supercomputer from wirelessly enabled nano implants which have been inhaled and ingested via the food, water and air supply. Said nano implants become imbedded inside all parts of the skull and spinal cord of the nano implanted subject. Said nano implants are processed from a distance and wirelessly by a team of neuro operatives who are mostly unknown to the human subject and who work from an unknown location while processing said implants to act in co-ordination with each other.
Over many years when said nano implants are fully co-ordinated to act in tandem with each other and with the neocortex of the human host they are then used against said human host in many and varied ways. One example of remote neural manipulation capabilities is as follows:- When the neuro operatives speak to the non-consensual and extremely unwilling human subject the human subject is forced to move their mouth, jaws, tongue and lips in tandem with each and every work a member of the neuro operative team speaks wirelessly to them. When many different members of the neuro operative team speak to the human subject at different times of the day the human subject appears to an onlooker to have many different personalities. Sometimes the human subject themselves have been disempowered to speak at all from their own personality and in such an occasion it is easy to project a simulation of Multiple Personality Disorder which is totally and completely a science backed disorder. No such disorder exists in reality.
In advanced cases of Remote Neural Monitoring the neuro operatives who work from a remote location by wireless means can turn the neocortex of the victim into their very own visual, verbal, and auditive communication system simply by manipulating the audio cortex, the visual cortex, the motor cortex and the sensory cortex of the victim whenever they wish.
We have already been imbedded with nano technology in our brains and spinal cords. We are all possible targets of Remote Neural Monitoring. We must save humanity simply by outlawing all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters, GWEN towers, HAARP phased arrays and any other antennas that need to be outlawed in order to stop the progress of Remote Neural Monitoring which would enable the technological enslavement of the whole human race by the dark occultists who are pulling the strings of our lives behind the scenes. The existence of satellites is one of the easily proveable hoaxes. All worldwide data is being transmitted and received via under sea fibre optic cables and it always has been so.
The deep state wish to set up a chain of command for the whole human race, which would in combination with Remote Neural Monitoring create a rigid enslavement system in the world. They plan to change the now equal relationship between women and men into a situation where men would have total control over the rights of their wives as in a slave handler and slave relationship rather than two loving and respectful human beings agreeing to share their lives together such as humans currently enjoy.
In that future chain of command all men would be unquestioningly obedient to their employer and their employer would in turn be unquestioningly obedient to the Satanists and luciferians who would be at the top of the chain of command throughout the whole world.
All public education including university education is about inculcating the students into a heirarchical mind set so that in later life the students would be willing to unquestioningly obey their own equals and they would be willing to believe that those below them on this imaginary hierarchy were less capable than them in some way .
Heirarchies are false reality constructs which have been created to slowly enslave the human race. We are all equal by virtue of being human beings.
Heirarchies are evil structures. If you belong to a heirarchy you are legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being, who also is legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being and so on, up the line, even though you can have no way of knowing the ultimate agenda of the order giver who resides at the top of the heirarchy.
When you belong to a heararchy such as church or state you abdicate your personal responsibility by unquestioningly and obediently following the orders of whoever is positioned further up the heirarchy than you. This can lead you to commit acts of extreme evill because you do not have a full perspective of what your action will untimately lead to. Obediently following orders without first assessing if the order is objectively right or wrong in out of alignment with moral order, therefore it stands to reason that all heirarchies are out of alignment with moral order. Therefore the twin heirarchical cults of church and state are also out of alignment with moral order.
Moral relativism does not exist. It is just a concept that was created by dark occultists in order to manipulate us to unthinkingly commit acts of extreme evil when we unquestioningly follow orders.
The only way that human beings should align themselves with moral law is through a system of Anarchy, which is sometimes called Anarchism. Anarchy is a linear based self regulating system. Anarchy is a system of rules without rulers. In a system of Anarchy, no human being looks up to another human being. No human being looks down on another human being. All human beings take total responsibility for all of their actions. All human beings have absolute freedom so long as they do not harm another human being in any way and so long as they are kind to all sentient beings.
"We are not our positions in society, our occupations, our culture, our beliefs, our financial status, our social status, our matrimonial status, our sexuality, our clothes, or how we speak. Take away all of these and we are still ourselves underneath. All of these are superficial identities, like masks. All of these superficial identities are transitory. We are consciousness, having a human experience." By anonymous.
Some human beings attempt to convince their fellow human beings that they have a higher status than the rest of the human race. They achieve this by using mind control tactics over their fellow human beings. They also send messages of their supposed superior status by acting superior at all times. They enhance the message by displays of superiority in the public arena by the skilled use of oratory. They also employ uniforms, titles, credentials , possessions and opulent surroundings to further enhance the lie that they are superior to others in some way. They sometimes pay attendents to attend to their every need and to bow to them when they are in the public arena. They have their staff organise large gatherings of fawning fans whenever they wish to push the notion of their supposed superiority further.
We are all equal. We came into this world empty handed and we will leave this world empty handed approximately eight decades later. We must value equality in the world above all else. Unquestioningly following the orders of our equals leads to acts of extreme evil because when we do so we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions by refusing to assess whether the order given is moral before we carry it out.
Super computers monitor and manipulate all electrical activity in the brains of subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring. If you are subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring the hive mind team who monitor and surveill you on a twenty four hour per day basis will keep detailed records of everything you say and do as well as detailed records of everything you eat and of each time you visit the bathroom. Because markers are being placed in the food supply via the packaging, they can also monitor your food as it travels through your alimentary canal. They can monitor it being digested and assimilated and even eliminated. Targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring have absolutely no privacy because technology is locked onto their unique brain signature on a constant basis so that their behaviour can be detected and evaluated at all times. If you wish to keep some privacy in your life you aught to eat food that has not been wrapped in packaging so as to avoid food markers. Apples and carrots normally contain markers but bananas and potatoes may be safe to eat. Medication contains markers. When microwave transmitters are banned we will return to absolute freedom on this earth. The existence of satellites is an easily proveable hoax.
This is largely the work of Bryan Tew which has been summarised by Gretta Fahey.
Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to image, measure and transmit brain and neural activity.
Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to a super-computer via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies. The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the targeted individual in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.
A computer multiplexer routes the brain signals to a tower or mobile platform. The tower or mobile platform then relays the signals to a digital receiver.
The cerebral cortex is remotely tied to a supercomputer which monitors and manipulates all of the electromagentic activity of the human brain.
There are hive mind teams involved which aid and abet the process for the purposes of training, research and development. The hive mind teams manually inject information into the human brain when whenever they need to but up to twnety percent of all of the manipulation is now being done automatically by the supercomputer. The automated work of the supercomputer involves muscle manipulating via the motor cortex of the human being, as well as inducing sleep disturbances when necessary and the supercomputer can automatically decide to kill a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring.
The brain of the victim has been digitized by nano technology which they have both inhaled and ingested from illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Nano technology is already in the brains of all 318 million Americans as well as all Europeans and further afield. Once ingested, the nano technology then migrates to the brain and adheres to the neuro transmitter of the brain. It begins to decode those neuro transmitters after it is activated. Your brain can be activated from thousands of miles away using a process called Directed Energy Flashing Photons. Even though everyone is infected with nano technology only a few million human beings have been activated throughout the world so far.
The hive mind teams force the targeted individual into a pattern of response and a pattern of speech. They try to develop and identify patterns of behaviour of the targeted individual which they then remotely measure and re-intigrate into the Remote Neural Monitoring data for the purposes of building a cognotive moel of the human brain. The hive mind teams deliberately generate anxiety and fear in order to generate emotional responses which can be measured and reintigrated back into the remote neural monitoring data.
The super-computer has copies of the bio-algorhythms of the will, intellect and emotions of any targeted individual that has become wirelessly tethered ot it. The will, intellect and emotions of these targeted individuals is used to further program the super-computer. Naturally the super-computer, being non-sentient can not actually feel the emotions. It can only simulate them through the tone of voice that it is programmed to use.
The hive mind team turn the brain of the victim into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communication system.
Remote Neural Monitoring locks on to the emotional state of the victim. If the victim uses pleasing music or a pleasant pass-time to dampen down the neural link to the hive mind team and to the super-computer trauma will then be used to re-entrain the brain of the victim back to the desired frequency of the Remote Neural Monitoring system.
Remote Neural Manipulation is the ability of the system to predict and influence your memories during thought composition in order to pitch you into some type of action or access sequence.
It is imperative that the hive mind team do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit targeted individuals. In some situations the hive mind create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.
The hive mind team can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. They are using a fabricated and falsefied stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves specifically to match the brain wave sequence of the victim. This bio-directional stream, known as the information and injection feedback loop which scientists call the neural link contains a hidden carrier frequency which is specificaly tuned to the unique one of a kind brain wave signature of the victim.
The hive mind team obtain the digital brain imprint of the victim which they remotely measure and then they upload it into a super-computer and they wirelessly tie the victim to that super-computer for life by way of the bio-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves, turning the brain of the targeted individual into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communication system. The victim is then a walking digital receiver. They attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.
There is a perceived seventy or eighty year gap between the technology available in the market place and the technology available to the satanic and luciferian control system. They wish to determine what a society can maintain is true.
Further links to the work of Bryan Tew.
It is being claimed that Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation can only be used against targeted individuals provided those targeted use digital media screens on an occasional basis. It is being claimed that digital media screens are needed to insert digital messages into the dna of the targeted individual through their eyes.
There is a way for anybody who is subject to Remote Neural Monitoring to safely use their computer. Please wear pinhole glasses whenever you are using your digital media screen. You will not be able to see the screen aswell as normal but it is a small price to pay for protection from remote neural manipulation and eventual neuro enslavement. I have begun to wear pinhole glasses whenever I am using my computer and I can type easily while wearing these pinhole glasses. Please hang glass prisms from the ceiling of your bedroom and wear glass prism jewellery while in bed. This will help to distort the signals of the neuro weapons operatives somewhat.