GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 1212011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting code: 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: TI Testimonies will be heard by over 50 ministers across the United States.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams’
Senior Moderator

Nigel Nicholson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Amy Anderson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Liam Anderson
Assistant Moderator


Yahoo Groups:


GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              724-444-7444      end_of_the_skype_highlighting code: 81062 # pin: 1 #

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.



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Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader


Yahoo Groups:


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Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader


Yahoo Groups:




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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 1142011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: Six people killed and several people wounded at an Arizona shopping center. What could have cause it and who is responsible? Your comments and questions on this most important topic.

Join us also for Current Events This Week, TI interviews and more.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams


Yahoo Groups:


PS: We are looking for hosts for our Thursday night conference call. It will be at 11PM EST and 8PM PST. If you have what it takes to co-moderate this call, please contact me by responding to this message.

GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username "QOLSPONY". Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.



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Manchurian Candidate

What's the whole story behind electronic Mind Control? Is it to just torture someone unnoticed? Oris it used for something else? I am being attacked as I type this andthe attack got me thinking. I remember a television show that talkedabout the Manchurian Candidate and this makes me wonder. Maybe themilitary is using this to create a Manchurian Candidate because thethoughts are very repetitive and consistent with each attack. I'llhave the phrase, so far so good it's all in the hood. What was thatnoise, where did they come from. And so forth, be repeated in my mindover and over, and I believe this is a way to induce fear (also withthe induced heart rate and pressure in the skull). My belief is thatthere is a super computer that records everything the victim does andthen that's saved onto another super computer, which explains why therepetitiveness is there. I keep getting the thought (implanted in mymind) no one's going to believe you James. I wonder why that thoughtkeeps popping in my head? Hmm? The CIA was supposedly done withtrying to create a Manchurian Candidate, but they are liars and arestill up to no good. This was typed a while back but posted on herefor you viewing pleasure. What do you think?

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Happy New Year From GSS!

Happy New Year From GSS!GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference CallGovernment Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #Your participation will be gladly appreciated!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira Williams’Co-ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook: Groups: We are looking for hosts for our Thursday night conference call. It will be at 11PM EST and 8PM PST. If you have what it takes to co-moderate this call, please contact me by responding to this message.GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony CarstarphoneConference Calls:KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #Skype For International Callers1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.
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Government Sponsored Stalking


Idid some intensive upgrades to my parent website. Although it is closeto finished, it would never get to the point where it fully fulfill itmission. The mission to end all organized crime world wide. That's whyit is important that this is a group effort. Otherwise, the missionwill be lost.


You can still reach me at my sister's website:

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Affidavit Completion

Affidavit Completion

Dear Participants,

I want to thank you all for participating in last week's GSS conference call (our teleconferences are every Thursdays at 11PM on Call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #). It was a pleasure to present you with all the information you need to complete your Affidavit. As you know, affidavit completion is the first thing we need to do to get rid of these crimes. The next step is to create a coalition and elect officers.

If you are serious about getting rid of these crimes, you will have your affidavit completed by Thursday's conference call. This is the time that I will set aside to go through the affidavits that was submitted to me.

Remember, I will be checking your affidavits for grammatical errors and content reliability. Once this has been completed, your affidavit will be resubmitted to you.

Here's my email address to submit you affidavit:

Once your affidavit is completed, you should:

1) take your affidavit to a notary republic and have them sign and stamp it. Please have your id or license.
2) make 5 copies (3 copies will be submitted to the parties listed in the affidavit).
3) send your affidavit in a 9' by 12' envelope and ask for certified return receipt from your local post office before mailing it.

We are shooting for 10 competed Affidavits before discussion of a coalition occurs. So please make this possible.

If you need assistance, I can be contacted by:

Phone: 347-285-7954

Once 10 Affidavits are completed, we will be discussing the new coalition next week. This includes:

1: name
2: mission
3: elections
4: robert rules of order
5: forming committees
6: duties concerning committee members
7: outreach

At this point, GSS will no longer be hosting this conference call. The date of the next conference call will be decided by the chair and voting members.

Thanks for your assistance.

Chris J. Brunson/Kwalspony/Qolspony
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Thursday Night Conference Call 11PM EST

Thursday Night Conference Call 11PM ESTTOPIC: We will be having a writing workshop to produce Affidavits. If you have not receive the Affidavit sample, you can find it below:Link: purpose of producing these Affidavits is to develop legal standing. By developing legal standing your credibility is upheld.Web Connection: If you have a persistent web connection, you should visit and click on "LIVE". Then you should search for "GOVERNMENT SPONSORED STALKING". Once you have found this room, you should click on "JOIN IN". Another browser window should open up. You will be listed in the room as guest until you create a talkshoe account. Creating a talkshoe account will give you your own identity and at some future date, allow you to create your own room.PHONE: If you don't have a persistent web connection, dial 724-444-7444. You will be prompted for an ID, which is 83319 # (pound sign). Then the operator will ask you for your PIN, which is 1 #. If you already have an account, your PIN is usually a phone number that you assigned. Just type that in and the "#" sign and your identity will show up in the chatroom.For any reason you have trouble getting into the conference call, please feel free to contact me at 347-285-7954 or email me at: bmarkforce@yahoo.comHope to see you tonight!Chris J. BrunsonKWALSPONI
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Thursday Night Conference Call - Affidavit Completion

We are accepting Affidavit drafts today and expect that it would becompleted next week. Then we will move forward in starting theCoalition. This involves naming, electing a chair, creating committeesand much, much more. Hope you join us.

If this is your first time seeing this message, please go here:

Conference calls are held every Thursdays at 11PM EST and 8PM PST Just click on "LIVE" and scroll down until you seeGovernment Sponsored Stalking. Or if you preference, call: 724-444-7444.They will ask you for an id. Just type in 83319 # (pound) and your pin 1#.

If you have trouble, just contact me at or 347-285-7954.

We want to move forward in creating this coalition and if you seriouswant to stop these crimes, you will put your Affidavit together.

I will assist you at your convenience.

Thanks for reading and have a good day.

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See the clear types are solid clears to touch others when logged into achip and tuned in they can sometime feel. Ghost Clears that areinvisable you can not see. Real Clears resemble real people to make theclears look real. shadow clears to make a clear that looks like a shadowon the wall to belnd in. fake clears to make it look like your anotherperson. then there is spawning like a camra in a place to use a chip tobe connected to to watch others. and the other spawned things. also theability to look through the eyes see there called still shots. see thedifferent chip type some allow this. they also tryed to use some stuffto make DEW weapons and stuff and are useing LRAD and other machineslike computers to turn on and off chips with radio and an antenna it'show they program some chips. see some people thought they could stealthis and see it there stupid i was working on alot of this and also morebut they thought they could steal from me so now you know that it is

see when it started people did not get hurt untill they wanted to steal stuff and make money on it
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See they keep trying to get me to remove my web page i just witnessed someone logging into my computer with a RFID chip and trying to mess with the dvd burner. see chips people are assholes 99% of them and need to be remove from the public there logging the computer so now there a threat to national security so lets wait for them to break into a military system . lets not talk about the chip like they say and act like it's 2 people. yes it's how they do it the technologie is called clear. see it's a digital repentation of a human beaing it's spawned like a vdeo game. it's done through a chip this has been around for like 5 years. so people can apear before you and they also have called a ghost clear and a shadow clear to mimic a shadow this is how you do not see them. this is all a chip mod. look up modding like for a video game so these people do have chips or equipment. and they need one to do it if they do not have a chip or a peice of hardware it can not be done.

most of these chips are mind controal s it's done through computer programming and mind controal it's all the chips do. see they need to stay tuned into the people to make it work. it means they need to connect to you some how.
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ok I know some police departments are useing the weapons and government also regular citizens in different places. They need to call there government and talk to them. so they can clean the mess up my problems stem from Rhode Island and Massachuets in the USA mostly. see the problem they need to ban DEW weapons and our governments are not responding to help us. see there are people in different states and countrys blaiming evey one else. to get out of it all. so one attacks one and another then they give out a name or 2. there using computers and voice synthers to hide there identiry and every one wants to act like a robot or program and it's 2 chips or a few people and how many have the capability ?

so if there are 2,000 people ivolved in this then how many are 2 ?

see they try to keep people from talking to others then talk to a third party a few listens then tell others
then other people go talk to make it all a lie and get out of there involvment. there are alot of loosers involved in this one.

see alot of people from other states attacked each other and then they blaim other people. see these people hide between others some you know but they lie to you. then they cut up words and names and tell people stuff. some are police they figure the will never be cought others are afraid of what they will learn who is involved in this stuff. so you have people giveing others names lieing there way out of it so they can hide some are there becouse they hate you. or becouse there rapist hiding who they are lieing about others to get them killed to hide what they did. some of them are gangstalkers. this been going on for year and they do not want there machines captured or themself.

see the Police here will not admit to the chips in most states it's the same and they were spose to take my chip and my chip out for 5 years atleast i want mine and my wifes removed and they refuse to do so. so the governments and people are responsable. s they will not disconnect from out chips and do stuff to hide themself thus everyone is a program with a lieing voice...

see the police first had the idea of the 2020 Neural Chip and wanted Violent offenders and stuff but the cops now are afraid to get cought. they say it's a myth there hideing it.

so how did the drug dealers and public get chips the government will not say.

so every one invilved in this is there own fault. each has a level of involvment and the governments of the world know so they talk no action. you need to call the human rights alot and the government also. but they will probly deny it all as people die

everyone one wants a fake name and wants to be someone else to pass on the blaim.

i told my friends the police were watching me 5 years ago when i learned about the implant and they refused to remove the implants and i have been harassed for 5 years every day. this is what they do and others got involved and there afraid to get cought like i said it got to be 2 people if a 2,000 are involved.

they double talk to lie and change your words so who is safe the government and police or is everyone passing the buck to try to get out of there involvment.

see first they stick you in a mental hospital and give you a diognosis then they act like your crazy and are talking to yourself all day long. then they got others on here that are not cops that are plain assholes so they try to act like it's all in your head. i do not have thousands of people just in my head they wil not remove my implant and my wifes implant also we have been chipped for 5 years so it proves others do not want to get cought. 2 people is easy for the government to remove the chips with no harm 2,000 idiots are another problem.

Assholes are sayng im doing this to myself becouse they told me to stop thinking. who the hell do you stop thinking. i think they should disconnect me and my wife from the equipment and remove the implants they refused to remove and keep lieing about and acting like they have no involvment

2,000 people can not be 2
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the governemt started a war see i was tricked to defending myself and this is what started in 2004 the first release was 2006 the tetamony this is what conspired in the USA they are trying to hide the whole city is involved with this trying to hide it some are rapist and scum

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This is what out government dose to us My wife maybe yours and your children here is picture of what they detail found it and i want to see if there is anything thing other countrys can do about it.

This is America others say it's there neighbors and other people alot of it's your own government.

maybe we can get support here

Please Help The US Stop Our Government

this is what they been trying to d to my wife it's rape through mind controal they try to do it in the real world too and force people...

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The German government elite and the armed forces will receive Celvapan, an adjuvant-free vaccine manufactured by Baxter. The German public will receive a vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline with adjuvants.German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill IngredientsTags:* SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATURE“Critics argue that Adjuvantien [adjuvants in the vaccine] could lead to increased inoculation reactions such as headache or fever.” The German government elite and the armed forces will receive Celvapan, an adjuvant-free vaccine manufactured by Baxter. The German public will receive a vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline with adjuvants.On July 13, the World Health Organization ordered the inclusion of the deadly adjuvants in the H1N1 vaccine. WHO’s vaccine advisory panel is stacked executives from Baxter, Novartis, GSK and Sanofi. Baxter’s own scientists have stated in the New England Journal of Medicine that adjuvants do not improve antibody response.Webmaster's Commentary:Why are the German elites and military getting the adjuvant-free vaccine, while the working people of Germany are not.You have to shake your head on this one.And note that the talking heads on US corporate media are saying that there is a "swine flu vaccine shortage" in this country. What does this mean? The very real potential of the use of adjuvants in future batches of the US vaccine.As reported on 8 October 2009 in:"Vaccination Adjuvant Squalene Not In 2009 Batch, But May Be Soon""While the 2009 swine and seasonal flu vaccines don't contain squalene, an additive linked to autoimmune issues, they could at some point. The public should stay tuned.""Adjuvants are sometimes added to vaccines to elicit a long-lasting and heightened immune response in the body. Super charging the immune response allows vaccine makers to drastically reduce the amount of the viral antigen needed.""Less vaccine required per person," says leading natural health writer Dr. Joseph Mercola, "means more individual doses available for mass vaccination campaigns. Coincidentally, this is exactly the goal of government and the pharmaceutical companies who stand to make millions from their vaccine."German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredients

Kurt Nimmo
October 18, 2009

Spiegel Online is reporting that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and government ministers will receive a special, additive-free H1N1 vaccine. “The Vakzin [vaccine] does not contain disputed additives — contrary to the vaccine for the remainder of the population,” reports the newspaper.

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, is shown here hobnobbing with fellow minions of the elite, Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy.
flu pandemic German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredients
flu pandemic German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredientsflu pandemic German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredients

Here is an English translation of the article.

“Critics argue that Adjuvantien [adjuvants in the vaccine] could lead to increased inoculation reactions such as headache or fever.” The German government elite and the armed forces will receive Celvapan, an adjuvant-free vaccine manufactured by Baxter. The German public will receive a vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline with adjuvants.

Employees of the Paul Ehrlich Institute will also get the adjuvant-free vaccine. Johannes Löwer, president of the institute, said in August that the vaccine causes worse side effects than the virus. Löwer’s comment came after German lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg said the vaccine increases the risk of cancer. The nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells from animals.

Spiegel reports that there is an “open rebellion” by general medical professionals and child physicians in Germany over use of the toxic vaccine. Dieter Ludwig, chairman of the drug commission of the German medical profession, told Spiegel that health authorities have colluded with pharmaceutical companies.

On July 13, the World Health Organization ordered the inclusion of the deadly adjuvants in the H1N1 vaccine. WHO’s vaccine advisory panel is stacked executives from Baxter, Novartis, GSK and Sanofi. Baxter’s own scientists have stated in the New England Journal of Medicine that adjuvants do not improve antibody response.

As Dr. Russell Baylock has warned, the adjuvant squalene is linked to the Gulf War Syndrome. Soldiers who took the anthrax vaccine from 1990 to 1991 had an increased risk of 200 percent in developing the deadly disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease. The soldiers also suffered from a number of debilitating and life-shortening diseases, such as polyarteritis nodosa, multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, transverse myelitis (a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart’s inner lining), optic neuritis with blindness and glomerulonephritis (a type of kidney disease), according to Baylock.

(Article continues below)

German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredients 260909banner

“Because squalene, the main ingredient in MF-59, can induce hyperimmune responses and induce autoimmunity, a real danger exists for prolonged activation of the brain’s immune cells, the microglia. This type of prolonged activation has been strongly associated with such diseases as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS and possibly vaccine-related encephalitis. It has been shown that activation of the systemic immune system, as occurs with vaccination, rapidly activates the brain’s microglia at the same time, and this brain inflammation can persist for long periods,” notes Baylock.

The fact minions of the ruling elite in Germany will get a special vaccine without adjuvants is simply more evidence that squalene is a soft kill weapon designed to injure and slow kill the general population, considered by our eugenicist rulers as little more than useless eaters.

In the United States, a large number of people are refusing to take the deadly vaccine. In response, the government has launched a massive propaganda campaign.

If this propaganda effort fails, the government may eventually impose mandatory vaccinations on the public under the ruse of a public emergency.


The CDC says H1N1 vaccine in the U.S. will not contain squalene, however some doses of the H1N1 vaccine will contain thimerosal, a known culprit in causing autism and neurological deficits.

On September 15, Physorg reported that the H1N1 vaccine will contain thimerosal. The mercury-based preservative “will be found in most vials of the H1N1 vaccine.”

4,500 families are suing the government because they believe vaccines caused their child’s autism.

“Studies indicate that mercury tends to accumulate in the brains of primates and other animals after they are injected with vaccines. Mercury poisoning has been linked to cardiovascular disease, autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and many other nervous system conditions,” writes Dawn Prate for Natural News. Since the 1990s, there has been a tenfold or 1000-percent increase in autism, according to research cited by Prate.

Are vaccines a eugenics weapon or are scientists and the vaccine manufacturers just clueless? You decide.

Doctor says H1N1 vaccine is Dangerous

Alex Jones lays out the eugenics campaign of the global elite in his landmark documentary, Endgame. Watch the entire film in HD below. Order the DVD at the Infowars Store, copy it, and pass it out to your family, friends, and neighbors.

Prison Members Will BeThe FIRST To See FallOf The Republic On October 21st- Don't Miss Out! GetYour Subscription Today!

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