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Elected governments and their government staff combined with ancillary staff throughout the western world have been rendered useless because they continue to hold smart engineered technological devices close to their brains and spines on an almost daily basis.

All smart engineered technology has a strong capability to entrain the brains of the users into whatever emotional state that mass mind control operatives wishes the users brains to be entrained to.

An offer of advi...ce was received by European governments from an unknown source within the European Union, suggesting that, in order to enhance the capabilities of government, governments in general should distribute smart engineered technology, free of charge, to all government staff, both senior and junior, combined with ancillary services staff. Smart engineered technology combined with both microwave transmitters and millimeter wave transmitters which are sometimes known simply as 5G are all trojan horses. They are the linchpin which is being used to technologically enslave many human beings throughout the world. We must repeal their use now as a matter of extreme urgency.

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I posted many times about the issue of permanent slight numbness in the tip of my fingers that started some few months after the electronic harassment started, also about the feeling of energy over my forehead somehow seem to getting lower to my upper teeth.

Well, I probably posted something about this: now I'm suffering a very strange symptom related with my throat, where I feel like the muscles don't properly move when I want to swallow, which causes me a lot of anxiety because I feel I'm going to choke (also feel extremely cold but I'm not sure if this is part of the anxiety). This swallowing problem seem to be directly related to the "radiation" intensity that I feel at the time, and unfortunately the intensity is mostly strong.

I find interesting that after staying outside and getting into buildings that aren't just planned (last time 16 floor building), the overall feeling of this energy is dramatically reduced. I felt incredibly good the rest of the day, even focused more. My subjective assumption would be that the harassment (or the "illuminated" devices with these directed energy devices, if there are implants involved) lies on the same principle than microwave energy and heat: accumulation.

Today I was feeling the usual intensity, that feels like a mild headache over the top of the head and forehead, some mild dizziness. The disrupting thing about this is that I've very poor focus, so I was just fighting to keep doing some IT related tasks that I'm trying to learn (for +1 year the disruption is so bad that this is big effort).

Now the bad part: when I tried to use a VR helmet (that totally covered my forehead) I started feeling more overall intensity, and right there happened again! I tried to swallow and the muscles didn't respond, so I had to move the neck little and swallow again, this time successfully. I kept going, and started feeling strange, almost as "disconnected" and barely any energy intensity for some minutes, also very cold but not the extreme coldness from other days. After this happens I always feel terribly bad (cold, aware of swallowing, mild twitching of my jaw), and the mild dizziness and feeling of energy gets slowly back. This is absolutely HORRIBLE and the most terrible physical disruption caused by perps. I'm being slowly and painfully murdered and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

I'm aware that all TIs are attacked with directed energy weapons 24/7 or with a strong intensity, some even just stalked, so this is one of those times that I remember why I can't easily judge other people shielding attempts or angry rants... This feels like being murdered, maybe slowly but the maximum possible physical and psychological pain. These criminals lost their humanity a long time ago and I can't even call them inhuman, so don't be surprised whenever I call them sub-human torturers.

An update about the intestinal issues (keeping absolute transparency over dignity): The doctor says I have "Hypertrophied anal papillae" that it wasn't touched/removed/treated during the colonoscopy, but fortunately the pain is A LOT LOT less now and without the terrible constipation. Maybe the colon cleaning that preceded the colonoscopy helped, hard to know.
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Non-consensual neuro weapons research subjects are being wirelessly tethered to a super computer via the either micro or nano technology inside the human body, much of which was put there by illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and some of what may have been put there by covertly injecting the non-consensual neuro weapons research subject with micro-transmitters.
After many years, when non-consensual neuro weapons research subjects have the motor cortex of ...their brains partially mapped to a certain level, then the criminal neuro research operatives can remote control any muscle in the body of the research subject against their will. In this way, good will human beings throughout many parts of the world are becoming neuro slaves.
Neuro slaves can be forced both to speak and to act against their wills.
Neuro slaves can be forced to place their hands on a hot stove.
Neuro slaves can be forced to hit themselves repeatedly against their wills.
Neuro slaves can be forced to cut off their own finger or even all of their fingers in their left hand.
Neuro slaves must obey all instructions from unknown slave masters who speak to the neuro slave by placing their voices inside the head of the neuro slave by means of either brain to brain interface or a number of other military communication methodologies.
Neuro enslavement may be achievable in whole populations at one time by means of allowing an artificial intelligence program to partially brain map the motor cortex of all of the population of that country.
Some senior politicians may already be neuro slaves.
We must urgently demolish all microwave transmittors.
We must stop all millimeter wave transmitters from being erected anywhere in the world urgently.

Mobile phone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:- Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.

There are no satellites. The existence of satellites was created by disinformation agents. The existence of satellites is a hoax. Firstly, there is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius. Secondly, air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. It is biologically impossible for space to even exist other than air. This would indiciate that satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they have. If we have mobile phone towers dismantled the human race would have our freedom returned to us immediately.

 Please share.

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Targeted Individuals who experience forced speech and general wireless remote control of your muscles, Place a voltage meter on your face and let other targeted individuals know if it registers high readings? This is happening. Is this normal?.

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I am a non-consensual neuro weapons test subject. The technologically induced voices which I constantly hear coming from inside my head informed me that nearly all shampoo and nearly all laundry detergent contain particulates which are being used to wirelessly analyse both the sebacious glands in the human head and the cleanliness level of the clothing worn by random members of the public, totally unknown to those chosen members of the public who are generally totally that they are being analysed while they are out in public.

I have known about this situation for some time. I now wash my hair with hand soap or dish soap which I am assured does not contain such invasive particulates and I wash my clothing with a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar which is just as effective a cleaning agent as laundry detergent ever could be.

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The main stream media is now mostly privately owned. If an elected government minister urgently needed to get a message to his own electrors he or she can not do so without the permission of super rich main-stream media owners who would deny them permission in almost all cases.

Any of our elected governmental representatives who have woken up to the realization of the extreme and imminent threat of wirelessly enabled technological enslavement we are in may be being held h...ostage by wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons themselves.
Many private individuals are currently being held hostage to directed energy weapons and these private individuals who have come to be known as targeted individuals can not break the wireless connection to their brain and spinal cord because they are locked on by their unique brain signature on a continual basis. We have no reason to believe that our politicians are not equally compromised.
The only solution is to urgently eradicate microwave transmitters also known as phone towers from our countries. Targeted individuals can finally break the wireless connection to their brains and spinal cords then. This equals freedom for the human race.

Satellites are genuinely believed to be a hoax and the science behind them can easily be explained away.

Targeted individuals are unable to approach their local police to inform them of their unique plight. Many have tried this approach and most have ended up in government backed psychiatric institutions wherre they are institutionalised and are also forced to ingest highly toxic substances which have the ability to cause a patient to become so sickened by both tardive dyskenesia and tardive akathisia that they would prefer death.

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The majority of the human race are currently being herded into a situation where they would be technologically enslaved or genocided.
Our one and only solution is to urgently demand that our political representatives have all microwave transmitters eradicated from our environments and that they refuse to allow 5G millimeter wave transmitters to be installed anywhere on the earth.
Many human beings throughout the western world are already being illegally held hostage to wirele...ssly enabled directed energy weapons where their brains and bodies are being illegally interfered with by wireless means to the point of physical and emotional torture. When they complain they are erroniously deemed to be mentally ill.
The existence of satellites is genuinely considered to be a hoax by those in the know. The first casuality of war is the truth. We are currently in a world war of attrition.

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Unwilling targeted individuals of non-consensual wirelessly enabled neuro weapons research number in their millions throughout most of the world. They are connected by electronic brain link and some other modalities to neuro weapons operatives who they dont know and who they dont respect.

Through this electronic brain link modality and through a number of other modalities the neuro weapons operatives force their voices inside the heads of the targeted individuals while th...e targeted individuals go about their daily lives.
Targeted individuals are virtual hostages to the constant voices of the neuro weapons operatives.

The neuro weapons operatives have claimed that this wireless virtual enslavement system of forced brain to brain interface which the targeted individuals constantly experience will very soon be extended to the whole human race if they refuse to demolish all microwave transmitters which are also known as phone towers.
The neuro weapons operatives have claimed that in the future there will be no governments, no police, no hospitals, no psychiatrists, no schools, no prisons, no banks, no money, no property ownership except for the fact that unknown members of the deep state will attempt full ownership of the whole earth.

There would be virtual prisons from which there could be no escape. There would be virtual hospitals and psychiatrists. Human beings would have no mental privacy whatsoever. They would be abject slaves.
Human beings could slowly and incrementally be totally remote controlled if they disobeyed the unknown enslavers.
Everybody would live inside smart cities where they would not even own their own clothes. They would be given uniforms and they might be moved from residence to residence frequently. They would not even be allowed to own a bicycle. They would be given use of one if they were obedient. Please ask your local representative to have all telephone towers dismantled urgently. This is a world war of attrition that has been slowly and incrementally gaining power for decades and even centuries. Please act now.

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Some targeted individuals of non-consensual wirelessly enabled neuro weapons research are claiming that their right arms are being taken over and remote controlled against their own volutanry free will.
Other targeted individuals of non-consensual wirelessly enabled neuro weapons research are claiming that their own faces can be taken over and remote controlled to speak and grimance against their own voluntary free will.
Other targed individuals on non-consensual wirelessly enabled neuro weapons research are claiming that their own arms can be made to punch themselves in the chest against their own voluntary free will.

Unwilling targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and non-consensual neuro weapons research are in the hundreds of thousands throughout the world. They are fully aware that remote control of an unwilling human being is possible. However, government staff have all been given smart phones which they are legally obliged to carry on their persons and which appear to have strong remote influencing capabilities. Government staff appear to resist any message of truth which is being given to them by targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro weapons research about any aspect of government corruption. In fact government staff are heavily predisposed to locking up all targeted individuals in government run psychiatric institutions where these targeted individuals are then systematically forced to ingest what are now known to be neuro toxic substances which make them unable to clearly illucidate there horrific experiences in an effective way from that time on.

Targeted individuals of wirelessly enabled non-consensual neuro weapons research and remote neural monitoring have a clear understanding of the scientific method behind what is happening to their brains and spinal cords totally against their own voluntary free will largely because of the work of the owner of a youtube channel called "lookoutfacharlie". This is basically how he explains the scientific basis behind their claims at the following youtube link

The skies over our heads are being illegally sprayed with chemtrails which contain metallic particulates and a fungus called acremonium among other substances.
It has been proven scientifically that two or more metals in the human body create a battery out of that human body.

The acremonium fungus becomes a fungal biomass inside the human body which produces manganese oxide or lithium manganese oxide. This manganese oxide when produced by the human body has electrochemical properties. This manganese oxide inside the human body can also be used as a makeshift electrode. When the manganese oxide biomass reaches a certain level inside the human body electricity can then be made to move through the human body by criminal operatives using wireless directed energy weapons who work from unknown locations, some of which could be thousands of miles from where the targeted individual lives.
Chemtrails are being illegally sprayed over our heads on an almost daily basis which ensures that there is a continuous supply of both the acremonium fungus and the relevant heavy metals in our bodies at all times, which enables our bodies to continually create the radio frequency sensative chemicals that the directed energy weapons operatives need to be able to constantly harass and torture targeted individuals.

A vibrating tattoo has been developed and patented by nokia. The ink is made from feromagnetic or electrosensative powder such as iron oxide. When a human being gets a tattoo with this type of ink their tattoo can be linked to their mobile phone and their skin will vibrate if they receive a text message. This is a proven science and it therefore proves that targeted individuals are telling the truth about being severely harassed by electronic weapons and they are not mentally ill as previously thought.…/nokia-patents-vibrating-tattoos-te…
It is unnecessary for a human being to have an implant in order for them to become a target of directed energy weapons.
Guard against ingesting substances containing manganese oxide, which is now found in most multivitamins.
In order to clear the fungal biomass and remove the heavy metals from your body please take some of the following substances
Potassium Iodide, Borax, Baking Soda, Epson Salts, Oil of Oregano Super Strength 73, Switch off the electricity supply to your home every night because a supply of electricity in your environment helps the fungal spores to manifest. Earth yourself on a daily basis by walking barefoot on bare earth or on the beach. If this is not possible purchase earthing equipment online and use it often. You will then notice a significant reduction in your electronic harassment and torture symptoms.

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Operation Menace To Society


The ones that we are all talking about who are giving us this problem are all using a Spy Satellite to zoom in on us through the walls of our houses, and I mean it doesn't matter if you are ten stories under ground in a concrete bunker, they are still able to zoom in on you there also with an X-Ray Camera and a Microphone.

The thing about it is, they are all Committing a Federal Offense when they do this.

I have figured out that 99.9% of them are doing this without a warrant to start with, and then they are finding all different kinds of ways to give someone legal problems after that as a result of them Illegally.. Investigating them.

That is not what the Constitution was created for, and someone needs to get these goons prosecuted and make them learn a permanent lesson about what this nation does to goons like this that break the law and violate our rights the way that they are all doing, and I mean they are allowing anybody, everybody and there dog to zoom in on us this way and once this nation realizes that fact, it is going to go Ballistic.

Keep trying you guys...We are going to figure out a way to completely stop this Conspiracy of Organized Crime and  get every that is involved Prosecuted and charged with a Menace To Society Charge.

There is not a Statute of Limitations on Abuse of Power so that means that we have all the time that we need to take these menaces to society down legally.

If anyone has any Youtube Videos that show a good example of how they are zooming in on us through the walls of our houses with an Xray Camera and a Microphone.., I would appreciate it if you would post it here or email me a link to the Vidoes at -

Finding all of the Youtube Videos that we can find that show an example of how they are zooming in on people through the walls of there houses is the best way to start to stop this Conspiracy of Ogranized Crime.

Goodluck You Guys,
Mathiew Burkett

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Human beings throughout the world are currently complaining of being targeted with electronic weapons. They sometimes feel electric shocks and a variety of other sensations on their skin. They constantly feel strong surges of electricity going up and down through their whole body. In advanced cases they sometimes feel their musces taking on a life of their own and even moving significantly against their own will.


These electronc weapons attacks are easily explainable from a scientific standpoint. I obtained most of the science behind how to combat electronic attacks from the following youtube video which was researched by an unknown researcher under the pseudonym of "Lookoutfacharlie".


The skies over our heads are being illegally sprayed with chemtrails which contain metallic particulates and a fungus called acremonium among other substances.

It has been proven scientifically that two or more metals in the human body create a battery out of that human body.


The acremonium fungus becomes a fungal biomass inside the human body which produces manganese oxide or lithium manganese oxide. This manganese oxide when produced by the human body has electrochemical properties. This manganese oxide inside the human body can also be used as a makeshift electrode. When the manganese oxide reaches a certain level inside the human body electricity can then be made to move through the human body by the use of criminal operatives using wireless directed energy weapons and working from an unknown location, which could be thousands of miles from where you live.

Chemtrails are being illegally sprayed over our heads on an almost daily basis which ensures that there is a continuous supply of both the acramonium fungus and heavy metals in our bodies at all times, which enables our bodies to continually create the radio frequency sensative chemicals that the directed energy weapons operatives need to be able to constantly target us.


A vibrating tattoo has been developed and patented by nokia. The ink is made from feromagnetic or electrosensative powder such as iron oxide. When a human being gets a tattoo with this type of ink their tattoo can be linked to their mobile phone and their skin will vibrate if they receive a text message. This is a proven science and it thereby proves that targeted individuals are telling the truth about being severely harassed by electronic weapons and they are not mentally ill as previously thought.

It is unnecessary for a human being to have an implant in order for them to become a target of directed energy weapons.

Guard against ingesting substances containing manganese oxide, which is now found in most multivitamins.

In order to clear the fungal biomass and remove the heavy metals from your body please take some of the following substances

Potassium Iodide, Borax, Baking Soda, Epson Salts, Oil of Oregano Super Strength 73, Switch off the electricity supply to your home every night because a supply of electricity in your environment helps the fungal spores to manifest. Earth yourself on a daily basis by walking barefoot on bare earth or on the beach. If this is not possible purchase earthing equipment online and use it often.



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Please co-operate with the Legal System

I must point out that I am not anti-government.  I believe government is necessary for a fair, just, and safe world for all.     I genuinely believe the police, government, doctors, pharmaceuticals, and other agencies do a good job and are for the most part honest.  I think and know from experience; however, that sometimes a few rotten apples that spoil it for a good group.  That is what is happening with a few rotten apples and  rogues in the secret shadow government corrupting our legal system of justice and ignoring the rights of tis. 

I also believe tis are a balanced fair minded group.  We are using our hearts, minds, and compassion to online share facts, feelings, life stories and more, to enlighten others as to the few rotten apples or rogues in our world.     We believe words and compassion not war wins the day. 

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Initially, when a targeted individual first begins to be brain mapped, they can not be seen inside their own homes by the neuro weapons operatives who are doing the brain mapping. The targeted individual can only be heard by these neuro weapons operatives.
However, when the targeted individual is partially brain mapped they can then finally be seen by the neuro weapons operatives. Their clothing can not be seen. The targeted individual can only be seen in a totally nake...d state.
The outside contractors who wish to eventually invest money in order to use the neuro enslaved targeted individual for slave labour when said targeted individual is eventually fully neuro enslaved, is not always made aware of this fact by the main team of brain mapping staff.
The outside contractors look at the partially brain mapped targeted individual inside their own homes on their monitors and they speak to them via electronic brain link capability and they demand to know why said targeted individual is walking around naked inside their own home.
The outside contractors have complained to the main team of brain mappers that when they hone in on prisoners while in their prison cells they can see them fully clothed. They do not understand the anomoly of only being able to see partially brain mapped targeted individuals inside their own homes in a naked state.

This neuro enslavement of ordinarly good will human beings inside their own homes is being carried out wirelessly be means of directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology. We can stop it happening simply by demolishing all microwave transmitters and having them banned from our countries. We must also refuse to allow 5G millimeter wave technology to be erected throughout the world because it will mean worldwide enslavement of the whole human race if it is allowed to be installed.

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A True EMF Target Since sept 2013

Some time I wonder where life is .Iam a real EMF bomb about to designate help .The cries the torturing isn't being heard. Were is freedom .as I seat here about tho cry as I write this I get lost of words.Can anyone tell me about being a robotic slave to the system ,can anyone tell me about a mother cries as a native for here children elder mother to be free. I never thought the WORD we don't like YOU!! could cause the Peoplethat say I love YOu  are you were raise with will be apart of a cult to see u in a grave for money

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Why the woman perps thinks she's great.

As soon as I make a grammar fault the girl Perp jumps on top of it and pretends she's better than me. They confiouse me in my head so that I can't speak right. She's proud that she can tell me off. She scould me out like a little child. She can't speaj right herself she sounds likes she's insane, like an idiot. She crazy. She's dumb. She's an ugly person who knows nothing. She's evil. She knows nothing about being real, she's fake. She must be high on something. She thinks she's black. She can speak my language. It's really laughable. She wants to intimidate me by speaking my language better than me. she thinks she's better. I wonder how long it will take before she fall flat on her face. It's like I got Alzheimer light.

She sucks.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Question for targeted individuals?

Some targeted individuals are claiming that our computers and other digital media are being used by the neuro weapons operatives in order to input their data into our brains in order to slowly and gradually bio-robotize us over many years. Does anybody know if muscle manipulation was taking place in targeted individuals before we all had access to computers and other digital media??

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The dark occultists, namely dark Luciferians, Satanists and Zionists are attempting to technologically enslave the human race. To that end they have being lying to us for decades and even centuries about every subject under the sun.

The would-be enslavers strongly wish us to become vegetarian so they falsely profess to be vegetarian themselves. Adolph Hitler who was one of the dark occultists falsely claimed to be a vegetarian in order to convince all German people to bec...ome vegetarian. I have researched the matter of vegetarianism versus meat eating and I now strongly believe a total animal product based diet is far superior to a vegetarian diet.
Just like humans all animals have to die. They can only die once. It doesnt matter whether you eat animals or not, they still will only die once. Therefore meat eating need not be considered cruel.

The would-be enslavers strongly wish us to believe in demons and all manner of supernatural entities so they falsely profess to believe in them themselves.
However, they do not believe in the supernatural and neither do I. They created the supernatural in order to generate enough fear to persuade people to join their many organised religions which were created and maintained for the purpose of mind controlling the whole human race. They used rumour and actors, as well as magic lanterns and video footage and holograms and brain weapon technology to create and maintain the illusion of the supernatural.
All powers behind organised religions are dark occultists. They have been manipulating the affairs of this planet for thousands of years. They have recently increased their power.

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A specially The male perp is obscene. He abuses me with his constant provanity.

He still pretend as if we are having sex and then broadcasts it online. It's really him having sex with the girl perp. It's all about sex for them. People will think I am lose and imoral. I would never put myself online while having sex. He really wants me in that way.

These people are crazy. 

They want everything I've got.

I don't understand why the people around me are playing stum. Nobody talks to about the Perps. It's a big secret.  The perps feel power full. All of the sudden they have these friend, people who back them up. They support them. My neighbours are the worse. People break into my house and nobody has seen something.

It's unfair, the are just waiting for me to do something so the call the police. My neighbours are evil they won't help me out. I asked for their help. The perp will tell them what I wrote about them.

What goes around comes around.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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How perps will die

They are happy when they control me. The male perp is jealouse of other men. Many many times they've heard from me that they will die with their mouhts open. How can this be we failed after all these years they will think.

They play these childish games to controI  me. I have hair clips in different colours they say first you have to take the brown one that the black one.

If I have 5 spoons in the kitchen drawer they say take the first spoon. 

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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