Gretta Fahey's Posts (361)

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We all now have nano technology in our brains from vaccines which contain nano technology which has the ability to pass the blood brain barrier and when amounts of that nano technology become embedded in our brains it can then be placed under wireless external control so that others can use it to analyse our brains and bodies and also to read our thoughts and reply to them in real time. Overt victims of this capability are known as targeted individuals. I am a targeted individual and here is a small sample of what the voice to skull operatives have been broadcasting into my head recently
"Kill her brain cells" 14th Dec. 2022, approx 4.15 pm.
"I would like to encourage you to be kinder to my staff. 14th Dec, 2022 4.25 pm approx.
"Senior Gardai should have arrested us by now. They know who we are and where to find us. Yet, they don't arrest us. Why is this. I then asked "Do you wish to be arrested" "Yes" was the response. I then asked why and the reply was as follows "Because no good can come of this situation and we can not appeal to your kindness because you don't know us but we don't live too far from you, on the road to Claremorris, around Newbrook. My opinion of that message is that I don't believe a word of it and furthermore, those individuals who have been wirelessly torturing me for nearly twenty years live in Britian or the U.S. I believe that those who electronically harass and psychologically torture me are not Irish and I believe that they are mostly located in the United States and electronically torture me from there. They often use American termonology and they appear to know nothing whatsoever about Ireland, and they often make American references when they speak. I should know this because they have been talking to me constantly, both day and night for nearly twenty years. Furthermore I have been stalked by means of organised stalkers in the past and they used to come to my home at dusk or sometimes or after dark and make noise in my back garden in order to frighten me. Those organised stalkers who I have wrongly called field workers in the past because I did not know the correct term to use to describe them are possibly Irish. I saw one of them very clearly from my bedroom window one summer's night, possibly in 2003. He was standing in my back garden staring in at me, and he was young, about eighteen years old and he looked as if he was a drug addict and the reason I say that is because he was thin and fragile looking and why would an eighteen year old man be in my back garden at approximately 4.30 am in June 2003 ( I am not sure of the date and time but it must have been June because it was bright at approximately 4.30 am. I saw him clearly and then he ran away. I have seen other organised stalkers also, who were hanging around the farm yard which is attached to the house where I live. I chased one of them away one night and he knocked a stone wall in his hurry to get away from me. Furthermore, I believe I know why the man who broadcast that message into my head said what he said. He said it in order to provoke the Gardai to come to my home at Newbrook and bother me. I don't want them coming to my home and bothering me because I know that they are under electronic mind control programming to force anyone who is hearing voice broadcasts to see a psychiatrist. I would gladly choose death than speak to a psychiatrist because I despise them. They are hindering wireless torture victims from getting the truth out to the public because anytime we attempt to get the truth out to the public that we are being wirelessly tortured they instead falsely pronounce us to be mentally ill so that we can not ever get the message to the public that wireless invisible and silent weapons are in widespread use throughour Ireland and the wider world. I also despise the Gardai because they also hinder the efforts of wireless torture victims who are trying to the the truth out to the public that we are all under attack from wireless no touch torture weapons.
Other voice to skull messages which I have received are as follows:-
"Ethical policies towards her have not worked so this is what we are doing instead." 5.05 am 13th Dec. 2022
"They put a traffic tracker down outside her home and there is no traffic." 4.47 am on 13th Dec. 2022
"We have a nasty cunt" 4.08 am 13th Dec. 2022
"Informed consent?" "No" "Fake it" 4.42 am 13th Dec. 2022
"She has weight gain since I was last here." 9.45 pm 12 th Dec. 2022
"Will this agency be able to take control of this woman's entire body in the future" "Yes" "I am not in favour of that" 7.32 pm 8th Dec. 2022.
"She won't get away with it much longer because they are cracking down on it." 8.56 am 1st Dec 2022 (That was said in response to me sending letters to members of Mayo County Council and to the main stream medai and to senior politicians. (Another v2k voice said while I was typing this the following "We will censor this post if you put this on it because we don't want our colleagues to know that we block some of your emails."
"We will have to put an end to her if she is complaining." 11.30 pm 16th Nov. 2022
"I need you to do her jaws. I want to control her speech." 11.50 16th Nov. 2022
"On the bed most of the time." 6.30 pm 20th Nov. 2022.
"I am going to shit all over you" 8.05 pm 20th Nov. 2022
"We can't move her and that's a problem." 10.20 am 21st Nov. 22.
"The stupid lady, she is antagonising the Americans." "We don't listen to her." 11.45 am 22nd Nov. 2022
"Can the kettle be put on any oftener." 3.20 pm 22nd Nov. 22.
"We have nothing on her." "Can we get something on her to allow me to save face" "No."
"Optimum external control is what we wish to achieve of everyone in the world"
"Stop doing this to her because every time this woman has a bowel movement the operatives here are wirelessly splacing their digital technology into her toilet to analyse the contents and then they are discussing it within her hearing and that is not fair."
"She shouldn't be interfering in anyone else's business." " You are simply reading her private thoughts because she hasnt said anything to anyone else." (They have the ability to read my thoughts based on the fact that a computer can automatically translate my brain waves into words and images, due to the fact that there is nano technology embedded in my brain, some of which is under their wireless control.)
"We are being paid to monitor this lady." "Why" "She is dirty." 8.39 pm 13th Nov. 2022 (I take a shower almost daily)
I have several notebooks where I write down a small sample of the messages which the voice to skull voice broadcasters are broadcasting into my head by wireless means while they remain anonymous cowards and whenver I get around to typing out the messages which I have written down I sometimes don't know which messages I have posted before on my last online post. I hope none of these voice messages have been posted on a previous post.
My name is Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.


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Those who have high morals are obedient to the dictates of their own conscience and only their own conscience which is what is required by moral law.
Hierarchies such as church, state, monarchies and secret societies maintain themselves through unquestioning obedience to the authority of another thereby necessitating totally abandoning the use of ones own conscience. Whoever totally abandons their own conscience and becomes unquestioningly obedient to the dictates of those who run hierarchies are among the most evil in the world, and examples of them are the police, the military ,members of the intelligence services, priests, nuns and many others. Obedient order followers have the mind-set of young children who perceive church and state as their mother and father. They can only work in very large groups because they are unable to stand alone. Those who challenge any and all leadership and refuse to follow their orders are truely good men and women and they help to save the obedient order followers and the rest of the worrld from sure enslavement

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Hierarchies give a few people at the top the right to forceably rule the rest.
Hierarchies promote unequality by their very existence.
Hierarchies use they authority to attempt to alter morality. They attempt to use constitutions, elections , legislation and approval from their immoral colleagues to transform immoral acts into moral acts.
Hierarchies don't allow us to follow our own moral conscience and instead they expect us to follow and uphold immoral laws.
Those who work within hierarchies such as law enforcement officials do not take full moral responsibility for their own actions even though in reality they and everyone else bears full moral responsibility for their own actions as if they are acting alone. Working within a large pyramid shaped group does not exonerate you from full moral responsibility for your actions and yet you are falsely made to believe that it does.
Those who are at the top of hierarchies wrongly deligate to others what they dont have the moral right to do themselves. (We don't have the right to deligate to others what we dont have the right to do ourselves.)
Those who are at the bottom of hierarchies wrongly deligate to those at the top of those same hierarchies what they dont have the moral right to do themselves.
Those who are at the bottom of hierarchies are asked to ignore their own conscience and instead follow the conscience of those at the top of that hierarchy whose conscience and true agenda they do not know, and this is an abdication of responsibility of those who are at the bottom of that hierarchy.
Those who sit at the top of a hierarchy can be secretly controlled by an enemy and at this point in time most if not all governments, militaries, organised religions, monarchies and secret societies throughout the world are under the secret control of technologically generated mind control programming capabilities.
Psychopaths always rise to the top levels of hierarchies because they are prepared to either murder, disable or mind control those who stand in their way of power, money, status and worldwide control.
One man who sits at the top of a hierarchy is suddenly demanded to know everything about everything and is suddently deemed to be the fount of all wisdom, a situation which is unreal.
In order for hierarchies to work we need to invent a false concept known as authority. Authority is the concept of a diseased mind. Because we are all equal with equal human rights authority by one human being over another human being does not exist in reality.
All hierarchies are evil systems which are kept in place by covert violence at every level of each hierarchy. Social engineers who wish to keep hierarchies in place encourage tyranny and violence which is not simply coming from the top of the hierarchy but extreme cruelty and dictatorial control is used at every level of each hierarchy in order to keep those at each level cowering in fear of those who are in the level directly obove them because if everyone at every level was kind and respectful to each other and treated each other as equals the hierarchy would collapse and disappear overnight. When I was growing up in the Republic of Ireland all school teachers were required to keep canes in their classroom and to use them often in order to make us unquestioningly obedient to them so that we would grow up with a hierarchical based mind set of unquestioning obedience to those who were seen to have hierarchical based control over us. We were also told by our parents and others that our great-grand fathers were often tyrants because they were encouraged in those days to be tyrannical towards their families in order to keep every body in a mindset of unquestioning obedience to those in the hierarchical level directly over them. It was also claimed that those at the top of both church and state based hierarchies would use covert violence on any individual who was known to be challenging their false authority. Hierarchies need covert violence at every level in order to keep them in place, and not simply covert and overt violence coming from the top of the hierarchy.
Those who sit at the top of the current worldwide church and state hierarchy use their false power to keep money flowing into their own coffers and away from the rest of their fellow men and women. They use insider trading and unfair banking laws to gain ownership or control or both of money and other planetary resources. Those at the bottom of the worldwide hierarchy are being denied freedom of experession. I have been banned from using my own facebook page from time to time because I have written and posted what is true. I have also been permanently banned from my linkedin page after I had already succeeded in placing approximately seven hundred and fifty posts on it. I now can not access it at all. Those who sit at the top of the worldwide hierarchy wish to ban us from using guns so that they and their unquestioningly obedient order followers will be the only ones with access to guns and this banning the use of guns by members of the general public is being carried out in order to eventually enslave us so that we will have no weapons to fight back against enslavement by those at the top of the worldwide hierarchy or to protect ourselves or our families from their unfair practices.
Those who are currently at the top of the worldwide church and state hierarchy have induced most men and women into debt slavery through the enforcement of unfair banking laws. They hoard knowledge through classifying a large amount of scientific patents so that only they can use the information contained in them. They protect themselves from imprisonment by censoring as much information as they can about the crimes which they commit and about the crimes those loyal to them commit.
Those who sit at the bottom of hierarchies have been robbed of their autonomy to such an extent that they become depressed due to the fact their their lives are often micro-managed by others, such as those who live in sheltered houseing and those who are under the false control of psychiatry who are being forced to ingest substances which pose as medicines but are in fact dumbing down and poisoning agents. Psychiatrists are hampering the truth from coming out and they are hampering human freedom in return for money, status and false power over their own equals. Those who sit at the bottom of hierarchies are sometimes forced to live in fear of those who are in the hierarchical level above them, such as when I attended school in the 1960 where the threat of caning or being screamed at hung over me at all times during the school day. I am not blaming that lady who was my teacher at the time because she was programmed into the belief that she had a duty to beat us until we became absolutely and unquestioningly obedient to the false authority which came from church and state. She was a victim of the programmed hierarchical based mindset herself. I believe that most of the children of my country grew up suffering from complex post traumatic stress disorder from the unwanted experiences which we got from our forced schooling.
Those who sit at the top of hierarchies attempt to make us believe that they have superiority over everyone else by attempts to distort our perception of reality by their use of titles, uniforms, credentials, oppulent surroundings, fawning attendants, crowns, elaborate costumes, valuable jewellery, and acts of mesmerism such as ceremonies and investitures. They also pay members of the main stream media and others to refer to them as 'the elite' and 'his majesty' and 'his highness' and various other similar names.
Those who sit at the top of hierarchies attempt to confuse us and dumb us down by creating and promoting hoaxes in order to confuse us, such as religious apparations, demonic possession, near death experiences, poltergeist activity, extra-terresterial visitations, moon landings, and a multitude of other hoaxes which can easily be explained away by scientific and technologicl means, most of them by means of brain weapons, most of which are also known as directed energy weapons. They also put fluoride in our water supply and heavy metals into our brains by means of childhood vaccinations in order to dumb us down and keep us permanently dumbed down. They have us learn a multitude of falsehoods through both the school and university systems which they covertly control from behind the scenes.
The alternative to the use of hierarchies with which to run our world is by means of using a linear based system, a system of rules without rulers, which we aught to use instead of our current arrangements. Many good men and women wish to use such a system but their ongoing efforts are being rallied against by those at the top.
The information here below is a synopsis of how those who are currently at the top of the worldwide hierarchy plan to enslave the rest of us if we don't now act to stop them. They plan to wirelessly connect your motor vehicle to your digital bank account and also to the smart technology which has now permeated your brain and body in order to totally have control over all of your physical movements and all of your spending power and all of your belief systems and your ability to use your own vehicle and they will implement it shortly if you don't use force to stop them from doing so.
Data is being collected from your smart phone, from the computer system which is built into your vehicle, from nano technology inside your brain and body, from your smart television, from the artificial intelligence system called Alexa which you keep inside your home, from your debit and credit cards, from your computerized bank account, from your tax payment details, from your social welfare claims, from your fit bit, from your smart watch and from built in smart technology inside your home, from any posts which youy have posted online, from emails which you have both sent and received and possibly by a number of other means. This private data collection has been ongoing for many years and vast quantities of data has now been collected and collated about you and it has been analysed by artificial intelligence and also by human data analysts. An extremely detailed profile can be drawn up about you which can be read by many and varied men and women who are unknown to you and who do not have your best interests at heart. An extremely detailed profile can be drawn up of all of your country men, women and children collectively if necessary. The plan of those who own this around the clock surveillance system is to enslave you.
These aforementioned would-be enslavers who are believed to be those who privately own the bank of international settlements in Switzerland which is believed to be the central bank of central banks and along with that they are believed to privately own and control most other central banks throughout the world along with the two main corporations in the world which are known as Vanguard and Blackrock are now planning to introduce what is known as Central Bank Digital Currency which would allow central bankers combined with artificial intelligence data collection to create a credit score system for you individually which would automatically program what you can and can not buy. If you did or said or wrote anything that would challenge the central bankers you would then not be allowed to buy a train or plane ticket or a motor vehicle. The computer system in your motor vehicle would be connected to the nano technology which is now inside your brain and body and both of those would also be connected to your digitalized bank account which would be under external control. The smart grid would stop you travelling out side your own town if necessary because the computerized technology in your motor vehicle would cause your motor vehicle to stop at the five kilometer mark of your journey, which would be the limit the enslaved would be allowed to travel.
Slaves are always kept in small slave colonies away from each other and they are not allowed to meet the slaves in other small slave colonies because if an uprising broke out in one slave colony, it would more easily be subdued without alerting any other slave colony that such an uprising was taking place. Invisible electric fences can easily be erected around each smart city with only one entrance and exit which could and would be guarded by weaponized robots who can currently out run some humans.
Covid-19 is about inoculating human beings with artificial intelligence so that they can be identified and their brain cells can be wirelessly controlled by remote means. Centralized social controllers now have a very precise method of wirelessly activating or switching off specific neurons in the living moving human being so that we can be made to instantly forget some things and to believe that which is not true. Our senior politicians and others are possibly victims of these brain weapon capabilities. Covid-19 emergency use power and funding must be stopped immediately. Every covid-19 product needs to be urgently banned and recalled.
The central bankers need us to have vaccine passports in order to co-ordinate their control system. Please stop the introduction of vaccine passports.
We need to urgently take down all 5G technology because 5G towers are for our termination due to the fact that the central bankers plan to wirelessly eliminate up to 90% of the world's population on an incremental basis. CRISPR Cas 9 is a gene editing capability which is being used for the purposes of turning us into a variety of new species over time. The use of electromagnetic pulses is known to destroy both the infrastructure which is now inside our bodies and brains and which is outside of us in the form of microwave transmitters and 5G transmitters.
The contents of this email is not new information because there is endless similar information about the activities of the central bankers who are also believed to be the new world order cabal online mainly on and and several other video platforms. How come we never hear such information on the main stream media news.
Church and state are one and the same at the very top level and they always have been so· Do not put your faith in any organised religion because they are all hierarchical based so therefore they are all immoral. Why does anyone celebrate the re-enactment of a brutal human blood sacrifice on an alter every Sunday and on some other days of the week as if it is a praiseworthy endeavour.? Why does those who run the Vatican support this activity and why doesn't governments ban such perverted activity? The reason is because church and state are one and the same. Organised religions are the suppression of free thought. You can not remain failthful to any organised religion if you are prepared to think logically and rationally because what they teach can not be proven. Furthermore, the intelligent energy of creation would never have lived as a man where he would be required to deal with base bodily functions and base sexual energy on a continual basis.


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To Whom it Concerns,
Data is being collected from your smart phone, from the computer system which is built into your vehicle, from nano technology inside your brain and body, from your smart television, from the artificial intelligence system called Alexa which you keep inside your home, from your debit and credit cards, from your computerized bank account, from your tax payment details, from your social welfare claims, from your fit bit, from your smart watch and from built in smart technology inside your home, from any posts which youy have posted online, from emails which you have both sent and received and possibly by  a number of other means.    This private data collection has been ongoing for many years and vast quantities of data has now been collected and collated about you and it has been analysed by artificial intelligence and also by human data analysts.   An extremely detailed profile can be drawn up about you which can be read by many and varied men and women who are unknown to you and who do not have your best interests at heart.   An extremely detailed profile can be drawn up of all of your country men, women and children collectively if necessary.  The plan of those who own this around the clock surveillance system is to enslave you.  
These aforementioned would-be enslavers who are believed to be those who privately own the bank of international settlements in Switzerland which is believed to be the central bank of central banks and along with that they are believed to privately  own and control most other central banks throughout the world along with the two main corporations in the world which are known as Vanguard and Blackrock are now planning to introduce what is known as Central Bank Digital Currency which would allow central bankers combined with artificial intelligence data collection to create a credit score system for you individually which would  automatically program what you can and can not buy.   If you did or said or wrote anything that would challenge the central bankers you would then not be allowed to buy a train or plane ticket or a motor vehicle.   The computer system in your motor vehicle would be connected to the nano technology which is now inside your brain and body and both of those would also be connected to your digitalized bank account which would be under external control.   The smart grid would stop you travelling out side your own town if necessary because the computerized technology in your motor vehicle would cause your motor vehicle to stop at the five kilometer mark of your journey, which would be the limit the enslaved would be allowed to travel.  
Slaves are always kept in small slave colonies away from each other and they are not allowed to meet the slaves in other small slave colonies because if an uprising broke out in one slave colony, it would more easily be subdued without alerting any other slave colony that such an uprising was taking place.   Invisible electric fences can easily be erected around each smart city with only one entrance and exit which could and would be guarded by weaponized robots who can currently out run some humans. 
Covid-19 is about inoculating human beings with artificial intelligence so that they can be identified and their brain cells can be wirelessly controlled by remote means.   Centralized social controllers now have a very precise method of wirelessly  activating or switching off specific neurons in the living moving human being so that we can be made to instantly forget some things and to believe that which is not true.   Our senior politicians and others are possibly victims of these brain weapon capabilities.   Covid-19 emergency use power and funding must be stopped immediately.   Every covid-19 product needs to be urgently banned and recalled. 
The central bankers need us to have vaccine passports in order to co-ordinate their control system.   Please stop the introduction of vaccine passports. 
We need to urgently take down all 5G technology because 5G towers are for our termination due to the fact that the central bankers plan to wirelessly eliminate up to 90% of the world's population on an incremental basis.   CRISPR Cas 9 is a gene editing capability which is being used for the purposes of turning us into a variety of new species over time.   The use of electromagnetic pulses is known to  destroy both the infrastructure which is now inside our bodies and brains and which is outside of us in the form of microwave transmitters and 5G transmitters.
The contents of this email is not new information because there is endless similar information about the activities of the central bankers who are also believed to be the new world order cabal online mainly on and and several other video platforms.   How come we never hear such information on the main stream media news. 
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey,  Newbrook,  Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
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Central Bank Digital Currency would allow central bankers combined with artificial intelligence data collection to create individual credit score systems for us individually which would  automatically program what we can and can not buy.   If you did or said or wrote anything that would challenge the central bankers you would then not be allowed to buy a train or plane ticket or a motor vehicle.   The smart grid would stop you travelling out side your own town if necessary because the computerized technology in your motor vehicle would  be automatically connected to your credit score and a low credit score would  cause your motor vehicle to stop at the five kilometer mark of your journey.  
Covid-19 is about innoculating human beings with artificial intelligence so that they can be identified and their brain cells can be wirelessly controlled by remote means.   Centralized social controllers  and neuro scientists now have a very precise method of wirelessly  activating or switching off specific neurons in the living moving human being so that we can be made to instantly forget some things and we can be made to believe that which is not true.   Our senior politicians and others are possibly victims of these brain weapon capabilities.   Covid-19 emergency use power and funding must be stopped immediately.   Every covid-19 product needs to be urgently banned and recalled. 
The central bankers need us to have vaccine passports in order to co-ordinate their control system so please have the introduction of vaccine passports stopped in order to put a stop to the loss of all of our freedom. 
We need to urgently take down all 5G technology because 5G towers are for our termination due to the fact that the central bankers plan to wirelessly eliminate up to 90% of the world's population on an incremental basis.   CRISPR Cas 9 is a gene editing capability which is being used for the purposes of turning us into a variety of new species over time.   The use of electromagnetic pulses is known to  destroy both the infrastructure which is now inside our bodies and brains and which is outside of us in the form of microwave transmitters and 5G transmitters.   This is a race against time in order to save our freedom.   Please act today to implement policies which will curb the power of the central bankers who privately own most central banks throughout the world.
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I hear voice to skull voices which are broadcast into my head from an unknown remote location by those who have access to advanced technology.   At 7.32 pm G.M.T. on 8th December, 2022 a voice was heard by me to say the following "Will this agency be able to take control of this woman's entire body in the future."  This was followed by another voice which was heard by me to say the following "Yes.".   Then the first voice was heard by me to reply as follows  "I am not in favour of that."

My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address which is also the place of my birth is Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland and my landline home phone number which is in my own name Gretta Fahey is 094 9360901 and my date of birth is 03rd February, 1960 and my mothers maiden name was Rosemary Jennings and my fathers name was Patrick Fahey. 

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Here is a small selection of what extremely crude and frightening messages the anonymous evil doers who broadcast voices into my head by means of voice to skull technological capabilities, have been broadcasting into my head recently. All of the times and dates which I heard the messages were heard in Irish time which is also known as Grenwich Mean Time.
"We are banning her from writing to America." 4.25 pm 30th Nov. 22.
"Why don't you let her sleep." "Because we have a right to do anything we like to her without any regard for her wellbeing." 5.17 6th Dec. 22
"A miserable piece of shit." 5.55pm 6th Dec. 22.
"We wont allow bullies to tell us what we can and can not do."
"Go and wash yourself." I replied by saying the following "I don't like being nagged by unknown criminals who broadcast their voices or simulations of their voices inside my head which come from an unknown remote location, in a way that I can not block those voices so I am not going to wash myself at all today." (I live alone in a remote rural village and I don't meet anyone for days at a time and it makes little difference how often I wash myself on days that I am not going anywhere.)
"Open your shit box." 9.05 pm on 7th Dec. 22.
"Fear Mongering." 11.20 am on 8th Dec. 22 (That was said in reference to the fact that I often write to the Irish government and to the Irish media about what is happening to me. I write to them at least on a weekly basis and I sometimes write to them on a daily basis but I suspect that some of the emails I write to them are being blocked. I write the same letter to up to twenty email addresses at the same time, including all the local newspapers throughout Ireland and to many and varied politicians including members of the European Parliament and to members of the Oireachtas and to members of Mayo County Council and to Members of other County Councils and also to senior politicians and to press offices and to the President of Ireland and to many email addresses overseas.
"She has no anonymity. We all know who she is now." 11.05 am 8th Dec. 22.
"As soon as we bio-robotize her we will then get her to retract everything she said so far about psychiatry and nano technology. (The threat to bio-robotize me is not an idle threat because unknown others can wirelessly move many of my facial muscles against my will and without my permission whenever they wish, and I believe that they can do this because they can control nano technology which was introduced into my blood stream and has become embedded in my muscles, and they evil doers then move the nano technology which they appear to have wireless control over. )
"Licking her own hole" "It is disgusting, the smell off her vagina." 11.00 am on 8th Dec. 22 ( If the unknown evil doers who electronically harass me and who psychologically torture me are going to say extremely crude and uncalled for things to me I am then going to post them online in order to show the evil doers up.)

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BEAM FORMING is the ability to narrowly transmit or focus beams carrying data to a particular targeted individual without allowing that data to be expanded to other nearby individuals. For instance, a targeted individual, while standing inside a large group of people can be communicated with by means of beam forming without others in the group being able to hear the message that the targeted individual has received. BEAM FORMING is being used in bio-medicine. BEAM FORMING is being used to torture individuals while they are inside their own homes sitting talking to their families. Because energy weapons are invisible, silent and leave no trace, those who are not able to think outside the cocoon which has been created for them by those who control the main stream media are unable to act on information which they receive about wireless torture which is being carried out by means of beam forming. Because they are refusing to believe in wireless torture, their own children will possibly be wirelessly enslaved and tortured in the future. This is the price that they will possibly pay for their inaction in this area.

Modern Weapons are mostly invisible and silent and they leave no trace and the person standing beside you could be attacked by them without you being able to detect it.
Some modern weapons use directed energy and some modern weapons are known as acoustic weapons, neurological weapons, frequency weapons and various other types of weapons, most of which are classified. Because they are invisible and silent and leave no trace some people wrongly believe that they don't exist. Those people have been lulled into a false sense of security.
You are possibly already wirelessly linked to complicated weapons systems from micro or nano material which is inside your body and brain, which would have been introduced into your body mostly by means of vaccinations, and other types of injections. Modern microwave transmitters and smart street lighting link to the micro and nano material inside your body and brain by means of beam forming. Beam forming means that they energy which comes from the transmitters close to you separates into individual beams for each person in the area of those transmitters, enabling others to transmit individual messages and other data into your brain and body without others close to you being able to detect it.
A system is being set up worldwide where an Alexa type artificial voice will speak directly to you and will issue orders into your brain ordering you about all day long, each and every day, micro-managing your life in ways that are unbearable, and if you fail to obey those orders then pain or electric shocks will be transmitted into your body, or you will become paralyzed or your eyes will be externally controlled to remain shut until you obey the artificially generated voice coming from inside your head.
I know about this system because I have been partially under such a system for nearly twenty years. Medical professionals, psychiatrists, the police, the military and government officials may be under such a system while remaining unaware of it because they appear to be receiving subliminal messages to ignore all information about it which comes from those who have already become targeted by it on a full time basis.
Some solutions may be One to take down the infrastructure which allows this system, Two, to find a way of detoxifying our bodies from the nano technology which has been injected into us, Three to identify and arrest those who are responsible for setting up this system and force them to let us know how to protect ourselves from it, and Four, to stop all chemtrailing of the skies over our heads with nano materials and which has gone on for at least twenty years.
Unelected globalists working through the World Economic forum, the World Health Organisation, the International Monitary Fund and many other organisations which have almost nothing to do with national governments have attempted worldwide takeover.
Using a hoaxed pandemic they persuaded us to allow ourselves to be injected with several substances including Hydrogel which is a smart technology which uses bio-synthesis to create an intra-body nano-network inside our bodies. This intra-body nano-network and other injectable technology would allow them to connect us by wireless means to a control system known as the internet of bodies which in turn would allow them to harvest biological, physiological and psychological data from our brains and bodies and which would also allow them to download data to our brains and bodies such as voice hearing, moving images, still images, sensations, electric shock, pain, forced muscle movement, immobilization of muscles, feeling too hot or feeling too cold, subliminal suggestions, mood changes, and many other experiences.
This is an enslavement system which is meant for us but we must focus only on ways to stop them enslaving us, such as taking down the infrastructure which allows them to transmit and receive information from our bodies and brains and also detoxifying our brains and bodies so that we become free of the intra-body nano network and also to have them arrested and detained until they reveal methods which allow us to free ourselves from this enslavement system. I believe that some of our elected representatives and senior police and military have been partially lobotimized by means of brain weapon technology to the extent that they appear grateful to the would-be enslavers for gradually and incrementally taking away our freedom and abundance. They appear to have been subliminally programmed to publicly grovel to the would-be enslavers whenever they are in view. Do something today to help return us to full freedom.

Remote Neural Monitoring is a means for torturing victims invisibly and silently without leaving any evidence and it is achieved by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and holographic projections among many other types of classified and other weapons.
Terrorist operatives isolate a victim and beam radio signals and holographic projections into their home. Gang-stalkers are employed to follow the victim around and to break in and sabotage a small number of the victim's belongings while they are out of their home, but not enough to make it a police matter. Satellite derived extra low frequencies and other means are used to communicate with the victim, and the victim is forced to hear those communications coming from inside their own heads and they have no way of blocking such communications. The communications are often death threats and physical torture threats.
The victim goes to the police and reports the matter and the police refuse to believe them and instead of investigating their claims, the police instead force them to attend for psychiatric evaluation, where they are often then transferred to a psychiatric hospital where they lose all of their freedom and their right to bodily integrity.
This situation is widespread throughout the world and those who refuse to take our claims seriously will find themselves and their children under attack from these aformentioned weapons, due to their complacency and their refusal to trust the public who report these crimes.
I am a victim of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for nearly twenty years in the Republic of Ireland. I know of many other Irish men and women who are also being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation. We no longer report the matter to the Gardai because of our extreme fear of psychiatric intervention and forced medication with toxic substances. I experience voices being broadcast into my head from unknown remote locations by anonymous cowards and I also experience tactile sensations on my arms and legs and also on my nether regions and rear end and all over my body. I also experience forced muscle movement, especially of the muscles around my face. I can be forced to laugh at the will of those who use directed energy weapons and brain to brain interface capabilities on me.
On 1st December, 2022, at 14.23 which is twenty three minutes past two pm, G.M.T. which is also known as Irish Time I was in a store called Tesco in Claremorris, Co. Mayo, in the Republic of Ireland where I purchased a coat. I went up to the check out in Tesco and while I was waiting in line unknown operatives broadcast energy into my rear end which I felt as strong sensations in my rear end. They do that to me on a regular basis no matter where I am. They broadcast sensations to my rear end while I am in bed at night and they often do this up to ten times during the night. They broadcast sensations to my front bottom area during the night also. I am a single woman and I live alone and I am celebate. I find all of this very difficult to take and I sometimes scream when they attack me with energy in my nether regions when I am trying to sleep at night. Last night, I was made to scream almost continuously for half an hour because one of the unknown terrorist operatives who uses directed energy weapons and neurological weapons against me from an unknown remote location would not leave me alone and was persistently attacking my front bottom area with energy which I can strongly feel and which I experience as extremely invasive and humiliating. I live alone in a rural area a good distance away from my nearest neighbours so nobody can hear me scream at night.
I have the receipt for the coat which I purchased in Tesco, Claremorris, today and the reason that I mention the receipt is because the time I purchased the coat is on the receipt and that is the same time as I was being attacked by directed energy weapons which was 23 minutes past 2 pm Irish time while I was at the checkout.
My name is Gretta Fahey and the name on the birth certificate which is associated with my birth is Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. This is also the address where my mother gave birth to me. My date of birth is 3rd February, 1960. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901. My email address is I have a bitchute channel under the name grettafahey where I have two hundred and fifty videos published, most but not all of which are about what I am experiencing by means of no-touch torture by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and other types of invisible and silent energy weapons which leave no trace.
If the above control and torture system is not stopped there will be no future for anyone. Please raise awarness of this system and canvas your political representative to have it stopped. Many senior politicians, police, military and others are receiving subliminal messages to disbelieve targeted individuals and to resist any and all information we provide to the Irish government on the matter.
For further information on the current capabilities of directed energy weapons and neurological weapons please read the information on a website called and

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Modern Weapons are mostly invisible and silent and they leave no trace and the person standing beside you could be attacked by them without you being able to detect it.
Some modern weapons use directed energy and some modern weapons are known as acoustic weapons, neurological weapons, frequency weapons and various other types of weapons, most of which are classified. Because they are invisible and silent and leave no trace some people wrongly believe that they don't exist. Those people have been lulled into a false sense of security.
You are possibly already wirelessly linked to complicated weapons systems from micro or nano material which is inside your body and brain, which would have been introduced into your body mostly by means of vaccinations, and other types of injections. Modern microwave transmitters and smart street lighting link to the micro and nano material inside your body and brain by means of beam forming. Beam forming means that they energy which comes from the transmitters close to you separates into individual beams for each person in the area of those transmitters, enabling others to transmit individual messages and other data into your brain and body without others close to you being able to detect it.
A system is being set up worldwide where an Alexa type artificial voice will speak directly to you and will issue orders into your brain ordering you about all day long, each and every day, micro-managing your life in ways that are unbearable, and if you fail to obey those orders then pain or electric shocks will be transmitted into your body, or you will become paralyzed or your eyes will be externally controlled to remain shut until you obey the artificially generated voice coming from inside your head.
I know about this system because I have been partially under such a system for nearly twenty years. Medical professionals, psychiatrists, the police, the military and government officials may be under such a system while remaining unaware of it because they appear to be receiving subliminal messages to ignore all information about it which comes from those who have already become targeted by it on a full time basis.
Some solutions may be One to take down the infrastructure which allows this system, Two, to find a way of detoxifying our bodies from the nano technology which has been injected into us, Three to identify and arrest those who are responsible for setting up this system and force them to let us know how to protect ourselves from it, and Four, to stop all chemtrailing of the skies over our heads with nano materials and which has gone on for at least twenty years.
Unelected globalists working through the World Economic forum, the World Health Organisation, the International Monitary Fund and many other organisations which have almost nothing to do with national governments have attempted worldwide takeover.
Using a hoaxed pandemic they persuaded us to allow ourselves to be injected with several substances including Hydrogel which is a smart technology which uses bio-synthesis to create an intra-body nano-network inside our bodies. This intra-body nano-network and other injectable technology would allow them to connect us by wireless means to a control system known as the internet of bodies which in turn would allow them to harvest biological, physiological and psychological data from our brains and bodies and which would also allow them to download data to our brains and bodies such as voice hearing, moving images, still images, sensations, electric shock, pain, forced muscle movement, immobilization of muscles, feeling too hot or feeling too cold, subliminal suggestions, mood changes, and many other experiences.
This is an enslavement system which is meant for us but we must focus only on ways to stop them enslaving us, such as taking down the infrastructure which allows them to transmit and receive information from our bodies and brains and also detoxifying our brains and bodies so that we become free of the intra-body nano network and also to have them arrested and detained until they reveal methods which allow us to free ourselves from this enslavement system. I believe that some of our elected representatives and senior police and military have been partially lobotimized by means of brain weapon technology to the extent that they appear grateful to the would-be enslavers for gradually and incrementally taking away our freedom and abundance. They appear to have been subliminally programmed to publicly grovel to the would-be enslavers whenever they are in view. Do something today to help return us to full freedom.

Remote Neural Monitoring is a means for torturing victims invisibly and silently without leaving any evidence and it is achieved by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and holographic projections among many other types of classified and other weapons.
Terrorist operatives isolate a victim and beam radio signals and holographic projections into their home. Gang-stalkers are employed to follow the victim around and to break in and sabotage a small number of the victim's belongings while they are out of their home, but not enough to make it a police matter. Satellite derived extra low frequencies and other means are used to communicate with the victim, and the victim is forced to hear those communications coming from inside their own heads and they have no way of blocking such communications. The communications are often death threats and physical torture threats.
The victim goes to the police and reports the matter and the police refuse to believe them and instead of investigating their claims, the police instead force them to attend for psychiatric evaluation, where they are often then transferred to a psychiatric hospital where they lose all of their freedom and their right to bodily integrity.
This situation is widespread throughout the world and those who refuse to take our claims seriously will find themselves and their children under attack from these aformentioned weapons, due to their complacency and their refusal to trust the public who report these crimes.
I am a victim of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for nearly twenty years in the Republic of Ireland. I know of many other Irish men and women who are also being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation. We no longer report the matter to the Gardai because of our extreme fear of psychiatric intervention and forced medication with toxic substances. I experience voices being broadcast into my head from unknown remote locations by anonymous cowards and I also experience tactile sensations on my arms and legs and also on my nether regions and rear end and all over my body. I also experience forced muscle movement, especially of the muscles around my face. I can be forced to laugh at the will of those who use directed energy weapons and brain to brain interface capabilities on me.
On 1st December, 2022, at 14.23 which is twenty three minutes past two pm, G.M.T. which is also known as Irish Time I was in a store called Tesco in Claremorris, Co. Mayo, in the Republic of Ireland where I purchased a coat. I went up to the check out in Tesco and while I was waiting in line unknown operatives broadcast energy into my rear end which I felt as strong sensations in my rear end. They do that to me on a regular basis no matter where I am. They broadcast sensations to my rear end while I am in bed at night and they often do this up to ten times during the night. They broadcast sensations to my front bottom area during the night also. I am a single woman and I live alone and I am celebate. I find all of this very difficult to take and I sometimes scream when they attack me with energy in my nether regions when I am trying to sleep at night. Last night, I was made to scream almost continuously for half an hour because one of the unknown terrorist operatives who uses directed energy weapons and neurological weapons against me from an unknown remote location would not leave me alone and was persistently attacking my front bottom area with energy which I can strongly feel and which I experience as extremely invasive and humiliating. I live alone in a rural area a good distance away from my nearest neighbours so nobody can hear me scream at night.
I have the receipt for the coat which I purchased in Tesco, Claremorris, today and the reason that I mention the receipt is because the time I purchased the coat is on the receipt and that is the same time as I was being attacked by directed energy weapons which was 23 minutes past 2 pm Irish time while I was at the checkout.
My name is Gretta Fahey and the name on the birth certificate which is associated with my birth is Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. This is also the address where my mother gave birth to me. My date of birth is 3rd February, 1960. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901. My email address is I have a bitchute channel under the name grettafahey where I have two hundred and fifty videos published, most but not all of which are about what I am experiencing by means of no-touch torture by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and other types of invisible and silent energy weapons which leave no trace.
If the above control and torture system is not stopped there will be no future for anyone. Please raise awarness of this system and canvas your political representative to have it stopped. Many senior politicians, police, military and others are receiving subliminal messages to disbelieve targeted individuals and to resist any and all information we provide to the Irish government on the matter.
For further information on the current capabilities of directed energy weapons and neurological weapons please read the information on a website called and

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MY ONGOING EXPERIENCES OF SILENT NO-TOUCH TORTURE BY MEANS OF INVISIBLE AND SILENT WEAPONS WHICH ARE WELL DOCUMENTED ONLINE. Remote Neural Monitoring is a means for torturing victims invisibly and silently without leaving any evidence and it is achieved by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and holographic projections among many other types of classified and other weapons. Terrorist operatives isolate a victim and beam radio signals and holographic projections into their home. Gang-stalkers are employed to follow the victim around and to break in and sabotage a small number of the victim's belongings while they are out of their home, but not enough to make it a police matter. Satellite derived extra low frequencies and other means are used to communicate with the victim, and the victim is forced to hear those communications coming from inside their own heads and they have no way of blocking such communications. The communications are often death threats and physical torture threats. The victim goes to the police and reports the matter and the police refuse to believe them and instead of investigating their claims, the police instead force them to attend for psychiatric evaluation, where they are often then transferred to a psychiatric hospital where they lose all of their freedom and their right to bodily integrity. This situation is widespread throughout the world and those who refuse to take our claims seriously will find themselves and their children under attack from these aformentioned weapons, due to their complacency and their refusal to trust the public who report these crimes. I am a victim of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for nearly twenty years in the Republic of Ireland. I know of many other Irish men and women who are also being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation. We no longer report the matter to the Gardai because of our extreme fear of psychiatric intervention and forced medication with toxic substances. I experience voices being broadcast into my head from unknown remote locations by anonymous cowards and I also experience tactile sensations on my arms and legs and also on my nether regions and rear end and all over my body. I also experience forced muscle movement, especially of the muscles around my face. I can be forced to laugh at the will of those who use directed energy weapons and brain to brain interface capabilities on me. Today, 1st December, 2022, at 14.23 which is twenty three minutes past two pm, G.M.T. which is also known as Irish Time I was in a store called Tesco in Claremorris, Co. Mayo, in the Republic of Ireland where I purchased a coat. I went up to the check out in Tesco and while I was waiting in line unknown operatives broadcast energy into my rear end which I felt as strong sensations in my rear end. They do that to me on a regular basis no matter where I am. They broadcast sensations to my rear end while I am in bed at night and they often do this up to ten times during the night. They broadcast sensations to my front bottom area during the night also. I am a single woman and I live alone and I am celebate. I find all of this very difficult to take and I sometimes scream when they attack me with energy in my nether regions when I am trying to sleep at night. Last night, I was made to scream almost continuously for half an hour because one of the unknown terrorist operatives who uses directed energy weapons and neurological weapons against me from an unknown remote location would not leave me alone and was persistently attacking my front bottom area with energy which I can strongly feel and which I experience as extremely invasive and humiliating. I live alone in a rural area a good distance away from my nearest neighbours so nobody can hear me scream at night. I have the receipt for the coat which I purchased in Tesco, Claremorris, today so I know that I was being attacked by directed energy weapons to my rear end at 23 minutes past 2 pm Irish time while I was at the checkout. My name is Gretta Fahey and the name on the birth certificate which is associated with my birth is Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. This is also the address where my mother gave birth to me. My date of birth is 3rd February, 1960. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901. My email address is I have a bitchute channel under the name grettafahey where I have two hundred and fifty videos published, most but not all of which are about what I am experiencing by means of no-touch torture by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and other types of invisible and silent energy weapons which leave no trace. If the above control and torture system is not stopped there will be no future for anyone. Please raise awarness of this system and canvas your political representative to have it stopped. Many senior politicians, police, military and others are receiving subliminal messages to disbelieve targeted individuals and to resist any and all information we provide to the Irish government on the matter. For further information on the current capabilities of directed energy weapons and neurological weapons please read the information on a website called and
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Remote Neural Monitoring is a means for torturing victims invisibly and silently without leaving any evidence and it is achieved by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and holographic projections among many other types of classified and other weapons.
Terrorist operatives isolate a victim and beam radio signals and holographic projections into their home. Gang-stalkers are employed to follow the victim around and to break in and sabotage a small number of the victim's belongings while they are out of their home, but not enough to make it a police matter. Satellite derived extra low frequencies are used to communicate with the victim, and the victim is forced to hear those communications coming from inside their own heads and they have no way of blocking such communications. The communications are often death threats and physical torture threats.
The victim goes to the police and reports the matter and the police refuse to believe them and instead of investigating their claims, the police instead force them to attend for psychiatric evaluation, where they are often then transferred to a psychiatric hospital where they lose all of their freedom and their right to bodily integrity.
This situation is widespread throughout the world and those who refuse to take our claims seriously will find themselves and their children under attack from these aformentioned weapons, due to their complacency and their refusal to trust the public who report these crimes.
I am a victim of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for nearly twenty years in the Republic of Ireland. I know of many other Irish men and women who are also being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation. We no longer report the matter to the Gardai because of our extreme fear of psychiatric intervention and forced medication with toxic substances. I experience voices being broadcast into my head from unknown remote locations by anonymous cowards and I also experience tactile sensations on my arms and legs and also on my nether regions and rear end and all over my body. I also experience forced muscle movement, especially of the muscles around my face. I can be forced to laugh at the will of those who use directed energy weapons and brain to brain interface capabilities on me.
Today, 1st December, 2022, at 14.23 which is twenty three minutes past two pm, G.M.T. which is also known as Irish Time I was in a store called Tesco in Claremorris, Co. Mayo, in the Republic of Ireland where I purchased a coat. I went up to the check out in Tesco and while I was waiting in line unknown operatives broadcast energy into my rear end which I felt as strong sensations in my rear end. They do that to me on a regular basis no matter where I am. They broadcast sensations to my rear end while I am in bed at night and they often do this up to ten times during the night. They broadcast sensations to my front bottom area during the night also. I am a single woman and I live alone and I am celebate. I find all of this very difficult to take and I sometimes scream when they attack me with energy in my nether regions when I am trying to sleep at night. Last night, I was made to scream almost continuously for half an hour because one of the unknown terrorist operatives who uses directed energy weapons and neurological weapons against me from an unknown remote location would not leave me alone and was persistently attacking my front bottom area with energy which I can strongly feel and which I experience as extremely invasive and humiliating. I live alone in a rural area a good distance away from my nearest neighbours so nobody can hear me scream at night.
I have the receipt for the coat which I purchased in Tesco, Claremorris, today so I know that I was being attacked by directed energy weapons to my rear end at 23 minutes past 2 pm Irish time while I was at the checkout.
My name is Gretta Fahey and the name on the birth certificate which is associated with my birth is Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. This is also the address where my mother gave birth to me. My date of birth is 3rd February, 1960. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901. My email address is I have a bitchute channel under the name grettafahey where I have two hundred and fifty videos published, most but not all of which are about what I am experiencing by means of no-touch torture by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and other types of invisible and silent energy weapons which leave no trace.

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All of the smart devices in your smart home can be externally controlled by a terrorist operative who wishes to psychologically torture you by wireless remote means. . Your gates can be externally controlled to lock you out. Your lights can be controlled to switch off and remain off if someone wishes to come in a murder you all. Your smart electric shower can be externally controlled to switch to cold after thirty seconds and then switch off entirely after another thirty seconds under the guise of sustainability. Your washing machine can be externally controlled to only wash clothes once per week, also under the guise of sustainability. Your smart television can and probably is being externally controlled to spy on you. Your smart meter will be externally controlled to limit the amount of electricity you will be allowed to use in the future. Your smart heating system can be externally controlled to keep your whole house at 16 degrees celsius instead of 20 degrees celsius under the guise of sustainability. Why haven't you thought of all this. Smart homes have been designed to wirelessly enslave you in the future because they would eventually be entirely externally controlled by individuals who wish to digitally enslave us all under the false guise of sustainable development. Don't even purchase an electric bicycle because that can also be wirelessly interfered with. Return to the use of off grid devices as much as possible. I use a manual bicycle and I have a gas cooker for when the electricity is switched off.

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Dr Robert C Gunn, Ann Arbor, Michigan is a clinical psychologist. He is involved in covert psychological warfare which is known as Remote Neural Monitoring. The technology employes satellite derived extra low frequencies to communicate voice to skull transmission. The human brain is composed of neurons and is powered by low electrical current. Humans can communicate with radio transceivers and each of us has our own distinct radio frequencies. If they know your unique frequencies a terror technician can communicate directly with your brain.
Gunn is part of the development team which created a protocol of torturing victims. For decades, Gunn worked as a clinical psychologist at the Ann Arbor veterins affairs hospital. There Gunn met World War ll, Korean War and Vietnam prisoners of war. Gunn learned the secrets of mind control torture techniques by deprogramming these prisoners of war. Then in the 1980's Gunn was recruited to work on the strategic defence initiative. which is commonly known as the Star Wars program. He had already been involved in the land based mind control experiments involving mobile microwave triangulation transmission
Gunn and his staff of technitians would isolate a victim and beam radio signals into the victims home. Now, these attacks are being delivered via satellite. In addition to mind control torture, Gunn and others developed a method to produce remote delivered body shocks to the groin and elsewhere. The third component of this torture involves holographic projections and audible acoustic projections. The fourth component of this torture involves gang-stalking. This involves actual incidents of community activists stalking the victim and spying on them. Sometimes the gang stalkers are paid operatives that are equipped with electronic eves-dropping devices, infra-red detectors, x-ray viewers and directed energy devices. They fire off high energy microwave pulses. Gunn is involved with a covert unit of National Security Agents. The Unit operates like NAZI Gestapo agents without regard for human or constitutional rights.
Michigan is the only state in the U.S. to enact legislation outlawing this type of electronic harassment which lends credibility to the fact that these covert operations exist.
The above information was found at the following youtube online link

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After more than nineteen years of continued violation of my privacy by the use of the brain net and also continued electronic harassment and psychological torture, what is occurring to me is the following:- different men and women hack into my brain on a daily basis who appear to know nothing whatsoever about me and they continually make wrong assumptions about me which leads me to believe that millions of evil doers throughout the world have access to my unique neurological signature and by this means can access my brain and body whenever they wish without my consent. I now believe that there is no limit to the number of evil doers who can access my brain and body remotely. My name is Margaret M. Fahey aka Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560 and my landline home phone numberis094 9360901. My date of birth is 3rd February, 1960. For those who wish to study the capabilities of brain weapons further I enclose links to some of the documents of Professor David Salinas Flores who is an expert on the matter and whose profile I include here below as follows:-
Seven Scientific Backed Documents by Professor David Salinas Flores, MD, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru, where he warns the world about the extreme dangers of Transhumanism and the Brain Net.

Transhumanism The Big Fraud: Towards Digital Slavery
An Alert to 2018 Fifa World Cup Mind Control with Brain Nanobots.
The "Human GPS"
The Secret Program of US Mind Control Weapons
The Brain Net: Violating the Privacy of University Students.
The First Robotization of Africans with Foreword by investigative journalist of note, Ramola D, whose own website is
The Nanomafia: Nanotechnology’s Global Network of Organized Crime

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The Irish government are under externally generated mind control programming due to neural lace in their brains, which came from injectable and ingestable nano technology.
Because of this situation they created policies mandating the people of Ireland to get injected with an untested vaccine which has significant side effects.
and also to Trap bacteria and germs on our faces for at least eight hours per day by wearing mandated masks.
They issued advice which was meant to manipulate us to avoid sunlight and fresh air as much as possible.
They abandoned many of the Irish who are homeless while giving migrants hotels.
They shield crooked or else mind controlled gardai, judiciary and hse staff where possible.
They mandate the use of PCR tests which have up to 95% false positives.
They generate policies which ultimately destroy all small Irish businesses so that billionnaires would eventually own everything of value in the Republic of Ireland in order to eventually enslave us.
They refuse to create a policy to end water fluoridation even though all Irish politicians should be fully aware of its dangers.
They issued an open invitation to any and all of the forty four million Ukranians into Ireland to live here if they wish while the population of Ireland was only 5.5 million before they issued that invitation, even though eight and a half Republic of Ireland's would fit into Ukraine. This was done to destroy the Republic of Ireland and make it amenable to take over by agents of the new world order cabal.
Irish politicians remain silent on the use of directed energy weapons and neurological weapons which are being used to silently and invisible torture many of their own fellow country men and women in secret. They appear to be externally mind controlled to ignore all warnings and calls to have the use of such weapons investigated and blocked.
How are Irish politicians going to solve all of the above problems now that they know about them. What is holding them back.
I got some but not all of the above information from the bitchute channel of well known Irish journalist Gemma O Doherty at this enclosed online link

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Totally sane and sensible men and women are being hypnotised to wrongly believe that certain high profile women are men. Some of those hypnotized men and women are media presenters who rely on their credibility and sound judgement to earn a living and more importantly to fight against the Satanic new world order cabal who wish to enslave us. The Satanic new world order cabal have found a way to make those media presenters lose their credibility by hypnotising them to believe outrageous beliefs and to state them publicly. Many excellent and hard working activists who spend most of their time warning the public of corruption in society have fallen victim to being hypnotised to believe such beleifs as "Michelle Obama is a man and Gretta Thunbergs mother is a man." How are they being mysteriously hypnotised to believe these false beliefs and how can we rescue them from such bizzare beliefs and who are those responsible for hypnotising them to believe such false beliefs.

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We all have a unique neurological broadcast frequency and if criminals have access to your unique neurological broadcast frequency they can access your brain and body by wireless means and they can torture you my this means.
The satellite broadcast system for mind control neural monitoring is integrated with an interface online and some people can gain access to that. If you can gain access to that you can take control and possession of your own unique neurological broadcast frequency which is also known as your neural monitoring. You can then put all of your privacy and security protocols in order in order to protect yourself from remote neural monitoring invasion. It is not on public web. It is on private internet and people will try to block you from accessing your own neural monitoring. If you get on private internet you can then control your own neural monitoring which is also known as your neurological broadcast social media account because you are the owner of it. It is yours to own and control. For someone else to own and possess that is slavery and human trafficing. The gang stalkers who electronically harass and psychologically torture me have possession and control over their own neural monitoring and they can access mine against my will and without my permission for the purposes of remote electronic harassment and psychological torture and forceably moving the muscles of my face against my will. They can send me pain and electric shock and they have done so to such an extent that they made my scream on numerous occasions and cry on a few occasions. They send energy into my nether regions which I experience as sexual invasion and humiliation and they transmit their voices to me at the same time in a scornful and ridiculing way. They have been doing this and much more for nineteen and a half years, day and night, without a single break. I have attempted two serious suicide attempts because of their ongoing attacks. I am partially enslaved by this system. When I reported the matter the Gardai did not believe me because I could not prove it. I recently found information about how it is being achieved by listening to a fellow targeted individual named Kevin Christian who can be found at the following online link
My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland and my landline home phone number is 094 9360901.

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Transhumanism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


gretta fahey <>

1:23 PM (26 minutes ago)
to ronan.mullen
Dear Senator Ronan Mullen,
Many men and women throughout the Republic of Ireland are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes by means of directed energy weapons, neuro weapons and by many other means.    This phenomenon has come to be known as "Havana Syndrome".  Whenever they report the matter to the Gardai they are being disbelieved because they can not prove this situation.  I am including herewith some relevant information taken from a scientifically backed document called "Sovereignty Becoming Pulvereignty" which I found at the following online link Dr. David Salinas Flores | The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The First Robotization of Africans | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen and which may convince you that we are very close to digital enslavement and yet you and your colleagues remain silent on the issue.  Why is this the case?.
The Brain net aims to become the most powerful extortion, mind control, honor destruction and privacy violation weapon owned by the organized criminals, the state terrorism and the cyberwar perpetrators (Salinas, 2018e).

It is surprising that the advocates of the 4IR are silent about the dangerous effects of transhumanism to human beings. Klaus Schwab (2016) in this book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” does not mention nano-diseases or nano-criminals. It is necessary to highlight that the main partners of transhumanist mafia are the police, prosecutors and intelligence services in the world. They hide complaints about crimes committed by nano-criminals using their nano-weapons.
(b) Nanobots can be used as weapons of delinquency

The illicit nanotechnology has created a new kind of criminals, criminals that could be called “nano-hired killers” or “nanotorturers”, those responsible for the “dirty work” of nanomafia; these mainly include journalists, university students, nurses and illegal immigrants like many Venezuelans in Peru: these people would be responsible for performing several works including: selection of the victims, choice of “the persons of interest”, persons who can assist the nanomafia; they intoxicate the victims with nanobots through food, drinks or pills or they can kidnap the victims in order to insert in them the brain implants; they can also edit, select and market mind videos obtained from the daily espionage using the Brain net, they also do mind torture, victim torture, breaching the victims’ privacy, they perform information and espionage of victims’ dreams; they obtain information from the victims’ dreams, they use the Brain net for extortion; they create pseudo-diseases blocking the function of organs by telemetry in order to then extort the victim with “the cure” (Salinas, 2018d).
Please reply to me by email  in answer to my query.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Fahey,
Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo,  Republic of Ireland.  My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.  
My email address is
Today's date is 23rd November, 2022, and the time is 13.20 pm
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Professor David Salinas Flores, MD: Transhumanism: The Big Fraud – Towards Digital Slavery

Transhumanism is promoted according to the World Transhumanism Association as a philosophy that advocates for the use of technology in order to be able to overcome our biological limitations and to transform the human condition.

Transhumanism is an international movement that states that adding technological implants and inserting DNA will improve the human being. This movement is promoted as a benefit to society, as part of the natural evolution of the human being, or an extension of humanization1, and even as a “revolution”.

Transhumanists Aim to Insert Brain Nanobots and DNA in All Human Beings

Transhumanists state that adding technological implants and inserting DNA in human beings will improve their condition; man would leave biological evolution and begin an evolution based on technology; the post-human species would be born.

The essence of Transhumanism is applying the so-called four emerging technologies that include Nanotechnology (N), Biotechnology (B), Information Technologies (I), and Cognitive Sciences (C) in the human being (NBIC). Transhumanists do not only seek to improve health, to eliminate disabilities or to cure diseases but also to produce stronger, faster, more athletic and more intelligent human beings with technology.

For Transhumanists the time has come for human beings to take control of their own evolution, this evolution based on technology will open the doors to create a new species descending from Homo Sapiens. Human beings will be replaced progressively by “trans-humans” (H +) or “post-humans” ( H + +) who will live 500 years.

Probably the main icon of Transhumanism in the media, is Ray Kurzweil. He was working with the Army Science Board in 2006. Kurzweil has been called “the successor and legitimate heir of Thomas Edison” and was also cited by Forbes magazine as “the supreme thinking machine.”

In 1999, President Bill Clinton at a ceremony in the White House gave him the National Medal of Technology, the United States’ highest honor in technology; (other Transhumanists like) Nick Bostrom has been awarded the Professorial Distinction Award of the University of Oxford, Donna Haraway has been awarded by Yale University with the Wilbur Cross Medal — the school’s highest honor — for an alumnus of this university, and Aubrey de Grey is a Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Professor.

Transhumanists’ affirmations are public and are made with conviction and confidence; that surprising confidence is the most mysterious aspect of their statements since they even lead in expressing dates close to the launching of their implants in human beings massively.

Transhumanism uses a series of advertising cliches, these being the main ones: “innovation,” “evolution,” “excellence,” and “digital citizen,” and different advertising campaigns in which the most promoted intellectuals and businessmen like Elon Musk, Larry Page, and Nobel Prize winners like Mario Vargas Llosa, who promote human robotisation participate.

In spite of the millionaire promotion and support of mass media to Transhumanists and in spite of statedly considering as “philosophy” the science of love of wisdom, they hide the truth, the most important information: The harmful effects of the technological implants in the human being and the method their almost delirious Transhumanists objectives are being developed with.

Harmful Effects Of Technological Implants In The Human Being: Brain Nanobot Implications Include Loss of Mind Control, Autonomy, Privacy, and Identity

Technological implants like brain nanobots might cause losing mind control and thus, the carriers can be controlled by others and lose their autonomy; they can be spied on permanently with the cerebral Internet and can lose their privacy; their memory can be deleted and they can lose their identity. Thus, the humans who carry technological implants can be permanently spied on, mentally controlled, and lose their identity, becoming human slaves at the service of Transnational companies and the economic powers.

An objective analysis reveals that Transhumanism is only an intellectual swindle that leads to digital fascism, a society where a millionaire elite will govern citizens with technological implants, who will be digital slaves at the service of an oligarchy.

Most amazing is that in spite of the unrealistic and almost delirious affirmations of Transhumanists, their theories are promoted and supported at the highest official level in the world and are promoted daily by the Press, and most remarkable is that they practically have no opposition from scientists or intellectuals, who even spread their unrealistic postulates.

It is striking that Transhumanist postulates have been analyzed from different philosophical, sociological and religious points of view, as symbolized by Wikipedia’s summary on Transhumanism, however there is a surprising lack of questioning about the main high point of Transhumanist thought, and that by common sense, should be the first to interrogate Transhumanists on: the method by which they develop their risky and almost delirious Transhumanist projects and the adverse effects of their technological implants.

In relation to the effect of technological implants on the human being, Transhumanists only promote brain nanobots as a benefit to society, Transhumanists do not inform people that the brain microchips and nanobots can be a weapon against the citizen; they would make us lose our mind control, citizens would be controlled by others and thus would lose their autonomy turning us into human robots; they would lose their privacy due to being permanently spied on with the cerebral Internet; they would lose their identity since their memory can be deleted with brain nanobots. Thus, if the citizens are spied, controlled mentally and do not have identity, they would become human slaves at the service of transnational companies and economic powers.

Transhumanists Themselves Baulk at Using the Dangerous Brain Implants They Promote

Probably the best proof of the Transhumanist scam is that none of the Transhumanists use the dangerous brain implants and the technological innovations that they promote. In the massive public lectures they perform, they do not perform the “mind uploading” with the Brain Net, which allows a person’s entire private life to be made public.

Kevin Warmick, a promoter of the cyborgs, says: “I have one goal in my life. I want to be a cyborg …I want to be the world’s first half man half machine.“

However, he does not use brain implants either, he says: “I really like my life and there are many possibilities that something goes wrong, both when implanting the chip and when removing it.“

Regarding the method they are developing their Transhumanist projects with, almost like science fiction, such as fusing the human brain with that of a machine, this is a mystery.

Criminal Methods, Organized Crime Networks, Deceptive Propaganda Used by Transnational Technology Companies to Conduct Transhumanist Nanobot and Implant Experiments

In recent scientific books, the following is expressed:

“Nowadays, human beings using the Intel brain chip voluntarily seem unlikely…it could probably have applications for people like the quadriplegics.”

For that reason, for a person to be part of the almost amazing Transhumanist experiments like that of brain fusion so promoted by them, recent research provides evidence that transnational technology companies would be resorting to criminal methods: violence, swindle, extortion or organized crime.

Probably the main swindle is the overestimation of Artificial Intelligence without scientific support, this includes the millionaire promotion of “Singularity,” a term very promoted by Transhumanism; this is defined as the moment when the machines acquire an intelligence superior to the human one and can even govern us. This points to be only an intellectual campaign to intimidate the population and induce it to use the brain implants, as also the recent campaign of “the threat of robots” being “very intelligent” or “super dangerous,” “they will leave us without jobs” or “they will exterminate us.”

The solution for “the threat of robots” is “the technological innovation,” the use of invasive neurotechnology; thus, multimillionaires like Elon Musk promote this solution to “the threat” of the Artificial intelligence as follows:

“Humans will turn into cyborgs or will be irrelevant.”

“Humans shall turn into cyborgs to survive.”

Obviously, these affirmations have no scientific support.

Dangerous Experiments Under Cover of Technological Innovation Likely in Poor Countries like Latin America

It is clear that Transhumanist experimentation with this new technology in humans is high risk; the big transnationals like Google, the main Transhumanist promoter have publicly expressed their refusal to carry out biomedical projects in countries like the United States. Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google has mentioned in a newspaper: “Generally, health is just so heavily regulated, it’s just a painful business to be in. It’s not necessarily how I want to spend my time. Even though we have some health projects, we’ll be doing it to a certain extent. But I think the regulatory burden in the U.S. is so high, I think it would dissuade a lot of entrepreneurs.”

The newspaper reinforces Google CEO expressions: “The sentiment – disruptive innovation is hampered by sluggish regulations- isn’t new.“

Due to the high regulation that protects its citizens in rich countries, these dangerous experiments are probably carried out in poor countries such as those in Latin America.

The transnational technology companies like Google transmit a message in their lectures that reveals an uncontrolled and dehumanized ambition towards technological innovation development in Latin America, probably due to the great economic power and the poor controls that they have.

In the recent meeting of transnational technology companies in Latin America, the following messages are taught as basic lessons for innovators:

“If necessary, cannibalize.”

“Kill something that works to create something that may or may not work.”

The almost amazing Transhumanist experiments like fusing the brain of a human to that of a machine, using bionic eyes, making changes in DNA, using implants in one’s own skeleton, all dangerous experiments that harm or put in danger the health of the experimentation subject, would be developing in Latin Americans at the expense of their health, honor, privacy and in some cases their lives.

Nanomafias: Global Organized Crime Network to Illicitly Develop Transhumanist Projects Using Nanotechnology; Well-Known Billionaires Investing in Neurotech in Latin America Involved

This suspicion is reinforced by recent researches alert to the existence of a global organized crime network to develop illicitly Transhumanist projects using nanotechnology in order to create human weapons, known as “nanomafias,” mainly in Latin America.

For that purpose, citizens would be intoxicated with drinks and foods contaminated with Brain Nanobots or even would be kidnapped to install brain implants in them like the cortical modem or artificial hippocampus without their consent, using hospital surgeries mainly neurosurgery, and the victims who have suffered brain mapping whereby a robot has been constructed with their own brain algorithms would be beheaded to fuse their heads with those of robots created from their brain mapping.

This (already existing) Mafia of transnational technology companies and corrupt governments involves administrators of hospitals, corrupt health unions, rectors, professors, librarians and university students, mafias of Police, prosecutor’s offices, judges, Intelligence services, and especially Press media and its extensive network of journalists who develop an insolent campaign to promote the use of technological implants.

In a general view, the evidence points to the fact that the Transhumanist experimentation network is an interconnected global network, surprisingly organized by the billionaires of the world most promoted by the world Press, such as Carlos Slim, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. Bill Gates, through his foundation, funds projects of neurologists at the Sabogal Hospital in Peru that really develops neuroscientific projects that are camouflage for Transhumanist projects of mental control and cerebral Internet; Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon Books finances a neuroscience institute in Princeton University, a university with close links in Latin America; Mark Zuckerberg, Carlos Slim, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and George Soros are suspected of organizing the cerebral Internet in Latin America.

Global Vision of Transhumanism Reveals a Great Swindle: “Supermen/Bionic Men” will Really Be Mandatorily Nanobotized Digitized Human Slaves of Tech Billionaires

Really, a global vision of Transhumanism reveals only a great swindle; Transhumanism does not seek to improve the individual as its promoters affirm but on the contrary, to turn the human being with technological implants into a slave at the service of Transnational companies and the economic powers.

Transhumanists affirm that the human beings who use the technological implants and genetic engineering will be superior men and those who do not use them will be inferior men, according to Transhumanist symbology, the h + and the h-.

For this reason, following their promotion, the rich with their great economic power will be able to buy technological implants and will be more superior and the poor without implants will be more inferior, thus, the social gaps will enlarge between the poor and the rich “the digital gap,” for that reason, the poor shall fight to also get “that advantage” and seek to get those technological implants. However, the truth is totally opposite.

The global Transhumanist mega-project created by the elite that secretly rules the world, grouped in different groups like the Masons, the Council for Foreign relations or the Bilderberg Club, would seek to create a world society with two groups:

An elite of millionaires who will not use brain microchips and nanobots, and who will have access to the video stations to control mentally, spy and enslave the rest of the citizens.

The rest of the society, the promoted “supermen,” “bionic men,” and the “h +,” will be human robots who will mandatorily use nanobots and cerebral microchips, devices that will be promoted as a compulsory requirement to get a job 9 in a very near future; really the h + will be the new slaves. In synthesis, reality is that h + will be the lower ones and the h – will be the superiors. The new slavery will be human robotisation promoted by Transhumanism, and the brain nanobots and chips will be the new chains and shackles.

In simple terms:

Transhumanism only seeks to achieve human slaves for the millionaires who rule the world.


The fact of hiding the adverse effects of technological implants by Transhumanists, the non-use by Transhumanists of the brain implants that they promote, the billionaire promotion and financing of Transhumanism by the economic powers and transnationals of technology and the illicit human experimentation that is suspected to be the real secret method of these Transhumanist projects reveals that Transhumanism is a swindle, in order to lead us towards Digital Slavery and towards a fascist society where an elite will enslave digitally the rest of the citizens with technological implants.


Salinas D. Transhumanism: the big fraud-towards digital slavery. Int Phys Med Rehab J. 2018; 3 (5):381‒392

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The nanotechnology has become a billionaire industry with multiple potential applications on human beings; however, experimentation in humans is high risk, for that reason, the transnational nanotechnology companies would be resorting to criminal methods like the organized crime to achieve that purpose. Thus, mafias of nanotechnology,“nanomafias”, would being created, mainly in Latin America, which would be multiplying vertiginously due to several factors like the ignorance in society regarding the use of nanotechnology as criminal weapon, the “invisibility” of this mafia for being used as its tool, the wifi, its economic power, the extortion with the Brain net, the silence and participation of the press and the health unions, the media disinformation campaign, its world interconnection, being an organized crime and the possible participation of authorities of the national police, the prosecutor's office and the judiciary, and the intelligence services. Nanomafia aims to become the greatest organized crime network in the world, therefore, the world society shall know, be alert and report the crimes committed by this nanomafia.

The above was written by Professor David Salenas-Flores.

There are thousands of victims of wireless organised crime throughout Britian and Ireland and whenever we approach the police we are wrongly accused of being mentally ill, because the weapons being used against us are silent and invisible.   Why are the police remaining silent about this crime.?

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