Space (12)

Industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and it is capable of generating sixty thousand different products and yet it has been banned from the market place by individuals who wish to empoverish us for some of the following reasons:-
The first step to taking over a country and its people is to first of all find ways to empoverish the people of that country. That has already been achieved by banning industrial hemp and by thereby banning all of its products from the market place. We could build, furnish and carpet and power our homes by using industrial hemp as the main raw material to achieve this. We could feed our animals with industrial hemp. It takes only ninety days for industrial hemp to grow to full maturity from seed. It has been banned from the world market place by individuals who wish to take over our countries and to enslave us.
A second step to taking over a country and its people is to destroy the health of the people of the country which has been designated for takeover and enslavement. In medical school, students are being deliverately misinformed about all aspects of human health. This has now become apparent because medical practitioners are coming to the fore online and relating stories of how they given misinformation at medical school and since then through their own private endeavours have found much better ways of treating and curing illnesses, information which was denied to them during their medical training. Further to that, Iatrogenic events in medical practice is the third leading cause of death in the United States at this time.
A fourth step needed in taking over a country and its people is to intellectually dumb them down so that they are unable to think logically and rationally. Magical thinking is encouraged in all areas. Government education is mainly about subjugation, brain washing, mass control and conformity. Children are not been taught how to think critically. A future dictatorship does not wish to be challenged by individuals who are truely educated and independend minded. They would like the population they control to think collectively because they hate individuality because they can not and never could mind control individual thinkers. School has become a process of non-educational programming. Schooling is also being used to make children aware of time constraints so that they could be controlled by this means in the future. Public schooling is now being used to indoctrinate students into the political principal of collectivism which means central control of people.
A fifth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take total control over the main stream media which has already been achieved throughout the world. The dark occultists and others who aim to enslave us have purchased most newspapers, magazines, television stations,publishing houses and film studios. They push the same propaganda from all avenues so that it then becomes more believable when people begin to hear the same message from several different sources. All avenues of information have now been centralized into fewer and fewer hands and those fewer hands are attempting to manufacture a false reality where we would be given fewer basic human rights that those within the dictatorship.
A sixth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take control of the police of that country. At present, masts over police stations affect the beta rhythm of their brains which is responsible for sound judgement in emergency situations. Police are being forced to enforce unjust laws. Police are being denied access to information about directed energy weapons and their true capabilities. They are being wrongly guided to send complainers of directed energy weapons attacks for mandatory psychiatric evaluation, thereby mistakingly covering up in-home wireless torture and in-home attempts at wireless enslavement of good living people through attempts at controlling them through their central nervous systems. An attempt to turn human beings into cyborgs through control of their nervous systems has been partially achieved. With the use of invisible and silent weapons, peoples biological and electrical systems and their minds can be controlled via telephone masts.
A seventh step needed to take over a country and its people is to use brain entrainment and subliminal programming of the populace through television, smart phones and wifi whenever the would be enslavers wish to introduce unjust government ligitation such as privatising property which is owned by the people of that country and thereby allowing it to be purchased by unknown investors who are acting for the dictatorship. Such brain entrainment and subliminal programming and other mind control techniques are being used on you without your knowledge and consent during elections, political meetings, conferences, demonstrations, large consumer purchases such as when purchasing private homes or holiday homes, as well as during court cases. Brain entrainment and subliminal programming has become so advanced now that it can be used to cover whole countries or whole continents at the same time.
An eight step needed to take over a country and its people is to keep them working continually while often performing pointless tasks so that they will not have time to figure out what is really occurring behind the scenes in their lives. It has been widely discovered that at least eighty percent of all work being performed across the world only benefits the would-be enslavers of the human race. In order to provide ourselves with everything we need and in order to lead lives of absolute abundance each man and woman in this world would really only need to work one day per week. Further to that, it is advantageous to the would-be dictatorship to keep both students and workers permanently tired and stressed because conditioning which is installed when somebody is in a state of stress or fatigue goes deeper that conditioning which is installed at other times.
A nineth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people a platform of complaint whenever they are being subject to unjust treatment or when they are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes. The main stream media refuse to print our stories and politicians refuse to act on our requests for assistance and they refuse to provide technology which would enable us to prove that we are under wireless attack. Universities refuse to reply to our requests for help.
A tenth step needed to take over a country and its people is to encourage everyone to belong to groups or teams. Anyone who lives alone or who acts alone or who is an individual thinker is to be portrayed with suspicion by agents within the main stream media. Group members try to minimize conflict in order to reach a consensus often without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints. If you belong to a group you are often isolated from outside influences.
An eleventh step to taking over a country and its people is to manipulate the young people into becoming addicted to substances and to sexually depraving themselves by offering them misleading advice when they are too young to be able to assess it critically. If we live lives of loyalty and fidelity to one partner throughout our lives and if sexual behaviour is moderate rather than extreme then we will have peace of mind throughout our lives. The nuclear family is destroyed when people become sexually promiscious thereby paving the way for greater intervention into our lives and manipulation of our lives by a would-be dictatorship.

A twelfth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people adequate living space because by living in over crowded spaces we are being subjected to undue stress which would make us move maleable to being controlled by false authority figures . If there were a stable six billion individuals on earth and each apartment building was only six floors high we could then give every man, woman and child on earth their own large fifty square metre apartment for the duration of their whole life and it would take approximately twelve million acres of space to build those six floor apartment buildings on and considering that there are thirty six thousand, seven hundred and ninety four million acres of land on earth, after we subtracted the twelve million acres of land needed for the spacious apartment blocks, we would then have thirty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty two million acres of land left for food and for wild animals.
36,794,000,000 Acres of land on earth.
- 12,000,000 Acres needed to give every one their one fifty square metre apartment for life
provided each apartment building was six floors high and the population of earth
remained at a stable six billion.
36,782,000,000 Acres left over for farm land and wild land.
We should enact laws where we are all entitled to own personal property such as our own fifty square metre large home which could be built by industrial hemp building blocks and furnished by industrial hemp furniture and carpeted by industrial hemp carpets. Nobody could then accuse us of wasting the resources of the planet because it only takes ninety days to grow industrial hemp from seed to full maturity so therfure we would not be burdening the planet in any way whatsoever. We would no longer allow laws which would entitle us to own private property such as land, roads, lakes, seas, apartment blocks, banks, museums and government buildings because these publicly owned resources are now being privatized all over the world and are being purchased by the same group of would-be dictators of the world who if allowed to continue would eventually own all of the resources of the planet and legally enslave the rest of us so that we would not be able to live if we ever dared to challenge their future dictatorship. Please raise awareness of this.

Whenever those who run governments from behind the scenes commit crimes they apply the word "classified" to each crime and by this means secrecy allows evil to flourish. Senior politicians and other government staff should refuse to sign secrecy clauses and they should disclose whatever they know about government criminality because full disclosure allows good to flourish. Honesty and truth holds society together.
We must become self-sufficient within each country. We must refuse to finance the intelligence services. We must switch back from digital to analogue communications. We must own and control our own central banks. We must use common law courts whose laws would be enforced by a peoples militia. We must take down HAARP phased arrays. We must not allow children to become unquestioningly obedient order followers because by becoming unquestioningly obedient they could in later life easily be persuaded to commit acts of extreme evil by the would-be dictatorship.

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Where precisely does air end and space begin in the sky and how can air and space be separated from each other at that precise point nd wouldnt space suck all of the air away from the earths surface?

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Brain science is being developed for military and warfare applications. Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, U.S.A., who works in this particular area had this to say in the below linked youtube video “The human brain can be assessed in real time by utilizing convergent forms of neuro imaging when coupled to a host of neuro electric physiological techniques. This has created an opportunity to be able to affect the way humans think, feel and behave on a variety of levels, both individually and in groups.” Professor Giordano went on to say that this has allowed brain scientists to conduct intellectual assessment, knowledge acquisition, and CONTROL on an individual level, a group level and a global level. “This also allows brain scientists to physically affect the brain using these techniques and tools in ways that are important to, and highly leverageable within national security, intelligence and the defence agenda. They can foster thoughts and feelings of affiliation and passivity in whole populations. “
Hundreds of thousands of targeted individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world combined are being targeted and both psychologically and physically tortured by directed energy weapons while going about their everyday lives. We have failed to get agents of the state to take us seriously because the state have been rendered passive by the brain weapons that Professor Giordano refers to in the afore mentioned youtube video which I have linked here below. The human race are about to be totally and utterly disempowered and enslaved if they fail to overcome this technologically induced state of passivity. Frequencies are currently being broadcast from telephone towers and other paraphernalia throughout most of the world which carry information and perceptions which align with the natural frequencies of the human brain, which allows the human brain to accept that false information as true. We need to urgently disassemble and ban said telephone towers because otherwise a terrible fate awaits each of us. We would no longer be allowed to own anything or make even the smallest decision regarding our own lives. I have been wirelessly linked to the worldwide computerized human control system from nano implants inside my brain and body for many years and I am fully aware of the extreme cruelty of this computerized human control system which lies in your future if you fail to act.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called My main email address is

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The third world war will be the easiest war ever fought and it will be won on behalf of the majority of the human race who will easily defeat the dark new world order crime cartel and send them packing for good. Nobody will even have to die. Our soldiers will simply destroy every telephone mast in sight as well as every microwave transmitter, every millimetre wave transmitter, every HAARP phased array, every GWEN tower and all other paraphernalia which enables us to be tortured in our own homes by wireless means by agents of the dark new world order who work by remote means and leave no evidence in their wake.

All of the technology that enabled wireless warfare is either ground based or is being propelled by drones which are low enough to be shot down. Space based weapons are simply an elaborate hoax for the simple reason that outer space does not exist. The second law of thermodynamics proves that air and space can not co-exist side by side. If outer space existed the vacuum of space would suck all of the air from the surface of the earth and we would be unable to breathe. Air and space can not be made to co-exist side by side in a laboratory setting.

We have been lied to about the existence of outer space satellites. Stationary drones have been wrongly identified as satellites. False video footage has been created by agents of the dark new world order crime cartel who falsely portrayed themselves as living and working in the international space station which is an easily proveable hoax. The people who are obliged to falsely portray themselves as working in the non-existent international space station are more than likely neuro slaves, which means they have become wirelessly tethered via internal body and brain implants to computer networks where they can be hurt by remote wireless means if they refuse to obey the orders of the dark new world order crime cabal and their agents.
We live in a world of indoctrination, a false reality construct where we are being asked to believe something because a group of dark occultists tell us it is so without providing a shred evidence to back up their claims. For every non-existent satellite they claim to launch they get five hundred million dollars of tax payers money. We must wake the world up and organise the militia to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling technology before another human being is forced to commit suicide due to being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes while being unbelieved by the unsuspecting population, many of who are under electronic mind control due to living in locations where electronic mind control frequencies are reaching them, which are claimed to be large urban populations.

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I am being subjected to non-consensual remote neural monitoring. I have been informed recently via voice to skull bio-communication that at some future time if the dark new world order get their own way we will then be classified into lower, middle and upper classes. The clothing which the lower classes would be obliged to wear would be non-coloured, only black, white and many shades of grey.
I have researched many online clothing stores and already the clothes they sell are most black, white, and many shades of grey. New micro apartments are being decorated in black, white and many shades of grey.
We must urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities and return to using only hard wired devices in order to put a stop to the slow and incremental enslavement of the human race by the dark new world order criminal cartel. The existence of satellites are an easily proveable hoax. Most if not all of the NASA staff are freemasons. All of the so-called astronauts who lied to us about travelling to the moon and back were high level freemasons who are obliged to lie if ordered to do so by high level Jesuits who ultimately control them. The one and only source of information in the world about space and space based weapons is NASA who are a military organisation. We have no way of verifying what they tell us because none of us have ever been to outer space in order to verify that these so called satellites are actually there. In fact, air and the vacuum of space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. Therefore, does outer space even exist.
I am a targeted individual and I have been so for nearly sixteen years. My website which I alone own and control is called I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Ireland.

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A group of individuals wish to centralise world power in order to place more and more world control in fewer and fewer hands, namely their own hands. They are currently committing acts of extreme evil in order to achieve their goals. One way they are attempting to achieve their aims is through perpetrating a multitide of hoaxes on the public so as to appear to magnify their own scientific capabilities. One such hoax is the hoax of the capability to travel backwards and forwards in time. Here is how they could easily have pulled it off.

An impressionable young man is selected to be the hoax dupe. His brain is wirelessly entrained into a state of trust in the hoaxers. A film set is prepared in a remote location, complete with props and actors. The film set is well supplied with advanced technology and ultra modern buildings. The actors are all extremely well paid to present themselves as individuals from some future time.

The impressionable young man is asked to get inside a remotely operated drone which has been hoaxed to look like a time travel capsule. He is transported to the film set in a matter of minutes and he is informed that he has arrived in a future time. This hoax of living in a future time is carried on by the extremely well paid actors and actresses for as long as is necessary for the cabal to persuade him that he has travelled forward in time. When he is again returned to his normal existence no expense is spared by the cabal to place the impressionable young man in many talk shows in order to tell of his experience in a convincing manner. This scenario has taken place in reality because there are youtube channels devoted to publicising interviews with impressionable individuals who have been deliberately duped into believing in false scenarios through no fault of their own.

Further to this, we can now experience virtual reality experiences without the need to wear virtual reality headsets. This may be due to a combination of advances in technology combined with nano technology which we have inhaled and ingested from spraying of the skies over our heads, and some of which has become imbedded in our brains. These virtual reality experiences involve the stimulation of all five human senses simultaneously. These virtual reality experiences can involve seeing life size images of both humans and animals and even cartoon characters. These virtual reality experiences can now be spontaneously induced in a wide variety of people at a moments notice. What is going to become of small children in a futue filled with spontaneous virtual reality experiences without the need to wear a virtual reality headset? How will said small children learn to tell the difference between reality and fantasy? We as a human family have an urgent responsibility to disassemble and ban wireless enabling capabilities in order to protect children from all unasked for virtually reality experiences because some of these experiences can be extremely negative and can be made to involve feeling pain. We are all vulnerable to extreme abuses from advanced technology if we fail to act urgently.

Here is a copy of a previous article called Hoaxgate, which I wrote on the generation of hoaxes and their purpose in psychological warfare.


When human beings are confused and afraid they become easy to control and manipulate. For that reason many hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries. Dark occultists who wish to gain control over the human race have also fabricated hoaxes in order to provide cover stories to provide cover in order to hide the existence of advance secret technology and to engender passivity in the masses, and to make they themselves appear to have more power and capability than they actually have.

These hoaxes were created by dark occultists by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.

A selection of the hoaxes which have been created are as follows:-

The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.

All world-wide information currently comes from undersea fibre optic cables. We can easily solve the attempt at wirelessly enslaveing many members of the human race who have been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to a super computer from illegally implanted microchips which have become encased inside their bodies and brains. We can do this simply by disabling and banning all microwave transmitters, 5G millimeter wave transmitters and long range wifi transmitters. We need to do this as a matter of urgency.

Please see the following link

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Brief Synopsis of the dangers of  Remote Neural Monitoring.

Human beings throughout most of the world have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many years owing to the fact that nano technology is being sprayed on us by a process known as chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads.   At this stage these nano particulates have become lodged inside our brains and bodies.  This illegal process has been carried  out in order to facilitate future enslavement of the human race by some of our fellow human beings who are dark occultists.

When enough nano particulates become lodged inside our bodies and brains the brains of a selection of individuals who are now known as targeted individuals  are then  wirelessly tuned by remote means by unknown criminal neuro operatives   to become  receivers and transmitters of digital signals.    These targeted individuals are then wirelessly linked for life by a two way continuous stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves to a network of super-computers where all of the electromagnetic signals of their bodies and brains are analysed on a continual basis for the rest of their lives.  Criminal neuro operatives manipulate the visual cortex, the auditory cortex, the motor cortex and the sensory cortex of the targeted individual at will in order to inject sound, voices, visions, memory manipulation, involuntary muscle movement and pain signals to the targeted individual in order to attempt to subjugate the targeted individual into accepting the status of a neuro slave.  After many years of injecting false information into the motor cortex of the targeted individual, the targeted individual can be wirelessly  paralysed or in extreme cases even bio-robotized  by these criminal neuro operatives.   Some of the stories that are being used to cover this wirelessly conducted crime are the poltergeist activity hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the existence of interdemensional beings hoax, the channelling of information from God hoax,  and many other hoaxes.    

Psychiatrists, general medical practitioners, the police, lawyers and politicians are refusing to confront the widespread existence of Remote Neural Monitoring and how it is being used to abuse and torture human beings throughout most of the world.  Many of them may be electronically mind controlled to such an extent that they are unable and unwilling to confront the issue at all.  Whenever targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation try to raise awareness of this extremely serious topic attempts are made to immediately send them for forced psychiatric evaluation followed by forced  incarceration in a mental health facility, which is followed by forced medication by toxic substances, all of which is backed up by the violence of the state.  This is still state police.  How long will this situation continue.  Many individuals are suffering horrific injuries and remote body manipulations from this crime. 

Luckily, there is a simple solution to all of the above. The human race will disassemble and destroy all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia. The existence of satellites and space based weapons is an elaborate and easily proveable hoax along with a multitude of other hoaxes.

The existence of satellites lie was invented in order to make NASA appear invincible.

If satellites really existed all of our satellite dishes would be pointing straight up to the sky in order to receive and transmit signals. However, our satellite dishes are pointing sideways in order to receive signals from microwave transmitters and these signals that said microwave transmitters are transmitting are being relayed from undersea fibre optic cables.

Further to that, so -called satellite navigation data is being obtained from triangulation of signals which are being transmitted from cell phone towers which are also known as phone masts.

Under sea fibre optic cables are responsible for transmitting all internet and other data across the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple are all building and laying their own under sea fibre optic cables in order to transmit their own computer data across the world as per the enclosed video link.

Air and space can not co-exist side by side. The vacuum of space would suck the air from the atmosphere leaving us with no air to breathe. We can easily save ourselves from being permanently wirelessly tethered to a super-computer which is what happens to victims of Remote Neural Monitoring simply by outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and returning to life without cell phones.

As well as the above hoaxes , many other hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries by the cabal of criminal super-rich who are sometimes know by a number of other names including the self-proclaimed elite.

These hoaxes were created by the self-proclaimed elite by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. . They have also used nano technology it in the past to create the moving statue hoax. These dark occultists use streams of energy to move furniture about when hoaxing poltergeist situations.

The super-rich  would-be enslavers of the human race are ultimately afraid of online information because it lacks a central focus to control. Therefore they attempt to drown out the truth by flooding the internet with misinformation, hence another reason for the many and varied online hoaxes.

Some of the other online hoaxes that have been created by the would-be enslavers of the human race are as follows:-

The past life regression hoax,  the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax,  the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.

Please raise awareness of the urgent need to destroy and outlaw  microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia all over the world now.


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When human beings are confused and afraid they become easy to control and manipulate. For that reason many hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries. Dark occultists who wish to gain control over the human race have also fabricated hoaxes in order to provice cover stories to cover the existence of advance secret technology and to engender passivity in the masses, and to make they themselves appear to have more power and capability than they actually have.

These hoaxes were created by dark occultists by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.

A selection of the hoaxes which have been created are as follows:-

The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.

All world-wide information currently comes from undersea fibre optic cables. We can easily solve the attempt at wirelessly enslaveing many members of the human race who have been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to a super computer from illegally implanted microchips which have become encased inside their bodies and brains. We can do this simply by disabling and banning all microwave transmitters, 5G millimeter wave transmitters and long range wifi transmitters. We need to do this as a matter of urgency.

Please see the following link


" No matter how big the lie, repeat it often enough and the masses will regard it as the truth". Adolf Hitler.

There is a secret Breakaway civilization of people who wish to take over control of the earth and enslave the rest of us. They own the worldwide media and they dumb us down by lying to us about science, history, organised religion, archaeology, and many other subjects. Serious scientists who disagree with the so called establishment have no way of getting the word out to the public that they disagree with officialdum, as the mainstream media is heavily controlled. This secret shadow government have been pursuing their objective of worldwide control for hundreds of years, and have infiltrated all worldwide institutions. However, humanity is now waking up to the realization that our enemys have taken control of western governments and banks and is pursuing an agenda which is not in our best interest. We are fed a false reality and we live in a mental cage. There is a Space Travel Conspiracy. The purpose of NASA is to fake the concept of space travel to further America's militaristic dominance of space.The purpose of NASA's creation from the very start was to put ICBMs and other weapons into space (or at least appear to). The motto "Scientific exploration of new frontiers for all mankind" was nothing more than a front.

The mission of Nasa is to bury true science and truth itself. It has nearly succeeded in its mission. However, most people are at last beginning to wake up to the fact that we are being lied to on an unimaginable scale.

The following is a quote from president Lyndon Johnson:

"Control of space means control of the world. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth's weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change temperate climates to frigid. There is something more important than the ultimate weapon. And that's the ultimate position. The position of total control over the Earth that lies somewhere in outer space." —President Lyndon Johnson, Statement on Status of Nation's Defense and Race for Space, January 7, 1958

One month later, Lyndon Johnson and the Senate Special Committee on Space and Astronautics drafted a resolution to change the name of the US Army's Ballistic Missile Arsenal to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA. NASA's early rocket research is well documented to have been a complete failure, plagued by one disaster after another. At some point, perhaps after the Apollo 1 disaster, it was decided to fake the space program outright and use rockets which only needed to fly into the air until they disappeared from sight. NASA went from nearly every launch being a failure to a near flawless track record, able to land man on the moon multiple times without error, and with only two public spectacles of failure in 45 years. The earth is portrayed as round in NASA media. At the time of NASA's creation the general population already believed that the earth was round, based on the handed down teachings from Galleleo and Copernicus.

All bodies in the universe go around a centre of mass, which never moves. The fixed centre of mass has been proven to be the earth, by many different experiments performed in the 19th century.

In the Michaelson/Morley experiment in Cleveland in 1881 and again in 1887, scientists attempted to measure the motion of the earth, moving round the sun. To the astonishment of every scientist on the planet, they proved that the earth was stationary. However, scientists could not bring themselves to admit that the catholic church was right all along with regards to geocentrism, because the Copernicun revolution had elevated science to the top of the heirarchy of knowledge, above theology. So Einstein came up with an excuse as to why their experiment was wrong. He claimed that time was shrinking, and that was why it appeared the earth was not moving. The theory of relativity has been disproved by the Michaelson Morley experiment.

In order for the Big Bang Theory to hold true, everything in space has to be homogenous. Everything had to look the same. However, a probe called the WMAP was launched in 2001. The discovery was made that, in fact, everything is space was not homogenous. In the cosmic microwave background, scientists found, to their astonishment, that there were universe wide plains between the warmer and colder sections, aligned with one another. These defined an axis which directly aligned with the ecliptic and equinox of earth. This is in fact a universe wide arrow pointing at earth. This means that the theory of relativity does not exist. The Big Bang never happened.

We are told that the earth is spinning at one thousand miles per hour at the equator. Yet when we stand outside on a still day, not a single hair on our heads will move.

If two airplanes take off from the one airport, and travel in opposite directions around the world, if the earth is spinning, the plane travelling with the spin will have to travel a faster and longer distance than the plane going against the spin. However when the planes arrive back at the airport, both journeys take the exact same amount of time. Therefore, the earth is still.

People, using time lapse cameras, standing in different places all over the earth, and spinning at different speeds and different angles to the north star polaris, all produce the same type of unblurred image. Therefore the earth must be still.

The Hubble space telescope and all of the other space telescopes throughout the world have simulated realities built into them, using constructive solid geometry computer code, which constructs fake 3D worlds,.

Flight routes only work on a flat earth model. There are no direct flights in the Southern Hemisphere.

We are informed that Nasa has found galaxies which are 10 billon light years away from earth. One light year is one trillion miles. Ten billion light years is ten thousand million times a trillion. It is patently obviously nonsence, as there is no way to measure such a distance.

We are told that the sun is 1,300,000 times bigger than the earth. We are told that the sun is 109 times the curcumference of the earth. If that is the case, how come space is black, and how come we have shadows, when we walk around on a sunny day. If the earth is 150 million kilometers from the sun like we are expected to believe, how come the suns rays are slant and not straight down.

When the Atlantic ocean was surveyed in order to lay an atlantic telegraph cable, it was found to be flat for 1,665 miles, not curved. Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment. In short, this was an experiment preformed many times on a six-mile stretch of water that proved the surface of the water to be flat. It did not conform to the curvature of the earth that round earth proponents teach. Many other experiments demonstrating the lack of curvature in the earth may be found in ''Earth Not a Globe'', by Samuel Rowbotham.

An astronomer called Copernicus was heavy into the worship of the sun God. Because of that, he wished to elevate the status of the sun. He did the maths but it didnt work. Finally he came up with elipses, which solved alot of his mathematical problems, in his quest to make the sun the centre of the galaxy. Then the Church of England bought into his idea. They adopted it as the official church position. They then deleted their books of all other theories, including a geocentric universe. This belief stayed because scientists who taught this theory had been put on a pedestal, and they did not want to admit they were wrong and look foolish. The Elite wish to perpetuate this lie, because if they dont they will lose their power very quickly. (This point is attributed to a man whose email address is

The six months of day and night in the Arctic circle can not happen on a round earth.

The North star is at the top of the globe, yet it can be seen below the equator.

Egyptians were doing astronomy long before us, and the stars told them the earth is flat. They built pyramids which we can not do. Who do you think is more qualified to know how the earth is?

Antarctica has never been crossed. Why? Because it does not exist. People who have circumnaviagated the earth have all travelled from east to west or from west to east - never from north to south. Planes are not allow to fly directly from South Africa to New Zealand, across the Antarctic. They have to go thousands of miles out of their way. If you go snooping around the Antarctic ice wall, you will be blown out of the water.

The Earth is in the form of a disk with the North Pole in the center and Antarctica as a wall around the edge. In this model, circumnavigation is performed by moving in a great circle around the North Pole. The earth is surrounded on all sides by an ice wall that holds the oceans back. This ice wall is what explorers have named Antarctica. Beyond the ice wall is a topic of great interest to believers in a Flat Earth . To our knowledge, no one has been very far past the ice wall and returned to tell of their journey. What we do know is that it encircles the earth and serves to hold in our oceans and helps protect us from whatever lies beyond.

The image of the globe is fake and so are the moon landings. Humans can not pass through the Van Allen belt without wearing four feet thick lead space suits, due to the high temperature.

Two of the pillars of 20th century physics, general relativity and the standard model of particle physics rely on some core assumptions about the nature of space and time. Therefore, gravity and relativity cannot be used as the principle components of all physics and science.

If the earth was curved, ships would sail downhill. The only reason we can be persuaded to believe the nonsense that Australians can somehow manage to walk on a surface that is upside down, yet appear to be upright, is because we have been led into a mental state of cognative dissidence. People are normally imprisoned in a mental health prison when they indulge in magical thinking. Yet we are expected to believe this fiction without question.

The paths that both the sun and the moon travel in the sky are straight. If the earth was a ball, the paths would be curved.

If the earth was a ball, you would not be able to see the moon's reflection in the sea, because it would be angled away from your perspective. Therefore the earth must be flat.

There is no adjusting for the earths curvature when laying telegraph poles, train tracks, roads, bridges, canals or cables. The river Nile is one thousand miles long, and drops less than one foot.

The sun in the sky always travels in a southern arc, never in a northern arc. This proves the earth is not tilting.

If the earth was round and spinning, all the shadows in the Northern Hemisphere would always point north. The Southern Hemisphere shadows would always point south. The shadows would always move in a straight line, never bending or arching across north to south or vice versa.

A ball earth can not cause a lunar eclipse. It can not be demonstrated. NASA demonstrates the lunar eclipse with a children's cartoon. They never show a live demonstration of a lunar eclipse. Witnesses in the Rocky mountains can see both the lunar eclipse and the sun at the same time.

In the Bible, every single reference to the sun states that it is the sun that is doing the moving. e.g Ecclesiastes 1:5, Psalm93 Verse 1B,

In 1871, an scientific experiment called Airys failure proved conclusively that the earth was stationery.

Pope Gregory set the gregorian calender, which is inaccurate. Fortunately, he could not change the moonlight.

The diameters of the sun and moon can be measured using a sextant. Find out how to do it on youtube. They are not the diameter we have been told they are.?

People say that they can see the International Space Station from their telescope. What they are actually seeing is a large solar powered, unmanned drone called the Pathfinder. The International Space Station is a NASA hoax, and the astronauts are merely actors.

If satellites really existed, all the satellite dishes on the roofs of our houses would be pointing straight up. In reality, they point to an angle of about 45 degrees, because they are receiving signals from ground based towers. Also, how can the dish pick up a signal from a satellite that is constantly on the move, orbiting the earth.

There are no photographs of a globe earth taken from space. If there were really satellites in space they would have taken thousands of photographs of a globe earth by now. All we ever have been shown is a computer generated composite of what a globe earth might look like if it really existed. We have been shown the same composite over and over again.

The people of India have produced a map of the flat earth which can explain the seasons, the eclipses, the equnoxes and the solstices accurately.

The ocean currents and the air circulation drifts start to make a lot more sense when you view them from the point of view of a flat earth.

Hundreds of astronomers have declared their belief in a flat earth on the world wide web. However, they have no way of making their beliefs go main stream, as the main-stream media is rigidly controlled by the " powers that think they are". When I was going to school the teacher demonstrated the existence of gravity by putting water in a bucket and swinging it over his head in a circular motion, very quickly. Of course, the water did not fall out of the bucket. However, he should have got a wet ball and twirled the ball quickly around and around. Then, we would have got to the truth that the water would not stay on the ball, therefore we do not live on a round earth.

A handful of elite individuals have enormous global influence over the media, education, politics, religion, medicine and pharmaceuticals. We are only being told what these powers want us to be told. It is very easy to control and enslave a misinformed, demoralised and chronically ill population. It is impossible to enslave a fully informed, vibrantly healthy, confident human race. We have been lied to on a large scale with regard to archaeology, organised religion, and history. Many science books have also been rewritten. The true purpose of public education is to destroy logic, and to indoctrinate the masses. Why would the 30 million Satanists who run the planet tell us the truth when it comes to astronomy?

Critical thinkers are called conspiracy theorists by people who are threatened by the truth. The shadow government use the overwhelming power of ridicule at every opportunity to portray us as stupid and to stop the truth getting out to the public. When the public finally realise they are being lied to about this issue, everything else about how reality is portrayed will begin to make sense.

"Some men say the earth is round and some men say it is flat. But if it is flat, could the Kings command make it round? And if it is round, could an act of parliament make it flat?" Sir Thomas Moore.

"Like it or not, everything is changing. The result will either be the most wonderful experience in the history of man, or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate. The future is in your hands. William Cooper 24/10/1989.

There is a video currently available on youtube which outlines two hundred reasons proving that the earth is flat. However, I had this research completed long before that video was available, and I have not included the other one hundred and seventy proofs here . Much serious science supporting a flat earth has been censored from the internet. These proof are some I had saved from an earlier time before this censorship.

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When human beings are confused and afraid they become easy to control and manipulate. For that reason many hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries. Dark occultists who wish to gain control over the human race have also fabricated hoaxes in order to provice cover stories to cover the existence of advance secret technology and to engender passivity in the masses, and to make they themselves appear to have more power and capability than they actually have.

These hoaxes were created by dark occultists by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.

A selection of the hoaxes which have been created are as follows:-

The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.

All world-wide information currently comes from undersea fibre optic cables. We can easily solve the attempt at wirelessly enslaveing many members of the human race who have been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to a super computer from illegally implanted microchips which have become encased inside their bodies and brains. We can do this simply by disabling and banning all microwave transmitters, 5G millimeter wave transmitters and long range wifi transmitters. We need to do this as a matter of urgency.

Please see the following link

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International Space Treaties Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1979) is the infamous "Moon Treaty". It was killed by a handful of L5 Society Society activists who were the first to see that it would outlaw property rights in the rest of the universe and indefinitely bog down space settlement in a "common heritage of all mankind" morass. When as a result of the L5 Society efforts the US congress failed to ratify the treaty, the USSR also breathed a sigh of relief. They likewise did not ratify. The soviets were so surprised at the impact of this relatively unknown organization that they sent very obvious KGB members to chapter meetings in New York City to find out who they were. The Soviet Embassy in Washington DC subscribed to the L5 News for years afterwards.Original ascii text copies of the files came from the Tufts' Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy site at, the "Mulitateral Treaties Project". Unfortuneately this site seems to no longer be available.The Univ of Colorado's Center for Space Law & Policy maintains a BBS at (303)494-8446 where these are available via dial-in for those without FTP.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Full text of major space treatiesTreaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water (5 Aug 63)Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1967)Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space (1968)Agreement Relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization "INTELSAT" (20 Aug 71)Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects (1972)Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (1975)Convention on International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) with Annex (3 Sep 76, amended 1985, with Protocol 1981)Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1979)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Background documentsWhite House Background Briefing Excerpt, Ukraine Space Cooperation (Nov 1994)Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2-6 October, 1995 Oslo, Norway. Fifty papers are presented in this volume, including the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition. The case concerned satellite broadcasting and use of the geostationary orbit (Agrethia v. Pathron). Sessions included legal aspects of commercial space activities; legal issues arising from recent technical studies relating to space debris; recent developments in the law of intergovernmental organizations dealing with space matters; and other legal matters.1996, 408 pp, HardcoverISBN 1-56347-213-9AIAA Members: $64.95List Price: $84.95Order #: P961(800)Opinions and DiscussionDerelicts in Space and Space Station Jurisdiction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------US Domestic LawThis is a temporary home for US Law documents until there are enough to warrant restructuring. At this moment we only have:Space Transportation Services Purchase Act of 1993 (HR2731) The current status of this bill and its' successors was researched and passed on to us by Dave Neff. He was told:As we discussed on the phone, H.R. 2731 was introduced on July 23, 1994 by Rep. Bob Walker. No action occured on the bill and it died at the end of the 103rd Congress in December, 1994. The provisions of H.R. 2731 relating to tax incentives for space commerce (sections 402, 403, 404, 405 and 406) were reintroduced as H.R. 1953 on June 28, 1995. No further action has occured on the bill. Congress is expected to adjourn around October 1 and it is doubtful that H.R. 1953 will be approved by then.As you are aware, legislation that provides tax breaks are very hard to pass because it essentially requires that Congress find other funding to make up for the revenue loss. While tax incentives for space commerce have supporters, it is not broad enough to gain approval in Congress at this time.Space Commercialization Promotion Act of 1996 (HR3936). According to Charles Miller of the Space Frontier Foundation:H.R. 3936, the "Space Commercialization Promotion Act Of 1996", passed in the House of Representatives on a bipartisan voice vote last Tuesday. We need the Senate to approve the bill this week using a procedure called "unanimous consent", before they recess on friday.On Tuesday the 24th, the bill will be "hotlined" to every senator's office, asking for their consent that the bill be passed. While there is a chance that one objecting senator could be accomodated with a minor amendments, there is NO TIME to negotiate major changes to the bill or have a "conference". The Senate must pass the bill this week or the opportunity is lost until the next congress.59 FR 11360 Russian Federation and U.S.; agreement regarding international trade in commercial space launch services; implementation guidelines, 11360. (10-Mar-94)The U.S. House of Representatives - Internet Law Library - U.S. Code has a searchable copy of US federal law code.Legal Information Institute at Cornell has a law server that can also be used to retrieve space law relevant codes.United Nations Treaty Collection Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General1 CHAPTER I Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice2 CHAPTER II Pacific Settlement of International Disputes3 CHAPTER III Privileges and Immunities, Diplomatic and Consular Relations, etc4 CHAPTER IV Human Rights5 CHAPTER V Refugees and Stateless Persons6 CHAPTER VI Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances7 CHAPTER VII Traffic in Persons8 CHAPTER VIII Obscene Publications9 CHAPTER IX Health10 CHAPTER X International Trade and Development11 CHAPTER XI Transport and Communications12 CHAPTER XII Navigation13 CHAPTER XIII Economic Statistics14 CHAPTER XIV Educational and Cultural Matters15 CHAPTER XV Declaration of Death of Missing Persons16 CHAPTER XVI Status of Women17 CHAPTER XVII Freedom of Information18 CHAPTER XVIII Penal Matters19 CHAPTER XIX Commodities20 CHAPTER XX Maintenance Obligations21 CHAPTER XXI Law of the Sea22 CHAPTER XXII Commercial Arbitration23 CHAPTER XXIII Law of Treaties24 CHAPTER XXIV Outer Space25 CHAPTER XXV Telecommunications26 CHAPTER XXVI Disarmament27 CHAPTER XXVII Environment28 CHAPTER XXVIII Fiscal Matters29 CHAPTER XXIX Miscellaneous[ Return to Island One Dock ]
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Space Command officials exceed GPS standardPosted 5/26/2009 Updated 5/26/2009 Email story Print story - PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AFNS) -- Air Force Space Command officials here maintain the Global Positioning System constellation that now has 30 operational satellites, six more than the standard."I have high confidence we will continue to sustain at least the 24 satellites required to maintain our current performance standard," said Gen. C. Robert "Bob" Kehler, the Air Force Space Command commander.The current number of satellites being used by Air Force for global positioning is the most satellites and the greatest capability to date, since GPS came into fruition in the 1970s."We are committed to maintaining our current level of service, while striving to increase and improve service and capability through on-going modernization efforts," said Lt. Gen. John T. "Tom" Sheridan, commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center, which is the acquisitions arm for Air Force Space Command. "The Air Force will continue to execute an achievable growth path maintaining GPS as the premier provider of positioning, navigation and timing for the military and civilian users around the world."Just as it was reported in the Government Accountability Office's report May 7, Air Force Space Command officials acknowledged the potential for an availability gap years ago, and has actively pursued and institutionalized procedures and processes to mitigate the potential gap or minimize any impact. Command officials developed key processes within the operational community as well as the acquisition community to extend the life of on-orbit assets and to ensure GPS capability is delivered in a timely manner.The Air Force launched the seventh of its current block of IIR-M satellites in April, and will launch another one this fall followed by the first of 12 Block IIF satellites in early fiscal 2010. The IIF's sophisticated L-band payload will include new hardware that serves the civil user community. The next generation of GPS satellites, the GPS IIIA, with additional navigation signals for both civilian and military users will improve the accuracy and availability for all users. GPS IIIA is scheduled for first launch in 2014."New acquisition approaches, including phased acquisition and prototyping, will reduce risk to constellation sustainment in the future," General Sheridan said."Let me state emphatically; since we declared Full Operational Capability in 1995, the Air Force has maintained the constellation above the required 24 GPS satellites on orbit at 95 percent. In fact, we have achieved sub-three meter accuracy," General Kehler said. "The Air Force has been a good GPS steward continually providing 'better than expected' service to our GPS users. At this point, we foresee no significant loss of service in the future, near or far."Space operations vital to Air Force, nationPosted 5/26/2009 Updated 5/26/2009 Email story Print story Staff Sgt. J.G. BuzanowskiSecretary of the Air Force Public Affairs5/26/2009 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force officials discussed the importance of space as a warfighting domain before members of the Senate May 20 on Capitol Hill.Senior Air Force leaders in the space realm answered questions from the Senate Armed Services Committee Strategic Force Subcommittee, telling them that Air Force officials were postured to make the most of their assets as part of the joint fight.Gen. C. Robert "Bob" Kehler, the Air Force Space Command commander, told the subcommittee that the command's efforts to provide the services with resources to maintain a strong presence in space have been and continue to be a vital part of the national defense strategy."Our mission is to provide an integrated constellation of space and cyberspace capabilities at the speed of need," General Kehler said. "Our vision is to be the leading source of emerging and integrated space and cyberspace capabilities."General Kehler spoke of two key decisions the Air Force made: The creation of Air Force Global Strike Command and the assignment of cyberspace tasks to AFSPACE."Space capabilities contribute across the spectrum of regular and irregular combat and noncombat operations, and provide joint commanders a decisive advantage," he said. "The cyberspace domain is inextricably linked to the other domains in which the U.S. military operates."With the recent budget release and the cancellation of the TSAT program, the Air Force is "harvesting" the technologies, systems and lessons learned so it can apply them to the next generation of satellites."What's important is that we synchronize capabilities with needs," General Kehler said.Gary E. Payton, the deputy undersecretary of the Air Force for space programs, also testified."Our space systems are the envy of the world," he wrote in his official statement. "Our surveillance satellites are able to detect missile launches anywhere in the world, our communications systems allow the president precise and assured control over nuclear forces, our wideband systems rapidly transmit critical information to our warfighters, our weather satellites allow us to predict future weather half a world away, our Global Positioning Systems enable knowledge down to centimeters and timing down to nanoseconds."Mr. Payton said a strong space presence enhances the joint fight."These sophisticated systems make each Soldier, Sailor, Marine and Airman safer and more capable."Space Preservation Act of 2005(H.R. 2420)(See also: GN Response) To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes.Sponsor: Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. [OH-10] (introduced 5/18/2005) Cosponsors (34)Latest Major Action: 5/18/2005 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.COSPONSORS(34), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]: (Sort: by date)Rep Abercrombie, Neil [HI-1] - 5/18/2005Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 5/18/2005Rep Brown, Sherrod [OH-13] - 5/26/2005Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-14] - 5/18/2005Rep Davis, Danny K. [IL-7] - 5/18/2005Rep Fattah, Chaka [PA-2] - 5/18/2005Rep Filner, Bob [CA-51] - 5/18/2005Rep Frank, Barney [MA-4] - 5/26/2005Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7] - 5/18/2005Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22] - 5/18/2005Rep Holt, Rush D. [NJ-12] - 5/18/2005Rep Honda, Michael M. [CA-15] - 5/18/2005Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [IL-2] - 5/18/2005Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] - 5/18/2005Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. [NY-14] - 5/26/2005Rep McDermott, Jim [WA-7] - 5/18/2005Rep McGovern, James P. [MA-3] - 5/18/2005Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. [GA-4] - 5/18/2005Rep Meeks, Gregory W. [NY-6] - 5/18/2005Rep Michaud, Michael H. [ME-2] - 5/18/2005Rep Miller, George [CA-7] - 5/18/2005Rep Moore, Gwen [WI-4] - 5/18/2005Rep Nadler, Jerrold [NY-8] - 5/26/2005Rep Owens, Major R. [NY-11] - 5/18/2005Rep Rahall, Nick J., II [WV-3] - 5/18/2005Rep Sanders, Bernard [VT] - 5/26/2005Rep Serrano, Jose E. [NY-16] - 5/18/2005Rep Stark, Fortney Pete [CA-13] - 5/18/2005Rep Tierney, John F. [MA-6] - 5/18/2005Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] - 5/26/2005Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. [NY-12] - 5/26/2005Rep Waters, Maxine [CA-35] - 5/18/2005Rep Watson, Diane E. [CA-33] - 5/18/2005Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 5/18/2005REP. DENNIS KUCINICH:STOP THE WEAPONIZATION OF SPACE-- (House of Representatives - May 19, 2005)[Page: H3586] GPO's PDF CONGRESSIONAL RECORD(Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, the administration, through senior Air Force officials, wants the U.S. to achieve military supremacy in outer space. Dominating all earth from outer space will have an out-of-world price tag, perhaps more than $1 trillion.A question: Why reach for the stars with guns in our hands? Are there weapons of mass destruction on Mars?Yesterday 28 Members of Congress signed on to H.R. 2420, a bill to stop the weaponization of space, urging the President to sign an international treaty to ban such weapons. If we work together towards creating peace on earth, we would not bring war to the high heavens.While some fantasize about being ``masters of the universe,'' there are 45 million Americans without health insurance. Corporations are reneging on pension obligations. Social Security is under attack. We are headed towards a $400 billion annual budget deficit, a $600 billion trade deficit, an $8 trillion national debt. The cost of the war in Iraq is over $200 billion. While we build new bases in Iraq, we close them in the United States.Earth to Washington, D.C. Earth to Washington, D.C. D.C., call home.TEXT OF Space Preservation Act of 2005 (Introduced in House)HR 2420 IH109th CONGRESS1st SessionH. R. 2420To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes.IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESMay 18, 2005Mr. KUCINICH (for himself, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. TIERNEY, Mr. HOLT, Mr. FATTAH, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. LEE, Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. HINCHEY, Ms. MCKINNEY, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. STARK, Mr. OWENS, Mr. HONDA, Ms. WATERS, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, Ms. WATSON, Mr. FILNER, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. MEEKS of New York, and Mr. MCDERMOTT) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concernedA BILLTo preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.This Act may be cited as the `Space Preservation Act of 2005'.SEC. 2. REAFFIRMATION OF POLICY ON THE PRESERVATION OF PEACE IN SPACE.Congress reaffirms the policy expressed in section 102(a) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (42 U.S.C. 2451(a)), stating that it `is the policy of the United States that activities in space should be devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of all mankind.'.SEC. 3. BAN ON BASING OF WEAPONS IN SPACE AND THE USE OF WEAPONS AGAINST OBJECTS IN SPACE IN ORBIT.The President shall--(1) implement a ban on space-based weapons of the United States and the use of weapons of the United States to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit; and(2) immediately order the termination of research and development, testing, manufacturing, production, and deployment of all space-based weapons of the United States.SEC. 4. INTERNATIONAL TREATY BANNING SPACE-BASED WEAPONS AND THE USE OF WEAPONS AGAINST OBJECTS IN SPACE IN ORBIT.The President shall direct the United States representatives to the United Nations and other international organizations to immediately work toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing an international treaty banning space-based weapons and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit.SEC. 5. REPORT.The President shall submit to Congress not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 6 months thereafter, a report on--(1) the implementation of the ban on space-based weapons and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit required by section 3; and(2) progress toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing the treaty described in section 4.SEC. 6. SPACE-BASED NONWEAPONS ACTIVITIES.Nothing in this Act may be construed as prohibiting the use of funds for--(1) space exploration;(2) space research and development;(3) testing, manufacturing, or production that is not related to space-based weapons or systems; or(4) civil, commercial, or defense activities (including communications, navigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, early warning, or remote sensing) that are not related to space-based weapons or systems.SEC. 7. DEFINITIONS.In this Act:(1) The term `space' means all space extending upward from an altitude greater than 110 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any celestial body in such space.(2) The terms `space-based weapon' and `space-based system' mean a device capable of damaging or destroying an object or person (whether in outer space, in the atmosphere, or on Earth) by--(A) firing one or more projectiles to collide with that object or person;(B) detonating one or more explosive devices in close proximity to that object or person; or(C) any other undeveloped means.
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