12 Jul 2010 Mailteam works--victims/supporters work trends
(1) Petition the ACLU to Assist Electronic Harassment And Stalking Victims
Organized by : http://www.organizedcrimewaves.com
There is wide spread evidence that a growing number of citizens within the U.S are being harassed and assaulted with directed energy weapons, false imprisonment due to
victimization as a target, rape, breaking and entering of homes and serious health problems are being reported by people of all walks of life due to nonconsensual experimentation of directed energy weapons by law enforcement, the military and the whole sale of weapons and contracts by corporations to individuals to stalk, harass, torture and research on U.S citizens without their consent.
The ACLU wrote a report called "The Surveillance Industrial Complex: How the American Government is Conscripting Business and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society," so your group is aware that persons are being surveyed but the depth of harassment, invasion and human rights violations of the crime of Domestic Surveillance is one that must be fought and desperately requires representation.
We are respectfully asking you to assist us in having a voice.
We the American people of these United States call on the ACLU to assist us in our fight to restore order, justice and human rights to these victims of Electronic Surveillance, Harassment and Gang stalking.
If given representation, evidence to show the true depths of victimization and assault of these crimes may be submitted.
The link to the below petition form.
(2) An online petition by https://peacepink.ning.com/
It would be much appreciated that if you would continue help us to rise more voices for our cause.
(3) Video and Audio Suggestion from a victim
It's hard to send the same information in various languages if it is by audio. But I think that might be interesting if it includes the voices from the real TIs as guests. Such guest voices can be included via asking volunteers among TIs to answer questionnaires or record their stories and send them to the radio team as a mp3 format.
(4) A suggestion for victims' works
Ms. Joan Farr Heffington is running for Kansas Governor, Here is the letter from her.
Absolutely it is torture. But what has happened in the Wichita, Kansas area actually caused DEATH and they have done nothing. We're talking the intentional removal of the wrong body parts during surgery, the use of steroid cocktail mix I.V.'s (killed a woman in 2007), a boy infected with H1N1 and his mother duped into committing him to an insane asylum where he nearly died, and a man with five microchips in him (James Wolbert) that cause MS and cancer. This all happened in the last three years and we have 8+ people who will testify. Keep pressing your state for a Congressional inquiry, it is the only way...
Joan Farr Heffington
Candidate for Kansas Governor
7145 Blueberry Lane
Derby, Kansas 67037
Ph: 316.788.0901
Fx: 316.788.7990
(5) Shielding experience -- From Bob,
I'd like to share some details on the experiences I've been having with DEW blocking strategies.
Most of the attacks I suffer are directed at my head creating sensitive spots on the scalp, headaches, ringing ears, and invariably sleep deprivation. V2K is not that pronounced.
For a few months now I've been using silicon baking sheets with limited success.While blocking the energy sufficiently enough to allow sleep, they become too warm at times, or eventually fall away from my head, causing me to awake duringa subsequent attack. As I have mentioned to a local TI here, although they have sufficient benefit, I don't consider them a sole source of protection.
Just these past few days, I've been experimenting with the use of mirrors. I first got on this idea while watching an episode of a Canadian fiction television show called "Murdoch Mysteries". The story had the villain-of-the-week stealing a directed energy weapon prototype from the inventor Nikola Tesla, which the main character, Inspector Murdoch, was able to retrieve by using shielding coated with silver oxide(?) paint. I didn't initially make the connection but I then recalled my wife's suggestion of putting a mirror in the window. For some reason, I dismissed the idea at the time, but to my chagrin, I think the idea makes sense.
To investigate, I've decided to reflect the directed energy from one of my neighbours toward the nearby Vancouver airport. My thinking is that if anything is going to get the Feds attention is having focused microwave energy hitting an airport control tower.
The reaction so far has been significant. The energy that I'm reflecting immediately stops, and I am then subjected to a DEW attack from behind me, and from the direction of the airport! I am not convinced that this isn't an attempt to fool me into thinking that it's the airport staff that is doing this.
I am interested to know what all of you think of this.
(6) Shielding using square screen aluminum holes of 1.5 mm
A TI used aluminum screen meant for a screen door or screen window with a hole size of about 1.5 mm or a 1/16 inch. Writings that I have read about cell phone microwave antennas claim that they are using different hole sizes to shrink cell phone antennas. In the writings they said a whole will pick up frequencies from the diameter of the whole to 1/2 the diameter of the whole. So a mesh of round holes would pick up between .75mm and 1.5mm in range. I'm not sure how the square holes of door and window screen would effect this or if the woven wire as a factor.
I have looked at microwave ovens to see that they use round holes punched out of a very thin metal. I will assume this works better or is easier the manufacture or is more attractive. The goal would be to double the size of the hole for the next layer of screen to not leave a gap in frequency range. So optimally 3mm holes would then block .75mm to 3mm frequencies.
I have seen a 6 screen wall made by...I think.... Roger Stolce. his was copper instead of aluminum with varying sized spacing.
One microwave scientist working on the ADS weapon told me he thought we were being hit in the 1mm to 1.5 mm range. That would mean that the size used on this first test would be ideal and also readily available.
This TI wrapped it around her bed and it was 4 ft high, or 4 ft wide aluminum screen. This TI said it didn't totally stop the night time attacks but that it help a great deal, stopping the stinging burning. Total cost was twenty three dollars. Easily affordable.
We will have to see if this lasts and can they alter the frequency to by-pass this shielding. I will let you know. I would also like to say I tried this for my supposed MEDUSA attack which is a high powered microwave hearing effect that is loud instead of barely audible. The screen had no effect in that situation and I grounded it as well.
Peter Rosenholm
(7) Online Conference
There are few online conferences for people to discuss about secret mind control abuses and tortures
(8) Video
CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (2 of 2)
CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (1 of 2)
Science Channel Admits Microwaves Used in Mind Control
(9) Activism update, and some ideas -- From Bob D
I just got back the signed and stamped mail delivery certified card for 60 Minutes, and one for President Obama. There is still one activist packet out for Dateline, that I haven't gotten the signed certification card back yet.
I sent these news agencies, 60 Minutes and Dateline, and President Obama a packet containing correspondence between myself and the ER concerning the situation that developed on May 2, 2010. The material describes the situation and the fact that I am being targeted, and literally tortured to death and expect to be seriously disabled or dead in a matter of days, weeks, a few months at most. I asked these agents to visit http://cfasw.net/ and review the video material there, and then take action on behalf of the whole TI community.
60 Minutes card was signed June 28, 2010.
The White House card was signed July 06, 2010.
Dateline certification card has not yet been received.
Let us see what develops. They cannot claim they didn't know.
It occurs to me that TI's should hire an attorney and make a "formal" will, leaving their material wealth to whoever they please, or to the TI community to continue the resistance and drive to the ultimate victory over these high-tech tyrants. During the course of creating this will, is an opportunity to tell an attorney your story, and maybe have it written into the will itself.
Something to think about.
Today, for the first time, I spoke to this one individual about my targeting. He has known me for a number of years and have seen how much I've gone down hill in the last couple of years. I told him about the local stalking and about the potential of becoming a victim of high-tech homicide in the days and weeks ahead. To my complete surprise, he seem to know what I was talking about. It was as if what I was telling him was confirming what he thought all along. It turns out that when this guy was in the military, he received some specialized training in interrogation and torture techniques. I told him about the sleep deprivation and about the use of certain conventional technologies like a modified microwave oven, as a tool for inducing remote torture and death. He stated that sleep deprivation was primary to any interrogation process. Then he says, it sounds like the police is involved. Meaning that he either knew or suspected that the local police participate in this kind of unethical and illegal activities. It is unclear at this point how things will proceed form here. But if they do mess me up or end my life in the days or weeks ahead, people will know what really took place. That's all that really matters.
Bob D.
More "Mailteam works", Please go to the following link:
Timothy May, part II · less than 1 minute ago
eradicating them bit by patient bit for almost 150 years, and as a
self-governed people, there is no one to blame for this but ourselves.
As a result, we are being marched step-by-step down the path to another
civil war. Trust in God, trust your heart, don't say or do anything
stupid that draws attention to yourself - get involved in the process
while you can, but make quiet plans on the side to act, not as a
vigilante, but as a patriot whose only purpose is the preservation of
your family, law and order, and your nation by whatever means are
Terry · less than 1 minute ago
training with the US military.
However, If true, the fact isonly a few americans will fight even at this outrage. Three percent or
less. The rest will roll over to any authority, including the dog
catcher and parking maid. Just think how alone and naked you will feel
with military units, domestic or foriegn or contractors breathing down
your back. They will have great sport with you, because you are
unorganized. I suggest at the very least you all get involved in the
Appleseed Project across the nation. Learn how to be a rifleman. They
will teach you of our history even if you do not become an expert
rifleman. Women and children are trained free. Learn about the Three
percenters. Learn about preparedness.
As it was in 1776 soshall it be now. People have not changed over the centuries very much.
Think about it and best of luck to you all.
Al from Maine · less than 1 minute ago
stormtrooper with 'em things would have been different. I believe in
non-violence if possible, but in the words of poet Dylan Thomas "I will
not go quietly into that good night". Liberty or Death and Live Free or
Die are more than just words to me. I have always believed that the
ownership of firearms and knowing how to use it is an obligation as a
citizen not a choice. The 2nd Amendment is there to stand against
tyranny, either foreign and domestic. LIBERTY OR DEATH!!!!
Timothy May · less than 1 minute ago
and that Army Brigade that has been training for several years to
impose itself into the midst of a natural/manmade/contrived disaster -
and that treaty "43' signed allowing Canadian troops on American soil
to 'assist' with quelling natural disasters and political upheaval -and
'giving' American military forces the same authority on Canadian
soil...this is no longer about the Constitution. The Constitution is in
hospice. Many generations of Democrats and Republicans alike are
responsible for this.
David & Kathryn · less than 1 minute ago
and throw out all politicians both Democrat and Republican who allowed
this Muslim-Communist extreemist become POTUS! dk
TTanner · less than 1 minute ago
our own states if our Government turns against us or is overthrown
within. Like I have claimed it to be after the first months in. Actions
speak lauder than words my friends. This all will happen before Nov
2010 you watch. To keep us from voteing them out. Claim Martial Laws
and disarmenment of the People of the United States. It is the only way
Obama can continue to carry out his radical agenda. Time for the
Militias to start to form up. I hope our states will start the process
to let our Fedorallies know we mean business. Start calling your
Senators and Representitives, Govenors and Mayors. Speak your demands
they stand up to stop this bastard or prepare to help defend your
state. Because that is what will stop them first if anything. All
States United to fight our Federal Government officials and this pesky
foriegn military that thinks they can disarm us all. Geez it is
suicide. Oh.. wait.. yeah they would commit suicide wouldn't they?
I will defend our Constitution and my family, or die trying.
M. K. Marshall · less than 1 minute ago
Marine Corp and swore to defend the Constitution of the United States.
May God rest the soul of anyone, either foriegn or domestic who tries
to come on my property and take my weapons from me. The 2nd Ammendmant
affords me as a US Citizen the right to bear arms. This ammendmant was
put in place to allow us as citizens to defend ourselves against our
own government in time of tyrany.
John · less than 1 minute ago
rickytick. All they would do is roll up an armored vehicle, like a
Bradley, and cut your house in half with 25mm chain gun fire. Game
over. If you have a 300 yard field of fire you still loose, they will
have helicopters with Hellfire missles. It's really no contest - you
will not prevail with semi auto weapons up against machine guns. Study
the tactics used by guerrillas, sucessfully, for many years. Booby
traps, and hit & run tactics work for small irregular groups.
Hopefully we will never have to find out how this would go down. Better
still, educate your friends, neighbors and co workers, get them
registered to vote and make sure they get to the voting booth Nov. 2,
2010. If each of us brings in one new conservative voter we will double
our strength. This is our best option - win the damn election with true
Constitutional conservatives. Start working TODAY - time is short. Have
a great plan "B" ready in case it all goes sideways.
fatmansplicer · less than 1 minute ago
Connie K · less than 1 minute ago
When...what...where?? When certain positions/steps are taken...What we
do...Where use code locations longitude/latitude,oll etc. You military
know what, where and when...Let's Roll!
Wilda H.B. · less than 1 minute ago
during early 1700's, and since,) from England, Scotland, Ireland,
Wales, France, Switzerland, of members of Magna Charta signers, Order
of the Garter, DAR , UDC, Colonial Dames of the 17th Century , and
others, and still gathering genealogy - do you think we would not go to
the grave to defend our family, church, home, friends, God-given United
JUSTICE FOR ALL.??????????????? REMEMBER: God is Almighty, He sees all
and knows all.
Say - Van Jones, who are you calling the idiot box????????
Stanley Maxey · less than 1 minute ago
Goverment tells me that you can no longr worship my Lord Jesus Christ
and tell me that this Goverment will give you what you need, THEN,I
will do what is necessary to protect my family in ANY way I can....Navy
Vet 1957--61
Andy · less than 1 minute ago
they can pull this off, the are more insane than I already thought they
were. This country, due to the misrule and incompetence of the B.
Hussein Obongo, is about on the verge of a civil war now over his
antics. The gun grab would light the fuse.
rogerdaleiden · less than 1 minute ago
JERRY · less than 1 minute ago
Steve · less than 1 minute ago
Ken · less than 1 minute ago
own government...How Dare they....Well I put my life in harms way for
20 years now is the time of truth....1 is nothing but in numbers there
is safety.......
Homer · less than 1 minute ago
on here...loose lips sink ships, admit nothing and acknowledge nothing!
These B%$#@&%$ are watching! They can't win unless we do NOTHING!
Above all pray to GOD and invoke His providence!!!
earl rolling · less than 1 minute ago
hunting is the most popular sport. The South might declea open season
on politicians. Why doesn't Obama stop in Georgia, Alabama,
t-rex · less than 1 minute ago
ARE AMERICANS NOT KENYANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR LYING
gene · less than 1 minute ago
Mac1956 · less than 1 minute ago
Jeryna · less than 1 minute ago
they shot it down :)
- that all ammo sold would have a 6-month self-destruct powder so even
if your stock-piled, it would be no good after 6 mos. Again - this came
from a current Calif detective ! Any info on this anyone?
muleskinner007 · less than 1 minute ago
David · less than 1 minute ago
a furnace!
Marx and Stalin murdered over 65 MILLION of theirown people. Guess what idiot loves to brag about how he loves Marx,
Chavez and Castro? Yup, Alfred E Newman with a tan. Never surrender!
Visit JPFO dot org and learn how (in last century alone) over 50
MILLION murdered by their own governments. Unalienable right (GOD
GIVEN)...shall not be infringed. November..heads must roll.