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Well Bye bye for now,
Angeline Klas
السيد الامين العام للامم المتحدة المحترم
بواسطة وقف الاساءة والتعذيب للعقل
عن جرائم الانظمة والحكومات الخونة
اود ابلاغكم عن الابادة الجماعية بالاقمار الصناعية لعصابات الانظمة والحكومات الخونة ضد الابرياء والملاحقين بغرض القتل والتعذيب ومنع كل حقوق الانسان العالمية بالرصد بالصورة والصوت في كل مكان على الارض على مدار الساعة ومدى الحياة بدقة رصد لرمشة العين اطالب بالتحقيق والحماية والتعويض واستضافتي في كل مكان في العالم لتقديم الجرائم الماسونية هذه والمنشور الاف منها كنماذج على صفحتي في الفيسبوك باسم / عباس العزاوي غاندي الجديد / كجزء من ملايين اخرى مبلغة لكل السلطات وستنشر علما يوجد ملاحقة ومنع للنشر في النت وكل المواقع والاعلام لمنع الكلام مدى الحياة عن هذه الجرائم لمافيات المخابرات ضدي بالسيطرة والتحكم الشيطاني بكل الافراد للتعرض الاجرامي اليومي للتدمير وغسل الدماغ ومسخ الشخصية 0 وشكرا
Coincidental waves such as those from cell phones and radio stations penetrate our bodies. Our bio-systems such as our heart beat intermodulates these signals. These co-incidental waves can then be retrieved from around the human body and the information therein can be used to read your heartbeat, your body temperature, your brain waves etc, and can be used to decipher what you are thinking.
Each human being generates alot of data so high speed computers are needed to target even one individual for real time thought and human body data analysis and for human body manipulation and modification. GPS signals need to be synchronised in order to achieve constant contact with the targeted subject. Cell phone towers are essential for GPS signal synchronisation. Brain damage or death can be caused on purpose in order to declare war on the human race.
This system leaves almost no connection to the culprits. It shorts the justice system and it goes around the constitution. The justice system does not understand advances in technology. For further information please check out the following link to a youtube video where the electronics engineer Dave Case is being interviewed by award winning online journalist Ramola D.
Neuro operatives are using data analysis of the electrical activity sourced from the brain stem of implanted victims of remote neural monitoring to decipher what the victim has said and done, even down to what the victim has eaten and how long they have slept on any given day. Wireless Body Area Networks known as WBANs are being implanted throughout the brains and bodies of unknowing individuals. Data is then being stolen from these illegally implanted individuals and it is being used for wide area data analysis of humanity for the purposes of using that data for the widespread control and enslavement of human kind in the future. This illegal surveillance via secretly implanting humans with WBANs is being conducted by a small sector of our fellow human beings who own and control extremely advanced technology which gives them a considerable advantage in the human technological enslavement process which is now occurring behind the scenes in our lives in what is known as a stealth war of attrition. Demand the banning of wireless enabling capabilities urgently if you wish to live in freedom.
The hoax of demonic possession as well as other hoaxes such as the hoax of an extra-terresterial presence and the hoax of near death experiences are all being generated by experiences which were actually created neuro weapons operatives. Stories of these hoaxes are being driven by criminals who wish to cover up the existence and vast capabilities of neuro weapons as well as the vast capabilities of other directed energy weapons.
All worldwide date is currently being transmitted via undersea fibre optic cables. Most have concluded that the existence of satellites is a hoax.
I myself am a victim of both in-home surveillance and psychological torture and remote neural manipulation for more than fifteen years. I know many other Irish victims of this ongoing extreme form of wireless psychological torture. These individuals are from all over Ireland, including Cartron Estate, Sligo City, Blackrock, Co. Louth, Aghamore, Ballyhaunis, Leitrim Lower, Co. Leitrim, Six Mile Bridge, Co. Clare, Sallynoggin, Co. Dublin, Columbanus Place, Milltown, Dublin 14, and many others whose email addresses I am in possession of but I will not be any more specific about their identities. We no longer look for help from the psychiatric community because they refuse to confront the reality of wirelessly enabled in-home surveillance and psychological torture which is being conducted via voice transmissions that are carried along a two way continuous stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy from the brain of the non-consenting neuro weapons research subject to the computers of the criminals who are involved in this neuro research.
For further information on recent developments in brain science please click on the following link to the work of Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University, Washington D.C.,
The definition of obedience is somebody who has become so intimidated by abuse that they are no longer able to challenge false authority to the extent that they are willing to carry out orders of extreme evil without question. Attempt to get co-operation in a child, never obedience.
Coincidental waves such as those from cell phones and radio stations penetrate our bodies. Our bio-systems such as our heart beat intermodulates these signals. These co-incidental waves can then be retrieved from around the human body and the information therein can be used to read your heartbeat, your body temperature, your brain waves etc, and can be used to decipher what you are thinking.
Each human being generates alot of data so high speed computers are needed to target even one individual for real time thought and human body data analysis and for human body manipulation and modification. GPS signals need to be synchronised in order to achieve constant contact with the targeted subject. Cell phone towers are essential for GPS signal synchronisation. Brain damage or death can be caused on purpose in order to declare war on the human race.
This system leaves almost no connection to the culprits. It shorts the justice system and it goes around the constitution. The justice system does not understand advances in technology. For further information please check out the following link to a youtube video where the electronics engineer Dave Case is being interviewed by award winning online journalist Ramola D.
There are no demonic possessions. There are no near death experiences. There are no extra-terrestrial visitations. Said experiences are all being driven by wireless neuro weapons.
The British police force are being paid significant bonuses if they agree to use a still secret network to force their voices inside the heads of young offenders and even some non offenders with the use of still secret but common place internal technology. This irregular situation came about through an internal agreement with the British government, including Tony Blair who may himself be under duress from the implantation of internal biochips inside his own body, in accompaniment with many other senior and junior politicians throughout Britain and Northern Ireland. Young offenders are being both illegally and immorally implanted with WBANs which are wirelessly enabled body area networks, which include the capability of the British police and a number of other networks to read the thoughts of said young offenders and others and to reply to those thoughts in real time. This illegal implantation of WBANs is meant for eventual electronic enslavement of everybody thoughout the world except for the would-be enslavers who are currently unknown but who undoubtedly belong to secret societies. Some innocent human beings are now being forced to hear more than one thousand unwanted voices coming from inside their own heads in any given week, so that said British police can earn bonus payments along with their salaries. This system aught to be disabled, disassembled and banned immediately
We can no longer give much credence to man made law. It has become so far removed from the natural order of things that it could only be supported by deranged minds, for the simple reason that the new world order are attempts to install a world government where some human beings are to be regarded as sub-human. The attempted world government would operate on a hierarchical based rigid chain of command where women would be deemed to be less than men, and sub-humans would be deemed to be less than women. Sub humans are to be categorised on the basis of any so-called mental illness and currently anybody can be deemed mentally ill if they do not conform to the dictates of those who now wield wirelessly enabled neuro weapons. No law maker can make a human being less than a human being no matter what false authority he may give himself. Any human being who would honour such a law must have their value judgements called into question. Furthermore natural law is fixed and immutable. We should urgently dissolve all man-made laws in favour of natural law before it is too late.
We are insulting the police by requesting them to enforce man-made law because said man-made law is now considered illegal because all man-made laws which have been enacted over the past several years have been enacted under duress, because the enacters of these laws were unknowingly under the duress of having internal, wifi enabled, biochips which monitor their vital signs and manipulate their thinking process by the use of accompanying electronic mind control. The insertion inside the human body of a wireless body sensor network has turned a selection of senior politicians into electronic slaves where they are now having artificial thoughts inserted into their minds by a would-be worldwide dictatorship of their fellow human beings. Please ask your most senior politician to request the police to ignore man made laws in favour of natural law. The police aught to especially ignore the new law that requests that they monitor our online use. The internet is still a free medium. It is a vital tool in the protection of humanity from legal enslavement by the powers that be
For further information pertaining to the immoral use of wireless body area network biochips being placed inside the bodies of uninformed human beings please see the following two youtube links to the work of award winning online journalist Ramola D.
There is a crisis occurring behind the scenes in all of our lives. Many individuals throughout most countries of the world are having wireless body sensor networks which are also known as WBANs implanted in and on their bodies, where they are then wirelessly tethered to a computer system which effectively turns them into electronic slaves, where all electrical activity in their brains and bodies are being monitored on a constant basis throughout each and every moment of their lives . When they complain to agents of the state nothing of any value is being done to help them to the extent that most of these so-called electronic slaves have stopped consulting the police, psychiatry, social workers, general practitioners, politicians, and clergy men about this growing and extreme problem. They can not effectively prove that they have been implanted by this wireless body sensor network, as the implantation is taking place at a time where they have been rendered unaware that they are being implanted by the use of frequency weapons. However, when tested under controlled conditions, the frequencies which are being emitted from their bodies differ profoundly from the frequencies which are being emitted from the bodies of human beings who have not yet become wirelessly linked to this computer system.
The ongoing process of turning human beings into electronic slaves has become a large and growing industry which is being conducted behind the scenes of our lives by a growing army of human beings some of who are being allowed out of prison early in order to continue the process of surreptitiously implanting their fellow human beings with WBANs. Some human beings have been singled out for extra punishment whereby their whole bodies are being prepared for rigid immobilization also known as paralysis if they refuse to obey the would-be slave masters. Some human beings are experiencing a relatively new phenomenon known as forced muscle movement due to the fact that their muscles can be wirelessly remote controlled by outside operatives. They can be made to commit a crime against their will. They can be made to have super human strength.
Some individuals who are deemed criminals by the false worldwide establishment are in reality victims of this technology. We must not worry about how this information will effect the economy for now because the corporate shareholders who are behind the worldwide initiative to implant everybody other than the would-be slave masters with WBANs have stated that they are implementing plans to ban the use of personal money in a future of worldwide electronic human slavery and worldwide wireless tethering to a network of computers. A Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer would monitor and manipulate all electrical activity in the brains of human kind on a constant basis throughout each day. Currently fourth generation wireless capabilities can conduct remote neural monitoring on a few individuals in any community on a continual basis. If or when fifth generation wireless capabilities would be rolled out then all electrical activity in the brains of thousands of human beings could be both monitored and manipulated on a constant and simultaneous basis throughout each day to the extent that a wirelessly tethered human being would have no privacy of any kind for the rest of their lives. Wireless human electronic enslavement would then become main stream. Please deny the Irish government the right to install fifth generation wireless capabilities within our country. Act now. My website is called ; For further information see attached link by well known online journalist Ramola D
This morning a voice which I heard coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission via military technological capabilities was heard to say by me and about me the following " Label Gretta Fahey an informant". Following this a second voice was then heard to say by me " Gretta Fahey has never met any of the people who knowingly induce voices inside her head and she has rejected all offers of payments which were offered to her through voice induction via ear canal voice channels." The first voice then followed on by saying "Relabel her quarry, that being the case."
Programmable microchips could enter the bloodstream of human beings through inhalation of ingestion. These programmable microchips could then be wirelessly forced from the blood stream, deep into the muscles of a selection of human beings by the use of forcefields of electromagnetic energy which could be utilized by unknown criminal operatives who could work by wireless means and from a remote location .
When all of the muscles of such a human victim would be finally, totally embedded with programmable microchips, the programmable microchips could then be co-ordinated to work in tandem with each other by the same unknown criminal operatives.
The unknown criminal operatives might then be enabled to wirelessly paralyse the human victim from head to toe. The unknown criminal operatives might also be enabled to wirelessly bio-robotize the human victim. When such a human victim would be fully bio-robotized they could perhaps be made to carry out works of extreme evil against their own will and moral judgement with super-human strength. Is it imminently possible that a selection of human beings are having their muscles embedded with programmable microchips throughout almost every country in the world at this point in time ? If that is indeed the case, these human beings would be being prepared for wireless enslavement in such a way that they would in turn be forced to prepare other human beings for wireless enslavement in an exponential way. Is this process of exponential enslavement of the human race well underway throughout the world ? Such wirelessly enabled slaves could be identifiable because they would then emit radio frequencies from their bodies when they would be tested under controlled conditions while inside faraday cages, whereas the remainder of the human population would emit a slightly different type of electromagnetic radiation from their bodies when tested under the same conditions if this situation ever arose in the world in reality.
It possibly could be the case that the human victim of remote controlled wirelessly enabled paralysis and/or remote controlled wirelessly enabled bio-robotization could only be wirelessly remote controlled or paralysed if there was a strong source of electricity in their environment. Should you ask your political representative to have all microwave technology disassembled and outlawed?
Hi, please like and share an article I wrote at Global Research dot ca in Canada. The link is at
Kind regards,
Hacked satellite systems could launch microwave-like attacks, expert warns
All I can do is call them names ever since I became a ti.
I'm not like that I've changed. My additudr changed. I call it side effects.
Well Bye bye for now,
Angeline Klas
Electronic harassment and electronic torture by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring in Kolkata ,India
Please Help me spread this post to all over in kolkata , India and all country for Aknowledgment
He is a User of RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) through this Electro magnetic wave frequency he ( Kajal Kanti Dey) and his one male Relative connect Human brain and tortured male and female In Kolkata India
Electronic harassment and electronic torture
Capabilities of Remote Neural Monitoring Thought, mind reading, reading of thoughts remotely. See as in a camera, through the victim’s eyes, to see what the victim is seeing. Hearing—ability to hear and pick up what the victim is hearing. This is how illegal criminal human trafficking and racketeering operations are being criminally run with this Remote Neural Monitoring technology, to profit off of unaware unsuspecting victims.
Scratch beam | They just beam Victim head somewhere. The normal reaction is victim will start scratching his head. How it is applied Feeling Why it is applied |
Sub vocal speech | Through RNM ..they can talk or speech what they want with silent slow sound How it is applied Feeling Why it is applied |
Please see all photos of torture through RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) in body skin & face skin
Other victim of RNM like me suffer body skin torture by A few photos of the consequences of remote electromagnetic attacks on a Swiss victim
To ,
the Officer
Sub:Information about RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring) user
(KAJAL KANTI DEY & Unknown Male relative of kajal kanti Dey)
, they harass people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring )
R/ Sir ,
I would like to inform you that , I am (RNM Victim ) living in Kolkata , my born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Unkown Male relative ).
(Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Chattarjee Dey ( but she don’t know about RNM )
Past 3 year and 6 month since from 2014 , I have been tortured by them by varies way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use against me, body itching ( all over my body I have giving that torture photo copy with the attachment ) , sickness , forced sleep, forced awake, High heat/burn skin by beam , Mentally torture to make me angry by slow silent voice , hamper in my job , & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM (Machine )which is connect to Human Brain (through Bio Electro Magnetic Wave frequency ) this is a wireless connection which work in Electro Magnetic field our body is one kind of Bio Electro Magnetic field which have a specific frequency level when they connect a human brain they adjust the level of human brain frequency and connect human/victim with this RNM weapon.
They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually harash them ( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes i.e, they can see through victim eyes in RNM machine screen ) and some Valgur sensation in genital area by this RNM (Machine ). They are doing this kind of antisocial activity since 10 years or more then that and still doing harassing people, no body get to know what is it , and they(victims) can’t do anything because they don’t have any evidence or they don’t know how to get evidence, that’s why their victim’s are not able to do anything.
When I was suffering with this connection(RNM) , then I searched in internet and
I have come to know that this machine (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING “have such features , through which I have been tortured by them ( RNM user ) , these person’s (kajal kanti Dey & Unknown male relative of Kajal kanti Dey ) using this kind of Bioelectro Magnetic weapon called RNM machine.
When I knew all this things happen with me & other people in kolkata , then they threaten me by this connection (via Ear bypass: which is a feature of RNM to communicate with the Victim’s with the silent slow sound ) that they can spoil my life , if I am going to take any action on it or tell any body. But I tried to reveal them that’s why they started torturing me all the time , when I lost my passion ,
I told him (kajal kanti Dey) to stop harassing me with the connection of RNM (machine) ,but he were totally denied and pretend me as he don’t know about what I said to him of this connection of RNM( RNM), Suddenly after that when he went his house up stair in panic he cut the connection for a while but again after half an hour , he & his male relative RNM user , started harassing me like the same what they have been doing before. When I search in Internet and got to know what is it and trying to reveal it by giving information in mail to the NIA , CID , NHR ( National Human Right ) , ISRO, DRDO thenkajal kanti Dey & his one male relative ( both user of RNM ) make a plan against me in between April - May 2016 , to make me angry and make me insane to do illegal attack/ do a mistake to hurt him physically , then they will go to take a action (FIR) against me and they will show me as a criminal to people or locality ( but my passed record you can check there no any records like this ) they want to make me as a accuse and then they will be safe from me , unfortunately same thing happen , In temper when I mess with him suddenly by default he got harm little bit in hand palm
( which is shown bigger harm by prescription) , In tension or their torture this is happen , just because I have no further option to do anything , no body believing me what I was said to them about this matter ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic weapon technology which is generally not use in Kolkata civil area) so maybe that’s a reason to not understanding people as well as my family about RNM , what I actually want to tell them about ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) torture , But when I accused as a attacker (which is actually shown to police more then what I have done ) , They make FIR against me strongly and I got accused a case of IPC326 (RNM user targeted to me jail for 10 years ) after 1 week they were trying to non bell process but they didn’t succeed because God with me, that time by God gress I came out from the jail within 14 days , through Interim bell right now that case is converted to IPC 324 because I attend in local Police station twice in a week for a month ( that means 8 times for a month )and at the same time attain all the hearing dates of court (right now my bell is conform), and still I am attend all the hearing dates
just because I knew all their antisocial activity of (RNM user Kajal kanti Dey & Unknown male relative of kajal kanti Dey ), they were feel insecure from me so they were tortured me and making my life as hell till to present.
I have a proof that I was revealing them before the date of this IPC case (i.e, 02/05/16) , by this mail ID , I gave lots of information regarding this RNM user in mail , tweeter by hiding my name that's why they planed against me to harass more to do anything wrong against them and they will go for FIR against me, sir you can check my passed record I have no any such record before this incident , now I am not hiding my self after this incident happened that’s why giving all mails through my own mail ID with my name
They generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass and torture females that’s why generally females are not coming in front ,
Some of Ministers and VIP’s information they have been observed by this connection of RNM( machine) just for Entertainment to themself.
This Machine (RNM) can’t be detect by any normal way (necessary equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this connection ) , So I am humbly requesting you that please ask about RNM(Remote Neural Monitoring ) to “ ISRO” or “DRDO” related person who know about Electro Magnetic Wave frequency or any scientist or professors , who know or can search out about this matter,
I am a victim & I do search in internet about this and I found all the information about this RNM (machine) , which I have suffered a lot with the connection of their RNM (machine) have same features what I observed in internet.
Like me there are some more victims in India who suffer/harass with -Electronic Harassment/TI’s / Targeted RNM (victim ) by other RNM user , you can ask other RNM victim’s like me their name and contact mention below
Victims location Cont number/mail ID of Victims
victim (Kolkata)
victim ( Banglore) ,
victim ( Banglore) ,
victim ( Maharashra)
Right now I am helpless sir kindly do the proper action and I am requesting you to please call me for a short meeting of this matter , If you want to know more properly , actually I want highlight to the upper level officer’s of Defense Ministry about them( RNM user) . I am hoping that you will support me to fight against this kind of antisocial people. This person’s doing antisocial activity just because no body know about “RNM’’ works
his father (KANAI KANTI DEY ) make invented/ made that 3 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring) but they user of RNM ( KAJAL KANTI DEY & Unknown male relative of kajal kanti dey ) are using it in bad way which is can’t be acceptable.
He( Kajal kanti Dey) work as a upper clerk in a bank in Kolkata please check his attendance record of 2 year’s in his office register, he is not able to come office properly in panic just because I knew all his activity & I am going to reveal him that’s why he torturing me by RNM( machine) all the time and even night also & still doing it till present.
This RNM (machine) can be detected by if their( RNM user) polytrophic test will take or some equipment detector of Bio Electo Magnetic Wave Frequency use to detect them if possible
help me and raise my as well as all (the victims males and mostly Females) Voice against this kind of antisocial , Violence , Electronic Harassment , Torture against women’s and people of Kolkata , which is against suit of Law.
(Kajal Kanti Dey & his one male relative ) both generally shows their character in public as a wise person but actually they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s life . They have 3 piece of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life .
Some detail’s & pictures I did attached with this application/article about RNM
Details of the person’s who have RNM (machine ) | ||
NAME | KAJAL KANTI DEY user of RNM (M) : ++918584929823/ 918276909442 | Unknown Male relative of Kajal kanti Dey user of RNM |
Please help me spread this post to all over in kolkata , india and all country for Aknowledgment
(whistleblower and victim)
, kolkata , India